Depression: an emotional state or a disease? Psychological state of depression. Passivity - inactivity, indifference to the environment

Correction of depression in adolescents

1.1 Depression as an emotional state of the individual

Depression is an affective state characterized by a negative emotional background, changes in the motivational sphere, cognitive representations, and general passivity of behavior. Subjectively, a person experiences, first of all, heavy, painful emotions and experiences - depression, longing, despair. The functional states of depression that are possible in healthy people within normal mental functioning, and pathological depression, which is one of the main psychiatric syndromes. The use of the term "depressive state" in this work is based on the psychological component this concept The term depression refers to a class mental states, possessing the psychological characteristics necessary for this (a mental state is a concept used for conditional allocation in the psyche of an individual with respect to a static moment).

Depression has two components:

1) subjective experience negative affect;

2) symptoms of its expression in behavior, facial expressions, gestures, certain shifts in the internal environment of the body. With depression as a disease, the third component is also taken into account - pathogenic mechanisms underlying the disease, one of the manifestations of which is emotional disturbances.

Depressions are always realized in the inseparable unity of mental and somatic changes, which has a certain dynamics on different stages development depressive states. Moreover, in some cases, changes in the somatic sphere of the body can outpace psychopathological symptoms or come to the fore in the clinical picture of depression. From the point of view of psychology, somatic changes and disorders arise as a result of mental disorders, including depression. Depression like functional disorder occurs as a result of certain mental changes.

According to the well-known psychotherapist Pokrass Mikhail Lvovich, depression is a manifestation and a necessary tool for conscious or unconscious restructuring of the motivational value system - a tool of choice, a mechanism for self-building or self-destruction. Depression occurs whenever a person is faced with the absence of a condition, without which it is impossible for him to satisfy his values, to preserve the integrity of the "I" or life itself, it is impossible to carry out an important activity for him.

Depression, according to the American psychotherapist S. Trickett, is often the result of anxiety. In a state of anxiety, a person's actions are accelerated, while in depression, on the contrary, they slow down. Depression acts as a forced rest of the body after anxiety.

S. Trickett emphasizes that a depressive state to a greater or lesser extent affects the whole person, rebuilds his entire structure - from thoughts to his behavior. Although these changes may occur gradually, a depressed person is different than before the depression began. It is even possible that he becomes his own opposite.

The most obvious and typical feature depression - a dreary mood, as well as an experience of depression, loneliness or apathy. A person in a state of depression can cry, even when there seems to be no obvious reason, or, conversely, loses the ability to cry during truly difficult events. An oppressive feeling of depression, emptiness, complete hopelessness are symptoms of depressive disorders in most people. A gloomy mood is not just sadness, it is painful heartache. However, not all depressed people experience sadness. In children and adolescents, the state of depression manifests itself more often in the form of not a dull mood, but irritability. Young people in a state of depression are mostly capricious, easily irritated, and they talk mainly about their own "ugliness", "stupidity", about their "uselessness". Other adults in a state of depression are also not at all sad, but obnoxious, grumbling, and even angry and hostile. Older people often complain not of a depressed mood, but of unpleasant physical sensations and pain.

Kurpatov A.V. believes that in depression, many become isolated in themselves, fenced off from others. It is characteristic that a person in a state of depression has a very negative view of himself. He is convinced of his own helplessness and complete loneliness in this world. Blames himself for the most trivial errors and shortcomings. Depressed people are characterized by a pessimistic view of themselves, the world, their own future. A depressed person loses interest in what is going on around him and often does not enjoy activities that would normally please him. He often has difficulty in accepting, as well as in fulfilling already decisions taken.

According to E. V. Kovalev, during depression, persistently negative, hopeless thoughts about the future and the present prevail. They may be mixed with thoughts of death and suicide. A depressed person feels alone, inferior, hopeless, and useless: he is pessimistic about almost everything. Up to 80% of all depressions occur with suicidal tendencies (thoughts of suicide and attempts to commit suicide).

