Darkening of the tooth from the inside. black teeth

Blackening of the tooth enamel is rarely accompanied by pain, but it is a serious concern. Usually, patients' experiences are associated with a non-aesthetic smile, especially when dark spots appear on the front teeth.

There are several reasons for the darkening of the enamel, each requires competent treatment under the supervision of a dentist. Immediate contact with the dentist is necessary if the tooth has become black inside. This phenomenon indicates the development of infection in the zone of dentin and tooth roots.

Why do adult teeth turn black inside and out

The color of the teeth depends on the quality of oral hygiene, diet, the presence of chronic diseases, bad habits and lifestyle. The cause of the development of pathology can be determined by the nature and localization of darkening.

Darkening of the enamel of the teeth on the outside in most cases manifests itself as a result of insufficiently careful oral hygiene, the use of coloring products and the abuse of bad habits. From the inside, the tooth may darken against the background of systemic failures in the body or internal diseases.

Poor quality of oral hygiene

The main reason why healthy teeth darken in adults is poor oral hygiene. Too fast, irregular or insufficiently thorough brushing of the teeth, poor-quality cleaning of the internal tooth surfaces and interdental spaces leads to the accumulation of plaque.

Initially, the plaque is soft, yellowish in color. It can be easily removed at home by fully cleaning the tooth surface twice a day. Over time, the plaque becomes denser and darker. To remove hard dental deposits is possible only with the help of professional cleaning.

Food coloring and natural pigments

Strong black tea, coffee, beets, red wine, red-black berries have the most intense coloring effect. Their pigments penetrate the natural plaque, giving it a dark shade. Pigmented soft plaque hardens and transforms into tartar.

The main reason why adults blacken their teeth from the inside is a deep carious lesion, in which the affected internal tissues of the dentin and pulp are visible through the thin wall of the enamel. In the early stages of the disease, small dark blotches appear on the enamel, over time, the lesion reaches the dentin layer and leads to decay of the tooth from the inside.

With caries, the tooth can not only turn black, but also hurt. The only way to eliminate the defect is professional dental treatment in a clinic.

Long-term use of antibiotics

Teeth may turn black after long-term use of tetracycline antibiotics. If the enamel has darkened after taking Tetracycline, it will not be possible to restore its color with the help of bleaching and professional cleaning - complex therapy is necessary.

Systemic and chronic diseases

The cause of teeth blackening can be diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders, the functioning of the liver and spleen, as well as changes in the acid-base balance in the body.

Most often, teeth turn black from the inside with diabetes, kidney and liver diseases, gastritis, serious viral infections, abscesses and progressive anemia.


Bumps and bruises often lead to trauma to the root canals and the neurovascular bundle, which causes insufficient amounts of nutrients to enter the hard tissues of the teeth. At first, the enamel fades, and then begins to darken. The tooth begins to hurt immediately after injury. The same mechanism of changing the shade of enamel is observed when patients undergo depulpation of the tooth.

Bad habits

Smoking leads to blackening of the enamel due to the fact that tobacco contains nicotine and resins that intensely stain the tooth surface, especially the interdental spaces. In heavy smokers, the overall tone of the enamel darkens, a dense brown-black plaque appears at the roots on the inside of the dentition.

Drug addiction is fraught with systemic destruction of the body by toxic components, due to which the teeth rapidly darken, begin to crumble and loosen. If you do not stop the flow of poisons into the body, they will begin to fall out.

Of the alcoholic beverages, the only risk for enamel is red wine, which contains natural dyes, due to which it becomes darker.

Prolonged regular contact with heavy metals

When processing heavy metals, condensate is formed, which settles on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and causes the appearance of a characteristic black plaque. Most often, working with metal blackens the teeth of workers in metallurgical and chemical enterprises.

Why can a child's teeth turn black

The list of reasons why children's teeth darken is somewhat different from why adult teeth darken. The most common preconditions for darkening of children's enamel include:

  • Fluorosis. The disease is associated with an excess of fluoride in drinking water and is the most common reason why teeth turn black in children and some adults. Fluorosis can be identified by a characteristic lesion of the enamel - it is covered with light and dark spots.
  • Irrational nutrition. Plaque on the teeth in children is formed not only due to insufficient oral hygiene, but also due to an improperly formulated diet, which includes a large amount of industrial sweets and carbonated drinks with a high sugar content.
  • early caries. A feature of the development of caries on milk incisors, canines and molars is its swiftness: before the tooth starts to hurt, a carious lesion can destroy most of it.
  • Maternal antibiotic use during pregnancy.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • genetic predisposition.

