How to get rid of yellow plaque on teeth. Tips on how to clean your teeth from plaque at home

Many people face the problem sooner or later. This happens due to neglect of one's health and untimely visits to the dentist.

Many experts say that you need to smile more often not only to passers-by, but also to yourself in the mirror. This way, problems can be detected early. oral cavity.

Plaque from the point of view of dentistry

By this term, dentists understand the accumulation of bacteria and harmful flora on the teeth. In fact, it is a kind of thin film that harms tooth enamel.

As a rule, plaque forms immediately after eating. If you look at the structure, you can see that carbohydrates penetrate the inner layer of tooth enamel very easily. In this regard, the use of carbohydrate food only accelerates the development of plaque.

Experts note that this film settles on the cervical part of the tooth, in fissures and above the gum.

The whole set of reasons

Many people are very familiar with this kind of problem. After all, after eating or juice, everyone can notice a thin film, which consists of food residues and microbes.

At first it has a slightly transparent color, but over time it acquires a pronounced color. Teeth, and later even.

If the film is still fresh, then it will not be able to harm the teeth. It can be removed very easily with your finger, but it is better to use toothbrush on regular basis. If this is not done, then with further food intake, more and more microbes will get in, which will easily catch on to the “soft” plaque.

In this regard, there is an accumulation of microorganisms not only in the space between the teeth, but also on their surface. WITH further development violations, "" plaque is formed, causing great amount problems.

Additional factors that provoke the development of plaque:

  1. Negligent attitude to personal hygiene. And specifically wrong and. Experts recommend brushing your teeth after every meal. If this does not work, then at least once a day, better evening. Such people will not be afraid of a raid and further problems.
  2. Smoking cigarettes and tobacco for a long time. The fact is that a large number of pitches and chemical reactions form a huge number of resistant compounds that cannot be removed with a simple thread or brush. after smoking it is quite difficult and in this case you should consult a specialist.
  3. Using food that settles very quickly on the surface of the teeth. This includes pastries, various chocolates, sweets and other sweets. If you do not want to have problems, then limit the use of such products.
  4. Usage medical preparations based on iron. The fact is that iron is very active substance, which easily settles on the surface of the enamel.
  5. Physiological human factor. It is mainly associated with viscous saliva or insufficient secretion of it. After all, it is saliva that helps to cleanse the oral cavity of germs and food debris.

Whole rainbow in your mouth

Specialists divide plaque by color:

What to do if you have yellow teeth What makes them brown?

With progression, plaque develops into, where they distinguish:

  1. Ordinary A stone on the teeth occurs if the plaque was not removed on time. That is, hardening of food debris and bacteria occurs, which is very harmful. Any plaque begins to harden after two days, and this is always worth remembering.
  2. supragingival the stone can be found on the lower front teeth and on the lateral surface of the molars, where the salivary gland duct passes. If you do not comply hygiene care, then the stone can form on those parts of the teeth that are not included in the work during chewing process. If we talk about the color itself, then it can vary from brown to yellow, depending on the effect of nicotine and metals.
  3. subgingival the stone can only be detected at the dentist, during the probing procedure. It usually has a green or dark brown color and is located within the gingival sulcus. It can also be found on the root cementum and in the periodontal pocket.

help yourself

There are a huge number of methods for removing plaque. Consider the most popular.

How to get rid of plaque on your teeth at home:

Professional plaque removal

Folk methods are good, but they may not always give the result that is needed.

In this regard, many people turn to specialists.

The three most commonly used teeth whitening methods are:

Proper oral care

To protect yourself from such problems, you should follow the following rules:

  1. Proper nutrition. This includes fruits, vegetables, dairy products and greens.
  2. Application quality pasta And. Purchase a brush exclusively made of natural fiber and change it every month. The fact is that over time, microbes form on it, which develop very quickly. Some prefer .
  3. Gotta get rid of everyone bad habits . This is especially true for smoking frequent use coffee and coffee drinks, sweets and black tea. All these products have a very negative effect on the surface of tooth enamel.
  4. You should visit the dentist every year. He will be able to detect unwanted formation and remove it in a timely manner.

Everyone gets plaque at some point. How to get rid of this problem at home without visiting the dentist? After all, it brings not only psychological, but also physical discomfort. The main thing is to address the issue in a timely manner, without waiting for the complete mineralization of the formation and subsequent complications.

