There is a smell of iodine in hard cheese. Unpleasant taste of iodine as a result of chronic poisoning

The unpleasant taste and smell coming from the mouth has many reasons, for example, eaten garlic or onions leave a trace behind and will appear until the food is digested. Dehydration can also be noted, in which such a symptom is observed, because due to a lack of fluid, salivation weakens and the cells of the tongue, along with the remaining pieces of food, gradually decompose. This happens due to a long conversation or upon waking up, but this is eliminated quite simply and for this you need to drink water and brush your teeth thoroughly.

In the case of more specific symptoms, for example, when there is a taste of iodine in the mouth, you need to go to the doctor to find out the reasons why it appeared and get the necessary instructions to fix the problem. You should not hesitate with this, because such a symptom often indicates more serious illness.

Features of the symptom that appeared

The taste of iodine in the mouth is most often a sign of a problem with internal organs and disruptions in the endocrine system, but if such a symptom appeared unexpectedly, then, quite possibly, this indicates an excess of iodine in the body. You can understand what is the factor that caused this problem by analyzing your diet for the last 3 days, and you should also remember about all the medications taken over the same period of time. Sometimes you can get such a reaction because of a large amount of seafood eaten or because of constant use iodized salt.

If there are suspicions that there are a lot of foods containing iodine in the diet or it is in the medications taken, then you should refuse them for a while and consult your doctor. You can understand that the whole problem was precisely in this already on the 3rd day, because if discomfort disappear from the mouth, then the whole problem was in an overabundance of this substance.

When the problem that has arisen does not go away and has been disturbing for more than a week, then a visit to the doctor must be made in without fail, because the reason may be hidden in failures endocrine system. There are quite a few factors that lead to this, but the main ones are considered to be poor ecological situation And hereditary predisposition.

The thyroid gland is responsible for iodine-containing hormones (triiodothyronine, thyroxine) and when it produces too much of them, this disease is called hyperthyroidism. To diagnose the pathology, you need to contact an endocrinologist who will direct you to do an ultrasound scan and take blood for analysis (TSH, T4 and antibodies to TPO). It is worth noting that in such a situation, it is forbidden to use iodized foods and drugs so as not to harm the body even more.

In addition to the fact that there is a taste of iodine in the mouth, other symptoms may accompany this disease, namely:


Sometimes the reason why an iodine bite appears in the mouth is hidden in iodism (an excess of iodine). Such a problem occurs in a fairly large number of people, especially among lovers of iodized salt and seafood, and also if a person is prescribed medicines with a large concentrate of this substance.

It should be noted that during sleep it is absorbed necessary for the body the amount of iodine and therefore, when the next morning there is an appropriate aftertaste in the mouth, then this is probably a manifestation of iodism.

When excess iodine reaches a critical point, the following symptoms appear:

For the treatment of any disease, it is first necessary to eliminate the cause of why it appeared, and in the case of iodism, all foods and medicines that contain this substance and are prescribed are removed. salt-free diet With big amount bromine.

Other factors

To find out why there was a taste of iodine in the mouth, you need to know everything possible reasons of this phenomenon and no less common factors that cause this symptom are:

  • Enamel damage. oxidative process, which began in the destroyed part of the tooth, can cause such a symptom and this problem is eliminated by a dentist. IN rare cases such a taste appears due to the decomposition of food debris that has fallen into the dental canal;
  • Problems in gastrointestinal tract. They are often the culprits of various tastes in the mouth and need to be examined by a gastroenterologist to put accurate diagnosis;
  • Hormonal disbalance as a result of taking birth control pills. This happens in girls after long-term use drugs in this group. For treatment, it is enough to refuse this type of medication for a while;
  • Disorder nervous system. Because of this reason, the brain may not receive signals correctly and, perhaps, there is no taste of iodine at all. To get rid of this problem, it is enough to rest well and take sedatives.

Feeling the taste of iodine in your mouth is rather unpleasant and dangerous, because it can be concomitant symptom many diseases, so it is recommended to go to the therapist to find out the cause of the problem.

The taste of iodine in the mouth may occur due to different reasons. Iodine is an essential component for the human body. It is produced by the thyroid gland, which contributes to better metabolism, brain function, human development and growth. Such unpleasant symptom manifests itself when this component is too much or too little in the body.


Unpleasant taste and smell in oral cavity occurs in different etiological factors. Doctors determine the following causes of the symptom:

  • the body's response to drugs;
  • the use of hormonal drugs;
  • iodine poisoning;
  • disruption of work thyroid gland;
  • liver pathology;
  • unstable work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dental problems.

