Exercises for an 8 month old baby. Eighth month of life - exercise

A six-month-old baby is developing rapidly. Every day that passes brings something new. This applies not only to emotional and mental development, but also to physical development. A baby at the age of 6-8 months demonstrates new motor skills and abilities with enviable regularity.

The answer to the question of whether a child needs massage at this age is quite obvious: the fragile musculoskeletal system of the crumbs needs support and development. We will talk about how to independently do a children's restorative massage for a child at 6-8 months in this material.

The need for a procedure

A 6 month old baby is interested in everything. As a rule, after six months, a period of crawling begins, active knowledge of the world around us. The kid needs communication, development of understanding of native speech. Many children begin to sit. Crawling is considered the most favorable and correct transition from a horizontal position (in which the baby was up to this age) to a vertical one.

With the adoption of a new body position, the load on the limbs, joints, and spine increases. In order for the musculoskeletal system to develop correctly, it is imperative to maintain the muscles and ligaments in an active and developed state. Massage helps to cope with this task. It also contributes to the development of speech, because during the session the mother actively communicates with the baby. The kid may well already answer her with a cheerful coo, separate sounds and syllables.

The massage effect is based on improving blood circulation, strengthening muscles, which will allow the joints and vertebrae to be in an anatomically correct position even with increasing load.

Active children with the help of massage become calmer, and lethargic and inactive babies come to life. This is due to irritation of the skin receptors that occurs during massaging. Nerve endings send intense signals to the brain, the activity of which is noticeably stimulated, the state of the nervous system becomes more balanced.

Massage for a healthy child is called prophylactic. His mother may well spend at home.

If a child has certain pathologies that require the use of a special therapeutic massage, it is necessary to contact a specialist for it. A professional massage therapist will not allow the baby's condition to deteriorate, his actions will have a narrow focus.


After six months, the baby sleeps much less, and is awake more often. Waking periods are a great time for physical and mental development. They definitely need to be used. For a child after 6 months, classical massage can have two goals at once - a general strengthening massage and soothing relaxation procedures.

At the age of 6-7 months, the duration of the massage session increases from 15 to 20 minutes. For a child aged 7-8 months, the duration of manipulations can be increased to 30 minutes. Massage now has both active and passive techniques. In the first case, the baby performs the elements of gymnastics simultaneously with massaging or after it, in the second, only massage techniques occur.

The techniques themselves are more complex than before. The impact becomes more tangible, the load increases. To already familiar techniques - stroking, rubbing, kneading - are added plucked and percussion techniques. We will tell about them below. However, the basis of the session is a classic massage, as before.

As before, a soothing massage is carried out in the evening, before going to bed, before bathing. Sessions to strengthen muscles, joints and ligaments are carried out only during the day, when the child does not have a long rest, since it has an exciting effect on the nervous system.


Mom should be prepared in the best possible way for a massage session.

  • Rings, bracelets, watches should be removed from hands.
  • Short nails and a remote manicure will help make the massage safer.
  • You should also prepare a massage place in advance. It is quite possible that the changing table, on which the sessions were previously held, is no longer suitable for these purposes: the child has grown noticeably, he needs a place for coups, “crawling” movements. A small table that should have been a dressing area no longer meets all the requirements of a massage table. It is best to choose a wider dining table, and if the apartment has a non-cold floor, procedures can even be done on it.
  • For a child, you should prepare a gymnastic rug made of polyurethane foam - “foam”, it does not let the cold through.
  • A diaper and a pack of wet wipes will also come in handy in case the child decides to relieve his natural needs right in the midst of a massage session.
  • Next to the massage place, you should put massage oil or baby cream, put a dry towel or paper napkins for mom's hands, as well as bright toys that attract the attention of the little one.
  • Take a fitball, if available.
  • Place rings and a few large items such as large blocks. What they are useful for, we will tell below.

The air temperature in the room should not exceed 21 degrees Celsius. Make sure there are no open drafts, especially if you are massaging on the floor.

Mom should undress the child and start massaging him only with clean and warm hands. Pre-warm your palms and fingers, do not forget to lubricate them with a thin layer of baby cream.

The undressed baby needs to be given a few minutes to get used to the air temperature, to touch, after which you can begin to perform one of the complexes, which is relevant for children aged 6 to 8 months.

