What psychological factors lead to the development of mastopathy. Psychosomatic causes of breast diseases

Psychosomatics Breast - mastopathy, breast cancer

A person has a biological program, which is aimed at the fact that, if necessary, to help the child survive, the mammary glands begin to produce more milk.

This program has developed evolutionarily in mammals. If the baby is very sick or injured, there is an increase in the glandular tissue of the mammary gland in order to feed the baby with the lightest and most nutritious product for him to get better.

Thus, the main reason for the growth of breast tissue (mastopathy, breast cancer (not to be confused with duct cancer!) Is the woman’s experience about how her children feel now.

However, in modern world a woman worries not only about her children. If she unconsciously perceives her husband and other relatives (including parents) as children, then worries about their future and their suffering can also cause breast diseases.

That's why internal conflict, leading to mastopathy and breast cancer, is called the "conflict of the hearth."

A woman was diagnosed with a growing tumor in her breast when her father developed cancer. Symbolically, her body was trying to provide a sick person in the family with breast milk.

Breast fibroadenomas are small growths that once grew, but have not grown into a large cancerous tumor. It is known that these adenomas can disappear, but if the “focus conflict” is constantly repeated, then the body no longer sees the point in first removing and then growing fibroadenoma again if necessary. Then the body can “encapsulate” it.

After the resolution of the "conflict of the focus" in the recovery phase, sometimes there are strong inflammatory processes(to reduce growths), which are called mastitis. Or a woman may find soreness in her chest.

Psychosomatics Breast - breast duct cancer

Ducts are channels in the mammary gland through which milk flows. Symbolically, love flows through these ducts for the one to whom the woman wants to convey love. Wants to deliver, but can't.

A woman suffers because of a break in relations within the family, because of a lack of communication, the inability to express her love.

I know several cases of breast cancer. In two of them, the disease was associated with feelings about relationships with a spouse.

In one case, there was manipulation of a woman by her husband. In another case, there were constant convergence and divorces within the couple, and, as a result, this resulted in cancer. thoracic ducts because the woman really suffered a lot.

Often, breast problems for women arise when their children grow up, and connection with them is lost. Normal connection with normal relationships, meetings, conversations. If the relationship is really bad, the woman can suffer a lot, which leads to breast problems.

Love, and not only others) See you)

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Psychosomatics Chest - mastopathy, breast cancer A person has a biological program, which is aimed at helping the child survive if necessary, the mammary glands begin to produce more milk. This program has developed evolutionarily in mammals. If the cub is very sick or injured, the glandular tissue of the mammary gland is enlarged to feed the child with the lightest and most nutritious food so that he recovers. Thus, the main reason for the growth of breast tissue (mastopathy, breast cancer (not to be confused with duct cancer!) is ...

Mastopathy is an insidious disease, which, according to medical statistics, is diagnosed in every fourth woman. Why "insidious"? Because modern women, out of ignorance or due to a misinterpretation of the information presented on the Internet, they believe that mastopathy is cancer.

This is erroneous, since mastopathy is always treated, and it is not even always a tumor. Often this is just an overgrowth of glandular tissue.

Mastopathy is not cancer

Most of the patients are women over the age of 35. IN Lately experts note that this disease is increasingly common in patients who have just celebrated their 30th birthday, that is, this is a signal that the disease is getting younger.

But let's get back to the fact that mastopathy is not cancer in the sense in which we perceive it. Sometimes it really turns out to be a tumor, but not malignant, that is, it is quite possible to cure it and sometimes even do without surgery.

In addition, there are cases when mastopathy disappeared by itself, without aggressive treatment. That is, after a while, a woman, upon examination, learns that the formation has disappeared. With patients who have been diagnosed with cancer, such miracles do not happen.

And this is another proof that a certain psychosomatics lies at the heart of this disease. Mastopathy is a woman's reaction to the emotions that she is experiencing today.

So if you were suddenly sent to an oncologist with a diagnosis of mastopathy, then you should not be hysterical, believing that if an oncologist, then this is immediately a malignant tumor. Just mastopathy, as a disease, is treated by an oncologist.

Often the woman herself provokes the development of the disease.

Most often, this disease is found in women with an irregular (or absent at all) sexual life. And then someone once suggested that it was the absence intimacy is main reason the development of such a state.

Actually, it's not. Such changes in a woman's health do not occur due to rare sexual intercourse, but because of the woman's feelings about this. That is, a girl, taking to heart what is on this moment she has no time permanent partner, itself provokes the development of this disease.

It is not for nothing that gynecologists and mammologists have repeatedly noted that as soon as a patient has a lover, and as a result, psychosomatics begins to improve, mastopathy is magically cured.

And often this has nothing to do with the fact that a woman finally has a healthy sex life, it is mainly due to the fact that she stopped worrying about her status.

Mastopathy - common benign disease associated with pathological changes in breast tissue.

Mastopathy: psychosomatics

The appearance of mastopathy for psychological reasons is easy to explain at the level of physiology. The mammary glands are very susceptible to hormonal fluctuations in the female body.

The state of breast tissue changes over time menstrual cycle. As a rule, in the first phase of the cycle, under the influence of estrogen, the cells of the mammary glands actively multiply.

Progesterone is produced in the second phase and inhibits the process of increasing the number of cells. Increased nervous tension leads to hormonal failure - an excess of estrogens with a lack of progesterone. glandular tissue overgrows, mastopathy develops.

Sometimes prolactin contributes to the onset of the disease. Normally, the pituitary gland produces a large number of hormone during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Outside of pregnancy, excessive hormone secretion may be associated with psycho-emotional state women. Excess prolactin is a pathology and leads to mastopathy.

IMPORTANT! Scientists have proven that hormonal processes in the body and psychological condition human are closely related and have a tangible mutual influence.

Doctors call the following psychological factors that can cause disease :

  • constant stress;
  • overwork, lack of sleep;
  • tense situation, conflicts;
  • experiences, negative emotions;
  • neurosis and depression;
  • mental trauma.
  • Can it be provoked?

