Symptoms during implantation of the fetal egg. Signs of embryo implantation

The most significant transformations of the fetus occur on early dates pregnancy. In a few days from the moment of conception, it turns from one cell - a zygote - into a millimeter embryo. The formation of the fetal egg begins immediately after the fusion of the sperm and egg in fallopian tube. After this, the ovum is attached to the wall of the uterus. Is it possible to feel the moment of implantation of an embryo into a woman's body?

How does conception take place?

In order for conception to occur, the participation of two gametes is necessary - a sperm and an egg. In the first half menstrual cycle the oocyte matures - under the influence of gonadotropin FSH, it is formed in the ovarian follicle. Around the middle of the cycle, usually on the 14th day, dominant follicle ruptures and a mature egg is released from it. This phenomenon is called ovulation.

After leaving the ovarian follicle, the egg travels into the fallopian tube. If sexual intercourse occurred on this day or 2-3 days before, then part of the spermatozoa could reach the fallopian tube. Exactly there male gametes waiting for the female to merge with her and fertilize her.

If there are no spermatozoa in the oviduct, the egg continues its movement, descends into the uterus, dies and comes out along with menstrual blood. If male gametes are present, then they all together begin to attack the surface shell of the egg - the radiant crown. One sperm cannot destroy it, the effort of several is necessary. However, only the one who first manages to get to the inner layer, the zona pellucida, fertilizes the oocyte.

Zygote implantation in natural conception and IVF

As a result of the fusion of the sperm and the egg, a zygote is formed. This is a single-cell stage of the existence of the embryo, which lasts 26-30 hours. Then, as a result of mitotic division, the zygote begins to split. By the 4th day of pregnancy, the embryo consists of 12-16 cells, and by the 5th day it is already 30. At this stage of development, it is called a blastocyst.

How long does it take for the blastocyst to attach to the uterine wall? During the first 5-6 days, the embryo moves through the fallopian tube and descends into the uterine cavity. During this time, progesterone, which is secreted by the corpus luteum, has time to prepare the endometrium of the uterus for implantation of the fetal egg - it becomes looser. The cells of the surface layer of the blastocyst - the trophoblast - throw out finger-like processes and cling to the endometrium with them. This is how the embryo implants.

Implantation at in vitro fertilization carried out differently and most often is late. Transfer of a fertilized egg is done 3 or 5 days after the fusion of gametes. Due to this late transfer, the process of implantation of the blastocyst into the uterine wall is delayed. That is why after the transfer of IVF embryos, late implantation of the embryo occurs. At the same time, there are usually no symptoms such as spotting, implantation bleeding.

How to understand that the embryo has attached to the wall of the uterus?

Are there certain signs of implantation of the ovum into the endometrium? Although this stage of gestation may be asymptomatic, some women can determine that they are pregnant by certain signs even before their period is missed. The process of embryo implantation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • bloody issues;
  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • change in basal temperature.

Non-menstrual bleeding

Approximately 7 days after unprotected intimate contact, a woman notices smearing red-brown discharge on linen. Even before the delay in menstruation, this symptom indicates that fertilization has occurred and the introduction of the blastocyst has been successful.

The nature of the discharge during implantation of the embryo:

  • scanty, spotting bleeding;
  • last no more than 48 hours;
  • color of different intensity - from pink to brown;
  • there is no bad smell.

Why is the attachment of the embryo to the uterus accompanied by bloody smears? This is due to the fact that during the introduction of the blastocyst into surface layer uterus, the smallest capillaries of the endometrium are injured. You should not worry, microtrauma heals very quickly.

Implantation bleeding does not occur in all women, but this does not mean at all that the implantation of the fetal egg did not take place. Women who have gone through the IVF procedure look forward to these signs, but ultrasound diagnostics can more accurately determine whether the embryo has taken root.

