Constant feeling of anxiety. Constant anxiety and worry: symptoms, how to get rid of fears and stress

Inexplicable fear, tension, anxiety for no reason periodically occur in many people. An explanation for unreasonable anxiety can be chronic fatigue, constant stress, previous or progressive diseases. At the same time, a person feels that he is in danger, but he does not understand what is happening to him.

Why anxiety appears in the soul for no reason

Feelings of anxiety and danger are not always pathological mental states. Every adult has at least once experienced nervous excitement and anxiety in a situation where it is not possible to cope with a problem that has arisen or in anticipation of a difficult conversation. Once these issues are resolved, the anxiety goes away. But pathological causeless fear appears regardless of external stimuli, it is not caused by real problems, but arises on its own.

An anxious state of mind for no reason overwhelms when a person gives freedom to his own imagination: it, as a rule, paints the most terrible pictures. At these moments, a person feels helpless, emotionally and physically exhausted, in connection with this, health may be shaken, and the individual will fall ill. Depending on the symptoms (signs), there are several mental pathologies that are characterized by increased anxiety.

Panic attack

An attack of a panic attack, as a rule, overtakes a person in a crowded place (public transport, institution building, large store). There are no visible reasons for the occurrence of this condition, since at this moment nothing threatens the life or health of a person. The average age of those suffering from anxiety for no reason is 20-30 years. Statistics show that women are more likely to experience unreasonable panic.

A possible cause of unreasonable anxiety, according to doctors, may be a person’s prolonged exposure to a situation of a psycho-traumatic nature, but single severe stressful situations are not excluded. A great influence on the predisposition to panic attacks has a heredity, a person's temperament, his personality traits and the balance of hormones. In addition, anxiety and fear for no reason often manifest themselves against the background of diseases of the internal organs of a person. Features of the feeling of panic:

  1. Spontaneous panic. Occurs suddenly, without auxiliary circumstances.
  2. situational panic. Appears against the background of experiences due to the onset of a traumatic situation or as a result of a person’s expectation of some kind of problem.
  3. Conditional Panic. It manifests itself under the influence of a biological or chemical stimulant (alcohol, hormonal imbalance).

The following are the most common symptoms of a panic attack:

  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
  • a feeling of anxiety in the chest (bursting, pain inside the sternum);
  • "lump in the throat";
  • increased blood pressure;
  • development ;
  • lack of air;
  • fear of death;
  • hot/cold flushes;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • derealization;
  • impaired vision or hearing, coordination;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • spontaneous urination.

anxiety neurosis

This is a disorder of the psyche and nervous system, the main symptom of which is anxiety. With the development of anxiety neurosis, physiological symptoms are diagnosed that are associated with a malfunction of the autonomic system. Periodically there is an increase in anxiety, sometimes accompanied by panic attacks. An anxiety disorder, as a rule, develops as a result of prolonged mental overload or one severe stress. The disease has the following symptoms:

  • feeling of anxiety for no reason (a person is worried about trifles);
  • fear;
  • depression;
  • sleep disorders;
  • hypochondria;
  • dizziness;
  • , digestive problems.

An anxiety syndrome does not always manifest itself as an independent disease; it often accompanies depression, phobic neurosis, and schizophrenia. This mental illness quickly develops into a chronic form, and the symptoms become permanent. Periodically, a person experiences exacerbations, in which panic attacks, irritability, tearfulness appear. A constant feeling of anxiety can turn into other forms of disorders - hypochondria, obsessive-compulsive disorder.

hangover anxiety

When drinking alcohol, intoxication of the body occurs, all organs begin to fight this condition. First, the nervous system takes over - at this time intoxication sets in, which is characterized by mood swings. After that, a hangover syndrome begins, in which all systems of the human body fight alcohol. Hangover anxiety symptoms include:

  • dizziness;
  • frequent change of emotions;
  • nausea, abdominal discomfort;
  • hallucinations;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • alternation of heat and cold;
  • causeless fear;
  • despair;
  • memory losses.


This disease can manifest itself in a person of any age and social group. As a rule, depression develops after some traumatic situation or stress. Mental illness can be triggered by the severe experience of failure. Emotional upheavals can lead to a depressive disorder: the death of a loved one, divorce, a serious illness. Sometimes depression appears for no reason. Scientists believe that in such cases, the causative agent is neurochemical processes - a failure of the metabolic process of hormones that affect the emotional state of a person.

Manifestations of depression can be different. The disease can be suspected with the following symptoms:

  • frequent feeling of anxiety for no apparent reason;
  • unwillingness to do the usual work (apathy);
  • sadness;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • decrease in self-esteem;
  • indifference to other people;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • unwillingness to communicate;
  • difficulty in making decisions.

How to get rid of worry and anxiety

Everyone experiences anxiety and fear from time to time. If at the same time it becomes difficult for you to overcome these conditions or they differ in duration, which interferes with work or personal life, you should contact a specialist. Signs that you should not delay going to the doctor:

  • you sometimes have panic attacks for no reason;
  • you feel an inexplicable fear;
  • during anxiety, he catches his breath, jumps up pressure, dizziness appears.

With medication for fear and anxiety

A doctor for the treatment of anxiety, getting rid of a feeling of fear that occurs for no reason, may prescribe a course of drug therapy. However, taking drugs is most effective when combined with psychotherapy. It is not advisable to treat anxiety and fear exclusively with drugs. Compared to people using mixed therapy, patients who only take pills are more likely to relapse.