In this article, we will tell you how to remove plaque without a visit to the dentist using specialized funds And folk methods. Let's not forget about prevention methods.

First of all, all measures should be taken in order to prevent its occurrence. If stones appear on the teeth, for hygiene procedures it is necessary to use special brushes which are of 2 types:

  1. Ultrasonic brush. Helps to quickly cope with plaque under the action of oscillatory waves generated by a special built-in device. In this case, loose stones are destroyed and lag behind the surface of the enamel.
  2. Electric brushes with a rotating head. They clean the plaque on the teeth with the help of reciprocating movements, the speed of which is more than 7 thousand revolutions per minute. Indicated for use in case of formation of deposits that cannot be removed with an ordinary brush, but have not yet been mineralized.

Ultrasonic brush Electric brush

To effectively remove plaque at home, you need to use special pastes in parallel. Their therapeutic properties due to the abrasive and polishing components included in the product.

An important role is played by enzymes - bromelain and papain, which have the ability to loosen dental deposits. However, use special means not for long, because one of side effects from their use is the rapid thinning of the enamel, which increases the risk of other diseases.

Dmitry Sidorov


Approved for use within 2-3 weeks, no longer. Moreover, in some cases it is recommended to use it only 1-2 times in 7-10 days. Therefore, before using abrasive products, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

President White Plus with silicon dioxide, Lakalut White (with pyrophosphates), Radont, Global White, Royal Denta Silver with silver and gold ions will help remove plaque from the teeth. The necessary paste should be selected by a specialist, taking into account individual characteristics human body.

President White Plus Laсalut White Radonta Global White Royal Denta Silver

It is not always possible to completely remove plaque at home. In case of massive deposits, or accumulations in hard-to-reach places, it is necessary to consult a dentist. A stone that cannot be removed by improvised methods can only be removed by a specialist. The price for complete deliverance starts from 1 thousand rubles and depends only on the pricing of the clinic you go to.

Folk recipes

Removal of plaque at home should be started immediately after its appearance. The effectiveness of folk methods at this stage is due to the acids that make up medicinal plants and other components.

How to remove plaque? To do this, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Pour boiling water over 0.5 tsp. chopped dry burdock root and 0.5 tsp. bean pods. Put on fire and boil for 5 minutes. For improvement healing properties means to insist during the day and strain before use. To remove plaque from the teeth, you need to rinse your mouth with medicine for 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.
  2. Grass celandine. Removes non-mineralized stones, providing their softening. It is used as a solution for washing the mouth three times a day. To prepare the product 1 tbsp. l. dry grass, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for several hours and strain.
  3. You can remove the raid using horsetail. To make medicine, 30 g of dry chopped herbs should be poured into 1 glass hot water and boil for 15-20 minutes. Decoction to use 50-70 ml twice a day - in the morning before meals and at bedtime.
  4. Gradually get rid of plaque will help honey solution. However, in order to achieve positive result it takes a very long time: about 2-3 months. To remove deposits 1 tbsp. l. bee product must be diluted in 1 glass warm water and apply for rinsing daily, each time using a fresh solution.
  5. Getting rid of dental stones good results shows a decoction based on branches walnut. 35 grams should be crushed, pour 1 cup of hot water and boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Use the medicine for cleaning by wetting a toothbrush in the solution. The duration of the procedure is at least 3-5 minutes.

Green beans Celandine grass Horsetail Honey solution Walnut

The video shows how to get rid of tartar at home:

Other methods of getting rid of plaque

How to clean teeth from plaque? You can use other home methods for this.

  1. A rather unusual, but very popular method is the use of eggplant ash. To make a medicine, 1 vegetable must be completely burned, and the teeth affected by the stone should be rubbed with waste for 2-3 weeks. The procedure should be carried out daily, the only way to achieve a positive result.
  2. Regular consumption of citrus fruits, which contain a large amount of acids, contributes to the removal of plaque. Oranges, tangerines, lemons and other fruits antimicrobial action effectively whiten enamel. An additional advantage of introducing citrus fruits into the diet is the saturation of the body. useful vitamins and micronutrients.
  3. Any dentist will tell you the basic way to remove plaque: regularly clean your teeth from food debris - at least twice a day. Hygiene procedures are preferably carried out after each meal. If this is unrealistic, it is necessary.
  4. To stop or reduce the formation of plaque, you should use a good quality toothbrush and toothpaste. To enhance the effect, brushing your teeth should be done with the addition of a small amount of soda. Can be mixed with whitening purpose baking soda with 3% hydrogen peroxide - moisten a cotton-gauze swab in the mixture and apply to deposits. This will soften the stones and remove them, returning the bright teeth to the teeth. White color.

