What to do if the cat ate a poisoned mouse. The ten most dangerous poisons for cats

It is well known that a cat is not only a cute cute creature, it is primarily a predator. And in most cases, she will prefer the most ordinary mouse to all the proposed delicacies and snacks. Or a rat. But, oddly enough, sometimes it is rats and mice that pose a serious danger to these predators. in cats - a fairly common phenomenon, as well as mortality due to poison eaten.

How does poisoning occur in cats?

To get rid of annoying rodents, exhausted homeowners sometimes spare no effort and money, and manufacturers of the latter use potent poisonous substances to kill rats and mice. By itself, the bait intended for mice is unlikely to attract the attention of a cat or cat, as it is made on the basis of cereals. But manufacturers often add meat products to rat baits, which may well interest your cat.

Hunting poisoning

But still, most often, poisoning occurs in the process of the hunt itself, i.e. when a cat catches a poisoned rodent. There is a so-called secondary poisoning. Coumarin, indandione, zinc phosphide, sodium fluoroacetate, zoocoumarin, coumatetralil, warfarin, bromodiolon, brometalin - all these poisons, eventually being in the cat's stomach, can cause enormous harm to a poisoned cat. Severe intoxication can lead to death. What to do if you are convinced: your cat-hunter really managed to get poisoned because he ate a poisoned mouse? First of all, it is extremely important to take competent measures in a timely manner, to organize such treatment in order to prevent serious complications and even more tragic end when a cat or a cat is poisoned with rat poison.

Symptoms of poisoning

How to identify that the cat was poisoned by swallowing a potent poison? How to determine that the animal was poisoned by rat poison? How does a cat behave after eating poison? In the case when the cat nevertheless ate a poisoned mouse, the signs of poisoning will be quite eloquent. At first, a weakened animal will simply refuse to eat, which the owners do not always pay attention to, or rather, do not attach due importance to it: they say, it does not eat, it means that it simply does not want to, that's all. But very quickly, to the “banal” loss of appetite, symptoms such as shortness of breath, palpitations, bleeding (both external and internal) are added, increased activity is observed, or vice versa, excessive lethargy, diarrhea, vomit mixed with blood, hypertonicity of the extremities. The cat's temperature rises, large numerous hematomas appear on the body, convulsions and convulsions begin.

As a result of poisoning with rat poison - muscle tremor, seizures, discoordination of movements. This is due to the fact that cerebral edema begins, or, in other words, excess fluid accumulates in the brain of a poisoned cat.
One of the properties of any poison aimed at the destruction of rats and mice is a significant inhibition of the process of blood clotting. Therefore, rodents that have eaten poisonous bait die as a result of profuse bleeding. It is important to take timely action, because a cat that is “lucky” to eat a poisoned rodent will not be helped by any treatment later.
The hunting cat, with all its natural insight, cannot distinguish a poisoned mouse from its “clean” relatives, therefore it often becomes a victim of its own hunting instinct.

How to help an injured cat: treatment of the consequences of intoxication

What to do if the cat really swallowed a poisoned mouse or rat, as evidenced by the above characteristic symptoms?

First of all, if you have such suspicions, you need to give the cat activated charcoal crushed in a small amount of water. However, this is just a measure of the so-called first aid - poisoning with rat poison is extremely dangerous for the life of an animal, so you should not postpone a visit to a veterinary clinic or a call to a specialist at home. Self-treatment of the affected animal is by no means a 100% guarantee of a successful outcome.

If, for whatever reason, it is not possible to get veterinary help at the moment, try to provoke the poisoned cat to vomit. Here, "human" medicines will come to the rescue, which can be bought at almost any pharmacy. In the end, such a simple procedure as giving the injured animal warm boiled water, followed by squeezing the root of the tongue, gives a good effect.
In the future, the cat needs to be given any adsorbents for a week - it can be not only activated charcoal, but also, for example, Enterosgel. Also note that during this period the animal should consume as much liquid as possible.

