Vitamin E and folic acid. Vitamin E and folic acid are important elements for health

The nervous system coordinates and controls the physiological and metabolic parameters of the body’s activity depending on external and internal environmental factors.

IN children's body Anatomical and functional maturation of those systems that are responsible for life occurs. Suggested up to 4 years mental development child occurs most intensely. Then the intensity decreases, and by the age of 17 the main indicators neuropsychic development finally formed.

By the time of birth, the baby's brain is not sufficiently developed. For example, a newborn has about 25% nerve cells of an adult, by 6 months of life their number increases to 66%, and by a year - to 90-95%.

Different parts of the brain have their own rates of development. Thus, the inner layers grow more slowly than the cortical layer, due to which folds and grooves form in the latter. By the time of birth, the occipital lobe is better developed than others, and the frontal lobe is less developed. The cerebellum has no big sizes hemispheres and superficial grooves. Lateral ventricles relatively large.

How younger age child, the worse differentiated gray and white matter brain, nerve cells in the white matter are located quite close to each other. As the child grows, changes occur in the topic, shape, number and size of the furrows. The main structures of the brain are formed by the 5th year of life. But even later, the growth of convolutions and grooves continues, although at a much slower pace. Final maturation of the central nervous system(CNS) occurs by 30-40 years.

By the time the child is born, in comparison with body weight, it has a relatively large size - 1/8 - 1/9; at 1 year this ratio is 1/11 - 1/12; at 5 years - 1/13-1/14 and in an adult - approximately 1/40. Moreover, with age, the mass of the brain increases.

The process of development of nerve cells consists of the growth of axons, enlargement of dendrites, and the formation of direct contacts between the processes of nerve cells. By the age of 3, there is a gradual differentiation of white and gray matter brain, and by the age of 8, its cortex approaches the adult state in structure.

Simultaneously with the development of nerve cells, the process of myelination of nerve conductors occurs. The child begins to acquire effective control over motor activity. The myelination process generally ends by the age of 3-5 years of a child’s life. But the development of the myelin sheaths of the conductors responsible for fine coordinated movements and mental activity continues up to 30 - 40 years.

The blood supply to the brain is more abundant in children than in adults. Capillary network much wider. The outflow of blood from the brain has its own characteristics. Diploetic foams are still poorly developed, so in children with encephalitis and cerebral edema, more often than in adults, there is difficulty in the outflow of blood, which contributes to the development toxic damage brain On the other hand, children have a greater permeability of the blood-brain barrier, which leads to accumulation in the brain toxic substances. Brain tissue in children is very sensitive to increased intracranial pressure, so factors that contribute to this can cause atrophy and death of nerve cells.

They have structural features and membranes of the child’s brain. How younger child, the thinner the solid meninges. It is fused with the bones of the base of the skull. The soft and arachnoid membranes are also thin. The subdural and subarachnoid spaces in children are reduced. Tanks, on the other hand, are relatively large. The cerebral aqueduct (aqueduct of Sylvius) is wider in children than in adults.

With age, the composition of the brain changes: the amount decreases, the dry residue increases, and the brain fills with a protein component.

The spinal cord in children is developed relatively better than the brain, and grows much more slowly, doubling its mass by 10-12 months, tripling by 3-5 years. In an adult, the length is 45 cm, which is 3.5 times longer than in a newborn.

A newborn has peculiarities in the formation of cerebrospinal fluid and the composition of the cerebrospinal fluid, the total amount of which increases with age, resulting in increased pressure in the spinal canal. At spinal tap In children, cerebrospinal fluid flows out in rare drops at a rate of 20 - 40 drops per minute.

Particular importance is attached to the study of cerebrospinal fluid in diseases of the central nervous system.

Normal cerebrospinal fluid in a child is transparent. Turbidity indicates an increase in the number of leukocytes in it - pleocytosis. For example, cloudy liquor is observed with meningitis. In the event of a cerebral hemorrhage, the cerebrospinal fluid will be bloody, no separation will occur, and it will retain a uniform brown color.

In laboratory conditions, detailed microscopy of the cerebrospinal fluid is carried out, as well as biochemical, virological and immunological studies.

Patterns of development of motor activity in children

A child is born with a number of unconditioned reflexes that help him adapt to environment. Firstly, these are transient rudimentary reflexes, reflecting the evolutionary path of development from animal to human. They usually disappear in the first months after birth. Secondly, this unconditioned reflexes, which appear from the birth of a child and persist for life. The third group includes mesencephalic established ones, or automatisms, for example labyrinthine, cervical and trunk ones, which are acquired gradually.

