How to teach your dog simple commands. Where to start training a puppy? Service dog breeding

Every dog ​​must know the basic commands. However, to teach her this, you need patience and desire. Train your dog from a young age and do it regularly. There should be no breaks in training so that the dog does not forget what he has already learned.

In this article, you will learn how to teach your dog commands and what basic commands your dog should know.

List of commands for dogs and how to teach them

If you don’t know how to teach your dog commands at home, then don’t despair; it’s not difficult, the main thing is to want to.

Team "Voice"

This is one of the most important and basic commands, and if you do not know how to teach a dog a voice command, then follow these steps: Train the dog in some quiet place so that no one will distract you. For training, take a piece of meat or some other food that the dog likes.

Command "Sit"

How to teach a dog the command to sit?

In order for the dog to learn this command, you must bend your arm at the elbow with your palm facing forward. Then, give the command and press the dog’s croup with your left hand, and pull the leash up with your right. When your dog sits, give him a treat. Repeat the command regularly.

Command "Lie down"

How to teach a dog the command to lie down?

This command is learned when the dog has learned to sit. Command the dog to sit down and say the command “Down.” So that the dog understands what is wanted from him, take the dog’s leash so that it hangs between the collar and your hand. Press the part that is sagging lightly with your foot and pull the end toward you. After this, the dog will lie on the ground. Repeat the exercise for 30 minutes daily.

Team "Place"

To teach your dog this command, take your pet for a walk and feed him beforehand. Then choose a place for the dog, and when the dog gets tired, take him there and say the command. If he gets up and walks away, say the command again. When your dog settles down, treat him to a tasty meal.

Team "Fas"

Every owner should know how to teach a dog the front command. Take a toy and, repeating the command, make the puppy want to grab it with his teeth. The command must be repeated daily.

Team "Die"

If you don’t know how to teach your dog the die command, then do the following: lay your pet on its side, repeating the command, and do not let it get up. When the dog freezes, give him a treat.

Team "Nearby"

How to teach a dog a nearby command? It’s very simple, when walking with a dog, when he gets tired and runs around, put a leash on him and if the dog walks faster or slower, repeat the command and pull the leash. After some time, the dog will remember this command.

Command "Give me a paw"

How to teach a dog the give paw command? Take your pet's favorite treat and squeeze it in your fist. Place your fist at the level of your dog's chest, and when he starts to make a fist, give him the treat and say, "Give me your paw." Repeat daily.

To ensure that your pet learns with pleasure, praise him after each command he completes. And your dog will very quickly remember all the necessary commands.

As soon as the puppy appears in your home, you need to start teaching him the simplest rules of behavior. After three months, it's time to start training. But don't despair if the dog has matured. You need to know that even an adult dog can be trained. It will just take longer. But in each case, you should start with one thing - weaning the dog from old habits, and at the same time you need to understand the internal psychology of the pet.

How to teach a dog commands

To carry out successful training, you need to purchase your dog’s favorite treat, a leash and a collar. The place can be any empty space, as long as you are alone. If it is an unfamiliar wasteland, the dog will need some time to get acquainted with it. A treat can be any food or any other food that is convenient to hold in your hand. The opportunity to receive a tasty reward is the main motivational factor for following commands.

Training can be carried out at any time of the day, as convenient for the owner. But the main thing is to take your pet for a walk or go for a run before you start.

Commands are given in Russian. Here are the main ones:

  • "To me!" – needs to be trained immediately after accustoming to a nickname;
  • "Ugh!" – stop command from incorrect actions;
  • "Near!" – accustoms to walking near the owner;
  • "Sit!" – does not carry any useful functions, but strongly disciplines the dog;
  • "Lie!" – masters the command to sit and performs the same function;
  • "Give!" – causes your dog to quickly spit out anything he picks up from the ground, which can be a deadly poison;
  • “Look!” – a complex command for searching for objects;
  • "Wait!" – disciplines the pet to sit in one place;
  • "Voice!" – makes you give a voice at the owner’s signal;
  • “Aport!” – with the help of this command the dog brings any thrown object;
  • "Walk!" – distracts the dog and prepares it for the upcoming walk;
  • "Place!" – calms and points to his place;
  • "Fas!" – the most dangerous, but also necessary skill. Allows the dog to protect itself and its owner from danger. It is taught to the dog at the very end of the training course.