In order to avoid complications of poisoning, in particular, in order to prevent bleeding, it is extremely important to start the use of vitamin K1 as soon as possible, which today is practically the only functional antidote in such situations. And this is not a one-time action, the duration of the course should be quite a long period, about several weeks. It is recommended to give K1 to an affected cat two hours after taking adsorbents. The dosage of vitamin K1 varies depending on the degree of poisoning, weight and age of the cat. The drug can be given orally, or administered subcutaneously in the form of injections three times a day. Before using the drug, the animal should be fed - for example, canned food, which, according to veterinarians, stimulates the effects of vitamin K1.

Urgent - to the vet!

And yet, in the case when poisoning has occurred, the need to contact a competent specialist is obvious. In addition, the symptoms of rat poison poisoning often do not appear immediately, but only a few days after the deadly poison has been eaten - a period that is quite sufficient for the toxic substances to firmly settle in the body of the unfortunate cat. Therefore, in order to save a cat (or a kitten, which, due to its restlessness, also has every chance of earning rat poison poisoning), you need to know exactly what kind of poison it was poisoned with when a poisonous mouse or poisoned bait was eaten. It's one thing if you poisoned the rats yourself - in this case, you must definitely show the veterinarian the packaging of the toxic agent that you used. Otherwise, in order to prescribe a competent and effective treatment, you will have to do a special analysis to determine the toxic substance.

If you, if possible, control the movements of your pet, monitor changes in his condition and behavior, and respond to them in a timely manner, then the tragic consequences of poisoning with potent rat poisons may well be avoided. And do not try to rely on your own strength in the fight against the disease, do not count on the fact that a strong cat's body will be able to cope with the misfortune on its own - immediately contact the veterinarian.

Theoretically, it can be assumed that veterinary care is not available to everyone and not everywhere, but even in our vast country there are fewer and fewer such "bearish corners" every year. Only the competent help of a specialist, a well-designed strategy for treatment and subsequent rehabilitation will help save the life and health of a fluffy pet that will delight you and your loved ones for a long time to come.

Well, so what? The usual thing. And really, nothing special, unless this mouse dined on poisoned bait ...

Poisoning with rat poison

Is it very scary? Is it different from ordinary poisoning? Yes! And YES!

A cat can be poisoned by rat poison in two ways:

  1. By eating the poison itself (direct). Rodent baits have a pleasant taste, which makes them attractive not only to direct consumers, but also to dogs and cats.
  2. Eating a poisoned rodent (indirect). A poisoned rat or mouse, weakening, becomes an easy prey for a cat. Modern means are very effective, so a portion of the poison that has entered the body of a rodent will be sufficient for a larger animal.

In the means for the destruction of rats, rodenticides are used that contain different active substances - coumarin, indandione, etc., therefore their effect on the body is different. But most often, cats suffer from anticoagulant rodenticides. We will consider them.

Anticoagulants- chemicals that prevent the blood from stopping. Anticoagulant poisons contain coumarin: zoocoumarin, warfarin, flomukafen, cumatetralil, bromodiolon, brodifacoum.

How is rat poisoning different from other poisonings?

Poisons against rodents interfere with blood clotting and quickly lead to death!

Once in the gastrointestinal tract, rat poisons slowly dissolve and are absorbed, destroy the walls of capillaries and interfere with the production of vitamin K, which is involved in the process of blood clotting. As a result, the animal dies from numerous bleedings from all orifices, hemorrhages in the abdominal cavity and brain.


Poisoning from anticoagulant rodenticides may not appear immediately (usually signs develop on the first to fifth day), and the cat feels fine until she runs out of vitamin K resources.

The symptoms of rat poisoning are the same whether the cat has eaten the poisoned mouse or the bait.

This: lethargy, refusal to eat, high fever, internal and external bleeding: hematemesis, bloody diarrhea, hematomas, anemia of the mucous membranes, shortness of breath, tachycardia, neurological problems, convulsions.

In the case of rodenticides such as strychnine, bromethalin, zinc phosphide, symptoms can appear almost immediately after poisoning - lethargy, vomiting, anorexia, convulsions, hypertonicity of the extremities.

In case of zoocoumarin poisoning, symptoms are observed for 4-7 days, difenacin - 2-4 weeks.

What to do?

Poisoning with rat poison is a matter of life and death!!! The result depends entirely on the speed of assistance. The sooner treatment is started, the higher the chance of a successful outcome. URGENT TO THE VETKLINIK!!!

