What position is comfortable to sleep in? What is the best position to sleep in: useful poses

We spend one third of our lives in a state of sleep. And what is very important, sleep is the time when the body is at rest. Breathing and cardiac activity slow down, muscles relax and consciousness turns off. But in order for the body to rest “one hundred percent,” you need to sleep “according to science.” The most important thing in this matter is the correct posture. So, let’s weigh the pros and cons of popular options!

Sleeping on your stomach


  • Sleeping on your stomach is easier. Therefore, this position is considered the most comfortable, but by no means the most useful.
  • Doctors say you should sleep in this position if you experience uncomfortable state in the digestive organs. Sleeping on your stomach helps reduce discomfort.

Unfortunately, this is where the benefits of sleeping on your stomach end and begin. flaws.

  • If we lie on our stomach, we turn our head to the side. At this moment, one of the vertebral arteries bends and is compressed. Because of this, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted.
  • When sleeping on your stomach, the lungs are not able to fully expand, rib cage squeezed. This makes breathing difficult.
  • Sleeping on your stomach can lead to sexual problems. And for both women and men. This happens because the body's own weight puts pressure on the internal organs. This interferes with blood circulation in the lower abdomen. And blood circulation directly affects sexual health.
  • Not only sexologists, but also cosmetologists do not recommend sleeping on your stomach! Because of this position in sleep, wrinkles appear on the face earlier (usually in the nasolabial area). Women also run the risk of acquiring unwanted folds and wrinkles on their breasts, which are difficult to get rid of. Those who sleep on their stomachs are more likely to experience facial swelling in the morning.

Sleeping on your side

The side position is considered the most natural. It is not for nothing that it is also called the “fetal” or “embryo” pose. Tibetan experts say that sleeping on the left side helps to prolong life. Yogis believe that sleeping on the left side has a warming effect, while sleeping on the right side has a cooling effect.


  • This pose is suitable for those who have lower back pain. When we lie on our side, our spine acquires natural curves and our back rests.
  • The embryo pose helps reduce the discomfort of indigestion and heartburn.
  • This pose also helps relieve snoring.


  • After sleeping on your side, pain in the cervical spine may appear.
  • To people suffering hypertension, it is undesirable to sleep on your left side. This position puts extra stress on the heart.
  • When we sleep on our sides, we risk developing wrinkles on the side of our face that touches the pillow while we sleep.

Sleeping on your back

This pose is considered the most favorable. Here are its main ones dignity.

  • Sleeping in this position is recommended for people suffering from scoliosis.
  • If you have a back injury, sleeping in this position is most comfortable - all muscles relax and tension is relieved.
  • The most beneficial pose for the skin. Lying on our back, we do not touch the pillow with our face.
  • Sleeping on your back - the best option for hypertensive patients. This position puts an even load on the heart.

Contraindicated This position is for those who snore and suffer from sleep apnea.

The main thing: when choosing a sleeping position, pay attention Special attention neck position. It is necessary for blood to flow freely to the brain. This is the key to a restful and healthy sleep.


By the way, there is a cool study on this topic from the National Sleep Foundation, for 2015. It says that an adult needs to sleep at least 7, but not more than 9 (!) Hours. Otherwise, the risk of depression is seriously increased, cancer diseases, reduced potency and other troubles.

So, sleep really prolongs life. I recently read an article on this topic - [link-1] Where the author says that he sleeps for 6 hours. But this is only possible if short sleep during the day - no more than 20-25 minutes. So be careful if you want to limit yourself to 6 hours of sleep. This can cause serious harm to your body.

God, registering and trying to respond on Facebook took all my strength. Why is she so complicated? I'm going to sleep... or work... in short, bye to everyone yo pis motherfucker bro)))

Great article!) Keep turning people over;) By the way, upside down sharks, just like people, are safer, more attractive and more interesting)))

I try to sleep on my back, but almost always roll over onto my stomach out of habit.

The main thing is to sleep with your head facing north. According to the lines magnetic field land. The body will choose the position itself.

I always fall asleep on my stomach and put my hands under the pillow. Oh, now my arms started to feel numb and I started sleeping on my back on my own. Oh, and there are also some disadvantages about sleeping on my stomach, I learned that I’m unlikely to return to this position.

I don’t know why I’m used to sleeping on my back and I can’t help it. How can you unlearn this?

I can sleep in all quiet positions, but only with my beloved next to me!!)))

Comment on the article Healthy sleep: What is the correct posture?

