Healthy lifestyle. How to take classes

Under the concept " healthy lifestyle» implied whole complex aspects of human life, ranging from certain norms in nutrition to emotional and psychological mood. Leading a healthy lifestyle is a complete overhaul of existing habits in food, physical activity and rest.

To change your familiar image life to a healthy one, it is necessary to have a clear idea not only about the aspects included in the concept of a healthy lifestyle (HLS), but also about the factors that have Negative influence to psychological and emotional condition as well as health.

Technogenic progress, complication social structure, deterioration environmental situation led to the fact that modern man constantly exposed increased loads, which, first of all, have a negative impact on his general emotional, psychological and physical health. avoid it pernicious influence allows awareness of the importance of oneself as an individual, close attention to one's own well-being and health.

What is included in the concept of HSE?

The interpretation of the concept is quite extensive and is characterized differently from different points of view. In the official definition, healthy lifestyle means a lifestyle aimed at general strengthening health and risk prevention various kinds diseases, and in the philosophical and sociological direction - as a problem of a global scale, which is an integral part of the life of society.

There are both medical-biological and psychological-pedagogical definitions. All of them sound different, but they carry the same semantic load, which boils down to the fact that a healthy lifestyle, first of all, is aimed at strengthening the body and general health individual in society. According to experts in the field of medicine, human health is 50% dependent on lifestyle, and other factors have a much smaller impact. Thus, the influence of the level of the health care system is 10%, the genetic base and the environment - 20%, respectively.

Prerequisites and conditions

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves:

  1. versatile and full development of all aspects of human life;
  2. increase in the duration of active longevity;
  3. participation of a person, regardless of his age, in labor, social, family activities.

The actual topic of a healthy lifestyle became in the seventies of the last century. This interest is due to changes in human environment environment, increasing life expectancy, the impact of environmental conditions on the body and health.

Modern people in the vast majority lead an inactive lifestyle, have more free time, do not limit themselves in nutrition. However, there is no need to relax emotionally and psychologically. The sharp increase in the speed of life has led to the emergence of numerous stress factors.

All this negatively affects a person. Every year, as doctors say, the number of hereditary diseases is only increasing. All this led to a logical search for a solution to how in reality modern world stay physically and spiritually healthy, live not only long, but also stay active.

Compliance with the daily routine

An important step towards leading a healthy lifestyle is the balance between rest and activity. Many people go to bed after midnight, trying to compensate for the lack of sleep during the weekend by getting up well after noon. This kind of routine is not the norm.

To normalize your schedule, you need to review the things that you need to do during the day. Non-urgent tasks can be rescheduled or completed faster without being distracted by other tasks. The approach to time planning should be extremely systematic.

To rationally distribute rest and work is to alternate periods of mental and physical tension With total relaxation, that is, sleep. For an adult daily rate sleep is 7 to 8 hours. This also applies to weekends.

Balanced diet

It is impossible to lead a healthy lifestyle without observing certain norms in nutrition. involves a fairly extensive list of recommendations and tips, but there are also general principles that can guide you to change your eating habits:

  • exclude strong tea, coffee, alcohol from the menu;
  • refuse to regularly consume fast carbohydrates, which include carbonated drinks, muffins, chips, fast food and similar products;
  • do not arrange late dinners and snacks;
  • limit the intake of animal fats;
  • significantly reduce animal protein foods and include dietary rabbit and poultry meat in the menu;
  • include in the menu as many plant foods as possible;
  • switch to fractional nutrition;
  • eat exclusively fresh products;
  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • correlate the amount of food with the energy expended.

Products and prepared dishes must be natural, have a high nutritional value- contain everything essential vitamins, micro and macro elements. If possible, it is better to consult a dietitian who will select and draw up a menu taking into account all the individual needs of the body.

Active lifestyle

It is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. With the advent of technologies and devices that facilitate human labor and other aspects of life, the need for physical activity decreased significantly. Outside the home and place of work, a person travels by transport. There is no need to even go shopping anymore. Food and other goods can be ordered for home delivery.

There are various ways to compensate for the lack of physical activity. You need to choose them solely at your own discretion. The main thing to remember is that without movement it is simply impossible to keep the body in good shape. Loads increase gradually. For those who are just starting to practice a healthy lifestyle, it is enough to devote half an hour a day to physical exercises.

You can do:

  • or running;
  • ride a bike;
  • yoga;
  • qigong gymnastics;

Perform training various exercises can be done both at home and in the gym. There are many opportunities for physical activity. You can start with walking and gradually move to higher loads. If possible, it is better to walk and run in forested areas. Increased attention should be paid to the mobility and flexibility of the spine - the main indicators of youth and body tone.