    It happens that mastopathy occurs for reasons that a woman can eliminate on her own. These include lack of sleep, overwork, excessive nervous tension at work. The risk of the disease also increases in those who are prone to excessive feelings and negative emotions.

    Psychologists identify especially dangerous emotional states, prolonged stay in which leads to the appearance of tension in the chest and the accumulation of physical symptoms.

    Prisochomatic causes of mastopathy :

    You can find out about other causes of mastopathy here.

    And also in this article everything is about the prevention of the disease.

    What does the disease say?

    Issues of prevention and treatment of mastopathy, as psychosomatic illness, world psychologists are seriously engaged. One of them is the American writer Louise Hay, who independently won serious illness .

    Based on her experience, as well as research in the field of psychosomatic ailments, Louise Hay developed a wellness system.

    In Heal Your Body, the writer examines the psychological causes of each ailment. The breast, according to Louise Hay, symbolizes maternal care, feeding. Her illnesses speak of depriving herself of care in favor of others.

    Cysts and chest pain, characteristic of mastopathy, are associated with restriction of freedom, suppression of the personality. Specifically, fibrocystic degeneration is pessimism and a gloomy outlook on the future.

    According to psychotherapists, mastopathy signals that a woman has ignored her needs.

    Patients are advised to think about their worldview, reconsider their priorities.

    To prevent and heal mastopathy, Louise Hay suggests changing the mindset with the help of positive statements - affirmations.

    In case of breast problems, repeat the phrases :

  • Secondly, the disease makes it possible to receive various bonuses from the role of the patient (do not go to hard work, they brought tea in bed, and in general everyone around regrets it).
  • Thirdly, the sequence immediately becomes clear further action. The eye does not see - to drip drops, an ulcer with colitis has drawn - to take almagels with diets, the heart is naughty - to eat validolchik.

    The picture is perfect: the person seems to be in business - he is being treated, the internal conflict fades into the background. But the disease is not going to pass at all. Taking medication and treatment gives a feeling of gaining control over own life, which was lost as a result of a traumatic situation.

    Of course, the unreasonable youngster did not set up this show intentionally, but you can’t call his behavior an accident either. Even a novice ulcer cannot fail to know what he will be for such eating behavior. And he's in real pain. But the feeling of need more important than health albeit on a subconscious level. It is quite possible that the ulcer would have broken out on his own, without an incentive - the boy really wanted everyone's attention.

    The theory of Franz Alexander (its traditional name is "model autonomic neurosis”), in general, is similar. The difference, perhaps, is that he attaches less importance to the symbolic meaning of individual symptoms, but rather appeals to other factors. For example, to genetic. Roughly speaking, Alexander professes the principle: "where it is thin, there it is torn." Some are not very healthy the cardiovascular system, for others, the problem area is the lungs. It is these organs that will suffer in the first place, regardless of the content of the internal conflict. From Alexander's point of view, illness does not even always weaken the same internal conflict, since it does not serve as an expression of emotions. For example, increasing the pressure in a state of rage does not reduce rage, but is only physiological symptom this emotion. If a person is often in a state of rage, the case may end for him with chronic hypertension.

    It is customary to treat psychosomatics as something frivolous. To something that a person can handle himself, with one effort of will. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the term "psychosomatics" refers to the usual simulation, which is fundamentally not true.

    In general, you can protect yourself from syphilis, and from nerves, and from psychosomatic disorders. If you caught yourself thinking that getting sick would not be so bad, contact a psychologist to sort out the situation, or try to find the irritant on your own and get rid of it, or, at worst, just relax.

    A person has a biological program, which is aimed at the fact that, if necessary, to help the child survive, the mammary glands begin to produce more milk.

    This program has developed evolutionarily in mammals. If the cub is very sick or injured, the glandular tissue of the mammary gland is enlarged to feed the child with the lightest and most nutritious food so that he recovers.

    Thus, the main reason for the growth of breast tissue (mastopathy, breast cancer (not to be confused with duct cancer!) Is the woman's experience of how her children feel now.

    However, in the modern world, a woman worries not only about her children. If she unconsciously perceives her husband and other relatives (including parents) as children, then worries about their future and their suffering can also cause breast diseases.

    Therefore, the internal conflict leading to mastopathy and breast cancer is also called the "conflict of the hearth."

    A woman was diagnosed with a growing tumor in her breast when her father developed cancer. Symbolically, her body was trying to provide a sick person in the family with breast milk.

    Breast fibroadenomas are small growths that once grew, but have not grown into a large cancerous tumor. It is known that these adenomas can disappear, but if the “focus conflict” is constantly repeated, then the body no longer sees the point in first removing and then growing fibroadenoma again if necessary. Then the body can “encapsulate” it.

    After the resolution of the "center conflict" in the recovery phase, sometimes strong inflammatory processes occur (to reduce growths), which are called mastitis. Or a woman may find soreness in her chest.

    Psychosomatics Breast - breast duct cancer

    Ducts are channels in the mammary gland through which milk flows. Symbolically, love flows through these ducts for the one to whom the woman wants to convey love. Wants to deliver, but can't.

    A woman suffers because of a break in relations within the family, because of a lack of communication, the inability to express her love.

    I know several cases of breast cancer. In two of them, the disease was associated with feelings about relationships with a spouse.

    In one case, there was manipulation of a woman by her husband. In another case, there were constant convergences and divorces within the couple, and, in the end, this resulted in cancer of the thoracic ducts, because the woman really suffered a lot.

    Often, breast problems for women arise when their children grow up, and connection with them is lost. Normal connection with normal relationships, meetings, conversations. If the relationship is really bad, the woman can suffer a lot, which leads to breast problems.

    Love, and not only others) See you)

    Psychosomatic diseases

    What letter does the disease begin with?

    What to do with psychosomatics?

