Diathesis in an infant is not a disease, but a hereditary predisposition. Diathesis in children: about red cheeks, humid climate and translation difficulties

Diathesis is an allergic reaction of the body, externally manifested as a rash and red spots. Occurs most often on certain products and chemicals (powder).

Without treatment, diathesis can go into a complicated form.


Bright spots on the baby's face and crusts look scary for parents. Their cause is a lack of food enzymes in the body of a small child and insufficient breakdown of proteins. Incompletely split proteins enter the bloodstream, causing a negative effect on the immune system. The produced antibodies, when combined with proteins, lead to allergic manifestations.

Factors provoking diathesis:

  • very early feeding;
  • the use by the mother of the baby of products that have a high degree of allergy;
  • taking certain medications;
  • reaction to dry mixtures;
  • problems with the microflora in the intestines;
  • disturbed process of the digestive system;
  • mother's illness during pregnancy;
  • predisposition to allergies.
It should be borne in mind that the baby may have an individual intolerance to a number of products, which begins to manifest itself with the introduction of complementary foods. In order to quickly identify an allergic product, parents should keep a food diary, taking into account all the new foods in the child's diet.

In addition to food, external irritants can also cause allergies:

  • care products (baby cream, baby oil);
  • synthetic materials (clothes, etc.);
  • reaction to pet hair;
  • powder used for laundry.


Diathesis has characteristic symptoms:

  • red spots on the cheeks;
  • redness on the chin;
  • crusts on places of redness (appear over time).

Additionally, diaper rash may appear in skin folds, on the buttocks. In addition to reactions on the skin, there may be disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, and even conjunctivitis. A newborn baby becomes restless, irritable, and may fall asleep worse.

Photo: diathesis on the face of a baby:

In the photo below you will see what diathesis looks like on the face of a baby. This will later help you determine if your baby has any signs of an allergic rash.

How long does it take and when does diathesis in infants pass?

Diathesis is a typical manifestation that can occur even in the first days after birth. To say exactly how serious the situation is, only an allergist can, having all the information about the child's health in front of him.

The recovery period varies. If the nutrition of the baby and mother (when breastfeeding) is taken under control, allergens are excluded from the diet, then the problem of diathesis can disappear quickly enough. In some cases, it may take a couple of weeks. With a properly selected diet, diathesis usually does not appear after one year of age.

In a situation where the product that caused the allergy is excluded, and the symptoms still persist even after 3-4 weeks, you should consult a doctor. The reason for this state of affairs may be the following factors:

  • decreased immunity of the baby;
  • manifestation of a negative allergic reaction to milk protein;
  • the transition of the disease from acute to chronic.


The principles of treatment and prescription are carried out by the attending physician. For therapy, medications, diet and traditional medicine recipes are used. Starting from the age of one month, babies can be treated with the antihistamine drug Fenistil orally or externally.

The usual scheme includes complex treatment:

  1. Oral antihistamines (Fenistil, Zyrtec, etc.).
  2. Probiotics (Bifidumbacterin, etc.).
  3. With the excitability of the child due to diathesis - fennel tea.
  4. External ointments and gels.
  5. To cleanse the body, Polysorb.

When the baby is breastfed, the mother should follow a diet that excludes allergenic foods (honey, citrus fruits, etc.), coarse fiber and fatty foods. During complementary feeding, all new foods should be introduced one at a time at intervals. Means for the care of the baby are selected even more carefully.

Important! Self-medication can be harmful. All activities must be agreed with the doctor.

Ointments for diathesis

For effective treatment and quick relief of the symptoms of diathesis, doctors prescribe topical preparations in the form of gels or ointments. By belonging to the drug groups, they are divided into anti-inflammatory non-hormonal and corticosteroid (hormonal).

The safety of the drug for infants is very important. Begin treatment with lighter remedies such as La Cree and Bepanthen. The use of hormonal ointments occurs only after a comprehensive examination of the child. To smooth and prevent possible side effects, it is possible to use such a technique as mixing them with baby creams before applying.