Execution technique

General recommendations for parents of children of this age category are quite simple: you need to perform massage, as before, increasing the load. In other words, at the first stage, the mother easily strokes the entire body of the crumbs, then proceeds to massage the arms and legs. When massaging the limbs, it is important that the trajectory of the hands of the massage therapist is from the bottom up. Start by kneading each finger and gradually rise higher.

Avoid direct massaging of the elbow and knee joints, as well as the popliteal and axillary cavities.

After rubbing, you can make a few pinching movements with your fingertips. Make sure that the child is not hurt and uncomfortable. Then carry out kneading movements of the main muscles and complete the massage of each arm or leg with soft and soothing strokes.

Move on to massage the chest and abdomen. This is done with circular movements around the navel. After 6 months, to the already familiar strokes, you can add slight pinching movements around the navel to strengthen the muscles of the tummy. The chest is massaged with light strokes: pinching and hitting the ribs is strictly prohibited.

In the supine position, the child is given a back massage. To the already familiar rubbing for six-month-old children, pinching effects of the longitudinal long muscles, as well as weak blows with the ribs of the palms along the spine, are added. You can not massage the vertebrae themselves.

Pinch and pat can also stimulate the buttocks. All of these are passive exercises. Active for each of the ages. Let's consider them in more detail.

Complex for babies 6-7 months

After massaging the arms, add the Boxer exercise. Let the baby securely grab your index or thumb fingers and make boxing movements with his hands. Try to do this often. Such an exercise is very useful for hypotonia, which replaces increased muscle tone after 6 months of life.

After massage of the legs, the exercise "Skier" should be additionally introduced. Take the baby, lying on his back, by the shins and make sliding movements with the legs, as if the baby is skiing. This exercise perfectly develops the ankle, which in the future will be needed to master walking.

Mandatory at this age are flexion and extension of the legs and arms. After massaging the back, invite the baby to get the toy by turning towards it and reaching for it from a position on the back, on the stomach.

Encourage crawling, flips. You can try to pull yourself up by the handles at the end of the massage, as well as sit down. You should be extremely careful with sitting down: if the child does not yet show independent attempts to sit down, you do not need to do this exercise - excessive load on the spine will only harm the baby.

Complex for children 7-8 months

For such children, the complex is complicated by some active exercises. The massage itself is done according to the above scheme, nothing essentially new should be introduced into it. However, the complex of active techniques is expanding. As a rule, children already crawl tolerably, and therefore, after massaging and techniques to strengthen the back, add an exercise for crawling with obstacles. This is what our large soft block cubes and towel rollers are for. Teach your child to crawl over obstacles, go around them, look for new trajectories of movement.

Practice stretching after hand massage: hold the toy high above the child, let him try his best to reach it. After massage of the legs, circular movements of the legs are added - be careful with the knee and hip joints!

Sit-ups can be done by pulling both arms from the supine position, or by one arm, provided that the child is already trying to sit up on his own.

From 8 full months, you can add sitting exercises, for example, “boxing” with handles from just such a starting position. They also add active techniques for the development of the vestibular apparatus: flying “airplane” on the stomach around the room in the hands of the father (avoid tossing the child - they can negatively affect the development of his spine).

From 8 months you can start doing the exercise "Wheelbarrow" - all the little ones adore it. The child should walk on the handles while the mother keeps the legs elevated.

The following tips will help increase the effectiveness of the massage and not harm the baby.

  • Do not massage if the child is teething or has a fever, and you should also stop exercising on the days of preventive vaccinations.
  • Consult a pediatrician about the possibility of massage and gymnastics for your baby.
  • Accompany all your manipulations with fairy tales, rhymes, nursery rhymes and songs. For a child, a session should not be burdensome and boring. It must be an exciting game for him. Do not forget to say out loud the names of body parts, your actions, this will help the baby to remember and reproduce them faster.
  • If the child is not in the mood and cries during the massage, cancel the session and reschedule it for a later time or another day. Only a massage that gives the baby pleasure, whether relaxing or invigorating, will be the most beneficial.
  • Do not try to fit into the complex all the exercises that you have planned. Focus on the state and mood of the baby. Any number on your list can be donated if the child is not too complacent about the massage in general.
  • If the temperature rises after a massage session, if the child's well-being changes, be sure to consult a doctor.