What to do if the teeth are blackened from the inside or outside

Therapy is prescribed depending on why the teeth have darkened. If the teeth have darkened due to poor oral hygiene, smoking or an unhealthy diet, the doctor will prescribe a professional cleaning to the patient, which will return the original color of the enamel.

After the procedure, you need to maintain the cleanliness of the oral cavity with the help of regular double cleaning of the enamel with a brush and paste, which the doctor will select individually. The dentist will demonstrate to the patient the correct cleaning technique, in which the plaque will be qualitatively removed not only from the front incisors, but also from the distant molars. After each meal, rinses should be used to restore the acid-base balance in the mouth.

If the tooth is blackened from the inside, you will have to do x-rays so that the doctor can exclude the inflammatory process in the pulp and prescribe adequate treatment. Darkening inside the tooth, which has arisen due to untreated caries or trauma to the neurovascular bundle, is eliminated by removing the affected tissues and then filling the crown and roots.

If the tooth has darkened inside due to common diseases or long-term medication, conservative therapy is prescribed. If it is ineffective, the dentist may offer to make special dental pads, their use is especially important when the front teeth darken in the smile zone.

One of the most pressing dental problems, both adults and children, is plaque on the teeth. Even those who pay due attention to the proper care of the oral cavity and teeth are not immune from its appearance. Unlike the slightly yellowish plaque that appears after sleep, black plaque on the teeth is much more unpleasant. Its appearance can speak not only of insufficient oral hygiene, but also of serious and even dangerous diseases of the teeth or human organs.

Why does black plaque occur?

Plaque is a film on the surface of the teeth, which is formed by microorganisms and their metabolic products. Brown stripes on the teeth have nothing to do with ordinary plaque and indicate disorders in the body. The reasons for their appearance are different - it can be caries, long-term medication or diabetes.

The most common places for localization of black plaque on the teeth are the interdental spaces, the inner surface of the teeth, as well as the area near the gums. Although blackness in itself is not dangerous, it is imperative to get rid of it, because it contributes to the active reproduction of bacteria (we recommend reading:).

Often, the diagnosis of black stripes on the teeth requires not only the help of a dentist, but also a consultation with a therapist, endocrinologist and gastroenterologist. Only after a thorough examination and finding out why the brown plaque appeared, the doctor will choose a way to restore the color of the teeth. A black layer on top of the enamel may appear due to such reasons:

Types of plaque

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Plaque can be white, brown, black, or green in color. A light coating is safe, it forms overnight and requires only thorough cleaning. Brown and black plaque is most often formed by lovers of cigarettes and drinking a lot of coffee (we recommend reading:). To eliminate the result of such bad habits, professional cleaning by a dentist is required. The help of the latter cannot be dispensed with in the case of green plaque, it is formed when the enamel is damaged and hormonal disorders of the body.

Depending on the location, there are dentogingival, subgingival and proximal plaque. The most common of them is the first, it is located on the visible side of the dentition and it is easier to detect it in comparison with the subgingival one, where plaque is localized in the gum area. The least favorable is considered to be the proximal type, since it appears on the surface of the teeth, which is in contact with food.

In addition, plaque is bacterial and pigmented.


Bacterial or soft microbial plaque has a loose texture, which is formed by colonies of bacteria. The region of the necks of the teeth is the area most affected by it. Microbial plaque is perfectly removed with a regular toothbrush. In the case of neglect of oral hygiene, mineralization occurs and it turns into tartar.

Bacterial plaque on previously well-cleaned teeth forms after six hours. The maximum growth of microorganisms occurs after eating. The mineralization process begins after 10-16 hours, turning plaque into stones. At first, the latter are still loose and can be removed with a toothbrush.


The most common cause of pigmented plaque is polyphenolic compounds found in nicotine, coffee and some other foods. With proper dental care, such people do not have microbial plaque and stones (we recommend reading:). If oral hygiene leaves much to be desired, this only contributes to the formation of black pigmented plaque. Especially often it is observed in the pits of the teeth or the spaces between them, where it is most difficult to clean.

How to remove black bars?

