All about seeds. Are sunflower seeds beneficial or are they more harmful to the body?

There is probably no person now who has never tried fried ones. The harm and benefits of this popular delicacy have been discussed for a long time, but most who like to click them don’t even think about it. For several hundred years, the sunflower has been one of the most common plants. And when people tasted the taste of its seeds, it also became the most beloved for many. And now both children and adults eat them. Sometimes the shelling of seeds turns into and can even cause some diseases. It is quite difficult to get rid of the addiction to seeds, and it is not necessary, because they are also useful.

What vitamins are in seeds?

Scientists have found that this plant is very useful and contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals:

The seeds contain a lot of vitamin A, which is good for vision and skin health.

The body's daily need for vitamin E is met only by 50 grams of seeds. And, as you know, this vitamin is a strong antioxidant and helps in the functioning of the heart muscle.

Vitamin D, which is beneficial for bone growth, is contained in the seeds in even greater quantities than in cod liver.

They also contain a lot of vitamin B, which is good for skin, hair and the health of the nervous system.

What else is contained in seeds?

In addition to vitamins, the seeds of this plant contain many carbohydrates and a large amount of vegetable fats. More than 25% of the complete protein of seeds contains essential amino acids. In addition, sunflower is a source of microelements important for the body, especially magnesium and zinc. And there is more potassium in seeds than in bananas and many other foods. They also contain a lot of folic acid, calcium, iodine and selenium. Moreover, all these substances are stored in the seeds all year round. are a source of fatty acids that are very important for human health. There has been an ongoing debate for a long time about whether roasted sunflower seeds are healthy. It is believed that during heat treatment many trace elements are destroyed and this product becomes dangerous. But if you choose and fry them correctly, then all the properties are preserved.

Benefits of roasted sunflower seeds

Such a rich set of useful microelements makes the favorite delicacy of many also very healthy. They are quite high in calories, but are easily digested and completely absorbed by the body. Roasted sunflower seeds have a great positive effect on health. The harms and benefits of this product have been studied by scientists for a long time. How do seeds affect health?

This is an excellent means of preventing cardiovascular diseases;

The optimal content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates helps to establish the acid-base balance;

Eating sunflower seeds dulls appetite and promotes weight loss, and is also useful for dietary nutrition;

The seeds stimulate digestion, improve liver function and cleanse the bile ducts;

They strengthen the immune system and accelerate wound healing;

The process of cleansing the seeds itself is an excellent sedative, promotes relaxation and helps fight bad habits.

Seeds for beautiful skin and hair

But this product not only has beneficial effects on health. Such a large number of positive properties of this delicacy makes you wonder: what are the benefits of fried sunflower seeds for the beauty of your skin and hair? The high content of fatty acids, which are perfectly absorbed by the body, helps maintain youth and beauty. The substances that make up the seeds inhibit aging and improve the condition of not only the skin, but also nails and hair. For example, vitamin B protects against acne and dandruff, vitamin A fights dry skin, and E is a powerful antioxidant that improves regeneration processes. In addition to eating the seeds, you can also use them externally. In cosmetology, they have long been used to create masks and scrubs for hair and body. They remove dead cells and renew the skin, improving its condition.

Are roasted sunflower seeds harmful?

But experts believe that all of the above applies only to raw seeds. They should be consumed fresh and peeled immediately before eating. This is the only way they will not undergo oxidation and retain all their beneficial properties. They say that the harm of roasted sunflower seeds is such that not everyone can eat them. But in reality, it all depends on how to use them correctly. If the seeds are fresh, their shell is not damaged, and they are not overcooked, then their beneficial properties are preserved. Of course, with prolonged heat treatment, all vitamins are destroyed, and toxic substances are even formed in the seeds. In addition, they are often sold already purified, in which case oxidation processes occur in them and there is little useful in this. But in most cases, you can safely eat roasted sunflower seeds. Their benefits and harms depend on their quality and method of preparation.

What harm can seeds cause to health?

But if you use them incorrectly or choose a low-quality product, it is difficult to avoid harmful effects. What do doctors warn about?

When cracking seeds with your teeth, the enamel is destroyed, often the front teeth darken, and a gap may form between them;

Sometimes sunflowers are grown with large amounts of chemicals that are absorbed into the seeds and enter the body when they are consumed;

If the seeds are overcooked, they can cause heartburn and aggravate stomach diseases. This is especially bad for those who have gastritis and stomach ulcers or liver problems;

The harm of roasted sunflower seeds is also manifested in the fact that they irritate the throat, especially the vocal cords. Therefore, singers are not recommended to eat them.

How to use this product correctly

Many people are familiar with the sight of someone eating fried sunflower seeds. The harm and benefits of this product have long been the subject of debate. But sunflower seeds lovers continue to gnaw them anyway. How to reduce the negative consequences of their use?

