How to deal with bad habits. Pavlova dog and purple bracelet against bad habits

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  • helping to prevent the formation of bad habits in children;
  • the development in adolescents of a conscious rejection of bad habits as ways of influencing their personality;
  • formation in students of the need for a healthy lifestyle and responsibility for their health.

Preparatory work: A week in advance, announce to students about a class hour and a drawing competition on the theme “Say no!”

Equipment: presentation, handouts, sheets of red and green colors.

Move class hour

Main part. Guys, you all know that the most important need of every person in modern society is to strengthen and maintain health, wellness and mood, high performance, creative longevity.

Question: What factors do you think influence our health? (Children's answers)

One of the most effective and accessible means of satisfying this need is compliance healthy image life, giving up bad habits.

A habit is something we consistently repeat day after day, as opposed to our mistakes, which we learn from.

Habits can be harmful, bad, unreasonable and sometimes dangerous. The first habits take their origins from childhood. The most unpleasant thing in our life is bad habits We know. That they are bad, and often we can’t do anything about ourselves - we’re used to it!

What is a bad habit? ( guys give the concept of “bad habit”)

A bad habit is an action that is automatically repeated many times, and this action is harmful from the point of view of the public good, others or the health of the person himself who has fallen under the bondage of the bad habit.

Bad habits can be unhelpful or downright harmful. Such automatic actions occur due to weakness of will. If a person cannot show the willpower to take a progressive action, then he falls under the force of habit, which returns him to the old rut, the habitual action.

A habitual action is a habit. But, on the one hand, there are good, useful habits and manners and, on the other hand, there are bad or harmful habits.

We can name useful habits such as:

  • observe daily regime,
  • do exercises in the morning,
  • wash your hands before eating,
  • put all your things in their place,
  • brush your teeth every day
  • eat right, etc.

Proper implementation of the regime, alternating physical activity and rest are necessary. They improve performance, discipline a person, and strengthen his health.

A bad habit can be considered a disease or pathological dependence. But along with bad habits, there are unhelpful actions that cannot be considered as a disease, but which arise due to imbalance nervous system.

Bad habits include the following:

Here is just a small list of bad habits that interfere with our lives and sometimes create conflicts.

Let's characterize some of them.

Alcoholism– the most common bad habit, often turns into a serious disease, characterized by a painful addiction to alcohol (ethyl alcohol), with mental and physical dependence on it, accompanied by systematic consumption alcoholic drinks despite the negative consequences.

Question: Why is drunkenness harmful? (Children's answers: has a detrimental effect on the brain; speech becomes unclear and incomprehensible; uneven gait; waking up after taking a large dose of alcohol, a person experiences fatigue, weakness, lethargy, lack of appetite, dry mouth and increased thirst; decreased performance, etc.) Drunkenness leads to car accidents, crimes, and industrial accidents.

Addiction– chronic progressive (development of the disease with increasing symptoms) disease caused by the use of drug substances.

Different drugs cause different addictions. Some drugs are highly addictive psychologically but not physically addictive. Others, on the contrary, cause strong physical dependence. Many drugs cause both physical and psychological dependence.

There is a distinction between positive attachment - taking a drug to achieve a pleasant effect (euphoria, feeling of cheerfulness, high mood) and negative attachment - taking a drug in order to get rid of tension and feeling unwell. Physical dependence means painful and even painful sensations, painful condition during a break from constant drug use (so-called withdrawal syndrome, withdrawal). These sensations can be temporarily relieved by resuming drug use.

Smoking- inhalation of the smoke of drugs, mainly of plant origin, smoldering in the flow of inhaled air, in order to saturate the body with the active substances they contain through their sublimation and subsequent absorption in the lungs and respiratory tract.

Question. Why do people try smoking? (Children’s answers: for company, they want to seem like adults, etc.)

Gaming addiction– an alleged form of psychological addiction, manifested in an obsessive passion for video games and computer games, as well as gambling addiction – a pathological addiction to gambling consists of frequent repeated episodes of participation in gambling, which dominate a person’s life and lead to a decrease in social, professional, material and family values, such a person does not pay due attention to his responsibilities in these areas.

TV addiction. Television has become the most common way of escaping from oneself into a world of illusions. It has entered the life of almost every modern person and has become a familiar companion in his life.

According to statistics, on average, each person spends about 3 hours a day in front of the TV. This represents about half of his free time and about 9 years of everyone's lives.

Internet addiction is a mental disorder, an obsessive desire to connect to the Internet and a painful inability to disconnect from the Internet in time. Internet addiction is a widely discussed issue, but its status is still at an unofficial level

The main 6 types of Internet addiction are:

1. Obsessive web surfing - endless travel on the World Wide Web, searching for information.

2. Addiction to virtual communication and virtual dating - large volumes of correspondence, constant participation in chats, web forums, redundancy of acquaintances and friends on the Internet.

3. Gaming addiction - an obsessive passion for playing computer games over the network.

4. Obsessive financial need - online gambling, unnecessary purchases in online stores or constant participation in online auctions.

5. Addiction to watching movies via the Internet, when the patient can spend the whole day in front of the screen without stopping due to the fact that almost any movie or program can be watched online.