The task of rescuing a pet will be greatly facilitated by knowing what kind of poison he was poisoned with. If the packaging is preserved, it should be shown to the doctor.

Actions for poisoning with rat poison:

Firstly, try to immediately induce vomiting in the pet. This will reduce the possibility of assimilation of poison by the stomach and its further distribution throughout the body. How to do it? Preferably with syrup from ipecac root (vomit root), about 4 ml per average cat, in extreme cases, use 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1 teaspoon per 5 kg of body weight. Sometimes it turns out to induce vomiting by giving the animal a large amount of boiled water and pressing on the root of the tongue.

But! This measure is effective if the poison has been eaten recently. It makes no sense to induce vomiting in a cat after a few hours or when signs of poisoning appear, since the poison has already been absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.

Secondly, give the pet an adsorbent (it doesn’t matter if you managed to induce vomiting or not): activated charcoal (1 tablet per 1 kg of weight, grind, dilute in water and drink), enterosgel, enterosorb, etc.

Third, apply an antidote! To restore the mechanism of blood clotting, an injection of vitamin K1 is required.

Further, to maintain the animal's body, infusion therapy (dropper), symptomatic treatment, and local bleeding stop. In the case of severe anemia, in those clinics where there is such an opportunity, blood transfusions are also done (since the synthesis of the clotting factor begins 6-12 hours after taking the antidote). It is desirable to determine the animal for a veterinary hospital (at least for a day).

Now about vitamin K1 Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone, phytomenadione) is a fat-soluble vitamin necessary for restoring the function of blood coagulation.

Vitamin K1 has a coagulative effect, it increases blood clotting, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces their bleeding.

There is a veterinary vitamin K1 (Veta-K1, Veda-K1, Mephyton, Aqua-Mephyton), but, unfortunately, it can only be purchased abroad.

Therefore, the best option would be to use such human preparations as Vitamin K1, Eleven K, Fimediod, Phytonadiod, Konakion, Konavit, Mephiton, Monodion, L-Phylloquinone. The funds are expensive but necessary.

Unfortunately, Vitamin K1 is not available in all clinics and, moreover, not in all home medicine cabinets. Often it is replaced with vitamin K3 (Menadione, Vikasol) - a water-soluble synthetic analogue.

But! Vikasol is ineffective in case of coumarin poisoning, it is not able to replenish the necessary supply of vitamin K, and in high doses it can cause liver damage. Of course, if there is no way to get Vitamin K1, then out of desperation, vikasol can also be used.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of rodenticide poisoning is based on the owner's story, clinical symptoms of intoxication, blood tests for anticoagulants, urinalysis, and body response to treatment.

After taking urgent measures and stabilizing the animal, he is prescribed maintenance therapy for several weeks, during which he will need to take Vitamin K1 tablets.

Discontinuation of treatment is based on a trial withdrawal of the drug and control blood coagulation tests.

The antidote for other types of rat poisons, as well as for arsenic, mercury and other thiol poisons, is Unithiol (a human drug). It is used, for example, if the poison contains arsenic in addition to zoocoumarin.

The prognosis of recovery depends on the type of poison and its amount, on the time of diagnosis and the start of proper treatment. Under favorable circumstances, it is approximately 83%.

The cat ate a poisoned mouse, what should I do? All owners of cats and cats should know the answer to such a question in order to save their pet from the consequences. It may sound strange, but it is rats and mice that pose a serious danger. The fact is that a mouse that has eaten a chemical sprinkled by a person becomes poison itself. We will talk in detail about how to help a pet poisoned by rat poison.

Information about poisons used against pests

In order for a specialist to determine an effective treatment for a poisoned pet, you need to understand which poison led to acute intoxication. Practice shows that the most common chemical agents for the extermination of small rodents are anticoagulants, zoocoumarins and zinc phosphides are less commonly used.

The poison affects the internal processes of the mouse body, preventing normal blood clotting. After the rodent has eaten the sprinkled chemical, it dies from bleeding, including internal bleeding. Also, rat poisons affect the internal organs, the cardiovascular nervous system. The main danger lies in the fact that before death, the mouse practically loses strength. In fact, it is very easy prey for even the laziest cat.

