The girl's mood changes. Frequent mood swings

Hello. The fact is that I'm worried about the fact that I have a place to be very frequent and abrupt mood swings. Each time it becomes more and more difficult to keep emotions under control. I'm afraid of myself lately... I'm especially afraid of the state of aggression, because in most cases it turns into unbridled rage! Sometimes I go beyond the limits of reason and stop only when I catch myself thinking that I am causing physical pain to someone ... As if some clouding of consciousness occurs. This worries me, because before it was very difficult to piss me off, and at the moment even some kind of everyday conflict is acquiring for me the status of a problem of the World! With the passage of such outbreaks, some kind of apathy appeared, it’s all the same for everyone and everything that happens outside of my own world, every morning starts gloomy and empty, I don’t see any more reason to continue my worthless existence, I also have no desire to look into the future, because that it seems to be covered with a thick gray veil. Often the state that I just sit and stare at one point on the wall, probably not even blinking. I always argue from some stupid pessimistic point of view, trying in vain to convince myself that this is realism. Increasingly, I want to lock myself up at home and not see people at all, let alone contact them somehow. I did a lot of different stupid things ... Nothing helped to cope. I ask for help only because I have a million more strange incomprehensible phobias, but they don’t care anymore, they fade into the background, and the first one just gets the word “emptiness” and it scares me, because sometimes I I can reason normally and understand in these glimpses that I am afraid that now, after some time, I will again return to this state of vacuum existence.
I will be very grateful to you if you can at least visually tell why this is so, and to whom I should contact with this problem. And is it a problem at all? Or maybe it's my next phobia?

Emotional instability.

Your environment and social circle are the main factors that shape your ability to deal with stressful situations.

Developing emotional stability requires your efforts:

1. Talk about your feelings with people who are close to you and whom you trust.

2. Look for reasons for the predicament you think you might be in. This will give you the opportunity to better understand what is happening, and you will be able to see the crisis not as a hopeless problem, but as a situation in which you can act decisively, because you know what needs to be done. Good problem orientation helps fight fear, which is usually exaggerated during times of increased stress levels.

3. Agree that sometimes there are situations that we cannot change. Learn to accept these situations.

4. Spend time strengthening and maintaining relationships with loved ones and acquaintances. The closer and more meaningful your relationship is, the better your ability to cope with problems and stress will be.

5. Cultivate hope and optimism. Even in the most difficult times, do not forget that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Watch and re-watch the SECRET movie several times:

6. Come up with a new hobby for yourself - this will significantly add positive emotions to you and distract you from problems.

7. Help other people without waiting for help. By giving support to others, you will increase your ability to cope with difficulties. This will make you feel more confident.

8. Remember your lessons from the past, analyze how you coped then with events - this will help you develop confidence in your ability to cope with future problems.

9. If you already have experience of coping with stressful situations, make a set of recovery measures for yourself (for example, spending time with close friends), and be ready to repeat them if necessary.

10. Consider postponing important decisions during recovery.

11. Strive for a healthy diet, exercise, do not forget about the rest and ensure enough sleep. This will help you avoid stress.

The main thing you should remember is that good emotional stability will help you cope with any troubles.

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Hello Alexandra.

Don't be afraid of "emptiness". Trust your body. It is reasonable. It is now trying to get rid of the accumulated blocked energy, which, finding no way out, gives a feeling of gloom, melancholy, apathy, loss of the meaning of life. And when he finds a reason for a splash, then in the form of uncontrolled aggression.

You need catharsis: yell, rage, dance, shake your whole body to the point of exhaustion, do not restrain yourself, do not suppress it. what climbs out, but let some part of your consciousness be a little aside and watch all this - this is important! Do 20-30 or 40 minutes. Then allow yourself to fall exhausted, lie quietly and listen to yourself, the emptiness, the silence inside. If you are not afraid of her, then she will give you very pleasant sensations, peace, relaxation ... Open up to her. Let in a new fresh influx of energy.

