How to get rid of conjunctivitis quickly in a child. How to quickly cure conjunctivitis in children at home: pharmacy drops and folk remedies

Conjunctivitis is a common childhood disease, accompanied by an inflammatory process in the conjunctiva of the eyes. This disease, like any other negative process, is easier to prevent, but there are cases when it is too late and conjunctivitis of the eyes. Treatment in children and its features will be discussed in the article.

The photographs show what the presence of the disease looks like on a child’s eyes. Often as causes The disease is hypothermia, the presence of a cold or an allergic reaction. Several other important factors also contribute to the formation of the disease.

  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of the baby;
  • sleeping in an unclean bed, playing with dirty toys;
  • lack of ventilation of the room in which the child lives;
  • if the parents do not go for walks with the baby and he is always at home;
  • in contact with children who have conjunctivitis.

As serious barriers For the penetration of this disease, such as tear fluid and eyelids act, while infections and viruses enter the eyes, against which the immune system is powerless. To avoid this situation, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system by any methods and means.

Play an important role symptoms who can tell that something is wrong with the child’s health. In general, the disease is easy to identify, since the inflammatory process in all children looks approximately the same. But if you see that the behavior has changed, the child often cries and becomes capricious, this indicates the presence of a disease. The main signs of the disease include several basic factors.

  • frequent or constant complaints of pain in the eye area;
  • the occurrence of severe redness and swelling;
  • baby's fear of harsh lighting;
  • the appearance of yellow crusts in the eyelid area;
  • if after sleep the eyelids begin to stick together;
  • eyes begin to water and let out purulent discharge;
  • the baby suffers from disturbances in appetite and sleep patterns;
  • vision becomes significantly worse, the image becomes blurry;
  • there is a feeling as if a foreign body has appeared in the eyes.

If at least one of these signs occurs, you need to consult a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and make the right decision on further actions.

There are several varieties of this disease, which can be identified based on symptoms.

  • bacterial conjunctivitis - a large amount of pus is released from the eyes;
  • viral or allergic phenomenon - the eyes are very irritated, but there is no pus;
  • pharyngitis is represented by manifestations of adenovirus-type conjunctivitis.

If My eyes are swollen, what can I do?- this means contacting a specialist who will identify the cause and eliminate the disease. Therapeutic measures last depending on the type of disease, but usually they disappear after several weeks of therapy with drops and folk remedies. There are a few basic rules treatments that will help without disturbing general principle, eliminate the disease.

  1. You should not make treatment attempts until examined by a specialist.
  2. If an allergic phenomenon is suspected, it is worth taking an antihistamine.
  3. When diagnosing a bacterial type of disease, every two hours the baby washes his eyes with a chamomile solution.
  4. If inflammation is observed only in the area of ​​one eye, the procedure is still performed on both, since the infection can easily spread.
  5. During an inflammatory process, you should not use a blindfold; this can provoke the growth of bacteria and cause the effect of inflamed eyelids.
  6. After observing an improvement in the condition, therapy is stopped, but this does not happen abruptly, but gradually.

Yes, for the kids 1 year, V 2 years or in 3 years treatment is based on these principles, however general techniques must be determined by the treating specialist.

Home treatment involves therapeutic measures folk remedies. Today they can be used in large quantities due to the rich knowledge of our ancestors and contemporaries. Thus, the following methods are widely used for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the eyes.

  • Treatment tea leaves chamomile - effective procedure, if you follow a simple cooking recipe. Take 2 tbsp. l. leaves and pour 0.2 liters of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, and then drop into the eyes 2-3 times a day. You can not only drip, but also wash your eyes.
  • Shredded Bay leaf in an amount of about 3 pieces, poured with a small amount of boiling water and infused for a short time, helps to rub the eyes. Another significant advantage is: channel cleaning, which is needed in the presence of this phenomenon.
  • Cornflower flowers have proven themselves to be good and useful; for this purpose, 1 tbsp. l. Take 200 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. After pumping, the eyes are washed 5 times a day.

It is important to know!

All folk remedies It is forbidden to take it on your own; you should consult with your doctor to avoid complications. Often washed and treated levomecithin.

So we've looked at how to treat conjunctivitis in children, and what folk techniques are used for this.

But specialists rarely prescribe therapy exclusively folk remedies Most likely, they play a supporting role. If there are complications, treatment is practiced antibiotics, however up to a year this is prohibited.

Drops for conjunctivitis for children

For effective and prompt recovery, they are widely used eye drops for conjunctivitis. There are basic tools that you cannot do without in therapy, and many new drugs have appeared on the market today. Let's consider the most effective medicines, among them:

Let's consider what drops for conjunctivitis in children are the most effective, based on reviews from parents (from the forum BABYBLOG and from other known resources).

These drops have an antiviral effect and provide protection against allergies, promote prompt and effective removal itching. For children, this effect is extremely important due to their habit of constantly scratching their eyes, and this can provoke the introduction of infectious diseases and bacteria. At the beginning of treatment, instillation is carried out frequently, then less frequently.

The drug has a large number of good and beneficial effects on the child’s body. It helps relieve irritation and eliminate itching, effectively and quickly relieves the inflammatory process and creates the necessary conditions for a speedy recovery.

This drug is one of the most frequently used due to its wide spectrum of action, but there is one caveat: it cannot be used for children under 2 years of age. Treatment with these drops in many cases is more convenient than using other means. The course lasts only a week, during which time the main signs of the disease are eliminated. A pleasant one price the drug makes it a sales leader.

This remedy also has a wide range of effects, but is recommended for use by children over 1 year of age. Treatment is also carried out over the course of a week, but at first it is carried out intensively, and then the number of drops is reduced. Considering the best eye drops for conjunctivitis for children, it can be noted that this product is the most optimal in terms of price and quality ratio.

This medicine is another effective drug to eliminate the disease. The course of treatment ranges from a week to an unlimited period, depending on the doctor’s instructions. It has an affordable price and a wide range of effects, making it popular among many mothers.

Features of eye drops

If found conjunctivitis of the eyes, treatment in children - drops. However, it is important to know the subtleties of how to instill eye drops so that they feel comfortable and infections die.

  • up to a year, instillation is carried out only using a pipette;
  • it is necessary to pull back the child’s lower eyelid and drop 1-2 drops;
  • wait until the medicine is completely distributed over the eye;
  • remove excess drops with gauze or bandage;
  • It is important to use a different napkin for each eye.

Using these rules will allow you to achieve optimal treatment results in a short period of time.

Eye conjunctivitis treatment in children Komarovsky video

Below is video, in which honored Dr. Komarovsky will tell you about the problem of conjunctivitis in more detail, and will also help you decide on the main methods for eliminating it. The main task of parents is to suppress the effects of the allergen, and this can be done with all available methods of treating the disease. It is also necessary to follow preventive measures.

  • wash all the toys the child plays with;
  • teach your child to follow the rules of hygiene;
  • Keep your baby's bedding clean.

The doctor himself is convinced that acute respiratory infections and conjunctivitis have a close relationship, since bacteria found in one disease can occur due to the development of another disease.

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For every parent, the health of their children comes first, so knowing how various diseases manifest and are treated is useful for everyone. For example, childhood conjunctivitis causes a lot of trouble and inconvenience. The disease is associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye and sometimes develops into chronic form.

What is conjunctivitis

This violation refers to infectious diseases and can have different etiologies. Conjunctivitis in children under 4 years of age is the most common eye problem. Older children suffer from this disease much less frequently. If the treatment process is not started on time, there is a risk of developing serious complications: keratitis, phlegmon of the lacrimal sac, dacryocystitis. When the first signs of illness appear, you should visit a pediatrician, allergist, or pediatric ophthalmologist.


There are several types of conjunctivitis in children. The viral form of the disease occurs against the background adenovirus infection, flu, herpes or chickenpox. As a rule, the infectious type of disease is accompanied by other ailments, for example, pharyngitis or rhinitis. The causative agents of such conjunctivitis in a child can be individual microbes or their entire associations.


Often in children of different ages You can find bacterial conjunctivitis, which is divided according to the type of pathogen into types:

  • streptococcal;
  • pneumococcal;
  • staphylococcal;
  • diphtheria;
  • acute epidemic.

The disease in a newborn child is classified as a separate group (paratrachoma, gonoblennorrhea). The baby gets this disorder when the head passes through the birth canal, if the mother has venereal diseases(chlamydia, gonorrhea). Sometimes conjunctivitis in a child develops due to an increase in the pathogenicity of the microflora of the mucous membrane or if he has purulent diseases(otitis, sinusitis, omphalitis). In addition, the disease may occur due to mechanical damage, weakened immunity or obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct in the baby.


