Hygiene of girls during puberty. Early onset of sexual activity

The first period of sexual development in girls lasts up to 8 years and, like in boys, is characterized by complete dormancy of the gonads. The development of the main organs and systems, protective and adaptive reactions, and linear growth occur, as in boys, under the influence of growth hormone produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, as well as hormones of the thyroid gland, thymus and pineal glands. The behavior is dominated by the same traits as in boys: the desire for active movements (jumping ropes, classes). They are also interested in other outdoor games. The desire for children's society is psychologically manifested. Girls and boys are usually willing to be friends with each other.

Prepubertal age (9-11 years) is characterized by the fact that hormones that stimulate the functions of the gonads gradually begin to be produced. Depending on the degree of their activity, fat metabolism increases, as a result of which adipose tissue accumulates on the hips, buttocks, and in the area of ​​the mammary glands. The nipples of the mammary glands enlarge, swell, and become pigmented. There is some enlargement of the uterus. Single hairs appear on the pubic area. The musculoskeletal system continues to develop.

Characteristic in sexual behavior is isolation from boys (in games, fun, sports.).

In the first puberty (12-14 years), the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland more steadily produces hormones that stimulate the sex glands. Under their influence, the mammary glands grow and form, pubic hair grows, hair grows in the armpits, and the roundness of the hips and buttocks becomes more noticeable. The pelvic bones increase in transverse dimensions. Linear growth continues at the same pace as in the previous period. The uterus enlarges, and finally, the first menstruation appears - the release of blood from the genital slit, which occurs after the maturation of the egg. The appearance of the first menstruation before 10 years or after 16 years is considered an abnormal phenomenon, which can be due to various reasons. With the onset of menstruation, a girl ceases to be a child. Her body began to produce germ cells, the fertilization of which could result in pregnancy. Menstruation in girls, like wet dreams in boys, indicates the ability to conceive, although the growth of the body and the development of individual systems are still very far from complete and final completion. A girl's first menstruation, like a boy's first wet dream, is experienced as significant, exciting events that attract attention and sometimes cause fear.

A girl should be prepared by her mother for the appearance of her first menstruation. Otherwise, if a girl unexpectedly discharges blood from the vagina, she may commit a rash act. Thus, one girl, during her first menstruation, tried to stop the bleeding with a stream of cold water, as a result of which she subsequently developed severe inflammation of the uterine appendages.

Cyclic changes in the ovaries and uterus during menstruation affect not only the physiological, but also the mental state of the girl. During this period, some become absent-minded, others - irritable, and others - impudent. And parents should take this into account - do not rush to respond to insolence with insolence, but try to calm their daughter down.

Menstruation is not only a local, but also a complex general process in which the entire body takes part. During this period, general weakness, weakness, headaches, and a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and sacral area may appear.

The feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen is explained by an increased flow of blood to the pelvic organs. This can also explain the discharge of leucorrhoea before menstruation.

During menstruation, a girl should not lift or carry heavy objects, she should temporarily stop playing sports, and avoid cooling, especially the lower torso and legs. It is not recommended to swim in the river, lake, sea or take hygienic baths during this period.

During menstruation, you should not put cotton wool or gauze in the vagina and between the labia, as this impedes the free flow of blood. It is better to use cotton-gauze bandages and wear closed tights. It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of underwear, hands and external genitalia, wash twice a day with boiled water and soap.

To reduce the flow of blood to the pelvic organs, during menstruation a girl should not eat spicy foods (pepper, horseradish, mustard).

Constipation has a detrimental effect on the condition of a girl's genitals. Therefore, it is very important to teach her to empty her bowels at a certain time. Proper nutrition is also important in this regard. Some of them try to lose weight, considering themselves “fat”, and organize “fasts” - they take long breaks between meals or exclude certain dishes from the daily diet, thereby depriving their body of essential nutrients. Such “fasts” can lead to weakening of the body and irregular bowel function. It is harmful for girls to overeat at night, shortly before bedtime. This also negatively affects bowel function.

The normal course of menstruation depends on the girl’s proper alternation of study, exercise and rest. The duration of her sleep should be at least 9 hours. It is advisable that she goes to bed earlier and gets up earlier, since morning sleep is not very refreshing.

The first menstruation may either be too frequent and have the character of bleeding, or appear at indefinite intervals - once every 2-3-4 months.

In most cases, regularity of menstruation is established within about 1-2 years. They repeat after 21, 26, 28, 30 days, which is commonly called the menstrual cycle. If menstruation occurs after 26 days, they speak of a 26-day menstrual cycle, after 28-28 days, etc.

The first menstruation, which serves as the beginning of puberty, is an indicator that the ovarian function has reached a certain activity. Since sex hormones are antagonists of growth hormone, from this period a slowdown in linear growth is observed. At the same time, the mammary glands, uterus and external genitalia continue to develop noticeably. Changes are taking place in the behavior of girls - increased attention to their appearance appears, the desire to look better than others. Girls begin to show interest in the company of boys; they are characterized by daydreaming, daydreaming, sometimes instability of character, and increased nervousness.