Basal temperature

Another symptom of the attachment of the fetal egg is a change in basal temperature. Basal is the temperature of the body in a state of complete calm. It can track ovulation. Basal temperature is measured immediately after waking up, women are advised to keep a thermometer by the bed so as not to get out of bed behind it. At the moment of increasing the value by 0.2–0.4 degrees, a woman ovulates, this is the most favorable period for sexual intercourse if the couple has a desire to conceive a child.

The same changes occur at the time of implantation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium. The thermometer readings are 37.0–37.3°С. Usually a woman does not feel unwell, as with a fever during a cold, because the body temperature quickly returns to normal.

Nausea, weakness, pulling pains in the lower abdomen

Some women are very high sensitivity. They feel the moment of rupture of the follicle, when the egg comes out of it, they feel the separation of the elements of the endometrium. The same is true for blastocyst attachment. future mother physically feels it happening.

Similar sensations during embryo implantation can manifest as aching, pulling pains lower abdomen, closer to the pubis. Some note that it begins to pull in the lower back on the sides.

Usually toxicosis appears later, but despite the fact that there are general rules the course of gestation, each woman has a pregnancy with its own individual characteristics. That is why immediately after fertilization, the pregnant woman will feel weakness, drowsiness, a feeling of lethargy. Some begin to feel sick in the morning, taste preferences change.

mood swings

With the onset of pregnancy, the hormonal background in a woman's body changes. After ovulation, progesterone begins to enter the blood, the concentration of which does not decrease after 2 weeks, as during a normal menstrual cycle, but continues to increase. After implantation of the embryo, the chorion begins to produce chorionic gonadotropin. Hormones affect all body systems, including the central nervous system, which affects emotional state women.

In the morning, the pregnant woman is joyful and elevated mood, which without visible reasons is replaced by anger and irritability, and in the late afternoon she becomes whiny and sad. Such sudden mood swings can accompany a woman throughout the entire gestation, but may also pass after she adapts to a new state for herself.

When will pregnancy test show?

All existing pregnancy tests respond to the content of hCG in the urine, which begins to be secreted only after the attachment of the fetal egg. Previously, it is pointless to conduct home tests, they will give false results.

How long is it better to wait before the test and on what day can I already do it? A week after unprotected intercourse do the test early, because the concentration of hCG will not be enough for the reagents to detect it. Depending on the type of test, it should be done 2-3 days before the expected delay or immediately after it.

There are several types of pregnancy tests:

  • Strips. The cheapest and most accessible test, at the same time it is one of the most unreliable. However, this does not mean at all that the strip gives false results, the error probability is only 4–5%. Him low sensitivity In order for the strip to detect hCG in the urine, the concentration of the hormone must be at least 20 mIU / ml, which is achieved at 2-3 weeks after intercourse.
  • Tablets. This test consists of a cassette with a urinal hole and a window on which the results are displayed, and a pipette for collecting urine. Such an analysis is close to the laboratory and detects the hormone at a concentration of 15 mIU / ml.
  • Electronic device. Considered the most exact method pregnancy testing at home. Susceptibility - 10-15 mIU / ml. It is allowed to conduct an analysis 10 days after intimate contact, but the more time passes between coitus and the test, the higher its accuracy.

Why the embryo may not be fixed in the uterus?

Some women face a problem when the fertilization itself is successful, but the embryo cannot gain a foothold in the uterus and is brought out. The reasons why the attachment of the embryo does not occur:

  • Violation of the hormonal background. In order for the attachment to be successful, it must be developed enough progesterone. It prepares the uterus to receive the baby, reduces immune response to a foreign organism so that the mother's body does not reject the embryo. When there is not enough progesterone, the conditions for attachment are not created, and the embryo comes out. The reason may be the insufficiency of the corpus luteum or its absence. Similar state treated with means hormone therapy, for example Utrozhestan or Duphaston.
  • endometrial changes. It happens that the embryo simply does not find suitable place to gain a foothold in the uterus, because the surface of the endometrium is dotted with scars. This condition of the endometrium may be the result of abortion with curettage, operations on the uterus, inflammatory, infectious diseases. Late implantation at the cervix of the uterus may be the result of such pathologies.
  • tumor processes. Neoplasms in the uterus - polyps, fibroids, fibromas - prevent the blastocyst from gaining a foothold in the cavity.
  • Genetic anomalies. Due to mutations in germ cells during fertilization, a non-viable zygote is formed. For example, two spermatozoa get inside at the same time, or one of the gametes does not carry genetic information. Such an embryo does not develop, cannot attach, a miscarriage occurs before its introduction.