Try to buy seeds grown in environmentally friendly areas, if possible without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

It is advisable to purchase them not in packaging so that you can see what condition they are in. This way you can determine whether the product is fresh.

It is best to buy unpeeled seeds and fry them yourself, subjecting them to minimal heat treatment.

You should not eat too many of them, especially after meals, because they are very high in calories.

To avoid dental problems and prevent germs from entering the body, it is best to clean the seeds with your hands.

How are sunflower seeds used?

In addition to the usual consumption of this delicacy, the seeds are widely used in cooking. They are added to baked goods, salads and main courses. Everyone knows the oriental sweet made from them - kozinaki. But to understand whether roasted sunflower seeds are healthy, you need to study the history of their distribution. After all, this plant appeared in Europe only in the 16th century and was not used as food at first. And the sunflower was brought from America, where local residents used it to make paint and medicine. Nowadays the seeds are also used in folk medicine in the treatment of certain diseases.

1. If you boil 2-3 tablespoons of seeds in half a liter of water with sugar, this decoction can cure a cough due to bronchitis.

2. A medicine for atherosclerosis is prepared from unripe seeds. To do this, boil 500 grams of seeds in two liters of water for a couple of hours and drink the decoction in small portions.

3. If crushed seeds are mixed with sour cream, you will get an effective face mask, after which the skin will become smooth and velvety.

The process of cracking seeds

Whatever this activity is called - husk, click, peel, clean or click - the essence is the same. This process is fascinating and is often compared to meditation. It helps you relax and calm down. And if you peel the seeds with your hands, you also massage your fingertips, which are rich in nerve endings. Psychologists believe that this process helps to establish contacts and communicate more easily, as well as make it easier to get rid of bad habits. Yes, and roasted sunflower seeds can help you lose weight. Their harm and benefit are unequal, so you should not give up your favorite treat.

Few people don't like to crack sunflower seeds. This is usually a favorite activity for both kids and adults. However, like other foods, seeds cannot be consumed by everyone, as they can be harmful to the body. Let's figure out who exactly shouldn't do this and why.

Calories, vitamins and minerals

First, let's look at the chemical composition of the product and find out how many calories it contains.
100 g of roasted seeds contains:


  • beta carotene - 0.005 mg (0.1% of the daily value for the human body);
  • B1 (thiamine) - 0.106 mg (7.1%);
  • B2 (riboflavin) - 0.246 mg (13.7%);
  • B4 (choline) - 55.1 mg (11%);
  • B5 (pantothenic) - 7.042 mg (140.8%);
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.804 mg (40.2%);
  • B9 (folate) - 237 mcg (59.3%);
  • C (ascorbic acid) - 1.4 mg (1.6%);
  • E (alpha tocopherol) - 26.1 mg (174%);
  • beta tocopherol - 1.19 mg;
  • delta tocopherol - 0.24 mg;
  • K (phylloquinone) - 2.7 μg (2.3%);
  • RR - 7.042 mg (35.2%);


  • K (potassium) - 850 mg (34%);
  • Ca (calcium) - 70 mg (7%);
  • Mg (magnesium) - 129 mg (32.3%);
  • Na (sodium) - 3 mg (0.2%);
  • Ph (phosphorus) - 1155 mg (144.4%);

  • Fe (iron) - 3.8 mg (21.1%);
  • Mn (manganese) - 2.11 mg (105.5%);
  • Cu (copper) - 1830 μg (183%);
  • Se (selenium) - 79.3 μg (144.2%);
  • Zn (zinc) - 5.29 mg (44.1%).

In addition, the product contains sugars, 10 essential and 8 nonessential amino acids, 3 saturated and 3 monosaturated fatty acids, 2 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Did you know? Sunflower seed kernels contain almost the same amount of calcium as sour cream (8% of the human daily requirement), yogurt (12%), and kefir (12%).

As you can see, the composition of sunflower seed kernels is amazing, it is so rich. Approximately 1 cup of seeds contains the daily norm of vitamin B5, phosphorus, selenium, almost 1.5 times the norm of vitamin E and copper.

The kernels are high in calories - 100 g of fried product contains 582 kcal, which is 34.6% of the daily value for a person.

The nutritional value is as follows:

  • proteins - 19.33 g (34.6%);
  • fats - 49.8 g (83%);
  • carbohydrates – 24.07 g (11.4%);
  • dietary fiber - 11.1 g (55.5%);
  • water - 1.2 g (0.1%);
  • ash - 5.6 g.

Benefits of roasted sunflower seeds

Despite such a rich and valuable chemical composition, sunflower seed kernels can be both beneficial and harmful for the human body. Let's look at why women and men need to eat them? and in what cases this should not be done.