Fitball- a huge ball, well known to mothers in sports and activities and the delivery room. Thanks to him, many managed to find the most comfortable position for waiting out the most painful contractions. If you did not have time to buy it before the birth of the baby, you should Necessarily take care of it immediately after returning from the hospital, because from now on it will become your indispensable assistant in caring for the baby, helping to rock him, calm him down and just entertain him. And exercises on a fitball for babies are not only useful for strengthening muscles, developing coordination, the vestibular apparatus, but also help well with the main misfortune of the first months of life - infantile colic.

Which fitball is better to choose?

Many publications recommend choose a fitball with a diameter of 60 - 75 cm, but personally I advise you to take large - 90 cm. The baby will feel more secure on it, the elasticity of the big ball is higher, the movements on it are “longer”, because the circumference is larger. But most importantly, as soon as the child grows up to 80 centimeters, do exercises small uncomfortable. In addition, my daughter loves to jump on it, holding my hands - it's much more convenient on the big one! And such a ball is useful not only for rocking the baby, helping to relax the back muscles, which are constantly in good shape, but also for restoring the mother's figure after pregnancy.

What to look for when buying:

- elasticity and strength of the material - on a high-quality fitball, folds and wrinkles will not form;

- strength - the spring properties of the material depend on it. A good ball can withstand a load of up to 300-1000 kg;

- seams - ideally, they should not be noticeable;

- the pumping nipple must be hidden inside, otherwise it will interfere with the exercises with the child on the fitball;

- the surface should be flat, smooth, not sticky and not slip.

When to start doing fitball exercises?

You can start exercises on the ball for a child with the earliest age. At two weeks old, the baby is ready for his first experiments. Just first get used to the ball yourself, so that both you and the child feel confident during classes. exercise one hour after eating so that there are no problems with the tummy. And, most importantly, the baby should not be held or pulled by the palms and feet - you risk damaging the wrist and ankle joints.

Fitball exercises for children under 8 months:

1. Back and forth on the stomach. The child lies with his tummy on the fitball, and the adult holds it with his palm on the back, and gently shakes it back and forth, left and right. With older children, this exercise can also be done by taking the child by the forearms. This exercise improves intestinal circulation, thereby helping to cope with colic, and also trains the vestibular apparatus.

2.back and forth. We put the child on his back and do everything in the same way as in the previous exercise. It helps to relax the muscles of the back and is a good prevention of curvature and displacement of the spine.

3. "Spring". This exercise can be started from the age of six months. Place the baby on the tummy, with one hand gently hold him by the ankles, and with the other lightly press on the baby's back and bottom. In addition, the baby will push off from your palm with its legs, which will create additional springy movements. The same exercise can be performed while lying on your back. Well develops all muscle groups.

4. " watch". Lay the baby on the back on the ball. Hold it securely by the chest. Start making circular movements clockwise and vice versa. The same can be done while lying on your stomach.

Fitball exercises for children over 8 months old:

5. "Wheelbarrow". The baby lies on the ball with his tummy down, holding on to it with his hands. And you hold it by the legs as if you were holding a cart. Be careful - sometimes it is very difficult to keep balance.

6. "Rider". First, put the baby on the back. Then take him by the forearms and help him sit up. For a few seconds, the child should maintain balance, and then you can lie down on your back again.

7. "Soldier". The child stands on the floor with his legs and holds on to the ball. Watch him carefully so he doesn't fall. Let the baby stand like this for a few seconds. You can perform this exercise no earlier than 9 months.

8. " Fold". The child lies on his tummy, hugging the ball, the adult holds him by both shins. Then he gently pulls him to himself, rolling on the ball - the legs are bent at the knees, pushes away from him - the legs are unbent. This exercise can be done either lying on your stomach or on your back.

9. " on the side". The kid lies on the ball on his left side, the adult holds him by the right hand and right leg. We roll the ball forward - backward, then we do the same on the other side.

Caring for a baby at 8 months does not make any special changes to the usual routine for mom and baby. Nevertheless, it still remains paramount, because it is necessary to teach cleanliness from infancy. In this article we will talk about the features of caring for eight-month-old babies: hygiene procedures, gymnastics, massage and bathing.