6. Cybersex addiction - an obsessive attraction to visiting porn sites and engaging in cybersex.

Question: Do you have any addictions: television, internet, gaming? (children's answers)

Habit of biting nails. Science still doesn't know what causes people to bite their nails. Although there are many theories trying to explain why people bite their nails: from thoughtfulness to stress. One of the most common theories is that the habit of biting nails is caused by stress. They chew to relax, they chew to help them think better, they chew when they are nervous.

Technomania. The desire to constantly update existing phones, computers, televisions and household appliances, to buy newer and more improved models. The constant need to purchase new phone models is not uncommon. As a rule, this is justified by several new functions, updated menu design, etc. The same applies to other technology. This addiction has also become a disease that leads to depression and nervous disorders if there is no financial or any other opportunity to purchase the desired thing.

Question: Which ones? bad habits do you have and how do you deal with them? ( take turns naming their bad habits)

The most important thing is to try to find the reasons for this habit.

If you have already decided to give up bad habits, under no circumstances give yourself any concessions.

Fighting bad habits is something that almost every person should do (we are all, alas, imperfect). Let's outline the basic principles of getting rid of unproductive patterns of behavior.

Wean yourself off

  • Motivate yourself
  • Organize yourself
  • Motivate others to organize you (find yourself a “shepherd”)

Wean others off

  • or wean him off altogether so that he doesn’t do this anywhere and never,
  • so that he doesn’t do something near you.

At the same time, it’s one thing to wean strangers, another thing to wean your loved ones, while weaning your children is different than weaning your parents.

After all, human health is a vital value; it consists of many interconnected components. What is possible and what is not possible to maintain your health?

Practical part. Write down your habits, both bad and good, on pieces of paper. Good habits should be written on green pieces of paper, bad habits on red pieces of paper.

Then crumple up the sheets with bad habits and throw them in the trash.

This is how we take the first step in breaking habits.

Today we learned what bad habits a person has and how to deal with them. Be careful with bad habits, they often lead to adverse consequences or are harbingers of serious illnesses.

As a result, guys, I would like to give you a healthy lifestyle scheme

Try to follow this health plan and you'll be on your way long years preserve youth and beauty. Every person should take care of their health. After all, no one can take care of you better than you.

Useful tips

Most often, bad habits begin to form in childhood, when the child copies the actions of his parents.

Therefore, we can say that in order to rid a child of bad habits, you need to start with yourself.

However, if we are talking not only about children, but also about adults, then it is worth noting that there is no clear answer to the question of how to get rid of bad habits. However, there are several universal methods.

It's never too late to give up your bad habits and start living a healthier, happier life.

Rejection of bad habits

First you should know important steps to get rid of bad habits

We are all familiar with bad habits such as smoking or alcohol, and we will talk about them in detail below. But you should also know that stubbornness, pride and shyness are also harmful and need to be worked on, especially if you suffer from serious bad habits such as smoking, gambling, and others.

How to deal with them:

1. Conquer your inner critic.

The very first thing to do is to understand that no one is perfect, and you must accept your imperfections. The critic inside you often prevents you from moving forward, making you feel guilty.

Try to make a list of those things in which you are not perfect: jealousy, envy, greed. Consider all your bad habits, such as picking your nose, grumbling, and others.

Now listen to what your inner critic. He will tell you that you are imperfect in many things, that you don’t know how to do much and will never learn anything new, will never achieve your goal, that everything is too difficult or even impossible.

It will take 5-10 minutes to listen to all this, but you need to think about it all and, when all this negativity is over, tear up your list.

2. Be prepared for a difficult and long journey.

You won't be able to get rid of bad habits overnight. Get ready for a long journey that will last at least 3 months. You will have several difficult days, but you need to persevere, and when all these days pass, you will begin to think very well about yourself, your self-esteem will increase and self-respect will appear from the fact that you were able to comply with the regime.

There is one interesting technique, the idea of ​​which is that if you really want to return to your previous regime and stop struggling with addiction, tell yourself: “Okay, I’ll do that, only tomorrow,” and when tomorrow comes, repeat to yourself again the same. You can save for several months, and during this time you can easily develop a useful habit.

3. Don't forget about rewards.

When you are in the middle of your journey of getting rid of bad habits, prepare yourself various incentives. The brain motivates various rewards. For example, you might say to yourself, “If these pants fit me, I’ll buy myself new shoes.”

4. Avoid triggers.

There are certain things that turn on the mechanisms of bad habits. Let's say if you are a shopaholic, then it is better to stay away from shopping centers, and if you like to drink often, do not go near the shelves with alcohol in the store, and also avoid bars.

You can even come up with a protective phrase for yourself that begins with “If... then...”. For example: “If I notice a bar nearby, I’ll go to the opposite side of the street” or “If I want to eat a cake, I’ll eat a couple of vegetables.”

Let your brain know what to do if a bad habit starts creeping up.

5. Avoid those who encourage you to engage in bad habits.

There are people who invite you for a smoke break, treat you to alcohol when you don’t want it, or provoke you to show aggression.

A piece of paper and a pen may help. Just list all the advantages that will appear when you stop communicating with such people.

6. Don't be shy to ask for help.

7. Be persistent and stubborn in a good way.

You shouldn’t criticize yourself after making a mistake; in the end, everyone makes mistakes. Try to prepare yourself for a fall in advance, work on yourself, improve yourself. All useful skills The things you learned earlier will not go away, they will remain in your head so that you can apply them in the future.