For women

It is beneficial for women to eat roasted seeds in moderation, since most of the vitamins included in their composition are necessary for the normal condition of the skin and nervous system.

Regular saturation of the female body with vitamin E contributes to the proper functioning of the endocrine system.

Its sufficient level is very important, since a deficiency leads to the accumulation of excessive fluid, soreness of the mammary glands, emotional instability, and fatigue.

It affects the condition of the adrenal glands, gonads, pituitary gland, and thyroid gland. Being a powerful antioxidant, this substance helps maintain the water balance of the skin, removes harmful substances, and prevents the aging process. Vitamin E is also an important component of hair growth and strengthening.
A number of other elements in seeds are also necessary for the female body. Thus, calcium and phosphorus strengthen the skeletal system.

Important! Doctors and nutritionists advise men and women to consume no more than 100 g of peeled roasted seeds per day.

For men

For men, undoubtedly, the main beneficial property of seeds is strengthening muscle and bone tissue. They also have a positive effect on the reproductive system, promote the proper production of hormones and increase male strength.

Men who are trying to quit smoking often replace smoking by eating seeds. And this is correct, since this process has a therapeutic effect, calms the nerves, distracts from cigarettes and muffles the craving for them.

It is recommended to consume seeds in sufficient quantities for those who receive heavy muscle loads, engage in physical labor, and sports. If a person has suffered a soft tissue or bone injury, then eating this product will promote speedy healing and recovery.

Is it possible to eat

There are categories of people who, due to their situation or existing health problems, must carefully monitor their diet and the products that go into it so as not to harm their body.

Pregnant and nursing mothers

Sunflower seed kernels are recommended for women who are expecting the birth of a child or have recently given birth and are breastfeeding. Vitamin E is required in the body of a pregnant woman for a normal and successful pregnancy. Seeds, in particular, are recommended to be eaten in the first month during toxicosis.

They help relieve nausea and at the same time nourish the body, which at this time does not receive the necessary elements from food.
In addition, the substances included in the product can calm a woman’s nervous system, strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism and blood circulation. All this together has a positive effect not only on the health of the mother, but also on the baby’s body.

Many pregnant women face a problem such as postpartum depression. The seeds help improve a woman’s condition. They also allow you to solve such a delicate problem that accompanies pregnancy as constipation.

Iron, calcium and protein contained in the kernels are very necessary for a woman who has just given birth. In addition to saturating with valuable substances, seeds also contribute to the formation of more milk and increase its fat content. You should not eat salted kernels, as in this case the milk may have a salty taste.

When losing weight

Of course, looking at the calorie content of seeds, every person understands that this is a high-calorie product. Therefore, using it in any diet as a main ingredient is out of the question.
Eating them in large quantities leads to the deposition of fat accumulation. However, seeds can be added in small portions to a carbohydrate and protein diet as an additional ingredient and an important source of saturation with valuable elements.

When consuming them, a person will not feel like eating for a long time.

Important! Sunflower is an allergen. Therefore, a nursing mother needs to monitor the baby’s condition and stop eating seeds if the baby experiences an allergic reaction or colic.

There is also a 3-day seed diet. However, it is considered extreme, so nutritionists do not advise exposing your body to such stress.

For diabetes

Diabetics need to adhere to a certain diet, and, naturally, they should know whether they can eat fried seeds. There is no ban on their use, they do not contain harmful sugars, but moderation is necessary.

Diabetics can eat 50 g of kernels per day. However, if you have such a serious illness, you still need to consult your doctor about this.
For type 1 and type 2 diabetes, it is preferable to eat raw or dried product rather than fried. It is better to fry it yourself at home, since a store-bought product may contain unwanted additives.

For gastritis

Doctors, as a rule, prohibit the use of fried seeds for gastritis. The same prohibition applies to any solid food, nuts, and dried fruits. All these products irritate the gastric mucosa, thereby worsening the patient’s condition. And even during the period of remission, the use of these products can provoke an exacerbation.

In addition to the fact that kernels can damage the mucous membrane, they are also fatty, and therefore heavy food for an unhealthy stomach. Excessive consumption can lead to hypersecretion of the duodenum, and, as a result, to abdominal pain, increased acidity, bloating, and increased gas formation.

How to fry at home

Of course, the most delicious and healthy seeds are those that are fried with your own hands. However, in order for them to become crispy, not overcooked and with a rich taste, you should know how to properly cook them at home. Below we have selected some important tips for you.