A foul taste in the mouth may be caused by exposure to severe stress, insomnia and depression. The cause of the appearance can also be a prolonged neurosis, and this indicates that the sensation of an unpleasant odor is only a hallucination.

Most often, patients are diagnosed with such a characteristic taste due to oversaturation of the body with iodine. In medicine, this pathology, during which one feels in the mouth bad smell and noticeable staining of the mucosa in iodine color, called iodism.

This pathology occurs in those patients who took a large number of preparations containing iodine. As a result, intoxication occurred. The level of this component can also increase in people who live near the sea and often inhale iodine vapor.


As already revealed, the taste of iodine in the mouth appears not only from the usual excess or lack of the component, but also due to various pathologies. Therefore, such a symptom is often accompanied by other symptoms that cause significant discomfort:

  • heat;
  • copious secretion of saliva and tears;
  • violation of the chair;
  • weakness;
  • thirst;
  • skin rashes;
  • convulsions;
  • irritability;
  • rapid heart rate.

In severe ailments, the patient may begin to suffocate and shock. In cases of certain diseases, the patient may have changes in the color of the mucous membranes, plaque on the tongue, unpleasant odors, sharp pains and burning in the throat.


Since the taste of iodine in the mouth is characteristic symptom for a disease, then the measures for the treatment of such an ailment are special. When a pathology is detected, it is advisable for the patient to observe the following rules:

  • do not eat foods that contain a large amount of iodine, it is advisable to exclude salt from the diet;
  • clean the mouth from food debris containing iodine components;
  • conduct detoxification therapy with sorbents;
  • in the event of seizures, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If the patient has developed an unpleasant sensation due to a violation of the thyroid gland, then the endocrinologist prescribes therapy. As part of the treatment, the patient is prescribed medications that will reduce excretory function organ. With the ineffectiveness of the drug, the following treatment is prescribed:

  • radioactive iodine therapy;
  • surgery.

When identifying dental problems it is necessary to clean the entire oral cavity and cure the teeth and gums.

After the study by FGDS, ultrasound abdominal cavity and identifying pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or liver, the patient is prescribed a certain type of treatment, which will be aimed at eliminating the source of the onset of the disease and the iodine symptom. Doctors also prescribe a diet in which the patient will need to give up all harmful products, alcohol, smoking. It is advisable to use only fresh food, which will not irritate the mucous membrane and form the process of decay of the ingredients.

In the event of the appearance of a fetid symptom in neuropsychiatric diseases, a person also needs to follow a special treatment regimen. The doctor prescribes antidepressants and sedatives that will help psycho-emotional state back to normal and relieve the patient from feeling an unpleasant aftertaste.

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Sweet taste in the mouth may be due a wide range predisposing factors and in most cases indicates that any disturbances in the body are beginning to form. Such a sign is often noted during the bearing of the baby, but may be due to the formation of the disease. A sweetish taste in the mouth is considered normal only with the recent use of sweets.

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Any taste in the mouth, regardless of eating, there is a signal to think about your health - most likely, there was some kind of malfunction in the body. A taste in the mouth can signal the development of a certain disease. Taste usually comes on suddenly and persists long time. For example, various strange tastes in the mouth may indicate a malfunction digestive tract. Consider a specific case - where does the taste of iodine in the mouth come from.

Source of the problem

The most common cause of an unpleasant iodine taste in the mouth is an oversaturation of the body with iodine. This phenomenon is usually accompanied by pain and burning sensation in the throat, thirst, nausea and diarrhea, weakness, convulsions, dizziness. The entire oral cavity at the same time turns into the color of iodine, iso mouth goes iodine smell. IN medical practice this pathology is called iodism. Yodism is an uncommon occurrence. It usually occurs in employees of enterprises where iodine is mined or used in production. It is believed that the norm of iodine, not exceeding 500 mcg, is safe, more than this amount of iodine becomes a pathology.

The appearance of a taste of iodine in the mouth may indicate intoxication . This happens when the patient takes too much iodine-containing drugs. Treatment with iodine must be under the supervision of a physician, and drugs should be prescribed only by a specialist.

Intense inhalation of iodine vapors if they exceed the recommended dose hundreds of times, iodine in the mouth. This is possible when living by the sea.

The last two factors indicate that a person has an increased individual sensitivity to iodine, called idiosyncrasy. Sometimes the taste of iodine in the mouth is mistaken for an allergic reaction.

Much less often, the appearance of a taste of iodine in the mouth is a sign of deviations in, for example, hyperthyroidism. Sign of hyperthyroidism excessive irritability and tearfulness.