Bad habits are the enemy of a healthy lifestyle

This applies not only to drinking and smoking, but also to addiction to unhealthy foods, which include salty food, soda, various sweets, chips. Without abandoning them, it is impossible to conduct a full-fledged healthy life. This point is the first on the way to the practice of a healthy lifestyle.

Health promotion and disease prevention

Without hardening and strengthening the body, human immunity is reduced. This negatively affects both vitality, and thus leads to increased risk morbidity. To strengthen the body will help drugs such as tincture of ginseng or eleutherococcus, which are sold in pharmacies, home herbal remedies, hardening.

To harden the body, you do not need to immediately resort to dousing and bathing in cold water. You can start with a contrast shower. The water temperature difference should be small. Hardening contributes both to an increase in the immune status and strengthens the vascular system, raises the overall tone and stimulates the nervous autonomic system.

Need to pay increased attention nervous system and psychological state. Irritability, nervous tension, strong excitement, constant stress- main reasons premature aging. Anxiety affects not only physiological processes, but also provokes pathological changes in both cellular and tissue structures. Everyone gets nervous and angry from time to time. The main thing is not to accumulate and keep negative emotions in yourself, but to “splash out” them.

Not the last role in strengthening and maintaining health is played by body weight. Weight must always be controlled. Its excess becomes an additional factor contributing to the risk of developing various pathologies including endocrine, vascular, cardiac.

A full clinical examination for people over 45 years of age is a mandatory procedure. She allows for early stages detect cardiac ischemia, diabetes, hypertension and other diseases, guaranteeing successful completion therapy.


1. healthy image life as a means of preserving and strengthening human health

A healthy lifestyle is a way of life aimed at maintaining and improving people's health. A healthy lifestyle is promoted by:

Physical exercise;


Proper nutrition.

Bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs interfere with a healthy lifestyle.

A prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle is a properly composed regime of work and rest.

Human labor is varied. It includes both mental and physical activity of a person and represents, on the one hand, the content of life, and on the other hand, the stages of improving the mental, spiritual and physical development personality.

However, in order to properly build your work and ensure high performance, while avoiding overwork, it is necessary to provide for alternation different types activities and rest, based on the general physiological laws of the functioning of the body.

During the day, the state of the body and its performance are subject to clear rhythmic periods. Most high level The working capacity of the body is noted in the morning hours (from 10 to 12 hours), and then some decrease occurs. A repeated increase in working capacity is observed from 16 to 18 hours. In the evening, the functions of the body are significantly reduced, and the time of the beginning of the onset of a new day is accompanied by low performance.

Due to the change in working capacity, the productivity of labor also changes. Therefore, work should be planned in such a way that the most difficult and responsible work falls on those hours when working capacity is at a high level.

In order not to waste time and energy in vain, it is necessary that any activity be planned. Planning will allow you to evenly distribute work, avoid unnecessary overload and fatigue.

During work, it is advisable to take several breaks, which should be filled with physical exercises, or, especially if you spend time at books or a computer, exercises for the eyes.

To ensure that the work is not accompanied by unnecessary waste of energy, it is necessary to prepare the workplace:

Ventilate the room;

Remove unnecessary items that interfere with work;

Adjust lighting;

Eliminate everything that can distract from productive work.

Violation of these conditions contributes to fatigue, fatigue, which can acquire chronic course and go into overwork, which is much more difficult to cope with. It requires a long rest, and sometimes even treatment.

Free time can be spent, depending on interests, in the world of art, literature, technology, sports.

On the one hand, this is switching between activities, and on the other hand, expanding one's horizons, one of the ways of self-improvement. It is important that in free time there was a component active action. You should exercise at least twice a week for 2-3 hours.

Periodic alternation of wakefulness and sleep is also one of the manifestations of biological rhythms. Sleep is rest. The duration of sleep should be at least 7-8 hours, and best time for sleep - from 22 to 6 o'clock in the morning.

The processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex that occur during sleep must be replaced in the morning by excitation processes that are stimulated by exercise, breakfast, and a walk.

2. The impact of bad habits on human health

A healthy lifestyle involves the exclusion or minimization of factors that adversely affect human health.

Factors that can cause irreparable harm to human health, his mental and spiritual development include such bad habits:


The use of alcoholic beverages,

The use of toxic and narcotic substances.

According to the UN data, 3 million people die from smoking every year in the world, that is, 1 person dies from smoking every 13 seconds. Wherein harmful substances affect not only the smokers themselves, but also those who are close to them and are forced to inhale tobacco smoke.