Each breed of dog has its own characteristics and behavior, which affects its training. Breeds that are easy to train:

The key to successful dog training is the owner’s unquestioning adherence to several rules:

  • stage-by-stage training;
  • regular and justified rewards for your pet;
  • manifestation of a strong character, but in no case aggression;
  • understanding of character traits.

Small breed dogs are the easiest to train, since a full set of commands is not mandatory for them. One of the main commands for them is “Come to me!” Because of their small size and natural restlessness, they can easily get lost. Also, due to their natural tendency to spend time on beds, sofas and armchairs, the command “Place!” is mandatory for them.

To teach a dog a command, it needs to complete a task and then receive a reward. And after that it is necessary to consolidate the result. Training should begin from the first day your pet arrives in your home. For
First you need to make friends with him and try to master the banal command - “Give me your paw!”, and then move on to more complex and useful skills. New commands should not be taught until the old ones have been thoroughly reinforced. It is a mistake to expect your pet to quickly master skills. Very often, owners behave aggressively and use cruel methods of punishment during training. This is fundamentally wrong, because the dog develops a fear of training, which further aggravates the process.

To get a positive result, you will need to put in a lot of effort and be patient. You will also have to prepare for the fact that the learning process may drag on for several months and turn out to be quite difficult. You shouldn’t take out your anger and aggression on your dog if something doesn’t work out for you. You need to know and understand that your pet is a living creature that is very sensitive to the manifestation of various emotions. And depending on this, they can love, rejoice, be offended, show both obedience and vindictiveness. It is important to focus not only on the words, but also on the intonation of pronunciation.

To independently train a dog at home, you need to be persistent and give it maximum attention. You should also remember that it is never too late to start training your pet.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)

The appearance of a furry ball of dog in the house is not only a joyful event, but also a responsible one. If you don’t raise and train the puppy in time, the consequences can be sad. Damaged shoes and furniture, unpleasant odors in the apartment are nothing compared to when the dog feels in charge and becomes a threat to the household.

When to start training a puppy

In order for you to feel comfortable and for your pet not to cause unnecessary problems and troubles, it is necessary to begin the educational process from the first day. The animal will get used to the new place for about a month, the owner’s task is to help it quickly get used to it and replace its mother. Before adopting a dog, a person must:

  • know for what purposes it is needed;
  • read articles and books about the characteristics of breeds - the training method and the behavior of the animal depend on this;
  • study manuals about raising a puppy;
  • take training courses at home.

Fighting dogs have traditionally been bred by cultivating the aggression gene for fighting. How to train a puppy with such inclinations? A person with a strong, strong-willed character can cope with an animal. You can't control such a dog with affection. If the animal senses the weakness of the owner, it is better to abandon him. Contact an experienced trainer when you realize you can't handle it. Among the fighting breeds:

  • boxer;
  • pit bull;
  • English Mastiff;
  • Dogue de Bordeaux;
  • Alabai.

The peculiarity of hunting dogs is their passion for movement. They need long walks and jogs. How to train a puppy in this case? A dog intended for hunting cannot be kept at home. It is advisable to send her to a special school to train her, where, under the guidance of a trainer, lessons will be given taking into account the breed. They will begin to learn by solving hunting problems:

  • husky - for a fur-bearing animal;
  • dachshund - in burrows;
  • terrier - for aquatic game;
  • hounds - pursued by the smell of blood.

