Can Cancer Men Love? Cancer man in love

He is restless, thoughtful, idealistic. This dreamer is sometimes very sentimental. In the soul of Cancer, subject to the waxing and waning Moon, delightful ups and downs of emotions alternate with deep depression. He is able to carry people in both directions.

On first meeting, he may seem lively and playful, but this is only one side of his personality. It is strongly subject to the cyclic influence of the Moon. On the next date, he may seem withdrawn, unfriendly.

Even when you get to know Cancer better, you will still be confused by the rapid changes in his mood. In a conflict situation, he is capable of violence. But if you give in without resistance, he will apologize to you for the victory. He may be a supporter of female emancipation, but nature forces him to defend the "weaker sex". The Cancer man is a suave and gallant conqueror of the old school.

He likes the company of beautiful women, especially if they are witty companions. Does that make him different from other men? you ask. The difference lies in the fact that Cancer itself seems attractive to such women. However, having charmed his chosen one, he will quickly become the owner. It will be difficult for the beloved to live up to his expectations, because he makes high demands. Having experienced disappointment, he will not openly complain, but simply withdraw into himself.

Cancer loves delicious food and good drinks, but don't expect him to try to look his best during a date. Cancerians do not attach much importance to the elegance of their costumes. They can walk around in old sweaters that have been preserved from their student years and are already barely fitting their bulging waist. The Cancer man does not seek to splurge.

Cancers love to talk and are often endowed with eloquence. They are able to captivate people with their speeches anywhere. The fantastic memory of Cancer gives him a significant advantage in discussions and disputes. He is firm in his convictions. Everything goes smoothly until you start challenging them. Hearing objections, Cancer will not calm down until he convinces you. Suspecting that you still doubt his rightness, he will resume the debate at the first opportunity and bombard you with new arguments. The discussion will subside only when you give up - if only for the sake of peace and tranquility.

However, Cancer can not only speak, but also listen. A friend of mine described her lover, born under this sign, as a person who listens "with all his pores." Cancer is capable of sympathy and is always ready to help in solving the problem.

His sharp analytical mind is able to penetrate deep into the most intricate situations. This makes him adept at money matters. He is able to see a financial opportunity faster than a lizard can see a fly. But he is only interested in traditional, familiar ways of enrichment. He does not take risks.

He is sensitive, insecure, sentimental, reluctant to part with old friends, habits, places where he lived for a long time. He meets childhood friends, even if he no longer connects with them. He resists changes in lifestyle, is afraid of them, carefully preserves memories, old family photographs, school relics. He likes to think about bygone times, tenaciously clings to the past.

He needs expressions of your love.

Do not count on an easy short romance with this man. He takes love too seriously. Cancer is looking for partners who can stimulate him not only physically, but also mentally. Exceptionally faithful, he expects reciprocal devotion from a woman. He is a supporter of long-term affection, able to survive any storm and survive in it. He wants to find peace of mind in this way.

Cancer is not one of those who like to travel. He is seduced by homeliness and comfort. He believes that intimacy arises near the hearth, and peace of mind grows on the lawn in front of the porch. However, he tends to be withdrawn, bordering on isolationism, and can be blind to those he loves. I know a Cancer man who himself sent his girlfriend on an overnight trip with a very attractive man. The girl was heading towards her mother, and her friend saw no reason to be alarmed. Much later, when the couple got married, he learned that his fiancée had spent the night at a motel with her traveling companion. The husband became so agitated that he needed the help of a psychoanalyst, who failed to convince the patient that he himself, in some sense, provoked the "treason". This man never forgave his wife, and they eventually divorced.

The Cancer man seeks a long-term, perhaps even eternal relationship with a woman. However, in the event of a breakup, he hurries to a new love and has the ability to quickly approach. If the former partner seriously touched his heart, he will not forget her, no matter what happens to him later.

He is a complex person. Living with a Cancer is not easy because of the mood swings they are prone to. No one will call Cancer a boring person. His determination is the key to success, and his susceptibility and intelligence make this person a leader in politics, literature and business.

Warning: beware the Cancer man on a full moon.

The Cancer man liked you already during the first meeting. You must have noticed his boyish rather than masculine charm. Being in his company, you intuitively felt this man is actually a defenseless child who needs maternal care, support and tenderness of a partner.


That woman who has dealt with Cancer at least once in her life knows what real tenderness is. A man born under this sign has all the qualities to make an impressionable woman with a subtle nature happy. Love in his "performance" is a lullaby for a newborn, the chirping of birds on a sunny morning, joy and fun. But at the same time it is also a drowsy daydreaming, slowly creeping into his soul to stay there as long as possible.


The erotic expectations of the Cancer man can be said to be unpretentious. For him, the sexual act itself is not so important as the environment in which it takes place.


It's not easy to have a meaningless romance with Cancer. He becomes attached to a woman at the very beginning of his acquaintance and instantly demands proof of love from her. Subtly feeling, delicate by nature, he often does not distinguish between the concepts of "love" and "sex". He is absolutely not created for fleeting adventures on the love front.

Family for you is the most sacred thing in life;

You have a strong maternal instinct

You want to become the ancestor of a family clan;

You are looking for an understanding and sensitive partner;

You consider the ability to be affectionate to be a truly masculine quality;

In your former partner, you were offended by his coldness and restraint in showing feelings;

You need a partner to dream with;

You expect care and complete devotion from a man;

Do you want to be the head of the family?

Able to perceive only logical arguments;

You can’t stand it when they act according to their mood;

Children are more of a vital necessity for you than an object of dreams;

You're not going to have an exemplary relationship with your mother-in-law;

Hate weekly family gatherings;

You prefer an independent and independent partner;

Do you like balanced and calm men;

Boredom, in your opinion, is a humiliating quality for a man,

You think with regret of your former companion, who, at least, did not ask from behind the toilet door what you were doing there.

Cancer is a man who needs a friendly, cordial and pleasant environment to feel good. He feels equally uncomfortable both in a very serious society and in a company where everyone is trying to shout each other down. Therefore, he chooses quiet places - where you can relax and unwind. You can meet him, for example, in a small cozy cafe, where he has a leisurely conversation with close friends.



If a woman whom Cancer met on her path considers motherhood to be the most important thing in life, if all her thoughts are directed to creating something like a family empire, Cancer will very quickly come to the conclusion that this is his ideal. Immediately he will offer you to jointly decide on the creation of a strong family union, promising him the desired sense of security. You must remember all the time: the main thing is how you relate to the family, what place you assign in your life to home and children.


So you found your Cancer and interested him in your person. Now try to make the “attraction” that has arisen between you grow into love. The main goal of Cancer is to create a union of two souls based on emotional interdependence. He considers this dependence a kind of magnet that connects people - thus, their need to be together is satisfied. It is on this, in his opinion, that the spiritual and bodily union of the representatives of the two sexes should be based.


Marriage for Cancer is so important that he is ready to legalize every romance, so there should be no problems with this, unless, of course, you behave correctly. Already at the very beginning of your acquaintance, Cancer most likely thought about marriage, and depending on the further development of events, he will either confirm this opinion or doubt it.



Frankly, on their own initiative, Cancer is unlikely to want to leave you: he is so attached to his partner that the thought of breaking up is alien to him, even if he is not happy in marriage.


You should know that of all the representatives of the signs of the Zodiac, Cancer is the most difficult to accept the idea that love ends, regardless of who is to blame and what is the reason for the breakup. Gap. The word has already been said! For Cancer, there is nothing worse than the thought that he will again have to live alone, have dinner alone and spend the evenings without a loved one next to him. Due to the psychological characteristics of his character, Cancer is less likely than men born under other signs to initiate a breakup with his partner, he is abandoned much more often.


If you are the culprit in the breakup of your relationship, if you hurt him, getting him back will not be an easy task. The only thing you can hope for is his habit of idealizing the past, his memories of the events that once united you. Try again to use all possible ways to win him back and gain his trust, but be aware: it's difficult. He will not immediately believe a person who has already deceived him once, betrayed him and insulted him.

CANCER - Jealousy and Treason


How to make him leave you alone? Just keep getting on his nerves. But in no case should he suspect you of cunning and pretense, otherwise he will feel offended and humiliated to the core. He will suffer so much that, over time, a feeling of guilt can take root in you, which is difficult to get rid of. To spite you and in spite of all your tricks, he can do something completely different: instead of breaking the bonds that connect you, he will decide to stay with you, no matter what. Then you won't get rid of him at all!

HOW TO BEHALF - Ten Commandments

For him to love you, you must be:

Show coldness of feelings;

Laugh at his over-sensitivity;

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Cancer man - how to understand that he is in love

Of all the existing signs of the zodiac, Cancer is the most mysterious. If a guy is passionate, then his manners of communication, appearance, behavior change.

It will not be difficult to recognize a representative of this sign in love, because he has a rather complex character and is sensitive to everything that surrounds him.

A representative of any sign, experiencing tender feelings, tries to look better. Cancer is no exception.

Noticing the girl he likes, the guy - Cancer noticeably changes. He can completely change his style, buy new fashionable clothes, go to the gym to get fit.

Weekly unshaven will be replaced by a clean-shaven face. Or vice versa, an always shaved pedant will turn into a brutal man with a slight unshaven. The man smells delicious of lotion and perfume, his hair is cut and styled.

