Folk remedies for mental disorders. Mental disorders treatment with folk remedies

Acute psychosis is a severe mental disorder from which no person in the world is immune. Literally each of us can go crazy and lose our adequacy when exposed to certain negative factors, so it is important to know what psychosis is, how to recognize its manifestations and how this condition can be cured.

Signs of acute psychosis

The term "acute psychosis" refers to the "acute and transient psychotic disorders" section of the ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, developed by the WHO for classifications and coding of medical diagnoses), coded F23. "Acute" means that the development of a psychotic reaction manifests itself suddenly, vividly, intensely.

Inadequate behavior of a person is beyond doubt, in such a state he can harm both others and himself.

The opposite of acute psychosis is remission, when the chronic course of the disease is not manifested by pronounced symptoms.

If a person develops acute psychosis, he shows certain symptoms of mental confusion. Signs of psychopathy in a patient may appear partially or in combination:

  • an extremely unstable emotional background, indicating a pathological state of a person (for example, the patient may aggressively lose his temper or fall into euphoria, etc.);
  • clouding of consciousness - the patient does not adequately perceive the reality surrounding him;
  • development of delusions and hallucinations;
  • memory loss - from partial to complete;
  • incoordination of movements of varying degrees, up to complete disorientation in space;
  • loss of the ability to think coherently.
  • Remember that the consequences of destructive processes for consciousness do not go away on their own. Acute psychosis always requires urgent medical attention.

    The main types of disease

    Unhealthy mental reactions of a person can lead to both internal and external factors. Depending on this, they are divided into two groups - exogenous and endogenous (from the Greek "exo" - "outside, outside" and "endo" - "inside").

    The reason for the development of psychogeny of an exogenous nature can be:

  • intoxication of the body with large doses of alcohol or drugs;
  • craniocerebral or mental trauma;
  • infections.
  • Endogenous factors include:

  • somatic and mental illnesses;
  • hereditary pathologies of the psyche;
  • age-related changes in the functioning of the body.
  • Exogenous types of psychogeny

    Acute psychosis of exogenous origin includes several main types: hysterical psychogeny, affective-shock reaction and psychogenic psychopathy.

    Hysterical psychosis is the response of the human psyche to the infringement of his dignity, discrimination, humiliation by circumstances or other people. The duration of the tantrum usually directly depends on the time of exposure to the stress factor.

    Among the most common forms of hysterical psychogeny are the following:

    1. Ganser's syndrome, in which a person seems disoriented, he perceives reality selectively, not entirely, his consciousness is impaired.
    2. Pseudo-dementia, when "false" dementia appears, while the patient demonstrates a very significant decrease in intelligence.
    3. Feral Syndrome, when a person suddenly begins to behave like an animal. He moves on all fours, trying to eat from the floor. Unavailable for conscious contact, barks, meows or growls aggressively when addressed, as if you are talking to a cat or dog.
    4. Delusional fantasies, in the presence of which the patient may fall into extreme self-abasement, get hung up on the hyper-significance of any ideas.
    5. Puerilism is distinguished by the temporary "falling into childhood" of a sick person, when he begins to demonstrate the behavior and thinking of a small child.

    Affective-shock psychotic reactions usually occur in threatening or extremely stressful moments of life. Pain, despair, horror can rapidly deform the human psyche. There are two types of painful reactions that are opposite in external manifestations: stupor or extreme excitability.

  • hypokinetic reaction (from "hypokinesia" - restriction of movement) plunges a person into a stupor, he stops moving, talking, falls into a stupor;
  • hyperkinetic behavior under stress, on the contrary, is manifested by the strongest motor excitation of an unhealthy nature: human movements and speech are usually incoherent and aimless, abrupt, even chaotic. However, he may demonstrate complete or fragmentary memory loss.
  • Psychogenic psychopathy (or psychogenic depression) arises as a response of the mind to a painful loss, for example, the death of a relative, significant financial losses, the sudden loss of the entire way of the former way of life. A sick person develops depression and delusions.

    Psychogenic psychopathic depression begins to develop from the day following the stressful situation and, if not cured, can drag on for a long period.

    Endogenous types of psychogeny

    With the endogenous development of the disease, the cause that triggers the rapid development of the most acute emotional outburst matures inside the person. Often this is a somatic disease or an advanced mental disorder that has not been properly treated. Common types of endogenous obscurations of reason:

  • Senile psychosis (disorders of consciousness in the elderly). Its symptoms are dementia, amnesia, the cause of which lies in the age-related decline of brain functions. The surge may be preceded by increasing isolation, inertia, depressive moods, incomprehensible aggression towards the family, which develop in an elderly person.
  • Affective insanity. It is clearly manifested in a sharp change in the excited manic stage of the oppressed depressive one. The cause of the development of this pathology is often heredity, as well as stress and serious illnesses.
  • symptomatic psychosis. Is one of acute reactions a person for a number of somatic diseases (for example, hypertension, epilepsy, myocardial infarction, malignant tumors). The patient feels emotional exhaustion and apathy, he has panic attacks, signs of clouding of consciousness. The peak of the psychotic reaction turns into a manic phase, hallucinations, mental disorder.
  • schizophrenic psychosis. The clinical picture of an attack includes a state of passion in a patient, inappropriate behavior and thinking, sometimes visual and auditory hallucinations, delirium.
  • Manifestations of psychosis in children

    You need to know that acute psychosis can develop not only in an adult, but also in a child. The little man is also subject to stress. Situations provoking child psychogeny can be drugs used to treat any diseases, meningitis and other brain infections, hormonal disbalance. Symptoms of psychosis in children usually include visual and auditory hallucinations, delusions, and inappropriate emotional reactions.

    Psychosis in children is not always easy to diagnose, sometimes they disguise themselves as temperamental and behavioral features. However, an experienced specialist can quite accurately determine the mental disorder in a child and prescribe the correct therapy.

    Peculiarities of diagnosing psychosis in children on the example of bipolar affective disorder, which is manifested by alternating manic and depressive episodes

    What is the danger of acute psychosis

    Be very careful if you notice symptoms of psychogeny in a loved one (husband, wife, child, other family member), especially in a sharp form. In such conditions, the patient can be dangerous both for himself and for others. There are cases when a person with a mental disorder, not receiving help in time, hanged himself or shot himself when a spouse or child suffered from his actions.

