The main skill in life. Useful skills for success in life

From birth, parents help their child acquire useful life skills that help the child adapt to the world around him. He just has to learn how to hold a spoon correctly, tie shoelaces, add numbers and much more. However, in adulthood, we are forced to work on acquiring certain skills that can qualitatively change our lives. What does every modern person need to be able to do?

Learning ability

A person’s success in any area of ​​life is largely determined by his desire to learn. You can be infinitely gifted, but without constant development it will be extremely difficult to realize your potential. It manifests itself this way if you:

  • realize your own limitations in knowledge and abilities;
  • are willing to admit that others know more than you;
  • asking for advice or asking for help, especially before making a decision;
  • believe that every person can teach you something;
  • talk less, listen more;
  • able ;
  • do not despair when you make a mistake, but draw conclusions and try again until it works;
  • are ready to admit that they are wrong and change their point of view if convincing arguments are presented.

English language

In the modern world of information, lack of knowledge of English greatly limits your access to new knowledge: be it other people or Internet resources. Being the most in-demand language in the world, English can give you the following opportunities:

  • find new friends and useful contacts in different parts of the world through travel or through social networks;
  • read books and watch films in the original, as well as understand and sing your favorite songs;
  • wherever you go, you will be able to explain yourself and you will be understood;
  • you are able to find a more worthy job and move up the career ladder.

Time management

In order not to waste time, you need to master one more skill - managing your own time. It is very important to be able to distinguish the essential from the trivial and set priorities correctly.

Equally important is the ability to plan. Without this, a significant portion of your time will be lost. If you want to have high productivity in life, get a lot done without losing quality, then you should learn to draw a plan for your actions. Start small - a to-do list for tomorrow, and turn it into a habit. Then start planning your life a couple of months in advance, then a year, five years, etc. Develop useful skills! Soon you will notice how you stop fussing, and everything goes as usual, and your productivity increases.

Speed ​​reading and speed typing

In the age of modern technology, almost any information reaches us in digital form. Gigabytes of materials flash before our eyes every day, and we need to be able to assess their usefulness for ourselves in a matter of seconds. Speed ​​reading skills can greatly facilitate this task and significantly save time, which is always in short supply. The typography technique serves the same purpose. You can learn this using the ten-finger typing method. Once you find a diagram on the Internet and practice a little, you will be surprised at the qualitative changes that will occur in your life.

Financial management

Ideally, even in childhood, you need to teach people how to properly handle money, which will greatly simplify their lives in the future.

Surely many of us have encountered difficulties in distributing our own finances. Having mastered income management skills, you will be able to assess your financial condition, plan the distribution of funds, and also, by managing them correctly, increase your capital.

Each person must determine for himself which scheme suits him best, but it is recommended to identify the main areas of spending for yourself and indicate what part of your earnings should be allocated to this or that need.


This skill will be useful in any area of ​​life: from relationships within the family to communication with partners or management. If you think about it, our whole life consists of negotiations, be it a dialogue with a salesperson in a store or a job interview. By learning to negotiate correctly, you significantly increase your chances of success.

The main advice for those wishing to acquire this skill is to be respectful. Whoever your interlocutor is and no matter what happens, answer him extremely politely. This way you can easily win someone over. And under no circumstances interrupt or put pressure on him, let him speak.

Working with search engines

A person does not have to know everything - it is enough to look up information on the Internet at the time of need. But is it that simple? It would seem that no one is able to enter the desired query into Google, Yandex or any other “search engine,” but entering does not mean finding the desired answer. Once you master this skill, you become more self-sufficient, do not require outside help, and can access almost any information in a matter of minutes.

Passing interviews

All 10 years at school and subsequent years at university prepare us for work. However, in rare educational institutions they teach how to pass the selection process correctly.
To get a good position, you often have to go through a whole series of tests and interviews, which can take an unprepared person by surprise. Even if you are an excellent specialist and have unique knowledge, without interview skills your chances are reduced to a minimum. A correctly written resume alone is 50% of your success.

Influence and location

Despite the misconception, we are able to impress a person every time we meet him after a long separation. This is due to changes in your psycho-emotional state, the circumstances of the meetings and many other factors. In a word, each time you open up to each other in a new way, and to make these discoveries unexpectedly pleasant, you should:

  • show a positive attitude. People are drawn to individuals who can charge them with vital energy and inspire hope for the best;
  • express feelings of sympathy. Most often, people expect rejection from others, but you should destroy this stereotype and prove the opposite to the person. The easiest way to do this is to express admiration or feel sympathy for your interlocutor;
  • show loyalty. The generosity you demonstrate will return to you a hundredfold from others;
  • help when possible. If you are asked for a small favor, do it. Little things like this greatly influence the disposition of those around us;
  • always keep your promises. Earning a reputation as a man of his word is worth a lot in our society.

Self-discipline and focus

The ability to act purposefully and regardless of interfering factors, as well as the emotions prevailing in us, is self-discipline. It often requires giving up pleasure in favor of more meaningful things, but in the long run it helps to achieve success.
Focusing on intentions moves a person towards a goal. Thinking about something every day awakens our desire for action, so it is very important to learn to concentrate on our desires. To do this you need:

  • think about them in your free time;
  • write it down, or better yet, hang it in a visible place and look at it often;
  • look for people with similar interests and try to make your dreams come true together.

Relaxation and positive attitude

From the section above we can conclude that thoughts create action. If a person thinks positively, then the world appears to him as a place with endless possibilities. This property can help out in the most difficult moments of life. No wonder they say: pretend to be happy for a week and on the eighth day you will become one.
Everyday stress and tension lead to the fact that a person ceases to navigate in space, cannot set priorities, attaches too much importance to little things and loses attention to truly significant events.
Relaxation is necessary in order to “turn your head off” from the hustle and bustle, increase your resistance to stress and tune in to a positive mood. There are many relaxation techniques, you can choose the one that suits you best than others.


