How to whiten teeth at home. The best home whitening recipes

Today, straight and snow-white teeth are a sign of success and a high-quality standard of living for their owner. But what about those whose tooth enamel color is, to put it mildly, not ideal?

There is an exit! Or rather, there are two of them. The first is to visit a professional dentist who will whiten your teeth using modern dental techniques. The second is to whiten tooth enamel yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists. The second method is life-saving for those who suffer from dental phobia - fear of dental procedures.

It is necessary to consider in detail which methods of self-whitening teeth are considered the most common today.

Method No. 1 (teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide)

How to whiten teeth with hydrogen peroxide? This technique is highly effective and can be used in three variations, namely:

  • 1st option. Roll a small ball of cotton wool. Moisten it in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and wipe the surface of the teeth. After which you need to brush your teeth with a toothbrush without using toothpaste. Then it is recommended to rinse your mouth with clean boiled water;
  • 2nd option. It is also possible to add a couple of drops of peroxide solution to the toothpaste. It is not recommended to brush your teeth with this mixture every day. It is advisable to carry out this procedure every two days;
  • 3rd option. In half a glass of water, you need to dissolve hydrogen peroxide in the amount of 35 drops. Mix the solution thoroughly and rinse your mouth with it after brushing your teeth.
  1. You should not use this teeth whitening method too often. Hydrogen peroxide can damage the surface layer of tooth enamel.
  2. In addition, if peroxide gets on the gastric mucosa, it can disrupt its absorption function.
  3. Experts say that peroxide can provoke the development of malignant neoplasms in the tissues of the digestive system.

Method number 2 (using baking soda)

Often using this method is not recommended due to the fact that soda can negatively affect dental health. In other words, soda can damage the top layer of enamel, and also provoke the development of inflammation of the gum tissue, and as a result, periodontal disease.

Method No. 3 (wood ash or activated carbon for teeth whitening)

This technique has been used for quite a long time. Wood ash allows you to return tooth enamel to its natural whiteness due to the presence of potassium hydroxide in its composition.

But today wood ash can be successfully replaced with activated carbon. How to whiten teeth with activated carbon? The activated carbon tablet should be thoroughly crushed in a mortar and 3 drops of warm water should be added to it. Mix the ingredients, apply to the bristles of a toothbrush and brush your teeth. In addition, you can use the mixture in combination with toothpaste.

  1. When crushing the tablet, you must try not to leave any lumps in the mixture. The mass should be as homogeneous as possible. Undissolved pieces of coal can get stuck between the teeth and can be quite difficult to remove.
  2. During the whitening process, it is not recommended to apply excessive pressure to the toothbrush handle. After all, small particles of activated carbon can damage the surface of tooth enamel and cause microcracks to appear on it.

Method No. 4 (tea tree oil for teeth whitening)

The whitening properties of this oil became known relatively recently. However, the oil has already gained popularity among many people who whiten their teeth on their own.

First of all, you should brush your teeth thoroughly. Then the bristles of the toothbrush should be rinsed well and 1 drop (maximum 2) of tea tree oil should be placed on its surface and the teeth brushing procedure should be repeated.

It is also important that this oil has a number of other properties beneficial to the health of teeth and gums:

  • bactericidal;
  • antiviral;
  • antiseptic;
  • antifungal.

Teeth whitening with tea tree oil: tips

  1. When purchasing tea tree oil, you must ensure that it is undiluted and of high quality, that is, 100%. Only such oil can give a positive result.
  2. It is not recommended to exceed the specified dose of oil in one procedure.
  3. Sufficient attention should be paid to rinsing the mouth after completing the whitening procedure. It is not recommended to allow oil to enter the stomach.

Method No. 5 (using some berries or lemon zest)

This method of self-whitening tooth enamel is considered the safest. It is necessary to chew several pieces of wild strawberries or strawberries for 3-5 minutes. After this, you need to brush your teeth with toothpaste.
Many will probably be surprised. After all, the berries are red! Yes, this is true, but they do not contain substances capable of staining teeth.
As for lemon zest, its use is even simpler. So, you should periodically wipe the surface of your teeth with the inside.

To avoid the negative consequences of teeth whitening yourself, it is recommended to consult with a competent dentist before carrying out such procedures.