Your baby has reached the age of 8 months, which means that it becomes more and more difficult to keep him in place. Every day of mother and child should continue to begin with the implementation of hygiene procedures. Some girls continue to use the changing table, others spend their morning toilet in the bathroom or right on the couch. If the baby does not want to sit still, try to turn the procedures into a game. Another option is to perform all the manipulations first on the child’s favorite toy, and then on the child himself.

You can wash an eight-month-old baby with tap water, after which you need to blot your face with a soft towel. Check if the spout is breathing, if necessary, clean it with cotton swabs dipped in oil. Wash your baby in the morning and after every diaper change. It is good if at this age children go home without diapers. So you can gradually accustom the baby to the potty, if he already knows how to sit well.
Keep the house clean, because at 8 months the little one is able to crawl into the most hidden corners of the apartment. In addition, he tries everything on the tooth. Therefore, periodically clean all toys, and remove small and dangerous objects from its reach. For the same reason, the child's hands should be washed as often as possible to avoid poisoning.

Baby massage at 8 months

Massage for an eight-month-old baby remains an important procedure. It allows you to strengthen the muscles of the back, arms and legs, which is necessary for active crawling and the first independent steps. If there are no medical indications, massage can be done on its own for 10 to 15 minutes a day, unless, of course, an active baby sets his own time frame. Perform manipulations at a time when the child is calm and not hungry. Massage should be enjoyable.
It should begin with stroking each area (arms, legs, stomach and back). With slow and smooth movements of the palm, stroke your arms in the direction from the hand to the shoulders, and the legs in the direction from the foot to the genitals. Massage the tummy clockwise, back - along the spine, without affecting the spine itself. After stroking, you can alternately apply the methods of rubbing with the palms, kneading the muscles with the fingers (thumb, index and middle fingers are used) and vibration (shaking and patting the palms).

If you are just starting to massage, make sure that it does not give the baby any discomfort. At first, you can limit yourself to stroking and slight rubbing of the muscles.

It should be noted that not all children allow themselves to be massaged. Sometimes you need to go to the trick: give the baby a toy or turn on pleasant music.

Bathing an 8 month old baby

Bathing an 8-month-old baby remains an important daily routine. At this age, in most cases, children like it, because now you can play in the water on your own. If the child sits well, get a special highchair for bathing with a limiter. It will allow you to sit steadily and will protect against falls. At this time, you can buy a variety of bath toys: floating animals, sprinklers, rubber and silicone sticky figures, clockwork little animals. The kid will follow them with interest, and even try to play himself.

How much and how to bathe a child at 8 months: water procedures should be daily, it is best to do them at bedtime. If the baby likes bathing, you can stay in the water for up to 25 minutes. The water temperature is selected individually: someone bathes in 30-degree water, and someone is still at 37 degrees. If your baby is still sitting insecurely, wash in the slide or in the arms of the parents - whichever is more convenient for you.

Gymnastics for a child 8 months

Gymnastics for a child of 8 months is an essential addition to massage. It is better to do it daily in the morning before meals so that it becomes a habit. If you are already doing gymnastics, improve the existing exercises, but now be sure to pronounce all the actions, focus on body parts. If charging for a child of 8 months is carried out for the first time, we will give you some recommendations. All exercises are designed to stimulate the baby’s motor skills, they will help him improve his crawling and start walking on his own faster.

Here are some good gymnastic exercises that you can do daily:

  • Crossing the arms on the chest, bending them in the elbow area.
  • Rollovers from back to stomach (the baby can already do this on his own with a little help from you).
  • Kneading the feet and palms, including each finger (use nursery rhymes).
  • Exercises for the legs: in the supine position, bend the child's legs at the knees and straighten them at a right angle relative to the body.
  • Sitting down a child from a supine position, including standing up. To do this, you need the baby to grab your index fingers with his fists. In the early days, you can support his hands with your own hands.
  • Crawling behind a toy (relevant for those who crawl badly or have not yet learned this skill).
  • Stepping and walking. Put the baby on his feet and show him how to walk by bending his knees.
  • Fitball exercises.

What should a child be able to do at 8 months of development

  • An eight-month-old baby sits up on his own and gets on his knees and on his feet, holding on to objects (crib railing).

In a sitting position, it is more convenient for children at this age to manipulate toys and look at everything that interests them.