He tries to preen, comb his hair and evaluate his appearance. The whole look is impeccable and neat - suits, sweaters, pants and jeans are changed every day.

Shoes cleaned, sneakers washed to a shine. But if a young man is always dressed to the nines and looks neat, then this should not be taken as flirting. A wide smile, sparkling eyes, a sharp rise in mood - all these are external signs of a Cancer in love.

Easy-going and easy-going Cancer, when the object of desire is often lost and embarrassed, can speak incomprehensible phrases, build incorrect sentences, or even begin to stutter.

He tries to make out the smallest details, notices even minor changes, which is not typical for representatives of this sign in the normal state.

If your man is Cancer, how to understand that he is in love?

Cancer in love is very contradictory: at first, she is afraid to look into her eyes, waits for the girl to turn away in the other direction, but if her gaze happens to linger, then he will not take him away anymore.

It is even possible that this is the most obvious sign, because by their nature Cancers cannot and do not want to be cute. Blushing, turning pale and squeezing out words is another feature. Even the most sociable Cancer will slow down, because a fierce battle is going on in his head, thoughts do not line up in logical sentences, they get confused.

  1. Distracted and nervous behavior
  2. Sweaty palms and ragged breathing
  3. Red cheeks, twitching of the collar or cuffs
  4. Irregular and abrupt speech
  5. Sits closer to the object of passion
  • ➤ How to write a letter to a guy about your feelings?

Cancers are not punctual by nature, so if you have to wait before a date, don't take it personally. He appreciates the way a woman looks, moves, talks. At any opportunity, he tries to praise, make a compliment, show signs of attention.

He often idealizes a new partner, believing that his girlfriend is impeccable, so he marries and sincerely wonders why the family does not always have harmony and mutual understanding.

Signs of attention and steps towards caring Cancer


  1. Tries to be positive in every way
  2. Performing reckless actions
  3. Quickly becomes attached to a partner
  4. Jealous of everything
  5. Gets touchy

To begin with, he will try to create a positive and lively image for himself. Becomes kind, funny, sweet, caring, charming, generous. Often men - Cancers completely change for their loved ones, give up bad habits.

This does not happen immediately, but gradually. A guy in love is constantly looking for an opportunity to talk and see his beloved: calls, sms, messages on the network.

Representatives of the sign are distinguished by spontaneous romantic actions. A meeting in a cafe, a romantic dinner, a horseback ride, a promenade through the night city - all this indicates a desire to surprise and please a woman. If before he could not boast of gallantry, now he will open doors, serve coats and pour wine into a glass, i.e. become a true gentleman.

Becomes a maximalist and can commit rash acts. He was afraid of heights - he would invite you to the Ferris wheel, speed - to the karting track. For any Cancer, personal space means a lot. People who are important to him have access to him. If a man allowed a woman into his inner circle, this means that she impresses him.

This may be meeting friends, parents, or an invitation to a bachelor nest.

Cancers are very jealous, because their element is Water, and the Moon controls them. Sometimes, even too much - the more he is in love, the more jealous he becomes. To look at someone, and even more so to smile or talk, will be an unforgivable mistake on the part of the girl. They are big owners - his girlfriend should watch, talk and communicate only with him.

Also, do not offend Cancer. It is extremely easy to offend him - it is enough that it seems to him that the girl pays too little attention. Forgiveness will take a long time to ask. You can not expect a scandal with a showdown - he, like a small child, will stop talking and noticing the object of resentment. With this behavior, Cancers are similar to girls. Finding out what happened and why he is silent will be difficult.

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In a relationship, a Cancer man is looking for the perfect image that sits firmly in his head. The concept of family and home is of great importance, because it should be a safe place in which he feels comfortable.

Source: Cancer man - how to understand that he is in love With this zodiac sign, it turns out very simply, how the Cancer man works, how to understand that he is in love. It is enough to analyze his gestures and behavior.

How a Cancer man loves - Cancer man in love

Emotions and feelings for him are the most important criteria when choosing a partner. Able to quickly fall in love, get used to it, convey the whole gamut of emotions during meetings. It can also quickly become attached, especially through intimate relationships. Some women agree to intimacy in order to bind their partner to themselves more strongly. But this move doesn't work the way it does with the Cancer man. If the relationship is filled with spiritual feelings, emotions and ends with intimacy, then he will become more accustomed to a woman.

The affection of a Cancer man in love is strong, deep, but emotionally unstable. Thoughts may appear that the chosen one can leave, fall out of love, leave. Sometimes he may not correctly interpret the situation, dramatize, creating the image of a victim for himself. He tends to be offended, to remember the past, often elated mood alternates with resentment, vulnerability, when he closes in himself, as if hiding under his shell, not letting anyone close.

With him you can learn a lot of emotions and feelings, in a relationship he focuses on emotions. And what they will be in a few hours, he himself does not know. But do not be afraid of his rapid change of emotions. In any case, he will become attached to his beloved for a long time, and it is difficult for him to break the relationship.

Defenselessness, fragile mood

He perceives the world around him so emotionally that a casually spoken rude word or remark deeply hurts. He is a vulnerable person, although he tries to show himself calm, that he does not need anyone. In fact, he needs a caring, kind, sympathetic woman, like a mother, who is able to understand, support, comfort, help him.

romance, dreaminess

He tends to dream of an ideal woman, to fantasize about the future. It will sincerely hope that the chosen one is ready to accept him as he is, with all his good and bad qualities. If he sees that he has become the most important person in life for his beloved, then more will be revealed. The emotional connection is very important to him.

His ideal beloved

  • tender
  • emotional
  • understanding
  • sensitive
  • serious
  • Constant in feelings
  • Thoughtful
  • sympathizer

If a woman wants to receive:

  • passionate feelings
  • Surprises
  • Changes
  • Love passions and experiences

In this case, the relationship with him will be in jeopardy. It will be difficult for him when a woman shows:

  • Cold
  • Callousness
  • Indifference
  • frivolity
  • inconstancy

Passions in a love relationship, of course, can refresh feelings, but they should be in moderation. It is difficult for him to endure the incessant intensity of passions, he wants more peace, spiritual, emotional, where there is understanding, warmth, affection, tenderness.

He is more suitable for a woman if she wants to -

  • Calm and measured family life
  • See next to an understanding and gentle man
  • Have intimate conversations with him
  • Surround him with affection, tenderness, care
  • And in return receive a lot of care, tenderness, affection


As already mentioned, he wants to lead a calm and measured life, he will not like any cardinal changes in life, extreme situations, thrills. If his habitual, beloved way of life changes, he will become cold, withdrawn.

He will not like it when the chosen one destroys his family values.

  • Shows inconstancy and frivolity
  • Provokes him to thrills
  • Criticizes him
  • Angry about his family and friends

It is in vain to think that criticism can push him to decisive action. No, this will not happen. Susceptibility to other people's influence, plus a vivid imagination and strong emotionality can lead to unpredictable results. In any case, the opinion of the beloved may change. He is especially acutely worried when his relatives and friends are criticized.

see also the character of Cancer, the characteristics of people of the elements of water

care, guardianship

One of the pronounced qualities of all Cancers is to show care and attention. He will want to make the relationship and her life as comfortable as possible, so that his beloved feels safe, does not need anything. In some cases, it can express concern with the communication of the chosen one, try to limit it, and all for her peace of mind.

Cancer man how to understand that he is in love - the behavior of a Cancer man in love

The emotions of a man in love with Roar are very tender, subtle, sincere. This will especially appeal to impressionable women who appreciate constant care, attention, and warmth. His emotions can be compared with a beautiful song, with the chirping of birds on a summer day, they are pure, without falsehood, disinterested. With his emotions, he can slowly creep into the soul of a woman, into her heart and leave his mark there for a long time.

In his emotions there are no hidden motives, prudence. They are as pristine as a child's. In his emotions, he is able to give himself, his heart and open his soul. Expecting in response the same sincere attention, understanding and tenderness.

He tends to trust the chosen one, so he can so easily show all his weaknesses, it is alien to him to play fictitious roles. He is who he is and always will be.

It is important that a woman understands and appreciates this, otherwise she will be offended and withdraw into herself. There will be doubts, fears, why open your feelings at all, show emotions to others, if no one appreciates it.

Do not forget that he can be easily hurt, offended. He does not know how to argue and aggressively defend his opinion. But having become isolated, he will begin to painfully experience every word, deed. Just for him, statements are more suitable that words can hurt like a sharp knife. Or that the words are so heavy, cold, like stones. Predisposition to mental pain and inability to defend himself, one of his weak qualities of character.

Any manifestation

  • cynicism
  • Cruelty
  • aggression
  • Callousness
  • Rudeness
  • ridicule
  • irony
  • stinginess
  • criticality
  • selfishness

Able to destroy his bright idea of ​​\u200b\u200bideal love. Along with it, sublime emotions and feelings are destroyed.

Cancer man in bed

The Cancer man in bed attaches more importance not to the sexual intercourse itself, but to the environment where it takes place. It is desirable that it be cozy, homely. No less important for him is tenderness, affection, even more than intimacy itself. Affectionate glances, gentle touches, a light kiss can excite his imagination. He will be upset if a woman wants exactly sex and ignores his tenderness.

