External otitis media symptoms and treatment. Acute otitis externa: causes, symptoms, treatment

Otitis externa is a type of inflammatory ear disease that affects the skin lining the external auditory canal. The disease is usually caused by fungi or bacteria. You should be aware of the symptoms and treatment of otitis externa in adults, because complications of varying severity can develop without timely treatment.

Most often, external inflammatory disease of the ear occurs in children, but cases of inflammation in adults are likely. This type of otitis media is often called swimmer's ear, since most often infection occurs during the swimming season through contact with contaminated water, in a humid environment.

With otitis externa, the internal structures of the ear are not affected, but without treatment, the infection can spread further along the auditory canal. Otitis media may begin to develop, in which pus begins to accumulate in the cavities of the middle ear. This disease is much more dangerous, there is a possibility of penetration of an infectious lesion to the brain, meningitis, abscess, and other life-threatening and health conditions may occur.

There is also external diffuse otitis media, which is most difficult to tolerate, the infectious lesion is usually more extensive. With this type of disease, the infection can affect the skin tissue of the auricle, there is severe pain and swelling. If treatment is not started immediately after a lesion is detected, severe complications may develop.

The code for external otitis according to ICD-10 is H60. For the most part, this information is necessary for doctors; one should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment for various types of otitis media.


The main reason for the development of the disease is infection in the ear cavity, which can occur in several ways. The most common ways of defeat by bacterial and fungal infections, as a result of which external otitis occurs:

  1. Improper hygiene of the auricle and ear canal, excessive ear hygiene. Most people try to get as deep as possible into the ear canal when cleaning their ears, although wax is the ear's natural defense against bacteria. Its excessive removal can provoke the development of the disease. Also, cases of damage to the eardrum and ear tissues with a cotton swab are not uncommon.
  2. Dirty water gets into the ear cavity, often this happens when swimming in an open reservoir, less often when visiting a pool. When contaminated water enters, a humid environment is formed in which bacteria multiply. Chlorinated pool water can cause irritation, which can also lead to otitis media.
  3. Excessive sweating or high humidity. A humid environment contributes to a more active and extensive reproduction of bacteria, the likelihood of otitis media increases.
  4. Various mechanical injuries of the ear, blows, bruises, abrasions. The ear is a rather fragile organ, traumatization can always lead to serious health consequences.

Important! The risk of otitis media also increases with infectious lesions of the nose and throat.

It is also worth considering that in some cases, infection is not enough for the development of a full-fledged disease. The degree of development and activity of bacteria depends on the state of human immunity. The higher the body's resistance, the lower the likelihood of otitis media.

Immunity is affected by nutrition, the presence of bad habits, lifestyle, chronic diseases. Therefore, otitis media and other inflammatory diseases often bypass people who adhere to proper nutrition, without bad habits, leading a healthy lifestyle and supporting appropriate therapy for chronic diseases.


The disease begins to develop with acute otitis externa. First, there is pain, usually of a pulling nature, sometimes extending to the front of the face from ear inflammation. When you press on the tragus, a process of cartilage at the entrance to the ear canal, the pain in the ear increases.

Then edema develops, the auricle can visually increase in size, turn red, probably due to an increase in local temperature. There is a feeling of congestion in the ear, as if water has got into the ear. Similar sensations usually occur when wearing headphones and ear plugs.

After some time, purulent discharge begins from the ear, they can be present in different quantities, a crust forms when it dries. Discharge from the ear canal may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor, depending on the type of bacteria and the amount of exudate. Rashes and boils may appear on the auricle, the skin becomes dry, begins to peel off.

Important! In rare cases, otitis media may not cause pain.

If the disease is started, the development of otitis media may begin. It is possible that the body temperature rises to 38 - 39 degrees, the pain begins to radiate to the lower jaw, the cervical lymph nodes may become inflamed.

The development of chronic otitis externa is also likely. Relapses and exacerbations of the disease may occur, treatment has to be continued for a long time, courses of drugs have to be repeated from time to time.

How to treat otitis externa

Treatment for otitis externa usually begins with antibiotics, which come in the form of drops, oral tablets, and sometimes injections. Injectable preparations are usually prescribed for chronic otitis media, when therapy is required constantly, courses take longer.

Before starting treatment, you should undergo a full diagnosis by an otolaryngologist. An external examination is usually carried out, an analysis of complaints, discharge from the ear is taken for bacterial culture, which helps to identify the pathogen. Then the treatment begins. With external otitis, surgery is usually not required, treatment at home is allowed after the selection of suitable drugs.

Otitis externa during pregnancy does not pose a particular danger to the health of the unborn child, but its treatment can be seriously complicated. If the disease occurs against the background of gestation, difficulties may arise with the selection of drugs. At the same time, the likelihood of the onset of the disease increases, since often during pregnancy there is a decrease in immunity.

The following remedies are commonly used to treat otitis externa. Before using them, if necessary, the doctor must clean the auricle and ear canal from purulent contents. Do not try to clean your ear yourself in this situation:

  1. Ear drops. These drugs are different in effect, usually with otitis externa do not require strong medications. Drops with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects are used. The most common are Sofradex, Otipax, Otofa and their analogues.
  2. Antibiotics for oral and injection use. These funds are usually prescribed if drops and topical treatment in general are not effective enough. Usually drugs based on amoxicillin are used, the course lasts one to two weeks.

If prolonged use of antibiotics is required, a course of prebiotics may be required after their use, which help restore the microflora. You should not interrupt the course of treatment, even if you immediately feel better, this can lead to a severe relapse.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment with folk medicines for otitis is usually not recommended, it is easy to provoke complications of the disease. Nothing should be dripped into the ears, except for special preparations. Especially forbidden is pure alcohol, garlic or onion juice, which can provoke severe irritation.

With otitis media, it is recommended to use folk remedies to help the body cope with the infection from the inside. For example, it is advised to drink an infusion of chamomile, for one glass of boiling water you need to take one spoonful of herbs, insist for half an hour.

If otitis media causes a sore throat, you should gargle with saline solution to prevent the infection from spreading. For a glass of warm water, you need one spoon of sea salt, rinse at least twice a day.

In general, the prognosis for otitis externa is favorable. It is important to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician in order to prevent the development of complications and relapses of an infectious disease.

Otolaryngological disease, which is characterized by the presence of inflammation of the outer ear, anatomically consisting of the auricle, eardrum and auditory canal, is called external (external) otitis media.

7-12 years old is the age group in which this pathology occurs most often. This is due to the fact that they have insufficiently developed both general and local immunity, and also because of the structural features of the child's ear. External otitis is an occupational disease for such groups of people as swimmers, drivers.

Classification of otitis externa depending on the origin:

  1. Otitis media of an infectious nature (streptococci, staphylococci, Candida or Aspergillus fungi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa).
  2. non-infectious nature.

Classification depending on the form of the disease:

  1. Limited.
  2. diffuse.
  3. Perichondritis.
  4. Eczematous skin lesions of the external ear.
  5. Otomycoses.

Causes of otitis externa

There are many factors that can lead to otitis externa. Let's divide them conditionally into several groups:

  1. Improper ear hygiene:
    • Cleaning the ear canals with objects not intended for these purposes (matches, toothpicks).
    • Poor ear care.
    • Deep cleaning of the ears (infection is possible).
    • Very frequent cleaning of the ear canal.
  2. Ingress of water and any foreign bodies into the ear cavity.
  3. When the formation of earwax is disturbed (if it is not secreted enough, then the protective mechanisms of the ear will decrease, but if it is in excess, sulfur plugs can form, an infection can get into the ear).
  4. Decrease in general and local immunity (chronic diseases, frequent infections, hypothermia, AIDS, diabetes mellitus).
  5. In the presence of infectious diseases of neighboring organs, secondary otitis occurs (with mumps, furunculosis, carbunculosis).
  6. Skin diseases (eczema).
  7. Medications (antibiotics, cytostatics).
  8. The presence of other risk factors (childhood, chronic otitis media, anatomically narrow ear canal).

Symptoms of otitis externa

The clinic of external otitis will directly depend on the form of the disease, but the leading symptoms of external otitis can be distinguished:

  • Acute ear pain.
  • Otorrhoea with purulent contents.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes of the parotid region.
  • Intense pain on contact with the tragus or auricle.

Clinic of limited otitis media

It is observed when purulent inflammation occurs - a boil.

  1. Hyperemia and swelling of the ear wall.
  2. Increased body temperature.
  3. Acute ear pain radiating to the neck, jaw.
  4. Significant increase in pain when chewing, pressing or moving the auricle.
  5. General disturbance of the patient's condition.
  6. The presence of a furuncle.

Symptoms of diffuse external otitis media

A distinctive feature will be inflammation of the entire auditory canal.


  1. Itchy sensations.
  2. Purulent otorrhea.
  3. Pain when trying to press on the ear canal.
  4. Slight pain in the ear.
  5. Edema of the ear canal itself.
  6. Symptoms of intoxication (fever, apathy).

Perichondritis clinic

Occurs when the cartilage of the auricle becomes inflamed (after an injury).


  1. Pain syndrome.
  2. Swollen auricle and lobe.
  3. Lots of pus in the ear. Therefore, on palpation, a cavity filled with liquid is felt.
  4. The gradual increase in pain, when touching the ear becomes unbearable.
  5. Violation of general well-being (weakness, fever).

Symptoms of otomycosis

It is an infectious disease of the ear that occurs when molds appear on the walls of the eardrum and the external auditory canal.

Therapy of limited external otitis media

First, we treat the affected area (silver nitrate is used). Next, we take boric acid and glycerin in equal proportions, dip a cotton turunda and insert it into the ear, you can also use ointments for this purpose. After carrying out this procedure, drops with an antibiotic (Polydex, Otofa) should be dripped into the ears.

To eliminate pain, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs (paracetamol, ibuprofen) are used. In some cases, an autopsy of the boil is indicated, followed by surface treatment with an antibiotic and antiseptic.

Sometimes (with multiple furunculosis), the doctor prescribes oral antibacterial drugs (augmentin, amoxicillin, cefazolin). As additional methods, UV and UHF therapy are used. Vitamins are also used to increase the body's resistance.

Treatment of diffuse form of otitis externa

Similarly, as with a limited form, we introduce a turunda into the ear with an ointment that contains a hormonal component, or with Burov's ointment. Antibiotic ear drops are prescribed. Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory drugs (nurofen, acetylsalicylic acid), a complex of vitamins, preparations for the correction of immunity are used.

In the presence of purulent discharge from the ear, the external auditory canal is washed. To do this, use the jet injection of a solution of furacilin. Additionally, microwave, UHF therapy is used.

In severe cases of the disease, autohemotherapy is used (blood is taken from a vein and injected intramuscularly, that is, they are treated with their own blood). Self-treatment of the disease without consulting and monitoring a doctor threatens with serious consequences and complications.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of otitis externa

Otitis externa is an infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the skin lining the external auditory canal. The most common causative agent of this disease is Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

This disease has several varieties: otitis externa can be simple, malignant, diffuse and fungal.

According to statistics, otitis externa affects up to 10% of the world's population. However, most of the cases are children under the age of 5 years. Otitis externa is often referred to as swimmer's ear. This is due to the fact that the peak incidence occurs in the summer swimming season.

Symptoms of otitis externa

Among the symptoms of external otitis, it is customary to pay attention to the following:

The appearance of pain in the ear, with varying intensity. Unpleasant sensations tend to intensify when pressure is applied to the tragus. Also, the pain increases if the patient is pulled by the ear. The tragus is a process of cartilage that limits the ear canal.

Patients often complain of a feeling of ear congestion.

The appearance of discharge from the ear canal. Sometimes they are just purulent, and sometimes blood streaks can be observed in them.

Hearing loss occurs. Often, patients report a sensation of water in the ear.

The ear swells quite strongly, which makes it impossible for the patient to use earplugs.

An unpleasant odor may come from the ear.

The general well-being is often disturbed, this happens against the background of an increase in body temperature. Sometimes it rises to high values, up to 39 degrees and even higher.

The ear itself becomes inflamed and often increases in size.

The external auditory meatus is often covered with red small pimples, sometimes with scratches or boils.

Causes of otitis externa

Among the reasons leading to the development of otitis externa are the following:

Excessive and improper hygiene of the ear canal. If, during the toilet of the ear, sulfur is cleaned from the depths of the passage itself, and not just from the auricle, then this increases the risk of developing the disease. This fact is connected with the fact that sulfur is a protective lubricant of natural origin and has antibacterial properties. Its absence becomes a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria and fungi.

