Top best whitening toothpastes. Important information about the use of whitening pastes

A beautiful smile is often spoiled by dark tooth enamel. To avoid this, dentists advise periodically using toothpastes with a whitening effect.

Each of them has its own characteristics, on the basis of which the demand for the paste by consumers and, accordingly, the rating are determined.

Two main types

All pastes of this type, according to the main active ingredient, can be divided into a couple of groups. The first group included products that lighten enamel by removing pigment cells. Another group contains products whose action is aimed at neutralizing pigment.

Removing pigment plaque

The effect of products that remove the pigment layer is based on the active components included in the pastes. Most often this role is played by:

  1. Abrasives: silicon dioxide, potassium phosphate, sodium bicarbonate. They provide whitening of the tooth surface due to the mechanical removal of pigment.
  2. Enzymes, polydone or pyrophosphates. Their main effect is to split the pigment layer, which is then easily washed away with water.

Pastes from both groups can correct the situation with a dark shade of enamel due to poor oral hygiene. But they are contraindicated for sensitive enamel, periodontal inflammation or increased enamel abrasion.

Brightening enamel using active oxygen

These tools are based on effect on dark enamel of carbamide peroxide. The principle of operation in this case is as follows: when the paste interacts with saliva, the peroxide breaks down into active oxygen and water, which penetrate into the deep prisms of the enamel.

Exposure to oxygen leads to discoloration of the pigment and its partial leaching from dental tissues. Unlike the first group, pastes with peroxide can penetrate the pores of the deep layers of enamel.


The main advantage of whitening pastes is that they You can actually lighten the enamel by 2 or more tones. There is no need to visit a dentist or have special whitening skills.

Some types of hair can have a brightening effect after just 2-3 cleansing procedures.


In addition to the advantages, these products also have a number of significant disadvantages that arise during their use:

  1. The main disadvantage is the increased sensitivity of the enamel.
  2. If the teeth have wedge-shaped defects or cavities affected by caries, then the situation can greatly worsen, causing rapid destruction of dental tissue.

In addition, too frequent use of pastes of this action can lead to the leaching of minerals from the enamel.

Products that remove pigment plaque


A German-made product for quick whitening, where several substances are used as active ingredients. The paste is characterized by high abrasiveness up to 120 RDA, and the shape of cleaning particles that have a special cut.

The complex of substances included in the composition helps to loosen the stone and strengthen the enamel. The cost varies from 140 to 220 rubles.

LACALUT white & repair

Unlike the previous version, the composition enriched with silicon, hydroxyapatite and titanium dioxide. Together, these substances help to quickly cleanse teeth and simultaneously saturate the enamel with minerals.

An abrasive not exceeding 100 RDA, in combination with a mineralizing complex, allows the product to be used in people with weakened enamel. Purchasing white & repair will cost 150 rubles.

SPLAT whitening Plus

Russian paste, characterized by an enhanced whitening formula, which includes more than 5 whitening components of various types: pyrophosphates, finely dispersed minerals.

The main bleaching role here is played by polydon and papain, which break down pigment and solid deposits. To prevent the enamel from suffering, potassium salts and fluorine-containing elements were added to the paste. All the positive aspects include the cost of the product, which does not exceed 90 rubles.

Blendamed 3D White

The peculiarity of this paste is that it goes on sale in a series that contains products for cleaning the dentition of smokers, rapid whitening, and restoration of dental tissues.

Cleansing is carried out due to the simultaneous influence pyrophosphates and silicon dioxide, removing hard deposits on teeth. Fluorine is used as a mineralizing component. The price for one tube of the product is 150 rubles.

REMBRANDT – Anti-tobacco and coffee

Directional paste designed specifically for teeth whitening for smokers and coffee and tea drinkers, by 3 shades or more. High quality whitening is achieved through complex effects papain, silicon oxide, aluminum, sodium citrate.

Monofluorophosphate, which strengthens the enamel, helps prevent the negative effects of aggressive components. The disadvantage of this product is its high cost, ranging from 500 rubles.


Unlike toothpastes of other White Plus brands contains an active cleansing component – ​​diatomaceous earth, which, in combination with silicon dioxide, can reduce the darkening of the enamel by 1 tone in just a few uses.

The high cleaning properties are also explained by the abrasiveness of the paste, which is 200 RDA, which exceeds the average by 130 units. Therefore, it is recommended to use the product only once a week. You can buy it for 180–300 rubles.


A more gentle option from the whitening line of this brand. In this case, the abrasiveness does not exceed the norm (75 RDA), so the paste can be used for weak enamel.

Unlike the previous type, this product contains Icelandic moss extract and silicon in amorphous form.

The components are aimed at mechanical removal of pigment and its lightening in the deep pores of the surface of the teeth. The price for this type of product is 250 rubles.

New Pearl – Whitening

It is one of the most affordable whitening products, the price of which does not exceed 50 rubles. It includes standard components: titanium and silicon dioxide, pyrophosphates.

To remineralize and strengthen dental tissue, monofluorophosphate was included in it. The paste has a pronounced whitening property and rapid removal of tartar. But frequent use can lead to calcium leaching.

New Pearl – Gentle whitening

Designed for slight lightening of the surface with thin enamel or its high sensitivity. During use, monofluorophosphate and calcium carbonate saturate dental tissues with microelements necessary for strengthening.

The poor composition of the product explains its low cost, equal to 50 rubles.

ROCS – Sensational whitening

The paste has a unique composition, where Bromelain is used as a whitening agent. It actively destroys the structure of the pigmented layer due to the special cutting of its particles, allowing you to see a lightening of 2 tones within a week after use.

Simultaneously with whitening, the product mineralizes the surface dental layer. “Sensational whitening” costs about 250 rubles.

ROCS PRO – Delicate whitening

The product contains bromelain, which destroys pigments.

But unlike “Sensational Whitening,” this paste is saturated with calcium and includes only one abrasive component, which allows it to be used by people whose teeth react negatively to any external irritant.

On sale you can find two types of this paste: with a regular mint flavor and an enhanced one. Both options have the same price, varying between 200–300 rubles.

Colgate "Comprehensive Whitening"

The paste combines polishing and abrasive components to gently remove the dark layer of enamel and make it smooth. The polished surface prevents the settling and retention of new pigments and microbes, therefore it can act as a preventative agent.

