Pain in left chest on pressure. Hormonal, cyclic and non-cyclic causes of pain when touching the breast

The natural appearance of a woman appears to us as a slender silhouette with prominent forms in the chest and pelvis. The mammary glands of a woman are her pride, and they must be regularly examined by a competent doctor, otherwise it is fraught with complications, such as the development and formation of a tumor, mastopathy and other diseases.

Please note that you are the primary diagnostician. Feeling the seal and pain in time, you can prevent the development of the disease.

Consider a situation where you feel pain in the mammary glands when touched and pressed.

Why there is pain in the mammary glands in a woman

If your chest hurts, then you should imagine what is happening to it at this moment. In most cases, the occurrence of bruises, and as a result, seals, is preceded by a malignant growth of connective tissue, which covers the mammary glands in women by 70%. In the advanced stage, you will most likely feel discomfort when your nipples come into contact with your underwear. Even more serious symptoms of the development of the disease are flesh-colored or white discharge in the chest area. The only exception is the lactation period.

If your mammary glands hurt and you experience sensations similar to how a bruise hurts, then most likely the reasons are as follows:

  • benign tumor of the breast;
  • fibrous mastopathy;
  • the formation and development of a cyst (sometimes this disease is called fibrocystic mastopathy).

If, when pressing on the chest, discomfort occurs on the side and over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest, then the reasons may be as follows:

  • diffuse mastopathy;
  • fibrous mastopathy;
  • in rare cases, thyroid disease;
  • in rare cases, liver disease (possibly chronic);
  • hormonal surge, imbalance, which is often caused by constant stress and nervous tension;
  • cancer disease.

As statistics show, of all the above possible diseases that provoke pain when pressed in the chest, the most common are: the development of a benign tumor and various forms of mastopathy.

Therefore, it is their symptoms that we will consider in more detail, so that each woman can notice the seal in time and contact a specialist.

Symptoms of a benign tumor

Pain occurs in the mammary glands when touched, due to the formation of a benign tumor. It occurs due to a violation of the epithelial and connective component, thereby increasing the sensitivity of the breast. The result can be tumor-like neoplasms, which in turn can cause the development of malignant cells. For the same reason, sometimes it hurts very much in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands.

Reasons for diagnosing a benign tumor:

  • compaction in the chest (bump, bruise);
  • pain if you press on the mammary gland;
  • no metastatic screenings;
  • excessively mobile mammary glands due to lack of soldering with connective tissue.

Tip: even at the primary stage of the development of the disease, you are likely to need surgery, which can later save you from the formation of a cyst. Gather courage and decide on the operation.

After the benign tumor is removed, do not neglect the constant examinations by mammologists. Women who understand how important the health of their breasts are are seen regularly by the same doctor.

Symptoms of mastopathy

When pressure occurs in the chest, this may be a signal of the development of mastopathy. It can be of two types: diffuse, fibrous. As practice shows, the second hurts much more than practice. Below we will consider the main causes of this kind of disease of the mammary glands.

Diffuse mastopathy

Diffuse mastopathy, which can hurt you and increase the sensitivity of the breast, is most common in the following categories of women:

  • young girls;
  • women of any age who are in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • women of any age at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

The main symptom, as in the previous case, is a seal that vaguely resembles a large bruise. Palpation when pressed will hurt you, because there is inflammation of the interlobular connective tissue. In this case, the doctor will also be able to diagnose the narrowing of the milk ducts.

Strictly following the doctor's advice, you can cure diffuse mastopathy yourself. Surgical intervention is required only in some selected cases.

Fibrous mastopathy

When the mammary glands hurt when pressed and their sensitivity is increased, this can also be the cause of the development of fibrous mastopathy.

In most cases, it develops in the presence of infectious diseases of a gynecological nature, since the mammary glands of a woman are directly related to her reproductive system, or rather, to her condition. If it is in an inflammatory state, then this cannot but be reflected in the state of the chest.

Doctors often diagnose fibrous mastopathy even if the girl has an irregular sex life and has a long abstinence.


Now you know why chest pain occurs, and when it can be a loud signal of the formation of a strange disease. However, only the worst effects of chest pain have been discussed above. At best, it can be premenstrual failures that provoke an inflammatory process. Stress, lack of sleep, and hormonal disruptions can also be the cause of such pain.

If, when touched, the chest and nipples hurt when pressed?

If the chest hurts on the side when pressed, this can be a sign of many diseases. In order not to miss the development of pathology, you need to know about the symptoms in advance.

What can cause chest pain when pressed? When should you contact a specialist?

What causes discomfort in the middle of the chest if you touch it?

Causes of chest pain

In the case when the chest hurts when pressed, this can greatly frighten a woman. But is it worth it to worry?

There can be many reasons for discomfort, ranging from the most harmless to malignant tumors.

First you need to inspect the house. You need to gently touch and press the surface of the breast and follow the sensations. If it hurts inside when you touch the nipple, you should be wary.

Uncomfortable underwear

Pain in the chest in the middle can manifest itself due to an incorrectly selected bra. The most likely cause is tight underwear and synthetic material.

If the chest hurts like a bruise, this may indicate that the bra fabric is pressing on the body, and there is a deterioration in blood circulation.

This, in turn, leads to stagnation of the lymph. Do not underestimate the problem, because due to tightness, diseases can begin in the form of neoplasms or inflammation.

If it is not possible to refuse to wear underwear, you should pay attention to models made from natural materials with no decorative elements.

Discomfort that occurs cyclically

Pains that begin and end on a certain day are cyclical. Most often, discomfort begins a couple of days before menstruation, and increases with their onset. Pain increases with active movement and palpation of the chest.

The reason for this condition are changes in the hormonal background, when the mammary glands are preparing to produce milk.

Pain in the middle of the chest may be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, as the chest swells and enlarges a lot.

Such pains do not speak of illness, and are completely safe for the body.

Pain for cyclic reasons most often occurs in women under 35 years of age. Another reason that provokes discomfort before menstruation is hormonal drugs or oral contraceptives.

Pregnancy and childbirth

During the period of bearing a child, a woman's body completely changes, hormones are rearranged in a new way. An increase in prolactin can cause chest pain.

The mammary glands increase in volume, a sharp increase can lead to stretch marks and pain. You can use special products - creams or ointments to avoid this.

After childbirth, hormones are finally rebuilt, and discomfort disappears. The process may take several months.

During this period, the appearance of pain in one breast is possible, this occurs due to the flow of milk into the glands.

Diseases of the mammary gland

When the mammary gland hurts when pressed, this may indicate a disease. Each of them has its own distinctive features that you need to know and be able to identify in time.


This is an infectious disease that occurs against the background of weak immunity. The cause of development may be stagnation during feeding. The chest should not be supercooled. Pain will increase if you touch the gland.

Symptoms of mastitis are not uncommon, they most often appear already on the 3rd - 5th day after the birth process.

A sign of the disease can be called an increase in discomfort during breastfeeding and the fact that when a woman touches and presses the nipple, there is severe discomfort. Some additional symptoms may follow:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • fever;
  • redness of the skin in the middle of the chest;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • armpit pain.

Mastitis can occur due to infection in chronic diseases or even tooth decay. The infection enters the bloodstream, and then moves to the mammary gland.


This is a breast disease in which seals form. Discomfort begins at the very beginning, when part of the ducts increases, the connective tissue grows and presses the ducts.

Pain can be cyclical and spread to the axillary area. Often these are benign neoplasms, and the development of cancerous tumors is possible.