Microtrauma of the ear resulting from improper care of it, or through negligence.

Dirty water in the ear. Most often this happens while swimming in ponds in the summer. But swimming in pools with chlorinated water often leads to irritation in the ear. This becomes the cause that provokes the development of the disease. Against the background of this condition, bacteria that are always in the ear canal exhibit pathogenic activity.

Excessive sweating, excessive humidity or dryness of the air.

Frequent stresses that reduce the body's defenses.

Other types of otitis - purulent, chronic.

Impact of any aggressive substances on the ear cavity.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

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Diffuse otitis externa

Diffuse otitis is characterized by certain symptoms and clinical picture. Manifestations of the disease begin with the fact that a person feels severe itching in the ear and bursting pain. These signs occur against the background of elevated body temperature. The pain at the same time gives to that half of the head where the inflammation is located. It intensifies when a person makes chewing movements. At this time, the person has difficulty falling asleep and eating. The ear canal itself is very swollen, which causes hearing loss.

The discharge is not abundant, at the initial stage of the development of the disease they are serous, then they become purulent. Against the background of ongoing diffuse otitis media, adjacent lymph nodes increase.

If the disease is severe, then both the auricle and the soft tissues surrounding the ear are involved in the pathological process.

The duration of the acute phase averages 2 weeks. If treatment is started promptly, then the disease is eliminated. If therapy is inadequate, then diffuse otitis media takes a chronic form. This is fraught with scarring and severe hearing loss.

During otoscopy of a patient with diffuse otitis externa, a doctor observes edematous and reddened skin of the ear canal, multiple small erosions covered with serous contents. If the patient is treated in an advanced stage, then the site of inflammation swells strongly, ulcers and cracks form inside the ear canal. The discharge from them is purulent, has a greenish tint. The patient suffers from hearing loss, which is clearly visible during audiometry.

Diffuse otitis requires the appointment of antibacterial drugs, as well as a complex of vitamins and antihistamines. If necessary, immunomodulators are prescribed. Topical treatment in the form of ear washing and the use of antimicrobial drops is also indicated.

Treatment of otitis externa in adults

Otitis externa in adults is treated by an otolaryngologist. Mostly it comes down to local therapy. The patient is prescribed drops containing an antibiotic and hormones. This contributes to the fact that not only inflammation is removed, but edema is also reduced. It is unacceptable to use drops on your own. Before starting treatment, the patient should be examined by a doctor. This is due to the fact that most of the funds have a contraindication for use in perforation of the eardrum. Self-medication can lead to permanent hearing loss and worsening of symptoms.

For therapy, a significant point is to carry out a competent ear toilet. It must be carefully cleaned by the doctor of the contents, which will allow the drug to act more accurately. This will increase the effectiveness of treatment and significantly reduce its time.

If a person experiences severe pain that is not relieved by the introduction of local anti-inflammatory drops, then painkillers, such as Ibuprofen, can additionally be used. To quickly relieve pain and swelling will help turunda from cotton wool with a drug applied to it. Painkillers are prescribed, as a rule, in the first three days from the start of therapy.

If the disease is severe and does not respond to local treatment, oral antibiotics are indicated. This must be done with a prolonged increase in body temperature.

If the treatment was not prescribed on time, then this can lead to serious consequences. External otitis becomes chronic and often recurs, reducing the quality of life of the patient. Also, the infection tends to spread, involving the lymph nodes, cartilage of the auricle and the auricle itself in the pathological process. The most severe complication is expressed in the development of necrotizing otitis media, which provokes mastoiditis, thrombosis of the jugular vein, osteomyelitis, meningitis. Therefore, therapy should be prescribed in a timely manner, and when the first symptoms of the disease are detected, it is worth seeking help from a specialist as soon as possible.

For the treatment of otitis externa, the following drops are most often used:

Sofradex. They have a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Able to relieve puffiness. Since the remedy contains hormones, it should be used in the exact dosage prescribed by the doctor. Sometimes, after using the product, allergic reactions may develop, manifesting in the form of irritation and itching. Do not use during gestation, infants, people with kidney and liver pathologies.

Otipax is a popular drug for the treatment of otitis externa. Able to quickly and effectively relieve pain, swelling and inflammation. Approved for use in pregnant women and even infants. It is especially effective if applied at the initial stage of the development of the disease. However, it should not be used before otoscopy, as it is contraindicated in perforation of the eardrum.

Normax - drops with antimicrobial action, often prescribed for otitis externa. It has some side effects, among which the most common are the occurrence of rashes, the appearance of a burning sensation and itching in the ear. If after using the drops there is a side effect, it is worth canceling the drug and contacting an otolaryngologist for advice.

Kanibiotic. These drops are also prescribed to eliminate otitis externa. It is effective in that it contains several antibiotics that have a bactericidal effect on a wide range of bacteria that cause the disease. In addition, the tool is supplemented with an antifungal component. However, drops can not be used during pregnancy and in childhood, up to 6 years. May cause allergic reactions.

If the drops do not have the desired effect on the course of otitis externa, then they are supplemented with the following oral antibiotics:

Although external otitis with timely treatment lends itself well to therapeutic effects, it is better not to allow the disease. To do this, it is enough to avoid ear injuries, carefully and carefully carry out its hygiene. While swimming, you should try to avoid getting water into it, which is especially true for rivers and lakes. If there is a foreign body in the ear canal, do not try to remove it yourself. These recommendations will help to avoid the development of otitis externa.

Otitis externa

Otitis externa is a fairly common disease affecting outer ear. The latter has two components: auricle And external auditory canal .

There are many diseases of the external ear, both non-infectious ( fungal infection , ear canal eczema , sulfur plugs , bony growths of the ear canal ), and infectious. These include otitis externa and its clinical manifestations - furuncle and extensive inflammation of the external auditory canal, herpes of the auricle, inflammation of the ear cartilage, etc. can also occur.

Furuncles of the external auditory canal are inflammations of the sebaceous gland and / or hair follicle of a purulent nature.

Everyone can get otitis externa, at risk are athletes involved in any kind of water sports, as well as those who have reduced immunity. The main cause of otitis externa is the bacterial flora, which can manifest itself as a result of a decrease in immunity, as well as microtraumas of the ear canal. The disease also occurs when the prevention of otitis externa is not observed. Also, during swimming, water can enter the external auditory canal, which can lead to the onset of the disease. The causative agent, if it comes into contact with the moistened skin of the ear, can lead to the development of inflammation. Furuncles of the ear canal occur due to penetration through the skin staphylococci which to a large extent can contribute to hypothermia, a sharp decrease in immunity or infectious diseases.

Symptoms of otitis externa

Specific symptoms of otitis externa:

  • swelling of the skin ear canal;
  • pain when pressing on the auricle;
  • pain can also increase when chewing, sometimes itching;
  • redness of the ear canal;
  • ear congestion;
  • slight increase in body temperature.

It should be noted that hearing in otitis externa is usually not impaired. Only in very rare cases, when a very strong edema leads to a narrowing of the ear canal, can it be reduced.

There are two types of otitis externa: limited , And diffuse . The first is manifested in the form of inflammation hair follicle. And the second type is when inflammation affects the entire ear canal. With limited otitis, a person may not even realize that he is sick, because. the main symptom here is pain that appears when talking or chewing. Diffuse otitis externa is bacterial , fungal And allergic , and it is caused by inflammation, which is caused by streptococci , epidermal staphylococci , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , candida mushrooms , aspergillus . Streptococci enter the body through microcracks in the skin, the body temperature rises, the auricle becomes red. Symptoms of external otitis in this case: pain and itching in the ear, purulent discharge of an unpleasant odor is possible.

Diagnosis of otitis externa

The diagnosis of "otitis externa" is made by a doctor - otolaryngologist. It is better not to engage in self-diagnosis, because. you can be wrong. The doctor performs an instrumental examination of the ear ( otoscopy ), may prescribe a study of microflora. On examination, there is redness and swelling of the ear canal. If inflammation spreads to eardrum , then there may be a clear discharge from the ear.

Treatment of otitis externa

Usually the doctor prescribes an appointment in the ear canal turund from gauze with antibacterial ointment, for example, with Flucinar or Celestoderm warm compresses. In the inflammatory process, special ear drops should also be used, which include antibiotics , For example, ciprofloxacin , ofloxacin And norfloxacin . A complete diagnosis of otitis externa is mandatory, the cause of the infection that caused the inflammation is determined, and, based on this, a therapeutic ointment will be prescribed. Useful regular hygiene of the external auditory canal, washing with a solution boric acid or Furacilina , and with itching - instillation in the ear menthol in peach oil .

If you are concerned about the furuncle of the ear canal, then for a start the doctor will cauterize the top of the boil iodine or boric alcohol, after which the pus will be removed with a small incision. It is not recommended to do cauterization on your own, there is a possibility of spreading purulent contents. Painful symptoms of otitis externa are relieved with painkillers and warmth. Also, to increase immunity, it can be prescribed vitamin therapy And physiotherapy (UHF currents, helium-neon laser therapy). Subject to all the doctor's recommendations, otitis externa disappears in a week. In complicated cases, otitis externa is treated in a hospital. All medicines are prescribed by a doctor, categorically self-medication is unacceptable.

Prevention of otitis externa

Basically, the prevention of otitis externa involves only following simple and understandable rules. Water entering the ears while swimming and retaining it there can be one of the causes of the onset of the disease, so you need to protect your ears from getting water into them while swimming. Improper use of personal hygiene items can lead to illness. So, with great care, you should clean your ears with cotton swabs, because their improper use can lead to injury.

Treatment of external (external) otitis media

Of all the inflammatory diseases of the ear system, otitis externa is the simplest, both in terms of its treatment and the absence of complications.

The outer ear, in addition to the auricle itself, is understood as the external auditory meatus, having a length of 2.5-3.5 cm. For each person, it is characterized by an individual curved structure and a variable diameter. The narrowest point at the end of the ear canal is at the eardrum. In its section, it resembles an oval rather than a circle. The general direction of travel is down and forward.

Symptoms and Causes

Symptomatic manifestations of otitis externa are determined by the form of the disease.

According to the method of localization, external otitis is divided into:

According to the nature of the course, otitis media is distinguished:

Symptomatically classified into:

Diffuse otitis externa

Diffuse or, in other words, non-punctate form of otitis media is characterized by subcutaneous inflammation spreading along the auditory canal. It may occur:

  • from numerous damages (scratches),
  • against the background of pathological changes in the skin of the ear canal (eg, eczema),
  • as a result of skin irritation of the passage with water, drugs.

This type of otitis externa is often referred to as "swimmer's ear". people who spend a significant amount of time in the water are more likely to suffer from it.

The ear canal is lined with tiny glands of two types:

  1. Producing fatty secretion
  2. Sulfur secretion

The sebaceous glands lubricate the skin of the ear canal, make it elastic, and protect it from cracking.

In the swimmer's ear, due to the private presence of water in it, both fatty and sulfuric secretions are washed out beyond measure, which leads to a dilution of the natural environment of the auditory canal. As a result:

  • the resistance of the skin to mechanical and chemical influences decreases;
  • the toxic properties of the ear canal environment for harmful microorganisms are reduced.

Together, both factors lead to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the skin of the ear canal, which causes a diffuse external form of otitis media.

  • Itching, redness and swelling of the ear canal.
  • Great hot sensation in outer ear.
  • Slight hearing loss due to narrowing of the ear canal.
  • There may be mild pain.
  • Residual discharge from the ear.

Limited otitis externa

Unlike the diffuse form, the limited form of external otitis is localized at a certain point in the ear canal - at the location of the hair follicle (of which there are many in any ear canal) or the sebaceous gland.

There are two types of punctate external otitis media:

  • Inflammation of the hair follicle
  • Blockage of the duct of the sebaceous gland

1. In the first case, a purulent abscess occurs, which can be either small or extensive. The aging of the boil lasts about a week, after which it self-opens. Symptoms may not be obvious. For a large boil:

  • Feeling of itching, increasing towards the end of the week.
  • Possible symptom of pain.
  • The pain is palpable when massaging the ear and parotid region.
  • Isolation of the contents of the boil when it is opened.

2. Blockage of the sebaceous gland duct leads to thickening and swelling of the wall of the external passage. Additional symptoms may not occur for a long time or never. But in some cases, the closure of the passage of the sebaceous gland leads to the formation of an extensive boil.

The causes of both types are not fully determined. There is a point of view that furunculosis, as a systemic disease that manifests itself throughout the body, occurs against the background of malnutrition and reduced immunity.

