What lipstick color makes teeth whiter? Makeup techniques for a snow-white smile Here is make-up for yellow teeth.

Many girls dream of whitening their teeth. At the same time, everyone wants to whiten their teeth quickly, efficiently and without harm. Is it necessary to go to the dentist for this? Are there any ways to visually whiten your teeth using the means of the modern cosmetic industry?

You can whiten your teeth, or rather make them visually lighter, if you use the right shade of lipstick. It's fast, safe and painless!

Teeth whitening lipsticks

The color of your teeth matters a lot when choosing lipstick. There are a number of shades that you can use to make your teeth appear whiter than they actually are.

Bright red It’s not for nothing that world movie stars, starting with Marlene Dietrich and Marilyn Monroe, like lipstick so much. The main thing is to choose a lipstick whose redness subtly gives off cold blue undertones. These semi-shades make the lip color more muted, allowing you to visibly whiten your teeth.

Berry colors look very juicy and catchy. If you want to visually whiten your teeth, buy lipstick in raspberry, grape, or cherry shades. A good option is fuchsia lipstick. If you think that the effect is weak and you want to whiten your teeth even more noticeably, you will need lipstick with a plumper effect, which will visually make your lips more voluminous and your teeth whiter. Plumpers are lipsticks and glosses that temporarily enlarge lips without injections.

Lip gloss can be a real lifesaver for those who want to whiten their teeth quickly and without harm. And you just need to cover the layer of lipstick on your lips with a layer of transparent gloss. An option is to use only gloss with a coloring pigment, without lipstick. At the same time, you get double benefits. Firstly, the gloss moisturizes the lips, which means they are not afraid of heat, frost, or wind. Secondly, thanks to the shine, you will be able to whiten your teeth, especially if you purchase a gloss with a plumper effect.

Lipsticks that ruin teeth color

Some colors, even very beautiful and fashionable ones, can hopelessly ruin the color of your teeth. And don’t think that only carrot-orange is one of these. “Pest” lipsticks are all shades that have at least barely noticeable yellowish undertones. Among the “forbidden” colors are also:

  • crimson
  • dark purple
  • pale pink
  • lilac
  • violet
  • coral
  • brown

In addition to yellowish undertones, which negatively affect the visual color of teeth, such lipsticks make lips appear thinner. This effect automatically draws increased attention to the teeth.

You have lipstick on your teeth!

You have finally found “your” lipstick, whitening your teeth (at least visually!) has become easier. But here's the problem - almost every time you look in the mirror you notice lipstick marks on your teeth! And my friends sometimes talk about this. It is especially unpleasant if the lipstick is red: the contrast between the bright red color of the lipstick and the white color of the teeth is too noticeable to not worry about. This way you can make a bad impression - both on the man of your dreams and on your business partners! What to do?

There is an exit! After you have applied your lipstick, gently blot the lipstick with a paper napkin. To completely remove lipstick marks, wipe your teeth with a cotton swab. Now, with the other end of the cotton swab, apply a little transparent lip gloss to your front teeth - those that are visible when smiling and talking. The gloss will not “miss” the lipstick, and the color of the teeth will remain unchanged.

Experienced makeup artists, as well as top models, offer another secret trick to prevent lipstick marks from appearing on your teeth. You need to apply makeup on your lips, put your index finger in your mouth, wrap your lips around it more tightly and pull it out. All! The excess lipstick has settled on your finger, all you have to do is wash it.

Lipsticks and glosses for teeth whitening:

  • Transparent gloss to add volume to lips DiorAddict Lip Maximizer, Dior
  • Lip gloss Gloss Interdit, Givenchy
  • Moisturizing lipstick-cream ROUGE COCO, Chanel
  • Moisturizing lipstick Rouge Volupte SPF 15, Yves Saint Laurent

Madonna prefers the shine of diamonds and gold to the whiteness of her teeth. Back in 2013, the pop diva put on golden grills and shocked her fans. Still, this trend has gone, it’s good that the singer quickly realized this and took off her grillz. True, the singer did not want to get her teeth in order; she walks around with yellowed teeth. We have nothing against it, but we advise you to at least give preference to red lipstick with a cool undertone rather than a warm one.


New Zealand singer Lorde loves to smile, but it seems she doesn't like the whitening procedure. We understand that each person has a different tooth tone, but we find it hard to believe that one can be born with such a yellow “smile.” What is Lord doing so bad that her teeth are losing their whiteness?.. She probably chooses the wrong lipstick - after all, purple is very demanding and difficult to use.