  1. Before placing unpeeled seeds in a frying pan, they must be thoroughly washed. To do this, use a colander, which is placed in a large bowl of water. The seeds are poured into a colander and dipped into water several times. If the product is too contaminated, the water will need to be changed several times.
  2. The pan must be preheated. It is advisable that these kitchen utensils have a non-stick coating.
  3. You can pour 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil into a heated frying pan. This will keep the seeds from burning and preserve their own oil. However, it should be understood that adding oil will make the product more nutritious.
  4. The seeds should be placed in a thin layer, about 1.5 cm, in the pan.
  5. With constant stirring with a wooden spatula, the product should be fried over low heat for 5–7 minutes. After the crackling sound appears, the frying process should last another 2 minutes. The degree of readiness is determined by taste.
  6. After frying, the seeds should be poured into a cone made from newspaper. The cone needs to be packed. This manipulation will make them crispy and golden.
  7. If you are a lover of salty foods, then the seeds can also be made salty. To do this, prepare a strong saline solution. The seeds are poured with water so that they are completely immersed in it, and 2 tablespoons of salt are added. Then place the frying pan or saucepan on the fire and bring the water to a boil. It only takes a few minutes to boil. After this, the water should be drained through a colander, the seeds should be dried for 25–30 minutes (it is better to place them in the oven at a temperature of 160–180°) and fried in the usual way.
  8. In addition to the stovetop, sunflower seeds can be roasted in the microwave, oven, and slow cooker. In the microwave at a power of 800 Watts, they are ready in 7–8 minutes, in the oven at a temperature of 160–180 ° - in 20–30 minutes. In a multicooker, frying occurs for 20 minutes in the “Baking” mode, with two stirrings, and 10 minutes in the “Keep Warm” mode.

How to properly crack seeds

Frequent eating of seeds in the shell leads to the destruction of tooth enamel and the formation of tartar. Therefore, you should click them correctly and with caution.

Important! Since the shells of the seeds contain a large number of bacteria and microbes, they must be thoroughly roasted. You should avoid purchasing this product from street vendors.

Most of us eat seeds by placing them in our mouths with our fingers in an upright position, then cracking the shell with our teeth, extracting the core with our tongue, and spitting out the shell into a special container or paper cone. It is advisable to click them with your side teeth. When clicking the front ones, there is a risk of gum damage.

Eating several seeds at the same time is undesirable without peeling them, since the shells are not digested by the gastrointestinal tract and can lead to blockages in various organs.

Since store-bought seeds or those bought from a street vendor are a dirty product, it is better not to put the shells in your mouth, since in this case all the microbes end up on the oral mucosa and can lead to damage to it or enter the stomach, developing intestinal infections.
It is more correct to peel the kernels from the shell with your fingers - thumb and forefinger, and then put the already peeled seeds in your mouth.

Why are they harmful?

Of course, if fried sunflower seeds are consumed uncontrolled, they will bring harm, not benefit. Excessive consumption leads to an excess of cadmium, which causes problems with the kidneys and nervous system. It also provokes the development of heartburn, diarrhea, colic, and heaviness in the stomach.

A large amount of fat in seeds can lead to weight gain.

It is contraindicated to eat fried sunflower seed kernels if you have a history of one of the following diseases:

  • colitis;
  • gout;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • sunflower allergy;
  • increased acidity;
  • heartburn.

Many people are interested in the question of whether seeds are harmful to the liver. It turns out not. On the contrary, they contribute to its purification. And only uncontrolled use can overload it.
People who engage in vocal or public speaking skills and are prone to high blood pressure and obesity should eat the seeds with caution.

Did you know? It takes about 2 hours for sunflower seeds to be digested in the human stomach. It is during this time that they can maintain a person’s feeling of fullness. For comparison, the digestion time for fruit is half an hour, for fried meat - more than 3 hours.

Like all other food products, fried sunflower kernels can cause both benefit and harm to the human body. High nutritional value and valuable composition make the seeds a very important component, which is necessary in the diet of women, men and children, along with rye bread, meat, fish, eggs and nuts.

However, it is important not to overdo it with the use of this product. Before eating, you need to make sure that you are not part of the group of people who are contraindicated to eat it.

When grandmothers diligently crack seeds at the entrance, they are unlikely to realize how many useful substances they receive. Sunflower grains have such beneficial properties that many pharmacy vitamins cannot compare with.

Chemical composition and calorie content of sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds can often be found ready-roasted. This is how they are used to eating. But there are also connoisseurs of raw seeds. Their calorie content and composition of vitamins and minerals are somewhat different.


The composition of substances in products is usually calculated from 100 grams of product. Sunflower seeds are no exception. They have a rich composition:

  • fats – 49.8 g;
  • carbohydrates – 24.1 g;
  • proteins – 19.3 g;
  • water – 1.2 g;
  • dietary fiber – 11.1 g.

