Kadyrov Liana figure skating. Little hope for big sport: a “new Lipnitskaya” is growing up in Kazan

The youngest figure skater lives in Kazan. Her name is Riana Kadyrova and she is only 2.5 years old. But now the little girl is skating provocatively and performing (though not too complex yet) figure elements.

This year, Riana opened the competition among the junior group and wonderfully performed her program a la “Russian Folk”. Her performance left no one indifferent: she was spontaneous, brave, inspired, with a smile and sparkling eyes. A brilliant performance and a well-deserved ovation from the audience.

I had to order skates for her feet, as well as a stage costume - everything was the same as for adults. However, it’s quite difficult to find a pair of the right size in the store for Rihanna : we don’t yet have skates for such young skaters.


The girl started skating at the age of 2, following her older sister Yasmina. And how can one not stand up here: she was only a month old, and her mother (and part-time coach) - Rezeda Kadyrova - director of the Olympic reserve school for figure skating and short track speed skating in Tatarstan, candidate master of sports - had already returned from maternity leave for work. You can’t leave a small child at home - I had to take it with me to the skating rink. So the baby absorbed the energy of ice from infancy.

— I never connected my life with figure skating at all. By education, a manager with a degree in “State and Municipal Administration,” Rezeda Kadyrova admitted to KP. “But my eldest daughter wanted to become a figure skater since childhood. She was only six months old at the time: she was sitting on the sofa, watching performances on TV and moving her little hands to the beat. I couldn't walk yet. And a little later she asked for ice. I realized that no one but me could train my daughter. And she changed her profession.

It’s clear that you can’t just become a professional mentor from scratch. Reseda sat down at her desk again and qualified as a trainer-teacher in figure skating, graduating from the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Six years ago, when her eldest daughter was two years old (and her youngest daughter was not yet in sight), Reseda opened her own private figure skating school. And in 2010, she came to work as a coach at the Kazan children’s and youth sports school “Zilant”.


The youngest daughter Riana was born five years later.

“He doesn’t go home from the skating rink after training - he immediately bursts into tears,” says the mother and coach of the young figure skater. “It’s impossible to kick him off the ice.”

This year, 2.5-year-old Riana opened the competition among participants in the younger group (children have been skating here since they were 5 years old - author's note) and performed her “Mistress” program wonderfully. Her performance left no one indifferent: she was spontaneous, brave, inspired, with a smile and sparkling eyes. A brilliant performance and a well-deserved ovation from the audience. It’s just a pity that the little girl took part outside the competition – she wasn’t old enough at that time.

— Usually children take part in competitions for the first time when they are 4 years old. We have been wanting to show our daughter since she was three years old. With us, this is possible, and the child’s technical skills allow it,” Reseda explained.

By the way, during her still short career as an athlete, Riana managed not only to skate a program on Russian ice, but also to win the hearts of spectators in Italy and Estonia.

In order for the girl to go to the skating rink fully armed, her parents had to run a little.

— Skates of the required size were found only in Moscow. And even then, Riana needed size 19, and the smallest were 24. The costume was inherited from her older sister: she now skates a different program, and “The Lady” was given to the younger one, recalls Rezeda Kadyrova.

— Isn’t it scary to let children go on the ice at such an early age? After all, figure skating is a dangerous sport,” I asked the girl’s mother.

— Honestly: it’s more dangerous to let you go out with your parents. Guys come to training crippled: either they fell down a hill, injured their leg, or they have a bruise under their eye, or something else. And this is on a regular walk! Now, if a child does not obey the coach, is capricious... then yes, Rezeda Kadyrova is sure. – If something threatened the life and health of my children, I would not send them to figure skating.

After her triumph in the free program of the team competition, the 15-year-old Yulia Lipnitskaya became one of the most popular athletes in the world. The video with the performance of a figure skater from Kazan, who was only 2.5 years old at the time of recording, caused no less sensation on the Internet.

On the ice from birth

Wherever a tiny figure skater performs, the hall is filled with a storm of applause. By the way, during his still short sports career Riana managed to win her first medal, skated not only on Russian ice, but also won the hearts of spectators in Italy and Estonia.

