Lower back pain on the left psychosomatic. What affects the middle section

The back is rear end trunk between the neck and buttocks. The back includes the vertebral, lumbar, sacral, scapular and subscapular regions.

back pain symptoms different kind, feeling of stiffness in the back, increased pain during movement or physical activity, limitation of motor activity.

The causes of back pain are:

  • diseases of the spinal column,
  • damage to the muscles of the back, vertebrae or intervertebral discs,
  • weight lifting,
  • excessive physical exercise,
  • age changes,
  • pregnancy period,
  • long stay in one position (professional features),
  • hypothermia, etc.

The back is formed by the spine, so let's consider the psychosomatics of the spine. Since the spine is a supporting organ, frame, axis human body, then the transfer of these characteristics to the metaphysical plane will tell you the psychological causes of back problems.

If we look at the functions of the spine, we will see the same basic characteristics: supporting ( support in life), motor ( movement is life), case (closes, protects spinal cord). Hence, the back, the spine symbolizes inner rod the person who circulates the energy of life(spinal cord).

Maybe a base and protective function and determined the fact that some authors associate the spine with father, his support in life. And the problems that have arisen are associated with the inability of a person to accept paternal support.

Hence, violations in the spine indicate the seriousness of a mental problem in a person: distrust of life, resistance to change in life.

Psychological causes of back problems

It is known that the thoracic region of the back associated with emotions, and the lumbar associated with a sense of self.

For example, if a person is confident in his abilities, then he, without fear of obstacles, purposefully moves forward. Accordingly, such a person has no problems with the lower back.

Let's start by looking at the psychological causes of pain in the chest area back.

The first cause of problems in this area is the feeling of "everyone rides me".

Second - the fear of "I am not loved", as well as the guilt associated with love. In this case, the person is blame others.

The third reason is related to feeling guilty about the mistakes of the past, which is associated with unforgiveness of oneself, reproaches addressed to oneself. In this regard, a person cannot let go of the past.

The next reason is that the person has experienced mental trauma and closed his heart. He is guided only by reason and is closed from people in order to avoid a recurrence of the injury.. Gradually closes in itself, closed from life.

The fourth reason is low self-esteem. A person has lost faith in himself (“walks with his head down”), is afraid of failing and tends to blame himself and others for this. Has a tendency to judge.

The fifth reason has to do with the fact that accumulates emotions in himself, does not show them to others, does not allow them to come out.

The sixth reason is man takes on too much and can't handle it. This burden weighs him down.

The next reason is feeling like a victim of the situation, manipulating others through the role of the victim and causing guilt in others. If this technique does not work, the person is overwhelmed with resentment and anger.

Another reason is that a person tries to be useful to others in order to receive a manifestation of love in his address. He is waiting for their response, attention, gratitude. Having not received a reciprocal attitude towards himself, he begins to think that everyone has turned away from him.

Problems with lumbar region spins start if a person is tormented constant anxiety about scarcity and uncertainty about the future. He begins to lose faith in his own strength, loses internal support. Then fears appear (fear of poverty, fear of loneliness).

Problems with the lumbar back indicate anxiety about financial matters, guilt about financial problems, blaming others for your financial problems Oh.

The lower back suffers from fear of financial problems or fear of career failure.

The sacral region of the back begins to give pain signals if a person there is not enough love, but he is forced to be alone.

Also at the heart of problems with the sacrum may lie sexual abuse trauma leading to self-hatred. Such a person denies sexual attraction and sexual relations.

Another psychosomatic cause of pain in the sacrum is fear of economic problems, especially if a person strives to be independent, afraid of being a burden to others.

Sometimes pain in the sacrum indicates lack of power.

Psychosomatics of the vertebrae of the back

It should be noted that each vertebra related to the back region symbolizes a specific problem. Let's consider this point in more detail, based on the table of Louise Hay.

Psychosomatic significance of the thoracic vertebrae:

1 - fear of life, too many things to do and worries (I can’t cope); isolation from life.

2 - fear, pain and resentment; unwillingness to sympathize; soul is locked.