The second puberty period (from 15 to 17-20 years) is characterized by the fact that the secretion of gonadotropic hormones gradually stabilizes, the growth and formation of the genital organs - the ovaries and uterus - is completed. The menstrual cycle is firmly established. The development of the mammary glands, pubic and armpit hair growth ends. A typical female figure develops with certain ratios of the sizes of the torso, limbs, and waist.

From the age of 18-20, a girl becomes sexually mature, that is, capable of performing a complex specific function of the female body - motherhood.

One of the signs of puberty is the awakening of sexual feelings in a girl, the presence of a clear desire to please boys. She seems to feel the formation of her body and turns from an angular, awkward teenager into a girl with pronounced femininity. Her voice and laughter sound louder, the blush on her cheeks burns brighter, the roundness of her shape adds charm to her appearance.

Sex hormones, released into the blood, influence not only the sexual, but also the general development of a woman. Along with the change in a girl’s appearance, her character, state of mind, and attitude towards others also change. During this period, she has other aspirations, interests, desires, and her mental horizons expand. At the same time, one can note the instability of mood, sometimes expressed in an unexpected transition from stormy, sometimes causeless gaiety to gloomy silence, depression, and uncontrollable tears. Occasionally, a girl displays hostility towards close people around her and a tendency to act rashly.

At this age, a girl begins to develop an interest in the opposite sex. At first, the girl shows shyness, even antagonism and sometimes a desire to tease the boys. Then she feels a desire to be friends with young men, and the sexual desire is still of a vague, unconscious nature.

Friendship between peers of different sexes at the age of 18-20 requires a careful and sensitive attitude on the part of parents and educators, because careless words, incorrect criticism and assessment of this friendship can achieve the opposite results and awaken in a girl a premature desire to realize her sexual desire. You should know that a girl’s sexual desire is much weaker than a boy’s, and is rather of the nature of a need for affection, tenderness, and attention. This attitude towards a young man can persist for a long time. Some young men have the wrong opinion that girls prefer physical strength and bravado in men, and therefore, they say, they should avoid showing feelings of tenderness and affection towards them. Parents need to remind young men that girls are characterized by increased emotional vulnerability and that they require a gentle and sensitive attitude towards themselves.

A girl’s sexual feeling is different in that her desire for sexual intimacy under the influence of sexual arousal is not as demanding as a boy’s. Girls, if they agree to physical intimacy, it is only out of a feeling of love, yielding to the persistent demands of a loved one, sometimes even despite the feeling of physical desire.

How many tragedies subsequently occur on this basis, especially for a young girl, if she frivolously agrees to sexual intimacy, trusting a loved one who does not have a real great feeling of love for her.

Sex education should be carried out in such a way that growing boys and girls do not develop increased sensitivity, which sometimes leads to various abnormalities in their attitude towards themselves, in particular, to the development of such bad habits as



In the period from 10-11 to 17 years, girls puberty occurs.

At the age of 12-14 they usually develop menstruation (sometimes it can begin earlier - at 10 years old or, conversely, at 16 and later). During this period, under the influence of sex hormones from ovaries female reproductive cells begin to emerge monthly - eggs . From this moment on, the girl can become pregnant and become a mother.

The time course and sequence of events of the menstrual cycle are regulated by hormones hypothalamus, pituitary gland (divisions of the brain) and ovaries .

Under the influence of hormones from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in one of the follicles The ovary grows and the egg develops (matures). As the follicle grows, an increasing amount is produced estrogen hormones , and therefore the thickness of the mucous membrane increases ( endometrium ) uterus. When the follicle reaches 2-2.5 cm in diameter (in the middle of the menstrual cycle, approximately on the 10-14th day depending on its duration), it ruptures and a mature egg is released from it. This phenomenon is called ovulation .

After ovulation, the remains of the follicle turn into corpus luteum . Remaining inside the ovary, the corpus luteum produces hormones estrogen and progesterone (pregnancy maintenance hormone). Prostegerone continues to stimulate the growth of the endometrium, the lining of the uterus, and it becomes capable of receiving an embryo.

The egg enters the uterine ( fallopian ) a tube where, as a result of certain processes, its fertilization can occur. If this does not happen, then the high level of progesterone gives the pituitary gland a signal to stop releasing hormones. This signal causes the corpus luteum to stop producing hormones. The concentration of hormones (prohemterone and estrogen) decreases significantly. As progesterone levels decrease, part of the lining of the uterus is destroyed and menstrual bleeding (menstruation) begins, lasting on average 3 to 5 days.

The corpus luteum transforms into the corpus alba, which is a scar, and the growth of the next follicle begins in the ovary. The onset of menstruation does not mean the beginning, but the end of the menstrual cycle, which indicates the death of an unfertilized egg and the attenuation of processes associated with preparing the woman’s body for a possible pregnancy.

The duration of a normal menstrual cycle is approximately 28 days, less often - 21 days, but sometimes 30-35 days. It occurs in three phases. The first day of the cycle is the day of menstrual bleeding.