Mastopathy occurs at any age, but mostly young women aged 25-35 are affected. The factors affecting the development of the disease are the following facts:

  • short lactation;
  • abortions;
  • inflammation;
  • avitaminosis.

At the beginning of the development of the disease, an increase and swelling of the breast is observed, discharge from the nipple of a dark color is possible.

This is diffuse, which means the initial stage. Then comes the second stage and the pain continues constantly.

After some time, the disease passes to the third stage and the sensations become fickle, but strong.

Mastopathy is the beginning of oncology, therefore, if suspicious symptoms appear, you should consult a specialist.

For reference!

Mastopathy has a fibrocystic, that is, a nodular form. In this case, during inspection, you can feel for solid seals, inside of which there is liquid.

In the beginning, the inspection is carried out manually. The doctor needs to feel the lobes of the mammary gland, with mastopathy they become granular.

After that, additional studies (ultrasound, mammography) should be prescribed to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Cancer tumors

Oncology of the breast is characterized by the presence of neoplasms with blurred contours. At the very beginning of development, any symptoms may be absent, since there are no nerve endings in the soft tissues.

In the presence of such a disease, one breast most often hurts. Discomfort can be different, but is most often in the upper chest.

Later symptoms of breast cancer include the following:

  1. Symmetry change.
  2. Falling into the nipple and areola.
  3. The appearance of wrinkles on the skin of the chest.
  4. The presence of gray or purulent discharge from the nipple.

The likelihood of oncology increases with a large overweight or mastopathy.


A neoplasm of a benign nature, which consists of glandular and connective tissue, is called fibroadenoma.

Usually it is small in size and with clear boundaries. When palpated, it looks like hard balls that move under the skin.

The disease occurs due to a disruption in the work of hormones, so the formations may become smaller after the completion of menstruation.

Fibroadenoma can be confused with a tumor, but its difference is that the formations do not disappear when viewed in a supine position.

At the same time, if a woman is in a horizontal position, cancerous tumors disappear, they are not visible.

Cystic formations

Cysts are hollow places in the breast tissue that are filled with fluid. The cause of the occurrence is the proliferation of connective tissues. It is possible that trauma to the chest area increases the likelihood of developing cysts.

With such a disease, severe pain is observed, treatment is required to reduce discomfort.

Getting rid of voids occurs by sucking out the liquid. After the procedure, the pain is reduced.

Tuberculosis of the breast

This disease is characterized by the appearance of a single node in the chest, the process is accompanied by pain in the area of ​​the affected tissue. After a short time, the knot becomes softer, which reduces discomfort.

The symptoms of tuberculosis are similar to oncology. An independent examination will not give an accurate description of the disease, but an ultrasound specialist will accurately tell the cause of the pain. If tuberculosis develops in the chest, inward scars appear in one place.

As a result of the disease, the mammary gland can swell and change its shape. There may be an increase in lymph nodes and redness on the skin in the area affected by the disease. A characteristic symptom is the hollowness of the nipples inside the chest.

A woman may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Weakness and lethargy.
  2. Lack or decrease in appetite.
  3. Increase or decrease in body temperature.
  4. Increased sweating of the skin.
  5. Unreasonable weight loss.
  6. Symptoms of intoxication are possible.

It is worth remembering that such a disease is quite rare, and the occurrence of breast tuberculosis is impossible without the presence of its primary form in the body. A biopsy is required to confirm the diagnosis.

adipose tissue necrosis

Most often, necrosis occurs after an injury to the mammary gland. Even a weak blow, to which a woman will not pay due attention, can cause it.

Due to damage, the vessels of the mammary gland are injured and lose blood supply. Further, there is a death of soft tissues in this area.

Subsequently, there will be a scar formation, calcium deposits and the appearance of a solid formation are possible.

Interesting! Fat necrosis may begin as a result of rapid weight loss or radiation therapy.

The disease is often asymptomatic, pain occurs only with large hematomas. Necrosis can be confused with oncology, as it looks very similar to a malignant tumor on mammography or ultrasound. To accurately determine the nature of the disease, a biopsy is prescribed.

Treatment is surgery. The affected area is removed, further development of necrosis in the form of a cancerous tumor is impossible.

What other causes of chest pain can be

Discomfort in the middle of the chest and in the mammary glands can occur for many reasons:

  • violation of thyroid hormones;
  • the presence of VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • neuralgia in the region of the heart (pinching);
  • lung disease;
  • osteochondrosis in the spine.

The risk of developing diseases that cause the mammary gland to hurt when touched increases in some cases:

  • refusal to breastfeed;
  • late birth or lack thereof;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • injuries in the middle of the chest;
  • bad heredity;
  • diseases accompanied by a violation of the formation of hormones;
  • diabetes and gallbladder disease.

In addition, you should beware of bad ecology and frequent interference with the work of the body.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

You should visit a specialist as soon as possible if you experience these symptoms:

  1. Enlarged lymph nodes.
  2. The presence of neoplasms or seals in soft or glandular tissues.
  3. Change in the shape and symmetry of the breast and nipple.
  4. Pain on palpation.
  5. External changes in the skin and areola.

Only a doctor can diagnose the disease after the necessary tests and procedures. The specialist must touch the neoplasms, after which some questions should be answered:

  1. When the pain started.
  2. Feeling intensity.
  3. Dependence on the menstrual cycle.
  4. Localization of pain.
  5. Do the nipples hurt and the presence of discharge from them.
  6. Does it hurt when you press on your chest?

It is worth paying attention to taking medications, especially hormonal ones.


After the doctor determines the diagnosis, it is necessary to prescribe treatment for the mammary glands. It can be surgical or conservative intervention.

Tumors and formations in the form of cysts and necrosis are removed with concomitant treatment. If the pains have hormonal causes, their work should be adjusted. It could be diet or medication.

It is worth remembering that you can start treatment only after consulting a mammologist.

Why the chest can hurt when pressed: 10 main reasons

Taking care of the health of your body is the unspoken responsibility of every person. The trend towards the prevention of various serious diseases has been firmly established in the modern world. That is why experts recommend that women carefully monitor the condition of their most vulnerable organs - the mammary glands, and consult a doctor at the slightest discomfort.

Indeed, probably every woman at least once in her life has experienced chest pain when pressing or raising her hands. The causes can be both serious diseases and other, less significant factors.

It is important to understand that the nature of natural discomfort (occurring during lactation, pregnancy or menstruation) is significantly different from pain caused by various diseases or due to exposure to external stimuli.

Most often, before the onset of the menstrual period, it becomes especially painful to press on the chest. Symptoms usually occur in the second phase of the cycle and sometimes continue until the very beginning of menstruation. In addition, during this period, you can notice some breast enlargement, also caused by hormonal changes.

Pregnancy is a special state of a woman's body, which is also characterized by strong hormonal surges, which, of course, cannot but affect the mammary glands. Thus, discomfort and pain often occur, which disappear at the end of the lactation period.

Also, do not sound the alarm when chest pains appear while taking antidepressants or hormonal drugs. All of the above reasons are cyclical, and do not pose any threat to a woman's health.


If you experience pain in the mammary gland when pressed, then this can be an alarming bell for a disease such as mastopathy. It is characterized by the appearance of seals in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands. There are two forms of this pathology - diffuse and fibrous. It is difficult to diagnose mastopathy on your own, since its symptoms are very similar to a simple premenstrual syndrome, the chest hurts when pressed in only 85% of cases.

