Severe itching of the skin. Treatment of itching

Every person has more and more health problems with age. This is not surprising, because irreversible changes occur in the body associated with the natural aging process. One of the symptoms that causes a lot of trouble for older people is itchy skin.

What it is?

Senile itching is a phenomenon that occurs in almost half of people over 60–70 years of age. The skin can itch for various reasons: itching can be a symptom of an internal disease or occur in old age due to changes in the structure of the skin. Unpleasant sensations can be constant or periodic, intensifying at night and after taking a bath or shower.

Itchy skin may worsen in the evening or after taking a bath

When a problem significantly reduces the quality of life, the patient goes to see a dermatologist. If you do not find any rashes on your skin, your doctor will definitely recommend that you be examined by different specialists for internal diseases.

The skin is part of the excretory system: metabolic products are released through the skin, sebaceous, and sweat ducts. If a person has an unhealthy pancreas, kidneys or liver, then toxic metabolic products accumulate in the skin, causing an unpleasant itching sensation. Only after a complete examination of the patient and the exclusion of internal pathologies (diseases of the digestive organs, diabetes, oncology) can the doctor conclude that in this case we are talking specifically about senile itching, which is caused by age-related changes in the skin.

Senile itching of the skin in the elderly: causes and provoking factors

The skin of older people undergoes certain changes: the epidermis and underlying layers (dermis, subcutaneous tissue) become significantly thinner, the skin becomes very dry and sensitive. The epidermal cells of older people are not able to effectively retain moisture, which is so necessary to maintain skin elasticity. The processes of restoration and normal functioning of the skin are disrupted.

With age, the skin becomes dry, unable to retain moisture and fully perform its barrier function.

In addition to xerosis (dry skin), unpleasant itching may be associated with impaired innervation of the skin due to senile changes in nerve fibers.

In addition to these reasons, experts name the following:

  • changes in hormonal levels (decreased production of sex and other hormones);
  • small vessels;
  • violations of water-salt metabolism;
  • age-related atrophy of the skin glands, absence of a thin lipid layer on the surface of the epidermis.

Itching in older people can be provoked by cold, heat, friction of clothing or bedding, detergents, and hard water.

Video - reasons


An unpleasant symptom can be localized or generalized. In the first case, the skin itches in areas of friction - on the shoulders, back, waist, and groin. In the generalized form, itching occurs throughout the body. It can manifest itself with varying intensity - from mild discomfort to painful sensations and even pain.

Senile itching usually becomes worse in the evening and can be annoying at night. In cold weather, when the heating is on in the room, the skin becomes even drier and you want to itch even more. An unpleasant sensation may occur periodically after water hygiene procedures.

With senile itching, the skin remains clean, fine-plate peeling may be noted, scratching is usually absent, which is associated with low turgor (firmness, elasticity) of the skin of older people.

Itchy skin in older people can be in certain places or all over the body.

Chronic itching can significantly reduce the quality of life of an elderly person, causing associated symptoms: sleep disturbance, irritability, decreased appetite.


A dermatologist diagnoses and treats the patient. Diagnostic measures begin with asking the patient: when the itching first appeared, what caused its exacerbation, and accompanying symptoms. The skin is examined.

To determine the exact cause of itching, laboratory tests are prescribed:

  • clinical blood and urine tests: in a blood test, attention is paid to (whether there is an inflammatory process in the body), eosinophils (an increased number indicates an allergy), hemoglobin level (whether there is anemia);
  • to assess the functioning of internal organs;
  • examination of stool for worm eggs (helminthic infestations can cause skin itching) and occult blood (if there is internal bleeding).

The patient may also undergo a chest X-ray to identify pathological processes, and an examination of the thyroid gland to assess its functionality.

If the patient does not have any somatic diseases that can provoke the appearance of itchy skin, then the dermatologist diagnoses senile itching of the skin.

First of all, the dermatologist examines the skin and interviews the patient.

In some cases, consultation with a psychiatrist may be necessary, since the symptom may be associated with mental disorders of the patient.

Senile itching is differentiated from skin itching in dermatological and allergic diseases:

  • atopic or contact dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • hay fever, urticaria;
  • scabies.

What means can you use to get rid of trouble?

The principles of treating senile itching are proper skin care and diet.

Human skin care

Since the main cause of senile itching is excessive dry skin, it is necessary to combat it. An elderly person should have properly selected body skin care products at hand - creams and milk.

Sometimes dermatologists recommend using children's cosmetics, however, before purchasing such products you need to carefully study their composition, since very often children's creams and lotions contain mineral oils that can clog pores.

Pharmacy products for the care of itchy skin include bath oil or German-made Balneum cream, Dardia body milk (Italy), antixerotic shower gel and Losterin body cream, La Cree cream made from natural ingredients for itching, dryness and irritation.

Losterin cream effectively relieves itching and dry skin

Water procedures often bring older people not relief, but real trials, provoking increased itching and skin irritation. To avoid this, doctors recommend avoiding soap and alkaline washes, which degrease and dry out the skin even more. It is recommended to take a shower rather than a bath, and the water should be warm, not hot. Use a mild detergent without a sponge to wash only your armpits, feet and genitals. Before showering, you can lubricate your skin with peach or cold-pressed olive oil. After washing, wet skin should not be wiped, but blotted with a cotton towel and immediately applied with body milk or a hypoallergenic moisturizing cream.