The calorie content of fried seeds is slightly lower than that of raw seeds, amounting to 582 kcal. They are rich in vitamins, valuable microelements, and essential amino acids. Fried sunflower kernels contain: vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9), C, PP, K. Useful macroelements are represented by K, Ca, P, Mg. Among the microelements are Fe, Cu, Mn, Se, Zn. Amino acids – arginine, valine, leucine, etc.

Raw peeled

The nutritional value of the product in its raw form differs from the fried version, but not significantly - 601 kcal. The composition of sunflower seeds is as follows:

  • water – 8 g;
  • fats – 52.9 g;
  • carbohydrates – 10.5 g;
  • proteins – 20.7 g;
  • dietary fiber – 5 g.

The list of vitamins in the raw product does not differ from the fried version. But the list of macroelements is supplemented by Na. Microelements are represented by the same set. Amino acids (larger quantities) – arginine, valine, leucine.

Vitamin D in the usual black and striped sunflower seeds is contained in small quantities (virtually absent), but white sunflower seeds contain quite a lot of it. They were brought from Turkey. They are also rich in vitamin A, which is practically absent in our domestic seeds.

The benefits and harms of seeds for the body

It is believed that the seeds can replace eggs or meat in nutritional value. Another advantage is that they are much easier to perceive by the body and are well absorbed. The rich chemical composition is a real boon for the human body. But there are also negative sides to eating seeds.


Roasted until tender, seeds are not only a source of vitamins, but are also rich in magnesium, vegetable fats, antioxidants (the same vitamin E), and fat-soluble vitamins. Thanks to this, “good” cholesterol is produced. It is possible to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol (prevention of atherosclerosis). But there are other useful properties:

With the inclusion of the seeds of this sunny plant, many diets have been developed aimed at combating excess weight and reducing cholesterol levels. Overcooked seeds do not contain the amount of nutrients that the body needs. Thus, they have deteriorated taste.


Raw kernels have even more beneficial properties than fried ones. They are more appropriate in the fight against “bad” cholesterol, as they contain more antioxidants. And also they:

  • useful for use in sports nutrition: help build muscle mass, strengthen the skeletal system and muscles, accelerate the body’s recovery after training, improve endurance;
  • reduce the acidity of gastric juice, eliminate heartburn;
  • daily dosed consumption has a positive effect on the condition of the hair, scalp, and skin;
  • maintain normal metabolism if you have diabetes;
  • prevent the appearance and active development of cancer cells;
  • Sunflower oil can be effectively used in cosmetology for rejuvenating and nourishing masks, for wrapping, and not just when used for food.

If we compare simple peeled sunflower seeds with heat-treated (fried) ones, then raw ones are more beneficial for the body. They contain a larger amount of vitamins and additional nutrients that are necessary for the optimal functioning of organs and systems of the human body.

Use in folk medicine

Decoction and porridge from seeds is not a sign of poor gastronomic taste. These are just some of the means for treating and preventing certain diseases.

  1. Treatment of bronchitis. Peeled raw seeds (2-3 tbsp) pour 0.5 l of water, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar and wait until a quarter of the liquid has evaporated. Take a chilled decoction of 15 ml three times a day.
  2. Normalization of blood pressure, prevention and relief of cardiovascular diseases. Measure out raw peeled seeds into 2 cups, add 2 liters of water, and simmer for 2 hours over low heat. After straining, the broth can be gradually drunk in a glass throughout the day. It is recommended to use it for a couple of weeks and repeat the course every other month.
  3. Rapid decrease in pressure. Grind half a glass of peeled raw seeds in a mortar to a paste, add 2 tbsp. l. chopped parsley, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Eat this paste in three doses with an interval of 1 hour.

The seeds should be consumed separately by both women and men. There are certain reasons for this.

For women

Seeds have a special positive effect on the female body. Eating a moderate amount of seeds per day can help you look good and young.

  • Vegetable oils promote skin rejuvenation, as they contain vitamin E (an antioxidant) and A. With regular consumption of such vegetable fats in their raw form (for example, sunflower oil added to a salad or sauce), the hair structure is restored, and nails become stronger and less prone to to destruction.
  • Sprouted seeds have additional vitamins that are useful for maintaining female beauty. They are added to salads during a diet and included in the daily diet.

To germinate, you need unpeeled seeds that have not undergone heat treatment. They are first soaked in water for a couple of hours. After time has passed, they are washed and placed in a shallow flat container, filled with water until the seeds are slightly covered. In a couple of days the sprout will hatch and the skin will be easily removed. Now the seeds are ready to complement a fresh salad.

  • If a woman decides to lose excess weight, then seeds in limited quantities can help establish fat metabolism and remove toxins from the body. It is useful to make a tandem with pumpkin seeds.
  • The full complex of substances in the product is necessary during pregnancy, and also relieves symptoms during menopause.