After the IVF procedure, doctors carefully monitor whether the embryos have taken root. At this stage in the development of medicine, not all embryos take root, so patients undergo artificial insemination again.

Often, pre-implantation miscarriages are asymptomatic, and the woman may not realize she was pregnant. Typically, such patients turn to gynecologists with the problem of infertility, not knowing that the problem is not in conception, but in the ability to implant. The doctor can help solve the problem by choosing suitable method treatment.

The fetal egg is a ball consisting of many cells and having two layers: inner (embryoblast) and outer (trophoblast). Approximately on the nineteenth - twentieth day of the menstrual cycle, the fetal egg attaches to the decidua (endometrium of the uterus).

On the twenty-first - twenty-fourth day of the cycle, the fetal egg comes into contact with the loosened wall of the uterus. In the trophoblast, outgrowths called villi are formed, with their help it is introduced into the uterine cavity and fixed.

At the point of contact, a section of the uterine wall melts, and the fetal egg passes deep into it. In this process, the integrity of the capillary vessels is violated, and the blood contained in them comes out. A woman can notice minor bleeding that pose no danger.

After the egg is fixed, it begins to actively produce the hormone hCG (chorionic gonadotropin), which signals the entire body about the onset. When it reaches a certain level, the test reacts positively.

Gradually, the tissue defect at the implantation site is closed with a fibrin plug, and the lining of the uterine wall is completely restored. The fertilized egg is immured inside the uterine wall.

Location of the ovum in the uterus

The fertilized egg is implanted in various places uterus. It depends on various circumstances. Its most favorable location is in the bottom of the uterus, but often this happens on its back or front wall.

In the case when the fetal egg is attached very much in the bottom of the uterus, and with the course of pregnancy the placenta is getting higher, it is necessary to limit physical activity. During the time, the doctor should carefully monitor the condition of the woman, as there is a possibility premature detachment placenta with subsequent bleeding, and as a result - hypoxia.

Highly great importance during implantation of the ovum, the uterine mucosa is ready for this process. If a woman had, the IUD was used as contraceptives ( intrauterine device), took place infectious diseases- the mucous membrane is poorly prepared for pregnancy, and therefore implantation may occur either abnormally or not at all.

Tip 2: Embryo implantation in the uterus. What happens after fertilization.

After the fusion of the male and female germ cells, the resulting cell is actively crushed, moving towards the uterus. Once in the uterus, it prepares for implantation into its wall - implantation. The process of implantation is necessary to organize the exchange of nutrients between the future fetus and mother.

Movement to the uterus and preparations for the implantation process

The cell - the result of the fusion of the egg and sperm - is called a zygote. The fusion takes place in the fallopian tube. Immediately after the formation of the zygote starts the process of crushing. This process occurs exponentially, and after 96 hours, 16-32 fragments - blastomeres - appear. In this case, the zygote resembles the fruit of a raspberry or blackberry and is called a morula. At this stage, it enters the uterus. Until penetration, it moves along the fallopian tube. The zygote cannot move on its own; contractions of the fallopian tube contribute to this. These contractions occur under the influence of sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone.

When it enters the uterus, one part of the blastomeres forms an embryoblast, from which the embryo will subsequently develop directly. Other blastomeres make up the nutrient membrane for the embryo, others will become the placenta. The zygote approaches the site of implantation, such a place is the anterior or posterior wall of the uterus. By the time of implantation, the endometrium - the lining of the uterus - changes. The mucous membrane enters the secretory phase, the secret of its glands contains the compounds necessary for the life of the embryo.