Better to do it with music. First furious, with drums, and then quiet, relaxing. New age music is fine.

In this way, you will free yourself from stagnant energy (unreleased anger, fears, resentment). This will help you. Do this every day for a week, longer if you can. If you like it, then systematically. :-)

You can yell in a deserted place for 10-15 minutes, just ah-ah-ah! from the heart, to the very bottom. 2-3-5 times. At the same time, you can beat a pillow or something else. But always remain observing, not controlling, not holding back, but observing, for example, like an outsider from the balcony of the 6th floor, who is not going to do anything, but sees everything and notices: what is happening with the body, how you scream.

If you can’t do it yourself, find information about Osho’s dynamic meditations, where they are held, work out in groups. Or a psychologist engaged in body-oriented psychotherapy.

It's not a disease. We just get used to it in everyday life and don't notice it. that our mind chatters endlessly like a telephone exchange. And in the moments when he falls silent, there is silence or emptiness, which frightens us out of habit. Stay in this void, listen to your body, don't stay outside - take a step inside yourself. These may be moments of awareness, filling with something new that are important for you.

Mandatory: first catharsis, and then relaxation.

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Only recently you were in seventh heaven with happiness, and now you are angry. Relatives reproach you that you are simply unbearable with your mood swings. Be careful: this could be a sign of something serious!

It happens that we are not aware of our behavior at all. We do not notice that at first we are joyful, full of enthusiasm, and a little later - sad, sentimental, whiny. We easily move from euphoria to anger, within one hour we manage to fall into hysterics and burst into fits of hysterical laughter. We don't see a problem until someone points it out to us. Have you also heard about yourself that your mood is too changeable? Don't underestimate this.

"Emotional swings", as a rule, are characteristic of women. They involve experiencing extreme emotional states. In men, they are very rare, moreover, such a lightning-fast change of mood is often difficult for them to understand, it can be the object of jokes and sarcasm. Meanwhile, the problem is not so banal. Mood fluctuations are caused by hormonal changes—often, but not always: they can be caused by something else.

stress and anger

Each person deals with them in their own way. Some do it better, others worse. When stress begins to overwhelm you and you cannot find an outlet for negative emotions, mood swings are very likely to appear. For many people, the reaction to prolonged stress is precisely the sharp changes in the emotional state. Some women either scream, or cry, or quarrel with a partner, or want to immediately be in his arms. To prevent this from happening, you need to give vent to your negative emotions in a different way.


This is one of the most serious so-called diseases of civilization. According to the World Health Organization, more than 350 million people can suffer from depression! Despite its prevalence, we know very little about this disease. Often it seems to us that depression is manifested by a constant feeling of sadness, apathy, and the inability to have fun. This is so, but not only. Sometimes depression manifests itself precisely as mood swings, and with a roll in the negative. Some people in this state are angry, even aggressive, too loud. It should be remembered that this disease is possible and it is not a cause for shame.


Excessive use of alcohol and drugs (cocaine, amphetamines) can negatively affect the emotional state. This is because at first they cause a significant improvement in mood (it is no coincidence that people talk about drugs as a high), increase energy and increase self-esteem. But when the substances stop working, the person taking them may experience a feeling of complete depression. Remember that dependence on alcohol and psychotropic substances harms not only your physical health, but also the psyche.

Lack of sleep

Sleep is essential for the body to function properly. In this sense, he will not let himself be deceived. Sleeping until noon on weekends or all week in snatches is wrong because it violates sleep hygiene. You need to rest regularly, 7-9 hours a day. Scientific studies have confirmed that just one single sleepless night already worsens the psychophysical form of a person. Sleepless nights have been noted to make us more aggressive. Lack of sleep leads primarily to mood disorders, emotional instability.

