Frequent urination in girls. Causes of frequent urination and methods of its treatment

Frequent urination without pain can be a sign of a dangerous disease. If the urge is not accompanied by pain and burning, men do not think about visiting the doctor. This is a big mistake, because any deviation in the normal functioning of organs and systems leads to various kinds of ailments.

If a person takes diuretics to treat diseases, frequent visits to the toilet are considered normal. But if the urge to urinate occurs without the use of diuretics, this state of the body indicates violations of the violations (or failures, problems) in the urinary system.

An unscheduled visit to the toilet can also be caused by hypothermia or nervous overload. Frequent urination accompanies both a decrease in immunity and heavy drinking of alcoholic beverages. Changes in bladder emptying patterns inevitably come with advancing age. The listed reasons are not related to diseases of the excretory system.

What symptoms should alert? Frequent urination in men without pain can have the following causes:

  • prostate adenoma;
  • overactive bladder;
  • inflammatory processes of the kidneys;
  • diabetes;
  • cystitis;
  • prostate cancer.

Prostate adenoma is a benign tumor of the gland covering the urethra. An overgrown tumor compresses the urinary canal, deforming it. For this reason, urination is difficult: a man is forced to make efforts to empty himself. At a late stage in the development of the disease, residual urine begins to accumulate, and this already responds with pain when urinating.

An overactive bladder is characterized by frequent and urgent urge to empty. If a man does not go to the urologist and starts the disease, this condition quickly takes a complicated form - incontinence. An overactive bladder causes bedwetting.

Inflammation of the renal tissue (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis) is also accompanied by frequent urge to empty. However, inflammatory processes in the kidneys are accompanied by pain in the lower back, hyperthermia and burning during urination. Urine acquires a dark shade, is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and is excreted in small volumes.

Diabetes mellitus manifests itself as increased thirst. The body needs a lot of fluid to get rid of high blood glucose levels. The patient may not notice the appearance of the disease for a long time, considering frequent urination to be normal after drinking a large amount of liquid.

Cystitis is an inflammatory process in the bladder that appears with hypothermia and infection. A sign of cystitis is the appearance of purulent impurities in the urine, pain in the lower abdomen of a aching nature. With urethritis, pain in the penis, swelling and an unpleasant odor appear.

Diagnosis of the disease

The following manifestations are considered signs of a disorder of the urinary system:

  • going to the toilet more than seven times a day;
  • nocturia - nocturnal urination, often involuntary;
  • difficulty in urination - a thin and sluggish jet;
  • sudden urge to empty the bladder immediately;
  • urination does not bring relief;
  • cramps about urination, pain in the lumbar region;
  • frequent emptying of small volumes.

These signs indicate violations of the functions of the urinary system and require an immediate visit to the urologist.

What tests should be taken to determine the exact diagnosis? The complex of diagnostic manipulations includes:

  • digital examination of the prostate (performed by a urologist);
  • CT scan;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys / bladder;
  • general urine analysis;
  • analysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • Smears for STDs;
  • TRUS of the prostate;
  • urine culture tank;
  • uroflowmetry.

The doctor also prescribes a laboratory blood test:

  • determination of prostate-specific antigen;
  • biochemical analysis;
  • general analysis.

Consequences of frequent urination

What can cause frequent urination in men without pain? If the patient does not respond to a change in the emptying regimen for a long time, this inevitably leads to a complication of symptoms:

  • the color of the urine changes, becomes dark;
  • there are urges without excretion of urine;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • causeless chills appear;
  • redness and itching appear in the penis;
  • tormented by thirst and impotence.

In the future, the man has pronounced pain in the groin and lower back, as well as sharp pains in the process of emptying.


Causes of frequent urination in men are sometimes caused by disorders of the nervous order. To clarify the clinical picture completely, the urologist asks the patient in detail about the lifestyle, features of work activity and problems of a domestic nature. Often, the urologist requires you to keep a diary of urination in order to identify the concomitant causes of the disorder in the body.

After a detailed examination, therapeutic procedures are prescribed. With deviations of the neurological order, the patient is referred to a neurologist. The choice of drugs depends on the results of the tests:

  • with adenoma - drugs that slow down the growth of the neoplasm;
  • in inflammatory processes - antibiotics;
  • in diabetes mellitus - hypoglycemic agents;
  • with overactive bladder - drugs with anticholinergic action;
  • prostate cancer - brachytherapy, chemotherapy.

