Treatment of Hodgkin's disease 3a degree. Lymphogranulomatosis - is it cancer or not? Hodgkin's disease - a malignant disease of lymphoid tissue: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, prognosis

Protargol is a powerful antiseptic for local application. The drug is a colloidal solution of silver, which is prescribed in ENT practice for infectious and inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract. The tool stops the reproduction and spread of pathogenic microflora, prevents the development of complications. The article discusses detailed instructions for the use of Protargol in the form of nasal drops and aerosol in adults and children.

The composition of the drug and medicinal properties

The main active ingredient of the medicinal solution is silver proteinate. It's international generic name Protargola (INN). Appearance - light brown powder with a yellow tinge, without a specific smell. Slightly astringent substance with a slight bitterness to taste.

The auxiliary component in the composition of the drug is polyvinyl-N-pyrrolidone. It is a water-soluble polymer, a binding agent with disinfectant properties. Enhances the bioavailability of the main active substance.

A colloidal solution is obtained by adding special stabilizers that prevent the particles of the substance from sticking together, which determines the stability of the active components for a long time (from several months to several years).

Protargol is an antiseptic with disinfectant properties. Silver ions bind to the DNA of the microbe, and stops its reproduction. The drug is active relative to aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. This is due to the biochemical qualities of the solution, which have a destructive effect on the cell membrane. Violating its integrity, the drug reacts with the enzymes of viruses, bacteria, changes the metabolic processes in them, and breaks protein bonds. Such processes entail the loss of viability of the microbe.

Silver is a heavy metal, belongs to the second hazard class. Therefore, it is important to follow the prescribed dosage. At low concentrations, the substance has a bacteriostatic effect, at high concentrations it is bactericidal. Many types of pathogenic microflora (especially spore-forming ones) are resistant to the drug.

Pharmacological action of the drug:

  • antimicrobial;
  • disinfectant;
  • disinfectant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent.

When applying the solution to the inflamed surface of the mucosa, Protargol forms a film. The disinfection effect depends on chemical formula prepared medicine. The smaller the silver particles, the more pronounced the antibacterial effect.

The drug relieves irritation and reduces the sensitivity of the epithelium, eliminates symptoms such as itching, irritation, sneezing. One of the main properties is to reduce the inflammatory response. Chemical substance narrows blood vessels, which leads to the elimination of edema and catarrh of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

Silver ions stop the reproduction of bacteria and large viruses. The liquid is active against pathogenic microflora, but it is not an antibiotic. At the same time, the solution does not disturb quantitative composition conditionally pathogenic microflora and does not cause dysbacteriosis. The drug activates the process of tissue regeneration and accelerates their healing.

Protargol solution does not allow infection to spread to the mucous membranes of neighboring organs and deep into tissues, reduces the risk of complications.

The medicine is used only locally. Silver ions are absorbed into systemic circulation in a small amount, so the occurrence of adverse systemic effects was not recorded. When applied to the nasal mucosa, the drug does not affect the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Indications for prescribing the drug

The solution is prescribed in otolaryngology for adults and children with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system.

Indications for the use of the drug:

  • acute and chronic rhinitis;
  • sinusitis - sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis;
  • nasopharyngitis - any form of inflammation of the nasopharynx;
  • adenoids in children;
  • pharyngitis;
  • otitis media - inflammation of the middle ear.

The solution is suitable for treatment chronic pathology nasal cavity, which is accompanied by dryness of the epithelium, insufficiency of mucus production, atrophic processes.

With a prolonged course of a respiratory infection, Protargol is prescribed as prophylactic to prevent the attachment of bacterial microflora and the development of purulent inflammation paranasal sinuses nose.

The solution is washed wound surface after surgical treatment in the area of ​​the nasal passages and sinuses, as well as before diagnostic procedures.

The use of drugs to prevent the development of viral infection in the autumn-winter period with an increased epidemiological situation.

For infants, Protargol is prescribed as hygiene product(washing the nose).

The solution is also suitable for rinsing or washing the throat with nasopharyngitis (infectious inflammation of the nasopharynx), sore throat various genesis except diphtheria.

How often can Protargol be dripped for children and adults

The drug is intended exclusively for local use. A child is prescribed a 1% solution, an adult 2%.

Protargol for children newborns drip 1 drop into each nostril 2-3 times a day. From 1 to 6 years old, 1-2 drops are prescribed in each nasal passage 3 times a day. The maximum course of treatment is 1 week.

After 6 years, Protargol from the common cold can be used as a spray to irrigate the inflamed mucosa. To do this, use a special spray nozzle. Make 1-2 injections 3 times a day.

Gargling is prescribed after 3 years. Babies lubricate the oral mucosa with cotton or gauze swab dipped in 1% solution. Protargol for the throat is not recommended for children under one year old to avoid getting the medicine into the digestive tract.

Before dripping medicine to a child, a test is made that determines individual sensitivity to the drug. A few drops of liquid are applied to inner surface elbow bend and after 3-5 minutes evaluate the result. If redness, burning appeared on the skin, then it is strictly forbidden to use the product. The irritated area must be thoroughly washed under running water for 15 minutes.

Protargol for adults drip 3 drops into each nasal passage 3 times a day, or 5 drops in the morning and evening.

Contraindications and side effects

Protargol is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to silver or individual intolerance.

Do not prescribe medicine to women during pregnancy or with HB (breastfeeding).

Possible side effects during treatment are local in nature and manifest as irritation of the mucous membranes, burning, itching. Sometimes there are rashes on the skin (allergic dermatitis). In young children, there is a cough from Protargol, which disappears on its own after the drug is discontinued.

If you constantly exceed the prescribed dose, violate treatment regimens, use the solution for more than the prescribed time, then this can lead to the accumulation of silver in the body. This chemical element is toxic and can cause poisoning of the body.

With prolonged accumulation of silver in the tissues, such a side effect as argyria develops - intense pigmentation of the skin in a silvery or blue-gray tint. The phenomenon is irreversible. This condition does not pose a threat to life.

Release form of the drug

Protargol is available in a liquid dosage form - a clear solution with opalescence (an indicator of transparency, small particles of a substance are visible in the light). The color of the drug is brown, light or dark shade. This discrepancy is the norm.

A water-based solution is prepared in a pharmacy in accordance with a prescription issued by a doctor, individually for each patient. Raw materials (silver proteinate) for the preparation of drops are available in the form of a soluble powder.