Eliminating black plaque on teeth in adults will take time and effort, regardless of the method chosen (we recommend reading:). The most optimal of them is modern innovative dentistry, because only it guarantees efficiency and safety at the same time. However, if a dark shade has just begun to appear, you can try to remove it with the help of special pastes and giving up bad habits in the form of smoking and excessive coffee consumption. In addition, there are folk recipes against black stripes on the teeth.

Using a special brush and toothpaste

This method is recommended if brown plaque on the teeth has appeared due to smoking, or eating food and drinks with coloring pigments. A special toothpaste and the correct brushing technique will help to clean the stains from the teeth.

So, the toothbrush relative to the gum line should be held at an angle of 45 degrees. In order to eliminate deposits between the teeth as much as possible, the up and down cleaning technique is used, do not forget about the thorough cleaning of the inner surface of the dentition. Ultrasonic brushes have proven themselves well (for example, Panasonic Ultrasonic, Oral-B Triumph) - in interaction with a special paste, the efficiency will be an order of magnitude greater.

Regarding the choice of high-quality whitening paste, it is worth paying attention that it contains abrasive and loosening agents. Apply it according to the instructions. For smokers and coffee lovers, R.O.C.S. "Coffee and Tobacco" - it breaks down plaque and whitens pigmentation that has arisen. To maximize the whitening effect, the oral cavity is not rinsed with water.

This company also presents such a tool as a pencil for removing pigmentation from the surface of the teeth. The advantage of a pencil is that not only adults, but also children can use it.

professional cleaning

Trusting the dentist in case of black plaque on the teeth is the most correct decision. Only in this way the risk of experiments is excluded and an effective result is ensured. Previously, dentists used a manual method to remove such darkening, while the procedure took a lot of time. Modern professional cleanings have a significantly shorter duration and a number of other advantages:

Home methods for cleaning plaque

In the fight against dark plaque at the neck of the tooth, folk remedies are also widespread. Quitting smoking will certainly show a positive effect, as well as reducing the use of strong tea and coffee.

However, there are more radical methods. When choosing one of them, it is important not to forget about caution, because the effectiveness and safety of those have not been confirmed by clinical trials. Traditional medicine to get rid of brown plaque in adults:

You have probably noticed more than once that a person with an open smile and snow-white teeth attracts attention and immediately wins you over. And it's no secret that many of us dream of becoming the owners of the same white and healthy teeth. Then why do we so often encounter such phenomena as darkening or blackening of teeth, both in childhood and as adults?

There are several factors that lead to discoloration of teeth. Knowing "your" cause that caused the darkening of the tooth, you can easily prevent it.

Let's name the main reasons why teeth darken:

  1. One of the most common reasons for discoloration of teeth is the failure to follow basic hygiene rules, which leads to the accumulation of plaque on the surfaces of the teeth, consisting of bacteria and food debris. If the plaque on the teeth is not systematically cleaned, this leads to its compaction and darkening. Such a "shell" covers the natural color of the tooth and changes its optical properties - it visually makes it dull and dark.
  2. The second most common cause of tooth discoloration is smoking. It is in heavy smokers that the teeth first turn yellow and then turn dark brown due to significant deposits of resinous substances contained in tobacco smoke. If brushing your teeth with special toothpastes for smokers is ineffective, the non-contact Air-flow dental cleaning procedure, which is carried out in the dental chair, can help you. In addition to the fact that this procedure is absolutely painless, it is also harmless, it can be performed several times a year without fear for the health of your teeth. Often this procedure is carried out in combination with professional cleaning of dental plaque using ultrasound, to remove subgingival dental plaque and tartar.
  3. Frequent consumption of foods such as coffee, black tea, herbal infusions, wine, berries, and rich purple juices containing natural or synthetic food coloring. It is not necessary to give up coffee and sources of vitamins, but it is advisable to brush your teeth regularly after eating and, at least once, twice a week, use a whitening toothpaste with an increased abrasive coefficient (RDA> 80). Otherwise, you will no longer be able to restore a healthy color of your teeth at home and you will have to seek help from specialists for a professional oral hygiene procedure.
  4. Modern methods of cleaning, lightening and whitening teeth in the Stomaline clinic