Usually, a child’s unconditioned reflex activity is checked by a pediatrician or neurologist. The presence or absence of reflexes, the time of their appearance and extinction, the strength of the response and compliance with the child’s age are assessed. If the reflex does not correspond to the child’s age, this is considered a pathology.

The health care worker must be able to assess the child's motor and static skills.

Due to the predominant influence extrapyramidal system of the newborn are chaotic, generalized, inappropriate. There are no static functions. Muscle hypertension with a predominance of flexor tone is observed. But soon after birth, the first static coordinated movements begin to form. At 2-3 weeks of life, the child begins to fix his gaze on a bright toy, and from 1-1.5 months he tries to follow moving objects. By the same time, children begin to hold their head up and, at 2 months, begin to turn it. Then coordinated hand movements appear. At first, this means bringing your hands closer to your eyes, looking at them, and from 3-3.5 months - holding the toy with both hands and manipulating it. From the 5th month, one-handed grasping and manipulation of toys gradually develops. From this age, reaching out and grasping objects resembles the movements of an adult. However, due to the immaturity of the centers responsible for these movements, children of this age experience simultaneous movements of the second arm and legs. By 7-8 months, motor activity of the hands becomes more appropriate. From 9-10 months, finger holding of objects appears, which improves by 12-13 months.

The acquisition of motor skills in the limbs occurs in parallel with the development of trunk coordination. Therefore, by 4-5 months the child first rolls over from his back to his stomach, and from 5-6 months from his stomach to his back. At the same time, he masters the function of sitting. At the 6th month, the child sits up independently. This indicates the development of coordination of the leg muscles.

Then the child begins to crawl, and by 7-8 months mature crawling with crossed movements of the arms and legs is formed. By 8-9 months, children try to stand and step in bed, holding on to the edge. At 10-11 months they are already standing well, and by 10-12 months they begin to walk independently, first with their arms extended forward, then their legs straighten and the child walks almost without bending them (by 2-3.5 years). By the age of 4-5 years, a mature gait with synchronous articulated arm movements is formed.

The formation of motor functions in children is a long process. Important in the development of statics and motor skills has the emotional tone of the child. In acquiring these skills special role Allocate independent activities to the child.

In a newborn physical activity small, he mostly sleeps, and wakes up when he wants to eat. But here, too, there are principles of direct influence on neuropsychic development. From the first days, toys are hung above the crib, first at a distance of 40-50 cm from the child’s eyes for development visual analyzer. During the waking period, it is necessary to talk with the child.

At 2-3 months, sleep becomes shorter, the child is already longer time is awake. The toys are attached at chest level, so that after a thousand and one wrong movements, he finally grabs the toy and pulls it into his mouth. Conscious manipulation of toys begins. Mother or caregiver during hygiene procedures begins to play with him, do massage, especially the abdomen, and gymnastics to develop motor movements.

At 4-6 months, a child’s communication with an adult becomes more diverse. At this time has great importance and independent activity of the child. A so-called rejection reaction develops. The child manipulates toys and is interested in the environment. There may be few toys, but they should be varied both in color and functionality.

At 7-9 months, the child’s movements become more expedient. Massage and gymnastics should be aimed at developing motor skills and statics. Sensory speech develops, the child begins to understand simple commands, pronounce simple words. The stimulus for speech development is the conversation of surrounding people, songs and poems that the child hears while awake.

At 10-12 months, the child gets on his feet and begins to walk, and at this time his safety becomes of great importance. While the child is awake, all drawers must be securely closed and foreign objects. Toys become more complex (pyramids, balls, cubes). The child tries to independently manipulate the spoon and cup. Curiosity is already well developed.

Conditioned reflex activity of children, development of emotions and forms of communication

Conditioned reflex activity begins to form immediately after birth. Crying child They pick him up, and he falls silent, making studying movements with his head, anticipating feeding. At first, reflexes form slowly and with difficulty. With age, the concentration of excitation develops, or the irradiation of reflexes begins. As the child grows and develops, from about the 2-3rd week, differentiation of conditioned reflexes occurs. In a 2-3 month old child, a fairly pronounced differentiation of conditioned reflex activity is observed. And by 6 months, children can develop reflexes from all sensory organs. During the second year of life, the child’s mechanisms for the formation of conditioned reflexes are further improved.

In the 2-3rd week, while sucking, after taking a break to rest, the baby carefully examines the mother’s face and feels the breast or bottle from which he is fed. By the end of the 1st month of life, the child’s interest in the mother increases even more and manifests itself outside of meals. At 6 weeks, the mother's approach makes the baby smile. From the 9th to the 12th week of life, hearing is formed, which is clearly manifested when the child communicates with his mother. General motor excitement is observed.