Embryo implantation and early development

The very process of zygote implantation is largely mediated by the action of sex hormones. During pregnancy, at the site of a burst follicle, from which a mature egg came out, the so-called corpus luteum appears. It begins to actively grow and function, secreting progesterone and estrogen. These hormones affect the lining of the uterus and promote its transformation. Some scholars even regard the altered uterine endometrium like an independent endocrine organ. This is due to the fact that it actively produces the hormone prolactin.

Implantation of the zygote into the uterine wall lasts about two days. If it is completed successfully, the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin begins to be actively synthesized. Around the implantation site, the blood vessels dilate, forming sinusoids. Thus, the beginning of the metabolism between the mother's body and the fetus is laid. Next comes the formation of the placenta and umbilical cord. After that, the rudiments of the organs and systems of the unborn child are already beginning to be laid, one of the first begins to develop nervous system. By the end of the first month

Fertilization of the egg is one of the main, but far from last stages in a woman's pregnancy. Much more significant is the stage of embryo implantation, i.e. its attachment to the uterine cavity.

Next, you are invited to familiarize yourself with the basic information regarding the process of fixing the embryo, the average time during which this process occurs after ovulation and at other stages of the cycle, possible deviations and additional features implantation of a fertilized egg during the procedure of artificial (in vitro) fertilization.

Basic information about the embryo implantation process

As you know, fertilization occurs at the moment when the fastest and most active male spermatozoon reaches the female egg. Immediately after that, a membrane appears on the surface of the latter, preventing other spermatozoa from penetrating inside. Such a "shell" remains on the surface of the fertilized cell until it reaches the uterine cavity.

In the process of "journey" to its "destination", the embryo is continuously dividing, during which an increasing number of cells are formed. Through the fallopian tubes, the embryo moves up to the uterus - in this it is helped by the villi located on fallopian tubes ah and contractions of the latter: the embryo rolls like a ball.

Upon arrival to uterine epithelium, the fertilized egg loses its protective shell, resulting in the exposure of the trophoblast, through which the embryo is attached to the inner wall of the uterus. The trophoblast will retain its important function and in the future - he will take part in the formation of the placenta.

This is what the embryo implantation process looks like ideally. However, in some cases there are different kind negative factors, preventing the successful fixation of the embryo in the uterine cavity. For example, if the top membrane is too thick, the embryo may not implant. This is one of the forms of natural selection: only a genetically complete and healthy embryo gets a chance to survive.

Problems with embryo implantation can also occur for other reasons, among which the following factors are most often noted:

  • overly fat upper shell fertilized egg;
  • dysfunction of the blastocyst, which is predominantly genetic in nature;
  • inadequate thickness of the epithelium internal cavity uterus;
  • deficiency of progesterone in the mother's body (under the influence of this hormone, among other things, conditions are created for the implantation of a fertilized egg and the subsequent development of the embryo);
  • lack of nutrients directly in the tissues of the uterus.

The successful fixation of the embryo is evidenced by an increase in the concentration of hCG in the maternal body and a number of other signs, which will be discussed separately below. Now you are invited to familiarize yourself with the information regarding the average terms for the fixation of the embryo.

hCG at multiple pregnancy after IVF

Average terms of embryo implantation

On average, a fertilized egg takes about 1 week to "journey" to the uterus. In general, the duration of this process depends on the state of the embryo and its viability, the function of the fallopian tubes, the hormonal system in the mother's body, and a number of other factors.

According to average data medical research, the fixation of a fertilized egg to the epithelium of the uterus occurs in the period from 6 to 12 days after ovulation. Often this happens a few days before the next menstruation.

Directly on the process of implantation of the embryo, i.e. introduction of the blastocyst into inner wall uterus, it may take from a couple of hours to 2-3 days. Average term is approximately 40 hours. During this time, the trophoblast of the fetal egg is introduced into the tissues inner surface uterus and takes root in the mother's body. In this case, the process of implantation can either be suspended or go on with greater activity, due to which the signs of embryo implantation can also be episodic.