  • At the 8th month of life, the child begins to walk in a lateral direction, holding objects independently with both hands.

During this period of development, he shows the greatest interest in the adults raising him.

  • Change positions to better see your mother or babysitter. He also listens to their voice, he makes sounds to attract attention.

At the age of eight months, the baby begins to distinguish some properties of toys and plays with them in different ways. These actions are prompted by the objects themselves. At first, this happens by chance in the process of independent activity of an eight-month-old child. For example, children press a toy and it makes a sound. Then they re-perform the action in order to play the sound.

At the 8th month of development, a different attitude towards people is increasingly manifested. When a loved one appears, he violently shows his joy - squeals, strives to get closer to him, rises, grunts, wanting a loved one to take him in his arms. In the event that his desire is not satisfied, then the baby begins to cry. But if a stranger flirts with him, then he looks tensely, turns away, sometimes tries to quickly move away. This age-related feature of children from eight months explains the crying of the child, when, at the request of the parents, a general strengthening massage is done not by the mother, but by an unfamiliar masseuse.

To exclude crying during the massage procedure from the presence of a stranger, it is necessary to get to know each other before the start of the massage, to become your own baby. But this is already different knowledge and experience.

Massage for a child at 8 months of age

Doctor Nikonov Nikolai Borisovich will tell about the features of the massage. In the video, the specialist explains in detail how to do a general strengthening massage for healthy children who do not have muscle problems.

With a child at eight months old, exercises must be done by attaching a speech instruction. This is necessary so that by 10 months the baby understands the names of all actions and objects related to gymnastics. Do not ignore these recommendations!

Teething is an indicator of proper development

This process begins with formations on the gums located on the lower jaw. Outwardly, they are dense swellings, which in size correspond to the size of the crowns of milk teeth. First of all, in children at the age of 8 months, the central incisors appear on the lower jaw, then on the upper.

Nikolai Nikonov

If in an eight-month-old child the muscles on the back are not fully stretched or slower than they should be at the norm, then at the time of teething, there will be malaise, insomnia, and tearfulness. Also, one of the symptoms may be fever and abdominal pain. All this contributes to a strong tension in the back muscles, so a general strengthening massage in such cases most likely will not bring joy to the baby.

If you have any questions about

The closer to the year, the more interesting it is to observe the development of the child: at the age of 8 months, he knows a lot and is already quite smart. Some babies have learned to crawl perfectly, while others are on the initial path of mastering this skill. It is very important that educational games with children at 8 months are aimed at training fine motor skills, as well as activating visual and sound perception.

What an 8-month-old child should be able to do: developmental features

There is no unequivocal opinion of pediatricians about what an 8-month-old baby should be able to: development in all babies has its own characteristics, so you should not approach everyone with one measure.

Basically, by this age, almost all babies master crawling on all fours. First, having learned to get on all fours, the baby begins to sway back and forth in this position, thereby strengthening his arms and back on his own. Then it begins to jump forward, thus preparing to crawl in the coming days. But for this, he needs to coordinate the alternating work of the arms and legs necessary for crawling.

Features of the development of 8-month-old children allow them to stand on their legs from a position on all fours at the support, grabbing it with their hands and pulling themselves up.

Fine motor skills develop, and the child manages to pick up small objects. He studies rattle toys with interest.

Further classes with an 8-month-old baby will help teach him how to put syllables into simple words "mom, baba, dad." But while the child will do it unconsciously.

How to develop a child at 8 months: activities and educational toys for an 8-month-old baby

Introduce your baby to sensory toys, but not with those gadgets that the mass industry offers, but with those that you make yourself from improvised materials.

Here are the possible options for games of educational toys for children of 8 months, made by hand. Take a few tight-fitting bags with a zip-lock fastener and fill them, putting colored beads in one bag, beads in another, and granulated sugar in the third. You can sew several bags from different fabrics: satin, baize, velvet and also fill them, for example, with cereals, beans, sea pebbles, salt.

Even kids like transparent plastic bottles for yogurt or juice, and if they are tightly closed with a lid, they can be half filled with water, to which you need to add the same beads or small shells. You can also take jars of cosmetics, also fill them with a variety of materials that make a sound when shaken. The meaning of these games for the development of an 8-month-old baby is that the kids take a long time to study such subjects. The child is attracted to their sound, color, shape, rustling and rumbling under their hands.