The video explains why plaque appears and suggests several effective home remedies to get rid of it:

If you can’t solve the problem of teeth at home, you need to contact a dentist who will remove plaque and tartar using special equipment. However, you don't have to wait too long. Massive deposits are difficult to remove even by a doctor. The recommended frequency of visits to the dentist is once every six months.

over ninety various kinds pathogenic microbes choose the surface of tooth enamel as their habitat, reproduction and vital activity. After finishing life cycle they die and remain on the surface of the tooth in the form of a characteristic plaque of calcareous dead cells. Since after each meal the enamel and interdental spaces are covered with food debris, which are not always thoroughly cleaned, all this, together with microbes, calcifies, turns into deposits that adhere tightly to the surface of the tooth, like calcareous deposits of shell rock to the underwater part of the ship. Those who are related to the maritime business know how difficult it is to clean the bottom of any vessel from limestone growths. Approximately the same is obtained with enamel, to which tartar has grown.

What is dangerous tartar

Why not leave these germs alone? Let them form a raid. It is located on the inner side of the teeth, practically does not interfere with the chewing process and does not affect the functioning of the dentition in any way. It does not hurt your teeth, on the contrary, it can be assumed that it is a kind of protection against mechanical damage. Absolutely wrong! Tartar directly contributes to the occurrence of caries and darkens the teeth by changing the natural color of the enamel. In addition, it causes inflammation of the gums, periodontal disease and other serious dental problems.

Important! Food plaque or hardened deposits from open areas can be removed with a brush and thread, or by chewing solid food. But in places where cleaning tools cannot reach, it must be removed in other ways.

If these lime-salt-microbial deposits are not removed in a timely manner, what can this lead to? Directly to loosening and loss of teeth from the gums. This will not happen instantly - the process will be done gradually, but in the end you can lose all your teeth.

Best of all, as much as possible and for sure, tartar is removed by professional dentists, using modern devices and technology, in clinical setting. But the problem is, once removed, it grows back. For someone in a year, and for someone just a couple of months after cleaning.

That is why the question becomes more and more relevant: is it possible to remove tartar at home? The answer is yes. There are many various ways With varying degrees efficiency. Consider the most effective and fastest.

Options for home tartar removal

The ability to remove calculus on the teeth depends on its type and degree of hardening. Using a brush and special abrasive pastes, you can remove only fresh, not very hardened plaque, and in open places. In the same place where the brush does not reach, it mineralizes and hardens.

Table. Types of tartar


Occurs in areas where salivary glands, from food debris, waste products of microbial organisms, saliva and calcium salts. On initial stage education has a loose soft structure, which is loosely attached to the enamel. It is localized on the inner side of the dentition above the gum tissue. It has a color from yellow-gray to light brown. Removed by home remedies.

The lower teeth are covered with it from the inside, above the gum. This is a certain stage in the formation of deposits, when they are completely mineralized. It is solid to the touch, 100% adherence to the enamel. Color - from light brown to brown-black. It is difficult to cope with home methods, but some remedies, with regular use, can partially break down plaque.

Deposits of stone inside, under the gum, are practically not loose. They harden too quickly. In addition, it is impossible to influence the subgingival area on your own, with the help of home tools. Therefore, it will not work to remove it at home - this can only be done in the clinic, using special tools and means.

Important! A fully mineralized stone, which has finally hardened and is localized in the interdental space or at the base of the tooth, under the gum tissue, cannot be removed at home.

It is possible to remove deposits on their own in the stage of partial mineralization, while they have a loose, not stony structure, and are above the gum tissue, in various ways.

Method one - a special brush

Two types of brushes, in addition to the usual devices for daily brushing of the teeth, are necessary to quickly deal with tartar in the stage of incomplete mineralization.

Method two - special paste

There are toothpastes with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, whitening effects. And there are abrasive pastes that loosen the stone and peel off the enamel due to mechanical action on the deposits.