Acute otitis externa

When the onset and development of external otitis occurs abruptly with pronounced symptoms, they speak of an acute course of the disease. In this case, the symptoms increase rapidly, reach their peak, and then decrease at the same rate.

Chronic otitis externa

It is customary to talk about the chronic form of otitis externa if the problem in the ear canal occurs more often 2-3 times a year, as well as in cases where acute inflammation turns into a process with slow dynamics. For example, a boil can boil several times in a row. Typical chronicity of otitis externa is observed in people with swimmer's ear syndrome, with a tendency to dermatological diseases.

Purulent otitis externa

Purulent discharge is not always present in the external form of otitis media. Firstly, the boil may not be so large that suppuration from the ear canal becomes clearly noticeable. Secondly, the discharge is not necessarily purulent. For example, with a fungal infection, the secreted substance has a light-colored curdled consistency.

Abundant purulent discharge always requires additional study of the course of the disease.

The basis of the treatment of external otitis is a local effect on the ear canal, aimed at preventing the spread of infection.

1. Ear drops with a disinfecting effect:

3. The fungal form of otitis involves the use of special agents in liquid form:

With suppuration, the discharge is first removed with a cotton swab. The ear canal is then washed with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, 1 ml of a peroxide solution is drawn into a syringe without a needle. The entire volume is poured into the ear canal. After 3 minutes, the ear is emptied, cleaned with a cotton swab. Repeat 3-4 times in a row.

After washing with peroxide, one of the antibiotic or antifungal drugs is instilled into the ear.

In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to open the boil surgically.

Often, for the treatment of external otitis media, so-called traditional medicine is used. Juices and infusions of many plants have a disinfecting, anti-inflammatory and normalizing effect on cells. The following are considered effective:

  • Aloe (use plant juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1)
  • Geranium
  • Chamomile
  • Calendula
  • Mullein
  • St. John's wort (all in the form of an infusion)

The infusion is made at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. herbal dry raw materials in half a glass of hot water. The solution is infused for 2 hours. Drip a few drops into the aching ear.

Even though the plants seem to be safe, they can also cause skin irritation if used frequently. 2 times a day is enough.


Basic rules for avoiding otitis externa:

  1. Limit your time in the water. This applies not only to swimming, but also to daily bathing. Water must not enter the ear canal.
  2. Do not use matches, cotton swabs and other improvised means to clean the ear canal. The only thing that can penetrate the ear is the little finger of the hand.
  3. Don't get cold.
  4. A significant contribution to the development of furunculosis is made by malnutrition. In this connection, it may be recommended to change the diet and the method of preparation of products.

Symptoms and treatment of otitis externa

Otitis externa is an inflammatory process that occurs in the auricle, eardrum and ear canal. The causative agents of pathological changes in the outer ear are fungal and bacterial microorganisms, the metabolites of which provoke inflammation and swelling of the tissues. Provocateurs of catarrhal processes can be microtraumas of the outer ear, a decrease in the reactivity of the immune system and general infections. With the progression of the disease, hyperemia of the affected skin and exudation from the ear canal are observed.

The key reason for the development of external otitis is an infection that occurs due to the multiplication of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci, pneumococci, aspergillus and other microorganisms in the ear canal. Small abrasions, ulcers and scratches in the auricle can provoke their penetration into tissues. Favorable conditions for the reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms appear when the acidic environment is washed out of the ear, which is possible when water flows into the ear canal.

Factors contributing to infection include:

  • regular cleaning of the ears with cotton swabs;
  • insufficient production of sulfur by the ear glands;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • immune defects and hypothermia;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • hypovitaminosis and allergic reactions.

The main symptom of the development of otitis externa is pain that occurs during palpation of the auricle and tragus, as well as narrowing of the ear canal, provoked by swelling of the tissues.

The severity of symptoms largely depends on the type of pathology, which can occur in an acute or sluggish form.

Timely treatment of ENT disease prevents the spread of foci of inflammation and damage to the main parts of the middle and inner ear.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of otitis externa are not limited to reddening of the skin in the ear canal and its slit-like
constriction. In about 45% of cases, the signs of the disease are mild, so patients are in no hurry to seek help from an otolaryngologist. This contributes to the spread of infection and damage to healthy tissues of the middle ear, resulting in complications such as choleostomy, mastoiditis, perforation of the eardrum, etc.

In the case of the development of acute external otitis media, the symptoms of the manifestation of the disease will be:

  • itching and skin irritation;
  • throbbing pains;
  • swelling of the ear canal;
  • a feeling of congestion;
  • serous discharge;
  • hearing loss;
  • hyperthermia;
  • swelling of the parotid lymph nodes.

If the inflammation is provoked by microbes, a furuncle may form in the ear canal. The occurrence of purulent-necrotic lesions of the hair follicle is evidenced by pain that appears during palpation of the auricle.

Symptoms of chronic otitis externa are mild, so inflammatory processes in the tissues can occur for several years. As a rule, the disease occurs due to inadequate treatment of the acute form of otitis media. With the development of pathology, the following clinical manifestations are observed:

  • itching in the ear canal;
  • ear discomfort;
  • thickening of the skin in the outer ear;
  • leakage of exudate from the ear;
  • no sulfur secretions.

Due to the compaction of tissues and their edema, the development of stenosis is possible, i.e. blockage of the auditory canal, as a result of which serous fluid begins to accumulate in the ear cavity.

Types of otitis media

In otolaryngology, acute and chronic otitis externa are conventionally divided into two types. The type of pathology is determined by the prevalence of inflammatory processes and concomitant symptoms. This division allows you to determine the optimal course of treatment that allows you to stop catarrhal processes in the auricle:

  1. diffuse otitis media - a generalized inflammation of the tragus of the ear, ear canal, auricle and tympanic membrane. The key reason for the development of the disease is erysipelas, which is provoked by streptococci. In addition, the pathology can be caused by a fungal infection or an allergy. With the progression of pathological processes in the ear, a bubble rash appears, which provokes itching;
  2. limited otitis media - an inflammatory process in the hair follicle, which leads to the formation of a boil. An abscess does not always appear in a conspicuous place, however, its presence is signaled by pain that appears in the process of chewing food, palpation of the auricle and sneezing. Within 4-5 days, the symptoms of inflammation of the outer ear subside, due to the evacuation of pus from the follicle.

In case of partial or complete blockage of the external auditory canal, pus flowing from the boil can enter the middle ear. Bacteria in purulent exudate can provoke inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tympanic cavity, which is fraught with the development of otitis media.

Medical therapy

For the treatment of acute otitis externa, mainly topical preparations are used. You can stop swelling, itching and inflammation in the ear canal with the help of glucocorticosteroids, analgesics and antiallergic drugs. To eliminate the very cause of inflammation, i.e. microbes or fungus, antimycotic and antimicrobial drugs are used.

The scheme of local therapy of acute otitis externa includes the following types of medications:

  • antibacterial drops ("Normax", "Polydex") - inhibit the development of pathogenic bacteria by inhibiting the synthesis of the cell membrane of pathogens;
  • antiseptic solutions ("Chlorhexidine", "Miramistin") - disinfect the foci of inflammation, as a result of which the process of epithelization of the affected tissues is accelerated;
  • glucocorticosteroid ointments ("Akriderm", "Triderm") - relieve inflammation and swelling, due to which the drainage and ventilation functions of the auditory canal are normalized;
  • antifungal ointments ("Miconazole", "Clotrimazole") - kill fungal microorganisms, the metabolites of which provoke inflammatory processes in the external auditory canal;
  • NSAIDs ("Ibuklin", "Nise") - stop catarrhal inflammation and eliminate pain, which leads to relief of symptoms of ENT pathology;
  • antihistamines ("Cetirizine", "Telfast") - inhibit the synthesis of inflammatory mediators, which helps to eliminate hyperemia and swelling in the ear canal;
  • alkaline drops ("Liquid Burov", "Furotalgin") - increase the level of acidity in the outer ear, thereby increasing the reactivity of local immunity;
  • analgesics ("Ketanov", "Ibuprofen") - stop throbbing or aching pain, which prevents its irradiation into the ear.

The choice of specific types of drugs for the treatment of the disease should be carried out by an ENT doctor. In many ways, it depends on the etiological factors that provoked the development of otitis externa.

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapeutic procedures in the treatment of inflammation of the external ear are recommended to be combined with drug therapy. The combined approach allows you to quickly achieve the desired therapeutic results and prevent the spread of inflammation to the inner parts of the ear. To stop catarrhal processes and improve tissue trophism, the following methods of physiotherapy treatment can be used:

  • UHF therapy is a procedure based on the use of high frequency currents that improve blood circulation in tissues and promote their regeneration;
  • UV therapy - exposure to inflammatory foci with ultraviolet radiation, which has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • autohemotherapy - treatment of inflammatory processes with the patient's blood, which is injected subcutaneously. Contributes to the relief of symptoms of diffuse otitis media and furunculosis.

Warming treatments may be used to relieve the symptoms of otitis externa. However, their use is strictly prohibited in the presence of purulent exudate in the ear canal.

Warming up the foci of inflammation, in which bacteria are present, stimulates their reproduction, which is fraught with serious complications.

Treatment of otitis externa in adults and children

Otitis externa is an inflammatory disease that causes pain and purulent discharge. It affects adults of all age categories and children mainly 7-12 years old. Rarely passes into the chronic form, no more than 5% of all cases of the disease.

What causes

Inflammation of the external auditory canal occurs against the background of two types of factors:

  • infectious - pathogens become the cause of the disease: staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, fungi, streptococcus;
  • non-infectious - the cause is external factors of a non-infectious nature.

Non-infectious causes include:

  • improper ear hygiene, lack of care and excessively deep cleaning;
  • violation of the functions responsible for the production of earwax, which leads to its excess or lack;
  • frequent exposure to water on the ear cavity;
  • foreign body, trauma;
  • decreased immunity;
  • infectious diseases of other body systems;
  • chronic otitis media;
  • taking medications of a certain group (antibiotics, antidepressants);
  • dermatological diseases.

In children, otitis occurs with congenital pathologies of the ears or nasopharynx, underdevelopment of the Eustachian tube.

Other provoking factors include:

  • work or living in conditions of high humidity and temperature;
  • narrow ear canal;
  • allergic reactions;
  • stress;
  • avitaminosis;
  • malnutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • hypothermia.

Varieties of pathology, features

There are two types of otitis externa:

Limited otitis is characterized by inflammation of the hair follicle. A feature is hidden symptoms, it is possible to diagnose the disease by pain. There are no other signs.

External diffuse otitis is divided into three types: bacterial, allergic and fungal. A feature of the pathology is the formation of pus in the ear cavity, the release of exudate and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Self-diagnosis by symptoms

The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • severe pain in or around the ear;
  • pain when pressing on the auricle or tragus;
  • feeling of congestion;
  • discharge of pus;
  • hearing loss.

Limited otitis of the external ear begins with the onset of acute pain, a feeling of pulsation is felt, which is aggravated by chewing and movements. Hearing is not reduced, violations occur when the ear canal is blocked. There is swelling of the skin on one side, a furuncle occurs. After a few days, it opens, pus appears.

Diffuse otitis media of the external auditory canal is characterized by the appearance of minor pain in the auditory canal, which is replaced by severe itching. Body temperature may rise to subrefil values, but more often remains normal. With a large edema, hearing loss occurs, there is a feeling of pressure. There is redness and thickening of the skin inside the ear canal, swelling. If the inflammatory process extends to the eardrum, purulent discharge occurs.

Pathology treatment methods

Otitis media requires complex treatment:

  • antibiotic therapy and drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • therapy with traditional medicine;
  • support of immunity, treatment of beriberi;
  • treatment of infectious and viral diseases;
  • treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx.

Medical therapy

Antibiotics for otitis externa are the main treatment. Their action is aimed at eliminating the infection and stopping the pain syndrome. Drops are mainly prescribed for instillation into the ears. They contain painkillers that are activated immediately after the use of the drug.

Acute otitis externa requires treatment with one of the following drugs:

  • Anauran - the composition contains polymyxin and neomycin, related to strong antibiotics, as well as the anesthetic lidocaine;
  • Garazon - contains a powerful antibiotic gentamicin and betamethasone;
  • Otinum - the active substance is holima salicylate;
  • Otofa - used to suppress streptococci and staphylococci.