In conclusion, it is worth recalling that teeth and oral cavity require comprehensive, and most importantly, regular and proper care. And then you won’t have to resort to extreme measures - use various methods of self-whitening tooth enamel.


A beautiful snow-white smile is rightfully considered a symbol of health, grooming and prosperity of its owner. After all, teeth are capital. In order for them to be strong, even and white until old age, you need to take care of your teeth in a timely manner, maintain oral hygiene, and visit the dentist on time. But it often happens that your teeth become gray or yellow, even if you regularly brush them twice a day, use toothpicks and floss. Whitening - at home or professional - will help correct the situation. In this article you will learn who can and should have whitening done and how to do it at home.

Why do teeth lose their snow-white tint?

Of course, natural and natural teeth will never be crystal white. Clean and healthy teeth have a pleasant milky tint. But often plaque appears on the teeth, which gives them a gray or yellow color. The sad thing is that this plaque cannot be cleaned with a simple brush and paste. Where do these pollutants come from? Let's look at the most common factors that cause teeth to lose their whiteness and attractiveness.

  1. Insufficient hygiene. If a person takes care of his teeth and brushes them irregularly, especially at night, a thin gray coating appears on the teeth, which is difficult to remove with simple brushing.
  2. Smoking. Very often, problems with the color of teeth occur in experienced smokers. Tobacco smoke contains a large amount of nicotine and toxic resins, which eat into tooth enamel and form a persistent yellow plaque, which is quite difficult to get rid of.
  3. Dessert. Frequent consumption of simple carbohydrates, namely sweets, leads to the development of a lot of bacteria and microorganisms in the oral cavity. If the surface of the teeth is not cleaned in time, these microorganisms eat away the tooth enamel, making it porous and almost transparent. Due to the thinning of tooth enamel, dentin, the structure of the tooth itself, which naturally has a more yellow tint, begins to “shine through.” In addition, when tooth enamel becomes thinner, dirt accumulates in it, which is much more difficult to remove. And all this happens due to excess sweets in the diet.
  4. Coffee, cocoa, chocolate, strong tea. All these drinks contain a powerful coloring pigment. If you drink them regularly, without observing basic hygiene rules, your teeth will become a couple of shades darker in just six months.
  5. Intrauterine health. Recently, children have begun to suffer from gray plaque and tooth decay. This occurs due to the intrauterine development of tooth germs. If the mother took a large number of medications during pregnancy, if she led an unhealthy lifestyle or ate sparingly, all this leads to problems with the child’s teeth in the future.
  6. Antibiotics. Long-term use of antibacterial agents leads to the destruction of tooth enamel, especially if they are drugs of the tetracycline group. After such an effect on the body, the teeth acquire a characteristic yellow tint.

All of the above points are direct indications for teeth whitening. However, whitening cannot be done for everyone. There are also contraindications for the procedure. Such procedures are prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. You should not whiten your teeth if their surface is overly sensitive. Also, tooth enamel should not be touched in children, since it is at the stage of development and formation. If you have caries, whitening is also not recommended; the teeth must first be cured. Otherwise, exposure to aggressive components may lead to an increase in carious area. Whitening should be done with caution when there are externally filled areas of the tooth. The fact is that during the procedure only the natural part of the tooth is whitened, and the filling leaves its original color. Because of this, the shade may differ dramatically, and the sealed area will be noticeable to others.

Professional teeth whitening products

There are many products on the market that allow you to achieve perfectly white teeth at home.

  1. Whitening gels. These are quite powerful, but at the same time aggressive compounds that should not come into contact with the gum mucosa. Therefore, special trays are used to apply them. Due to them, a tight fit of the whitening gel to the tooth surface is ensured.
  2. Whitening pencil. A small bottle with a brush allows you to apply the whitening composition to your teeth. Some manufacturers recommend washing off the bleach mixture some time after application. Others insist that the mixture is absolutely safe and can be washed off with saliva without harm. This is a fairly simple whitening method that can cope with minor darkening from coffee, tea and cigarettes.
  3. Lightening strips. This is the most modern and popular way to lighten teeth at home. The strips are a small material that needs to be attached to the teeth. You need to keep the strip on your teeth for about half an hour, during which time the special composition penetrates the tooth enamel and whitens it. With daily use of the strips, the effect becomes noticeable after 2-3 weeks. The whitening results last for about three months.