3 - internal chaos, long-standing deep resentment, inability to communicate.

4 - bitterness, the need to harm, curses.

5 - refusal to process emotions, holding back feelings, anger.

6 - anger, accumulation of negative emotions, fear of the future, constant anxiety.

7 - accumulation of pain, refusal to rejoice.

8 – intrusive thoughts about defeat, rejection of one's own good.

9 - the feeling that life has betrayed you, you blame others, you are a victim.

10 - refusal to take responsibility, the need to be a victim, "it's your fault."

11 - low opinion of yourself, fear of relationships.

12 - do not recognize the right to life, are not sure and are afraid of love, do not have the ability to assimilate.

Psychosomatic significance of the lumbar vertebrae:

1 - unstable desire for love and the need for loneliness, insecurity.

2 - you are firmly bogged down in the grievances of childhood, you see no way out.

3 - sexual seduction, guilt, self-hatred.

4 - reject sexuality, you have financial instability, fear for your career, a feeling of helplessness.

5 - insecurity, communication difficulties, anger, inability to enjoy.

According to Louise Hay, at the heart of problems with the sacrum - loss of strength or old evil stubbornness.

It is known that stoop appears due to feelings of loneliness and worthlessness.

Curvature of the spine indicates inability to accept support from life, father, distrust of life, adherence to old principles, lack of courage to admit one was wrong.

Ways to heal psychosomatic back pain

It so happens that, regardless of our will, we all early childhood we absorb on a subconscious level those attitudes and beliefs, habits and behaviors that are accepted in our immediate environment (family, relatives, friends, etc.).

We take it in without thinking about the sign that they carry for us: “plus” or “minus”, develop us or slow us down. But most of what accumulates in us turns out to be with a minus sign.

For example, resentment or anger as forms of our reaction to something that does not meet our expectations. Unwillingness to change, resistance and fear as a reaction to changes and changes in our lives, etc.

Unaware of the destructive side of these forms, we repeat them over and over again until a critical mass of the negative of our discontent accumulates. And then our body, like a devoted servant, at the cost of pain, begins to give us signals that something is wrong.

What will be the end of this story, it is up to each of us. Someone will understand the signal of their body and think. Someone will not even pay attention to the cry of the body for help to the soul.

I know only one thing: who wants to be healed, he will always look for ways, methods and means of healing his inner, mental illnesses (insults, anger, anger, condemnation, fears, etc.).

And he will definitely find (fortunately, there are a lot of methods on the Internet now) something of his own: whether forgiveness, repentance, acceptance, conversation with your soul, restoration of love for yourself and others, discovery and trust in Life, finding support in yourself as a unique Particle of the Divine Universe, etc.

It is important to remember one thought here: it doesn’t matter what happened in the past (for example, in childhood), the important thing is that NOW YOU, AND ONLY YOU CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING FOR THE BETTER (including your health and your life). At that simple ground that each an adult conscious person is the creator of his life and the life of his children.

I wish you understanding!

Back pain is gradually becoming an integral part of life. modern people. Being in conditions of constant intellectual and emotional stress, human body trying to protect himself, to give a sign of excessive stress and fatigue. Pain and discomfort appear, which are not always explained external factors. If we talk about the fact that back pain is psychosomatic, then what leads to its appearance, and how can we fight it?

Causes of discomfort from a medical point of view

Most often with painful sensations in the back collide people leading sedentary image lives that have overweight and lack of muscle tone. Often the cause of pain is:

  • unsuccessful and abrupt movements;
  • weight lifting;
  • hit;
  • the fall;
  • hypothermia.

Arising in these moments muscle spasms cause clamps on other muscle groups of the back, causing a "skew" of the spine, displacement of joints, squeezing nerve endings and sharp pain.

Psychological interpretation of the symptom

Psychosomatic back pain has a similar mechanism of occurrence. When a person experiences emotions such as severe stress, aggression or rage, in his body there is a release of the hormone norepinephrine, which is responsible for the mobilization nervous system. At the same time, there is an increased muscle tone body, which causes clamps and muscle spasms and, as a result, pain.