For men

The seeds are equally beneficial for the male body. They can have the following effects on a man’s health:

  • thanks to the selenium contained in the seeds, they promote the production of the hormone testosterone, improve erection and sperm quality;
  • vitamins increase immune functions, help eliminate toxins that attack the body due to drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • Selenium also helps prevent prostate cancer.

As for women, the seeds have a rejuvenating effect for men, when consuming the product per day - about 70 g.

Are there any contraindications?

Of course, gnawing on seeds is not only entertaining, but also useful. Although the seeds of a beautiful sunny flower have a very beneficial effect on the body, their use is not recommended for everyone. Sometimes they can cause significant harm to health.

Such a harmless hobby as cracking seeds should be limited for the following reasons:

  1. Tendency to obesity. This fact requires a minimum consumption of seeds in any form (up to 20 g per day), since seeds contain a large amount of fat and have a high calorie content. You should also not eat them on the same day as high-calorie foods.
  2. Allergic reactions to seeds. If there is one, then eating sunflower seeds is not recommended.
  3. Weak tooth enamel. Existing cracks in the teeth, which make them sensitive, will become even more vulnerable if you regularly crack the seeds. And a considerable amount of carbohydrates can cause tooth decay.
  4. Throat problems. If you have chronic pharyngitis, which worsens seasonally, then eating sunflower seeds is not advisable. The transparent film that envelops the seed core acts as an irritant to the mucous membrane of the throat. People who perform professional vocals should also not eat seeds often. This will lead to a deep voice and irritation.
  5. Gastrointestinal disorders. These include irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, and constipation. It is also not recommended to consume seeds for chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
  6. Presence of urolithiasis. Oxalate salts contained in seeds provoke the formation of new stones.

If a healthy person is recommended to eat no more than 70 g of seeds per day, then they will not cause any harm to the body. Systematic overeating can lead to gastrointestinal problems. And given that sunflowers can grow in polluted places, their seeds may contain harmful substances - cadmium and other heavy metal salts that settle in the cells of the body.

How to select, prepare and store sunflower seeds?

To be sure of the quality of the product, it is better to grow it yourself on a proven plot of land. But if you had to purchase sunflower seeds, you should evaluate them visually:

  • the color should be uniform, without signs of damage to the shell and bloom;
  • foreign odor is unacceptable;
  • It is better that all seeds are the same size and shape.

Purchasing sunflower seeds at spontaneous markets is very risky, since their origin is unknown and storage conditions are also unknown.

To prepare the seeds for long-term storage, they need to be washed and then dried in the oven for a quarter of an hour. After this, they are placed in bags made of natural fabric and stored in a dry but well-ventilated place.

If the seeds have already been fried, it is not recommended to store them for more than one week. If you have to store it longer, then you shouldn’t expect the usual aroma and taste - they will simply disappear. Peeled roasted seeds should not be stored outdoors for longer than a day. This is due to the rapid oxidation of fats, after which carcinogens harmful to health are formed. In order for the seeds to retain the maximum amount of nutrients, it is better not to fry them, but to dry them well in the oven.

There are also special recipes that involve frying the seeds with the addition of sunflower oil or salt (or both).

But it is worth considering that additional seasonings, for example, butter, increase the calorie content of the product, and salt retains water in the body and also contributes to swelling of soft tissues.

Sunflower is a plant that symbolizes the sun, conveying the warmth and benefits of sunlight through its appearance. Sunflower seeds are a tasty, healthy and “sunny” product that has a lot of positive qualities.

Composition of sunflower seeds

The most accurate data on chemical composition is provided in the US National Nutrient Database, compiled from scientific research, books and publications. 100 gr. annual sunflower seeds contain vitamins:

  • E – 35.17 mg;
  • B4 – 55.1 mg. The same amount is found in pine nuts and almonds;
  • RR – 14.14 mg. The seeds are second only to dried porcini mushrooms, tuna and peanuts;
  • B1 – 1.84 mg;
  • B6 – 1.34 mg. No other product, except pistachios - 1.7 mg, can boast such an amount of vitamin;
  • B5 – 1.14 mg.

The rich vitamin composition is complemented by an enviable composition of proteins, essential amino acids, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats:

  • arginine – 2.4 g;
  • phenylalanine – 1.17 g;
  • valine – 1.31 g;
  • leucine – 1.66 g;
  • isoleucine – 1.14 g;
  • linoleic acid – 23.05 g;
  • oleic – 18.38 g.

Sunflower seeds contain macro- and microelements. For 100 g:

  • phosphorus – 660 mg. In fish there is 3 times less of it: 100 grams. fish – 210 mg;
  • potassium – 645 mg;
  • magnesium – 325 mg;
  • calcium – 367 mg;
  • iron – 5.25 mg;
  • manganese – 1.95 mg;
  • copper – 1.8 mg;
  • selenium – 53 mcg.