    In order to get out of a dangerous situation without damage, you need to know in advance what to do in case of trouble. If there have already been cases in the family mental disorders, and there is a possibility that they can be inherited, it is recommended to study the topic of mental illness in more detail in advance, using the large number of available scientific medical articles, as well as video and audio materials. Knowledge and timely medical care will help minimize possible negative consequences.

    Treatment of acute psychosis

    Any form of mental confusion requires immediate treatment, and for treatment, the patient is usually hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital. The treatment of psychosis at home is absolutely excluded, since the patient (at least for the first time) needs to be removed from the traumatic situation and professional round-the-clock medical supervision.

    The attending physician prescribes the main treatment, which is carried out with psychocorrective drugs. The drug course removes the sharp phase and prevents further disorder of consciousness. Often, for the complete correction of the patient's condition with acute psychosis, he is prescribed sessions of psychotherapy up to the complete elimination of mental dysfunctions.

    If first aid is provided on time, and the entire course of prescribed therapy is completed, mental disorders may have a favorable prognosis for recovery. Some of these diseases are completely curable. High-quality recovery of the psyche and the absence of relapses allow a person who has undergone psychosis to remove the diagnosis over time and live, feeling the joy and fullness of his existence.

    Manic depressive disorder (psychosis), also called bipolar affective disorder, is a serious mental illness. It is characterized by various episodes in which the level of human activity is greatly disturbed: the mood can either rise or fall, the patient is overwhelmed with energy or completely leaves his strength. Cases of inadequate activity are called hypomania or mania, and the decline is called depression. The repetition of these episodes is classified as a manic-depressive syndrome.

    This disease is included in the registry of the International Classification of Diseases, where it is included in the group of mood disorders. It is designated by the number F31. It includes manic depression, manic-depressive illness, psychosis, and reaction. Cyclothymia, in which the symptoms of the disease are smoothed out, and individual manic cases are not included in the list of manifestations of this disease.

    History of disease research

    For the first time, bipolar disorder was discussed only in the middle of the 19th century. Independently of each other in 1954, two French scientists, J.P. Falre and J.G.F. Bayarger, revealed this syndrome. The first called it circular psychosis, the second - insanity in two forms.

    Manic depressive disorder (psychosis), also called bipolar affective disorder

    At that time, psychiatry never approved it as a separate disease. It happened only half a century later, in 1896, when E. Kraepelin coined the name "manic-depressive psychosis". Since then, disputes about the boundaries of the syndrome have not subsided, since the nature of the disease is too heterogeneous.

    The mechanism of the onset and development of the disease

    To date, it has not been possible to accurately identify the factors leading to the development of bipolar disorder. The first symptoms of the disease may appear early (at 13-14 years old), but the main risk groups are people aged 20-30 years and women during menopause. It has also been found that women suffer from this disorder 3 times more often than men. The main causes of manic-depressive syndrome include:

  • genetic predisposition. Many scientists attribute the transmission of this disease to the X chromosome;
  • features of a person's personality. People who are prone to melancholia, psychasthenia, or cyclical mood changes suffer from the syndrome much more often than others;
  • hormonal changes that occur during puberty, in the process of menopausal changes in both men and women;
  • the risk of the disease increases the tendency to postpartum depression;
  • endocrine diseases, for example, problems in the thyroid gland;
  • various brain lesions - trauma, hemorrhage or tumors.
  • Endocrine diseases can lead to manic-depressive syndrome

    Also, the disorder can be caused by factors such as nervous tension, serotonin imbalance, the presence of cancerous tumors, poisoning various substances, drug use and more.

    Most of the prerequisites are of a clear physiological nature, which makes the consequences visible to the eye also indicators of changes within the body.

    Variants of manic-depressive disorder

    Depending on the alternation of phases and which of them prevails, the following types of syndrome can be distinguished:

  • Unipolar - only one phase dominates with remissions between its onsets. At the same time, periodic mania and periodic depression, also called recurrent depression, can be distinguished.
  • The correct alternation of phases - manic and depressive states are approximately the same number. They go one after another, but are delimited by advancing intermissions, in which the patient feels good.
  • Wrong alternation - the phases follow in no special order, one of the phases can alternate with intermission several times in a row.
  • Double interleaving - intermission does not follow each phase, but after the change of two opposite ones together.
  • The circular course of the syndrome is similar to the correct alternation, but at the same time there are no intermission periods in it. This is the most severe of all manifestations of bipolar disorder.
  • Unipolar syndrome - only one phase dominates with remissions between its onsets

    Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

    The manifestations of manic-depressive disorder can be clearly divided into two groups - characteristic of manic or depressive phase. These symptoms are clearly opposite. In the manic phase of the disorder, the following symptoms appear:

    • unreasonably elevated mood. The patient experiences joyful excitement regardless of the situation;
    • the patient talks and gesticulates very quickly and actively. In extreme cases, speech may seem completely slurred, and gestures turn into indiscriminate waving of the arms;
    • intolerance to criticism. In response to the remark, the patient may become aggressive;
    • enthusiasm for risk, in which a person becomes not only more reckless, he is no longer stopped by the framework of the law. Risk becomes a form of entertainment.
    • During the depression phase, the following symptoms are expressed:

    • decreased interest in what is happening around;
    • the patient eats little and significantly loses weight (or, conversely, food intake is large);
    • speech becomes slow, the patient is silent for a long time;
    • suicidal tendencies appear;
    • in women, the menstrual cycle may be interrupted;
    • in patients, sleep is disturbed, physical ailments appear.
    • It is the alternation, and not the presence of these symptoms alone, that helps diagnose bipolar affective disorder.

      May show suicidal tendencies

      Diagnosis of manic-depressive syndrome

      A holistic approach is needed to diagnose this disease. It is necessary to collect detailed information about the life and behavior of the patient, to analyze the deviations: their severity, frequency and duration. At the same time, it is important to find a certain regularity in the behavior and deviations, which manifests itself only with a sufficiently long observation.