Riana Kadyrova is the smallest figure skater in Kazan. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

Young Kazan figure skater Riana absorbed the energy of ice through breast milk. Another mother (and part-time coach) of a one-month-old baby Rezeda Kadyrova- director of the Olympic reserve school for figure skating and short track speed skating in Tatarstan, candidate master of sports - began to take it with her to work. Riana first started skating when she barely learned to walk, and by the age of two she could give a novice adult amateur a head start on the skating rink. Now the girl is 3.5 years old. A brave, inspired girl with a charming smile and sparkling eyes is already demonstrating a dozen elements in figure skating.

Riane's first skates were five sizes too big. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

​Rezeda Kadyrova admits that she never thought that her family’s life would be connected with figure skating. By first education she is a manager.

“My eldest daughter encouraged me to become a coach. Yasmina, who became interested in figure skating from a young age,” says Rezeda Kadyrova, without taking her eyes off her charges. — The girl did not yet know how to walk when, sitting on the sofa in front of the TV, she moved her arms and legs to the beat of the music. Later she began to repeat the figure elements, explaining that she was “setting up a program,” and asked to go on the ice. Then I realized: no one but me can train my daughter.”

Rezeda Kadyrova is proud of her daughters. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

To become a professional mentor, Rezeda Kadyrova, who was involved in figure skating until her teens, sat down at a student desk and qualified as a figure skating coach-teacher after graduating from the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. A little later, she opened her own private figure skating school. And in 2010, she came to work as a coach at the Kazan children’s and youth sports school “Zilant”.

"Kids" for Rihanna

Skaters' training begins in the choreography room. Here they undergo general physical training, master ballet classics, learn new elements, which are then “transferred” to the ice.

At home they are mother and daughter, and at the rink they are coach and student. Little Riana admits that her mother is a strict mentor.

Skating on ice is preceded by a lesson in the gym. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

In a blue suit with a huge inscription “Russia”, the young figure skater goes on the ice. “Axel, flip, sheepskin coat,” putting on her skates, the girl lists the exercises she likes to do. When asked why she likes complex elements, the little girl replies: “I’m a athlete!”

“He doesn’t want to go home from the skating rink after training - he immediately bursts into tears,” says the mother and coach of the young figure skater. “It’s impossible to kick him off the ice.” On the only day off—Sunday—everything is about the skating rink.”

Riana Kadyrova was about 1.5 years old when she first stepped on the ice. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

At the age of 3-3.5 years, future skaters usually start skating for the first time, but the youngest Kadyrova is already skating elements at the level of five-year-old athletes: she performs “paths”, “walks”, “toe loop”, “swallow”, spins and “pistol”. She trains with an older group of skaters (9-11 years old), and calls those who skate worse than her “kids.”

One day a girl was asked why she didn’t go to kindergarten, to which the girl seriously explained: “I work on the ice.”

A coach consoles a girl after a fall. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

“Riana repeats what her elders do. At her age, they study according to a completely different program: they study the simplest “flashlights” and “snakes”, they teach how to fall correctly, squat and stand on one leg,” explains the mother of the young figure skater.

“This is a crow, not a swallow. Keep your back and leg higher,” Reseda, who is carefully watching her students, remarked to one of the skaters. She often calls them to her to explain tasks: “screws”, “sheep toe loop”, “Salchow” and much more. Athletes perform each element several times. Sometimes Riana falls, but gets up immediately.

The girl is already competing. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

“Competitions are, first of all, a competition not with an opponent, but with oneself. If you want to achieve something, you have to work, don’t feel sorry for yourself, and don’t be afraid. I try not to show that I’m worried about the child, so that she herself doesn’t feel afraid,” says Reseda.

​The Kadyrov figure skaters are accustomed to iron discipline: 9-year-old Yasmina is home-schooled, she trains twice a day, six days a week and, probably thanks to this, she performs elements that are inaccessible to her peers: “double axel”, “triple toe loop” , "triple flip". 3-year-old Riana practices at the skating rink almost every day, for an hour and a half.