Iodism, as a rule, occurs in most patients without any complications. Symptoms disappear on their own within a few hours after their appearance. True, it happens, but less often, that the taste of iodine in the mouth persists for two days. Iodism is characterized, in addition to a taste in the mouth, irritation of the mucous membranes respiratory organs and skin, the appearance of cough and runny nose. Sometimes .

The reason that caused the iodine taste in the mouth can also cause other phenomena: visual impairment, the appearance of a metallic taste, pain under the ribs with right side(liver damage), hoarseness of voice, mental retardation.

Sometimes we may have a taste of bitterness, blood, something else in our mouth. One of these uncharacteristic phenomena may be the appearance of a taste of iodine in the mouth. What is it a sign of? Is everything in order in the body? Why is this happening? These are the first questions that come to our mind.

Safe Causes of Iodine Taste

Sometimes these unpleasant sensations occur after long break between meals, or prolonged uninterrupted intercourse. What is the mechanism here? Salivary glands can simply reduce the intensity of their work at such moments, dryness occurs in the mouth, pathogenic bacteria, the result of their vital activity is the bad breath or the taste of iodine. What will help get rid of it? Try the following:

  • Elementary eat something or drink tea.
  • Brush your tongue and teeth with toothpaste and a brush.
  • Use a tooth rinse.
  • You can just drink a glass of water.

One more natural cause the appearance of a taste of iodine in the mouth can be the use of a large amount of seafood. Laminaria, shrimp, squid contain enough iodine, and in the process of digestion, the iodine taste and smell can haunt you until the body finally absorbs these products. If you don't want to wait, use your toothbrush again. If there are no pathologies in the body, this technique will definitely help.

The taste is caused by iodism

Sometimes failures in the body provoke the appearance of an iodine taste in the mouth. One such condition is iodism, which is accompanied by other symptoms. A person may experience in addition to the taste of iodine:

  • intense thirst and increased salivation;
  • sharp rise temperature;
  • the appearance of pimples on the skin;
  • the smell of iodine from the oral cavity;
  • the appearance of vomiting and diarrhea;
  • lacrimation;
  • weakness;
  • convulsions.

Similar symptoms can occur with an overdose of iodine in the body due to abuse. food additives or iodine-containing drugs, poisoning with certain chemical compounds.

An excess of this element causes a similarity in the body allergic reaction and the body will try to get rid of excess iodine by all possible ways, including through the oral mucosa.

In particularly severe cases it is possible offensive anaphylactic shock , which threatens human life. A swollen larynx can block Airways and the victim dies of suffocation. Health care in this case is required immediately.

In severe cases of iodism, the patient needs hospitalization. Droppers with sodium thiosulfate and calcium chloride will help to neutralize excess iodine in the body in a short time.

Manifestations of hyperthyroidism

The next reason that causes a taste of iodine in the mouth of a woman or a man is also of a medical nature. This symptom may be pronounced sign hyperthyroidism is a disease characterized by redundant function thyroid gland.

metal or iodine taste in the mornings in such patients is a common thing. They know about their illness, so they are not concerned about it. And here, if similar symptom visited you for the first time - this is an occasion to go to the endocrinologist. Especially if the taste of iodine in the mouth accompanies:

For this disease, there hereditary predisposition. It also often manifests itself in areas with unfavorable ecology. The disease is being treated operational way or with radioactive iodine. The doctor will tell you which treatment tactics are best to stop.

Taking contraceptives

Those women who use contraception hormonal contraceptives, can also taste iodine in the mouth. The reason may be endocrine disorders. The balance in the body is very fragile. It is easy to break it, uncontrollably taking certain hormonal agents on the advice of friends, or trusting advertising.

Prescribing a drug is the business of a doctor. Before that, the doctor collects the patient's history, sends her for tests. Not all hormone preparations are equally suitable for every woman. We must not forget about it. The taste of iodine in the mouth may appear and due to pregnancy. In connection with the change in the hormonal status in pregnant women, this phenomenon can be perceived as a variant of the norm.

Digestive disorders

The mouth is part digestive system, therefore, it is not surprising that in case of violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, an unpleasant aftertaste of iodine or something similar may appear in the oral cavity. Any inflammatory processes stomach and intestines can give such a symptom, as well as bad job liver, stagnant processes, stool disorders.

Supporters healthy lifestyle of life claim that the cause of bad taste and bad breath can be slagging of the body wrong food , refined products. If you feel congested in your digestive system, you are worried about the feeling of heaviness after eating, sit on vegetable diet Or do a fasting session.

Having rested during this period, the body itself will be able to eliminate problems with digestion in the future. If fasting and diets do not suit you, try taking sorbents such as Smecta and Polysorb - these drugs bind toxins that have accumulated in the intestines and bring them out. A visit to a gastroenterologist will also not be superfluous.