There is no need to give up, the main thing is to believe in yourself and understand that you are capable of much.

8. Find a foothold for yourself.

You need strong motivation that will constantly remind you why you need to get rid of a bad habit.

You can find such a point in your family, for example, or work.

9. Stick to your action plan.

Make a plan for yourself and strictly follow it to get rid of a bad habit, or at least reduce its “dose”. If we are talking about alcohol, then try to drink not 100 g of alcoholic beverage, but half, then reduce it to 30 g, and then stop drinking altogether.

10. Find a hobby that excites you.

This could be sports, creating something beautiful and useful, devoting oneself to the development of children, and so on.

* Try to learn as much as possible about your bad habit. It is important for you to know what it can lead to and how to get rid of it.

* If we're talking about about children, then, in order to rid them (or prevent the development) of bad habits, show them films and videos on the desired topic, show them what happens to smoker's lungs, with the liver of an alcoholic, or with the body and head of a drug addict. Thematic conversations with specialists (doctors, psychologists) can also help.

Bad habits and life

Here are the most bad habits you should give up:

Constant desire to snack, even when you are not hungry

Why is it dangerous:

If you can't always figure out when you're hungry and when you're not hungry, this can lead to chronic overeating and excess weight. This in turn can lead to diabetes, heart disease and other serious problems. If you frequently snack on unhealthy foods, you are also filling your body with unhealthy ingredients.

Why you should stop:

With determination, anyone can correct bad eating habits and achieve a healthier, more natural weight. Pay attention to what your body tells you when it needs food and switch to healthy snacks. This way you can lose weight and avoid energy slumps. Your weight will drop to more healthy level, and you will replace unhealthy trans fats, sugar, refined carbohydrates and extra salt for more nutrients.


Monitor your body and understand when it needs food and when it doesn’t.

Stop eating until you stop. If you feel a little full, you can finish your meal.

Eat because you are hungry, not because you are stressed, bored or sad.

Replace not healthy food to healthy: as soon as you stock up on fruits, vegetables, nuts and low-fat products from whole grains, you will start a healthy lifestyle.

Eat a snack the same way you eat lunch or dinner. Sit down at the table, eat a healthy snack on your plate and a glass of water

Read also:10 Bad Driver Habits That Kill Your Car

Bad habits as a way of life

Spending a long time on the couch in front of the TV

Why This dangerous :

The more time you spend on the couch watching TV, the less you move, increasing your chances of gaining excess weight and develop type 2 diabetes. A large-scale study of more than 9,000 people found that those who aimlessly switched TV channels for more than two hours a day ate more, including junk, high-calorie foods, and drank more sugary drinks than those who spent less time watching TV. If TV replaces your friends or old hobbies, this can also increase the risk of memory loss.

Why you should stop:

TV replacement in an active way life can help you burn more calories, become leaner and fitter, and quickly reduce your chances of developing different problems with health. You will have more deep sleep and also more energy, better mood, sharper mind and more social connections, which may even help you boost your self-confidence.


Follow the 2/30 rule: this means watching no more than two hours a day of TV and spending at least 30 minutes doing physical exercise.

Turn on the TV only when you want to watch something specific. Don't mindlessly switch channels.

Don't snack in front of the TV: you can easily eat hundreds of chips and not even realize it.

Exercise while watching: Do squats and/or push-ups while watching TV.

Try to go out more often Fresh air, and even go out of town on weekends. Meet friends, do more fun things, and stimulate your mind every day.

About bad habits

Behavior that makes you anxious, angry, or stressed

Why This dangerous :

A lifestyle that doesn't make you happy creates a cascade of stress hormones that raise your blood pressure and blood sugar, lower your immunity, and make you feel angry.

Stress was inherent in nature, as a short-term reaction to a threat, but in modern life many people suffer from chronic stress, which is extremely bad for your health. Stress can lead to overweight and overeating, which in turn leads to heart disease and diabetes.

Why you should stop:

Stress reduction techniques have been shown to lower blood sugar levels, improve immunity, reduce depression, relieve chronic pain, lower blood sugar and may protect your heart. A feeling of joy and control over your life is always worth its weight in gold.


Learn to stop stressing too much: How you react to stressful situations determines your stress level. Next time you're in stressful situation, make every effort to cope with it and not harm your health.

Learn a formal process for stress relief: among the most proven are yoga, meditation and deep breathing.

A fresh look at optimism: Pessimism is a learned behavior. Regaining your sense of hope will help you overcome stress and restore your sense of happiness in the long run.

Eat healthy and exercise: A healthy lifestyle works wonders when it comes to dealing with stressful situations.

Enjoy a relaxing hobby: calm down by completely immersing yourself in some activity - drawing, coloring, sewing, putting together puzzles, for example.

Discover the child in you: remember that inside every adult lives Small child. Stop suppressing your sense of fun and silliness and remember to enjoy the little things.

Bad habit of drinking a lot of alcohol

Why This dangerous :

If you drink a lot of alcohol, it becomes poisonous. Women who regularly drink two or more drinks per day and men who regularly drink three or more alcoholic drinks per day are exposed to increased risk liver damage and cancer development, including liver cancer and oral cavity. In addition, alcohol can lead to high blood pressure and depression. Women who are more sensitive to alcohol may also develop heart disease, brittle bones and even memory loss.