Calorie content – ​​585 kcal. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are in the proportion: 14:78:8.

People value the benefits of the product as a relaxant: nothing is more relaxing than the leisurely clicking of seeds, and thorough chewing relieves tension in the nervous system.


This is a communication tool that helps establish communication. Buy a bag of seeds and treat a pinch to someone you know - you are guaranteed an intimate conversation.

Makes the walls of blood vessels elastic

As a result of past diseases, with reduced immunity, and lack of vitamins, blood vessels suffer. They become like thin glass that breaks with minor touches. The seeds contain a complex of substances that make the walls of blood vessels elastic: linoleic acid, amino acids, proteins.

Have a laxative effect

In 100 gr. Sunflower seeds contain 8.6 grams of dietary fiber, which is 43% of the required daily requirement. Dietary fiber is a scarce nutritional component that is responsible for the smooth functioning of the intestines. A handful of seeds will improve the functioning of the duodenum and help remove waste deposits from the body.

Maintain control over emotions

You can curb negative emotions, irritability and anxiety with a handful of seeds. The calming effect is achieved not due to the clicking process, but due to thiamine or vitamin B1. Thiamine acts on the nervous system indirectly: B1 regulates the production of the “happiness hormone”.

Normalize acid-base balance

Therapists Franz Xavier Mayr and Howard Hay made a scientific breakthrough in the first half of the 20th century: scientists proved that processed foods create a certain environment: acidic or alkaline. Scientists measured the pH of food products and divided them into three groups: acidic, neutral and alkaline. The body of a healthy person maintains a slightly alkaline environment with a pH of 7.35 to 7.4, but if a person consumes more “acidic” foods, the pH shifts downward and “acidification” of the body occurs.

For women

Act against hair loss and acne

In the book “Healing Nutrition” by Russian doctor Galina Shatalova, emphasis is placed on the high zinc content in sunflower grains. Zinc is an element that a woman needs. If there is not enough zinc in the body, then dandruff, flaking of the scalp, and acne will appear. Hair will become dull and brittle, and the skin will acquire a grayish tint and an oily sheen. A zinc diet, in which sunflower seeds occupy one of the first places, will help normalize the condition of the epidermis.

Rejuvenate the skin

It’s easy to guess the benefits of sunflower seeds for women by looking at the composition: the leading position among vitamins is occupied by A and E. Vitamin A is a powerful natural barrier against dangerous compounds and breakdown products for the body’s cells. enhances the supply of oxygen to cells, activates metabolic processes, due to which the aging process in the body slows down.

For men

Support potency and reproductive function

Sometimes it wouldn’t hurt for the stronger half to gnaw on sunflower seeds. For men, grain products are needed to maintain sexual health. Vitamin E improves potency, fatty acids prevent the deposition of cholesterol plaques, which is necessary for normal blood circulation and erection. Vitamin E with selenium are two essential components for healthy sperm. The elements affect the shape of sperm, their quantity and vitality.

For children

Strengthens bone tissue

Many mothers deprive their children of the pleasure of cracking seeds and make a mistake. For a child, when used in moderation, the product will benefit. In 100 gr. grains contain 367 mg of calcium, which is more than in cottage cheese with a fat content of 18% - 150 mg, low-fat milk - 126 mg, low-fat kefir - 126 mg, and fermented milk products.

The seeds contain phosphorus and vitamin D and, in tandem with calcium, are builders of bone tissue and teeth.

Harm and contraindications

Grains cannot be called a harmless product. The first thing you will notice is the calorie content - 585 kcal. Seeds outpaced chocolate, cakes and fatty meats. You shouldn’t give up on them because of this, but it’s also dangerous to get carried away. To prevent seeds from harming your figure, follow the measure: consume no more than 50 grams. in a day.

If you regularly crack grains with your teeth, your enamel and teeth will be rewarded with cracks, tartar and caries. Remove the husks with your hands.

Raw sunflower seeds are healthier and more valuable, since some of the beneficial components are lost during roasting. To make raw seeds crispy, dry them in the sun.

Sunflower grains are a favorite delicacy of many nations, but what qualities do the seeds have? While walking through the park, returning home from work, watching an interesting film, many people like to crack some sunflower seeds. But how harmless are the kernels? Sunflower seeds, the harm and benefits of consuming them, are approximately the same. Interesting data will allow you to learn a lot about the product and decide whether it is worth consuming or whether it is better to abstain to preserve your own health.