    This article is for those who have already begun to understand that the roots of all problems are in the head, as well as for those who have already noticed the close connection between the psyche and the body. Surely you have noticed more than once that as soon as an old painful problem pops up, its echo is immediately found in the body in the form of an exacerbation of a chronic disease, a rise in temperature, an exacerbation of allergies, etc. This is one of the signs that the disease is psychosomatic.

    What are psychosomatic illnesses

    The name "psychosomatic diseases" - speaks for itself, these are diseases, the causes of which lie in the psyche. However, this does not mean that these are some twisted, far-fetched and not real diseases at all. They are the real ones, only the causes of these diseases are not only in the ingress of a virus into the body, not in a lack or excess of some hormone, but much deeper. What is the reason, for example, that the hormone took and stopped being produced in the right quantities? It's not just that the body is tired of performing its prescribed functions without failures? No.

    Our body just adjusts to our mood, our thoughts. Since most people do not even track and realize their thoughts and emotions, our body acts as a very convenient means of feedback, showing that in this part of it, under the influence negative emotions, something is not working right. Our body begins to signal pain and discomfort already in extreme cases when our emotions remain unheard for a long time, but heartache continues to grow. And for this, he should rather say thank you than be offended and complain that it brings us down and does not allow us to live in peace.

    Manifestations of psychosomatics

    Consider the relationship between the body and the psyche on one of the diseases - asthma. If you say in simple terms, then during an exacerbation, under the influence of allergens, an attack occurs and a person cannot fully breathe, because he cannot exhale. What is the body trying so hard to tell a person? That a person does not want to live full life, does not want to 'breathe full chest”, does not want or believes that he does not have the right to breathe and live independently (especially in the case of constant use of an inhaler), that a person takes a lot, but gives with great difficulty (difficulty exhaling). Plus, the presence of the allergen itself, which triggers an asthma attack, indicates that a person cannot stand something, protests against any events or actions, but cannot or does not give himself the will to express this protest due to education, stereotypes, fear opinions of others. And it was the constant ignoring of all these psychological factors that caused the onset of the disease, and these same factors are the reason for its transition to chronic stage. And so it is possible to make out each disease.

    Psychosomatics - the protest of the body

    But we are primarily interested in what can be done about it, because it is not so easy to take and finally give yourself the freedom to protest against the fact that a person cannot stand it (in the case of asthma), and not reach out habitually for an inhaler. Just like that, we are not given the root causes for which these automatisms arose to adjust to a different way of behavior and response, and until we eliminate them, we will not be able to react differently. Moreover, in the explanation of psychosomatic diseases, multifactoriality is recognized - a set of causes that interact with each other, that is, several sources of one disease can become at once. psychological problems, as well as its occurrence can be influenced by a large number of related, at first glance, even unrelated problems. The reasons, as we said above, are ourselves, the features of our personality that were formed as a result of upbringing, as well as the features of character and temperament, exactly what a person is proud of at first glance, because it is these features that make him different from All.

    The roots of psychosomatics

    The past plays a huge role in shaping the personality, and about working with it and about negative consequences the absence of this work you can read in this article. Here we only want to say that in order to get rid of any personality trait or character, you will need to work through all the episodes of the past, the postulates and beliefs that formed this trait, and there are thousands of them. But, in fact, we have not yet met people who would like to solve only one the only problem in life or be cured of a single disease. Sooner or later, the question arises of the total elaboration of all your fears, beliefs, beliefs, sexual complexes, resentments, illusions, psychological trauma, all episodes of the past and fantasies about the future. Yes, it's a lot of work, but it's worth it. The Baibak system is aimed precisely at such total work, the purpose of which is to bring a person to a balance of soul and body, emotions and behavior.

    So, if you really understand that health and garbage in the head in the form of complexes, fears and resentments are simply not compatible, and you understand that you can’t leave it like that, it’s impossible to live with it, then the Baibak system can be useful to you. To get acquainted with the system, it is enough to download it from the link at the bottom of the page, but you should decide whether to work with the system or not only after reading it.

    List of diseases:

    “With the advent of a psychosomatic illness, a person, oddly enough, is relieved. »

    There is, of course, a set of diseases whose psychosomatic nature is already (almost!) beyond doubt: ulcerative colitis, hyper- and hypotension, gastritis, asthma, anorexia nervosa. And there is an opinion: “You are less nervous, and everything will pass!”. But few people clearly understand what psychosomatic illnesses really are. The two most famous theories of the origin of these “joys of life” are the theories of Franz Alexander and Sigmund Freud.

    Yes, yes, Freud wrote not only about the “strawberry”. He called his version of the origin of psychosomatic diseases conversion. The word "conversion" usually means the transformation of something bad, outdated and unnecessary at the moment into something more relevant. Let's beat swords into plowshares. But with the conversion that Freud spoke of, something else happens: the transformation of the bad into even worse: the internal conflict, without resolution, is transformed into certain physiological symptoms.

    From Freud's point of view, during conversion, a person falls ill not with something random, but in every specific symptom symbolically represents what his experiences were connected with. So, for example, he explained psychosomatic visual and hearing impairments by the unwillingness to see and hear the environment.

    With the advent of a psychosomatic illness, a person, oddly enough, is relieved. This happens for three reasons:

    Somatopsychology- the impact of transferred (or ongoing) chronic diseases) on the mental state of a person.

  • By the way, often patients with psychosomatic diseases quite consciously arrange breakdowns for themselves, especially in public situations. I well remember the young man, the owner peptic ulcer, who, at a large tourist rally, took two hundred grams of moonshine and ate pepper, after which about two hundred people were busy running steeplechase through the forest for half the night in search of at least one sober driver. And the rest of the night they were intensely worried and commemorated the mother and all the relatives of this young man in various expressions.

    The debate about what is considered psychosomatics and what is not is not over yet. Someone is ready to consider everything as psychosomatics, except for birth fever and dropsy in the knee. Some people think that psychosomatics is to a large extent myth, like the placebo effect.