Mastopathy is characterized by the occurrence of neoplasms that are benign, but still have a small chance of degenerating into cancerous tumors. At an early stage of diffuse mastopathy, greenish or brown discharge from the nipple can also be detected.

Fibrous type mastopathy is different in that the pain when pressing on the chest is stronger, and the causes of this type of disease are associated primarily with infections or inflammation of the genital organs, less often with prolonged sexual abstinence or irregular sexual intercourse.

If you diagnose the disease in time and consult a doctor, you can cure mastopathy without resorting to an operative method of treatment.

Cystic formations

The occurrence of a cyst is a consequence of the neglect of fibrocystic mastopathy, which is rare, but has a high chance of progressing to the most dangerous pathologies.

A cyst is a small “pouch” filled with fluid from the inside and formed as a result of the growth of connective tissue in the breast. Cystic formations, as a rule, do not cause any discomfort to a woman, but in case of inflammation, the mammary gland usually hurts when touched.

In most cases, the cyst is removed surgically and rarely degenerates into a malignant neoplasm. However, you should be careful and go for an ultrasound scan at the slightest symptom so as not to start the situation.


This mobile formation has a spherical shape and is easily groped. The appearance of fibroadenoma is diagnosed by the fact that one breast gland hurts when you press it. Often there are cases of the occurrence of several seals in one place, as well as characteristic discharge from the nipples (if both mammary glands are affected).

Fibroadenoma is a kind of benign formation that can be removed as part of a simple operation.

breast cancer

The most serious and dangerous disease, which is difficult to diagnose at the first stage. A malignant tumor can develop in a very short time, so in order to minimize the consequences of the disease, you need to independently conduct a routine breast examination once a month. such an examination will help to identify the presence of neoplasms or an increase in lymph nodes.

If the seal in the mammary gland hurts when you press it, and the lymph nodes are slightly enlarged, then it is recommended to make an appointment with a mammologist as soon as possible.

Wrong choice of bra

When choosing underwear, you need to be extremely careful and, first of all, listen to your body. A tight and poor-quality bra can not only cause discomfort to its owner, but also cause malignant tumors or breast cysts.

Other reasons

Among other things, pain in the chest often occurs due to other diseases that are only indirectly related to the mammary glands or the reproductive system.

It can be:

  • thyroid disease;
  • cardiovascular dystonia;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the respiratory system.

If there is a temperature

If, in addition to pain when pressing on the chest, you notice an increased temperature in yourself, then all together it can indicate the occurrence of certain diseases.

Tuberculosis of the mammary gland

This pathology is extremely rare, but, nevertheless, it takes place during the development of the first, pulmonary stage of tuberculosis. Sometimes, if misdiagnosed, the disease can be confused with cancer, but it has nothing to do with it.

The main symptoms are a sharp and incessant pain in the mammary gland, which fades over time, as well as general weakness of the body and high fever.


Fever and chest pain is a direct sign of an infectious disease of the mammary glands. Often, mastitis appears against the background of breastfeeding (cracked skin on the nipples is a direct conductor of bacteria), as well as with chest injuries that contribute to the inflammatory process.

Distinguishing mastitis from the above neoplasms is not so difficult.

Main symptoms:

  • redness on the chest;
  • fever (up to 39 degrees);
  • purulent discharge;
  • severe pain.

With the right course of treatment, the disease will not incur any consequences that endanger the health of the woman and child.


A common disease that is a stagnation of milk in the mammary gland. As a result, pain occurs, the temperature rises to 37-38 degrees, the chest increases, the nipples swell.

Laktostasis in the absence of timely treatment can progress to purulent mastitis.

Pain in the nipples when pressed

Pregnancy and lactation

The first suspected cause of discomfort may be lactation. At this time, the child may inaccurately suck milk, biting the breast, thereby delivering very severe pain to the mother. In this case, it is not worth rushing to refuse feeding, at the beginning it is recommended to consider options such as silicone pads, emollient creams and ointments.

In addition, often with pressure, the nipples hurt in the first months and subsequently throughout pregnancy, which occurs due to the rapid restructuring of the woman's hormonal background.

Paget's disease

In simple terms, breast cancer. Patients suffering from this disease complain that the nipples are very sore when pressed, as well as other, more characteristic symptoms.

Among them:

  • change in the shape and color of the nipple halos;
  • itching, peeling;
  • liquid discharge from the chest.

The treatment of such a serious disease is mostly operable, and recovery takes a long time.

How to treat

So, the mammary gland hurts when pressed. What to do and how to prevent the progression of possible diseases?

First of all, it all depends on the nature of the pain. If they are cyclical and associated with hormonal changes in the body, then you should not panic. In such cases, a mild course of treatment is usually prescribed, associated with diet, rest and the absence of external stimuli.

If chest pain is not associated with natural causes, then in this case there is a risk of the existence of a pathology. Infectious diseases of the breast are treated with a course of antibiotics or by opening the foci in advanced cases.

When infections affect only one breast, benign or malignant growths can affect locally, and for example, the right mammary gland hurts when pressed, but there are no symptoms in the left. It is customary to remove such pathologies with the help of an operation, the degree of complexity of which directly depends on the disease. In rare cases, other methods can be dispensed with, but all this should be carried out under the strict supervision of a professional.

When should you see a doctor?

If you find that your chest hurts when you press it, you should not immediately panic and come up with worse options. Relax and watch your body. If the pain does not go away, and meanwhile other symptoms of possible pathologies begin to appear, immediately consult a doctor to undergo ultrasound and mammography in order to avoid serious consequences. And the sooner this happens, the better it will affect your health.

Be careful and don't forget to listen to your body!


In this video, a gynecologist will tell you about the symptoms and treatments for mastitis.

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Breast pain on pressure

A few years ago, a worldwide program began to encourage women to take better care of their health, to self-examine both breasts every month. This has made it possible to significantly reduce mortality from cancerous tumors, since their detection at an early stage increases the chances of successful treatment.

One of the first signs of pathological changes is that the mammary gland hurts when you press on it or even ordinary palpation. Fortunately, in most cases, this symptom accompanies benign neoplasms.

Why does the chest hurt when pressed?

The most common and harmless cause of the symptom in question is mechanical trauma or squeezing of the mammary gland. Such problems are easy to prevent if you avoid blows to this area, select the appropriate bra size, and make sure that the metal arms (“bones”) do not rub the skin.

Other factors that cause pain in the left or right breast when pressed:

  • hormonal fluctuations before menstruation;
  • fibrous or cystic mastopathy;
  • pregnancy;
  • preparing the body for lactation;
  • fibroadenoma;
  • lactostasis;
  • mastitis;
  • infectious inflammation of the mammary gland;
  • swelling of the chest;
  • cancer (a rare cause of pain).

In addition, the described symptoms are sometimes inherent in diseases not associated with the genital organs, hormonal balance and mammary glands. Among them:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • heart pathology;
  • diseases of the lungs and bronchi;
  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic, cervical spine;
  • thyroid disease.

How to treat pain in the breast with pressure?

In any case, you will have to visit a gynecologist and a mammologist, possibly an oncologist.

If the cause of the considered symptoms was hormonal changes that provoked violations of the functions of the mammary glands, a mild correction of the balance of androgens and estrogens will be required. Usually, homeopathic preparations (Mastodinon, Cyclodinon), herbal preparations are prescribed for this. It is also recommended to follow a special diet, normalize the regime of rest and work.

Zinc ointment in the treatment of weeping radiation burns of the breast

2018 Women's Health Blog.

Pain in the mammary glands is a non-specific symptom that every person has encountered at least once in a lifetime. Contrary to erroneous opinion, this feature is not only characteristic of the female, it is also often found in men.