If one conservative therapy is not enough for recovery, surgical intervention is used:

  • myomectomy;
  • intestinal plastic;
  • removal of an adenoma;
  • removal of the cancer.

When high blood sugar is detected, treatment consists of adjusting the diet and using insulin as prescribed by the doctor.

Drug treatment

In case of a disease of a venereological nature, antibiotics and drugs against microbes are prescribed corresponding to the nature of the infection.

Pyelonephritis and cystitis are treated with diet, antimicrobials, and antibiotics.

Treatment of frequent emptying caused by neurological and psychiatric disorders is treated with sedatives, antidepressants or tranquilizers.

Any therapeutic manipulations should be determined by the attending urologist. Self-medication is dangerous with an unpredictable result.

Folk remedies

  1. herbal treatment;
  2. treatment with vegetable extracts.

Among herbal raw materials, a good effect is given by:

  • corn silk;
  • cherry stalks;
  • poplar and birch buds;
  • centaury;
  • elecampane roots;
  • St. John's wort;
  • mint.

Remedy #1

Mix equal parts cherry stalks and corn stigmas. The raw material is consumed as a tea and taken throughout the day. The more often you drink the infusion, the sooner the recovery will come.

Remedy #2

Brew a teaspoon of birch buds with a glass of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours under the lid. Drink half a glass of infusion three times a day.

Remedy #3

Take tea from centaury and St. John's wort. Herbs are mixed in equal amounts. Approximately, a pinch of each herb per cup of boiling water.

Remedy #4

Steam 2 tablespoons of black poplar buds in half a liter of boiling water. Drink as tea before breakfast for 0.5 cups. Take the infusion warm.

Remedy #5

Mint decoction is boiled for about ten minutes: 0.5 l of water and 20 g of leaves. Drink tea three times a day for a cup.

Remedy #6

The roots of elecampane (2 tablespoons) are poured with boiling water (a glass) and soar in a water bath for about 25-28 minutes. The infusion is cooled for 4 hours, filtered and taken.

Remedy #7

Fresh tops of carrots and a bunch of parsley in equal proportions are chopped with a knife and steamed with a glass of boiling water for 2 hours (1 tablespoon of raw materials). Tea is drunk before meals 4 times a day. Relief will come in 5-7 days.

Remedy #8

A fresh onion is rubbed and applied to the lower abdomen as a compress. The compress should be kept for several hours. You can do this warm-up before going to bed. Apply onions until the incontinence symptoms stop.

Prevention measures

  1. If you suffer from frequent urination at night, you should reduce your fluid intake before bed, and it is better not to drink at all.
  2. You should not drink liquid before a business meeting, an important event or a long trip.
  3. Before using drugs, you should study the instructions: are there any side effects as increased urination.
  4. If a responsible meeting takes place in an unknown room, you should inquire in advance about the location of the restroom.
  5. Exclude from the diet foods that provoke profuse urination: watermelons, coffee, etc.
  6. With uncontrolled urination, it is necessary to use special pads for men.
  7. To strengthen the muscles of the bladder, it is recommended to perform a set of Kegel exercises.

Remember that cystitis and infectious diseases are very insidious. Therefore, you should dress according to the season, do not sit on cold surfaces and follow a diet. Drinking habits also need to be monitored. If you follow simple recommendations of a preventive nature, you can prevent the onset of the disease and maintain health until old age.

April 24, 2017 3260 0

Each of the women at one time or another is faced with the problem of frequent urination. It can occur due to the influence of natural factors or be a manifestation of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Normally, in a healthy person, the number of trips to the toilet should not exceed ten times a day. If the increased urge to urinate exceeds this figure, you should consult your doctor and get tested. Private urges to the toilet at night should also alert. If a person empties the bladder more than once a night, there is most likely a pathology.

In any case, the body of each woman is individual, and for some of the fair sex, urination more than ten times a day is the norm. In such a situation, only an experienced doctor will help to understand.

To find out what frequent urination is talking about, first of all, you need to understand a number of questions, namely:

  • Is urination accompanied by pain;
  • Is urination always accompanied by the urge to go to the toilet;
  • Whether there is retention of urine in the bladder. We are talking about those cases when you want to go to the toilet, but urination does not occur with all the desire;
  • Do private urination cause discomfort to a woman;
  • Is frequent urination an exception to the rule or is it observed in a woman regularly, for a long period of time.

Only after receiving answers to these questions, the doctor can come to the conclusion whether frequent frequent urination is a norm or a pathology.

