After treatment of endometritis, you can become pregnant. Treatment and prevention of endometritis: chronic, postpartum, acute. IVF pregnancy and endometritis and

called endometritis gynecological disease, characterized by damage to the endometrium - mucous tissues lining the walls of the uterus from the inside. The mucous membrane of the uterus is protected from external influences. But some factors can increase the risk of damage to the endometrium, causing inflammation. The chronic course of the disease in most cases is a consequence of poorly treated acute endometritis.

The reasons for this are complex and require extensive special diagnostics. Genetic analysis: Creation of a chromosomal analysis in men and women in order to exclude congenital hereditary disorders. Study of the coagulation system: if it exists increased risk coagulation, small small thromboses can occur in the lining of the uterus, leading to the death of the pregnancy due to lack of blood supply. Therefore, a thorough study of the quality of spermatozoa is necessary. Identification of immunological factors: The immune system of women plays an important role in the acceptance of embryos in the uterus and maternal immune system. A biopsy of the uterine lining can detect an increased proportion of natural killer cells.

  • Organic clarification: Exclusion of abnormalities of the uterus and uterine cavity.
  • Diagnostics to identify the causes on the part of the man.
  • A fetus is only as good as the eggs and sperm from which it originated.
  • An imbalance in the mother's immune system can lead to pregnancy rejection.
  • Detection of enlarged killer cells in the lining of the uterus or in the blood.
In addition to immunological brightening, there are also new ways to treat recurrent miscarriages.

The age group with an increased risk of developing pathology is women childbearing age. Rarely, the disease is diagnosed in nulliparous girls leading a erratic sexual life. The course of the disease in all age groups goes the same way.

The reasons

Endometritis in a pregnant woman is great danger for the further course of pregnancy and gestation. The causes of the development of the disease can be an unsuccessful abortion, various gynecological procedures. Important role also plays a decline protective functions organism, i.e., a complication of immunity.

From a dose of cortisone to new therapeutic approaches such as partner immunization, antibody therapy or the introduction of specific growth factors. When clarifying recurrent miscarriages, there are usually no simple and quick answers and therapeutic approaches. The clarification of this extremely complex event requires intensive collaboration with specialist gynecologists, laboratory doctors, human geneticists and immunologists.

Endometritis is an infection caused by various microbes in the endometrium. Pathogens are usually bacteria that ascend through the vagina into the uterine cavity. This infection is bacterial or microbial origin caused by microbes that enter the uterine cavity in the absence of a protective function. For example, streptococci often rise 24 to 48 hours after delivery. This then announces endometritis or inflammation of the endometrium. Because it happens so often in a flash postpartum period, the infection is also called infantile fever, puerperal fever, puerperal fever, or short-term labor.

One of the main reasons for the development of endometritis in pregnant women is infection.

The development and complication of chronic endometritis in a pregnant woman is the cause of miscarriage, because with damaged endometrium, attachment gestational sac to the wall of the uterus is impossible. Only with the complete cure of the disease can you endure and give birth to a healthy child.

Endometritis and conception

Abortion can also lead to endometritis. In addition to these direct factors, there are other reasons. C-section, too long opening of the cervix, too long labor, repeated contact with the vagina during childbirth can contribute to infection. Other risk factors include endomium factors, severe internal bleeding and even general anesthesia.

Endometritis - infectious pathology manifested by fever after childbirth. This fever may be accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal pain and bad smell flu. The patient's endometrium usually exhibits painfully enlarged and soft uterus and hyperleukocytosis.

If a woman still manages to maintain a pregnancy, the likelihood of developing pathologies in the fetus increases, since its nutrition is disturbed. It is possible to identify such pathologies with the help of ultrasound, therefore it is very important to undergo an examination at the stage of pregnancy planning and throughout the period of bearing a child.

Moreover, endometritis, which has chronic course, is the reason for unsuccessful attempts in vitro fertilization. Embryos cannot take root on the wall of the uterus, which is why an early miscarriage occurs.

Homeopathic help is possible

Late signs violate menstrual bleeding, bad smell and dark discharge and concept violations. Endometritis, or inflammation of the endometrium, can be acute as well as chronic. Chronic form causes painful pelvic inflammatory disease. This remedy acts as an antibiotic and thus helps prevent infection.

it homeopathic medicine can be taken as long as general state pregnant woman will noticeably improve. It treats infection and inflammation of the lining of the uterus and at the same time prevents the risk of recurrence. Usual dose- one dose per week for three months.