Often, such a manifestation is associated with the course of a disease that adversely affects the mammary gland, in particular, it may indicate the formation of a malignant tumor. However, in some cases, such pain is quite normal.

Most often, against the background of the main symptom, rather specific symptoms develop, in particular swelling and swelling of the affected gland, redness of the skin and the appearance of easily palpable seals.

If such an alarming sign occurs, you should seek help from a doctor who, in addition to a thorough physical examination, will prescribe several laboratory and instrumental examinations.

Pain in the mammary gland with pressure is eliminated using conservative methods, however, in order to completely get rid of such a sign, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease.


Pain in the breast area can occur in absolutely every person, regardless of gender. As for children, such a manifestation for this age group is rare.

It is noteworthy that in men and women, both the same and individual predisposing factors can cause such an alarm signal.

For example, in female representatives, pain develops against the background of:

  • hormonal changes in the body, which may be associated with the formation of menstrual function or with the period of bearing a child. It is worth noting that pain can occur both in early and late pregnancy;
  • infertility therapy, which is often carried out with medications, less often with surgery;
  • uncontrolled intake of certain groups of drugs, in particular oral contraceptives or antidepressants;
  • - in such cases, the appearance of pain in girls and women, if they are not accompanied by other signs, is quite normal. If the pain disappears with the onset of menstruation, then there is no need to consult a doctor;
  • menopause - pain in the mammary gland is also not uncommon and, without the expression of other symptoms, does not have a pathological basis;
  • cystic or cancerous neoplasms - in such cases, shooting and throbbing pain in the affected mammary gland is expressed. In addition, the clinical picture is complemented by bright specific symptoms, for example, mucous or curdled discharge from the nipples;
  • breastfeeding a baby - in such cases, there is a feeling that the chest is constantly aching;
  • mechanical damage or injury to the chest;
  • development of a wide range of inflammatory processes;
  • the formation of benign changes or formations;
  • - this is characterized by stagnation of breast milk. Often this is due to wearing an uncomfortable bra during breastfeeding, unwillingness to breastfeed the baby, or incomplete emptying of the breast;
  • abscesses or fibroadenomas of the mammary glands;
  • body reactions to breast implants or other plastic surgery.

Pain in the mammary glands in men on the right or left develops several times less often than in women. However, the development of such a symptom can be triggered by:

  • - at the same time, the breast increases according to the female type. Severe pain is very often unilateral;
  • nipple adenoma is a benign tumor, the causes of which remain unknown;
  • fatty necrosis of breast tissues;
  • duct ectasia;
  • Mondor's syndrome;
  • malignant tumors;
  • flow ;
  • disruption of the functioning of the organs of the endocrine system, which are responsible for the production of hormones;
  • the presence of excess body weight;
  • hyperplasia is a pathological proliferation of mammary gland tissues.

However, the most common causes of pain in the mammary glands in a strong half of humanity are injuries, neoplasms, excessive stress, combat sports and hormonal disorders.

In addition, an important role in the development of pain in both sexes is played by constant influence, addiction to bad habits and hypothermia of the body. Such factors greatly increase the likelihood of developing each of the above ailments or pathological conditions.


Depending on the frequency of occurrence, severe pain in the mammary glands is divided into:

  • cyclical- most often appears in women before menstruation, and in men - against the background of playing sports or excessive physical activity;
  • non-cyclical- this nature of pain can be associated with any of the above diseases;
  • mastalgia(the second name for the pain of this localization) is not associated with pathologies of the mammary glands. Often there is such pain in the mammary glands with intercostal neuralgia, neurological and mental disorders. It is worth noting that intercostal neuralgic soreness spreads to the chest area, which makes it seem that it is the mammary gland that hurts on the left or right.

The resulting pain may be of the following nature:

  • shooting and sharp;
  • aching and burning;
  • dull and stabbing;
  • pulsating and sharp;
  • cutting and pulling.

In addition, during the diagnosis, attention is paid to the following classifications:

  • at the place of localization - one-sided or two-sided;
  • by duration - soreness is constant, intermittent and appears only with pressure;
  • by prevalence - the symptom is divided into local and diffuse.


Pain in the left mammary gland or in the right breast often acts as the first, but not the only sign of a particular pathology.

Very often additional clinical signs are:

  • hardening and swelling;
  • breast enlargement;
  • redness of the skin;
  • increase in the volume of regional lymph nodes;
  • hardening of the nipples;
  • discharge of pathological fluid, in particular mucus or pus, colostrum or blood;
  • increased sensitivity of the affected segment;
  • an increase in local temperature - this means that the right or left breast, when touched, will be hotter in comparison with the general temperature of the skin.

Pain in breast mastopathy may be accompanied by:

  • bilateral defeat;
  • the appearance of heaviness and discomfort;
  • the appearance of nodules or seals in the chest, which are easily palpable;
  • the spread of pain in the armpits;
  • a gradual increase in the intensity of the main symptom, which causes difficulties in everyday life.

Pain during and in cases of formation of cystic neoplasms will have such additional symptoms:

  • burning, heaviness and discomfort in one of the mammary glands;
  • the appearance of dense and mobile seals, when touched, a burning pain appears;
  • structural changes in the skin on the affected mammary gland, namely its retraction, wrinkling or thickening;
  • deformation of the breast and a change in the color of the skin located above the area of ​​education;
  • swelling of the nipple.

It must be borne in mind that the above symptoms are only the most characteristic. The clinical picture will be individual in nature, and differ depending on the etiological factor.


It is possible to establish the reasons why acute pain in the mammary glands appears in men and women only after laboratory tests and instrumental examinations of the patient. However, before this, the mammologist needs to independently perform several manipulations:

  • to study the medical history - to find out the possible presence of a predisposing factor that has a pathological basis;
  • collect the patient's life history - in cases where the source of pain is sports, injuries, pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • carry out a thorough physical examination aimed at palpation of the mammary glands - this may indicate the presence of seals, neoplasms or nodules and their number. Also, the degree of severity and nature of pain is assessed, because pulling or aching pain can indicate completely different diseases;
  • conduct a detailed survey - to compile a complete symptomatic picture.

Laboratory and instrumental diagnostics is based on:

  • general and biochemical analysis of blood;
  • blood tests for hormones;
  • bacterial seeding of fluid secreted from the nipples;
  • Ultrasound, CT and MRI of the chest;
  • radiography;
  • mammography and ductography;
  • pneumocystography;
  • puncture biopsy.


Pain in the mammary gland on the left in women or men, as well as other localization, can only be stopped by eliminating the underlying disease.

Soreness of the mammary glands to some extent worries more than half of all women on the planet. At the same time, sensations can vary from slight discomfort to excruciating heaviness and burning, which significantly reduce the quality of life. Therefore, establishing the cause of such pain and choosing an adequate treatment is a paramount task.

Anatomy of the mammary glands

The breast of a woman consists of a gland, which is divided by milk ducts into lobules, fat and connective tissue. The predominance of connective (fibrous) and glandular tissue depends on the characteristics of the body, body weight, hormonal levels and the age of the woman. However, the mammary gland in every woman is an organ in which changes occur associated with the course of the menstrual cycle. Hormonal changes occur in the following way:

The first two weeks (14 days), provided that the cycle lasts 28 days, follicles intensively mature in the ovaries. In the middle phase of the cycle, the follicle bursts, thus releasing the egg. This stage is combined with the peak release of estrogens. After the egg is released, a corpus luteum forms at the site of the follicle. Progesterone is actively secreted during this phase. If conception does not occur, the body begins to gradually decline, and the levels of both hormones decrease towards the end of the cycle. Menstruation begins.