    From the point of view of some authoritative experts from both psychology and medicine, psychosomatics is even such terrible disease like cancer. And although there is plenty of evidence for this, official medicine, let alone the patients and their relatives are not ready to accept this point of view - too terrible a diagnosis.

    A psychosomatic illness is a disease that is based on both physiological and psychological causes, but at the same time it is a disease with all the symptoms that requires medical intervention. Another thing is that only traditional treatment the disease will not go away, relapses will continue (in fact, relapse with adequate treatment, one of hallmarks psychosomatics), therefore the most correct approach to psychosomatic diseases is to work on the problem with a psychologist simultaneously with treatment.

    Mastopathy in women of childbearing age

    I.P. Shabalova, T.V. Dzhangirova, N.N. Volchenko, K.K. Pugachev

    Russian medical Academy postgraduate education

    Mastopathy in its diverse manifestations, it can be confidently attributed to diseases that are very widespread. The disease is based on disorders of the hormonal status of the thyroid and reproductive systems, and these changes are mostly hidden, not detected by formally performed laboratory tests. The general mechanism for the occurrence of mastopathy can be considered desynchronization of the relationship between the epithelial and stromal elements of the mammary gland, which occurs even with minor violations. hormonal regulation during both the daily (circadian) and monthly rhythms. Long-term desynchronization of the processes of proliferation, differentiation and functioning of the epithelium of the ducts and acini, neuroendocrine cells, myoepithelium, cellular elements stroma, extracellular matrix leads first to functional, and then to organic pathological changes in the mammary gland.

    The diffuse variant of mastopathy, which is one of the manifestations of the so-called premenstrual syndrome, is not life-threatening at all. Nevertheless, left without attention and adequate treatment, which happens very often, this disease causes significant inconvenience and trouble to both women suffering from this disease and their loved ones. In the same variants of mastopathy, when surgical intervention is inevitable, disease state patients, as a rule, is complicated by serious psycho-emotional experiences, which often leads to a state of dysthymia and even depression. Left without medical attention, mastopathy can lead to sexual disharmony, which in turn (by the feedback mechanism) can aggravate the course of breast disease. Long-term mastopathy is a leading risk factor for developing breast cancer. It is obvious that mastopathy, even with minor manifestations of the disease, requires timely and high-quality diagnosis and treatment.

    Complementary methods are currently used for breast examination. instrumental diagnostics, as X-ray mammography, which at the European Congress of Radiology in 1997 was called the "gold standard" in the diagnosis of breast diseases, and ultrasonography. IN last years new ultrasound Doppler methods, color mapping of blood flow velocity and spectral analysis of blood flow are used to study the mammary gland. Instrumental methods make it possible to recognize the structural features of the disease, but they are unsuitable for the study of functional dyshormonal problems. It is for this reason that the study of the hormonal status of a patient suffering from mastopathy is also a necessary component in choosing the right tactics for the treatment of dyshormonal hyperplasia. However, even expanded hormonal analysis, including wide range various indicators and produced in different phases monthly cycle, very often does not reflect the status of dyshormonal disorders in the patient.

    In order to identify hidden reasons development of breast diseases, we recommend to analyze the hormonal status using methods functional loads, in particular the metoclopramide test, which allows you to effectively detect latent dyshormonal disorders in almost all patients suffering from mastopathy. The test is traditionally used to determine the nighttime level of prolactin and to detect pathological changes in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

    In addition to a significant change in the level of prolactin (a 10-20-fold increase in the concentration of this hormone is physiological norm), the parameters of most peripheral and central hormones under the influence of blockade of dopamine receptors by metoclopramide and due to the response to a sharp increase in prolactin levels also change significantly.

    Analysis of the dynamics of hormone levels reveals:

  • autonomy of the functioning of a number of organs (thyroid gland, ovaries, pituitary gland);
  • the existence of non-protransmitter disorders at the level of the hypothalamus;
  • discoordination of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian and adrenal system;
  • a latent form of relative and absolute hyperestrogenism;
  • latent form of hyperprolactinemia.
  • We believe that there is real opportunity detection of hormonal status disorders in almost all patients suffering from mastopathy. In this paper, we made an attempt to present a classification of mastopathy based on the identified causal factors leading to dyshormonal hyperplasia of the mammary glands in women of childbearing age.

    Classification of mastopathy

    Thyroid forms of mastopathy

    The disease is based on disorders of iodine metabolism, which have general arrangements in thyroid and mammary tissues. The primary is defeat. thyroid gland.

    Latent reasons. The disease occurs with minor signs of damage to the thyroid gland or no signs at all. Laboratory and physical studies (excluding the mammary glands) do not reveal significant abnormalities. Changes in thyroid function are detected only during complex laboratory studies using drug samples. At the same time, dythyroidism is almost always detected, which is accompanied by signs of autonomy of the thyroid gland function. More than half of the cases are diffuse magnification of the thyroid gland of the 1st-2nd degree, in about a third of cases there are small adenomas that do not show a tendency to grow. From anamnesis ( this feature especially typical for young patients under the age of 28-30 years) it is often possible to find out that mastopathy appeared 6-8 months after suffering a long viral disease, which proceeded with signs of thyroiditis.

    Manifesting Causes. The disease proceeds against the background of the existing long time goiter. Laboratory and physical examinations of the thyroid gland reveal sharp deviations from the norm. Most often there is severe hypothyroidism with corresponding symptoms, a syndrome of hyperprolactinemic hypogonadism in primary hypothyroidism (Van Wyck-Hennes-Ross syndrome, Van Wyck-Grambach syndrome), occurring with galactorrhea, amenorrhea, which is also accompanied by polycystic ovaries.

    Central forms of mastopathy

    At the heart of the disease are neurotransmitter regulation disorders that cause discoordination (disharmony) of the interactions of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands and ovaries.