A woman with chronic endometritis“habitual” miscarriages often occur when spontaneous abortion occurs for up to 28 weeks two or more times in a row.


The first signs of chronic endometritis can be noticed not immediately, as clinical manifestations are not pronounced. With the transition of inflammation to severe form is affected muscle layer uterus. Clinical picture changes and becomes clearer.

If no significant improvement occurs, treatment can easily be extended for the same duration. Already at the onset of the first symptoms - fever, vaginal discharge, pain - a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. Without proper treatment, inflammation can spread to the peritoneum and pelvis.

Associated individual agents and indications - "Endometritis"

Good to know: homeopathic remedies, such as acid nitrogen and creosote, are also effective in the treatment of endometritis. Chronic endometritis - chronic inflammatory disease which affects the lining of the uterus. Because its various infectious agents are viruses and bacteria. This disease is very dangerous for women's health as a result of progression into the reproductive system, which disrupts the growth and rejection of the endometrium. This, in turn, leads to a violation menstrual cycle, uterine bleeding, miscarriage and infertility.

If, after treatment of acute endometritis, after a while, reappear disturbing symptom, you need to contact the doctor who is leading your pregnancy, who will prescribe adequate treatment. This will help save the life and health of the unborn baby and take timely measures to treat the disease.

If manifestations acute form are pronounced, then the symptoms of chronic endometritis are blurred. The disease is accompanied by the following manifestations:

chances of pregnancy

But when the pathology is diagnosed and treated, the work of female genital mutilation returns to normal, and you can become pregnant. Etiology Symptoms Discomfort and pregnancy Diagnosis Treatment. . The cervical cavity is usually sterile - it should not be in various pathogens. In the vagina, on the other hand, it's a whole bunch of bacteria. Between these places is the cervix, tank.

The vagina invades the uterus. If, for any reason, genital pathogens invade, immediate or chronic inflammation of the endometrium begins to progress. The consequences of this disease, if left untreated, can be devastating. Chronic endometritis is usually diagnosed in women of childbearing age and is actively involved in sexual activity. But it is also worth noting that the pathology is growing, as well as female sex, which cannot begin with sex.

  • elevated body temperature over a period of time,
  • bleeding from the uterus
  • serous discharge from the vagina
  • pain during defecation.

Chronic endometritis is not an obstacle to conception, but is the cause of miscarriage, therefore, in case of manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor for examination and treatment.

Increased risk of chronic endometritis. After endometrial biopsy; after a miscarriage or abortion; after dilatation and curettage; Women who made war; in the presence of bacterial vaginosis or candidiasis; in women who have already had a pregnancy and complications develop after childbirth infectious nature; with a history of sexually transmitted diseases: mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis and others; in the presence chronic inflammation cervix. Through the inflammatory place, it can prevent its function and prevent the penetration of bacteria from the vagina into the uterus does not work properly; in the presence of polyps reproductive organs. It is worth noting that almost a third of female doctors cannot establish true reason chronic endometritis.

Diagnosis of chronic endometritis

To confirm the diagnosis, the following measures are taken:

  • gynecological examination,
  • smear examinations,
  • general blood analysis,
  • ultrasound examination of the uterus.


Why is chronic endometritis dangerous during pregnancy? It is almost impossible to carry a child with chronic endometritis without treatment. Delayed treatment can be main reason spontaneous abortion. The area of ​​affected tissues will grow, inflammation can affect the fetal membranes, which will lead to the inevitable death of the fetus even in the womb.

As mentioned above, chronic endometritis provokes infectious agents that invade the uterine cavity. Basically, inflammation of the lining of the uterus is associated with pathological activity. AT recent times doctors are increasingly diagnosing patients with chronic endometritis, which is caused by more than one type of organism and more.

Sometimes pathology can occur due to staphylococci and streptococci. These microorganisms are opportunistic because they can stay in the body for a long time and do not cause any changes. But for some reason, they can become activated and cause inflammation of the endometrium.

by the most dangerous consequence endometritis is a fatal sepsis.


What can you do?

Neither acute nor chronic endometritis is treated at home. The disease requires immediate treatment under medical supervision. Self-medication can lead to serious consequences: miscarriage, development of infertility and sepsis.