Estrogen, a hormone of female nature, has a huge impact on the state of the mammary glands. It provokes an increase in connective elements and the number of glandular cells. Connecting cells line the surface of all breast ducts. With an excess of estrogen, groups of glands can degenerate into cysts. In most cases, cysts are harmless and do not need treatment.

Progesterone, the level of which rises in the second part of the cycle, provokes swelling, improves blood circulation, which causes pain in the premenstrual period. This is due to the fact that the glandular cells of the mammary gland are prepared before the possible release of milk, in the event of pregnancy.

Mastodynia (cyclic pain) - pain before the onset of menstruation

The greatest number of complaints about pain in the mammary glands is associated precisely with cyclic changes in the female body. This condition is characterized by:

    a significant reduction or complete disappearance of pain during pregnancy or after the onset of menopause;

    subsidence of pain at the beginning of menstruation and its complete disappearance at the end of menstruation;

    the onset of pain a few days before the onset of menstruation.

Such complaints are most often present in women aged 17 to 40 years with large and medium breasts. Breast pain that occurs during ovulation is usually bilateral, with the most severe pain localized in the outer upper quadrants of the breast.

Pain as a sign of PMS

Cyclical pain that recurs monthly may be part of premenstrual syndrome. Among other signs of such an unpleasant condition, there are:

    bloating and pain in the abdomen;

    increased appetite;

    anxiety and restlessness;

    severe mood swings and irritability.

The main feature of premenstrual breast pain is the absence of symptoms before ovulation. The first half of the cycle is absolutely painless, and after two weeks, the above complaints begin to grow. The peak of pain occurs 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation.

The presence of certain signs of premenstrual syndrome are present in 80% of women. And for almost everyone, breast soreness is one of the main signs. This condition is not dangerous for the health and life of a woman. There is an opinion that women who suffer from monthly pain and breast tightness are more at risk of developing cancerous pathologies. To date, there is no evidence of an association between breast cancer and cyclic breast tenderness.

Most often, pain develops against the background of the presence of diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy. This condition is not a disease, it is a special condition of the mammary gland, in which there is a uniform growth of fibrous and glandular tissues. This condition has no consequences, except for discomfort.

Non-cyclic pain

    when taking medications (antidepressants, hormonal drugs);

    after operations and with injuries;

    in the presence of benign or malignant tumors;

    with breast cysts.

In rare cases, pain may not be associated with menstruation. Usually, discomfort occurs with injuries, tumors, cysts and other pathologies that occur in the area of ​​​​the mammary gland. Non-cyclic pain is most often localized and unilateral. In other words, a woman is able to determine the place where there is discomfort (for example, pain in the right breast in the nipple area).

    Paget's disease;

    malignant tumors;


    acute mastitis;

    reaction to the implant;

    inflammatory processes;


    breast cyst;

    nodal formations.

breast cyst

A breast cyst is a cavity that is filled with fluid. It is generally accepted that almost every woman has one or more small cystic formations. Normally, they occur during the menstrual cycle, but sometimes such cysts grow to large sizes, which causes pain and discomfort to the woman.

If a cancer threat is not detected during a thorough ultrasound examination, small cysts in most cases are not touched, and the therapy is the same as for diffuse mastopathy. If cystic formations are suspicious (inflamed, large, have a parietal component) and at the same time provoke severe pain, it is necessary to perform an operation to remove them.


Fibroadenoma is a benign tumor that is localized in the mammary gland. It is a round formation, which in most cases is painless, mobile and smooth. However, depending on the size and location of this node, discomfort and pain may appear that make a woman see a doctor.

Fibroadenomas usually develop due to hormonal fluctuations, most often in young women who have reached childbearing age. Fibroadenomas, unlike diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy, require a biopsy. In order to exclude the presence of a cancerous tumor, a needle is inserted into the node and some of the cells are pumped out through it, which are then studied under a microscope. After the diagnosis of fibroadenoma is confirmed, the formation is removed. Along with the tumor, anxiety about possible cancer and pain go away.


A lactocele is a cyst in the breast that is filled with breast milk. Due to an injury or congenital anomaly, as well as an inflammatory process, a scar forms in the breast, which prevents normal lactation. Milk begins to accumulate and stagnate, subsequently forming a cyst. The cyst grows and gradually provokes a feeling of fullness and pain in the area of ​​the mammary gland. In some cases, suppuration and abscess may occur at the site of its formation.

The lactocele is a mobile soft formation. When punctured, milk is released from it. In order to relieve pain, puncture is sometimes not enough, in such cases, surgery is necessary to remove the cyst.


Unlike lactocele, the main reason for the development of lactostasis is the lack of a feeding regimen. The increased secretion of milk and at the same time its small consumption by the child causes congestion in the chest. Symptoms of this pathology usually appear quite quickly, these are:

    aching chest pain;

    feeling of fullness and tension;

    hardening in a certain part of the chest.

In rare cases, a slight increase in body temperature can also join the feeling of pain. Such symptoms occur only in the first 3-4 months after delivery, when the child and his mother have not yet entered the same feeding rhythm.

The main therapy for lactostasis is active breastfeeding. The first portion of milk should be expressed to make it easier for the baby to suckle. In the first months, you need to feed the baby on demand, regardless of the time of day or night. If, in the presence of lactostasis, you stop feeding the child with a “sick” breast, there will be a decrease in the amount of milk in it, which in the future can become a problem.


Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast. In most cases, there is a lactational variant of the disease, which occurs against the background of breastfeeding. Also, in most cases, the precursor of mastitis is lactostasis. Stagnation of milk and the presence of cracked nipples allow bacteria to multiply very actively. An infection occurs, and the mammary gland begins to swell, redness, fever and severe pain appear. The general condition of a woman is characterized by weakness, which occurs against the background of a temperature that sometimes reaches 39 degrees.

Diagnosing mastitis is a simple task. It is much more difficult to cure this pathology, while maintaining the normal lactation of the gland. Antibiotics are the first line drugs. But they can be prescribed only after examination by a doctor. In the absence of the effect of therapy or a serious condition, surgical intervention may be required to drain the formed pus. In any case, you need to maintain lactation at a certain level.

Breast injury

Injury to the mammary glands is a rather rare occurrence. Usually there are abrasions or bruises that appear after an accident, falls and other incidents. If a hematoma (bruise, accumulation of blood) occurs in the mammary gland due to injury, discomfort and pain may appear even after a significant period of time has passed. Therefore, in the presence of a hematoma of the chest, its removal or puncture is required in order to prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

Pain in the area of ​​implants

After breast augmentation or reconstruction surgery, pain is normal. It will take time to get used to the new size and heal the scars. However, sometimes the placement of an implant causes an acute or chronic inflammatory reaction or begins to compress the nerve endings. In such cases, you need to seek advice from a plastic surgeon, and a second operation may also be required.

Cracked nipples

Almost all women after the birth of a child experienced discomfort in the nipples. A constantly hungry baby demands to be fed every hour, and milk is still very little. Friction causes burning, itching and pain in the nipples. However, cracks are the most annoying. Due to the drying of the skin of the nipples, it begins to crack, and this is a very painful condition. Wounds and sores do not have time to heal in the periods between feedings, recovery is delayed. In such situations, it is recommended to lubricate nipple cracks with Depanthenol, Bepanthen and other creams of similar action. They do not affect the health of the baby and quickly cope with cracks. In the presence of severe infected wounds, it is necessary to protect the child from the chest until the symptoms subside completely.