Implantation Probability Table by Days After Fertilization

days after fertilizationProbability
5-6 dpo 2%
7 dpo5.56%
8 dpo 18.06%
9 dpo36.81%
10 dpo27.78%
11 dpo6.94%
12 dpo2.78%

It is the process of implantation that is the most significant for the developing embryo. If the embryo is successfully fixed, with a high degree of probability it will be able to cope with other difficulties. If the embryo is sick and weak, the woman's body may reject it even at this stage of pregnancy.

Depending on the individual features female body, implantation of the fetal egg may be late or early. Information regarding these points is given in the following table.

Table. Early and late dates implantation

To happen successful implantation embryo, the following conditions must be met:

  • thickness of the uterine mucosa - up to 1.3 cm;
  • the concentration of nutrients is normal;
  • the content of progesterone is sufficient to delay menstruation and ensure the further full development of the fetus.

As a rule, most women have some major changes well-being during implantation does not occur, however, it is also impossible to exclude the possibility of their occurrence. The main thing is to objectively evaluate changes in well-being and not try to mentally multiply them in anticipation of fertilization.

Among the most common signs of the fixation of the embryo in the uterus, the following signals can be noted:

Above in the list of signals of embryo fixation, such a sign as implantation bleeding was given, in most cases manifesting itself as a few drops of blood per underwear. In some patients, the situation may be more aggravated. So, if the patient has unpleasant pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, accompanied by spotting she needs to see a doctor. A similar reaction of the body can be triggered by various kinds of gynecological and diseases and infections of the genitourinary tract.

Uninformed women often confuse this pathological condition with implantation bleeding, which is one of the variants of the norm. It is very important to be able to distinguish between them and respond in a timely manner to such adverse changes in the state of the body.

So, when the embryo is introduced, the selections have normal view, it's just that there are quite a few bloody inclusions in them. If your discharge differs from what is described, consult a specialist immediately.

Features of embryo implantation in in vitro fertilization

At present, the only opportunity to become parents for all more couples is in vitro fertilization. The issue of embryo implantation after undergoing this procedure deserves special attention.

In general, there are serious differences between the process under consideration and the attachment of the embryo during natural pregnancy no: everything happens according to a similar scenario, after the procedure, a woman may experience some characteristic sensations etc.

But distinctive features during the implantation process artificial insemination everything is just like that. So, if the conception was not performed in the mother's body, the implanted embryo may take some time to get used to the new conditions for itself. It is because of this that it is far from always (on average only in 30-35% of cases) that women manage to get pregnant immediately after the in vitro fertilization procedure.

If the fertilized egg does take root, the first signs of this usually appear later than with natural conception. In order to reduce the likelihood of abortion, the expectant mother must take some precautions, namely:

  • get enough sleep and generally rest;
  • avoid excessive physical activity;
  • eliminate stressful situations;
  • temporarily (until the permission of the doctor) exclude sexual intercourse;
  • don't take too much hot bath and shower;
  • do not overcool and do not overheat;
  • eat a healthy and balanced diet;
  • walk more often in the air;
  • minimize any harmful effects on the body;
  • avoid visiting crowded places;
  • avoid contact with sick people.

For the sake of her own safety and in order to minimize risks for the embryo, a woman after IVF is even recommended to refrain from driving vehicles and riding public transport.

In general, physicians recommend special measures precautions until the 20th week of the term - by this period the placenta usually has time to fully form and the fetus becomes more protected than before. For example, from an obstetric point of view, it is up to the indicated moment that the implantation procedure takes place, after which the baby enters the active stage of growth. But this does not mean that after the 20th week you can begin to be careless about yourself and the fetus: precautions and doctor's recommendations must be observed throughout the entire period.

Health to you and your baby!

So the greatest of miracles happened - the birth of a new life. The egg left the ovary and entered the lumen of the fallopian tube. Here she meets with spermatozoa that managed to overcome the distance from the cervix. Fertilization is not such a simple process.