Chronic endometritis is a very insidious disease, since for a long time can provide absolutely no symptoms. The most common symptoms are so mild that the woman does not pay attention to them. Repressive pain in the abdomen, which often occurs during exercise, but it is possible for her appearance and rest. It can be said that this is not feature, because it indicates other diseases of the female reproductive system; Pain during intercourse; Allocations. This symptom worries women the most, and it is this that seeks the doctor the most after it appears. It cannot be monthly or irregular. The vagina may appear in the middle of the bleeding cycle. Pregnancy does not occur.

  • It can be brown, yellow-green and transparent.
  • Color depends on pathogenic pathology; Menstrual disorders.
Signs of chronic endometritis usually occur gradually.

What does a doctor do?

Chronic endometritis in a pregnant woman requires immediate treatment. Otherwise, complications may arise that pose a danger not only to the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus, but also to the life of the expectant mother.

The tactics of treating endometritis during pregnancy requires a complex approach. It consists in drug therapy. The doctor prescribes the following groups of drugs:

Endometrium and pregnancy

First, there is pain in the abdomen and sex. Later associated with all these symptoms. He should not hesitate and immediately consult a doctor for advice and diagnosis, as the pathology is very dangerous, and if it does not heal, then in the future you will not be able to become pregnant. Chronic endometritis is a pathology that can become a serious obstacle to long-awaited pregnancy. The fact is that microorganisms that penetrate the cavity of the genital organs cause inflammation of the endometrium. Inflated tissue cannot serve as a "platform" for the implantation of a fertilized egg.

  • means to increase the protective functions of the body - immunomodulators,
  • vitamin complexes,
  • anti-inflammatory drugs,
  • antibiotics,
  • hormonal drugs.

Antibiotics are prescribed to treat endometritis during pregnancy. a wide range actions of the 3rd and 4th generation, which have high efficiency and safe for the fetus. The course of therapy lasts at least ten days.

Ultrasound diagnosis of the uterus

In addition, the affected endometrium can easily separate the already sewn embryo. But don't just think it is chronic endometriosis is an offer. It is possible to get pregnant, but only if the first cure for diseases. When time does not begin to heal the pathology, the chances of possible pregnancy are significantly reduced. Also observed in this case.

Pregnancy occurs, the affected endometrium, but the embryo itself rejects. . If symptoms of possible progression of chronic endometritis develop, consult a gynecologist as soon as possible to confirm or refute the diagnosis. Ultrasound of the uterus and its appendages; Hysteroscopy. . To find out the causes of the disease, as well as to identify the true pathogen, as prescribed for the diagnostic procedure.

Expectant mothers are afraid to take antibiotics during pregnancy, which is a big mistake. After antibiotic treatment, pregnancy will continue until the end of the term, such therapy will not harm the fetus.


To avoid the development of chronic endometritis during pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo treatment before conception. During the planning period of pregnancy, you should go through all necessary examinations to rule out the presence inflammatory processes and various infections in the body. If the day before you have been ill with acute endometritis, it is recommended to make sure that the disease has been completely cured, the risk of relapse is reduced to zero.

If a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time, she also prescribes a blood test to determine the concentration of hormones. Treatment of chronic endometritis should begin as soon as the doctor has accurately diagnosed. The treatment plan is designed to take into account the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the patient's body. The standard treatment plan includes.

To minimise unpleasant symptoms patient and prescribe physiotherapy. Particular attention Doctors pay for hormonal supplements because they can normalize the menstrual cycle. It is worth noting that after stopping the medication, a woman can become pregnant. This occurs against the backdrop of "withdrawal symptoms".

Regular visits to the gynecologist will allow timely detection of the development of pathologies in the body and eliminate existing infections. To protect the body from infection, it is necessary to constantly take measures to strengthen immunity, follow the rules intimate hygiene, exclude promiscuity.

If endometritis is not treated during pregnancy, complications can cause serious harm to the unborn child and the health of his mother.

Pregnancy can start planning immediately after a woman who takes full course treatment of the disease, and it disappeared due to the symptoms. It is worth noting that after the completion of the doctor, it is necessary to prescribe a second test - a biopsy, an ultrasound and a smear. If you think that you suffer from chronic endometritis and the symptoms of the disease are characteristic, you can help a gynecologist.

Is there any chance?

We also offer our online disease diagnostics, which can be used to select a disease based on initial symptoms. Polycystic ovaries. polycystic ovaries - hormonal disorder, which occurs against the background of the absence of ovulation in female body. Polycystic ovaries, the symptoms of which are expressed in a significant increase in the number of other specific manifestations, lead to the formation on the surface of many ovarian cysts to form follicles, taking the fluid that fills their immature eggs.