Pain that is not associated with the mammary glands

    postherpetic neuralgia;

    Tietze syndrome;

    intercostal neuralgia (with SARS, rheumatoid diseases).

Tietze syndrome

Tietze's disease is not widespread, but sometimes occurs. It manifests itself in the form of swelling and pain in the cartilage of the ribs. The causes of this pathology have not been clarified, and stress or inadequate physical activity can aggravate the condition. In women, a similar syndrome is often disguised as soreness in the mammary glands. To exclude the presence of this pathology is quite simple: you should conduct an X-ray examination of the chest and pay close attention to the cartilage between the ribs. Tietze's syndrome has no specific treatment, and NSAIDs are used for severe pain. Quite often, a change in the mode of physical activity is the best treatment.


The Herpeszoster virus, when it first enters the body, provokes chickenpox and leads to shingles on the body. This is a very painful condition, which is accompanied by blistering rashes, itching and burning pain. Most often, it affects the nerves and skin of the lumbar region (hence the name of the pathology). When a rash appears in the chest area, pain and itching can be confused with manifestations of mastopathy. Therefore, it is very important to examine the chest for redness and vesicles. The soreness of such rashes disappears after 2-3 weeks, and antiviral therapy (herpes ointments, Acyclovir) will help to significantly alleviate the general condition.

Mammary cancer

The most formidable of all causes of breast pain is breast cancer. This is a neoplasm that occupies a leading position among oncological diseases in women. In addition to the fact that such cancer is widespread, it is also dangerous with a high mortality rate, since many women postpone a visit to the doctor until the last moment.

Risk Factors for Breast Cancer

    oncological processes of the intestines, ovaries or breasts in close relatives (grandmothers, mother, sisters);

    previous oncological processes listed above;

    age over 60 years;


    no pregnancy and childbirth, late menopause, early menstruation.

Among all the factors, the main one is the effect on the body and the mammary gland of hormones, in particular estrogen. It must be remembered that the presence of diffuse mastopathy, cyclic premenstrual chest pain is not considered a risk factor for the development of oncological processes in the mammary gland.

Heredity, which is aggravated by cases of oncology, requires a particularly careful attitude to one's own health. About 10% of breast cancers are the result of a genetic defect. The presence of the BRCA2 and BRCA1 genes increases the risk of cancer by several dozen times. Therefore, pain in the chest in women who have / had relatives with oncology of this organ requires special attention and special studies.

Breast Cancer Symptoms

Small tumors in the absence of metastases most often do not cause pain or discomfort. Pain can only occur when the tumor compresses the nerve endings. Therefore, self-diagnosis of the mammary glands is a very responsible and important stage in the diagnosis. A special form of breast cancer is Paget's cancer. It differs in that the tumor is localized in the area of ​​the nipple and causes it to stretch and deform, as well as pain to the right or left of it.

Breast Cancer Treatment

In the initial stages, cancer that has not yet gone beyond the nearest lymph nodes or breasts usually undergoes complex therapy. It includes surgery to remove the tumor, radiation and chemotherapy. Based on the type of tumor, hormonal drugs may be used. Sometimes, if a large tumor is present, it is first reduced with chemotherapy and then removed surgically. The volume of surgical intervention in our country is usually large-scale: the mammary gland is removed with regional lymph nodes and underlying muscles. In European countries, such a pathology is diagnosed much earlier, so it is possible to perform a partial resection of the mammary gland with cosmetic sutures.

Breast Examination Methods

When pain occurs in the mammary gland, a series of studies is necessary. They allow you to establish the cause of such discomfort and exclude the presence of life-threatening conditions. Also, diagnosis contributes to the selection of the most optimal treatment option.

    Breast self-examination.

Lying - in order to examine the right chest, a pillow is placed under the right shoulder blade, the right hand is taken away behind the head. With the help of fingertips, the entire breast is probed from the periphery to the nipple.

Standing - the examination is performed in two positions with arms raised and lowered.

Points to pay attention to:

    the presence of ulcers on the skin of the chest;

    pain on palpation;

    change in temperature and skin color (blue, redness);

    change in the skin of the chest according to the type of "lemon peel";

    change in the size of the mammary glands (asymmetry);

    the presence of discharge from the nipple of any shade (an exception is milk during lactation);

    nipple retraction;

    seal of any size and shape. Especially if it is large, motionless, has uneven contours.

All of the above signs are a signal that you should consult a specialist. Such a specialist is a mammologist, therapist or gynecologist. If the doctor identifies a threat to the woman's health, she will be sent for an additional examination and consultation with an oncologist. Feeling and examining the breast helps a woman detect cancer in the early stages. However, it should be noted that most of the self-identified formations are benign and most often do not even require special treatment.

Breast examination for pain

Mammography is an x-ray examination of the mammary glands. This method is the standard for diagnosing breast pathologies among women over forty years of age. It makes it possible to assess the nature of the growth of the malignant process, the prevalence of the disease and the condition of the breast tissues. However, if the glandular dense component dominates in the breast, mammography is not very informative. Therefore, for young women, breast ultrasound is more relevant.

Ultrasound of the mammary glands - an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands is required in such cases:

    for differential diagnosis of cysts;

    in all women who complain of pain (addition to mammography);

    in young women for prevention;

    in pregnant women and during lactation.

MRI and CT of the mammary glands - magnetic resonance and computed tomography - are additional examination methods. It is not advisable to use them as a preventive study or at the first visit to the doctor. Usually, such methods are resorted to in the presence of an unclear diagnosis or when there is a fuzzy picture on ultrasound and mammography. In addition, CT and MRI help to assess the condition of neighboring organs and diagnose metastases in distant parts of the body, in the presence of malignant neoplasms.

Aspiration biopsy - with a painless or painful mass in the breast, especially in the presence of aggravating heredity or during menopause, one x-ray is not enough. To confirm the diagnosis, it is best to examine pathological cells under a microscope, which will determine the degree of their malignancy. In such cases, most often resort to aspiration biopsy. In some cases, this stage is omitted and they immediately proceed to the removal of the tumor and subsequent histological examination of the material obtained.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional studies to determine the exact diagnosis.

Treatment of breast pain

Treatment for chest pain depends on the underlying cause. Therefore, the first step is to contact a specialist for a detailed examination.

Treatment of cyclic pain

Diffuse mastopathy with premenstrual pain is a benign and safe phenomenon. At its core, this is a common reaction to a normally passing ovulatory cycle. However, if a woman is very worried about such pains, several methods are used.

    Conversation with a doctor.

Oddly enough, but quite often a simple conversation with a doctor is enough to relieve symptoms. After qualified explanations about the safety of mastopathy and the absence of cancer in the patient, the patient's condition improves dramatically and the discomfort disappears.

    Choosing the right underwear.

A tight bra of the correct size and shape can reduce discomfort and cyclical pain.

    Dosed physical activity, proper rest and aromatherapy for PMS.

    Weight loss and restriction of fatty foods.

    Oral contraceptives.

Taking combined oral contraceptives is an option to temporarily “turn off” ovulation. There is no ovulation, which means there are no jumps in hormones. Therefore, pain and discomfort when using COCs are either significantly relieved or disappear completely.

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen).

    "Tamoxifen" is a drug that is used in the presence of severe mastopathy with severe pain. The drug has side effects, so it is prescribed only if there are strict indications.