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Very frequent urination: physiological causes

What causes frequent urination? The reasons for this phenomenon can be physiological and pathological. Let's figure it out.

Physiological natural causes of frequent urination in the toilet are:

  • Drinking plenty of water, especially in the evening;
  • The use of drinks that have a diuretic effect. These include rosehip broth, green tea, coffee;
  • Diuretic drugs, the action of which is aimed at removing excess fluid from the body;
  • Menses. As you know, during the period of menstruation, women are concerned about frequent urination. This should not cause alarm, since such a phenomenon is considered quite normal. Frequent urination, especially in the first days of menstruation, is explained by changes in the hormonal background;
  • Hypothermia. When the girls' feet freeze, there is a frequent urge to urinate. They subside after the exposure to cold ceases;
  • Stress, overwork, nervous exhaustion.
  • Pregnancy. This is the time when the body of the future mother is being rebuilt, and the load on all organs and systems increases. In particular, the kidneys begin to work more intensively. Also, the uterus, as the fetus grows, increases in size, begins to put pressure on the bladder, which causes frequent urination. In the first trimester of pregnancy, hormonal changes are the cause of frequent urination.

If frequent urges to the toilet occur against the background of the above factors, and there are no other abnormal conditions, you should not worry. It is necessary to sound the alarm when other pathological signs appear.

What diseases can frequent urination signal?

Frequent urge to go to the toilet can be not only a consequence of stress, hypothermia, etc., but also be a consequence of the development of pathological processes. Let's take a closer look at what diseases frequent urination manifests itself.

  1. Myoma of the uterus. It is represented by a tumor of a benign nature, developing from the muscle cells of the uterus. Over a long period of time, pathology can develop asymptomatically. Signs of the disease appear while the myomatous nodes grow to an impressive size. One of the manifestations of the disease is the frequent urge to urinate. This process is explained simply - the tumor grows, respectively, the size of the penis increases, and the uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder. Frequent urination in this case becomes permanent. A woman regularly experiences psychological and physical discomfort. Along with frequent urges to the toilet, pain is observed in the lower abdomen, back and lower back. Perhaps a general malaise, weakness, lethargy, loss of strength, dizziness, fever.

With the disease, pain in the uterus is possible. Frequent urination in this case should serve as a signal to go to.

Against the background of frequent urination and pain, uterine fibroids can manifest as menstrual irregularities. These are abundant or, conversely, extremely meager menstruation, delays in menstruation, abnormal discharge in the middle of the cycle; with a sharp unpleasant odor and blood impurities;

  1. Infectious diseases of the urinary tract. They develop when pathogens enter the bladder, ureters, and urethra. At this point, irritation of the mucous membranes occurs and there is a frequent urge to urinate;
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  3. Kidney disease. Frequent urge to urinate is a sign of bladder stones.
  4. Cystitis, in other words, inflammation of the bladder. For pathology, the characteristic signs are itching and burning in the urethra at times of frequent urge to urinate. When cystitis is at an advanced stage, urinary incontinence may occur, or after going to the toilet there may be a feeling of fullness in the bladder. In women with this diagnosis, sudden urges to urinate may appear during shaking on the road, while exercising, etc. Immediately at the moment of urination itself, the process may be completed, but the woman's feeling of fullness of the bladder does not disappear. This process may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the perineum;
  5. Urethritis. One of the first signs of the disease is frequent urge to urinate, accompanied by pain and burning. Symptoms can be mild and women do not always seek medical attention. It is important to understand that the disease does not go away without medical help;
  6. Pyelonephritis. This pathology in a chronic form manifests itself as frequent urination and pain in the lumbar region. The symptoms are especially acute in cold weather. During exacerbations, blood impurities are detected in the urine, the body temperature rises sharply to high levels, nausea, chills, and weakness may occur. If you start the disease, then its treatment will take a very long period of time. Therapy should take place under the strict supervision of a physician;
  7. Prolapse of the uterus due to various factors. The organ begins to shift, changing its normal anatomical location, and put pressure on the bladder. At an early stage in the development of pathology, a woman has a feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the vagina, and there is also pain. The disease is manifested by menstrual irregularities and severe pain during critical days. At a later stage, urinary incontinence may occur and frequent urination is a concern. A woman needs medical attention without fail.

In any case, if frequent urge to urinate becomes a normal occurrence in your life, then you should undergo an examination. Especially if any other pathological conditions are manifested.

The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the faster and more effective the treatment will be.