    Latent reasons. Laboratory and physical examination methods (excluding the mammary glands) often indicate a state of somatic health (“virtually healthy”). However, patients complain about chronic pain(typical complaints of pain in the region of the heart), sleep disturbances, emotional lability, chronic fatigue, they are very concerned about the complex of symptoms known as premenstrual syndrome. In other words, there are signs characteristic of somatovegetative and asthenoneurotic disorders. Probably, it would be correct to associate mastopathy of this type with a diagnosis of dysthymia, i.e. with chronic (lasting more than two years) shallow depression, which is more often manifested only by somatoform disorders. Almost without exception, the disease proceeds with nocturnal hyperprolactinemia, detected only by a drug test. The test with metoclopramide always confirms the presence of discoordination of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian activity. Often there are manifestations of the autonomy of the function of the thyroid gland in the absence of pathological changes in this organ, confirmed instrumental methods. The basis for the development of mastopathy in this case are chronic disorders circadian (daily) rhythm of secretion of central hormones of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland and resulting disharmony in the functioning of peripheral organs related to the reproductive system.

    Manifesting Causes. Laboratory research hormonal status reveals severe hyperprolactinemia, which occurs mainly with hyperplasia of lactotropic cells and pituitary adenoma. The test with metoclopramide in most cases confirms the existence of the autonomy of the function of the pituitary gland.

    Psychogenic causes. Laboratory indicators of hormonal status demonstrate the absolute norm, somatically the patient is "practically healthy". At the same time, the cause of mastopathy or a recurrent form of breast fibroadenoma, which requires repeated surgical intervention, should be looked for exclusively in the psychotic features of the patient's personality. Probably, there are psycho-emotional factors that act briefly, but very strongly, causing sharp “hormonal surges”. neuropsychiatric disorders in this option mastopathy is not detected by laboratory methods, even in the case of using a medicinal sample.

    Endometrioid forms of mastopathy

    Breast diseases are caused by long-term absolute and relative estrogenism, which is often accompanied by hyperprolactinemia. There are violations of both the circadian (daily) and monthly rhythm of reproductive hormones.

    Latent reasons. Mastopathy is associated with hidden forms adenomyosis. Endometriosis is accompanied by a constant, independent of the phase of the cycle, an additional level of estrogen in the blood, which significantly changes the hormonal status. different periods physiological rhythms. Permanent estrogenia stimulates the proliferation of breast tissue in both the follicular and luteal phases of the cycle. Therefore, in the variant of endometriosis, we have the right to assume the existence of enough long periods when in the same cells of the mammary gland mutually exclusive flow simultaneously (with physiological development events) processes of proliferation and differentiation. This inevitably leads to discoordination of the growth and maturation of the elements of the epithelium, myoepithelium and stroma (primarily fibroblasts and myofibroblasts). As a result of the processes of tissue discoordination and disharmony, complexes of proliferating cellular elements appear that cannot adequately respond to hormonal and neuroendocrine effects. Physiological feedback mechanisms do not function. Long-term, uninterrupted healing effects the development of events according to the described scenario inevitably leads to the emergence malignant neoplasms mammary gland. Thyroid also exposed similar impacts(undoubtedly to a lesser extent), in which the thyroid-steroid superfamily is directly involved cell receptors. The disruption of physiological rhythms that occurs with endometriosis cannot but affect central mechanisms regulation of hormonal status.

    Thus, with the endometrioid form of mastopathy, signs of the thyroid and central forms of the disease can be easily detected. The endometrioid form of mastopathy should include options in which endometriosis is both a trigger and a supporting mechanism for breast disease.

    Manifesting Causes. Mastopathy with developed internal and external endometriosis.

    Ovarian forms of mastopathy

    Diseases of the mammary glands are primarily associated with relative estrogenism, which is determined by a violation of the phase cyclicity of the development of the egg and the associated insufficiency. corpus luteum.

    Latent reasons. Mastopathy is caused by relative estrogenism associated with insufficiency of the corpus luteum. Patients often complain of dysmenorrhea. Examination reveals a long-term chronic adnexitis, often combined with inflammatory diseases tubes and body of the uterus, i.e. in this variant, the causes of mastopathy initially date back to infectious process in the pelvic organs. One of the hidden reasons, which can be found out only in a confidential conversation with a detailed collection of anamnesis, may be a permanently practiced coitus interruptus. This practice of sexual activity leads to stasis of blood in the pelvic organs and, in particular, to fluid retention in the ovaries. This circumstance, in turn, not only facilitates the penetration and development of infection, but in itself contributes to the violation physiological phases functioning of the ovaries.

    Manifesting Causes. This category includes diseases of the mammary glands, which are associated with tumors and pseudotumors of the ovaries (polycystic ovaries, etc.). Patients often have metabolic syndrome manifestations of impaired steroidogenesis at the level of the adrenal glands. As a rule, complaints about the manifestations of mastopathy fade into the background and third plan due to more serious somatic disorders.

    Drug and iatrogenic forms of mastopathy

    Breast disease is determined by taking drugs (including narcotic drugs) that promote the release of prolactin, leading to neurotransmitter disorders, stimulating the progression of endometriosis, causing hypothyroidism, etc. One of common causes development severe forms mastopathy is a surgical intervention for uterine myomatosis, endometriosis, etc., consisting in the extirpation of the uterus, but without removal of the ovaries (an option with ovarian resection is possible). At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the removal of the main target organ for sex hormones (uterus) does not reduce their production by the ovaries. Complaints of patients, laboratory and physical studies indicate that within 2-3 years (often much earlier) after such surgery, a woman develops true severe disharmony with corresponding somatic manifestations: mastopathy, thyroid adenomatosis, chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities, dyshormonal cardiodystrophy etc. In addition, ovarian resection often does not lead to getting rid of external endometriosis and, accordingly, manifestations in the form of diseases associated with it.

    Another iatrogenic cause of mastopathy is a poorly performed abortion (usually with the use of vacuum suction). Remainder gestational sac after an abortion is not uncommon. The stay of this residue for more than 3-4 months in the body of the uterus not only violates reproductive function body, but is also the cause of breast diseases. Moreover, poor-quality abortion and further management of such patients without timely and correct medical care appears to be the leading cause of cancer in young fertile women.