In their composition:

  • abrasive components (fine solid particles that remove plaque);
  • degrading enzymes (bromelain, sometimes papain);
  • polydon and pyrophosphates (limescale leavening agents).

Such a paste cannot remove old deposits, but it can cope with semi-hardened ones quickly, especially if it contains - increased content abrasive components.

Advice. If you use an electric brush with the maximum degree of functionality and a paste containing an abrasive, you can handle the stone at home and in short term. But there is a caveat - such pastes cannot be used daily. An electric toothbrush with regular toothpaste can be used every time you brush your teeth.

Method three - black radish juice

It works on the principle of action of acids, but the radish does not have enough own acid, so the product is used in a mixture with lemon juice. Here the effect is abrasive-chemical. Lemon acid and radish bitterness break down plaque, then it is mechanically removed by chewing.

Grate the peeled radish. Add lemon juice.

Chew the resulting salad thoroughly, trying to use the entire tooth area. Spit out the rest. The procedure is carried out after evening cleaning.

Important! Never remove the stone yourself with any sharp or cutting tools. This can lead to injury, after which the tooth will not be restored.

Method four - soda

It will help break down semi-hardened plaque if mixed with peroxide and lemon juice. The proportions are as follows: 5 g, 10 drops, 3 drops. No need to brush. After the usual cleaning, apply the composition to the places where the stone has formed, hold for two minutes and rinse your mouth. Do not carry out the procedure more than twice a week.

Method five - rinsing

Rinse with decoctions that break down plaque can be periodically used as a preventive measure. To remove already formed deposits, use decoctions:

Method six - citrus fruits

Citrus juices, especially lemon and grapefruit, can dissolve semi-hardened plaque. In addition to helping to remove tartar, they will also have a whitening effect and remove germs. Eat more citrus fruits or periodically brush the surface of the teeth with outside and inside with a slice of lemon or grapefruit is a good way to reduce stone deposits.

How to choose a toothbrush

Most the right way avoid tartar - prevent its formation. This means enhanced lifelong oral hygiene, not just brushing your teeth. The object that you will use for cleaning - a toothbrush, must be chosen carefully and correctly. There are several criteria that should preferably be met, especially if you have a predisposition to excessive accumulation of deposits on the teeth and their rapid hardening.

  1. The brush should be small. It allows you to get deep, to the maximum surface area. It will lengthen the cleaning time (what you need) and carry out the procedure more thoroughly.

  2. Rigidity is a parameter that needs to be adjusted if you decide to take up the prevention of tartar. The medium is selected, the bristles are rounded.

  3. Very effective brush with rubber inserts. She increases mechanical impact on the enamel surface. For calculus-prone teeth, this is an additional cleaning.

  4. Brush with a massager - rubber "fingers" along the edges. It stimulates blood circulation and prevents the formation of subgingival deposits.

  5. And, of course, the electric brush, the two types of which are described above, is preferable to everyone else, despite its high cost.

Prevention of stone on the teeth

A prophylactic course is arranged every six months (if you smoke or use pigmented products in large quantities, every 4-4.5 months). You need to use a special abrasive paste, the RDA index of which is above 120. It is advisable to use an electric ultrasonic or rotating brush. abrasive paste clean in the morning, along with the use of an agent that prevents periodontal disease. In the evening, use a fluoride paste for cleaning.

Parallel use dental floss, rinse aid and chewing gum with calcium.

The course is 30 days. Then there is the usual prophylactic paste, thread and rinse. Once a week, you can maintain the state of cleanliness with an abrasive paste.

In addition to enhanced hygiene and preventive courses, it is necessary to use other means that prevent the appearance and growth of plaque. These include dental floss. floss, special thread to remove food debris between the teeth, they are used not after brushing twice a day, but after each meal, even if it is abrasive natural cleaners such as carrots or apples.

Advice. Do not use wooden toothpicks instead of flossing. They are not as effective at all, and can damage enamel or gums.

They use ordinary pasta, even if not dental problems, alternately with other pastes that have a healing, antimicrobial, brightening or abrasive effect. Ordinary paste also needs to be changed every few months (as well as a brush).

Apply rinses. Rinse your mouth with toothpaste after every meal and after every cleansing.

Chew gum. It cleans the surface of the enamel quite effectively. You should not get carried away with the chewing process - 20 minutes after eating is enough. Sugar gums are more harmful than helpful, although they clean teeth just as well as non-sugar gums. Chew calcium gum three times a day for a quarter of an hour.