According to the data World Organization Health (WHO), about 90-95% of lung cancers, 45-50% of all cancers and 20-25% of cardiovascular diseases are caused by smoking. Risk of dying from lung cancer smoking men 22 times higher than non-smokers. Smoking is the main cause of malignant neoplasms lips, oral cavity and pharynx, larynx, esophagus.

Smoking also contributes to the development chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. Smokers are more likely to experience relapses of these diseases, they are more difficult to treat.

Alcohol belongs to the group of neurodepressants - substances that depress the activity of the centers of the brain, reduce the supply of oxygen to the brain, which leads to a weakening of brain activity and poor coordination of movements, confused speech, fuzzy thinking, loss of attention, the ability to think logically and accept right decisions up to and including insanity.

Statistics show that the majority of those who drowned were in a state of intoxication, every fifth traffic accident is associated with alcohol, a drunken quarrel is the most common cause of murder, and a drunk person risks being robbed in the first place.

In Russia, persons in a state of alcohol intoxication, takes place:

81% kills

87% severe bodily injury,

80% of rapes

85% of robberies,

88% hooligan actions.

Sooner or later u constantly drinking man heart disease occurs gastrointestinal tract, liver, etc. In addition, the drinker experiences disintegration and degradation of the personality (partial or complete).

Painful changes in the nervous system that occur in drunkards, various internal organs, metabolic disorders, personality degradation lead to rapid aging and decrepitude. The average life expectancy of alcoholics is 15-20 years shorter than usual.

Drugs are a poison that has a depressing effect on all organs and tissues, and especially on the central nervous system. Unlike alcoholism, when a person continues to work, albeit with low labor productivity, drug addiction leads to a rapid loss of ability to work and leads to death. The average life expectancy of drug addicts is 30 years.

There are a large number of substances (means) that can intoxicate a person. These substances that actively affect the human nervous system and psyche are called psychoactive or intoxicating substances (drugs).

As a result of drug use, drug addiction develops - a special serious disease, which consists in the formation of a persistent dependence of a person, his physical and mental well-being on the presence or absence of a drug in the body.

Along with drugs, there are a large number medicines, as well as household and industrial chemicals that can cause, thanks to toxic effect on the brain, a state of intoxication.

Such substances (means) are called toxicants, and the disease state caused by dependence on them is called substance abuse.

At the same time, the formation of drug and substance abuse is characterized by the development of the following features:

mental dependence;

physical addiction;


The death of patients is caused not only by complications serious illnesses caused by drugs, but also drug overdose, accidents and suicides while intoxicated or during "withdrawal".

In addition, patients die from vascular thrombosis, HIV infection, blood poisoning when using dirty syringes.

Currently being strengthened the legislative framework and tougher punishments for people who contribute to the distribution of drugs (see Appendix No. 1).

3. Basic criteria for human health

Along with other means that heal our body, prevent diseases, slow down the onset of old age, lengthen our life, exclusively importance have adequate sleep and a balanced diet.

For sleep disorders and malnutrition in the shortest possible time, everything that gymnastics gave health can be nullified, Athletics, the most stringent health regimen.

Sleep is the most sure remedy, eliminating all the phenomena of fatigue and quickly restoring strength in the body. During sleep, consciousness is turned off and only some areas that are not covered by inhibition continue to function and give rise to extraordinary dreams.

With deep sleep, blood pressure drops, heart activity weakens, breathing becomes rarer, metabolism slows down, muscle tone often decreases, and skeletal muscles relax. Thanks to this, the body rests.

Healthy people fall asleep immediately deep sleep, which becomes more superficial in the morning. They wake up energized and refreshed. Neurosthenics and overworked people have shallow sleep.

The experiments of a number of scientists found that in people who were put off the onset of sleep for 3 hours, memory was weakened by 50%. The same was registered in relation to quick wit and ability to perceive.

Regular disruption of sleep patterns can lead to hypertension and stomach ulcers. The time of night sleep, sufficient for the rest of the central nervous system, is different for different ages.

At the age of 20-50 years, sleep should be at least 8 hours a day, the elderly - 6-7 hours, and adolescents aged 14-16 years - 9-11 hours.

Good nutrition is one of critical factors that promote health, increase the ability to work and the body's resistance to all external influences.

For each of us, whether we work physically, play sports or play mental labor, food is the source of the energy that is needed both when our body is in motion and when it is at rest.