In addition, the paste actively saturates the enamel with fluoride, reducing its sensitivity. You can buy it for 70–100 rubles.

SILCA Arctic White

A German paste that combines three cleansing components and minerals that are aimed at strengthening dental tissues. The product has a slight abrasiveness, which is only 10 units higher than normal.

Thanks to this, it can be used to clean sensitive teeth with pronounced darkening of their surface. Buying Arctic White will cost on average only 80 rubles.

Useful tips for using pigment removers

To avoid the negative effects of whitening pastes, each user should read the following tips before use:

  1. This tool will not help if the teeth are covered with voluminous pigment plaque or have tartar. In this case, a dentist can help by first carrying out professional cleaning and only then proceeding with the whitening procedure.
  2. If a painful reaction occurs during use teeth exposed to temperature or chemical irritants, then use of the product should be stopped immediately.

    You can restore normal enamel sensitivity using fluoride-containing pastes and types with a high calcium content.

    If this does not bring a positive result, then you should visit the dentist. It will restore normal enamel sensitivity by remineralizing dental tissues.

  3. The use of lightening pastes with poor hygiene, will not give any result. First you need to learn how to maintain the health of your teeth and oral cavity in general.
  4. If the quality of the enamel is poor or it is erased, it is recommended to opt for products that contain enzymes or polydon.

    Products made with pyrophosphates should be avoided as they lead to leaching of minerals from dental tissues.

Products based on urea peroxide

They are among the most effective means, since in just a few applications they allow you to obtain enamel 2 shades lighter than in its original form. Moreover, they do not contain aggressive abrasive components.


This type is based on standard urea peroxide and a unique patented complex Citroxain. This combination makes it possible to quickly whiten enamel up to 5 tones.

At the same time, active oxygen, formed as a result of the interaction of the components, can work for 10 days, continuing to lighten the surface of the teeth.

When purchasing, it is worth considering that the price of this product is quite high and is within 500 rubles.

SPLAT extreme White

The main purpose of the product is active whitening of the dental surface. In case of regular use, after 3-5 days, lightening by 2 tones is noted. Also, the paste helps saturate dental tissues with minerals that regulate its sensitivity.

But the low fluoride content does not allow the product to be used on weak and sensitive enamel. You can buy a tube for 200 rubles.

ROCS PRO - Oxygen bleaching

Same as in previous versions, here Carbamide peroxide acts as a bleaching component. In addition to it, the composition contains calcium glycerophosphate, which strengthens tooth tissue and increases their resistance to caries.

Using the product for a month leads to lightening of the surface of the teeth by 3 shades. Its cost is 300 rubles.

Useful tips for using products based on carbamide peroxide

The most optimal option for using this type of paste is period after professional hygiene carried out in the dentist's office. This ensures uniform whitening of all tooth surfaces. In this case, you should follow certain tips:

  1. If use begins without first visiting the dentist, then before peroxide paste, it is recommended to use abrasive agents in a course. They will help remove the surface dark layer and open the way to the deep and narrow pores of the enamel.
  2. During use, please note that peroxide can only lighten dental tissues. Fillings, crowns and all artificial materials that fill defects in enamel and teeth will remain in their original form.

    The shade of all teeth can be equalized only by removing old fillings and placing new ones, selected in accordance with the shade of the bleached surface.

  3. After bleaching, it is necessary conduct a course of enamel restoration using remineralizing agents: pastes, gels, rinses. These products must necessarily include calcium, phosphorus and fluorine, or their derivatives.
  4. The use of pastes of this type of pastes, with insufficient oral hygiene, can lead to the development of caries and destruction of dental tissues.

Whitening toothpastes are a great option for whitening your teeth a couple of shades at home. Their principle of operation is a mechanical effect on the surface of the enamel using abrasive or enzymatic substances.

You should choose the right whitening paste so as not to harm your teeth, because it often contains hard particles that can significantly damage the enamel, forming microcracks on it. Good pastes contain a medium level of abrasiveness, enzyme additives, oils, extracts and minerals.

Toothpaste on a brush

The effectiveness of toothpastes for whitening

Whitening toothpastes have long proven themselves to be effective. They are recommended for people after professional whitening (to maintain results), avid smokers And for coffee lovers(as nicotine and caffeine stain tooth enamel yellow). Such pastes are varied in composition and action, so some simply remove dark plaque from the enamel, while others penetrate deeper layers and, using aggressive chemicals, lighten the color of the tooth.

You should not believe advertising that says that your teeth will become sparkling white after several uses of this paste. The result will be noticeable, but it will clearly not reach the Hollywood snow-white smile (after all, every person has individual teeth color, which is genetically determined). But it is possible to completely whiten your teeth only through photo-whitening, which is done by a specialist in the clinic.

Smoking causes teeth to turn yellow


Like any other product, whitening toothpaste has its contraindications and disadvantages. Therefore, it is not recommended for increased sensitivity of enamel, the period of bearing a child and children under 16 years of age.

You should also be especially careful when whitening crowns and filled teeth, because their material is sometimes not comparable to the abrasives of toothpaste. It can significantly scratch both the enamel and the surface of the crown, which will cause the possibility of caries in the first case, and an untidy appearance in the second.

Indications for use of whitening toothpaste

Proper daily oral care includes: brushing teeth - 2 times a day, rinsing, flossing. Such care for dental health will ensure complete hygiene and minimize the possibility of darkening of the enamel.

Unfortunately, any person’s enamel color changes due to food products: cola, chocolate, coffee, tea and tomato juice, and it can only be restored by bleaching. In this case, the indications for the use of whitening paste are:

  • darkening of the enamel after injury or illness;
  • age-related changes in tooth color;
  • significantly pronounced pigmentation of the outer layer of teeth;
  • fluorosis;
  • color change due to bad habits.

Toothpaste copes with darkening the enamel by 2-3 tones, no more!

Composition of whitening toothpastes

There are three types of whitening toothpaste composition:

  1. Neutralizers for tooth surface pigment(removal of soft plaque and dyes). Their composition includes both polishing and abrasive substances, as well as enzymes that can destroy bacterial plaque - bromelain. This is a fairly effective remedy, but it only acts on the surface of the enamel.
  2. Oxygen pastes(they contain derivatives of carbamide peroxide - this is a substance that decomposes when exposed to human saliva, releasing oxygen). This is the most effective toothpaste because it penetrates deep into the layers of the tooth.
  3. Color pigment neutralizers(these are enhanced action pastes). They have an increased amount of aggressive components, and even cope well with tartar. However, with frequent use of this paste, severe tooth sensitivity appears.

Pastes with bromelain and other enzymes that dissolve plaque, and for maximum whitening it is worth resorting to pastes with aggressive particles.

Oxygen paste R.O.C.S.

The best abrasive whitening toothpastes - TOP 5

Abrasive pastes will help in the fight for a snow-white smile in very advanced cases, because their composition is quite aggressive and can damage the top layer of enamel. They are not suitable for daily use, so you should use them no more than 3-4 times a week. So, let’s present a list of the TOP 5 best abrasive toothpastes for whitening:

  1. Lakalut White- contains abrasive substances, fluorides and pyrophosphates. These substances participate in the dissolution of tartar and remove dark plaque. The paste also has a preventive effect and minimizes the risk of plaque reappearance.
  2. President White plus - has a unique composition that includes calcium, silicates and an extract from sea shells. The paste perfectly removes soft plaque and whitens even severe pigmentation. It is also a preventative against dental hypersensitivity.
  3. Blend-A-Med “3D White Glamor”- contains pyrophosphates, which kill pathogenic bacteria and effectively lighten pigmented enamel. Prevents re-staining of the top layer of the tooth.
  4. Colgate "Maximum Protection + Sugar Acid Neutralizer"- contains calcium and liquid fluorine. The paste perfectly freshens breath and whitens teeth by dissolving tartar and sugar acids, which provoke the appearance of the former.
  5. Faberlic Expert Pharma White Plus- developed on the basis of innovative components that do not destroy the enamel, but simply remove plaque from it efficiently. Provides lightening up to 2 tones, ideal for heavy smokers due to its pleasant mint aroma.

Before purchasing an abrasive whitening paste, you should consult your dentist!

Lacalut white & repair

Rating of whitening toothpastes for daily use

Pastes for daily use have a softer composition and do not cause microtrauma to tooth enamel, but they also quite effectively whiten the surface of teeth by several tones. Let's present a rating of the 10 best whitening pastes for everyday use:

  1. R.O.C.S. "Sensational whitening"- contains only 1 abrasive component and provides gentle enamel lightening. Fights soft plaque, has a minty taste and smell.
  2. Rembrandt Plus- even eliminates severe yellowing of teeth, because it contains components and minerals that perfectly break down tartar. Plus, it reduces tooth sensitivity.
  3. Splat extreme white- the composition is supplemented not only with abrasive, but also with carbamide peroxide. Lightens up to 3 tones. The effect is noticeable after 2 weeks of using the paste. Among other things, it is a preventative against caries.
  4. Lacalut white & repair- sensational whitening and care for avid coffee drinkers and smokers. Not only whitens, but also prevents the darkening of teeth. It also strengthens the enamel due to amorphous corpuscles of hydroxyapatite - these are substances that restore tooth tissue.
  5. Crest 3D White Brilliance- gently cleans teeth from unwanted formations. Prevents the appearance of tartar and ensures fresh breath. In addition, the components of the paste provide gentle care and protection against bacteria to the oral mucosa.
  6. Natura Siberica “Pearl of Siberia”- consists of plant components and extracts (brine salt, pearl clay, lemongrass berries). Gently brightens teeth without damaging enamel, protects gums from damage during brushing.
  7. Edel+White “Anti-plaque+Whitening”- characterized by low abrasiveness, but at the same time quite effectively removes plaque. Does not cause bleeding gums, removes many pathogenic microorganisms. It contains fluoride ions, which prevent the appearance of caries.
  8. Sensodyne Whitening- provides delicate, but at the same time thorough whitening. Creates a protective sheath around nerves, neutralizes the negative effects of external irritants, and reduces tooth sensitivity. The composition contains potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride.
  9. Vitex Black Clean “Ideal whitening”- contains microparticles of activated carbon that whiten tooth enamel without harming it. The paste can keep your breath fresh for a long time and protect against the formation of dark plaque.
  10. Pierrot 2 in 1 “Whitening”- contains papain, which neutralizes the coloring effect of food products. Copes with softening any plaque on enamel due to enzymatic components.

Sensodyne Whitening


It is quite possible to whiten your teeth using a special toothpaste. But you should not expect more results in the form of a dazzling smile, like from advertising. Each of the presented remedies is effective in its own way and is suitable for various causes of darkening of the surface of the teeth. Therefore, if you decide to whiten and buy a special paste, it would be a good idea to consult a dentist, because only a doctor will competently assess the condition of your teeth and recommend the right remedy to lighten them.

The search for the best toothpaste for teeth whitening can sometimes take a long time. After all, finding an effective and safe remedy is not so easy. The dentist’s point of view plays an important role in choosing a whitening paste. Taking into account the condition of the oral cavity and tooth enamel, the specialist will suggest product options that will give the desired result with minimal harm to dental health.

With abrasive

Toothpastes with a whitening effect most often contain polishing particles. They remove yellow plaque from the enamel, brightening the surface. The whitening pastes described below are recommended by dentists as the most effective among similar ones, but their use is limited to 2-4 per week.

Lacalut Brilliant White

The product is manufactured in Germany. The composition contains fluorides, pyrophosphates and abrasive particles. This whitening paste is used no more than 4 times a week to achieve permanent enamel whitening. Thanks to the content of pyrophosphates, tartar gradually dissolves, and fluoride prevents the surface from becoming more sensitive to irritating factors.

President White Plus

One of the best tooth whitening pastes is Italian, which has a unique composition. The product is perfect for those people who often develop tartar. Special polishing particles contain calcium and silicate. President whitening toothpaste does not contain fluoride, but includes special substances that can heal microcracks and eliminate bacteria.

For use every day

The property of the best whitening pastes is that they can be used every day. It is quite convenient, and the surface of the teeth is not subjected to much stress.

Lacalut White and Repair

Professional whitening composition is promising:

  • 3 types of polishing particles;
  • hydroxyapatite, which reduces tooth sensitivity;
  • sodium fluoride, which saturates tooth enamel with minerals;
  • pyrophosphate, which destroys plaque deposits.

The effect of Lacalut is impressive: the teeth whitening effect lasts for several months.

Rembrandt Antitobacco

A long-lasting tooth whitening toothpaste is produced in the USA specifically for smokers and coffee lovers. The effectiveness of the product is due to its properties:

  • thorough removal of yellow plaque due to the content of aluminum oxide;
  • destruction of hard deposits on the tooth surface due to citroxaine;
  • restoration of the mineral balance of tooth enamel through exposure to fluoride compounds.

Rembrandt is capable of brightening a smile by 4 shades, and maintaining the result for at least a month.

Splat Whitening plus

Among the domestically produced products, Splat, a paste with a good whitening effect, is not inferior to imported analogues. Splat Whitening Plus contains silicon and titanium dioxide, which gives teeth a beautiful snow-white color. Polydon and papain actively destroy dense areas of plaque, and the included minerals protect the incisors from increased sensitivity.

R.O.C.S. Sensational whitening

Another representative of toothpastes with a whitening effect, and domestically produced. In addition to the main components included in its composition, bromelain and calcium compounds have a special effect. Yellow dental plaque dissolves well and does not destroy the enamel structure. Suitable for people allergic to fluoride and its derivatives.

Blend-a-Med 3D White Lux Glamor

Blendamed is the best toothpaste among those that promise to whiten tooth enamel in a few days. Polishing particles in the form of silicic acid effectively remove plaque and deposits on teeth. Sodium compounds replenish the loss of minerals when exposed to the active components of the paste, having a strengthening effect on the tooth structure.

New pearls – Gentle whitening

The brightening effect of the product is the effect of abrasive particles on the surface layer of the tooth. To prevent increased sensitivity, monofluorophosphate has been added to the composition. The hygienic product is made in Russia. The best budget option for teeth whitening.

Bleaching products containing hydrogen peroxide

The whitening effect directly depends on what kind of toothpaste a person uses. Whitening toothpastes with peroxide have one feature: not only the visible surface is lightened, but also the deep layers.

R.O.C.S. PRO Oxygen bleaching

The manufacturer of the gel paste points out that the product has a low level of abrasiveness and is not capable of destroying bulk deposits of plaque. The action of the best tooth whitening paste is based on the active action of chemical compounds that penetrate the structure of the incisor. The gel contains mineral compounds that strengthen the dental structure.

Splat Extreme White

Peroxide is a fairly effective substance, so it quickly discolors the tooth surface. Of the best whitening components, Splat contains those that destroy the protein compounds of dental plaque. A few strokes of the brush will be enough to remove unpleasant deposits. The fluoride content in the composition is minimal, which prevents the occurrence of allergies.

Rembrandt plus

The strength of the Rembrandt product is its good performance. This whitening paste contains active ingredients:

  • aluminium oxide;
  • papain;
  • fluorine and sodium compounds.

Rembrandt ingredients can whiten teeth by 5 shades while maintaining the strength of the enamel.

How to choose a whitening paste?

To answer the question of which toothpaste best whitens teeth, you need to have an idea of ​​its composition and principle of action. Some manufacturers advertise their product as highly effective, but in reality it does not have a brightening effect. Knowing the nuances of choosing a whitening product, you can purchase a quality product to achieve results:

  1. It is very difficult for a person who has naturally yellow teeth to whiten them, so delicate enamel should not be subjected to torture. In cases where the enamel has darkened over time due to coloring particles seeping into it, whitening toothpastes should actually whiten the smile, not lighten it.
  2. Indication on the label of information about the content of hydrogen peroxide does not make any sense. The active component is added to the product in an amount of no more than 2%. This is a negligible dose for whitening. To achieve lightening of teeth by at least 2 shades, a high concentration of peroxide is required, but this will lead to irreparable harm to the oral cavity.
  3. Whitening gels containing chemicals are gentler on the surface than polishing particles. Constant abrasion of the surface layer damages the dental structure and leads to tooth decay. All pastes of chemical composition have a high cost, confirming their effectiveness.
  4. Chemical silicon compounds in whitening products do not cause allergies. Polishing particles made from calcium compounds are highly abrasive, which gives excellent whitening results.
  5. In addition to the main substances, the composition may include papain and bromalain.
  6. If increased sensitivity of the enamel occurs, it is necessary to change the cleaning composition for brightening to a product that has a high content of fluoride and other minerals.
  7. It is rational to use lightening toothpaste for those people who do not have fillings on their front incisors. Carbamide peroxide is not able to whiten the filling composition, so darkened areas will be noticeable on the teeth.
  8. Before using toothpaste intended for whitening, you must ensure adequate oral hygiene. When the enamel weakens, the teeth are attacked by caries.

Toothpaste that whitens teeth well is not uncommon on the cosmetics market today. But among their huge variety, you always want to choose the best one. It should be affordable, not too damaging to tooth enamel, and have a pleasant smell and taste. A lot depends on the individual characteristics of the buyer: how sensitive his teeth are, whether strong lightening is required, whether there are caries and other problems.

In addition to personal preferences, you must take into account the recommendations of the dentist. Only after consulting with your doctor can you buy the toothpaste that is most suitable for you. Trial and error is not good for anyone when it comes to health.

They are divided into two classes, depending on the method of exposure:

  1. those that contain tiny abrasive and polishing particles;
  2. those that contain carbamide peroxide, which releases active oxygen, which lightens the top layer of tooth enamel.

All necessary information about the composition of the toothpaste is indicated on the packaging. However, some of the information may seem like a code to the average buyer. Sometimes you need a hint on what to pay attention to.

Ingredients information: what to look for on the package?

The abrasiveness coefficient is the most significant indicator. It is called RDA, from the English Relative Dentin Abrasivity, and is measured in arbitrary units. Approximate scale: factor 25 is optimal for sensitive teeth with a pronounced reaction to hot/cold, sour or sweet. If they are not hypersensitive, the indicator may be about 75. For teeth that need the strongest whitening, pastes are produced with an RDA of up to 200 units. This paste can be used, for example, by smokers, but not more than twice a month.