A contrast shower and rubbing the skin with cosmetic ice with an infusion of string, sage or calendula can be a salvation from itching and a good tonic. However, such procedures can negatively affect the general condition of an elderly person and cause exacerbation of somatic diseases, so before using the method you should consult a therapist.

For senile itching, dousing with water and sea salt has a good effect. The solution should be weak - 1 tablespoon per 5 liters of water. Flavored bath salts, which are widely available, cannot be used for this purpose, since additional components (dyes and fragrances) can cause an allergic reaction. It is advisable to purchase sea salt at a pharmacy. You can carry out douches constantly; such procedures have a good effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Pouring a weak solution of sea salt effectively relieves itching and tones the skin.

An elderly person is advised to avoid clothing made from wool and synthetic fabrics; it is best to wear cotton clothing. The skin should not be overheated; baths and saunas should be prohibited, as well as warming physiotherapy procedures.

Use of medications

Topical corticosteroids are recognized as the most effective external remedy for eliminating skin itching. However, in case of senile itching, their use is not always justified. External hormonal agents are prescribed for severe itching, which is combined with inflammatory skin diseases. The course of use should be as limited as possible, since older people have a high risk of complications (skin atrophy). The weakest drugs are prescribed - 1% Hydrocortisone ointment, less often - stronger drugs - Akriderm, Sinaflan, Fluorocort. To relieve itching, use cooling compresses, creams and ointments with the addition of menthol (Boromenthol ointment), and camphor oil.

Systemic medications for itching include first-generation antihistamines with a sedative effect:

  • Pipolfen;
  • Diazolin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Suprastin.

Among sedatives, Glycine, tincture of valerian and motherwort are recommended, in some cases mild antidepressants are indicated - Mirtazapine (Calixta), Paroxetine (Rexetine, Paxil), anticonvulsants - Gabapentin (Neurontin). Twice a year, for senile itching, it is useful to take courses of Aevit, Retinol, Omega-3.

Photo gallery - drugs for the treatment of senile itching

Topical steroid Hydrocortisone effectively relieves itchy skin
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the skin of an elderly person, eliminating dryness
The combined drug Aevit is prescribed for severe dry skin The antihistamine drug Tavegil relieves skin itching and has a sedative effect Boromenthol ointment with boric acid and menthol has a pronounced cooling and antipruritic effect
Mirtazapine is an antidepressant sometimes prescribed for senile itching Glycine is a drug that has a mild sedative and stabilizing effect


The patient’s diet should be limited to spicy, seasoned foods, salty, smoked foods, marinades, coffee, strong tea, sweets, chocolate, citrus fruits, and alcoholic drinks. Each patient should pay attention to which foods the itching intensifies and exclude such foods from the diet.

Fresh vegetables, cereals, foods rich in iodine (seaweed, fish), polyunsaturated fatty acids (nuts, unrefined vegetable oil, seafood) are useful.


Physiotherapeutic procedures for the treatment of senile itching include treatment with ultraviolet rays (UVR). The course is selected individually by the doctor. Ultraviolet treatment stimulates metabolic processes, enhances the protective properties of the skin, and normalizes the functioning of the immune system.

Ultraviolet irradiation is one of the main physiotherapeutic means for treating senile itching

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine recommends many remedies to combat itching. When washing in the bath, you can add a small amount of fresh milk to the water - 1-2 glasses. After a shower, you can also rinse with water with added milk or non-acidic whey. After such a douche, there is no need to wipe the skin; you just need to blot the moisture with a towel.

Instead of milk, you can use herbs - infusions of mint, string, oregano, elecampane, and a decoction of bay leaves. Preparation of herbal infusion: pour 2 large spoons of herbs into a liter of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, add to the bath.

  • Use apple cider vinegar diluted 1:1 as an anti-itch lotion for the skin;
  • propolis in oil (1 teaspoon of raw material per 100 ml of olive oil, keep in a water bath for half an hour) to lubricate problem areas;
  • ointment with birch tar: 3 tablespoons of tar, 2 tablespoons of vaseline oil, 100 ml of Sophora tincture, mix, let stand in a dark place for a week, use to lubricate the skin;
  • lotions from mumiyo solution: 2 gr. Dissolve the raw material in 100 ml of water and apply the product to itchy areas.

It is recommended to take an antipruritic infusion of licorice, valerian, elecampane, violet and white damselfly inside. The herbs are taken in equal proportions, mixed, a large spoonful of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water, infused and drunk 1 large spoonful three times a day before meals.

Senile itching is successfully treated with herbs: they are used to make infusions for baths and for oral administration

Herbal teas made from mint and lemon balm, which have a calming effect, will be beneficial.

Treatment prognosis and possible complications

In general, the prognosis for treatment, provided all medical recommendations are followed, is favorable. With proper skin care, the symptoms of xerosis, which causes itching, are eliminated and the patient experiences significant relief.

The most likely complications of senile itching are:

  • scratch infection;
  • Manifestations from the nervous system:
    • irritability;
    • insomnia;
    • decreased appetite;
    • disturbance of general well-being.