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I downloaded this application :) I liked the sounds, but not the fairy tales: (Among the fairy tales there is Emelya the Fool, I don’t know why he is a fool, if in Russian fairy tales there has always been an address like fool, affectionate, not a fool at all, but it is also in the voice acting goes exactly in the version of the fool: (it offends me personally. Also, the fairy tale itself is very strange, some of the words are simply not Russian, even if we take into account that the fairy tale is Russian and there are words in it that are outdated, it’s still It all sounds very strange. I don’t remember offhand, I listened to it yesterday, but the impression was greatly spoiled.
Then I listened to a fairy tale about a kolobok. I have a question for the creators of this application, what is this word "barrels"? Always, in all the books and versions, “broomed the barns, scraped the bottom of the barrel”, bottom of the barrel (!), no “by the bottom of the barrel”, and there these bottom of the barrel are permanent: (brrr.
I read different fairy tales until I was probably 14 years old, it’s just in my blood, but here there’s such a perversion with fools and bastards. I didn’t manage to listen to the rest yet: (I definitely won’t include these two for the child.

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Are you tormented by back pain and constant “bags” under your eyes? Try sleeping in a different position! Wrong position at night the body is affected appearance and well-being. So what is the correct position to sleep in? This is what we will look at in this article.

Even the ancient Chinese believed that it was necessary to sleep only on your side: on the left - to make the digestion process easier, on the right - to nervous system relax. So they rolled all night from one side to the other. Other positions were not encouraged. “You cannot sleep face down, as if crouched to the ground; You can’t sleep face up, like a corpse,” they said in ancient times. But modern scientists do not agree with all this.

On the back

According to experts, it is very useful to sleep on your back: your neck and lower back are not tense, and your legs and arms are relaxed. Doctors prescribe this pose for respiratory and cardiovascular systems, varicose veins (it is only advisable to place a small cushion or pillow under your feet), as well as for digestive problems. In addition, sleeping on your back prolongs youth - facial muscles relax, skin smoothes, which prevents the formation of wrinkles.

However, this is all true if the chin does not rest against the chest during sleep (this often happens if the pillow is too high). The vertebral arteries are otherwise compressed - and blood flow is disturbed. This is fraught not only with a dull complexion and a headache after waking up, but even with a stroke. Therefore, it is necessary to support your neck in a level position, and for this it is best to buy an orthopedic pillow.

However, sleeping on the back is contraindicated for some people, even with the “right” pillow. This includes women who are quite later pregnancy and those who snore, and also suffer from the syndrome sleep apnea(stopping breathing during sleep).

Fact after

Sleeping on your back is beneficial for men's health. The genitals in this position are well supplied with blood, which improves potency.

On the side

Sleeping on your side is the best option for expectant mothers who are heavily pregnant and who like to snore. True, it is better not to press your legs too close to your stomach - this has a bad effect on the spine. Ideally, they should be slightly bent or even one leg straightened and the other bent. By the way, there are also special leg pillows - they are placed between the knees. This makes it possible to “unload” your hip joint, as well as the spine.

However, if you sleep all night on one side, then by morning both your leg and arm will become numb. In addition, “one-sided” sleep can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Scientists have found that 75 percent of people who are susceptible urolithiasis, stones appeared on the side where they spent most of the night.

Fact after

According to English psychologists, almost half of all Britons sleep on their sides, with their knees pulled up to their stomachs, like embryos - this position makes it possible to relax and calm down. If people sleep on their sides, stretched out, then this indicates an imperious, intractable character and an inability to relax even in sleep. Sleeping on your side with your arms outstretched forward, according to psychologists, indicates perfectionism.

On the stomach

But scientists don’t really approve of sleeping on the stomach. Only this position is suitable for those suffering from flatulence (it is no coincidence that small children, when suffering from colic, are placed on their tummy) and after childbirth, this helps women contract the uterus.

However, sleeping on your stomach is generally not beneficial. I can’t breathe through the pillow and have to turn my head to the side. As a result, the muscles of the shoulders and neck become tense, blood supply to the brain deteriorates, which results in headaches, weakness and lethargy. Facial tissues also do not receive enough oxygen, resulting in the formation of “bags” under the eyes.

Fact after

How to sleep properly?

Nature has arranged it in such a way that we spend a third of our lives restoring the body - on sleep. But for sleep to be truly healing and truly restorative, certain rules must be followed.

Down with soft feather beds. Sleeping on a hard bed is the most beneficial. And down with all the pillows! Under the neck, instead, a roller as thick as your arm and of medium softness. He supports cervical region spine and promotes more complete relaxation.