The initial stage of mental illness is usually treated with mild antidepressants. If the doctor notices a positive effect, then maintenance therapy is prescribed lasting from six months to 12 months. Types of drugs, doses and time of admission (in the morning or at night) are prescribed exclusively for each patient individually. In severe cases of the disease, pills for anxiety and fear are not suitable, so the patient is placed in a hospital where antipsychotics, antidepressants and insulin are injected.

Among the drugs that have a tranquilizing effect, but are dispensed in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, include:

  1. « ». Take 1 tablet three times a day, the duration of the course of treatment for causeless anxiety is prescribed by a doctor.
  2. « ». 2 tablets are taken daily. The course is 2-3 weeks.
  3. « » . Drink as prescribed by a doctor, 1-2 tablets three times a day. The duration of treatment is determined depending on the patient's condition and the clinical picture.
  4. "Persen". The drug is taken 2-3 times a day, 2-3 tablets. Treatment of causeless anxiety, feelings of panic, anxiety, fear lasts no more than 6-8 weeks.

Through psychotherapy for anxiety disorders

An effective way to treat unreasonable anxiety and panic attacks is cognitive-behavioral therapy. It aims to transform unwanted behavior. As a rule, it is possible to cure a mental disorder in 5-20 sessions with a specialist. The doctor, after conducting diagnostic tests and passing tests by the patient, helps a person to remove negative thought patterns, irrational beliefs that fuel the emerging feeling of anxiety.

The cognitive method of psychotherapy focuses on the patient's cognition and thinking, and not just on his behavior. In therapy, a person struggles with their fears in a controlled, safe environment. Through repeated immersion in a situation that causes fear in the patient, he gains more and more control over what is happening. A direct look at the problem (fear) does not cause damage, on the contrary, feelings of anxiety and anxiety are gradually leveled.

Features of treatment

Feelings of anxiety are perfectly treatable. The same applies to fear for no reason, and it is possible to achieve positive results in a short time. Among the most effective techniques that can relieve anxiety disorders are: hypnosis, sequential desensitization, confrontation, behavioral therapy, physical rehabilitation. The specialist chooses the choice of treatment based on the type and severity of the mental disorder.

generalized anxiety disorder

If in phobias fear is associated with a specific object, then anxiety in generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) captures all aspects of life. It is not as strong as during panic attacks, but is longer, and therefore more painful and more difficult to endure. This mental disorder is treated in several ways:

  1. . This technique is considered the most effective for the treatment of causeless feelings of anxiety in GAD.
  2. Exposure and prevention of reactions. The method is based on the principle of living anxiety, that is, a person completely succumbs to fear without trying to overcome it. For example, the patient tends to get nervous when someone from the family is delayed, imagining the worst that could happen (a loved one had an accident, he was overtaken by a heart attack). Instead of worrying, the patient should give in to panic, experience fear to the fullest. Over time, the symptom will become less intense or disappear altogether.

Panic attacks and anxiety

Treatment of anxiety that occurs without fear causes can be carried out by taking medications - tranquilizers. With their help, symptoms are quickly eliminated, including sleep disturbance, mood swings. However, these drugs have an impressive list of side effects. There is another group of drugs for mental disorders such as feelings of unreasonable anxiety and panic. These funds are not potent, they are based on medicinal herbs: chamomile, motherwort, birch leaves, valerian.

Drug therapy is not advanced, since psychotherapy is recognized as more effective in combating anxiety. At the appointment with a specialist, the patient finds out what exactly is happening to him, because of which the problems began (causes of fear, anxiety, panic). After that, the doctor selects suitable methods of treating a mental disorder. As a rule, therapy includes drugs that eliminate the symptoms of panic attacks, anxiety (pills) and a course of psychotherapeutic treatment.

Video: how to deal with unexplained anxiety and anxiety

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Many people worry about the smallest things, even if nothing major has happened. Such feelings carry nothing but anxiety, they destroy the nervous system. People who worry a lot cannot live a fulfilling life. They are constantly tense and feel uncomfortable. Turning to psychology, you can understand the essence of these phenomena and get rid of them.

What is the difference between fear and anxiety

Fear and anxiety, both of these phenomena may seem the same at first glance. But in reality, they don't go hand in hand. If unreasonable anxiety destroys the nervous system, then fear, on the contrary, mobilizes the forces of the body.

Imagine that a dog attacked you on the street, the feeling of fear will make you act, take any action to protect yourself. But if you just worry that the dog might attack you, then this will make you feel bad. Excessive feeling of fear also does not lead to anything good.

Feelings of anxiety can vary in degree from mild to severe. This feeling of anxiety and fear for no reason may depend on the state of the body, on upbringing or hereditary factors. That is why there are people who suffer from phobias, migraines, suspiciousness, etc.

The main causes of anxiety

In this state, a person has an internal conflict that gradually grows and makes him feel bad. Certain factors contribute to this. Consider the causes of fear and anxiety:

  • psychological trauma in the past,
  • annoying actions,
  • suspiciousness of character, when a person is not sure of anything,
  • psychological trauma in childhood, when parents put too much pressure on the child, made excessive demands on him,
  • sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet,
  • the beginning of life in a new place, previously unfamiliar to a person,
  • negative events in the past
  • character traits when a pessimistic attitude towards life becomes a lifestyle,
  • disorders in the body that destroy the endocrine system and cause hormonal failure.

