Say no to bad habits. Class hour on the topic: Class hour "Say no to bad habits!"

Habits are actions that a person repeats regularly. They determine our life, shape the way of life and personality of a person. Research scientists show that an action becomes a habit when it is repeated 21 days in a row.

Are all habits good?

Habits are good and bad. Useful improve health, help to achieve success. These include sports, proper nutrition, Reading books. Bad habits destroy a person's life. They call serious illness, make the character weak. The most common and dangerous are:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • addiction.


Smoking is the inhalation of tobacco smoke, which contains toxic substances. The smoker clogs his lungs, constantly coughing. It's hard for him to play sports. Smoking has a detrimental effect on the brain and nervous system. Smoking also spoils the appearance: the teeth become yellow, the hair becomes brittle, the skin becomes painful.

In most civilized countries there is active struggle with smoking.

The main danger is that A smoker harms not only himself, but also those around him. Therefore, you need to move away from people who smoke cigarettes, and do not inhale tobacco smoke. Parents smoking next to their child not only serve him bad example but are also detrimental to his health.


Alcohol is a poison that destroys all human organs. It is highly addictive, and getting rid of this addiction is very difficult. Due to alcoholic beverages, the liver, blood vessels, heart, and brain suffer. Every year, millions of people die due to diseases that are caused by alcohol.

Teenage alcoholism is especially dangerous: alcohol affects the child's psyche and development in general.

Drinking alcohol destroys not only a person's health, but also his connection with society. Alcoholics lose their jobs. Under the influence of this poison, they behave inappropriately. Their families are suffering. Able alcohol intoxication people commit crimes are responsible for road accidents.


Everyone knows about the dangers of drugs, but still the number of drug addicts in Russia is only growing. Some try drugs out of interest, they think that nothing will happen from one time. But these substances instantly take possession of the human mind. His nervous system is destroyed, his memory suffers. The work of all organs worsens, the risk of contracting serious diseases increases.

The addict experiences "withdrawal": his whole body hurts when he quits drugs. He doesn't need anything else in his life. The only purpose for which he lives is drugs. Such people cease to exist as individuals.

Hundreds of thousands of people die each year from drugs worldwide.

Bad habits of parents

Parents must submit correct example to my children. The child often imitates his parents. He sees how they behave, and considers it right. Therefore, in families where someone smokes or drinks, children are also prone to bad habits. And vice versa, if the father and mother go in for sports, then the child will do exercises in the morning and ride a bicycle.

Fight bad habits

To fight with addictions can be different.

  1. Remember, anyone who offers you drugs, cigarettes or alcohol is your enemy! You can be "taken weakly", but by your refusal, on the contrary, you will show strength and firmness of character.
  2. A healthy lifestyle is one of the foundations of life safety. It is important for both physical and psychological state organism. Successful people go in for physical education and sports!
  3. Instill in children a love for physical activity You can, if you arrange more sporting events for them.
  4. Schoolchildren will benefit from frequent conversations about a healthy lifestyle in life safety lessons. For example, you can make presentations in which students will talk about their good and bad habits.
  5. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to spread messages about the dangers of bad habits on television and the Internet.

Popularity healthy lifestyle life is not random. Most parents care about the health and future of their children.

You can enjoy life without alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. A healthy lifestyle is available to everyone!

Regional state budgetary educational institution

"Special educational institution for students

with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior "Uralskoye Compound"

(KGBOUSUVU "Ural Compound")





Zobnina Alevtina Ivanovna

Perm, 2017

An hour of communication “Say NO to bad habits!!!”

Sow an act and you reap a habit

Sow a habit and you reap a character

Sow character and you will reap destiny."

W. Thackeray - English writer


Explain the role of bad habits in Everyday life and consider their impact on man and his environment.

Encourage students to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Lesson progress

Hello guys and dear teachers. Today we will talk about bad habits, consider their impact on the human body.

There are many different habits. A student from school came, scattered things all over the room, scattered textbooks and notebooks on the table. Parents are upset: “Our son bad habit. He does not put his things in place, he scatters everything, sloppy.

The girl is used to biting a pencil or her nails. Again, bad. With dirt, you can also bring microbes into your mouth, put your health at risk, and it’s ugly.