Psychotherapists who study the human body and its psychosomatic reactions to emerging stressful situations, describe the following metaphysical reasons back pain:

  1. Pain in the upper part of the spine indicates that a person does not feel the love and moral support of loved ones. As a second possible cause states are called the feeling of love restrained by him.
  2. Pain in the lumbar region is associated with the patient's feelings of guilt or the desire to get rid of others who abuse his kindness.
  3. Fear of financial problems and lack of stability accompanies physical discomfort in the lower spine or lower back.
  4. The missing sense of well-being and turmoil in family life can cause pelvic pain.
  5. The sacrum symbolizes independence. People who experience pain in this area are afraid of becoming a burden to their loved ones.
  6. Coccyx - old hidden grievances against others.
  7. cervical spine symbolizes the ability of a person to adapt to various life situations. Stubbornness in defending one’s point of view, unwillingness to recognize the rightness of others, dissatisfaction with one’s position can cause development chronic diseases such as sciatica.
  8. Cervical osteochondrosis is diagnosed in patients experiencing burning desire impose your love on someone close, who, in turn, reject this love. Internal conflict of a person due to a mismatch of interests of the parties and causes unpleasant physical sensations.
  9. Heaviness or signal a lack of a sense of security or helplessness of a person.
  10. According to psychotherapists, pain in arthrosis causes disturbances in assessment, excessive self-criticism, and a desire to punish oneself.
  11. Rheumatoid arthritis can be the result of excessive pressure from others.
  12. Chronic diseases of the spine indicate unwillingness and fear of any changes.


Somatic manifestations of back pain can be stopped with standard medications. The patient is prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors and antispasmodics.

Helps to take off pain syndrome same manual therapy, classes physical therapy and physiotherapy procedures.

But in order to avoid the repetition of such states, it is necessary first of all to deal with emotional problems patient, to help him understand why certain diseases occur. Man must change his mind the world, learn to drive away negative thoughts and tune in to a positive outlook on your life.

In psychology, the spine is associated with the core of a person and is called the main flow channel. vital energy. According to doctors, a lumbar hernia can develop not only as a result of physiological disorders, but also due to psychosomatic reasons. A complex approach to treatment will help to effectively cure the pathology of the intervertebral discs.

What is psychosomatics?

Medicine has proven a direct relationship between predisposition to diseases of the musculoskeletal system and unstable mental state person. Pronounced negative symptoms may not be based physiological reasons, but to be provoked exclusively by internal psychological conflicts, which include:

  • nervous tension;
  • constant suppression of negative emotions;
  • stressful situations;
  • depression
  • internal conflict that a person is not able to resolve;
  • constant feeling of fear;
  • life dissatisfaction.

Men are often repressed negative emotions. Such behavior entails a malfunction of the musculoskeletal system, provoking osteochondrosis or hernia, which is why they are more susceptible to the development of the disease at the psychosomatic level than women.

Psychosomatic causes of back pain

Cervical hernia

The root cause of such anxiety is the overprotection of parents over the child.

Basic psychological reason diseases are considered fear of dislike. The fear of being rejected is often additionally projected onto the child. Anxious parents with pathology of the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine are in constant fear that their son or daughter is not liked by their peers and is bullied at school. The root cause of such well-being may be excessive parental care in childhood. Depending on the localization of pain in the cervical spine, the following reasons presented in the table:

Vertebral numberCause of pain
C-1Self dissatisfaction
Pathological dependence on the opinions of others
Feelings of guilt and resentment
C-3Responsibility for others' mistakes
C-4Suppressed negative emotions
C-5depressive states
Endured humiliation and fears
C-6Emotional overstrain
Desire to control others
C-7Feeling helpless


Pathology of the thoracic region may be the result of fear of being unfairly accused.