You can buy all these professional whitening products at a pharmacy or specialized dental offices. In addition to them, there are many folk remedies that will help you make your teeth a couple of shades lighter after the first use.

If you want to make your teeth white here and now, don’t rush to the dentist. You probably already have ingredients in your medicine cabinet and kitchen drawer that can solve your current problem.

  1. Soda. This is a fairly powerful, but at the same time aggressive component that must be used correctly. Wet the brush with water and dip it in baking soda powder. Gently brush over your teeth, being careful not to apply too much pressure. Never rub your teeth with a cotton pad containing baking soda. This can damage and scratch tooth enamel. Subsequently, microorganisms become clogged in the cracks, and the tooth surface becomes contaminated much faster. It is very useful to rinse your mouth with a soda solution - this not only safely cleans tooth enamel, but also disinfects its surface. Some people with great smiles simply add a small amount of baking soda to their toothpaste. Thus, it turns out that they gently brush their teeth with baking soda every day.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. This is an excellent whitening composition that will help lighten your teeth a couple of shades. Soak a toothbrush in pure peroxide and gently brush over the surface of your teeth. You can use a cotton pad - soak it in peroxide and rub it over your teeth, as if you were wiping them. Try not to swallow the composition. Even more effective whitening can be achieved using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and soda. Dilute the peroxide half and half with water, and then mix the liquid with baking soda to form a soft paste. You can brush your teeth with the prepared product only 1-2 times a month, because it is quite aggressive and can damage tooth enamel if used frequently.
  3. Turmeric. Few people know, but this spice is still actively used by some Indians in the fight for clean and healthy teeth. They prepare a mixture from turmeric, which they use daily instead of toothpaste. A tablespoon of turmeric should be mixed with liquid coconut oil to form a homogeneous mixture. Add a few drops of mint essential oil. The mixture hardens at 24 degrees, so the composition may be a little hard when hardening. However, the paste melts quickly in the mouth and it is very easy and pleasant to brush your teeth with it. Turmeric perfectly whitens and disinfects the surface of tooth enamel, coconut oil gives an antiseptic effect and takes care of gum health, and mint gives a pleasant smell from the mouth after brushing.
  4. Tea tree oil. Brush your teeth as usual, and then wipe them with a cotton pad soaked in tea tree oil. Leave your mouth alone for 10 minutes and then rinse your mouth with warm water. The oil may give a slight numbness, but the unpleasant sensation quickly passes.
  5. Activated carbon. If the grayness and yellowness of teeth occurs due to contamination, you can clean the surface of the tooth enamel using activated carbon. Crush it in a bowl to form a smooth powder. Beware of large pieces - they can damage and scratch tooth enamel. Dip a damp toothbrush into the black powder and gently brush your teeth.
  6. Apple vinegar. An excellent product that not only brightens teeth, but also heals wounds on the gums and oral mucosa. Prepare strips from a piece of clean bandage, comparable in size to the teeth. Soak the strips in diluted apple cider vinegar and apply to your teeth. Leave the lotion on for 15 minutes and then rinse your mouth.
  7. Strawberry. This is a very tasty treatment that you will certainly enjoy. Strawberries contain a large amount of salicylic acid, which destroys the coloring pigment and significantly brightens the teeth. Grind strawberries and apply the pulp to the surface of the tooth. To avoid the temptation to eat the delicious medicine and to prevent the strawberries from spreading, you can secure them on top with a strip of clean cloth or bandage. After the procedure, rinse the mouth thoroughly.

These simple homemade recipes will certainly find use, because they are not only effective, but also very affordable. With our tips, you can clean and whiten your teeth at minimal cost.

In order not to look for ways to whiten your teeth in the future, you need to constantly look after them and take care of their condition. Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day, use toothpicks and dental floss, and go to the dentist for a preventive examination every six months. If you like to drink coffee and strong tea, try to do it through a straw - this way you will minimize the contact of the drink with the tooth surface. It is better to give up smoking altogether, and if this is not possible, it is better to smoke high-quality cigarettes, the smoke of which contains fewer toxic and coloring components. Be sure to rinse your mouth after eating, especially if you enjoyed desserts. Follow these simple rules, and then your teeth will remain white and beautiful, and most importantly, healthy!