Contrary to existing laws in the country, cases of crimes are not uncommon, a significant part of which is committed against strangers. Knowledge of self-defense techniques will help you resist and increase your chances of survival. Sometimes one right move can change the entire course of events. In addition, self-defense skills make a person mentally stronger and also help to avoid many troubles in life. One of these troubles is, for example, a situation in which they are trying to manipulate you. – read only with us!

The founder and director of Youth Consulting, who has worked with Coca-Cola, Pepsico and Microsoft, and the editor-in-chief of the personal growth blog Zero To Skill, Zdravko Cvijetic, wrote an article about what useful skills each of us should acquire sooner rather than later. better. We translated the material and selected key points, maintaining the unusual author's style.

Super Mario. A little mustachioed plumber, without whom my childhood would not have been so happy. I was ready to spend hours helping this kind fellow save the princess from a group of bad guys. If you also played Mario, then, of course, you couldn’t help but notice how difficult it was to move from level to level without a sufficient number of mushrooms - those that helped you grow bigger and endowed the hero with useful skills like throwing fireballs. So, our life is like a game. Playing Mario the Plumber. In life you are Mario. And you need to find your “mushrooms” that will help you grow, improve, move from level to level, develop as a person and as a professional. When I ask my readers to name the reason that prevents them from learning new skills, I get many different answers. One of them especially shows well what perhaps each of us goes through: “There is too much to study around. There is too much choice... And time is limited.” This thought prompted me to create this article. After talking to people and reflecting on my own experiences, I did some research and this is what I came up with. 15 valuable skills that will help you become more successful and dynamic. The sooner you get them, the better.

1. Finding your own philosophy

The internal compass tells us whether everything is going according to plan or whether something has gone wrong. But it’s not enough to feel it - you need to soberly assess the situation in accordance with your own value system. To define this value system, ask yourself: “What do I value in _______ (work, relationships, friendships, life, etc.)?” The listed set will be your system of value coordinates. Then ask yourself: “What good and what bad do I see in this world?” Once you focus on the positive, "Oh crap, it's Monday again..." will miraculously turn into “Oh yes, Monday! Shall we begin?. Do you feel the difference?

2. Finding your calling

No, I don’t think that we all came to this earth with some great purpose. But I am sure that life gives us the opportunity to find out what we are strong at and what we like to do. Your calling is your talents (what are you particularly good at?), your passion (what do you really love to do?), and the opportunities around you. Look around and you will definitely find what you are looking for.

3. Setting goals

In 1979, at a lecture in the Harvard MBA program, students were asked the question: “Do you have clearly defined goals for the future and plans to achieve them?” Only 3% of students responded that they had written goals and plans. Another 13% admitted that they have goals, but not in written form. The vast majority, 84%, had no clear goals at all. Ten years later, the graduates were brought together again. They were asked how much they earned, and the incredible thing was revealed. The 13% of graduates who had goals earned, on average, twice as much as the 84% who did not have goals. And the 3% whose goals were clearly stated ten years ago earned ten times more than the other 97% combined! Targets work like a camera lens. If you focus correctly, you will get a clear picture. If the focus is not achieved, the image will be blurry.

4. Visualization

Setting goals is something you can do consciously. Your brain is great at generating ideas and thinking about them, but it is powerless when it comes to putting them into action because it is constantly distracted by various external events. The subconscious mind works differently: it is able to see the full picture. When the conscious and unconscious go hand in hand, they help you achieve your goals. Visualization works best immediately after waking up and a few minutes before sleep. By imagining the smallest details, sensations and emotions as if you had already achieved your goal, you force yourself to believe that achieving the goal is, in principle, possible. But be careful! This is not the law of attraction, which says that all you have to do is imagine a Ferrari, and the next day a brand new car will be waiting for you outside your window. It doesn't work that way. Visualization is only one side of the coin. Hard work and dedication are the other side of it.

5. Formation of habits

By habits we often mean something negative, so I prefer to call good habits personal rituals. When I think about how I HAVE to go to the gym, it's hard for me. But when I think that I am a healthy person, and going to the gym is an important part of the life of any healthy person, it becomes easier. Try it!

6. Healthy lifestyle

Everyone wants to be healthy. Right? For me, for example, the goal is not just to be healthy, but also to have enough energy. Plus look good.

Example. I played football for 11 years and then gave it up. My weight went from 65 to 86 kilograms in less than 9 months. I became fat. For anyone who once boasted great abs, this is frustrating. So I decided to do two things:

  • find a suitable diet that would help me return to a normal weight, and stick to it;
  • In addition to nutrition, exercise regularly.

It took me about a couple of years to find a suitable diet and sports activities to my liking. But now I am happy with my body, healthy and energetic during the day.

7. The art of learning

I'm sure this is one of the key skills on the list. Everything we are and everything we have achieved is made possible by our ability to learn. People who achieve greatness are simply people who can quickly and effectively learn new skills and apply them where needed.

8. Search and filter information

We are all overloaded with information. Wherever you go, you will encounter streams of information that will constantly distract you from your goals. Spend your time online wisely.

9. Time management and productivity

I constantly think about time, because it is the only resource that we will never renew. Where can I get more time? Optimize your sleep time. Perhaps to feel healthy, instead of the standard nine hours, seven or eight are enough for you. Check it out! How to use time more efficiently?