Drew Barrymore

We love Drew Barrymore very much - at least because she looks like herself at 44 years old. Her colleagues turn to cosmetologists and surgeons so often that it is difficult to recognize them as their former counterparts. But that's not the case with Drew: the star loves his wrinkles. The girl doesn’t even want to whiten her teeth, although it would seem that she is a Hollywood actress, and in Hollywood everyone walks around with snow-white smiles. Keep it up!

Cynthia Nixon

The star of the cult series Sex and the City, Cynthia Nixon, like her serial heroine Miranda, puts her career above everything else. The actress decided that teeth whitening was not a priority. The girl’s situation is not the worst, but the politician’s situation could have been better.

Helena Bonham Carter

Helena Bonham Carter often plays villains in films, so it’s ingrained in our heads that the girl’s smile will definitely not be snow-white. And we guessed right - the actress’s teeth really do have a yellowish tint, which she so skillfully emphasizes with brick lipstick. And now a “fun” fact about the actress: it turns out that she has a whole collection of jaws at home, which are given to her after filming films. It's interesting to look at them...

Lena Dunham

Usually actresses can be recognized by their perfectly white teeth, like those from an advertisement for toothpaste or chewing gum, but, of course, not all of them. For example, Lena Dunham is not shy about her yellow-gray teeth and boldly smiles on the red carpet. And in the film “Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood” her “naturalness” even benefited her, because the girl played the role of a hippie.

Joanna Lumley

British actress Joanna Lumley has starred in as many as 173 films, we're sure it's a lot of stress. Perhaps this is the reason that she smokes a lot. We think you know that this bad habit greatly affects the shade of your teeth - they become either gray or yellow, in general, not the most beautiful. Don't you know what we're talking about? Look at Joanna, she's the "perfect" example.

Anna Paquin

Anna Paquin is a New Zealand actress who won an Oscar at the age of 11 for her role in the film The Piano. She became the second youngest winner of the award in its history. And this happens, yes! But we’re not talking about that now, but about the fact that the girl decided not to whiten her teeth and go with those that nature “gave” to her. Moreover, the girl even decided not to correct the gap between her teeth - commendable!

Elizaveta Sidorenko also worked on the material.

Every girl wants to inspire admiration and conquer the opposite sex with her fabulous smile. But what to do if nature did not give you perfect white teeth? Run to the dentist for a procedure, remove the top ball of enamel, unnaturally whitening it? It’s not worth it, because this is an expensive and not very useful procedure; it’s enough to know a few effective tips on how to choose to the teeth, giving them whiteness.

How to choose lipstick to make your teeth appear whiter - tips and tricks from makeup artists

Modern girls who follow the latest innovations in the cosmetology industry know how to choose lipstick with yellow teeth in order to visually make them more perfect and visually whiten them. After reading our tips, you can also smile sincerely, conquering everyone around you.

There are many lipsticks that create an incredible contrast between teeth and lips. To achieve this visual effect, be sure to replenish your cosmetics bag with the following tones and products:

Recommendations and rules on how to choose lipstick to match your teeth apply only to high-quality cosmetic products from reputable manufacturers. After all, only such products will apply well, lie on the skin of the lips, and also look perfect for several hours.

How to apply lipstick for a perfect smile?

The art of properly applying makeup requires special knowledge, thanks to which you can achieve the perfect look. Painting lips is a special science, which can be learned by following some tips and knowing the secrets.

Firstly, if you are using a contour pencil, its shade should completely match the tone of the lipstick, but a slightly darker color is also allowed. The pencil should be carefully shaded over the entire surface of the lips, this will eliminate the clear outline of the boundaries. For girls with a beautiful shape, using a pencil is not at all necessary; their shape will look spectacular anyway.

Secondly, the best way to apply lipstick is to use a special brush, which will ensure its optimal distribution, make it possible to beautifully outline the boundaries, and improve stability. The fuzzy contour that is relevant today can be achieved by applying the coating with your fingertips. But lovers of glossy shine should be careful not to overdo it with the amount, which can lead to spreading.

How not to spoil the color of your teeth with bad lipstick?

If you already know how to choose lipstick if you have yellow teeth, then it's definitely worth familiarizing yourself with the shades you should avoid. Shades that spoil the color of your teeth and, accordingly, your lifestyle are:

  • red lipstick with an orange tint;
  • carrot, which older women love;
  • coating with a yellow tint;
  • pale pink lipstick;
  • brown tones;
  • dark purple and crimson.

Such cosmetics visually reduce the volume of the lips, making them thinner, drawing attention to the teeth.