The egg is covered with a fairly dense shell, so it will be possible to immediately penetrate into it. Spermatozoa secrete special substances that dissolve the protein of the membranes, and unwind the cell with their flagella. Gradually, its cover becomes thinner and one lucky person gets inside, giving rise to a new life.

What happens after the fertilization of the egg?

A day after the fusion with the spermatozoon, active crushing of the fertilized egg begins. The first time it happens synchronously. The cell first divides into two, after 12 hours into 4. Thus, after 96 hours the embryo already has 16 or 32 cells. The first days of its life, it resembles a raspberry and is called a morula, and on the 3-4th day it forms a ball called a blastocyst.

In parallel with growth, the cell moves towards the uterus. She herself cannot move, but is transferred under the influence of contractions of the fallopian tube, movements of the epithelium and the flow of fluid in the capillaries. The promotion of the embryo is regulated by hormones.

After the release of the egg from the ovary, a special temporary organ is formed in its place - corpus luteum. It produces progesterone and estrogen. These hormones ensure the correct rate of advancement of the embryo. At first, the level of progesterone is low, so the cell lingers at the very beginning of the fallopian tube, where fertilization and division begin. Then its amount increases, so contractile function fallopian tubes grows and acquires a peristaltic character. That is, they contract in waves directed towards the uterus, and so “drive” the fertilized egg forward.

Only a certain ratio of progesterone and estrogen, as well as some other hormones in the blood, can guarantee the correct and timely advancement of the embryo into the uterine cavity.

The journey from the ovary to the uterus in the unborn baby takes about four days. After that, one of the most important and complex processes in his intrauterine life begins - implantation.

Features of implantation of the fetal egg

Implantation is a very complex process that requires well-coordinated work fetus and maternal organism. If not, implantation may not occur. Most often this happens if the embryo has very serious genetic defects.

A healthy embryo, on its way to the uterus, begins to accumulate substances in the body that can dissolve its endometrium. In parallel, villi grow on it, through which the embryo will receive nutrients. The mother's body is also preparing for implantation. Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, the structure of the endometrium takes on a form favorable for the fixation of the embryo.

How and when does implantation take place?

Embryo fixation in the uterus usually begins on the fourth day after fertilization, which is about 5 days after ovulation. It goes through three stages

  1. Accession. Once in the uterus, the fetal egg immediately clings to its mucosa. After that, the uterus is filled with a special fluid that lifts the embryo, pressing it against the endometrium.
  2. Sticking (adhesion). The fertilized egg has already joined the epithelium and now its microvilli actively interact with its cells.
  3. Intrusion and nesting (invasion). The embryo destroys the mucous membrane of the uterus, connects with maternal blood vessels and forms the embryonic kidney.

Symptoms and signs of implantation

For most women, the state of health during implantation does not change in any way. This process occurs almost painlessly, and changes in the hormonal background do not yet appear outwardly. But sometimes women who are closely monitoring their health may notice some symptoms:

  • Implantation bleeding. Intruding into the wall of the uterus, the fetal egg causes minor damage blood vessels. Because of this, the discharge may acquire a brownish or pink tint.
  • Tingling or pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. They can be very weak or quite noticeable. They are usually localized at the site of attachment of the egg.
  • . A slight inflammation occurs at the site of embryo implantation. Because of this, not only basal, but also body temperature can increase.
  • Implantation retraction is a short-term decrease in basal temperature by 1-1.5 degrees before its increase during the implantation period.
  • Slight malaise, nausea, apathy, the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth.
  • Emotional instability. In women during this period, mood often changes due to changes in the hormonal background. May appear increased need in caring, tearfulness and self-pity.

Discharge during implantation of the fetal egg

Implantation bleeding is a symptom that requires more detailed consideration. The thing is, it's hard to recognize. It happens far from all women, it can be very scarce or even plentiful, like menstruation. Its duration also varies - usually it is 1-2 days, but it can be more. Therefore, many women irregular cycle take such discharge for the next menstruation and do not notice their interesting position.