Energy is consumed during active muscle contraction and during sleep. At the same time, in a dream, the work of the heart and blood supply to all organs and tissues continues, work continues respiratory apparatus, gastrointestinal tract. The expenditure of energy in the animal organism is connected with the formation of heat, without which our organism could not always maintain the same temperature necessary for the life of its cells.

The main nutrients for humans are:


mineral salts,


All these substances that make up our body do not remain unchanged. Some of them are undergoing transformation, destruction, disintegration into simpler ones in their own way. chemical structure substances or, as they say, “oxidizes”, “burns out”, while releasing the energy necessary for the life of the organism.

At the same time, food coming from outside provides the body throughout a person's life with the material that maintains the heat necessary for tissues and constant cell growth. Abundant food rich in sugar and starch in the absence of physical work, much to the displeasure of lovers of sweet and starchy foods, leads to obesity.

With a lack of iodine in food, a thyroid disease develops, a lack of sodium and chlorine (table salt) leads to a violation of cardiac activity and water metabolism, to dizziness and fainting. Magnesium takes part in the processes associated with cardiac activity, and potassium is related to the water content in tissues, to acid-base balance.

Excessive salt content in food contributes to gout, arteriosclerosis, and hypertension.

Food should be varied and deliciously prepared. It must be taken at least three times a day in hot form at a strictly set time.

4. The need for physical education

Physical Culture and sport is the most effective means For long-term preservation youth, health and life extension.

Physical exercises, diverse in form, comprehensively acting on the body, are available and can be successfully used by a person of any age. Selected taking into account the state of health, age and gender characteristics, physical exercises, activating, strengthening and training all organs and systems of the body, are a source of unique sensations of bodily joy, muscle freshness, excess energy and general cheerfulness.

At the same time, it has been proven that any movement that affects the muscles, for example, walking, breathing exercises, gardening, various types of games, have their positive impact on all functions of the body to the same extent both in persons of mental and physical labor.

Sport has a positive effect on the central nervous system and on all the most important organs and systems of the human body. Going in for sports, you can change the strength of physical stress, shorten or lengthen distances, reduce or increase the time allotted for training.

When exercising, you must follow the following basic rules:

1. Graduality and accessibility. This means that the exercises should be selected at first accessible and only as you master them, you need to gradually complicate them. The load should also be accessible, and only as fitness grows, should it be gradually increased.

2. Classes should be emotional.

3. During classes, it is necessary to use fresh air as much as possible.

4. Systematism and regularity of classes. These are absolutely necessary conditions for physical exercises. If you can't exercise regularly, it's best not to start exercising.

5. Use of environmental factors for hardening

It is necessary that each person realizes the exceptional importance of hardening the body.

hardening natural factors nature with the help of sunlight, ambient temperature and water procedures protects the body from colds(e.g. influenza, sore throats, pneumonia, bronchitis, upper respiratory tract), often occurring with severe complications.

Hardening is available to everyone, it does not require any special devices, special home environment and can be carried out throughout the year. Hardened people are able to walk in severe frosts in winter in light clothes, without a coat, to make long swims in icy water.

Any kind of hardening is inevitably associated with skin care, which performs such functions as protecting the body from various damage, its adaptation to the external environment, the release of end products of metabolism, the regulation of heat consumed by the body. The skin, which perceives various stimuli to which the human body is exposed, through the nervous apparatus embedded in it, is in constant and close connection, interaction with the external environment and with the cerebral cortex.

External irritations received by the skin from sun and air baths or water procedures, through complex reflexes, affect the central nervous system, and through it - on the functions of the body.

The sun's rays have healing properties thanks to thermal, light and chemical qualities.

Hardening by the sun increases metabolism, increases the number of red blood cells (balls) in the blood, increases the secretion of sweat and poisonous products exchange.

Influence noted sunlight on mood, performance, which occurs due to the exciting effect of solar radiation on the nervous system.

Sunbathing should be taken in a prone position with a slightly raised and, if possible, protected head, wearing sunglasses. Sunbathing starts from 5 to 10 minutes, adding 5 minutes daily and gradually increasing the exposure to one hour. Physically strong people can bring it up to two hours.

Hardening by air baths is possible within all year round: in summer - outside the room environment, and in winter - in the room. Morning hygienic gymnastics should also be accompanied by a reception air bath performed in the nude.

According to thermal sensations, air baths are divided into:

For cold (6-14 ° C),

Cool (14-20 °С),

Indifferent (20-22 °С),

Warm (22-30 ° C).

Hardening should begin at an air temperature of - 20-22 ° C, the duration of the first air bath is 10-15 minutes.

Increasing daily air bath intake by 10-20 minutes, gradually bring it up to two hours.

