Acids and vitamin E. Vitamin E and folic acid are the key to the health of expectant mothers and their children.

Various vitamins are very important for our body. It is thanks to them that all sorts of things happen in our body. chemical reactions, which are necessary for the implementation of all life processes. To date, scientists know thirteen vitamins or vitamin-like substances, and most of them we need to consume daily with food or take in addition - in the form of various supplements. So, today we will tell readers of "Popular about Health" about how many times a day to take folic acid and how many times a day to take vitamin E.

Folic acid- how many times a day to drink?

During the day, folic acid or vitamin B9 should be drunk in half a milligram - one milligram. Reception should be carried out three times a day for thirty days in a row. it average dosage this substance for adults. Sometimes folic acid preparations (once a day) are also prescribed for children. For them, the dosage can range from twenty-five to two hundred micrograms.

The dosage of this substance, as well as the duration of the course of use, may vary depending on the indications for its use.

The drug is usually produced in tablet form, one tablet may contain different quantity active substance- from 0.4 mg to 1 mg or more. On sale you can also find this vitamin in powder form.

Most often, folic acid is prescribed for women planning a pregnancy. After all, it is this substance that is responsible for the full formation of the fetus and for normal course the entire breeding process. Therefore, expectant mothers should take such a vitamin a hundred days before the start of active conception planning. Reception should also be carried out throughout pregnancy (most often folic acid is part of vitamins for expectant mothers, but sometimes doctors advise drinking it separately). The optimal dosage in this case ranges from 0.4 to 0.8 mg per day. But if a woman has a history of the birth of children with developmental pathologies, the dosage is recommended to be increased up to 4 mg.

Folic acid should also be taken by the representatives of the stronger sex, as for conception healthy baby, as well as to maintain good condition health. The optimal dosage is one milligram of this vitamin per day. This amount helps to prevent the lack of folic acid in the body. And if the deficit has already arisen, then the daily volume can grow to two to five milligrams.

In some situations, doctors prescribe folic acid for children:

At the age of up to six months - 25 mcg;

At the age of six months to a year - 35 mcg;

At the age of one to three - 50 mcg;

At the age of three to six - 75 mcg each;

At the age of six to ten - 100 mcg;

At the age of ten to fourteen - 150 mcg each;

From fourteen - 200 mcg each.

In order to measure the right dosage child, parents should dilute the folic acid tablet in water, then use a measuring syringe to obtain the required volume.

Vitamin e - how much to take per day?

This vitamin is often recommended to be taken in the form of capsules. Daily dosage depends on the indications and on the age of the patient. On average, vitamin E is taken at 5-15 IU per day. The abbreviation "IU" is an international unit, but many domestic capsules indicate the content of vitamin E in milligrams. One milligram of the substance contains 1.21 IU of vitamin E.

Daily requirement of the body for vitamin E

Breastfed babies need 3-4 IU of this vitamin per day, the body receives it from mother's milk.

kids preschool age need 6-7IU of vitamin E per day, and schoolchildren need 7-8IU.

The average optimal amount for women is 8 IU, and for men - 10 IU. Pregnant and lactating mothers need to receive 10-19 IU of this substance per day.

It should be taken into account that in childhood this item can only be used on the advice of a doctor. If you take vitamin E on your own initiative, it can be harmful to your health.

An additional intake of vitamin E may be needed by those:

Who has suffered various injuries;

Who is in the postmenopausal period;

Who smokes;

Who is at risk of miscarriage.

How much vitamin E to take per day in capsules?

This drug is best used after consulting a doctor. It is usually prescribed:

One capsule per day for hypovitaminosis;

One capsule for recovery after serious illnesses, injuries and surgical interventions;

One capsule for excessive stress;

One capsule for violations menstrual cycle against the background of hypovitaminosis of vitamin E (the dosage can increase to 300-400 mg, in such a situation, the intake is carried out at intervals of a day on certain days of the menstrual cycle).