Approaching 4-5 months stranger causes the humming to stop, the child examines it carefully. Then either general excitement appears in the form of joyful emotions, or as a result of negative emotions - crying. At 5 months, the child already recognizes his mother among strangers and reacts differently to the disappearance or appearance of his mother. By 6-7 months, children begin to develop active cognitive activity. While awake, the child manipulates toys, often negative reaction on a stranger is suppressed by the manifestation of a new toy. Sensory speech is formed, i.e. understanding the words spoken by adults. After 9 months there is a whole range of emotions. Contact with strangers usually causes a negative reaction, but it quickly becomes differentiated. The child develops timidity and shyness. But contact with others is established thanks to interest in new people, objects, and manipulations. After 9 months, the child’s sensory speech develops even more; it is already used to organize his activities. The formation of motor speech also dates back to this time, i.e. pronouncing individual words.

Speech development

The formation of speech is a stage of development human personality. Special brain structures are responsible for a person’s ability to articulate. But speech development occurs only when the child communicates with another person, for example, with his mother.

There are several stages in the development of speech.

Preparatory stage. The development of humming and babbling begins at 2-4 months.

Stage of emergence of sensory speech. This concept means the child’s ability to compare and associate a word with a specific object or image. At 7-8 months, the child, in response to the questions: “Where is mommy?”, “Where is the kitty?”, begins to look for an object with his eyes and fixes his gaze on it. Intonations that have a certain coloring can be enriched: pleasure, displeasure, joy, fear. By the year already available lexicon of 10-12 words. The child knows the names of many objects, knows the word “no”, and fulfills a number of requests.

Stage of motor speech emergence. The child speaks his first words at 10-11 months. The first words are built from simple syllables (ma-ma, pa-pa, dyad-dya). A child's language is formed: a dog - “aw-aw”, a cat - “kit-kit”, etc. In the second year of life, the child’s vocabulary expands to 30-40 words. By the end of the second year, the child begins to speak in sentences. By the age of three, the concept of “I” appears in speech. More often than not, girls master motor speech before the boys.

The role of imprinting and upbringing in the neuropsychic development of children

In children from the newborn period, a mechanism of instant contact - imprinting - is formed. This mechanism, in turn, is associated with the formation of the child’s neuropsychic development.

Maternal upbringing very quickly creates a sense of security in a child, and breastfeeding creates a feeling of security, comfort, and warmth. The mother is an indispensable person for the child: she forms his ideas about the world around him, about the relationship between people. In turn, communication with peers (when the child begins to walk) forms the concept social relations, camaraderie, inhibits or enhances the feeling of aggressiveness. The father also plays a large role in raising a child. His participation is necessary for the normal building of relationships with peers and adults, the formation of independence and responsibility for a particular matter, and a course of action.


For full development, a child needs proper sleep. In newborns, sleep is polyphasic. During the day, the child falls asleep from five to 11 times, not distinguishing day from night. By the end of the 1st month of life, the rhythm of sleep is established. Night sleep begins to prevail over the daytime. Hidden polyphases persist even in adults. On average, the need for nighttime sleep decreases over the years.

A decrease in the total duration of sleep in children occurs due to daytime sleep. By the end of the first year of life, children fall asleep once or twice. By 1-1.5 years, the duration of daytime sleep is 2.5 hours. After four years nap This does not happen to all children, although it is advisable to maintain it until the age of six.

Sleep is organized cyclically, i.e. phase slow sleep ends with the phase REM sleep. Sleep cycles change several times during the night.

IN infancy There are usually no problems with sleep. At the age of one and a half years, the child begins to fall asleep more slowly, so he himself chooses techniques that promote falling asleep. It is necessary to create a familiar environment and behavior pattern before bedtime.


From birth to 3 - 5 years, intensive development of eye tissue occurs. Then their growth slows down and, as a rule, ends in puberty. In a newborn, the mass of the lens is 66 mg, in one year old child- 124 mg and in an adult - 170 mg.

In the first months after birth, children have farsightedness (hypermetropia) and only by the age of 9-12 years does emmetropia develop. The eyes of a newborn are almost constantly closed, the pupils are constricted. The corneal reflex is well expressed, the ability to converge is uncertain. There is nystagmus.

The lacrimal glands do not function. At approximately 2 weeks, gaze fixation on an object develops, usually monocular. From this time on, the lacrimal glands begin to function. Usually by 3 weeks the child steadily fixes his gaze on an object, his vision is already binocular.