Preventive actions

Prevention of senile itching involves proper skin care and diet. Preventive measures include:

  • moisturizing the skin with special cosmetics;
  • refusal of aggressive detergents and synthetic fabrics;
  • avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun in open clothing;
  • proper nutrition, avoidance of alcohol and smoking;
  • preventing scratching of itchy skin;
  • regular preventive examinations by doctors in order to identify somatic pathologies.

Itchy skin can cause such unpleasant sensations and an annoying urge to scratch the skin that it can drive a person to madness, especially if he has severe itchy skin.

Initially, skin itching begins to occur in the area of ​​nerves under the skin in the epidermis layer, where their endings are located. Further, through the innervation of nerve fibers, impulse signals enter the cerebral cortex. The whole principle of this process is explained by the work of the autonomic nervous system.

There are no specific receptors that perceive the sensation of itching in the skin. In the cerebral cortex, under the direct influence of accompanying emotions (boredom, anxiety, etc.) or various sensations on the skin, the feeling of itching can either increase or decrease.

As a rule, itchy skin cannot be an independent disease. It acts as the initial or one of the general symptoms of any underlying disease of the body.

Itchy skin causes

Itchy skin can be a symptom of both a systemic and a skin disease. Itchy skin can also be the cause of ordinary dry skin, which can appear during the season.

With localized itching of the skin, we can talk about various skin dermatoses. As a rule, with dermatoses, severe itching of the skin can be observed. Such diseases may be: fungal infections of the skin. This can also include itching of the skin in the anus (with hemorrhoids, proctitis, diabetes mellitus, poor personal hygiene, anal fissures, helminthic infestations, etc.). Itching of the skin in the genital area can be observed with human papillomavirus infection, estrogen deficiency, diabetes mellitus etc.

With generalized itching of the skin, itching without any special skin changes (scratching, rashes, erosions, etc.) is of great importance.

Itchy skin in older people may be an age-related change in dry skin. With age, the skin becomes thinner and the amount of moisture in it also decreases.

Generalized itching can occur with diabetes, with cancer, with e, with and.

Itching of the skin of the feet occurs primarily with fungal infections. may appear in places of the skin on the legs where some moisture may accumulate. For example, between the toes. Also, another common cause of itchy skin on the feet may be (the so-called sweating disorder, during which inflammation of the skin occurs). Itching of the skin of the legs can also be caused by hypothermia. Popularly, this condition is called “chills” - localized skin vasculitis.

Itching of the skin of the hands can be observed with various dermatoses. If present: urticaria, eczema, neurodermatitis. Also, itching of the skin of the hands is always observed with scabies, especially between the fingers. Chemicals, causing temperature changes, can also cause itching on the skin of the hands. This condition may also occur with or when taking certain medications.

Itchy skin in children is also a very common symptom with allergic dermatoses, seborrheic dermatitis, intestinal infections, helminthic infestations, etc.

Itchy skin symptoms

For the appearance of skin itching sensations, both its intensity and the properties of the irritant may matter. When an irritating substance initially causes itching of the skin, then as the intensity increases, the itching gives way to pain. Certain irritants (for example, quinine, morphine, arsenic, etc.) have the effect of causing skin itching, while some medications may not cause it.

It is also worth noting that in the perception of itching, as well as pain, the subjective element can be of great importance. All patients perceive skin itching differently, depending on the functional characteristics of their nervous system. A good diagnostic criterion for determining the nature of itching is excoriation, as a final component of scratching. Often there are patients who complain of severe itching of the skin, which deprives them of sleep, but during an in-person examination, as a rule, they do not find any scratching or may have minor excoriations. In other cases, if the patient has a lot of scratching, there are practically no complaints of itchy skin.

Neurotics and psychasthenics may complain of severe itching of the skin, without significant clinical signs. For them, such an exaggeration of sensations is quite typical. Removing neurosis through hypnosis leads to a weakening or disappearance of skin itching altogether, which is proof of this. Based on the location of skin itching, a distinction is made between limited and generalized nature of its location.

An example of localized skin itching may include itching of the hands, feet, and anal area. An example of generalized skin itching is senile itching (with dry skin or diabetes).

Itching of the skin and the characteristic scratching of the skin usually lead to visible changes in the skin. The skin can react to scratching either by spasm of blood vessels or by their dilation. As a result, vascular ischemia occurs with simultaneous tissue edema. Often itching of the skin goes away along with an urticarial reaction, which is characterized by vasospasm and their expansion along the periphery of the vesicle, which can form with skin itching.

Prolonged itching of the skin can lead to the appearance of papules, excoriations, lichenification, and often eczematization of the skin. When these clinical manifestations appear, the disease should already be regarded as.

Itchy scalp

When the scalp itches, the first thing that comes to mind is the presence of lice or head lice. With pediculosis, itching of the scalp is localized most of all at the site of nit attachment (behind the ears, under the bangs, on the back of the head). The itching from lice is very debilitating. Their nits can be seen in the form of dandruff, but at the same time they have a shiny surface, are quite difficult to remove from the hair, and when you press on it with your nails, a peculiar click is heard, as if it is bursting.