What bad habits do you know? (Students' answers)


  1. Gambling addiction or gambling addiction

    TV addiction

    internet addiction


    Nail biting habit


    The habit of chewing on a pencil or pen

    The habit of spitting on the floor

    The use of obscene expressions

    The habit of being jealous of others

    underestimate yourself

    The habit of imitating someone

    extreme talkativeness

    Laziness and carelessness

Now let's watch a video about bad habits. (Watch video).

Smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction cause serious harm to human health. Now we will calculate how bad habits affect the family budget.

So, is this beneficial for the family? bad habit. How much does your dad smoke a day? (children's answers)

Take, for example, 1 pack. Now let's determine the cost of cigarettes - we take average cost 1 pack will be 70 rubles. We consider: 70 rubles * 3 days = 2100 rubles per month. We multiply 2100 rubles by 12 months and = 25200 rubles per year.

What can the money be spent on? (answers of pupils). You can go somewhere. Buy a bike, skates, skis, find new friends. And you can buy various games and play free time in the circle of friends for the game.

Now we will move on to the game part "Say no to bad habits", the first task "scanword" in which you have to find bad habits. I will make a small hint, there are only 7 of them.

The second stage of the game is a quiz What do I know about bad habits? The rules are very simple. Now you will receive the question numbers (team representatives pull out cards with numbers). There are 4 topics in the quiz, each with 6 questions. Your task is to answer the question correctly.

Theme 1: "Drop the cigarette"

1) When hit in large quantities convulsions begin in the human body of this poison contained in tobacco. (Nicotine)

2) Why is it harder for smokers than non-smokers to learn a poem? (Smokers lose their memory)

3) What happens to a person's teeth when smoking and when exposed to what substances? ( under the influence of adhesive resins, human teeth turn yellow)

4) When smoking, part of the hemoglobin in the blood combines with this poisonous gas? Name it? ( Carbon monoxide)

5) What is second hand smoke? (Stay in a smoky room.

No less harmful than smoking itself!)

Additional questions:

    By how many minutes does a smoker's life shorten after each cigarette smoked? (for 15 minutes)

    What diseases can be caused by smoking? ( stroke, heart disease, cataract, rheumatoid arthritis, lung disease, etc.)

Topic 2: " Take care of your body!

1) These two bad habits negatively affect the work of the heart. (Smoking and drinking)

2) What are the benefits for the heart physical exercises? (strengthens the heart muscle)

3) What first aid should be provided when venous bleeding?

(impose pressure bandage)

4) After what action is there a narrowing blood vessels for 30 minutes?

5) How many liters of tobacco tar passes in 10 years through Airways smoker? (8 liters)

Additional questions:

    What threatens smoking to a young growing organism? ( Leads to stunting, emaciation and cell death)

Topic 3: “Alcohol is poison!”

1) What disease of the stomach occurs when drinking alcohol? ( gastritis, ulcers and stomach cancer)

2) Can a teenager become an alcoholic from drinking beer? ( Yes)

3) What harm does a drinking pregnant woman do to her unborn child? ( alcohol can lead to physical deformities and cause mental disorders of the child)

4) What effect does alcohol have on adolescent vision? ( severe defeat optic nerves leading to vision loss).

5) What cells are most sensitive to alcohol? (nnerve cells of the brain)

Additional questions:

    Why can't some people give up alcohol? ( alcohol is addictive like a drug

Topic 4: "Drugs - white death!"

1) The use of non-sterile syringes by drug addicts contributes to the spread of this incurable disease. Name it. ( AIDS)

2) What impact do drugs have on health? (violation of the activity of all organs and systems human body, personality degradation)

3) What are social consequences addiction? (family breakdown, crime increase)

4) Why is even a single drug use dangerous? (there is a strongpsychological dependence and the body's need for drugs)

5) How does drug use affect offspring? (to drug addict parents, children are born with various mental and physical disabilities, and subsequently lag behind in mental and physical development from their peers)

Additional questions:

    What does drug use entail? (mental disorders, damage to all systems and organs, HIV and AIDS, problems in the family, legal violations)

    What is the behavior of an addict after taking the drug? ( the person becomes lethargic and lethargic)

    What happens to the immune system of a person with AIDS? (with AIDS the immune system suppressed and loses the ability to resist infections)

Third stage "Picture the proverb". Several team members are invited to portray the saying so that other members understand it (team representatives get one saying out of 6, the option is to facilitate the task of sayings can be shown to all teams).