The first phase is called menstrual and lasts 4-5 days;

Second - proliferative - lasts a week or longer;

Third - secretory - the phase lasts about two weeks.

Each phase is characterized by a specific balance of secreted hormones. The processes that occur during the menstrual cycle affect the entire girl’s body. The activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems changes. Emotional deviations can manifest themselves in the form of anxiety, confusion, depressed mood, retardation of movements, irritability, and even the development of depression. Physical disorders can be characterized by headaches, fatigue, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, and constipation.

To prevent premenstrual abnormalities, doctors recommend:

Do physical exercise regularly. Which activities to choose depend on your desire and physical condition. Walking in the fresh air is for everyone;

Reduce consumption of sweets and coffee, consume less salt;

Increase your intake of foods containing calcium by adding a glass of 1-2% milk and a glass of yogurt to your diet.

The female reproductive system has a common origin with the urinary system - therefore the correct anatomical term is the genitourinary system. These two systems remain connected throughout life. The reproductive system in the narrow sense of the word includes the internal and external genital organs.

Internal genital organs:

These include the sex glands - ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix, vagina.

The ovaries are paired glands located in the pelvic cavity, measuring approximately 2x2x3 cm. They consist of a dense cortex on the outside and a soft medulla on the inside. The cortex predominates in the ovaries. The eggs mature in the cortex. Sex cells are formed in a female fetus at the 5th month of intrauterine development once and for all. From this moment on, no more germ cells are formed, they only die. A newborn girl has about a million oocytes (sex cells) in her ovaries; by the time she reaches puberty, only 300 thousand remain. During their lifetime, only 300-400 of them will turn into mature eggs, and only a few will be fertilized. The rest will die.

Damage to the ovaries is irreversible. All damaging factors affecting a woman during her life cause irreversible death of germ cells. Therefore, it is so important to protect female sexual function from early childhood, to prevent hypothermia, inflammation of the pelvic organs, and their trauma. It is also necessary to protect the organs of other body systems, since surgical intervention for any reason causes adhesions in the abdominal cavity and impaired sexual function.

The uterus is a pear-shaped muscular organ about the size of a fist. This is a container for the unborn child. Its mucous membrane prepares every month to receive a fertilized egg, and if fertilization does not occur, it is rejected - menstruation occurs. During pregnancy, the uterus increases many times and occupies the entire volume of the abdominal cavity, displacing other organs. After childbirth, the uterus gradually returns to its original state. Pregnancies that are too early or too frequent lead to stretching of the uterine wall, which can lead to uterine rupture during childbirth, a fatal condition due to unstoppable bleeding.

The fallopian tubes (fallopian tubes) are narrow tubes with a pronounced muscular layer that are constantly contracting. Their mucous membrane consists of cells with cilia, which create a fluid flow in the direction from the pelvic cavity to the uterine cavity. This is how the egg is transported from the ovary to the uterus. Along the way - in the tube - fertilization of the egg occurs - its fusion with the sperm. The egg becomes heavier and reaches the uterine cavity more slowly. Disruption of the ciliary apparatus due to inflammation of the tube, narrowing of the tube, disruption of coordinated muscle contraction leads to the fact that the egg settles in the tube, and an ectopic tubal pregnancy develops - a deadly condition that leads to tube rupture and bleeding.

At the ends of the tubes facing the ovaries there are fimbriae, which also create the correct flow of fluid. When inflamed, these fimbriae can seal the opening of the tube, leading to tubal infertility - the most unpromising form of infertility in terms of treatment.

The fallopian tubes and ovaries form the uterine appendages.

The cervix is ​​its lower part, facing the vagina, i.e. it is not in the internal environment, but in the external one. This is the least known part of the reproductive system to the common man, although it is very important. The cervix has an opening through which sperm enter the uterine cavity, through which menstrual and postpartum fluids are released, and through which the baby is born. This hole changes its shape after childbirth or abortion, so a woman can never deceive the gynecologist about her past.

The cervical canal is occupied by a mucus plug, which normally prevents the passage of sperm and microorganisms into the uterine cavity. This plug becomes permeable only during menstruation and in the middle of the cycle - during ovulation (maturation of the egg). It is at this time that the likelihood of infection of the internal genital organs increases. It must be remembered that sperm are carriers of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterine appendages. These microorganisms can come from a man's sperm or from a woman's genital tract. This is why sexual life increases the incidence of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, this is why hygiene measures are necessary, this is why sexual life during menstruation is dangerous, this is why even when taking hormonal contraceptives it is better to additionally use a condom, this is why all partners need to be treated if an infection is detected !