It is important to remember that any homeopathic remedies that supposedly relieve mastopathy are pure charlatanism. The effect of such drugs is based on self-hypnosis. Therefore, it does not make sense to use drugs with unproven safety and efficacy; you can simply limit yourself to talking with a doctor, taking a bath and good rest.

Treatment of non-cyclic pain

If inflammatory processes, tumors and cysts are detected, a doctor's consultation, detailed diagnostics and, if necessary, surgery are required. After resection of benign formations, agents for the treatment of PMS can be applied. After the treatment of oncological pathologies, many drugs are contraindicated. Pain in the case of breast cancer with distant metastases is very strong, excruciating and is not relieved by NSAIDs. Sometimes narcotic analgesics are required to relieve such pain.

Treatment of pain that is not associated with the mammary gland

An intelligent doctor determines the source and cause of such pain and prescribes additional studies. Treatment is selected in accordance with the nature of the pathology.

The most popular doctor's questions when collecting data

Before contacting a doctor, you need to carefully consider the answers to the questions that he is likely to ask.

    In which breast is pain felt?

    What kind of pain is present? (stabbing, bursting, aching).

    How long has this pain been bothering you?

    What is the severity of the pain, if you evaluate it on a 10-point scale?

    Does one or both breasts hurt?

    Are there patterns in the onset of pain (breastfeeding, exercise, menstruation)?

    When was the last time you had a mammogram?

    Are there any other symptoms (discharge from the nipple, lump in the breast)?

    Have you had a recent miscarriage or abortion, are you breastfeeding, pregnant?

    Did you have a history of breast surgery or chest trauma?

    Has any of your close relatives suffered from bowel, ovarian, or breast cancer?

Pain in the mammary glands is a sign of many diseases and not only. Every woman who has passed puberty has come across it. There are two types of pain: cyclic and non-cyclic. Groups include many specific manifestations or diseases. But first things first.

There are so many reasons that even the most experienced doctors are not able to determine when examining why the chest hurts when pressed. For this, many instrumental and laboratory methods are used: blood donation for hormones, ultrasound, mammography, biopsy.

Among the reasons are:

  1. Hormonal changes and changes depending on the menstrual cycle.
  2. Pregnancy, in which the structure of tissues changes.
  3. Diseases of the mammary glands.
  4. Injuries (shocks, falls).
  5. Surgical treatment of the breast.
  6. Diseases of the internal organs.

Pain in the chest is called mastalgia. The pain is stabbing, cutting, aching, burning, throbbing and incessant. It can give to the shoulder, ribs, armpits, it can be local. By classifying the patient's sensations, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis.

Hormonal causes

Hormonal changes are inevitable for every woman throughout her life. So, for example, during menstruation, the ratio of hormones in the first and second phases of the cycle changes. A few days before the onset of menstruation, the breast increases in size, swells, pain appears. They are classified as cyclical, as they have a pattern.

During pregnancy, hormones also change their ratio in the blood, which leads to an increase in the mammary glands and their soreness. Gestation is characterized by sharp jumps in the amount of hormones. The chest begins to hurt from the first trimester and after pregnancy until the very end of lactation.

Taking hormonal drugs or antidepressants may also be associated with chest pain. Unpleasant sensations disappear after stopping the medication. Breast pain associated with these causes does not pose a threat to a woman's health. Cyclic pain is more common in adolescent girls.

Causes of cyclic pain

Cyclic pains are those that recur on certain days of the month each time. They are associated with taking hormonal drugs, with menstruation. They do not pose any danger, pass on their own and do not require treatment. They are most common in women of reproductive age up to 40 years. In more detail, each of the reasons was described in the section "hormonal causes".

Non-cyclic pain

But non-cyclic pains are more often messengers of various breast diseases. When the breast hurts when touched and this is not associated with a cycle, pregnancy or taking drugs, then you need to pay attention to other causes. Usually the pain manifests itself either in the right or in the left mammary gland.


Mastitis is a breast disease caused by pathogenic microflora. The reasons for its appearance are associated with hypothermia of the mammary glands, stagnation of milk in the ducts in lactating women.

The main reason is the weakening of the body's immunity.

In this case, any chronic infection with blood flow can penetrate into the breast tissue.

Most often, mastitis develops during breastfeeding. Young mothers earn it already on the third day of feeding, when an infection enters the milk ducts. Discomfort is aggravated by feeding.

Of the common signs of mastitis, fever, swelling of the breast, its compaction and acute soreness, and colostrum discharge are observed. The pain tends to get worse, often radiating to the armpits. It is sometimes impossible to touch the chest.


Stagnation of breast milk in a young mother is not uncommon. It hurts to touch the chest, the local temperature rises to 37.5 degrees. If left untreated, lactostasis is converted into acute purulent mastitis.


Another cause of unilateral non-cyclic chest pain in women. The essence of mastopathy is the formation of seals in the glandular tissue, the growth of connective tissue areas, the compression of some ducts and the increase in others.

Mastalgia manifests itself in different ways. The initial stages are characterized by its intensification a few days before menstruation. At later times, the pain manifests itself on any day of the cycle, it becomes more intense.

On palpation, the doctor often notes coarsening of the glandular tissue, its granularity. There are three forms of mastopathy: diffuse, nodular and fibrocystic. With all forms of the disease, seals occur in the chest, if left untreated, they become permanent.

Mastopathy occurs against the background of hormonal disorders, beriberi, constant abortions or improper lactation. The outcome of the disease is often positive, but neglected forms give complications.


Fibroadenoma is a benign rounded formation that is easily palpated during examination. In the prone position does not disappear, unlike mastopathy or cancer. Often, fibroadenoma becomes the result of neglected mastopathy. The pain manifests itself if you touch the formation.

The tumor has clear contours, easily moves in the thickness of the gland, is located in the capsule. Often there are several fibroadenomas in one breast, all are determined by ultrasound. The diagnosis does not provide for conservative treatment, so the operation is performed in any case.


Cysts are a capsule with a clear liquid, absolutely benign. At the same time, chest pains are manifested strongly, it hurts to press on it. Cysts occur mainly due to trauma. Usually do not require treatment, with the exception of topical gels and anesthetic ointments. If there is a large formation, the surgeon pumps fluid out of the cyst, it sticks together and disappears.

Tuberculosis of the breast

Tuberculosis of the breast is very easy to confuse with cancer. Self-diagnosis does not give comforting results. First, one tuberculous node is formed, which causes severe pain.

After the formation of fistulous passages, the pain subsides, and the formation softens. On examination, the doctor notes pinpoint retracted scars on the surface of the chest, which help in the initial diagnosis. Accurate diagnosis is carried out with the help of a biopsy and laboratory tests.

Fat necrosis

In another way, the disease is called lipogranuloma. It is typical for women with a predominance of fatty tissue in the chest area. The formations are very dense and do not have clear boundaries; lipogranulomas are often confused with cancerous tumors.

Lipogranuloma is characterized by slow growth compared to a malignant formation, often it is provoked by chest injuries. At risk are women in the period of menopause and menopause.

breast cancer

It is difficult to notice cancer in the first stages, since the formations are so small that they do not cause irritation of the nerve endings. With the growth of tumors, pain in the affected chest is noted in the upper part.

Vivid symptoms are changes in the skin of the affected breast, inverted nipples, discoloration, peeling, sores, bruises at the site of the tumor, when pressed, serous-bloody fluid flows out.