    After the first drink, the drunk looks like a peacock, after the second - like a monkey, and then turns into a pig;

    Kiss smoking woman it's like kissing an urn;

    The husband drinks - half the house is on fire, the wife drinks - the whole house is on fire;

    Wine goes in - mind goes out;

    I fell in love with tobacco - ahead of cancer;

    AT healthy body- a healthy mind.

Fourth stage task "Vices and virtues". A person should be able to oppose bad qualities, thoughts and deeds. I suggest you do it on paper. You get sheets on which vices are listed, and antipodes - that is, words that are opposite in meaning, you pick up yourself and enter in the next column. For example: evil-good. Attention! The winner is not the one who does the fastest, but the one who does it right. Students are given a worksheet

original word

Antipode word

original word

Antipode word







Healthy lifestyle



























Moderation in food

Fifth stage of our game " healthy body" . All students are given a “broken” heart and head. You must collect from the "fragments" the heart and head of a person leading a healthy lifestyle.

In conclusion, you have to complete the task "Backpack". Going on a journey called life is what you want to take with you. Consult in a group, write and fix on the board. I'll take your health with your permission. ( Possible options: health, family, friends, knowledge, culture, etc.)

Our meeting has come to an end. What sparked your interest? What would you like to talk about next time?

Each of us understands that health is more important than any achievements, more important than work, money, because a sick person will not be able to enjoy what he has. Almost all people know about the benefits and virtues of a healthy lifestyle, but for some reason they are limited only to short-term diet, only with the onset of spring they think about the gym, and a visit to the doctor occurs only when something is already seriously hurting. Many articles in magazines, newspapers, and Internet resources call for taking care of your health, however, not everyone listens and even takes it for unnecessary teachings. To agree that bad habits ruin our health is not enough, you need to understand why you should get rid of them. We will help you with this.

1. Longevity. Remember any words of congratulations that you heard in your address or wished someone: “Long life!” It's not by chance, is it? Even those of our idols, the stars who talk about fearlessness before death, also, like each of us, do not want to say goodbye to life ahead of time. Could it be happier life, the one when we live to old age, we will babysit our grandchildren, telling them fairy tales and real stories from our lives when we can pass on our wisdom and experience to them years. How many talented people did not have time to do what they dreamed about, what they built and planned all their lives. And often the cause of a broken life. Premature withdrawal from it are drugs and a sea of ​​alcohol. These are not opportunities for the rich and famous, these are poisons that they often confuse with rewards for work.

2. Considered actions and a bright mind. Sometimes those people who have fun and indulge feel safe, think they are not in danger, but even a small mistake can be fatal and lead to disastrous consequences. Crime, junk, venereal diseases- only a small part of the most common misfortunes that happen to those who are addicted to bad habits.

3. The right way in life. Have you ever wondered why, when accepting a person for a high position, he is asked about the presence of bad habits? This question is asked in order to exclude any possible harmful effects of drugs or alcohol on a person who will be at the top of a career. An alcoholic or narcotic poison destroys both the body and the brain, and it is clear to everyone that a person with a poisoned body cannot develop itself.

4. Enjoy life. Few are aware that such bad habits as drugs and alcohol bring pleasure only at first, and then become a necessity, a way to get rid of withdrawal symptoms and a hangover. A person who was constantly under the influence of drugs cannot independently return to normal life and communicate with relatives, this goes even deeper into depression.

5. Comprehensive human beauty. Looking in the mirror, I want to see in front of me a beautiful and successful person. Who will be pleased to see their yellow teeth, round belly, wrinkled face, puffiness under the eyes… To save beautiful body and healthy spirit need regular visits to the gym and fitness.

6. Our children are the meaning of life. At healthy men and women are born healthy, smart and beautiful children. If you want your children to lead a healthy lifestyle, show them your example.

7. Material and spiritual wealth. Think about how much money is spent on cigarettes, beer, etc. Without a bad habit, in a few years it would be possible to save up for a decent car. Not to mention the gym or movie tickets - it's much easier than buying cigarettes every day and ruining your health.

8. Health for the second half. It's nice to see a loved one nearby without bad habits, healthy and beautiful. But you can find such a person only by meeting all the criteria yourself. happy and healthy couple not only enjoys each other's presence, but has a regular safe sex which makes the relationship full and harmonious.