Hardening with cold water is the most common and most effective method make the body immune to low temperatures.

Cold water procedures with their systematic use, they significantly strengthen human health, protect against diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as from influenza and tonsillitis. Cold baths invigorate, revitalize, increase efficiency.

According to thermal sensations, there are:

Cold water treatments (below 20 °C),

Cool (20-33 °С),

Indifferent (34-35 °С),

Thermal (36-40 °С),

Hot (above 40 ° C).

Hardening of the body should firmly enter our everyday life, as morning exercises entered it.

1. Organization of work and rest of students in the system of secondary vocational education

The process of learning in the system of secondary vocational education, the forms of its organization, methods and requirements differ to a large extent from school ones.

This causes a number of difficulties:




Didactic difficulties are associated with a change in teaching methods, with more than in high school, the volume of classes, and often with poor school preparation or a significant break in studies.

Socio-psychological difficulties are caused by a change in the lifestyle of students. Many people change their place of residence, because of which there is a change of scenery and there is a need for independent housekeeping.

Professional difficulties arise for students due to the fact that major disciplines do not begin from the first year;

The process of shaping the future of students at initial stage requires the study of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, a foreign language, mathematical and natural sciences.

And only later does more in-depth special (professional) training begin.

Knowledge by students of the basics of the culture of mental work contributes to the preservation of health and ensures the high efficiency of intellectual work with minimal nervous costs.

A special science is devoted to these aspects - mental hygiene, which studies learning activities and the working environment in terms of their impact on the human body.

Wherein negative factors, which lie in wait for a person engaged in mental work, depend not only on the specifics of the labor itself, but also on the conditions in which it is performed.

Students experience fatigue, in order to avoid which it is necessary to observe correct mode day. Compliance with the daily routine contributes to the improvement of working capacity, the successful completion of tasks and the assimilation of new material. There are three stages of fatigue during mental work.

A healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle of a person that is aimed at promoting health and preventing disease. In other words, a healthy lifestyle is a list of rules, compliance with which will maximize the preservation and strengthening of health (both physical and mental).

There is even a special science of a healthy lifestyle - valeology.

Let's look at the main components of a healthy lifestyle.

1) Proper nutrition
A wise man once said, "We are what we eat." And it's hard to disagree with him. The human diet should have a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and, therefore, the foods you eat should be varied: both animal and vegetable products should be present in your diet.

You should not eat a lot of fried and browned food, since with this method of cooking almost everything useful material are destroyed. The human diet should include a lot of vegetables and fruits, legumes that give energy, strength and vigor. It is very useful to consume dairy products.

You need to drink a lot (you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day). Indian yogis constantly walk with a container of water and take a sip every 5-10 minutes, as a result of which they live long and have a very good health. You should not drink the famous carbonated drinks, especially sweet ones.

In order to provide the body with optimal motor activity, it is not necessary to be an athlete and exhaust yourself with training. Sometimes morning exercises for 10-15 minutes can provide you with an energy boost for the whole day. For those who work in an office and lead a sedentary lifestyle, it is recommended to walk more, if possible, run in the morning. You can go swimming, yoga or dancing. When doing these exercises at least 3 times a week, you can keep your body in good shape.

3) Hardening
Hardening helps to increase the body's resistance to diseases and adverse effects. external environment. The most common methods of hardening include a contrast shower, rubbing with cold water, bathing in cold water, sunbathing in summer.

4) Refusal of bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs
It is better, of course, that they do not appear at all, but if it so happened that they do occur, then you need to get rid of them as soon as possible.

5) Compliance with the regime of rest and work
Good sound sleep is a guarantee have a nice rest and recovery. Optimal duration A person's sleep should be 6-8 hours. Excessive sleep harms your health, and if sleep is insufficient, then fatigue accumulates, which leads to the depletion of the internal reserves of the body. Therefore, the optimal daily number of hours of sleep contributes to your long and healthy life.

6) Personal hygiene
Sweat and fat, which is secreted by the glands of the skin, together with external pollution, creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogens and, subsequently, the development of diseases. Therefore, you must keep your skin clean.

Other equally important components of a healthy lifestyle include:

Mental and emotional stability;
- safe behavior indoors and outdoors to avoid injury or other damage.
- sexual education and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
- environmentally friendly behavior, etc.

A healthy lifestyle is a systematic behavior of an individual aimed at maintaining biological, social and psychological health, maintaining working capacity and preventing diseases.