In addition, according to S. Trickett, a depressed person may experience difficulties with concentration, attention, memory and decision-making. Therefore, in older people, the disorientation that occurs due to depression can be mistaken for senile dementia and insanity. And as the most extreme manifestation, inconsistency and randomness of thoughts is possible.

Excessive anxiety and horror of real events can also accompany depression: according to studies, more than 60 percent of people with depression feel intense anxiety; their normal appetite and sleep may be disturbed. Most lose weight, but some, as a result of their illness, begin to eat even more, and sometimes they overeat, then they don’t eat at all. Sleep and fatigue are also major concerns. People with depression may wake up early, sometimes cannot fall asleep at all, or sleep much more than usual. Even if they sleep, their sleep is usually restless, without dreams, they have difficulty falling asleep, or they are tormented by nightmares filled with images of death, destruction, and darkness. Consequently, sleep does little to alleviate their all-consuming feeling of fatigue and exhaustion sets in.

In addition, depression may be accompanied by a loss of interest in sex. For some depressed people, the need for sexual intimacy turns into an insatiable hunger that leads to constant anxiety about being abandoned or rejected. Self-loathing and self-depreciation, especially when it comes to feelings of inferiority about one's body, can be the focus of depression.

Apathy and inability to finish work, as well as difficulty in reading and studying, are all symptoms of depression. M. Golant notes that in depression "... every breath can be accompanied by deep moans. Some people are constantly filled with tears or are simply on the verge of losing their temper, crying at every slightest occasion. Some stoop and barely drag their legs, while others, on the contrary, are excited and nervous "Some people with depression are able to function despite their illness, while others are unable to even perform simple daily tasks, such as getting dressed, cooking or eating, bathing or going to work." All these symptoms interact with each other and overlap each other, and do not act alone. One symptom can lead to another, and as a result, the person begins to "roll down." It is difficult to cope with this alone, the help of a specialist can help a person in this situation.

Specialists were interested not only in the manifestations of depression, but also in its causes, among which A. Lowen highlights such as the pursuit of unrealistic goals. The basic human needs, other than physiological ones, are love, self-expression, and freedom.

By pursuing our illusions, we set ourselves unrealistic goals, that is, those goals, the achievement of which, in our opinion, will set us free and restore our right to self-expression. and give us the ability to love. Moreover, it is not the goals themselves that are unrealistic, but the rewards that should follow after their achievement. Among the goals that many pursue are the following: wealth, success and fame. No amount of money can provide the inner satisfaction that in itself makes life joyful and valuable. In most cases, the desire to acquire wealth diverts energy from more creative, more self-expressive activities and leads to impoverishment of the spirit.

Depression has become so common these days because we live in an unreality and most of our energy goes into pursuing unrealistic goals. A person will be subject to depression as long as he seeks sources for self-realization outside himself. If he thinks that, having all the material advantages that his neighbors have, he will become more important, be more human, live in peace with himself, he may be bitterly disappointed. And with disappointment comes depression.

People can be divided into two categories: those who focus on the external world and its values ​​and those who live in their inner world. In a broad sense, an inward-oriented person has a strong and deep feeling self. Unlike a person from the outside world, his behavior and views are little influenced by the constantly changing conditions of the external environment. His personality has internal stability and order, is on a solid foundation of self-awareness and self-acceptance. He stands firmly on his feet and knows what he stands on. All these qualities are absent in an externally oriented person who is highly dependent on others, especially in his emotional sphere. Deprived of the support of others, he becomes depressed. Another difference between the man of the inner world and the outer world is what they believe. A person who is focused on his inner world believes in himself. A person who is focused on the outside world believes in other people, so he always runs the risk of being disappointed.