Find out what chronic endometritis can cause during pregnancy, how to recognize it in a timely manner. Find information about what are the signs by which you can determine the malaise. And what tests will help to identify the disease and make the correct diagnosis.

In the article you will read everything about the methods of treating a disease such as chronic endometritis during pregnancy. Specify what effective first aid should be. What to treat: choose medications or folk methods?

You will also learn how untimely treatment of chronic endometritis during pregnancy can be dangerous, and why it is so important to avoid the consequences. All about how to prevent chronic endometritis during pregnancy and prevent complications. Be healthy!

Endometritis is an infectious and inflammatory disease of the inner layer of the uterus. In anticipation of the baby, this pathology can lead to the development serious problems up to termination of pregnancy. What threatens endometritis for pregnant women?

Acute endometritis

Acute inflammation of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) is nonsense during pregnancy. This pathology is accompanied by the appearance of severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the sacral or groin. At acute endometritis body temperature often rises to 39 degrees, chills, a feeling of heat, headaches occur. Very characteristic menstrual irregularities in the form of sudden spotting and heavy and painful menstruation.

Inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus inevitably leads to its edema and infiltration. The normal blood flow in the affected organ is disturbed, the regeneration of the endometrium slows down. Against the background of an acute process, pregnancy is almost impossible. Even if conception occurs, the embryo is unlikely to be able to attach to the wall of the uterus. Such a pregnancy is highly likely to end in miscarriage for a period of 2-4 weeks. Many women do not even have time to learn about the completed conception, and only unusually profuse menstruation may indicate a possible interrupted pregnancy.

Chronic endometritis

Chronic inflammation of the uterus occurs with damage to the deep layers of the endometrium. In severe cases, the muscle layer, as well as the sheets of the peritoneum, may be involved in the process. Chronic endometritis is often combined with damage to the fallopian tubes and ovaries on both sides (salpingoophoritis).

Factors for the development of chronic endometritis:

  • complicated course of previous births;
  • abortions;
  • therapeutic and diagnostic interventions in the uterine cavity;
  • intrauterine device;
  • chronic cervicitis;
  • immunodeficiency.

The direct cause of endometritis are various pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria. Some of them live in a woman's body throughout her life, becoming more active only with a significant decrease in immunity. Other bacteria enter the vagina during unprotected intercourse, as well as in case of non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Quite often, pathogens enter the uterine cavity from cervical canal at long course chronic cervicitis.

Gynecologists believe that any intervention in the uterine cavity is a direct path to the development of chronic endometritis. Even a single abortion or diagnostic curettage leads to violation normal biocenosis and the development of sluggish inflammation. Great importance in the development of endometritis also has a reaction of the woman's immune system and individual resistance to various damaging factors.

Symptoms of chronic endometritis are observed even before pregnancy. This pathology is characterized by persistent pain in the region of the womb or in the lower back. The pain is aching, moderate, not causing much anxiety. Many women live with this pain for years and no longer give it special significance. Cycle disorders in the form of regular delays in menstruation and acyclic bleeding are also characteristic of chronic endometritis.

Many pregnant women suffering from endometritis complain of permanent meager allocations from the genital tract. Vaginal discharge may be yellowish or gray color accompanied by itching or burning. In some women, chronic endometritis is asymptomatic.

Is pregnancy possible with chronic endometritis?

Infertility- one of the most frequent complications chronic inflammation of the uterus. Endometritis often goes along with salpingo-oophoritis - inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. With this pathology, adhesions are formed in the tubes, preventing the meeting of spermatozoa with the egg. But even if fertilization occurs, the formed embryo is far from always able to attach itself to right place. adhesive process in fallopian tubes causes the embryo to get stuck halfway to the uterus. This is how ectopic pregnancydangerous state, life threatening women.

Not only infertility threatens a woman suffering from chronic endometritis. Changes in the mucous layer of the uterus lead to disruption of the implantation process. The embryo simply cannot attach to the thinned, inflamed endometrium, and the pregnancy is terminated. Chronic endometritis is characterized by frequent miscarriages for a period of 6-9 weeks.

Do not take endometritis as a sentence. Gynecologists know many cases when, against the background of chronic inflammation of the uterus, a woman bears and gives birth healthy child. A lot depends on individual characteristics organism, as well as from the personal resources of the immune system. medical support and medical supervision throughout pregnancy allow women to feel the joy of motherhood.