A woman who does not hide her natural passion, and he will not like a hot temperament. But if she turns out to be inexperienced in love affairs, then she will bind him more to herself.

see also cancer in sex

The compatibility of a Cancer man with a woman will be good if;

  • She always wanted to be a housewife
  • Family values ​​are important to you
  • You have a developed maternal instinct, you want to patronize, take care, help
  • Want to receive care, understanding, support
  • Like subtly feeling men, emotional, soft, gentle
  • Appreciate in a man the ability to be affectionate and caring
  • Restraint and coldness hurt
  • Do you want a man to be faithful and devoted
  • Imagine yourself as the head of the family

The compatibility of a Cancer man with a woman will be difficult if:

  • I want new acquaintances with men, flirting, communication
  • Treat everything logically, without emotions and feelings
  • Do you think that a real man should be restrained in emotions
  • Don't like people who change mood quickly
  • I don't want to have children, I don't want to be a mother
  • No desire to have a relationship with his family and friends
  • Appreciate in men independence, independence, poise, calmness

see also how to break up with Cancer

Where to meet a Cancer man

He feels best of all in a friendly, sincere, pleasant environment where you can relax, not worry about anything and indulge in fantasies, pleasant memories. Many among the men of this sign are homebodies, the best and safest place is a cozy house.

The most common places he likes to visit

  • Small cozy cafe
  • solitary places
  • Reservoirs, sea beach, he can walk alone along the coast, admire the sunset
  • Family celebrations, holidays
  • Meetings with relatives
  • Cinema, melodrama
  • Wherever you can experience sentimental, subtle emotions

It is difficult to recognize him in appearance, he does not tend to dress brightly, does not like to stand out. But according to his emotional facial expression, daydreaming, sentimentality, it will be possible to quickly distinguish from others.

see also appearance of cancer

He differs from others in the way he communicates.

  • Politely
  • Tactfully
  • delicately
  • Soft
  • uncertain
  • emotionally
  • touching
  • sentimental

He can notice beautiful details, nuances that others would not notice. Already at the very beginning of dating, he is able to become attached to a woman. Fleeting novels will not suit him. And parting hurts his soul very much.

see also how to communicate with a Cancer man

How to make a Cancer man fall in love with you

He is attracted to women like a magnet.

  • gentle
  • Soft
  • delicate
  • benevolent

But there are exceptions when it can be interested in the opposite. They say opposites attract.

Then he can pay attention to the woman

  • Arrogant
  • Rough
  • callous

Just do not specifically demonstrate such qualities, they will not lead to anything good. If he chooses such women, then the reason for his choice clearly lies in the mental, psychological trauma from childhood. With such a chosen one, he will never be happy. If he chooses her, it is only because he likes the image of the victim, and accordingly he will choose the one that will bring him suffering, experiences, torment. It will take a lot of effort for him to understand that such a relationship will never become full-fledged and he will truly be happy only with a similar woman, with whom there is a lot in common, a lot of things in common.

Cancer man in a relationship with a woman


Behavior of a Cancer Man in Love

It is important that he feels a kindred spirit in a woman and opens up emotionally. One sincerity in communicating with him is not enough, one must also show cordiality, goodwill, gentleness. Then you need to try so that your relationship does not end, but grows into love. Emotional interdependence will help to get closer. When you can feel that you cannot live without each other and how much you need each other.

He will do a lot for his beloved

  • Will always be faithful to her, devoted
  • Give her passion, tenderness and romance
  • Surrounded by unforgettable feelings and emotions
  • Will always understand her, avoid scandals
  • Show maximum tenderness, warmth and care

How to Marry a Cancer Man

He will make an offer faster if he sees that the main thing for the chosen one

  • A family
  • Family values
  • Wants to be a mother
  • give him children

Equally important are warm relations with his family and friends, especially with his mother. In general, to marry him, there will be no problems. Already at the beginning of the relationship, he thinks about him and represents the chosen one in the role of his future wife.

If he shows uncertainty and is in no hurry to make an offer, then in communicating with him, often touch on the topic of family values, it is necessary that he himself wants to start a family with you. To all that has been said, add that it is important for you to feel needed, loved. But no one will love like children and a beloved husband. And it is impossible for anyone to be more needed than loved ones and loved ones, when you really want them to always be there. Such sentimentality will touch his heart and if he really loves, then he will not delay marriage for a long time.

see also how to win a cancer man

Cancer man married

Life with a married man will be filled with emotions, feelings, tenderness. He likes to spend more time in the family, at home, he is, in fact, a real homebody. He is more concerned about family problems than communicating with acquaintances, and retelling the latest news and gossip. But on the other hand, for family life, he sometimes lacks realism, especially when a vivid imagination takes him into the vast expanses of emotions, feelings, to the detriment of realism.

Relationships with a Cancer man in the family

Each zodiac sign has its good and bad sides of character. If we talk about Cancer, then he is not created for a harsh life, intrigue, he does not need to assert himself at the expense of others, he does not have a desire to show off in public, flirt, strive for extreme situations.

He needs a quiet family life, where he could rest and continue to work for the good of the family. True, among the representatives of this sign there may also be overly emotional persons who find it difficult to concentrate on the realities of life. And then the woman will have to be more practical, think about herself and about him.

Other representatives of this sign are more practical, slowly moving towards the goal, paying attention to all the nuances that can help him achieve his goal. Everything that he does should benefit the family, wife, children. Here he has no equal in care, in help, in support. You don’t have to ask him for a long time to help, he himself will notice what needs to be done and offer to help. He will never leave his beloved alone, he will try so that she does not need anything and feels comfortable not only materially, but also emotionally.

What does a Cancer man like in a relationship?

The Cancer man in a relationship loves to feel needed, that he is understood and accepted as he is, they are waiting for him, love him, take care of him. The closer his connection with his family, the happier and more confident he feels, the more his self-esteem rises.

Relations with a Cancer man in the family will develop depending on his relationship with his mother, how harmonious they are and whether he was able to show independence. If the influence of the mother is great, then he will compare his wife with his mother, evaluate how his wife cooks and how her mother would do better. If he is inclined to listen to the advice of his mother in everything, then, depending on her attitude towards the bride, his family relations with his wife will either improve or worsen. It is the representatives of his zodiac sign who are subject to the influence of the mother, and accordingly, through her son, she will influence his family, his choice, his children, his wife.

If he is more independent, able to take care of himself, well-supports his family, home, then all the same, his relationship with his mother will be filled with tenderness, warmth, love.

In marriage, he makes a magnificent, gentle, kind, caring husband. Able to give himself entirely and without reserve, without demanding anything in return. His feelings are deep, constant, there is no windiness in them. They will live only for the family, solve all family problems, make sure that each family member is cozy and comfortable at home. They can completely obey a partner.

His attitude to the house is traditional and endowed with great, deep meaning. This is not just a home where you can eat, sleep, watch TV. And this is a place where he will feel safe, where there is a calm psychological atmosphere, where family values ​​are respected. For him, everything connected with the family is of great importance; This also includes family jewels, old books. He is interested in the past, the history of a kind.

His ideal is spacious houses, with many buildings for various needs. A house near a reservoir is well suited, where he can walk along the coast, watch the sunset and be close to his native element - water.

But even if it is a small apartment, he needs his own corner, his own personal space, where he can retire and do what he loves.

Often he can shift many responsibilities around the house, and silently work for the good of the family. He does an excellent job of raising children, grandchildren, constantly spoils them, takes care of them, although sometimes his care becomes excessive, and in response to it he receives discontent. Why is he offended that his care is not appreciated.

The best rest for him is to be alone, when no one touches him, does not bother where he can retire. To restore his strength, a secluded rest is needed, then he quickly replenishes the lost energy. It is especially useful for him to rest on the shore of a reservoir, next to his element - water.

Good help to recover

  • Reading
  • Watching sentimental films
  • Lyric music
  • intimate conversations

Friends of Cancer

He is not interested in having many friends, acquaintances, wasting time, well, verbiage. It converges with people with caution, sometimes it can not be trusted right away. It takes time to build trust.

A true friend in his understanding:

  • Reliable
  • Patient
  • Constant
  • Responsible
  • sympathizer
  • Able to listen and help

Usually take care of friends as well as family. He will always help, notice what is wrong, tell you how to improve, change, how to quickly achieve results. He gives the impression of a good-natured, benevolent, caring person. But with those with whom relations did not work out, opinions about him will not be the most excellent. Although it happens to everyone, it is impossible to please everyone. And cancer will never do just that, will not fully adapt to others, strive to please. He is emotional and behavior depends on emotions.

In choosing clothes, he is not whimsical, there are no special inflated needs. They can wear the same thing for a long time, because they get used to one thing and there is no desire to change to another. If the clothes are worn long enough, then they are perceived as their own, dear, closer to the body and look nicer in them. As for new clothes, even if he bought them, he would not feel that they were his own, his own. He needs time to get used to it. They rarely buy new clothes, only when necessary.

But even if he bought new clothes, he is in no hurry to throw away the old one, he can save it just in case, it can come in handy. It happens after a while, he completely forgets about it, and only a few years later, after conducting an audit, he discovers what he has been wearing for a long time. Everything old, for him, is inextricably linked with the past, with its history, which is extremely important and dear to him.