Afloderm. Alclomethasone-based drug. The tool quickly eliminates swelling, redness of the skin and irritation. Can be administered to children from six months of age once a day.

Advantan. This remedy belongs to the local anti-inflammatory. The main substance is methylprednisolone. It can be prescribed to babies from the age of four months. The duration of treatment with this drug is not more than a month.

Uniderm. Assign to children from 6 months, use with caution, no more than 5 days. The active ingredient is mometasone furoate. It is an effective hormonal remedy.

Bepanten. It is used for diaper rash and redness, a gel can be used. This remedy is well suited for sensitive and inflamed skin of babies. The basis of the drug is dexpanthenol. The gel is quickly absorbed, non-toxic and has no restrictions on the age of the child.

Fenistil. This is an antihistamine drug that is available in gel format. It is applied not in a thick layer, gently spreading over the affected skin.

  • eliminate swelling;
  • relieve itching;
  • reduce and eliminate the rash.

Sudocrem. It is a common remedy for newborns, applied from various specific manifestations (redness, irritation). Has a healing effect. It helps in the initial stages and only in non-advanced cases.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of diathesis on the cheeks, folk remedies can be used that have proven themselves well for many generations. You need to use these funds until a stable improvement in the condition of the baby.

Eggshell. Simple and easy-to-use products include an eggshell-based preparation. To prepare, dry and grind eggshells into powder. After that, it is transferred to a glass container. Take this tool should be in a minimum amount - at the tip of a knife. Before use, the powder is quenched with lemon juice.

Burdock roots. Burdock roots (1 large spoon) are thoroughly crushed and poured with hot water (a cup of boiling water). Insist 2 hours, filter. Give the baby ¼ cup before meals.

Laurel leaves. Dry bay leaves (7 or 8 pieces) are poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. After that, add a handful of rose hips and remove from heat. It should be insisted during the night. Filter and give the child no more than 8 drops at a time.

Lotions soda. To relieve itching and relieve redness, a teaspoon is dissolved in a glass of boiled water. Lotions based on this solution are made using cotton pads.

A large selection of diathesis remedies makes it possible to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and alleviate the condition of the baby. Only by finding out the cause of diathesis with a doctor and eliminating it, you can successfully cope with the disease. .

If the child is healthy, then he adapts well to the environment. And with an inadequate reaction, they talk about anomalies of the constitution. One of them is diathesis - a form of the body's reactivity, which is characterized by various reactions to simple stimuli that predispose to diseases.

It is worth remembering that diathesis in newborns is a condition that manifests a predisposition of the child's body to any disease. In the event that the cause of diathesis is not clarified, it can become an allergic disease or skin disease (eczema, dermatitis, etc.)

Causes of diathesis in children

Most often, diathesis is an immune reaction to a foreign food protein. Such a reaction becomes possible due to the immaturity of the infant's digestive tract. The exocrine parts of the digestive system produce a minimal amount of enzymes, the liver poorly performs a barrier function, and the intestinal wall has increased permeability.

As a result of this, fragments of the antigen enter the bloodstream and manifest themselves as allergens for the baby's immunity.

Diathesis in infants is especially pronounced during the introduction of complementary foods, since at this time the load on the digestive organs increases.

However, about 99% of the exudative-catarrhal (allergic) diathesis of the newborn disappears by the age of six to seven years. In the process of growth, the gastrointestinal tract is better able to digest the various components of food.

The immaturity of the digestive tract is the main cause and mechanism of diathesis. It is worth highlighting the factors that predispose to the appearance of an anomaly of the constitution. These include: a complicated pregnancy, the dietary habits of the expectant mother, a hereditary factor (aggravated allergic history in parents), infectious diseases and pharmacological stress during the period of expectation of a child.

The following causes of diathesis are of great importance - pregnancy complications, respiratory diseases of the infant in the first weeks of life. It is also worth paying attention to the nutrition of the mother during the feeding period, living conditions, and the quality of medical care. Therefore, when developing preventive measures and treatment, it is worth considering them.