Bipolar disorder

This is a mental disorder from the group of affective. People with this condition often experience episodes of mania and depression. At first they are agitated, hyperactive and excitable, but soon become discouraged and "disconnect" themselves from the world. Typical of a manic episode are thought races, reduced need for sleep, increased energy, hallucinations, and inflated self-esteem. Depressive episodes are characterized by a decrease in mood and self-esteem, problems with concentration, slowing down of thought processes, thoughts of suicide. If you suspect this disease, you should consult a psychiatrist.

For starters, you can go. famous American psychologist Albert Ellis.

Premenstrual syndrome

Are you worried that your mood swings may be indicative of an illness? But it could be “just” PMS. From some studies it follows that every second woman faces premenstrual syndrome. Typical symptoms appear a few days before the onset of menstruation and subside after they begin. In this case, in addition to mood swings, irritability, excessive appetite, headaches, chest pain, back pain, aggression, tearfulness, difficulty concentrating, sadness, swelling, feeling hot, fatigue, vision problems are observed.


The average European woman experiences this phenomenon at the age of 49. When the level of key hormones in a woman's body drops, the body reacts to the decrease in a certain way. The disappearance of menstruation is one thing. Menopause also brings other symptoms that can be quite tiring. We are talking, in particular, about mood swings, as well as hot flashes, insomnia, excessive sweating. Responsible for this is a decrease in the production of estrogen, the most important female hormone. Sometimes menopause can start prematurely and in its early version affect women younger than 40 years old.

Other reasons

There are other reasons that can cause a sharp change in experienced emotions. You may be surprised, but for example, diet is responsible for our mood. In particular, extreme mood swings can be associated with excess caffeine and sugar. Head trauma or a brain tumor can also be responsible for extreme emotional states. A similar problem is experienced by individuals with a borderline state, which is somewhere between neurosis and schizophrenia. The state of such people is called stable instability. Typical for them are not only mood swings, but bouts of intense anger, unstable self-esteem, severe anxiety, lack of meaning in life, aggression directed at themselves.

It is natural for people to feel upset and depressed because of problems and difficulties, as well as to rejoice, experiencing positive emotions. But sometimes mood swings happen regardless of the situation, disrupt the usual course of life, create tension in relationships with family members, colleagues, friends. If this happens often and for no reason, it is possible that the person is suffering from some type of emotional disorder or physical illness.

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    Why does the mood change?

    Some people experience mood swings several times a day. A positive attitude can suddenly give way to irritation, anger, anger, or depression and apathy. Such behavior negatively affects the person himself and the people who are nearby. The lack of understanding of others causes a feeling of guilt in the prisoner of emotions, and he himself does not understand why his feelings are like a rollercoaster.

    Often people themselves are guilty of conduct disorders. Suspiciousness, anxiety, suspicion, inability to build relationships, resolve conflict situations deprive a person of psychological stability. The following factors influence the emotional mood:

    1. 1. The state of constant alarm. Instead of living in the present, a person returns to the past, remembering and analyzing failures, mistakes, mistakes. He sees the future as full of negative events, worries about himself and his loved ones, is constantly in suspense, expecting bad news.
    2. 2. Excessive demands on oneself and others. People with this attitude are never satisfied with life, realizing that they are unable to live up to the ideal they aspire to. This causes a negative attitude towards oneself, neurosis, unstable mood.
    3. 3. Emotional immaturity. People who do not know how to adequately get out of conflict situations suffer from frequent mood swings under the influence of troubles at work, family troubles, instability, changes in life.
    4. 4. Lack of love in the family. Children who grew up in families where they lacked attention and care, in adulthood often suffer from emotional disorders, accompanied by mood swings.
    5. 5. Being in any kind of addiction (alcohol, drug, gaming, sexual, computer, etc.).

    An abrupt change in mood does not necessarily indicate problems in the emotional sphere, there is often a physiological reason for this.