Protargol is sold in a dark glass bottle of 10 ml. It is closed with a dense polyethylene stopper and a plastic cover. The label accurately indicates the following data: the series of silver used for the medicine, the date the solution was prepared, the number until which the drops can be used.

The prepared solution is stored in a refrigerator at t° from 2 to 8°C. Direct hits must not be allowed. sun rays. The description of the medicine states that the expiration date should not exceed 30 days from the date of manufacture (without opening the vial).

Country of origin - Russia. average price for 10 ml - 2% drops 240 rubles.

How to replace Protargol

Since Protargol has antibacterial properties, it is replaced with antimicrobial agents with similar action- Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Dekasan.

In infectious and inflammatory processes in the nose, solutions based on sea ​​salt- Aquamaris, Humer, No-Sol, Aqualor, Salin.

Drops of Protargol can be replaced with analogues based on silver proteinate - Sialor or Collargol.

It is an antimicrobial agent with an astringent effect. It has a detrimental effect on bacteria and fungi. The drug creates a protective film that prevents the introduction of an infectious agent into the mucosa. Method of application - intranasal.

Sialor is available in the form of soluble tablets for self-preparation of a solution at home. Pour 10 ml of boiled chilled water into the bottle, which is included in the kit, drop the tablet and shake until it is completely dissolved (8-10 minutes). Apply to the mucosa using a dropper or spray nozzle.

Sialor is good replacement Protargola for children. The annotation does not indicate serious contraindications, cases of overdose have not been recorded. Rarely, an allergic reaction occurs severe burning sensation in the area of ​​application of the drug. In this case, the mucous membrane should be thoroughly rinsed with clean running water.

Drops are dripped into the nose for children, aerosol application is indicated for adults. The duration of therapy is 5-7 days.

An antiseptic that reduces the production of pathological exudate in the nose. The components of the drug are silver and albumin (a water-soluble protein is a binding substance in pharmacology).

Collargol is indicated for prolonged rhinitis of infectious origin. It is an alternative replacement for children with enlarged adenoids.

In pediatric practice, the drug is prescribed from birth, with the exception of protein intolerance in a child. At chronic rhinitis, tonsillitis, the solution is dripped into the nasal passages.

Collargol contains a large number of silver (70%) in comparison with Protargol (8.3%). Therefore, during treatment, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage and prevent liquid from entering the esophagus and stomach.

The peculiarity of the drug is the duration of storage in a darkened glass bottle with a tightly closed lid for 5 years.

The cost of Protargol analogues varies in the range of 225-285 rubles. for a bottle.

Protargol for children and adults is often prescribed. It must be remembered that silver is toxic, therefore, during therapy, it is impossible to violate the prescribed treatment regimen. It is important to observe the exact dosage and duration of treatment. Between therapeutic courses do long breaks.

Under all conditions, the drug is not dangerous for patients, regardless of age and general condition. The solution does not interact with other drugs, does not reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics. Therefore, he is assigned to complex treatment infectious inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

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Protargol: use in medicine today

Note! Depending on the workload of the pharmacist, you need to wait for the preparation of the drug different time. In general, the process takes about half an hour, but in order not to waste time, arrange for certain time, for which the tool will be exactly ready.

How to be treated with Protargol

Urology allows the use of Protargol as a solution for washing the canal. Tamponade of the urethra and installations are also carried out with a silver solution. And in gynecological practice Protargol is used as a solution. The doctor prescribes douching and the use of fluid-soaked tampons according to a special schedule for each case. Most often, a 2% drug is prescribed.

Ophthalmic diseases disappear after daily instillation of Protargol every 4-6 hours. Two or three drops are gently applied to the infected eye. For prevention, you can also instill a healthy eye. The treatment lasts a week.

As nose drops use Protargol for people of all ages. Up to 6 years old, up to two drops are administered three times a day, patients older than 6 can instill 3 drops in each nasal passage. Before the introduction of drops, it is necessary to rinse the nose with saline, salt or sea ​​water. The course of treatment does not exceed 7 days.

Inflammation of the ear, in particular, otitis, disappears in a week. It is enough to drip up to 5 drops of Protargol in sore ear every 5 hours. This recipe suitable for patients of all ages.

Important! For children under 3 years old, only 1% of the drug is allowed.

What kind of runny nose will cure Protargol

The logical question that will arise at the first use of Protargol is whether it is able to get rid of the elementary clogging of the nasal cavity and alleviate the constant flow from the nose? Does it help with the simplest children's runny nose?

Unfortunately, not all microorganisms are subject to the action of silver ions. The composition of the drug determines its powerful antibacterial effect, but it is powerless in the treatment viral diseases. And this means that not all the runny nose will pass when instilled with Protargol.

Only 5% of rhinitis is caused by pathogenic bacteria, the rest of the cases are the work of viruses. And with a viral infection, Protargol will become no more useful than an ordinary liquid. Although the prevention of bacterial sinusitis or rhinitis with this drug is simply excellent, as is the treatment of these diseases.

To choose the right remedy for the treatment of the common cold, you need to know the differences between bacterial and viral rhinitis. The very first signs of nasal congestion are caused by viruses, a very small percentage of problems of this kind are caused by bacteria. Viral rhinitis is characterized by light and copious secretions mucus from the nose. Accompanying such a runny nose with itching in the nose and sneezing is standard. Depending on work immune system, viral runny nose disappears completely in two weeks, and by the 7th day its symptoms are significantly reduced.

But when after a crescent the runny nose did not go away, and even became more complicated, it is possible that viral rhinitis was reinforced by a bacterial component. Prolonged nasal congestion and thick discharge with an admixture of pus, greenish or yellow color require a different treatment. It is necessary to fight such a disease immediately, preventing the development of sinusitis.

The reason for going to the doctor in this case is often headaches, fever, general weakness and a feeling of fullness in the sinuses in the absence of other symptoms of a cold - coughing, pain when swallowing, etc. It is in such cases that Protargol will help and the possibility of prescribing it by a doctor is high.

Features of the composition: side effects and drug overdose

The presence of a heavy metal in itself causes an exacerbation of allergic reactions in people prone to them. Therefore, this category of patients should be especially attentive to their health during treatment. If the drug is not suitable, then the symptoms will be detected almost immediately:

  • irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and other organs;
  • after instillation, itching and unpleasant burning appear;
  • a feeling of numbness at the site of application is possible;
  • dry mouth, nasal cavity;
  • eye redness;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • causeless headache and loss of balance
  • drowsiness;
  • on skin possible urticaria.

If any of the above symptoms appear, stop treatment with Protargol . The price of neglecting this recommendation is your health.