The destructive effect of anxiety and fear

A person only makes things worse for himself when he constantly lives in a state of anxiety and fear. Not only his psychology suffers, but also his health. When a person experiences a constant feeling of anxiety, his heart begins to beat faster, he does not have enough air, and his blood pressure jumps up.

From too strong emotions, a person gets very tired, his body wears out faster. There is trembling in the limbs, he cannot sleep for a long time, there is pain in the stomach for no apparent reason. Many systems of the body suffer in this condition, women experience hormonal disruptions, men have disrupted the genitourinary system. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to get rid of fear and anxiety.

Problem identification

There is no such person who would not be afraid of anything. It is important to realize how much this interferes with life. Each person has their own fears: someone is afraid to speak in public, others have problems communicating with the opposite sex, the following are simply embarrassed by their character, they do not want to show themselves too smart, stupid, etc. By acknowledging your problem, you can begin to fight it and overcome your fear.

Fighting fear and anxiety

There are many ways to get rid of anxiety and fear.

  1. When you feel anxious, there is always tension. And if this tension is removed, then negative feelings will dissipate. To stop constantly worrying, you need to learn to relax. Physical activity helps in this matter, so try to exercise, or better, do physical activities in a team. Walking in the fresh air, jogging, breathing exercises will also help fight excessive anxiety.
  2. Share your feelings with loved ones you trust. They will help you dispel the feeling of fear. To other people, other people's fears seem insignificant, and they will be able to convince you of this. Communication with loved ones who love you will remove the burden of problems that have squeezed you. If you do not have such people, then entrust your feelings to the diary.
  3. Don't leave problems unresolved. Many people worry about something but do nothing to change it. Do not leave your problems as they are, start doing at least something to deal with them.
  4. Humor helps us get rid of many problems, defuse tense situations and make us relax. Therefore, communicate with those people who make you laugh a lot. You can also just watch a comedy program, read about something funny. Anything that makes you happy can be used.
  5. Do something that makes you happy. Take your mind off your negative thoughts and call your friends, invite them for a walk or just sit with you in a cafe. Sometimes it is enough just to play computer games, read a fascinating book, you can always find something that gives you pleasure.
  6. Imagine more often a positive outcome of events, and not vice versa. We often worry that some business may end badly, and we imagine it in bright colors. Try to do the opposite and imagine that everything ended well. This will help you reduce your anxiety disorder.
  7. Remove everything from your life that creates an anxiety disorder. Usually, watching the news or crime shows, which often talk about something negative, creates an even greater feeling of anxiety. So try not to watch them.

Psychological tricks to help get rid of feelings of fear

Set aside 20 minutes a day for yourself when you can completely surrender to anxiety and think about what worries you the most. You can give yourself free rein and even cry. But when the allotted time comes to an end, forbid yourself to even think about it and get down to your daily activities.

Find a quiet place in your apartment where nothing will disturb you. Sit comfortably, relax, breathe deeply. Imagine that in front of you is a burning piece of wood, from which smoke rises into the air. Imagine that this smoke is your anxiety. Watch how it rises into the sky and dissolves into it completely until the piece of wood burns out. Just observe it without trying to influence the movement of the smoke in any way.

Take up needlework. Monotonous work helps to distract from unnecessary thoughts and make life more serene.

Even if you can’t get rid of disturbing thoughts at first, over time you will learn how to do it. Most importantly, follow the advice, and you will gradually become less worried.

Getting rid of fear - advice from psychologists

Psychologists suggest using several tricks to get rid of fear.

  1. Art therapy helps to cope with feelings of fear. Try to draw your fear, express it on paper. Then burn the leaflet with the pattern.
  2. When you experience panic attacks, switch to something else so your feeling doesn't deepen and make you feel bad. Do something else that will absorb all your thoughts and your negative feelings will go away.
  3. Realize the nature of your fear, put it on the shelves. Try to write down everything you feel and worry about, and then light the paper.
  4. Breathing exercise "Inhaling strength and exhaling weakness" will help you get rid of fear. Imagine that as you inhale, courage enters your body, and as you exhale, your body gets rid of fear. You should sit up straight and be relaxed.
  5. Walk towards your fear. If you overcome it by all means, it will help you to worry less. For example, you are afraid to communicate with someone, go and communicate with him. Or, for example, you are terribly afraid of dogs, watch them, try to pet a harmless dog. This is the most effective way to get rid of fear.
  6. When panic and anxiety have completely taken over you, breathe deeply 10 times. During this time, your mind will have time to adapt to the surrounding reality and calm down.
  7. Sometimes it's good to talk to yourself. In this way, your experiences will become more understandable to you. You are aware of the depth of the situation in which you find yourself. Understanding your condition will help you calm down, your heart will no longer beat so often.
  8. Feeling angry will help you switch off your fear, so find someone who makes you feel that way.
  9. Find something really funny, it will neutralize panic attacks instantly. You will feel much better after this.

Stop being afraid of your fears

In fact, the feeling of fear helps us overcome life's obstacles and improve our lives. Many people have done great things out of fear. Great musicians were afraid that they would remain unrecognized and composed great music, athletes were afraid of defeat and reached incredible heights, scientists and doctors made discoveries, being afraid of something.

This feeling actually mobilizes the forces of our body, makes us act actively and do great things.

You can never overcome your fear by simply letting it go indiscriminately or not paying attention to it. But you can become happier. Try to live with joy, enjoying the current moment. Do not worry too much about past mistakes and constantly dream about the future. This will help you live comfortably and enjoy what you have.