Symptoms of diathesis

Doctors define three types of constitutional anomalies, each of which has its own symptoms of diathesis in newborns. Consider them:

  • Lymphatic-hypoplastic is characterized by the following manifestations: increased susceptibility to allergic, infectious diseases, dysfunction of the adrenal glands, swollen lymph nodes.
  • Nervous-arthritic, most often, does not manifest itself, so it is difficult to diagnose. Symptoms appear only by school age.
  • Exudative-catarrhal manifests itself in the form of "red cheeks". He is allergic.

What does diathesis look like in a newborn?
It is usually defined as diaper rash on the skin. They do not go away for a long time, despite careful care of the baby. Skin rashes can be dry or wet, and in some cases both. Weeping diathesis looks like swelling, redness, fluid vesicles.

Also, the anomaly is accompanied by unbearable itching on the affected skin. As a result of scratching, sores appear, which eventually become covered with a crust. If an infection gets inside, the wounds will become purulent.

It is worth noting that the treatment of diathesis in newborns is mandatory, otherwise, with age, it can provoke the appearance of chronic skin diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis) or bronchial asthma.

Treatment of diathesis in infants

If the parents found signs of diathesis in the baby, then you should contact your doctor. But some measures are carried out independently.

First of all, it is worth checking your washing powder or other household chemicals, as their chemical components can cause skin reactions.
To alleviate diathesis in infants, it is recommended to make baths using a solution of potassium permanganate. Of medicinal herbs, a series helps. To do this, pour a spoonful of grass with 200 ml of water, let it boil and insist. Wipe the affected areas with a strained solution or add to the bath.

How to treat diathesis in newborns?
Only a specialist can select medicines. It is not recommended to choose them on your own. Medical treatment is prescribed by a pediatrician. These may include sedatives, anti-itch medications, and vitamins. As a local remedy, ointments, creams, lotions and baths with string, oak bark, celandine or potassium permanganate are used. It should be noted that self-medication is prohibited.

What to do with diathesis in a breastfed baby?
First, a nursing mother needs to adjust her diet. In this case, a woman should exclude smoked meats, fried, spicy dishes, red fruits, vegetables, chocolate, citrus fruits, honey, and replace milk with sour-milk products from the diet. If the baby is bottle-fed, then you need to choose a hypoallergenic milk formula.

It is worth noting that diathesis can occur on the mucous membrane. Consequently, they treat not only external signs, but also prevent the appearance of dysbacteriosis. For this purpose, the pediatrician prescribes:

  • Probiotics containing microorganisms that are able to restore the intestinal microflora;
  • prebiotics containing nutrients for the microflora in the digestive tract, they stimulate its vital activity and growth.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the daily cleaning in the children's room. Particular attention should be paid to the things surrounding the baby. From there, it is advisable to remove down pillows and soft toys, and also keep pets out of the room. You should also carefully consider the choice of clothing, diapers and hygiene products.

Diathesis in newborns and infants in the modern world is already considered the norm. In practice, in 75% of babies falling into this category, this condition manifests itself before the age of 1 year.

Reasons for the appearance

The unpreparedness of the digestive system is the main cause of diathesis in newborns and infants.

In the vast majority, it is caused by a foreign food protein that has entered the child's body. In a baby, the exocrine sections of the gastrointestinal tract do not yet produce enough digestive enzymes, the liver does not perform a barrier function, and the intestinal wall has increased permeability, which is why the body reacts abnormally.

Antigen enzymes, entering the systemic circulation, become an allergen for the immune system. In particular, the clinical manifestations of diathesis manifest themselves quite clearly during the period of complementary feeding.

At this time, the load on the digestive system increases significantly. Basically, this type of diathesis (exudative-catarrhal) disappears in children when they reach the age of 6-7, since the digestive tract organs already normally cope with the digestion of all food components.

In addition, it can manifest itself due to a genetic predisposition or complications during pregnancy, the nutritional habits of the expectant mother can also affect its occurrence.