Often a child may develop this form of the disease. The reasons for this are:

  • weak protective functions body;
  • anatomical features of the nasolacrimal duct;
  • exposure of pathogenic microorganisms to the eyes.

The development of the disease of this type occurs only when the infectious factor enters and introduces into the conjunctiva. Acute inflammation caused by microorganisms is accompanied by suppuration, swelling of the eye and corresponding discharge. A child can become infected through objects, someone else’s towel, personal contact with a carrier of the infection, or while swimming in the pool.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis in a child

Signs of development of this disease can be detected even before clinical manifestations. Typically, the symptoms are as follows:

  • increased lacrimation;
  • swelling;
  • fear of light;
  • hyperemia;
  • painful sensations;
  • blepharospasm.

Babies are characterized by restless behavior, frequent crying, constant desire and attempts to rub their eyes with their fists. If the disease occurs in isolation, then the body temperature may remain normal, but with infectious conjunctivitis it can rise to high levels. In addition, children experience decreased vision, which goes away with proper treatment.

For disease bacterial etiology characterized by sequential eye damage. The main symptom of conjunctivitis is viscous growths that separate from the conjunctival cavity. The eyelids begin to stick together, crusts of discharge dry out on the eyelashes. The color of the discharge may be light yellow or greenish. In an advanced form, the child may develop blepharitis, keratitis or ulcers.

Viral conjunctivitis is often associated with ARVI or influenza, and is therefore accompanied by a change in body temperature. At the same time, it is noted liquid discharge from the conjunctival sac (from the outside it looks like constant lacrimation). If conjunctivitis is herpetic, blistering rashes may appear on the skin. If left untreated for a long time, the baby may develop a secondary infection. Allergic conjunctivitis in a child appears almost immediately after contact with an allergen. Both eyes become inflamed at once, swelling appears, fear of light, and itching.

How to treat conjunctivitis

A sick baby must be isolated from other people, because this disease is contagious. There is a popular therapeutic method by Dr. Komarovsky, but you should not try to cure the disease yourself. Eye doctor or the pediatrician will prescribe the necessary medications (drops, ointments, antibiotics, eye wash). It is prohibited to cover a child’s eyes or apply compresses during conjunctivitis, as this promotes the growth of bacteria.

How to treat conjunctivitis in children? It is recommended to wash the eyes of a sick child with a decoction of chamomile, a solution of boric acid or furatsilin. This procedure is repeated at least 4-6 times daily. However, the basis of conjunctivitis therapy is the use of special drops or ointments. For diseases of bacterial etiology, antibiotics are indicated (chloramphenicol drops, tetracycline ointment, fusidic acid solution). At viral forms reception recommended antiviral drugs(For example, oxolinic ointment and drops of ophthalmoferon).

Eye drops for children

Before thinking about how to treat conjunctivitis in children, it is worth finding out the nature of the disease, because each etiology of the disease requires different therapeutic methods. As a rule, doctors prescribe special drops:

  1. Antihistamines (cortisone, lacrisifine).
  2. Broad-spectrum antibiotics (albucid, chloramphenicol).
  3. Antiviral (Ophthalmodec, Floxal).
  4. Anti-allergenic (cortisone, allergodil, opatonol).

Eye ointments

Conjunctivitis in newborns and older children, in addition to drops, can be treated with ointment applications. The remedy should be selected taking into account the etiology of the disease. The most popular ointments are presented below:

  1. Erythromycin is the most famous among antimicrobials eye medications, belongs to the group of macrolides. The ointment can be used even if it is necessary to treat conjunctivitis in an infant.
  2. Tetracycline is also often prescribed when this disease is detected. At local use The adsorption of this ointment is low, so this product can be called safe. The drug is contraindicated for children under 8 years of age.
  3. Eubetal is another effective remedy in the form of an ointment. The drug contains colistin, chloramphenicol, the glucocorticosteroid betamethasone and tetracycline. Due to the content of useful components, the product is equally effective against allergic and bactericidal forms of the disease.

Folk remedies for conjunctivitis in children

If you notice the first signs of this disease in a child (red eyes, reaction to light, the eyelid may swell), then there are folk recipes that will help relieve the symptoms of conjunctivitis:

  1. Brew chamomile flowers. A weak decoction can be used to wash the eyes of a sick child or instill three drops to prevent the development of microbes.
  2. Take 1 spoon of crushed cornflower flowers, pour 1 glass of boiling water. Leave the product for half an hour, then strain. The resulting infusion is used to wash the eyes at least 5 times daily.
  3. Mix freshly squeezed juices (carrot, celery, endive, parsley). For 4 parts of carrot, take 1 part of all the others. Let's drink 100 ml before meals at least 3 times daily.
  4. If your baby's eyes are very red, dill juice will help you. Soak a cotton napkin in it, wring it out, and apply it to your eyes for 15 minutes.
  5. Buy crushed marshmallow root at the pharmacy. Pour 3 cups of roots with cold boiled water (200 ml). You need to infuse the product for 8 hours, after which you make lotions with it.
  6. If a child has severe purulent conjunctivitis, then try a rosehip decoction. For this you need 2 tsp. Pour boiling water (200 ml) over the berries and cook over low heat for 3-5 minutes. After this, the composition is infused for 40 minutes and used for lotions.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in newborns

Sometimes this disease develops in very young children, causing parents to panic. The baby can become infected during the passage of the birth canal or improper care behind the eyes. Treatment in this case is not fundamentally different. Parents should contact pediatric ophthalmologist who will prescribe medications, suitable for child by age (from the first days of life you can take sodium sulfacyl or Tobrex). It is very important to carefully study the photo instructions for the medicine and follow them strictly.

Prevention of conjunctivitis

The main role in the prevention of this disease is given to compliance elementary rules personal hygiene. If the child is small, you should regularly change his bed linen, clothes, and use sterile wipes. In addition, you need to ventilate the room where the baby is and strengthen the immune system. proper nutrition, physical exercise, taking vitamins. To prevent a newborn baby from getting sick, you need to identify it in time. venereal infection mothers, treat the birth canal before birth and the baby’s eyes after birth with an antibacterial solution.

Video: is conjunctivitis contagious?

Having conjunctivitis is absolutely terrible, because it is primarily a souring of the eyes, which causes terrible sensations. Today I will tell you how to quickly cure bacterial and viral conjunctivitis at home. Most often, this infection occurs in children, newborns up to one year old, from 3 years old to 7 years old, and even menstruation.

In fact, it is not difficult to overcome this disease; it is important to detect the first symptoms and signs in time, then select the appropriate medicine and quickly begin treatment.

Children's conjunctivitis is divided into three types: bacterial, allergic and viral. Any of these categories is amenable to treatment, which must be prescribed by the attending physician.

The conjunctiva is a thin mucous tissue that covers anterior section eyes and the inner surface of both eyelids, forming a kind of pocket on the upper and lower arch. A large number of glands in the tissues around the eyes produce tear fluid and a special protein compound - mucin. Together, they form a strong protective and moisturizing tear-like environment that provides the eyeball with visual ability and mobility.

Conjunctivitis in children is a very common disease and is diagnosed in 30% of all eye pathologies before the age of 5. This is explained by the features child's body And immune system, which is actively being formed and does not effectively protect the body from the effects of adverse factors.


The main cause of the disease is considered to be the penetration and pathological activity of pathogenic microorganisms, such as staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci. Predisposing factors may be:

  1. Decreased immunity
  2. The air in the room where the child is is too dry. This leads to excessive dryness of the eye, and, as a result, to increased sensitivity to irritation and inflammation.
  3. Infrequent blinking, which also causes dry eyes
  4. Injury to the mucous membrane of the eyes
  5. Violation of the structure of the lacrimal canal, its blockage.