Do what you love and you will feel that you matter to other people. This will help you deal with all the fears and anxieties in your life more easily.

Anxiety is an emotion that all people experience when they are nervous or afraid of something. It’s unpleasant to be “on your nerves” all the time, but what can you do if life is like this: there will always be a reason for anxiety and fear, you need to learn to keep your emotions under control, and everything will be fine. In most cases, this is exactly the case.

Worrying is normal. Sometimes it’s even helpful: when we worry about something, we pay more attention to it, work harder, and generally achieve better results.

But sometimes anxiety goes beyond reasonable limits and interferes with life. And this is already an anxiety disorder - a condition that can ruin everything and which requires special treatment.

Why Anxiety Disorder Occurs

As in the case of most mental disorders, no one can say for sure why anxiety clings to us: so far too little is known about the brain to speak with confidence about the causes. Several factors are most likely to blame, from ubiquitous genetics to traumatic experiences.

For someone, anxiety appears due to the excitation of certain parts of the brain, for someone, hormones are naughty - and norepinephrine, and someone gets a disorder in addition to other diseases, and not necessarily mental ones.

What is an anxiety disorder

to anxiety disorders Studying Anxiety Disorders. belong to several groups of diseases.

  • generalized anxiety disorder. This is the case when anxiety does not appear because of exams or the upcoming acquaintance with the parents of a loved one. Anxiety comes by itself, it does not need a reason, and the experiences are so strong that they do not allow a person to perform even simple daily activities.
  • social anxiety disorder. Fear that prevents being among people. Someone is afraid of other people's assessments, someone is afraid of other people's actions. Be that as it may, it interferes with studying, working, even going to the store and saying hello to neighbors.
  • panic disorder. People with this disease experience panic attacks: they are so scared that sometimes they cannot take a step. The heart beats at a frantic speed, it gets dark in the eyes, there is not enough air. These attacks can come at the most unexpected moment, and sometimes because of them a person is afraid to leave the house.
  • Phobias. When a person is afraid of something specific.

In addition, anxiety disorder often occurs in combination with other problems: bipolar or obsessive-compulsive disorder or.

How to understand what is a disorder

The main symptom is a constant feeling of anxiety, which lasts for at least six months, provided that there are no reasons to be nervous or they are insignificant, and emotional reactions are disproportionately strong. This means that anxiety changes life: you refuse work, projects, walks, meetings or acquaintances, some activity, just because you worry too much.

Other symptoms Generalized anxiety disorder in adults - Symptoms ., which hint that something is wrong:

  • constant fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • constant fear;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • inability to relax;
  • trembling in the hands;
  • irritability;
  • dizziness;
  • frequent heartbeat, although there are no cardiac pathologies;
  • increased sweating;
  • pain in the head, abdomen, muscles - despite the fact that doctors do not find any violations.

There is no exact test or analysis by which to identify an anxiety disorder, because anxiety cannot be measured or touched. The decision on the diagnosis is made by a specialist who looks at all the symptoms and complaints.

Because of this, there is a temptation to go to extremes: either to diagnose yourself with a disorder when life just started, or not to pay attention to your condition and scold your weak-willed character, when, due to fear, an attempt to go outside turns into a feat.

Do not get carried away and confuse constant stress and constant anxiety.

Stress is a response to a stimulus. Take, for example, a call from a dissatisfied customer. When the situation changes, the stress goes away. And anxiety can remain - this is a reaction of the body that occurs even if there is no direct effect. For example, when an incoming call comes from a regular customer who is happy with everything, but picking up the phone is still scary. If the anxiety is so strong that any phone call is torture, then this is already a disorder.

No need to hide your head in the sand and pretend that everything is fine when constant stress interferes with life.

It is not customary to consult a doctor with such problems, and anxiety is often confused with suspiciousness and even cowardice, and it is a shame to be a coward in society.

If a person shares his fears, he is more likely to receive advice to pull himself together and not become limp than an offer to find a good doctor. The trouble is that it will not be possible to overcome the disorder with a powerful effort of will, just as it will not be possible to cure it with meditation.

How to treat anxiety

Persistent anxiety is treated like other mental disorders. For this, there are psychotherapists who, contrary to the common ones, do not just talk with patients about a difficult childhood, but help to find such techniques and techniques that really improve the condition.

Someone will feel better after a few conversations, someone will help pharmacology. The doctor will help you review your lifestyle, find the reasons why you are nervous a lot, assess how severe the symptoms are and whether you need to take medication.

If you still think you don't need a therapist, try taming your anxiety yourself.

1. Find the cause

Analyze what you experience most and most often, and try to eliminate this factor from your life. Anxiety is a natural mechanism that is needed for our own safety. We are afraid of something dangerous that can harm us.

Maybe if you are constantly shaking with fear of the authorities, it is better to change jobs and relax? If you succeed, then your anxiety is not caused by a disorder, you don’t need to treat anything - live and enjoy life. But if it is not possible to identify the cause of anxiety, then it is better to seek help.

2. Exercise regularly

There are many blind spots in the treatment of mental disorders, but researchers agree on one thing: regular exercise really helps keep the mind in order.

3. Let the brain rest

The best thing is to sleep. Only in a dream the brain overloaded with fears relaxes, and you get a break.

4. Learn to slow down your imagination with work.

Anxiety is a reaction to something that didn't happen. It is the fear of what might happen. In fact, anxiety is only in our head and is completely irrational. Why is it important? Because counteracting anxiety is not peace, but reality.