Similar educational games for children of 8 months develop fine motor skills and sensory sensations. The variety of objects is limited only by your imagination. Well, be careful: bags, bottles and jars should close well, their small filler should not yet be available to the baby at this age in order to avoid getting into the mouth or nose.

How to massage an 8 month old baby (with video)

In addition to developing activities with an 8-month-old child, it is important to pay attention to his physical development, namely massage and gymnastics.

We start with a hand massage. The baby lies on his back. With one hand, take it in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist, with the fingers of the other, stroke it, then rub each of its fingers in turn from tip to base. Repeat reception 2-3 times.

Separately stroke the child's palm and pay attention to the thumb.

We pass to the forearm and shoulder. To do this, put your thumb in the palm of the child. With the palm of the second hand, first stroke, then rub in the direction from the hand to the elbow joint, then to the shoulder joint. Stroking is done both from the outside and from the inside of the hand. Rubbing - only on the outer surface of the forearm and shoulder. Repeat the steps 2-3 times.

Now add some stretching. To do this, grab the muscles of the shoulder above the elbow joint along the outer surface between your 1st finger on one side and 2-4th on the other. With translational movements, go through the muscles to the shoulder joint. Repeat reception 2-3 times.

We finish the massage of the hands of an 8-month-old child by stroking the entire limb from the fingers to the shoulder.

Let's move on to chest massage. The first step is stroking. It is carried out along the sternum with the palmar surface of the hands in the direction from the bottom up to the shoulders. Repeat reception 3-5 times.

Then, with the fingertips, stroking is carried out from the sternum along the ribs to the side. Repeat the technique 3-5 times on each side.

With the pads of your fingers, with translational spiral movements, pass in the region of the sternum, along its edges from the bottom up. Repeat reception 2-3 times.

Next, to massage an 8-month-old baby, change the direction of the rubbing movements. Now your fingers should move from the sternum to the side, along the intercostal spaces. Repeat the technique 2-3 times on each side. It is not recommended to massage the heart area! Repeat the first technique - stroking - again.

Let's move on to the massage of the abdomen. The baby continues to lie on his back with his feet towards you.

The first reception is stroking. Your right hand, palm side, slides clockwise over your stomach, describing a circle. Then the movement of your palms should go from the side of the abdomen from two sides at the same time and connect above the navel area. Repeat reception 4-5 times.

The next step is rubbing. Bend the fingers of your right hand. Using the knuckles of bent fingers, rub the area around the navel in a spiral motion, while at the same time describing a circle around the navel in a clockwise direction. Perform the reception, passing 3-4 circles. Each subsequent circle increase in diameter.

And how to massage a child at 8 months to stimulate the abdominal muscles? In this case, you can add the technique of pinching the anterior abdominal wall in a circle.

The massage of the abdomen should be completed by repeating the circular stroking from which the procedure began.

Watch the massage video for an 8-month-old baby to better master the technique of movements:

Firming foot massage for 8 months old babies

Let's move on to the foot massage. Foot massage begins with the feet. With one hand, take the child's leg in the shin area. In this case, the leg should be slightly bent at the knee and hip joints.

The first reception of a firming foot massage for children of 8 months is stroking from the fingertips to the ankle joint. In this case, your thumb should be on the plantar side, and the rest - on the back of the foot. Repeat reception 3-5 times.

The next step is rubbing. Holding the foot from the back, use the pad of your thumb to rub the sole with spiral translational movements from the heel to the child's toes. Repeat the reception in 2-3 passes.

If the fingers need to be straightened, stroke the foot additionally from the back in the direction from the base of the fingers to the ankle joint.

We turn to stroking and rubbing the lower leg and thigh. Grasp your child's shin just above the ankle joint with your palm. Run your hand along the lower leg with sliding movements towards the knee joint, then along the front and side surfaces of the thigh - towards the hip joint. Reception repeat 3-5 times.

The following rubbing is carried out with the fingertips with translational spiral movements along the anterior and outer-lateral surfaces of the thigh. Reception repeat 3-5 times.