Most common causes pain in the sternum, psychologists call a person's fear of being unfairly accused. This fear is caused by similar situations in the past. Also, damage to the vertebrae of the thoracic region can be a consequence of a person’s inability to admit his guilt, to take responsibility for his actions. detailed information presented in the table:

Vertebral numberCause of pain
T-1A large number of tasks
T-2Trying to turn off emotions
T-3The disorder of life
T-4Inability to take responsibility
T-5Accumulation of negative emotions
T-6Fear of the future
T-7depressive state
Emotional pain from the past
T-8Lack of faith in yourself
T-9The constant role of the victim
T-10Denial of responsibility
T-11Low self-esteem
Fear of new relationships
T-12Constant fears

Lumbar hernia

Psychologists associate pathologies in lower section with financial difficulties and worries due to wealth, however, there are other reasons presented in the table:

Vertebral numberCause of pain
L-1Constant sense of danger
Experiences in love
L-2Looping on emotional pain from childhood
Feeling the hopelessness of the situation
Complexes based on sex
L-4financial instability
Feelings about material wealth
L-5Communication problems

Back pain has one most main reason. It is about her that will be discussed in this article. It doesn't matter if you feel pain, or periodic "shoots", or you have a curvature - there is one reason. Let's talk about how to regain health and longevity.

The number of applications of people with back problems is constantly growing, someone has back pain, someone has a hernia of the spine, someone has a curvature, and so on. People are feeling more and more various ailments. And the most disappointing thing is that the age of the sick is getting lower and lower.

What is the matter from the point of view of psychosomatics? There are cases when back pain is caused by the age of the body, let's leave it at once. There are cases when the disease is preceded by hypothermia, physical activity, or sprains, we also leave it.

But if a person is young or middle-aged, with more or less good level health, but he is periodically worried about back pain, or it came unexpectedly, then something is wrong here. Let's figure it out.

What is the back in terms of psychology

The back is the frame. This is our backbone. The spine is the inner core. And already these thoughts lead to some answers. Most people suffer from back pain. It could be It's a dull pain, there may be backaches, maybe sharp pain, pain during exercise and a bunch of other options.

But no matter what form the pain takes, it has one reason - you do not have enough support and support.. You seem to have taken on a lot of responsibility for different areas life: for your loved ones, for colleagues, for work, and for anything that already goes beyond the boundaries of your own strength.

Main cause of back pain

Each person is able to take responsibility for his life and those people who depend on him (children, elderly relatives, animals). But if suddenly more characters and events are added to this piggy bank, then the body fails.

You may not feel it right away. For a while, everything will be as it should be, since everyone has a reserve of strength. But when it ends, the pain appears.

This is expressed especially sharply by unexpected pain in the lower back, when, as they say, “twisted.” Systemic back pain is the same manifestation, only it has already passed into a permanent form. Your body will keep beeping until you take action.

Ointments, creams, massages help. Only the relief is temporary. If you do not go into the depths of the problem, do not understand where you picked up something that is not yours, where you need the support of loved ones, support, then the pain will repeat.

Very often, the psychosomatics of the lower back manifests itself in very strong-willed people who do not like to strain someone, ask, share powers. They drag everything on themselves like horses, and then "hop" and fall into bed.

How to get rid of back pain?

The main recommendation for back psychosomatics is to unload yourself! Look around, there are probably people to whom you could entrust some of your worries (children, spouses, relatives), you probably don’t have to carry everyone at work, do your part, taking care of your health.

Most likely, nothing will happen if you are very tired and simply do not do something around the house in the evening, explaining your reason with love to your loved ones. Look for support. It often seems to us that no one will help, no one will do our tasks except ourselves, but this is not so!

Leave yourself the burden you can afford, what really applies to you, and distribute the rest to those from whom you borrowed it. Of course, sharing family responsibility is not an easy task, but who said that health is cheap for us? Take care of yourself, love yourself, ask for help and everything will work out.

Spine by Louise Hay

Table of the consequences of displacement of the vertebrae and discs

Vertebral number

Communication with other parts
and body organs


I. Cervical spine

Blood supply to the head, pituitary gland, scalp, facial bones, brain, inner and middle ear, sympathetic nervous system.

Headaches, nervousness, insomnia, runny nose, high pressure, migraine, nervous breakdowns, amnesia (loss of memory), chronic fatigue, dizziness.