For full assimilation of vitamin E during the day, you need to take it after breakfast, about thirty minutes later. At the same time, a certain amount of fat must be present in the stomach. plant origin. The capsule should only be taken with water. It should be borne in mind that taking this vitamin cannot be combined with the consumption of vitamin D, antibiotics and some other medicines.

It is worth remembering that an overdose of vitamin E can be quite dangerous, so you should not take it just like that, for prevention, in a significant amount. Usually, the composition of multivitamin products contains a smaller amount of this substance than in capsules.

important role for female body when a child is conceived, folic acid (vitamin B9) or its other name, folacin, plays. The success of conception and the possibility of a full-fledged pregnancy depend on its content. Folacin deficiency leads to irreversible serious consequences, therefore, its reception should be treated with special attention and it is desirable to take care of this until the moment of conception.

To the body future mother pregnant folic acid and vitamin E should also be taken by the future dad, as in male body folic acid also acts as a foundation for healthy offspring.

The main functions of folic acid are:

  1. promoting the breakdown and absorption of proteins;
  2. influence on the process of hematopoiesis and cell division;
  3. it is a conductor for sugars and amino acids, necessary for the body, especially at the time of conception;
  4. folacin is responsible for transmission hereditary traits and DNA formation.
  5. folacin helps to maintain immunity, and also ensures the full absorption of other beneficial trace elements and vitamins.

In the male body, folic acid and vitamin E for conception affect the amount healthy sperm, which are the key to conception and subsequently the birth of a healthy baby. It also affects activity proper development spermatozoa.

How much folic acid should I take to get pregnant?

At not enough folacin in a woman's body may begin to develop various kinds pathology. For example, the "disease" of the egg, as a result of which it will not be able to be fertilized. The placenta may begin to exfoliate, which also does not contribute to carrying a pregnancy and can provoke an arbitrary abortion. Folic acid deficiency can be the basis birth defects in a child and anemia.

Vitamin E and folic for conception

In order not to wait for problems with one's own health, and even more so for the unborn child, it is necessary to undergo a course of examination in advance and, if folic acid deficiency is detected, start taking necessary drugs. AT natural environment folacin can also be found. It is found in foods such as beef liver, rice, cod liver - and in the liver its largest amount. Folic acid is present in fermented milk products- cheese, kefir. A lot of vitamin B9 in nuts, eggs, carrots, greens and leafy vegetables. It is worth noting how to drink folic acid to get pregnant, because it can lose its properties when heat treatment products, so food should be consumed as fresh as possible, and it is recommended to steam meat and vegetables.

In addition to proper diet fortified with vitamin B9, the doctor may prescribe special preparations helping to restore balance and ensure enough folacin.

How to take folic acid to get pregnant

How much folic acid should you take to get pregnant for women? Daily dose folacin is 800 mcg., since it is on them that the entire load associated with the formation of the fetus, its development and gestation falls. Enough for men to maintain reproductive health you need to drink folic acid so that the wife becomes pregnant, normally 400 mcg per day will be enough. A feature of vitamin B9 is its inability to accumulate in the body and is quickly excreted, so doctors recommend starting a course of increasing folacin in the body no earlier than three months before the date of the intended conception. You should also pay attention to the fact that vitamin E and folic for conception are well absorbed in the body. It's not enough just to take a course

Folic acid and vitamin E for conception

Folic acid is consumed very quickly under the influence of nicotine and alcohol, and also if a person is in constant stressful condition and does not allow the body to fully rest and relax. Therefore, before taking vitamin B9, it is necessary to solve all health problems and go to healthy lifestyle life. After all, what could be more important than the birth of healthy offspring.

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Typically, a folic acid plus vitamin E compound is used by a doctor for women who want to become pregnant or who are pregnant.

The combination of vitamin E with B9 contains various vital important elements, which are involved in the structure of the body and are responsible for its stable operation.

So, vitamin B9 is necessary for the development, as well as strengthening the immune and circulatory system. Folic acid is involved in the creation of DNA, it also prevents the development of a defect. nervous system fetus and affects normal development neural tube. In addition, vitamin B9 is needed for the development uterine vessels and placenta. Pregnant women, as well as those who are just planning to conceive a baby, need to receive 400 mcg per day.