Interesting! Allergic reactions to silver solution are least affected by infants in the first months of life. Moreover, a single use of Protargol as a prophylaxis will not bring any harm.

An overdose of silver solution is also possible, it occurs when silver ions accumulate in the blood. Long term use of this drug is reflected in the color of the skin, it becomes lighter, may acquire a grayish tint. Such a reaction is obtained due to the interaction of silver with various proteins in the body and, as a result, the cells produce excess pigments. Manifestations of amnesia and slurred speech are possible - these are consequences of the process of neurotoxicity.

There are no specific data on the use of the drug by pregnant and lactating mothers. Therefore, it is recommended to limit the use of Protargol during this period. However, in case of special need and strictly according to the doctor's prescription, the drug is allowed for the treatment of this category of women.

Important!The drug has no effect on the reaction rate of a person and his mental condition V this moment. Visual acuity and concentration of attention remain unchanged when taking the drug.

Some myths about Protargol

The most common fact that ignorant users of Protargol are afraid of is that silver ions tend to accumulate in the body and cause argyria in humans. In fact, the content of silver in the preparation is not so critical. And the time of using the remedy does not reach such a period at which in the mucous membranes and internal organs a whole gram of precious metal could accumulate.

Important! Protargol should not be the only possible method of treatment during an illness that has occurred, and it should be used only under the supervision of a doctor.

The second myth that can be seen in the reviews of "enthusiastic" patients is that Protargol is a panacea for all diseases. Rumors that this drug is able to get rid of the most complex diseases, such as cancerous tumors, tuberculosis, HIV infection, are not true. The ability of the drug to create a protective film, significantly reduce the sensitivity of the area affected by inflammation and influence the diameter of the vessels, helps well with conjunctivitis, rhinitis, cystitis, but does not give results in more serious diseases.

And the last erroneous opinion that Protargol - obsolete remedy. Yes, today's pharmaceutical industry is replete with a variety of drugs a wide range actions and old means are no longer so popular. But the silver solution is still prescribed by some and helps parents in the treatment of difficult purulent inflammation in children.

Doctors assure: this drug will not harm even the smallest child, and the result of its use in terms of its effect on bacteria and purulent inflammatory processes is similar to that obtained from antibiotics. How and to whom to apply Protargol?

Drops Protargol

When antibiotics were not as widespread as they are today, for the treatment of ENT diseases, inexpensive remedy based on silver. Protargol has been produced for half a century and does not lose effectiveness. It has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, does not provoke dysbacteriosis, as happens when taking antibiotics, and is used in pediatrics. However, the issue of safety is still open, because the medicine is dispensed from pharmacies only by prescription.


Anyone who is interested in what Protargol is, you just need to look at the composition of this medicine: the basis is a colloidal solution of silver, so the official internal name- silver protein. A medicinal preparation is prepared from an odorless brown powder (a yellowish tint is possible), which contains about 8% given element, which pharmacists with the help of water turn into a solution of low concentration: one / two percent. Other liquids are not used. The taste of the powder and the finished aqueous solution are astringent.

If we consider the Protargol solution in more detail, then colloidal silver can be decomposed into the following components:

  • silver salts (oxide or nitrate);
  • protein hydrolysis - gelatin, casein or serum albumin used for stabilization.

Release form

Protargol refers to medicines that are prepared to order, after which the patient receives a small 10 ml vial, which contains a ready-made aqueous solution. Mostly pharmacists make a 2% version, but you can order a 1% one. The bottles do not come with a pipette or dosing syringe; the throat is closed either with a rubber stopper or a screw cap. The drug is produced as "Protargol nose drops", however, the solution, even with the official instructions, is oriented not only for instillation into the nasal passages. The color is brown, the consistency is very liquid.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

At the moment when Protargol enters the mucous membrane, a protective film is formed, which reduces the sensitivity of its surface, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and provokes vasoconstriction. Local application of Protargol can have the same effect on the skin: reduce its sensitivity and slow down the inflammatory process. However, the properties of silver do not end there - it:

  • inhibits the growth of bacteria;
  • depressing effect on fungal flora;
  • stops the activity of some viruses.

The exact spectrum of action and scope are determined by what concentration of the solution is used:

  • The 1% variant has only a bacteriostatic property - it stops their reproduction, prevents them from developing, but does not kill, therefore, when weak immunity the use of a drug with such a low concentration of silver is impractical.
  • 2% Protargol reduces the number of fungi and bacteria, as it provokes their death, helping to cope with the infection.

The use of colloidal silver, according to doctors, is less dangerous than the use of ionic silver, since the former is less toxic, the mucous membranes are not cauterized and are not irritated. In terms of bactericidal properties, colloidal silver ions are also very effective, but preparations based on it have a drawback, which lies in short term storage. Protargol can be used no longer than a couple of weeks after opening the solution and only a month from the date of manufacture.

Protargol - indications for use

The official instruction informs that Protargol therapy can be performed both in an adult and in a small child, but for the latter, the circle of reasons allowing the use of this drug is narrowed. Pediatricians prescribe Protargol to small patients to:

  • cold treatment;
  • prevention of influenza complications;
  • elimination of otitis, pharyngitis;
  • treatment of sinusitis;
  • therapy aimed at stopping the growth of adenoids;
  • prevention of blepharitis (according to the instructions - only for newborns).

In adults, the list of indications for use is expanding - conjunctivitis and some diseases of the urinary and urinary tract are added to the already mentioned problems of the ENT organs. reproductive systems. The use of Protargol is also justified in the case of:


There are disputes about the safety of using the drug even strictly according to the instructions: the concentration of silver ions in it is not the highest, but even with such figures it is a heavy metal that tends to accumulate if the duration of treatment exceeds several days. According to official instructions the use of Protargol is unacceptable only:

  • during pregnancy;
  • with allergies to the components of the drug.

The list of prohibitions is classic for all medicines, although nothing is said about the period breastfeeding, in which doctors often also advise caution. Even though pediatricians prescribe Protargol to children who have just been born, most doctors advise not to introduce this medicine into the baby's therapy unless clear instructions are received from a specialist. The reason for this is that colloidal silver is a strong allergen.

Method of application and dosage

The use of Protargol according to the official instructions can only be local: the drug is allowed to be instilled into the nasal (treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, to relieve swelling of the mucosa) and ear canals (prevention and treatment of otitis media), and in urology and gynecology, it is possible to introduce Protargol into the vagina and anal passage on tampons, or the use of this drug as the basis for douching (treatment of inflammatory diseases of the vagina and cervix). With a runny nose, washing with a diluted solution of the nasal passages is not excluded.