The outer surface of the cervix in girls and young women is often covered with cervical tissue due to insufficient maturity and hormonal imbalance. The gynecologist makes a diagnosis of “cervical erosion.” If this erosion is not accompanied by pain, discharge, bleeding, or infection, it can not be treated, but only observed. However, uncomplicated erosion occurs only in virgins, when they simply do not know about it. Usually, erosion is accompanied by all of the above or has a special structure that is more dangerous from an oncological point of view. Cancer cervix is ​​the second most common cancer of the female reproductive system after breast cancer (and malignant tumors of the female reproductive system are the most common cancer in general). The average age of its development is 22-25 years! Any cancer has its own precancer! Any cancer can be prevented! The cervix is ​​an organ that can be examined by a gynecologist even in virgins! Any pathology of the cervix can result in cancer! Today there are ways to treat this pathology that are absolutely harmless even for nulliparous women! The required frequency of observation by a gynecologist is once every 6 months if there are no complaints! Cervical cancer may not show any symptoms! One of the carcinogens that affects the cervix is ​​smegma, a lubricant secreted by the glands of the glans penis. That is why promiscuous sex life, its early onset, frequent changes of partners, poor hygiene are risk factors for the development of cervical cancer along with well-known carcinogens such as alcohol, tobacco smoke, radiation, including solar radiation.

The vagina is a muscular tube connecting the uterus to the external genitalia. The vaginal mucosa is folded. The environment in the vagina is acidic, which promotes natural contraception, since sperm can only live in an alkaline environment. The vagina is very stretchable; during sexual activity it adapts to the size of the partner’s penis and envelops it completely. Therefore, all the talk about the insufficient length or thickness of the penis to satisfy a woman has no basis. If the matter does not concern clinical cases of underdevelopment or hypertrophy, any member is tightly grasped by the vagina with appropriate muscle development. Therefore, a woman should not blame the man, but train her “loose” muscles herself with the help of special exercises, which, by the way, will help in the future, during childbirth. A single statement regarding the less-than-ideal abilities of a man as a Man can make him impotent forever! Remember this. Men are much less subject to reason than women, and much more to emotions. They are very suspicious. There are prohibited techniques that should never be used, that you must ban yourself once and for all, no matter how you treat the person and how he treats you. This should be a commandment equivalent to “thou shalt not kill!”, a commandment - “do not give a man a reason to doubt his sexual capabilities!”, For the opposite can lead to serious consequences, even suicide.

External genitalia:

These include the labia majora and minora, the clitoris and the vaginal opening.

These organs are available for examination by both the gynecologist and the woman herself - with the help of a mirror, or better yet, two. These organs are necessary for purely sexual function; they are not needed for childbirth. It is their structure and functions that both men and women need to know, and it is their structure that they do not know.

The labia majora are folds of skin covered with hair. Related to the scrotum. Cover all external genitalia and protect them. The inner surface is rich in glands that secrete a lubricant similar to male smegma with the same properties. In the thickness of the labia majora there are Bartholin's glands, which moisturize the external genitalia and the entrance to the vagina - glands necessary for full sexual intercourse. If hygiene is not observed, they can become inflamed, and then they must be removed.

The labia minora, together with the clitoris, are the most important erogenous zones of a woman. Related to the penis. Very rich in nerve endings and blood vessels. They can have a variety of shapes and sizes. Sometimes there is hypertrophy of the labia minora, sometimes even requiring surgery. The operation is painless, easily tolerated, but it must be performed by highly qualified specialists. But normally, small lips can protrude beyond the big lips and be asymmetrical. Their structure is the same individuality as the structure of any other organ, like the brain, like fingerprints. At the base of the labia minora, the ducts of the Bartholin glands open and lubricant is secreted.

The clitoris is the most mysterious part of the female reproductive system, the most unknown, the most necessary in sexual life. It is located in the upper junction of the labia minora, the size of a small pea or a large pinhead. An analogue of the penis, it has a similar structure (shaft, head, foreskin - a fold of skin covering the head). The most sensitive part of the female body is the head of the clitoris, which is richest in blood vessels and nerve endings. During sexual arousal, an erection of the clitoris occurs, then it becomes visible to the naked eye; in a calm state, it hides in the folds of the labia minora.

The clitoris is responsible for the female orgasm. During sexual intercourse, a woman will achieve orgasm only when the clitoris is irritated. Sometimes this happens by itself, the clitoris rubs against the shaft of the penis. But more often than not, this friction is not enough. Additional stimulation of the clitoris is necessary - with hands, mouth. There are few men who know this; there are only a few who have successfully done this before; they know how to give pleasure to your clitoris; there are none at all. You must teach your man to give you pleasure. You must know the features of your reproductive system, your erogenous zones, your clitoris.

Women who have not studied themselves begin to experience orgasm (if they begin) by the nth year of married life. Women who have studied themselves experience it long before their wedding night, which, by the way, delays its onset. Today, many girls make their first sexual intercourse out of curiosity - to try new sensations, to find out what everyone is talking about so enthusiastically. And, as a rule, they get disappointed and lose interest in sex. You need to develop, train, educate your sexuality, prepare for marriage in the same way as you prepare for it psychologically and physically (by learning to cook, etc.). Having known yourself, you will learn to manage yourself, teach your man, avoid a lot of troubles and disappointments, learn what an adult sex life is, without losing your virginity, without fear of pregnancy and infections.