The very first artificially created toxins based on rodenticides were ineffective. The fact is that rodents developed immunity to poison, repeated use did not have an effective effect. Modern poisons posed a serious danger to small rodents, which acquired a stable immunity to weaker toxins.

These drugs include:

  • Cumatetralyl;
  • Difenacum;
  • And others.

To understand that a rodent is poisoned by these poisons, it is necessary to pay attention to some characteristic signs. Usually, a dead mouse has traces of unclotting blood around the mouth.

Manufacturers of poisons for rodents face a difficult task. They must calculate a dosage that will not lead to an instant lethal outcome for a pet that has managed to feast on a small pest. This is done on purpose so that a person has time to provide first aid to a cat that has eaten a poisoned mouse.

How to determine that it is poisoning?

What to do if the cat ate a poisoned mouse? You should be aware that the first symptoms do not appear at all immediately after the little predator overtook the poisoned prey.

Poisoning, for example, with zoocoumarins, is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • intense bleeding from the nose;
  • minor bruising around the gums;
  • the presence of blood in the stool.

In rare cases, intense vomiting may occur. And sometimes intoxication proceeds completely unnoticed. Under such circumstances, the pet will die for 6-10 days.

Rodenticides cause the following symptoms:

  • unusual pet behavior, extreme irritability;
  • increased arousal and high activity;
  • drowsiness or lethargy;
  • disorientation in space, head shaking, tangled paws;
  • elevated temperature;
  • convulsions.

If a cat has been poisoned by zinc phosphides, in this case, the first symptoms will appear after a couple of hours: intense vomit, rotten smell from the mouth, impaired respiratory function, periodic convulsions.

The above symptoms appear in a poisoned animal in 98% of cases, and only in 2% of the symptoms do not appear at all.

What to do if the cat ate a poisoned mouse - first aid

After you see the first symptoms of intoxication, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic for help without delay. As mentioned above, after the pet has eaten the prey, the first alarming symptoms can be observed not immediately, but after some time. During this time, toxins have already caused significant harm in the animal's body.

To provide the cat with the most effective help, you need to know exactly what kind of poison the animal was poisoned with. To obtain this information, you need to do a special analysis in the laboratory. However, it is not always possible to immediately contact a veterinarian for help, in this case it is necessary to act without delay on your own.

If you have witnessed the manifestation of the first symptoms that the cat was poisoned by poison for mice or rats, in no case hesitate. The first step is to give the animal an absorbent to neutralize and remove toxins from the body. Activated charcoal is perfect for this. You will need a couple of tablets, which must first be crushed into powder and mixed with water. After that, it remains to pour the resulting solution into the animal's mouth. This must be done carefully and gradually so that the pet does not choke.

After that, you need to adhere to a consistent algorithm of actions that will help the pet recover. If you neglect the rules and recommendations below, it will lead to the death of the cat. Before giving an absorbent to a cat, it is necessary to induce a gag reflex in the pet.

You can do this in the following ways:

  • Stir in equal parts a solution of hydrogen peroxide and plain water.
  • Pour 4 ml of emetic root into the pet's mouth, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  • Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of table salt in a glass of water.
  • Sprinkle some baking soda on the tip of your tongue.
  • Give the cat water to drink, then press the root of the tongue.

It will be more convenient to feed the cat with the above solutions using a conventional medical syringe. It is very important to force a poisoned cat to drink a sorbent in the form of activated carbon after vomiting. This will help to remove intoxication and neutralize the poison. Also, in addition to coal, Enterosgel can be used as an effective sorbent. A cat that has eaten a poisoned mouse should also be given some vaseline oil. This remedy envelops the gastric mucosa, thereby preventing the absorption of toxins into the blood. Naturally, a cat or a cat that has eaten a poisoned rat should be allowed to drink as much water as possible, of course, boiled.

After the above procedures, do the following:

  1. Two hours after the cat has taken sorbents, it is necessary to give him vitamin K1, which will help neutralize the internal bleeding that has begun. The dosage is calculated based on the level of poisoning and the intensity of bleeding.
  2. An hour after the above procedure, it is very important to clean the intestines of the pet. To do this, you can use laxatives: a solution of sodium sulfate 2% or castor oil.
  3. You can also do an enema to flush the intestines, it will be much more effective and safer for the pet. 35 ml of purified water or saline should be injected into the rectum.