Vitamin E and folic acid for prevention

The use of this vitamin will prevent against:

  • oncological diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • colitis;
  • arthritis
  • stroke
  • depression;
  • the impact of menopause on the female body;
  • skin diseases.

How to replenish the reserves of these vitamins in the body?

Due to the fact that folic acid leaves the body when drinking strong tea and when using contraceptives, then its reserves must be replenished. It can be obtained from natural products- bread (only from flour coarse grinding), yeast, herbs (parsley, lettuce), spinach, citrus fruits, liver, honey.

Or you can go to a doctor who will select drugs with vitamin B9 (it is forbidden to take such drugs on your own, only on the recommendation of a specialist).

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is needed in the same way as folic acid, it is especially important for increasing the chances of getting pregnant. In addition, it affects the strengthening internal organs, prevents the appearance of cancerous formations, stabilizes blood pressure, normalizes hormonal background, affects the reproductive and nervous system.

  • violation of the activity of the ovaries;
  • change in the menstrual cycle;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • skin diseases;
  • cold;
  • vasospasm;
  • risk of miscarriage.

This vitamin can be found in vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, corn, etc.), nuts, meat, oily fish, and dairy products. Those who do not get enough of the vitamin from natural products, or those who for some reason do not eat fat-containing foods, should consult a doctor. After the examination, he will select the drug with the desired dosage.

Tocopherol should not be combined with supplements or foods containing iron, as it will not be absorbed. Between the use of such products and those that contain vitamin E, there should be a gap of 12 hours.

Vitamin E and folic acid are essential for a normal pregnancy. In the absence of one of these elements, nausea, dizziness, and heart failure may occur. To avoid this, you need to give the body a sufficient dose of vitamin E, as it neutralizes toxins.

In addition to the above useful substances, any person needs to introduce iodine-containing foods into their diet. If the body does not receive right amount iodine, then this can cause thyroid disease.

For expectant mothers, in addition to this reason, it is important because of its effect on the fetus: it is necessary for the formation of the central nervous system and for intellectual development future child.

This substance can be obtained from cod liver, sea ​​fish or cabbage, freshwater raw or cooked fish, boiled shrimp, raw oysters, mushrooms.

For those who do not have enough received units of iodine from natural products, doctors prescribe preparations containing this substance, among the most popular is iodomarin (100 or 200).

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Now many couples are often faced with the fact that even with long-term cohabitation, they fail to conceive a child. In this case, of course, it is worth going comprehensive examination doctors.

It will also be appropriate to help yourself on your own - to visit more fresh air, exercise, eat right and enrich your diet with folic acid and vitamin E. These substances stimulate sexual desire and improve reproductive performance.

How does folic acid affect fertility?

In order to get pregnant and give birth to a strong baby, it is important not only to make your lifestyle healthier, but also to include some healthy foods in your diet. trace elements and vitamins, remember this.

So, taking folic acid plays a big role in conception. It helps to build a complex from one cell living organism consisting of about 100 billion cells.

It is this acid that contributes to enhanced hematopoiesis, the formation of immunity and the nervous system in the fetus, which, by the way, appears in him already at 2-3 weeks. Thus, it is very important take vitamin B9 not only before conception, but also immediately after it.

In the event that during fertilization in the body of a woman there was a lack of folic acid, this can lead to significant problems. For example, this state of affairs is fraught with placental detachment, miscarriage, fetal development arrest, as well as various malformations.

Dosage of vitamin B9

Adults are recommended to take about 400 micrograms of folic acid per day. And in the first 3 months of pregnancy, you need to bring its amount to 600 mcg per day. It all follows use in 2-3 doses.

It must be remembered that if there are any problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then vitamin B9 will be bad. be absorbed into the blood.

Therefore, people who have such problems can take 600 micrograms of folic acid per day already at the stage of pregnancy planning. This substance cannot be produced in the body, so it is worth including foods rich in it in the diet or eating special complexes vitamins and minerals.

It is better, of course, to give preference to food with folic acid.