Appears at 6 months color vision, and by 6-9 months stereoscopic vision is formed. The child sees small items, distinguishes distance. Transverse size The cornea is almost the same as that of an adult - 12 mm. By the age of one year, the perception of various geometric shapes is formed. After 3 years, all children already have color perception of their surroundings.

The visual function of a newborn is checked by bringing a light source to his eyes. In bright and sudden lighting, he squints and turns away from the light.

In children over 2 years of age, visual acuity, volume of visual fields, and color perception are checked using special tables.


The ears of newborns are quite morphologically developed. Outer ear canal very short. Dimensions eardrum the same as that of an adult, but it is located in a horizontal plane. The auditory (Eustachian) tubes are short and wide. In the middle ear there is embryonic tissue that is resorbed (absorbed) by the end of the 1st month. The cavity of the eardrum is airless before birth. With the first inhalation and swallowing movements, it is filled with air. From this moment on, the newborn hears, which is expressed in a general motor reaction, a change in the frequency and rhythm of the heartbeat and breathing. From the first hours of life, a child is capable of perceiving sound, its differentiation by frequency, volume, and timbre.

The hearing function of a newborn is checked by the response to a loud voice, cotton, or the noise of a rattle. If the child hears, appears general reaction to the sound, he closes his eyelids and tries to turn in the direction of the sound. From 7-8 weeks of life, the child turns his head towards the sound. If necessary, the auditory response in older children is checked using an audiometer.


From birth, a child has formed perceiving and analyzing areas olfactory center. Nervous mechanisms the sense of smell begins to function from the 2nd to the 4th month of life. At this time, the child begins to differentiate smells: pleasant, unpleasant. Differentiation of complex odors up to 6-9 years of age occurs due to the development of cortical centers of smell.

The method for studying the sense of smell in children involves bringing various odorous substances to the nose. At the same time, they monitor the child’s facial expressions in response to this substance. It can be pleasure, displeasure, screaming, sneezing. In an older child, the sense of smell is checked in the same way. Based on his answer, the preservation of his sense of smell is judged.


The sense of touch is provided by the function of skin receptors. In a newborn, pain, tactile sensitivity and thermoception are not formed. The perception threshold is especially low in premature and immature children.

The reaction to painful stimulation in newborns is a general one; a local reaction appears with age. The newborn reacts to tactile stimulation with a motor and emotional reaction. Thermoreception in newborns is more developed for cooling than for overheating.


From birth, a child's sense of taste is formed. A newborn's taste buds occupy relatively large area than that of an adult. The threshold of taste sensitivity in a newborn is higher than in an adult. Taste in children is examined by applying sweet, bitter, sour and salty solutions to the tongue. The presence and absence of taste sensitivity is judged by the child’s reaction.

An important role for female body When conceiving a child, folic acid (vitamin B9) or its other name is folacin. The success of conception and the possibility of a full pregnancy depends on its content. Lack of folacin leads to irreversible serious consequences, therefore, its use should be taken with caution special attention and it is advisable to take care of this before conception.

In order for the future mother's body to become pregnant, the future father must also take folic acid and vitamin E, since male body Folic acid also serves as the foundation for healthy offspring.

The main functions of folic acid are:

  1. promoting the breakdown and absorption of proteins;
  2. influence on the process of hematopoiesis and cell division;
  3. it is a conductor for sugars and amino acids, necessary for the body, especially at the moment of conception;
  4. it is folacin that is responsible for the transmission hereditary traits and DNA formation.
  5. folacin helps maintain immunity and also ensures the complete absorption of other useful microelements and vitamins.

In the male body, folic acid and vitamin E for conception affect the amount healthy sperm, which are the key to conception and subsequent birth healthy baby. Also affects activity and proper development sperm.

How much folic acid should you take to get pregnant?

At insufficient quantities folacin in a woman’s body can begin to develop various kinds pathology. For example, a “disease” of the egg, as a result of which it will not be able to be fertilized. The placenta may begin to exfoliate, which also does not contribute to pregnancy and can provoke arbitrary abortion. Lack of folic acid can cause birth defects in a child and anemia.

Vitamin E and folate for conception

In order not to wait for problems with your own health and especially your unborn child, you need to undergo a course of examination in advance and, if folic acid deficiency is detected, start taking necessary medications. IN natural environment Folacin can also be found. It is found in products such as beef liver, rice, cod liver - and the liver contains the largest amount of it. Folic acid is also present in fermented milk products - cheese, kefir. There is a lot of vitamin B9 in nuts, eggs, carrots, greens and leafy vegetables. It is worth noting that in order to become pregnant, it can lose its properties when heat treatment products, so food should be consumed as fresh as possible, and it is recommended to steam meat and vegetables.