Why you should stop:

Soon after you stop drinking alcohol, your digestion will improve and you will sleep better. Your blood sugar levels will drop and stabilize, your blood pressure may drop to a healthier range, and even your brain will recover. You will have healthy liver And the cardiovascular system. And these are just the physical aspects, but besides them, positive changes can occur in your life, for example, relationships with family and friends will improve.


Stick to healthy limits: two or fewer drinks a day for men, and one for women.

Drink alcohol with meals: You'll likely drink less at the table.

Drink in moderation. Don't drink to escape your problems. Find a healthier way to overcome them.

Can't stop? Admit your addiction, talk to a doctor, and join a support group.

Talk to a nutritionist about high calorie diet to help your liver regenerate if you have problems.

Bad habit of smoking

Why This dangerous :

This is one of the most harmful habits that affects our health. Smoking causes 30% of deaths from cardiovascular diseases, 30% of deaths from cancer, of which 80-90% of all cases of lung cancer are due to smoking. In addition, smoking increases the risk of developing cancer of the mouth, throat and Bladder. This bad habit also astronomically increases your chances of heart attacks, strokes and high blood pressure. And don't forget about the problems with respiratory tract, such as bronchitis and asthma attacks.

Why you should stop:

The benefits of quitting smoking are: quick recovery health. Your lungs and cardiovascular system begin to recover within minutes of last cigarette. Within a month, your lungs will work better, you will cough less, feel more energetic and have less shortness of breath. Once you quit smoking, you will significantly reduce your risk of developing cancer or heart disease, as well as improve your sense of smell and taste and increase your stamina. You will also receive more fresh breath, youthful skin and get rid of the unpleasant smell of tobacco on your clothes.


Treat smoking as a drug addiction, and not as just a bad habit. Before you quit, be prepared for a challenging journey. You need a strategy, a support group, and a Plan B if your first methods don't work.

Ask your doctor about a drug that may help you quit smoking.

Get support: Talk to friends and family for advice.

Timing Rule: Plan to throw at quiet period your life, not when you are under a lot of stress.

Try a "nicotine freeze": use a nicotine patch or gum to help you gradually adjust to life without cigarettes or nicotine.

Remember that failure is not the end: use your failures to learn how to overcome obstacles and create a plan to solve future problems.

Bad habits and their influence: drug use

The worst thing about drug use is that it leads to both physical and mental disorders of the body. Drug addiction is more likely to lead to death than smoking or alcohol.

Why is it dangerous:

Drugs are highly addictive. They lead to insomnia, people suffer from nasal congestion, dry mucous membranes, their hands may tremble, and their pupils become so enlarged that their eyes find it very difficult to react to changes in lighting.

Why you need to stop:

The drug is a poison that destroys the human brain. A person significantly increases the risk fatal outcome from heart failure caused by drug use.

Drug addicts lose their instinct of self-preservation, so among them big number suicide attempts.


Contact specialists who can help you cope with addiction.

Talk about the problem with family and friends who can help you fight psychologically.

Bad human habits: shopaholism

This problem is also called oniomania or shopping addiction.

Why This dangerous:

Problems associated with uncontrolled spending of money may have serious consequences for good health. In a Rutgers University survey, respondents said financial stress contributed to high blood pressure, depression, insomnia, headaches, digestive problems, ulcers, excessive smoking and drinking, and weight gain or loss.

Why you should stop:

Try to refrain from unnecessary purchases. It's hard, but getting out of debt is a lot like losing weight. It takes time and it can be hard on your ego and your lifestyle, but you have to be vigilant at all times because it is very easy to fall back into old habits.

But if you succeed in your quest to control your spending, then you will control your results and your life with less stress. You'll sleep better, stop overeating, and have fewer headaches. By reining in your spending and focusing on simple joys in life, you will also be able to improve your relationships.


Learn more about how to manage your funds wisely.

Freeze your credit cards, literally. Put them in a vase, add water and put them in the freezer until you can stop using them.

Create a budget: how much money comes in per month? How much do you spend on essentials and how much frivolously? Follow along and find out what you need to cut costs.

Automate healthy monthly habits: Use online banking to move a portion of your paychecks into a savings account and set up bill payments automatically.

Set your priorities wisely: Don't shop for fun. Identify important goals and create financial plan for each of them.

Other examples of bad habits

gambling addiction

Gambling addiction is special type mental dependence, which is characterized by a pathological passion for playing slot machines.

As a rule, this habit develops in those people who do not receive proper pleasure from their life and from their place in society. Such people try to escape from the world around them. Slot machines are so addictive that a person is simply unable to disconnect from the virtual world.

Coffee mania

It's no secret that coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world, but drinking it too often (more than 3 cups a day) can lead to a bad habit. The fact is that high dose caffeine can worsen the condition of hypertensive patients, cause gastrointestinal diseases, and coffee is also harmful for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

But it is worth noting that all these problems arise when a person clearly overdoes his daily dose of caffeine.

It is also worth noting that coffee should not be consumed with alcohol, and especially not with tobacco smoke. This combination can be hard on your cardiovascular system.

Lack of sleep

Sleep is extremely important for any person, and its lack will lead to serious health problems.