So, with depression, almost all spheres suffer - emotional, intellectual, volitional, and necessarily motivational, which manifests itself both subjectively in the client's complaints and objectively - in a change in behavior. A persistent decrease in mood in depression is combined with a loss of interest in what was previously perceived as attractive, satisfying or joyful - various forms of leisure, communication, reading books, hobbies, etc.

Not only will the feeling of satisfaction as a result of such activity disappear, the depressed person has no motivation, there is no desire to start this activity, and interest in the activity itself is replaced by indifference and irritation, these disorders constitute one of the main diagnostic signs of depression, which is referred to as "loss of interest and pleasure."

Thus, depression is a mental disorder characterized by a depressive triad: a decrease in mood, loss of the ability to experience joy (anhedonia), and impaired thinking.

In the next paragraph, we will consider the features of the manifestation of depressive states in adolescents.

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The problem of depression is incredibly relevant today. People are increasingly complaining about feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness. It seems that a person is often in a state of prolonged emotional overload and stress. The modern rhythm of life leaves a negative imprint on a person, makes him constantly overstrain, act at the limit of his capabilities. Today, some people are forced to work twelve to fourteen hours a day, refusing weekends and holidays. Most people are not able to maintain such a schedule for a long time. Here the nerves can not stand it: we break down on loved ones, do numerous stupid things. The accumulation of fatigue does not really benefit anyone. People turn to all sorts of healers, psychotherapists, hoping to return peace of mind. Few people know that it is necessary to learn to take responsibility for their lives. Blaming others for your depression is stupid and pointless. Depression is always the result of a wrong attitude towards life. Depression is not a nuisance that can happen to anyone, but a completely natural phenomenon. If a person begins to waste his internal resources in vain, he will invariably drive himself into a state of deep.

Symptoms of depression

Symptoms of depression are quite characteristic and indicative. It is impossible to pass by them without recognizing the symptoms of obvious trouble. It is also impossible not to notice how rapidly your own state of mind is changing. A person is so arranged that he always strives, first of all, for his own comfort. It should be understood that depression never falls on our heads unexpectedly and suddenly. She has her predecessors. If anxiety symptoms depression appeared, you need to start working with them immediately, and not let your own state take its course, mistakenly believing that everything will go away by itself. Depression is a kind of illness, and it needs to be treated on time. So what are its main symptoms? Let's try to figure it out!

Feeling sorry for yourself

Depression causes a person to constantly be in a feeling of all-consuming pity for his own person. Depression is a clear symptom of depression. Such a person is almost impossible to cheer up with anything, she sees the surrounding reality only in gray and black tones. A person in general at some point stops making plans and striving for great achievements. He is satisfied with what is, he often hopes for the help of loved ones, without making his own efforts. A person begins to feel that his life is wasted. He himself seems unhappy and useless. Depression is like cancerous tumor: it grows inside gradually, but surely captures the psyche. Once the disease has progressed rapidly, it becomes very difficult to fight it.

Emotional detachment

Another symptom of depression is emotional detachment. It is rather unpleasant to observe its manifestations from the outside. It seems that a person does not live, but exists in his own invented world. Entry into this reality is forbidden to outsiders. That is why it is not always possible to help with treatment on time. The person seems to be watching those around him through a thick glass and does not hear the words addressed to him. A person who is depressed often shows coldness and indifference to others. He is haunted by a sense of isolation from the outside world: it seems that no one will understand and he is the only one so unhappy in the entire universe. From the outside it may seem that nothing special is happening to them, but in fact, the individual needs treatment. Emotional detachment allows a person to once again not participate in conflict situations, so it can be called defensive reaction. It is she who makes me feel constant fatigue. A person who is in a state of depression is haunted by gloomy thoughts. He feels in himself powerlessness and an immense emptiness that cannot be filled with anything. Even after a short activity, he falls on the bed completely unconscious and plunges into a sound sleep. Unwillingness to learn new things leads to a lack of interest. A person, as a rule, withdraws into himself, does not want to show his true feelings, thoughts and desires to others.