A healthy lifestyle includes:

Balanced diet;

Rational physical exercise and occupational health;

Compliance with the rules of life safety at home, at work, in public places, etc.;

organization proper rest and prevention of distress, overwork, mastering the skills of psychological protection and relaxation;

Abstinence from drug use, smoking, alcohol or moderate drinking;

Preventive measures (timely passing medical examinations and applying for medical care, vaccinations, hardening, etc.).

A healthy lifestyle is primarily based on the awareness of the value of health. Therefore, he needs to educate children from the very early age, forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle, traditions of maintaining and strengthening health, healthy habits.

Let's take a closer look individual components human behavior as part of a healthy lifestyle. First of all, let's focus on rational nutrition.

Food is a multicomponent environmental factor. According to the balanced nutrition formula, more than 50 different substances organic and inorganic nature, assisting in the performance of food of their various functions in the process of life of the organism.

Considering the physiological aspects of the problem rational nutrition it must be emphasized that essential functions food are:

Energy - providing the body with energy. The energy function of food is provided mainly by carbohydrates, which contain mainly bakery, pasta, cereals, potatoes, sugar, fruits and dishes from them;

Plastic function - providing the body with plastic substances. Metabolism occurs as a result of two interrelated processes- assimilation (anabolism) and dissimilation (catabolism). Assimilation processes are possible only if the body is supplied with plastic substances, primarily proteins, and to a lesser extent, fats and carbohydrates, therefore, the plastic function of food is provided mainly by meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs. In the implementation of the plastic function special role mineral elements play - they play the main role in building bone tissue;

Bioregulatory. Food contains substances from which enzymes and hormones are formed - biological regulators of metabolism in body tissues. Proteins, vitamins and microelements are mainly involved in the formation of enzymes and hormones;

Adaptive-regulatory (adaptive). Each nutrient performs a specific role in the adaptive activity of various functional systems of the body that ensure its vital activity. So, for example, dietary fibers (fiber, pectin, etc.), which until recently were considered ballast substances, take part in the formation stool and regulation of intestinal motility the most important body digestive systems;

Immunoregulatory. The body's ability to withstand the action of harmful factors (biological, chemical and physical) depends on the quality of nutrition, especially on its protein, vitamin composition, content of essential (essential) fatty acids, trace elements (Fe, Zn, I, etc.);

Rehabilitation. Nutrition allows you to restore the health of sick people: it helps to accelerate recovery and prevent relapses;

Motivational-signaling - this function is associated with the delivery of taste substances to the body, which help maintain food motivation (appetite) at an appropriate level, as well as, to some extent, maintain the psychological well-being of the individual. Mikheenko A.I. Rational and healthy nutrition. - M.: Phoenix, 2015. - 192 p.

Therefore, when maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it is important to take into account the indicated functions of food and the characteristics of its biological effect on the body, namely:

A specific action that prevents the occurrence and development of undernutrition and overnutrition syndromes, i.e. alimentary diseases;

Non-specific action that prevents the development and progression of non-communicable diseases;

Protective action, which increases the body's resistance to adverse influence external, incl. labor factors;

Pharmacological action that restores homeostasis and the activity of the functional systems of the body damaged due to the disease.

Rational nutrition (from lat. ratio - “smart”) is physiologically good nutrition healthy people, taking into account their age, gender, nature of work and other factors. Rational nutrition contributes to the preservation of health, the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors, high physical and mental capacity for work, as well as active longevity.

The concept of rational nutrition is based on the idea that food should perform all of the above functions. Therefore, rational nutrition is based on four basic principles.

The first principle is the correspondence of the energy composition of food to the needs of the body. IN modern life almost no one adheres to the principle of accounting for energy costs: people tend to use high-calorie foods, excluding daily requirement organism in calories (Table 2, Mikheenko A., 2015). In excessive quantities, as a rule, bread and bakery products are consumed, confectionery, sugar, fatty cheeses, mayonnaise, fatty meats. All this leads to obesity, which has become one of the most common diseases in the world (Fig. 2). As a result, people develop diseases of cardio-vascular system, the musculoskeletal system, etc., as the consequences of obesity, significantly reducing performance and often leading to death. The energy balance largely depends on the culture of people's nutrition.

table 2

The need of people in calories depending on the type of work activity

The second principle of rational nutrition is compliance chemical composition food to the real needs of the body (Table 3. Mikheenko A., 2015). About seventy vital substances the body of each person should receive daily, and such a correspondence can only be ensured through a varied and balanced diet. Of course, their number also varies depending on gender, age, employment, lifestyle and health status of a person.

Figure 2

Obesity statistics in the world Data from the website of the TASS news agency. Electronic resource. Access mode:

The third principle of rational nutrition is a wide variety of types of products used daily. The richer the set of products, the easier it is to get all the necessary substances that the human body needs every day.