Masturbation (self-satisfaction, masturbation) - irritation of the clitoris with hands, shower,. . . - not harmful! If you don’t push her to the extreme, and yourself to exhaustion, it is useful in all aspects in the absence of regular sex life! It is useful for virgins for getting to know themselves, discovering their rhythm, their erogenous zones, their characteristics, while protecting them from all the consequences of early sexual activity. It is useful for women to better know themselves, to compensate for what they do not receive from men, to replace regular sex life that is absent for some reason. Masturbation is necessary for a woman so that she learns to experience a vivid orgasm and brings this skill into her sex life with a man, teaching him!

The entrance to the vagina in virgins is covered by the hymen for protection. This is a thin film with holes for the release of menstrual fluid. These holes can be single or multiple, the hymen can have a crescent shape, a sieve shape - any! In young girls it is stretchable. This allows you to use hygienic tampons before the start of sexual activity. This makes it possible to have a painless first sexual intercourse if the girl is in sufficient mood and fully prepared. This explains the frequent absence of pain and bloody discharge after the first sexual intercourse, which makes unknowing men suspect the girl of deception! This is a gross misconception! You need to know the anatomy and physiology of the system you are going to use! How many broken couples, how many men who consider themselves deceived, and women who are insulted in their innocence! How many troubles come from ignorance! See the article Beginning of sexual activity

The female external genitalia is called the vulva. Sometimes, looking at them in the mirror or washing your face, you can notice irregularities and growths. Most often, this is a viral disease - papillomatosis. Papillomas can be in the vagina and on the cervix. They are transmitted sexually, but can also occur in girls, as they are transmitted from mother to daughter during childbirth. Papillomas are dangerous due to the possibility of developing cancer. This possibility is very small, but it exists. They need to be treated and sometimes removed with a laser.

In addition to the genital organs themselves, a woman has organs and tissues that are targets for the action of female sex hormones secreted by the ovaries - estrogens. These are mammary glands, adipose tissue, hair and skin, vocal cords, brain and all other organs and tissues!

Mammary glands are derivatives of sweat glands. The paired organs are located on the anterior surface of the pectoralis major muscle (therefore, training these muscles strengthens the shape of the chest). They are attached to the skin by ligaments that stretch with age. Special gels and creams that strengthen the ligaments also help maintain breast shape. A bra that supports the breasts takes on the function of the ligaments, therefore, if worn too early, it causes their atrophy and sagging of the breasts, and if not worn on time, it causes spraining of the ligaments and, again, sagging of the breasts. The bra must be precisely adjusted in size and shape, not put pressure on the gland and not irritate the skin, especially the nipple. It needs to be washed often and changed regularly, because it stretches and the gland changes its shape and size.

Breast growth begins earlier than other changes in the genital organs and continues until the age of 18-20. The breasts are finally considered developed during feeding baby , so don’t be upset about the small size - the gland will still grow! Breasts are made up of glandular tissue and fatty tissue. The amount of the latter is directly proportional to the total proportion of fat in the body. The predominance of adipose tissue leads to heaviness and sagging of the breasts, to disruption of its shape and sensitivity.

Cosmetic silicone prostheses should only be used after consultation with medical specialists and only by women with serious physical impairments. The prosthesis is not harmless! It can cause an immune rejection reaction with suppuration, it can be a carcinogen, and it disrupts the natural function of the mammary gland. For young nulliparous girls with underdeveloped mammary glands, a prosthesis is indicated only if they are going to become models and give up motherhood.

The breast, especially the nipple and areola, is a strong erogenous zone in some women and completely insensitive in others. This again speaks to the need to know your body in order to be ready for sexual activity and be able to explain everything that is happening to yourself and your man.

The size, shape of the breast, color of the nipple and areola are purely individual and only indicate that all women have different DNA and a different genotype. Therefore, concerns about your breasts are justified only in the following cases:

  • You are over 15-17 years old, and it has not yet begun to grow;
  • You are 19 or older, and it is just a swelling on the skin;
  • You already have the largest size, but it keeps growing and growing;
  • discharge appears from the nipple - spontaneously or with pressure - of any color and consistency;
  • there are some irregularities on the skin, retractions, changes in the vascular pattern, changes in color;
  • there are some wounds, cracks, ulcers on the nipple, it has changed its shape;
  • the glands are highly asymmetrical (minor asymmetry is normal);
  • in some part of the gland the temperature is higher (to the touch);
  • seals are felt in the thickness of the gland.

In these cases, you need to go to a doctor: a gynecologist and a mammologist (breast specialist).

In order to notice these changes, you need to regularly examine your mammary glands and feel them. All these manipulations are performed with a relaxed pectoral muscle and ligaments. When palpating the upper outer quadrant, position on the side corresponding to the gland; when palpating the upper internal quadrant - on the side opposite the gland; when feeling the lower part - standing with your hand down; when feeling the nipple - standing or lying on your back. It is necessary to feel the entire gland - from the periphery to the nipple, clockwise and note, or better yet, write down all changes. It is also necessary to palpate the axillary areas to detect enlarged lymph nodes. Before palpating, you need to carefully examine the mammary glands, standing in front of a mirror with your hands down.

Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor of the female reproductive system! If it is detected, a crippling operation is performed, which does not always save lives! It is absolutely preventable! The mammary gland is one of the few organs that a woman can examine herself! The likelihood of getting breast cancer depends only on it! Women after 30 years of age need to have an absolutely harmless X-ray of the mammary glands - mammography - once a year.

The last decade has seen a sharp increase in premarital sex. This phenomenon is explained by the popularity of the theory of sexual incompatibility: partners need to be convinced in advance of complete anatomical and functional correspondence and coincidence of sexual interests. When young people get the impression of some kind of dissatisfaction, marriage, naturally, is not formalized and the search for new love begins. They believe that this is better than divorcing the marriage in case of failure. Is this theory justified?

Premarital sexual intercourse most often occurs under the influence of a short-term sensual impulse, when those entering into it do not understand and underestimate the true meaning of love, which contains not only a sexual, but also a higher, spiritual principle.

Attraction to the opposite sex is a natural attraction that arises and develops during puberty. However, the appearance of sexual desire does not mean that the human body has already reached puberty.

The appearance of a girl’s first menstruation, indicating the production of germ cells in her body capable of fertilization, does not mean that the girl has already become an adult and can be a mother. During these years, her body is not ready for the onset of sexual activity, much less for pregnancy and childbirth, for performing such a complex and responsible biological and social function as motherhood. Several years must pass for the girl’s body to become completely stronger and for her to undergo sufficient physical and mental maturation so that she becomes fully capable of giving birth to a normal, healthy child.

At the age of 15-17 years, the secretion of sex hormones gradually stabilizes, the growth and formation of the genital organs - the ovaries and uterus - are completed. The menstrual cycle is firmly established. The girl’s appearance changes: angularity disappears, shoulders and hips are rounded, movements and gait become smooth and beautiful. The development of the mammary glands, pubic and axillary hair growth is completed. A typical female figure develops with certain ratios of the sizes of the torso, limbs, and waist. An angular, awkward teenager turns into a girl with pronounced femininity. Her voice and laughter sound louder, the blush on her cheeks burns brighter, the roundness of her shape adds charm to her appearance.

Sex hormones, released into the blood, also influence the overall development of the girl. Along with external transformation, her character, state of mind, and attitude towards others change. During this period, her circle of aspirations, interests, desires expands, and her intellect develops. At the same time, there is instability of mood, sometimes expressed in an unexpected transition from stormy, sometimes causeless gaiety to gloomy silence, depression, and uncontrollable tears. Occasionally, a girl displays hostility towards close people around her and a tendency to act rashly.

One of the signs of approaching puberty is the awakening of sexual feelings in a girl, the presence of a clear desire to please boys. At first, the girl shows shyness, even antagonism and sometimes a desire to tease them. Then she begins to feel the urge to be friends with young men, and sexual attraction is still of a vague, unconscious nature.

Friendship between peers of different sexes at the age of 16-20 requires a careful and sensitive attitude on the part of parents and educators, because careless words, incorrect assessments, and unfair criticism of this friendship can achieve the opposite results and awaken a premature desire to realize one’s sexual desire. You should know that in a girl it is much less pronounced than in a boy, and is more of a need for affection, tenderness, and attention. This attitude towards a young man can persist for a long time.

Some young men have the incorrect opinion that girls prefer physical strength and bravado in men, and therefore, they say, they should avoid showing tenderness and affection towards them. Parents need to remind young men that girls are characterized by increased emotional vulnerability and that they require a particularly sensitive attitude towards themselves.

The desire for sexual intimacy under the influence of sexual arousal in a girl is not as demanding as in a boy. Even if girls agree to physical intimacy, it is often out of a feeling of love, yielding to the persistent demands of a loved one, and sometimes even against physical desire.

This is one of the few disharmonies of nature, when sensitivity and love come earlier than the biological and social maturity of a person.

Our state legally regulated the age of people entering into marriage: in Russia it is 18 years. Girls are under great protection of the law: having sexual intercourse with a girl under 18 years of age can lead to the initiation of a criminal case against the boy. And this is no coincidence, since early sexual activity has the most negative impact on a girl’s body.

The physiological basis of love is sexual attraction under the influence of sex hormones. The sexual side necessary in a love relationship is not the only basis, since people have the ability to manage feelings and direct them in accordance with their moral and ethical beliefs.

Love is a feeling of great significance and responsibility, on the basis of which a family, a unit of society is created, and the human race continues. Early sexual life without deep, time-tested friendship, without spiritual closeness of young people defiles the high feeling of love. Passion for sexual relations inhibits the desire for self-improvement and prematurely stops intellectual development. Tempting plans for the future remain unrealized, life ideals become unrealistic or, at best, limited. Young people, as a rule, cannot obtain the necessary education and take the place in society that they expected.