At risk are children whose mothers:

  • received pharmacological loads on the body during pregnancy;
  • suffered infections during childbearing;
  • had complications of the perinatal period and infections in the newborn.

The above factors can affect the occurrence of diathesis in the newborn. This means that they must be taken into account when conducting prevention and determining the course of treatment.

Symptoms of diathesis, appearing in breasts:

  1. The stool is frequent, liquid, with foam or a greenish tint;
  2. Pain in the abdomen;
  3. Redness on the cheeks;
  4. Rash;
  5. Diaper rash.

Treatment and prevention

If parents have a burdened allergic history, then prevention should be done long before the birth of the child, optimally at the stage of pregnancy planning. In this case, it is important to exclude potential allergens that can affect the mother's body during the period of gestation.

  1. No pets. Even if a woman is not allergic to their fur, a newborn may have it. In addition, it is an additional risk factor during pregnancy;
  2. Installation of air purifiers. They are placed first with the parents, and after the birth of the child - in his room. Such a measure will reduce the contact of the baby's immune system with a variety of aerosol allergens;
  3. Refusal of bad habits during pregnancy;
  4. Reducing the pharmacological load on the body of the expectant mother.

If the diagnosis of diathesis has already been made, then it is necessary mainly to deal with the causes of its occurrence, since this condition in itself is not a disease, but only a symptom of a pathological or inflammatory process.

  • A newborn cannot be allergic to only one component in the diet - mother's milk. That is why breastfeeding is so desirable and only medical indications can be the reason for transferring the child to artificial mixtures. In this case, only hypoallergenic mixtures are used, that is, those that do not contain proteins, but they contain the necessary amino acids (hydrolyzate of protein molecules);
  • But natural feeding can also pose a certain threat - the mother consumes foods that have a high allergic potential. These include: eggs, nuts, fish and other seafood, cocoa and chocolate, milk proteins and legumes, citrus fruits, exotic berries and fruits. These foods should be completely removed from the mother's diet. If some of them still need to be eaten, then their use should be minimized;
  • As a rule, a breastfeeding mother cannot completely eliminate food allergens. Small doses will still pass into her milk and then be passed on to the baby. To remove allergens from the body of the child and mother, pediatricians prescribe enterosorbents. Today, Enterosgel is recommended for diathesis that occurs in infants. This drug has sorption and detoxification properties. Influencing the body, it binds allergens in the intestines and removes them. At the same time, the components of this agent are not absorbed and do not affect the development of microflora, do not interfere with the absorption of nutrients from food. It is the combination of these characteristics that makes Enterosgel the most popular drug for diathesis. It is worth clarifying that it should be taken not only by the baby, but also by his nursing mother;
  • Don't overfeed your baby. Such situations occur mainly during the transition to artificial or mixed feeding. During this period, you need to carefully control the size of portions. It is advisable to introduce complementary foods one component per week. It is worth starting a diary and writing down in it the amount of food and the baby's reaction to it. As soon as diathesis appears in infants, they refuse new food for a while;
  • Living conditions. Absolutely all baby clothes should be made of natural materials (cotton, linen). Do not forget about household chemicals and the quality of toys. Never give an infant medication without a doctor's prescription.

Diet for diathesis in infants

To begin with, products must be divided into several categories: with high allergenicity, medium and low:

  1. First of all, cow's milk is excluded, which includes about two dozen products that can cause an abnormal reaction in a child's body;
  2. Eggs, seafood, including caviar and fish, are also at high risk;
  3. Cereals - rye and wheat;
  4. Vegetables - tomatoes, peppers, carrots;
  5. Fruits - citrus, mango, persimmon, pineapple, kiwi, strawberry, melon, raspberry, strawberry;
  6. Natural coffee, chocolate.