Table 3

The average requirement of the human body for essential nutrients

The fourth principle of rational nutrition is the observance certain regime taking food. The regimen is a regular, fractional diet, including at least 4 meals per day. The diet should also correspond to the lifestyle and work of a person, the age and daily activity of each individual.

Fully compensates for the energy costs of the body, but does not exceed them;

Provides the body's needs for plastic substances;

Contains all other substances necessary for life, primarily vitamins, microelements, dietary fiber, etc.;

Diet by quantity and set food products fully meets the enzymatic capabilities of the gastrointestinal tract of a given person.

Subspecies of rational nutrition are preventive, therapeutic and dietary nutrition.

Depending on the nature of nutrition, different statuses of people are distinguished. The usual nutritional status indicates that a person consumes food according to average norms. The optimal nutritional status is typical for nutrition according to special norms, taking into account possible influence extreme conditions and phenomena. Excessive (superfluous) nutritional status and insufficient nutritional status are associated, respectively, with excessive and insufficient intake of nutrients into the body.

To assess the nutritional status and, accordingly, the quality of nutrition, it is necessary to determine the degree of adequacy of the energy and vitamin supply of nutrition.

The main criteria for assessing the energy adequacy of nutrition are:

Body mass;

Mass-growth indicator;

The thickness of the subcutaneous fat.

The main criteria for assessing the vitamin adequacy of nutrition are:

Resistance of capillaries (lack of damage, bruising, etc.);

Quantity ascorbic acid, which is excreted in the urine;

Symptoms of partial vitamin deficiency(first of all, swelling, looseness and bleeding of the gums, follicular hyperkeratosis or symptom " goose bumps”, dry skin, oily seborrhea and so on.).

That is, each person should know which products contain the main necessary nutrients(proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, micro and macro elements, fiber). Food should be based on grain products, incl. from unrefined grains, bran, flour coarse grinding, vegetables, fruits and vegetable oils. They should be consumed every day (preferably steamed or boiled, not fried). You can add some nuts, legumes, low-fat varieties meat and fish, and dairy products. It is advisable to eat eggs no more than once a week, especially if a person is over 40 years old. It is recommended to exclude from the diet or consume products as little as possible fast food, confectionery, refined products (for example, refined rice, high-grade flour products), fatty meats, especially red, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, coffee. It is desirable that breakfast, lunch and dinner stand out during the day with “snacks” in between. The last meal is best done 2-3 hours before bedtime. very bad to do long breaks in meals, eat little in the morning (for example, skip breakfast) and overeat in the evening.

Apart from proper nutrition people must also properly organize their motor mode, especially if they are sedentary image life associated with working conditions (office work, etc.). Under the influence of physical exercises, metabolism, blood circulation, respiration are activated, the functions of the nervous and endocrine systems, i.e. increases the body's resistance to diseases. It is desirable that children, youth, people of working age walk or ride a bicycle every day, walk in the fresh air, do physical education according to gender and age standards (but not less than 30 minutes a day). Preferred types of physical activity are: morning hygienic gymnastics, dosed walking; walks; sports games and also some sports (rowing, swimming, swimming in the river and pool, skiing, volleyball, table tennis, badminton, fishing, playing billiards, etc.). They can be combined with hardening procedures. Kobyakova Yu.P. Physical Culture. Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle. - M.: Phoenix, 2014. - 252 p.

It is important to form active recreation skills that allow you to relieve stress, fatigue, strengthen not only physical, but also psychological health of a person. At the same time, family sports and outdoor activities are especially valuable. Today, fitness classes, visiting gyms, yoga complexes, dance classes, etc. are becoming popular. All this is a positive trend.

Workplaces of people must be equipped in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards, and each employee has the right to demand compliance with these standards. It is also important to take breaks during work, industrial gymnastics, perform exercises to relieve muscle and psychological fatigue. Every worker, especially if he is engaged in intellectual work, is on leadership position must master stress management skills, including conflict resolution and proper communication with those around you. To maintain your ability to work, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, while going to bed and getting up at the same time, not too late. Before going to bed, you can take a walk, take a relaxing bath. It is also necessary to fully relax on weekends and during holidays, changing the type of activity, the situation. Nikiforov G.S. etc. Healthy personality. Monograph. - M.: Speech, 2013. - 400 p.

In addition, in the culture of a healthy lifestyle, an important place is given to the skills of behavior in an extreme situation. It is necessary to adhere to the safety rules at home, at work, in transport (starting with the elementary use of seat belts), be able to provide yourself and those around you with first aid.