  1. Severe lacrimation. The flow of fluid from the eyes of a baby during the acute period of the disease is observed almost constantly. In some children, lacrimation may begin in only one eye. After a few hours, the inflammation progresses to the second.
  2. Suppuration. If the disease is caused by bacterial flora, then the discharge from the eyes becomes purulent. In some cases, when infected with staphylococcus, babies may experience green discharge. Some bacteria give a more purple hue. The pus from the eyes is quite sticky and difficult to remove during hygiene procedures.
  3. Redness of the eyes. With bacterial conjunctivitis, the redness is moderate. Pronounced redness occurs only when severe forms disease and is more typical for viral variants of the disease. In children with bacterial conjunctivitis, redness of both eyes is observed. This symptom may persist for another week after recovery.
  4. Sensation of a foreign object or “sand” in the eyes. It is often the very first sensation in the first stages of the disease. When this symptom appears, one can already suspect the rapid development of other signs of conjunctivitis.
  5. Pain in bright light. Sun rays, getting on the inflamed mucous membrane of the eye, cause increased pain and lacrimation. During the acute period of the disease, the baby feels better in a darker room. To ensure that the mucous membrane of the eye heals quickly and is not further injured, it is better to curtain the children's room well.
  6. Deterioration general condition child. During illness, children become more capricious and their appetite decreases. Severe pain does not allow the child to open his eyes often. He begins to blink more often. With more pronounced pain syndrome children cry and refuse to eat, try to spend more time in bed or sleep.
  7. The appearance of intoxication. Any bacterial process causes an increase in temperature, headache and increases general weakness. This phenomenon is associated with the abundance of bacterial toxins secreted by microorganisms. Body temperature in babies usually rises to 38-39 degrees. With such an increase, fever and chills may occur.

How to treat bacterial conjunctivitis

How to treat bacterial conjunctivitis in a child? To eliminate the cause and symptoms of the pathology, it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs in the form of drops and ointments. However, before using them, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the child’s eyes and remove the purulent crust from them. Otherwise, therapy will be less effective.

To treat bacterial conjunctivitis in a child, the following drugs are used:



1. Fucithalmic. Drops with a viscous consistency. Prescribed if the causative agent of the disease is a staphylococcal infection. Antibacterial ointments (Gentamicin, Tetracycline, Polytrim) have more high concentration active substances, compared to drugs in the form of drops. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them more than 1-2 times a day, preferably at night, since during this period of time the child blinks less, therefore, the product is better retained in the affected area.
2. Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum drug
3. spectrum of action. Apply 1-2 drops every 2 hours.
4. Albucid – has a pronounced
5. anti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to instill 1-2 drops every 4-6 hours.
6. Levomycetin - not recommended for children under 2 years of age, has a pronounced antibacterial effect. Instill 1 drop 2 times a day.

Traditional methods

  1. Ginger drink. Grate ginger root, add 100 g. honey Leave for 10-12 hours. Give the child 1-2 tsp. per day, provided that the baby does not have allergic reactions to honey.
  2. Grind a small lemon with its peel in a blender, add a small amount of honey. Give the baby 1 tsp. in a day.
  3. In 100 gr. Add 2-3 finely chopped garlic cloves to honey and leave for 10 hours. Give the child 1 tsp. 1 per day.

Allergic conjunctivitis in children

Allergic conjunctivitis is a manifestation of an increased reaction of the body to any substance, in which inflammation of the conjunctiva occurs in response to the penetration of an allergen into the body. The disease causes visible inconvenience to the baby, it is quite painful, which is why it is important to promptly identify allergic conjunctivitis in a child, correctly, identify the symptoms and prescribe treatment.


The following factors can trigger the development of allergic conjunctivitis:


The baby's eyes turn red, puffiness and swelling of the eyelids appear, and the child is bothered by itching and watery eyes.

In some cases, a secondary infection may be added with the formation bacterial complications. Purulent discharge appears from the eyes, the eyelids stick together.


Allergic conjunctivitis is divided into seasonal and year-round; it can also be acute and chronic.

Seasonal makes itself felt during the flowering period of plants, when pollen comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye, causing irritation and provoking disease.

Year-round does not depend on the time of year and manifests itself with constant contact with external allergens (dust, wool, etc.)

Conjunctivitis in a child: how to treat it

After eliminating the allergen from the patient’s environment, the doctor prescribes local or systemic therapy allergic manifestations. Additionally, immunotherapy is prescribed and the symptoms of the disease are relieved, including using antimicrobial drugs.

Tablets and drops for allergic conjunctivitis:

  1. Drugs with antihistamine action - Loratidine, Zyrtec, Claritin, Telfast, Cetrin. Some of the funds are not used to treat children.
  2. Drops that stabilize the state of the cell membrane - Zaditen (Ketotifen), Lecrolin (Cromohexal).
  3. Eye drops, blocking histamine receptors - Allergodill, Opatanol, Visin allergy, Histimet.
  4. To block the production of histamine, eye drops with stabilizers are used mast cells– Lecrolin, Krom-allerg, Lodoxamide (not used in children under 2 years of age), High-Krom (contraindicated in children under 4 years of age).
  5. To correct the production of tears (“dry eye syndrome”), which are absent for various reasons, tear substitutes are used: Oksial, Oftogel, Systane, Defislez, Oftolik, Visin pure tear, Inoxa, Vidisik, natural tears. This effect is observed in elderly patients with allergic conjunctivitis. Joining the process of inflammation and the cornea requires an appointment eye drops with vitamins and dexpanthenol: Quinax, Khrustalin, Katachrom, Catalin, Ujala, Emoxipin, Vita-Iodurol.
  6. Complex forms of allergic conjunctivitis can be treated with eye drops containing corticosteroids, most often containing hydrocortisone or dexamethasone. Hormonal treatment can lead to unpredictable complications for the body, so such drugs require a balanced approach, precise dosage, and gradual withdrawal.
  7. Eye drops with a non-steroidal component and anti-inflammatory effect contain Diclofenac.
  8. At frequent relapses For allergic conjunctivitis, specific immunotherapy is performed.

Folk remedies for allergic conjunctivitis

  1. Propolis needs to be ground into powder, then diluted with water, making a 20% solution. Propolis water is effective when instilled into the eyes three times: morning, afternoon and evening.
  2. One of the traditional methods for treating conjunctivitis is using tea as a rinsing agent. An eye wash infusion can be made from black and green tea, using them in equal proportions. Add a tablespoon of grape wine (preferably dry) to a glass of this mixture. You need to wash your eyes with this solution quite often. You can stop treatment only after complete recovery. Before rinsing your eyes with tea, you should strain it and make sure that there are no small tea leaves or any other solid debris in the solution.
  3. Pour boiling water over 2-3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers. Boil for a few minutes, let it brew. Rinse the affected eye 6-7 times throughout the day.
  4. The herb agrimony will help relieve inflammation in conjunctivitis. The medicinal properties and contraindications of this plant can be found in any reference book on alternative medicine. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of agrimony. Infuse, strain. The product can be used to wash sore eyes or make lotions from it.
  5. Cornflower treatment is also effective. His healing properties described in many ancient herbalists. The vitamins in Cornflower are used to treat almost all diseases of the organs of vision. The bactericidal properties of the plant's flowers quickly kill infections of the conjunctival mucosa.1 tsp. pour 1 cup of boiling water over cornflower flowers;Leave for 20 minutes, cool and strain;Apply lotions 6 – 7 times a day.
  6. You can also get rid of the infection with the help of celandine. The effect of this plant will be if, knowing how to treat, you begin to use it immediately after identifying signs of eye inflammation. When applied, compresses can cure the disease in 2 days.1 tsp. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the herbs;Leave for 3 – 4 hours;Apply lotions 3 – 4 times a day;You can also rinse your eyes with infusion in the morning.
  7. Take freshly picked aloe leaves and squeeze out the juice of the plant. In warm weather drinking water add aloe juice in a ratio of 10:1. Rinse your eyes with the solution 4-6 times a day. This remedy relieves inflammation well.
  8. To relieve severe itching and burning, apply a piece of fresh, cooled bread to your drooping eyelids.

Viral conjunctivitis

Children's viral conjunctivitis is caused by a number of infectious diseases, most often these are adeno- and enteroviruses, which are transmitted by airborne droplets and through bodily contact.

Viral conjunctivitis of the eyes is the most common form of this disease in children.

The disease is caused by the following types of viruses:

  • Enteroviruses
  • Adenoviral infections
  • Viruses of herpes origin
  • Infections of other origins.

Signs and symptoms of the disease

After the virus enters the child’s body, an inflammatory process gradually develops.

However, during the incubation period, which is 4-12 days, this does not manifest itself in any way.

Over time, your baby may experience symptoms such as:

  • The appearance of specific vesicular formations on the mucous membrane of the eyelids.
  • As a result of an increase in the eye capillaries and the occurrence of irritation, the child experiences dry eyes, itching, burning, and redness.
  • In one eye, abundant discharge of purulent contents occurs, then this process can spread to the second eye.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes located in the ear area, their pain on palpation.
  • The child is afraid of bright light, feels the presence foreign body in the eye.
  • The inflammatory process provokes clouding of the cornea of ​​the eye, as a result of which the child may complain of decreased vision. In some cases this situation persists for a long time after healing.

How to treat conjunctivitis in children at home

Treatment of viral conjunctivitis requires a whole range of different therapeutic activities. From the first hours of illness, doctors prescribe various eye drops:

  1. Oftalmoferon. This drug helps fight the main manifestations of viral infections. inflammatory diseases eye. Perfectly eliminates redness and lacrimation, and also significantly reduces itching. Usually 1-2 drops are prescribed in each eye up to 5-6 times a day.
  2. Aktipol. Used to accelerate the healing of damaged conjunctiva. Helps in restoring the mucous membrane of the eye. Usually the drug is prescribed for 5-7 days, 2 drops. The frequency of administration is determined by the attending physician.
  3. Oftan I'm coming. Prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases in children over two years of age. Issued for a period of 5-6 days. After everything adverse symptoms disappeared, the drug can be used for another five days. This scheme helps prevent the disease from becoming chronic.
  4. They use antiviral eye ointments such as Tebrofen ointment, Bonafton. The choice of one or another remedy is made by the doctor, depending on which particular virus caused the development of the pathology.

Traditional medicine methods

  1. Fresh aloe juice. It must be taken orally (2-3 tsp per day), as well as 1-2 drops in the eyes. The product has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, restorative effect;
  2. The whites of 2 eggs are mixed with a glass of warm boiled water and left for 1 hour. The child’s eyes are washed with this product in the morning and evening;
  3. Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater and mix with the same amount of finely grated apple. Place the product on a clean gauze bandage, which must be applied to the sore eye.

Medicines for conjunctivitis for children under 1 year of age

Do not use any eye drops on children before consulting an ophthalmologist. The prescription of treatment is preceded by an ophthalmological examination with the obligatory taking of a smear from the conjunctival cavity.

Pus in the eyes of a baby is not uncommon. But, before treating conjunctivitis in a newborn, it is necessary to distinguish it from inflammation of the lacrimal sac, non-opening of the lacrimal duct. Therefore, a specialist should confirm the diagnosis and tell you how to treat conjunctivitis in an infant.

Treatment in a child under 1 year of age should be supervised by an ophthalmologist, allergist, or pediatrician.

Let's consider how to treat eye conjunctivitis in a child under 1 year old. In case of viral or bacterial conjunctivitis, the child is isolated from other children to avoid an epidemic. Next, the baby must be taken to the hospital so that the doctor can establish a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate medications.

Drugs and treatment

Chamomile decoction boric acid, Furacilin solution (2 tablets per 220 ml of water). They are used to remove crusts from the eyes; For the bacterial form of diseases, drops are used that contain fusidic acid, chloramphenicol, as well as Vitabact, Eubetal. Albucid is used for infants.

If the causative agent of conjunctivitis is a virus, then Ophthalmoferon, Actipol, Trifluridine, Poludan drops are prescribed. Treat the eyes with drops every 3 hours.

To treat conjunctivitis, ointments are used that are placed in the conjunctival cavity. For the bacterial form of the disease, tetracycline, ofloxacin, and erythromycin ointment are used, and for the viral form, oxolinic ointment, Acyclovir, and Zovirax are used. If positive dynamics are observed, then the ointment is used about 3 times a day.

How to treat conjunctivitis in a 2 year old child

Before starting any treatment, it is important to show the child to a doctor, since there are several types of conjunctivitis and the treatment of each of them has its own characteristics.

Let us consider in detail the methods of treating eye conjunctivitis in children aged 2 years: drops of ointment for inflammation, folk remedies.

At viral conjunctivitis antiviral drugs are indicated. Eye drops that are prescribed in this case: Oftan Idu (children 2 years old and older), Oftalmoferon.

These drugs have not only antiviral, but also anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effects. Use 1 drop up to 7 times a day in the first days of the disease, then up to 3 times a day. Frorenal ointment should be applied to the lower eyelid 2 – 3 times a day; For bacterial conjunctivitis, the use of antibacterial eye drops and ointments is indicated.

The most popular and safe drug for children is Albucid (Sodium Sulfacyl). The frequency of its use is 6 – 8 times a day, 1 – 2 drops. Drops or ointments Levomycetin, Tetracycline. The duration of treatment is at least 6 – 7 days;

In case of allergic conjunctivitis, it is first necessary to identify and eliminate the allergen. Sometimes just this is enough to pathological symptoms passed. To decrease discomfort, the use of oral antihistamines is indicated: Zyrtec, Suprastin and others.


The following medicinal herbs will help you in the fight against conjunctivitis: chamomile, birch buds, cornflower, eyebright, string. It will be effective to wash the inflamed areas with a decoction of oak bark.

It is known that cucumber and aloe juice have a good anti-inflammatory effect. They will also remove itching and sticking of the eyelids. To activate the body's immune forces in the fight against disease, place a bottle of eucalyptus essential oil in the patient's room.

You can also treat your eyes at night, while you sleep. Calendula ointment is suitable for this; you need to lubricate your eyelids with it before going to bed. It does not irritate the mucous membrane, but on the contrary, helps reduce inflammation. It is useful to make lotions for the treatment of conjunctivitis in children and adults and from bird cherry infusion.

If conjunctivitis is just beginning to develop, you can use an old recipe, using dill for lotions. You need to get juice from this herb, wet gauze or cotton wool with it, and apply it to your eyes for half an hour.

How to treat conjunctivitis in a 3 year old child

How to properly instill the solution in children with conjunctivitis:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly. Don't panic, calm the child down. Show by example that this is not scary.
  • Before each instillation, rinse.
  • Place your index finger on the upper eyelid, lift it slightly with your thumb, and pull down the lower eyelid.
  • The second hand contains drops. Without touching the eye, drop the solution between the eyelids. So it will be evenly distributed over the eye. Be sure to remove excess with a sterile cloth.
  • Remove your hands and ask your baby to blink slowly.
  • If the situation is difficult and the child does not allow him to open his eyes, squeeze 2-3 drops onto closed eyelids. He will reflexively open them, and the solution will fall into the designated place.

Possible complications

Complications in a child (3 years old) are possible if conjunctivitis becomes chronic. The longer parents do not contact a specialist, trying to treat on their own, the more likely complications are to develop.

Inflammation of the cornea, clouding, pain - all these are signs of keratitis, which can occur as a consequence of untreated conjunctivitis. In this case, decreased vision and deterioration in general health are possible.

To avoid consequences, it is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist when the first symptoms appear and follow all doctor’s recommendations.

Complications, if conjunctivitis was caused by an infection, can be very dangerous:

  1. Sepsis – when an infection enters the bloodstream, blood poisoning may occur;
  2. Meningitis is an infection of the protective cells of the brain;
  3. Otitis is an inflammation of the ear.

Prevention of conjunctivitis in childhood

The main preventive measures for most forms of conjunctivitis are based on general strengthening immune system ( good nutrition, daily routine, walks, healthy lifestyle) and hygiene rules.

Most viral and bacterial forms of diseases in children develop through contact with the pathogen and its transfer from the surface of the hands to the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth. Frequent and complete hand hygiene, using only individual towels, clean dishes, cleaning surfaces, and ventilation help to avoid most diseases, both eye and systemic.

Is it possible to swim in the sea with conjunctivitis?

As already mentioned, staying on the street (in this case, on the beach) with an acute form of the disease is extremely undesirable. Accordingly, you should not swim, since salt water, coming into contact with the inflamed mucous membrane, further irritates it.

Since conjunctivitis in children often occurs in the summer, at resorts, parents do not want to deprive their child of beneficial sun and sea ​​baths. But in this case, ultraviolet radiation, sand and sea water can only do harm.

With timely and proper treatment Conjunctivitis goes away quite quickly. But do not self-medicate, do not risk the baby’s health. Since only a doctor, based on an examination, determines the type of conjunctivitis and prescribes appropriate treatment.

School of Dr. Komarovsky - treatment of conjunctivitis in children

Yours Nina Kuzmenko.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the eye caused by exposure to allergens or pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria). Most often, only one eye becomes inflamed at first, then symptoms appear in the other. Many parents underestimate the seriousness of the disease and rarely seek treatment from a doctor. However, an incorrectly selected drug can lead to a deterioration in the child’s condition and the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, the improper treatment of which can lead to serious vision problems.