At risk are nulliparous women or those who gave birth late, women with a history of mastopathy or with a hereditary predisposition.

Uncomfortable underwear

Incorrectly selected underwear harms the mammary glands. If the bra is squeezing the chest, then you need to change it to a more spacious one or stop wearing underwear altogether. If it is impossible for women with a magnificent bust to refuse a bra, then you need to choose spacious, comfortable models made of cotton materials.

Wearing tight underwear provokes stagnation of lymph in the mammary glands, causes discomfort and pain. Lymph stasis is the root cause of many breast diseases: from cysts to malignant neoplasms.

Steps for chest pain

If the mammary gland hurts when pressed from the side, right, left, top, bottom or middle and this is in no way connected with cyclic causes or pregnancy, then you need to make an appointment with a doctor. You can palpate the chest yourself, but this will not lead to a satisfactory result.

With cyclic pain, the doctor will advise a sparing daily regimen, more rest, a soft diet and less nervous strain. It is possible to prescribe light sedatives or decoctions that relieve inflammation.

Diagnosis, which is carried out in the presence of non-cyclic pain:

  • Palpation. The specialist carefully palpates the breast, which helps to detect seals, nodes, granularity and structure of the mammary gland. Probing is great for differential diagnosis, narrowing the range of diseases for diagnosis. Feeling also gives information about the condition of the lymph nodes.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics. With it, you can set the exact size of the formation, see the cyst, fibroadenoma and their localization.
  • Mammography. It is indicated for diagnostics and examinations from the age of 40 to women who have already given birth. With the help of x-rays, the size of the formation and its prevalence are determined.
  • Ductography. Examination of the milk ducts of the breast using X-ray contrast agent.
  • Biopsy. Allows you to determine the diagnosis at the cellular level. For this, material is taken from the formation: a cell mass or a piece of tissue. Based on the results of a biopsy, it is possible to predict the further development of the disease.
  • Pneumocystography. type of biopsy. The contents are taken from cysts or formations.

After the studies, the final diagnosis is made and individual treatment is prescribed. In inflammatory processes, these are antibiotics. With neoplasms - surgery or conservative treatment.

Often there is a situation that a woman has pain in the lower chest. To find out the reason, first of all, you should pay attention to underwear. A tight, low-quality bra compresses, worsens blood circulation and causes discomfort. This problem often worries young nursing mothers. The rush of milk makes the breasts larger in size, and the underwear becomes tight and uncomfortable.

In addition, pain in the lower part of the mammary gland may signal the development of mastopathy or another disease. Therefore, if you experience discomfort, pain, tingling, especially if they are present in only one breast, consult a mammologist. Self-medication will only aggravate the problem and start the disease. There are many more factors to which the breast reacts with pain or tenderness.

Causes of soreness

In the prevailing number of cases of pain in the lower mammary gland, the following causes are caused.

Pregnancy. After conception, under the action of hormones, the processes of preparing the mammary gland for future feeding take place. The number of glandular lobes and milk ducts increases and puts pressure on nearby tissues and nerve endings. This causes discomfort and pain, which is localized in the nipple area, on the sides or at the bottom of the mammary gland.

In the second trimester, the fetus begins to grow actively, the abdomen increases, the first stretch marks appear. At this time, a woman may feel discomfort in the ribs and chest. But you should not worry, it is better to be patient a little while the baby grows up and the stomach drops down, which will alleviate the condition. This happens around the 39th week of pregnancy. If the pain is constant, intense and does not subside for a long time, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

On the eve of menstruation. Breast soreness before menstruation is experienced by many women of reproductive age. It happens that it is impossible to touch her or put on underwear. Discomfort begins on days 14-16 of the cycle and may not stop until the onset of spotting. Such pain is called cyclical and occurs against the background of hormonal changes. After ovulation, there is a jump in the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for preparing the body for a possible conception.

The mammary gland swells, it hurts, the nipples become sensitive. This is a natural process that does not require treatment. High-quality natural underwear, taking vitamins, regular exercise to strengthen the pectoral muscles will help alleviate the condition. Often, doctors, given complaints of soreness and sensitivity of the breast, diagnose mastodynia. This condition does not pose a danger to the health of a woman and does not affect future pregnancy or lactation, and with the implementation of the recommendations of a mammologist, it is easily eliminated. With mastodynia, the lower chest can pull, tingle or squeeze.

Feeding. Breast pain in a nursing mother should alert. Basically, it is the result of improper attachment of the baby or a tight bra, but sometimes it indicates the formation of milk stagnation (lactostasis).

Due to poor breast care, trauma, hypothermia, and many other reasons, the milk ducts become blocked, and a painful induration occurs. If it is not eliminated in time by frequent application of the baby or massage, then a more dangerous disease may develop - mastitis, which is accompanied by fever, redness of the mammary gland and severe pain. Mastitis can develop in any part of the breast, including the lower one.

To avoid illness, you need to follow the recommendations for feeding:

  • correctly apply the child (make sure that he captures the entire areola, and not just the nipple);
  • alternate breasts during feeding (avoid stagnation of milk in one of them);
  • do not injure or squeeze it with tight underwear;
  • do not make long intervals between feedings;
  • during the completion of breastfeeding, the baby should be weaned gradually;
  • do not overcool the mammary gland.

In case of mastitis, you should immediately consult a doctor to prescribe treatment. In advanced stages, an infectious process may join and an operation will be required.

Mastopathy. The disease is characterized by the appearance of benign neoplasms in the mammary gland of a different nature. There is diffuse and nodular mastopathy. It often occurs due to hormonal imbalance. With a nodular chest, pea-shaped seals are well felt, which can be located both in the upper and lower parts. They are characterized by severe pain that radiates to the shoulder or armpit. Sometimes there is a discharge from the nipples of a cloudy or clear liquid. In the early stages, mastopathy is easily eliminated by conservative treatment; in advanced forms, a malignant tumor may develop against its background.

Uncomfortable underwear. Proper care, in particular, well-chosen underwear, can save the breast from many troubles. In cold and warm seasons, it is better to give preference to natural fabrics. They allow the skin to breathe, which reduces sweating and the likelihood of developing diaper rash. It is important to choose a bra according to size. If during pregnancy or lactation the mammary gland grows rapidly, you need several of them, and it is better to buy special ones for nursing mothers. Linen should not be too tight and should not be loose. The main function is to maintain the mammary gland. A good bra will not only protect against possible diseases, but also take care of the beauty of the breast, keeping it elastic and preventing sagging.

Pain under the breast

Unpleasant sensations under the breasts are just a symptom that indicates many diseases.

If the pain is intense and increases with inspiration, this may signal the development of an inflammatory process in the lungs or intercostal neuralgia.

Sometimes the cause of soreness is an injury or bruise, even minor ones. During sports activities, physical labor, active games, situations often arise when a blow is struck in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland or chest compression occurs.

Pain under the breast also indicates a violation of the activity of internal organs. Therefore, if she worries for a long time, you need to contact a therapist or gastroenterologist. Cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis, ulcers, diseases of the esophagus and even stomach cancer are accompanied by pain that can radiate under the mammary gland.

Often women ignore the discomfort in the lower chest and make a serious mistake. It is better to visit a doctor and make sure that the discomfort is caused by physiological changes during pregnancy or before menstruation.

After all, there are times when a slight tingling or sensitivity hides serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs or the development of neoplasms. This is especially true for women who plan to become mothers in the future or are already carrying a child under their hearts. Attentive attitude to your health will allow you to protect yourself and your baby from unpleasant ailments.



2023 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs