Can I get pregnant if my partner has asthenoteratozoospermia? What is asthenoteratozoospermia. The structure of a healthy spermatozoon

To date, many couples faces the challenge of a new life. The reasons can be hidden both in the female body and in the male. Experts note that in almost 50% of cases, a married couple fails to conceive a child due to problems with reproductive system in men. Under such a problem, asthenoteratozoospermia can be hidden - a disease of the male reproductive system, which, however, is not a sentence for the stronger sex. In this article, we will talk about what asthenoteratozoospermia is and how to treat this disease in men.

What is asthenoteratozoospermia in men

Under the diagnosis of asthenoteratozoospermia, specialists mean the abnormal structure of spermatozoa in men, as well as a violation of their mobility.
It should be noted that even in males with strong reproduction, “unhealthy” spermatozoa can be found in the seminal fluid, but their number in relation to the total volume will be insignificant.

There is a certain acceptable limit for abnormal sperm, and if it is exceeded, a diagnosis of asthenoteratozoospermia is made.


There are three stages this disease:

  1. The first stage - seminal plasma contains more than 50% of sperm, the structure of which does not differ in any violations. The mobility of gametes remains at a high level.
  2. The second stage - only 30-50% of gametes suitable for gametes remain, the rest are inactive and / or have any anomalies in the structure.
  3. The third stage - less than 30% of "viable" sperm remains in the total volume of the liquid component of the sperm.


The diagnosis of asthenoteratozoospermia does not mean that the man's sperm is completely infertile. This disease has several forms that are amenable to good therapeutic effect with timely medical attention.

Experts note the following forms(groups) asthenoteratozoospermia:

  • Group A - sperm activity is normal, the average speed is 30 cm/hour. The movement is directed strictly forward.

Important! Regular steroid use hormonal drugs can provoke the development of asthenoteratozoospermia.

  • Group B - the movement is also directed forward, however, the speed is significantly reduced in relation to the optimal one.
  • Group C - the speed of gametes remains at the optimal level, but the trajectory of their movement is disturbed. They move sideways, backwards or in circular coordinates, due to this mechanism, the germ cells of a man are not able to reach the female egg.
  • Group D - inactive gametes, randomly moving in any direction, sometimes completely immobile.

In addition, this disease is divided into two types:

  1. - violations in the structure of spermatozoa (abnormally long tail, absence of flagella, change in the formation of heads, etc.).
  2. - the mobility of male germ cells is significantly reduced.

If men are diagnosed with both of the above types of the disease, the diagnosis is asthenoteratozoospermia.

Doctors note that in most cases, men are diagnosed with two forms of this disease at once, since the abnormal structure of spermatozoa directly affects their mobility.

Causes of asthenoteratozoospermia

Scientists and specialists in the field of medicine today do not know the reliable causes of this disease. However, there are a number of factors that can significantly affect the structure and motility of sperm.

It is these factors that are one of the main reasons for the development of anomalies in the seminal fluid:

  1. Mechanical damage to the male organs of the reproductive system.
  2. Dysfunctions on hormonal level can cause infertility not only in women but also in men. Insufficient synthesis and testosterone can become main reason seminal plasma anomalies.
  3. Wearing inappropriate underwear is one of the main causes of asthenoteratozoospermia. Tight synthetic underwear contributes to improper thermoregulation. Experts say that the testicles of men should not be constantly squeezed or steamed.
  4. Some viral diseases render Negative influence on the male reproductive system. For example, mumps affects not only the salivary and pancreas, but also the prostate gland, which negatively affects the formation of normal viable spermatozoa.
  5. Regular visits to saunas increase the risk of infertility, as men's testicles constantly experience overheating in the steam room.
  6. Poor environmental conditions, regular visits to radiation-contaminated places, frequent X-ray and ultraviolet exposures negatively affect the normal structure formation of sperm.
  7. Bad habits in the form of smoking, alcoholism and taking drugs significantly increase the risk of developing seminal fluid anomalies.
  8. Obesity and management sedentary image life.
  9. Taking medications without first consulting a doctor.
  10. Dysfunction endocrine system, autoimmune disorders.

Did you know?Earwigs are insects that, when mating, can lose their penis into the female's vagina. But this is not a problem for them, since short terms earwigs grow a new sex organ.

It is important to understand that asthenoteratozoospermia can be a congenital disease that is practically incurable.

There is evidence that similar pathology the male reproductive system may be observed due to genetic mutations during conception and the structure of the body of the fetus.

Preparing for a spermogram

Above, we have already figured out what kind of diagnosis it is - asthenoteratozoospermia, we talked about its stages and forms.

But in order for the doctor to be able to prescribe an effective and gentle treatment, it is necessary to make an appropriate diagnosis -.

Preparation for this diagnosis includes the following steps:

  1. Abstinence from sexual activity for at least 3-4 days.
  2. It is recommended to refrain from drinking strong alcoholic beverages for 3-5 days before the start of the diagnosis.
  3. 4-5 days before the test, it is forbidden to visit saunas, baths and other procedures that expose the male genital organs to elevated temperatures.
  4. Increased physical activity is not recommended two days before the start of the diagnostic event.
  5. Doctors also recommend quitting smoking (or significantly reducing the frequency of using nicotine products) 5-7 days before the start of testing for.

Deciphering the results of the analysis

After the delivery of the seminal fluid, the characteristics of the cellular elements of the sperm are determined.

These characteristics are:

  • percentage and types of immature sperm;
  • the total number of male gametes;
  • structural and shaped characteristics of male germ cells;
  • sperm motility;
  • analysis of leukocyte parameters;
  • acidity, viscosity and ejaculate liquefaction time;
  • color and total volume of seminal fluid.
Sometimes the above characteristics for ruling accurate diagnosis not enough.

In such cases, laboratory assistants are forced to biochemical analysis liquid component of semen.

Such an analysis involves the identification of individual elements and substances in the semen (zinc, fructose, carnitine).


In most cases, asthenoteratozoospermia is treated at home. After a detailed diagnosis, the doctor always advises the patient to refuse bad habits and correctly adjust your diet, habits.
Moreover, drug therapy is not always prescribed, but only in the most advanced cases.

It is important to understand that the doctor does not force the patient to quit smoking and drinking hard liquor because of his own whim, and in this particular case, his instructions must be followed exactly, otherwise recovery may not occur.

Another important point the fact remains that the treatment of asthenoteratozoospermia will be long (since spermatozoa are formed for about 71-75 days, then the treatment should continue for at least the specified period of time).

Important!In case of problems with the reproductive system in men, it is forbidden to engage in equestrian and cycling sports.

Sometimes, to improve mobility and normalize the morphological parameters of spermatozoa, doctors prescribe vitamin therapy.
In this case, the treatment of asthenoteratozoospermia will occur with the help of preparations based on vitamin E, selenium, zinc, beta-carotene.

The duration and course of treatment should be prescribed by the specialist who examined the patient.

Alternative treatment

People have been treated with traditional medicine methods for a long time, although in modern world many individuals tend to strongly criticize this approach to therapy.

And this is not even counting the fact that many doctors recommend their patients to use traditional medicine recipes.

In case of treatment of asthenoteratozoospermia folk therapy will come in handy, because effective chemical compounds that could purposefully affect the characteristics of seminal fluid have not yet been invented.

Let's figure out how to treat asthenoteratozoospermia with folk remedies:

  • Ginseng tincture or ginseng extract. You can make your own or buy it from a pharmacy. Take 20-25 drops half an hour before meals for a month.

  • Plantain tincture in a water bath. For 250 ml of boiled water, 2 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials and infused for 30-40 minutes. It is consumed 15-20 minutes before meals. It is recommended to drink a third of a glass 3-4 times a day.

  • Lemongrass leaf tincture in combination with rose oil. The duration and course of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

  • Buy at the pharmacy Eleutherococcus tincture and take it for a month. 15-20 drops of tincture must be diluted in a glass of water and consumed every morning on an empty stomach.

Although traditional medicine is safe therapeutic method, it can still harm the human body. After all, tinctures and decoctions of herbs can also have their own contraindications and side effects.


Despite the fact that many people are skeptical about homeopathic treatments, they show excellent efficacy and high safety.

With the right treatment homeopathic preparations can be increased sexual attraction in a man and normalize the functions of creating spermatozoa.

With the diagnosis of asthenoteratozoospermia, attending physicians can prescribe the following homeopathic medicines:

  1. "Selenium". Main active substance drug is selenium, which has positive influence on the correct structure formation of new spermatozoa.
  2. Testis compositum. This remedy available on the shelves of pharmacies in the form of injections that can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly. "Testis compositum" has a positive effect on all the mechanisms and functions of the male genital organs.
  3. "Zincum met". A preparation for improving the quality of sperm, the main active ingredient of which is zinc.

Did you know?On average, a man performs about 7,000 ejaculations in his entire life.

To improve and consolidate the effect in the treatment of homeopathic preparations, it is necessary to use vitamin therapy. Vitamin B9 and vitamin E will benefit any man, unless, of course, he has contraindications to taking these funds.

Possibilities of conception with asthenoteratozoospermia

Many women often ask questions about whether it is possible to get pregnant naturally if a man has been diagnosed with asthenoteratozoospermia.

No specialist can provide an exact answer to this question, since each man's body is purely individual, and the processes of sperm formation can be disturbed or stabilized depending on the mass of ambiguous reasons.

But there is a drug that can significantly increase the chances of success in conceiving a new life.

A drug that helps to increase the level of sperm motility. But it is important to note that the drug should not be used by a man, but by his wife. It is introduced into the vagina directly 15-20 minutes before the onset of sexual intercourse.
"Aktifert" is sold in the form of a gel, developed on the basis of natural ingredients facilitating the movement of sperm towards the egg.

IVF and asthenoteratozoospermia

Let's see if it is possible to get pregnant through if a man suffers from asthenoteratozoospermia. As experts say, in the vast majority of cases this is possible!

The IVF procedure itself is the usual fertilization of an egg by spermatozoa, only the germ cells are in a special test tube.

Important!During physiotherapy procedures, it is necessary to cover the groin area so as not to harm the male genital organs.

Doctors note that such a procedure should not be feared, since it is painless, effective and gives high chances of conceiving a new life, only artificially.
In the course of in vitro fertilization (IVF), an egg is taken from the woman's body, and only the most mobile and morphologically optimal sperm are selected from the man's seminal fluid.

After this happens artificial conception and the egg is returned to the woman's body.

It is important to note that in this case, a child is born to a married couple without any defects in mental and physical terms.


Pathology is always easier to prevent than to cure, which is why you should beware of those factors in Everyday life, which may increase the risk of developing asthenoteratozoospermia.

The following important points should be noted as prevention and precautions:

  • maintaining an active lifestyle, correct and rational (food should be natural and rich in vitamins and macro/microelements);
  • quitting smoking, drinking alcohol alcoholic beverages and drugs;
  • refusal to wear tight and uncomfortable underwear, which is made of synthetic fabric;
  • minimization of stressful situations;
  • body weight control (going to the gym will be beneficial, but obesity can have a bad effect on the reproductive system of a man);
  • reducing the frequency of visits to saunas and baths;
  • regularly for the presence of infectious diseases in the body.

In this article, we have examined in detail the causes and methods of treatment of asthenoteratozoospermia. Now you know what it is and whether it is possible to conceive a child with IVF with this disease. But the most important thing is to follow preventive measures, and then the problem may never overtake you.

Unfortunately, many couples in the modern world are faced with the impossibility of conceiving a child. There is a stereotype that the culprit of infertility first of all is a woman. However, this well-established myth is shattered by hard statistics. Doctors say that in half of the cases of infertility, the responsibility lies with the male body. And one of the reasons for this is asthenoteratozoospermia.

In order to thoroughly understand the pathological condition, it is necessary to understand what normal sperm counts should be and how exactly spermatozoa are formed.

Spermatogenesis is the sequential development of male germ cells, ending in the formation of healthy spermatozoa, which acquire the ability to fertilize an egg. This process in the male body lasts continuously - from the beginning of the boy's puberty and almost to old age.

There is a process with permatogenesis in the paired male sex gland - the testicles (testicles, testicles), which are located in the scrotum. The testicles are made up of many seminal tubules, and it is in them that the male sex cells are formed. Progenitor cells ( spermatogonia, and then spermatids) undergo a series of divisions, during which the set of chromosomes is halved. In addition, the appearance of the cells also changes - they lengthen. As a result, the cell nucleus (repository of genetic material) placed in the head of the spermatozoon. After full maturation, spermatozoa enter the epididymis, which is also located in the scrotum, and is located on top of the testicle.

On average, the maturation process lasts 74 days at a temperature that is 1–2 0 C less temperature body. That is why nature placed the testicles outside the body. High temperature regime detrimental to male sex cells. In this case, not only spermatogenesis stops, but already mature spermatozoa die. At low temperatures, the process of maturation of spermatozoa also freezes, but the stock of already ripe ones remains intact.

A mature spermatozoon is a microscopic cell (50-60 microns), which consists of:

  • heads (contains the genetic material of a man);
  • necks and bodies (contain structures that provide motor activity throughout the cell)
  • tail (flagellum), which promotes the advancement of the spermatozoon by rotating around its axis;
  • end thread.

The chromosome set of a sperm cell can only consist of:

  • Y chromosomes, and then such spermatozoa are called androspermia, i.e. after fertilization of the egg, the fetus will develop in a male pattern;
  • X chromosomes - spermatozoa are called gynospermia. Combining such a sperm cell with an egg cell (which always contains only the X chromosome) will contribute to the development of a female fetus.

It is considered normal when the sperm of a healthy man contains up to 20% of pathological forms of spermatozoa. Exceeding this percentage can lead to infertility or abnormal development of the fetus.

Asthenoteratozoospermia: what it is?

This trudely pronounced the term describes the pathological condition of the sperm. It is based on Greek words:

  • "astheno" means impotence, weakness;
  • "teratos" means deformity, a monster;
  • "zoo" - a living being;
  • "sperm" means seed.

Thus, if translated literally, it would be that the sperm contains "weakened ugly living seed."

The reasons asthenoteratozoospermia

To date, no clear cause of this pathology has been identified. However, there are several factors that contribute to a change in the structure or mobility of a normal spermatozoon:

  1. Infections, especially viral ones. It is believed that mumps is the most dangerous for the sex glands of a man. This is a widely known viral infection, which is colloquially called "mumps". In childhood, epidparotitis is much easier, and with a lower likelihood of complications. In adult men, this viral disease often causes orchitis (inflammation of the testicles). And if you do not start treatment in time, then there is Great chance testicular atrophy.
  2. Injuries to the external genital organs can disrupt the development of germ cells.
  3. Influence of high temperature. It has already been mentioned that temperatures above 35 0 C adversely affect the testes. Men who abuse saunas, like to take hot baths, and simply wear tight underwear, this factor should be taken into account if conceiving a child is planned. Particular attention to the negative impact of high temperatures should be paid to those men whose profession is associated with their constant and prolonged exposure.
  4. Congenital malformations of the testicles:

  • anorchism(congenital absence of both testicles is extremely rare);
  • monorchism(absence of one testicle); the second testicle at the same time compensatory increases in size;
  • polyorchism(the presence of 3 or more testes); additional testicles are usually underdeveloped;
  • testicular hypoplasia (underdevelopment and reduction in size);
  • cryptorchidism(unilateral or bilateral non-descent of the testicles into the scrotum) .
  1. Hormonal disorders. This factor is multifaceted:
  • decrease in the level of male sex hormones (testosterone);
  • level up the hormone prolactin, which produced by the pituitary hyperprolactinemia);
  • hypofunction of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism);
  • increased production of female sex hormones (estrogen);
  • diabetes .

  1. Impact x-rays and other types of radiation. The sex glands are extremely susceptible to the effects of any type of radiation. The danger lies not only in the fact that infertility develops, but also in the fact that if conception occurs, abnormalities in the development of the fetus are possible due to teratogenic (causing mutations) effects on chromosomes.
  2. chronic intoxication. This includes, for example, alcohol abuse. When this occurs, fatty degeneration of the convoluted tubules of the testes and replacement connective tissue. It has been noticed that smokers and drug addicts also have a impaired ability to conceive (there is a "gluing" of spermatozoa).
  3. chronic infections. This is especially true for sexually transmitted infections. For example, chlamydia can not only disrupt the process of permatogenesis, but also directly negatively affect spermatozoa. A similar effect is observed with gonococcal infection, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, etc.
  4. Irrational nutrition. A lack of vitamins can lead to a violation in spermatogenesis. It has been established that for normal functioning testicles great importance have vitamins E and A. Both of these substances stimulate the formation of spermatozoa, and vitamin A (retinol) also affects sexual desire.

Classification asthenoteratozoospermia

Like any disease or pathological condition, asthenoteratozoospermia has several degrees of severity. They must be taken into account in order to choose the right treatment tactics. The classification is based on sperm motility. For the reliability of the result, the calculation of mobile male germ cells is carried out one hour after ejaculation.

  • first degree of severity. Seminal fluid contains 50% or more spermatozoa, which have a normal structure and high mobility;
  • second degree of severity. normal structure and sperm motility are maintained in the range from 30 to 49%;
  • third degree of severity. The total number of normal spermatozoa with high motility in the ejaculate is less than 29%.

Whatever the severity asthenoteratozoospermia, clinical manifestations the man will not. Symptoms can only be in another pathology or disease that causes asthenoteratozoospermia. And then, with complaints about the underlying disease, the man turns to medical care. Or pathological changes in the seminal fluid are detected during the search for the causes of infertility in a married couple.

Diagnostics asthenoteratozoospermia

Ideally, a man should get an appointment with an andrologist (a specialist in diseases of the male genital area and methods of their treatment). The doctor conducts an examination, finds out information about past diseases, injuries and other points that will help in making the correct diagnosis.

In the future, with a frequency of 14 days, two spermograms are prescribed (study of the composition of sperm and its biochemical characteristics). The study itself is carried out under a microscope on glass slides. Counting chambers can also be used, in which quantitative composition spermatozoa. For getting biochemical indicators special reagents are used.

Before examining a spermogram, a man needs to prepare:

  • sexual abstinence for 3-5 days (if less days pass, there will be an insufficient amount sperm for analysis, more - unreliable results are possible due to a deterioration in the quality of sperm);
  • on the days of preparation, it is necessary to avoid overheating of the body (exclude visiting the sauna, wearing tight underwear, taking a hot bath);
  • refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages and other substances that can adversely affect the quality of spermatozoa;
  • avoid heavy physical activity and overwork on the eve of analysis.

AT medical institution there is a specially equipped room for the delivery of ejaculate.

  • emptied before testing bladder;
  • a hygienic procedure of the genital organs is carried out;
  • ejaculate is collected in a sterile container through masturbation.

Deciphering spermogram

In 2010, WHO established the following norms for spermogram:

  • ejaculate volume 1.5 ml or more;
  • the total number of spermatozoa in the sample is from 33 to 46 million;
  • the concentration of male germ cells in 1 ml of sperm is from 12 to 16 million;
  • the presence of category A motile spermatozoa (with a fast forward movement, which are the most promising in terms of conception) from 31 to 34%;
  • total spermatozoa of category B (with slow forward movement) and category A should be 38-42%;
  • the number of viable germ cells 55-63%;
  • acidity over 7.2 pH(at her deviation spermatozoa will not be able to move normally);
  • morphologically normal cells should be at least 4%;
  • the presence of leukocytes - less than 1 million / ml.

White blood cells in a sample are difficult to recognize because they resemble immature forms of spermatozoa. Therefore, special dyes are used for differentiation. If their number exceeds the specified norm, then there is a high probability of acute or chronic inflammation and sexually transmitted infections should not be ruled out. Therefore, with a diagnosis: “leukospermia of the ejaculate, asthenoteratozoospermia”, further thorough examination, because to . at inflammatory process the function of germ cells is sharply disturbed.

From non-quantitative sperm parameters are taken into account:

  • Colour: Normally whitish-grayish. Color deviation allows you to draw preliminary conclusions about some pathologies;
  • smell: unpleasant or Strong smell may indicate an inflammatory process or infection;
  • viscosity : normal seminal fluid immediately after ejaculation, it becomes jelly-like, and after 30-40 minutes it becomes liquid. Thick semen is difficult to penetrate into the cervical canal of a woman .

For maximum reliability of the results, the study should be carried out no later than one hour after ejaculation. At diagnosis asthenoteratozoospermia in the ejaculate, sex cells of category C predominate (movement non-rectilinear- in one place or in a circle) and category D ( absolutely immobile).

With regard to changes in the structure of spermatozoa, the following violations are observed:

  • altered shape of the sperm head (wrong contours, size) or its complete absence (this is the reason for the change in the trajectory of the cell);
  • altered neck or body of the spermatozoon (curvature, lengthening or shortening);
  • altered shape or size of the flagellum, an increase in the number (doubling), the complete absence of the flagellum (which is the cause of absolute immobility).

When identifying asthenoteratozoospermia the spermogram is examined three times (with an interval of 10-14 days) for greater reliability of the results.

The Kruger study is considered the most accurate method in determining abnormal forms of spermatozoa. With this technique, a smear dried and stained with a certain method is studied. It is believed that the proportion of abnormally altered spermatozoa in a smear should not exceed 85%. In addition, the index With permal disorders ( 1 cell) and index teratozoospermia (the average number of pathologies per 1 abnormal sperm). Only after this study has been carried out can one confidently speak about asthenoteratozoospermia.

Additional Research

Additional studies are carried out to identify the cause of the pathological condition:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • determination of the level of glucose in the blood;
  • determination of hormonal levels (testosterone, prolactin, estrogen levels);
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum and pelvic organs;
  • computed tomography of the pelvic organs;
  • digital examination of the prostate;
  • study on on the presence of pathogens of sexually transmitted infections (smear from the urethra, blood test on the antibodies);
  • MAR test (analysis for antisperm antibodies). We are talking about the body's antibodies against its own sperm. Such a violation occurs when "failures" in immune system. Antibodies, connecting with the flagellum of the germ cell, block its movement;
  • genetic analyzes are carried out with a pronounced anomaly of spermatozoa (the patient's blood is examined) .

Treatment asthenoteratozoospermia

The main thing in the normalization of male sperm is the treatment of the underlying disease or pathological condition that led to asthenoteratozoospermia. According to the reviews of men suffering from this pathology, with the exclusion of a provoking disease, and sometimes just lifestyle changes, spermogram indicators improved significantly after some time. Therefore, do not brush aside the doctor's persistent recommendations to give up bad habits, switch to proper nutrition and lead active image life.

To stimulate full-fledged spermatogenesis with asthenoteratozoospermia the following drugs are used:

Folic acid (vitamin B 9). Daily dose folic acid tablets should be 400 mcg (at the discretion of the attending physician, it may exceed the recommended). Vitamin stimulates the formation of new cells, improves their morphology. In addition to tablet forms of folic acid, it is welcome to include foods that are rich in it in your diet. These products include: greens (spinach, cilantro, basil), cabbage, meat and fish products ( beef liver, horse mackerel, cod liver, offal), dairy products (fatty cottage cheese and cheese, sour cream), rye flour products, eggplant, walnuts.

Vitamin E improves the absorption of folic acid in the body, and also helps maintain the testosterone hormone at the proper level. Thus, vitamin E indirectly through the hormone helps to improve spermatogenesis. Vitamin E is part of one of the drugs that is prescribed for asthenoteratozoospermia– Selzinc plus. At its core, the drug is biologically active additive, and in addition to vitamin E contains:

  • zinc ions (on which the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of sperm depend);
  • vitamin C (has an antioxidant effect and improves the metabolism of folic acid in the body);
  • beta-carotene (turns into vitamin A in the body).

The dosage regimen and dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. The same applies to the use of the drug Spermactin, which also applies to biological additives. It is produced in the form of a packaged powder of 5 g. The powder contains natural metabolites and amino acids, which contribute to normal maturation and increase in sperm motility. In addition, the components of Spermactin improve metabolic processes, stabilize cell membranes male reproductive cells, as well as improve the fertilizing properties of sperm. With caution, the drug should be used in chronic liver diseases.

In complex treatment asthenoteratozoospermia use the drug T ribestan, which contains in 1 tablet 250 mg of dry extract of the herb Tribulus terrestris. It has a positive effect not only in this pathology, but also in immunological infertility, erectile dysfunction(impotence). The course of treatment is at least 90 days. Repeated course therapy is carried out at the discretion of the doctor. The extract of Tribulus terrestris is also contained in the Verona preparation of complex action. The course of treatment with this drug is 8 weeks.

  • refer to IVF in vitro fertilization). Colloquially, this method is called "in vitro fertilization" because the most complete sperm and egg "meet" in specially created laboratory conditions. Thereafter fertilized the egg is implanted in the uterus, where it develops naturally;
  • ICSI. A method in which the most viable spermatozoon is inserted into the egg using a special needle. And then, just like with IVF, the egg is implanted into the uterus.

It is far from always the fault that a couple fails to get pregnant is the health of a woman - violations of male fertility are no less common. For example, the cause may be one of the forms male infertility- asthenoteratozoospermia.

What is asthenoteratozoospermia?

In the body of a man, spermatogenesis constantly proceeds - the development and maturation of germ cells, resulting in the formation of full-fledged spermatozoa. The testicles located in the scrotum are responsible for the process. Inside, they consist of seminiferous tubules, where spermatids appear. The latter, after a series of divisions, lengthen, acquire a head and turn into spermatozoa. After maturation from the testicle, they move to the appendage, and this process lasts about 74 days.

The disease asthenoteratozoospermia implies a combination of such disorders in men as low mobility spermatozoa and failure in their structure. Pathology means a defective condition of the sperm, when more than 20% of the cells are abnormal.

The term is deciphered as follows:

  • "astheno" - weakness;
  • "teratos" - deformity;
  • "zoo" - a living being;
  • "sperm" is the male seed.

Thus, asthenoteratozoospermia literally means "weak, ugly living seed." If normally the spermatozoon is a “tadpole” from the nucleus, middle part and flagellum, then with this pathology both the shape and internal structure cells can change. The ICD-10 disease code is N46 "Male infertility".
In the video, spermatozoa with asthenoteratozoospermia:

Causes of pathology

In the study of pathology, experts have established that chronic inflammatory and infectious pathologies male genital area. Especially dangerous is viral mumps, or mumps, which a boy can endure in childhood. If a man becomes infected in adulthood, the risk of remaining infertile is very high. With poor-quality therapy, parotitis causes testicular atrophy.

The same consequences for the body can be banal STIs - type 2 herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and others. They adversely affect the quality of sperm, especially with prolonged absence of therapy. Nonspecific infections (, prostatitis,) also have a bad effect on the male reproductive system.

Lifelong risk factors for asthenoteratozoospermia are:

  • Injury to the testicles, appendages;
  • Wearing tight synthetic underwear;
  • UV, X-rays, radiation;
  • Drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • Hormonal disorders (decrease in testosterone, increase in prolactin, estrogen, etc.);
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Poor, monotonous nutrition, beriberi.

Abuse of baths, saunas, hot baths also harms spermatozoa, because they mature at low temperatures and die when it rises. Also, with congenital malformations of the structure of the testicles, a man may have asthenoteratozoospermia, for example, with testicular hypoplasia, anorchism, monorchism.

Stages of pathology

Allocate next steps(degrees) of asthenoteratozoospermia:

  1. 1 degree - more than 50% of spermatozoa function normally.
  2. Grade 2 - only 30-50% of spermatozoa are correct.
  3. Grade 3 - less than 30% of male germ cells are normal.


Specialists classify sperm motility into the following groups:

  1. Group A. Sex cells move up to 30 cm / hour, the nature of the movement is only forward.
  2. Group B. The speed of the cells is very low, they also move forward.
  3. Group C. The activity and speed of the cells are not disturbed, but the trajectory is incorrect (they move backward, rotate).
  4. Group D. Spermatozoa are immobile or inactive.

If a man has more than 25% of group A cells in his sperm, and together with group B there are more than 38% of them, this is the norm. Otherwise, a diagnosis of asthenoteratozoospermia may be made.

Clinical picture

By clinical signs it is very difficult to identify asthenoteratozoospermia, because the external genital organs are formed correctly, have normal size(exception - anomalies of the structure that caused the disease). A man's sex life is also normal, there are no problems with ejaculation.

But the symptoms appear from the causes that caused the disease:

  1. With - a visually noticeable expansion of the veins, pain in the scrotum, pulling sensations, general discomfort.
  2. At inflammatory diseases genital area - leukocytosis in the analysis of blood and urine, pain syndrome, increased local and general temperature.
  3. With leukospermia - leukocytosis in semen analysis, pain in the lower abdomen.
  4. With oligospermia - a small amount of sperm.

If the causes of asthenoteratozoospermia are associated with in the wrong way life or other hidden phenomena, the only sign is the inability to conceive a child. In some cases, conception occurs, but consequences are possible in the form of a missed pregnancy at the earliest possible date.

In many patients, asthenoteratozoospermia is combined with other pathologies, for example, with polyspermia. At the same time, an increased volume of sperm is observed, when there are too many active spermatozoa, while they have violations of the structure and shape.


In order to make a diagnosis, a spermogram is performed three times with an interval of 14 days. In order for the analysis to give correct results, a man must carefully prepare for it.

Preparation is carried out according to the following rules:

  • Stop drinking alcohol, smoking (preferably);
  • Do not visit the bath, sauna, do not take a bath with hot water;
  • Do not wear tight underwear, especially synthetics;
  • Do not practice heavy physical activity;
  • Do not overwork;
  • Do not be stressed;
  • 3 days before the test, do not have sex.

In a medical institution, a man must empty his bladder, wash his genitals and donate ejaculate (a separate room is allocated for the procedure). Next, the liquid will be examined under a microscope on glass, studying the main indicators. The impact of a number of reagents is also used (biochemical analysis of semen).

Normal sperm counts are:

  • Volume - from 1.5 ml;
  • The number of spermatozoa is 33-46 million, in 1 milliliter - 12-16 million;
  • The number of motile spermatozoa (group A) - 25-35%;
  • The total number of cells of groups A and B is 38-42%;
  • Acidity - above 7.2 pH;
  • Leukocytes - less than 1 million / ml;
  • Color - white-gray;
  • Smell - neutral (a sharp, unpleasant odor is a sign of infections);
  • Viscosity is jelly-like, but not too thick.

Dyes are used to detect leukocytes, as these blood cells look like immature forms of spermatozoa. If leukocytosis is diagnosed, a series of studies should be carried out to identify an acute inflammatory process.

With asthenoteratozoospermia, such deviations from the norm are usually found:

  1. The predominance of type C and D cells in sperm.
  2. The shape of the sperm head is incorrect, the contours are changed, the size is small or too large. Also, the head may be completely absent.
  3. The neck of germ cells and their body are short or long, curved.
  4. The flagellum of the spermatozoa doubles or is absent at all, the shape and size are incorrect.

Be sure to identify the cause of the pathology and select a therapy algorithm, a number of clarifying examinations are prescribed:

  • KLA, blood biochemistry;
  • blood sugar;
  • Hormone levels, including thyroid hormones;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis, scrotum;
  • Rectal examination of the prostate;
  • Smears for STIs;
  • Test for antisperm antibodies.

If a clear reason for pathology no, a number of recommended genetic research to search for congenital problems of spermatogenesis.
On the video, the causes and diagnosis of asthenoteratozoospermia:

How to treat?

Without affecting the causes of the disease, it will be difficult to cure the pathology. Therefore, a man should stop drinking alcohol, smoking, lead an active lifestyle, cure STIs, stop prostatitis, etc. Treatment can take up to several months and will require significant effort from the patient himself.

To stimulate spermatogenesis, various drugs can be used:

  1. Vitamin B9 (folic acid). It is usually recommended 0.4 g / day, as well as increased consumption of vitamin-containing foods - liver, fish, basil, spinach, cottage cheese, walnuts, eggplant.
  2. Vitamin E. Take it in pills or change your diet to include more nuts, vegetable oil, beans, lard, beef.
  3. Spermactin. Helps maturation of germ cells and their development, improves metabolism in testicular tissue.
  4. Tribestan. The medicine is used for all types of impotence, for infertility.
  5. Selzinc plus. This vitamin complex includes zinc, vitamin A, ascorbic acid, selenium, serves as a powerful antioxidant, improves metabolic processes.

Often a course of physiotherapy is recommended, with inflammatory diseases- taking antibiotics. Used for hormonal imbalances hormone therapy. Almost all men are shown taking immunomodulators. The operation is usually performed only for varicocele, scars and adhesions.

Is it possible to get pregnant?

Getting pregnant naturally is not always possible - depending on the cause of asthenoteratozoospermia and its degree. If the degree is severe, pregnancy is almost impossible.

The ongoing treatment and a healthy lifestyle help to improve sperm counts in a number of men, so pregnancy becomes real.

In other cases, especially with autoimmune and genetic problems, it is recommended to get pregnant through IVF or ICSI. Specialists will take healthy spermatozoa from the ejaculate, which need very little. After artificial insemination the embryo is placed in the uterus. Only when total absence viable cells, pregnancy will become impossible even with the help of IVF, ICSI.

Disease prevention

To prevent asthenoteratozoospermia, you need:

  • Follow a healthy lifestyle;
  • Prevent STIs;
  • Treat all infections and inflammations in time;
  • Eat right, drink vitamins;
  • Do not overheat;
  • Do not wear low-quality and tight underwear;
  • Avoid injuries to the genitals;
  • Have a regular sex life;
  • Control body weight.


It is difficult to make an accurate forecast, it is impossible to give guarantees of healing for sure. Recovery will be problematic with the advanced stage of asthenoteratozoospermia. It all depends on the efforts, the duration of the course, compliance with all the doctor's prescriptions. The psychological attitude is also important - with a strong desire, a man can do a lot for his recovery.
On the video about whether it is possible to get pregnant with asthenoteratozoospermia:

Asthenoteratozoospermia in men: symptoms, types and treatment of the disease. ethnoscience in the fight against asthenoteratozoospermia.

Today, many couples who are trying to conceive a baby face a fairly large number of problems on the way. Very often, one of the partners is diagnosed with "infertility" or other diagnoses associated with impaired reproductive function.

Previously, such diseases in most cases were diagnosed in women. In our time, the ratio of diseases of the reproductive system in men and women has evened out.

In this article, we will try to deal with one of the diseases that are quite common today - asthenoteratozoospermia.

Asthenoteratozoospermia in men: causes

As such, the main reason for the appearance of such a difficult-to-pronounce diagnosis in men has not been identified to date. However, a list of factors affecting the state of the genital organs and provoking the appearance of asthenoteratozoospermia has been established:

  1. Such childhood disease, as mumps or in the common people "mumps" is often accompanied by inflammation of the ovaries. Moreover, having become ill with mumps at an already mature age, a man risks getting more serious complications of the reproductive system than a boy who had it in early childhood
  2. Mechanical injuries of the external genital organs as a result of equestrian or cycling, as well as wearing uncomfortable, inappropriate underwear
  3. Exposure to high temperatures. In men who are fond of bath procedures, those who like to lie in a hot bath, the risk of asthenoteratozoospermia increases significantly, since heat negatively affects the testicles
  4. Congenital ovarian pathologies such as anorchism, monorchism, polyorchism, cryptorchidism, ovarian hypoplasia
  5. inflammation genitourinary system(prostatitis, infection and inflammation of the testicles)
  6. Hormonal disorders, thyroid problems, diabetes
  7. Irradiation with x-rays or other rays. The fact is that in some cases, after exposure to irradiation, spermatozoa will even be able to fertilize the egg, but the development of the fetus itself may be associated with various kinds anomalies and pathologies
  8. Chronic infections of the reproductive system. Infections such as chlamydia, herpes, trichomoniasis or gonococcus can both interfere with the production of spermatozoa and contribute to the deterioration of their quality.
  9. Chemotherapy
  10. Taking strong medications
  11. Bad habits (smoking, overuse alcohol, drug addiction)
  12. Improper diet and overweight
  13. Lack of regular sex life
  14. Age changes

All these factors can gradually worsen the condition of the male reproductive system and eventually lead to infertility.

Asthenoteratozoospermia: degrees

Like any other disease, asthenoteratozoospermia has its own classification. In this case, three degrees are distinguished. The degree of complexity of the disease depends on the concentration of physically active and healthy spermatozoa in the seminal fluid. So, the degree of asthenoteratozoospermia:

  • The first degree implies the presence in the ejaculate of at least fifty percent of mobile and correctly structured spermatozoa.
  • With the second degree of asthenoteratozoospermia, the concentration of good spermatozoa is from thirty to fifty percent
  • The third degree has up to thirty percent of active, healthy spermatozoa.

It should be noted that asthenoteratozoospermia is a disease in which its degree in no way affects the manifestations of the disease. Until a certain period, the patient may not even suspect the presence of this disease. It can manifest itself only with unsuccessful attempts at conception or with severe symptoms another pathology that provoked asthenoteratozoospermia.

What is asthenoteratozoospermia and how is it treated? Diagnosis of the disease

  • Ideally, the spermatozoon has an oblong body with a tail. The so-called "head" of the spermatozoon contains the cell nucleus, that is, all the genetic information. Sperm move very quickly. The probability of conception largely depends on their speed. The faster the sperm moves, the more chances it has to get to the egg first and fertilize it.
  • However, it happens that, due to the above reasons, the function of spermatogenesis is impaired. In this case, the produced spermatozoa may have an abnormal structure (too large or too small a head, several heads or several tails), as well as a rather low speed of movement. All this leads to a decrease in the likelihood of conception or abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Such disorders of spermatogenesis are called asthenoteratozoospermia.
  • As mentioned above, the disease does not give itself away. Such a diagnosis can be made to a man only if he consults a doctor with manifestations of other diseases that caused asthenoteratozoospermia. Another option for identifying such a disease may be unsuccessful attempts to have a baby.

In all of the above cases, in order to make a diagnosis of asthenoteratozoospermia, the patient will need to undergo a series of tests, of which a spermogram will be mandatory. Only this study is able to reveal the concentration of spermatozoa in the seed.

As a rule, after the first analysis, the spermogram is assigned to the patient again in two weeks. This is done in order to confirm the fears of doctors and to exclude random factors that may have influenced the poor result of the previous study.

Before undergoing a spermogram, a man will need to adhere to a certain regimen and refrain from certain things:

  1. Abstinence from sexual intercourse three to five days prior to analysis
  2. Avoidance mechanical damage genital organs and their overheating
  3. Exclusion of alcohol, smoking and other factors that negatively affect the state of spermatozoa
  4. Avoiding overwork and excessive exercise

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe other tests required to identify the causes of the disease (urine and blood tests (detailed, for sugar, for hormones), ultrasound abdominal cavity and small pelvis, examination of the scrotum and prostate, computed and magnetic resonance imaging).

As such, asthenoteratozoospermia does not require special treatment. It is necessary, first of all, to prescribe the treatment of those diseases that provoked it.

Asthenoteratozoospermia: treatment. Drugs for the treatment of asthenoteratozoospermia

Spermogram - the only way studies of the state of the ejaculate

Treatment of asthenoteratozoospermia has two directions. The first implies the exclusion of all factors that can provoke this disease.
The second one is for healing. chronic diseases and improved sperm health.

The following set of activities can be attributed to the first direction:

  • Getting rid of bad habits
  • Proper nutrition
  • Doing sports without heavy loads and pressure on the genitals
  • Regular sex life with one partner
  • Refrain from overheating and frostbite
  • Wearing comfortable underwear made from natural materials

Sometimes only such changes in a man's life are enough for a successful conception.

The second direction of treatment can be based on such manipulations:

  • If chronic infections of the genital tract have become the cause of asthenoteratozoospermia, then, if necessary, treatment is prescribed to both partners. This treatment usually consists of a course of antibiotics.
  • In order to protect other organs from the effects of antibacterial drugs, in parallel they are prescribed immunomodulating (Immunal, Cycloferon), anti-inflammatory (Indomethacin in suppositories) agents, enzymes (Mezim, Enzistal), prebiotics and multivitamins. During the treatment period, it is better for partners to refrain from sexual intercourse or use condoms during sex.
  • Taking hormonal drugs to restore the hormonal background of a man, as well as to activate sperm production
  • The use of general strengthening and stimulating blood circulation drugs (zinc, vitamin E, folic acid). Quite often, in the treatment of asthenoteratozoospermia, El-carnitine is prescribed, which tones and strengthens the male body, the drug
  • Although in recent times many doctors began to doubt the effectiveness of this remedy, no harm was recorded from its use. In addition, it has a rather positive effect on the general condition of the body. Also, some andrologists may advise taking such active dietary supplements like Spermactin and Tribestan
  • Surgical intervention. Such therapy is used in cases where there is some obstacle in the form of a scar, adhesion or constriction for the production of spermatozoa.

Asthenoteratozoospermia: is it possible to get pregnant naturally?

The probability of getting pregnant naturally with asthenoteratozoospermia directly depends on its degree. The higher the degree, the less chance of natural fertilization.

However, do not despair - sometimes only a change in a man's lifestyle causes dramatic improvements in spermogram parameters. That's why it's worth starting small.

If a large amount of fast sperm, but with multiple deformities, it is better to refuse conception until more suitable results.

  • After all, such spermatozoa are able to fertilize the egg, but can lead to the development of an unhealthy fetus with abnormalities.
  • In case the treatment does not give the desired results, the doctor may suggest married couple fertilization by IVF or ICSI. With these methods, for conception, you will need a minimum number of healthy and active spermatozoa.
  • However, world practice knows cases when both partners with diagnoses of "infertility", thanks to strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations, managed to conceive and bear absolutely healthy children. Therefore, you should never despair - there is always a way out.

Treatment of asthenoteratozoospermia with folk remedies

  • Ginseng ranks first in the hit parade of traditional medicine. We grind one hundred grams of fresh ginseng root in a blender or in a meat grinder and pour it into a liter of May honey. We put the jar in a dark place for a month. We eat the finished infusion in a teaspoon three times a day. We insist dried or fresh ginseng root in half a liter of vodka for a month in a dark place. We drink four tablespoons of tincture three times a day. You can also take the root of this plant in dried form in the form of a powder of 0.3 g four times a day. Duration of admission is a month
  • Plantain can be used as a decoction or infusion: Pour a tablespoon of dry plantain leaves into a glass of boiled water and let them brew for an hour. We drink an infusion of 50 ml four times a day. Three tablespoons of plantain seeds fall asleep in 750 ml of boiling water and put on water bath for five minutes. The decoction is taken inside 250 ml
  • Tribulus. Pour a tablespoon of tributaries in 200 ml of boiled water and put in a water bath. We stand the broth for a couple of about thirty minutes and filter it. We drink a decoction of 60 ml three times a day
  • Sage. Pour one tablespoon of dry sage into a cup of boiled water and insist until it cools completely. After cooling, filter the infusion and take one third of a cup three times a day before meals.
  • Adonis. Pour a tablespoon of adonis into 250 ml of boiling water and insist in a thermos for a couple of hours. We filter the infusion and divide the amount received by three times a day.
  • Adam's root. Pour two tablespoons of crushed Adam's root into a glass of boiling water. We insist and take the resulting infusion three times a day
  • Ramishia. Three tablespoons of ramishia are poured into half a liter of boiling water and insisted in heat for about eight hours. We stretch the entire infusion into three doses per day.
  • Sagebrush. Pour one tablespoon of wormwood seeds into a glass of boiled water and insist them. We filter the infusion and take it inside
  • Red Rose. Petals of red and burgundy roses can be consumed as jam or tea
  • Mummy. In a glass of carrot, sea buckthorn or blueberry juice, add 0.2 g of mummy and take it on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. Also, mummy can be taken with honey or chicken yolks.

However, no matter how much touted and miraculous folk remedy the fight against asthenoteratozoospermia, it is better to coordinate its intake with a doctor. Only a doctor can determine whether such a medicine is appropriate in this case.

The same men who have been diagnosed with asthenoteratozoospermia can be wished for patience and perseverance. After all, only by adhering to all the instructions of the doctor and observing a certain regimen, you can overcome this disease.

Video: Asthenoteratozoospermia and pregnancy

Asthenoteratozoospermia, what is it? Such a common term in reproduction has Greek roots and is formed from several parts. "Asteno-" means weakness, lethargy, "terato-" means ugliness, monstrosity. "Zoo-" characterizes the living, and, finally, "sperm" indicates the seed, sperm.

Accordingly, the answer to the question of asthenoteratozoospermia, what it is, asks for itself. Under asthenoteratozoospermia in medical practice understand the fundamental breach motor function and morphological characteristics spermatozoa of a mature male. This is a violation of spermatogenesis. The condition under consideration is relatively rare, 1 man per 10,000 people suffers. What should you know about asthenoteratozoospermia?

We are talking about a complex, systemic violation of the reproductive characteristics of germ cells, since not only their lethargy is observed, but also a defective structure. In practice, this means that with a high degree of probability several factors are “involved” at once. Consider what causes of asthenozoospermia can be called.