  • Make good use of your so-called “dead” time (at the computer or in front of the TV).
  • Focus on high-impact activities (remember the 80/20 rule: 20% of tasks produce 80% of results).
  • Focus on what will help you grow (reading, talking to inspiring people, working on goals).​

10. The art of meditation

We constantly work, interact with people, and spend a fair amount of time on the Internet. Sometimes you need to stop, relax and enjoy the time spent alone with yourself. There are no rules here. Meditate in a way that suits you. Two minutes, fifteen minutes, sitting, lying down, thinking or, conversely, getting away from thoughts... Find what suits you and constantly practice it.

11. Postings with pleasure

You don't have to become a writer. Just start a tradition of writing down your thoughts on paper. Many incredible ideas are just waiting to be brought to life through ink.

12. Public speaking

This is perhaps one of the most useful skills that I have been able to acquire and develop. Again, you don't need to be a professional speaker. But it’s worth learning to express your ideas. There are a lot of techniques and tips, but the golden rule is: “People don’t know what you’re going to talk about.” So go ahead! Tell a story or share an idea. Both can change someone's life.

13. The ability to say NO

Sometimes we need to say NO. Look at this situation from an unusual angle: “You don't say NO to others. You say YES to yourself and what is important to you.” Of the two options, always try to choose what you love.

14. How to create your own brand

Personal growth is one of the main goals in my life. It’s curious: everything I did was somehow related to this topic. My degree in Adult Education, my work at Mindvalley Academy as a Director of Learning, and starting a blog (Zero to Skill) are all about helping people learn faster and gain useful skills. People often talk about me like I'm obsessed with learning. This once again shows how values ​​(in this case, personal growth) can influence your life and show the way. To create your brand, you will need very little: just develop your strengths and set them free to swim.

15. How to manage personal finances

Everything is simple here. Rule #1: Spend less than you earn.
Rule #2: Find an additional source of income (passive if possible).
Rule #3: Invest in assets (things that generate income).

And finally

It turned out a lot. And if you're still reading this, congratulations! Growth is not just empty words for you.
You might be wondering: where to start?
Select one of the items and get started. Some things will take a few hours, some things will take much longer. But remember that mastering at least one of these skills will help you step up to a new level and bring impressive results in every area of ​​your life.

Basic concepts: physical culture, sports, values ​​of physical culture, physical education, physical activity, physical training, physical development, physical perfection, psychophysical preparedness, motor mode, physical activity, vital skills and abilities, professional orientation of physical education during study and in the process of work activities. Features of the organization of physical education in a medical university. Terminological concepts in physical culture.

Increasing social problems, environmental deterioration, psycho-emotional stress place more and more increased demands on the body, which it, as a rule, cannot cope with. All this leads to disruption of the mechanisms of self-regulation and reactivity, a decrease in the functional reserves of the body, and disruption of biological rhythms. These violations can be prevented only by constant and correct adherence to all regimes, including work and rest regimes, diet and physical activity. The motor regime is observed only if the individual has physical culture, which must be developed during the process of studying at a university. In order for a person’s culture, including physical culture, to be properly formed, motivation is necessary, in this case motivation for the health of both one’s own and that of one’s patients.

Since for a doctor, physical education is not only one’s own health, but also an opportunity to help his patients remain healthy and productive for many years, and, if necessary, to take medications, to reduce their harmful effects to a minimum, and after injuries and operations, to quickly restore their ability to work. Exercise is a powerful non-drug tool, and a doctor who knows how to use it correctly can help his patients without a scalpel or chemicals. When a particular physical exercise is performed correctly, several systems of the body are involved in the work: firstly, the musculoskeletal system with muscles, secondly, the organs and systems with which these muscles are connected, thirdly, the brain, which responds and for the work of muscles and for the work of organs, fourthly, the respiratory system and circulatory system, because working muscles need additional oxygen and nutrients, fifthly, the hormonal system, which, like the nervous system, immediately responds to all changes in In addition, the body includes biochemical and immune reactions, energy systems, etc. Whether physical exercise is performed correctly or incorrectly also determines whether reactions occur correctly or incorrectly in the body. Therefore, a doctor needs to have accurate and correct ideas about the impact of means and methods of physical culture on the human body and be able to correctly perform and use them in his life and medical practice. (Demonstration. Examples of correct and incorrect use of physical education are given).

Many people confuse the concepts of physical education, physical education, physical activity, physical training, etc. Doctors sometimes issue certificates with the following content: “Exempt from physical education.” This is not only ignorant, but also indicates a lack of culture on the part of the doctor who issued such a recommendation. A competent doctor knows that it is impossible to free a person from culture, including physical culture. You can only be freed from physical activity, and then only temporarily, since there is a powerful remedy - therapeutic physical culture, which is prescribed even to patients on bed rest. The main thing is to properly regulate physical activity in accordance with the physical and functional state of the body.

Physical Culture - part of the general culture of society, including a system of physical education and a set of special scientific knowledge and material resources necessary for the physical improvement of people. The basis and specific content of the physical culture of society and the person himself is the rational use of motor activity as a factor in preparation for life practice, improving one’s physical and functional condition, as well as increasing the reserve and adaptive capabilities of the body.

Physical Culture– this is the ability to control your physical condition, your body. The way we walk, sit, lie, stand, run, gesticulate, chew and even breathe is all physical culture. That is why Nikolai Aleksandrovich Semashko said: “Physical education – 24 hours a day.”

Physical culture, like all other types of culture, presupposes knowledge of certain rules and their implementation in an optimal manner. Knowing any rules is education, and following these rules is culture. Ignorance or failure to follow the rules of work and rest culture, nutrition culture, physical culture, hygienic culture, psycho-emotional culture leads to diseases, which can only be gotten rid of by learning to follow all these rules.

Physical culture as such originated among the ancient peoples of Egypt, Assyro-Babylonia, China, India and then began to develop in two ways - eastern and western.

The Western direction reached especially great development in ancient Greece and Rome.

Physical culture plays a huge role as a means of harmonious physical development, health promotion, prevention of pathological changes in the body associated with insufficient physical activity, and as a factor in active recreation. IN physical culture, in order to comprehensively develop the physical abilities of those involved, physical exercises are used in the form of gymnastics, games, tourism in combination with systematic hardening, as well as the implementation of hygienic rules of work and life, i.e., the implementation of everything that is currently called “Healthy Lifestyle".

Physical culture values ​​– main universal human values ​​(health, physical perfection, high physical and intellectual performance, education of self-discipline).

Physical education This is the process of instilling knowledge, skills and abilities of physical education in special institutions by physical education specialists. This process is specifically aimed at physical development and improvement of the body. One of the main principles of physical education is the principle of a health-improving orientation, which is ensured, in particular, by the obligation and interrelation of medical and pedagogical control. The main means of physical education are physical exercises and hardening. At different age periods, physical education has its own tasks and characteristics. In medical universities, physical education is aimed at maintaining and improving physical and mental performance in medical students, as well as developing knowledge, skills and abilities for the correct use of physical education in their daily life and professional activities.

unregulated dynamic or static action.

Physical training – dosed physical activity, performed in dynamic or static modes, alternating with regulated rest. (Demonstration: example of physical activity and physical training).

Physical and functional condition – two rather similar concepts, however, differing from each other in that in the first case we are talking about the state and dynamics of anthropometric and morphological indicators, in the second case we are talking exclusively about functional indicators manifested both by the whole organism and its individual systems.

Physical development - the state of morphological and functional properties and qualities that underlie the determination of age-related characteristics of the organism. Physical development is determined by a large number of signs: a person’s external appearance, constitutional features of the physique, anthropometric and functional characteristics, etc. For the purposes of medical and pedagogical practice, physical development is most often determined by summary, relatively easy to measure signs: body length, body weight, “circumference” » chest and head, the state of fat and muscle mass, muscle strength and endurance, as well as muscle tone, joint flexibility, breathing amplitude and blood pressure, and according to physical examination. Measurement data is processed by the method of mathematical statistics with the calculation of indices.

Physical and functional readiness- also similar concepts. However, physical fitness manifests itself at the structural level (muscle strength and endurance, flexibility and strength of joints and ligaments, the ability to move quickly and deftly in space); The functional preparedness of the body is manifested by the ability of various functional systems to provide optimal, and if necessary, maximum work, rebuild, compensate and restore the body without disturbing its homeostasis, in order to prevent breakdowns, which can subsequently lead to diseases.

Psychophysical preparedness – This is the willingness to perform the necessary physical activity in an optimal volume and pace for one’s gender and age.

Physical the preparedness side is characterized by the capabilities of the functional systems of the body that ensure effective competitive activity, as well as the level of development of basic physical qualities - speed, strength, endurance, agility (coordination abilities) and flexibility. Physical fitness is divided into general, auxiliary and special.

General preparedness presupposes the diversified development of physical qualities, functional capabilities of organs and systems of the body, the coherence of their manifestation in the process of muscle activity.

Auxiliary preparedness serves as a functional basis for successful work on the development of physical qualities and abilities, manifested in motor actions related to the chosen specialty or chosen sport, which contribute to better preparing the body to endure high specific loads and to intensive recovery processes.

Special preparedness is characterized by the development of physical qualities, capabilities of organs and functional systems that directly determine the highest achievements in the chosen sport and in the chosen profession.

Mental preparedness, in turn, is also divided into two relatively independent and at the same time interconnected aspects: volitional and special mental preparedness.

In structure strong-willed preparedness is distinguished by such qualities as purposefulness (a clear vision of a long-term goal), determination and courage (an inclination to take reasonable risks combined with timeliness and thoughtfulness of decisions), perseverance and perseverance (the ability to mobilize functional reserves, activity in achieving goals and overcoming obstacles), endurance and self-control (clarity of mind, the ability to control one’s thoughts and actions in conditions of emotional excitement), as well as independence and initiative (own initiative and innovation).

Volitional action in its structure is divided into decision-making and its implementation. The decision made is implemented in various conditions, ranging from those in which it is enough to make a decision (and after that the action is carried out as if by itself), and ending with those in which the implementation of a volitional decision is prevented by some strong opposition. At the same time, there is a need for special conditions to overcome it and achieve the intended goal.

In structure special mental preparedness is distinguished:

    resistance to stressful situations;

    degree of perfection of kinesthetic and visual perceptions;

    the ability to mentally regulate movements, ensure the effectiveness of muscle coordination;

    the ability to perceive, organize and process information under conditions of time pressure and emotional overload.

Physical activity . The level of physical activity, its nature and intensity are determined by the conditions of professional and labor activity, everyday life, physical education and sports, the implementation of outdoor activities, as well as geoclimatic conditions. This is called " general physical activity ». In real life, there are both necessary (minimum) and sufficient (optimal) levels of general human physical activity. The minimum level of physical activity is exactly what, unfortunately, is observed in the majority of our contemporaries and compatriots, i.e. those same “practically healthy” people who still feel satisfactory, do not complain about anything, but quickly get tired and have difficulty coping with relatively little physical activity. The optimal level of physical activity, by its aftereffect in the body, ensures optimal indicators of physical development and physical fitness. The optimal level of physical activity depends on the type of nervous activity, biochemical reactions in the body, and the quantity and quality of food consumed. The optimal level of physical activity ensures a person’s physical readiness to perform basic social functions, primarily the normal life support of the body, high professional working capacity, stability of the internal environment of the body, low fatigue during work and rapid recovery after its cessation, lasting health and low morbidity, as under normal and extreme conditions.

Now it is extremely important that everyone understands for themselves once and for all that our contemporaries, with their automation and mechanization of production processes and everyday life, will never be able to raise their physical activity to an optimal level if they do not include special physical education and sports motor activity. Special physical culture and sports motor activity of a person is only one of the components of his general motor activity, but this component is very important, since only it can bring each individual out of a state called “hypokinesia.” The concepts of “hypokinesia” and “hypodynamia” are often confused. Hypokinesia is a decrease in motor activity, and physical inactivity is a decrease in muscle tension and muscle strength.

Motor mode This is a purposeful, regulated distribution of physical activity throughout the day. The motor regime includes morning hygienic gymnastics, household physical activity, the production process with industrial gymnastics, educational or health-improving physical education classes, and at the end of the day, final relaxing gymnastics.

Sports – a specific area of ​​physical culture, where in competitive conditions the maximum capabilities and abilities of a person are manifested, for which the body is specially prepared through active intensive training. The distinctive features of sport are the desire for the best sports results, the cultivation of will, determination and courage in solving various problems, the struggle for victory in the conditions of various competitions, the high emotionality of both competitions and training sessions and the associated great physical and psychological stress. Compared to other types of physical activity, sport allows us to achieve the highest development of the physical and functional capabilities of the body. However, training and competitive loads characteristic of sports provide a positive effect only under conditions of their rational use and the correct recovery period. Unfortunately, in the pursuit of gold medals, coaches and athletes forget about health and ethical standards, using various doping and other stimulants that give temporary success and then long-term illness. This undermines the authority of the sport. Therefore, at present, physical culture and big sport have become antipodes. The duty of physicians is to ensure that sport brings only benefits to the body, and for this purpose it is necessary to strictly select a training regimen and restore the body well after competitive stress, creating conditions for athletes to have a healthy lifestyle. The most important of these conditions are qualified pedagogical guidance and systematic medical supervision, taking into account the individual characteristics of students: age, gender, and preliminary preparedness. In sports, technical, tactical and psychophysiological preparedness is of great importance.

Physical perfection – This is the ability to perform physical activity at the maximum volume and pace that can be demonstrated for a given gender and age. Physical perfection is achieved through constant training in a certain mode (with a gradual, correct and constant increase in loads), which allows the accumulation of physical and functional reserves. Until approximately 25 years of age, a person can accumulate physical and functional reserves beyond his biological capabilities, then he can maintain them for many years, but in the end, biological age will force him to gradually reduce the pace and volume of maximum loads. (Demonstration: examples, graphs, tables).

A person has three ages: passport age, biological age, which basically coincides with passport age, and functional age, which, as a rule, does not coincide with either passport age or biological age. The following phrases speak well about functional age: “A man is as old as he feels, and a woman is as old as she looks.” And Andrei Voznesensky said very figuratively about functional age: “I feel sorry for you, I feel sorry for you, old man, I feel sorry for you, old man of twenty!” Yes, you can become a functional old man even when you are young according to your passport, or you can give birth to children at the age of 70 and set records, but for this you need to maintain your psychophysical state at the proper level all these years.

Physical perfection is one of the most important social goals (along with health promotion, ideological, moral, mental, aesthetic education, etc.) achieved through the means of physical culture.

Organizational and administrative aspects of physical education in medical universities . The subject “Physical Education” was introduced into universities in 1929, because it was noticed that students’ health deteriorated during their studies at the university. Scientists have proven that mental and emotional stress without physical activity leads to a decrease in functional and physical capabilities, which reduces resistance to diseases and leads to both mental and somatic pathology. Currently, the informational and emotional volume of loads is so great that it significantly overloads the body, and only physical stress on the musculoskeletal system counteracts the informational and emotional attack on the brain.

Scientists in many works prove that properly organized physical education classes increase mental and physical performance, improving the functional capabilities of the body. Considering the important role of physical education in the health and strengthening of people, the country's leadership pays great attention to the proper education of physical education in all age groups of the population. This is emphasized in the Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” dated 04/29/1999, in the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1025 dated 12/01/1999 “On the organization of the process of physical education in educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher professional education" and the order dated July 16, 2002 "On improving the process of physical education in educational institutions of the Russian Federation" in pursuance of the decision of the boards of the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Health of Russia, the State Sports Committee of Russia and the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Education dated May 23, 2002 No. 11/9/6 /5. Therefore, in the State Educational Standard, the subject “Physical Culture” is a compulsory discipline for every higher educational institution without reducing the allocated hours. In medical universities, physical education is not only a means of improving the health of students and maintaining their physical and mental balance, but also a subject that students should subsequently use in their medical practice as a powerful non-drug means of recovery. Every doctor must be able to prescribe a physical regimen for each of his patients, just as he must prescribe a nutritional regimen and a regimen for taking medical procedures.

The subject “Physical Education” in medical universities is taught in accordance with the curriculum of each university, which must comply with State Standards. Considering that even two classes a week is not enough to improve the physical and functional capabilities of the body, in academic classes the student mainly learns what and how to do. Therefore, it is necessary to try to find time for independent study during the extracurricular period. Missing classes means depriving yourself of the opportunity to maintain physical and mental performance, and then depriving your patients of competent recommendations and full-fledged treatment.

Physical education classes in medical universities are conducted in the form of lectures, methodological, practical and educational training sessions in gyms and stadiums.