To replace Lipnitskaya

In 2013, 2.5-year-old Riana opened the competition among participants in the younger group (children from 5 years old - author’s note) and performed her “Mistress” program.

“Since last year, she dreamed of competing in competitions like her older sister Yasmina. She had a goal - to perform in Moscow. Since the years are short, we decided to come up with something. They gave her a difficult task for her age - to learn to jump rope. They thought it would take a year to learn this, but she mastered it in two weeks. I had to take her to the capital,” explains the figure skater’s mother.

Riana Kadyrova learns to perform the “swallow”. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

The first tiny skates for a child were found only in Moscow: Riana needed size 19, skates were only available in size 24. She inherited the figure skater costume from her older sister: Yasmina now skates a different program, and “Lady” was given to her younger sister.

In the evenings, the Kadyrov sisters watch performances of Russian figure skaters together. They know Yulia Lipnitskaya’s program by heart and cherish the hope that someday they will be able to share the Olympic podium with her.

As we expected, the video of the tiny figure skater did not go unnoticed by the organizers of the Olympic Games in Sochi. Little Riana Kadyrov will soon go to world athletes to demonstrate her skills! The Internet star will take part live on Channel One.

The young figure skater from Kazan has firmly sunk into the hearts of sports fans, inspiring hopes for future victories of our skaters. There are many untapped talents in our vast country. Bringing them to the attention of our high-ranking sports committees is not an easy task. Our long-awaited 2014 Olympics clearly showed how much we need young sports forces, supported by a whole sea of ​​fans.

The very young figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya, fragile and touching, during her performance in the short program, childishly fell, not completing her triple flip. The loud “ohhh” that rolled across the ice arena will be remembered for a long time. Just as one person, the fans exhaled, worried about the girl. Isn't this a huge incentive for our athletes? They have such friendly spectators who believe in them with all their hearts.

It’s nice that such a talented figure skater has appeared in Kazan - Riana Kadyrova. The girl is trained by her mother, Rezeda Kadyrova, director of the Olympic reserve school for figure skating and short track speed skating in Tatarstan, candidate master of sports.

On February 20, our star, together with her coach, will go to the Krasnodar Territory, to the Olympic city of Sochi, where she will participate in the live broadcast of the TV project “Olympic Diaries” on Channel One, which will take place on February 21, 2014.

The girl started skating when she was one and a half years old; she was almost five sizes too big. It's time for sports shoe manufacturers to think about producing skates for little ones! The video on the Internet, where, captivated everyone with its spontaneity and excellent performance of sports elements.

Now the young talent is already three years old, and she can do “paths”, “walks”, “sleeve loops”, “swallows”, spins and “pistolettes” on the ice. In general, everything that five-year-old skaters can do most often. This comes with great difficulty; the girl trains hard for an hour and a half a day. You can see for yourself in her skills - Arriva.ru unearthed a new video of Riana.

Riana Kadyrova. 3 years. The youngest figure skater in Russia.

Riana Kadyrova has already won her first medal, competing not only in her homeland, but also in Italy and Estonia. The girl’s mother, Rezeda Kadyrova, said that, having returned from Sochi, she and her eldest daughter, nine-year-old Yasmina, will go to Tyumen for the qualifying competitions for the Russian Championship. Young figure skaters from the Ural and Volga federal districts will participate there. Riana and Yasmina, what unusual and beautiful names! Let's wish the little girls new victories for the benefit of our country, to the delight of the fans.

Photo: http://smr.arriva.ru/publications/news/25475/

Riana Kadyrova- the youngest Russian figure skater. A video of a 3-year-old girl from Kazan performing difficult elements on ice has become an Internet hit.

Sports achivments

Riana Kadyrova started skating at the age of 2.5, following her older sister Yasmina. Now Riana Kadyrova is only 3.5 years old, but she confidently skates and performs elements that are usually only accessible to children of 5 years old: “paths”, “walks”, “skin coat”, “swallow”, spins and “pistol”. Riana Kadyrova works out at the skating rink for an hour and a half almost every day.