Here are some symptoms of sleep deprivation:


Circles under the eyes

Slight swelling of the face

Loss of skin tone


Unreasonable irritability

Decreased concentration


Horse racing blood pressure


Loss of appetite

Stomach problems.

* If a man for a long time lacks sleep, he may develop: gastritis, hypertension and obesity.

The habit of constantly touching and picking at the skin

This habit can arise from various reasons. This may be a banal desire to have a perfect face, or it may be neurosis, or the person simply has nowhere to put his fingers.

There are girls who are ashamed even of themselves small pimple, and therefore they examine their face in detail and pick even those places that others cannot see. They want to get rid of the pimple at all costs.

But it is worth noting that this habit can lead to skin inflammation, and in some cases, inflammation occurs that cannot be cured without surgery.

Bad habits of teenagers

Rhinotillexomania or nose picking

Experts consider moderate nose picking to be normal, but there is also quite a bit severe forms this bad habit. Sometimes picking your nose too actively leads to bleeding, and it can also cause severe damage nasal mucosa.

Knuckle cracking

This habit usually develops in childhood, and over time it can harm the joints of the fingers, as the person regularly causes minor injuries. Clicking your fingers can lead to loss of mobility and even arthrosis at a young age.


There are people who cannot stop when they see new equipment, and they definitely need to buy it. This could be a new smartphone, computer, headphones or something else. This habit can lead to depression and other problems. This is especially true when a person does not have enough money for a new gadget, but at the same time he feels an urgent need to acquire a new device.

Most often, technomania occurs in teenagers and children who, when they see something new from friends or on TV, strive to acquire it as quickly as possible.

Gaming addiction in children


Introduce basic concepts - habit, bad habit;

Develop the ability to perceive the assessment of other students, give examples;

Foster a sense of responsibility for one’s actions and the ability to evaluate them;

Encourage children to think that the choice depends on you.

During the class hour, consolidate in the minds of children the concept of the harmfulness of bad habits


1) statements of outstanding people;

2) attractions for students;

3) drawings and posters of children on this topic:

- “The future and drugs are incompatible”

- “Say goodbye to smoking”

- “Choose your future: - without alcohol”

- "Drug free"

- “No tobacco”

- "Healthy lifestyle"

- “The ability to live”

4) presentations by children on the topic of the event;

5) questionnaire.

Progress of the class hour

1. Organizational part.

2. Introductory part:

Issues for discussion:

1. What is the meaning of your life?

2. Alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking - are they bad habits or a disease?

3. In your opinion, is it possible to live for your own pleasure without violating moral standards? Do you think it is worth introducing moral norms into the criminal code?

You can define the purpose of your existence in different ways, but you must have a purpose - otherwise it will not be life, but vegetation.

Today we will have a difficult conversation about treacherous enemies humanity is tobacco and alcohol. You've probably heard more than once from adults about the dangers of smoking and drinking alcohol. And I understand very well that you yourself want to understand the complex contradictions of life, learn to be critical of human words and deeds. Hence the desire to own experience check the accuracy of statements about the dangers of a cigarette and a glass of wine. Just one puff of tobacco smoke and just one sip of wine - I’ll try it, they say, what will happen... And no one thinks about it. And it's worth thinking about.

Man is a complex, secret, multifaceted world. The human heart is the container of the universe, the concentration of emotional energy and principles of attitude towards reality. The human head is an organ of creativity, created by nature in the image and likeness of the world. A person must live his life better and devote himself to this goal.

What do you think is the meaning of your life? (Students' opinions).

3. Main part:

First, we need to find out: are alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking bad habits or a disease? (Students' opinions).

1. Presentation: “Nicotine is a poison” (student)

2. Nicotine is one of the dangerous poisons plant origin

Smoking is a common habit that leads to dangerous violations health, especially for you - children.

Tobacco - annual plant, the leaves of which are raw materials for the tobacco industry. It was brought by Christopher Columbus, and at the end of the 16th century it came to Russia. Since then, this plant has been cultivated and grown to make one of the products of the slow murder of humanity.

Every 10 seconds, one person dies in the world as a result of tobacco use! Greatest harm Tobacco damages the teenage body. People who start smoking before age 25 die from lung cancer 5 times more often than those who start smoking after age 25. Lethal dose from 50 to 100 mg of nicotine. This is exactly the dose that can enter the body after smoking 20 cigarettes!


Dear friend! Be healthy person this is great happiness. Why ruin your health by depending on nicotine? Take responsibility for your future!

Memo for students:

1. For several days, analyze when and why the desire to smoke arises.

2. While smoking, ask yourself the question: does this activity bring me pleasure now?

3. Set a day to quit this bad habit.

4. Convince yourself that smoking is bad for your health.

5. Reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke daily.

6. Start exercising.

7. If you feel the urge to smoke, drink a glass of water, do an interesting activity, etc.

8. The day before your quit day, smoke twice as much more cigarettes, than usual. (The body will be oversaturated with nicotine, and you will feel harmful effects cigarettes on the body). Quitting smoking will be easier.

9. Remember: if a person smokes only 1 - 2 cigarettes a day, he is already shortening his life by 4 - 6 years.

10. Realize: nicotine is a poison that is slowly killing your talents, youth, and efficiency! (Located on the board, located on each student’s desk)

3. Presentation: “The destructive power of alcohol” (student)

4. The destructive power of alcohol on all human organs and systems.

Alcohol negatively affects not only the person who abuses this substance, but also the future generation.