Service dogs are used to protect private property or apartments. Labradors are good at helping visually impaired people, but this requires special training. German Shepherds cooperate with shepherds. Guard dogs are often stubborn and require a lot of effort to train. A Rottweiler, a German Shepherd, and a Spitz are good for apartment security. Guard breeds that can easily withstand temperature changes can live outside, guarding the house:

  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • Moscow watchdog;
  • Central asian shepherd dog.

Small companion dogs often have good personalities, are affectionate, friendly, and easy to train at home. From the age of one month, puppies become attached to their owners and get along well with children. Smart animals quickly learn commands. Among the pets:

  • poodle;
  • chihuahua;
  • Scottish Terrier;
  • pug;
  • pinscher;
  • Pekingese.

At what age should you train a puppy? It is considered right to start from the first day the baby appears in the house. This is not entirely true. The processes of education and training are different things. Command training should be carried out when the puppy gets comfortable in the house and learns obedience. For a German Shepherd this happens at two months, for a Labrador a little earlier - at one and a half months.

How to raise a puppy

Once a puppy comes into the house, it must get used to it, get used to the new environment and smells. How to raise a puppy? To teach rules of behavior, a system of rewards and punishments is used. The basis of learning is a system of conditioned reflexes. Animals should not be physically punished. They understand well the stern intonation of the owner when he is dissatisfied. In exceptional cases, you can grab it by the scruff of the neck and shake it, as the mother does with the little dog.

Punishment should only be given at the moment of committing incorrect actions, so that the puppy understands what he did wrong. A delayed scolding will have no educational value and may cause aggression in the animal. For a correctly executed command you are rewarded with:

  • delicacies - cheese, sausage, crackers;
  • praise with kind words;
  • stroking;
  • game.

How to properly train a puppy

A dog lives according to the laws of the pack, and a person must become its leader - the main and authoritative one. The purpose of training is to establish contact between the owner and the puppy, to teach relationships with people and other animals. First, he must know his nickname. To train it, you need to call it by name, and when it comes up, give it a treat. They also encourage when the dog comes to the sleeping place - it must be established immediately. If you allow me to sleep with you, it will be difficult to retrain later.

How to teach a puppy commands

To ensure that training does not cause problems, you need to train by following certain rules. Carry out independent studies in a good mood, starting with a short duration, gradually increasing the time. For the process to be effective it is necessary:

  • conduct training in the form of a game;
  • exercise before feeding;
  • achieve at least small results.

When training a puppy it is important:

  • postpone the lesson if it doesn’t work out so as not to cause aggression and anger;
  • avoid repeating the same command twice;
  • conduct classes several times a day, but little by little;
  • practice the next command only after mastering the previous one;
  • conduct classes outdoors in places where nothing will distract the animal;
  • change the sequence of commands.

Often, when trying to tame a puppy, the owner makes mistakes, communicating with him as with a thinking creature. Experienced dog breeders note the following mistakes in training:

  • giving commands in a loud voice;
  • physical punishment;
  • the presence of two owners - there must be one leader;
  • often using nicknames and combining them with commands;
  • long, tiring activities for the dog;
  • repeated commands;
  • cruelty;
  • deferred punishment;
  • simultaneous processing of several commands;
  • excessive softness;
  • abuse of treats - it is advisable to encourage with words.

How to teach a puppy commands up to 3 months

No matter how playful a puppy is, he must understand commands the first time. Completion of each task is reinforced with encouragement, while approving words and strokes are more important than treats. In addition to its nickname, up to three months the puppy must learn the following basic commands:

  • “Come to me” - it will protect you from the dangers that await your dog on the street;
  • “Fu” - will help prevent puddles in the house, protect furniture and shoes from damage, and save the puppy’s life;
  • “Fetch” – will increase the dog’s activity during a walk.

Teaching a puppy commands after 3 months

When the puppy grows up and adapts, it is advisable to send him to a club for training. He will undergo a general training course, where specialists will train him, and will get used to a leash, collar, and muzzle. To achieve results, the same incentives are used. Punish by using pulling, pulling on the leash, or pressing with the palm of your hand. In this case, you must not cause fear or aggression in the puppy. At this age he masters the commands:

  • "Near";
  • "Sit";
  • "Lie";
  • "Place";
  • "Forward".