What if it only seems to you?

At suspicious people or those who suffer mental illness, the taste in the mouth may feel like real, but in fact will be absent. Ask your loved ones to rate the freshness of your breath. Let them tell you if the smell of iodine really comes from the mouth.

If you're the only one who smells and tastes, it might be false sensation. In this case, psychotherapy sessions and reception can help. sedatives. Try to adjust the daily routine, relax more, avoid stress, drink Herb tea and, perhaps, unpleasant sensations will leave you.

If you are healthy, then you should not be bothered by the appearance of third-party odors or tastes in your mouth. Naturally, they can occur as a result of the use of certain foods or drinks, which is the norm. But if there are unpleasant sensations that persist for a long time, for example, such as the taste of iodine in the mouth, then you should be alert and carefully monitor your condition. To help you with this, the editors of the portal site present a selection of the most known causes for which this issue may be of concern.

The taste of iodine, what does it come from?

Reason number 1: an excess of this microelement in the body

In fact, such a microelement as iodine is very useful for the body and vital, but its excess, as well as its deficiency, can have a very negative impact on your health.

Experts advise to use the microelement daily (150-300 mcg per day). It can enter the body through food or through dietary supplements, medications. But the whole problem is that this recommendation is very arbitrary, because due to health, features of the functioning of the thyroid gland, lifestyle and concomitant diseases for each person, the norm can be completely different - for someone it should be doubled, for someone it should be reduced. Therefore, in no case do not take the trace element haphazardly, do not prescribe it yourself, even in the form of supplements, and even more so do not take iodine inside in its pure form.

Should not be consumed in its pure form.

So, if there is a taste of iodine in the mouth, then the main reason for this is its excess in the body, which can occur due to the following circumstances:

  • you consume a large amount of iodine-containing foods: algae, sea ​​fish, caviar, seafood. This reason can be called the most harmless, because, as using fresh seafood, it is almost impossible to disturb the balance of iodine in the body - yes, it is released from bound state in free and can provoke an allergy, but when products are limited, it is easily excreted and does not cause problems,
  • you were poisoned: if you felt a taste of iodine in your mouth, then the reasons may be related to the fact that the day before you ate seafood again, but their quality and freshness left much to be desired (for example, the same mackerel or tuna could be spoiled, expired, stale) . Doctors say in this case about histamine poisoning. You can also get iodine intoxication by working in a specialized production or living in an ecologically unfavorable area (then the pathology will not manifest itself suddenly, an excess of the microelement will only make itself felt after accumulating in the body, i.e. after months and years),
  • you are taking medicines with iodine or other medical preparations: then you may have a condition that is called "iodism" in medicine. With it, not only the taste of iodine will appear in the mouth, but also unpleasant iodine will also disturb, increased output saliva, general weakness. A rash on the skin, vomiting, gastrointestinal upset may appear. In women, the problem can be caused by taking hormonal and contraceptive drugs.

Overuse seafood can cause this problem

What to do with the above problems? Stop taking medications or replace them after consulting a doctor with others, adjust your diet, consult and undergo an examination with a therapist and endocrinologist in order to get recommendations and find out which one is right for you. daily rate iodine.

“We live near the sea and love to eat seafood. But doctors, on the contrary, advise you to limit yourself, because. there is a very high risk of getting an excess of iodine in the body. But our grandmother is generally a lover of fish, she cannot live without it, she even complains that the taste of iodine in her mouth is constantly in the morning. He understands that such a situation can turn into problems for the body, but we can’t force him to go to the doctor and he doesn’t want to eat differently. What to do with her, how to convince her? ... we already know, right ... "

Amina, feedback from correspondence on the forum

Reason number 2: the thyroid gland does not cope with its function

You will be interested to know that research on the thyroid gland and the importance of the influence of iodine on it began to be carried out at the end of the 19th century. And the information about the inhabitants of the mountainous regions of the Alps in Switzerland, who use water for drinking and cooking, which did not contain such a trace element as iodine, gave reason for reflection to scientists and physicians. The fact is that the people of the highlands, to a greater extent than everyone else, suffered from cretinism. This serious disease developed due to the fact that even in the period embryonic development they did not synthesize thyroid hormone produced by the thyroid gland. As a result, the brain developed poorly. So scientists have found that for the good functionality of the thyroid gland, people need iodine.

The taste of iodine in the mouth can cause wrong job thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is very important organ, which is responsible for the production of hormones that affect the metabolism in the body, responsible for the balance and stability of the nervous system. So, if the thyroid gland produces few hormones, then the person becomes lethargic and apathetic, gaining weight. If a lot - overexcited.