Research by scientists has shown that alcoholism in adolescents is usually difficult to treat, serious illness, occurs and develops four times faster than in adults. Personality degradation also occurs much faster.

Alcoholics live 15 years less than people who do not have the habit of systematic drinking!

Research by scientists has revealed that the effects of a single drink of alcohol by a healthy person remain in the body for 2 weeks.

A blood alcohol concentration of more than 5% is considered lethal for an adult!

If a person is under the influence of alcohol for a long time, biochemical processes brains change. The body strives to support the functioning of the nervous system. In this way, a habitual state is formed in which alcohol no longer has the same effect as before. Then the brain cannot work without the support and stimulation of alcohol. And, as a result, a person becomes dependent on alcohol.

Dear children and parents! DO NOT get used to alcohol. You must realize that life is given to us by God. And we ourselves must treat it with care. And that is why you should respect and take care of your body. Parents become role models for their children from the moment they are born. So take control of your life, maintain your physical state. Accustom yourself to an active, healthy lifestyle. Think about the future because everyone healthy child this is the future of humanity as a whole.

Memo for the student:

1. Don't get used to alcohol.

2. Alcohol cannot completely relieve nervous tension, getting out of depression is only a temporary dizziness of consciousness.

3. If you are in a company where all people consider it normal to drink alcohol, remember that you are an individual, and you decide what to do.

4. Accustom yourself to sports from childhood.

5. Have the willpower to refuse offers from fellow drinkers.

6. Find yourself useful and interesting activities(dancing, singing, music, drawing).

7. Enjoy sober communication.

8. Relax during the holidays without drinking alcohol.

9. Temper yourself in advance and take care of the health of your body; from childhood, think about the future.

Remember: you are responsible for your health, for the birth of future children. (Located on the board, located on each student’s desk)

5. Presentation: “Drug addiction is a disease of the 21st century.” (Student)

6. Drug addiction is a disease that takes away life

Drug addiction is a disease resulting from the use of narcotic substances, which leads to deep destruction of the body and even death. There are two types of drug addiction: monodrug addiction (use of one drug) and polydrug addiction (use of several types of drugs at the same time). If the addict doesn't get the drug long time, he experiences withdrawal symptoms, painful sensations, which not everyone can withstand and a person can even die.

Teenagers use drugs six times more often than other age groups.

Over the past 10 years, mortality from drug use has increased 12 times, and among adolescents by 42 times!

The average life expectancy of drug addicts is 4-4.5 years after the first attempt!

Drug addiction is a source of spread of HIV infection.

70% of injection drug users are carriers of AIDS viruses


Drug addiction is a serious disease that undoubtedly leads to death. Drug addiction is emotional condition, which is characterized by:

An irresistible urge to constantly take the drug, the desire to acquire it at any cost;

Increasing the dose of the drug used depending on the body’s needs;

Mental dependence (psychological or emotional) of drug use;

Habituation is a physically necessary human need, which is characterized by:

Increased desire for further drug use against the background of improved mood;

Slight tendency to increase drug dose;

Low physical and high mental dependence.

Memo for the student:

Realize that this disease has 4 stages:

1. “I’m not a drug addict” (translation: giving up your addiction. Everyone is a drug addict, except me).

2. “I hate everyone” (translation: aggression towards everything and everyone around out of disappointment in point 1).

3. “I’m completely depressed and bored!” (Translation: depression from the realization of moving along your path to the cemetery).

4. “Yes, I am like that, but something needs to be done about it...” (translation: awareness of one’s illness and search for ways to cure it).

(located on the board, on each student’s desk)


Under any circumstances, it is necessary to refuse to "try" narcotic drugs. After all, even the first attempts can end in addiction to these toxic substances. You must clearly imagine: a drug addict is a suicide bomber, he will definitely die if he does not stop using drugs in a timely manner. And the longer a person takes drugs, the more difficult recovery becomes.

There is no need to hide your illness. There are many people around who are ready to help you: parents, teachers, doctors, older comrades. And if you find yourself in the labyrinth of drug addiction, know that there are people who can help you find your way out of it.

Consideration of situations and their discussion

Situation 1.

Mikhail came to a classmate’s birthday party, where classmates had gathered. The birthday girl's father took out champagne and began to pour a little into the glasses. Mikhail put down his glass, saying... (Give answer options).

Situation 2.

The whole class went on a camping trip. We reached the place, set up camp, and the girls began to prepare lunch. Sergei, Zhenya and Vitya approached Andrey. “Come with us,” said Vitya and showed that he had something hidden under his jacket. Andrey did not immediately see a bottle of wine. “No,” he said, ... (Give answer options).

What motivates young people to do such terrible things? (Students' opinions.)

4. Summing up

1) Let's think about it, children!

Every student should know that nicotine, alcohol, and drugs are poisons that destroy a person, destroying his health, weakening his will, and depriving him of his life and moral values.

So, you have learned about the harm that the body and psyche experience from using tobacco, alcohol and drugs. Think about what the future holds for you if you smoke, drink, or use drugs. You need to respect your body and respect the health of others, because the bad habits of one person negatively affect the body of another. Remember: health, true joy of life and happiness are not compatible with tobacco, drugs and alcohol. Live healthy life! Give your children and grandchildren the opportunity to be born healthy and happy!