Medium allergenic foods include:

  1. Beef, chicken, butter, peas and beans, oats, buckwheat and rice;
  2. Potatoes and beets;
  3. Apricots, peaches, cranberries, cherries, rose hips, currants, blueberries.

low allergenicity:

  1. dairy products;
  2. Pork, turkey, rabbit;
  3. vegetable oil;
  4. Barley, millet, corn grits;
  5. Cabbage (white, cauliflower), zucchini, cucumbers, parsley and dill;
  6. Green and white apples, pears, red and white currants.

When compiling a diet, it must be remembered that each child's body is individual, and products are selected based on the course of the disease, the age of the child, the development of pathology, etc.

How to alleviate the condition of the child?

Diathesis is eliminated in a complex. Therapy includes not only a diet, but also the intake of vitamins, sedative drugs, and anti-itch drugs. One of the necessary elements is an ointment for diathesis that has appeared in infants.

Such funds can be hormonal or, conversely, based on folk remedies or innovative drugs in the field of pharmacology. So only a doctor (pediatrician, allergist, dermatologist) should prescribe this type of medication based on the baby's condition, indications and contraindications, etc.

Diathesis on the face of a baby is not considered a disease. This is a kind of protection of the body from the negative effects of the allergen. The immunity of infants is not sufficiently developed, failures occur. Appears as patches of bright red. Localized on the face, buttocks, body folds. Doctors have their own definition of this disease - atopic dermatitis. A similar phenomenon is very common, it is observed in every second baby. In rare cases, it can cause a real allergy. It is necessary to treat, because if left untreated, the disease can lead to serious complications.

Why is the baby worried about diathesis on the face? What are the reasons? The condition, when the child's face is covered with a reddish crust, is very frightening for young, inexperienced mothers. The main reason is the imperfection of the digestive system of the baby. Insufficient production of digestive enzymes leads to poor breakdown of proteins. Poorly digested proteins enter the bloodstream, where they are attacked by the immune system. It produces antibodies that, when combined with proteins, give an allergic reaction.

There are some influencing factors:

  • hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • insufficiently coordinated work of digestion;
  • pathological disorders of the intestinal microflora;
  • mother's addiction to products with a high degree of allergenicity;
  • early introduction of complementary foods.

An infant may have a personal intolerance to certain types of foods. Which foods give allergies is determined individually with the introduction of complementary foods. It is important to adhere to the established timing of the introduction of complementary foods. Mom needs to keep a diary, where to indicate which foods replenished the diet, what kind of reaction occurred. This study allows you to identify the allergen in a short time.

External factors of irritation include:

  • washing powder, which is used for washing children's things;
  • allergic reaction to animal fur;
  • wearing clothes made of synthetic fabrics;
  • cosmetics used for baby care.

If diathesis occurs, you should consult a doctor. Treatment begins when the cause of diathesis is identified.

The main types of diathesis

You can identify which product led to an allergic reaction if you carefully monitor the baby's reaction to all new products.

There are several types of diathesis:

  • Exudative-catarrhal, is the most common, manifested by a skin allergic reaction. It is activated with an increase in the level of immunoglobulin E, as well as histamine. Localized on the face, scalp, mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.
  • Lymphatic-hypoplastic occurs with a lack of the thymus gland. Since children often suffer from acute respiratory diseases, lymph nodes increase, adrenal glands malfunction, as a result of an allergic reaction.
  • The latter type is difficult to diagnose. Its name is neuro-arthritic. Occurs when the central nervous system is excited, leading to a metabolic disorder.

Symptoms of diathesis

Diathesis of the child has a characteristic symptomatology. The main symptom is redness of the skin of the cheeks, chin, followed by the formation of rough areas. Almost every child is faced with the formation of yellow crusts on the crown. They continue to form even with proper, daily hygiene procedures.

The appearance of diaper rash in the folds of the skin also speaks of the disease. Symptoms of diathesis are not only reactions of the skin. In a child, while breastfeeding, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which is manifested by diarrhea, may be disrupted. Rare cases of conjunctivitis.

During the illness, the behavior of the child changes. The newborn becomes irritable, cries for unknown reasons. Night sleep is disturbed, appetite disappears, spitting up quite often.