All medical students for physical education are divided into medical groups: basic, preparatory, special and exercise therapy. Students are exempt from physical education classes only for the duration of their exemption from all other academic classes at the university. Taking into account the specific educational orientation of physical education at a medical university, medical students cannot be exempted from the subject “Physical Education”, since they must master the theoretical section in the form of lectures and the methodological and practical section taught in practical academic classes, and depending on the physical and functional conditions undergo either an educational and training course or a therapeutic and recreational course. Therefore, doctors who exempt medical students from classes are, firstly, not performing their functions, and secondly, doing a “disservice” to future colleagues.

Students who missed classes must submit student certificates, which replace sick leave, within a week after resuming classes at the university. Only on the basis of these certificates the student does not make up missed training sessions; any other certificates are invalid. However, this does not exempt students from the theoretical and methodological-practical course. All absences from training sessions without providing certificates are processed within a month. Theoretical and methodological-practical courses are practiced in the form of abstracts.

After passing a medical examination and passing control standards and control exercises, students can engage in sports sections or health groups that are cultivated at the university where they study. Classes in sections outside the university do not give the right to receive credit. Students who are members of Russian national teams in sports that are included in the Spartakiad of Russian universities and Russian championships undergo an educational and training course in accordance with their training plans, signed by the teacher responsible for the faculty where the student is studying.

The test is given to a student who has fully completed the theoretical, methodological-practical and educational-training or therapeutic and health-improving courses and has demonstrated knowledge and skills in the courses taken.

Physical education in medical universities aimed at:

– strengthening the health of students and maintaining their high performance throughout the entire period of study at the university;

– ensuring the versatile physical development of students;

– development and improvement of special physical qualities necessary for doctors in the process of performing their professional duties;

– instilling in students knowledge, skills and abilities in the use of physical culture and sports in the classroom, during work and on vacation;

– preparing students for independent work as organizers of hygienic and industrial gymnastics.

The professional orientation of physical education in medical universities is that the doctor himself must not only improve his health with the help of physical education means and develop the physical and psychophysical qualities necessary for work, but also constantly in his medical practice include the means of physical education in the motor regime of patients and in treatment tactics for patients. To do this, it is necessary not only to theoretically know what and when means of physical education should be prescribed to the patient, but also to be able to correctly explain to him how to use these means, and, if necessary, show how to correctly perform this or that physical exercise, as well as correctly direct the patient to one or another section or health group. In addition, the doctor must be able to correctly assess physical development based on the materials of anthropometric examinations conducted before and after physical education classes; conduct medical and pedagogical observations in places where physical education students practice; carry out medical supervision over the classes of recreational training sections and health groups, industrial gymnastics; carry out sanitary and hygienic control in places of physical education and sports, etc.

Physical culture, which is the most important component of raising a healthy person, not only increases the body’s endurance, but also contributes to the formation of the necessary moral and volitional qualities and therefore is an important basis for psychoprophylaxis. In the body there is a known relationship between its mental and physical state. The mental state affects the physical state of the body and vice versa - physical and somatic factors, changing the biochemical dynamics of the body, affect its mental state.

Research in the laboratory of I.P. Pavlov proved that experimental animals exposed to excessively heavy experimental load for a long time may exhibit trophic disorders and other symptoms of early aging. A difficult experimental task performed by animals is analogous to the intense mental work of a student. That is why in the system of disease and aging prevention there must be a clear alternation of the correct organization of mental work and physical training.

Essential skills and skills. In physical culture, these are motor acts that are extremely important in a person’s everyday life, thanks to which interaction occurs between various parts of the body and its internal organs, which underlies the coordinated (ordered) work of the body and determines its integral activity. The formation of skills and abilities is carried out with the help of acquired reflexes [from lat. reflexus– reflection] – the body’s response to irritation of receptors, carried out through the central nervous system. With the help of reflexes (and therefore skills) the body adapts to the external environment. Thus, from a general biological point of view, reflexes (as well as the skills and abilities formed on their basis) are an adaptive reaction of the body, manifested both in the simplest reflex acts and in the most complex forms of behavior in humans and highly organized animals. A striking example of vital skills and abilities is nasal breathing, thanks to which not only the interaction between the internal organs of a person is carried out, but also its relationship with the external environment. Unfortunately, people very often breathe incorrectly. Improper breathing involves complex mechanisms of adaptive reactions, which, unable to withstand the ongoing pathological load, lead to the emergence of pathology in the body. That is why yogis treat many diseases by teaching people how to breathe correctly. In addition, with the help of proper nose breathing, those involved in physical education have an excellent opportunity to very accurately dose physical activity during physical exercise so that physical activity remains at the level of a health-improving effect on the body, however, this is the topic of subsequent lectures.

The professional orientation of physical education at a medical university also lies in the fact that students master a number of professionally applied skills physical training for doctors - study of various methods of movement, especially such as walking, running, skiing, cycling, swimming, rowing, which can be useful when caring for patients at home and providing emergency care. In addition, it is necessary to develop professionally applied physical qualities necessary for a doctor to perform his professional duties, for example, for surgeons it is very important to have static strength endurance of the muscles of the back and lower extremities, so as not to get tired of standing at the operating table for hours, speed endurance and speed of the upper extremities to quickly take the right tool and apply the right suture to quickly stop the bleeding, as well as reaction speed, will, operational thinking, etc.


Many of us daily wonder why we need to constantly move, develop and learn something new. Despite the fact that we repeat the same actions day after day, some people still strive to change something in themselves and in their daily plans. Find out the 7 most useful knowledge for a successful life!

Only after we manage to at least partially change our essence will we be able to influence the course of events in our lives for the better. Action is key. We offer you the most effective areas of self-development.