Especially the relationship with food. More he likes to eat in a pleasant, homely atmosphere, not in a hurry. Due to affection for mother, they often prefer the dishes that she cooked. Mom's food for him is the most delicious, the best, will always come first. It takes a long time to get used to new dishes.

Can get carried away with tasty food, not paying attention that it is less useful. Sometimes can jam trouble, bad mood sweet or get carried away with alcohol to calm down. As a result, it manifests itself on the face and body in the form of excess weight.

Breaking up with a Cancer man

In truth, he does not tend to leave women, because he becomes attached to them very quickly, strongly, and he is only afraid of the thought of a possible break, even if the relationship with her is difficult. Although this happens for the time being. Everything has its limit, the main thing is not to cross the borders, not to destroy relationships, where behind them there is already one void and the earth scorched by passions.

But on the other hand, the gap in him may begin not in the physical plane, but in the spiritual, in the mental plane. After all, for him the main thing is everything sincere, where the most subtle emotions are. Remember the proverb, where it is thin, it breaks there? This is exactly what happens to him.

The first signs of a break

  • Emotional coldness
  • Closure
  • Indifference

If you notice that you have stopped showing

  • care
  • Attention
  • Emotions
  • Tenderness
  • caress
  • Talk heart to heart
  • Ignores your questions

It is easier to prevent than to return, to restore what has been lost, so it is important not to allow a situation where he is emotionally distant. He closes in on himself, not to aggravate such situations, he is really dear to you.

Moving away emotionally, it is difficult for him to believe that love ends, feelings disappear, everything collapses before his eyes, everything he aspired to, dreamed of, went for years trying hard for the sake of his family, and all this at a beautiful moment collapses before his eyes. Of course, there are many logical explanations to be found here. Legs are difficult for him, because thoughts are under the power of emotions.

He has a terrible thought that he will again be alone, useless to anyone, no one will be around. The decision to leave comes in extreme cases and after long, painful reflections, when no arguments, requests, words help to restore a full-fledged relationship.

Especially if the woman

  • Endlessly makes harsh remarks, harshly criticizes him
  • Rude, mocking, reproaches
  • Coldly treats him, without emotions
  • He considers emotionality and gentleness in men the lot of the weak
  • Strives for independence, for freedom and does not want to get involved in family problems
  • Family values ​​are alien to her and not needed at all
  • Thinking old-fashioned and stereotypically irritates her

When he thinks about leaving, he seems to move away from reality and is somewhere far away, but not here. According to him, you can immediately determine what emotions he is experiencing, how carefully he listens to his wife, whether there is a desire to talk to her.

Sometimes, unable to endure his wife, he himself can become picky, unbearable, as if pushing her to extreme measures, quickly divorce, make her the culprit of a break in relations.

But when the relationship broke down due to the fault of the woman, it will be very difficult to return him, because he will not forget about the mental pain caused, about the suffering and experiences. There is no forgiveness for such behavior, and even less trust. The most effective way to bring him back in such a case is to shift his attention more to the past, when everything was fine with you, to sentimental memories. He has a habit of idealizing the past, remembering the brightest moments from the past, and wanting everything back to the way it was before. This is where you can play and turn in your favor, try to return that emotional atmosphere from the past, which is close to him and dear to his heart.

If the break in relations was due to his fault, then it is easier to return it.

  • As if by chance meet him in his favorite places
  • In communication, focus on emotions, feelings, tell us how your life lacks it.
  • The more sentimentality, the more convincing the conversation will be and the deeper you can penetrate to his feelings.
  • Tell us how you remember those wonderful moments spent together and are ready for a lot, just to return those wonderful moments.

see also how to make peace and return a Cancer man

He reacts very strongly to everything that concerns the past. And even if he left, still deep in his soul he will want to return to the arms of his beloved again.


He trusts his beloved too much to be jealous of her. If he is sure that she loves him, then he will not care that someone there likes her. On the contrary, it will raise his self-esteem. And even if they say about betrayal, they will not immediately believe it.

If you are convinced of treason, then the relationship will deteriorate immediately. He will behave in such a way that his wife feels guilty, will begin to pester her with reproaches, claims, discontent, so that she understands how much pain she caused him.

Cheating on his part is very rare, but it happens. Usually this happens if another woman was able to give more than his wife, with her he feels better, happier. But on the other hand, it will be difficult for him to break off relations. And they can continue for a long time, despite the fact that it will be difficult for him to live in two families.

In this case, it is necessary to surpass the opponent, to give what he lacks. Unless, of course, he is dear to you.

A Cancer man in marriage will be happy with a woman:

  • emotional
  • romantic
  • gentle
  • understanding
  • Able to sympathize, support, comfort, reassure
  • With traditional family values

A Cancer man in marriage will be unhappy with a woman if she is

  • To mock, ignore his emotions, feelings
  • To mock and criticize his softness, vulnerability, impressionability
  • Cold and callous to treat him
  • Militant towards his family
  • Be fickle, frivolous, superficial

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in shaping the character, behavior, habits, of a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to know more detailed information about yourself or the person you are interested in, use the astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And they will help you to find out more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all the planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.

Your man is Cancer: 5 secrets of happy love

Each person is unique in terms of character, however, having information about the Zodiac Sign of your man, you can better know the features of his personality. So you will be more likely to like him and understand how to build your relationship.

If your man is Cancer, it is important to note for yourself right away that this Zodiac Sign is characterized by immense love for the family. Of course, this does not mean that people of other Signs cannot value family life, parents or their children. No, it's just that almost all men born under the sign of Cancer are family people. They are predisposed to this way of life and truly love it.

For a woman, family always comes first, but that's not all. The man of this Zodiac Sign is not tough for all the ladies. Let's take a closer look at the possible traits and secrets of the Cancer man to help you win his heart.

5 Cancer secrets you need to know

Secret one: a man born under the constellation Cancer loves to be more than just a father or husband. Very often, his dream is the complete and comprehensive management of the family. If you are a woman who wants to take a full part in raising children and managing the family budget on an equal basis with the chosen one, then most likely you run the risk of being disappointed. Cancers expect obedience from their loved ones.

Secret number two: if your man is Cancer, then there will be no shortage of affection and love. Yes, many Cancers take on the responsibility of full control, but maybe that's for the best? They are always busy, but the family for them is the center of the universe, so they give all their warmth to their relatives. They are like a warm blanket that covers you in the evenings and always gives you a sense of calm. Such people want to entrust themselves and all family affairs.

The third secret is following the rules. Yes, Cancers are gentle and pleasant, but if in childhood their mother did not show them what real romance is, then they themselves are unlikely to learn this. Do not try to remake these people, because you still will not succeed. It is better not to argue with them and do not impose your opinion on any issue on them.

The fourth secret: they are calm and often not impulsive, so for many of you a strong love or complete indifference on the part of a Cancer man will look the same. The secret is that they respect directness; ask them about your feelings and they will gladly tell you the truth. Try to be open and honest with them.

The last secret of the Cancer man is his memory. Revenge is alien to this Zodiac Sign, but they always remember insults. They may forget the name of their best friend or how to put the kettle on, but never resentment. Based on the previous secret, we can conclude - sincerely ask for forgiveness and do not expect your offense or mistake to be forgotten. Everything can be fixed only by repentance.

So, the main secret of happy love with a Cancer man is to be honest with him and with yourself. In any case, this person is likely to be your guide to the world of warm love and family comfort. Therefore, if you realize that you are ready for this, then go towards happiness and do not forget to press the buttons and

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Frequently asked questions about the Cancer man. Part 1

We are often approached with specific questions regarding the signs of the zodiac, in this article we will try to answer the most frequently asked questions regarding Gemini men, if you have your own questions, then you can ask them in the comments, and we will answer them in the following articles.

What does a Cancer man like in bed? Sex with such a man is very changeable, a lot depends on his mood, which also changes often. In a good mood loves romance and long foreplay. If you are experienced in this area, prolonged seduction and cajoling will lead to better results. Dislikes lazy and selfish partners.

How romantic is he? As a rule, romantic throughout the entire time of the relationship. His attention to you will be 24 hours and 7 days a week, which may bother some, especially when the dust of romance has settled. Attempts to reject his attention, in some cases, may be perceived by him as a betrayal.

How to understand that a Cancer man is in love? If he takes care of you - a sure sign of his love. If he hugs you, asks about your day, troubles, worries, is interested in mood - all these are good indicators. When he loves someone, any casually thrown word in their direction will make him irritable and even angry. A call not answered in time can lead to a very violent reaction, which indicates very strong feelings. Cancers often feel betrayed even for the smallest of things.

What is it like getting to know him? Cancer is an unpredictable sign. They are very difficult to understand, there are too many things in them. On the other hand, the date will not be boring and predictable. He likes to take care and when they take care of him - in general, this will already be half the success. If you often neglect your partner, you will be less likely to interest him.

Cancer is a very sensitive sign, generally intuitive, he feels people very well and generally understands their needs and desires. He is not very open in his feelings and emotions, he is very afraid of getting emotional wounds.

Remember, Cancer does not like confrontation and will simply prefer to leave or hide in his shell from which he will not come out soon. It is easy to offend and hurt him with words, you need to be softer and kinder. Don't give him a chance to become a martyr.

How loyal and devoted are they? Desperately loyal and devoted. He will do everything to make his family happy and feel safe. This is one of the most devoted signs. Of course, all this will be subject to love for a partner.