Video: training a puppy at home

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Quite often you can see a dog owner screaming loudly, running chaotically along the street, unsuccessfully trying to catch up with his naughty pet. In theory, if you seriously engage in training your pet, then such unpleasant situations can be avoided; the dog will not start running away. So, let's see how to teach a dog the command to come to me.

The command “come to me!” Every dog, of any breed and size, should know this. And even if further training of the dog is not planned, it is definitely recommended to instill in it the skill of obedience.

After all, this is not only a way to control an animal, but also an opportunity to eliminate its rash actions. Dog handlers have this saying: “If a dog doesn’t follow the command “come to me!”, it means the person doesn’t have a dog.”

How to properly motivate your pet?

The first and most important reason why a dog may refuse to follow a command is lack of motivation. It is necessary to make sure that “come to me!”, uttered by the owner, outweighs everything else - animal instincts, including hunting ones, passion, the desire to play with one’s own kind or to receive a delicacy from someone else’s hands.

What can the owner offer in this case? First, it’s delicious, which is difficult for a dog to refuse. Moreover, he should receive it quite rarely and in small quantities so that the interest is maximum. When using treats during training, it is necessary to use tiny pieces so that the pet does not get full and wants more. It is easier to get increased motivation when the dog is hungry.

The game is another bonus that a pet can receive for its obedience. Moreover, it should be varied, attractive to the animal, and not of the same type. But you should not play until the dog gets tired - otherwise he will quickly lose interest in it.

Affection and praise are talked about as basic motivating techniques used to train dogs. They also help with learning the command “come to me!” A dog who has given up all his “interesting things” must be sure that when he approaches the owner, he will receive a lot of positive emotions. Do not skimp on kind words spoken with a gentle intonation.

Fear is often used in training, but the animal should not be afraid of its owner or the punishment that will follow disobedience. The dog must understand that if he disobeys, he can lose his owner forever, and this usually scares him. Therefore, during training, the owner can run away from the pet or hide.

The owner will always protect - this is another important motivation that really works. When a dog finds himself in an unpleasant situation, even an artificially created one - small pebbles are thrown at him, a signal from a radio-controlled collar is triggered, etc., only the owner can get rid of this.

Read about other teams:

Executing the command correctly

Before raising a dog, the owner must find out for himself what the “come to me!” command is. and what is important to teach your four-legged friend. In fact, it is necessary to ensure the correct execution of the command from the first days, and not hope that the dog has come and that is enough. Consistency will be required to avoid rushing.

The command consists of several stages:

  • the dog approaches the owner;
  • the pet sits - according to international standards - opposite, or after walking around the left leg - as required by the OKD course;
  • the owner releases the dog (the command must be cancelled).

That is, the dog must not only run up and rush back. The dog approaches, lingers near the owner and leaves only after he is given permission. Do not forget that in addition to the command “come to me!”, a cancel command is required - go, walk, run, etc.

According to the rules, fixation of the animal, that is, landing, is practiced only after the pet begins to steadily respond to the command and immediately approach upon hearing it. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing a persistent aversion to such actions. For the initial stage, the owner just needs to grab the pet by the collar and immediately release it.

Step by step training

You can start teaching your puppy this command when he gets used to it and responds to his name. At first, you can serve it before feeding:

  • you should attract the baby's attention;
  • say “come to me!”;
  • praise;
  • place a bowl in front of him.

You can train while playing with your dog. When the baby starts walking towards the owner, he must say a command and praise him. You can do this at home, but don’t forget about street training. The place should be quiet and familiar to the dog so that it does not worry or is distracted.