In addition to proper diet, enriched with vitamin B9, the doctor may prescribe special drugs, helping to restore balance and ensure sufficient quantity folacin.

For women? The daily dose of folacin is 800 mcg, since it is they who bear the entire burden associated with the formation of the fetus, its development and pregnancy. Men have enough to maintain reproductive health You need to drink folic acid in order for your wife to become pregnant; normally, 400 mcg per day will be enough. A feature of vitamin B9 is its inability to accumulate in the body and is quickly eliminated, so doctors recommend starting a course of increasing folacin in the body no earlier than three months before the date of expected conception. You should also pay attention to the fact that vitamin E and folic acid for conception are well absorbed in the body. It’s not enough to just take the course

Folic acid and vitamin E for conception

Folic acid is consumed very quickly under the influence of nicotine and alcohol, and also if a person is in constant under stress and does not allow the body to fully rest and relax. Therefore, before taking vitamin B9, you need to solve all health problems and move on to healthy image life. After all, what could be more important than the birth of healthy offspring.

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Vitamin E during pregnancy

Thanks to its many benefits, this vitamin is called the “beauty vitamin”, “fertility vitamin” - the names speak for themselves! What is vitamin E and why is it essential?

Vitamin E is a mixture of eight types of structures that have the same effect on the human body, so they are all combined into one name. They are also called tocopherols.

Why is it necessary for expectant mothers to take vitamin E?

  • It promotes the synthesis of hormones necessary for bearing a child - progesterone and estrogen,
  • influences the formation of the placenta, ensures its permeability
  • is responsible for supplying the fetus with the necessary nutrients, as well as its sufficient oxygen supply,
  • protects cells from dangerous free radicals.

Tocopherol is also involved in the development of all cells and tissues of the child from the moment of conception. It helps maintain pregnancy, reducing the risk of miscarriage.

This vitamin also has a beneficial effect on hormonal background for the expectant mother, and also prevents the occurrence of blood clots and seizures.

Living up to the name “beauty vitamin”, it is responsible for good condition hair and skin elasticity.

In what form do you take vitamin E?

It is best to follow a diet that contains sufficient amounts of this vitamin. But if, for some reason, the norm cannot be achieved, you need to resort to additional sources of tocopherol, which the doctor will prescribe based on the examination results.

The woman herself should not make such a decision, because for good results you need to follow the rules. Vitamin E can be recommended in the form synthetic vitamins or dietary supplements - biologically active drugs. Both are available in the form of capsules, tablets, dragees, solutions and many other forms.

Products containing vitamin E

Many affordable and tasty foods contain tocopherol, so in most cases you can do without taking additional medications. Largest quantity can be obtained from:

  • vegetable oils, peas, beans, buckwheat, corn, sprouted wheat and corn wheat grains,
  • shrimp and squid, fatty fish - pike perch and mackerel,
  • chicken eggs,
  • nuts, dried apricots, citrus fruits, oatmeal.

Usually to maintain normal amount Tocopherol is enough to eat properly, consuming the listed foods daily. But if insufficiency is detected, you should resort to additional sources.

How and in what quantity to take vitamin E

The recommended amount of tocopherol for expectant mothers is 20 mg per day. But dosages up to four hundred can be prescribed - this is decided by the doctor. In what form should it be taken - will it be multivitamins, or nutritional supplements- It is also better to consult with your doctor.

But an important condition is incompatible with products that contain iron, they will destroy it.

If medications are prescribed, it is recommended to start taking tocopherol before conception and continue throughout pregnancy. In the first trimester, the dosage is usually higher than in subsequent trimesters. It is recommended to drink it twice a day.

Vitamin E overdose

Will there be an overdose if I take the vitamin both in tablets and in the form of products? And what are the dangers of an overdose?

Everything is good in moderation - this also applies to vitamin E. It is usually difficult to achieve an overdose of it; for this you need to eat too much a large number of tocopherol daily, but you still need to be aware of the consequences of exceeding the norm.

  • It's not fatal, but it is fraught increase in fat mass, since this vitamin contains fat and can be deposited in the tissues of the body. Excessive fat mass is undesirable for pregnant women.
  • In addition, the consumption of synthetic vitamins in large quantities leads to various allergies, nausea, weakness and diarrhea.
  • Excess vitamin E has an adverse effect on muscle elasticity - raising the tone too much, it endangers labor.