Seborrhea can also act as another common culprit for itchy scalp. The cause of seborrhea is a change in the function of the sebaceous glands. It can be oily, dry or mixed. Often, seborrhea can cause severe flaking of the scalp, which is called dandruff. This disease is difficult to cure on your own. Treatment consists of consulting a specialist, following a diet and prescribing appropriate medications.

An itchy scalp may occur after frequently changing shampoos or hair masks. To select a suitable hair care product, it is best to contact a trichologist - a hair specialist.

Severe dryness of the scalp can also cause itching. To do this, experts recommend using special moisturizing shampoos and hair products.

About a quarter of patients suffering from jaundice complain of severe itching of the skin of the body. This itching may be due to intrahepatic cholestasis. It is observed in 25% of patients with hepatitis and 15% of patients with cirrhosis.

Itching of the body skin is present in almost all patients with primary biliary cirrhosis and can act as the first symptom, appearing several years earlier than other signs of the disease.

Generalized itching of the skin of the body during pregnancy is observed for more than 6 months and disappears after the birth of the child. Therefore, expectant mothers should not be particularly concerned about this unpleasant symptom, since this is a temporary phenomenon.

Certain medications can make the skin of the body itchy. These include: Erythromycin, Phenothiazines, anabolic steroids and estrogens. In case of taking contraceptives, in half of the cases, skin itching begins already in the first month of use. The risk of this side effect from birth control is much higher in women who have experienced itchy skin during pregnancy.

Half of patients with polycythymia vera suffer from generalized itching of the skin, which always intensifies after taking hot baths.

Itching of the body skin occurs in a third of patients and always means the first symptom of the disease.

And systemic mastocytosis can be accompanied by itching of the skin throughout the body, in the absence of skin scratching. Moreover, in such patients, itching begins long before the onset of anemia.

It also manifests itself as generalized itching of the skin of the body. Itching in this case appears due to increased activity of kinins along with an increase in skin temperature.

When it occurs, dry skin is observed, which can cause itching.

Addicts who inject heroin have chronic itching of the skin of the body.

A separate form of body skin itching is altitude itching. It occurs in a small number of people when climbing to altitudes of 10 km and above.

In diabetes mellitus, localized itching of the skin of the body occurs. It can be either in one area of ​​the body, or in several at once.

With scabies, a disease of infectious origin, which is transmitted by contact, there is itching of the skin of the body with the appearance of scabies on the surface of the skin. The causative agent of this disease is the scabies mite. Scabies begins with rashes and severe itching between the fingers, in the wrist area and in the abdomen. When making a diagnosis, scrapings are taken from the affected areas of the skin.

With neurodermatitis, which can be classified as an inflammatory process, redness is observed in the bend of the elbows and knees. Later, severe itching of the skin in the affected areas occurs.

Itchy facial skin

When itching of the skin of the face, the cause of its occurrence, first of all, may be an allergic reaction. In this case, the facial skin may be red, and the patient may experience a feeling of heat. The reasons for its occurrence may be intolerance to any foods and/or medications.

In children, facial itching may be due to lactose intolerance. Women and young girls may have an allergic reaction to decorative cosmetics, which also manifests itself in itchy skin in the cheeks, eyes and mouth. Especially with intolerance to anti-aging creams, up to swelling of the eyelids.

Dry facial skin can also cause itchy skin. To prevent it, you need to use hypoallergenic creams with a moisturizing effect. Also, when using facial toners, dryness may occur. In this case, you should refuse them.

Some people may develop itchy facial skin due to temperature changes and climatic influences. That is, there may be a reaction to cold, to wind, to heat. And often such susceptibility to the external environment occurs in those people who suffer from anemia or hypothyroidism.

Certain medications can also cause discomfort on the facial skin in the form of itching. In addition to itching, such reactions can be combined with hyperemia and swelling of the facial skin. If such signs occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Jaundice may also cause facial itching and swelling. In this case, after scratching the skin, characteristic whitish scratches may remain. In diabetes mellitus, this phenomenon is also often observed.

The appearance of various types of dermatoses is always accompanied by itching of the facial skin. But, as a rule, they are combined with various rashes on the skin. This is especially true for atopic dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis.

Itchy skin treatment

The lack of knowledge in the field of pathophysiology of skin itching explains the difficulty in choosing the optimal treatment option. The main focus of various therapeutic measures in the event of skin itching should be therapy of the underlying disease. In addition, provoking factors should be eliminated, for example: dry skin, contact with various irritants, actions to degrease the skin (use of tonics), eating certain foods (spicy foods, spices, alcoholic drinks), as well as temperature changes in the environment. environment. It is necessary to exclude long-term use of potential allergic drugs (local anesthetics), as well as Doxepin, which is successfully used for atopic dermatitis of the skin, but due to its chemical formula and due to an increase in T-cell activity, it has a high degree of sensitization.

Related measures such as avoidance of stressful situations, autogenic training, psychological assistance, appropriate clothing, and the use of wet wraps can alleviate itching.

Depending on the underlying disease, it is considered important to include in therapy corticosteroids, anesthetics (Phenol, Menthol, Camphor, Polidocanol), Resorcinol, Clioquenol, tar in different bases. Electrical transcutaneous neurostimulation or acupuncture therapy is used as a supportive measure. The use of Capsaicin, which is an alkaloid extracted from pepper, gives good results in the treatment of itchy skin.