Frequent urination and how to deal with it

The choice of treatment tactics directly depends on what is the cause of frequent urination, as a result of which they occur. If they are caused by natural physiological factors, then after eliminating their effects, frequent trips to the toilet stop.

In cases where a woman experiences frequent urge to urinate due to nervous stress, sedatives will help correct the situation.

If the cause of frequent trips to the toilet is hypothermia, then a warm shower will help solve the problem.

Proper diet and moderate fluid intake will also relieve frequent urination.

If we talk about frequent urge to go to the toilet due to a pathological factor, then qualified treatment is necessary under the strict supervision of a doctor. Therapy is prescribed depending on the nature of the disease.

Treatment of uterine fibroids can be either medical or surgical. I would especially like to note a revolutionary technique in the treatment of fibroids - embolization of the uterine arteries. It allows you to overcome the disease within one day without a surgical operation and a long course of taking drugs and get rid of it for life. The doctor simply blocks the arteries through which blood enters the tumor, and the fibroid dries out within a relatively short period of time.

Frequent urination caused by infectious diseases is eliminated through a course of antibiotic therapy.

With urolithiasis, on an individual basis, the patient is prescribed medication and a diet is selected. If indicated, surgical intervention is performed.

In order not to start a disease that occurs in a latent form, it is necessary to be regularly examined by a doctor. A girl should undergo a gynecological examination by a gynecologist every six months.

As statistics show, many of the fair sex seek help from a doctor when the pathology becomes pronounced. In this case, we are talking not only about frequent urination, urinary incontinence, but also severe pain, fever, general malaise, etc.

First of all, we must be attentive to our health, not be afraid to seek help from professionals and not start the course of the disease to a critical stage.

In some cases, frequent urination does not pose a danger to health, and even more so to life, but on condition that going to the toilet is not accompanied by pain. In other situations, you can not do without the help of a doctor.

A scheduled examination by a gynecologist is the best prevention of any pathologies of the organs of the reproductive system. Do not ignore this recommendation and only then you will be sure that nothing threatens your health. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat.

For many representatives of the weaker sex, going to the doctor is associated with long lines, rudeness of medical personnel, and outdated equipment. To date, a large number of clinics have been opened, where excellent doctors work, procedures are carried out on modern medical equipment, and the staff is very friendly and benevolent.

Any problem, including frequent urination, will be solved at the highest level. You will feel an individual approach and sincere desire of the doctor to help you overcome the disease.

If frequent urge to urinate is observed as a one-time phenomenon, and you yourself guess what could have provoked it, then there is no reason for concern. If even the slightest suspicion about the pathological nature of such a phenomenon creeps in, then do not postpone the examination by a gynecologist or urologist indefinitely.

Only a specialist can determine what frequent urination means in each individual case.

You are responsible for your own health, and in case of complications, you will also have to blame yourself exclusively. Do not bring to a critical point and trust the hands of professionals in their field.

Without being a doctor, what frequent urination means is difficult to determine and a mistake in self-diagnosis can cost you dearly.

Frequent urge to go to the toilet is an unpleasant moment that knocks a person out of his usual way and makes you think about your health. Frequent urination is more common among women, although it accounts for a considerable number of cases.

The causes of frequent trips to the toilet can be various pathologies of the urinary system. Such diseases must be detected and treated in a timely manner, otherwise serious consequences may occur. Frequent urination in girls, accompanied by soreness. This leaves no doubt that we are talking about pathology. But frequent urination may not be accompanied by pain. Is it worth it to see a doctor in this case?

Are there rules?

Not a single even the most highly qualified doctor can unequivocally answer how many times a day urination should occur in adults. It directly depends on the amount of liquid that a person consumes per day. The greater the amount of fluid, the greater the rate of trips to the toilet.

Speaking approximately, then normally a woman should walk “in a small way” about 13 times. If this figure is exceeded, it is worth sounding the alarm, especially if there is pain during urination.

In most cases, pathological urination is supplemented by the following symptoms:

  • , or itching when urinating;
  • a small amount of excreted urine (normally it should be at least 200 gr.);
  • the frequency of urges knocks out of the usual life course and creates discomfort.

When visiting the toilet for small needs about 10 times during the day and 1-2 times at night, if no other symptoms are bothering you, there is nothing to worry about.

This is how urination happens

What are the causes of frequent urination?

Frequent urination in women without pain can provoke completely natural body processes. This symptom can occur under the influence of such factors:

  • taking certain pharmaceuticals;
  • pregnancy, especially in the later stages;
  • a large amount of liquid consumed;
  • decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs that have a diuretic effect;
  • menopause;
  • stress;
  • prolonged hypothermia.