Protargol for adults

The use of this drug in children over 6 years of age and adults is the same, but it is advisable for the latter to use the 2% option, and for children - 1%. If there is a suspicion of high sensitivity of the mucous membranes, first try to drip 1 drop of the drug and monitor your reaction. The classic dosage according to the official instructions is as follows:

  • Treatment of rhinitis - up to 2 times a day, drip into the nose, 5 drops.
  • Prevention and treatment of otitis media - up to 3 times a day, 5 drops in each ear canal.
  • Treatment of conjunctivitis, blepharitis - up to 4 times a day, drip 3 drops.

For children

Some pediatricians advise rinsing oral cavity water, where 2-3 drops of silver proteinate are introduced, and lubricate with this (you need to soak the tip with a solution cotton swab) the back wall of the throat during a sore throat, if observed severe inflammation mucous. However, this method of application is not mentioned in the official instructions. Most doctors recommend using Protargol for children carefully and only in order to cure a simple and purulent runny nose, otitis, pharyngitis. Dosage and principle of use in children under 6 years old look like this:

  • If you need to eliminate inflammatory diseases of the eyes, a 1% solution is required to drip into each conjunctival sac 1-2 drops, repeat the procedure up to 2 times a day.
  • If you are going to treat a runny nose in a child, it is recommended to drip a 2% solution into each nostril once a day, 3 drops.

special instructions

The duration of the use of this drug is indicated by the doctor, however, if you have started self-treatment, be guided by the recommendations given by the instructions: 7 days for adults, up to 5 days for children. After an overdose of the drug begins due to the fact that silver proteins accumulate in the body. Additionally, doctors advise:

  • before using the drug for instillation into the nose, rinse, remove dry crusts, blow your nose;
  • observe equal intervals between the procedures for using a silver solution, especially in children.

During pregnancy and lactation

For women bearing a child, doctors do not advise the use of this drug (and other medicines containing silver), because. the active component is carried by the bloodstream and deposited in the tissues, it may be unsafe for the fetus. Regarding the feeding period, the data vary, but experts are inclined to believe that the drug is contraindicated during lactation.

Interaction with other drugs

According to the official instructions, colloidal silver does not affect the medications taken on the same day, so the interaction of Protargol with any medications is neutral. Doctors often recommend combining its topical application with internal reception immunostimulants or with agents that have a vasoconstrictor effect (with a cold). The only thing with which this drug is not combined is with the same sources of silver.


Instructions found in open sources report that even in the absence of an overdose, this drug may cause allergic reactions:

  • pruritus;
  • burning in the area of ​​use;
  • redness of the white of the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • shortness of breath


The antiseptic property is inherent in a large number of drugs of different price categories, but it is difficult to find an analogue of Protargol in terms of the structural composition, since drugs based on silver are almost never produced. Doctors allocate the following medicines:

  • Collargol - they are often advised by doctors to replace Protargol, but care must be taken, since the percentage of silver content is much higher here.
  • Sialor - popular remedy, which also has antiseptic properties(the main substance is the same active silver ions in a similar concentration), but Sialor costs more due to the pipette and the absence adverse reactions: the membrane of the nasal cavity is not irritated.

Protargol price

A small bottle of this drug can cost more than 100 rubles only in a number of pharmacies high level setting prices at their own discretion. It is difficult to buy Protargol not because of the cost, but because of the peculiarities of the release: it is found only in pharmacies that are engaged in the instant production of medicines. You can't order online either.

The price policy for the finished solution in Moscow pharmacies is as follows:


My daughter (baby) had a bacterial runny nose treated with penny Protargol - the only drug from which I saw an effect in a day. I alternate with Aquamaris to pierce the nose (the properties of silver ions do not include breathing relief), I drip 2 times / day - such an instruction was given to us by a pediatrician. Minus - a fresh solution is stored for a short time, exactly for 1 course.

I tested silver preparations on myself several times - bacterial rhinitis, otitis media after the flu, tonsillitis: in all situations they work quickly. I tried to treat a child's runny nose in a four-year-old son - I encountered an individual reaction: it opens severe vomiting, the membrane of the nasal mucosa swells, although the duration of use was a day.

The pediatrician prescribed her daughter (6 years old) Sialor when we came with a runny nose that did not stop. It was not in the nearest pharmacy, so I agreed, on the advice of a pharmacist, to buy Protargol - instructions for use were not attached to it, so I had to surf the Internet. The daughter complained of a burning sensation when she dripped, but the symptoms of a runny nose passed quickly.

With drugs "on you" - they are not suitable, even the most harmless, but faced with lingering runny nose, passed into a purulent phase, ran to the pharmacy. Protargol, familiar from childhood, caught my eye - but there is no instruction for use, I found out the dosage from my grandmother. I dripped 2 drops during the day, washed my nose. The situation improved in 2 days!

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Protargol (nasal drops 1% and 2%) - instructions for use, analogues, reviews, indications for the treatment of the common cold and adenoids and side effects of the drug in adults and children (including infants and newborns) and during pregnancy and feeding

This page contains detailed instructions for the use of Protargol. Available dosage forms drug (nasal drops 1% and 2%), as well as its analogues. Information is provided on the side effects that Protargol can cause, on interactions with other drugs. In addition to information about the diseases for the treatment and prevention of which the drug is prescribed (runny nose, adenoids, conjunctivitis), the algorithms for admission are described in detail, possible dosages for adults, in children (including infants and newborns), the possibility of use during pregnancy and lactation is specified. The annotation to Protargol is supplemented by reviews of patients and doctors.

Instructions for use and method of use

The drug Protargol is available in the form aqueous solution for local use.

For the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases: for adults and children, a 1-2% solution of Protargol is instilled into the eyes, 2-3 drops 2-4 times a day.

For the treatment of urological infections: a 2% solution of Protargol is used to wash the bladder and urethra.

For the treatment of ENT diseases (rhinitis, runny nose, pharyngitis, otitis media): adults and children should be instilled into the nose 3-5 drops 2 times a day.

Recommendations for the use of the drug Protargol in the form of an aqueous solution: before instilling the drug Protargol, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the nose (especially for children). After washing the nose, the child must be placed on his back and an appropriate number of drops should be instilled into each nasal passage. The introduction of Protargol should be carried out in the morning and evening. The effect of the drug Protargol appears after a few days (2-3 days). The duration of treatment with Protargol is 2 weeks.