First of all, these are infectious and viral diseases of a generalized nature. According to the latest medical research The greatest danger to the representatives of the stronger sex is the so-called mumps (mumps). Outside of therapy, this ailment provokes orchitis and severe damage to the testicles. The result is already clear - a violation of spermatogenesis and the formation of defective germ cells.

Traumatic damage to the testicles entails a temporary acquired pathological condition. With proper treatment, the functions and composition of sperm are restored to normal indicators(this happens, on average, 3 months after the injury).

Hyperthermia. Normal spermatogenesis is possible only if the temperature of the testicles does not exceed 34.5 degrees Celsius. Visiting baths, saunas, taking hot baths, wearing tight synthetic underwear, all these are factors in the development of asthenoteratozoospermia in a severe stage. However, as with trauma, we are talking about transient disorder reproductive function.

Abnormal development of the testicles, as a rule, is congenital. The most dangerous disease is cryptorchidism - a condition when the testicles cannot exit the retroperitoneal space into the scrotum. With a 50-60% probability, even a unilateral lesion of the testicles entails a persistent violation of fertility. Additionally, among the anomalies in the development of the testicles, hypoplasia (underdevelopment), anorchism (lack of testicles) and others are called.

Endocrine pathologies. The most frequently talked about are:

  • an excess of male sex hormones (excessive production of androgens);
  • diabetes mellitus in the decompensation phase, if no treatment was prescribed or the patient receives incorrect and ineffective therapy;
  • hypothyroidism, this is an insufficiency in the work of the thyroid gland;
  • the presence in the blood of an increased concentration of the hormone prolactin due to diseases of the pituitary gland (usually talking about tumors of the chiasmal-sellar region);
  • excessive concentration of estrogen.

Radiation effects on the body of a representative of the stronger sex. Due to frequent X-ray studies, holding radiotherapy, service on submarines, work at nuclear power plants. Intoxication damage to the body of a chronic nature. Lead, ethyl alcohol, silicates, etc.

Sexually transmitted diseases. In other words - venereal infections.
Physical inactivity. Lack of movement. Hyperdynamia, which entails a decrease in the concentration of testosterone. Wrong menu. Alimentary cause plays an important role.

As a rule, there is whole complex pathological causes, therefore, one can rightfully call asthenoteratozoospermia a polyetiological and multifactorial condition. The pathology under consideration is never primary. It is always secondary to one disease or another. Most often, the "culprits" are prostatitis, infectious and viral diseases.


As a rule, no symptoms of asthenoteratozoospermia appear at all. Main outward sign- this is the inability to conceive a full-fledged child for a long time. What are the cases of infertility? A combination of three factors is important:

  • The frequency of sexual intercourse is at least once a month.
  • The absence of problems with the reproductive system of the spouse.
  • Duration of attempts - from six months or more.

However, even if the situation corresponds to all the above signs, we are not talking about asthenoteratozoospermia. It can only be revealed through objective research. The very first examination that a representative of the stronger sex must undergo is a spermogram.


Medical practice developed in 2010 World Organization Health, knows about the three degrees of severity of asthenoteratozoospermia:

  • First degree. When the number of healthy and full-fledged germ cells is half or more of all cytological units.
  • Second degree. In this case, we are talking about the range from 31 to 50% of healthy cytological units.
  • Finally, they speak of the third stage in the situation when the number of spermatozoa capable of fertilization does not exceed 30%. This condition occurs most often, because patients turn to the doctor due to their own inattention too late.

The severity of the process can only be determined by means of a spermogram.


Asthenoteratozoospermia can be diagnosed by an andrologist or reproductologist. It is they who should be contacted in the first place if there are suspicions of problems in the sexual sphere. On the initial appointment the doctor interrogates the patient, determines the nature and extent of complaints, their prescription. It is important to tell everything accurately and not forget the details. Additionally, an anamnesis is collected. A huge diagnostic role is played by such factors as injuries, infectious and inflammatory diseases, etc.

The spermogram puts an end to the question. According to the same medical practice, a healthy seed must meet the following criteria:

  • The volume of seminal fluid should be at least 1 milliliter or more (about a full teaspoon).
  • The number of cytological units is 30-45 million.
  • The concentration of germ cells per milliliter of seminal fluid is about 10-16 million units.
  • The number of active germ cells is about 60%.
  • Acidity no more and no less than 7.
  • Leukocytes are normal - single.
  • The number of defective cells is no more than 1-2%.

It is important that you need to donate sperm for analysis according to certain rules. What are the recommendations?

  • Prior to the start of the study, 4-5 days should have given up sexual contact. Otherwise, the result will be false.
  • Overheating of the testicles must be excluded in a few days, otherwise spermatogenesis will be disturbed.
  • Alcohol is excluded for a week. Ethyl alcohol negatively affects sperm.
  • Stress and physical overload should be avoided.


AT without fail appointed drug treatment as well as diet. Among drugs, preference is given to pharmaceuticals to eliminate the primary pathology that caused such a difficult condition. These are anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antibacterial drugs and other medicines. Specific names are selected by a specialist, based on the severity of the underlying disease.

Importance is also given to the right way life:

  • Smoking is excluded.
  • Do not drink alcohol, even in minimum quantities. Ethanol is the enemy of a healthy reproductive system.
  • It is important to keep optimal physical activity but don't overwork.
  • The diet should contain as many nuts, seafood, vegetables, fruits as possible.
  • No canned food, semi-finished products, fried, smoked, fatty foods.
  • Wear comfortable, loose cotton underwear.
  • Additionally, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed to maintain the health of the reproductive system as a whole.


Asthenoteratozoospermia, what it is and how to treat, we have already figured it out. However, one more question remains. Both the men themselves and their spouse are interested in the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant naturally with asthenoteratozoospermia. The answer will be ambivalent.

On the one hand in current state when the sperm count is low, the chance of conception is minimal. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the degree of violations is always different. At the first stage, conception is quite possible. It should be remembered that teratozoospermia, which is part of the structure of the described disease, is fraught with the development of a defective embryo. The result is a spontaneous abortion, severe course gestation and the likelihood of having an unhealthy child (with genetic mutations).

On the other hand, one can always pass complex treatment and normalize the composition and structure of seminal fluid. This is not easy and requires a whole range of actions on the part of the stronger sex.

Asthenoteratozoospermia - complex disease requiring urgent correction. You can't do without the help of a doctor. If there is a violation of fertility, it is worth contacting a specialist. Perhaps it is the state in question that is to blame. Fortunately, it is corrected by modern methods, although a lot of effort will be required from a man.



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