While all sorts of horrors happen in the disturbing imagination, in reality everything goes on as usual, and one of the best ways to turn off the constantly itchy fear is to return to the present, to the current tasks.

For example, to occupy the head and hands with work or sports.

5. Quit smoking and drinking

When there is already a mess in the body, it is at least illogical to shake the delicate balance with substances that affect the brain.

6. Learn relaxation techniques

Here the rule “the more the better” applies. Learn breathing exercises, look for relaxing yoga poses, try music, or even drink chamomile tea or use lavender essential oil in the room. Everything in a row until you find several options that will help you.

For the first time, the concept of "anxiety" was singled out by Sigmund Freud, describing it as an emotional state that includes the experience of expectation and uncertainty, a sense of helplessness. Unlike fear (a reaction to a specific danger that threatens a person's life), anxiety is an experience of a vague threat. Anxiety can arise for no apparent reason: it seems that there is nothing to be afraid of, but the soul is restless. Such experiences develop into anxiety and become a hallmark of a person, features of his character.

All our worries come from childhood. At first, we are afraid of the Serpent Gorynych and Baba Yaga, getting older - a dark room, spiders, snakes and cars. At school we are afraid of bad grades, at work - conflicts with the boss and / or dismissal, in the family - misunderstanding and disappointment. Everyone has their own Achilles heel. However, it is common for all of us to worry about the health and well-being of our own, our children and loved ones.

However, the absence of reasons for concern for some people is no less frightening: if everything is fine now, then something unpleasant will certainly happen soon. However, it is important to understand that fear of the future lies at the heart of all our worries, and all people without exception, even the strongest and most fearless in appearance, are subject to it. The difference is only in relation to anxiety and the degree of experience.

How is she born

The emergence of anxiety in a child contributes to insufficiently competent behavior of parents. Increased exactingness with an inadequate assessment of his real capabilities can cause a child to constantly fear that he does not meet the expectations of his parents and does not deserve their love. An anxious child, as a rule, is passive, not independent enough, he tends to dream rather than act, to live in a fantasy world, and finds it difficult to build relationships with peers. With this behavior, parents begin to worry even more, thereby provoking his self-doubt.

On the other hand, the child can become anxious and overprotective parents - in an atmosphere of excessive care and precaution. Then he gets the feeling that he is insignificant, his opinion and desires are actually not needed or interesting to anyone. And if so, then the world seems unpredictable and filled with continuous dangers.

The next scenario is the conflicting demands of the parents: when the father approaches the upbringing process harshly, and the mother underestimates all his requirements. Torn between one pole and another, the child is unable to make decisions, which increases the level of his anxiety.

– Not so long ago, the concept of “family anxiety” appeared in psychology, – says psychologist Zhanna Lurie. - It refers to a state of often poorly realized anxiety experienced by one or more adult family members. Anxiety can be caused by doubts about the continuation of relationships, problems with money, different views on education ... All this, of course, is transmitted to the child, very often he becomes an indicator of problems in the family.

In addition, at the psychological level, anxiety can be caused by internal conflict associated with incorrect ideas about one’s own image of the “I”, an inadequate level of claims, insufficient awareness of the goal, the need to choose between different areas of activity, and so on.

Threat universe

What happens to a person when he is in a state of anxiety?

- One of the characteristic features is a muscle clamp, in which a certain muscle group is tensed - usually the collar zone, - says Zhanna Lurie. - Often a person is not aware of the tension, feeling only some discomfort. If this happens constantly, the clamps threaten to become chronic and turn into a kind of shell that will limit freedom of movement and can lead to loss of sensation in this area. Periodic massage of the collar zone, of course, will relieve tension for a while, but will not get rid of the problem if a person continues to live in stress.

An anxious person becomes agitated, irritable, is on the verge of a breakdown, easily frightened, unable to concentrate, suffers from insomnia, quickly gets tired. The surrounding world is perceived by him as a universe of dangers and threats, and this state can subsequently turn into a neurosis, - says Jeanne Lurie. - He often hears what he is told differently, reacts sharply and painfully to harmless messages, perceives any words of the boss as a personal insult. Such a person is very afraid of making a mistake, perceiving it as the collapse of his whole life.

However, anxiety also has a positive side. It warns us of real dangers, the possibility of injury, pain, punishment. It's normal for a person to feel anxious going on a first date or speaking in front of an audience if they're worried about getting to an important meeting on time.

We fight and win!

Experts say: anxiety almost always occurs when a person is forced to make some decisions, when he is not sure that he can implement them, and when the result is very important for him, valuable. That is, in fact, anxiety accompanies us most of life. Therefore, it is very important to understand how to deal with them and how to direct your experiences in the right direction.

● It is important to understand the nature of your anxiety: whether it is real or imagined. To do this, ask yourself a few questions: how important and necessary is what I fear for me? What's the worst that can happen if everything turns out the way I'm afraid? What will happen if it happens differently? This will help separate what is important from what is not.

● Try to think positively. Calm down and set yourself up for the fact that there are more good people in the world and not everyone in this life wishes you harm.

● Rest and relax more often, do not drive yourself: in an exhausted state, all reactions are experienced much more acutely.

● Set yourself up to deal with the situation that makes you anxious, or at least try to. But it is advisable not to slide into auto-training: in this case, a person does not realize the real dangers and does not evaluate his strength to deal with them, but pretends that the problem simply does not exist.