It is very important to understand that your pet is currently going through the most difficult hours of his life. If your cat has been poisoned, treat him as carefully and gently as possible, do not stress him.

Feeding rules

If there are suspicions that a small predator could be poisoned, nothing should be given except liquid and some sorbents. However, on the second day, when the pet's condition has improved significantly, you can start feeding your pet.

But it is worth sticking to a healthy diet, which consists of the following:

  • boiled veal, lean beef or chicken fillet;
  • boiled liver;
  • fish of different varieties, lean;
  • boiled carrots, beets, cabbage and other vegetables;
  • oatmeal, rice and buckwheat porridge.

After cooking fish and meat, they must be chopped in a blender or passed through a meat grinder. The pet's body is weakened, the stomach can effectively digest and assimilate crushed and soft food.

You can mix meat puree with fish puree so that the food consumed by the cat is more nutritious and valuable in various minerals.

Remember, the main thing is to respond with lightning speed to the first symptoms of intoxication in an animal, follow the above recommendations and act confidently.

Poisoning a cat with rat poison is a serious situation that requires immediate action on the part of the owner. Danger can lie in wait for pets roaming freely on the street. What are the symptoms if a cat is poisoned by rodent poison and how to save a pet?

Possible sources of danger

Pet owners often ask a natural question: how can poison enter the cat's body? According to the researchers, almost all cases of poisoning are associated with hunting poisoned mice and rats. The cat feasts on a rodent, from whose body the poison has not yet been removed, receiving its own dose of poison.

However, one rodent accidentally eaten by a cat cannot cause serious harm. For the poison to work, the systematic consumption of poisoned rodents is necessary. Domestic cats are not in much danger, although sometimes animals can eat meat bait for rats.

Derat control companies use poisons from the group of zoocoumarins in their practice. The principle of their action is simple: once in the body, the toxin destroys vitamin K and disrupts the process of blood clotting, causing bleeding. Deratizers select the dose of poison in such a way that a dog or cat that has eaten a poisoned rodent or bait does not immediately die from bleeding. The owner will have plenty of time to react and administer the antidote.

Modern groups of poisons are more aggressive and dangerous. These are zoocoumarins with zinc phosphate, brometalin, sodium fluoroacetate - potent substances that can cause severe harm to the health of a pet.

Clinical picture

If a cat has been exposed to rat poison, symptoms usually appear within 24 hours. There are times when symptoms may be absent or appear after a few days.

Symptoms of rat poisoning in cats:

  • apathy;
  • shortness of breath, cough;
  • nosebleeds, blood in stools;
  • red eyes (if blood vessels burst);
  • bloating (possible sign of internal bleeding);
  • vomiting, diarrhea;
  • joint inflammation.

Such symptoms of rat poison poisoning in cats appear if the animal has eaten the bait with poison from the group of zoocoumarins. If the owner of the cat noticed signs of toxin poisoning, you should immediately contact a specialist - the animal may die without timely veterinary care.

Depending on the type of poison, the symptoms may be different:

  • severe hyperthermia;
  • when walking, the animal's legs may become tangled;
  • convulsions, nervousness;
  • lack of coordination - the cat falls on its side;
  • drowsiness, lethargy.

It is important to remember that all signs of poisoning will not appear at the same time. It is necessary to pay attention to any changes in the behavior of a pet. If a cat has been poisoned by rat poison and the symptoms appear suddenly, do not panic! Call the veterinarian, and before the arrival of a specialist, give the animal first aid.

First aid

If the cat has been poisoned by rat poison, the owner needs to help the pet survive until the arrival of the veterinarian. It is necessary not to panic, soberly assess the situation and draw up a plan of action.

There is an opinion that if the cat was poisoned by rat poison, then it is necessary to induce vomiting in the pet in order to cleanse the body of the toxin. But it is worth doing this only if the owner of the animal is sure that the cat was poisoned recently, practically before his eyes. If the poison has been circulating in the blood for a long time, vomiting will lead to dehydration and further aggravate the situation. To prepare a solution to induce a gag reflex, mix hydrogen peroxide (3%) with water in a 1:1 ratio at the rate of 1 tsp. liquid per 2 kg of cat weight. For the same purpose, you can drink the animal with salt water.