  5. The fourth, common cause is caries, as a result of poor hygiene and the abuse of sweets. Demineralization of hard tissues of the tooth under the influence of the carious process leads to a change in the optical density of the tooth and the appearance of spots on the surface of the enamel, initially light, chalky, which eventually become pigmented and darken. The carious process can perfectly spread under fillings, which over time can lead not only to a change in the color of the tooth, but also to loss of fillings. Treatment of caries is desirable to carry out until the moment when the tooth begins to hurt. Otherwise, root canal treatment of the tooth may be required, which is the next reason that the tooth may become dull or discolored.
  6. Inadequate endodontic treatment of the tooth. The tooth can change in color under the influence of some substances that are part of the filling materials for the roots of the teeth. Such filling materials were widely produced 10 years ago, are still being produced, they can be found in the arsenal of dentists who are accustomed to working in the old fashioned way.
  7. Injury to the tooth may be the cause of its darkening as a result of damage to the neurovascular bundle. The tooth immediately changes shade due to the ingress of hemoglobin into the tooth cavity, and then darkens even more due to tissue decay.
  8. Staining of teeth from the inside can be caused by taking certain medications, such as the antibiotic tetracycline. Since tetracycline accumulates only in the developing rudiments of the teeth, it does not pose a threat to adults, but it should not be used during pregnancy.
  9. Teeth become dark with a disease such as endemic fluorosis, which occurs in those regions where the norm of fluoride in drinking water is exceeded. In this case, teeth whitening is ineffective. In such cases, therapeutic, as well as some types of orthopedic treatment, are indicated, depending on the degree of fluorosis.
  10. Teeth staining can occur in some systemic and hereditary diseases.
  11. Teeth become dark and blackish when there are silver amalgam fillings, the so-called "metal fillings" widely used in the USA, Israel and other countries. Modern materials for dental fillings have comparable strength, but do not have such a drawback. In order to avoid darkening of the teeth or to improve the aesthetics, you can contact your dentist to replace these fillings.
  12. Aging inevitably leads not only to the darkening of the teeth, but also to a change in their shape and structure.
  13. Erasing of teeth. There is no escape from the influence of time, but not everything is so bad when it comes to teeth. In the arsenal of aesthetic dentistry, there are now methods to remove age-related changes that affect not only the appearance of the teeth, but also their function. Such methods include

Undoubtedly, a person with snow-white teeth and an open smile immediately attracts the attention of others and wins over. And, of course, many people dream of having the same healthy and white teeth. However, one often encounters such a phenomenon as blackening or darkening of teeth, and not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. The appearance of black plaque on the teeth indicates certain health problems, and they need to be identified in order to find the right treatment. Who Should Do the Diagnosis? First of all, a visit to the dentist is necessary.

Blackened teeth in adults

The main factors causing blackening of the teeth are: malnutrition, bad habits, diseases of the internal organs and teeth, hereditary factors, as well as the body's reaction to medications.

Here are specific examples:

  • Smoking, strong tea and coffee. Because of all this, the tooth can turn black. With excessive use of strong tea and coffee, as well as frequent smoking, pigment particles of caffeine and nicotine penetrate into the oral cavity. They mix with plaque, giving it a dark color that blackens over time.
  • Alcoholic drinks. Alcohol changes the microflora of the oral cavity, increases its acidity, due to which bacteria multiply, and tooth enamel gradually turns black.
  • Bad hygiene. Often black plaque appears when there is no basic hygiene, because of which it accumulates on the teeth and eats into the enamel, giving a dark shade to the teeth and destroying them. For what reasons can a tooth turn black?
  • Caries is the most common culprit. It develops under the enamel and appears initially as black dots. Then a noticeable darkening of the tooth enamel appears, which indicates the progressive nature of the destruction, and as a result, a black "hollow" is formed.
  • Addiction. With such a disease, the body is completely destroyed, and this is confirmed, among other things, by the color of the teeth and their condition.

What else could be the causes of this unpleasant phenomenon?

Serious pathologies of the body

The teeth darken on the reverse side in the presence of diseases of the kidneys, spleen and liver, with abscesses, gastritis, anemia, diabetes and viral infections. These pathologies contribute to the slowdown of the necessary material metabolism in the body, and this naturally affects the appearance of the teeth and their condition.

Long-term use of certain medications can cause blackened teeth. So, for example, medicines of the tetracycline group or with iron content contribute to the appearance of darkening on the teeth.