Proper Care

To cure external otitis media and the symptoms began to bother the patient less, hygiene rules are required:

  1. Do not use sharp objects to clean the ears: toothpicks, needles, knitting needles. Damage to the ear canal leads to the appearance of a wound that creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogens.
  2. Acute diffuse otitis externa often occurs when inappropriate objects are used to clean the ears, and an infectious bacillus is brought into the ear with it.
  3. Regular, but not excessively frequent cleaning of the ear cavity helps to remove residual wax and impurities. Hygiene should be carried out up to 2 times a week. For cleaning, use special cotton swabs; in children under one year old, cleansing is carried out with cotton flagella. You can't go deep with chopsticks. Sulfur and dirt are on the surface of the ear canal, no more than 1 cm deep.
  4. During water procedures, protect your ears from water. Treatment of otitis externa is often required for people who regularly stay in conditions of high humidity.

Physiotherapy treatment

If the patient has otitis externa and complex treatment is required, the doctor prescribes physiotherapy. UV therapy has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended for adults and children with reduced protective functions of the body.

UHF therapy accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, promotes rapid healing of the injured area of ​​the skin of the ear cavity. It is not used to treat children.


Treatment of external acute otitis media in adults is supplemented by the use of traditional medicine. It is recommended to select prescriptions together with a doctor in order to determine the product approved for use.

  • Propolis. Moisten a piece of cotton wool in propolis, lay it in a sore ear and keep it throughout the day. Propolis has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, increases the protective functions of the body.
  • Onion. Squeeze the juice from the onion, moisten a piece of cotton wool in it, put it in the ear for 8 hours. Natural antiseptics contained in this vegetable, effectively coping with the inflammatory process.
  • Vegetable oil. Vitamin E, contained in vegetable oil, accelerates skin regeneration, relieves inflammation. Cotton turunda is placed in a sore ear at night.
  • Geranium. Rinse a leaf of geranium well, crumple and place in the ear. This will relieve pain, accelerate the healing of injured skin.
  • Herbal decoctions. Mix equal proportions of calendula, chamomile, string, yarrow, currant and make decoctions for oral administration. Drinking half a glass of the drink daily can improve the functioning of the immune system.

Often patients have a question: is it possible to warm the ear with inflammation? Only an observing doctor can provide an answer, based on the characteristics of the course of the disease. There are two absolute contraindications to warm compresses: fever and suppuration. With the rapid reproduction of fungal or bacterial bacilli, which is typical for an advanced stage of pathology, it is also impossible to warm the ear.

The specifics of the treatment of children

In children, the symptoms and treatment of otitis externa have their own specifics. If adults can independently diagnose the disease and carry out therapy, then in young patients this is unacceptable. Otitis in a child should be shown to a doctor to exclude complications. This happens due to the underdevelopment of the hearing aid, unstable immunity.

Pathology occurs mainly against the background of other diseases. After suffering the flu or SARS, children often complain of ear pain. This is the first sign of otitis media, the treatment of which is urgent.

To exclude the development of inflammation, it is necessary to treat a runny nose in a timely manner, to increase the immunity of the child.

Another cause of the disease are adenoids. In stages 3 and 4 of the disease, they are removed. This will reduce the body's susceptibility to infectious and viral diseases.

Before treating a child, a thorough examination of the ear cavity is carried out. For drug therapy, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic drugs are prescribed.

Otitis externa is an inflammatory disease. The reasons for its occurrence is the penetration of bacterial rods and viruses. Pathology becomes a complication of otitis media, infectious diseases. Properly selected treatment guarantees a quick recovery without unpleasant consequences for the body.

Otitis externa

Otitis externa- inflammation of the external ear diffuse or limited. Limited external otitis is manifested by the formation of a furuncle with a pronounced pain syndrome in the stage of infiltration and the possibility of developing furunculosis when it is opened. Diffuse otitis externa is characterized by diffuse inflammation of the ear canal, which is accompanied by pain and swelling in the ear, serous, and then purulent discharge. For the purpose of diagnosing otitis externa, examination and palpation of the parotid region, otoscopy, audiometry, bacteriological discharge from the ear are performed. Therapeutic measures for otitis externa consist of washing the ear canal with antiseptics, putting turunda with drugs in it, conducting general antibiotic therapy, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating treatment.

Otitis externa

The outer ear is the peripheral part of the human auditory apparatus. It consists of the external auditory canal, which has cartilaginous and bony parts, and the auricle. The outer ear is separated from the middle ear cavity by the tympanic membrane. With local inflammation of the external auditory canal, they speak of limited external otitis media. It is a purulent-inflammatory process in the area of ​​​​the hair follicle - a furuncle. Diffuse inflammation of the ear canal, covering its cartilaginous and bone parts, in otolaryngology is called diffuse otitis externa. Diffuse otitis externa is characterized by inflammatory changes in both the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue of the ear canal, and may be accompanied by inflammation of the eardrum.

Causes of otitis externa

The cause of otitis externa is infection of the skin of the external auditory canal. The causative agent of limited external otitis is most often pyogenic staphylococcus aureus. Diffuse external otitis media can be caused by staphylococci, Haemophilus influenzae, pneumococci, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Moraxella, fungi of the genus Candida, and others. otitis, purulent labyrinthitis.

The penetration of the pathogen into the skin lining the external auditory canal is carried out in places of damage and microtrauma. In turn, injury to the skin of the ear canal is possible with an ear injury, the presence of a foreign body in it, the ingress of aggressive chemicals, improper ear hygiene, independent attempts to remove the sulfur plug, scratching the ear with itchy dermatosis (eczema, urticaria, atopic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis) and diabetes.

Occurrence of external otitis contributes to the constant moistening of the ear canal with water entering it, which leads to a decrease in the barrier function of the skin. A favorable background for the development of otitis externa is also a decrease in the overall defenses of the body, which is observed with beriberi, immunodeficiency states (for example, with HIV infection), chronic infections (tuberculosis, syphilis, chronic tonsillitis, chronic pyelonephritis), severe overwork (chronic fatigue syndrome). ).

Limited otitis externa

Symptoms of limited external otitis

In its development, limited otitis externa goes through the same stages as a boil on the surface of the skin. However, the closed space and abundant innervation of the auditory canal, in which the furuncle is located in otitis externa, determine some of the features of its clinical picture. Usually, localized otitis externa begins with a sensation of severe itching in the ear canal, which then develops into pain. An increase in the size of the ear furuncle in the stage of infiltration leads to compression of the nerve receptors and a rapid increase in pain.

Pain in the ear with limited otitis externa surpasses the pain in acute otitis media in its intensity. They radiate to the temple, back of the head, upper and lower jaw, capture the entire half of the head from the side of the diseased ear. There is an increase in pain when chewing, which in some cases makes a patient with otitis externa refuse to eat. Characterized by an increase in the intensity of pain at night, in connection with which there is a violation of sleep. Infiltration with limited external otitis can reach a significant volume. In this case, the furuncle completely blocks the lumen of the ear canal and leads to hearing loss (hearing loss).

The opening of the boil in otitis externa is accompanied by the outflow of pus from the ear and a sharp decrease in pain. However, when a boil is opened, other hair follicles of the ear canal are often seeded with the formation of multiple boils and the development of furunculosis, which is characterized by a persistent course and resistance to ongoing therapy. Multiple boils in otitis externa lead to complete obstruction of the ear canal and an increase in the clinical symptoms of the disease. Regional lymphadenitis develops. Perhaps the appearance of puffiness in the behind-the-ear region and protrusion of the auricle, which requires differentiation of external otitis media from mastoiditis.

Diagnosis of limited external otitis

First of all, the otolaryngologist performs an ear examination and otoscopy. During the examination, the doctor retracts the auricle, which, with external otitis media, leads to a sharp pain in the ear. The occurrence of pain when pressing on the tragus of the ear indicates the localization of limited external otitis media on the anterior wall of the ear canal. Sharp pain on palpation behind the ear indicates that the furuncle is located on the posterior-upper wall of the auditory canal. With external otitis in the region of the lower wall, palpation over the angle of the lower jaw is sharply painful.

Otoscopy with limited external otitis reveals the presence of a furuncle in the ear canal. In the initial stage of otitis externa, the furuncle looks like a red swelling. A mature furuncle practically covers the ear canal, after opening it, otoscopy reveals pus and the presence of a crater-shaped opening at the top of the infiltrate.

Audiometry and a hearing test with a tuning fork in patients with limited otitis externa determine the conductive type of hearing loss and the lateralization of sound conduction towards the affected ear. To determine the pathogen, a bacteriological culture of pus from the boil is carried out. Differentiate limited external otitis should be from other types of otitis media, mumps, mastoiditis, eczema of the outer ear.

Treatment of limited external otitis

In the stage of infiltration of limited otitis externa, the toilet of the outer ear is carried out and the affected area is treated with silver nitrate. Turunda with antibacterial ointment is introduced into the ear canal. The ear is instilled with ear drops containing an antibiotic (neomycin, ofloxacin, etc.). To relieve pain, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. It is possible to use UHF-therapy. A mature boil can be opened with an incision. After opening it, the external auditory canal is washed with solutions of antibiotics and antiseptics.

With external otitis with multiple boils, antibiotic therapy is indicated. When confirming the staphylococcal nature of otitis media, an antistaphylococcal toxoid or a vaccine is used. In order to increase immunity, vitamin therapy, immunocorrective treatment, UBI or ILBI procedures, and autohemotherapy are recommended.

Diffuse otitis externa

Symptoms of diffuse otitis externa

The diffuse form of otitis externa begins with a feeling of fullness, itching and fever in the ear canal. Very soon, a pain syndrome occurs, which is accompanied by irradiation of pain in the entire half of the head and its significant increase during chewing. Severe pain in diffuse otitis externa leads to sleep disturbance and anorexia. Significant swelling of the inflamed walls of the ear canal narrows its lumen and is the cause of hearing loss. Diffuse external otitis is accompanied by a small amount of discharge from the ear, which at the beginning are serous in nature, and then become purulent. There is an increase in regional lymph nodes. In severe cases of the disease, the inflammatory process may spread to the auricle and soft tissues of the parotid region.

The acute period of diffuse otitis externa lasts 2-3 weeks. Then, against the background of ongoing treatment or spontaneously, a decrease in the symptoms of the disease and a complete recovery of the patient can occur. Also, diffuse otitis externa can take a protracted course and become chronic. Chronic otitis externa is accompanied by scarring, which reduces the lumen of the ear canal and can cause permanent hearing loss.

Diagnosis of diffuse otitis externa

Severe pain when pressing on the tragus, pulling the auricle, palpation in the behind-the-ear region and above the angle of the upper jaw indicates diffuse inflammation of the auditory canal. Otoscopy with diffuse otitis externa reveals total redness and swelling of the skin lining the ear canal, the presence of erosions with serous discharge. In the later period of otitis externa, obstruction of the auditory canal is detected due to pronounced edema of its walls, ulcers and cracks are visualized, releasing greenish-yellow pus. Audiometry indicates the presence of conductive hearing loss. Lateralization of sound occurs to the diseased ear. Bacteriological examination of discharge from the ear allows you to verify the pathogen and establish its sensitivity to the main antibacterial drugs.

The differential diagnosis of diffuse otitis externa is carried out with purulent otitis media, erysipelas, acute eczema and furuncle of the ear canal.

Treatment of diffuse otitis externa

Therapy of diffuse otitis externa is carried out with the systemic use of antibiotics, multivitamins and antihistamines. If necessary, immunocorrective treatment is carried out. Local treatment of diffuse otitis externa consists in administering turundas with yellow mercury ointment, Burov's liquid, antibacterial and hormonal ointments into the ear canal, instillation of ear drops with antibiotics. The purulent nature of the discharge from the ear is an indication for washing the ear canal with antibiotic solutions.

Fungal otitis externa is treated with systemic and topical antifungal drugs.

Prevention of otitis externa

To prevent infection of the skin of the ear canal with the development of otitis externa, it is necessary to avoid scratching the auricle, injuring the ear and getting foreign bodies into it. When bathing, you should protect your ear from getting water into it. In no case should you try to remove the foreign body of the ear yourself, as this often leads to injury to the skin of the ear canal. You should not clean the ear from sulfur with objects not intended for this: a hairpin, a toothpick, a match, a paper clip, etc. The toilet of the ear should be done with a special ear stick to a depth of no more than 0.5-1 cm from the beginning of the ear canal.

Otitis externa. Causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease

The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious physician.