Eyes, ophthalmic nerves, auditory nerves, cavities, mastoid processes ( temporal bone), tongue, forehead.

Diseases of the cavities, allergies, strabismus, deafness, eye diseases, ear pain, fainting, some types of blindness.

Cheeks, outer ear, facial bones, teeth, trigeminal nerve.

Neuralgia, neuritis, acne or pimples, eczema.

Nose, lips, mouth, Eustachian tube.

Hay fever, catarrh, hearing loss, adenoids.

Laryngitis, hoarseness, sore throat (for example, tonsillitis), tonsil abscess.

Neck muscles, shoulders, tonsils.

Rigidity neck muscles, pain in the upper arm, tonsillitis, whooping cough, croup.

Thyroid, shoulder synovial bags, elbows.

Bursitis, colds, thyroid disease.

An example of a new stereotype

Arms (from elbow to fingertips), esophagus and trachea.

Asthma, cough, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, pain in the arms (from the elbow and below).

Heart (including valves), coronary arteries.

Functional heart diseases and certain breast diseases.

Lungs, bronchial tubes, pleura, chest, breasts.

Bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, hyperemia, influenza.

Gallbladder, common bile duct.

Diseases gallbladder, jaundice, shingles.

Liver, solar plexus, blood.

Liver disease, fever, low blood pressure, anemia, poor circulation, arthritis.

Stomach ailments including: stomach cramps, indigestion, heartburn, dyspepsia.

Pancreas, duodenum.

Ulcer, gastritis.


Reduced resistance.

Adrenal and adrenal glands.

Allergy, hives.

Kidney disease, hardening of the arteries, chronic fatigue, nephritis, pyelitis (inflammation of the renal pelvis).

Kidneys, ureters.

Skin diseases, for example, acne, pimples, eczema, boils.

Small intestines, lymphatic system.

Rheumatism, abdominal pain (with flatulence), some types of infertility.

Probable An example of a stereotype of new thinking

Large intestine, inguinal rings.

Constipation, colitis, dysentery, diarrhea, some types of perforation or hernia.

appendix, lower abdomen, top part legs.

Seizures. Difficulty breathing, acidosis acid-base balance in the body).

Sexual organs, uterus, bladder, knees.

Diseases Bladder, disorders menstrual cycle(for example, painful or irregular menstruation), miscarriages, urination in bed, impotence, changes in vital symptoms, severe pain in my knees.

Prostate, lumbar muscles, sciatic nerve.

Sciatica, lumbago. Difficult, painful or too much frequent urination. Pain in the lower back.

Lower leg, ankles, feet.

Poor circulation in the legs, swollen ankles, weak ankles and insteps, cold feet, weakness in the legs, cramps in the leg muscles.

IV. Sacrum

Pelvic bones, buttocks.

Diseases of the sacroiliac joint, curvature of the spine.

V. Coccyx

Rectum, anus.

Hemorrhoids, itching, pain in the coccyx in a sitting position.

Curvature of the spine

Vertebral number


An example of a new stereotype

I. Cervical spine

Fear. Confusion. Escapism. Self dissatisfaction. "What will the neighbors say?"

I am a focused, calm and balanced person. The universe accepts me. I trust my higher self. Everything goes the same.

Rejection of wisdom. Refusal to know and understand. Indecision. Resentment and accusation. Unbalanced relationship with life. Rejection of spirituality.

I am an inseparable part of the universe and life. It is perfectly safe for me to learn and grow.

Taking on the guilt of others. Guilt. Martyrdom. Indecision. Self-exhaustion. You bite off more than you can chew.

I am responsible only for myself, and my essence pleases me.

Guilt. Suppressed anger. Bitterness. Repressed feelings. Barely held back tears.

I have a clean and clear relationship with life. Nothing is stopping me from enjoying life right now.

Fear of ridicule and humiliation. Fear of expressing yourself. Rejection of one's own good. Overload.

My communication is pure. I acknowledge what is good for me. I drop all expectations. I am loved, I am safe.