2) Our health is in our hands.

We are all for a healthy lifestyle!

Therefore, every student at school remember:

“Bad habits” are not fashion, not class,

Smoking is just a ban for us.

You won't find anything in nicotine,

And you will kill yourself with your own hands.

And a glass of vodka clouds your mind,

And sometimes even commits crimes.

If you are a comrade with the “green snake”,

then you will lose your dignity and reason.

Application for conducting class hour on the topic Bad habits

Questionnaire for students and psychologists-consultants. Download .

“Classroom objectives 1. The ability to clearly formulate arguments against bad habits 2. The ability to resist peer pressure...”

Class hour "How to defeat the dragon,

or stay away from a bad habit"

The class hour is dedicated to the prevention of bad habits. During adolescence

Peer influence becomes extremely important. According to the psychologist,

The need for the approval of comrades most often arises and pushes a teenager to

experiments with alcohol, drugs, toxic substances.

Currently, the prevention of bad habits in adolescents is aimed at

to make them interested in their own personality, as well as to teach them to resist peer pressure.

Goals: to deepen children’s understanding of bad habits, to promote a negative attitude towards tobacco, alcohol, drug addiction, to encourage resistance to bad habits.

Classroom objectives

1. The ability to clearly formulate arguments against bad habits

2. Ability to resist peer pressure Preparatory work

1. Invite parents who are doctors or assign students to the role of doctors. Task:

characterize bad habits.

2. Draw a six-headed dragon. Write the name of the bad habit on each head.

3. Prepare white coats for the role of a doctor Class hour progress Classroom teacher: What would you guys do if you came across a dragon with six heads?

The children answer that they would run away and shoot the dragon... But imagine that there are people who would happily climb straight into the dragon’s mouth. Some people think that they will be able to jump out of the dragon's mouth, but it turns out that they overestimated their strength and will die.

And here is the portrait of this monster:

Substance abuse Drug addiction Smoking Alcohol Gambling addiction Foul language Every head is a bad habit that turns into a deadly one dangerous disease. We asked doctors to talk about these bad habits. (Told by doctors - parents or students in the role of doctors, in white coats).

I. Information block “Doctors about bad habits”

Substance abuse Doctor 1 It’s not just harmful, but also very dangerous habits. "Mania" is mental illness when a person constantly thinks about one thing. A drug addict constantly thinks about poison. “Substance addiction” is translated from Latin as “mania for poison.” Toxin means poison.

It becomes addictive very quickly. Changes occur in the psyche, but most importantly, health is destroyed, as poisons gradually accumulate in the body.

Drug addiction Doctor 2 Drugs are an even more serious poison; they are designed for teenagers who, having become accustomed to them, will not be able to live without them and will pay a lot of money to die as quickly as possible. Drug addiction acts with its poisons strongly and quickly - literally from the first time a person can become a drug addict! A person experiences hallucinations and nightmares. A drug addict is ready to commit any crime for the sake of drugs. Drug addicts have three options: prison, mental hospital, death.

–  –  –

Doctor 1 Drunkenness very quickly develops into mania - alcoholism. Alcohol is the most common drug that kills people. An alcoholic is indifferent to the opinions of others, he loses human form and becomes a slave to his habit.

A huge number of crimes are committed due to drunkenness, families are destroyed, destinies are ruined.

Smoking Doctor 2 Smoking is an addiction to a drug – nicotine. A smoker shortens his life by 6 years. Tobacco contains 1200 toxic substances. For smokers bad memory, unstable psyche. Their skin withers faster, their voice hoarses, and their teeth turn yellow.

Gambling addiction Doctor 1 This bad habit begins harmlessly - slot machines, computer games, cards, roulette. Or it can end in mental destruction, crime, even murder. Gambling addiction spares neither children nor adults.

Foul language Doctor 2 Today you can often meet people who do not swear, but speak obscenely.

It is harmful not only to speak, but also to listen curse words. Scientists have found that swear words affect a person’s genes, destroying his children and grandchildren.

II. Interactive conversation “What pushes people into the dragon’s mouth”

Classroom teacher:

What habit can appear the first time? (Drug addiction) What bad habit brings about the program of self-destruction of human descendants?

(Profanity) What bad habit causes 25 diseases? (Smoking) What bad habits destroy the body? (Substance abuse, drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism) What bad habits begin with innocent fun and end with poverty, illness and death?

(Substance abuse, drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism) Why do you think people fall into the dragon’s mouth? Why do they become slaves to bad habits?

Sample answers from children:

They are drawn by curiosity Their parents were slaves to the same habits If the whole company does it, then you want it too To seem “cool”

To show that you are already an adult You are not interested in anything anymore Because you are weak-willed - I get into a company and do like everyone else

Classroom teacher:

Yes, scientists have named these very reasons for people becoming addicted to bad habits:

weak character, environmental influence, stress relief, curiosity. But most people don’t smoke or drink. What do you need to do to resist?

Sample answers from children:

You need to play sports, music, dance Achieve success Appreciate your human dignity Have your own opinion, do not succumb to bad influences You need to be able to refuse when you are offered to try something bad Choose friends, communicate with those you trust

III. Test "Can you resist?"

Classroom teacher:

Do you think you can fight back against these bad habits and resist their onslaught? Answer 10 questions. Each question must be answered “Yes” or “No”.