Move on to a more intense ring-shaped rubbing. To do this, with your hands, located across, grab the child’s thigh just above the knee joint. Your hands should be close to each other and make oncoming movements. Rubbing is carried out along the entire thigh in the direction of the hip joint and is repeated in 2-3 passes.

Place your hands across the child's thigh. Grab the muscles of the anterolateral surface just above the knee joint. Pull them back slightly, then begin S-shaped multidirectional movements, slowly moving along the thigh to the hip joint. Repeat the technique, going through each thigh 2-3 times.

And we finish the tricks with the initial stroking.

How to massage an 8 month old baby at home

We turn to the massage of the back of the body. Turn the baby over on his stomach with his feet facing you.

Such a massage begins at the age of 8 months, performed at home, with the reception of stroking the back of the neck and shoulder girdle area. Your palm should move from the back of the head towards the shoulder girdle, along the back and sides of the neck. Separately stroke the shoulder girdle themselves from the neck to the shoulder joints. Repeat reception 4-5 times.

The next technique is rubbing with the fingertips. The fingers should move forward in a spiral motion along the back of the neck, as well as separately along the shoulder girdle towards the shoulder joints. Reception repeat 2-3 times in each direction.

An additional method of rubbing in the area of ​​​​the shoulder girdle is carried out with the edge of the palm of your hand. Your hands should be close to each other and make counter movements in the form of sawing. Perform reception for 7-10 seconds on each side.

Finish the treatment with light stroking and gentle stretching movements that are used directly on these muscles. To do this, hold the back of the head with one hand, and with the other hand from this area, slowly draw down the neck muscles and to the shoulder girdle, lingering at the end of the movement for 2-3 seconds. Reception repeat 3-5 times.

Let's move on to back massage. The first step is stroking. It is carried out first along the spine, then along the ribs from the spine to the side. Repeat reception 3-5 times.

The next step is rubbing. With the pads of your fingers, with translational spiral movements, pass near the spine on both sides from the bottom up, then from the spine to the side, along the intercostal spaces. Repeat the technique 2-3 times on each side.

We turn to more intense rubbing in the form of "sawing". Reception is carried out using the outer edge of the palms. At the same time, your hands are located along the spine, and the palms are close to each other. The direction of hand movements is forward and backward at the same time towards each other, that is, reminiscent of sawing. Massage the back to the left and right of the spine separately for 20-30 seconds.

The next technique is kneading. Knead the muscles of the lateral surface of the body from the bottom up. At the same time, your hands grab and slightly pull the muscles, then make S-shaped multidirectional movements, slowly moving along the body. Repeat the technique 2-3 times on each side.

Complete the back massage for an 8 month old baby by repeating the stroke.

Let's move on to the buttocks. The first step is stroking. Your palms slide over your buttocks. The movement begins with the girth of their lateral surface, and the hands are directed towards each other. Repeat the movement 5-7 times.

Next comes the rub. To do this, use the phalanges of bent fingers. The direction of spiral movements in a circle, work out in turn the right and left parts of the gluteal region. Repeat the technique in 3-5 circular passes.

For more intense stimulation, add rubbing in the form of "sawing". It is carried out using the outer edge of the palms. At the same time, your hands should be located along the buttocks, and the palms are close to each other.

The direction of hand movements is forward and backward at the same time towards each other, resembling sawing. Massage each buttock separately for 20-30 seconds.

To stimulate the gluteal muscles, you can add the technique of pinching this area with your fingers.

Repeat the stroking technique with which the massage began.

After the gluteal region, we continue to massage the back of the legs. Repeat stroking and rubbing in the same order and direction. Hold the child's shin with one hand, while the leg should be slightly bent at the knee joint. Run your hand along the calf muscle with stroking sliding movements towards the knee joint, then along the thigh towards the buttocks 2-3 times.

Then, with the pads of your fingers, rub the posterior surface of the lower leg, the posterior and outer-lateral areas of the thigh with translational spiral movements. Receptions repeat 3-5 times.

Move on to a more intense ring-shaped rubbing. To do this, with your hands, located across, grasp the child's thigh just above the popliteal dimple. Your hands should be close to each other and make oncoming movements. Rubbing is carried out along the entire thigh in the direction of the hip joint and is repeated in 2-3 passes.

The next technique is kneading. Place your hands across the baby's calf muscle. Pull them back slightly, then begin S-shaped multidirectional movements, slowly moving along the lower leg to the knee joint. Repeat reception 2-3 times.