1. Master financial literacy

Apply the rules of working with money in life. Learn how to start your own business and manage money.

First of all, read the books:
— Robert Kiyosaki “Rich Dad Poor Dad”;
— Yuri Moroz “Business. A Guide for Geniuses";
— Robert Allen “Multiple Streams of Income.”

2. Learn to think

There are special thinking techniques. Master them from books:
— Edward de Bono;
— and the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ).

Find out how human memory works.
Read the book by Vladimir Kozarenko “Textbook of Mnemonics”. If you have children, they will become excellent students in school simply by practicing memorization techniques.

3. Learn to read quickly

4. Master touch typing skills

Do 2 weeks of 15 minutes a day with the Stamina program. And you can surprise your friends by touch typing. And most importantly, save yourself time in the future on typing.

5. Control your dreams

By learning to control your dreams, you will unlock your creativity. Take the "Lucid Dreaming in 7 Days" course or read books on dreams. Lucid dreams are exciting adventures, they are like 3D movies with your personal participation.

6. Learn the laws of success

Successful people know something that others don't. There are secrets of success, using which you can achieve what you want. The most complete collection of working materials about success is collected in the collection “The Magic of Success.”

7. Process your emotions. Manage your sexual energy

The most important stage of development. It is precisely unrealized emotions that create an obstacle to self-development. Read the books:
— Alexander Lowen “Psychology of the Body”;
— Stanislav Grof “Holotropic Consciousness”;
- Books by Mantek Chia.

Learn to read body language and recognize other people's emotions. People often say not what they think and think without saying anything. Read literature on the topic. And remember that you can find a lot of useful material using the Internet!

Where to start self-development

Our life is structured in such a way that each of us sooner or later comes to the understanding and realization that the time has come to change something in ourselves, in our professional life, in our activities.

This raises the question: “ Where to start self-development?". Here I would like to quote the words of John Newman, which for some will be key:
“Don't be afraid that your life will end. Be afraid that it will never begin.”
These words make a lot of sense, because in our far from ideal world it is difficult to live without preparation. That's why many of us prefer to just go with the flow.

Changing ourselves

As for “preparation”, this is something we need to do independently and additionally. It's no secret that the process of changing yourself can take a lot of time. But the more you learn, analyze, find, the more interesting life becomes, wouldn’t you agree?

Where to start self-development? If you have a desire to change, decide what you want to achieve? What peaks? What kind of income? Also, don’t forget to take a closer look at your talents and your strengths.
Note that every person has them.

The most important thing you need to start doing right away is to approach life in such a way as to get the maximum benefit from it. Yes, it’s so simple and selfish on the one hand and very practical on the other. One of the options is described here. Choose any method for yourself, after reading several worthwhile books on self-development before doing so, and persistently change your attitude towards life.

Communicate with people who have something to learn from. Throw out whiners and other people who drag you down from your life. If you can’t find worthy people yet... look for them and don’t say that there are no such people.

To feel great and look normal in ANY case, you need to confidently swim on three pillars - healthy eating, physical activity and mental self-regulation. But the details may already be different and your task is to choose exactly those methods and techniques that will work for you 100%, taking a minimum of time.

If you can’t do it yourself, find a specialist who will train you in these topics for money, and then let you go free. You can master everything yourself, but why should you waste energy and time making mistakes that can be avoided.

Keep a diary. But not a simple record of your life - you ate, called, slept, but a real diary of self-development. This topic is interesting and cannot be covered in a couple of lines, but in short, then... find on the Internet what the “wheel of life balance” is and, based on it, divide your diary into topics according to this “wheel”.

Find a convenient way to plan your day and week. At the end of the day, BE SURE to note 2-3 of your successes in your diary. It’s even better if you do a short debriefing in the evenings.

For example, during the day a situation occurred in which you behaved incorrectly. “Revise” it in your diary from the right perspective. - Chandler, what should we do? - Joe, think about what we would do if we were smart?

Use the most productive 5-10 minutes before falling asleep in the evening for self-hypnosis, “recapitulation” (Google!), health improvement (my vision has significantly improved in 3 months) and... much more you can do at this time.

Now we bring to your attention some of the most effective ways to improve your qualities:

  • Get up as early as possible, do exercises or jogging.
  • Try making a daily plan of things to do.
  • Strive to become a disciplined person.
  • In your free time, engage in sports or spiritual development, that is, an activity that gives you pleasure.
  • Don't get angry at people and don't expect more from them than they can.
  • Treat yourself as a successful and wise person.
  • Open up new horizons and learn languages.
  • Don't allow yourself to feel fear and guilt.
  • Maintain a healthy diet and be grateful.

Good day, dear reader! Today I want to tell you about one of the most important skills in life for any person. Many people want to be successful in life. However, for some reason, for most of us, the gloomy everyday life of routine days (wow expression) is the norm of life. And nothing can be done about it... Or can it?

Still, you must agree with me that there are enough examples in the world of people who have made a global revolution in their destiny. How did they manage to move from point A (their current position) and come to point B (the place where all their dreams come true)? What helped them make a qualitative leap? Connections? Blat? Lucky case? Or something different?

Standard life, or am I living like everyone else?

In order for you to understand what the most important skill in life is (in my humble opinion), I will tell you a story about a person I know (let's call him Alexander). So that's how it was. Let's start with school. At school (as, indeed, in other educational institutions, be it a college or university), it is not customary to do anything beyond the norm. If you do something that most of your peers don't do, then you are either a "suck-up" or a "nerd."

This worldview is cultivated among students, thereby forming a certain public opinion among schoolchildren (or students). At the same time, Alexander, in order not to be a black sheep among his peers, never particularly strained himself. He did exactly what was needed. Everything is standard. Maybe less, but no more.