1. Do you like to watch TV?

2. Would you like to play computer games for more than 3 hours every day?

3. Have you ever wanted to try smoking?

4. Can you sit in front of the TV all day off, leaving all your business behind?

5. Have you tried alcoholic drinks?

6. Do you like physical education lessons?

7. If your friends offer you to run away from class, will you agree?

8. Do you know how not to repeat your mistakes?

9. If a stranger offered you a box of chocolates on the street, would you take it?

10. Friends invite you to play slot machines, but you haven’t done your homework yet. Can you refuse?

Count how many times you answered “yes” and “no.” Each answer is worth 5 points, so multiply the result by 5. What do you get?

0-15 points – you know how to manage your desires. You love to have fun, but at the right moment you are able to understand that pleasure can interfere with your plans. It turns out that if someone offers you to “indulge” in some “rubbish”, you will easily refuse. You have ahead interesting life, full of real pleasures.

20-40 points – your “pleasure zone” often lets you down. You strive for immediate pleasure. Because of this, you can lose a lot of pleasant things in the future. If they offer you a little buzz, you'll take it. Unfortunately, this is exactly how most drug addicts started out. We recommend being careful – the price of dubious pleasure may be too expensive.

40-50 points - as they say, you can be taken with your bare hands. You are infected to receive all sorts of pleasures. For any kind of “high” you are ready to give yourself into slavery. There are not so many weaklings like you. You are in trouble.

IV. Situations “Learn to say no”

The presenter suggests different situations when children are offered to try alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs. You need to refuse, and you need to do it without saying the word “no.” You can conduct the training in pairs.


The main thing is to understand that they want to force you to do something that you did not intend to do. With your hands they want to achieve a dirty goal, or drag you into a business that brings benefit to someone. You have to answer: “Yes, it’s weak for me!” They will start making fun of you: “Apparently, you are still a mama’s boy!” answer: “Yes, I’m still mommy’s and daddy’s.” Sometimes they may say: “Are you a fool if you refuse such a profitable business?”

At this moment you need to think: “Why is he so concerned about my benefit?” And answer “Yes, I’m such a fool that I don’t accept your offer.” Remember, the fabulous Ivandurak was not at all embarrassed that everyone called him that, but he always won and defeated everyone!

Don’t be afraid to look not smart enough Don’t be afraid to look not brave enough Don’t be afraid to look not mature enough Don’t be afraid to look not independent enough Be afraid of becoming a victim of a drug infection and turning into a puppet of drug dealers V. Game “Yes, no, I don’t know”

Classroom teacher:

If you don't know the correct answer to a question, our doctors will help you.

1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of youth and health? (Yes)

2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (no)

3. Is it true that chocolate bars are among the top five harmful products food? (Yes)

4. Is it true that smoking kills more than 10,000 people every year? (Yes)

5. Is it true that bananas improve your mood? (Yes)

6. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process of the body? (Yes)

7. Is it true that there are harmless drugs? (No)

8. Is it easy to quit smoking? (No)

9. Is it true that most people do not smoke? (Yes)

10. Is it true that night owls like to work in the morning? (No)

11. Is it true that lack of sun causes depression? (Yes)

12. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for whole year? (No)

13. Is it true that you should drink two glasses of milk every day? (Yes)

14. Is it true that sugary drinks are among the top five most unhealthy foods? (Yes)

15. Is it true that a minute of laughter is equal to 45 minutes of passive rest? (Yes)

16. Do you agree that stress is good for your health? (No)_

17. Do you agree that potato chips are healthy? (No)

18. Is it true that sausages are healthy? (No)

19. Is it true that you can become a drug addict from one injection? (Yes)

20. Is it true that a young growing body requires 30 types of different foods every week? (Yes)

VI. Compiling a table “Health Secrets”

Classroom teacher:

Scientists say that the human body is designed to last 150-200 years. And here people live 2-3 times less. Why? What are the reasons? Ecology, nutrition, stress, hard work, lack of exercise, etc.

Draw a healthy lifestyle chart. To fill out the table, I will tell you 5 riddles. Each riddle is a health factor.

1.Even alternation of work and rest (daily routine)

2. Constantly training your physical endurance and resistance to diseases (hardening)

3. Maintaining cleanliness and health (hygiene)

4. The order of food intake, its nature and quantity (proper nutrition)

5. Active actions in which they participate different groups muscles (sports)

VII. Consultations “Health Secrets”

Classroom teacher:

Get medical advice.

1 tip Five of the most harmful foods: sweet carbonated drinks, potato chips, sweet bars, sausages (sausages, boiled sausage, fatty meats.

Tip 2 A way to protect yourself from stress is singing, caring for pets, caring for plants. And the most good remedy- smile.

Tip 3 A person who follows a daily routine accomplishes much more and gets tired less.

Popular wisdom is contained in proverbs:

Bogatyrs drown in a puddle of vodka Loved wine - ruined family Smoking - harmed health VIII. Reflection What new have you learned? What have you learned? What conclusions did you draw for yourself?

Possible answers:

1. From childhood you need to work on yourself, develop in yourself good habits that will help you succeed

2. A person can become a slave to bad habits if he does not educate them from childhood.

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