Constant contact with heavy metals

At metallurgical industrial enterprises, even with due observance of the safety of employees, there are impurities of heavy metals in the air in the form of condensate, which have a harmful effect on tooth enamel and internal organs and stain it black.

In the absence of one of the teeth (for example, due to its removal), the remaining teeth gradually shift to the missing one. Moreover, in youth and youth, this process proceeds quite quickly (it is called the Popov-Godon phenomenon), and additional difficulties may arise with further prosthetics. That is why you should not delay the decision to restore the tooth.

Improper nutrition

It happens that the front teeth turn black due to malnutrition. Store-bought products contain preservatives and various kinds of synthetic additives that allow them to maintain their presentation and adversely affect the metabolism that occurs in the liver. In addition, the quality and composition of saliva, which is responsible for maintaining the acid-base balance in the oral cavity, changes for the worse. The formed environment favors the formation of a dark plaque on the enamel of the teeth, which becomes black over time. The regular consumption of large amounts of sugary foods and sugar, as well as vitamin deficiencies, also have a negative effect on the teeth. And if the tooth turned black under the filling. What to do?

Poor quality seals

It happens that the installation of a filling containing tin, or the use of materials that are stored in violation of the rules, contributes to the blackening of the tooth. A similar result will be observed when filling the root canal with coloring materials or when removing the nerve. To find out the cause of the blackening of the tooth, you should contact your dentist.

Tooth trauma

When a tooth is damaged due to trauma, the functioning of nerves and blood vessels is disrupted, and later - tissue necrosis. All this contributes to the darkening, and then blackening of the enamel.

endemic fluorosis

This pathology appears with an excessive amount of fluoride in the body, if this substance is contained in an excess in food and water consumed by a person, and in polluted air. The disease is formed already at an early age, manifesting itself in the form of strokes and spots.

Congenital dental damage

Deviations are non-carious in nature, there is an irregular structure and shape of the teeth, as well as a dark shade.

Violation of material metabolism, heredity and changes associated with age. These causes also affect the color of the teeth, but you need to take action before problems appear and pay very serious attention to prevention: monitor your overall health, take good care of your teeth, and eat foods that are low in sugar.

If a child has blackened teeth, what should I do?

Blackening in children

In a child, black plaque can be caused by a number of reasons, among which the main ones are early caries. Such a diagnosis indicates the reproduction of an excessive number of microorganisms in the oral cavity, and the development of caries in this case occurs too quickly due to the influence of various factors, which are given below.

If the teeth near the gums are blackened, it is possible that the formation of persistent plaque leads to this. This phenomenon shows a violation of the protective functions of saliva and its composition, which is typical for a deficiency in the body of vitamins, minerals, fats and carbohydrates. The inclusion of fruits, vegetables, fish, dairy products, cottage cheese in the diet will help eliminate this factor.

Excessive consumption of foods containing sugar. If there is a large amount of sweet food and sugar in the child's diet, too high acidity is formed in the oral cavity, which contributes to the accelerated formation of bacteria that adversely affect the color of the teeth and their structure.

Taking iron supplements and antibiotics. Drugs belonging to the tetracycline group and representing iron preparations and antibiotics, among the side effects, are distinguished by the ability to destroy teeth and give them a dark shade, subsequently turning black. Medicines containing iron and tetracycline can be prescribed to pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as infants. Subsequently, the intake of drugs of this group by the expectant mother may affect the eruption of black teeth in the infant, and this is laid even in the womb.

It happens that the baby's teeth turned black after feeding at night. Sweet kissels, compotes and milk mixtures that children are fed at night have a negative effect on tooth enamel and increase acidity in the oral cavity. In addition, at night, the amount of saliva decreases, and it is no longer able to wash away all the bacteria formed during meals.

Other reasons

In addition to the risk of caries due to increased reproduction of microorganisms, the formation of black plaque on the teeth of a baby can be caused by other reasons:

  • poor heredity;
  • insufficient absorption of calcium by the body;
  • decreased salivation (for example, in a room that is not ventilated);
  • the presence of chronic diseases of various kinds that are associated with the stomach, kidneys, blood composition;
  • metabolic disorders, for example, fluorine;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • adult kisses, unsterile spoons and licked pacifiers;
  • weak enamel, which can be strengthened by refusing to feed at night and careful hygiene;
  • improper care of the oral cavity of the child;
  • dental injuries and injuries;
  • reduced immunity.