According to statistics, the taste of iodine in the mouth most often occurs in the beautiful half of humanity. Why? The reasons are related to the features hormonal background and its constant change in women. As a result, women are more prone to thyroid disease.

So, if there is a taste of iodine in the mouth, then the reasons here may be the following:

  • hyperthyroidism or hyperthyroidism: excess hormones. It is manifested not only by the taste of iodine, but also by trembling (tremor) of the hands, rapid heartbeat. At the same time, a person may suffer from insomnia, he seems very active, he has increased sweating. And another one important feature- the taste of iodine in the mouth is mostly most characteristic in the morning. In women, the disease can be provoked by either stressful conditions. At the first signs of the disease, many first go to the cardiologist, because. believe that palpitations are associated with a problem of the heart,
  • hypothyroidism or hypofunction: lack of hormones. Here, patients are almost always tormented by drowsiness, quick wit disappears, lethargy and indifference appear, pressure drops, skin peels and nails break. The less hormones are released, the more the symptoms worsen. Herself thyroid at the same time, it increases, a pronounced goiter appears in a person. In women in such situations, it is often violated childbearing function increases the risk of miscarriage and even stillbirth.

There is a taste of iodine in your mouth and you think that this is due to one of the listed pathologies? So, you need to visit an endocrinologist as soon as possible. If the diseases are not running, then they will be quite easy to cure. If you have hyperthyroidism, you may be prescribed drug therapy, impact radioactive iodine or surgery, and for hypothyroidism, medication.

Reason #3: You've recently had diagnostic tests

The taste of iodine in the mouth after some ultrasound and contrast studies is quite allowable rate. It occurs as a consequence of radiography, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging. In order to qualitatively conduct some types of research, doctors first introduce into the patient's body such chemical element like iodine. Most patients tolerate this manipulation without health consequences, but some may experience both fairly mild and severe complications.

CT scan may be accompanied by the introduction of iodine into the body

Relatively mild complications: the appearance of iodide in the mouth, dizziness, nausea, migraine, skin rash like urticaria, increased pressure and shortness of breath. Such consequences may occur in the patient immediately after the procedure, but the reaction may be late, for example, disturb you only at home, last for several days.

Severe consequences: the appearance of convulsions, swelling of the larynx, cardiac arrest. Such conditions should be excluded at the stage of preparation for the procedure, and if they occur, the patient needs immediate medical attention.

Reason #4: Tooth Decay

The taste of iodine in the mouth and the destruction of enamel - what is it and what is the relationship here? The fact is that such a phenomenon can occur under the influence of the accumulation of the smallest food residues in carious areas or in those places where the integrity of the enamel-dentin layer is violated. A violation can also cause a phenomenon acid-base balance in the mouth, the predominance of pathogenic harmful microflora over the beneficial one, the process of oxidation of the affected areas of the tooth with saliva.

Summary table of reasons why iodine taste may appear in the mouth

The main reason signs Recommendations
Taking medications, food, hormonal drugs
  • most often the problem makes itself felt in the morning: a taste of iodine appears in the mouth,
  • possible vomiting, malaise, skin rash, gastrointestinal upset.
  • stop taking a particular drug,
  • lavage the stomach and take antihistamines,
  • consult with the doctor who prescribed the medicine.
Thyroid diseases
  • lethargy or hyperactivity
  • rapid weight gain or sudden weight loss
  • palpitations or low blood pressure.
  • you need to make an appointment with an endocrinologist and take tests for thyroid function, undergo an ultrasound scan.
Diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract
  • in the morning there is a taste of iodine in the mouth,
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, indigestion,
  • constipation or, conversely, diarrhea often occurs.
  • undergo an examination by a hepatologist in case of suspicion of a liver disease,
  • make an appointment with a gastroenterologist if you suspect problems with the digestive tract.
Destruction of tooth enamel
  • elevated,
  • carious lesions,
  • the presence of "holes" in the teeth,
  • a large accumulation of plaque on the enamel.
  • you need to undergo treatment at the dentist, as well as perform oral hygiene and professional hygiene.
  • taste of iodine in the mouth: why does it appear? This is a pseudo-sensation that occurs against the background of a prolonged neurosis or overload of the nervous system.
  • you need to relax, calm down, limit the number of stressful situations,
  • for advice, you can contact a neurologist and even a psychotherapist.

As you can see, the taste of iodine in the mouth can occur for both fairly harmless and very serious reasons. The main thing you need to remember is that its appearance is largely due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the thyroid gland, and an overabundance or lack of this trace element can upset the delicate balance of hormone production necessary for normal operation organism.



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