When treating itchy skin, there are three main aspects to consider. Firstly, this is a causal approach, in which the causative agent of the disease is destroyed. If this is not possible or diagnosing the pathogen is difficult, then attempts can be made to alleviate the symptoms by influencing the release of mediators that cause itching of the skin.

For itchy skin with mental and neurotic disorders, psychohypnosis with the elimination of stressful aggressors or tranquilizer therapy is a good therapy.

In therapeutic practice, for a number of diseases and for many pathological processes with skin itching of an unknown nature, it is impossible to cure the underlying disease. In such cases, therapy is begun to alleviate skin itching, either by influencing the principles of operation of mediators in free nerve endings or on a specific organ, or by modulating the transition of itching along the central and peripheral nerve pathways.

Histamine, under pathological and experimental conditions, acts as the only reliably identified transmitter of skin itching. Therefore, with a large number of diseases that are caused by mast cells, itchy skin and rashes in the form of papules can be cured with antihistamines. Outdated antihistamine drugs, which have a general sedative effect, are not much different in their effect on skin itching and blistering rashes from modern non-sedative drugs.

Non-sedating antihistamines completely cure skin itching in more than half of patients with chronic urticaria, and in the remaining patients they contribute to its good suppression. In most studies with normal controls, patients with eczema show no absolute response to different antihistamines. Antihistamines, which also influence the transition of mediators from mast cells and the migration of eosinophils, on the contrary, show good effectiveness in atopic dermatitis of the skin (Loratadine, Cetirizine).

So, antihistamines are divided into: ineffective or not effective in treating skin itching in the case of eczema. Antihistamines with local therapeutic action for the same diseases have a limited effect and should be avoided due to potential contact sensitization when treating children.

The weak effect of antihistamines in various inflammatory dermatoses contrasts with the sharp reaction of skin itching to glucocorticosteroids; even along with the manifestations of skin itching, other criteria of inflammation are suppressed. If there are no contraindications, corticosteroids are used systemically for acute diseases (acute contact eczema, acute urticaria, etc.). In chronic processes, on the contrary, they have contraindications.

A method such as photochemotherapy can eliminate itchy skin in certain diseases that are caused by inflammation and the action of mast cells. Cyclosporine A can be used in small dosages (5 mg per kg of body weight) for urticaria, atopic dermatitis of the skin, and skin eczema. It softens the manifestations of skin itching, but after its discontinuation, a relapse of the disease may occur. And it is also nephrotoxic, which means it has a negative effect on the kidneys and the liver.

In intrahepatic cholestasis, with a decrease in endogenous bile acids in the blood serum, namely cholic acid, as a result of therapy with Ursodeoxycholic acid or Cholestyramine, chronic skin itching, along with alkaline phosphatase, is significantly reduced. According to available data, cholestatic diseases in children and adults respond well to Rifampicin, although its high likelihood of side effects, relative cross-reaction with other drugs and the relatively high cost of treatment must be taken into account. A good effect is achieved with the simultaneous use of Cholestyramine and ultraviolet radiation. Morphine antagonists (Nalmefene, Nalaxone) and plasmapheresis also help quite well. Surgical interventions, for example, drainage of bile fluid - stoma, liver transplantation for certain indications, significantly improve the symptoms of itchy skin.

When treating skin itching, along with general modulating measures, it is important to relieve the inflammatory process. It is important to suppress T-cell infiltration with the subsequent release of mediators from inflammatory mast cells into the layers of the epidermis. Xerosis in atopic dermatitis seems to be another important point for treatment and requires the use of drugs that tend to bind water. Therefore, it is important to prescribe urea, as well as tar, which eliminates itching and reduces lichenification and hyperproliferation of keratinocytes.

Skin itching during acute inflammation and chronic atopic dermatitis must be treated differently. Subacute forms can be treated with UV irradiation, but sometimes UV irradiation can lead to a decrease in itching and inflammation in the acute form. When antihistamines are used, it is important to take them in the evening.

Treatment of concomitant diseases is recommended for patients with itchy skin. A diet is prescribed with the exclusion of individual trophoallergens: meat broth, egg whites, spices, chocolate, sweets, alcoholic beverages; The consumption of table salt, canned and smoked foods is limited. Products of lactic acid and vegetable origin can be used.

Sedative medications (Valerian, motherwort tincture and tranquilizers) may be indicated as symptomatic treatment; antihistamines (Suprastin, Diazolin, Fenkarol, Loratadine, Erolin); desensitizing drugs (calcium preparations, Hemodez, sodium thiosulfate); anesthetic drugs (1% Trimecaine solution, 0.5% Novocaine solution); enterosorbents (Activated carbon, Belosorb, Polysorb and Polyphepan).

The following can be used topically: powders, aqueous and alcoholic solutions, pastes, shaken suspensions, ointments. Antipruritic, local effects have certain compositions: 1-2% thymol; 0.5-2.0% menthol; 1-2% phenol (carbolic acid); 1-2% anesthesin; 1-2% citric acid solution; alcohols (1-2% salicylic, 1-2% resorcinol, 30-70% ethyl; camphor); infusions of herbs and chamomile. In the absence of a therapeutic effect, itchy skin areas can be lubricated with glucocorticosteroid creams (Elocom, Lokoid, Flucinar, Advantan, Fluorocort). But they should not be used for too long a period of time (about a week on average).