How to keep him in a relationship? Tell him 20 times a day that you love him. On the other hand, one "I love you" said at the right time and in the right place is worth 20 random "I love you". They love to be understood. They like partners who can empathize and understand their mood.

How often does he cheat or lie? As a rule, they don't.

About mood swings and capriciousness of Cancers Trust in a partner is what Cancers lack and is especially important in relationships with them. He is very suspicious. Any little thing can hurt his soul. His mood swings and moodiness may be associated with distrust of a partner. Perhaps he just lacks your attention and love.

What to give him? Cancer is rational, economical, economic. He will like gifts for the house, but not trinkets. For example, an electric kettle or a water filter, everything that will be useful and necessary. It is advisable to first find out what things for the house require replacement or what he dreams of.

❤ Find out when you will get married! (test)

★ What to expect and when lucky in love

✔ What are you in the eyes of men (test)

The Cancer man has a special charm, his attractiveness is not always felt immediately. However, it may take a little time, and you will suddenly find that you are increasingly remembering this cold look, leisurely movements and restrained manners of Cancer. He knows how to behave with dignity, rarely exchanges for trifles, suddenly surprises with accurate remarks. Sometimes a Cancer man loves openly, confesses his feelings, beautifully looks after. And for some women, his feeling comes as a surprise. They just begin to feel that someone's hypnotizing gaze is relentlessly following them, as if reading in the shower, like in an open book ... In such cases, the intentions of Cancers are probably serious. But it is worth remembering that most representatives of this zodiac sign are capable of light flirting. Expect more from them than they promise. Otherwise, you will be disappointed.

How does a Cancer man love? Of course, in order to understand all the nuances, you will need to better study your chosen one. However, the common features inherent in many Cancer men should also be taken into account.

Practical dreamer: unraveling the Cancer man
It is important to immediately pay attention to some duality of the Cancer man. He is far from always able to control emotions, he can easily lose control of himself. It bizarrely combines a common sense of things, skepticism and romance. It is the Cancer man who is able to surprise you for a long time with his rigidity and critical attitude to literally everything, and then suddenly amaze you with gentle words, make a cute gift or offer to admire the stars on the roof all night. Your task is to try to always be ready to accept the initiative of Cancer, but not to take the situation into your own hands. Do not try to push your loved one to some actions, change him, seeing in him something that you especially like. The Cancer man is very different, he will not become balanced and trivial.

  1. Emotional and explosive. Yes, the Cancer man has a really dangerous character. Most representatives of this zodiac sign are sometimes able to shock with outbursts of anger, jealousy, even of their beloved women. Keeping track of the emotional swings of Cancer is not easy, but you have to learn to live in just such an atmosphere of frequent changes in his mood. If you show more tact, show calmness, you will be able to regularly avoid conflicts.
  2. Strict. Your loved one is strict but fair. His demands sometimes seem unexpected, even mocking. But they are worth doing if you really love a Cancer man. Let your perfume or a new bag irritate him, he does not want to be a witness to telephone conversations with his girlfriends. Take it more calmly and objectively. But Cancer will not specifically bring you into conflict, ask you to do something impossible. Often his claims fit into the usual household framework. Create good conditions for your beloved, he will certainly become softer!
  3. Jealous and adamant. Here there is some inconsistency in the character of the Cancer man, which is inherent in the representatives of the strong half of humanity. Your loved one will require only devotion and fidelity from you. He is unlikely to be able to guarantee the same to you. However, be faithful, do not give reasons for jealousy. When your Cancer man is finally convinced that it is you who are his true ideal, it is worth living life with you, he himself will forget about betrayals. Remember, in this matter, most Cancers are adamant: if a loved one suspects betrayal on your part, it will be extremely difficult to return him.
  4. Hard. Unfortunately, the emotional and unrestrained Cancer man can be rude. It is not always worth drawing far-reaching conclusions when you are a target for him. Your loved one is probably not as cruel as it seems at first glance. In addition, any of his remarks should be remembered, and not erased from memory with resentment. Try to get the most out of Cancer's outbursts of irritability, do not be afraid to directly ask him in such a situation what he is still dissatisfied with. He will tell you everything frankly under the influence of emotions. And you will be able to take this into account for the future in order to correct something.
  5. Without frankness. Getting answers to questions from a Cancer man is usually difficult. He is distinguished by closeness, hardly talks about himself, his feelings. Often this person prefers to remain silent, hold a grudge, sincerity is not characteristic of him. It is rudely and persistently contraindicated to invade his inner world. Be careful, be gentle and gentle. But remember that you need to learn to understand your loved one, otherwise he will quickly accumulate a lot of resentment.
  6. Impressionable. Have you raised your voice, pulled your hand away too abruptly, forgot to call back, and now you feel the tension of the situation, although a lot of time has passed? It's all about the excessive impressionability of the Cancer man. Even the remark of an unfamiliar person can make a heavy impression on Cancer. If he is in love with you, his feeling is deep, he will perceive any of your actions even more sharply, which will seem to him manifestations of your inattention, neglect, stupidity. Try to take care of yourself, make fewer mistakes. It is better not to hurt Cancer, because he is dear to you.
  7. Practical and sensible. Yes, a Cancer man can be romantic. However, in general, most Cancers are characterized by a common sense of things. Do not expect from your favorite coffee in bed, numerous gifts and useless bouquets. Most likely, he does not want to spend time and money on all this. When a Cancer man does not want to give you roses for the anniversary of your acquaintance, his behavior does not yet mean a cooling of feelings. He simply does not consider such gestures as a manifestation of love at all.
  8. Insightful. Remember that the Cancer man does not tolerate falsehood and very easily recognizes it. Your insincerity, the desire to seem different from what you really are, to somehow outwit Cancer, will immediately be revealed to them. It is not worth manipulating it, it will surely cause the opposite effect.
  9. Caring. The Cancer man knows how to feel deeply, his love is expressed in concrete actions, and not in words and gifts. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, the decency of Cancer, his ability to take on even very difficult tasks, will instantly open up before you. Sometimes he is able to reach the point of self-sacrifice, in critical cases, the Cancer man is simply irreplaceable.
Listen to your beloved Cancer man, make efforts more often to better understand him. He loves in secret, often not ready to share his thoughts and problems.

Beloved woman of Cancer man
Pay attention to a brief portrait of a lady who is really capable of winning the heart of a Cancer man forever.

  • Demanded devoted woman. These are the qualities you should have. Let men stare at you, sparkle with beauty and energy, do not forget about sexuality. But your beloved Cancer must be sure that you do not even have thoughts of betrayal.
  • Future wife. In a relationship with a Cancer man, you need to demonstrate a serious attitude. Do not try to relieve him of the burden of responsibility, showing excessive frivolity. He will not perceive you as a potential life partner, he will transfer everything into the field of flirting. Let him know, unobtrusively, but transparently, that you expect stability and mutual obligations from your relationship.
  • Companion. It is important to be able to support Cancer, delve into his affairs, lend his shoulder in time and help with advice. He will appreciate your mind, insight, ability to support without interfering.
  • Calm and faithful. Most Cancer men do not need a firework of passions. But loyalty must be kept. In addition, it is important to be able to take things calmly so as not to be a catalyst for conflicts when dealing with emotional Cancer.
  • Sensitive. It’s great if you guess the desires of your loved one, leave him alone or be there at the right moment without any extra requests. Try to learn from Cancer his insight.
  • Part of a big family. It is necessary to find a common language with his family, mother, close friends. The Cancer man is conservative, appreciates traditions, for him the opinion of people dear to him plays a big role.
Be a faithful, understanding and delicate companion of the Cancer man. Then you will be able to feel his reliable shoulder, you will be happy with this extraordinary person.

You need a compass so as not to get lost in the world of emotions of this lady. Without a good compass, you will never figure out your relationship with her.

When in doubt, remember this rule: she really counts on the support of people close to her, although she is too shy to express her feelings. Panically afraid of criticism, especially ridicule. Nothing hurts her more and nothing seems more cruel and unfair. Her tenacious memory holds on to painful memories until an opportunity for revenge presents itself.

Her memories are like an engraving on a sheet of steel. Nothing can erase them. She will constantly amaze you with memories of long-standing conversations or meetings. I know a woman born under this sign who remembers almost every detail of her favorite movie dialogue. She is able to quote the lines of the actors before they say them, even if she saw the film many years ago.

One of the reasons for her good memory is that she treasures the past. She would prefer to live in the past if it were possible, and if she is not alien to the belief in the occult, she is inclined to believe that she really lived in the past by another life. She loves to read history books, especially about events from 50 to 100 years ago, and will decorate her house with items from that period. She loves portraits of ladies in turn-of-the-century outfits, as these reminders of the past evoke in her a pleasant sense of the continuity of times. Life for her is not limited to a specific time and place.

She loves her house and enjoys spending her leisure time furnishing it to her own taste. She is somewhat old fashioned. Her kitchen is cozy and hospitable, as in old Dutch paintings. For her, the house is the most precious thing, she tries not to look too modest.

No one will leave hungry from her domain. She is an excellent cook. Her refrigerator is full of groceries. This is one of the manifestations of her desire to feel confident. She just needs to know that tomorrow she will have food and money.