      First of all, when diagnosing, it is necessary to exclude the appearance of bipolar disorder due to physiological problems or drug use. This will cure addictions, and hence the syndrome.

      To identify manic-depressive syndrome, the following methods are used:

    • Interview. The patient and his family answer questions about the patient's life, symptoms, mental health problems in other family members.
    • Testing. With the help of special tests, it is found out whether the patient has addictions, what his psychological state is, and much more.
    • Medical examination. It is aimed at finding out the state of physical health of the patient.
    • Timely diagnosis will speed up treatment and protect against complications, both physiological and mental. Without treatment, a patient in a manic phase can become dangerous for other people, and in a depressive phase - for himself.

      Treatment of manic-depressive disorder

      The main goal of the treatment of the syndrome is to achieve remission and increase the duration of intermission periods. Therapy is divided into:

      Medical treatment.

      Prescribe medications for bipolar affective disorder should be very careful. Doses should be sufficient to improve the patient's state of health, and not transfer him from one phase to another:

    • in a manic state, the patient is prescribed neuroleptics: Aminazin, Betamax, Tizercin and others. They reduce manic manifestations and effectively soothe;
    • in depressive - antidepressants: Afobazol, Misol, Tsitol;
    • during intermissions, the patient's condition is maintained by special drugs that stabilize mood - normotimics.
    • What drugs, and in what dosage to take, can only be decided by a doctor. Self-medication will not only not help, but will also cause irreparable harm to the patient's health.

      Afobazole tablets in the treatment of manic-depressive syndrome

      Psychotherapy is quite effective for the treatment of bipolar disorder, but is prescribed only in the case of sufficient remission for this. During therapy, the patient must be aware that his emotional state is abnormal. He must also learn to control his emotions and be prepared to deal with possible future relapses.

      Psychotherapy sessions can take place individually, in a group, or with the whole family. In the latter case, those relatives who do not suffer from the syndrome are also invited. They will be able to learn to see the first signs of a new phase and help stop it.

      Preventive measures

      Prevention of this disease is simple - you need to avoid stress and taking drugs, alcohol, antidepressants without a doctor's prescription.

      Patients with bipolar disorder are not always dangerous or behave inappropriately. The disease practically does not worsen either mental or physical abilities human (during periods of intermissions). With proper treatment, care and prevention, the patient will be able to lead a normal life and easily adapt to any life situation.

      Folk methods and recipes for the treatment of diseases

      Psychosis - treatment with folk methods. Treatment prescriptions

      We have small children, I am a mother, I often stay at home with them. Of course, they are great with me, but there are whims and illnesses - situations when everyone is crying and screaming. I manage, but sometimes I just get nervous. I never break out on children, but I can be unfair to other family members, it’s hard for me to control myself. How to be treated?

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      Tell me how to regain the joy of life?

      Usually at the end of winter, instead of a spring rise, I feel endless fatigue, drowsiness, and against this background - an unwillingness to do anything or, even worse, an unwillingness to live on. Tell me how you can improve your condition?

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      Valerian baths for diseases of the nervous system

      Valerian baths are very effective for calming the central nervous system in case of neurosis, vegetovascular dystonia, and menopause.

      They are also used for sleep disorders, convulsive states stomach and larynx. They well regulate heart contractions and help lower blood pressure.

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      How to deal with separation

      Just one word " parting' immediately throws you into a fever. How many wonderful feelings we experience when we think about our loved one. We are ready to live for him, to give him everything that is most valuable and dear. And no matter where he is, near or far from you, the most important thing is that he is in this wide world and feels the same feelings for you as you do.

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      Summer holidays are looking forward to all children and teenagers. But you probably noticed that sometimes in the summer they become more aggressive and irritable. It's all about the so-called summer psychosis, which is often found in children and adolescents. The symptoms are: depression, weakness, mood swings, irritability, etc. This psychosis was identified by New York scientists from the Lighting Center.

      Read more about "Summer Psychosis."

      postpartum depression

      If after childbirth your mood is at zero, you are annoyed, you are haunted by loneliness, apathy and fatigue, anxiety and causeless fear appear, then, alas, this postpartum depression.

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      Physical ailments of a person with depression

      As a rule, depression manifests itself in very unexpected ways. A person’s physical performance of the whole organism deteriorates sharply: pain in the heart, indigestion, sharp pains, as well as headaches, toothaches, etc. Problems in the area are also possible. reproductive system both women and men.

      Read more about "Physical ailments of a person with depression"

      Psychosis - treatment with folk remedies. Psychosis - symptoms

      On this page you will find everything about "Psychosis". Description, symptoms, treatment and more. This page contains all materials of the site about "Psychosis". Articles and folk recipes for treatment that were sent by our users. Home treatment of the disease.

      Recipes for tinctures, ointments, decoctions, poultices, etc. for the treatment and prevention of Psychosis

      What is psychosis? Symptoms of psychosis and its treatment

      Before we look at the symptoms of psychosis and learn about its treatment, let's formulate the concept itself. Psychosis is not a specific disease, but a generalized class of mental disorders. Their common feature is a disturbed process of reflecting objective reality. In other words, a sick person perceives the world around him in a distorted form.

      A distorted vision of the real world is manifested in a violation of behavior and the manifestation of unusual syndromes and symptoms. Psychosis in no way gives rise to any new phenomena, it is just a loss of activity of higher brain levels.

      In general, all kinds of delusional states and various hallucinations are considered common signs of this condition. Regardless of the variety, the symptoms of psychosis include the obligatory agitation of actions.

    1. Twilight consciousness. It is characterized by a very rare narrowing of the interests of the patient. His mind is going through a "troubled time." This can be observed during epilepsy and hysteria.
    2. Delirium. Impairment of consciousness, which is characterized by constant visual hallucinations.
    3. Oneiroids. A state very similar to sleep. The patient sees hallucinations, lives not in reality, but in complete delirium.
    4. Amentia. The patient's consciousness is confused, bewildered, and his thinking is chaotic.
    5. The disintegration of a person's personality. This is a complete separation of the patient's consciousness from the surrounding reality.
    6. All of the above symptoms of psychosis are its main features, but, mind you, not the only ones! In order to accurately determine the type of a particular mental disorder, it is necessary to conduct a long observation with a psychiatrist, after which the doctor will make an official conclusion and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

      Usually the patient is placed in a psychiatric hospital. Today's therapy is not complete without the use of special psychotropic drugs - neuroleptics (sometimes - tranquilizers or antidepressants). The treatment process is accompanied by the intake of drugs that strengthen the patient's body, or medications that help reduce the phenomenon of intoxication.