Baths with hydrogen sulfide also have an antipruritic effect; baths with a decoction of string and oak bark; baths with sea salt, pine extract, starch; sea ​​bathing. The water temperature should be about 38°C, the duration of the procedure is about 20 minutes, a course of 10 baths.

Also shown: electrosleep, hypnosis, laser puncture, acupuncture, magnetic therapy, biorhythm reflexotherapy, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone.

Retinoids in patients with atopic dermatitis may cause skin itching instead of eliminating it. With lichen planus, skin itching goes away within a week even with small doses (Isotretenoin or Etretinate 10 mg per day). Skin symptoms such as rashes, on the other hand, may not respond to medications.

When treating widespread skin itching in the perianal area, you first need to eliminate the nature of the disease and normalize personal hygiene of the anal area. In your diet, you should avoid irritating foods: spices and citrus fruits. Injection therapy with 5% Phenol in almond oil under the skin of the distal anus may also be recommended. In most cases, this method gives complete recovery.

If the causes of skin itching are unknown, then measures are taken simply to reduce it. These include, firstly, regular skin care with moisturizing cosmetics and medicinal products; this applies more to older people. Maintaining personal hygiene and at the same time a noticeable reduction in water procedures can also help reduce skin itching.

On our website. Here we will tell you about the fastest home methods to relieve itching. And before we start, we'll give you the most important piece of advice: don't scratch!

Itchy skin: what to do?

Remedy for itchy skin No. 1 - cold

Ice cubes tighten skin pores, reduce irritation and “dull” receptor sensations. Cold slows down blood circulation in the itchy area of ​​the body and stops the production of histamine, a substance that is released by the epidermis under the influence of stimuli and causes itchy sensations.

If there is no ice nearby, approach the issue creatively: cold tap water (and ideally from a filter), metal, frozen meat.

Ice relieves itchy skin

Remedy No. 2 – heat

For some reason, everyone thinks that heat only increases the itching of the skin and prevents its treatment, but this is not so. Steamed and open pores relax the skin, relieve tension and reduce itching. Heat begins to “drive” histamine through the blood. Thus, the substance does not concentrate or accumulate, and the itching gradually subsides.

As thermal therapy, you can use a cloth soaked in warm water, or a coffee mug (if you can lean it against the itchy area). A hot shower or bath will also relieve discomfort.

What helps relieve itching?

Remedy #3 – baking soda

If you are going crazy with itching and burning all over your body, run a bath of warm water and pour a cup of baking soda into it, stirring it well into the liquid. Feel free to dive into the water and let your body relax. Take a bath for at least 30 minutes, then dry in the air, sitting on the side of the bath or walking naked around the apartment. You don't want baking soda to remain on your towel or clothes, do you?

No way to take a bath? Apply a little baking soda to a cotton swab dipped in warm boiled water and wipe the itchy area of ​​skin.

If you are bothered by itching in the anus or genital area, we recommend washing with soda - this will not only relieve irritation, but also promote complete recovery. For washing, dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in a liter of boiled water. Repeat the procedure twice a day.

Simple ways to relieve itching

Remedy No. 4 – oatmeal

You may have experienced the power of facial cleansing with oatmeal, which is widely used in beauty salons today. Oatmeal is also increasingly found in expensive creams and lotions because it has a bunch of amazing qualities: lipids in the flakes moisturize and nourish the skin, while proteins restore structure and form additional protection. Oatmeal has a very mild effect and will not harm even thin facial skin, removing redness and itching.

Home remedies for itching

Oatmeal soaked in water not only works to moisturize, but also provides a couple of days of relief from itching by drawing inflammatory toxins from the epidermis. To relieve discomfort, simply prepare a paste: mix a glass of oatmeal with a glass of water and apply to the itchy area of ​​your face, arms or legs. Rinse off after 10 minutes. If discomfort occurs in the scalp, then apply oatmeal paste to the hair roots.

If you are bothered by itchy skin in several parts of the body, grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder and add a tea cup to a bath of warm water. Soak in the water for at least 30 minutes to soothe your skin. The inflammation will pass regardless of what its causes were.

Remedy No. 5 – honey

Honey is known to be a natural antibiotic, which has been used since ancient times to treat burns, inflammation and even dry skin. You can also apply honey to the itchy area of ​​skin to soothe it.

Bee honey soothes itchy skin

Tool No. 6 – attacking blow

The brain is a very tricky organ, but you can outsmart it. It, for example, cannot process information about itching and shock at the same time. Therefore, if you slap the itchy spot with your hand, the itching will stop for a while (the time necessary for the head to understand which of the evils is the worst).

While your body is recovering, you can take a bath of warm water and add baking soda, or simply take a cold shower.


Dryness, prolonged sun exposure, bites, diseases of internal organs, infections, allergies - any of these factors can cause irritating itching of the skin, which you want to get rid of as quickly as possible. Special ointments, usually containing camphor, menthol and other soothing ingredients, help relieve itching. The most undesirable thing is itching associated with bacterial infection; try not to disturb the skin: scratches and cuts become a path for infections. Prolonged itching, especially in combination with skin trauma, should be a signal to seek medical help.