Change in appetite

A depressed person is often inattentive to their own physiological needs. Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia are among the prominent symptoms of depressive disorder. The change in appetite is due to the fact that the person does not place emphasis on his physical needs. Decreased appetite is a clear symptom of developing depression. A person becomes not up to food and some significant joys. He is completely absorbed in disturbing soul experiences. A change in appetite is a symptom that you definitely need to pay attention to. In other cases, there may be increased appetite. A person literally “seizes” his problems and rapidly gains weight. Bulimia leads to digestive problems, psychological discomfort, severe obesity. This is not possible without proper treatment. Deal with yourself similar states very difficult, almost impossible.

limiting thoughts

Depression as a kind of mental disorder makes a person consider himself the most miserable and unhappy in the world. Limiting thoughts literally fetter the mind, prevent development, set far-reaching goals for yourself. Being depressed, it is impossible to see significant prospects, to look into the future with confidence and hope. Depression is often hidden under the mask of despair and all-consuming hopelessness. Negative attitudes do not leave a person for a long time. It constantly seems to him that he is not capable of anything, that he does not have the right to all the benefits that other people use every day. The appearance of bright negative attitudes is a symptom severe depression. We often fail to notice how bad thoughts limit consciousness, prevent us from developing. Properly selected treatment will undoubtedly help eliminate the causes of depression, tell you how to get rid of feelings of hopelessness.

Causes of depression

As a rule, nothing happens in a vacuum. For the formation of depression, there are good reasons. As a rule, these reasons are associated with the individual characteristics of the person himself, with his ability to interact with others. The more emotionally strong a person is, the easier it becomes for her to cope with depression. What are the causes of depression? What should you pay attention to?

Life trials

Each person has their own difficulties, this cannot be argued with. But, only passing through such difficulties, we become stronger, acquire real life wisdom. What can become clear reason developing depression? The situation of dismissal from work, failure in business, a quarrel with a loved one. The loss of a job, as well as other troubles, unsettles the usual rut, makes a person feel like a “beaten dog”. Symptoms of depression do not become noticeable immediately, but firmly capture the consciousness of a person. Everyone, of course, has their own reason for frustration. It is known that different people experience the blows of fate differently. But the longer a person dwells on a problem, the more symptoms begin to appear. That is why one should not be in a state of depression for a long time, one must immediately begin treatment.


If most people weren't so afraid of failure, they could reach their full potential. Another reason for the formation of depression is the lack of confidence in own forces. This is a special type of disorder, which is characterized by such symptoms as disbelief in one's future, inability to make bright plans and follow one's individual attitudes in life. Depression literally "eats" such a person entirely, leaving him no right to exercise his own choice. Self-doubt is a symptom that requires close attention. The reason for this is often the overestimated expectations of parents for a child, when a person is not valued in itself, but only for some significant merit. Growing up, a person begins to treat himself in this way: he does not value and does not respect his own resources, for minor reasons he allows self-criticism, he sets himself obviously impossible tasks.

Grief experience

Perhaps this is the only case over which only time has power. The experience of grief is a serious reason why even emotionally sustainable person deep depression may develop. When we lose loved ones or some kind of event occurs that is beyond our control, it is not surprising that our hands give up. The work of grief is a natural mechanism and should not be interfered with. However, if a person does not forbid himself to openly express his feelings, then he will not be in severe depression for months at a time. Fortunately, we have coping mechanisms that allow us to protect the psyche from excessive emotional stress. But for some time, due to such severe suffering, a person may well develop depression. Its symptoms are very characteristic and cannot be confused with any other disorder.