Diagnostics of diathesis

Since diathesis is not an unambiguous disease, it can be observed by a pediatrician, dermatologist or neurologist. Due to this, diagnostic methods also differ.

There are certain methods for diagnosing diathesis:

  • donation of blood, urine for a general analysis;
  • biochemical analysis of urine;
  • a blood test for the level of cholesterol, glucose, uric acid;
  • delivery of feces for dysbacteriosis;
  • immunoglobulin study.

Depending on the type of disease, an ultrasound examination of the organs may be prescribed. After the analysis, treatment can be prescribed.

Treatment of diathesis

How to treat diathesis - the doctor will tell you, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate.

Get rid of diathesis, drug therapy will help. It should be based on antiallergic agents, enzyme preparations. It is necessary to get rid of the symptoms of the disease using the right treatment.

For the treatment of a child during breastfeeding, Fenistil is actively used. It is the only antihistamine that can be used by babies from a month old. Release form - drops or gel. Drops dissolve in water, after which they are applied inside. The gel is applied in a thin layer to the affected area of ​​the skin. Fenistil gel in a short period of time allows you to get rid of intolerable itching, rashes, relieves swelling.

In order for your baby to be healthy and happy, it is important to monitor his nutrition in the womb - what a pregnant woman eats can affect the health of the child.

Copes well with diaper rash, irritation ointment or Bepanten gel. If the skin is characterized by increased dryness, then it is more advisable to use an ointment. In an infant, the skin is delicate, sensitive - Bepanten is ideal for relieving inflammation.

These drugs are applied topically, they remove the manifestations of diathesis, relieve symptoms, but do not fight the cause.

Preventive measures for diathesis

There are several types of diathesis in infants: if diathesis occurs in infants, then the child must adhere to a certain lifestyle and preventive measures.

From the usual diet of a child, products of increased allergenicity are excluded, namely:

  • chocolate;
  • eggs;
  • citrus;
  • seafood;
  • tomatoes;
  • brightly colored fruits and vegetables.

If the children are still breastfed, it is worth excluding the above products from the mother's diet.

Do not overfeed your baby. If the child develops, gains weight well, then the periods between feedings can be increased. The first complementary foods are recommended to be introduced from six months, when the body is already ready for new products.

If the child has frequent manifestations of diathesis, then it is advisable to select the child's things only from natural fabrics.

At the first manifestations of the rash, it is necessary to remember that the environment of the child has changed, perhaps a new care cream or a new powder has been bought.

Children of the first year of life require daily bathing. With each bowel movement, it is necessary to wash the baby, or use sanitary napkins. If the diaper was not changed on time, the skin will swell, irritation occurs. Air baths are very useful for baby's skin.

Do not overheat the baby, because this can provoke the occurrence of hives. If it's hot and stuffy, undress your baby and ventilate the room.

You can cure diathesis in a child with folk remedies. For bathing, use boiled water with the addition of potassium permanganate. For skin problems, you can use a decoction of the string. Be healthy.

Diathesis in infants is a fairly common phenomenon that is quite treatable at home. Improper nutrition of the mother, as well as some environmental factors, can provoke the appearance of pathology. But this ailment is not a reason for panic, the main thing is to start therapy on time, and then diathesis will not cause complications for life.

Folk methods of treatment

The treatment of diathesis in children must be approached responsibly, since the wrong approach to eliminating the disease in a child can lead to a worsening of the situation and the development of complex diseases. It is better to start treatment immediately after the first signs of an allergic reaction appear.

The primary task of parents is to search for factors provoking the disease. It can be some kind of food product, such as citrus fruits or milk, as well as synthetic fabrics or washing powder. When the cause of diathesis is found and eliminated, the symptoms will subside. To speed up recovery, you need products that improve skin regeneration.

Treatment with laurel leaves

Means prepared on the basis of bay leaf perfectly relieve itching and reduce the manifestations of a rash. In addition, the plant is able to relieve inflammation.