Do not forget about the color and condition of the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté. The presence of any defects, redness and blackheads spoils your image; even a Hollywood smile cannot save it. Therefore, use a light BB cream or high-quality foundation to look perfect and attractive.

To highlight a snow-white smile, choose lipsticks in cool shades. Due to the blue undertone, they neutralize yellowness and, accordingly, teeth look whiter. The more contrasting and deep the color of the lipstick, the whiter the teeth look against its background.

Ideal lipsticks with “whitening” properties are light pink, fuchsia, raspberry, deep red and plum.

The warmer the shade of lipstick, the “warmer” your teeth appear. The same thing happens if the lipstick blends in with your skin tone, especially if it turns out to be lighter than it.

If the color of your teeth is not ideal to begin with, avoid orange, brick, coral, light beige and purple shades.

Don't forget:

We are all individual and unique. It happens that cool shades of lipstick, on the contrary, make teeth more yellow. To understand whether a particular lipstick is right for you before purchasing, unscrew the entire tester, place it horizontally on your upper or lower lip and smile. This way you can evaluate what effect the lipstick has on your teeth.

It's not just lipstick that affects how your teeth look, but also facial tone and even eye makeup. Therefore, it is best to evaluate the lipstick in its entirety.

Teeth whitening is an expensive and complex procedure that has contraindications. How can you achieve a snow-white smile if for some reason the hardware method is not available to you?

Sometimes simple hygienic cleaning is enough for people, in other cases only installing ceramic veneers on their teeth will save them, but there is a much simpler way to make your smile brighter. The color of your lipstick will help (or hinder) your teeth from looking white and shiny. How not to make a mistake in choosing?

First, you need to remember the color theory that artists, designers and makeup artists use, and their tool is the color wheel. Orange and blue (yellow and violet) colors are on opposite sides and are complementary. This means that when they “meet” they “extinguish” each other, that is, visually these shades become less saturated. However, if, for example, orange and yellow meet each other, then they reinforce each other, that is, yellow becomes more noticeable than before.

Let's look at examples that will help us understand how to make teeth whiter without whitening them at the dentist or using home kits (which, by the way, can do more harm than good)? It's all about the undertone of the lipstick.

Lipstick color and teeth

Are red lipstick and yellow teeth a bad combination? Not always. Let's return to the color wheel. Orange and blue have a depressing effect on each other. This means that if we choose red lipstick with a blue undertone, our teeth will look whiter. The same rule applies to pink lipsticks: berry shades in most cases have a fairly strong blue or purple undertone. This applies to both faded and dark colors. And avoid brown. It will, of course, add contrast to the lips, which is usually good for visually “whitening” teeth, but it will emphasize the yellowness or brownish tint, which does not look as attractive as we would like. The once popular orange lipsticks are also undesirable for those whose teeth themselves are not perfectly white: even a slight yellowness will immediately appear.

Some shades of fuchsia may be successful for those who want to visually whiten their teeth. But avoid overt neon shades. Neon clothes, nail polish, and lipstick make your skin look more tanned, but make your teeth look dirty.


The same color theory says that at the border of shadow and light they enhance each other, and the shadow becomes darker and the light lighter. Same with teeth. Dark lipsticks create a bright contrast and highlight the lightness of your teeth. But to visually whiten them, you need to add a bluish or purple tint to your lipstick. Then the contrast will be perfect. Berry lipsticks will come to the aid of girls who want to add whiteness to their teeth: plum, raspberry, cherry.


This fashion season, matte lipsticks continue their triumphant march. However, if it is important for you to emphasize the whiteness of your teeth, think twice before choosing trendy makeup. The fact is that matte formulas often look like your lips are dry, which is not at all compatible with the concept of a perfect smile.

Light shades with a drop of lip gloss are a great solution. It's ironic but true: sometimes a little lip gloss is enough to make your teeth appear whiter. The key word is a little, because if you overdo it with glitter, your lips will turn white, not your teeth. But the teeth will just look dirty.

“A person with white teeth is conducive to communication, distinguished by health and beauty, so the whitening procedure is often carried out by people who care about their image and want to attract attention. But it is not shown to everyone. For example, whitening is not recommended for teenagers, explains our interlocutor, chief physician of the Invisalign International Orthodontic Center Olga Emelyanova. — Individual tooth sensitivity may also be a relative contraindication. However, with proper therapy, even people with hyperesthesia can have their teeth whitened.”

The material was prepared for readers of the site by the head of the online magazine about dentistry Startsmile.ru, Yulia Klouda.



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