Anatomical features of the external auditory canal

  • Auricle. It is cartilage covered with skin. The only part of the auricle without cartilage is the lobe. In its thickness is adipose tissue. The auricle is attached to the skull by ligaments and muscles behind the temporomandibular joint. It has a characteristic shape, at its bottom there is a hole leading to the external auditory meatus. In the skin around it there are many sebaceous glands, it is covered with hairs, which are especially strongly developed in the elderly. They perform a protective function.
  • External auditory meatus. Connects the external opening located in the auricle with the cavity of the middle ear (tympanic cavity). It is a canal with a length of 2.5 cm, has a width of 0.7 - 1.0 cm. In the initial section, under the canal, there is a parotid salivary gland. This creates conditions for the spread of infection from the gland to the ear with mumps and from the ear to the tissue of the gland with otitis media. 2/3 of the external auditory meatus are located in the thickness of the temporal bone of the skull. Here the channel has the narrowest part - the isthmus. On the surface of the skin inside the passage there are many hairs, sebaceous and sulfur glands (which, in fact, are also altered sebaceous glands). They produce a secret that combines with dead skin cells and forms earwax. The latter helps to remove pathogens and foreign bodies from the ear. The evacuation of earwax from the external auditory canal occurs during chewing. If this process is disturbed, then an ear plug is formed, natural defense mechanisms are violated.

Causes of otitis externa

  • Infectious - caused by pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Non-infectious - caused by other causes, such as irritation or allergic reactions.

The most common causative agents of otitis externa:

Improper outer ear hygiene:

Violation of the formation of earwax:

Ingress of foreign bodies and water into the ears:

  • Foreign bodies, caught in the external auditory canal, injure the skin, cause its irritation, swelling. Conditions are created for the penetration of infection.

Reduced immunity and protective reactions:

  • hypothermia, the effect on the ear of a strong cold wind;
  • chronic and severe diseases leading to depletion of immune forces;
  • frequent infections;
  • immunodeficiency states: AIDS, congenital defects of immunity.

Infectious diseases of neighboring organs (secondary otitis):

  • Skin infections: furuncle, carbuncle, etc. The causative agents of the disease can enter the ear from pustules on the adjacent skin.

Taking certain medications:

  • Immunosuppressants and cytostatics- medicines that suppress the immune system. With their long-term use, the risk of developing otitis media and other infectious diseases increases.

Dermatological diseases

Symptoms of otitis externa

  • a process limited in area - an ear furuncle;
  • widespread purulent external otitis;
  • perichondritis (inflammation of the cartilage) of the auricle;
  • otomycosis - fungal infection of the outer ear;
  • eczema of the skin of the outer ear is the most common type of non-infectious otitis externa.

Classification of external otitis according to the duration of the course:

Furuncle of the external auditory canal

  • Acute severe pain in the ear, which gives to the jaw, neck, extends to the entire head.

Diffuse otitis externa

  • itching in the ear;
  • soreness with pressure in the area of ​​​​the external opening of the auditory canal;
  • swelling in the ear area, narrowing of the external opening of the ear canal;
  • discharge from the ear of pus;
  • increase in body temperature, a general violation of the condition.

In chronic diffuse otitis externa, the symptoms are mild, practically absent. The patient feels some discomfort in the ear area.

Erysipelatous inflammation of the ear

  • severe pain, itching in the ear;
  • swelling of the skin in the ear;
  • redness of the skin: it has clear contours, often captures the lobe;
  • increased skin temperature in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • the formation of vesicles on the skin with transparent contents - it is noted only in some cases;
  • increase in body temperature up to 39 - 40 ⁰C;
  • chills, headache, general malaise.

In mild cases, with an acute course of the disease and timely treatment, recovery occurs after 3 to 5 days. In severe cases, this type of otitis externa acquires a chronic undulating course.

  • All symptoms increase gradually, as the fungus grows into the skin and toxins accumulate.
  • Itching and pain in the ear. The patient may feel as if there is some kind of foreign body in the external ear canal.
  • Feeling of congestion.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Headache on affected side.
  • Films and crusts on the skin of the auricle - usually formed when Candida fungi are affected.
  • Discharge from the ears of different colors and textures, depending on the type of fungus.

Perichondritis of the auricle

  • Pain in the auricle or in the area of ​​​​the external auditory canal.
  • Ear swelling. It spreads throughout the auricle, captures the lobe.
  • Accumulation of pus in the ear. During palpation, a cavity with liquid is felt. Usually this symptom occurs after a few days, when the tissues of the ear are melted.
  • Increasing pain. Touching the ear becomes very painful.
  • Increased body temperature, general malaise.

If left untreated, perichondritis leads to purulent fusion of part of the auricle. Scars form, the ear decreases in size, wrinkles and becomes ugly. Its appearance has received in medicine the figurative name "wrestler's ear", since injuries most often occur in athletes involved in different types of wrestling.

Otitis externa: symptoms and treatment

Otitis externa - the main symptoms:

Otitis externa is a form of otitis media in which the external auditory meatus is subject to inflammation. Otitis externa, the symptoms of which depend on the type of inflammation (limited otitis media or diffuse, that is, common), is a fairly common disease that occurs in patients of any age group.

general description

Otitis externa, as already indicated, is a fairly common disease. Separately for him, there are risk groups that predispose to the development of this disease, in particular, people with low immunity, people involved in certain water sports (divers, synchronized swimmers, swimmers, etc.), people with chronic diseases fall into it. Severe complications in otitis externa do not appear, however, this disease becomes a serious factor that reduces the quality of life of patients, moreover, normal working capacity is lost during its manifestation. Given these features, it is extremely important to start treatment in a timely manner by seeking the help of a doctor.

With otitis externa, the outer ear becomes inflamed, including the external auditory canal, auricle, and eardrum. Basically, otitis externa develops as a result of exposure to bacteria, but other causes leading to the appearance of this disease are not excluded.

Statistics indicate that acute otitis externa annually becomes a problem for at least 5 people per 1,000 people worldwide. At the same time, about 3-5% suffer from this disease in a chronic form. The incidence is higher in the population living in a warm climate. With an anatomically narrow ear canal, the risk of developing otitis externa also increases. Women and men are equally affected by this disease. As for children, the main peak of incidence is observed in the age group within 7-12 years. It is caused, again, by those features that are characteristic of the structure of the ear in children, as well as the instability of protective mechanisms.

External auditory canal: anatomical features

In order to better understand everything related to the disease we are considering, it will not be superfluous to dwell on the anatomical features of the affected area, that is, on the anatomy of the external auditory canal.

The external auditory meatus acts as a direct continuation of the auricle. It looks like a canal, its diameter is 0.7 cm. In adults, the length of this canal is 2.5 cm, although some authors distinguish a longer length - about 3.5 cm. It is also indicated that approximately 2/3 of the canal is assigned to the cartilage and about 1/3 - to the bone department. The cartilaginous section acts as a continuation of the cartilage related to the auricle. If we denote in a more correct form the name of the department in question, then it is called the fibrocartilaginous department. This is explained by the fact that the lower and anterior walls in it are cartilaginous, while the posterior and upper walls are based on fibrous connective tissue. The anterior wall of the cartilaginous section has two vertical slits of connective tissue.

The cartilaginous section in the external auditory canal is connected to the bone section with the help of a round ligament, this ligament consists of connective tissue. In addition, given that this ligament has elasticity, the cartilaginous section is capable of stretching in width and length. Most likely, it is for this reason that there are controversial data regarding the length of the auditory meatus, which we indicated earlier. The bone section in the external auditory canal acts as a canal of the temporal bone, its distal end has a groove, in which the tympanic membrane is located. The skin, due to which the external auditory meatus is covered, adheres quite tightly to its walls, while soldering with the perichondrium and periosteum occurs.

The cartilaginous part of the ear canal is about 2 mm thick, it contains small hairs that prevent small particles from entering the ear. Hair follicles pass into the sebaceous glands. A feature of this department is the location of the sulfur glands in deeper layers. These glands have a tuboalveolar structure and are directly connected either to the upper third of the hair follicle or to the skin. They secrete a specific secret of a light yellow color, which, mixing with the detached part of the epithelium and with the discharge produced by the sebaceous glands, creates, thereby, earwax. Exit from the external auditory canal of sulfur is carried out during meals (when chewing). If this process is violated, a sulfur plug is formed, in addition, protective mechanisms are violated.

The outer ear also contains the tympanic membrane, which separates it from the tympanic cavity. The tympanic membrane is directly involved in the processes of conducting sounds, and also acts as a mechanical barrier in case of infection.

Otitis externa: causes

Otitis externa develops due to infection of the skin in the area of ​​​​the external auditory canal. The causative agent of a limited (local) form of otitis externa is often pyogenic staphylococcus aureus. Haemophilus influenzae, moraxella, pneumococci, Candida fungi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc., can also provoke the disease. Most often, the infection enters the ear canal during suppuration caused by perforation of the eardrum, which, in turn, is possible with purulent labyrinthitis or with purulent otitis media (acute or chronic).

The pathogen can get into that part of the skin, due to which the external auditory canal is lined, through areas of microtrauma and damage. The skin of the ear canal can be injured due to a foreign body entering the ear, due to trauma, due to improper ear hygiene, due to the ingress of aggressive substances (including chemicals), when trying to eliminate chamois on your own traffic jams. Also, the skin can be injured in the presence of diabetes mellitus or itchy forms of dermatosis (allergic dermatitis, urticaria, eczema, atopic dermatitis).

Otitis externa can be provoked by the already noted constant contact with water with constant hydration of the skin, which for this reason loses its barrier function. A favorable background for the development of the disease is the reduction of the body's defenses - the decrease in immunity that we also noted earlier. This is possible with immunodeficiency states (HIV infection), with beriberi, with a severe form of overwork (CFS - chronic fatigue syndrome), as well as with chronic infectious diseases (such as syphilis, chronic pyelonephritis, tuberculosis, chronic tonsillitis).

Limited external otitis: symptoms

Limited (local) otitis externa is accompanied by inflammation of the hair follicle and in its own development goes through stages similar to those that are relevant for a boil on the skin. Due to the special innervation present in the ear canal, and also due to the fact that the space in it is closed, the furuncle with otitis externa has its own characteristics of the clinical picture. As a rule, the disease begins with the appearance in the patient of a sensation of very strong itching that occurs in the ear canal, in the future, the itching is replaced by pain. Due to the fact that the boil increases in size during the stage of infiltration, nerve receptors are subject to compression, due to which the increase in pain manifests itself in an even more pronounced form.

The intensity of pain in the limited form of otitis externa is stronger than the pain in the acute form of otitis media. Pain from ear extends to occiput and temple, to lower and upper jaw. In general, there is a capture by pain of the head along that half of the head with which the diseased ear is located. The pain also intensifies while chewing food, which is why patients are often forced to refuse it. Another characteristic feature is the increase in pain at night, which, in turn, provokes sleep disturbances. With this form of otitis media, infiltration can reach significant volumes, the boil, while formed, completely covers the ear canal, which causes hearing loss - hearing loss.

When the boil is opened, pus flows out of the ear, followed by a sharp reduction in pain. Meanwhile, often the opening of the furuncle is accompanied by seeding in the ear canal of other follicles, due to which multiple boils are formed, and furunculosis develops. In turn, furunculosis proceeds in a long and persistent form, also characterized by resistance to the therapy being implemented in its address. With the formation of multiple boils in this case, there is a complete overlap of the auditory canal, the symptoms accompanying the disease appear in an enhanced form. Patients develop regional lymphadenitis, swelling may develop in the behind-the-ear region, due to which the auricle protrudes to a certain extent.

Diffuse otitis externa: symptoms

In this form, otitis externa is accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the ear canal, fever in it and itching. Subsequently, similarly to the previous considered form of the disease, a pain syndrome develops, in which the pain spreads over the entire half of the head, corresponding to the location of the affected ear. Increased pain also occurs when chewing. Due to severe pain in patients, sleep is disturbed, anorexia develops. Due to the narrowing of the lumen of the ear canal due to its inflamed walls, hearing is reduced. With this form of otitis media, a certain amount of discharge appears from the ear, first they are serous, then purulent. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged. If the disease is severe, then the inflammatory process can spread to the soft tissues of the parotid region and to the auricle.

The duration of the acute period of the disease in this form is about 2-3 weeks. Further, spontaneously or due to ongoing treatment, the symptoms may be reduced in their manifestations, resulting in recovery. At the same time, diffuse otitis media can also occur in a protracted form, subsequently transforming into a chronic form. If this happens, then against the background of the processes accompanying the disease, scars appear, which, in turn, lead to a narrowing of the ear canal. For this reason, hearing loss may become permanent for the patient.