Nose drops 1% and 2% solution.

Protargol is a silver preparation that has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent action. The drug Protargol is widely used in the treatment of inflammatory (especially purulent) processes in ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology, urology. The drug Protargol is used in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases (rhinitis, pharyngitis, otitis media) in children.

In comparison with antibiotics, taking Protargol does not lead to dysbacteriosis. The drug Protargol is available in the form of an aqueous solution.

On the surface of the skin or mucous membranes damaged as a result of illness and inflammation, Protargol forms a protective film (due to the precipitation of proteins with silver). Protargol reduces the sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes, constricts blood vessels, which leads to suppression inflammatory reactions. Silver ions inhibit reproduction various viruses and bacteria.

  • hypersensitivity to the drug or its components.

Before using the drug, you should consult a doctor. Protargol should be used exclusively freshly prepared. The drug Protargol does not affect the ability to drive a car and to manage various mechanisms. The finished medicine should be stored in a dark glass container.

  • irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • burning sensation;
  • skin itching;
  • dry mouth;
  • eye redness;
  • feeling of numbness;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • hives;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • angioedema;
  • atopic dermatitis.

Before using Protargol, be sure to tell your doctor about the use of other medicines. In most cases, Protargol can be used in combination with other drugs (there is no data on the interaction of Protargol with other drugs).

Analogues of the drug Protargol

Structural analogues according to active ingredient medicine Protargol does not have.

It is possible to use the drug in children.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, Protargol should not be used. If it is necessary to use the drug Protargol during lactation, breastfeeding should be suspended.

Protargol - all about the drug

Protargol (silver proteinate) is a colloidal solution of silver, which is produced and used in the form of an aqueous colloidal solution, and has astringent, anti-inflammatory and pronounced antiseptic action. It is a powder (dry extract) containing 7.8-8.3% silver, from which one and / or two percent aqueous solution is prepared in the production departments of the pharmacy, which is used in the form of nasal drops, eye drops and solutions for washing the bladder. This drug is actively used in the treatment of inflammatory processes occurring in ophthalmology, urology, otolaryngology and is prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory processes, including purulent ones - rhinitis, conjunctivitis, adenoiditis, pharyngitis, urethritis. The main positive qualities of Protargol are the absence of dysbiotic disorders of the intestinal microflora (intestinal dysbacteriosis) and the absence of addiction. It is effective in the treatment of complicated rhinitis various etiologies- with prolonged purulent rhinitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis and frontal sinusitis, for the treatment of recurrent and prolonged nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis, as well as for the treatment of adenoiditis and purulent inflammation of the middle ear. With predominantly purulent or complicated inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctiva), as well as in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis and urethritis). And to prevent the development of blepharitis in newborns.

Pharmacological properties of protargol and mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of protargol on damaged, as a result of the inflammatory process, mucous membranes or skin surface is the formation of a protective film that occurs due to the precipitation of proteins with silver, reducing the sensitivity of mucous membranes, skin and activating vasoconstriction, which leads to inhibition of inflammatory reactions. Also, silver ions have the ability to suppress the reproduction of various bacteria, fungal flora and, to a lesser extent, viruses. In a lesser percentage concentration colloidal solution of protargol has a bacteriostatic effect, and in a higher one it has a bactericidal effect on bacterial and fungal pathogenic flora.

Indications for use

An aqueous colloidal solution of protargol is used to treat the common cold of various etiologies (rhinitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis), for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis), for the treatment of pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis, for the treatment of adenoiditis and inflammatory processes of the middle ear (otitis), in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis and urethritis). And also for the prevention of the development of blepharitis in newborns.

Protargol release form

The drug Protargol is available as a 1% and 2% aqueous colloidal solution for topical use.

This is one of the few medicines on the modern pharmaceutical market that must be used only fresh, ordering a solution in a pharmacy, and when the expiration date has expired, purchase a new solution of the desired concentration again. This is due to the fact that the unique properties of silver ions, which are contained in the colloidal solution of Protargol, provide its effective antiseptic effect, but it is very difficult to obtain active metal ions, because silver quickly passes into a bound state. But it is precisely this quality that is used in the manufacture of dry extract. Silver is first associated with a protein substrate, which is then dried. colloidal solution, which was previously actively used in medical practice and has not lost its relevance and is currently obtained from a dry extract, which is dissolved in distilled water. As a result of the dissociation reaction, silver ions pass into the active state from protein complexes into water and due to which they easily penetrate into the bacterial and fungal cells, disrupting the processes of its vital activity.

Protargol solution is made in the production department of the pharmacy, which is engaged in the manufacture of medicinal solutions from medicinal raw materials. In a small locality, usually pharmacies do not have their own production department that manufactures drugs, you will have to look for a nearby city and go for a drug where it can be prepared. Drops in a pharmacy are prepared by a pharmacist by simply mixing the dry extract with distilled water, and the preparation process itself does not take much time. But it will not be possible to purchase a dry extract and dilute it yourself, due to the fact that it is necessary to follow the preparation method and accurately weigh all necessary ingredients. You can order and purchase Protargol only by prescription.

Also, before you start using Protargol, you need to know that this is a very effective, but not entirely harmless remedy that has side effects and contraindications, as well as exact compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician - dose, concentration, frequency of administration during the day and duration of use for various pathological conditions. conditions in children and adults.

Protargol application

This medicinal product is for topical use only.

In the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases, Protargol is prescribed in the form of a 1% or 2% solution: for adults and children, two or three drops two to four times a day by instillation of the eyes.

For the treatment of urological infections (cystitis and urethritis), a 2% colloidal solution of Protargol is used, which is used to wash the urethra and bladder.

For the treatment of otolaryngological diseases (rhinitis, pharyngitis, otitis) for adults and children, a 1% or 2% solution of Protargol is prescribed from three to five drops twice a day, instilled into each nostril.

Special recommendations for the use of the drug in the form of a colloidal aqueous solution are - thorough rinsing of the nose (especially in childhood) before instilling the drug. After carrying out the toilet of the nose, the baby should be put on his back and drip the number of drops prescribed by the doctor into each nasal passage, adhering to the frequency of use during the day. Instillation of Protargol is carried out in the morning and in the evening, and the effect of this drug is manifested in two to three days. The duration of treatment with Protargol is determined by the attending physician.

Side effects of Protargol

It should be noted that this drug, like any other drug, can cause a number of side effects, especially if used in an inadequate dosage or for a long time and uncontrolled. These include: allergic reactions - irritation of the mucous membrane, pruritus, urticaria, atopic dermatitis, redness of the eyes, Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock. You may also experience: dry mouth, numbness or burning sensation, headache, drowsiness or dizziness.