    Physical and psychological causes

    If the alternation of euphoria and depression is accompanied by weight loss or gain, sleep and appetite disturbance, shortness of breath, menstrual cycle failure in women, nausea, dizziness, tremor of the limbs, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Often the cause of emotional instability is illness.

    Mood Influencing Organs:

    1. 1. Thyroid gland. Increased production of thyroid hormone leads to irritability, irascibility, nervousness. A decrease in the concentration of the hormone slows down the metabolism in the body, making a person lethargic, weak, depressed.
    2. 2. Cardiovascular system. Tachycardia and increased blood pressure contribute to the production of adrenaline, as a result of which a person feels bouts of fear and anxiety.
    3. 3. Diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Short-term outbursts of anger in this case provokes the release of norepinephrine caused by a spasm of the biliary tract.
    4. 4. Diabetes. The mood of a diabetic can fluctuate along with the level of sugar in the blood, changing from fun and joy to isolation, irritation, anxiety, fear.

    To identify internal pathology, an examination by a therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist is necessary. Without treatment for a disease that provokes frequent mood swings, the advice of a psychologist, taking sedatives and antidepressants will not bring the expected result.

    In addition to the general factors that cause emotional disruptions, there are specific ones for women, men and children, due to the peculiarities of the psyche, physiology, and age-related changes in the body.

    In men

    Men are expected to have willpower, masculinity, stamina, the ability to endure difficulties with an unbending back, but a significant part of the strong half of humanity does not meet these expectations. They are prone to fear, anxiety, nervous tension, stress. Fatigue, worries related to material care for the family, misunderstanding of the wife, problems at work can cause a man to experience mood swings, despondency, and depression.

    Other causes of emotional breakdowns are bad habits and a midlife crisis. Addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling, viewing pornography negatively affects the male psyche. In such people, mood swings can be dangerous, as they reach aggression towards family members.

    Among women

    In the weaker sex, frequent bouts of anger, tearfulness, hysteria occur against the background of hormonal changes during menstruation, during the period of bearing and feeding a child, with menopause. For many, PMS (premenstrual syndrome) causes such manifestations, while others suffer from emotional disturbances after menstruation.

    Bad habits, dissatisfaction with appearance, unsatisfied desires, lack of personal life, constant stress, tensions in the family and at work leave their mark on the psycho-emotional side of a woman's personality, making her nervous, prone to unstable mood, prone to depression.

    In children and adolescents

    In young children, mood swings are observed during periods of age-related crises. In a similar way, the child tries to capture the attention of adults, reacts to an unfavorable situation in the family, conflicts of parents. The costs of education also affect the behavior of the baby. Excessive control, guardianship, unjustified prohibitions, excessive demands provoke an emotional response in the child in the form of outbreaks of aggression, uncontrollability, stubbornness.

    During puberty, the psyche of children becomes especially vulnerable and susceptible to the influence of external factors. Against the background of a hormonal surge, any event can cause a storm of emotions in a teenager, positive or negative.

    In a young guy, a mood change is caused by a reduced level of the sex hormone testosterone, which is responsible for timely puberty. For a girl, the impetus for the appearance of behavioral disorders can be dissatisfaction with appearance, loss of attention of the opposite sex, difficulties in communicating with peers, the beginning of the monthly cycle and the associated surge of hormones.

    Adolescent depression, which has become an epidemic in recent decades, inspires serious concern. If you notice symptoms of extreme depression, gloom, unwillingness to do your usual work, do what you love, take care of yourself in your son or daughter, you need to contact a psychologist. It is dangerous to ignore the signs of depression in a teenager, since a child’s long stay in such a state threatens his life: it is depression that is responsible for most teenage suicides.

    Mental disorders

    The most common cause of mood swings are neuropsychiatric disorders observed in people of both sexes, different age and social groups. The imbalance of the psyche can be temporary, depending on internal or external stimuli, but sometimes it reaches critical levels in the form of severe depression, neurosis.