If you are tormented by constant anxiety and you cannot say what exactly you are afraid of, ask yourself: what is it that worries you so much at the moment? What can you do right now? If the answer is not found, try imagining something positive. And do not put off a visit to a specialist: he will help you figure out the reasons and understand what to do next.

By the way

If anxiety goes off scale, it can turn into panic. Here are its main signs: the inability to breathe deeply, dizziness, semi-fainting / fainting, clouding of consciousness, frantic heartbeat, trembling throughout the body, severe sweating, suffocation, vomiting. As well as indigestion, numbness or tingling in the body. A person is thrown into the cold, then into the heat, he feels the unreality of what is happening (the body seems not to be mine), pain or a pressing feeling in the chest, it seems to him that he is about to die or go crazy. At least three or four signs from this list are enough to understand that panic attacks have begun. And here you can’t do without a specialist.

Personal opinion

Alexey Romanov:

- The feeling of anxiety is common to everyone. But you don't have to give in to it. I recommend distracting yourself by uncorking a bottle of champagne or rereading The Marriage of Figaro. Try to think positive. It's not as difficult as it seems. It rescues me. For example, you walk down the street, you hear some bad music coming from a stall, it will definitely cling to you and spin in your head, then I force myself to remember something good from music by an effort of will. And she pushes out nonsense. So it is with anxiety. Gloomy people on the streets think about the bad. It's a bad habit, but it's very easy to break. You just need to make an effort. It is difficult to cope with strong emotions, you need a colossal training under experienced guidance. At a young age, super-emotions helped in creativity, now I avoid them. A wise figure avoids stress itself, this is just a property of an adult organism. There is no getting away from experience, it turns you into an armed ship when you foresee - armed, warned and not getting involved in anything.

Anxiety due to real factors or certain life situations is a completely normal phenomenon and familiar to every person. However, if a feeling of anxiety appears for no reason, this is a signal from the body about possible violations in its work, sometimes very serious.

Anxiety symptoms

The feeling of anxiety, fear, sometimes panic is often caused by the expectation of an unpleasant or important event or its consequences. It has been noted that the longer the period of uncertainty lasts, the more acute the stress symptoms become.

However, there are situations when there are no visible reasons for worries, but anxiety is regularly present in a person, making it difficult to do everyday activities and enjoy life.

In the early stages, symptoms are observed:

  • deterioration of the psycho-emotional state;
  • loss of interest in daily activities, work, hobbies;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorder;
  • loss of appetite;
  • cardiac arrhythmias.

Over time, emotional overstrain leads the muscles to a constant tone, which is manifested by tremors of the limbs, trembling attacks, nervous tics of the face, twitching of certain parts of the body, difficulty breathing.

Doctors call this condition neurosis - a diagnosis that requires mandatory treatment, not always medication. In many cases, it is enough to help the patient solve the psychological problem that worries him. As a result, peace of mind stabilizes, and life will regain its former colors.

If no action is taken, stress increases, which affects physiological health and causes the development of pathologies and dysfunctions of the cardiovascular, digestive, and endocrine systems.

In such situations, it will not be possible to do without taking medications, and therapy will consist of treating the diseases that have arisen and stabilizing the functioning of the nervous system.

Why anxiety arises for no reason

Constant excitement, not associated with a specific irritating factor and arising on its own, has a complex development mechanism. First, thoughts arise about the negative outcome of a situation, then the imagination begins to give dark colors to a possible future, a person “winds” himself.

Increased suspiciousness leads to the fact that the patient is unable to find a positive way to solve the problem, and a strong premonition that "everything will be bad" provokes physical and moral exhaustion.

Specialists identify several types of mental illness and conditions that manifest themselves as causeless fears and worries. Each of them has characteristic features.

Panic attacks

The condition is typical for young people, more often they suffer from the fairer sex. A sudden attack of fear occurs under the influence of certain factors, when there is a violation of the activity of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system.

For example, an attack is caused by crowded places - the subway, large shopping centers, concert halls and others. It is also provoked by limited space, concern for one's own health, long trips and other factors. Fixed reflexively, when a person is already subconsciously waiting and afraid of an attack, it can appear seemingly for no apparent reason.

It is difficult for a sufferer to explain the internal trembling with psychological stress, since he believes that an attack is a consequence of a terrible disease from which he can die. In fact, neither life nor health of a person is threatened at this moment.

But to convince the patient of this is often difficult and within the power of a competent psychotherapist. Despite the beliefs of doctors that health is normal, such a person usually believes that the diagnosis has not been carried out enough and is looking for new ways to find diseases and treat.

An attack can occur as a result of a prolonged stressful state or after a sharp simultaneous collision with a strong stimulus.

Panic attacks occur due to:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • characteristics of the patient's psyche;
  • temperament.

Among the main symptoms of an attack are:

  • increased heart rate, rhythm;
  • physical sensation of anxiety - pressure and feeling of fullness in the chest, pain syndrome;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • a feeling of lack of air, the inability to breathe deeply;
  • fear of death;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • hot flashes and / or cold;
  • disorders of the sense organs;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • disorientation in space;
  • involuntary excretion of urine;
  • dizziness and loss of consciousness.

In psychology and psychotherapy, it is customary to distinguish 3 types of panic attacks, depending on the circumstances that cause them:

  • spontaneous attack, not due to specific reasons;
  • situational, arising against the background of prolonged psychological stress;
  • conditional-situational attack, the cause of which is drunk alcohol, hormonal disorders, exposure to drugs and other biological or chemical stimuli.