The use of the drug Protargol is categorically contraindicated in pregnant women and when breastfeeding, as well as in the presence of increased individual sensitivity to the drug or its components (in particular, to silver and its protein components).

This fact is the main reason for the significant limitation of the use of this fairly effective drug and the need for a thorough collection of allergic anamnesis. Therefore, adults and children with a high tendency to allergic reactions or with an unfavorable family history of allergies, as well as reduced immunity, Protargol is used only under medical supervision. In childhood, Protargol is used only in a 1% colloidal solution.

Also, parents of young children should be aware of the high toxicity of the drug when taken orally. Children up to three or four years old have incredible curiosity and practically total absence feelings of self-preservation and personal security, therefore, there are quite frequent cases when Small child ingests a large amount of the drug, when using Protargol, this can lead to severe poisoning and even lethal outcome. In addition, it must be remembered that silver is a heavy metal that has a certain hazard class and a level of permissible concentration. Like most heavy metals, silver can accumulate and be slowly eliminated from the body with a constant intake. And getting into gastrointestinal tract, this chemical element, due to its physical and chemical properties, easily penetrates into the blood and spreads throughout the body. Silver can be deposited in the skin and mucous membranes, in the kidneys, bone marrow, spleen, capillary walls, cornea and lens of the eye and endocrine glands. The accumulation of silver in the human body causes specific disease called "argyrosis". Therefore, if the family has a small child, you should always monitor the amount of the drug and keep it out of the reach of children.

Protargol for children

Since ancient times healing properties silver people used to treat and prevent many diseases. Therefore, many parents who note the effectiveness of the Protargol solution, sometimes without hesitation, use it as soon as necessary - a slight runny nose, cough, or the onset of a viral infection. And this is not correct. Only a doctor should prescribe this drug, and it can only be used freshly prepared in a pharmacy.

Treatment with Protargol must be carried out with a full understanding of the benefits and risks of using this drug.

Currently, when choosing an effective drug in children, especially in the treatment of prolonged inflammation of the nasal cavity and its paranasal sinuses (rhinitis or sinusitis), parents are guided by the opinion of a trusted doctor - a pediatrician or a pediatric otolaryngologist. Today there is whole line modern drugs- sprays and drops, which are defined by their manufacturers as completely safe and at the same time no less effective medicines than Protargol nasal drops. But practicing doctors, who have the opportunity to really appreciate all the positive qualities of this drug, and are well acquainted with all its side effects, prescribe it in their medical practice often enough, because he copes with his task flawlessly and quickly. Possessing a range of positive effects - astringent, anti-inflammatory and pronounced antiseptic action, Protargol, when applied strictly according to the instructions! - according to the prescribed dosage, concentration of the solution, frequency of use, duration and according to the terms of implementation, it is the most effective remedy in the treatment of purulent inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, mucous membrane of the eyes or in severe purulent infections of the urinary system in children. The use of this drug in newborns avoids infection of the eyelids and the very frequent postpartum complications- development of blepharitis in newborns. At the same time, Protargol, as a highly effective drug, quickly destroys any bacteria - gram-negative and gram-positive, aerobic and anaerobic, while it does not form addiction, and it does not cause intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Therefore, with good individual tolerance of silver and its protein fractions, which are used in this preparation to bind its ions in the preparation of a dry extract, it is necessary to strictly control the duration of treatment, use the drug only when absolutely necessary and take long breaks between courses of treatment. In this case, complications such as argyrosis are completely excluded - a disease that is characterized by a change in skin color due to deposits in its cells of silver ions, accumulated in excess in the body.

Drops protargol

Protargol is a drug intended only for topical use in the form of drops, and is available as a 1% and 2% aqueous colloidal solution. It is used to treat complicated rhinitis of various etiologies - prolonged purulent rhinitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis, with predominantly purulent or complicated inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis), for the treatment of recurrent and prolonged pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis, for the treatment of adenoiditis and purulent inflammation of the middle ear (otitis), as well as in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis and urethritis). And to prevent the development of blepharitis in newborns.

In the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases, Protargol is prescribed in the form of a 1% or 2% solution: for adults and children, by instillation of the eyes, two to three drops, two to four times a day.

For the treatment of otolaryngological diseases (rhinitis, pharyngitis, otitis) for adults and children, a 1% or 2% solution of Protargol is used by instilling three to five drops into the nose twice a day in each nostril.

The duration of treatment with Protargol is determined by the attending physician.

Where to buy protargol

Protargol solution is not a drug that is freely sold in pharmacy network in finished form. It is made by a pharmacist who is engaged in the manufacture of medicinal solutions in the production department of a pharmacy. You can order and purchase Protargol only by prescription.

In a small village, pharmacies usually do not have their own production department that manufactures medicines, so you will have to look for a nearby city where there are such pharmacies, after consulting the pharmacy reference phone in advance or information can also be found on the Internet.

Drops in a pharmacy are prepared by a pharmacist by simply mixing the dry extract with distilled water, and the process of preparing a colloidal solution takes a little time. But it will not be possible to purchase a dry extract and dilute it yourself, due to the fact that it is necessary to follow the preparation method and accurately weigh all the necessary ingredients.

Protargol price

Protargol at a price available to each patient, which is rubles, but this is not the main advantage of this drug. Unlike a number of cutting-edge drugs - sprays and drops, which are defined by their manufacturers as completely safe and at the same time no less effective drugs than Protargol nose drops, they are inferior to it in terms of the spectrum of action on pathogenic bacterial microflora (gram-negative and gram-positive, aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms) and fungal flora. Also, it does not cause intestinal dysbacteriosis and addiction is not formed to it. And the combination of active anti-inflammatory and astringent effects only complement its quality, speed and effectiveness.

But it is also necessary to know, along with the fact that Protargol is a very effective, but not entirely harmless remedy that has side effects and contraindications, and also needs to strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician - dose, concentration, frequency of administration during the day and duration of use with various pathological conditions in adults and children. Therefore, Protargol is not the drug of choice in the initial stage of the common cold or in case of a viral infection, the first manifestations of conjunctivitis, or even if sinusitis is suspected. It is prescribed only in a medical institution, after examination by a pediatrician, therapist or otolaryngologist, in case of emergency or ineffectiveness of treatment with other drugs.