Types of depression

Depression as a type of emotional disorder is divided into several separate groups. These types of depression reflect various life situations and circumstances that led to the occurrence of severe stress. Types of depression largely explain the reasons for the formation of pathological self-doubt, unwillingness to act.

neurotic disorder

It implies that a person has fears and complexes, with which it becomes difficult for him to cope on his own. Over time, the situation worsens: there are additional anxieties and doubts about their future, lifestyle in general. The character of the person changes: she becomes suspicious, distrustful, demanding of others. A neurotic disorder as a type of depression can manifest itself as a result of some traumatic events or become a personality trait. When a person concentrates too much on his inner experiences, fears begin to overwhelm him with an irresistible wave. Seems like nothing can help overcome given state. For productive treatment, it is necessary to approach each individual case individually. You can not act recklessly and thoughtlessly. Considering the nature of fear, analyzing the events that have occurred in the past, there is a chance to let go of severe stress, to free oneself from oppressive experiences.

Reactive depression

Reactive depression appears under the influence of a person's experience of sad events. These include the loss of a loved one through death or divorce. Moreover, in terms of severity, divorce has no less negative impact on the psyche than death. In this case, a person is haunted by a guilt complex, not passing despair, thoughts about his own insignificance. Few people are able to survive the destruction without noticing it. family life. People tend to react to loss with tears and sadness. Depression associated with experiencing such traumatic events usually resolves on its own. This is the case when time heals. And yet, you can help yourself by visiting a specialist in the field of psychology. Proper psychotherapy will help restore peace of mind, make you invulnerable, open to new acquaintances and communication. In this case, it is extremely necessary to work on increasing self-esteem, since it is she who suffers in the first place. This kind of emotional disorder needs the attention of the individual. You need to be responsible, realizing that heartache will not last forever.

postpartum depression

seasonal depression

This species is familiar to each of us firsthand. Those people who think about how to get rid of this kind of disorder often do not fully understand its nature. seasonal depression, most often makes itself felt in autumn and winter. The fact is that in cold weather, chronic diseases become aggravated in a person, the very perception of life changes. The body often lacks the necessary substances to maintain activity. That is why the mood deteriorates, enthusiasm and the desire to act actively disappear. A person begins to experience anxiety, he is haunted by thoughts of his own unfulfillment and worthlessness. This feeling usually doesn't last. for a long time, and passes with the advent of spring. However, waiting a few months is extremely unreasonable. During this difficult period, you can significantly bring yourself to endless arguments about the frailty of being. It is necessary to act: visit a psychologist, take a course of necessary consultations. Such steps turn out to be most welcome, helping to strengthen faith in yourself and your own capabilities.

Treatment for depression

Many people who are in a mental disorder try to overcome it on their own. How to get rid of depression if it captures you more and more day by day? The condition necessarily requires correction, because otherwise the person will have to face undesirable consequences: loss of self-confidence, various phobias. Treatment should be aimed at building self-confidence, looking for additional perspectives.

Favourite buisness

The presence of hobbies and hobbies makes our life interesting and eventful. The main thing is that a person likes what he does. Favorite business brings an inexhaustible source of inspiration that will support you for a long time. Favorite business allows you to learn to be yourself, to express yourself with better side and show the strengths of his nature. What it will be - decide for yourself. There are a lot of options: drawing, writing texts, creating an art studio, composing musical works. Even just reading books can bring unheard of benefits. Having a hobby, you begin to win in front of a dull layman who is not interested in anything in life except tasty food and daily TV series. Be bolder, do not be afraid to show your best side, do not refuse to act decisively. You will see, soon there will be no trace of emotional disorder.

Man is a social being and cannot live apart from the collective. We all need communication in order to express ourselves, to exchange impressions. If you are thinking about how to get rid of depression, then check yourself: do you spend a lot of time communicating with people around you? In today's reality, many people for some unknown reason forget about themselves. By being too alone in our own thoughts, we run the risk of constantly exposing ourselves to stress. Treatment should begin with the realization that one cannot shut oneself off from the world. Competent psychotherapy necessarily includes the restoration of social skills, the acquisition of self-confidence.