9. Correct. A man is what he eats, everyone knows this. Therefore, according to the regime - one of the principles healthy life. The key to a long and healthy life is food without harmful additives, carcinogens. Your body will retain its youth and strength until old age, thanks to proper nutrition.

10. Mom, dad, me - healthy family! Let good example in your family will be contagious. Choose for yourself healthy style life, it will encourage your relatives to do the same. Play together with the whole family in the fresh air, go to gym, eat right - this is the key to a happy and healthy family.

Everyone builds his own life as he sees fit and no one can force us to be a happy centenarian. But if we want to enjoy every day we live, healthy children, we need to do a little - get rid of harmful bad habits, review our diet and go in for sports.

MOU "Zarechensk basic comprehensive school"

Prepared and conducted by the class teacher Borodina O. L.

2015 – 2016 academic year year


Target: to develop in adolescents a conscious rejection of bad habits as a way of influencing their personality.
Tasks: to cultivate self-respect, self-esteem, confidence that a healthy lifestyle makes a person free and independent, gives him the strength to make an informed choice in everything;
strengthen feelings of friendship;
(On the desk) " It is necessary that the mind be sound in a healthy body. ”(Juvenal)

Teacher's word:
"Hello!" we say when we meet each other, wishing, first of all, health, and only then everything else. Health is priceless wealth. We can buy a new suit, a new dress, but no amount of money can buy health. It is very important to remember and take care of it. Very often, bad habits live next to a person: these are malnutrition, wrong image life, smoking, alcohol, drugs. As the Roman poet Juvenal said: "It is necessary that the mind be sound in a healthy body."
Today's educational hour will be dedicated to this topic.

“Say no to bad habits, yes to health.

We sat around today. Why do you think? (there is no leading figure in the circle, everyone is equal)

We all follow these rules today.
I suggest that you start by having each of you in turn introduce yourself and name your best quality.
Example: Hope is good.
Of course, in each of us there is a lot of good! Often we ourselves do not realize what we are capable of, what we really stand for .... So why do so many of us so often go in the other direction? And others, with indifference, look, thinking that this will never affect them?
Today we will try to understand the reasons and find a way out of many difficult situations.

Answer the question: Are people who try drugs, nicotine, alcohol special or the same as us?

Demonstration of a sweet film

Let's try to understand the reasons that push a person to drugs:
- Out of curiosity. Each person in life should have a goal, each of us should strive for something.

I want to tell you one story:
One swimmer decided to swim across the most stormy river to get into the Guinness Book of Records. No one has ever accomplished such a feat. The swim was scheduled for a certain date, journalists gathered. A heavy fog descended on the ground, but it was impossible to postpone the event. And so the girl took off. A safety boat was sailing nearby. She tried her best, but when she reached the middle, she signaled to pull her out.
The next day, the athlete easily overcame a stormy river, to the surprise of everyone. And the first question that journalists asked her was why she didn’t have enough strength yesterday? To which the girl replied - "I did not see the goal."
And, after all, indeed, living aimlessly, a person cannot achieve anything, he does not even know in which direction to move.
I invite you to choose from a list of human aspirations five that are important to you.
What do people strive for in life?
A good education.
Good job and career.
Happy family.
Fame, glory.
Money, wealth.
Achievements in art, music, sports.
Respect and admiration of others.
Good health.
Self-confidence and self-respect.
good food.
beautiful clothes, Jewelry.
Power and position.
Good house, flat.
Preservation of life and nature on earth.
Happiness of loved ones.
welfare of the state.

Do not forget that having a goal ahead, you will move in the right direction.
- From loneliness
Let's try to find out: Is loneliness good or bad?
After all, it is not always possible to fall into a depressed state from loneliness.
The ability to understand yourself, your feelings, thoughts.
Opportunity to learn from your mistakes.
Opportunity to gain new experience.
The possibility of revealing certain inclinations.
Possibility of self-development.
Opportunity for creativity.
What can we conclude from this? It depends on us how we perceive loneliness. How we use this time: for self-development or self-destruction.

- in protest . To release stress and anger.