The frequency of use of any whitening paste depends on the RDA. Only pastes for which this value does not exceed 80 units can be used more than three times a week.

The best teeth whitening pastes with abrasive particles

This rating does not include pastes with an abrasiveness coefficient over 80. Strong products (with a high RDA) remove intensely colored plaque and many dental deposits. They are usually used a maximum of three times a week; the rest of the time, teeth are brushed as usual. It is permissible to combine them with pastes with an RDA of no more than 75 units.

1. Lacalut White

Cost: 210-250 rubles.

Country of origin: Germany.

The abrasive elements included in the composition have a spherical cut. Their function is to remove pigmented plaque. Pyrophosphates are needed to dissolve tartar. Fluorides provide remineralization - restoration of tooth enamel. Thanks to fluoride compounds, tooth enamel does not become thinner, and teeth do not become hypersensitive.

2. PresiDENT White Plus

Cost: 300-350 rubles.

Frequency of use: no more than once a week.

Country of origin: Italy.

This paste is chosen by people whose teeth are highly pigmented or who quickly form tartar. This is the best tooth whitening paste that effectively removes plaque of varying degrees of hardness. Abrasive components include silicates, calcium, and extract from sea shells. Does not contain fluorides, while calcium salts provide remineralization of tooth enamel. The paste contains an extract of a medicinal plant - Icelandic cetraria, which has a strong bactericidal effect, has a beneficial effect on the immune system, and promotes wound healing.

Top 10 pastes for daily use

1. Lacalut White and Repair (Germany)

Cost: 240-270 rubles.

The composition includes three types of abrasive-polishing particles, sodium fluoride, necessary for the mineralization of tooth enamel, hydroxyapatite with the same function and pyrophosphates, with the help of which plaque becomes looser and easier to remove. After application, the effect lasts for several months.

2. PresiDENT White

Cost: 250-280 rubles.

A non-standard combination of calcium and silicon particles as abrasive and polishing components. Remineralization is achieved thanks to the large number of fluoride ions in the paste. Unique additives - extracts of medicinal plants - provide anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and refreshing effects. Extracts of mint, ginseng and Icelandic cetraria also help strengthen the immune system and have a weak analgesic effect. The disadvantages of the paste include its high price.

3. Rembrandt - anti-tobacco and coffee (USA)

Cost: 700-800 rubles.

A toothpaste that whitens the teeth of smokers and those who love strong tea or coffee, but want to maintain a radiant smile. To remove plaque, the paste contains abrasive and polishing substances such as silicon and aluminum oxide. Loosening of hard dental plaque occurs with the help of sodium citrate and papain. A high concentration of fluoride-containing compounds improves the restoration of tooth enamel and is an excellent prevention of its thinning.

Teeth whitening of three or four shades is quite possible only with the use of this toothpaste and without additional procedures. With proper dental care, the results will last up to two to four months. The cost of the paste is significantly higher than similar ones, and this is its only drawback.

4. Splat - whitening plus (Russia)

Cost: 290-350 rubles.

The high place in the ranking of Russian toothpaste is well deserved. It contains silicon and titanium dioxides, which remove plaque and strong pigmentation. Polydon and papain are necessary for softening hard plaque, and potassium and fluorine compounds are necessary for remineralization.

5. Silca Arctic White (Germany)

Cost: 315-400 rubles.

The increased content of fluoride, pyrophosphates and three abrasive-polishing components in combination make it possible to act on teeth with pronounced pigmentation, without causing increased sensitivity. The paste is recommended for daily use.

6. R.O.C.S. – sensational whitening (Russia)

Cost: 450-550 rubles.

Rox whitening toothpaste does not contain fluoride. The degrading element in it is bromelain, which effectively affects pigments, destroying their structure. The cutting of abrasive elements differs from standard ones, and calcium glycerophosphate is used to remineralize tooth enamel.

7. R.O.C.S. Pro – delicate whitening

Cost: 620-700 rubles.

Instead of a complex of three or two abrasive elements, as in most of the listed pastes, it contains only one. The slight deterioration in the quality of whitening is compensated by the fact that the paste is convenient for people with a different level of individual tolerance. A pleasant mint taste is inherent in each of the two types of paste produced, only more or less pronounced. It is advisable to consolidate successful home teeth whitening using R.O.K.S. gel. Pro containing carbamide peroxide.

8. Blend-a-Med 3D White (Russia)

Cost: 400-450 rubles.

The composition includes pyrophosphates, fluorine and one abrasive element. The brand includes six different flavors, is moderately priced and is very popular in Russia and neighboring countries.

9. Colgate Complex Whitening (China)

Cost: 250-320 rubles.

The composition does not contain components for breaking down pigments and hard plaque. However, two abrasive elements and a large amount of fluoride compounds are enough for toothpaste to do a better job of whitening.

Cost: 65-100 rubles.

According to dentists, this paste contains an excessive amount of pyrophosphates. Its advantage is the most affordable price.

What you need to know about using pastes?

Even if you buy the best teeth whitening paste, it will be difficult to achieve 100% effective results without following a few rules.

  • Before starting to use any of the whitening pastes, it is advisable to have your teeth professionally cleaned at your dentist's office. Be sure to treat teeth with minor defects. Any crack in the enamel or unsuccessful filling will turn it into hypersensitive. Only healthy or treated teeth guarantee that you will not suffer during and after whitening.
  • Any strong reaction to the temperature or taste of food or drink indicates that tooth enamel has become thinner. If hypersensitivity occurs, stop using toothpastes with a whitening effect. Now the teeth need to be helped to restore their enamel. Use products containing increased amounts of minerals.
  • If the enamel wears off easily, it is not recommended to use pastes with pyrophosphates. Instead, choose ones that contain polydone and enzymes.
  • After a course of whitening, remineralization is recommended for everyone, regardless of the condition of the teeth and their sensitivity.
  • Without compliance, the result will not last as long as desired. Quit smoking, reduce your consumption of coffee, cola, strong tea or wine if you abuse these drinks.

Three Best Whitening Toothpastes with Carbamide Peroxide

Dentistry uses the property of carbamide peroxide to decompose when interacting with saliva and release active oxygen. The chemical activity of the latter allows it to penetrate relatively deeply into the tooth tissue, whitening and cleaning much more effectively compared to abrasive compounds.