Interesting! This plant can not only relieve symptoms and cure the disease, but also calm the baby, set him up for a restful sleep.

decoction recipe

To prepare the decoction you will need:

  • 10 - 15 grams of bay leaf;
  • 1.5 - 2 liters of boiling water;
  • cooking container.
  1. Pour the leaves with slightly cooled boiled water.
  2. Let it brew for about 15 minutes.
  3. Strain.
  4. Add product to bath.
  5. Bathe the child for 10 - 15 minutes.

After taking a bath, it is necessary to lubricate the baby's skin with a simple baby cream or oil. The procedure is recommended to be carried out every day for two weeks.

Healing infusion

To prepare it, you will also need boiling water and a few bay leaves. Leaves soaked in hot water must be left for at least 6 hours. After this time, the infusion should be given to the child 3 times a day, 5 ml.


To make an ointment, you will need the following components:

  • 3 large bay leaves;
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;
  • cooking container.

The ointment is prepared as follows:

  1. Grind the leaves into powder.
  2. Fill with oil.
  3. Insist on a water bath for half an hour.

The resulting composition should be smeared on the affected skin twice a day.

Important! The decoction and infusion are not stored for a long time, so every day it is recommended to brew a new remedy.

A decoction of string and celandine

  • a pair of potassium permanganate crystals;
  • a teaspoon of dried string;
  • a teaspoon of dry celandine.

All components must be mixed and pour a glass of boiling water. The composition is infused for about half an hour. The resulting decoction is intended to be added to the bath for bathing the child.

Herbs for diathesis

  • valerian root;
  • nettle;
  • chamomile;
  • liquorice root;
  • succession.

All plants must be taken in equal proportions. The result should be a tablespoon with a slide. This amount of the mixture is poured with boiling water, infused for half an hour.

Children under one year are recommended to give one teaspoon of decoction three times a day half an hour before meals. Older children - a tablespoon. Also, in parallel during treatment, you can take baths with the same decoction.

egg shell recipe

Eggshell is a remedy that is often used as a method of getting rid of diathesis. It is prepared as follows:

  1. Wash boiled face with baking soda.
  2. Remove the shell.
  3. Dry it for 2-3 days.
  4. Grind in a coffee grinder.

The powder is given to the child one teaspoon per day for a couple of months. The shell can be mixed with a drink or added to cereals and mashed potatoes. Symptoms of the disease are removed due to the action of a high calcium content.

St. John's wort oil extract contains a large amount of flavonoids, which have a beneficial effect on the skin, soothing it. To prepare the remedy, the following components are needed:

  • 100 grams of fresh St. John's wort;
  • 1 liter of vegetable oil;
  • bowl.

The plant must be poured with oil and left to infuse in the light. The finished composition should lubricate the damaged areas of the skin.

If the herbs were purchased at a pharmacy and high-quality oil was used, the remedy is absolutely safe even for newborn babies.

Cabbage leaf compresses

Cabbage juice is another effective remedy for skin rashes. Compression can be done in this way:

  1. Take a couple of leaves of cabbage.
  2. Boil in milk until softened.
  3. Rub the leaves through a sieve.
  4. Mix the gruel with wheat bran.

The mass must be kept on irritated skin for 10 minutes. The use of a compress is required until the signs of allergy disappear.

Recipe with aloe vera

Aloe effectively affects the affected skin of the baby. It is worth noting that this plant cannot cure a rash, it only softens the manifestation of symptoms and contributes to a faster recovery of the skin.

To prepare the product, you need to grind a small amount of aloe juice with butter. This composition is required to lubricate the skin of the baby and leave the mixture for half an hour.

Jojoba oil

This oil is well absorbed and has a beneficial effect on the skin. In addition, it is recommended by allergists and dermatologists in the treatment of diathesis in infants. They should lubricate problem areas of the epidermis.

The effectiveness of the product is due to the fact that the oil creates a protective film and accelerates the healing of wounds.



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