Very often in our life there are conflicts, including with parents, and with teachers, and with loved ones. Destroying yourself in protest is just stupid, you can think of a lot of other opportunities to express your indignation.
I suggest that everyone break up into four people.

Game EXIT. The task for each group is to find a way out of this situation:
1. The girl broke up with the guy. She is hurt, hurt, lonely. How can you get rid of these feelings?
2 Dima quarreled with the teacher, he is all on his nerves. How can he relax?
Listen to music.
go breathe fresh air. Life is beautiful all around!
Take a bath, shower, water relaxes.
Make noise, shout.
Cry, it helps, but not more than 10 minutes.
Read, watch TV - switch attention.
Deep breath, exhale. Count up to 30 mentally.
Try not to think about anything for 20-30 seconds.
Go in for sports (download the press), a great way out for anger.
Engage in creativity (write, draw, embroider, etc.)
Look into the depths of yourself, realize your guilt.
Contact a psychologist, parents, or any older person you trust. After all, adults have already gone through this.
Reach out to friends for support.
Answer mentally the following questions:

What I feel now (anger) - Because of what? (he offended me) - what did I feel then? (resentment, pain) - Why did it hurt me? (he is not indifferent to me) - Why? (he is smart, gentle, etc.) - Is he dear to me? (yes) - What should I be for him to love me?
Questions can be tailored to suit each situation. The important thing is that by answering them, you analyze the conflict, force yourself to think and, as a result, come to the right decision.
- Influence of friends or authority figures .

"Say NO" Game
Let's try to say "no" in practice.
Calculate on the 1st - 2nd
The work is done in pairs. One of the students offers to try to smoke a cigarette, the other refuses. Refusal should be tactful, but firm. Then the students in pairs switch roles. The time allotted for pair work is 5 minutes.

Opt-out options:
“Thanks, no. I know it’s dangerous for me.”
“Thanks, no. I already tried it and didn’t like it.”
“Thanks, no. I don’t want conflicts with parents, teachers”
“Thanks, no. It’s not my style.”
“Thanks, no. I need to go to practice”
“Thank you, no. If I do that, I will lose control of myself.”
Don't hesitate to say "No"!
After completing the exercise, two questions should be discussed:
- How did the participants in the roles feel?
Is it easy to pick up decent rejections?

And in conclusion, I want to tell you one more interesting story:
Butterfly parable.
In ancient times, there lived a wise man, to whom people came for advice. He helped everyone, people trusted him and respected his age very much, life experience and wisdom. And then one day one envious person decided to disgrace the sage in the presence of many people. The envious and sly man came up with a whole plan on how to do this: “I will catch a butterfly and bring it to the sage in my closed palms, then I will ask him what he thinks is the butterfly in my hands alive or dead. If the sage says that it is alive, I will close my palms tightly "I will crush the butterfly and, opening my hands, I will say that our great sage was mistaken. If the sage says that the butterfly is dead, I will open my palms, the butterfly will fly out alive and unharmed and say that our great sage was mistaken." and went to the sage.When he asked the sage what kind of butterfly he had in his hands, the sage replied: "Everything is in your hands."
So each person, having made his choice, determines his own destiny.
So our educational hour has come to an end, and I would like to know:
What new did you discover today? What did you like? (children's answers)

Guys, let's not be slaves to bad habits! Let's love ourselves and say "No" to bad habits! Our advice: “Never smoke! Never drink! Never try drugs!"

Be healthy and happy!

Class hour "Say NO to bad habits"

Preparatory stage:

For a week, the students were announced the topic of the class hour, they were given tasks to pick up proverbs and sayings about bad habits, about a healthy lifestyle, and compose a quatrain on the topic. Classroom teacher invited the children, with the help of their parents, to depict a proverb or saying they liked in a picture, to photograph warnings about the prohibition of smoking and drinking alcohol in in public places.

Equipment: interactive complex or multimedia projector, PowerPoint 2007, scanner, digital camera.

Lesson objectives:

    build knowledge about harmful effects tobacco smoke and alcohol on the human body;

    promotion of healthy lifestyles;

    lead students to develop a moral position in relation to bad habits;

    teach students how to resist negative pressure from others;

    involve students in activities to form and maintain their own health.

Lesson progress

We all know that alcohol and smoking are bad habits. However, we forget about it, we will purchase them ourselves.