Healthy lifestyle

Treatment of depression is impossible without a healthy lifestyle. The organization of proper nutrition, useful leisure, daily walks and physical activity is a necessary component on the way to positive changes. You can’t close yourself within four walls and sit at home without getting out - this will inevitably lead to emotional upset. Try to move more, learn something new, do not lose friendly contacts. It is much easier to prevent the development of psychological problems than to try to treat them later. The longer a person winds himself with negative thoughts, the more it harms his state of mind.

Thus, emotional health is completely in our hands. You need to take responsibility for what is happening. The victory over depression begins with a conscious desire to become free from fears and doubts.

The word "depression" has long become not only a clinical term, but also a common everyday concept that many people use to describe their emotional state.

What does this concept really mean?

Depression is a mental disorder that is a violation of the emotional sphere of a person.

“Depression (from lat. deprimo - “pressure”, “suppress”) is a mental disorder characterized by a “depressive triad”: a decrease in mood and a loss of the ability to experience joy (anhedonia), impaired thinking (negative judgments, a pessimistic view of what is happening, etc. d.), motor retardation” (Wikipedia).

In psychiatry, depression is considered depending on the level of depression of mood and the severity of concomitant symptoms.

Mild depression is a state of low mood, it is also called subdepression.

The main feature of this state is that experiences are subjective and do not change the normal way of life of a person. Those. a person experiences a feeling of dissatisfaction, low mood, but copes with all life circumstances. Most often, this condition is caused by a specific situation that upsets him, or the accumulation of fatigue and depletion of resources. In this case, rest, support from loved ones and psychological counseling may be sufficient.

This is the state that we call the everyday word "depression".

Moderate depression, a slightly more pronounced emotional decline, to which a feeling of anxiety and various bodily symptoms can be added - a decrease in appetite, a decrease in the usual activity of social contacts, episodic difficulties with sleep. Feelings of guilt towards oneself or loved ones are possible. However, a person, making efforts, does not fall out of the general context and rhythm of his life.

In this case, the help of a psychotherapist is needed, since the situation that causes this state may be deeper and the person does not have enough resources to experience it.

Severe depression is what is a disease and one cannot do without the help of a psychiatrist. A person who is in a state of clinical depression cannot cope with the ordinary circumstances of his life. Everything for him lost color, taste and interest. On the face of obvious difficulties with sleep (or excessive sleepiness), activity is reduced to such an extent that the usual things are a problem - get out of bed, take a shower, eat. Self-flagellation, inferiority, or suicidal thoughts may be present. Leave such a person without medical supervision unsafe as he could harm himself.

Here, medical assistance and the supportive assistance of a psychotherapist or clinical psychologist are mandatory.

Depressive state is a mental disorder characterized by the loss of the ability to feel joy, a decrease in mood, and suffering. In recent years, the world has seen a catastrophic number of people who experience the symptoms of this disease. The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that the patient does not realize that he has fallen into the network of depression, therefore he cannot overcome the depressive state on his own. To determine the type and characteristics of the disease allows a special technique differential diagnosis which is successfully used in modern medicine.

Causes of Depressive Disorder

The exact causes of depression are still unknown. Often they appear under the influence of several factors at once. The risk group for depression (ICD code 10) includes people with low self-esteem, pessimists and adolescents. In psychiatry, there are a number of reasons why a person develops anxiety. depressive disorder personalities:

  • taking drugs, psychostimulants;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • childbirth, pregnancy;
  • avitaminosis;
  • neurological, oncological, endocrine pathologies;
  • uncontrolled or prolonged use of neuroleptics;
  • stress;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • a small amount of consumed sunlight;
  • side effects of drugs;
  • lack of dopamine, serotonin in the blood;
  • experiences (parting or death of a loved one, loss of money, work, change in social status and other negative factors).

Why is depression dangerous?