    Mixed forms of mastopathy

    Mastopathy, including mixed variants of the above forms.

    This classification of mastopathy is the starting point for developing treatment tactics. In the case of the thyroid form, therapy should naturally be directed primarily to the correction of iodine metabolism. In the central form, the most important is the regulation of processes in the central nervous system. With the endometrioid form - treatment of endometriosis. With ovarian - restoration of the fullness of the corpus luteum, for example, by intensive treatment of adnexitis or the appointment of homeopathic drops that help replenish the insufficiency of the corpus luteum. In the variant of absolute and relative estrogenism, the appointment of drugs and a diet that modulates the level of ovarian hormones in the blood, etc. is indicated.

    Mastopathy is a common benign disease associated with pathological changes in breast tissue.

    Among the main causes of mastopathy, experts call trouble in the psychological sphere.

    Mastopathy: psychosomatics

    The appearance for psychological reasons is easy to explain at the level of physiology. The mammary glands are very susceptible to hormonal fluctuations in the female body.

    The condition of breast tissue changes throughout the menstrual cycle. As a rule, in the first phase of the cycle, under the influence of estrogen, the cells of the mammary glands actively multiply.

    Progesterone is produced in the second phase and inhibits the process of increasing the number of cells. Increased nervous tension leads to hormonal failure - an excess of estrogens with a lack of progesterone. The glandular tissue grows excessively, mastopathy develops.

    Sometimes prolactin contributes to the onset of the disease. Usually the pituitary gland produces a large amount of the hormone during pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding.

    Outside of pregnancy, excessive secretion of the hormone may be associated with the psycho-emotional state of the woman. Excess prolactin is a pathology and leads to mastopathy.

    IMPORTANT! Scientists have proven that hormonal processes in the body and the psychological state of a person are closely related and have a tangible mutual influence.

    Doctors call the following psychological factors that can cause the disease:

    Can it be provoked?

    It happens that mastopathy occurs for reasons that a woman can eliminate on her own. These include lack of sleep, overwork, excessive nervous tension at work. The risk of the disease also increases in those who are prone to excessive feelings and negative emotions.

    Psychologists distinguish especially dangerous emotional states, prolonged stay in which leads to the appearance of tension in the chest area and the accumulation of physical symptoms.

    Prisochomatic causes of mastopathy:

    • guilt;
    • resentment;
    • anxiety;
    • tension.

    The issues of prevention and treatment of mastopathy, as a psychosomatic disease, are seriously dealt with by world psychologists. One of them is the American writer Louise Hay, who independently defeated a serious illness..

    Based on her experience, as well as research in the field of psychosomatic ailments, Louise Hay developed a wellness system.

    In Heal Your Body, the writer examines the psychological causes of each ailment. The breast, according to Louise Hay, symbolizes maternal care, feeding. Her illnesses speak of depriving herself of care in favor of others.

    Cysts and chest pain, characteristic of mastopathy, are associated with restriction of freedom, suppression of the personality. Specifically, fibrocystic degeneration is pessimism and a gloomy outlook on the future.

    According to psychotherapists, mastopathy signals that a woman has ignored her needs.

    Patients are advised to think about their worldview, reconsider their priorities.

    To prevent and heal mastopathy, Louise Hay suggests changing the mindset with the help of positive statements - affirmations.

    In case of breast problems, repeat the phrases:

    • Now I take care of myself with love and joy.
    • Everyone is free to be whoever they want, I admit it. We are all safe.
    • I love life and life loves me.

    We prevent and treat

    Psychosomatic illness is a signal of the body about the lack of balance in the soul.

    The appearance of mastopathy due to psychological causes can be prevented, as well as helping to treat an already existing disease, restoring peace of mind.

    Doctors and psychologists give some actionable advice:

    • take sedatives as prescribed by a doctor;
    • fully rest, get enough sleep;
    • eliminate bad habits;
    • give vent to your feelings, do not dwell on negative experiences;
    • try to enjoy life, allow yourself to enjoy;
    • get rid of fears, anxieties, avoid stressful situations;
    • contact a psychotherapist to normalize the psycho-emotional state.

    Mastopathy, which has arisen for psychological reasons, is quickly treated at an early stage with the help of sedatives and limiting stress.


    The treatment of illness based on psychological factors is to free the body from the influence of emotional causes.

    A woman needs to get rid of negative experiences, reconsider her worldview in a favorable direction, take more care of herself in order to permanently eliminate the threat of developing mastopathy.

    You will be able to find Additional information on this topic in the section.

    Do you have breast problems? Consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of breast diseases.

    Dr. N. Volkova writes: “It has been proven that about 85% of all diseases have psychological causes. It can be assumed that the remaining 15% of diseases are associated with the psyche, but this connection remains to be established in the future ... Among the causes of diseases, feelings and emotions occupy one of the main places, and physical factors- hypothermia, infections - act a second time, as a trigger ... "

    Dr. A. Meneghetti in his book “Psychosomatics” he writes: “Illness is the language, the speech of the subject ... To understand the disease, it is necessary to reveal the project that the subject creates in his unconscious ... Then the second step is necessary, which the patient himself must take: he must change. If a person changes psychologically, then the disease, being an abnormal course of life, will disappear ... "

    Consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of problems with the mammary glands.
    Here's what they write about it around the world renowned experts in the field and authors of books on the subject.

    Dr. N. Volkova In his book Popular Psychogynecology, he writes:
    The frequency of occurrence of diseases of the mammary glands over the past decade has increased significantly, the so-called MASTOPATHY is increasingly being detected, which is the background for the development of benign and malignant tumors female breast.
    From the point of view of psychology, the mammary gland is a "nutrition block" for the baby and attracts the opposite sex in that a woman is able to feed offspring. In addition to milk, the mother shares her life energy while he has little of his own. The psychological reason for the occurrence of mastopathy in most women is excessive and prolonged guardianship of their adult children, whom they try to protect from the difficulties of life. A woman remains a “nursing” mother for a long time, and she needs to wean her adult babies from her breast and engage in self-knowledge and self-improvement. Become a good nurse for yourself, live in such a way that there is constant joy in your heart. Breast health is directly related to the level of happiness in your life.