This condition is experienced not only by adults, but also by teenagers and small children.

Psycho-emotional trauma, stress factors and severe nervous shocks precede depression. Sometimes such excessive long-term anxiety occurs against the background of a violation of the body's metabolic processes, hormonal disruptions.

Among the characteristic features are:

  • apathy - lack of desire to perform habitual, favorite deeds and duties;
  • hypochondria, tearfulness, irritability;
  • lack of strength;
  • deterioration in self-esteem;
  • indifference to relatives and friends;
  • decreased concentration, mental performance;
  • lack of desire to communicate.

anxiety neurosis

Psychologists put this condition into the category of diseases, since depressive disorders (sharp or prolonged) are considered a provoking factor. The cause is dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, and the main manifestation is anxiety, which is accompanied by physical and psychological symptoms:

  • strong anxiety, constant anxiety, a person notes that he is hard on his soul;
  • unreasonable feeling of fear;
  • insomnia;
  • painfully depressed state;
  • suspiciousness;
  • acute headaches;
  • increased and rapid heartbeat;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • digestive tract disorder.

Anxiety neurosis rarely occurs on its own, in 90% of cases it is the result of a mental illness. If there is no treatment, pathologies turn into a chronic form, which is characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. Manifestations become permanent, and with a relapse, tearfulness, irritability, and panic attacks are added.

With a hangover

After taking alcohol, it becomes bad as a result of damage to internal organs by toxins.
A hangover, which the nervous system is also trying to cope with, appears in the morning and reports itself with symptoms:

  • dizziness, headache;
  • mood swings, blood pressure;
  • discomfort in the abdomen;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • visual and auditory phenomena arising in consciousness;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • tides;
  • causeless concern and fear;
  • despair;
  • memory impairment.

generalized anxiety disorder

This is a mental disorder, manifested by constant anxiety without the presence of an irritating factor.

Among the symptoms of the disease are:

  • shiver;
  • nervousness;
  • muscle tension;
  • increased sweating;
  • palpitations;
  • chest discomfort;
  • dizziness.

Of the phobias inherent in patients with this diagnosis, the leaders are the fears of death, illness and accident. Women suffer from it more often, and the disease itself tends to become chronic.

How to deal with fear and anxiety

If a bad feeling that causes physical and psychological symptoms worries for a long time or often manifests itself in acute attacks, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

A neurologist or psychotherapist will conduct an initial examination, collect an anamnesis, and, if necessary, refer you for a consultation with narrow specialists - a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist. After receiving the results of the examinations, the cause is established, where the sudden and inexplicable irritation, panic state comes from, and complex therapy is prescribed.


Doctors consider it inappropriate to treat neurotic syndromes only with medications. Such therapy eliminates the consequences of seizures, calms the nervous system, but does not eliminate their cause - psychological trauma, prolonged stress and other provoking factors.

Therefore, it is easier and faster to overcome the current situation with the participation of psychotherapists - this way the effectiveness of treatment will increase, and the risk of relapse will be reduced to zero.

Mild disorders can be removed with the help of antidepressants, tranquilizers. It must be remembered that it is forbidden to prescribe medications on your own, this should be done by a doctor. Many of the sedative drugs with a pronounced effect are sold by prescription.

It is important to monitor the effect of the use of drugs and adjust therapy, depending on the results. The average duration of the course is from 6 to 12 months. If therapy with pills does not give the desired effect, and the patient's condition worsens, inpatient treatment is indicated, where injections of antipsychotics, antidepressants, and insulin will help relieve seizures.

It is advisable to suppress excessive anxiety that occurs from time to time with sedatives, which can be purchased freely at any pharmacy.

These include:

  • Valerian;
  • Novo-Passit (tablets and liquid extract);
  • Persen;
  • Grandaxin;
  • Sedafiton.

All medications have features of taking, contraindications, can cause side effects, so before you start taking them, you should carefully study the annotation to them and follow the doctor's recommendations for taking.

Methods of psychotherapy

It is difficult to overcome neurotic disorders without the help of a psychologist, so the passage of cognitive-behavioral therapy is the recommended stage of treatment. Sessions are aimed at extracting from the subconscious the factors that caused panic and stress and their transformation.

The specialist's task is to accept the patient's fact, the true cause of fear, to look at the situation from a positive point of view, to remove the negative perception. Getting rid of obsessive thoughts can be achieved in 5-20 sessions, in difficult situations, therapy can drag on for several months.

Cognitive technique involves working with both the patient's thinking and his behavior. The first hours of communication with the doctor are difficult for the patient, as they have to “pull out” strong fears and relive them.

However, under the supervision of a specialist, the process is easier and after 2-3 sessions a significant improvement occurs. Special exercises: tests, immersion in a similar situation, enable the patient to gain control over fear, anxiety and anxiety decrease, the person feels more calm, confident.

There are several methods that can overcome causeless anxiety and panic:

  • hypnotic effect;
  • gradual decrease in the patient's sensitivity to their fears (desensitization);
  • behavioral therapy;
  • physical rehabilitation.

Which way to deal with neurological disorders to choose, in each case, the doctor will decide.

Non-traditional methods of treatment

If the soul often becomes anxious, in crowded places everything suddenly freezes inside with fear, and at night it happens to wake up abruptly in a panic - this is a neurosis, and ignoring the problem is fraught with unpleasant consequences for the health of the soul and body. Proven folk recipes and oriental practices can calm yourself down and help you be less nervous.