All this leads to the fact that the teeth are blackened from the inside.

Ways to eliminate black plaque

In order for the dark color of the teeth not to become a cause of concern, it is necessary to first identify and eliminate the cause of its appearance, and then eliminate the plaque. There are several methods that are popular that allow you to clean the surface of the teeth without harming the body:

  • Air Flow (translated as "air flow"), a method of deep cleansing of the oral cavity, removing soft plaque, and therefore often used in combination with ultrasound;
  • ultrasound, which painlessly and effectively removes tartar and black plaque without damaging the enamel;
  • laser whitening, the purpose of which is to improve the health of teeth, as well as to preserve their beautiful appearance for about five years;
  • toothpaste specifically for smokers - “R.O.C.S. Coffee and Tobacco", which whitens from nicotine plaque and also breaks down dark coffee plaque; after its application rinsing is not required;
  • folk remedies used at home: infusion of burdock root and bean peel, a mixture of soda and hydrogen peroxide, tooth powder made from sea salt and sage leaves.

Treatment of a blackened tooth should be timely and comprehensive.


To prevent the appearance of black ugly plaque on the teeth, it is necessary to observe thorough oral hygiene, both for children and adults. Recommendations can be obtained by consulting with a specialist. It is very important to monitor the intake of a sufficient amount of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, fats and proteins, as well as nutrition. The amount of sugar should be limited. It is very good if there is an opportunity to use foods containing calcium.


If you control the state of your body and treat all diseases in time, then your teeth will have a normal color. An excellent factor contributing to health promotion and the return of teeth to their natural color is quitting smoking. When buying toothpastes, you must first study the composition and do not take those that contain too much fluoride. If the dentist prescribes the use of any medications, then you can start taking them.

Plaque constantly forms on the surface of the teeth - this is due to the presence of bacteria in the oral cavity, food intake and other factors. This layer usually has an inconspicuous white or yellowish color and is not to be feared. But when the plaque stands out brightly against the background of the enamel - it becomes very dark or even black, then you should consult a doctor. Indeed, such a phenomenon may indicate serious violations in the body. A similar problem can affect both a child and an adult. What are the reasons for the formation of a dark plaque? What is a Priestley raid? Why is he dangerous?

What can black plaque on teeth mean?

Plaque is an accumulation in certain areas of the dentition of the waste products of bacteria that live in the oral cavity, and the remnants of food consumed. The mechanism of formation of black plaque has practically nothing to do with the stages of formation of soft deposits. It can indicate both private problems related to oral hygiene, and general disturbances in the functioning of body systems.

The problem occurs quite often, especially over the age of two years. The rate of formation of black plaque can vary, sometimes it forms in just one night.

Black plaque on the teeth is a signal indicating disorders in the body

Doctor's note: when a patient with a similar problem comes to the dentist, the first thing the specialist should do is send the person for examination. Often this phenomenon indicates diseases of the internal organs, so it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist, an infectious disease specialist and an endocrinologist. Only after receiving information about the presence or absence of violations in the work of other organs, the doctor decides on methods for restoring the color of the teeth.

A dark layer on top of the enamel is a signal indicating violations in the functioning of body systems. This phenomenon may indicate:

The reason for the darkening of the enamel in children may be Priestley's plaque - the active reproduction of bacteria of the pigment-forming species, which are part of the normal microflora

Dark plaque on children's teeth usually appears quite suddenly, mainly localized in hard-to-reach places - on the inside of the teeth and between them. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • active reproduction of bacteria of a pigment-forming species, which are part of the normal microflora - the so-called Priestley plaque. The waste products of microorganisms provoke the formation of a layer of dark plaque on the enamel of milk teeth, although this, albeit with less frequency, also occurs on molars;
  • lack of calcium;
  • a large amount of sugar consumed and carious processes developing against this background;
  • an excess of iron due to excessive use of drugs with its content;
  • improper selection of toothpaste;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • eating foods that can stain teeth.

There are different opinions about whether dysbacteriosis can cause darkening of plaque. Some experts say that this is quite possible, while others completely deny it. So, Dr. Komarovsky claims that there are only two main causes of black plaque on children's teeth: metabolic disorders due to a lack of certain vitamins and minerals, as well as drying out of saliva in the mouth, which leads to the activation of bacteria in the oral cavity. But the possibility of the influence of the imbalance of microflora in the intestine on the state of tooth enamel Komarovsky completely denies.