Video: top 5 methods on how to whiten teeth at home

Many people, looking in the mirror on the eve of an important meeting or important event, ask themselves the question - how to whiten their teeth, preferably in one evening? You can quickly whiten your teeth not only in the dentist’s office; it is quite possible to perform safe teeth whitening on your own. Everyone can achieve a snow-white smile.

Home whitening is no less effective than professional whitening, and you won’t have to part with a considerable amount of money to pay for dental services. You can learn how to do this at home and without harm to your health from this article.

Causes of darkening of tooth enamel

To choose the right method for home whitening, you need to understand the reason for the darkening of the enamel. Most often this happens due to irregular oral care - the surface of the enamel becomes covered with plaque, which consists of food particles. Over time, the natural color of teeth becomes darker by several tones, as plaque turns from soft to dense, completely covering the surface of the enamel. Additional reasons for color change include the following:

  • age-related changes;
  • the appearance of caries;
  • smoking;
  • exposure to food dyes;
  • enamel damage due to trauma;
  • consequences of taking certain medications;
  • the use of outdated materials for installing fillings;
  • consequences of consuming drinking water with a high fluoride content;
  • genetic predisposition.

Indications for whitening

Home teeth whitening is not always effective. Indications for self-whitening of teeth may include cases where a change in color has occurred for the following reasons:

Who should not whiten their teeth?

Some individual characteristics are considered contraindications to the use of medications and traditional medicine recipes for home teeth whitening:

Children are not recommended to have their enamel whitened or lightened. It is enough for a child to use age-appropriate toothpaste. Basically, teeth whitening and cleaning procedures using folk remedies are unsafe. How to whiten your teeth at home and minimize the harm from the procedure - see the video accompanying the article.

How to perform the procedure as safely as possible?

If you decide to use whitening products, you need to take measures to ensure that the procedure is as safe as possible. First of all, you need to check the condition of the fillings, since through microscopic gaps the bleaching agent can penetrate inside and destroy dental tissue. It is necessary to assess the condition of the enamel, gums, and general condition of the body.

If you have gum, periodontal, or dentin diseases, it is recommended to undergo treatment and only after that you can proceed to teeth whitening with home remedies. It is important to remember that using aggressive methods such as scrubbing with baking soda can damage the enamel.

The best home whitening recipes

In order to choose the best method, you need to familiarize yourself with common and effective methods of enamel whitening at home. Pharmacy teeth whitening products show good results, but many people try to whiten darkened teeth using proven folk methods. In order to choose which system is better, you need to learn more about each. The following home teeth whitening methods are very popular:

  1. whitening strips;
  2. gels that cleanse enamel;
  3. whitening pencils;
  4. use of tea tree oil;
  5. clarification using activated carbon and soda;
  6. hydrogen peroxide-based lightening agents;
  7. using lime or lemon juice.

Whitening strips

You can quickly lighten the enamel by 1-2 tones using whitening strips. They are recommended to be glued to the teeth for 30 minutes every day for two weeks. A prerequisite for achieving results is regular use of strips. The set contains 28 polyethylene flexible films coated with whitening gel. It contains substances that act on the upper layers of enamel and cleanse it of yellowness. Long-term use of this method can increase tooth sensitivity.

Enamel cleaning gels

Cleaning the enamel and whitening it with a gel gives a lasting result. This system really works - it is possible to achieve excellent results in 1 course of using the gel. To do this, you need to purchase a kit consisting of a plastic mouthguard and bleach. It is enough to apply the gel to the mouth guard once a day and wear it for 5 minutes.

Before putting on a mouthguard, it is recommended to brush your teeth with regular toothpaste in order for the gel to be as effective as possible. The bleach should be applied evenly to the inner surface of the mouthguard so that the color of the enamel after lightening is not different (especially on the fangs and in the interdental spaces). After use, the device must be rinsed and cleaned with a brush and toothpaste. The kit should be stored in a place out of direct sunlight.

Whitening Pencil

This is the simplest and most reliable teeth whitening - you can achieve lasting results in one week. Using a pencil has a fairly simple principle of operation - a uniform thin layer of lightening gel is applied to the enamel, which penetrates deeply into the enamel. After the gel is applied, you need to wait 20-25 minutes until it dries and is absorbed into the enamel. During this time, it is not recommended to drink, eat, or touch your teeth with your lips or tongue. It is necessary to carry out the procedure at least twice a day for a week. While using the pencil, you should reduce your consumption of coffee, tea, and foods that contain dyes.

Tea tree oil

This method is simple and effective - a thin layer of oil is applied to teeth previously cleaned with regular toothpaste. After 10 minutes, rinse the mouth with warm water and add a few drops of lemon juice. Tea tree oil has a brightening effect, helps eliminate hard plaque, and relieves bleeding gums. In addition to the whitening effect, the oil has antiseptic properties that neutralize pathogenic bacteria.

Activated carbon tablets and soda

Teeth whitening with folk remedies involves the use of pharmaceutical and natural ingredients. Activated carbon tablets are crushed, a few drops of water are added until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then, carefully brush your teeth with this mixture, after which the oral cavity is thoroughly rinsed. This method is considered the most accessible and safe. Activated carbon perfectly removes yellowness and soft plaque.

Using soda to lighten enamel is a rather risky method - you can damage the enamel. You will need a little baking soda, which you need to sprinkle on a damp toothbrush. Brushing your teeth should be done as carefully as possible so as not to injure your gums. It is not recommended to use this method often, although it does a good job of removing yellowness from the surface of teeth.

Hydrogen peroxide as a base

This substance is included in most whitening products. Hydrogen peroxide can whiten enamel well, but do not forget that the use of such compositions can lead to increased tooth sensitivity and discomfort. There may be burning and soreness in the gums. It is not recommended to use formulations containing hydrogen peroxide for longer than one month; procedures should be carried out no more than once a week.

Lemon or lime

Teeth whitening recipes with folk remedies often include lemon and lime. Lemon and lime juice, in addition to its lightening properties, help eliminate plaque, get rid of tartar, strengthen gums, and make breath fresh (we recommend reading:). To lighten the enamel, lime juice must be mixed with a pinch of soda, the resulting mixture must be carefully brushed, and then rinsed with water at room temperature. Lemon juice should be used with caution - it is highly acidic and can negatively affect the coating of teeth. The simplest ways to use lemon to lighten teeth are:

  1. chewing a slice of lemon;
  2. surface treatment with lemon juice;
  3. rinsing the mouth with water and lemon juice.

A selection of little-known whitening methods

There are many ways to get a snow-white smile:

Many people dream of a Hollywood smile and snow-white teeth. Lightening can be achieved in a dental office, but the cost of such a procedure is high and the effect is short-lived. How to whiten teeth at home? We give effective recommendations for whitening, tell you home and professional methods.

You can whiten your teeth at home

To prevent home whitening from damaging the enamel and worsening the appearance of your teeth, you should follow the recommendations and tips when carrying out the procedure:

  1. Do not soak the product longer than indicated in the recipe or instructions. This will not give you a snow-white smile, but will only harm your enamel.
  2. Don’t expect results in one go: home treatments have a gentle effect, so they work more slowly. With proper use of homemade products, the set goal is achieved in a week or 10 days.
  3. Remember to apply whitening products between your teeth. Darkening in this area can ruin even a perfect Hollywood smile.
  4. Do not bleach extended teeth, veneers and lumineers, fillings, ceramic and metal-ceramic dentures. Enamel and artificial materials lighten differently, and it is not possible to achieve a uniform color.
  5. before teeth whitening. In case of open caries, periodontal diseases, bleeding and inflammation of the gums, the procedure is contraindicated.
  6. If you have sensitive gums or enamel, refrain from bleaching at home.
Even gentle and gentle bleaching should not be used by a child under 12 years of age, pregnant or lactating women.

You shouldn't do whitening if your gums are bleeding.

How can you whiten your teeth at home?

At home, you can independently restore the whiteness of your teeth using cosmetics, pharmaceutical preparations and traditional medicine recipes.

Folk remedies

Most people always have all the necessary components at hand: in the medicine cabinet, refrigerator or kitchen cabinet.

How to quickly brighten your smile with lemon

Lemon is a high-acid product that can quickly lighten tooth enamel. For bleaching, it can be used in the form of juice, pulp or peel.