To prevent the spread of the toxin throughout the body, activated charcoal or other sorbents are given. So that the poison does not enter the bloodstream, after the complete cessation of vomiting, the animal is fed with milk, egg white diluted in water, and a decoction of flax seeds. After a few hours, it is necessary to clear the intestines. For this purpose, you can give the cat castor or vaseline oil or use an enema. If the cat was poisoned by poison from rodents, the above actions will save the animal's life.

If the owner did not panic and did everything right, veterinarians will only have to administer an antidote - in case the cat was poisoned by poison from the group of zoocoumarins. In medicine, ordinary vitamin K (Vikasol) is used. Treatment can last from several weeks to a month. The decision to stop the drug course should be made by the veterinarian.

Proper care in the process of recovery plays no less a role than the right medication. The owner of the cat needs to be patient, because after poisoning, the animal may lose appetite for a long time. In this case, droppers are used.

A few tips on what to do if your cat has been poisoned by rat poison:

  1. The first day you can not feed the animal. Just give more clean drinking water.
  2. After 24 hours, dietary foods (lean meat, fish, rice, boiled vegetables) are introduced into the diet.
  3. Let the animal rest and gain strength.

If a cat has been poisoned by rat poison, do not try to deal with the problem yourself. Only a veterinarian, after examining the animal and fixing the symptoms, can say exactly how and with what it is necessary to treat the animal in each case, because zoocoumarin is not the only possible rat poison.

A cat can eat potassium cyanide or poison itself with ordinary vitamin D. In these cases, symptomatic treatment is necessary, which is impossible at home. In case of vitamin D poisoning, the animal develops kidney problems, the cat becomes lethargic, often goes to the toilet. In the case of potassium cyanide, cerebral edema is possible. With the right therapeutic approach for a cat, everything will end well, but it is difficult for the layman to distinguish the symptoms of poisoning with one or another toxin, so the help of a specialist is needed.

The poison used to kill rodents is also considered dangerous for pets, and if a cat ate a poisoned mouse, the consequences could be sad. The struggle of man with mice and rats is gaining momentum. To exterminate the number of tailed pests, potent poisons are used that contribute to 100% death of rodents. Unfortunately, domestic cats are often poisoned by rat poison, and if the animal is not treated in a timely manner, it will die.

Symptoms and signs of cat mouse poisoning

Poisonous substances used to poison mice and rats are called rodenticides. There are several types of poison for rodents:

  • Anticoagulants (rat poison) are poisonous substances that prevent blood from clotting. Once in the body of a mouse, the poison provokes internal bleeding and death of the tailed pest.
  • Zinc and aluminum phosphide - when mixed with gastric juice, it releases phosphine, a gas that destroys the liver.
  • Cholecalciferol is a loading dose of vitamin D₃. Having penetrated into the animal's body, the poison leads to liver failure and death.
  • Bromethalin is a mouse poison containing potassium cyanide. Lead to CNS damage and cerebral edema.

In most baits for rats and mice, various flavors (cheese, meat) are added to attract pests to the poison. Pets are also not averse to feasting on a fragrant find, as a result of which they experience severe intoxication and dysfunction of vital organs. In order to provide first aid to the cat and save the animal from death, it is necessary to find out what substance the pet was poisoned with.

Almost all anticoagulants are green, noticing such a scattered poison on the street, the owner of the cat will be able to accurately tell the veterinarian the reason for the poisoning of the pet.

Signs of intoxication in a cat that has eaten one poisoned rodent will not appear immediately. It usually takes 3 to 5 days for the poison to cause disturbances in the cat's body. During this time, the owner of the animal will have a chance to recognize the poisoning and help the four-legged friend. But if a cat hunted several of these rats and mice or swallowed a sufficient amount of a pesticide for poisoning, intoxication can occur within a few hours.