    Liz Burbo in his book “Your body says “Love yourself!”” writes about possible metaphysical reasons diseases of the mammary glands:
    Emotional blocking: The breast is directly related to the manifestations of maternal instinct in relation to children, family, partner or the whole world in general. Breast problems, both in women and in men, indicate that a person is trying his best to feed or protect those in relation to whom he shows maternal instinct. To be maternal means to take care of another person the way a mother takes care of her child. Breast problems can arise in someone who forces himself to take care of someone, to be a good mother or father. It is also possible that a person tries his best for those he loves and forgets about own needs. At the same time, he unconsciously gets angry at the people he cares about, as he does not have time to take care of himself. As a rule, if such a person cares about someone, then he does it harshly and demandingly.
    Breast diseases can also indicate that a person is making too tough demands on himself or that his self-care borders on mania. Right-handers right breast associated with a spouse, family or other close people, and the left - with a child (or with inner child). Lefties are the opposite.
    If a woman has a purely aesthetic problem with her breasts, it means that she is too worried about how she looks as a mother. She must give herself the right to be an imperfect mother, since we are all imperfect.
    mental blocking: The problem associated with motherhood or maternal instinct suggests that you need to forgive your mother and yourself for your attitude towards her. If the problem is related to your maternal instinct, then it can be concluded from this that you somehow had to suffer from the manifestation of your mother's maternal instinct. Instead of forcing or feeling sorry for yourself, you need to understand that your mission on Earth is not just to protect and feed everyone you love.
    If these people ask you for help and you are able to help them without going beyond your capabilities, that is, without losing respect for yourself, do it, but only with love and joy. If you can't or don't want to help, admit it without feeling guilty. Just tell yourself that at the moment you cannot help someone, but you will try to do it as soon as you have the opportunity. You have an overdeveloped sense of duty, you are too demanding of yourself. Stop worrying so much about the ones you love. Motherly love does not have to be shown in the form of vigilant care.

    Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book ""Reiki" - the universal energy of life" they write about the possible metaphysical causes of problems with the mammary glands:
    Breast problems draw your attention to the fact that you are somewhat overdoing it in your desire to protect, show maternal care and, perhaps, your behavior has become domineering from this, with a claim to be always right. But you don't realize it and your body sends you this signal.
    Respect the fact that every person is a free being, that everyone must find their own way in life and go their own way. own way. Allow yourself and others to be free and independent.

    Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book "Love your disease" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of problems with the mammary glands:
    They symbolize maternal care, bearing, nutrition, feeding.
    Diseases of the mammary glands.
    This is a denial of “nutrition” to oneself, that is, in love, in attention, in care. Put yourself last in life. Your main principle: "First to a loved one, and then to yourself." You forget one of the commandments: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
    Cysts and seals.
    They reflect an excess of care, excessive patronage. You care so much about someone that you literally suppress the person. And at the same time you deny yourself attention and care. Your main principle: "Everything for others, and then I."
    Official medicine for tumors in the breast offers only surgery, since in its arsenal there are no means to suppress this disease. But, as you already know, removal is not a cure. And it is possible to get rid of this disease, and even simply - I know this from practice. You just need to change your attitude towards yourself and the world around you.
    One of my patients "cared" and worried about her son so much that it led not only to the formation of a tumor in the breast, but also to the development of asthmatic attacks in the child. Since by her behavior she literally did not allow him to live freely, and therefore breathe.
    In another woman with a breast tumor, having established contact with the subconscious, we found out that the tumor is a reflection of her excessive concern for people, combined with pity and compassion. She actually lived the life of other people, not caring about herself at all. In the first place was anyone, but not herself.
    “I don’t have time for myself,” she said.
    For several months she took homeopathic preparations I learned to take care of myself first and at the same time pay attention to others. It was interesting to see how the tumor changed with each session. At first it became soft and mobile, then it decreased in size, and one day it completely disappeared.
    I remember how at the first session a woman could not accept the idea that the first signs of attention should be given to herself.
    “But thinking about yourself first of all is bad, it’s selfishness,” she said.
    Selfishness is when you think and care for yourself and don't think about others. This is when you do not care and do not care about the life of another person. This is when other people simply do not care. But when you think about yourself and strive to change yourself for the sake of others, then this is already supreme manifestation love for people and mercy. By changing your world and accumulating love in your soul, you feed yourself with love, you create a space of love around you. And then there comes a moment when you begin to give loved ones not pity, but love. By ceasing to interfere in the life of another person, you nevertheless change his life by changing yourself, your world. By making your world a better place, you contribute to the universe.