Characteristic signs and causes of conjunctivitis

Typically, conjunctivitis in children develops gradually - at first there is slight redness and a feeling of discomfort in the eye, then the inflammation quickly intensifies, and the child develops the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the upper and lower eyelids, narrowing of the palpebral fissure;
  • photophobia, constant lacrimation;
  • a feeling of sand in the eye or a “veil” before the eyes;
  • purulent or mucous discharge from the eyes;
  • after sleep, eyelashes may stick together with pus;
  • dry yellow crusts form in the corners of the eyes;
  • pain when moving the eyeballs;
  • temporary visual impairment.

The child becomes restless, involuntarily rubs his eyes, and cries. Older children may complain of general malaise, decreased appetite, or pain or burning in the eye. With reduced immunity in a child, the disease can occur with high body temperature and complications. Conjunctivitis is most common among preschool children aged 2-4 years, because... Babies can unknowingly introduce infection into their eyes with dirty hands.

The main cause of conjunctivitis in children is a violation of hygiene rules, which entails the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungal spores) into the conjunctiva. A child can become infected at birth through the mother’s infected birth canal or subsequently, due to improper hygienic care.

The disease can develop against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection, a general decrease in immunity, after hypothermia or overheating of a child, or after a foreign object gets into the eye (eyelashes, dust, insects). Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes can also be of an allergic nature.

Types of disease

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Usually conjunctivitis occurs with severe symptoms, and diagnosis is not difficult. Depending on the symptoms and the cause that provoked the disease, conjunctivitis is divided into the following types: bacterial, viral, allergic and purulent. In the absence of correct and timely treatment, any of the listed forms can become chronic.


Bacterial conjunctivitis is caused by staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, gonococci and chlamydia. The disease begins with itching and swelling of the eyelids; the child may complain of pain when moving the eyeballs and blinking. Then conjunctival hyperemia occurs, the mucous membrane becomes uneven, and pinpoint hemorrhages are possible. On the second day of the disease, abundant purulent discharge appears. The inflammatory process can spread to the child’s eyelids and even cheeks, which is manifested by hyperemia and peeling of the skin.

Bacterial conjunctivitis

Gonococcal conjunctivitis(gonoblenorrhea) can develop in a newborn when passing through the infected birth canal of a woman in labor. The first symptoms appear 2-4 days after birth, the baby’s eyelids become very swollen and acquire a bluish-red tint, and the palpebral fissure narrows. The mucous membrane of the eye is hyperemic, a serous-bloody discharge appears, which after a few days becomes purulent. Without treatment, gonoblennorrhea can lead to severe complications, including complete loss of vision.

Chlamydial conjunctivitis of newborns is also associated with maternal urogenital infection. Infection occurs during childbirth or later when the mother does not observe personal hygiene when caring for the child. Incubation period lasts 5-10 days, then the following symptoms appear: swelling of the eyelids, severe hyperemia of the sclera, liquid purulent-bloody discharge from the eye. Predominantly one eye is affected. With timely treatment, inflammation disappears after 10-15 days.


The disease develops against the background of acute respiratory viral infection, tonsillitis or runny nose. Distinctive signs are lacrimation and bright hyperemia of the conjunctiva, most pronounced with inner corners. With viral conjunctivitis, one eye first becomes inflamed, then within 2-3 days the same symptoms appear in the other.

Adenoviral conjunctivitis is more often observed in the autumn-spring period, when the child’s immunity is weakened. Transmitted by airborne droplets and contact (for example, through a shared towel) the disease can be accompanied by high body temperature. The incubation period lasts up to 7 days.

Adenoviral conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis can be caused by the herpes virus, in which case only one eye is usually affected. Small bubbles filled with liquid form along the edge of the eyelids, and itching appears. Conjunctival hyperemia and lacrimation are possible.


When the mucous membrane of the eyes is irritated by allergens (pollen, animal hair, medications, household chemicals, cosmetics, etc.), allergic conjunctivitis develops, which usually has a seasonal course. The development of symptoms occurs quickly, within 15-60 minutes after the irritant enters the body. The main signs are: lacrimation, itching, redness of the whites of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids. Symptoms affect both eyes at the same time.


Most often, purulent conjunctivitis develops when it enters the body bacterial infection. Copious purulent discharge, when dried, can form crusts in the corners of the eyes and stick together eyelashes after sleep. The disease is accompanied by itching, burning, and a sensation of a foreign body in the eye. The sclera is hyperemic, the child cannot look at bright light, and visual acuity decreases.

Chronic form

In the absence of adequate treatment, the symptoms of the disease subside, but do not completely disappear, and conjunctivitis becomes chronic.

The cornea becomes cloudy, lacrimation and discomfort in the eye do not disappear. In bright light, these symptoms intensify. Constant inflammation leads to deterioration of vision, the child quickly gets tired and becomes irritable.

Methods and duration of treatment at home

Usually the disease is treated at home, but for correct diagnosis and prescribing treatment, you should consult a specialist (ophthalmologist). The doctor will examine the patient, collect anamnesis and be sure to take a smear of discharge from the eye to determine the causative agent of the infection. According to the results bacteriological culture You can accurately determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to certain drugs. Symptoms of uncomplicated conjunctivitis disappear within 7 days.

Treatment includes the following steps:

  1. washing the eyes with a medicinal solution or herbal decoction;
  2. instilling drops or placing ointment behind the eyelid;
  3. strict adherence to hygiene - you should thoroughly wash your hands before and after medical procedures.

Before using medications and folk remedies for any form of the disease, you must rinse your eyes with any of the following solutions:

  • furatsilin solution (dissolve 1 tablet in a glass of boiled water, strain through cheesecloth);
  • 0.9% sodium chloride solution;
  • chamomile decoction (pour 1 glass of boiling water over 1 filter bag, leave for 40 minutes);
  • strong brewed black tea.

You need to moisten a sterile gauze pad with the solution and wipe the eye from the outer edge to the inner. A separate wipe should be used for each eye. After this procedure, it is necessary to instill the medicine or place the ointment behind the eyelid.

Pharmacy drugs

Medicines are prescribed depending on clinical picture and the reasons that provoked the disease. Treatment of bacterial and purulent forms of the disease is based on the use of antibiotics, viral - antiviral drugs, if the pathology is caused by an allergic reaction - antihistamines are prescribed.

Antibacterial drops and ointments:

  • sodium sulfacyl 20% (Albucid) – instill 1 drop into each eye 4-6 times a day (we recommend reading:);
  • chloramphenicol solution 0.25% - 1 drop 4 times a day;
  • Floxal (Ofloxacin) - the drug is available in the form of ointment and drops, use 1 drop 3-4 times a day or place a small amount of ointment behind the eyelid;
  • tetracycline eye ointment 1% - put behind the eyelid twice a day.

Antiviral agents:

  • Oftalmoferon – 1 drop up to 6-8 times a day;
  • Poludan – effective for herpetic and adenoviral conjunctivitis, the drug must be diluted with distilled water according to the instructions and used 1 drop 6-8 times a day;
  • Zovirax - place a small amount of ointment behind the eyelid up to 5 times a day (the interval between applications should be at least 4 hours).

Antihistamine drops:

  • Opatanol 0.1% - 1 drop 4 times a day;
  • Azelastine – 1 drop three times a day.

Folk remedies

Conjunctivitis can be cured using folk remedies - medicinal plants and some food products. This will help relieve discomfort, reduce inflammation and swelling of the eyes.

If you regularly wash your eyes with chamomile decoction, initial stage diseases can be cured without pharmaceutical drugs

Decoctions from medicinal plants, which can be used to wash the eyes or in the form of lotions:

  • Chamomile decoction – brew 1 filter bag with a glass of boiling water;
  • medium strength leaf tea decoction;
  • Rosehip decoction – 2 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water over chopped berries and leave for 40 minutes;
  • 4 bay leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes;
  • Kombucha infusion.

An effective folk remedy for relieving eye irritation is considered to be a lotion made from grated potatoes (wrap the mass in a sterile gauze cloth and place on the eyes), keep the compresses for 15 minutes. You can use aloe juice in the form of drops (dilute 1 ml of juice in 10 ml of distilled water), use 1 drop 3 times a day. You can use honey in a similar way (dilute in water in a ratio of 1:3). It will help to quickly get rid of herpetic conjunctivitis Kalanchoe juice– you need to lubricate the rashes on the eyelids 3-4 times a day until complete recovery.

To activate the immune system in children over 2 years of age, you can take the following mixture orally: carrot juice- 80 ml, celery and parsley juices - 10 ml each. Give your child 100 g of freshly prepared cocktail in the morning and evening.

How to cope with conjunctivitis in a newborn?