In general, a healthy lifestyle is a product of a high culture of society, its intellectual development, moral and spiritual health.

I present to your attention the basics of a healthy lifestyle or good habits. When we hear the expression “healthy lifestyle”, we mentally imagine completely different, but I am sure that the right things. Our whole life, our existence and happiness depend mainly on health. The transition from the usual rhythm to a healthy one may seem difficult and unattainable, but it is not at all the case. The most important thing is to want it and make every effort. After all, how much should a person be his own enemy in order not to strive for health?

Subconsciously, everyone wants to be healthy and beautiful. But beauty and health can only be preserved by those who consciously, wisely, approach their lifestyle. While we are young, our body is able to withstand many harmful external factors. Taking advantage of this, many people take their health lightly, preferring to hold a cigarette in their hands and abuse alcoholic beverages.

But the years go by quickly. The older a person gets, the more weaken the defenses of his body. Over time, all once excessively drunk alcohol and cigarettes will come out sideways with a bunch of diseases. Only maintaining a healthy lifestyle from an early age can protect against such cases.

1. Refusal of bad habits.

This point should be the first. Try changing your outlook. Think that a bad habit is not only an addiction, but also a poison that takes over you. You poison not only yourself, but also people, children living near you, or ordinary people you meet on the street. According to statistics, smoking kills about 5 million people every year! These are crazy numbers.

2. Proper, balanced, organized nutrition.

Remember the phrase - "You are what you eat." Be interested in the principles of proper nutrition, consult with experts. Pay attention to the Food Pyramid developed by nutritionists. Its scheme is very simple - use everything that is at the base as often as possible, and that which converges to the top - less often or carefully. With food we get strength, energy, vitamins to maintain life. But its excess is also fraught with bad consequences.

3. Active occupation sports.

This does not mean that you need to spend your time from dusk to dawn, exhausted, in the hall. You just have to choose activities that you like and bring a lot of emotions and pleasure. Then visits will only be a joy. Since I took up fitness, my daily mood at any time can be rated as 5 plus! Neglect of sports leads to muscle atrophy, disruption of organs, and a decrease in immunity.

4. Maintenance normal weight body.

Nothing complicated for those who follow steps 1, 2, 3. A lot has already been said about excess weight, about the serious consequences that it entails, about the violation of body functions. But there is also a psychological side - excess weight irritates a person, depresses mood, leads to isolation, complexes, limitations. It is especially sad if obesity started already in childhood.

A very important point in the basics of a healthy lifestyle. only correct and good rest will help you relax and gain strength. Organize your day, but do not forget to allocate the required 8 hours for sleep. Who works well, he rests well. A person who does not get enough sleep has poor working capacity, reduced brain activity. All this affects the quality of the day, as well as life in general.

Learn to cope not only with your habits, but also rationally use external factors(sun, air, water) to maintain the health of the body and soul.

7. Psychological balance.

Turmoil, stress, disappointment - it all undermines our psychological health. As a result, we sleep poorly, eat poorly, do not play sports. Day after day, we still can not escape from the problems. It is important to learn how to take care of yourself and your health. Remember how often any trouble later seems like a mere trifle to you? Support yourself with the thought that you are a strong modern man. And if you need help, ask your loved ones for help. Anyway .

8. Personal hygiene.

From childhood, we are accustomed to this: woke up - washed, brushed my teeth; before eating, after playing - wash your hands; before going to bed - bathe and brush your teeth. These simple rules should never be neglected. Throughout the day, we touch a mass of objects that can be teeming with germs: money, handrails, elevator buttons, doorknobs, telephones. Dirty hands we take food, touch our face...

  • Add some variety to your daily routine. Find a hobby that will give a lot positive emotions. Thus, you will saturate your day with work and be able to find yourself in a new business.
  • Define an authority for yourself and try to keep up with him in moving forward.
  • Start learning useful literature. You can start from Stephen Covey's excellent book, coordinate your actions with qualified people.
  • Constantly motivate yourself to achieve the goal as well.
  • Communicate more with people and think about the beautiful.

Quitting smoking, eating right, exercising, keeping a routine and keeping fit are all within reach and comprehensible. Ecology should also be included in the foundations of our healthy lifestyle. But for tonight we can't fix ecological situation, but not to aggravate it is quite in our power. The improvement that we have created is within the power of everyone.

Once a person said to me this phrase: "All our problems are because of the head." Therefore, do not litter it with grievances, problems, troubles. Better choose your the right way- the path to a healthy lifestyle and emotional balance.

Sincerely, Anna Statsenko



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