1. Rembrandt Plus

Cost: 600-650 rubles.

The combination of sodium citrate, papain and aluminum oxide in a paste helps dissolve hard plaque. Thanks to monofluorophosphate, there is a remineralizing effect, so you don’t have to worry about your teeth becoming hypersensitive. The degree of lightening reaches 4-5 tones. The paste is highly effective and quite expensive.

2. Splat Extreme White

Cost: 480-550 rubles.

Toothpaste from a Russian manufacturer stands out because it combines both an abrasive element and carbamide peroxide. Hydrated silica is one of the gentlest abrasive particles. Two components, papain and polydone, are responsible for the breakdown of dental plaque, and sodium fluoride is responsible for strengthening the enamel (remineralization). If you regularly use the paste for a month, your teeth will become two to three shades lighter.

3. Paste-gel R.O.C.S. Pro – oxygen whitening

Cost: 300-360 rubles.

According to the methodology adopted in Russia, this gel is used only at the second stage of teeth whitening. At the first stage, use the already mentioned R.O.C.S paste. Pro – delicate whitening. The gel contains no abrasive substances; its task is to continue lightening and strengthen tooth enamel, weakened in the previous stage. After a month, the result will be lightening of the teeth by two to three shades.

How to properly use whitening toothpastes that contain peroxide? Here are the basic tips.

  • It is likely that too long contact of these pastes with the mucous membrane will lead to a chemical burn. You do not need to keep the paste in your mouth for more than 5 minutes.
  • Remember that active oxygen does not affect “non-living” elements: fillings, crowns, veneers. They will not change color. Perhaps the contrast will be very noticeable.
  • To ensure uniform enamel lightening, have your teeth professionally cleaned at the dentist’s office and remove hard plaque.
  • Within a month after the whitening procedure, use products containing calcium hydroxyapatite, glycerophosphate, and fluoride compounds.
  • Be attentive to the condition of your teeth. On thinned enamel, caries occurs faster. Even the best teeth whitening pastes will not protect you from it if you do not follow basic hygiene rules.

Before you buy this or that toothpaste, listen to the advice of your dentist. Don't hesitate to ask him questions. This is the best way to avoid the possible disappointment of using the wrong product. Remember that you will only get a lasting effect from teeth whitening if you take care of them regularly and correctly.

The use of pastes does not guarantee a strong degree of enamel lightening. There are more powerful means, but their price is higher. In a separate article we looked at home and professional methods. If desired, you can choose the one that suits you according to the expected result and reasonable price.

Good luck! And smile more often! 🙂

From this article you will learn:

  • which toothpaste is best for whitening,
  • the best paste for smokers, tea and coffee lovers,
  • whitening toothpastes – reviews, rating 2019.

Whitening toothpaste can be of 2 types. The first option is whitening toothpastes with a high content of abrasive components. Abrasives allow you to remove smoker's pigment deposits and strong tea or coffee stains from the enamel surface. Such toothpastes lighten teeth only by removing surface impurities that give teeth a darker shade.

The second type of whitening pastes works mainly due to the effect. Such pastes contain carbamide peroxide (Fig. 1), which decomposes when brushing teeth, releasing active oxygen. The latter has the property of discoloring pigments not only on the surface of the enamel, but also in the depths of the hard tissues of the teeth, which makes them lighter.

Whitening paste: before and after photos

If you are looking for the best toothpaste for teeth whitening, then you need to consider the following points when choosing... The fact is that abrasive toothpastes only work by removing layers of bacterial or pigmented plaque from the surface of the enamel. Therefore, if your teeth are clean and you regularly go to the dentist for ultrasonic cleaning, an abrasive whitening paste will not help you, and here you only need a paste with carbamide peroxide.

How effective are whitening toothpastes?

It should be noted that not all shades of teeth whiten equally well. You will be able to notice a truly noticeable visible “before and after” effect only if the enamel of your teeth initially has a yellowish tint. It will be simply impossible to whiten teeth of gray and brownish tones with toothpastes (we are talking about the brown shade of the enamel, and not about the brown pigment deposit on its surface). In this case, only professional whitening, for example, can help.

If you need the most effective whitening toothpaste, reviews say that the maximum whitening effect that you can achieve using toothpastes is 2 shades on the VITA scale (Fig. 2-3). The best effect can be achieved with whitening pastes with carbamide peroxide, but you should not trust advertising that says such pastes can whiten your teeth by 3-4 shades. This is simply impossible.

Teeth shades according to VITA scale –

If pastes with carbamide peroxide are considered the most effective, then how effective is an abrasive whitening paste - reviews say that such pastes allow you to lighten teeth by an average of 1 tone on the VITA scale. To get a more significant result, it is advisable to combine pastes, for example, use an abrasive bleaching paste for the 1st month, and use a paste with carbamide peroxide for the next 2 months.

Best whitening toothpaste: ranking 2019

We present the rating: The best whitening toothpaste 2019, compiled by the site’s editor-in-chief (a dentist with 19 years of experience). The rating is based on an analysis of the components of toothpastes, personal experience with use, publicly available data on the concentrations of active components and the abrasiveness coefficient (RDA) of each paste.

We have compiled 2 ratings separately. The first rating of whitening toothpastes is dedicated to pastes that work by chemically whitening tooth enamel (this group is the most effective, but the smallest in number). The second rating will be devoted to abrasive whitening toothpastes that work by mechanically removing contaminants from the surface of the enamel.

1. Whitening pastes with carbamide peroxide –

The best whitening paste is definitely one that contains carbamide peroxide. This component is also used for professional chemical teeth whitening, so you can be sure that carbamide peroxide is really capable of whitening teeth. The effectiveness of pastes with carbamide peroxide is that they can lighten teeth by 2 tones (shades on the Vita scale).

If 2 tones are not enough for you, then it is better to consider more radical ones, which allow you to lighten your teeth by 4-6 shades. Below we have listed 3 toothpastes that are available for purchase in Russia for 2019. At the same time, Rembrandt ® brand paste can only be purchased via the Internet, the rest are available for purchase in pharmacy chains.