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes in newborns is a fairly common phenomenon. If purulent discharge appears, you should consult an ophthalmologist to rule out inflammation of the lacrimal sac and under-opening of the lacrimal canal. Any treatment of newborns should be carried out after the approval of a doctor, but if consultation is not possible for any reason, the use of Albucid solution (1 drop 5-6 times a day) is allowed, as well as washing the eyes with furatsilin solution or chamomile decoction, discussed above.

Features of treatment of infants

It is not recommended to treat a child on your own, especially under the age of one year - this can lead to a deterioration in health and the transition of the disease to the chronic stage. In addition to the medications prescribed by the doctor, massage of the lacrimal gland should be done to improve the outflow of pus. The massage is performed by the mother.

Thank you

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye caused by for various reasons. Basically, correct name diseases – conjunctivitis, but this spelling is complex and unusual for perception, therefore in the further text of the article the familiar term “conjunctivitis” will be used.

Conjunctivitis in children over one year of age - general characteristics of the disease

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, which is called conjunctiva. The conjunctiva protects the deep structures of the eye from negative impact various factors environment, and is anatomically a transparent film that covers the entire front surface eyeball, as well as the back wall of the upper and lower eyelids, adjacent directly to the eye.

When any pathogenic, opportunistic microorganisms or irritating substances enter the conjunctiva, it becomes inflamed, which is accompanied by typical clinical symptoms. Because children very often rub their eyes with their hands, play in the dust, take dirty toys and put them in great amount germs in other ways, then conjunctivitis in childhood is a fairly common disease.

Children are susceptible to conjunctivitis not only because the eye is exposed to numerous negative environmental factors and behavioral characteristics children, but also due to the immaturity of the mechanisms of general and local immunity. This means that conjunctivitis in a child can occur due to the penetration of pathogenic microbes from the ENT organs during a common cold, since the mechanisms of local immunity do not neutralize them. However, this eye disease in children it occurs in exactly the same way as in adults and is treated according to the same algorithms and principles.

Conjunctivitis in an infant - general characteristics of the process and algorithm of action for adults when signs of eye inflammation appear

Conjunctivitis in a child infancy is a serious pathology that requires treatment in a specialized hospital department, since the immune mechanisms are too immature. Since the conjunctiva of an infant is very tender and vulnerable, it easily becomes inflamed even with mild exposure to environmental factors. In addition, the risk of developing severe complications of conjunctivitis in infant very high. Therefore, when the first signs appear eye inflammation For a child under one year of age, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor or an ambulance. Before the ambulance arrives, an infant can only wash his eyes saline solution, purchased at a pharmacy or made independently (1 spoon of salt per liter of boiled water).

Conjunctivitis in newborns

In newborns, conjunctivitis is always infectious and develops due to two main reasons:
1. Infection acquired during passage through birth canal mother.
2. Infection at the hands of medical personnel who provided assistance during childbirth to the mother.

As you can see, the source of infection for the development of conjunctivitis in a newborn baby is the mother or medical staff, not following the rules of antiseptics. However, most often the child is infected by a mother suffering from untreated sexually transmitted infections. Typically, a newborn is infected with chlamydia or gonococci present in the genital tract of the mother. In this case, conjunctivitis develops literally in the first days after birth and requires treatment in a hospital setting, since it is potentially dangerous for the baby. Treatment of chlamydial or gonococcal (gonoblenorrhea) conjunctivitis in newborns lasts up to 2–3 months.

Currently, to prevent conjunctivitis in newborns, in the first hours after birth, infants are given eye drops with specially prepared antibiotic solutions. This practice makes it possible to effectively prevent conjunctivitis in newborns, reducing the likelihood of their development to 1 - 2%, even if the baby was born to a woman suffering from untreated sexually transmitted infections.

Types of conjunctivitis in children

Currently, depending on the character causative factor The following types of conjunctivitis are distinguished:
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis;
  • Chlamydial conjunctivitis;
  • Viral conjunctivitis;
  • Fungal conjunctivitis;
  • Allergic conjunctivitis;
  • Contact conjunctivitis.
Bacterial, viral, chlamydial and fungal conjunctivitis are classified as infectious, since they are provoked by various types of pathogenic microorganisms. Allergic conjunctivitis is associated with the development of an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in inflammation of the eye. Contact conjunctivitis is a large and very heterogeneous group of inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the eye, resulting from contact with irritating environmental factors, for example, dust, dirt, water, etc.

Children often develop contact conjunctivitis after visiting pools or swimming in open water, since water coming into contact with the eyes irritates them and provokes an inflammatory process. However, 70–80% of conjunctivitis in children are viral or bacterial. Allergic conjunctivitis in children develops relatively rarely, and fungal conjunctivitis develops very rarely.

Based on the nature of the inflammatory process, conjunctivitis in children is divided into acute and chronic. As a rule, children have acute conjunctivitis, which begins suddenly and ends after 5–7 days or 2–3 weeks, depending on the cause of the inflammatory process, with complete recovery. Chronic conjunctivitis in children is very rare.

Depending on the nature of the inflammatory process and morphological changes In the mucous membrane of the eye, conjunctivitis is divided into the following types:

  • Catarrhal conjunctivitis (there is only mucous discharge without admixture of pus);
  • Purulent conjunctivitis (discharge contains pus);
  • Membranous conjunctivitis (thin films form on the surface of the mucous membrane);
  • Follicular conjunctivitis (small pinkish blisters called follicles form on the mucous membrane of the upper eyelid).
For children, the most common are catarrhal and membranous conjunctivitis, usually provoked by viral infections. In second place in terms of frequency of occurrence in children are purulent conjunctivitis, which is provoked by bacteria. Follicular conjunctivitis is rare, but has the most severe course, as a result of which it requires effective therapy in the eye department of the hospital. Follicular conjunctivitis in children is usually provoked by the herpes virus.

Causes of conjunctivitis in children

The causes of conjunctivitis in children may be the following groups of factors that can provoke an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the eye:
1. Infectious factors:
  • Pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci, meningococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.);
  • Chlamydia;
  • Viruses (adenoviruses and herpes viruses);
  • Pathogenic fungi.
2. Allergens (eg pollen, contact lens material, washing powder and etc.).
3. Irritating factors(eye contact with water, dust, gases, etc.).
4. Long course inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs (for example, sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc.).

All of the listed causes of conjunctivitis cause the disease only if they manage to get onto the mucous membrane of the child’s eye. Unfortunately, the child constantly rubs his eyes, is in contact with other children and numerous substances that have the potential irritating effect, which makes the risk of developing conjunctivitis very high compared to that of an adult.

How is conjunctivitis transmitted in children?

Only infectious conjunctivitis can be transmitted from one person to another, since it is caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Bacterial (pseudomonas, staphylococcal, chlamydial, gonococcal, meningococcal, etc.) conjunctivitis is most often transmitted through dirty hands and household items (for example, towels, toys, clothes, etc.). Thus, children can become infected with bacterial conjunctivitis from each other during close contact, for example, hugging, kissing, sharing the same toys, etc. Naturally, while playing, children come into very close contact with each other, so infection with bacterial conjunctivitis occurs quite easily, as a result of which the infection is transmitted to a large number of children from one patient.

Viral conjunctivitis can be isolated or develop against the background of a viral infection (for example, measles, rubella, influenza, ARVI, etc.). Isolated viral conjunctivitis develops when the virus enters directly into the mucous membrane of the eye. However, conjunctivitis often develops against the background of a viral infection and is called associated. This happens because viruses easily enter the eyes from the ENT organs (nose, mouth, throat, etc.). In this case, conjunctivitis is considered one of the symptoms of a current viral infection, for example, measles, chickenpox or adenovirus. Transmission of isolated and associated conjunctivitis occurs by contact or airborne droplets.

Allergic conjunctivitis is determined by the individual characteristics of the functioning of the child’s immune system, and contact conjunctivitis depends on the effects of various potentially irritating substances on the mucous membrane of the eye. Therefore, a child with allergic or contact conjunctivitis is not dangerous to others, because the disease will not be transmitted to other children under any circumstances.

Conjunctivitis in children - symptoms

General symptoms of any conjunctivitis in children

Any type of conjunctivitis is characterized by general nonspecific symptoms, such as:
  • Edema of the conjunctiva;
  • Redness of the conjunctiva and ciliary margin of the eyelids;
  • lacrimation;
  • Photophobia.
These symptoms are present to varying degrees of severity in any type of conjunctivitis. It is their presence that makes it possible to diagnose inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye in a child. However, “conjunctivitis” is only half of the diagnosis, since to create a complete picture it is necessary to clarify the nature of the inflammatory process occurring on the mucous membrane of the eye, for example, viral, bacterial, allergic or contact. To identify the nature of conjunctivitis, it is necessary to analyze certain symptoms inherent in various types of inflammation of the ocular mucosa. These symptoms are characteristic only of certain types of conjunctivitis and are therefore called specific. Let's consider specific symptoms various types of conjunctivitis in children.