The most popular ways to use lemon:

  1. Cut off the lemon peels and rub them onto the enamel. Do not close your mouth for 2-3 minutes, then you can rinse your mouth.
  2. Cut a slice of lemon and put it in your mouth. Leave for a few minutes, then spit it out and rinse your mouth.
  3. Squeeze lemon juice and mix it with the same amount of water. Rinse your mouth with the mixture.
  4. Add 2-3 drops of lemon juice to the toothpaste squeezed onto the brush. Brush your teeth.

Lemon should not be used frequently: it is a rather aggressive agent that has a bad effect on the strength of the enamel. 1-2 times a week will be enough.

Lemon whitens teeth well

Apple cider vinegar for white teeth

Malic acid, found in vinegar, is an excellent natural bleach. Vinegar can be used as a bleach: if used correctly, this product will whiten the enamel without damaging its structure.

The whitening rinse is used as follows:

  1. Pour 75-100 ml of vinegar into a glass.
  2. Rinse your mouth for 1-2 minutes.
  3. Spit and rinse again until the vinegar is gone.
  4. Rinse your mouth with warm water.

Gargling your mouth with apple cider vinegar will quickly whiten your teeth.

You can rinse your mouth with vinegar no more than once a week. If pure vinegar is unpleasant to you, you can dilute it with water.

Whiten enamel with activated carbon

Activated carbon is a safe bleaching agent. To lighten enamel, it is used in the form of a paste or powder.

The use of activated carbon looks like this:

  1. Thoroughly grind 2-3 charcoal tablets until you obtain a homogeneous powder.
  2. Apply the product to your brush or add to your toothpaste.
  3. Brush your teeth for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Rinse your mouth, clean your brush and use regular toothpaste to complete the procedure.

Activated carbon is a safe whitening agent.

Harmless brushing of teeth with baking soda

Baking soda is an important ingredient in most toothpastes and is the best way to whiten your teeth at home. It is a natural whitener and perfectly cleans tooth enamel from darkening, giving it a snow-white hue.

How to use baking soda to brush your teeth:

  1. Boil a small amount of water, cool to room temperature.
  2. Add a small amount of water to 2 g of soda to make a thick paste.
  3. Apply the mixture to the brush and brush your teeth thoroughly.

Baking soda is good for teeth whitening

It is best to mix baking soda with any tooth powder in a 1:1 ratio. Then you can brush your teeth with it on an ongoing basis, achieving a gentle whitening effect.

Effective and easy - peroxide whitening

Hydrogen peroxide is a dental whitener used in professional enamel lightening products. You can use it yourself: a rinse with peroxide will clean and gently whiten your teeth.

The rinse aid is prepared as follows:

  1. Add 100 ml of warm water to 50 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  2. Add 1 tsp. table salt and soda, mix.
  3. Let the mixture cool and rinse your mouth with it once a day.
It is not recommended to use a rinse with hydrogen peroxide constantly: frequent use of the product can destroy the enamel and increase its sensitivity.

Hydrogen peroxide can be mixed with baking soda or salt

Cleansing with salt solution

A mixture of warm water and salt is an effective way to combat many ailments. It helps with inflammation of the gums, sinusitis, sore throat, tonsillitis and other infectious diseases.

To brighten a smile, use a saline solution as follows:

  1. Heat water to room temperature, pour 200 ml into a glass.
  2. Add 1 tsp. table salt, mix thoroughly.
  3. Let the mixture cool, and then rinse your mouth with it in the morning, before bed and after each meal.

To whiten teeth, rinse your mouth with a saline solution.

The solution can be used as a prophylactic: rinsing with it after coloring products will prevent darkening of the enamel. It also helps maintain results after other lightening methods.

Simple recipe with strawberry paste

Strawberries contain malic acid, so they whiten teeth well. Use in its pure form can damage the enamel, so it is used in the format of a homemade paste.

The paste can be made as follows:

  1. Mash the ripe berries with a spoon to a mushy consistency.
  2. Add 0.5 tsp to it. soda, mix thoroughly.
  3. Apply the resulting paste to your teeth and leave for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Spit it out and rinse your mouth with water.

Strawberries contain malic acid

You can use the method once a week. It is important not to over-expose the paste so as not to damage the enamel.

Tea tree oil lightening

Tea tree oil is an effective antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing agent. It is also beneficial for the beauty and health of teeth.