Normally, implantation discharge is very scarce, spotting, and lasts no more than 2 days.

If you are planning a pregnancy and follow basal temperature, then its changes will tell you that it is implantation. But remember that similar symptoms may be with some gynecological diseases. Therefore, if the discharges are too strong and/or accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms better to go to the doctor.

The conception of a new life is considered a complex manipulation. Initially, an egg is formed, then it matures, is fertilized, and it is fixed. The task of the sperm: to reach the finished egg. All these processes occur under certain conditions. When there are problems with the ovaries, the readiness of the egg will be disturbed. If the spermatozoa are not active enough, fertilization will not occur. Implantation of the ovum into the uterus is possible with excellent patency of the tubes.


Implantation in gynecology is the introduction of an embryo into the uterus. Pregnancy often occurs at 7 - 10 DPO (the day after fertilization). At a positive result providing the fetus with everything necessary will pass through the organs of the expectant mother.

Implantation is the onset of pregnancy. A young mother almost does not feel it, however, this step is very important for the subsequent development of the embryo. The fetus will not turn into an embryo without this manipulation.

Implantation takes place in three stages:

  1. accession. The egg clings to the uterus as soon as it reaches it. After that, it is filled with a fluid that raises the embryo to the endometrium;
  2. adhesion. The villi of the egg are actively in contact with epithelial cells;
  3. invasion. An embryonic kidney is formed.

The well-coordinated interaction of the mother's body and the fetus contributes to a positive outcome of the operation from pregnancy to childbirth.

Can you feel the implantation of the ovum? No. Often it goes unnoticed. The female representative does not hear everything that happens in the body. The first sensations come later.

Where is the fertilized egg attached? The place of attachment is different, it depends on various circumstances. However, most often the connection is carried out to the front or back wall uterus.

When is the fertilized egg attached to the wall of the uterus? The period of division, movement takes a week. The egg reaches the uterus. Within 2 to 3 days after fertilization, implantation of the fetal egg occurs.

The course of the implantation process

The period of implantation of the fetal egg has a duration of approximately 40 hours. The only symptom that signals the moment of attachment is scanty bleeding.

Pregnancy occurs 3-4 days after sexual intercourse. Thus, the fertilization and implantation of the ovum by day is determined. Since then, it has begun to form certain hormone: HCG, tests react to it, showing the period of implantation of the fetal egg in the uterus, determining the onset of conception.

The birth of a new life occurs as follows:

  1. the egg is fertilized, begins to move in the uterus;
  2. while moving, it divides, the number of cells doubles;
  3. outwardly, it looks like a blackberry-type berry, with many grains;
  4. inside the uterus, the movement lasts up to three days;
  5. then the same amount of time it takes for her to move to the implantation zone, the fetal egg attaches to the uterus.

Having found a position convenient for itself, it will be transformed into a blastocyst. Its penetration into the wall of the uterus is implantation during pregnancy. This happens on the 7th day.

When a week passes after implantation, the result is large, determine it using this test easily. The cervix plays an invaluable role in the bearing of the fetus. It ensures the retention of the fetal egg in its proper place.

Symptoms, signs

Attachment of the fetal egg in most women does not cause changes in well-being. The process takes place without pain. Hormonal background does not change externally. However, a female representative who carefully monitors her health is able to notice changes.

Symptoms of implantation:

  • excretion of blood. The introduction of the egg into the uterus slightly damages the vessels. As a result, the discharge acquires a pinkish tint;
  • tingling occurs in the lower abdomen. In its manifestation, it is not strong, slightly sensitive. The focus of its localization is where the egg is attached;
  • temperature rise. It is associated with the appearance of a slight inflammation in the area of ​​implantation. Sometimes such a phenomenon is perceived as cystitis during embryo implantation;
  • before the increase, the temperature may drop by a degree - one and a half. This phenomenon is noted as short-term;
  • when the embryo is implanted, dizziness, slight malaise appear, apathy occurs, indifference to everything that happens around.