How does it manifest

Itching occurs as an irritated skin condition that causes the desire to scratch the affected area. He can be local(in a limited area) or widespread all over the body. In some cases, the body itches at night, preventing you from sleeping peacefully.

Itching that covers the entire surface of the body is more difficult to cure than local itching. Sometimes skin damage is observed in the area of ​​its manifestation: bumps, blisters, redness and other abnormal conditions.

Changes in the skin may indicate a serious illness (for example, scabies, lichen, eczema, etc.), so you should show them to a dermatologist; urgent medical attention may be required.

Why does it occur

Itching is caused by many reasons. Very often it is a psychological problem, the result of anxiety or stress. In turn, itching that occurs for other reasons can cause anxiety or provoke stress, increasing the problem and discomfort. Pay attention to the main causes of itching:

Diabetes, shingles, irritation from fabrics or cosmetics, deteriorating living conditions, pregnancy and many other factors can also be the cause. However, most people do not have serious illnesses and can get rid of the itching with a little effort.

How to relieve itching

Trying to get rid of itching, some victims scratch the affected areas with their nails; at first this leads to noticeable relief. But then the itching intensifies due to scratches from scratching. Damage provides access to infections, and prolonged scratching may cause dark spots and lumps to appear on the skin. Therefore, you should try not to scratch the itchy skin at all, although, as practice shows, most people do not have enough endurance for this.

Itching can be relieved by exposure to cold. The same nerve endings are responsible for these sensations, so cold relieves itching. Use any available means for this.

  • Apply a clean cloth dampened with cold water to the affected area;
  • Take a cold shower;
  • A cool bath with the addition of oat decoction is effective against itching;
  • Apply ice packs or home-frozen ice cubes wrapped in plastic wrap.

Hot showers are not recommended; they only provide temporary relief. In the future, the itching will intensify due to dry skin and the feeling of tightness caused by hot water. Cooling creams and ointments can be used as an alternative to cold. with camphor and menthol. They act on the nerve endings and stop the itching, but for a short time. Therefore, the cream must be used frequently and reapplied as soon as the effect wears off.

Sometimes ointment is used against itching with hydrocortisone, there is a high probability of getting a backlash, since this component is intended for a specific effect, for example, for eczema and seborrhea. And even for these diseases, over-the-counter ointment is completely useless, since it has a low concentration of the active substance (1%). Hydrocortisone has no effect on insect bites at all; use the ointment only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Also used to relieve itching antihistamines medicines sold without a prescription. Such drugs cause drowsiness and should not be used when working with complex equipment or driving a car. It should be noted that new generation antihistamines have virtually no sedative effect, some of them are available without a doctor's prescription.

If you have tried all the remedies and the itching does not go away, lumps or dark spots have appeared, do not sleep at night - it is time to seek medical help. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe treatment for the underlying disease that caused the itching, along with soothing ointments and, if necessary, recommend antihistamines.

If the question of how to get rid of itching is being decided, it is necessary to determine the factor contributing to the appearance of unpleasant sensations. Medicines act slowly. Any home remedy will help relieve the itching immediately. You can simultaneously use different types of medicines: pharmaceutical preparations and traditional recipes. The main factors that provoke skin itching are: allergic reactions, wearing synthetic clothing, skin characteristics (dryness), taking specific medications and other diseases of the external integument. There are many ways to relieve the condition when the body or its individual areas itch.

Cold can soothe the skin. If the question of how to relieve itching is being decided, consider this option as the simplest and most affordable. It helps instantly, but gives a temporary effect. It's better to use ice. It soothes the skin, tightens pores, helps slow blood circulation, which leads to a decrease in the intensity of histamine production, which provokes an allergic reaction. If your hands or other parts of the body itch, instead of ice, you can apply a cold compress, meat from the freezer, or a metal object.

It is believed that heat exposure only worsens the itching of the skin. However, it is not.

Heat helps improve blood circulation, which helps disperse histamine, which means it will not concentrate in certain areas. As a result, the intensity of the allergic reaction decreases.

In addition, under the influence of heat, the skin relaxes and the pores open, which helps alleviate the condition. If the question is how to reduce itching, use warm water (make wet compresses). You can simply hold the itchy areas of your body under the tap. A regular cup of hot tea/coffee will relieve itching if you apply it to the skin.

You can take a bath. This method is suitable if there is itching all over the body. Essential oils or herbs should be added to warm water, but only a few products are suitable:

  • chamomile (has a calming effect and relieves irritation);
  • incense;
  • lavender oil (relieves stress, reduces the intensity of itching);
  • calendula.

Just add a few drops to a bath of warm water.

Having chosen this method of combating itching, you need to know that not all oils are suitable for this purpose.

Some of these products cause skin irritation. They will not be able to stop the itching at home. It is not recommended to use essential oils:

  • carnations;
  • laurel;
  • citronella;
  • cinnamon;
  • thyme;
  • oregano;
  • lemon verbena.

A bath with herbs or essential oils is one of the most common ways to relieve itching.

Application of soda

If your arms, legs or other parts of the body begin to itch, you can use a combination remedy: water and soda. A weak soda solution works well. Prepare a bath with cool water. Still, low-temperature exposure helps relieve itching better than hot water. Add a glass of soda to the bath and stir until completely dissolved. To mix the substance better, you can first prepare a concentrated soda solution. Dissolve a glass of soda in a small amount of water, then pour the liquid into the bath.