She is not stingy, but saves money for a rainy day, even with a little extra in case it turns out to be too black.

She will easily part with money only when they are needed in order to calm her hurt feelings. Her emotional wounds can be healed with a lot of spending, but even so, she prefers to spend, for example, on diamonds that have a reliable monetary value.

She is not a gossip. You can tell her anything without fear that it will become known to others. When it comes to other people's secrets, she's dumb as a fish.

On the other hand, she is a wonderful storyteller. She is worth listening to in the company of close friends, when she gets excited and tells stories from her life or from the past of her family. She controls the mood of the listeners with a slight change in intonation and such a grace of expression that would do honor to Hawthorne himself. True, she is not able to tell a single funny story with a serious look. If something seems funny to her, she can't help but smile. Sometimes - usually when someone cheers her up - she bursts into uncontrollable laughter. Laughter, however, is not her best decoration. He is somewhat stupid or hysterical, such laughter is usually called "stupid", and this is natural, since it is due to the influence of the Moon, which rules this sign. She is devoted to her friends and the man she has chosen as her partner. Sometimes her devotion is overly intrusive. In return, she expects undivided affection from her lover. She needs to be fussed around her, worried, idolized her. She must be looked after with gentle care and patient attention, as she avoids overly insistent men.

It is difficult for her to completely surrender to love, although she is extremely attractive to men due to her modesty, charm and ability to sympathize with their problems. She is the same shy, sweet girl with a bouquet of white flowers in her hands, whose image is stored in the most hidden corners of the soul of any man. If you want to win her over, don't forget roses, candles, champagne and lyric poetry. The victory will not be quick. The development of these relationships will go so that life or death, all or nothing, marriage or farewell forever. Consider your intentions carefully. If you lose her, she will forever remain in your memory forever.

For this woman, love must always be accompanied by reliability. She is looking for something more in love than sex - a home, children and a stable relationship. She will not let you into the bedroom until she is convinced of the long-term nature of your intentions. She is feminine, but does not submit unconditionally to a man.

Having found true love, she will do everything for her partner, she is able to become the most successful partner in sex among all the signs of the zodiac. Her sincerity in making love makes her the least suitable partner for any "entertainment for money" - whether it be a prostitute, a call girl or just a marriage for materialistic reasons. She is unable to mimic a sexual response.

However, in the right circumstances, she can become a devoted lover if she knows that a man really cannot marry her or sincerely does not attach any importance to marriage. She is passionately devoted if she decides to devote herself to a man. Any man who wins her, we advise you to take her as a wife, if only in order not to lose such a treasure!

It's not that he should be afraid of losing her, she is the prototype of the song "Be with your man." She will be with him, even if he is an alcoholic, a pimp or a walker. Some men complain that this all-forgiving love is burdensome, and psychiatrists look for an explanation for it in a subconscious fear of being unworthy of a fair relationship in love.

Whatever the reason, men are often unfair to women born under this sign.

her sex life

She will never make the first move, tends to reciprocate. She is very shy and afraid of being criticized if she is too outspoken. She needs gentle encouragement until her erotic imagination is freed from the influence of prejudice. She needs to be shown that she can behave in love the way she wants, respond in such a way as to greatly excite a man, and not be afraid of manifestations of her own attraction.

Her sensual nature is strongly influenced by her partner. If he shows attention, sympathy, kindness and care, she will open before him, like a flower before the warm rays of the sun. But it is very easy to frighten her - with a harsh word, or a wrong gesture, or expression, to make her withdraw. Her self-confidence is extremely fragile.

She can be an excellent lover, because she is characterized by increased sensuality. The joy that she feels, freed from the restrictions that held her back, will make any man happy. She will respond to passion so violently that she will deprive him of his mind and help him do everything in his power. She may even become a slave to sexual pleasures if she manages to get them.

At the beginning of the love game, try to appeal to her maternal feelings and sentimentality, as this will strengthen and deepen the power of the subsequent sexual union.

Remember, however, that with this woman you need to choose the right time and circumstances. Don't count on success in the back seat of a car. She needs to make sure you care, and you should be where she is truly comfortable.

Her own nest is the perfect place, as she feels best at home. (Your apartment is fine only if she's been in it often enough not to feel like a stranger.) Indeed, when the big night approaches, she'll likely invite you to dinner at her house. Count your happy minutes and forget about calories. Dinner will be pleasant, with candles and good music. Don't be too aggressive, however, or you'll never make it from the dining room to the bedroom.

Taking off her clothes for the first time, she wants to hear from you how charming she is. Cancer women attach great importance to admiration. Compliments are a must, and as you know, she doesn't like to be rushed. In love, unlike the treadmill, racing is not the best way to reach the finish line.

Starting to free herself from prejudices, she enjoys seeing and caressing male genitals and holding testicles in her hand. She also likes to bite her partner's legs high, closer to the crotch.

The setting of a night beach also works well, especially if it is illuminated by the silvery light of the moon. She is excited by the magnetic rays of the star that controls her, the sound of the surf sounds like a beautiful melody to her. She is ready to discard all restrictions and discover the side of her nature unknown to you - stormy, unbridled and beautiful.

A truly sensual Cancer woman loves to wet her fingers with honey or wine and stroke her lover's penis until it hardens. Her touch is light and gentle, like the fall of an autumn leaf. Her fingers slowly climb the steeper until they feel her ready. Sometimes her hands stay there to help her partner masturbate. Sometimes she slowly licks wine or honey until the solution comes. Most often, she will interrupt caresses shortly before the end in order to saddle her lover and bring him to orgasm.

At times, she adorns oral sex with a scented wash. Or asks a partner to apply aromatic substances to the penis. For reasons unknown to me, her favorite scents are lemon and strawberry.

Favorite position: lie on the stomach, so that a man can enter her from behind; this satisfies her innate modesty - she should not be seen at the moment of orgasm - and also answers the inherent desire of Cancer to feel a man with her buttocks.

Cancer women easily give in to moods, and if they do not feel like having regular sex, they are very inventive. A friend of mine satisfied her lover during her menstruation by filling a jug with pieces of cloth soaked in oil to use as an artificial vagina. So far, she says, no one has complained.

Cancer women are generally not prone to extreme sexual variations. However, when they show this inclination, it takes on the appearance of a strong maternal instinct. For example, they may indulge in pedophilia and intercourse with very young boys. They are also prone to incest. One unfortunate Cancer woman told the author of this book that when she saw her newborn brother in the hospital at the age of eight, her first thought was that now she had someone who would always be at hand for making love. At the age of twenty, she managed to realize this long-hidden dream.

Since many Cancer women find men too rough in love, they are often drawn to the same sex. In lesbian relationships, they prefer the female role.

As a reaction to the "rudeness" of men, these women sometimes prefer masturbation. If there is no artificial penis at hand, they easily find another substitute - sausage, cucumber or (in season) a banana.

Cancer man

It is not so easy to see right away, especially to a stranger. He always hides something, even from his closest friends.

He is tireless, prone to sad reflections, idealistic and dreamer, extremely sentimental. He is emotionally unstable, he has ups and downs and the ability to carry people with him anywhere.

At first glance, he may seem fickle, feigned interest, but this is just one of his moods. It is very subject to the cyclic influence of the moon. The next time you are likely to encounter him at the moment of unfriendly attitude towards others.

Even after you get to know him better, you will still be puzzled by his quick mood swings. If he is objected to, he is able to resort to violence. However, if he easily gives in, he will apologize for insisting on his own. He may believe in female emancipation, but his nature forces him to be gentle with and protective of the weaker sex. He is courtly and gallant, a charming man of the old school.

He loves the company of beautiful women, especially if they are witty companions. And who doesn't love? - you ask. However, Cancer is especially attracted to such women. Having won them, he quickly turns into an owner.

The woman he loves will have a hard time, because he is counting on too much. He tends to withdraw when he is frustrated, but not openly express what is bothering him.

He loves good food and drink, but don't expect him to dress appropriately for the occasion. He doesn't care about clothes. He still wears a sweater from his college days and antediluvian slacks that already barely fit on him. The Cancer man has no desire to show off.

He speaks with pleasure and is often very eloquent. His words are enough to captivate people after him and make them do as he wants. His fantastic memory gives him a brilliant advantage in discussions and disputes. He has strong beliefs and everything goes well as long as you don't contradict those beliefs. If you object, he will not rest until he convinces you. If he suspects that he failed to do this, he will return to the topic at the first opportunity and literally bombard you with additional arguments. Only your agreement can stop the discussion, if only for the sake of peace and quiet.

However, he can not only speak, but also listen. One woman, describing her friend Cancer, said that he "listens with literally every pore." He is friendly and always ready to help if needed.

His sharp analytical mind is able to solve the most intricate problem. He is an expert in money matters. He senses the opportunity to make money faster than a lizard a fly. But he's only interested in traditional, conservative ways to make a fortune. He doesn't like to take risks.

He is sensitive, very sentimental, reluctant to part with old friends, habits or places where he used to live. He will keep his friends forever. He is happy to meet childhood friends, does not refuse to have a glass with them, even if nothing has been connecting them for a long time. He is afraid of life changes and resists them. It is tied to memories of school days, family photos. He mourns the days gone by, remembering the past.

He constantly needs assurances of love.