Otitis externa: prevention

The main part of this paragraph is the correct order in carrying out hygiene procedures. With improper use of cotton swabs used for this, earwax may not be eliminated, but, on the contrary, tamped in the ear. In addition, improper cleaning can cause skin injury.

Given this, the recommendations of otolaryngologists come down to the rejection of self-cleaning of the ears with careful efforts in this. It is enough to remove the accumulation of sulfur in the ear canal at a maximum depth of 0.5-1 cm. It is also important to ensure that water does not get into the ears during bathing - this, like trauma, creates all the conditions for the development of the infectious process.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of otitis externa should be carried out by specialists and it does not present any difficulties. It is important to note the need for a diagnosis by a specialist, because, based on your own assumptions about this disease (which must be differentiated from similar ones in symptoms), you can make a mistake. Such errors lead to incorrect treatment, and this, in turn, causes an aggravation of the overall picture of the disease and irreversible processes in it (for example, the transition to a chronic form with scarring and hearing loss).

With regard to such a question as the treatment of external otitis, it is very often necessary to come across recommendations for installing turundas with certain medications (for example, boric alcohol). Such recommendations are in themselves incorrect. The fact is that if an aggressive and irritating substance in its effect enters the skin affected by the inflammatory process, it can cause a serious aggravation of the pain syndrome.

The only possible option, the implementation of which, again, is allowed on the basis of the doctor's recommendations, is the use of turundas with hormonal or antibacterial ointment. Among the recommendations, drugs such as triderm, flucinar, etc. can be identified. Ear drops can also be used, including their variants that include antibiotics (ofloxacin, norfloxacin, etc.).

As for pain, they can be eliminated with the help of painkillers for internal use (for example, ketans, etc.).

The development of a furuncle in the area of ​​​​the external passage requires a small laxative incision. It is important to add here that when trying to achieve the desired result on your own, you may encounter serious complications, one of which is the spread of pus to the temple area through the subcutaneous tissue. Given these features, when symptoms of otitis externa appear, it is necessary to contact an otolaryngologist (ENT).

If you think that you have Otitis externa and symptoms characteristic of this disease, then an otorhinolaryngologist can help you.

We also suggest using our online disease diagnostic service, which, based on the symptoms entered, selects probable diseases.

Otitis externa in adults and children - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The most striking symptoms of otitis externa are localized in the ear canal, tympanic membrane and auricle, which are the area of ​​​​application of Levomekol ointment and other remedies that help treat the disease. Complications have unpleasant consequences, but a favorable prognosis. Since the disease is predominantly infectious in nature, everyone has a risk of the disease. Find out what ear otitis is, how to treat it and what are the preventive measures.

What is otitis externa

Inflammatory processes of the auricle and external auditory canal are commonly called otitis media. The disease can be limited (furuncle) and spilled (diffuse). Limited otitis is an inflammation of the tissues of the outer ear due to the penetration of an infection (Staphylococcus aureus) into the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the cartilage of the ear. With diffuse otitis, widespread infection of the outer part of the ear with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and sometimes the eardrum occurs.

To identify the cause of the disease, an experienced otolaryngologist needs to examine the patient. Practice shows that the reasons may be of the following nature:

  1. The penetration of a bacterial infection due to a decrease in immunity or the occurrence of microtrauma due to improper hygiene or an attempt to eliminate the sulfur plug.
  2. The occurrence of allergic skin irritation or fungus.
  3. Viral infection.

A number of specific symptoms make it possible to diagnose otitis media. Among them, such an indicator as hearing loss becomes important only with a very strong swelling of the external auditory canal. Obvious symptoms include:

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  1. There is redness of the skin, the outer part of the ear may swell.
  2. When pressing on the auricle, pain is felt.
  3. Feeling pain symptoms when chewing, itching appears.
  4. Feeling of fullness in the ear canal.
  5. Increase in body temperature.
  6. Fungal infection is characterized by severe itching, sometimes acute eczema. On examination, the skin of the ear canal often reveals a gray or white coating.

Acute otitis externa

Depending on the duration of the disease, otitis media is divided into acute and chronic. Acute is also known as "swimmer's ear" and is manifested by bright exacerbated symptoms that quickly disappear due to surgical treatment and activation of the immune system. For necrotizing acute otitis media, manifestations are characteristic:

  1. Severe pain accompanied by discharge from the ear.
  2. Edema.
  3. Decreased hearing function due to narrowing of the external auditory canal.
  4. In some cases, cellulitis of the neck and face can be observed.


The diagnosis of chronic otitis is made in cases where the duration of the disease is more than four weeks or if the disease manifests itself more than four times during the year. The chronic form arises due to a conniving attitude towards acute otitis media. The second reason is the regular removal of the protective sulfur layer with cotton swabs and injury to the walls, which leads to inflammation. Chronic otitis is characterized by:

  1. Purulent discharge from the ear.
  2. Autophony - resonance in the diseased ear of sounds emitted by the patient.
  3. Feeling heavy head
  4. When turning or tilting the skull, there is a sensation of iridescent liquid.
  5. The constant presence of pus provokes the closure of the external ear canal with growing tissue.

Otitis externa in a child

The structure of the ear of a child differs from that of an adult in the absence of an S-shaped curvature of the ear canal, which leads to a high risk of otitis media as a result of the fact that cold air can “blow through” the ear. The child's complaints of ear pain indicate the development of otitis media. In infants, the symptom may be crying with attempts to reach for the ear, and detachment from the breast due to pain when sucking. With great certainty, this diagnosis can be assumed if the child belongs to the risk group characteristic of otitis media:

  1. Children suffering from rickets, anemia.
  2. Emaciated, underweight.
  3. Prone to allergies.
  4. With pathologies of ENT organs, diabetes.


The ear consists of three sections, and depending on the location of the inflammation, otitis is classified according to three signs, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • external: the external auditory canal and auricle are affected;
  • medium: inflammation is localized in the sector of the auditory ossicles and the tympanic cavity;
  • internal: inflammation extends to the membranous and bony labyrinths.


Only an otolaryngologist can make a diagnosis of otitis externa. After visiting the doctor and studying the patient's complaints, the affected ear is examined, if necessary, a study of the microflora is carried out. If redness, swelling of the ear canal, clear discharge is detected, an accurate diagnosis of the disease is made, the patient is prescribed treatment depending on what caused it. If the doctor has doubts, computed tomography, acoustic reflectometry or pneumatic otoscopy may be prescribed.

Treatment of otitis externa

To cure otitis externa, an integrated approach is needed. Therapy includes the following activities and the use of drugs:

  1. Antibacterial ointments - turundas are inserted to eliminate the pathogen that caused the malignant disease.
  2. Warm compresses, instillation of menthol with peach oil for itching.
  3. Washing with solutions of Dimexide or Furacilin.
  4. Instillation of ear drops.
  5. Surgical operations to open boils, if any.
  6. Physiotherapy: ultra-high frequency currents, laser therapy, phototherapy, use of ultraviolet.

With an ear disease, ointments that eliminate inflammation, viral and bacterial infections help well. Popular are:

  1. Sofradex - tubes of 15 or 20 g with an anti-inflammatory drug of combined action: anti-allergic and antibacterial. The ointment is generously applied to a small piece of cotton wool, which is inserted inside the ear canal for 15-30 minutes. The course of treatment lasts no more than a week. The composition of the product contains hormones, so it should not be used by pregnant women and children.
  2. Tetracycline ointment is a broad-spectrum antibiotic with an active substance that inhibits bacterial protein synthesis and accelerates recovery. The ointment is applied with a sterile cotton swab to the affected area. It helps to increase the healing of inflamed areas of the skin. The multiplicity and mode of application is determined by the doctor.

Levomekol with otitis media

External otitis can be treated with Levomekol. This is a popular ointment that has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The composition includes the antibiotic chloramphenicol, methyluracil, ethylene glycol. Due to them, the ointment regenerates tissues, accelerates the production of interferon, and ensures rapid absorption of active ingredients. The ointment is applied once a day, laid for 15-20 minutes.

Vishnevsky ointment

Inflammation of the external ear can be removed by Vishnevsky's ointment - a popular proven drug that reduces pain and speeds up the healing process. Compresses are used for treatment - apply ointment on gauze or cotton turunda, insert shallowly into the external auditory canal. Keep the compress for 2-3 hours, with good tolerance - up to a day.

It is allowed to mix the ointment with alcohol or vodka and glycerin in a ratio of 1: 1. First, make a turunda (a twisted piece of cotton wool) with ointment, then insert a cotton ball soaked in the indicated ingredients into the ear. Cover the compress with dry cotton wool, wrap your ear with a woolen scarf and walk for a day. Instead of ethanol and glycerin, you can use an alcohol tincture of propolis.

The so-called "swimmer's ear" requires treatment in the form of drops. They help reduce pain, relieve itching, kill the causative agent of the infection. Popular are:

  1. Otinum - contains holima salicylate, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Bury 3-4 drops 3-4 times a day.
  2. Otipax - includes the anesthetic lidocaine and the antipyretic phenazone. Bury 4 drops 2-3 times a day. The course should not exceed 10 days.
  3. Otofa - contain a solution of the antibiotic rifampicin, which destroys strepto- and staphylococci. Adults are shown 5 drops three times a day, children - 3 drops the same number of times. The course lasts up to three days.
  4. Polydex - includes the anti-inflammatory substance dexamethasone and the antibiotics polymyxin with neomycin. I instill 1-5 drops twice a day for a course of 6-10 days.

Antibiotics for systemic use

If the symptoms of limited external disease are pronounced, and local therapy does not lead to a result, systemic antibiotics are used. They are prescribed only by a doctor. Among the common drugs are:

  1. Oxacillin - adults receive 2-4 g per day, divided into 4 doses. Intramuscular injections are administered in the amount of 1-2 g of the drug 4-6 times a day at equal intervals.
  2. Ampicillin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic available in the form of tablets, capsules and suspensions. Adults take 0.5 g 4-6 times a day, children - 100 mg / kg of body weight.
  3. Amoxicillin - is taken by adults at 0.5 g per day three times a day, children from 2 years old - 0.125-0.25 g three times a day, younger - 20 mg / kg of weight.
  4. Cefazolin - effective against pathogenic staphylococci, is used for severe furunculosis of the ear. Adults are prescribed 0.25-1 g of the drug every 6-8 hours, children - 20-50 mg / kg of body weight in 3-4 doses.
  5. Augmentin (Amoxiclav) - includes amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, is prescribed for severe illness. Adults take 0.375-0.7 g twice a day, children 20-50 mg / kg of body weight. In the form of injections, 0.75-3 g 2-4 times a day is indicated for adults and 0.15 g / kg of body weight for children.

Ear washing

External diffuse otitis requires special washing. This procedure is recommended to be carried out exclusively in a hospital or independently after training patients by ENT doctors. Indications for the procedure are purulent inflammation, and contraindications are perforation of the eardrum, an abscess. You can use for washing 3% hydrogen peroxide, 0.05% Furacilin solution, saline. Washing technology:

  1. Heated hydrogen peroxide is drawn into a special syringe for washing the ears.
  2. The needle is removed from the syringe, 1 ml of the solution is carefully instilled into the ear.
  3. After the hissing stops, the solution is poured out, a new portion is poured.
  4. The washing course lasts no more than three days.

Folk remedies

If the patient complains that the ear is swollen from the outside, in addition to official medicine, alternative therapy recipes can be used:

  • moisten a piece of cotton wool in propolis, heated vegetable oil or onion juice, place in your ear, walk all day;
  • rinse the geranium leaf, dry, crumple and put in the ear for a day;
  • pour a teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain, cool, instill 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.


To avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms and prevent the disease, you should follow simple preventive measures:

  • after swimming in open water or in the pool, remove water from the ears with a towel, but rather prevent infection and water from getting inside;
  • gently clean your ears with cotton swabs;
  • observe the hygiene of the ear canals and the toilet of the external canal, do not use your fingers to clean the earwax;
  • do not swim in dirty water.

Otitis externa - treatment: medications and the best folk recipes

External or external otitis is called inflammation, which is located in the area of ​​​​the outer ear. It includes the auditory tube, the tympanic membrane, and the auricle itself. The cause of the disease is most often the ingress of bacteria, but there are others.


Features of the development of otitis externa

According to statistics, in about 5% of patients with otitis media, the disease becomes chronic. A climate with high humidity has a greater effect on the occurrence of this disease than a dry one. As for children, those who are at the age of twelve are most susceptible to otitis media.

Otitis is divided into limited (a purulent formation in the form of a boil is formed), and diffuse. In the second type of otitis externa, the eardrum often becomes inflamed.