Protargol reviews

A solution of Protargol or silver proteinate is a silver-containing protein compound with a pronounced astringent, unique antiseptic and strong anti-inflammatory effect. This agent has the form of a brown-yellow powder of a slightly bitter taste and odorless, highly soluble in water. The silver content in it is from 7.8 to 8.3%. From the powder (dry extract) in pharmacies, 1-2 or 5% solutions are prepared, which are used for topical application. The disinfecting (antiseptic) ability of the Protargol solution increases in proportion to its concentration. In the same relationship is the severity and frequency of side effects (the higher the concentration, the more risk). In this regard, this drug is not prescribed at the first manifestations of conjunctivitis, at the initial stage of a cold, or with a banal viral infection. In addition, its use is the exact observance of the recommendations of the attending physician - the dose, concentration, frequency of administration during the day and the duration of use in adults and children. Protargol is prescribed only in a medical institution, after a doctor's examination, if absolutely necessary or if treatment with other drugs is ineffective. For the treatment of complicated rhinitis with prolonged purulent rhinitis or sinusitis (sinusitis, ethmoiditis and frontal sinusitis), for the treatment of recurrent and prolonged nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis, for the treatment of purulent inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media) and adenoiditis. And also with predominantly purulent or complicated inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, as well as in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis and urethritis).

But it must be remembered that its use is possible only with good individual tolerance of silver and its protein fractions, strict control of the timing of treatment and use the drug only when absolutely necessary, taking long breaks between courses of treatment.

This article provides detailed instructions for the use of Protargol for children. You can find a lot about this drug in the Internet. various articles and reviews mostly people's reviews are positive. Many mothers note quick effect from the use of Protargol. Protargol is able to perform the function of antibiotics and at the same time not harm the health of the child. A simple composition inspires confidence in the drug, as it does not contain obscure chemicals.

What is Protargol?

This medicine is a remedy that is both an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and also an astringent. Doctors often advise the use of this remedy when inflammatory processes in the field of ophthalmology, urology and otorhinolaryngology. Protargol is able to quickly and efficiently cure diseases in children such as rhinitis, otitis, pharyngitis.

Unlike popular antibiotics this drug does not contribute to the appearance of dysbacteriosis, it does not negative impact on the young child’s body that has not yet grown strong, but only helps him overcome harmful microbes that cause inflammatory processes.

The effect of the drug and the price

Protargol can be used as for the treatment of diseases located on the surface of the skin, and on the mucous membrane. This tool is able to form a protective film on the affected areas of the skin. The action is manifested in a decrease in the sensitivity of the skin, vasoconstriction, it is all this that contributes to the suppression of inflammatory processes. As for the price, we can say that it is quite affordable and varies from 200 rubles to 280 rubles. There are also cheaper analogues of the drug on sale. Buy this medicine can be found in almost any pharmacy.

Protargol composition

As for the composition, Protargol consists of only two components, they are water and silver. To be more precise, the preparation contains 7.8% of the silver metal itself. As you can see, the composition of this tool is very simple and understandable, it does not include any complex chemical elements. Therefore, for the treatment of children, the drug is simply ideal. But still, when using the drug, it is necessary to take into account its specific properties and contraindications, which are available in its instructions for use.


This medicine has many more expensive and cheaper analogues. to analogues according to pharmacological properties relate:

  • Aquazan;
  • Boric ointment;
  • vinylin();
  • Bismuth nitrate basic;
  • Hexoral.

Analogues for the active substance included in the composition include:

  • Argovit;
  • Vitargol;
  • Collargol.

Best before date

The shelf life of Protargol after its manufacture is small and is 3-4 weeks. After the expiration date of the drug becomes ineffective. It is also important to know how to properly store the drug. Since it contains silver, it is necessary to store the drug in a dark place so that the silver included in the composition does not oxidize. It is recommended to store this remedy in a refrigerator. It is very important that children do not have access to the drug in order to avoid any negative consequences.

Instructions for use

In order to understand the use of the drug well, you need instructions for using Protargol for children. The drug is produced in the form of a solution for local use. For the treatment of various types of inflammation of the mucous eyes, adults and children need to instill the eyes with a 1-2% solution of the drug, 2-3 drops 2-5 times a day for 7 days.

In order to cure diseases related to urology, it is necessary to flush the bladder with a 2% solution of the drug and urethra . Protargol instructions for use for children indicate that in order to cure diseases related to diseases of the ENT kind, or rather, rhinitis, runny nose, pharyngitis, otitis media, it is necessary to drip 3-5 drops into the nasal cavity 2 times a day.

Regarding the use of the drug in the form of an aqueous solution, before dripping the nose, you need to rinse it thoroughly, especially for children. When the child's nose is already washed out, it is necessary that he lie on his back and drip right amount drops into each nasal passage. It is advisable to use Protargol in the morning and evening. The result of the drug can be seen in 3 days. It is necessary to continue treatment for a maximum of 7 days. Most importantly, infants can also drip the drug Protargol. It is important to note that the child in the process of using the drug will not feel any burning and pain. Therefore, for a child, this drug is what you need!

We can say that buying a drug at such a low price and with such a safe composition is just a real find!

Side effects of Protargol, available contraindications

Like almost all pharmaceutical preparations Protargol has a number of side effects that every mother should know and not neglect them. Side effects include the following:

  1. There may be irritation of the mucous membrane in a child
  2. Burning
  3. Possible itchy skin
  4. Dries up in the mouth
  5. Eye redness
  6. Numbness of certain parts of the body
  7. Anaphylactic shock
  8. Quincke's edema
  9. Atopic dermatitis in a child

Despite the fact that the composition of the drug is very simple and safe, it still has contraindications and they include hypersensitivity to the components. Also, it should not be used by women during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, you can not use the medicine if the patient is prone to allergies or if his immunity is reduced.

Interaction of the drug with other drugs

Before using this product, you must consult a doctor. But in practice there was not a single case when the use of this drug simultaneously with other drugs in any negative way affected the human body.


Summing up, we can conclude that Protargol is an effective medicine, it is quite quickly able to defeat harmful bacteria. This tool can be used as an adult, as well as small children, up to babies, most importantly, compliance with the instructions for use of the medicine and dosage, is especially important for children.

The only contraindications are individual intolerance components means people. It is important that mothers of young children take the dosages of the drug very seriously so as not to harm the babies and so that side effects do not occur.

I would also like to note small price for this medicine. Protargol has many analogues, especially in pharmacological group therefore, if this remedy was not found in the pharmacy, you can buy its inexpensive analogue, which will be as effective as Protargol itself.