For the average young person, “being oneself” among a group of peers is much more important than self-realization of one’s potential (and, of course, it is in each of us). After graduating from school, Alexander enters a university and there he also continues to follow his habit - to do exactly as much as necessary.

The key word here is “habit.” As you may have noticed, the formation of this habit was particularly influenced by Alexander’s environment. Perhaps, deep down in his soul, he would like to do more than he is asked, but his environment, in other words, public opinion, gives him a different “attitude.”

So, 5 years come, and our friend graduates from his higher educational institution. He never stood out particularly among his peers; he was a typical “average guy.”

It's time to go to work. With heartbreak, our friend finds a more or less decent (in his opinion) job and begins to “realize himself as a professional.” As you know, especially in commercial structures, management tries to “drink all the juice” from their subordinates. It is clear that entrepreneurs need every ruble spent to work and generate new money. Therefore, Alexander has to work like hell to stay in his current job.

Management constantly demands that he work more efficiently and productively. At the same time, Alexander seems to want to work more, but some inner strength does not allow him to fully realize himself. Why is this happening? You probably already guessed it. It's all about a habit acquired in the distant past that comes back to haunt us today.

Habit can turn a person into a creator who realizes all his dreams, or it can gradually limit a person, instilling in him that doing something beyond the norm is bad, that the one who does this is either sick or just a fool.

This philosophy of striving for doing nothing is implanted in a person’s brain by his immediate environment. Every day you are fueled by the energy of “freebies”, “lying on the couch”, etc. from your loved ones. It is very difficult to cope with beliefs that have been formed in you over several years. As they say, whoever you mess with...

What conclusion can be drawn from the story about Alexander that I just told you? Every person has internal inclinations to success. It is a fact. However, not everyone is capable of self-realization in this life. This is also a fact. Why does this happen in most cases? That's right - because of the negative influence of your environment. We live by the opinions of others, as if we don’t have our own opinion at all.
How can one still break through the opinions of “life experts”? How can you overcome any stereotypes and become who you want? What skill is needed for success in life? So you have read to the point where I will tell you what, in my opinion, skill is the main skill in life.

The main skill in life

So. You have been reading this article for a long time and, finally, you will now learn about the most important skill that you need to achieve your goals. Meet, the most important skill in life- This ability to do.

Yes, yes, what did you think? Did you want to hear about some “new bike”? In vain. Believe me, if you master this skill (at least 50% of your potential), you will live happily ever after. If by a larger percentage, then - a great man. If you are close to 100%, then you will be a genius.

Oddly enough, many of you are disappointed right now. “It’s also a skill for me! I already knew this very well” or “...I already work like hell, but I don’t live happily.” Well, then, as they say, Game Over or game over for you. It is unlikely that you will be convinced anymore.

If you don’t think so, and are constantly in search of a better life, then it will be useful for you to really master this skill.

You think that you have this skill, however, in fact, it don't own.

Do you want me to prove this to you? For example, you are probably the kind of person who likes to create something new and interesting. At the same time, when a person comes up with something new, he always asks the opinions of his friends. At the first successful opportunity, you turn to your friends or acquaintances and so, casually, ask: “What do you think about this?” Like any other “normal” person, your advisor tells you that your idea is good, but you won’t be able to implement it.

In the same way, you turn to your other “adviser” and receive approximately the same answer. After several such “appeals” you yourself stop believing in your own strength. “What if my idea really isn’t feasible?” Again, that's it, Game Over.

However, if you have at least half mastered the skill of doing, then I assure you that the opinions of other people will not be in the first place for you. You just take it and do what you planned to do in your head. Dot.

Just imagine how much you would have already done if it weren’t for this notorious public opinion. However, the problem with public opinion is solved quite simply. If you really like listening to other people’s opinions, then I advise you to do the following.

Algorithm for combating public opinion:

1) Listen to the opinions of other people about your project;

2) Forgot other people's opinions about your project.

Well, how? A simple algorithm for a (really) simple problem. By the way, here is another topic that I want to warn you against. Even if you do something with passion and it doesn’t work out at first, your “advisers” will say the following one hundred percent: “Yeah, I told you that you won’t succeed!”

Never, never, never take these words to heart! These are the words of those people who haven’t done a damn thing (pardon the expression) in their lives. If you communicate with truly normal people, then I assure you that such people will never tell you that you are losers; your life is a series of failures.

Believe me, if you find the right people among your surroundings who have already achieved something in this life, then by communicating with them you will be able to cope with your difficulties and achieve what you dream of.

Even if your idea fails completely (which I doubt) - this is not a reason for despair. As Napoleon Hill, the author of famous books on self-development and success, said: “In every failure there are seeds of success.” Always remember these words, and then any problem will be a springboard for you to higher achievements.

Conclusion: As part of this article, I told you about the main skill in life - the ability to do. At the same time, it is important to be able to do it in any situation, in any opinion about your idea. No amount of public opinion can make you stray from your intended course if you really have the skill of doing.

You may have a question: “How can you acquire this skill?” I answer: will you remember the story about Alexander. How the makings of great efficiency were killed in him

That's right: by daily bombarding his consciousness with formed public opinion (God, what an expression). To put it simply, Alexander simply developed the habit of not doing anything beyond the norm.

Again, the key word here is “habit.” If you do, do, do, day after day, then after 21 days (as they say in smart books), you will simply develop a habit, thanks to which you will be able to make such revolutions in your life (or quantum leaps) that all your relatives and friends will be simply shocked.

By the way, just think about it. 21 days to form a habit. And you have been bombarded with public opinion for several years now. Think about it.

Now you know about main skill in life.



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