Visit the dentist twice a year and have your teeth cleaned at the clinic. Then the rest of the time will be easier for you to maintain tooth surface in a clean condition, without tartar.

Video - How to remove tartar at home quickly

The main component of a dazzling smile - healthy teeth with white enamel. However, the color of the teeth is largely determined by heredity. The opinion of dentists - the strongest teeth are covered with enamel yellowish color. But you really want to be beautiful like movie stars or television announcers.

Whitening procedures are not cheap, but if you know how to clean your teeth at home, you will be able to get a beautiful smile.

Types of pollution

Tooth enamel darkens due to the appearance of plaque, which occurs due to the use of coloring products, drinks, coffee and tea.

Darkening causes the appearance of tartar - it is especially intensively deposited in people with a history of diseases of the digestive organs.

Smokers have to think about how to clean their teeth from nicotine - under its action, the enamel becomes yellow.

Saliva produced by the body creates an alkaline environment in the oral cavity. alkaline balance broken after every food process and quenching thirst, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of the oral cavity.

When carbohydrates are broken down by bacteria, about 200 types of useful and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms- Oxidation occurs. Acid corrodes the enamel, microcracks form on it, food particles get clogged in them, the color of the coating of the teeth darkens.

Is it possible at home to solve the problem of how to clean your teeth from yellow and black plaque, tartar deposits?

oral care

Mandatory hygiene measures- brushing your teeth 2 times a day and rinsing after meals - not enough to sparkle dazzling smile. And not everyone knows how to brush their teeth properly.

Children under 6 years old - until permanent molars have appeared - it is necessary to clean the dentition in a circular motion with the external and inside, and horizontal - chewing surfaces.

The molars are cleaned according to the following algorithm:

  • first, vertical movements are carried out from the outside and inside;
  • then the chewing surfaces are cleaned with horizontal movements;
  • clean plaque from the tongue with a soft toothbrush or a special rubber one;
  • gums are massaged in a circular motion with closed jaws - the toothbrush is held horizontally;
  • clean the gaps with dental floss;
  • rinse your mouth with plain water or a special mouthwash.

Only with such hygiene measures will the problem be solved - how to clean the teeth from plaque.

For achievement snow-white smile it is necessary to use special whitening toothpastes.

It should be borne in mind that they contain abrasive particles, so it is undesirable to constantly use them - it is required to do between changes of pastes different types at least a month break.

home remedies

Successful Home Remedies Can Replace Whitening toothpaste– they are even more efficient. But if the process of tooth decay has begun, it is not recommended to apply to them. Toothpastes are gentle - most folk remedies are made up of abrasives.

The most popular and proven remedy is baking soda. Even dentists admit that the remedy is effective and safe. Baking soda can be used alone, applied to the wet surface of a toothbrush, or mixed with toothpaste, which is constantly used. Too much pressure is not recommended - the enamel can be scratched.

If there is a problem, how to clean teeth from black plaque, use hydrogen peroxide. She needs to carefully wipe the enamel, trying to medicinal substance did not get on the gums - so as not to cause a burn. After treating the jaws with hydrogen peroxide, the mouth should be rinsed clean water. To achieve results - beautiful smile- the procedure is carried out twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, for 3 weeks.

Enamel whitening products that contain fruit acids. After hygienic measures of the oral cavity, the teeth should be wiped with a slice of lemon, half a strawberry, and a raspberry. Currants or cherries also contain fruit acids, but they still have coloring properties.

You can also wipe the dentition reverse side citrus zest: orange, lemon and grapefruit. The tangerine zest is too thin and cannot cope with the removal of yellowness.

Before applying berry-fruit therapy, you need to purchase a sweet paste - after the whitening procedure, you need to brush your teeth to neutralize the destructive effect of fruit acid.

wood ash or Activated carbon- excellent bleaching agents. They can be used alone or mixed with toothpaste. When used without additives, charcoal puree is applied to the surface of the toothbrush - the abrasive must be moistened so that it acts softer.

You can clean your teeth from tartar at home using this tool - baking soda is mixed with charcoal in equal proportions, and applied to toothpaste. The effect is achieved in 2-3 weeks.