Folic acid during pregnancy

This essential vitamin- B9, or folacin, the need for which has been confirmed for a long time - all tissues of the body contain it. Without it, correct metabolic processes, it affects the composition of the blood, is needed for good immunity, heart function, vascular strength, and even for Have a good mood and cheerfulness!

The role of vitamin B9 during pregnancy

Even before the wonderful period of waiting for a child, it is advisable for the expectant mother to know everything about taking folacin during pregnancy, to be prepared for proper management pregnancy without complications.

Let's look at why this is so necessary. essential acid during pregnancy:

  • Immediately after conception, the cells of a woman’s body begin to rapidly divide, and B9 - main participant process.
  • The child’s DNA and genetics are formed correctly only with the participation of this acid.
  • B9 is a “good mood vitamin” - it affects the production of seratonin and adrenaline. And this is important for expectant mothers - after all, this happy period is often overshadowed by mood swings and stress. It also saves from toxicosis.

Folacin deficiency may result in the appearance of anemia in the mother, which means rapid fatigue and apathy. For the baby, the consequences are much worse - they can develop birth defects. The threats are:

  • Heart disease and vascular diseases
  • Deviations in the formation of the nervous system
  • Formation of a cleft lip
  • Placental abruption, threat of miscarriage

This acid is produced in the intestines, by its microflora, but only slightly, that is, we mainly get it from food.

The body is not able to stock up on this vitamin for future use, which means it needs to be supplied regularly with food.

If the health of the intestines is impaired, and also if the diet does not provide the necessary vitamin content, B9 preparations are prescribed.

How and in what quantity to take folic acid

Every second pregnant woman is deficient in this acid. The required daily dose of B9 for pregnant women is 0.4-0.8 mg, and in cases of significant deficiency it increases to 5 mg. Then you can no longer do without reception vitamin preparations which will be prescribed by a doctor.

It is necessary to pay attention to sufficient B9 content at the most early stages, and better yet before conception, since B9 from the first weeks is necessary for the formation of the fetus.

For example, the neural tube is formed already on the sixteenth day after conception, and at this moment it is necessary for the body to have enough of this vitamin.

In order to know exactly what dosage to take the drug in, a woman needs to regularly monitor the results of folic acid tests during pregnancy and consult with the doctor managing the pregnancy. If everything is in order, then the amount supplied with the right food will be sufficient.

What foods contain folic acid?

in leafy greens: spinach, parsley, lettuce, onions, broccoli and Brussels sprouts

At the root of the name of this vitamin Latin name green leaf - “folium”. They called it that because it is found in green leafy vegetables: spinach, parsley, lettuce, onions, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. B9 is also found in green peas, pumpkin, and citrus fruits. A slightly smaller amount is found in liver, fish, various meat products and cheese.

If there are no problems with B9, then the dosage received with regular use will be sufficient for a normal pregnancy. listed products, plus you can take vitamins.

But if a deficiency is detected (this especially happens in winter period if there is insufficient consumption of plant foods), the doctor prescribes medications.

Overdose of folic acid

Many people are concerned about the question - If you take a vitamin in tablets and eat foods containing it, will there be an overdose?

There is no need to fear that an overdose will occur, as this is likely when taking an amount tens of times greater than the recommended amount. Usually the doctor prescribes the drugs in tablets, which are taken one per day.

The body excretes excess amounts of this acid in the urine without any consequences.

Calcium during pregnancy

Calcium is a trace element that is significant amount must be present in the body for strong bones and teeth. In addition, he also participates in the exchange fatty acids, regulates cell division, blood clotting and cholesterol levels.

Calcium is also needed for muscle function, and if there is a lack of it, cramps and contractions of the uterus may begin, inducing labor ahead of schedule. This microelement also promotes the proper functioning of the kidneys, which is also important during pregnancy, when women often experience edema.

How much calcium do you need to take during pregnancy?

This microelement is a building material for the baby’s skeleton. If there is a deficiency of this microelement, it is simply taken from the mother’s bones, which is naturally undesirable.

It happens that pregnant women suffer from tooth decay, bad condition hair and nails - all this speaks specifically about calcium deficiency.

Its deficiency threatens the development of rickets in a child, as well as the threat premature birth, miscarriage, blood loss.

What foods contain calcium?

It is necessary to combine foods containing calcium with foods rich in vitamin D

The best supplier of calcium to the body is tasty and healthy foods foods that everyone knows and loves from childhood. Calcium obtained from natural products, is absorbed better than synthetic drugs.