Emotional instability often sets in. Feeling well during embryo implantation can be characterized by mood swings. There are tears, self-pity, the need for excessive care.

The above listed signs are weak, specific. For some women, they go completely unnoticed.

Behavior during implantation. A woman planning to conceive a child considers it natural to decrease physical activity up to and including abandoning it entirely. She switches to bed rest allowing the embryo to safely attach to the uterine wall. However, such a judgment is incorrect. The restrictions apply to female representatives who have been fertilized using artificial methods. The rest can go on habitual image life without fear.

Pregnancy is affected by genetic factors, readiness of the endometrium to accept the embryo, the presence or absence of chromosomal abnormalities. Therefore, bed rest is not necessary. A patient who has done IVF is issued a certificate of release from work for 7 days. However, this does not negate its full capacity for work. This measure is a kind of insurance.

Conditions for a successful operation

The egg has successfully ovulated. The spermatozoa overtake her, begin to attack. When the most active manages to fertilize the egg, it divides into two parts, turning into a zygote. Further division continues up to 32 paired chromosomes, the moment of formation of the blastocyst. In time, all these processes take up to 7 days. A fertilized egg, after 3 days, hits the target: it is attached to the shell. From that time on, she becomes a fetus, growing up, developing inside the mother.

Most Likely implantation by day falls on 8 - 10 after ovulation, it is associated with mobility, life expectancy of the egg, spermatozoa. We can say with confidence that it depends on how many days the implantation of the fetal egg occurs after fertilization.

In order for the implantation process to be effective, certain conditions must be present:

  1. endometrial thickness;
  2. hormone levels.

The outer layer of the endometrium should be a certain thickness of approximately 13 millimeters. For normal development embryo required maintenance required amount nutrient elements. It is recommended to strengthen the body before pregnancy.

During implantation of the fetal egg, the concentration of progesterone should be above normal. It blocks the onset of menstruation, clearing the way for the onset of conception.

If these conditions are not met, the attachment will not take place. How to understand that fertilization has occurred, but the fetal egg has not attached:

  • monthly bleeding begins;
  • the rejection of the embryo occurs;
  • a new egg matures.

A miscarriage can be caused by:

  • thick shell around the egg
  • low progesterone;
  • severe fetal abnormalities.

If at least one of the above factors is present, the embryo will not attach, which means that a spontaneous abortion will occur. If implantation has not occurred, menstruation begins after short span time. The onset of menstruation is considered its main symptom.

How to help the implantation of the embryo in the uterus? Doctors advise taking a Piroxicam tablet two hours before the embryo transfer. It is believed that it increases the success of the manipulation.

Implantation with IVF

For the onset of pregnancy, some families turn to the technique: implantation of a human embryo during IVF. Differences in sensations between conceptions natural way and unnatural invisible. Absolutely normal is the absence of symptoms of the introduction of the fetal egg.

But one should not completely deny any differences. An egg that has been fertilized outside the uterus needs time to adapt, which can take a long time, after implantation it finds itself in a new environment. Quite often, the process of conception occurs unsuccessfully due to the death of the embryo. In these cases, in order to increase the effectiveness, it is necessary to implant two embryos.

A significant difference is the time of implementation, the duration of the manipulation. Basically, it takes longer with eco. Therefore, if the expectant mother notices any signs, she will feel them longer.

To minimize the risk of embryo failure, expectant mother you need to be vigilant, careful:

  • fully rest;
  • do not carry anything heavy;
  • do not have sexual contact;
  • do not wash under a hot shower;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • monitor nutrition, it should be regular, correct;
  • a lot of time to be in the fresh air;
  • do not take long walks;
  • completely abandon bad habits;
  • not to be in crowded places;
  • do not come into contact with patients.

You should be especially careful in the period up to 20 weeks. After this time, the embryo receives additional internal protection, the placenta completes its formation. In obstetrics, it is believed that until this time the fetus was formed, in further period pregnancy, it develops, grows.



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