Here's how to whiten your smile with oil:

  1. Brush your teeth thoroughly, then rinse your brush.
  2. Apply 3-4 drops of tea tree oil to it. You can add a drop of lemon juice.
  3. Brush your teeth again – slowly and efficiently. Afterwards, spit and rinse your mouth.

Effect of tea tree oil for teeth whitening

Tea tree oil is safe for tooth enamel, so this product can be used daily. The whitening effect appears on day 3-4.

Special means

Most of the goods are sold in pharmacies or specialized stores.

Toothpaste with brightening effect

You can restore the whiteness of your teeth simply and without harm by using special toothpastes. Whitening pastes contain fluorine, hydrogen peroxide or silicon - effective abrasive elements that remove plaque and age spots.

Whitening paste is used as follows:

  1. A pea-sized amount of product is applied to a moistened toothbrush.
  2. The teeth are thoroughly cleaned within a few minutes.
  3. The mouth is thoroughly rinsed and cleaned of paste residues.

Special whitening pastes help whiten teeth

Whitening pastes contain aggressive components, so they cannot be used on an ongoing basis. In addition, they do not significantly lighten teeth.

Snow-white teeth with a pencil

A teeth whitening pencil or pen is a hydrogen peroxide whitening gel in a more convenient format. Small packaging, ease and speed of application allow the product to be used in any situation.

The pencil is used as follows:

  1. Rinse your mouth. Let your teeth dry or wipe them with a tissue.
  2. Smile while revealing your teeth. Apply the gel to them using a dispenser.
  3. Soak the product according to the instructions: from 5-10 seconds to 5 minutes.
  4. Remove any remaining gel with a tissue.

Whitening pencil - a convenient tool for whitening teeth

The procedure can be used on an ongoing basis. It not only whitens, but also strengthens tooth enamel.

Whitening strips for smile lines

Whitening strips are a product made of elastic material that follows the shape of teeth and is coated with a special gel based on hydrogen peroxide. It helps change the color of teeth by several tones.

The tool is used as follows:

  1. Remove the strips and remove the protective film from them.
  2. Apply the strips to the teeth with the gel side: a long strip on the upper jaw, a short strip on the lower jaw.
  3. Level the strip with your finger and press firmly to your teeth.
  4. Leave the product on for half an hour or an hour, then remove the strip, rinse your mouth and brush your teeth to remove any remaining gel from your mouth.

Whitening strips are coated with hydrogen peroxide gel

Whitening strips can be used daily. Their only drawback can be their short length: most often the strips reach the fangs or a little further, brightening the smile line and not affecting the color of the distant teeth.

Night serum to brighten enamel

Night brightening serum is an unusual product containing active oxygen, “liquid calcium” and vitamin E. It nourishes the gums, brightens and strengthens tooth enamel.

The serum is very easy to use:

  1. Brush your teeth before going to bed.
  2. Apply a small amount of serum to your finger and rub into your teeth and gums.
  3. Go to bed, don't drink or eat until you wake up.

Brightening serum not only whitens teeth, but also strengthens gums

For a light brightening effect, half an hour without food or drink is enough. The serum is safe and can therefore be used on a daily basis.

Professional whitening with a tray

Using a tray along with a professional whitening gel is a popular solution for lightening yellow teeth. The mouthguard can be standard or customized: the latter option is better, but more expensive.

A mouthguard with gel is used in this way:

  1. Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth.
  2. Rinse the tray and place the gel in it.
  3. Place the mouthguard on your teeth and leave in place according to the instructions.
  4. Remove the mouth guard, rinse your mouth, and remove any remaining gel with a brush.

Whitening tray effectively brightens teeth

Gel whitening lasts for a week. Afterwards the course is repeated after six months or a year.

White Light system for home use

White Light is the most effective whitening product and is an advanced whitening tray. This method uses a whitening gel and a special light device that activates the components of the product. Appearance of the set in the photo.

White Light – teeth whitening kit

The system should be applied like this:

  1. Brush your teeth thoroughly and prepare the device for use.
  2. Apply both gels to the aligner: first white, then green.
  3. Place the device in your mouth and wrap your lips around it.
  4. Activate the LED so that the ingredients in the product begin to act.
  5. Wait 10 minutes for the whitening cycle to complete. If necessary, you can run 2 more cycles next.
  6. Remove the device from your mouth, rinse your mouth, and remove any remaining gel.
The procedure is repeated for 5 days. Afterwards it can be repeated after 2-3 months.