In adults

The appearance of black plaque in adults has its own specific reasons.

  1. Smoking is the most common reason. Tobacco tar is deposited on the surface of the enamel, forming a dark layer of pigmentation. Most often, such deposits appear between dental formations and on their inner side;
  2. Frequent consumption of black tea or coffee.
  3. Treatment with certain antibiotic drugs, most often the dark color is provoked by a group of tetracyclines.
  4. Violations in the acid-base balance.
  5. Narcotic substances, due to the use of which teeth are often simply destroyed.
  6. The presence of complex diseases of an inflammatory and infectious nature.
  7. Contact with heavy metals (work in factories).

The plaque itself is not dangerous for the body, it is only a beacon signaling that it is time to visit a doctor.

Factors affecting the formation of black plaque (gallery)

Methods of removal in dentistry

If we talk about the problem of dark plaque in children, then experts do not advise removing it by mechanical means, because this can severely injure the enamel, and the spots will appear again after a while.

The only exceptions are cases when the black color of the teeth is a carious process, it must be treated immediately.

Spots can pass by themselves after the disappearance of the violation that provokes them. For health, this phenomenon is not so dangerous, so you should not worry much about this, you just need to properly care for your teeth.

Plaque provoked by smoking and drinking strong coffee or tea, with proper brushing of the teeth, is eliminated quite simply, and at home. If the situation is running, then you may need dental procedures to whiten the enamel surface, which are carried out by professionals using aggressive components.

Plaque removal is also possible with the help of mechanical ultrasonic cleaning.

Also, plaque is removed by mechanical cleaning (laser or ultrasonic), which is possible within the dental office.

Can you clean it yourself

If plaque is the result of staining the surface of the teeth with food and drinks, then it is quite possible to get rid of it on your own. To do this, it is enough to choose a good toothpaste and properly carry out the cleaning procedure:

  • the toothbrush relative to the gum line should be at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • mechanical actions with a brush must be carried out carefully, not forgetting the up and down movements - they help to remove deposits between the teeth;
  • special attention should be paid to the inner surface of the teeth.

How to brush your teeth properly

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine will also help get rid of plaque. For adults, the following tools are suitable.

  1. Polishing with baking soda (a little soda is poured onto a brush or finger and cleans the surface of the teeth). The procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the enamel. The permissible frequency of polishing is once a week.
  2. Rubbing the teeth with lemon zest.
  3. Rinse your mouth with green tea.
  4. Decoction of oak bark. To prepare it, you will need 3 tablespoons of dried chopped bark and a glass of clean water. The ingredients are mixed and boiled in a water bath for about a third of an hour. You can rinse your mouth with this composition very often, 5-6 times a day. The composition is useful for whitening and strengthening dental formations, there are no special restrictions on the number of procedures.

The R.O.C.S Tooth Removal Pen can be used by both children and adults.

You have to be especially careful with children's teeth. Dr. Komarovsky advises removing black deposits with a simple cotton swab, without exerting a strong mechanical effect on the tooth. You can also purchase a special pencil (for example, Rox) to remove stains, it can be used for both children and adults.

Additional Treatment

The need for additional treatment is determined by the cause that provoked the formation of dark plaque. So, if a disease of the biliary or digestive system is established, then a set of measures is prescribed to eliminate them. Blackening due to the carious process also requires specific therapy.

In the event that the darkening of the tooth surface in children is a consequence of an excess of iron or a lack of calcium, then the balance of vitamins and minerals is corrected by changing the diet and prescribing vitamin complexes.


In order not to worry about the condition of your teeth and the teeth of your child, it is better to take care of their health in advance, following the basic preventive recommendations.

  1. Children need to be taught how to properly care for their teeth.
  2. Regular preventive visits to the dentist are the key to timely detection and elimination of problems.
  3. The diet should be balanced, all vitamins and minerals should be supplied in the right amount and without excess.
  4. It is better to give up bad habits (meaning smoking, abuse of coffee and strong teas).
  5. You need to take care of your general health.

Plaque on the teeth - video by Dr. Komarovsky

Black plaque on the teeth can be either a signal indicating any disorders in the body, or a consequence of the abuse of coffee, tea, etc. Therefore, you should not delay going to the dentist. The sooner you find out the reason, the sooner you will return a snow-white smile.



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