The most important cause of otitis externa is an infection of various types.

In order for the infection to enter the body, it is enough to scratch or injure the ear area a little. Also, if the ear canal is constantly moistened, it can lose its protective barrier, and serve as an entrance for the penetration of infections.

Children suffering from eczema are very often prone to inflammation, due to the often formed peeling in the ear. Self-disposal of sulfuric plug also serves as a risk factor for the occurrence of such otitis media. Other reasons for the formation of this disease include chronic otitis media, a narrow ear canal, and diseases that are accompanied by poor immune function (for example, diabetes).

The main symptoms of otitis externa

The very first symptom of incipient external otitis media is considered to be severe pain in the ear, but there are others:

  • The ear is very itchy.
  • When the tragus or auricle is affected, strong painful sensations appear.
  • Lymph nodes in the ear are inflamed.
  • Pus comes out of the ear.
  • Hearing has gotten worse.

Signs of limited and diffuse otitis media

In this case, the following symptoms appear:

  • Severe pain of a throbbing type, which is felt more acutely during chewing.
  • When pressing on the ear area, painful sensations appear.
  • One of the walls of the ear was severely swollen.
  • Redness in the ear.
  • The appearance of a boil in the ear canal.
  • Edema appeared in the ear canal.

If the inflammation began in the membrane, then discharge without color begins to flow from the ear canal, and hearing problems appear.

Medical treatment and therapy

Features of the treatment of otitis externa with medications and antibiotics

Otitis externa is treated with antibiotics and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The most commonly prescribed drugs are Sofradex and Garazon. In no case should you use these medicines on your own, without the appointment of a specialist!

The use of antibiotics suppresses the development of infection and removes pain in the sick. This effect of drugs is due to the content of components in the composition that remove inflammation and pain in the ears. The course of antibiotics is prescribed only by the attending physician. With the self-administration of such drugs, complications can develop. In addition, the doctor may prescribe warm compresses, fortification of the body to increase immunity, and drops to eliminate sinus congestion. First of all, to treat such a disease, they begin with hygiene procedures in the outer ear.

They must be carried out according to a strict scheme. Their improper implementation is fraught with the appearance of sulfur plugs. In addition, during the appearance of external otitis, it is recommended to refrain from washing the ears, as infections and bacteria penetrate inside faster. Therapy must necessarily have an integrated approach. One ear drops can not get rid of otitis media. Even very high-quality drops will not be able to remove the inflammatory process in the ear area.

It is impossible to diagnose such a disease on your own - you must immediately contact a medical institution, an otolaryngologist.

Incorrect diagnosis without the participation of a doctor leads to erroneous self-medication, and as a result, to the occurrence of various complications.

Useful video - Otitis externa.

Therapy of limited and diffuse external otitis media:

  • The doctor carefully treats the affected area. Basically, this treatment is carried out using silver nitrate.
  • Turunda is introduced into the ear canal from cotton wool, which is treated with an ointment with an antibacterial effect (Flucinar, Triderm, or Celestoderm).
  • Special drops are instilled with an antibiotic in the composition (Neomycin or Ofloxacin).
  • With a large number of boils in the ear, antibiotics are prescribed.
  • Sometimes boils are opened with a small incision, and the surface is treated with an antiseptic solution and an antibiotic.
  • If a staphylococcal environment is detected, a vaccine and anti-staphylococcal toxoid are prescribed.
  • To increase immunity, complex vitamins are prescribed, UBI procedures, immunocorrective treatment, and autohemotherapy are prescribed.
  • In the case of diffuse external otitis, the doctor introduces a turunda from cotton wool, which is treated with Burov's ointment or hormonal ointment, into the ear canal. Assign drops for the ears, which have antibiotics in their composition.
  • As the main therapy, the systematic use of vitamin complexes and antibiotics is used. If necessary, immunocorrective agents are prescribed.
  • If the patient has pus from the ear, the affected area is washed with antibiotic solutions.

Treatment with folk remedies

The best traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of otitis externa

Before starting such treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Otherwise, there may be complications.

  • Widespread use in the treatment of otitis externa, received treatment with ordinary hydrogen peroxide (0.5%). To do this, a cotton swab is moistened with it, and put into the ear canal. Leave for 5 minutes. Using this method, you can remove wax from the ear, which traps bacteria, dirt, and dust that get inside.
  • Another method of treatment with folk remedies is based on the use of white vinegar (a few drops). It is mixed with a small amount of water, and a cotton swab is moistened in such a solution. Placed closer to the ear canal. This method can quickly get rid of severe itching and pain.
  • Garlic oil is used in folk medicine to treat this disease. To obtain a healing composition, it is rubbed on a grater and put in a small amount of olive oil. The tool must stand overnight. The next day, filter, and slightly heat the mixture. Pour 1-2 drops into the affected ear.

Possible Complications

Consequences of improper treatment of otitis externa

If the outer ear was treated incorrectly, or the patient did not see a doctor in time, the disease flows from an acute form to a chronic one. If it is started, then a partial or complete defect of the eardrum may appear, in which discharge from the ear sometimes resumes, or does not stop at all. The patient begins to experience severe hearing problems.

Untimely treatment of such an ailment is fraught with rupture of the eardrum. This hole heals for a long time, about two weeks. A choleostomy may appear (the tissue behind the eardrum grows, and as a result, hearing deteriorates). There is a destruction of the anvil, stirrup, and malleus (auditory ossicles of the ear). Inflammation of the mastoid process of the temporal bone (mastoiditis) begins.

But the complications listed above do not pose such a great danger as intracranial ones. Out of time cured otitis externa can lead to the appearance of a brain abscess, in which pus accumulates in the substance of the brain.

Another unpleasant consequence can be meningitis, during which the membranes of the spinal cord and brain become inflamed.

There are also complications in the form of hydrocephalus, leading to the accumulation of a large amount of cerebrospinal fluid inside the skull. Focal encephalitis is also a consequence of untreated or improperly treated otitis media. It is characterized by inflammation of the brain.

And, although such complications are quite rare, they are very dangerous, and can be fatal. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of otitis externa, you should immediately seek help from a medical institution.

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Otitis externa is inflammation (redness and swelling) of the external auditory canal, the canal between the outer ear and the eardrum.

Otitis externa is quite common. It is believed that about 10% of people sooner or later encounter this disease. This disease is slightly more common in women than in men. People with certain chronic conditions, such as eczema, asthma, or allergic rhinitis, are more susceptible to otitis externa

In addition, otitis externa is often referred to as "swimmer's ear" because regular contact with water can make the ear canal more prone to inflammation. Otitis externa is the most common condition among professional swimmers.

The symptoms of otitis externa are familiar to many. These are: ear pain, discharge from the ear, as well as temporary hearing loss in varying degrees. Usually the disease affects only one ear. With treatment, these symptoms should resolve within 2-3 days.

In some cases, symptoms persist for several months. This condition is called chronic otitis externa. The symptoms of chronic otitis externa are usually much less pronounced.

The risk of developing otitis externa increases regular contact with water. This is because water can flush out the protective earwax from the ear canal. If you try to scratch your ear with your finger, you run the risk of damaging the sensitive skin of the ear canal, which could lead to an infection. The water in the ear also creates a moist environment that is conducive to bacterial growth.

Other reasons include:

  • acne inside the ear;
  • fungal infection;
  • anything that directly irritates the ear canal, such as a hearing aid or earplugs.

Don't put anything in your ears

Almost everyone does this, often unconsciously, but you should avoid putting anything in your ears if possible. Including:

  • cotton swabs - they should only be used to wipe the skin around the outer ear;
  • pens and pencils;
  • own finger.

The skin of the outer ear canal is very sensitive and easily damaged, leaving it vulnerable to infection.

Seek medical attention if you suspect otitis externa, as it can last for several weeks if left untreated. To treat inflammation and infection, pain medication is used in combination with ear drops. If the infection is particularly severe, antibiotics may be prescribed.

Complications from otitis externa are rare but can sometimes be very serious. A rare and potentially fatal complication of otitis externa is the spread of infection to the underlying bone. This complication is called malignant otitis externa and may require surgery to treat.

Symptoms of otitis externa

Most cases of otitis externa are caused by inflammation of the external ear canal and are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • earache;
  • sensations of pressure and congestion inside the ear;
  • redness and swelling of the outer ear and ear canal, which can be very painful
  • scaly skin in and around the ear canal that may peel off
  • discharge from the ear may be either mucous and watery or purulent;
  • itching and irritation in and around the ear canal;
  • pain when moving the ear or jaw;
  • swollen and painful tonsils (lymph nodes) in the throat
  • partial hearing loss.

Otitis externa can develop as a result of a bacterial infection of the hair follicle, which develops into a pimple and sometimes into a furuncle. This condition is called localized otitis externa. You may be able to see the pimple or boil in the mirror: there is usually white or yellow pus in the center (do not try to pop the pimple or boil, as this can spread infection).

Other symptoms:

  • severe ear pain, especially when you move your ear;
  • in some cases, hearing loss, which can occur if a pimple or boil blocks the ear canal;
  • increased sensitivity and pain in the lymph nodes behind the ears.

Symptoms of chronic otitis media

In some cases, for reasons that are not always clear, the symptoms of otitis externa may not go away for several months, and sometimes even years. This is chronic otitis externa, in which various symptoms are observed:

  • persistent itching in and around the ear canal, often the main symptom
  • Discomfort and pain in the ear that worsens with movement of the ear – the pain is usually much milder compared to other types of otitis externa
  • mucous and watery discharge from the ear;
  • lack of earwax;
  • A buildup of thick, dry skin in your ear canal, called a stenosis, that can narrow your ear canal and affect your hearing.

Causes of otitis externa

There are several different causes of otitis externa, as well as a number of factors that increase the susceptibility to this condition. They are described below.

bacterial infection is a common cause of acute otitis externa. Usually, the bacteria that cause the infection are either Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Staphylococcus aureus. In the case of chronic otitis externa, the cause may be a persistent mild infection that is difficult to diagnose.

With malignant otitis media, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  • severe ear pain and headaches;
  • exposed bone that is visible through the ear canal;
  • paralysis of the facial nerve, when the skin of the face sags from the side of the diseased ear.

Untreated, malignant otitis externa can be fatal. However, it can be effectively treated with antibiotics and surgery.

Prevention of otitis externa

There are a few things you can do to keep otitis externa at bay and prevent it from coming back. These measures are described below.

Avoid injury to the ears. Do not put cotton swabs or other objects in your ears. Ear wax is a natural process and cotton swabs should only be used to wipe the skin around the outer ear. If you are concerned about wax buildup, see an ENT doctor to have it removed.

Keep your ears dry and clean. When washing, avoid getting water, soap or shampoo in your ears. Wear a shower cap in the shower and bath. After washing, dry your ears with a hair dryer on low power. Never dry your ears by sticking a corner of a towel in them, as this can damage them. If you swim regularly, wear a swim cap or use earplugs.

Treat and prevent other skin conditions. If you develop otitis externa and have a predisposition to allergies, tell your doctor. Ear drops that contain certain ingredients, such as neomycin or propylene glycol, are more likely to cause an allergic reaction than others. Your doctor or pharmacist can recommend drops that are best for you.

If you have an allergic reaction to anything in contact with your ears, such as hearing aids, earplugs, or earrings, remove them. A mild allergic reaction usually goes away on its own. It is also recommended to use hypoallergenic products (products that are less likely to cause an allergic reaction).

Talk to your doctor about other skin conditions, such as psoriasis or eczema, to find the right remedies to treat them. Try acidifying ear drops or spray to keep your ears clean, especially before and after swimming. They can help prevent the recurrence of otitis externa and are available at most pharmacies without a prescription.

Which doctor should I contact with phlegmonous tonsillitis?

If symptoms of otitis externa appear, find a general practitioner, pediatrician (for sore throat in a child) or ENT doctor, who will diagnose, prescribe treatment, and, if necessary, refer you to the hospital.

If you need hospitalization for surgical treatment, you can choose an ENT clinic using our service.

Localization and translation prepared by Napopravku.ru. NHS Choices provided the original content for free. It is available from www.nhs.uk. NHS Choices has not been reviewed, and takes no responsibility for, the localization or translation of its original content

Copyright notice: “Department of Health original content 2019”

All materials on the site have been checked by doctors. However, even the most reliable article does not allow taking into account all the features of the disease in a particular person. Therefore, the information posted on our website cannot replace a visit to the doctor, but only complements it. Articles are prepared for informational purposes and are advisory in nature.