Now place your hands across the child's thigh. Grab the muscles of the posterolateral surface just above the popliteal dimple. Pull them back slightly, then begin S-shaped multidirectional movements, slowly moving along the thigh to the hip joint. Repeat reception 2-3 times.

We finish the leg massage, repeating strokes in the direction from the foot to the thigh and further to the buttocks in 4-5 passes.

Charging for 8-month-old baby and video of exercises for warming up with children

Along with massage for an 8-month-old baby, gymnastics is of paramount importance.

Start with a warm up:

  • put the baby on your back. Put your thumbs into his palms. Extend your arms at the elbow joint and then bend, repeat 3-5 times;
  • take the straightened arms to the side, then bring them to the body.
  • When exercising with children of 8 months, raise a straightened arm up, then lower it along the body, repeat 3-5 times;
  • repeat these movements in different directions. One arm is bent, the other is unbent at this time. One hand goes up while the other goes down.
  • During gymnastics with an 8-month-old baby, cross the baby's arms over the chest and spread them apart, repeat 3-5 times;
  • carry out circular movements in the shoulder joints with a small amplitude. The child's arms during movement should be straightened at the elbow joints. Repeat 3-5 times for the number of circles;
  • now bend and unbend the legs at the knee and hip joints, that is, bring them to the baby's stomach, then straighten them completely, pressing them against the table surface. Repeat the movement 3-5 times;
  • first bend one leg of the child, bringing it to the stomach and without unbending, take the thigh outward, then bring it, but do not straighten the leg. Repeat the movement 3-5 times on both sides in turn;
  • make circular movements of the thigh in the hip joint with a small amplitude. Repeat 2-3 times for the number of circles for each leg.
  • Another effective exercise with a child of 8 months is called "birch". To do this, lift the straightened legs of the baby up. At the same time, your hands should hold the child's legs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe knee joints, preventing them from bending. Lower your legs until they touch the table surface. Repeat the movement 3-5 times.

Such warm-up exercises with an 8-month-old baby will help warm up the baby's muscles, and then you can move on to the main exercises.

Gymnastics for an 8-month-old baby: teaching the baby to sit down

Now you can practice the ability to sit down from a standing position. First, put the child on his back (possibly on a pillow), then, putting your thumbs into his palms, pull him by the arms so that he sits down, and then help him to his feet with the same help.

These movements follow each other without interruption. Return to the starting position in reverse order. A prerequisite for charging for 8-month-old children: when the child stands up and sits down, he must bend his legs at the knee joints. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

If the baby does not have enough strength to push himself with his feet, as described above, then for preparation, you can try a lightweight version. To do this, during gymnastics with an 8-month-old baby, put the child on a pillow facing you, holding him in the armpit, while his legs are bent at the knee joints, his feet are on the table or on the floor. Pulling the baby by the shoulders, you should ensure that he pushes himself with his feet, that is, he stands up.

After he gets up, push him back. In this case, the baby should bend his legs and sit back on the pillow. Repeat this exercise for an 8 month old baby 5 times.

Charging for children 8 months: exercises and breathing exercises for babies

The next exercise for babies of 8 months is called "Heron". Practice your child's ability to stand on one leg. Such training is suitable for those children who stand confidently on two legs, supporting their body weight without assistance. The kid stands with his back to you, and you insure him, hugging his waist with one hand. With the other hand, take the child's leg in the shin area and bend it at the knee joint. During such a charge with an 8-month-old baby, the baby must keep his weight on one leg for 3-5 seconds. Then switch legs for support, bending them in turn. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times on each side.

Place the baby on your knees with your back to you. Hold it in your pelvis. Encourage your torso to bend forward into a position on all fours. In this case, the baby should straighten his arms in front of him and lean on them when tilted, and then straighten up on his own or with your help to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Breathing exercises for children of 8 months finish the workout:

  • cross the child's arms over the chest and spread them apart, repeat 3-5 times;
  • raise straightened arms up, then lower them along the body, repeat 3-5 times;
  • bend and unbend the legs at the knee and hip joints, that is, bring them to the baby's stomach, then straighten them completely, pressing them against the table surface. Repeat this breathing exercise for babies 8 months old 3-5 times.

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