      This is a generalized group of mental illnesses that occur in people after 60 years of age. This manifests itself in a state of clouded consciousness on the part of an elderly person, as well as in various endoform disorders. Important! Senile psychosis does not cause total dementia!

      Today, doctors distinguish between two types of senile psychosis:

    7. acute forms, which are manifested by clouding of consciousness;
    8. chronic forms, manifested in depressive disorders, paranoid and hallucinatory states.
    9. It should be carried out depending on the physical condition of the patient. Such psychotropic drugs as Pyrazidol, Azafen, Amitriptyline and others are used. In some cases, treatment occurs with the use of two drugs. In addition, it is necessary to constantly monitor the somatic condition of patients.

      What is psychosis, its symptoms and how to treat it

      If a person suddenly begins to behave completely inappropriately, they usually say about him that he has "lost his mind." Under this vernacular expression, a very specific medical diagnosis is usually hidden - psychosis or "a pronounced disturbance of mental activity, in which mental reactions grossly contradict the real situation."

      This definition of psychosis belongs to the famous Russian scientist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, the creator of the science of higher nervous activity, better known to all of us from his famous experiments with reflexes in dogs. The great scientist practiced at the beginning of the 20th century, since then medicine and science have stepped far forward, but his conclusions about the essence of psychosis and descriptions of this condition remain relevant at the present time.

      Modern doctors believe that not a single person in the world is immune from the development of psychosis. Symptoms of psychotic disorders in adults and children can manifest as a result of a variety of diseases and conditions, injuries and brain disorders. The most common provoking factors include:

    10. Unfavorable heredity. Scientists have identified at least one gene (ZNF804A) associated with psychosis, and have long proven that the condition can be passed from parent to child.
    11. Brain injury. The more severe the damage to the brain, the higher the risk of developing psychosis, and it may not appear immediately, but after a long time.
    12. Alcoholic or drug intoxication. Chemical poisoning of the brain, which occurs when taking alcohol or drugs, eventually leads to the destruction of its individual structures and can provoke the development of many mental disorders, including psychoses.
    13. Taking certain medications.
    14. Diseases of the nervous system, such as epilepsy, stroke, and so on.
    15. Infectious diseases accompanied by disorders of brain activity.
    16. Tumors of the brain.
    17. Hormonal fluctuations in diseases or certain conditions - puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, and so on.
    18. Deficiency of certain vitamins and electrolyte disorders (lack or excess of minerals) in the body.
    19. Severe immune disorders.
    20. Serious stress, psychotraumatic events.
    21. This is not a complete list of reasons that can cause psychotic disorders. Each case of psychosis is largely individual, and in the treatment of the disease, doctors have to take into account many concomitant factors, the combination of which led to the development of a painful mental state.

      An example of acute psychosis after prolonged alcohol use: delusions of persecution, clouding of consciousness, the condition is complicated by cardiopathy

      Classification of psychoses

      Several types of classifications are used to systematize psychotic disorders. Most often, two schemes are used, according to which psychoses are divided according to the causes of their occurrence and according to the characteristics of the clinical picture.

      According to the etiology and mechanisms of development, psychoses are divided into:

    22. Endogenous (in their development, the main role is played by internal factors of a neuroendocrine nature).
    23. Organic (associated with damage to brain tissue).
    24. Somatogenic (associated with other chronic diseases).
    25. Psychogenic or reactive (manifested in response to a serious psychological shock, stress).
    26. Intoxication (caused by poisoning of brain cells with various poisons, alcohol, drugs, such as amphetamine psychosis).
    27. Withdrawal and post-withdrawal (occurring after drinking alcohol).
    28. There is also a classification of psychoses according to the prevailing symptoms, based on the clinical picture:

    29. Paranoid (with severe delusional experience).
    30. Hypochondriacal (complaints about health).
    31. Depressive (depression).
    32. Manic (state of overexcitation).
    33. Quite often there are various combinations of different psychoses, because the course of the disease is not always accompanied by only one type of complaint.

      The signs of psychosis are usually so vivid that they are difficult to confuse with any other mental conditions.

      The first thing that should alert others in human behavior is obvious inadequacy, increased activity, or vice versa, pronounced lethargy. These symptoms can be considered "early", usually they precede the development of the typical clinical picture of acute psychosis. In the future, other signs of the disorder may appear:

    34. motor excitement or complete stupor when the patient is in one position and does not respond to external stimuli;
    35. crazy ideas. It may seem to a person that someone is following him, wants to kill him, steal his things, that he is sick with a terrible disease, and so on. Delusions of jealousy are common in men, psychosis in women may be accompanied by delusions related to children (that someone will harm them, steal them, or that a child is a doll, animal, inanimate object);
    36. the patient can completely refuse food, sleep also often disappears;
    37. a person in a state of psychosis can speak in separate phrases or words, he is practically inaccessible for contact, does not understand the speech addressed to him;
    38. quite often there are hallucinations - visual (the patient sees something that is not really there), auditory (hears voices), tactile (feels non-existent touches, pain), taste;
    39. uncontrollable outbursts of rage, aggression are possible - both to oneself and to others;
    40. often the patient tries to commit suicide, not always understanding what result his actions can lead to. For example, he jumps from the window, “seeing” below not several floors of the building, but a cozy clearing with flowers;
    41. in a state of hyperactivity, a person sees no obstacles to his actions, gushes of energy, may begin to abuse alcohol, engage in promiscuous intimate relationships.
    42. It's pretty common and short list possible symptoms of psychosis. In practice, the clinical picture can be the most unpredictable, and even the variety of delusions in this disorder can be combined into a separate book, which will turn out to be quite thick. But in any case, one remains true important feature- absolute inadequacy of the patient's behavior in relation to the surrounding reality.