Nightcap. The main requirement for a nighttime toilet is no belts or elastic bands that compress blood vessels. It's better to sleep without any clothes on. Headwear is another matter. Although we have not long followed the custom of our ancestors - putting on caps and caps at night. But the body temperature decreases during sleep, and we become vulnerable to colds. It is necessary to take into account that even a strip of fabric (especially woolen) that fits like a hoop around the forehead and head provides excellent protection against sinusitis and runny nose.

Compass in bed. It is customary in the East to go to bed with your head towards sunrise, and your head to the north - in the west. There is no mysticism here. After all, the earth is a large magnet, the lines of force of which stretch along the meridians between the south and north poles. So in what position does the body restore strength better?

Sverdlovsk doctors conducted a rather interesting experiment. In the evening, the subjects went to sleep randomly on the floor. And in the morning they analyzed the impact of well-being and mood on the location of the body. It turned out that a mortally tired, overworked person, as a rule, sleeps with his head to the east. But if he was overexcited before going to bed, he would position his head to the north. We are all subjective in assessing our own emotional state, so it’s better to trust your instinct: let the body itself find the optimal position for sleep. He just needs to create the appropriate conditions for this. It is likely that beds resembling the size of an airfield, on which you can sleep lengthwise and crosswise, have become fashionable not only due to sexual conveniences...

What is the best sleeping position?

How to sleep correctly, what is the best body position for good rest and optimal relaxation.

Many specialists from various countries They believe that it is better to sleep on the stomach, this way the intervertebral cartilages get the opportunity to straighten completely. But gastroenterologists also recommend sleeping on your stomach, but better on an empty stomach.

But not everyone follows this; each person chooses more for himself. comfortable position, someone sleeps on their side, someone on their back, and someone like a baby ...

Perhaps the most optimal and correct sleeping position is the fetal position. The point is that this pose allows the spine to relax and get maximum rest. If you also choose the right pillow for sleeping, then you won’t even have to put your hand under your head while you sleep. That is, you will not feel pain in the morning shoulder joint, and the head will not hurt due to insufficient blood supply.

The “correct” sleeping position, “wrong”... What other news, you say! Correct posture- the one in which one sleeps. Well, that's right. Let's find out what doctors say about this.

Since a person sleeps for a third of his life, it is worth making sure that this time is spent profitably. Poor body position on the bed prevents you from falling asleep, disrupts blood circulation, causes muscle tension, problems with the spine, and even leads to early wrinkles.

Three body position during sleep the following: on the back, on the side and on the stomach. Options such as “sleeping with your arms behind your head”, “embryo” and “half-embryo” are the subject of research in the area of ​​emotions.

Sleeping on your back

For some women, only one argument in favor of this position is important: the face “does not wrinkle.” The facial muscles relax, wrinkles smooth out, and the skin “breathes.” The result, literally, is obvious: a fresh, rested look in the morning and youthful skin for a long time. Besides, sleeping on your back favorable for good rest spinal column. The spine seems to be straightening out. By the way, the muscles of the body also relax to the maximum if you sleep on a semi-rigid mattress and your head rests on a cushion-like pillow.

If you are used to having dinner late, sleeping on your back is “just what the doctor ordered.” The head is on the pillow, the stomach is below the esophagus, the internal organs are not compressed. Farewell, heartburn!

The obvious disadvantages of sleeping on your back include an increased risk of apnea (stopping breathing) and simply snoring. Both phenomena are associated with the forced position of the tongue, which seems to “fall” into Airways and causes the appearance of rumbling decibels.

If lying on your back is uncomfortable, an additional pillow placed under your knees will help. The fact is that in this position (with straightened legs) the lumbar deflection is maintained, which does not allow the muscles to relax. Try also a third pillow, small and flat, which you place under your lower back. This will change the way you think about sleeping on your back!

Stomach pose

Sleeping on your stomach Not recommended for anyone suffering from colic. Doctors believe that sleeping in this position is dangerous to health. The cervical spine suffers greatly: the head is unnaturally twisted, causing compression blood vessels. Unfortunately, the reckoning will come. If constantly sleep on your stomach, this will lead to neck and back pain, impairment cerebral circulation, compression internal organs and pronounced “creases” on the face.

An Eastern proverb says that saints sleep on their backs, and sinners sleep on their stomachs. Probably the wicked pay with their health for an unrighteous life...