Conjunctivitis in a child - how many days does it last?

The duration of conjunctivitis depends on its type. So, viral conjunctivitis in most cases it lasts 5–7 days, but in severe cases, recovery can take up to 10–21 days. Usually, herpetic conjunctivitis is long-lasting and difficult, while adenoviral conjunctivitis, on the contrary, is relatively easy and quick.

Bacterial (purulent) conjunctivitis can last from 3 weeks to 2 months, depending on what pathogen provoked its appearance. The longest (up to 2 months) and most severe conjunctivitis is caused by meningococcus, diphtheria bacillus and gonococcus. Other bacterial conjunctivitis usually lasts 3 to 5 weeks.

Chlamydial conjunctivitis can last from 10 to 21 days, depending on the individual characteristics of the reactivity of the child’s immune system.

Allergic conjunctivitis can last for years, with alternating periods of remissions and exacerbations, if it is not possible to completely remove the factor that provokes the development of a hypersensitivity reaction.

Bacterial conjunctivitis in children

Bacterial conjunctivitis in children can be provoked by various pathogenic or opportunistic bacteria. Most often, bacterial conjunctivitis is provoked by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Haemophilus influenzae, staphylococci, gonococci, meningococci and the causative agent of diphtheria. Regardless of the specific microorganism that causes it, all bacterial conjunctivitis occurs with purulent discharge. It is the presence of pus that distinguishes bacterial conjunctivitis from any other.

The first symptom of bacterial conjunctivitis is the appearance of cloudy, viscous discharge from the eye - pus. The pus may be yellow or gray in color. Depending on the consistency of the discharge, it can be viscous or liquid. Typically, purulent discharge accumulates in the folds or on the ciliary edge of the eyelids. After a night's sleep, it is difficult for a child to open his eyes because pus sticks them together.

To others characteristic symptom Bacterial conjunctivitis is severe dryness of the skin around the eye. Rest nonspecific symptoms with bacterial conjunctivitis, such as swelling and redness of the conjunctiva and skin of the eyelids, lacrimation and photophobia are also present, but their severity may vary. In severe cases of bacterial conjunctivitis, the child experiences pain and a sensation of a foreign body in the eye.

Purulent conjunctivitis in children

Purulent conjunctivitis in children is always bacterial and can be primary or secondary. Primary conjunctivitis develops when a pathogenic microbe directly enters the mucous membrane of the eye, and secondary conjunctivitis is a complication of diseases of the ENT organs or other types of conjunctivitis. The symptoms of purulent conjunctivitis are exactly the same as those of bacterial conjunctivitis, namely:
  • The presence of purulent discharge in the eyes;
  • Sticking of eyelids after sleep;
  • Severe swelling of the conjunctiva and eyelids, which become very dense to the touch;
  • lacrimation;
  • Injection of the sclera of the eye (redness);
  • Infiltrates and pinpoint hemorrhages on the conjunctiva, visible in the form of small brick-brown dots.

Viral conjunctivitis in children

Viral conjunctivitis in children in the vast majority of cases is combined with colds caused by various viruses. Therefore, viral conjunctivitis is often combined with rhinitis, sore throat, high fever, cough and other symptoms of ARVI. When infected with an adenovirus, a child develops the classic triad - conjunctivitis, pharyngitis and heat. This manifestation of a viral infection is called adenopharyngoconjunctival fever. Less common is isolated viral conjunctivitis, when only the eyes are affected. A typical isolated viral conjunctivitis is herpetic conjunctivitis. Children most often develop adenoviral or herpetic conjunctivitis.

Any viral conjunctivitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Severe lacrimation;
  • Redness of the skin of the eyelids;
  • Swelling of the skin of the eyelids;
  • Conjunctival injection ( redness of the eye);
  • Scanty mucous discharge, often forming films that are easily removed from the surface of the conjunctiva without leaving damage;
  • Numerous infiltrates gray in the mucous membrane of the eye.
With viral conjunctivitis, swelling of the eyelids is less pronounced than with bacterial conjunctivitis. But the redness can be very strong. A characteristic feature severe course Viral conjunctivitis is the formation of small blisters on the mucous membrane of the eye in the upper eyelid. Such vesicles are called follicles and indicate deep damage to the mucous membrane, which can spread to other parts of the eye, causing severe complications. Therefore, if follicles appear, you should immediately call a doctor or an ambulance.

Chlamydial conjunctivitis in children

Chlamydial conjunctivitis in children is provoked by the contact of chlamydia on the mucous membrane of the eyes - microorganisms that occupy intermediate position between bacteria and viruses. Chlamydia can be transmitted sexually or through household contact. A child becomes infected with chlamydia through contact and household contact, using toiletries and personal hygiene items, clothing, bedding, etc., shared with the carrier of the germs. Most often, a child becomes infected with chlamydia when visiting public swimming pools or baths. In addition, a child can become infected with chlamydia while passing through the mother's birth canal.

Chlamydial conjunctivitis begins with severe photophobia. Then within short period Over time, severe swelling and redness of the lower and upper eyelids develop. By the 2nd day of illness, the conjunctiva was severely hyperemic. The most pronounced inflammatory process occurs in the fold of the lower eyelid, where a small amount of mucopurulent discharge accumulates. After sleep, the child’s eyelids are glued together, and dried yellow-gray crusts are visible on the eyelash edge. In principle, chlamydial conjunctivitis belongs to the group of bacterial ones, so its course is the same as that of inflammation provoked by pathogenic bacteria.

Allergic conjunctivitis in children

Allergic conjunctivitis in children is relatively rare. With allergic conjunctivitis, the child does not have any discharge from the eyes, since the inflammatory process is not associated with infection. With allergic conjunctivitis, the child will be bothered by severe, unbearable itching in the eyes, but mild swelling and slight redness of the conjunctiva and eyelids. Sometimes there is pain in the eye, especially after prolonged and strong rubbing of the eyes with your hands.

The characteristic symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis, which always develop in a child and allow one to distinguish this type inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye from others are as follows:

  • Swelling and redness of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • lacrimation;
  • Swelling of the eyelids;
  • Itchy eyes.

Contact conjunctivitis in children

Contact conjunctivitis in children can develop after crying for a long time and rubbing their eyes with their hands, after playing on a dusty street, after sitting near an open fire, etc. In other words, any factor that can irritate the eyes can provoke contact conjunctivitis in a child. The most characteristic symptom of contact conjunctivitis is pain in the eye, and all other symptoms are relatively mild. The child may also complain of a feeling of sand in the eyes, moderate and intermittent itching, and fatigue when reading. The redness of the eyelids and swelling are very mild and are visible only upon careful examination of the child’s eyes.

Temperature with conjunctivitis in children

Conjunctivitis under the age of 7 years is quite often accompanied by an increase in temperature, which is due to the peculiarities of the reaction mechanisms of the immune system of the child’s body. Therefore, temperature with conjunctivitis in a child is a completely normal manifestation of an inflammatory disease.

If conjunctivitis is not combined with symptoms of various respiratory diseases (for example, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, acute respiratory infections, etc.), then the increase in temperature is a reflection of the child’s body’s reaction to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. The temperature in such a situation will drop after the conjunctivitis begins to stop.

If conjunctivitis is combined with diseases of the upper respiratory tract(sore throat, rhinitis, pharyngitis, etc.), colds or any general infections (for example, measles, chickenpox, rubella, etc.), then the temperature is caused by these pathologies, and not by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. In such a situation, the temperature will normalize when the child begins to recover from the underlying illness.

For children, a combination of conjunctivitis with respiratory diseases is a fairly common variant of the course of infection, which is due to the anatomical features of the structure of the ENT organs and eyes. If a child develops conjunctivitis with every cold, sniffle or acute respiratory viral infection, this is his individual characteristic, which is a variant of the norm. In such a situation, it is necessary to treat the cold, and the eyes can simply be washed, since special therapy not required.