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Protargol: detailed instructions for use

With a long runny nose, the disease of the nasal cavity can develop into a chronic form. In this case, it is important to follow all the doctor's instructions, because if the cold is not healed in a timely manner, chronic complications may occur. With a cold, you should not lean on antibiotic preparations, as their use can provoke the development of pathogens. That's why Protargol much more efficient than most medicines. The medication will not allow the stable position of bacteria and preserves the natural microflora.

The drug can also be used in case of mixed infections. In some, very exceptional cases, doctors prescribe Protargol along with antibiotics.

The active ingredient of the drug provides the following effect:

  • In case of sinusitis, the solution can treat a runny nose and relieves purulent formations, removes puffiness.
  • Application should take place at a strictly appointed time due to the long-term effect.
  • In diseases of conjunctivitis, the drug will cleanse the eyes, relieve pain, inflammation and pain.
  • In the case of otitis media, Protargol is able to eliminate purulent congestion with sinusitis and otitis media, the patient's hearing erupts and sleep improves. With continued treatment, the drug reduces body temperature and feverish chills.

If you have cystitis, Protargol will help ease the process of urination, reduce pain, reduce the number of calls. The solution will eliminate bacteria that provoke the development of an infectious process.

In the case of pharyngitis, adenoiditis, tonsillitis, Protargol improves the breathing process, facilitates swallowing, and the mucosal edema disappears in a matter of hours.

Release form

The drug is produced in the form of a brown powder with a bitter taste, which is odorless. On sale, the medication is in the form of a colorless solution of Sialor, produced exclusively in pharmacy production. At home, it is not possible to mix the solution, since it is necessary to have knowledge of the exact dosage and weight of the components.

The lower the water content in the solution, the greater its concentration. Typically, pharmacists make a solution of 1 to 5%. The more concentrated, the more antibacterial properties at the solution. However, along with the percentage of the concentrate, the possibility of side effects also increases. It is for this reason that for children it is necessary to choose a 1-2% solution. The drug is supplied in a glass container with a nylon stopper and a plastic lid. The label, which is glued to the container, contains the instructions for use.

The developers offer a more adapted type of medication in the form of a ready-made solution of Sialor, which has no color and aroma. The container has a cap with a pipette. The box usually contains a 10 ml container and instructions for use.

Another form of release are dark gray tablets packaged in aluminum blasters. The package also contains instructions for use, a container with filtered water and an ampoule for the preparation and use of the drug.

Mode of application

Based on the composition of the remedy, therapy can only occur externally, however, even in this case, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations, especially in the case of treating young children.

To prepare the solution, dip the tablet into the vial, add water and carefully shake. Regardless of the age of the patient, before using the drug, it is necessary to clean the new sinuses. After these actions, you can begin to drip the drug into the nose, 2-3 drops 2 times a day. Therapy is continued for 2 weeks.

In the case of conjunctivitis, the eyes are washed first, then 2-3 drops are instilled into each pupil. If the patient is less than a year old, the dosage is halved.

If you have gynecological problems or possible pathologies genitourinary system, it is necessary to flush the channel. From what age? For a child up to a year, a 1% solution is used, for children younger age- 2% solution, for adults - 3-5% solution.

Application during pregnancy

Since the ions of the determining element of the drug penetrate into the cells, Protargol should not be given during pregnancy and lactation. In order to alleviate the condition of a woman in a similar position, there is a line of drugs that are safe for the health of the mother and child. Newborns can drip the drug even within the walls of the hospital, but the actions must take place under the strict supervision of specialists.


The drug effectively treats a runny nose, even in case of purulent infection, but its appointment is not recommended in the following situations:

  • Individual reaction to the components of the drug;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Compatibility with other drugs.

The drug is combined with other medicines, before use, you should only inform the doctor about which drugs are used together.

Side effect

More often by-effect observed in patients who are predisposed to allergic reactions. In order to reveal possible allergies, check the body's reflexes for the main component. To do this, apply the medication to the elbow or wrist area. If there is no reaction within a quarter of an hour, you can safely use the medicine.

Long-term use of Protargol can cause:

  • Dryness of the mucous membrane and irritation;
  • Numbness;
  • Hyperemia;
  • Dizziness;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Rarely, extensive edema and anaphylactic shock are observed.


There were no cases of drug overdose.

Storage rules

The drug can be used within 30 days. It is necessary to mix the components before using the product. Store Protargol in the refrigerator. When you buy the drug in a pharmacy, the pharmacist should recommend how to store Protargol.


There are several similar preparations that contain the same active substance, as in Protargol.


Cost: solution 10 ml, price - 100-120 rubles.

The difference between these two medications is that in Kollargol 8% silver in colloidal form and albuminates. In the case of ordering and preparing the composition, the pharmacist follows the recommendations of a specialist who must describe its purpose. Collargol is available in the form clear liquid with an unexpressed odor, which is applied externally. It is recommended to instill an antibacterial and disinfecting composition into the nasopharynx and eyes, although more often the drug is used to disinfect purulent wounds.

Collargol is effective in case of inflammation of the lymph nodes and genitourinary infections.

In case of processing erysipelas, ulcerative lesions and boils, an ointment is used, manufactured in pharmacy conditions. For adults, a 15% solution is rubbed at 3 g per day, for a child over 5 years old - 1 g three times a day. If a small patient is from 1 to 4 years old, it is better not to use the remedy. It is important to do an allergy test.


  • Democratic price;
  • Emergency disposal of purulent infections.


  • Not applicable during pregnancy;
  • Can cause skin irritation.


Cost: 10 ml drops - 180-200 rubles.

A similar drug containing silver in its composition. The tool is greatly improved, since the main component is equipped with nanoparticles. A drop of Vitargol contains 30 micrograms of the component. The drug is used for traditional diseases for this group of drugs - cystitis, conjunctivitis, runny nose, sinusitis, otitis media. In addition, Vitargol is a powerful immunomodulator, which is used as a preventive measure during the period of colds.

The drug is released in good packaging in the form of a polypropylene bottle with a drip dispenser. In case of a runny nose, drip 1 drop 3 times a day for a week. Duration of treatment - 1 month, after this period, therapy may continue, but after a 2-week pause. To take the solution as a prophylaxis, a couple of drops are enough half an hour before meals, which are dissolved in 50 ml of water. The drug, like the original, is not suitable for girls in position and breastfeeding.


  • Low price;
  • Activation of the protective features of the body.


  • Rarely seen on the pharmacy counter;
  • Uneconomical expense.


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