If you yourself cannot get out of a depressive state, you must definitely contact a specialist, otherwise over time this can lead to a disastrous result. Consequences of a mental disorder:

  1. Problems with loved ones. The person becomes withdrawn, alienated. With such it is difficult to be constantly around, especially if depression occurs in women.
  2. Deterioration in appearance. A patient who cannot overcome the symptoms of a depressive state becomes indifferent, ceases to take care of himself. Motivation disappears, hair loses its luster, splits, nails break, skin turns pale, peels off.
  3. Decreased quality of life. A person loses energy, activity, a feeling of uselessness appears. In severe cases, there is a risk of suicide.
  4. Cardiovascular diseases. If the help of a specialist does not arrive in time in time, then against the background of constant experiences, a person has physical pain in the region of the heart, head, abdomen. If the depressive state is not removed in time, then chronic heart disease may occur, the likelihood of seizures and even death is high.
  5. Diabetes. The risk of obesity is increased by 58%. A bad mood, slight anxiety or the regular appearance of sadness causes a person to "seize" problems, which contributes to the development of diabetes.
  6. Tobacco, drug, alcohol addiction . When it is not possible to get rid of a depressive state for a long time, people try to free themselves by taking psychotropic substances. However, their side effect only exacerbates the problem, reducing the functional features of the brain.

Classification of the disease - types

There are two types of depressive states: exogenous, when the disorder is provoked by an external stimulus (stressful situation) and endogenous, when depression is caused by internal experiences, often inexplicable for the patient himself. More recently, in medicine, it was believed that the first type of special danger does not pose a particular danger to humans, that this condition is passing.

The endogenous species was considered a complex disease leading to serious neurotic pathologies. Now doctors are sure that a provocateur severe disorder becomes precisely external stimulus, and endogenous depression is characterized as a mild depressive episode.

Symptoms and signs

Rarely, when a person can bring himself out of a depressive state. Basically, the disease only develops without the intervention of a specialist. Symptoms of depression tend to be the same in men and women. Conventionally, they are divided into 4 groups: mental, behavioral, physiological, emotional.

People feel a sense of longing, low self-esteem, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, refusal to be active, a negative outlook on the future. When a profound degree of depression develops, especially in the elderly, in adolescents, or in women during pregnancy, then characteristic signs of the disorder can be observed:

  • lethargy;
  • loss of libido;
  • autonomic dysfunction;
  • deterioration in self-care skills;
  • the idea of ​​guilt;
  • somatic trouble;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • hallucinatory syndrome;
  • difficulty in communication;
  • obsessive fears.


The most important factor in the treatment of depression is its diagnosis. It is very difficult to get out of depression on your own, and a person, entangled in depressive psychosis doesn't know what to do. During the interview, the specialist must take into account many factors in order to prescribe adequate treatment. The defining mechanisms of psychological diagnostics are the identification of the features and causes of the course of the disease.

After determining the cause, the doctor directs the patient to biochemical diagnostics, which is based on the detection of the level of norepinephrine and serotonin. This will allow you to determine which mediator is not enough to choose the right series of antidepressants. To diagnose depression, there are special questionnaires that are considered psychodiagnostic scientific tools. The most popular ways:

  • Beck scale.
  • The method of differential diagnosis according to the Tsung scale.
  • Self-rating scale of depression.
  • Depression Questionnaire (ODS).
  • Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS).


Based on the results of tests and biochemical diagnostics, the doctor prescribes individual psychotherapy and / or drug treatment. Doctors are sure that latent depressive syndrome ( hidden depression) of any stage is curable. The most effective therapy achieved by combining drugs, psychotherapy, therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy. Mild depression is treated at home. If the patient has a predisposition to an acute form of a mental disorder, he may be admitted to a hospital.