The reason for frequent urination in women without pain can also be advanced age.

At least the causes of frequent urination are pathological processes in the body:

  • . In this case, patients can observe blood impurities in the urine. Pain in the area of ​​the bladder. The causative agent of this process is. Penetration occurs through the urethra, after which it is fixed on the walls of the organ and destroys its mucosa.
  • Diabetes. A prolonged increase in sugar also often causes frequent urination. Thirst, which patients often experience, makes them drink a lot of fluids, in connection with this, trips to the toilet become more frequent.
  • Violation of the functioning of the pelvic muscles, which is neuralgic in nature. The fact is that neurological problems disrupt the innervation of the muscles that control urination. As a result, a person experiences constant urge to go to the toilet.
  • Urolithiasis disease. With an increase in salt conglomerates, frequent urination, which is initially painless, is aggravated by an increasing pain syndrome.
  • Pyelonephritis. Frequent urge to go to the toilet and aching pains are true companions of this pathology.
  • Cardiac and vascular diseases. Vascular problems and heart failure can also cause frequent urination. Often they cause swelling, which disappears at night and is manifested by frequent trips to the toilet.

In addition, the causes of frequent urination can be female diseases, genital infections, spinal cord injuries, and chronic kidney failure.

Frequent urination in pregnant women

Frequent trips "in a small way" is one of the phenomena that one has to face during this period. It’s worth clarifying right away that we are not talking about any pathology, this is a normal physiological process that does not affect either the fetus or the woman’s health.

The first trimester of childbearing is characterized by large hormonal changes. In the blood, chorionic gonadotropin increases, which provokes frequent false urge to urinate. Frequent trips to the toilet in the first trimester are associated with an increase in the uterus, which begins to squeeze the bladder. Intensive work of the kidneys also affects this process.

The second trimester is characterized by the subsidence of increased urges. Unless, of course, there are diseases of the urinary system.

However, do not forget that a large number of urination per day in pregnant women can also be a sign of a pathological process. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the doctor. Especially if this process is accompanied by other disturbing symptoms, such as pain or burning.

A pregnant woman is responsible for two, so you should never postpone a visit to the doctor.

When should a visit to the doctor not be postponed?

Frequent urge to urinate in women and men is not yet a pathology. Thus, the body can signal the need for a lifestyle change. However, if this process is supplemented by other symptoms, a visit to the doctor is necessary. These symptoms include:

  • various pains in the lower abdomen;
  • or, conversely, her incontinence;
  • loss of appetite;
  • frequent urination, accompanied by pain or pain;
  • the presence of bloody discharge from the genitals.

Frequent urination in women, which is supplemented by at least one of the above symptoms, is a serious reason to see a specialist. Since the neglect of the disease contributes to its transition to a chronic form, and this can extremely negatively affect not only the reproductive system of a woman, but also the work of the whole organism.


What will be the treatment depends on the cause of frequent urination in women. In the case of diabetes, the glucose level is subject to adjustment. If the cause of the pathology is urolithiasis, ultrasound or drug therapy is used.

Antibiotics, such as doxycillin or azithromycin, are prescribed to treat frequent urination in women caused by reactive arthritis. It is possible to reduce the urge to urinate during menopause with the help of hormonal drugs.

In the case of frequent urges against the background of iron deficiency in the body, the patient is prescribed drugs containing this element, for example, Maltofer or Ferroplex. Now we should dwell on the treatment of diseases that are the most common causes of frequent urination:

  • To eliminate acute cystitis, the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs, for example, Nofroloxacin or Monural. In the case of specific microflora, antiviral and antifungal agents are prescribed.
  • With bacteriuria, the focus of infection is first eliminated. A woman is shown taking sulfanilamide and antibacterial drugs, as well as uroantiseptics, for example, Canephron, Cyston. In this case, alternative medicine is also shown: douching with herbs and herbal teas.
  • In the treatment of sexually transmitted infections, it is initially necessary to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to various groups of pharmacological agents, and only then choose the most effective ones. Most often, with sexual infections, Fluconazole, Vagilak and others are prescribed.