Gravity. Overloads. The desire to correct others. Resistance. Lack of flexibility.

I willingly let others learn from them. own experience. I take good care of myself. It's easy for me to move through life.

Confusion. Anger. Feeling of helplessness. Inability to reach.

I have the right to be myself. I forgive the past. I know who I am. I radiate the love of health around me always.

II. Thoracic spine Probable
An example of a new stereotype

Fear of life. Too many things to do and worries. I can't cope. Fencing off life.

I accept life and easily find my place in it. From now on, everything good belongs to me.

Fear, pain and resentment. Unwillingness to sympathize. Soul locked.

My heart forgives and forgets. Loving yourself is safe. My goal - inner world and peace.

Internal chaos. Old deep grievances. Inability to communicate.

I forgive everyone. I forgive myself. I cherish myself.

Bitterness. The need to harm. Curses.

I discover the gift of forgiveness in myself, and we both get freedom.

Refusal to process emotions. Restraint of feelings, anger.

I do not block the flow of life in me. I want to live. Everything goes the same.

Anger, accumulation of negative emotions. Fear of the future. Constant worry.

I believe that life opens up before me right ways. Loving yourself is safe.

Accumulation of pain. Refusal to rejoice.

I enjoy life. May sweetness fill my life.

Intrusive thoughts of defeat. Rejection of one's own good.

I am an open person and accept all good things. The love of health is always on my side and the support of the Universe.

The feeling that life has betrayed you. You blame others. You are a victim.

I take back my power. I always create my own reality with the love of health.

Refusal to accept responsibility. The need to be a victim. "I think it was your fault".

I open myself to joy and love, joyfully accept them, with the joy of life - I give inner pleasure to others.

Low self-esteem. Fear of relationships.

I see myself as a beautiful person, worthy of love and appreciation. I am proud of my being.

Do not recognize the right to life. Unsure and afraid of love. You don't have the ability to digest.

From now on, I perceive the joys of life and give them to others. The desire to cherish.

III. Lumbar spine Probable
An example of a new stereotype

The persistent desire for love and the need for solitude. Uncertainty.

I am safe in the Universe, and life itself, in its entirety, loves and supports me.

You are firmly bogged down in the grievances of childhood. You don't see a way out.

I grow up, overcoming parental limits, and live for myself. It's my turn.

Sexual seduction. Guilt. Self-hatred.

I consign the past to oblivion. I value myself and my sexuality. I'm calm. I am loved.

Reject sexuality. You are financially unstable. Fear for your career. Feeling of helplessness.

The back is an interesting mixture of symbols and meanings, it is our "garbage dump" where we bury our feelings and experiences that caused pain and confusion.


The spin is an interesting mixture of symbols and meanings. On the one hand, this is the place where we put everything that we have no desire to look at, or that no one else should see, on the other hand, this is our "garbage dump" where we bury our feelings and experiences that caused pain and confusion.

We cannot see our back, and therefore we are like an ostrich, believing that if he sticks his head in the sand and does not see what is happening around, then everything is in order. Then we complain about the “bad back”, as if she was guilty of something! But it not only plays the role of a "garbage dump", the back contains the spine, the most important part internal structure mind of the body, the foundation of our being, the supporting frame on which the body is built.


This set of vertebrae represents our most central inner energy and corresponds to our highest spiritual aspirations. The spine serves as a stronghold for all other parts of the body. It makes us strong and confident or gives us a "spineless" look. It connects to all the various aspects of our being through the skeleton, the central nervous system, and the blood circulation system that flows from the brain to the rest of the body. In this way, every thought, feeling, event, reaction and impression is "imprinted" in the spine and in the corresponding parts of the body.

Many areas of medicine pay attention to this area. For example, manual therapy focuses specifically on the spine, "change techniques" focus on spinal reflexes. These systems take into account the fact that through the spine you can reach all parts of our body and influence them.

The spine is the first part physical body, which is formed after conception; hence the rest of the body develops. Therefore, it reflects our desire for incarnation, entry into being. The development of consciousness during pregnancy, according to the prenatal model, occurs through the spine.