The lack of a person's ability to cope with depression on their own suggests help in the form of antidepressants. Their essence is to force the human body to produce nerve impulses, which are responsible for activity, behavior, mood. What drugs do you need to take for this:

  1. Tricyclic structure (Imipramine, Amitriptyline). Block the reuptake of neurotransmitters. Very strong impact and side effects. Appointed only in outpatient settings in the most severe form of depression.
  2. The second generation with tricyclic action (Pyrazidol, Befol), which already affects other receptors. Less side effects, have a sedative effect, but do not cope with severe forms of depression.
  3. Third generation antidepressants (Fluoxetine, Citalopram). They affect the metabolism of serotonin. correct phobias, panic attacks. Convenient single use.
  4. Fourth generation antidepressants (Milnacipran, Duloxetine). Selectively affect serotonin and norepinephrine, without affecting other mediators.

What doctor treats?

Psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, neurologists help to fight depression. The first ones work with the client's thoughts, his emotional experiences. Using available tools, they ask questions about how a person feels and provide moral support. Psychotherapists also rely on the power of the word, but they work with the expansion of consciousness, teach how to overcome depression, change attitudes towards oneself, help find strength in overcoming everyday difficulties, in rehabilitation after depression. These specialists, unlike psychologists, are qualified to treat depression with antidepressants or tranquilizers.

A psychiatrist helps to get rid of the average and most severe forms of depressive disorder. Specializing in mental unhealthy people. He will not hold intimate conversations and will not require the patient to describe his condition. The work of a psychiatrist is a tough position in relation to the patient, who is treated mainly on an outpatient basis with the permission of the patient himself or his relatives. Neurologists deal with depressive cases that lead to neurological diseases- Alzheimer's disease vascular dementia and others.

Methods of correction in children and adolescents

Depressive symptoms in children are persistent lethargy, rebellious behavior, complex nature, insomnia, tired general state. The most problematic disorders occur at the age of 14-19 years. During this period, suicidal tendencies are observed, adolescents are often in narcotic state or after alcohol. Depression doesn't go away on its own.

Parents have to turn to professionals for help. In medical practice, the correction of depressive disorder in adolescents is carried out consultatively or with medication. Of the drugs, sedative tablets are prescribed (Novo-passit, Persen). If the condition worsens, then the same therapy is carried out as for adults.

How to get out of depression on your own

In psychology, there are several tips for self-relieving stress. First and main step is proper nutrition. It is necessary to introduce foods that improve mood into the diet: chocolate, fatty fish, vegetables and fruits of bright colors, sea ​​kale, bananas, nuts, cheese. Second step self exit from a depressed state - a full sleep. Having 7-8 hours of sleep will strengthen the nervous system.

Contribute to recovery from depression physical exercise. Even if a woman is on maternity leave recent weeks gestation, she can still be given 15-20 minutes daily for stretching or yoga. Stressed people who do not know how to think positively. It is advisable to find literature that will help you understand how to learn not to react negatively to stimuli and pay attention only to the beauty of life, to look for interests in the world around you.


Depression is not a human weakness, but a disease that requires the intervention of a specialist. In order not to bring yourself to a visit to a psychiatrist, at the first symptoms of a depressive state, you must follow simple rules:

  1. Light. Depression and apathy occur mainly in the off-season, when there is little light on the street. For this reason, you need to have a lot of lighting fixtures in the house. Try to walk more during the day fresh air, and trying to take a depressed family member for a walk will add to his health.
  2. Movement. motor functions release endorphins into the blood. Spend a few minutes a day in gymnastics, and the symptoms of a depressive state will not have an effect on you.
  3. cheerfulness. No one will diagnose you: if you are always in good shape. This will help stimulate the body. natural remedies: rosehip broth, herbal balms, teas, ginger.
  4. beauty. Pay attention to everything beautiful, buy only bright things, keep order in the house and in the workplace. Take care of your body. Try to fill every moment of your life with beautiful images.
  5. Future plans. Try to plan your future correctly, set priorities. Find hobbies, new friends with interests. May your wishes be fulfilled!


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