  • From food products Fermented milk products are the leaders in calcium content - kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese. It is important to remember that fats interfere with the absorption of calcium, so you should buy products with a low percentage of fat.
  • After fermented milk products according to calcium content they go milk, nuts, broccoli, legumes.

It should be taken into account that vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium, so you need to correctly create your menu, combining foods containing calcium with foods rich in vitamin D. These include: cod liver, fish oil, egg yolks. Vitamin D is also formed from the action of UV rays, so expectant mothers are advised to walk for at least an hour a day.

But if there are any signs that the body is experiencing a lack of this microelement, calcium supplements will come to the rescue; it is better to consult a doctor about taking them.

Calcium preparations can be purchased in tablets, solutions, and powders.

How and in what quantity to take calcium during pregnancy

The need for calcium during pregnancy becomes twice as high. Calcium is consumed very quickly and the recommended dosage per day is 1500 mg. During this period, with each trimester of pregnancy, as the fetus grows, the need for it increases. If in the first trimester the child’s growing body takes from the mother from two to three milligrams of calcium per day, then by the third trimester this figure increases a hundred times.

When prescribing calcium supplements, it is recommended to take them with meals, and daily dose is divided into several doses, since only up to five hundred milligrams of this element can be absorbed in one dose.

The dosage size will be advised by the doctor after conducting examinations and taking into account the timing of pregnancy, which is also of great importance. You can start taking medications in the second trimester, but

stop after 35 weeks of pregnancy, otherwise ossification of the fetal head may begin, which will complicate the birth process.

Consequences of calcium overdose

Excess calcium leads to unpleasant consequences. Excess calcium promotes the appearance of kidney stones, causes problems with the heart and blood vessels, and also interferes with the absorption of magnesium, which is very necessary for the body.

Folic acid and vitamin E - nutrients and drugs used to improve performance reproductive system women and acceleration of conception. They are also prescribed during pregnancy for normal development child.

Action of folic acid

Participates in methylation processes. Necessary for the synthesis of nucleic acids, hematopoiesis, and development of the nervous system in the fetus.

Lack of folic acid is observed in diseases gastrointestinal tract, cobalamin hypervitaminosis.

Its deficiency affects tissues with rapidly dividing cells to a greater extent. The epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract does not have time to renew itself, and erosions appear. Hematopoiesis is disrupted and hyperchromic anemia develops. The level of homocysteine ​​and cholesterol increases. The person gets tired. Infertility, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

With hypovitaminosis, function is impaired immune system- the activity of natural killer cells decreases, and there is a risk of developing cancer.

Folic acid deficiency also affects mental state- depression occurs. If there is not enough substance during pregnancy, disturbances in the formation of the neural tube in the fetus, hydrocephalus, cleft lip, mental retardation.

Effect of vitamin E

This fat-soluble vitamin necessary to maintain the reproductive system. It is an antioxidant, protects cells and vessel walls from free radical oxidation. Reduces glutathione consumption by the body. Reduces the need for oxygen, protecting cells from hypoxia.

Deficiency manifests itself in infertility and skeletal muscle weakness.

Where are folic acid and vitamin E found?

These substances can be found both in foods and medicines.


Folic acid is contained in multivitamin complexes - Supradin, Complivit, Undevit. Vitamin E - in Aevit, Triovit (complex with selenium and ascorbic acid).


Sources of folate: legumes, bread, honey, yeast.

Products with high content vitamin E: nuts, olive, sunflower, butter, fish fat, borage oil.

Indications for simultaneous use

Preparation for conception, pregnancy, lactation. Prescribed after childbirth to prevent depression.

Joint effect

Vitamin complexes improve well-being, skin condition, increase fertility, the ability to repair the epithelium of the mucous membranes, and prevent atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels.

How to take folic acid and vitamin E

The standard dose of folate is 400 mcg per day. For hyperhomocysteinemia, gastrointestinal lesions - 5 mg per day. For prevention - 20-50 mcg per day.

The norm for vitamin E is 11-13 mg.

Special instructions for the use of folic acid and vitamin E

The amount of substances needed by the body depends on the condition and age of the person.

During pregnancy and lactation

After conception, during pregnancy in the first trimester, the daily dose of folate is 400 mcg, then it is increased to 800 mcg. When feeding - 300 mcg. During the planning period before fertilization - 400 mcg.

For men

Vitamin E - 13 mg. Folates - 400 mcg.

For women

Vitamin E - 11 mg. Folates - 400 mcg.


Severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.

Side effects

Development of cobalamin deficiency, liver dysfunction - jaundice (hepatotoxic effect of tocopherol).