Folk methods

Treatment of frequent urination takes place with the use of infusions and decoctions from herbs such as hogweed and red brush. With their help, you can improve the functioning of the sex glands and normalize the hormonal background. And also these herbs are popular with menopause, as they significantly reduce its manifestations. Consider the most popular and effective recipes for reducing the frequency of urination:

  • A decoction of a hog uterus. You can buy this herb in dry form at any pharmacy. To prepare a decoction, you need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry grass and 200 ml of boiling water. Keep in a water bath for about 10 minutes. Then the broth must be well insisted, 4-5 hours will be enough, then strain well. The decoction should be consumed in 5 doses per day, 1 tbsp. l.
  • You can also prepare a tincture, it is no less effective. It will take 0.5 liters. vodka and 50 gr. boron uterus. Such a remedy is infused for at least 20 days in a dark and cool place. It is important that the product is infused in a glass container and at room temperature. After the expiration date, the infusion is filtered and taken 20-30 drops three times a day. The full course is 3 months.
  • Tincture and decoction can also be prepared from the red brush. The crushed root of the plant (1 tablespoon) is poured with boiling water (300 ml). Keep in a water bath for 5 minutes. Then cool and strain. It is necessary to drink the remedy 0.5 cup 3 times a day. It is important to do this 30 minutes before a meal. Red brush tincture is prepared in the same way as a boron uterus. The proportions of preparation and reception are the same. The only thing is that the remedy is infused for 30 days.

Quite often, inflammation of the urinary canal and bladder (and cystitis) becomes the reason for frequent urination. Herbs also work well with such pathologies. The most popular recipes for inflammatory processes of the urinary system:

  • Chopped (4 tablespoons) is poured with boiling water (400 ml) and boiled over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Leave for at least 2 hours. Strain and take ½ cup 4 times a day before meals.
  • Lingonberry leaves are well suited to protect women's health. Lingonberry leaves (2 tsp) are poured with a 200-gram glass of hot water and infused for 20 minutes, after which they are filtered. It is necessary to drink the remedy during the day for 6-10 receptions.

Another effective remedy for the treatment of frequent urination is yarrow. For 2 tsp. dried grass is taken 200 ml of boiling water. Infused for half an hour, then filtered. Divide a glass of decoction into 4 doses during the day before meals.

Every day we go to the toilet "in a small way" at least 12 times. Of course, this figure is very conditional and depends on physiological characteristics, and they are individual for each of us. But, approximately, such a number of urination per day is considered by doctors to be the norm and does not cause them anxiety. But if the number of “visits” to the toilet per day increases, then it’s time to sound the alarm. After all, frequent urination in women can be a symptom of serious diseases that require long-term treatment. What can cause this unpleasant phenomenon?

When is it the norm?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cases when frequent urination to the toilet can be considered the norm. Usually in such cases, treatment is not required, although, of course, the attending physician should be aware.

1. Undoubtedly, frequent urination during pregnancy should be included in the category of the norm. Almost every woman who is carrying a child faces him. This problem can be especially acute in the first and last trimesters. In this case, the frequency of urination is influenced by several factors at once. This is the increased work of the kidneys, and the increased amount of fluid in the body, and the pressure of the uterus on the bladder. Frequent visits to the toilet should not worry the expectant mother, on the contrary, rare urination should cause anxiety. After all, this may mean that a pregnant woman does not consume enough fluid, and this can lead to problems with the urinary system.

2. Another reason why frequent urination will be the norm is taking various diuretic drugs. For example, various herbal teas for weight loss, most of which, as you know, have herbs with a diuretic effect in their composition. Uncontrolled consumption of caffeinated drinks and alcohol can also provoke increased urination.

3. Also, with increased urge to go to the toilet, the female body can react to cold or to some kind of stressful situation.

4. Finally, in women who are going through menopause, this phenomenon may be due to changes in hormonal levels and disappears over time.

When to sound the alarm?

Infectious and inflammatory diseases

1. In the first place among the causes of frequent urination in women are inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. And cystitis holds the palm among them. Every second woman will surely hear this diagnosis in her life. Cystitis leads not only to the described problem, it is also accompanied by burning during urination and other unpleasant symptoms. If detected in time, this disease is treated quickly enough, but in the future a woman should be very attentive to her health in order to avoid the risk of relapse.

2. Running cystitis is a direct road to pyelonephritis. In addition to frequent urges "in a small way", temperature, this disease is characterized by cloudy urine and urination with blood. Treatment of pyelonephritis is long character, and its violations threaten that the disease can become chronic.

3. Urethritis should also be attributed to the causes of an inflammatory nature. This disease can occur with mild symptoms, but it is frequent urination in women that is one of its signs. And even if nothing else bothers you, you should definitely consult a doctor, since self-treatment in this case is impossible.