      Psychoses in men and women

      Statistics show that psychosis is more common in women than in men. The reason lies in the more global hormonal changes that the female body is exposed to throughout life. There are also types of psychoses that develop exclusively in the fairer sex - during pregnancy and after childbirth - postpartum psychosis.

      In addition to hormones, the characteristics of the female nervous system also play a role. The reaction to stress in women is, on average, more violent than in men, so it is easier for them to "shake" their nerves up to a psychotic disorder.

      With regard to the symptoms and treatment of psychosis, there are no special differences between the sexes. Mental disorders in women proceed in much the same way as in men, and sometimes even more severe. For example, women often turn their aggression on children (up to killing or causing serious injuries), but men are more susceptible to alcoholic psychosis, since their alcoholism is almost always more severe.

      First aid for psychosis

      Early signs of approaching psychosis are quite difficult to determine by an outsider who has nothing to do with medicine. As a rule, the surrounding people begin to sound the alarm already when the patient's condition becomes really frightening, and no one has any doubts that the person has really gone crazy. What to do in this case, to help the patient and not harm himself?

      Treatment of acute psychosis at home is out of the question! To remove this condition, the patient needs mandatory hospitalization, and after it - long-term and regular monitoring of the local psychiatrist.

      The first thing to do if someone around you shows symptoms characteristic of psychosis is to call ambulance and correctly describe the situation. The doctors themselves will figure out which team to send to the call and which hospital to take the patient to.

      Before the arrival of doctors, you need to try to make sure that the patient does not harm himself or anyone else. Sometimes for this you even have to use physical force to deprive an overexcited person of the opportunity to move. This must be done as carefully as possible so as not to hurt yourself and not injure the patient.

      If everything is not so critical, and the patient is just inadequate, but not aggressive, you can try to establish contact with him, explain that nothing terrible is happening, that no one will harm him. There is no guarantee that this technique will work, but many people, even in an altered state of consciousness, can be calmed down by the sound of a loved one's voice and benevolent intonations.

      Some types of psychosis require more specific help - to put to bed, drink, warm, and so on. But since not even every doctor can make a diagnosis “by eye”, it is better not to go into details and not to guess what needs to be done in a given situation. Just stay close and wait for the ambulance to arrive.

      Diagnosis and treatment

      It is difficult to find a person who would not be afraid at one fine moment to be treated "in a psychiatric hospital", but in acute psychosis (especially if this is the debut of the disease), hospitalization is often inevitable. Even if the patient has known about his diagnosis for a long time, sometimes there are situations when the medicines prescribed by the doctor cease to properly affect the patient's condition, the psychosis recurs, and the person has to go to the hospital again.

      In a hospital setting, it is much easier to make a diagnosis and choose the right treatment tactics. The patient is under round-the-clock supervision of experienced doctors, which minimizes the negative effects of psychosis.

      The treatment of psychosis begins with the fact that with the help of medications (neuroleptics and tranquilizers) the patient is taken out of an inadequate state. If the cause of the disorder is drug or alcohol intoxication, a course of detoxification of the body is carried out at the same time.

      At the same time, the doctor collects an anamnesis, monitors the patient and interviews his relatives to find out what could cause psychosis. Making a correct diagnosis is not always easy, since there are a great many psychotic disorders, while they sometimes manifest very similar symptoms, but the treatment of different psychoses can also be quite different.

      When the diagnosis is made and the cause is clarified, the main stage of treatment begins.

    43. The doctor selects for the patient the necessary dosage of drugs that he will take for a long time, sometimes for life. It is important to remember that the doses and regimen of taking medications cannot be changed on their own in order to avoid side effects and new manifestations of the disease.
    44. If the cause of psychosis was some other disease, the psychiatrist will recommend that you turn to another narrow specialist(neurologist, endocrinologist, etc.), who will prescribe the treatment of the underlying disease.
    45. A patient suffering from alcohol or drug addiction will be recommended an extended course of rehabilitation in a specialized center or clinic.
    46. Sometimes psychotherapy is also used to treat psychosis, but for psychotic disorders, this method is auxiliary, and not the main one.
    47. Treatment at home

      How long it will take to treat psychosis can only be determined by the attending psychiatrist. In order to get rid of acute symptoms, usually a standard course of treatment in a hospital is enough (how long it will last is also determined by the doctor), but the therapy does not end there - recovery from psychosis lasts much longer than the patient is in a medical institution.

      Relatives of the patient are usually given advice on how to behave and what to do to prevent the manifestation of new signs of psychosis. Relatives need to make sure that the patient regularly takes medication, follows the prescribed regimen and appears on time for an appointment with a doctor. In no case should one try to treat psychoses with folk remedies, refusing medications - this inevitably leads to another exacerbation of the disease.

      Another an important factor you can call the situation in the family. Often, especially in women, psychosis develops against the background of constantly suppressed negative emotions. And their cause, in turn, is a feeling of helplessness and lack of support from loved ones. Psychotherapists can help in working with such a condition, but in this case, therapy is not a quick matter, and while it continues, the patient must feel attention to himself and help from relatives.

      Each person from the patient's close circle should know what psychosis is, how it manifests itself, and what signs indicate its approach. And if any behavioral disorders appear in the patient, you should immediately inform the psychiatrist about this.

      Can psychosis be cured? The question is certainly very important, but not every doctor can answer it. Psychosis is a rather serious disease, its course depends on so many factors, and even modern medicine has not yet invented a magical remedy that can rid the patient of all symptoms once and for all.

      One thing is for sure - if the patient is carefully treated, exactly fulfills the prescriptions of doctors, then the prognosis is more than favorable. Doctors have long learned to cure many (though not all) types of psychosis, so cases when the patient completely got rid of the manifestations of the disease and returned to normal life, enough. Not every psychosis is curable, because there are too many factors involved, but if you know how to treat this condition, then it is much easier, and sometimes goes away for good.