Do not count on an easy romance with such a man. He takes love relationships too seriously. He expects from his beloved both mental and physical encouragement in equal measure. Being a devotee himself, he demands devotion in return. He believes in lasting affection that can overcome temptations. This calms him down.

He is not a tramp at heart, he loves the house most of all. Believes that compatibility and contentment begin in the home. However, he has a tendency to be self-satisfied, turning into narrow-mindedness, and he has little understanding of those he loves. I know a Cancer man who actually persuaded his girlfriend to leave in the evening in a car with a very attractive man. She was going to visit her mother, and he saw no reason to be concerned. A little later, having already married her, he learned that she then spent the night in a motel with her companion. He became so agitated that he went to a psychoanalyst, who was never able to convince him that he himself contributed to this "betrayal". Cancer never forgave her, and soon everything ended in divorce.

Cancers are looking for a long and permanent relationship with a woman. In the event of a break, he will find a new love, he quickly knows how to move on to intimate relationships. However, the one that really touched his feelings, he will never truly forget, no matter what happens next.

He is a complex person, it is not easy to live with him because of the rapid change of his moods, but it is not boring either. His constancy on the way to the goal is a good omen of success, and his sensitivity and intelligence allow him to occupy a leading position in politics, literature and business.

Attention! Be careful with it on a full moon!

His sex life

He needs constant encouragement. If he gets it, he will be a great admirer. He likes the role of a teacher, and a woman should be wise enough to make him convinced that he confided to her the true secrets of sex. He will go to the goal gradually, explaining what he is doing and why and what she should do at this moment. Do not interrupt him with a remark showing that you yourself know everything and have done similar things before. He will immediately close up and, perhaps, start dreaming about how great you could have a good time.

He is both patient and persistent, and you have to go far to defeat this combination. From the very beginning, he knows where he is going, although he can get there by a circuitous route. Give him the opportunity to command. You will love everything. In the end, the journey itself is always more pleasant than the arrival.

At the beginning of the acquaintance, avoid rudeness and vulgarity. He tends to idealize his partner, and any annoying act can reduce the chances of a long-term love affair. Over time, he will become more realistic, more willing to accept the behavior that offended him in the beginning. But you must always be on the alert, he can return to his innate legibility at any moment. If he does not see a friendly relationship, he emotionally withdraws, hides like a crab in a safe place.

His foreplay is confident and purposeful, he wants to make you happy and satisfy his own desire. Unlike men who believe that the proof of their masculine maturity is the contemptuous attitude towards their lovers during sex, he has sensuality and treats his partners with tenderness.

He prefers to make love not in bed. He can carry you in his arms to the table, bureau and carefully place you on it. Before proceeding to the act itself, he will use manual stimulation and, when he feels the fullness of your desire, will suddenly transfer you to bed.

He is a master of clitoral manipulation. He has a special gift in this area. He prefers to touch him with his fingers rather than his lips, but these touches are so gentle that he can literally feel the woman's reaction.

His favorite pastime is to put his penis on a woman's chest, close to her face, so that she can reach him with her tongue. The combination of these touches - tongue and chest - increases his ecstasy and contributes to the arousal of a woman.

The extraordinary memory of Cancer helps him in love. He remembers all the details that aroused his partner, even youthful memories can be useful to him at a more mature age, while he improves his experience.

Another favorite pastime is "hands-free" copulation: lying naked in bed next to each other, both holding their hands behind their backs. At the same time, they try to connect - the process itself contributes to great excitement. Even sharper sensations if all this happens in front of a mirror. Sometimes a third person is also involved, tying the lovers' hands behind their backs to avoid "cheating", and then watching what is happening. Cancer gets satisfaction only from really good intercourse, despite such obstacles.

Heterosexual Cancer prefers to have lacy, frivolous underwear on his woman. Those who transcend the line that some call abnormality are happy to wear such outfits themselves.

They dress like women and impersonate women in public, and their skillful facial expressions and ability to judge the reactions of other people allow them to successfully cope with the masquerade. I myself was led by a similar "woman" who came to me for a consultation. I got suspicious when "her" answers didn't line up with "her" star schema. Then "she" admitted that "she" is a man. What I could not determine myself, the stars made obvious!

Of course, many transsexuals are homosexuals, and Cancers are no exception. Homosexuals born under this sign try in every possible way to physically resemble a woman, using surgical interventions.

It is known that latent homosexual tendencies also exist in pronounced heterosexual types. The Cancer man will do the following to satisfy his similar inclination: he will ask the woman to push his buttocks apart and press her crotch against him with all her might, so that her pelvic bone presses against his anus. A few strong movements in this position will be enough for him to orgasm.

Many men born under this sign like to rub their buttocks or crotch against foreign objects, and riding in public transport satisfies this tendency in many ways.

First steps

A good start is to ask for advice. Cancer is friendly and willing to help a stranger, and his advice is always valuable.

Warning: don't play the old game "Have I seen you somewhere before?". Cancer has a great memory, and he remembers everything, including faces.

When meeting someone born under this sign, bring up a conversation about children's charities and organizations that care about children. Cancer women are very interested in children, and sometimes they are even accused of trying to be a mother to everyone. If so, then the Cancer man is trying to become a father.

Try talking to men about politics. If your boss is Cancer, then a good way to approach him is to approach him with some personal problem. He has a paternal feeling for all employees, and whether you can turn this feeling into another depends only on you.

Try a date at the theater or at a concert. Cancer is sensitive to romantic music. Go to a concert of Tchaikovsky or Rachmaninov, and Cancer will be delighted with divine harmony. If you are having lunch together, try to have quiet music playing in the background. Or go to a restaurant with a gypsy violinist. As the bards say: music is the food of love. They love water sports, invite them for a day at the beach. If you can find a fairly secluded beach, your Cancer companion will gladly go diving with you in the nude. He will enjoy the fact that you and someone else admire his body.

Do you want to make a gift? Buy something for the house - paintings, batik or kitchen utensils. For a man, cheeses, or exotic packaged foods, or an elegant silver frame engraved with his initials. Crayfish are usually collectors and will be happy with any replenishment of their collection. Small silver objects delight them.

Encourage his kind attitude towards the family, especially towards his mother. Most people of this sign are sentimental about their mother.

Never remember your previous connections. Cancerians are not interested in those who played an important role in your life before their appearance.

Dating advice: People born under this sign do not like indifference. If he showed up in a new suit, pay attention to it; if she has new earrings - be sure to mark them. Be careful with their known hypersensitivity. You can tell her that her earrings look adorable, and she'll think you mean you didn't like the ones she wore last time. You will notice that he looks more athletic in this suit, and he may think that he is too skinny for your point of view. If this kind of misunderstanding arises, try to resolve it before resentment lurks.

If you want to cancel a date because you don't feel well, don't do it, you'll be foolish not to give Cancer an opportunity to show his strong side - caring. They are beacons in the fog that everyone needs in bad weather. Let him come with fruits and flowers, a new book to read to you, a new record, or just sit next to you and hold your hand.

Let her give you medicine, take your temperature, feed you hot soup. Those who have not experienced the attachment of Cancer do not know what pleasure it gives him to participate. This is one of the manifestations of the soul of the owner, but use it. Call it the magic of the moon.

Erogenous zones

Both a man and a woman born under this sign will enjoy deep kisses involving the tongue and teeth. It is known that they are even able to experience an orgasm!

However, the most sensitive part of the body remains the chest. Both sexes are sensitive to oral and manual nipple stimulation. Gently stroking the breasts with the fingertips causes intense sexual desire. They also enjoy pinching their nipples with their thumb and forefinger. Even in the final part of the foreplay, gentle pinching of the breast or nipples can increase their desire.

Advice for women making love to a Cancer man: run your hand over his chest, gently touching it. If you do this repeatedly, you will be able to strongly excite him.

Last steps

When you want to leave, it won't be easy. Cancer is hard to get rid of. They are sticky like chewing gum.

A harsh attitude can put a woman on the run, but if you stick to your line very hard, she will get used to it and try to keep the connection. Her weapon is nit-picking, she is unique in this. Much better to act in less overt ways. She seeks tenderness and needs it. Keep cool with her, not letting her into your life, making it clear that her role is to wait. This should cause her anxiety and insecurity. Be in a bad mood - it will affect her feelings.

With a man, try to play a dominant role, cook tasteless food, serve it, lamenting that culinary issues are the least of your interest in life.

Criticize his behavior in the bedroom. He already has the feeling that he is boring in this area, let him know that you think the same way. This is unforgivable!

Cancers need affection. Refuse him. They need emotional support, and you are too busy. Cancers love to give advice - don't listen to them. Crayfish prefer old and cozy establishments. Go to the most modern bar you can find.

And most importantly, criticize everything. Cancers suffer greatly from this, criticism comes to their sore spot. Tell jokes about mother-in-law!

Your guide of feelings

CANCER - ARIES: For Cancer, Aries is too adventurous, more traditional, although there may be a strong sexual attraction at first. Over time, Aries is able to provoke Cancer's dark jealousy, and Cancer is easily offended by Aries' sharp tongue. Aries does not like the possessive tendencies of Cancer. Difficult relationship, marriage failed.