What products contain the substance?

    folic acid in most contained in:
  1. cabbage (cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli);
  2. spinach;
  3. asparagus;
  4. beef liver;
  5. egg yolks;
  6. beans;
  7. fruits (oranges and bananas).

Wanting to replenish your body with vitamin B9, you need to remember that it is partially destroyed during long-term storage of products and high temperatures. By the way, during heat treatment, only 10% folic acid.

Nevertheless, in order to receive the necessary norm of this substance, every day you will have, for example, to eat whole 16 oranges.

Due to the fact that eating such a large amount of food is not entirely realistic, it may be necessary to take special vitamin complexes but before that it's better consult a gynecologist.

Folic acid for men

For successful conception, vitamin B9 must be taken not only by women, but also by men. The fact is that this substance improves sperm motility, and also increases their total.

Of course, folic acid cannot cure infertility, but doctors often prescribe it for couples who have problems conceiving. At lack of vitamin B9 males produce spermatozoa irregular structure chromosomes, which most often are not able to fertilize the egg. And if this happens, then miscarriages often occur or a child is born with various defects.

For the successful fertilization of a woman, men are recommended consume 400 mcg per day. You need to start doing this at least 2 or 3 months before conception.

What is the role of the substance for fertilization?

In order to finally wait for pregnancy, married couple you need to take not only folic acid, but also vitamin E.

In general, this substance plays a huge role not only for conception, but also for quality sex. It helps oxygenate the blood, which during intimacy improves the functioning of the genital organs.

With a large deficiency of this element in the body of a woman, she often has miscarriages, and if it is absent in the diet at all unable to get pregnant.

If a man does not consume enough vitamin E, then his ability to fertilize is significantly reduced. In addition, the substance helps the representatives of the stronger sex get rid of prostatitis, and women - from vaginitis.

In order to determine the level of this vitamin in the body, the spouses need to take a blood test for the content of tocopherol in it. However, even without this, with the extinction of sexual desire and problems with conception, it may be due to lack of vitamin E.

Ways to replenish the body with tocopherol

To increase the reserves of this substance, it is best to take a natural mixture with its content. A man and woman need to consume 600 IU of this vitamin per day. This amount must be divided into 2-3 doses. good option will also be included in the diet tocopherol rich foods.

These include:

  • wheat germ oil;
  • bran;
  • nuts (almonds and peanuts);
  • sunflower and sesame seeds;
  • corn and olive oil.

Vitamin E properties

Tocopherols not only increase the chances of conceiving a child and increase sexual desire. They are also powerful antioxidants, improve the functioning of the circulatory system, relieve inflammation, promote building new cells, remember it.

And also vitamin E responsible for developing these important hormones like estrogen and progesterone.

Their incorrect ratio can lead to a disorder of the menstrual cycle, delayed ovulation. It is important for a man and a woman to consume enough tocopherol before conception. After him future mother it is also worth taking care to include this vitamin in your diet, because there may be a miscarriage.

Tocopherol renders big influence on the integrity of capillary vessels and good circulation in them. And also it contributes to the formation of a strong woman in a pregnant woman. placenta around the fetus.

This shell provides it nutrients and protect against negative external influences. In addition, vitamin E improves the activity respiratory system baby.

A woman should start taking this substance a few months before pregnancy, continue to do so during it, and not stop taking it after child birth.

The fact is that tocopherol also contributes to good lactation, because it increases the level of the hormone prolactin. So if there is great desire make a healthy baby taking vitamin E Together with folic acid, this will help.

Doctors prescribe vitamin E with folic acid to women planning a pregnancy, as well as to pregnant women for early dates. The effect of these elements is different, but final result will be the same - the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. For clarity, we will analyze these two vitamins.

The action of vitamin E

Benefits of Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of the fat soluble vitamins. It ensures the smooth functioning of the whole organism and, in particular, the normal development and functioning of the endocrine, nervous and genitourinary system. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the skin, prevents the formation malignant tumors, normalizes the hormonal background.

It also increases a woman's ability to conceive a child and prevents abortion. That is why it is prescribed to women in the early stages of bearing a baby.