    You can use the folk remedy for neurosis valerian in a liquid substance. If you feel any anxiety or anxiety, or gloomy thoughts begin to overcome you, simply start inhaling the smell of valerian from a bottle, you will see that you will feel much better. Of course, with neurosis it is very difficult to fall asleep, and even more so to sleep, so that before going to bed, repeat the process of inhaling valerian, and you will not notice how you immediately want to sleep, and you will fall asleep. But you must clearly understand for yourself that it is not recommended to use valerian for more than two months, as you can get an intestinal upset.

    Diseases that are not customary to talk about in everyday life. >

    There is one excellent folk remedy for neurosis, and that is essential oil geraniums. It is almost impossible to buy it in a pharmacy, but you can cook it yourself. To get started, take the young shoots of fragrant geraniums. Find an old unnecessary teapot with a narrow spout. Take one and a half liters of water and 200 gr. chopped geranium leaves Put a rubber tube on the spout of the kettle, put the kettle on fire and lower the tube into a glass that needs to be placed on ice or on a very cold object. In a couple of hours you will receive a unique remedy for neurosis.


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    Treatment of mental disorders and neuroses with the help of folk remedies

    Our ancestors knew how to treat mental disorders and neuroses with the help of folk remedies, here are a few recipes that help with nervousness. Take one hundred grams of good red wine, half a teaspoon of sugar and one a raw egg. All this is placed in a mixer and thoroughly mixed, until a homogeneous consistency. Remember how to use the resulting remedy. In the morning on an empty stomach and at night, before going to bed, everything cooked should be drunk. Treatment of neurosis should last three days, then take a break for two days and repeat the course of treatment again. You can also use red wine rubdown.

    Most medical scientists also believe that eating ordinary onions on an empty stomach in the morning helps a lot with neuroses. Garlic can also be soothing. nervous system person. Garlic enhances a certain effect of vitamins and forms a substance that helps break down fat. So, these two folk remedies will help in the treatment of nervosa, so they must be included in your daily diet. For example, you can make oil from garlic, and this oil, by the way, helps with mental illness and neuroses. One way to use garlic oil: you need to dilute garlic oil with cognac and lubricate the forehead and eyelids with the resulting ointment. In cognac, garlic retains all its beneficial properties.

    If you have insomnia due to neuroses, then, of course, you can go to the pharmacy and buy expensive imported drugs for insomnia, but after them you will have a headache and it will be difficult for you to return to normal.

    You can use a folk remedy for neurosis - valerian in a liquid substance. If you feel any anxiety or anxiety, or gloomy thoughts begin to overcome you, simply start inhaling the smell of valerian from a bottle, you will see that you will feel much better. Of course, with neurosis it is very difficult to fall asleep, and even more so to sleep, so that before going to bed, repeat the process of inhaling valerian, and you will not notice how you immediately want to sleep, and you will fall asleep. But you must clearly understand for yourself that it is not recommended to use valerian for more than two months, as you can get an intestinal upset.

    In ancient times, neurosis was treated by collecting various herbs: here is one of the folk recipes. Proportions must be strictly observed. Take 10 parts of ordinary oregano, four parts of marsh cudweed, 3 parts of St. John's wort, 3 parts of hawthorn berries, 3 parts of lilac buds, 2 parts of elecampane root, 2 parts of mullein flowers, two parts of hop cones, 1 part of plantain. All this must be crushed and gently mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. At night, brew 3 tablespoons of the resulting mixture in half a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse the resulting infusion all night. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, warm the infusion a little and consume it 30 minutes before breakfast. This treatment lasts for two months, then take a short break and start this treatment again. And you will see how much easier it will be for you.

    There is one excellent folk remedy for neurosis - this is the essential oil of geranium. It is almost impossible to buy it in a pharmacy, but you can cook it yourself. To get started, take the young shoots of fragrant geraniums. Find an old unnecessary teapot with a narrow spout. Take one and a half liters of water and 200 gr. chopped geranium leaves Put a rubber tube on the spout of the kettle, put the kettle on fire and lower the tube into a glass that needs to be placed on ice or on a very cold object. In a couple of hours you will receive a unique remedy for neurosis.

    From my grandmother I learned a simple recipe for neurosis, for this you need twelve cores from apricot kernels half a kilo of lemons. Grate the lemons on a fine grater without peeling them, and chop the apricot kernels. Mix everything thoroughly and add a little honey, you can take it for one month in the morning and one tablespoon before going to bed.

    Treatment of folk remedies for mental disorders

    Principles of treatment of mental disorders at home

    The mental health of a person plays a key role in his personal realization, adaptation in society, as well as the formation of an adequate positive self-esteem. In the modern world, a high stress load leads to an increase in cases of nervous and mental diseases of a different nature. Half a century ago, almost all people with such a diagnosis voluntarily or involuntarily had to be treated in psychiatric hospitals.

    Today, the high level of development of modern medicine makes it possible to provide patients with qualified assistance with mental disorders not only in a hospital, but also at home.

    In what situations is home treatment used?

    Of course, not all cases of mental illness can be treated at home. Severe mental disorders, acute forms of psychosis require hospitalization. If the disorder proceeds favorably without complications or is in remission, then treatment at home is fully justified. Before organizing home treatment, a person must agree to an examination by a psychiatrist, who will determine the procedure and form of therapy. In no case should you decide on your own how to be treated. Only a qualified specialist, relying on the basics of diagnosing mental disorders, can establish the exact form of the disease, predict its course and determine which therapy will be most effective. Treatment at home is possible if the patient is able to take care of himself, comply with the medication regimen, attend scheduled consultations with a psychotherapist on his own, or if there is a person nearby who will care for the patient and control the treatment process.

    Diagnostic stage

    The decision to treat mental illness at home is made based on the results of the diagnosis. A psychiatrist or psychotherapist examines the patient, prescribes the necessary studies, tests, tests, evaluates physical parameters, somatic symptoms. After that, he talks with relatives and friends, finds out the history of mental disorders, listens to their complaints and suspicions. After the voluntary consent of the patient, a psychiatric examination is carried out. Knowing the basics of diagnosing mental disorders, a qualified specialist can identify mental pathology and make a decision on how a person should be treated. Many diseases can be cured at home in a few weeks or even days. The doctor will prescribe the necessary drugs, advise the patient, as well as his relatives about the required doses and possible side effects, and also tell you what to do if the person's condition changes. The psychotherapist will instruct the people who will care for the patient about the course of his mental disorder, necessary procedures, mode and conditions. If a diagnostic stage and all consultations were successful, you can start treatment at home.