1. Toothpaste “REMBRANDT ® DEEPLY WHITE + Peroxide” –

Comments: Rembrandt ® DEEPLY WHITE toothpaste has a good composition. Papain helps loosen the protein matrix of plaque, facilitating its removal with abrasives; fluorides strengthen tooth enamel; Carbamide peroxide whitens teeth. This paste is especially effective for discoloring stains on teeth caused by tobacco, tea, coffee or wine. Rembrandt ® is one of the most famous manufacturers of toothpastes for smokers in the world.

The paste can be used on a regular basis for 2-3 months in a row (2 times a day for 3-5 minutes). Can be used in adults and adolescents from 12 years of age. If you have tightly attached bacterial or pigmented plaque on your teeth, in this case the paste will be more effective if you start using it either after professional teeth cleaning at the dentist or after using an abrasive whitening paste for 1 month.

Comments: This Rox whitening toothpaste has good reviews, and its main advantage is that the manufacturer indicated the concentration of the active ingredient. Thus, the amount of hydrogen peroxide in toothpaste (when converted from carbamide peroxide) is about 3%. The manufacturer, of course, claims that the paste will lighten teeth by 3 tones, but still you should not count on more than 2 tones - when used for 2 months.

Due to the absence of abrasives in the paste, it can only be used as the second stage of teeth cleaning. Those. First, you will need to brush your teeth for several minutes with a regular abrasive hygienic paste, and then use Rox Oxygen Whitening Gel Paste. As the first step, the manufacturer recommends using “ROCS PRO – Delicate Whitening”. This makes sense, but then you must be prepared that each such two-step teeth cleaning will take you at least 8 minutes.

Comments: SPLAT Extreme White toothpaste has a fairly wide range of active ingredients. Carbamide peroxide for enamel whitening. Papain destroys the protein matrix of plaque, facilitating its removal with abrasive substances. Polydon prevents pigments and bacteria from settling on the enamel surface. Fluoride dosage is too low. The abrasiveness is not specified, and therefore it is not clear how well it can remove pigment plaque.

The manufacturer talks about whitening by 2 tones in 4 weeks of use (can be used for no longer than 4-6 weeks). Splat whitening toothpaste has more or less good reviews, as well as a composition that is very similar to Rembrandt ® DEEPLY WHITE toothpaste. However, we would give preference to the first two toothpastes, because... the Rembrandt brand has long been a standard of quality, and the Rocs gel paste specifies the exact concentration of the active component.

For regular hygienic toothpastes, the RDA should be around 70-80 units. Whitening toothpastes with an RDA of 80 to 100 units allow you to lighten your teeth by about 1 tone - with regular use for 2 months. For intensive whitening, pastes with an RDA of 120 to 200 units are suitable (they can lighten teeth by up to 2 shades). Moreover, it is advisable to use pastes with RDA 120 for a period of 1 month, and with RDA 200 - once a week.

Comment: This is probably the best whitening toothpaste - it has only positive reviews. Suitable for regular whitening, having a good composition of active substances and abrasive-polishing components. Icelandic moss and lime extracts loosen the structure of plaque, facilitating its removal by abrasives. Good dosage of fluoride. It is advisable to use it within 1 month.

You can increase the effectiveness of this toothpaste if you have an electric toothbrush. However, you can use this paste in combination with an electric toothbrush, provided that your brush has a gentle cleaning mode “for sensitive teeth” (it does not have pulsating movements). In this mode, you can use the toothpaste once a day, and the rest of the time use a regular manual toothbrush.

Comments: This is a whitening toothpaste for intense whitening. Can only be used once a week. Icelandic moss extract loosens the structure of dental plaque, facilitating its removal by abrasive substances. High abrasiveness allows you to remove pronounced pigment plaque and even small hard dental plaque. This toothpaste should be used in combination with any of the other whitening pastes that have an abrasiveness in the RDA range of 80-100 (for example, with toothpaste).

Comments: a paste with this RDA is intended for intensive whitening (use for no longer than 1 month, repeated courses - only after 1-2 months). Contains a good abrasive with an adjustable spherical cut, as well as pyrophosphates, which help dissolve the matrix of hard tartar. The paste has a high concentration of sodium fluoride to prevent tooth sensitivity and strengthen tooth enamel.

Periodically, you can use it together with an electric toothbrush in a gentle cleaning mode “for sensitive teeth” - in this case, the effectiveness of removing pigment plaque will be several times higher (website).

Comments: high-quality safe toothpaste for lovers of everything natural. The components of the paste gently remove pigment plaque and polish the teeth, and are not capable of causing tooth hypersensitivity. Icelandic moss extract loosens the structure of dental plaque, facilitating its removal by abrasive substances. High concentration of fluoride, high quality brand. Can be used together with an electric toothbrush in standard mode once a day (the rest of the time use a regular manual toothbrush).


Comments: Rembrandt “INTENSE STAIN” – toothpaste designed specifically for smokers, coffee and strong tea lovers. Contains pyrophosphates, which help loosen dense pigmented and bacterial plaque to facilitate its removal with abrasives. Good dosage of fluoride. Can be used with an electric toothbrush in standard mode 1-2 times a day.

Comments: The paste contains the enzyme bromelain, which breaks down pigment and plaque before it is removed with abrasives. The paste also contains calcium glycerophosphate, which of course does not lighten teeth, but promotes the mineralization of tooth enamel. Due to its high abrasiveness, we recommend using it for no longer than 3 weeks in a row. Cannot be used in combination with an electric toothbrush.

Economy class whitening toothpastes –

Below we will also list several inexpensive toothpastes that you have all heard about from advertising (Silca, Colgate, Blendamed, Aquafresh, New Pearl companies). Most of these companies do not publish information about the abrasiveness of their pastes, which immediately makes us prefer more expensive pastes with the indicated RDA index.

Comments: low price! Contains high-quality abrasive components, but the RDA itself is quite low. Therefore, it is best to use this paste only in combination with an electric toothbrush (in standard mode, 2 times a day, 2-3 months). The paste also contains pyrophosphates to dissolve the matrix of hard tartar, and another big plus is the high concentration of sodium fluoride. Among inexpensive toothpastes, we consider it optimal.