When a cat has eaten a poisoned mouse, the symptoms of rat poison intoxication are reduced to problems of blood clotting disorders, which is why the animal has:

Redness of the eyeballs is considered the most reliable sign of poisoning with rat poison. The eyes acquire a red tint due to rupture of blood vessels, and the animal completely loses the ability to see. Signs of intoxication may occur suddenly or appear gradually, depending on the amount of poison that has entered the cat's body. If your cat has been poisoned by rat poison, read here.

First aid for a cat that ate a poisoned mouse

If a cat ate a poisoned mouse and developed intoxication, the first thing the owner of the animal should do is not to panic. You need to gather your thoughts and start acting, because in some cases there are only a few hours to save a pet's life. All the owner can do to help the animal is to try to quickly remove the poison from the body. But if there is no certainty that the poisoning has occurred with rat poison, in no case should one induce vomiting and use substances that irritate the esophagus or stomach. Gagging will certainly provoke internal bleeding, from which the pet will die.

What to do if the cat ate a poisoned mouse? In case of intoxication with rat poison, a large amount of adsorbent (activated charcoal, Polysorb or Enterosgel) is injected into the pet, then Vikasol (vitamin K) is injected intramuscularly. The dose of the vitamin is deliberately overestimated, it is not able to harm the cat, but it will certainly help to cope with internal bleeding. After the manipulations, the animal is taken to the veterinarian for further symptomatic treatment.

In case of poisoning with Cholecalciferol, the cat must induce vomiting (give a solution of soda or salt) and urgently deliver the animal to the veterinary clinic.

Useful information: how to rinse a cat's stomach or give an enema.

Kidney failure is very dangerous, and if measures are not taken in time, the cat will die or, at best, remain permanently disabled. The veterinarian will prescribe to the affected animal loading doses of diuretics, which contribute to the rapid removal of the poison from the body. A transfusion of donated blood or plasma may also be required.

Phosphide of aluminum and zinc is considered the most dangerous poison. Phosphine gas released from the stomach of an animal can cause poisoning not only for the cat, but also for its owner. The cat ate a poisoned mouse, what should the owner do in this case? Only repeated gastric lavage can save a furry friend, but it should be carried out only in the fresh air.

It is extremely important to tell the doctor about all the symptoms of poisoning seen in the cat, not forgetting to indicate whether poison for mice or rats was seen in the area.

Rehabilitation and nutrition of a cat after mouse poisoning

Poisoning in cats can lead to serious consequences for the health of the animal, so a recovering pet needs special care and diet. It is important to prepare a warm and quiet place for the cat to lie down, to create complete peace for the pet. Feeding the cat on the first day after assistance is completely excluded. All that can be offered to an animal is simple clean water. The next day, the four-legged friend begins to introduce light and non-caloric food into the diet:

  • veal;
  • liver;
  • lean fish;
  • vegetables boiled in water;
  • rice porridge.

It is better to give food in a liquid or puree form, otherwise the cat's stomach simply will not be able to digest the food. You need to introduce products from small portions, gradually increasing the amount of food. It happens that a cat has eaten a poisoned mouse, and for several days after intoxication, the pet may have no interest in food. You can’t force feed a furry pet, but if the animal is too weak, you can use nutrient solutions for intravenous administration.

2 weeks after the start of treatment, a four-legged friend must be shown to a specialist and take blood tests. If the platelet count is normal, therapy can be stopped, otherwise treatment is continued until the blood counts return to normal.

Consequences for a cat that ate a poisoned mouse

Substances intended for persecution of mice are excreted from the body of cats for a long time and almost always entail consequences for the health of a four-legged friend. If a cat ate a poisoned mouse, then after intoxication, the following can be observed:

  • chronic cystitis, weak bladder;
  • infertility, the appearance of stillborn kittens in the litter;
  • chronic jaundice due to liver damage;
  • hearing loss, vision loss;
  • paralysis and cramps of the limbs;
  • severe allergies;
  • coma.

Prevention of cat poisoning by mice

It is difficult to avoid intoxication, because most animals are accustomed to independent walks on the street. So that the cat does not have a desire to dine with a caught mouse, the animal should only be let out on the street when it is well fed. Scatter rat poison and other poison for rodents in places where it will be difficult for a cat to get to the baits.

If poisoned by a mouse, the owner must be ready. With the development of intoxication, you should try to give your pet first aid and deliver your furry friend to the veterinarian as soon as possible.



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