Not everyone knows what it is - otitis media. This is a disease that affects the human ear. It consists in acute inflammation of the tissues that make up this important sense organ. Otitis media affects thousands of people of all ages every year. And it is well known that otitis media cannot be called a harmless disease.

What is otitis

To understand the principle of otitis media, it is necessary to remember what it is - the ear, what it is for and how it works. In fact, the ear is far from being only the auricle, as some might think. The ear has a complex system hidden inside that converts sound waves into a form that is convenient for perception by the human brain. However, picking up sounds is not the only function of the ears. They also perform a vestibular function and serve as an organ that allows a person to maintain balance.

The three main sections of the ear are the middle, outer and inner. The outer ear is the auricle itself, as well as the auditory canal leading to the eardrum. Behind the tympanic membrane is an air-filled tympanic cavity containing three auditory ossicles, the purpose of which is to transmit and amplify sound vibrations. This area makes up the middle ear. From the middle ear, vibrations enter a special area, which is located in the temporal bone and is called the labyrinth. It contains the organ of Corti - a cluster of nerve receptors that convert vibrations into nerve impulses. This area is called the inner ear. Also of note is the Eustachian tube, which enters behind the palatine tonsils and leads into the tympanic cavity. Its purpose is to ventilate the tympanic cavity, as well as to bring the pressure in the tympanic cavity into line with atmospheric pressure. The Eustachian tube is usually referred to as the middle ear.

It should be noted that otitis media can affect all three ear regions. Accordingly, if the disease affects the outer ear, then they talk about otitis externa, if the middle one, then about otitis media, if the inner one, about the internal one. As a rule, we are talking only about one-sided lesion, however, with otitis media caused by infections of the upper respiratory sections, the disease can develop on both sides of the head.

Also, otitis media are divided into three varieties depending on the cause - viral, bacterial or traumatic. External otitis can also be fungal. The most common form of the disease is bacterial.

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How is the ear

Otitis externa - symptoms, treatment

External otitis occurs as a result of infection of the surface of the skin of the auricle with bacteria or fungi. According to statistics, approximately 10% of the world's population has suffered from otitis externa at least once in their lives.

Factors contributing to otitis media in adults are:

  • hypothermia of the auricle, for example, while walking in the cold;
  • mechanical damage to the auricle;
  • removal of sulfur from the ear canal;
  • ingress of water, especially dirty, into the ear canal.

Bacteria and fungi "love" the ear canal for the reason that it is damp, dark and quite humid. It is the perfect breeding ground for them. And, probably, everyone would have otitis externa, if not such a protective feature of the body as the formation of earwax. Yes, earwax is not at all a useless and clogging ear canal substance, as many people think. It performs important bactericidal functions, and therefore its removal from the ear canal can lead to otitis media. The only exceptions are cases when too much sulfur is released, and it affects the perception of sounds.

Inflammation of the external auditory canal usually refers to a variety of skin diseases - dermatitis, candidiasis, furunculosis. Accordingly, the disease is caused by bacteria, streptococci and staphylococci, fungi of the genus Candida. In the case of furunculosis, inflammation of the sebaceous glands occurs. The main symptom of otitis externa is, as a rule, pain, which is especially aggravated by pressure. Elevated temperature with external otitis usually does not happen. Hearing loss rarely occurs with otitis externa, except when the process affects the eardrum or the ear canal is completely closed by pus. However, after the treatment of otitis media, hearing is fully restored.

Diagnosis of external otitis in adults is quite simple. As a rule, a visual examination by a doctor is sufficient. A more detailed method for diagnosing otitis involves the use of an otoscope, a device that allows you to see the far end of the ear canal and the eardrum. The treatment for otitis media is to eliminate the cause of the inflammation of the ear. Otitis externa in adults is treated with antibiotics or antifungal drugs. The type of antibiotic therapy should be determined by the doctor. As a rule, in the case of external otitis, ear drops are used, not tablets. In case of damage to external tissues of the auricle that are not located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe auditory canal, ointments are used. A frequent complication of otitis externa is the transition of the inflammatory process to the middle ear through the tympanic membrane.

Otitis media

Otitis media is inflammation of the middle part of the ear. Such inflammation of the ear is one of the most common diseases on Earth. Hundreds of millions of people fall ill with ear infections every year. According to various data, from 25% to 60% of people have had otitis media at least once in their lives.


In most cases, the inflammatory process of the middle ear is not a primary disease. As a rule, it is a complication of otitis externa or infectious diseases of the upper respiratory sections - tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, as well as acute viral diseases - influenza, scarlet fever.

How does an infection get from the respiratory departments into the ear? The fact is that she has a direct path there - this is the Eustachian tube. With respiratory symptoms such as sneezing or coughing, particles of mucus or sputum may be thrown through the tube into the ear. In this case, both inflammation of the Eustachian tube itself (eustachitis) and inflammation of the middle ear can occur. When the Eustachian tube is blocked in the tympanic cavity, devoid of ventilation, stagnant processes can occur and fluid can accumulate, which leads to the multiplication of bacteria and the onset of the disease.

The cause of otitis media can also be mastoiditis, allergic reactions that cause swelling of the mucous membranes.

Otitis media has several types. First of all, chronic and acute otitis media are distinguished. According to the degree of development, otitis media are divided into exudative, purulent and catarrhal. Exudative otitis media is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the tympanic cavity. With purulent otitis media, the appearance of pus and its accumulation are noted.

Otitis media, symptoms in adults

Symptoms in adults include primarily painful sensations in the ear. Pain in otitis media can be sharp or shooting. Sometimes pain can be felt in the temple or crown, it can pulsate, subside or intensify. With exudative otitis media, there may be a sensation of splashing water in the ear. Sometimes there is ear congestion, as well as a feeling of hearing one's own voice (autophony) or just an indefinite noise in the ear. Tissue swelling, hearing impairment, fever, headaches are often noted. However, an increase in temperature is often not a symptom of otitis media, but only a symptom of the infectious disease that caused it - acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections or influenza.

The most difficult course is observed in the purulent form of otitis media. In this case, the main symptom of otitis media is the discharge of pus. The tympanic cavity is filled with pus, and the body temperature rises to + 38-39ºС. Pus can thin the surface of the eardrum and form a hole in it through which it seeps out. However, this process is generally favorable, since the pressure in the cavity drops, and as a result, the pains become less acute. The process of outflow of pus takes about a week. From this point on, the temperature drops to subfebrile values ​​and wound healing begins. The total duration of the disease is 2-3 weeks with proper and timely treatment.

The chronic form of the disease is characterized by a sluggish infectious process, in which there are seasonal bursts, during which the disease becomes acute.


In case of suspicious symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Diagnosis is carried out by an otolaryngologist. For this, the following diagnostic feature can be used. If the patient of the otolaryngologist inflates his cheeks, then the immobility of the membrane indicates that air does not enter the tympanic cavity from the nasopharynx and, therefore, the Eustachian tube is blocked. Examination of the eardrum is carried out using an optical device - an otoscope also helps to identify some characteristic signs, for example, protrusion of the eardrum and its redness. For diagnosis, a blood test, computed tomography, and radiography can also be used.


How to treat treat the disease? Treatment of otitis media is quite difficult compared to the treatment of external. However, in most cases, conservative treatment is used. First of all, with acute otitis media, it makes no sense to instill ear drops with antibacterial drugs, since they will not enter the inflammation site. However, with inflammation of the middle ear, the focus of which is adjacent directly to the eardrum, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drops can be instilled into the ear. They can be absorbed by the eardrum, and the substance will enter the region of the middle part of the hearing organ, into the tympanic cavity.

Antibiotics are the main treatment for otitis media in adults and children. As a rule, medicines are taken in the form of tablets. However, if the eardrum ruptures, antibiotic ear drops can also be used. A course of antibiotics should be prescribed by a doctor. He also chooses the type of antibiotics, since many of them have an ototoxic effect. Their use can cause permanent hearing loss.

The treatment with penicillin antibiotics, amoxicillins, as well as cephalosporins or macrolides demonstrated the greatest effectiveness in otitis media. However, cephalosporin has an ototoxic effect, so it is not recommended to inject it directly into the ear through a catheter or instill it into the ear canal in case of damage to the eardrum. Antiseptic agents, such as miramistin, can also be used for therapy.

In the treatment of otitis media, it is often necessary to use painkillers. To relieve pain in case of a disease of the middle part of the hearing organ, drops with painkillers, for example, lidocaine, are used.

In the case of perforation of the membrane, scarring stimulants are used to accelerate its healing. These include the usual solution of iodine and silver nitrate 40%.

Glucocorticoids (prednisolone, dexomethasone), as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can be used as anti-inflammatory drugs and agents that can relieve swelling. In the presence of allergic processes or exudative otitis media, antihistamines are used, for example, suparastin or tavegil.

Also, with exudative otitis media, drugs are taken to thin the exudate, for example, carbocysteine. There are also complex drugs that have several types of action, for example, Otipax, Otinum, Otofa, Sofradex. With purulent discharge, the ear canal should be regularly cleaned of pus and washed with a weak stream of water.

Is it possible to warm the ear? It depends on the type of disease. In some cases, heat can speed up healing, while in others, it can aggravate the disease. In the purulent form of the disease of the middle ear, heat is contraindicated, and in the catarrhal stage, heat promotes blood flow to the affected area and accelerates the patient's recovery. Also, heat is one of the effective ways to reduce the pain of otitis media. However, only a doctor can give permission to use heat, self-medication is unacceptable. In the event that heat is contraindicated, it can be replaced by physiotherapy procedures (UHF, electrophoresis).

Often they resort to a surgical method for the treatment of the middle ear, especially in the case of a purulent variant of the disease and its rapid development, threatening severe complications. This operation is called paracentesis and is aimed at removing pus from the tympanic cavity. With mastoiditis, an operation can also be performed to drain the internal areas of the mastoid process.

Also, special catheters are used to blow and clear the Eustachian tube. Drugs can also be administered through them.

Folk remedies in the treatment of inflammation of the middle ear in adults can only be used for relatively mild forms of the disease and with the permission of the attending physician. Here are some recipes suitable for the treatment of otitis media.

Cotton wool is moistened with propolis infusion and injected into the area of ​​​​the external auditory canal. This composition has wound healing and antimicrobial properties. The tampon must be changed several times a day. Plantain juice, instilled into the ear in the amount of 2-3 drops per day, has a similar effect. To get rid of infections of the nasopharynx and larynx, which provoke infections of the middle ear, you can use rinses based on chamomile, sage, St. John's wort.


Otitis ear with proper therapy can go away without leaving any long-term consequences. However, inflammation of the middle ear can cause several types of complications. First of all, the infection can spread to the inner ear and cause otitis media - labyrinthitis. In addition, it can cause permanent or transient hearing loss or total deafness in one ear.

Perforation of the eardrum also leads to hearing loss. Although, contrary to popular belief, the eardrum can become overgrown, but even after its overgrowth, hearing sensitivity will be permanently reduced.

Mastoiditis is accompanied by acute pain in the parotid space. It is also dangerous for its complications - a breakthrough of pus on the membranes of the brain with the appearance of meningitis or in the neck.


Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the inner ear. Of all the varieties of otitis media, labyrinthitis is the most dangerous. With inflammation of the inner ear, typical symptoms include hearing loss, vestibular disturbances, and pain. Treatment of internal otitis is carried out only with the help of antibiotics, no folk remedies in this case will help.

Labyrinthitis is dangerous with hearing loss as a result of the death of the auditory nerve. Also, with internal otitis, complications such as a brain abscess are possible, which can be fatal.

Otitis media in children

Otitis media in adults is much less common than it is in children. This is due, firstly, to the weaker immunity of the child's body. Therefore, infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract are more common in children. In addition, structural features of the auditory tube in children contribute to stagnant processes in it. It has a straight profile, and the enlarged lumen at its entrance facilitates the entry of mucus and even pieces of food or vomit (in infants).

Careful treatment of otitis in childhood is very important. If the wrong treatment is carried out, then the disease can become chronic and make itself felt already in adulthood with chronic outbreaks. In addition, if otitis media is not cured in infancy, it can threaten with partial hearing loss, and this, in turn, leads to mental retardation of the child.

Prevention of otitis media

Prevention includes the prevention of such situations as hypothermia of the body, primarily in the ear area, the ingress of dirty water into the ear canal. It is necessary to promptly treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as sinusitis, sinusitis, and pharyngitis. While swimming, it is recommended to use a cap, and after being in the water, the ear canal should be completely cleaned of water. In the cold and damp period of the year, it is recommended to wear a hat when going outside.



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