Folk remedies

Recipe 1

Natural honey will help restore calm dreams, get rid of panic attacks and internal trembling. In the morning, dissolve 2 tablespoons of the product in half a liter of warm boiled water and drink the drink during the day in 3-4 doses. The result is noticeable by the end of the first week of treatment.

Recipe 2

Subconscious unreasonable fears will eliminate oregano. To prepare the infusion, pour 2 tablespoons of herbs into 0.5 liters of boiling water, cover and let stand for 60 minutes. After filtering and drinking 100 milliliters three times a day before meals. The drink has a strict contraindication - the waiting period for the child.

Recipe 3

Restoration of peace of mind, removal of nervous overexcitation, headaches and insomnia under the power of valerian. The recipe for a classic decoction: 2 tablespoons of the rhizome of the plant is poured with 500 milliliters of cold water, brought to a boil over low heat and insisted for half an hour. Filter and take half a glass in the morning, afternoon and evening 30 minutes before meals.

Recipe 4

Geranium is recognized as the best plant for sleep disorders, high blood pressure and emotional instability by folk healers. Put the flower on the windowsill and try to inhale its aroma more often. After 5-7 days, the work of internal organs will stabilize, falling asleep and mental performance will improve.

Recipe 5

In conditions where the soul is restless, shaking with fear, the heart jumps out of the chest, an infusion of mint leaves or lemon balm will help. A handful of the dried product is poured with 2 cups of boiling water, covered with a lid and cooled at room temperature. Drink 100 milliliters twice a day. The effect is noticeable on the second day of admission and consists in the normalization of the heart and mental state.


Meditation will help you find inner harmony and relax your body.

During the procedure, a positive effect occurs:

  • heartbeat normalizes;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • stimulates the synthesis of the hormone of pleasure - endorphin;
  • a healthy psycho-emotional state is restored;
  • back pain disappears;
  • improved sleep quality and so on.

Many believe that meditation is an integral part of yoga, and this Eastern practice involves the performance of certain asanas, most of which are beyond the power of a beginner.

The opinion is partly true: physical activity is desirable, but not required, so you can immediately begin the procedure of physical and mental relaxation. So, the primary task in case of neurosis is to try to turn off the consciousness from external factors, to immerse it in a pleasant semi-sleep.

The best way: turn on slow music (shavasana is best), lie down comfortably and close your eyes. Then gradually relax the muscles and parts of the body - feet and hands, legs and arms, back, pelvis, muscles of the neck and face.

For 10 minutes, try not to think about anything, get rid of worries and problems - listen to the melody and feel complete relaxation. After some time, gradually, starting with the fingers, awaken your body: movements, deep sips.

The first meditation sessions are constrained - not everyone manages to relax the first time and let go of their consciousness. But already after 2-3 sessions, the procedure brings pleasure, calmness and a surge of vitality.


Auto-training methods are popular in the fight against neurosis, as they make you feel strength, confidence, the ability to overcome fears, problems, and life's troubles.

To combat neuroses, fixed phrases are used that are easy to download on the Web and listen to several times daily. Soon, slogans and statements will be fixed in the subconscious, giving a positive attitude and driving away negative thoughts.

Affirmation Examples:

  • The owner of my fear is only me.
  • I am brave and every day I am getting bolder.
  • I release my own fears and manage them.
  • I am safe and protected.
  • Don't break me.
  • I choose fearlessness and get rid of anxiety and panic.

Affirmations are read or listened to thoughtfully, agreeing with each statement and trying it on yourself. This approach will help to cope with depression and mental disorders, to avoid relapse.

How to quickly relieve an attack of fear

If a person has a panic attack, you can seek medical help or manage on your own.

It is important to understand that the condition does not harm health and acts as a temporary, albeit pronounced, discomfort that needs to be experienced and endured.

If a medical diagnosis is carried out and there are no significant organic abnormalities in a person (and minor dysfunctions are detected in everyone), he must accept that an attack is a temporary manifestation of his fear, which will soon pass.

Some patients put an elastic band around their wrist to switch attention and, at the time of the attack, pull and release it. A slight pain syndrome weakens the main symptoms.

With severe difficulty breathing, a paper bag helps. A person breathes into it, trying to normalize the rhythm. This method eliminates hyperventilation.

The drugs selected by the doctor quickly relieve symptoms, but it is important for a person to learn to cope with fear himself. With its awareness and overcoming, the attacks will pass on their own.


It is within the power of everyone to avoid disturbing the mental and psycho-emotional balance, and it is advisable to take action at the first persistent signs of neurological disorders.

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle. Refusal of bad habits normalizes and supports the work of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, digestive systems;
  • Complete sleep. Lack of sleep, bad dreams, shifting day and night - this destabilizes mental health, provoking nervous breakdowns.
  • Eat properly and nutritiously. Diets and strict restrictions are stressful for the body, so food should bring pleasure and satiety. A nutritionist will help develop a healthy menu.
  • Find your favorite thing. Hobbies include sports, cross-stitching, picking berries and mushrooms, cooking exotic dishes, and so on.
  • Learn to overcome stress. Auto-training sessions, breathing exercises, meditation and others help in this.

The results of the fight against neurosis depend on the patient, who recognizes the existence of a problem and makes efforts to eliminate it, while not neglecting the help of doctors.



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