Sleeping on your side

Frequently asked questions which side to sleep on, on the right or on the left. The side position itself is the “arithmetic mean” between the beneficial sleep on the back and the harmful one on the stomach. The advantages of sleeping on your side include the absence of snoring, healthy blood supply to the body, absence of lower back pain, and reduction of nighttime heartburn. Disadvantages are also present. These include “tracking” of the limbs, “crushing” of the face, décolleté, and difficulty selecting a pillow. If you're used to it sleep on your side, then the pillow must support the neck in line with the spine, otherwise osteochondrosis cannot be avoided.

Sleeping on the right side provokes acid reflux(heartburn), sleeping on the left - is free from this drawback and improves blood circulation.

Sleeping on your side indicated during long-term pregnancy. This is both comfortable and correct, since in this position the fetus does not put pressure on the inferior vena cava

If you sleep on your side, extra pillows will help. If your leg is numb or your hip joint is aching, place a pad between your legs. If your arms and shoulders hurt when you lie at arm's length, fluff up a pillow under your head and hug another pillow with your arms. This should help.

Let's summarize. According to doctors, the correct and physiological position is to lie on your back with bolsters placed under your knees and lower back. In second place - sleeping on the left side with a pillow between your legs. These positions help the spine and muscles to fully relax, restore strength, relieve back pain and prevent osteochondrosis.

Correct posture during sleep is no less important than during sex. Here, the choice of position also largely determines whether you get up in the morning satisfied with the process or with a feeling of discomfort, or even pain.
Lying on your back
The Internet, based on facts known to itself, is confident that this position is the most best view to meet Morpheus. Allegedly, she has one and a half million pluses and not a single minus. But we will have to upset both you and the Internet - there is no ideal sleeping position, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. And this one is no exception. Let's start with the beautiful. “Lying on your back” helps the head, neck and spine maintain a neutral position, allowing the bones and muscles of the body to relax to the maximum. It is also good for fighting heartburn: if the head sleeps higher than the rest, then the stomach is located below the esophagus, so gastric juice cannot flow back into the esophagus. And for nymphs who are especially concerned about their beauty, the pose avoids unnecessary stretching of the facial skin (that is, the appearance of extra wrinkles) and protects the breasts from sagging.

And now about the cons. In the supine position lower jaw sinks, causing breathing problems. This position is contraindicated for people with serious illnesses: obstructive sleep apnea, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
No matter how creepy it may sound, but the last Scientific research found a link between the supine position in those suffering from the described ailments and an increased risk of death during sleep.

And this position is not recommended for use by elderly citizens and pregnant women. But for non-pregnant women, it is better to sleep this way during PMS, since alternative options during this difficult period can cause additional discomfort: for example, when you lie on your stomach, there is pressure on the bladder, who already has a hard time, and the “sideways” position can cause discomfort in the chest.
Lying on your side
The position challenges the title of the best from the previous position - firstly, it ensures an optimal position of the neck and back so that they do not hurt at dawn, plus it reduces acid reflux (this is when the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus), and also prevents the possible occurrence of snoring and does not have contraindications. Sleeping on the side is great for pregnant women - especially on the left, which helps normalize blood flow in the body.

The only drawback that prevents this pose from being called ideal is the adverse effect on your external environment. Judge for yourself: the skin of the face comes into contact with the pillow and takes an unnatural position, stretching or shrinking at random. The chest also suffers (especially large sizes): one of them has to flatten on the surface of the bed, and the other has to hang over her friend, that is, stretch unnaturally with outside.
Lying on your stomach
One Chinese proverb says that saints sleep on their backs, and sinners sleep on their stomachs.
And there is a grain in this common sense, considering that the latter, as if as punishment, receive the most harmful posture. Lying on your stomach, it is impossible to maintain a comfortable position of the spine with natural deflections. The whole body twists and turns, which leads to increased stress on joints and muscles. As a result, you may even end up with sprained and inflamed muscles or pinched nerves. So, even if the worst circumstances happen at night, you simply won’t get out of bed in the morning without the help of doctors. Plus, the load on the skin of the face and chest is maximum here.
The only advantage of this position is that it most effectively prevents snoring. So if your bedmate or any other man within a kilometer radius constantly wakes you up with his loud cries, gather your strength and turn him over on his stomach, and let him suffer from neck pain in the morning in retaliation for your insomnia.
Variations on a theme
As in any other activity that humanity has been doing for several millennia, there are not only three postures in sleeping. Options are possible, including using additional accessories. With additional stops
They can be used if you still experience discomfort in the lumbar region or legs while sleeping on your back. Props - a small pillow or cushion rolled up from a towel, placed under the lumbar region spine or under the knees.
With a pillow between your legs
When sleeping on your side, your free leg, which is not resting on the surface of the bed, can slide forward, causing rotation of the lumbosacral spine. Insignificant, of course, but it still threatens pain in the hip joints and back. So, a pillow sandwiched between the knees solves this problem.