This model tracks development from conception at the level of the neck to birth at the level of the genitals; the movement that occurs here is a form of maturation as the energy moves down the spine. At the same time, the spine reflects both the chakra system and the kundalini energy that ascends from the base of the spine.

Upper back

Under top back, we mean the area below the level of the shoulders to the base of the shoulder blades. Since this area reflects the post-conception period, or the stage of internal and personal development, the unresolved questions that we accumulate here are inevitably related to our feelings or confusion in relation to ourselves. In this area, we are able to express the heart chakra and the energy of love through the arms and hands.

In the back, aspects such as love and warmth in relation to another person are closed., which we cannot express and therefore hide, or vice versa, irritation and indifference, which we do not want to allow. These feelings are looking for an outlet, but if they are constantly ignored or denied, they will accumulate and manifest as anger and rage.

The tense muscles that form the "armor" in the upper back are often full of rage, which was initially directed at oneself, but then projected outward towards someone else. This can be seen in the example " widow's hump"- education from soft tissues in the upper back, which is more characteristic of older women. It testifies to the accumulation of anger and resentment that have not had expression for many years; it testifies to the onset of old age and the loss of the meaning and purpose of life.

The upper back is closely related to the shoulders and the energy that is expressed in this area, as described earlier. Therefore, the pain and tension that manifests itself here is associated with disappointment and irritation due to the fact that we are not doing what we would really like to do, contrary to our ambitions and aspirations.

This is inevitably due to the fact that we cut ourselves off from true inner desires and "bury" them in the back, perhaps because they seem unacceptable or contrary to what is expected of us. By releasing hidden irritations and frustrations, we can also reveal our hidden ambitions and aspirations. Since this area belongs to the first stage of development after conception, therefore, it appears as a manifestation of our inner purpose. This may simply mean finding your own path in life, but more high level this may mean liberation from the temptation and power of the material world, the realization of one's spiritual destiny.

Mid back

This is a small area of ​​the back in the projection solar plexus, which is often disturbed in equilibrium. It represents the period of the appearance of the first signs of fetal movement, that is, that time in the development of the fetus, when there is a shift in consciousness from self-awareness to awareness that there is no “I”. In other words, it is like the axis of a seesaw, balancing the internal, personal aspects of our being with the external, social ones. When this area is open and functioning, then we are free to express our inner feelings and give depth and meaning to our world. When it is closed or blocked, this indicates an obstruction, a retention of energy that should freely rush outward, or a fear of self-expression; it may be a reluctance to release energy outward because we feel safe when it is trapped within.

Since the downward movement is part of the maturation process, this is a natural blocking point, an energy holding point that reflects our internal resistance to aging, denial of responsibility or our own mortality. Here we must move from self to relationships, which means that we must also learn to deal with issues inherent in adulthood.

This is also the area of ​​the third chakra, originally associated with power and self-determination. Therefore, disharmony in this part of the spine or back may be indicative of power games or conflicts that are often activated in the process of finding oneself and one's place in the world. Our spiritual energy naturally rushes up to experience elevated states, but our ego does everything to stop it! The temptations and hidden prospects of power are extremely attractive; Once you know them, it's hard to say no. At the same time, this energy is closely associated with depravity and deceit. The purpose of our spiritual path- rise above these temptations.

Lower back

This area extends from the projection of the solar plexus to the coccyx and represents the final maturation before birth. When studying cases of pain in the lower back, it turned out that they most often appear in those situations that remind us that we are getting older: on the days of 60 or 70 year anniversaries, wedding anniversaries, graduation parties of children, their departure from home, going out on retire.

Although the cause of back pain is usually considered excessive garden work or heavy lifting, but it is more likely that weakness in this area is already present and only becomes apparent with increased load. This weakness is inevitably associated with resistance to growing up and aging in the context of social relationships. In the West, this is especially evident in the desire to live long and stay young and energetic for as long as possible. I have no right to give advice on how to age with dignity, to maintain mature wisdom.published

©Debby Shapiro



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