    Organization of the home treatment process

    At the first stage of home treatment, it is necessary to visit the doctor daily to make sure that the prescribed drugs are effective, that the patient's condition is improving, that the diagnosis is accurate, and to make timely adjustments to the treatment process. The early stage of home treatment involves changing the lifestyle of a person, teaching his family tactics of behavior and treatment of the patient, and constantly monitoring the person's condition. The psychotherapist will also teach methods of preventing exacerbations of the disease. Properly organized regulation and self-regulation of the mental states of the patient allows you to prolong remission and speed up recovery. If the patient's condition has stabilized, the frequency of visits to the doctor is reduced to once a week, while maintaining a therapeutic dose of prescribed drugs for a certain period, depending on the form of the disorder. What people should not do with home treatment is to get involved in folk remedies without consulting your doctor. At the final stage of recovery, under continuous control by loved ones and a psychotherapist, the dose of drugs is gradually reduced to a maintenance dose. The psychotherapist teaches the patient the rules of prevention, gives recommendations on what to do if signs of exacerbation appear.

    Folk remedies that help with mental illness

    Ancillary treatment with folk remedies can provide effective help for mental disorders. This includes not only infusions and decoctions of herbs, but also the correction of diet, physical activity and aromatherapy. The strategy of treatment with folk remedies:

    • With nervous and mental diseases, herbs that have a calming effect are very helpful. Infusions using oregano, valerian, geranium, lemon balm, fireweed, mint, thyme, hops soothe the nervous system, relieve headaches and help normalize sleep.
    • Proven folk remedies for depression and schizophrenia are teas with sage, cloves, cardamom, ginseng - they relieve stress well. If a person with schizophrenia has low magnesium levels, Epsom salts can be consumed in small amounts.
    • AT daily diet poultry fillet, peas, sea fish should be added. It is good to eat foods rich in nicotinic acid: tomatoes, potatoes, eggs, carrots, broccoli. For nervous diseases, foods high in folic acid are recommended: green vegetables, bananas, liver, citrus fruits.
    • You should exclude the use of coffee, alcohol, reduce the amount of sugar and white flour. But honey, on the contrary, will be useful for mental disorders.
    • You can calm the nervous system and relieve tension with the help of relaxing massages and aromatherapy. Essential oils of lemon balm, mint, vanilla, bergamot, mandarin, lavender, cedar, etc. are well suited.

    Moderate physical activity also has a positive effect on mental health. If you do exercises daily, walk in the fresh air, douse yourself with cool water and practice breathing exercises, this will help maintain a stable mental state.

    Pros and cons of this treatment

    Of course, the treatment of mental disorders at home has several advantages. The main thing is that the patient is under supervision loving people in a familiar environment, his recovery is of great importance to loved ones. If the doctor observes the patient at home, then he has more time for a thorough examination, confidential conversation and control of the patient's behavior. The advantage is that the patient himself and his relatives have the opportunity to influence the process of treatment and examination, use folk remedies to alleviate the condition. Home treatment is organized individually for each individual patient, which makes the therapy more effective. However, there are downsides to this form of treatment. First of all, these are more significant material costs and a change in the lifestyle of all people living with the patient. In addition, relatives at the first stage of treatment are not always able to cope with a physically stronger relative without outside help. Also, with home treatment, it is more difficult for the doctor to control the patient's compliance with his prescriptions and the schedule for taking medications.

    Prevention of mental illness

    How can you protect yourself and your family from mental illness? To do this, preventive measures should be applied in everyday life. It is necessary to control the level of nervous and mental stress, try to avoid stressful situations, interpersonal and family conflicts. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to periodically visit a psychotherapist or psychologist, especially if there are suspicions of mental disorders. Medical genetic counseling at the stage of pregnancy planning can reduce the risk of having a child with mental disorders. Long-term maintenance therapy is used to prevent exacerbation and aggravation of the course of a mental disorder. If the doctor constantly monitors the patient, is well acquainted with his everyday environment, then he is able to intervene in a timely manner and prevent the recurrence of the disease. As part of the prevention of severe consequences of mental disorders, psychotherapy methods aimed at social adaptation and reducing the patient's aggression are very effective.

    Tags: diagnosticshome treatmenttreatmentfolk remediespreventionmental illnessmental disorders

    mental illness

    Mental illnesses are very common these days. Violation of the mental state is accompanied by a number of symptoms: a person ceases to perceive reality, memory and mental processes are disturbed.

    • Treatment for depression
    • Treatment for insomnia
    • Valerian tea
    • Panic attack treatment
    • Treatment for psychosis
    • Bulimia treatment
    • Treatment of schizophrenia

    Science classifies mental illness into the following types:

    1. Endogenous. Diseases provoked by internal processes. Occur at the gene level, hereditary disposition. That is, diseases of this type can be transmitted along the hereditary line, and the pattern does not always go in order, sometimes the manifestation of the disease occurs through a generation.
    2. Exogenous. The appearance of the disease is provoked by environmental factors - receiving a traumatic brain injury, intoxication of the body, psychological trauma.

    Treatment for depression

    Everyone knows depression. This issue should not be taken lightly. The consequences of this disease can be very serious. With depression, a person’s thinking slows down, a bad mood, sleep disturbance, and lack of appetite are noted. The state of peace of mind is oppressed and depressed.

    The causes of this disease are:

    • change of life situation;
    • severe emotional shock caused by the death of a loved one;
    • problems with work or business, family conflicts.

    Depression can be treated without resorting to pharmaceuticals. A course of herbal medicine will not only improve well-being, but also bring the emotional state back to normal, and without any side effects.

    For cooking you will need:

    • immortelle grass - 100 g;
    • birch buds - 100 g;
    • St. John's wort and chamomile - 10 g each.

    All components must be crushed and mixed. Place the resulting collection in a glass container and close the lid. Steam 1 tablespoon of herbs with boiling water (500 ml) and leave for 30 minutes. Before use, the broth must be filtered. Take at night in an amount of 200 ml with the addition of a teaspoon of honey.