An old proven tool - tooth powder - quickly removes plaque of all colors and tartar. You can buy it without any problems in a pharmacy or stores with detergents.

homemade toothpaste

In equal proportions combine baking soda, table salt, regular pasta. A few drops of hydrogen peroxide are added to the composition.

After 2 months, there will be no traces of tartar and raids of various colors.

Removal yellow plaque- Toothpaste is diluted with lemon juice and salt is added.

A paste made according to the following algorithm will help get rid of plaque and stone:

  • bay leaves are ground into powder;
  • dried lemon peel is also finely ground;
  • the ingredients are mixed with toothpaste and left in a closed container for several hours.

If there is no toothpaste on hand, it is enough to moisten the products before use to give them a puree-like consistency.

Mouth rinse

After finishing hygiene procedure you need to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth.

This process can also be combined with a whitening procedure.

If you use rinsing with a whitening effect regularly, you can achieve a snow-white smile without the use of abrasive products - though there is time to improve. appearance more will go.

Plaque is a sticky soft film that forms on our teeth due to the vital activity of the bacteria that live in.Gradually, this film grows and is fixed on the teeth. If you do not brush your teeth regularly with a toothbrush and floss, your risk of cavities and gum disease increases.Also dental plaque if it is not removed in time , may cause bad smell from the mouth and more serious problems such as gingivitis and periodontitis.

When we eat, bacteria convert the sugars we eat into acids. This can cause destruction of tooth enamel.

At first, transparent plaque is quite difficult to notice. However, over time, its number increases, and it begins to catch the eye.

Plaque becomes white and thickens. Every day, the amount of plaque between the teeth continues to increase, which leads to problems with oral health.

Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the oral cavity every day. and timely remove plaque using various home remedies.

How to remove plaque and avoid its appearance?

In order to prevent the appearance of plaque and quickly cope with it, if it does appear, you need to pay enough attention to oral hygiene.

This good habit helps to remove bacteria that cause plaque formation in a timely manner.

Brush your teeth properly

The simplest and effective method Plaque control - regular brushing.

Unfortunately, many of us brush our teeth incorrectly. Because of this, cleaning the teeth loses its effectiveness.

First you need to choose a good toothbrush. Its bristles should be rounded and soft enough not to damage the gums.

Choose a toothpaste recommended by dentists that contains fluoride. While brushing your teeth, hold your toothbrush like a pencil and brush your teeth in a circular motion.

Use dental floss

Many people still don't floss their teeth and don't know that flossing is necessary to remove most bacteria.

Just like with a toothbrush, it's important to floss properly. To do this, take about 5 cm of thread and wrap its ends around your fingers so that the length of the remaining section is approximately 2.5 cm.

Run the floss between your teeth (top to bottom for the top row of teeth and bottom to top for the bottom row).

Rinse your mouth after eating

Do not forget after each meal to remove the remaining food particles in the mouth.

To do this, you can use a regular mouthwash or home remedy from hydrogen peroxide (a solution of low concentration hydrogen peroxide: 0.2% - 0.8% and water in a ratio of one to one).

These home remedies will help remove plaque

If plaque is causing you problems and starting to affect your oral health, check out these home remedies to help you remove it without the help of a dentist.

Recipe 1

To prepare this remedy, you will need 15 g of walnut shell and some water. Put the shell in water, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.

When specified time will pass, remove the decoction from the heat and let it brew. After that, soak a toothbrush in the decoction. Gently brush your teeth with this remedy for three minutes. It is recommended to repeat this procedure three times a day.

Recipe 2

This recipe combines beneficial features sunflower seeds and lime flowers. These natural remedies beneficial effect on oral health.

To get such a rinse, you need to prepare a decoction of 2 teaspoons of sunflower seeds and 2 teaspoons of lime flowers. To prepare the decoction, you will need 1/2 liter of water.

Simmer the ingredients over low heat for 30 minutes. When the decoction is ready, use it to brush your teeth after each meal, this will remove plaque that has accumulated on your teeth.

Recipe 3

Apple cider vinegar helps fight plaque-causing bacteria.

How to use it for oral care? First rinse your mouth, and immediately after that - with water.

There is another option - to prepare a solution apple cider vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:1. Use it as a mouthwash.

Recipe 4

To prepare this remedy, you need to mix 1.5 tablespoons of bitter wormwood and 2 tablespoons of wine. The mixture should be infused for two hours, after which it must be filtered. Use the resulting liquid to clean your teeth.



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