4. An increased number of urges to the toilet can also cause some sexually transmitted diseases - for example, gonorrhea, genital herpes, etc. By the way, cramps and pain during urination in women, accompanied by discharge with an unpleasant odor, may be the first symptoms of the disease. In this case, patients (as well as their sexual partners) will have to undergo long-term drug treatment with constant monitoring of tests.

Gynecological diseases

1. Frequent urge to go to the toilet may also indicate some gynecological diseases. For example, about myoma (benign tumor) of the uterus. In addition to the main symptoms (bleeding from the uterus, menstrual irregularities, pain in the lower abdomen), frequent urination in women may also occur. This usually happens when an enlarged tumor begins to put pressure on nearby organs - including the bladder.

2. Similar symptoms can also manifest uterine prolapse - a phenomenon when, due to a decrease in the elasticity of the pelvic muscles, the uterus can no longer be in a physiologically correct position and shifts lower. Together with it, the position and organs of the small pelvis, including the bladder, change.

Diseases of the endocrine system

Speaking of endocrine diseases that may accompany an increased amount of urination, diabetes mellitus should be mentioned first of all. Moreover, as endocrinologists note, most often the urge to go to the toilet begins to disturb at night. In addition, many patients begin to increase the amount of drink consumed, which is associated with constant thirst, and this also cannot but affect the amount of urination.

Urolithiasis disease

An increased frequency of the urge to empty the bladder may indicate the presence of stones in it (one or more). At the same time, sudden urges can occur even from the slightest physical exertion and be accompanied by pain. In addition, the process of urination itself may suddenly stop, although there is no feeling that the bladder has emptied.

Treatment and prevention of frequent urination in women

Since frequent trips to the toilet "in a small way" can be one of the symptoms of a disease, by eliminating its causes, you can get rid of frequent urination. And, of course, that the treatment in each of the above examples is selected purely individual, only by a specialist (or a group of specialists) and only after collecting all the necessary tests.

So, for inflammatory and infectious diseases of the urinary tract, drugs with antibacterial and analgesic effects, antispasmodics are prescribed. Medicamentous appointments are supplemented with various phytocollections, teas.

In some cases (for gynecological diseases and urolithiasis), in addition to medications, surgery, hormone therapy, and strengthening exercises may be required.

Well, so that such a phenomenon as frequent urination does not spoil life, it is necessary to remember about preventive measures.

  • drink at least one and a half liters of pure water every day,
  • regularly (preferably every 3 hours) go to the toilet, even if there is no strong desire,
  • monitor the hygiene of the genital organs and the cleanliness of underwear,
  • don't overcool
  • visit a gynecologist at least twice a year, even if nothing bothers you, and take all the required tests.

Normally, the average woman needs to empty her bladder up to eight times a day. Such a frequency of urges allows the body to remove accumulated urine in a timely manner, without causing any particular inconvenience: the need to visit the toilet appears every few hours, which does not interfere with either the work process or rest. But sometimes the situation changes. Many note that they have excessively frequent urination: in women, a similar symptom can either be completely harmless or indicate the presence of health problems.

Hypothermia as a cause of frequent urination in women

Almost all people noticed that in cold weather the desire to urinate occurs much more often than in warm weather. What is it connected with? Hypothermia provokes a more active production of urine, which is why a woman wants to constantly write. This effect is explained by the following mechanisms:

  • stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system caused by body cooling leads to tachycardia, increased cardiac output, spasm of small arteries and an increase in total peripheral vascular resistance;
  • in order to reduce heat loss, the body provokes a spasm of the vessels of the muscles and skin, while the vessels of the internal organs (kidneys, heart, brain) expand. As a result, blood flow to the kidneys increases, which causes increased filtration of urine.

As a result of internal processes caused by cold, metabolism is accelerated and more so-called metabolic (endogenous) water is formed in the body. Her body has to forcefully remove it.

In the heat, part of the excess fluid is excreted with sweat. But such a “technology” is not available to the body at low air temperatures, which causes constant urges. If urination is painless and not accompanied by any additional symptoms (for example, the release of blood or pus), then there is nothing to worry about: as soon as the body warms up, its “behavior” normalizes.

Frequent urination in women: causes of an emotional nature

All people react differently to stress. Regarding the process of urination, two main ways of the body's "response" to experiences can be distinguished:

  1. Inability to urinate.
  2. Constant urges in a small way.

Many women "choose" the second type of response. As a rule, these are calm individuals, vulnerable to external evaluation and worried about the impression they make on others.