Vitamin E deficiency during pregnancy

The lack of this vitamin in the body of a pregnant woman can lead to abortion, birth premature baby or the birth of a child with visual impairment, pathology of the internal organs, skin lesions or anemia.

Vitamin E overdose

You should know that an overdose of vitamin E is as dangerous as its deficiency. In this case, an excess of this element can cause an exacerbation of various diseases. gastrointestinal tract, to jump cholesterol up, to development all kinds of diseases of cardio-vascular system, as well as to malignant formations in the lungs. That is why you should not increase the dose of the drug recommended by your doctor.


Keep in mind that not everyone can take vitamin E. At hypersensitivity to given element its use is contraindicated.

special instructions

Vitamin E should be used with caution and under medical supervision when:

  1. Severe cardiosclerosis.
  2. Postponed myocardial infarction.
  3. Threat of thromboembolism.

Side effects

In this case, the following side effects may be observed:

  1. Allergy. It could be skin redness various rashes, itching, etc.
  2. Chair disorders.
  3. Pain in the abdomen.

When manifested side effects the drug should be stopped and consult a specialist.

What foods contain vitamin E?

Most often, synthesized vitamin E is prescribed, which is sold in ampoules. However, you yourself can consume enough if you include in your diet: vegetable oils, walnuts, seeds, liver and spinach. In any case, you should consult a specialist to avoid overdosing and also to avoid deficiency.

As a rule, experts prescribe vitamin E with folic acid. Next, find out how it affects the body.

Vitamin E: it is recommended to take it simultaneously with folic acid, this gives a full saturation of the body with vitamins, which is important not only for normal conception child, but also for the female body as a whole

The action of folic acid

properties of folic acid

Folic acid is one of the vital important vitamins. She is responsible for growth and development skeletal system, as well as for normal functioning immune system. It is especially important for women early stage pregnancy. In addition, folic acid is needed to prevent the development of various skin diseases, cardiovascular diseases, colitis, arthritis, cancer, nervous condition, etc. In addition, this vitamin does not allow the appearance postpartum depression, and also helps young mothers cope with fatigue, which is important for women whose children do not sleep well at night.

Can be received at pure form along with food. At the same time, you should know that the use of black tea has a detrimental effect on its reserves, so you should not get carried away with this drink. It is better to replace it with a green counterpart.

Folic acid is an indispensable component of the nutrition of a woman who wants to become pregnant even in the first weeks after fertilization. In this case, it is needed for the normal formation and development of the internal organs of the baby and the nervous system.

Folate deficiency during pregnancy

The lack of folic acid threatens with the following consequences:

  1. The onset and development of anemia. This can adversely affect not only the condition of the mother, but also the health of the baby.
  2. Placental abruption, which can result in miscarriage or premature birth.
  3. on the later dates pregnancy.
  4. The onset of depression. The depressed state of a woman interferes not only with her. It affects both the baby and loved ones.
  5. Improper formation and development of the brain and spinal cord baby, as well as internal organs.

Folic acid overdose

An excess of folic acid can lead to the following consequences:

  1. Appearance bad taste in the mouth.
  2. Mood swings, excessive excitability.
  3. Chair problems.
  4. Pain in the abdomen.
  5. Involuntary muscle contraction.
  6. Sleep problems.
  7. Impaired kidney function.
  8. The development of asthma in children after they reach the age of three.

To avoid these consequences, strict adherence to the instructions for taking the drug, drawn up by the attending physician, will help.


Folic acid should not be taken if:

  1. The presence of hypersensitivity to this drug.
  2. The presence of the disease is pernicious anemia.

Side effects

From side effects in this case allocate allergic reactions. Rashes, reddening of the skin, itching, etc. may appear.

What foods contain folic acid?

AT large quantities present in bananas legumes, liver, lettuce. Adding these foods to your diet will reduce the risk of vitamin deficiency.

Note that experts strongly recommend combining vitamin E with folic acid. These two elements reinforce each other, and as a result, a woman can count on successful conception, which will end with the birth of a healthy baby.



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