Complications of pregnancy

Pregnancy, which arose against the background of chronic endometritis, has its own characteristics. In such a situation, bearing a child becomes a rather serious task for the body. What problems await the expectant mother along the way?

Threat of interruption

Successful conception does not mean a successful pregnancy. Against the background of chronic inflammation, the uterus constantly comes into tone, trying to get rid of the fetus. This phenomenon is called the threat of abortion. The risk of losing a child occurs already in the first trimester and may persist until the very birth.

With a pronounced tone of the uterus, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, preservation therapy is carried out. In the early stages, antispasmodics are prescribed, relaxing the myometrium and eliminating pain syndrome(drotaverine, papaverine). After 16 weeks, they are replaced by other drugs that affect the muscular layer of the uterus (ginipral, magnesium sulfate). All these drugs effectively eliminate uterine hypertonicity and allow a woman to carry the pregnancy to the due date.

preterm birth

Unfortunately, doctors are not always able to stop the process and remove increased tone uterus. Probability of having a baby ahead of schedule in chronic endometritis increases several times. When a baby is born before 36 weeks, neonatologists come to the rescue. The child is placed in a special incubator, where he is helped to ripen and prepared for full life outside the mother's womb. Modern level development of medicine allows you to carry babies born at a period of 22 weeks of pregnancy.

placenta previa

Normally, the fetal place is located in the bottom or body of the uterus. In chronic endometritis, the embryo is not always able to attach itself to a place convenient for it. Sometimes the embryo is able to implant only at the exit from the uterus, in the area of ​​​​its pharynx. The formed placenta, as a result, overlaps lower part uterus. This condition threatens the development of bleeding in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy. If the fetal site completely closes the exit from the uterus, a planned C-section. natural childbirth in this scenario is simply impossible.

placental insufficiency

Chronic inflammation in the uterine cavity quite often leads to disruption of the formation of the placenta. As a result, a situation arises in which an inferior fertile place does not cope with its work. The kid gets less nutrients and oxygen than it needs for growth and development. What threatens this condition to the fetus?

Lack of oxygen is a dangerous phenomenon that affects the functioning of the whole organism. First of all, the nervous system of the fetus suffers. The formation of connections between the parts of the brain is disrupted, various neurological disorders. perinatal lesion nervous system negatively affects the development of the child and in the future may cause various problems with health.

Insufficient intake of nutrients and vitamins also does not bring anything good to the fetus. In severe cases, this phenomenon can lead to a significant delay prenatal development. Mothers who have had endometritis often give birth to children with low body weight (less than 2500 g).


Increasing quantity amniotic fluid gynecologists are associated with intrauterine infection. The cause of this condition may be endometritis, transferred even before conception. During pregnancy, polyhydramnios can lead to wrong position fetus in the uterus (transverse or oblique). Childbirth with polyhydramnios also does not always go well, being complicated by prolapse of umbilical cord loops and other serious problems.

Postpartum endometritis

Chronic infection can also occur after the birth of a child. After childbirth, the uterus is open wound, and any malfunction in the body can cause exacerbation of endometritis. The development of the disease is indicated by an increase in body temperature and severe pain in the womb area for 5-7 days after the birth of the baby. A sign of postpartum endometritis is also abundant bloody or purulent discharge from the vagina.

Treatment of postpartum infection is the appointment of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. May need to stop bleeding surgical intervention. At untimely treatment chronic endometritis can cause sepsis and even be fatal.

Management of pregnancy in chronic endometritis

Inflammation of the uterus is not a contraindication to pregnancy. If conception has occurred, doctors recommend expectant mother register as early as possible antenatal clinic. In the first trimester, a woman must pass full examination including ultrasound. At the first ultrasound screening, the doctor draws Special attention on the formation of the fetus and placenta and gives its recommendations in case of identified deviations.

Chronic sluggish endometritis may not affect the condition of a pregnant woman and her baby. In this case, doctors advise you to carefully monitor your well-being and, if necessary, seek help from a gynecologist. Specific treatment carried out only with the development of complications. If all the recommendations of the gynecologist are followed, the bearing and birth of a healthy child becomes not such a big problem.

Do I need to prepare for conception after suffering endometritis? Before planning pregnancy, gynecologists advise to undergo a complete examination, including ultrasound and endometrial biopsy. If necessary, the treatment of inflammatory processes should be carried out even before conception. Pregnancy planning for women with chronic endometritis is the best way to avoid complications and various health problems throughout the entire nine months.



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