Snot and conjunctivitis in a child

If a child has a combination of snot and conjunctivitis, this indicates that various microbes penetrate from the nasal cavity into the eyes through the nasolacrimal duct. The fact is that the nose and eye are connected via the nasolacrimal duct, the main purpose of which is to carry tears into the nose. This is why, after crying, a person develops mucus in the nose, which is referred to as “crying snot.” However, various microbes can penetrate from the eye to the nose and back through this channel. That is why, with various respiratory infections and diseases of the ENT organs, including rhinitis, a child may develop conjunctivitis. This condition is a variant of the norm and does not require any special treatment. When a child’s snot is accompanied by conjunctivitis, it is they that need to be treated, and not the inflammation of the eye. In such a situation, it is enough to simply rinse the eyes periodically several times a day with any non-irritating solutions (for example, saline solution, boiled water, Furacilin at a dilution of 1:1000, etc.).

Conjunctivitis in children - photo

The photograph shows purulent bacterial conjunctivitis with a characteristic yellow discharge that sticks together the eyelids.

The photo shows allergic conjunctivitis.

The photo shows viral conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis in children - principles of treatment

In most cases, conjunctivitis is a harmless disease that can be treated at home. However, sometimes conjunctivitis can present as serious danger for the child because high risk development of complications. In such situations, you should consult a doctor to get qualified treatment, aimed at preventing damage to the deep structures of the eye, which can lead to irreversible changes, including complete or partial blindness. Thus, every adult raising a child should know in what cases conjunctivitis is dangerous, and when it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, and not try to treat it at home using the usual methods. So, if a child has the following symptoms due to conjunctivitis, you should urgently call an ambulance, as this is dangerous:
1. The child is less than one year old;
2. Within two days from the onset of the disease there is no improvement;
3. Photophobia even with slight redness of the eye;
4. Eye pain;
5. Deterioration of vision;
6. The appearance of pale pink small bubbles (follicles) on the mucous membrane of the eye in the upper eyelid.

You should call a doctor if at least one of the above symptoms appears. If these symptoms are absent, then conjunctivitis in a child can be treated at home, having previously established its cause (viral, bacterial or allergic) based on clinical symptoms. Knowing the cause of conjunctivitis is necessary for proper and effective treatment.

In the process of treating any type of conjunctivitis, you will have to bury and rinse the child’s eyes. This must be done correctly, observing the following rules:

  • Don’t worry or yell at your child, show by your own example that there is nothing bad or unpleasant about putting eye drops;
  • Always treat and apply drops to both eyes, even if only one is affected. This is necessary to prevent infection of the second eye;
  • Before each eye drop or eye wash, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water;
  • Immediately before instillation, place the child on his back in a position that is comfortable for him;
  • Place your index finger on the upper eyelid and your thumb on the lower eyelid, then gently stretch them apart. The lower eyelid should be pulled back so that the pocket underneath is exposed;
  • With your second hand, without touching the eyelashes or the surface of the eye, drop the medicine directly into the pocket of the lower eyelid as close as possible to the outer corner;
  • Remove your fingers from your eyelids and ask your child not to close their eyes. Explain to him in advance that he should either blink or try to keep his eye open, but not squint, because otherwise the medicine will leak out;
  • If it is not possible to open the child’s eyes for instillation, then 2–3 drops of the medicine should be applied directly to the closed eyes. upper eyelids at the inner corner. In this case, the child will reflexively open his eyes, as a result of which part of the medicine will reach its destination;
  • When using ointment, it should be placed with a clean index finger under the lower eyelid;
  • To remove mucous or purulent discharge from the eyes, it is necessary to rinse them with various non-irritating solutions (for example, saline solution, Furacilin, etc.);
  • For rinsing, clean gauze wipes should be used, and a new one should be taken to treat each eye;
  • A gauze napkin is soaked in the solution and wiped over the eyes from the outer corner to the inner one. After each wiping, change the tampon to a new one. Wipe the child's eyes until the ciliary edge of the eyelid is cleared of pus or mucus;
  • After removing mucus or pus from the eyelid, clean the corner of the eye.
You cannot use cotton swabs to treat the eye, as they can leave small particles on the surface of the conjunctiva or eyelid, which will aggravate and aggravate the course of the inflammatory process. Also, you should not apply any compresses to the eye to treat conjunctivitis, as this will create favorable conditions for the proliferation of bacteria, which will aggravate the course of inflammation.

To wash the eye, you can use any non-irritating liquid, such as saline solution, chamomile infusion, tea, boiled water etc. You can buy at the pharmacy and use antiseptic solutions for ophthalmic practice to wash the eyes, such as Vitabact, 2% boric acid, Furacilin diluted 1: 1000, Oxycyanate, etc.

The above rules apply when treating any type of conjunctivitis in a child. Besides them, in complex therapy conjunctivitis, it is necessary to use certain medications to eliminate the cause of inflammation, such as antibiotics, antiviral or antiallergic drugs. All these remedies are used topically in the form of ointments or drops in the eyes. Only with allergic conjunctivitis may it be necessary to take antihistamines orally in tablet form. Let's consider which drugs that eliminate the cause of inflammation can be used to treat various types of conjunctivitis in children.

Viral conjunctivitis in children - treatment

In principle, mild viral conjunctivitis in children does not require any treatment other than regular eye rinsing with any non-irritating solutions. This is due to the fact that specific antiviral drops does not exist in the eye, and the child’s body will develop immunity within 2–3 days, which will cope with the disease within 5–7 days. Therefore, with viral conjunctivitis, parents can only wait for the child’s body to cope with the disease. To help the child and prevent the possible addition of a bacterial infection, you only need to rinse the eye with any solutions, for example, Picloxidine, silver nitrate, etc.

If viral conjunctivitis occurs in a severe form with the formation of follicles, then it requires treatment in a hospital.

Bacterial conjunctivitis in children - treatment

For bacterial conjunctivitis, you should regularly (every 2–3 hours) wash the child’s eyes with non-irritating solutions, then instill drops or apply antibiotic ointment. In children, you can use Tetracycline, Levomycetin, Erythromycin and Gentamicin ointments, as well as drops Ciprofloxacin, Lomefloxacin, Ofloxacin, etc. The ointment or drops are continuously used until recovery and continue for another two days after the symptoms disappear. It is recommended to rinse your eyes before instilling drops or applying ointment. Drops and ointment are administered every 2 to 4 hours, depending on the severity of the inflammation. Doctors recommend in daytime use drops and ointment at night.

Allergic conjunctivitis in children - treatment

The most effective treatment for allergic conjunctivitis in children is to eliminate the factor that causes the allergy. To do this, you will have to observe the child and find out what he is allergic to. After which it is necessary to limit contact with the allergen as much as possible.

However, in addition to this, it is necessary to instill drops into the child’s eyes containing antihistamine, antiallergic substances, for example, Alomid, High-Krom, Cromoglin, Lecrolin, Cromohexal, etc. The drops are used in courses of 2–4 weeks, after which they take a break and, if necessary, resume their use.

How long does it take to treat conjunctivitis in children?

The duration of therapy depends on the type of conjunctivitis and the speed of recovery. The simplest rule that parents can use to determine the duration of treatment for conjunctivitis in a child is as follows: “Conjunctivitis should be treated two days longer after it disappears. clinical symptoms"This means that parents must apply medications to the child's eye until the symptoms disappear completely + two more days.

Conjunctivitis in infants - principles of treatment

When the first signs of conjunctivitis appear in an infant, you should first of all consult a doctor as soon as possible, without consulting whom you cannot begin any treatment. When the doctor examines the child and determines the type of conjunctivitis (contact, viral, bacterial or allergic), he will prescribe the necessary treatment. With viral conjunctivitis it consists of a simple regular washing eyes with saline solution until recovery. And for bacterial conjunctivitis, you will have to add antibiotics in the form of drops or ointments to the rinses. For the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, parents will need to instill antihistamine drops. The rules for treating the eyes, as well as medications used to treat conjunctivitis in infants, are exactly the same as for children over one year of age.

However, infants may have a specific type of conjunctivitis, which is associated with incomplete opening of the nasolacrimal duct. This disorder is called dacryocystitis. In this case, the tear does not flow out, causing constant swelling and redness of the baby's eyes. Conventional methods of treating conjunctivitis with dacryocystitis are not effective.

Typically, the tear duct opens on its own by 3–8 months of life, as a result of which conjunctivitis goes away on its own. However, to relieve the symptoms of dacryocystitis in a baby, you can do a simple massage by pressing your finger on the inner corner of the eye several times during the day. Such a simple massage will help remove tears through the nose, preventing its stagnation and the formation of inflammation on the conjunctiva.

Conjunctivitis in children - folk remedies

The only valid and safe folk method Treatment of conjunctivitis in children is eye rinsing various solutions. You can wash your eyes with boiled water, saline, Furacilin (1:1000), tea, chamomile decoction


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