The most common and extremely dangerous habit every fifth inhabitant of the planet is smoking. Many smokers view their addiction to tobacco as a "little weakness". However, they are deeply mistaken, since smoking undermines a person's health, reduces his efficiency, is the cause of many diseases, accelerates the withering of the body, brings old age and death closer. Smokers quickly get tired, irritated, have disturbed sleep, they are twice as likely to get into car accidents than non-smokers.

In the Middle Ages, tobacco use (smoking, sniffing, chewing) was prohibited by law in many countries. For tobacco use in Turkey was introduced the death penalty. In Persia, smokers had their nostrils torn out. In England, Tobacco lovers were led through the streets with a rope around their necks, and the most malicious were cut off their heads and put them on display with a smoking pipe in their mouths. In Russia, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov began the fight against smoking. In 1649, he issued a decree prohibiting smoking. Violators of this decree with sixty blows of sticks on the soles of the feet, and if this did not help, the smoker's nose and ears were cut off. Despite persecution and harsh punishments, the bad habit of using tobacco spread quickly and widely around the world. At the end of the 20th century, Europe celebrated a kind of "anniversary" - 500 years since the beginning of tobacco use. During this time, smoking has become the most dangerous and harmful human habit. Approximately 50% of modern Europeans smoke regularly. Tobacco smoking is widespread in Russia. Our country is considered the most "smoking" in the world. heavy smokers are 75% men, 27% women, 42% schoolchildren.

Another equally dangerous bad habit is alcoholism.

The word "Alcohol" in Arabic means "intoxicating".

The history of making intoxicating drinks goes back thousands of years. Alcoholic drinks were obtained from palm juice, barley, wheat, rice, millet, maize. AT ancient india they prepared the soma drink, which played a big role in the religion of the Aryans. A special version of catfish was obtained by pomace from mushrooms (fly agaric, etc.). Soma was drunk by the priests during ritual ceremonies, sacrifices, it was considered the drink of immortality. But especially wide use found grape wine in antiquity. In Greece, grapes began to be cultivated in 4000 BC. Wine was considered a gift from the gods. The patron saint of viticulture and winemaking in Greece is Dionysus, the son of Zeus. Strong since then alcoholic drinks quickly spread throughout the world. The first information about the use of alcohol in Russia dates back to the 11th century AD. Decrees of this time forbade "heinous drunkenness." The main intoxicating drinks of the Russians were mead, braga, and beer. Their strength was 10 degrees. In Russia they drank very little. Alcoholic drinks were served to the table only on major holidays in limited quantities. On weekdays, drunkenness was not consumed, and drunkenness was considered a sin and a shame.

Bad habits seriously undermine human health.

When a person smokes, more than 400 harmful substances, and the most harmful of them is the poison nicotine. If you bring a stick just moistened with nicotine to the beak of a bird, then it will die. A dog can die from half a drop of nicotine. For a person, 2-3 drops of nicotine are dangerous, as much is contained in 20 cigarettes. If a person smokes so much at a time, he can even pay with his life.

You probably already know that smoking shortens life. If a person smokes 1-9 cigarettes a day, then he shortens his life by 4-5 years, if 10-19, then by 5-6 years. Smoking is the cause of many diseases. One of them, lung cancer, is a very serious disease.

Now not only adults, but also children often smoke. Smoking strongly affects the heart, which in turn leads to fatigue, inattention, bad sleep, school failure.

Smoking also affects growth. Growth slows down, the child grows frail, weak, lethargic. Constant smoking causes a habit, i.e. it is already difficult for a person to quit smoking.

To bad habits, in addition to smoking, is even more destructive - the use of alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol belongs to drugs, since its use leads to addiction of the body, addiction, drug addiction, development various diseases, shortens life by 10-12 years.. Alcohol is a poison for all organs of our body. The greatest harm alcohol has a central nervous system by inhibiting the activity of the brain. A person can be well-mannered, and modest, even shy, and in a state of intoxication, he commits "wild" acts. He loses his vigilance, ceases to be careful, can blurt out any secret. There is even such a proverb: "What a sober man has on his mind, then a drunkard has on his tongue."