Comments: “Blendamed 3D White LUXE” is available in 6 variants: “Pearl Extract”, “Glamour”, “Anti-tobacco freshness”, “Healthy glow”, “Cool freshness”, “Mint kiss”. Essentially, they have the same composition; separation is necessary in order to be able to address different target audiences in advertising. Contains only 1 inexpensive abrasive, as well as pyrophosphates, which help loosen tightly attached plaque. Good dosage of fluoride. The RDA index is not indicated at all...

Comments: All Colgate whitening pastes are similar in composition to each other, and the RDA index is not indicated anywhere. The abrasive component in Colgate Optic White paste is quite cheap, and the dosage of fluoride is quite low. Contains pyrophosphates to loosen plaque for easier removal. Also, a special component has been added to this paste, which gives a quick optical whitening effect.

Those. after brushing, an invisible film remains on the teeth, which changes the degree of light reflection from the tooth enamel, thereby creating an optical illusion of relative whiteness of the teeth (by about 0.5-1 tone). But as soon as you stop using this paste, the effect instantly disappears. Colgate Optic White and Colgate Optic White Instant pastes have this effect.

Comments: the paste contains 2 abrasive-polishing components, of which titanium dioxide is a fairly high-quality component. Contains a lot of pyrophosphates. Pyrophosphates dissolve the matrix of pigmented plaque and tartar, and also prevent the attachment of dyes to the surface of the enamel and slow down the rate of mineralization of soft microbial plaque and its transformation into hard tartar. The fluoride dosage is low, and there is no RDA specified at all...

The best whitening toothpaste for smokers –

As a dentist, I can tell you about an alternative whitening option that is especially suitable for smokers, strong tea or coffee drinkers, as well as patients with rapid formation of bacterial and pigmented plaque. This method will be much more effective than using conventional abrasive whitening toothpastes - even the best ones rated above. It will suit you if available (or if you are ready to buy it).

The working head of an electric toothbrush is exactly like the head that a dentist uses to polish teeth. However, in addition to the brush, you will also need a special professional paste, which dentists use to polish teeth and remove plaque. The paste is called "Detartrine" Z"(Detarthrin zet), and it costs about 1,450 rubles. Despite the fact that you are a patient and not a dentist, you can easily buy it at any dental supplies store (you can easily find out the addresses of such stores in your city via the Internet). The paste volume is 45 g, and this amount will last you at least a year.

Paste “Detartrine Z” (Septodont company, France) –

"Detartrine Z" contains zircon grains, which are very good at removing pigment plaque, and even small hard dental deposits. This is an ideal option for smokers and those who drink strong tea or coffee. You should use this paste together with an electric toothbrush that has a “sensitive teeth” or “polishing/whitening” mode. Frequency of use – 1 time per month. The paste is applied to the head of the brush with a spatula, after which all surfaces of the teeth are carefully treated with it.

During the procedure, you will need to add small portions of paste to the brush head. This procedure will take you about 15 minutes. This is slightly longer than regular teeth brushing, because... in this case, you must very carefully, slowly, go through each surface of each tooth (focusing on the front group of teeth). You will immediately notice the difference, feel how smooth and shiny your teeth have become. Another advantage of this paste is that it will simultaneously polish your old fillings, making them look fresher and shinier.

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How to use dental floss and toothbrush correctly -

Important information about the use of whitening pastes

  • How not to make a mistake when choosing a whitening paste
    Even the best toothpaste for teeth whitening is not able to cope with too massive pigment plaque and, even more so, hard dental deposits. In this case, it is better for you to immediately contact your dentist, and then immediately start using a paste with carbamide peroxide.

    If the pigment plaque is moderate (and you are not in the mood for a trip to the dentist), then first it is better to use a highly abrasive paste for intensive whitening - such as PRESIDENT White Plus or Detartrine Z. Because the use of the latter is only periodic; in parallel with them, start using abrasive bleaching pastes with RDA 100-120, for example, “LACALUT White”, “PRESIDENT White”, etc.

    If you have no bacterial or pigment plaque on your teeth, stains from nicotine or strong tea or coffee, you should start using only toothpastes with carbamide peroxide from the very beginning. Abrasive whitening pastes in this situation will not be able to make your teeth whiter, because... they work only by removing surface contaminants from the surface of the teeth, restoring the teeth to their natural color.

  • Complications of using whitening pastes
    very often, when using whitening pastes, patients complain of the occurrence. Most often it is expressed in pain in response to thermal stimuli, for example, to hot/cold water or food, or inhalation of cold air. No less often, pain is provoked by mechanical stress on the necks of the teeth (during brushing them with a toothbrush).

    In this case, it is advisable to switch from your whitening paste to less abrasive pastes, which will contain pyrophosphates, papain, bromelain or polydone (these components will help remove plaque even with low abrasiveness of the paste). At the same time, sensitivity can be reduced with a high dosage of fluorides - about 1450 ppm and the content of substances such as potassium nitrate or potassium chloride.

  • Cons of pastes with carbamide peroxide
    chemical bleaching with hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide allows you to whiten only tooth tissue, but not fillings, veneers or crowns. Therefore, if you have crowns or fillings on your front teeth that extend onto the visible surface of the tooth, they will remain the same color. Consequently, the filling or crown will begin to stand out against the background of lightened tooth enamel.
  • What to do after finishing using whitening pastes
    After completing a course of whitening with carbamide peroxide-based pastes, it is advisable to use calcium-based pastes (with calcium glycerophosphate or hydroxyapatite) for 1 month - then switch to pastes containing fluoride. After finishing using abrasive bleaching pastes, it is advisable to immediately start using pastes with therapeutic fluoride concentrations - at least 1400 ppm.
  • Bad habits and hygiene issues
    When using whitening pastes, it is advisable to stop smoking, drinking wine and coloring products (especially for pastes with carbamide peroxide). In addition, if you do not have regular oral hygiene, if you do not use dental floss, then whitening anything with toothpastes will be completely useless.

    The fact is that soft microbial plaque that is not cleaned from the teeth in time is saturated with calcium salts from saliva for 8-15 hours, thus turning into a tightly attached plaque that can no longer be removed with a regular toothbrush and paste. Pigments are quickly deposited onto the layer of attached bacterial plaque, forming the pigment part of the plaque. Thus, without bleaching it turns into fighting against windmills.



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