Doctors' opinion

Zagorodnyaya E.M., gynecologist-endocrinologist.

I prescribe these substances to women planning conception, with painful periods, menstrual irregularities, diseases thyroid gland. In combination with zinc, they increase fertility, which is evident in patients.

Andreev A.M., gastroenterologist.

I prescribe a complex for intestinal bleeding, peptic ulcer. Patients are recovering, and hemoglobin levels are normalizing.

Malysheva Folic acid.

What are you missing? What is vitamin E for?

As we know, vitamins play a very important role important role in vital necessary processes human body. In some periods, the need for these substances increases, in particular during pregnancy, when for the normal development of the fetus a woman needs to receive much more vitamins. Today we’ll talk about the importance of vitamin E and folic acid in this. Let's talk about this in more detail in the article “Folic acid and vitamin E - preparation for pregnancy.”

Folic acid - preparation for pregnancy

Folic acid is involved in the formation of DNA, which is the repository of genetic information in blood cells. U developing fetus this vitamin prevents developmental defects of the nervous system by normalizing the formation of the neural tube. In addition, folic acid takes part in the development of the placenta and uterine vessels.

If a pregnant woman is deficient in this vitamin, the risk of the fetus developing conditions such as:

* Ancephaly (absence of the brain);
* Hydrocephalus;
* Underdevelopment of the spine;
* Brain hernias.

Subsequently, the child may have delayed mental and physical development.

In case of placental defects caused by folic acid deficiency, the risk of spontaneous miscarriages and lack of blood supply to the placenta increases.

In pregnant women, the need is 400 mcg per day, and it is recommended to start taking folic acid at the stage of pregnancy planning for preventive purposes, since future mom in the early stages may not know about his condition. It is especially important to receive this vitamin for up to 12 weeks. This means that preparation for pregnancy should be structured in such a way that a woman’s body receives folic acid in the amount she requires every day.

In order to know how to prevent folic acid deficiency, you need to know where it is found. This:

* Food:
* Flour coarse;
* Parsley, spinach, green pea, lettuce, beans;
* Avocado;
* Citrus fruits and juices;
* Liver;
* A certain amount is found in meat, cheese, and fish.

Preparations containing folic acid:

* tablets (1000 mcg of folic acid), as a rule, at the planning stage and for up to 12 weeks, 2-3 tablets per day are prescribed, then one at a time.
* multivitamin complexes for pregnant and lactating women (Elevit, Materna, Vitrum Prenatal);
* Folio (400 mcg of folic acid and 200 mcg of iodine) - preventive dosage;
* Folacin (5000 mcg) - the dose exceeds the prophylactic dose significantly, therefore it is used in cases of severe deficiency.

Need to know that oral contraceptives, anticonvulsants, products containing zinc accelerate the excretion of folic acid from the body. In addition, with diseases such as epilepsy, diabetes the risk of developing neural tube defects increases, so the dose of folic acid needs to be increased.

An overdose of this vitamin practically never occurs, because the excess is excreted quite freely.

Vitamin E – preparation for pregnancy

When we are doing something as important as preparing for pregnancy, we must not forget about vitamin E (tocopherol), which is a fat-soluble component of the body's antioxidant system. Why do you need vitamin E during pregnancy? It is directly involved in the regulation of reproductive function in women and men, promotes successful conception and gestation of the fetus:

* normalizes menstrual cycle, and hormonal balance during pregnancy;
* prevents early miscarriages;
* participates in development respiratory system fetus;
* improves the formation of the placenta and its vessels, prevents detachment;
* stimulates the release of prolactin, a hormone that ensures milk production.

However, you should not get too carried away with taking tocopherol, as it tends to accumulate in adipose tissue, which can subsequently result in an overdose, and also stimulates activity muscular system, which is undesirable at the end of pregnancy. Therefore on later it is not used.

Vitamin E is used in a dose of up to 1000 mg per day, the exact amount should be prescribed strictly individually by a doctor. As a rule, multivitamin complexes containing tocopherol are prescribed.

Vitamin E for pregnancy can be replenished from:

* nuts, seeds;
* vegetable oils (especially from wheat germ);
* rose hips;
* eggs (yolk);
* oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice;
* whole grain products, bran.

Vitamin E should not be taken with iron-containing foods or supplements, as the iron will not be absorbed. The break should be up to 12 hours.

So, we figured out that vitamin E and folic acid are a significant help in preparing a woman for pregnancy, which in our time cannot be avoided. However, you need to know the nuances of taking them, and also follow the recommendations of your doctor, who will select an individual dosage depending on the needs of your body.



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