Composition and calorie content of sunflower seeds

Sunflower kernels are highly nutritious, as they contain 578 kcal per 100 g of product. Their composition contains vitamins A, E, D, B, microelements necessary for human life. The leaders among microelements in seeds are iodine, zinc, iron, phosphorus, manganese, selenium and others. There are also unsaturated fatty acids that are responsible for:

  • normalization of lipid metabolism;
  • cholesterol metabolism;
  • improvement of the body's protective functions;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Beneficial features

People cannot always tell why sunflower seeds are beneficial, so they perceive them as a delicacy. Numerous studies by scientists and nutritionists show that the seeds have a healing effect and this makes them a natural medicine. Sunflower kernels, raw or fried, have different effects. Some people are advised to eat raw seeds, others to include sprouted seeds in their diet, and others to be content with heat-treated ones. We invite you to take a closer look at the benefits:


Heat-treated sunflower seeds are recommended for:

  • lowering blood cholesterol levels;
  • strengthening bone tissue (for a growing body);
  • slowing down the aging process of cells;
  • restoring the beauty of hair and nails;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • improving the functions of the reproductive system.

People with impaired fine motor skills, those who experience frequent stress, depression, are recommended to use sunflower seeds as a treat and a massager at the same time. The process of extracting kernels from the shell with your hands is very calming, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, and helps to concentrate. Performing monotonous actions develops perseverance, which is lacking in young children and adults with nervousness.


Sunflower kernels without shells contain fewer useful substances than unshelled ones, but they also have a beneficial effect on the human body. For example:

  • have a beneficial effect on the digestive system;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • accelerate the healing process of skin and muscle damage;
  • stabilize the acid-base balance;
  • prevent the development of atherosclerosis;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • alleviate the course of diseases of the liver and biliary system.

Use of seeds in medicine

Traditional medicine recommends consuming sunflower kernels to treat coughs, neuralgia, pulmonary diseases and many other ailments. The vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and biologically active substances they contain together have a powerful positive effect. In medicine, the seeds are used to make antifever, expectorant, diuretic and other medicinal drugs.

Doctors recommend including seeds in the diet of people suffering from various types of diabetes. Sunflower fruits contain little sugar and prolong human life. British scientists confirmed this with their research, noting that the seeds have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous and vascular system. It is recommended to eat 2 tbsp per day. l. to feel good.

For men

Traditional healers recommend that representatives of the stronger half of humanity consume sunflower kernels to increase potency. The seeds are also suitable for snacking for men who engage in mental work. The fatty acids contained in the seeds are extremely important for the cellular structures of the brain. The lack of the latter inhibits brain activity and affects the development of diseases. Sunflower fruits help drivers concentrate, avoid falling asleep while driving, and quickly respond to traffic situations.

For women

The great benefits of sunflower seeds for women have been proven by scientists. Sunflower kernels are recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers. The substances contained in the seeds help maintain hair and nails in good condition, improve appetite, fight toxicosis, and prevent constipation. Gynecologists often advise expectant mothers to use this product to relieve depression in the prenatal period. The reproductive system begins to work better if seeds are included in a woman’s diet.

Possible harm and contraindications for use

Are sunflower seeds harmful or not? This question often arises among people who are ready to eat them in unlimited quantities. Sunflower seeds combine harm and benefit, so they cannot be called completely safe. A large amount of fatty oils provides the seeds with a high calorie content, which makes them an undesirable product for people trying to lose weight. In addition to gaining excess weight, kernel oils cause heartburn.

The second dangerous component of seeds is cadmium, which causes diseases of the nervous system and kidneys. It is found in air, water, and various foods, so excessive consumption of sunflower seeds can lead to its excess in the body. Sunflower kernels are contraindicated for:

  • colitis;
  • gastritis;
  • allergies;
  • ulcer;
  • gout

Frequently peeling seeds destroys tooth enamel and promotes the formation of tartar, so it is recommended to clean your mouth after eating or use your hands. Pathogenic bacteria can multiply on the skin of the seeds, which will cause damage if they enter the mouth. You can prevent the development of infection by thoroughly washing the seeds before frying or peeling them only with your fingers.

Sunflower seeds are characterized by harm and benefit in the same way as many other food products, but if we talk about predominance, the positive qualities still outweigh. High nutritional value and rich composition make it possible to replace rye bread, meat, fatty fish, eggs, nuts and other products with seeds. The main thing is to know when to stop and follow the recommendations of your doctor, who may advise limiting the consumption of sunflower seeds to maintain health.

Video about the benefits of white and black sunflower seeds

We invite you to watch an educational video on the topic “Sunflower seeds: benefits and harms.” Simple seeds of a sunny flower contain great benefits for the human body, which have been known for a very long time. Is it fair for you to remain in the dark by consuming this product as an ordinary delicacy? Watch, learn new things and always be healthy!



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