Frequent urination during stressful moments is associated with the influence of emotions on the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for contracting the walls of the bladder and relaxing the sphincter. If the excitement is strong, the body also begins to "worry" and sends signals about the need to empty. Most often, this is observed before exams, public speaking, interviews and dates.

From the point of view of physical health, a woman has no problems, but with an excessively strong reaction to stress, serious psychological pathologies may appear.

Causes of frequent urination in women, consisting in the characteristics of the diet

Products that have a diuretic effect cause increased urination, which explains the occurrence of constant urge. Frequent trips in a small way are often provoked by a diet that includes any of the following:

  1. Ginger or green tea with lemon.
  2. Coffee and other caffeinated drinks (coca-cola, energy drinks).
  3. Alcoholic drinks, especially beer.
  4. Natural juices (from cranberries, lingonberries, celery, parsley, carrots, citrus fruits).
  5. Bitter chocolate.
  6. Some fruits, vegetables and berries - melons, watermelons, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, carrots, lemons, cranberries, viburnum, mountain ash, lingonberries, blackberries, dried apricots, apples, parsley, celery.

The diuretic effect is just a feature of the products. As long as a woman uses them, the urge to urinate will not go anywhere.
Separately, mention should be made of all kinds of teas and weight loss supplements. As a rule, all of them provoke increased excretion of water from the body and cause the bladder to regularly give signals about the need to empty.

Frequent urination in women: causes of a physiological nature

The female body periodically encounters key “thresholds” for it. At this time, hormonal changes occur, as a result of which the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. It means:

  • menstruation (increased urination, as a rule, is observed a few days before the onset of bleeding);
  • pregnancy (increased urges may occur immediately after the embryo is born; in the future, their daily number increases, since uterine pressure on the bladder is added to hormonal changes);
  • climax.

In all these situations, constant urination is considered normal, as it is due to natural processes occurring in the body.

Frequent urination: causes in women associated with diseases

Some health problems show frequent urination among the main symptoms. The most common pathologies include:

  1. Cystitis. Inflammation of the bladder is accompanied by pain during urination, discomfort in the lower abdomen. The urges are very strong and difficult to bear.
  2. Urethritis. It has symptoms similar to cystitis, but discharge from the urethra may additionally be observed.
  3. Pyelonephritis. Inflammatory damage to the kidneys is characterized by acute pain in the lower back, fever up to 40 degrees, nausea, vomiting. In the chronic course of the disease, the symptoms are less pronounced, but frequent urination persists.
  4. Urolithiasis disease. The presence of stones in the internal organs at first does not give itself away at all. But at the time of physical activity, the stones can begin to move, provoking a severe attack of pain. Neoplasms that irritate the bladder also cause frequent urges.
  5. Descent of the uterus. Pathology is associated with weakening of the muscles and ligaments that hold the organ. Regular visits to the toilet are complemented by constipation, vaginal discharge, pain in the lower abdomen.
  6. Myoma of the uterus. A benign tumor, increasing, begins to put pressure on the bladder, causing strong urges. Other symptoms include menstrual irregularities and foreign body sensation inside.
  7. Heart failure. The defeat of the coronary vessels is associated with poor blood circulation and swelling of the legs. When a woman goes to bed, the water returns to the bladder, which causes a nocturnal urge.
  8. Diabetes. Both sugar and non-sugar forms are accompanied by copious excretion of urine. The following signs should alert - very strong thirst, itching, inflammation on the skin, immoderate appetite.
  9. Overactive bladder. It often has a neurogenic nature, that is, the syndrome is associated with a malfunction of the nervous system. Constant urge to urinate in women occurs all the time for no apparent reason.

At the slightest suspicion of the presence of the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor. It is not recommended to do anything on your own.

Frequent urge to urinate in women: how to cure?

You can get rid of frequent urination only by eliminating the cause:

  • in case of hypothermia, you need to warm up;
  • with excessive excitement, you should learn to relax through meditation, breathing exercises, visualization;
  • with a "diuretic diet" it is recommended to revise your menu;
  • when changing the hormonal background, you can consult a doctor for advice and prescribing special drugs (if necessary);
  • if you experience symptoms of the disease, you must make an appointment with a specialist and undergo appropriate treatment.

In most cases, constant urges are not dangerous. If there is a suspicion of a health problem, there is only one way - a visit to the doctor.



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