Preventing yellowing of teeth

You can prevent a yellowing smile by following these tips:

  1. For 2 weeks after whitening, do not consume foods that stain enamel: coffee and black tea, carbonated drinks, red wine, blueberries and blackberries.
  2. Don't forget about oral hygiene: in the first 10 days you should brush your teeth after every meal, after that - 2-3 times a day. Also use dental floss.
  3. Use water, peppermint mouthwash, or saline mouthwash after each meal. This will prevent the dyes from settling on the teeth.
  4. Use whitening products on a regular basis: this will maintain the lightening effect for a long time. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to use the product more often than indicated in the instructions or recipe.

The smoker will need to give up cigarettes or reduce the amount they smoke. Tooth enamel turns yellow from nicotine, so the whitening results from heavy smoking will quickly fade away.

Teeth whitening at home is real and, moreover, very effective. When resorting to folk methods or pharmaceutical remedies, it is important not to forget about moderation so as not to damage or thin the enamel.

We all want to have sparkling, snow-white teeth so that our smile is irresistible. Consistent dental care and regular visits to the dentist will help you keep your teeth healthy, but sometimes it takes drastic measures to whiten your teeth before a big life event. Luckily, there are several ways you can whiten your teeth in just one hour! Start with point number one.


Whitening at home

    Use baking soda. Baking soda can whiten your teeth in minutes! This happens because baking soda removes tartar from your teeth and acts as a mild abrasive.

    Use hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide can whiten your teeth very quickly. To ensure this procedure is safe for you, do not swallow it.

    • One option for whitening your teeth with peroxide: soak a piece of cloth in peroxide and wipe your teeth with it. The peroxide will remove the stones, and the cloth will finish the job.
    • You can also simply rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide (which will not only eliminate bacteria, but also create a pleasant smell). Or dip your toothbrush in peroxide and brush your teeth with it.
  1. Eat strawberries. After your meal, snack on strawberries. It contains folic acid, which helps clean teeth and make them brighter.

    • You can also mix strawberries and baking soda. You will get a special tooth whitening paste.
    • Here are other foods that naturally clean your teeth: apples, pears, carrots and celery.
  2. Try not to eat or drink anything that will cause tartar to form on your teeth. If you want to keep your teeth white, avoid drinking coffee, black tea, red wine, grape juice and reduce your curry intake.

    Whitening products that can be bought at any store

    1. Use whitening toothpaste. Naturally, such a toothpaste will not whiten your teeth in an hour, however, if you use such a paste constantly, your teeth will be whiter.

    2. Use whitening strips. These strips are coated with a special substance that whitens teeth. Typically, two sets of strips are used per day: each for 30 minutes, and in an hour you already have a snow-white smile!

      • Whitening strips can be purchased either at the supermarket or at the pharmacy. Do not buy strips that contain chlorine dioxide, as they can damage your tooth enamel.
      • When you use the strips, open the package and apply one strip to your upper teeth and the other to your lower teeth. Leave them for 30 minutes. Some strips dissolve when in the mouth, while others need to be removed.
      • For best results, use the strips twice daily for two weeks.
    3. Use a whitening pen. Just like the strips, the pen contains peroxide, which helps whiten teeth.

      • Remove the cap and apply a little pressure to release the gel from the pen. Stand in front of a mirror, smile widely and apply gel to your teeth.
      • Keep your mouth open for about 30 seconds to allow the gel to dry. Try not to eat or drink for 45 minutes after the procedure.
      • For best results, repeat this process three times a day for a month.
    4. Use whitening trays. This is another quick way to whiten your teeth. You can buy whitening trays at a pharmacy or order them from your dentist.

      • To use a mouth guard, apply some concentrated peroxide gel to the mouth guard and place it on your teeth.
      • Depending on the type and model of mouth guard you purchased, you can keep it on for 30 seconds or all night. No matter what, even after just one use, your teeth will look much whiter. You can use this method if you want to significantly whiten your teeth.
      • Although custom-made mouthguards from your dentist can be quite expensive (about $300), they are made exactly to the shape of your teeth, which means they have a greater effect than a “one-size-fits-all” mouthguard.


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