You were given the task to find proverbs and sayings about bad habits. Let's read them (the guys read proverbs and sayings, explain their meaning) For example:

1st proverb: "To know with hops - to part with honor"
How do you understand this proverb? (Drunkenness drowns out reason, conscience; a drunk can easily deceive, not keep his word)

2nd proverb: "Drink to the bottom - do not see good"
- What is this proverb about? (The drunkard loses health, friends, work, respect, others, love of loved ones)

And now let's see how the guys displayed the proverbs they liked in the drawings. (The teacher uses a scanner to display students' drawings on the screen, the guys comment on them)

A series of photographs taken in public places appears on the screen, with information about the prohibition of smoking and drinking alcohol.

Guys, do you know these photos? Where could you see them?

That's right, these photos were taken in a cinema, in a library, in a store, in transport, in a hospital .... In a word, in public places.
Why can't you smoke in public places? (Because people who are in the same room with a smoker breathe smoke)

Yes, indeed it brings great harm surrounding. When smoking, ¼ of all toxic substances enter the human body. Half, together with exhaled smoke, enter the air. And they breathe around. It turns out that non-smokers “smoke”. Therefore, they receive the same harm from tobacco smoke as smokers.

We found out that bad habits are harmful to human health. And yet, many of our friends and relatives smoke and drink alcohol. Why do they do it? Once they tried to smoke for the first time, and after the first - the second, third, and so they formed a habit. It follows that if you do not refuse the first time, then it will be more difficult, almost impossible. If you are offered alcohol or a cigarette, then your answer should be “No!”. Now we will practice how to properly refuse such offers.

Now I offer you a game that will teach you how to behave correctly. difficult situations, to defend their opinion and not succumb to the persuasion of peers.

Game "Dialogue with a friend"

On the tray are red cards with options for proposals. The student takes one and reads aloud. On the other tray are green cards with answer options. The second student takes and gives a friend a pre-prepared answer.

Offer Options

Answer options

Try beer! You will have good mood!

Not! I don't need it, I want to be healthy!

Not! Let's go for a walk with my dog!

Do you want beer? Drink up, no one will notice!

Not! I will not and I do not advise you!

Let's smoke! One cigarette won't do anything.

Not! Bad habits do not lead to good!

Let's smoke! Or are you cowardly?

Not! I have new puzzles. Let's go collect!

Let's go to smoke. Or are you weak!?

Not! I have more interesting activities!

Let's smoke! You won't get used to smoking after one cigarette.

Not! I do not want to imitate those who do not protect their health!

Not! I'm in a hurry to the chess club. If you want, come with me.

Why don't you smoke? Are you afraid your mom will scold you?

No, I will not! Come with me to the skating rink.

Not! Mom asked me to go to the store, come with me. Maybe your mom needs to buy something too.

Many people smoke in our yard, nothing happened to them. Try it too!

Not! Better let's go me to watch football. Today is the final!

Not! Better come to me. Yesterday my older brother brought new interesting computer games, let's play.

Guys, tell me, please, in whose role did you like to be more?

Now let's look at situations that can happen to each of you.

The game "Be able to refuse"

Situation one: Your older friend invites you to try beer. At the same time, he defiantly sips from the can and says how easy and simple it is, what a pleasant state the beer causes. He says that no one will know anything: the parents are at work, and the teachers are far away. How will you do it?

Situation two: In the school toilet, a high school student comes up to you and, holding out a cigarette, offers to smoke. You refuse. He starts laughing at you, saying that you are "mama's boy". What will you do?

Well done! You coped with the task, and now I am sure that in such situations you will not be at a loss, and accept the right decision!

Final part

And at the end of our lesson, we will collect the “Health Tree” with you.

I have multi-colored leaves on my table, on which many interesting and interesting things are written. useful activities, but among them there are also bad habits. (Go in for sports, eat a lot of sweets, do morning exercises, watch a lot of TV, watch clothes, temper, play computer games for a long time, spend a lot of time outdoors, smoke, wash, brush your teeth, drink alcohol, eat right, keep a daily routine, learn lessons on time, play music, draw, read books, help mom)

Each of you chooses a piece of paper you like on my table and, after reading it, decides whether to attach it to the “Health Tree” or throw it into the basket.

Children take turns going to the table to the music and, having made a choice, attach the leaves to the image of a tree. You can invite children to comment on their actions.

Well done! You are all done right choice, so we got such a bright, strong, healthy tree. Let it stay in your classroom and make you happy every day! Be healthy!



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