If the area is not fenced, then you can use an extended leash; this will not only allow you to control the puppy, but also protect it. You can act according to the following algorithm:

  • the pet should be allowed to go for a walk;
  • then it is recommended to attract the dog’s attention (you can try various methods: calling, clapping, unusual sound, running away, etc.); the command “come to me!” pronounced only when the dog begins to run towards the owner; a friendly tone is required;
  • encouragement should be generous - affection, treats, games; the dog must be happy;
  • you should cancel the command by saying “go, walk, etc.”

When the dog understands that the correct execution of the “come to me” command is a real holiday and will carry it out unquestioningly, you can begin the fixation stage. The dog can only learn the command correctly if the owner behaves properly. You can’t run after a disobedient dog, it’s useless to shout a command a thousand times, end a walk with it, or stop the game.

The team should be associated exclusively with positive moments, before which all other pleasures pale. This is the only way to teach a dog to instantly stop everything he’s doing and joyfully run to his owner, without reacting to surrounding stimuli and so on. An obedient dog is a joy for the owner and the envy of other, less fortunate dog owners.

You can find other commands in the “” section.

The erroneous opinion of many owners that raising babies is not at all necessary has led to the fact that most people associate the image of a tiny dog ​​with causeless barking and uncontrollable tantrums. In fact, these unpleasant moments could have been completely avoided if you contacted an instructor in time or started training yourself.

Today we will talk about general issues of raising small breeds: although they do not differ in anything other than growth, the methods and approach to them need a different one.

The nuances of raising small breeds

When starting to raise your baby, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • When trying to teach a small dog the necessary commands, place the main emphasis on positive methods of influence, supported by encouragement. Never use physical punishment on your pet. A slap in the face can cause injury or mutilation to an animal, a sharp cry can seriously frighten a baby, and a discharge of current in an electric collar can take a life.
  • Modern trainers suggest using a clicker for training - a device that makes a click when used. Clicker training methods are quite simple. Having given a command, you must wait for it to be executed and then, along with a reward, click the clicker. Positive motivation will be associated with this sound and subsequently one click will be enough to help the dog understand what is required of it.
  • Another way of practicing is learning in the form of a game. By constantly encouraging and engaging your pet, you can achieve good results.
  • Small stature imposes restrictions when choosing teams. The standard obstacle course is excluded from the training course - a decorative dog has no need to overcome barriers or climb stairs. However, they must learn a basic obedience course. If only because the commands “come” and “fu” can one day save your pet’s life.

Those who believe that training small dogs has no practical application are mistaken. First of all, by teaching the animal all kinds of commands, the owner establishes strong contact with the pet and gains tangible authority in the eyes of the dog.

Also, a dog that is busy working at the training site releases excess energy and, as a result, is less likely to misbehave at home. And thirdly, it is much easier to force a well-trained dog to behave the way you want.

What commands does your dog need to know?

So let's get to the actual part. There are a huge number of books and websites on teaching various commands, we would not like to repeat ourselves, and besides, this issue cannot be adequately covered in one article. Therefore, we list the vital commands that every four-legged friend should know and unquestioningly carry out.

  1. "To me" This is the first command that you must execute 100% of the time. Yes, toy terriers are not working breeds, but obedience at this moment is vital, for example in moments of danger.
  2. "Ugh" or "No" It is used in various situations: from suppressing unwanted behavior (for example, emotionally excitable dachshunds often need such adjustments) to the requirement to spit out a piece of food picked up on the ground (many former hunting breeds, such as miniature dogs and spaniels, vacuum in search of scraps).
  3. "Place" Agree that it’s nice to have a dog that you can go to bed at any time and relax a little :) This is especially true if there are small children in the house.


These commands include: “sit”, “lie down” and “stay”. The first two are very simple, but the last one can cause difficulties, especially for novice dog breeders.

Circus tricks

Those owners who are not satisfied with learning a few generally accepted commands can be advised to take up circus training: it’s spectacular and quite simple. There are a huge number of tricks that small breeds can do. Before mastering complex somersaults, you should complete a basic training course and learn to obey your owner unquestioningly. Having mastered circus reprises, your pet will always be the center of attention and will be able to please your friends with funny tricks more than once.



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