Fetal position
If you are not an embryo, then there is no need for you to take his position and pull your knees to your chest, squeezing into a ball. The position has the same disadvantages as “lying on its side”, but at the same time it is practically devoid of the advantages of the latter: the neck and spine in a crumpled position are not very comfortable. In addition, there is pressure on the diaphragm, which means the breathing process becomes difficult.

If you have shoulder pain, lie on your side on your healthy side and press a pillow to your chest with both hands. This position will provide the most comfortable position for the damaged area and reduce pain.

Friendly with your head
On occasion, you can cry into your pillow. But it was originally intended to maintain a neutral, that is, natural, without any distortions in any direction, position of the head and neck. So choose a device according to its intended purpose.

If you are lying on your back, it should be of such thickness that your head lies straight and your neck does not bend forward or backward. There are also special pillows with indentations for this position.
If you sleep on your side, let the device occupy exactly the space that remains between the bed and your head, provided that it is located parallel to the surface sleeping place. Moreover, for those who like to sleep with their arm under their head, the pillow should accordingly be thinner.

If, despite all our arguments, you prefer the position on your stomach, choose at least a slender sleeping accessory or even spend the night “alone.”

And now harsh logic dictates that every person needs a set of at least three pillows. Ideally this is true, but we are dreaming in the real world. So choose the thickness of the pillow according to the position in which you spend most of the time. Do you rush around your bed at night, recklessly changing positions? Conduct an experiment on yourself: spend some time watching which one you wake up in in the morning - this is the position your body chooses most often.

The ancient Chinese believed that you should sleep only on your side: on the left - to facilitate the digestion process, on the right - to relax the nervous system. So they rolled all night from side to side. Other positions were not accepted. “You cannot sleep face down, as if crouched to the ground; You can’t sleep face up, like a corpse,” they said in ancient times. But modern scientists do not entirely agree with this.

On the back

According to experts, sleeping on your back is very beneficial: your lower back and neck are not tense, your arms and legs are relaxed. Doctors “prescribe” this pose for and respiratory systems, varicose veins (it is advisable to just place a small pillow or cushion under your feet), as well as digestive problems. In addition, sleeping on your back prolongs youth - the facial muscles relax, the skin smoothes, which prevents the formation of wrinkles.

However, all this is true if your chin does not rest on your chest during sleep (this often happens if the pillow is too high). Otherwise vertebral arteries are compressed and blood flow is disrupted. This is fraught not only with a headache and a bad complexion after waking up, but even... a stroke. Therefore, you need to keep your neck in a level position, and it is best to purchase an orthopedic pillow for this.

However, for some people sleeping on their back is contraindicated even with the “right” pillow. These include women in late pregnancy and those who snore and suffer from sleep apnea (sleep apnea).

Fact after

Sleeping on your back is good for men's health. In this position, the genitals are well supplied with blood, which improves potency.

On the side

Sleeping on your side - best option for lovers of snoring and expectant mothers in advanced pregnancy. True, it is better not to press your legs too close to your stomach - this is bad for the spine. Ideally, they should be slightly bent, or one leg straight and the other bent. By the way, there are special leg pillows - they are placed between the knees. This helps to “unload” the hip joint and spine.

However, if you sleep on one side all night, your arm or leg will become numb by morning. In addition, “one-sided” sleep can lead to the formation of... kidney stones. Scientists found that 75% of people susceptible to urolithiasis had stones on the side on which they spent most of the night.

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English psychologists claim that almost half of the British sleep on their sides, with their knees pulled up to their stomachs, like embryos - this position helps to calm down and relax. If people sleep on their sides, stretched out, this indicates an intractable, domineering character and an inability to relax even in sleep. Sleeping on your side with your arms outstretched forward, according to psychologists, speaks of perfectionism.

On the stomach

But scientists don’t really approve of sleeping on your stomach. This position is suitable only for those suffering from flatulence (it is no coincidence that small children, when they are tormented by colic, are placed on their tummy) and women after childbirth - this promotes contraction of the uterus.

However, in general, "animal" sleep is not useful. It’s impossible to breathe through the pillow, and you have to turn your head to the side. As a result, the muscles of the neck and shoulders become tense, blood supply to the brain deteriorates, which leads to headaches, lethargy and weakness. Facial tissues also do not receive enough oxygen, which leads to the appearance of “bags” under the eyes.

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