Early onset of sexual activity often significantly harms health, inhibits physical development, and predisposes to the appearance of neurogenital disorders. Why strive for sexual activity, the birth of a child, if even the physical development of your own body is not yet completed?

The physical development of boys is completed by the age of 20-22, and that of girls by 20. This age, apparently, should be considered as the point of achieving physical maturity and, upon receiving the appropriate education, and with it the opportunity to actively participate in work and social life, so that to have the financial ability to provide for oneself and family—social maturity.

Since ancient times, all nations have had the concept of maiden honor. Recently, they have begun to treat this concept as a prejudice. Is this absolutely correct? When a girl becomes a woman, changes occur in her body: the entire neurohormonal system comes into play, and a feeling of need for sexual activity comes. But a girl who accidentally, for example, after a party, becomes a woman, almost always loses her first partner. Casual connections begin. Sometimes at the beginning of an intimate relationship the illusion of an easy, cheerful life is created, but after some time a feeling of concern and anxiety comes.

If a young man endures them relatively easily, then the girl, naturally, is more worried about her future. Firstly, the loss of a girl’s purity gives rise to uncertainty, doubt that she will be able to create a full-fledged family. And most importantly, every sexual intercourse can result in an unwanted pregnancy, which will affect the girl’s entire future life. The most favorable option is marriage. But will he be happy and stable enough? Among those who are dissolved, a considerable percentage are made up of precisely such marriages.

If the pregnancy is terminated, even by mutual consent, the consequences are very sad. A medical abortion operation is dangerous due to various complications, gynecological diseases, including infertility. It is even more dangerous if a woman, for some reason, decides to have a clandestine abortion.

During casual sexual intercourse, conditions are created for infection with sexually transmitted diseases, which cause enormous harm, especially to women. They cause severe inflammation of the genital organs, disruption of their functions, and sometimes inflammatory tumors are formed that require surgical intervention.

The most favorable age for the beginning of sexual activity should be considered the period of sexual physical and spiritual development of a person - for a girl 19-20 years old, for a boy 22-24 years old. As you can see, there is some gap in time from the appearance of sexual desire to the beginning of sexual activity. Isn't sexual abstinence harmful in this case?

The opinion about the possible harm of sexual abstinence before marriage or, if necessary, during married life is without any basis. Science does not know of diseases that would arise from sexual abstinence. According to the general opinion of the largest experts in the field of physiology, hygiene, obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry, endocrinology, sexual abstinence until the end of puberty and the period of marital relations is absolutely harmless. Moreover; sexual abstinence until full puberty can only be beneficial, as it accumulates energy, promotes fruitful study and work, and preserves the vitality necessary for the full spiritual development of the individual.

Purposeful, socially useful direction of people's physical strength and nervous energy, raising the cultural level, self-improvement, physical education and sports give a full-fledged feeling of the joy of life, facilitating the easy transfer of sexual abstinence.

Married persons must follow certain hygiene rules. First of all, you need to keep your genitals clean. When examining the head of the penis, we often find that many people have no idea about the need for periodic toileting of this part of the body. The glands of the skin of the inner layer of the foreskin secrete fatty lubricant, which, accumulating together with sebum and horny scales, creates a breeding ground for microorganisms. This causes skin irritation, increased sexual arousal and a tendency to masturbate. Daily toileting of the genitals is necessary for both men and women. It is very convenient to use a hand shower for these purposes. Reddened areas of the skin can be powdered with baby powder.

Women should be especially careful about hygiene procedures during menstruation. During this time, you need to wash yourself at least 2-3 times a day. Vaginal douching, bathing, and sexual intercourse are strictly prohibited. During menstruation, the cervical canal opens slightly and this creates conditions for the penetration of microbes into the uterus, tubal canals and abdominal cavity. Sexual intercourse not only causes increased bleeding, but also contributes to the entry of microbes into the woman’s internal genital organs. In addition, menstrual blood contains substances that can cause inflammation of the male penis.

Some women do not change their underwear until the end of menstruation, which cannot be considered correct. During this period, you should change your underwear more often, wash with warm water in the shower, and be especially clean.

For all menstrual irregularities, you should consult a doctor. Typically, menstruation repeats at regular intervals every 21-28-35 days. Deviations in one direction or another indicate some kind of disturbance in the body. The normal duration of menstruation is 3-5 days. During this period, and sometimes a few days before the onset of menstruation, some women experience increased irritability, fatigue, tearfulness, and pain in the lower abdomen. In a normally developed, physically healthy woman, these symptoms are very mild. In case of severe pain and heavy bleeding, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The first menstruation is a sign of the onset of puberty for a girl, but in order for the body to be fully strengthened and formed, several more years are needed.

Inflammatory diseases and exacerbation of chronic processes most often occur during menstruation or immediately after its end, especially if during this period the woman does not follow the rules of hygiene.