CANCER - TAURUS: Cancer brings sensuality and imagination to this union. Both are passionate and do not need extraneous interests in order to be satisfied with each other. Taurus is able to understand Cancer's mood swings, and will help smooth out problems if they arise. Taurus is attentive. Cancer is responsive to attention. Understanding each other's problems will help the existence of a pleasant connection. Successful marriage.

CANCER - GEMINI: Cancer's self-doubt will increase from associating with fickle, flirtatious Gemini, lovers of pleasure. The uncontrolled sexual energy of Gemini will create problems for Cancer, cause friction. Cancer will be very jealous and will try to curb Gemini's activity, and this will cause them to resent. A very emotional connection and longer relationships are possible despite the difference in temperaments.

CANCER - CANCER: They are too similar to be happy. Both suffer from over-sensitivity, which leads to emotional problems. Both want to take the lead in sexual relationships, and this is often criticized and disputed. Physically, however, they are attracted to each other, and the initial connection can be quite sensual. Marriage will require more benevolence and mutual understanding in order for it to exist.

CANCER - LEO: Leo tends to stabilize Cancer's moods. Leo is generous in his affections, and this creates a sense of confidence in the fickle Cancer. On the other hand, Leo needs flattery and admiration, especially in the field of sex, and he must dominate. If Cancer is ready to meet Leo, then a passionate relationship and a very successful marriage are possible.

CANCER - VIRGO: Virgo is practical by nature and provides the basis for this union. Cancer is more emotional than the restrained Virgo, but they are capable of warm affection for each other. Sexually, they match perfectly. The problem is that both are shy and have to make an effort not to get bored. A good connection and possibly a good marriage.

CANCER - LIBRA: It is difficult for Libra to get along with the changeable temperament of Cancer. In turn, Cancer experiences insecurity and anxiety from Libra's attachment. Libra attracts Cancer moods, but they prefer to stay out of trouble. If Cancer is offended, this will create difficulties. When Libra begins to look around, the matter comes to an end. Possible connection, risky marriage.

CANCER - SCORPIO: The strength of Scorpio and his need to dominate and protect is just what Cancer needs. Cancer is more sensitive in sexual relationships, while Scorpio is more passionate. However, the desire of Cancer to give pleasure helps to avoid many problems in this area. Violent jealousy of Scorpio does not arise, since Cancer is devoted to his partner. Love grows and a good connection can grow into a wonderful marriage.

CANCER - SAGITTARIUS: They have opposite goals and different desires. Sagittarius is a wanderer and does not like to tie himself in sexual ties. Cancer needs confidence in love, which Sagittarius is not able to provide him. Cancer lives for the future. Sagittarius - today. When Sagittarius gets bored and starts looking for new connections. Cancer will be deeply offended. Vague prospects for a more or less stable connection.

CANCER - CAPRICORN: Capricorn is not able to give the affection that Cancer requires, he has too many other interests. However, there is a strong sexual attraction between these two signs. In the bedroom, everything will go fine for them, until the practicality and restraint of Capricorn gets tired of Cancer. Communication is unstable, marriage is undesirable.

CANCER - AQUARIUS: Lonely Aquarius will bring too much fuss to Cancer's vulnerable self. Cancer is more open and resilient than the adventurous Aquarius, always ready to answer the calls of the sirens. Cancer's needs may go unmet. Aquarius tends to free themselves from emotional demands. For some time they are able to find a common language in bed, but in the living room they will not stand the partnership.

CANCER - PISCES: Sexually a good couple. Both are responsive, affectionate, support each other. Perhaps Cancer will take the lead, as Pisces tends to be somewhat eccentric in love. Quarrels are short, quickly end in bed. They are perfect for both day and night, for long and short periods.

It so happened that you caught yourself in an involuntary, but strong sympathy for that young man who loves to quote films of the last century, treat you to tea, but at the same time spontaneously disappears from view. Something inside suggests that this sympathy is mutual, but his behavior is so strange that it’s impossible to understand him right off the bat. And if you find out that the man you like is Cancer, how to understand that he is in love?

In contact with

Characteristic signs of Cancer men

Men of this sign are very specific, it is difficult and tiring to understand them.

  1. Cancer is a sign of dynamic Water, therefore it is prone to change. From his appearance it is difficult to understand the next emotional state, which can be radically different from what it was five minutes ago.
  2. Cancers are very interesting about the female sex: they seem to consider women equal to themselves and in every possible way encourage independence, self-sufficiency, but at the same time, in fact, they continue to patronize the ladies.
  3. In the family, they strive to take a dominant role, in relationships they are in the lead, although they can play in the transfer of initiative.
  4. On the one hand, they consider themselves dominant by definition, and on the other hand, they want the woman herself to go towards him. This makes it difficult to understand that a Cancer man is in love with you.

Cancer men are always gallant, well-mannered. It's funny that such politeness and courtesy may at times not match their appearance: they have neat, but extremely comfortable things in their wardrobe with a long history that Cancer undoubtedly remembers.

This cannot be called hysteria or theatricality, but still Cancer men love to exaggerate. It is sometimes very difficult to understand and assess the seriousness of their complaints with a bright emotional color. This is especially true of some negative events, words.

Also, Cancer men are somewhat hypochondriacal, and a banal malaise with a runny nose is turned into torment by a lonely and misunderstood sufferer.

If the man you like is Cancer, how to understand that he is in love with a woman? This is quite difficult, given the changeability of mood, as well as expectant tactics and "encryption".

The behavior of a man in love with Cancer is not immediately noticeable, because at first he himself fixes the fact that he is in love, and only then, after deliberation and imperceptible checks, he moves closer.

  1. As an object of love, there can only be that girl who, in the opinion of the Cancer man, can be not just a partner, but also an ally and friend.
  2. Since Cancers are almost always aimed at deepening relationships and their duration, manifestations of love are preceded by “random” conversations on seemingly abstract topics. So the Cancer man "scans" compatibility in terms of life positions and the intellectual level that he needs to develop relationships with the one he is in love with.

About how a Cancer man behaves, if he likes a girl, they write on modern forums - as about men who do not take the first step for a long time: it seems that he looks into the eyes when talking, and helps at work, and on a date for the third month does not call. Here the controversial position of Cancers about the function of women emerges. They really want the object of love to understand everything and go forward, but at the same time they want to remain strong, courageous and decisive. Therefore, half-hints begin and gradually increasing signs of attention towards the woman with whom he is in love.

Compatibility table of zodiac signs

Behavioral features

Of course, it is impossible to equate all Cancers with the same brush, but there is a certain stereotype in their conduct if they are in love.

  1. Cancers have great intuition. In some magical way, they begin to capture your mood and invite you to those places and events that intrigue you yourself. So they try to spend more time with the object of love and at the same time satisfy his need for comfort and attention. With such a pastime, Cancers become quite talkative and try their best to entertain you. Their jokes are witty enough to cause laughter. And they are sure that a woman's laughter is already a sign of victory.
  2. And they listen to the one they are in love with. And they hear. They do not revel in their own stories, but listen and analyze what the object of love says. They really try to penetrate and deepen, and sometimes offer some ideas about a solution to a problem or some question. Without asking. They know when to offer help, especially when they are in love. He will remember what you said the day before yesterday about a conflict at work, and will inquire about how it was resolved without confusing characters and details. Later, such participation smoothly turns into caring, and Cancer may be eager to solve your problems for you, which he should not be allowed to get involved in.
  3. If a Cancer man is in love, the behavior and signs can be banal and appear as casual tactile contacts. The man of this sign invades personal space without any hint of permission from the girl with whom he is in love. Again, he feels when he can, and he does it quite prudently: during a conversation, when transferring items, in line, at the exit. That is, when it seems natural. If he does not feel rejection, he will go further towards rapprochement.

Perhaps he hides his feelings?

Yes, maybe, especially when you're really in love. And especially at the very beginning. There is such a tendency. How to understand that a Cancer man is in love, but hides his feelings? It remains the sign language and which "with giblets" betray everyone that is in love.

The following can indicate the hiding feelings of Cancer:

  1. When talking, his facial expressions change depending on what he hears. They do not always control it, because the main thought process is directed to perception. Of course, there are also masters of self-control.
  2. The Cancer man, who is in love, reaches out to look into your eyes and observe your behavior, your face, some details of your wardrobe. Consider it carefully.
  3. He will not pass by if he sees that the draft from the open window gives you obvious discomfort. Even if a man diligently hides his feelings, he will close the window. He cares about your comfort. Can easily justify his behavior with banal sympathy.
  4. The Cancer man's gestures change. There is a feeling that all his gestures are addressed to his beloved. He turns to face you if there is communication in the company. Gestures become open and sweeping.

Any sign of attention of romantic Cancers should not be interpreted as a manifestation of love. This can be a manifestation of banal politeness and good manners: they give way to a place in transport and open the doors to every woman, and not just her lover, because this is required by etiquette.

Useful video

At different signs of the zodiac. For useful information about the love preferences of a Cancer man, see this video:


  1. How to understand that a man is in love? Cancer itself will let you know that he is determined to start a relationship, despite the expectant and "probing" tactics.
  2. If a Cancer man delves into your monologues, subtly feels your own mood swings, and accidentally takes your hand when he passes a stack of documents, you can assume that he is in love with you.
  3. Be prepared for the fact that the Cancer man will not immediately make it clear that he is in love. This man needs time to make sure that the candidacy is what you need.


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