    Fear and excessive anxiety about the child, literally feverish care, leads to mastitis. You think you can't do it.
    A woman with mastitis came to me from the district. When she turned to her subconscious to find out the causes of the illness, she received the answer: “You are afraid that you will not be able to cope with caring for a child.”
    - Of course, - the woman agreed with her subconscious mind, - how not to worry. The husband is at work all day, but there are no grandparents. I do everything alone. Help, suggest - no one.
    Sometimes mastitis can be caused by a lack of basic knowledge among young mothers about how to take care of their breasts.
    Lyudmila gave birth to a boy. The birth went well. On the third day, as is usually the case with nursing mothers, milk began to actively arrive. The chest swelled, became hard and hot. Lyudmila took her temperature. Then she looked at the thermometer for a long time and with surprise. The mercury column rose above 42 degrees.
    “Strange,” thought the woman, “perhaps the thermometer is broken.” She took the second one and took the temperature again. This time the column of mercury rose even higher, to top point thermometer.
    Amazing, she thought, I feel good. That's just the chest is on fire. We need to call the nurse."
    The nurse came very quickly. And when she looked at the thermometers, horror was reflected on her face.
    "Lie down," she called out, "and don't get up under any circumstances." I'll bring the doctor now.
    A minute later, a doctor and a midwife came running. The doctor immediately began to give orders to the nurse:
    - Prepare immediately analgin, diphenhydramine, hormones and antibiotics.
    The midwife calmly examined the chest.
    - Have you pumped milk? she asked.
    - No, - answered Lyudmila, - but no one told me.
    - Well, dear, - the midwife said calmly, - then everything is clear with you.
    The midwife began massaging her breasts and expressing milk. Lyudmila writhed and groaned in pain.
    - Be patient, dear, - the midwife used to say, - at first it will be hard, but then everything will be fine.
    - What a "dairy" mother, - said the doctor. “But when my wife gave birth,” he continued, “there was little milk. I had to buy nuts for her, give her tea with milk, give her crushed cumin under her tongue. And two days later there was so much milk that they did not know what to do with it. Half the hospital could be fed.
    At that moment, a nurse came with medicines.
    "Let's get an injection," said the doctor.
    “Maybe we can do without drugs?” - asked Lyudmila. It's still chemistry. It will be bad for the child.
    - What are you! - the doctor was indignant. - Look at your chest. Yes, you can fry an egg on it. The temperature was over forty.
    At that moment, Lyudmila's husband entered the ward.
    - What's happened? - he asked.
    The nurse and doctor explained the situation. And the midwife was busy with her work - she continued to express milk.
    Lyudmila's husband came up and kissed his wife on the forehead.
    - Let's wait with the injections, - he said, - she has a normal temperature.
    - How normal? - in one voice the doctor and the nurse were surprised. - Look at the thermometers.
    The man carefully examined the thermometers, put his hand to his wife's forehead and said:
    - You can throw them away, they are faulty. Doctor, try it yourself. The temperature is completely normal.
    The doctor put his hand to Lyudmila's forehead.
    - Helen, - he turned to the nurse, - bring another thermometer.
    A few minutes later, a new thermometer showed a completely normal temperature.
    “Miracles,” the doctor said, “two thermometers cannot be faulty at once.
    - I think, - said Lyudmila's husband, - everything is in order with the thermometers. The milk was expressed, the stagnation was gone,
    and the temperature dropped.
    Ludmila really felt good. The mammary glands became soft.
    - Am I supposed to pump milk like this all the time now? she asked the midwife.
    - Only the first time, - the midwife answered, - until the milk ducts develop. And then everything
    will be fine. Milk will be produced exactly as much as necessary for the child.
    The midwife was right. Within a week, Lyudmila was able to do without pumping.
    Underdevelopment of the mammary glands.
    Young girls sometimes come to me and ask me to help them enlarge their breasts with the help of hypnosis. In many cases this succeeds.
    The reason, as a rule, is one - the rejection of femininity. This is often accompanied by underdevelopment of other secondary sexual characteristics.
    - Doctor, can you enlarge my breasts with the help of hypnosis? the girl asked me.
    “I can if you follow all my instructions,” I told her.
    I managed to put her into a deep trance very quickly, and we found out that in childhood she developed negative attitude to yourself as to future woman. Menses were painful, often late. Other secondary sexual characteristics are not pronounced.
    In a trance, I gave her new ideas about femininity, motherhood, marriage, normal sexual development. She also formed her new visual identity. This was enough for the breast to increase by two sizes.

    Dr. Oleg G. Torsunov in his book "The Connection of Diseases with Character" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of diseases of the mammary glands:
    Kindness, sensitivity, tolerance, tenderness, joy in character contribute to normal functioning mammary glands.
    Kindness, sensitivity in character stabilizes hormonal functions essential for normal operation mammary glands.
    - Anger leads to disruption of hormonal functions.
    Weakness causes a decrease in hormonal functions.
    A woman's tolerance gives her good mammary immunity.
    -Impatience causes a decrease in immunity and a tendency to inflammatory processes.
    - Excessive patience in ignorance (downtroddenness) causes depletion of immunity and chronic inflammatory diseases in the mammary gland.
    Tenderness in the desires, will, emotions and thoughts of a woman contributes to the production of high-quality milk.
    -Rudeness causes pathological changes V qualitative composition milk.
    - Spoiled - reduces the quality of milk.
    Joy, love increases the amount of milk.
    - Joylessness reduces the amount of milk.
    - Disgust, hostility, hatred reduce the amount of milk.

    Louise Hay in his book "Heal Yourself" points out the main negative attitudes(leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of diseases of the mammary glands:
    They symbolize maternal care, bearing, feeding. Denying yourself food. Put yourself last. cyst, seals, pain(mastitis) - excess care, excessive patronage, suppression of the personality.
    Harmonizing Thoughts: There is a steady balance between what I absorb and what I give to others. I need. Now I take care of myself, nourish myself with love and joy. I recognize the freedom of everyone to be who they want to be. We are all free, we are safe.

    Sergei N. Lazarev in his books "Diagnostics of Karma" (books 1-12) and "Man of the Future" he writes that the main cause of absolutely all diseases is the deficiency, lack or even absence of love in the human soul. When a person puts something above the love of God (and God, as the Bible says, is Love), then instead of gaining divine love, he aspires to something else. To what (erroneously) considers more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationships, abilities, order, morality, knowledge, and many, many other material and spiritual values ​​... But this is not the goal, but only means to gain divine (true) love, love for God, love like God. And where there is no (true) love in the soul, how Feedback from the Universe, diseases, problems and other troubles come. This is necessary in order for a person to think, realize that he is going the wrong way, think, say and do something wrong and begin to correct himself, become on the right way! There are many nuances of how the disease manifests itself in our body. You can learn more about this practical concept from books, seminars and video seminars by Sergey Nikolaevich Lazarev.

    The search and research of metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of problems with the mammary glands continues. This material is constantly updated. We ask readers to write their comments and send additions to this article. To be continued!



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