Riana Kadyrova's family

Riana is trained by her mother, Rezeda Kadyrova. She is a manager by first education, and never thought that she would become a coach. She had to change her field of activity when her eldest daughter Yasmina became interested in figure skating. In an interview, the woman says that, not yet able to walk, the girl watched figure skating on TV and moved her arms and legs to the beat of the music, and as she grew up, she began to repeat figure skating elements and asked to go to the skating rink. “Then I realized: no one but me can train my daughter,” says Rezeda Kadyrova.

Rezeda Kadyrova practiced figure skating until she was a teenager, but this experience was obviously not enough. Then she graduated from the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, receiving the qualification of a figure skating coach and teacher. She then opened a private figure skating school. In 2010, she came to work as a coach at the Kazan children's and youth sports school "Zilant", and is currently the director of the Olympic reserve school for figure skating and short track speed skating in Tatarstan.

Riana Kadyrova’s sister, 9-year-old Yasmina, studies at home, goes to training twice a day, six days a week and performs elements that are inaccessible to her peers: “double axel”, “triple toe loop”, “triple flip”.

Riana Kadyrova figure skating, video

The little girl skates provocatively and performs complex figure elements: “paths”, “walks”, does “swallow” and spins.


The girl started skating at the age of 2, following her older sister Yasmina. And how can one not stand up here: she was only a month old, and her mother (and part-time coach) - Rezeda Kadyrova - director of the Olympic reserve school in figure skating and short track speed skating of Tatarstan, candidate master of sports - had already returned from maternity leave for work. You can’t leave a small child at home - I had to take it with me to the skating rink. So the baby absorbed the energy of ice from infancy.

I never connected my life with figure skating at all. By education, a manager with a degree in “State and Municipal Administration,” Rezeda Kadyrova admitted to KP. “But my eldest daughter wanted to become a figure skater since childhood. She was only six months old at the time: she was sitting on the sofa, watching performances on TV and moving her little hands to the beat. I couldn't walk yet. And a little later she asked for ice. I realized that no one but me could train my daughter. And she changed her profession.

It’s clear that you can’t just become a professional mentor from scratch. Reseda sat down at her desk again and qualified as a trainer-teacher in figure skating, graduating from the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Six years ago, when her eldest daughter was two years old (and her youngest daughter was not yet in sight), Reseda opened her own private figure skating school. And in 2010, she came to work as a coach at the Kazan children’s and youth sports school “Zilant”.


The youngest daughter Riana was born five years later.

She doesn’t go home from the skating rink after training - she immediately bursts into tears,” says the mother and coach of the young figure skater. “It’s impossible to kick him off the ice.”

This year, 2.5-year-old Riana opened the competition among participants in the younger group (children have been skating here since they were 5 years old - author's note) and performed her “Mistress” program wonderfully. Her performance left no one indifferent: she was spontaneous, brave, inspired, with a smile and sparkling eyes. A brilliant performance and a well-deserved ovation from the audience. It’s just a pity that the little girl took part outside the competition – she wasn’t old enough at that time.

Typically, children take part in competitions for the first time when they are 4 years old. We have been wanting to show our daughter since she was three years old. With us this is possible, and the child’s technical skills allow it,” Reseda explained.

By the way, during her still short career as an athlete, Riana managed not only to skate a program on Russian ice, but also to win the hearts of spectators in Italy and Estonia.

In order for the girl to go to the skating rink fully armed, her parents had to run a little.

Skates of the required size were found only in Moscow. And even then, Riana needed size 19, and the smallest were 24. The costume was inherited from her older sister: she now skates a different program, and “The Lady” was given to the younger one, recalls Rezeda Kadyrova.

Isn’t it scary to let children go on the ice at such an early age? Still, figure skating is a dangerous sport,” I asked the girl’s mother.

Honestly: it’s more dangerous to let your parents go out with you. Guys come to training crippled: either they fell down a hill, injured their leg, or they have a bruise under their eye, or something else. And this is on a regular walk! Now, if a child does not obey the coach, is capricious... then yes, - Rezeda Kadyrova is sure. – If something threatened the life and health of my children, I would not send them to figure skating.



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