Treatment in this way should last at least 30 minutes. You can take a bath longer - for an hour. In order for the effect of the soda solution to continue for some time, you should not wash it off the skin. You need to wait until your body is dry, then you can get dressed. If itchy spots appear on the skin as a sign of an allergic reaction, soda solution is used locally. To do this, take a cotton swab and wipe with the substance.

With diseases of the genital organs, a burning sensation in the groin area often appears. The skin in these areas can also itch due to irritation, which can be observed in a small child. Soda solution baths will help eliminate itchy skin in the anus and genital area. Antipruritic therapy in this case should continue until complete recovery. Baths are done twice a day. Recommended ratio of components: 1 tsp. soda per 1 liter of water.

If you are deciding how to cure itching on the body, you need to consider this remedy. The fact is that the lipids contained in oatmeal help moisturize the skin, have a calming effect, nourish, and relieve irritation. This product can be used for allergies at home to improve the overall condition of the skin. It can be used to remove toxins from the upper layers of the epidermis. To eliminate itching, use oatmeal in any form. They act gently and do not damage the outer skin.

A paste is prepared from oatmeal and water. The components are taken in equal shares. They are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Using this product, you can treat any affected area of ​​the body: arms, legs, face and even the scalp. It is enough to hold the mass on the skin for 10 minutes - longer is not recommended, since with prolonged exposure, oatmeal can cause the skin to dry out.

To relieve allergic skin itching, it is allowed to use crushed raw materials. Oatmeal is ground in a coffee grinder or blender, then mixed with water in equal parts and used to relieve itching on the hands, feet and other parts of the body. A concentrated mixture works better. This means that it should be used if the itching is severe. You can prepare a bath by adding oatmeal to the water. Crushed raw materials release useful substances faster. This must be remembered if the question of how to treat itching due to allergies in a child or in adults is being decided.

Aloe based recipes

Compared to other folk remedies, aloe has a number of advantages. This is a universal plant; it has many properties: it relieves inflammation, heals wounds and burns thanks to the vitamin E in its composition. In addition, aloe helps when the skin itches.

With the help of this plant, various diseases of the external integument and even some internal organs are treated.

To eliminate skin itching, you can use fresh aloe juice and pharmaceutical preparations based on it. At home, the leaves of the plant are used.

Aloe is one of the best helpers for relieving itching.

They are cut, peeled and applied to the affected areas of the body. To relieve the negative reaction of the body, it is allowed to use a crushed plant. Aloe is cut with a knife, ground using a blender, then applied to the skin so that it does not itch. You can find aloe vera gel at the pharmacy. You just need to purchase a 100% product. However, there is one rule for using aloe: its juice should not be applied to damaged skin.

Mint decoction and essential oil

This is another remedy that relieves itching. Mint is characterized by anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties. If an allergy begins, itching appears almost immediately. You can prepare a mint decoction, cool it and apply it to the itchy outer skin. It is more effective to brew the plant in hot water. If you leave the leaves in a cool liquid, the beneficial substances will be released less intensely.

Apply mint essential oil. Use a cotton swab to treat red spots caused by allergies. This method is used for local treatment.

If the question of how to treat allergy symptoms is being decided, you should select neutral sedatives that will not provoke a negative reaction from the body.

Essential oils will contain a concentrated dose of substances, so they must be used with caution.

If adults or children suffer from discomfort caused by itching, you can use various folk remedies for skin allergies. However, along with this, it is recommended to follow simple rules to improve the condition of the body:

  1. Hydration. If you are deciding how to relieve itching from allergies, you need to drink more water (6-8 tbsp.). Thanks to this, the dryness and feeling of tightness of the outer skin disappear.
  2. You should not shower/bath more than once a day. In fact, under the external influence of water, the skin becomes dry even faster, since the liquid destroys the protective layer of the epidermis, and moisture leaves open pores more actively.
  3. When taking a shower, you should not use soap containing dyes and large amounts of chemical additives. In cases where allergies often occur, it is better to purchase natural soap.
  4. If you are deciding how to get rid of itchy body skin, you should remember the need to moisturize the outer skin artificially - through body creams with a moisturizing effect.
  5. The use of cosmetics containing alcohol and large amounts of chemical additives is prohibited.
  6. It is recommended to use homemade creams. If you are deciding how to relieve itching due to allergies, you can remove the discomfort with products based on oils, herbs, honey, and cream. Ingredients involved: almond oil, chamomile tea, coconut oil.
  7. Dry cleansing of the skin to remove dead cells is used. To do this, prepare a soft brush. You need to act gently. Intensive cleansing of irritated skin will have the opposite effect - the itching will intensify.
  8. If an allergy appears, take antihistamines, which will gradually eliminate all symptoms. However, you should not expect instant relief from discomfort. Most of these drugs are characterized by a cumulative effect. This means that allergy symptoms disappear gradually. It is also important to exclude the allergen, otherwise the skin will itch for a long time, despite taking antihistamines.

In addition to allergies, itching is also caused by other diseases of the external integument. Similar symptoms occur when synthetic clothing is frequently worn.



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