It is very important that during the cold season a woman wears warm underwear and stockings. Cooling the legs and lower abdomen can lead to inflammatory diseases of the bladder and internal genital organs. Under no circumstances should you wear nylon or light silk panties in winter. The habit of systematically delaying the urge to urinate also contributes to the occurrence of inflammatory diseases of the bladder.

You should monitor your intestinal function, as chronic constipation leads to congestion in the pelvis, which in turn causes a number of diseases.

Sexual intercourse is not allowed during menstruation, as well as in the last two months of pregnancy. Rough sexual intercourse in the first two months of pregnancy can cause abortion.

Itching and burning in the genitals is an extremely delicate problem, which can sometimes be very difficult to talk about. In addition to psychological discomfort and unpleasant sensations, such signs may indicate the presence of some serious disease. This is often characteristic of sexually transmitted diseases, but can also be the cause of other gynecological diseases.

In addition, itching in the genital area can affect intimate life, since discomfort intensifies during and after sex, and sometimes can even turn into painful sensations, which completely discourages attraction to a partner. So what could be the causes of itching and burning of the labia?

Causes of itching of the labia

  • A common cause of genital itching is fungal infections. One of the most common infections is candidiasis, or thrush. Itching can also often occur from bacterial vaginosis.
  • To correctly determine the type of infection that causes discomfort in the genital area, you should pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. White discharge, cheesy consistency, odorless, sometimes slightly foamy, most likely indicates the presence of thrush. But with vaginosis, symptoms such as itching in the genital area, pain during sexual intercourse and urination are much less common. Most often, women with vaginosis complain about discharge. While candidiasis accompanied by all the indicated signs. As a rule, creams and regular ointments do not help. They only bring temporary relief, after which the desire to take a shower and get rid of these sensations will again appear. An effective remedy in the fight against thrush and vaginosis are antifungal drugs and antibiotics. At the same time, do not forget that they kill all bacteria indiscriminately and with prolonged use of the drugs you can disrupt your natural environment. Therefore, it is best to resort to preventative measures.
  • The main factors causing thrush are reduced immunity, negative effects from the use of antibiotics, changes in vaginal microflora. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to eat yoghurts rich in live lactic acid bacteria, red pepper, garlic, lingonberries, propolis, tea tree oil and grapefruit. It is also advisable to wear cotton underwear and have sexual relations only with a regular partner.
  • Bacterial vaginosis occurs frequently with uncontrolled use of antibiotics, previous inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, menstrual irregularities, long-term use of oral contraceptives or an intrauterine device. The main advice for preventing bacterial vaginosis is to use contraceptives containing 9-nonoxynol, and always use a condom for one-time sexual intercourse. Do not forget that bacterial vaginosis can cause female infertility.

Read also:

  • Unpleasant sensations in an intimate place in women: causes, treatment

Also, the labia may itch due to:

  1. allergies to various cosmetics that contain chemical or perfume additives that cause irritation and itching,
  2. synthetic tight underwear,
  3. inaccurate depilation of intimate areas, for example, by shaving, or hair removal with irritating creams,
  4. sexually transmitted infections
  5. non-inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia: such as cancer, allergies, pubic lice, leukoplakia.

To find out why you are suffering from itching of the external genitalia, first of all, you should identify the exact cause. If this is not due to wearing the wrong underwear or personal hygiene products, you should definitely consult a specialist. If upon examination you are found to have ulcers or rashes, then such signs usually indicate a lesion genital herpes.

Read also:

  • Why does spotting appear after menstruation: depending on the age and health status of the woman

The cause of itching of the labia may be unprotected sexual intercourse, which is accompanied by painful urination and unusual discharge, which indicates a sexually transmitted infection. The external genitalia can also itch due to precancerous diseases, kraurosis and leukoplakia. Most often, such diseases occur in women after thirty.

How to cure itchy labia?

To carry out the correct treatment, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis that a doctor can determine. Having passed all the necessary tests and heard the opinion of a specialist, you can begin treatment with medications. However, keep in mind that d To make a diagnosis, you can use folk remedies, but they only temporarily relieve irritation and itching of the labia.

  • Herbal decoction helps relieve genital discomfort h willow, taking sitz baths with the addition of chamomile decoction, washing the labia with yarrow tincture or mint decoction. Sitz baths made from a decoction of sage herb are considered a good remedy; for some, this remedy helps get rid of itching in just a couple of uses. You can also try washing your genitals before going to bed with a decoction of mackerel.
  • You can make an ointment using natural ingredients. For this you will need: pre-roasted and chopped walnut kernels - 1 tbsp. l., yolk - 1 pc., pure vegetable oil - 1 tsp. Mix all ingredients and cook over low heat until the ointment becomes thick, then strain and use cheesecloth. Use the ointment for severe attacks of itching; additionally, you can apply it before bed.
  • In addition, in order to reduce itching of the labia, you must adhere to certain recommendations: wash yourself 2 times a day with warm water without using soap, for washing you can prepare a solution of furatsilin or chamomile decoction, refuse sex for a while, exclude spicy and sweet foods, alcohol from your diet .


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