    Frequent and rapid change of emotional reactions occurs in such conditions:

    • hysteria - a disorder with a violation of motor, autonomic, behavioral reactions, the desire of an individual to draw attention to himself with tears, screaming, unnatural laughter, inappropriate behavior;
    • cyclothymia, a feature of which is a rapid transition from euphoria to extreme depression and sadness;
    • bipolar disorder or manic-depressive psychosis;
    • dysthymia - a mild stage of depression;
    • borderline state - a personality disorder, which is characterized by inability to live in society, inability to communicate with others;
    • panic attacks - attacks of inexplicable fear, panic, anxiety, accompanied by symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia;
    • depression.

    Stressful situations, circumstances that require nervous tension (exams, an important meeting), for people with meteorological dependence - weather changes, moving to another climatic zone become the mechanism that triggers a temporary deviation in mental health.

    Prevention and treatment

    Prevention of behavioral deviations is the correct upbringing from infancy, attention to the emotional needs of the child, attitude towards him as a person, respect for his views and preferences. Equally important is the consistency, well-coordinated actions of the parents (what the father forbade, the mother does not allow), otherwise the child from an early age will learn resourcefulness and opportunism, which will negatively affect his mental development.

    The age of puberty requires special attention and effort from parents. At this time, the child must be treated as an adult, respecting his right to choose friends, extracurricular activities, music, clothes, entertainment. At the same time, it is necessary to stipulate prohibitions and restrictions, clearly explaining why they are necessary. So parents can develop a trusting relationship with a teenager and go through a difficult age together without injuring the immature psyche of an adult child.

    A simple but effective way to prevent and treat mood swings in adults and children is to follow a diet, sleep, work and rest, moderate exercise, and stay in the fresh air. The technique of auto-training, meditation, yoga will help to normalize the psycho-emotional background, restore mental balance after experienced stress, conflict, troubles. Food rich in vitamins and microelements has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, the general condition of the body.

    In cases of stable problems with emotional mood, they resort to the help of sedatives, nootropics, antidepressants, and tranquilizers. These medications belong to the group of potent, some are addictive, so it is unacceptable to use them on your own.

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Possible reasons for frequent mood swings may include: stress, overexertion, overwork, chronic fatigue, nervous discharge, or sudden changes in life. In addition to psychological factors, sudden changes in mood can indicate thyroid disease, neurological diseases, heart disease, liver disease, hormonal disorders, and certain types of cancer. In women, they appear during menopause, during pregnancy as a result of hormonal imbalance. The reasons for frequent mood swings are also: alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling.

In most cases, frequent and sharp mood swings are accompanied by a change in emotional experiences. At the same time, well-being, ability to work, sleep, appetite will depend on the mood. It becomes difficult for people with constant and abrupt mood swings to communicate with other people, they begin to experience problems in the family and at work, they suffer from a lack of understanding of others, feelings of emotional dissatisfaction, and inner loneliness.

Mood swings can indicate mental disorders - anxiety or bipolar. In bipolar disorder, mood swings occur spontaneously. Sometimes they can be triggered by certain situations or events. Some note that they experience a sharp deterioration or improvement in mood only at work or during the weekend. For people with an anxiety disorder, the state of anxiety itself leads to severe stress, which changes mood. In both cases, the causes of mood swings can be a decrease in the production of certain neurotransmitters, a change in hormone levels.

Often people think that their feelings and thoughts are certain, but a change in the level of chemicals in the body can affect them no less than current events. People suffering from mood swings often have low levels of norepinephrine and serotonin. You can bring them back to normal only with the help of antidepressants. Anxiety and bipolar disorders lead to severe psychological fatigue. It seems to a person that he will not be able to control the condition, he is afraid of exacerbations. This leads to more frequent mood swings. Due to a mental disorder, a feeling of isolation often appears, this has a strong impact on a person's attitude towards himself and towards life. Frequent mood swings can be the result of lower self-esteem due to illness.



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