    Treatment for insomnia

    Nowadays, people strive to improve their standard of living, so they work hard, acquiring nervous breakdown and consequently, loss of sleep. With regular sleep disturbance, the work of organ systems deteriorates significantly, metabolic processes in the body, which contributes to weight gain. The amount of time for rest depends on individual characteristics organism. Someone needs 8 hours of good sleep, some manage 3-4 hours.

    There are several options for dealing with insomnia. The first is to contact a specialist who, with the help of research, will establish the cause and prescribe a treatment that will restore the normal regimen. The second is to resort to recipes traditional medicine.

    Valerian tea

    1. Valerian roots and oregano are taken in a ratio of 1: 2. The components are thoroughly mixed.
    2. To prepare the broth, you need 10 g of the collection, which is steamed with boiling water (100 ml), place the container on moderate heat and then simmer for 15 minutes.
    3. After removing the fire, the liquid must be left for another hour. The entire volume must be consumed some time before bedtime.
    4. The duration of treatment is 14 days.

    Panic attack treatment

    Panic attack is a mental illness in which the patient experiences a sudden feeling of fear, excitement. These feelings are very difficult to control. In a person during a panic attack, the pulse, breathing quickens, there is a lack of oxygen.

    Anything can trigger a panic attack: a sharp sound, a bright light, a loud noise. This disease occurs in both women and men, and it does not matter the position in society, position at work, family environment. People usually get panic attacks between the ages of 19 and 45. The frequency of occurrence is also different - from 1 time per day to 1 time per month.

    Important! If panic attacks are eternal companions of life, you should immediately consult a doctor! A persistent feeling of apprehension may be a symptom of a more serious illness.

    For home treatment, recipes for medicinal herbs are suitable.

    1. 3 g of lime flowers are steamed with boiling water (200 ml).
    2. Leave for 20 minutes.
    3. Consume as a tea. You can add honey.

    This treatment should be avoided by people with stomach problems.

    Treatment of neurosis and increased emotionality

    Neurosis is a disease of the central nervous system caused by prolonged mental stress. Usually this disease occurs in people who have a weak nervous system, which is congenital and acquired.

    Increased emotionality is called excitability. A person with such a diagnosis is easy to identify in a crowd of people by the following signs:

    • asymmetry of facial muscles;
    • chaotic eye movement;
    • disorientation in space;
    • awkwardness, lack of assembly;
    • sleep disturbance.

    You can treat neurosis and increased emotionality with herbal infusion. For cooking you will need:

    • chamomile, mint;
    • motherwort, oregano;
    • blueberry, peony;
    • elecampane, wild rose;
    • St. John's wort, lingonberry;
    • Ivan tea - all in an amount of 50 g.

    Place all components in a 3 liter jar and fill with vodka or alcohol. Leave the tincture for 30 days. It must be filtered before use. Take 10 tablespoons daily before meals.

    Treatment for psychosis

    Psychosis is a distorted perception of the surrounding space. With such a diagnosis, a person inadequately responds to life various situations. Objectivity is lost, a feeling of constant fear for one's life is created, as if there are some voices in the head that say what needs to be done. These internal changes provoke immoral behavior of the patient.

    Psychosis affects both adults and children. Most often, the disease occurs in women. Typically, the peak occurs at postpartum period, menopause and menstruation. This is due to the instability of the hormonal background.

    • hallucinations. Usually there are sound ones, when a person is sure that he hears some voices;
    • naschivaya idea, that is, nonsense. In this state, it seems to a person that they are watching him and want to harm him;
    • manic state (increased activity, good mood, high self-esteem);
    • violation motor activity, which can be represented as a stupor, or vice versa, a strong excitement.

    Melissa herb will help get rid of the symptoms of psychosis. To prepare the leaves of the plant, steam with boiling water and take as tea several times a day. Melissa can be replaced with oregano, valerian or sage.

    Bulimia treatment

    Bulimia is a serious disease caused by a violation of the perception of food. Bulimia attacks are explained by the fact that a person breaks down and uses a large number of calories, after which he feels guilty and induces vomiting on his own.

    • slightly overweight;
    • swollen face;
    • fixation on proper nutrition and counting calories;
    • destroyed tooth enamel, provoked by systematic vomiting;
    • after eating, the patient goes to the toilet to "get rid of the excess."

    Usually, relatives notice the presence of the disease late, as the patient carefully hides his inclinations.

    Herbal tea will help to establish the process of digestion and calm the nerves.

    1. You need 1 g of fennel seed, 1 g of lemongrass herb, a small part of ginger root.
    2. Steam all components with boiling water and add cardamom.
    3. Leave the tea for 10 minutes, filter before drinking. Honey can be added to the drink.

    Treatment of schizophrenia

    Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness that is difficult to treat. The signs that characterize schizophrenia are as follows: personality breakdown, hallucinations, incoherent speech. To make such a diagnosis, a medical symposium is needed!

    Treatment of schizophrenia must be under the supervision of a physician. Medicinal decoctions should not preclude the use of pharmaceuticals. In this case, they will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms.

    • pine buds - 50 g;
    • elderberry roots - 50 g;
    • green walnut pericarp - 100 g.

    Steam all components with boiling water and leave for half an hour. Add a decoction to a bath with a water temperature of 37 degrees. Take water procedures for no more than 10 minutes.

    Treatment of mental disorders with pills or folk remedies at home

    Mental disorders are the consequences of complex and diverse damage to the brain and overlying parts. As a rule, mental illnesses are divided into three types:

    • mental illness, in which the generative factors are exogenous influence on the body;
    • mental illness, in which the endogenous influence on the body acts as a generating factor;
    • diseases that are inherited.

    The International Classification of Diseases of the Tenth Revision states that mental disorders are not always negative diseases and negative manifestations of character traits. If a person with his unusual state of health has adapted to everyday life, then doctors recognize him as mentally healthy. It is not always possible to completely cure mental illness, but often a person can learn to adequately cope with everyday tasks to achieve their goals.

    How to define a mental disorder?

    There is a list of varieties of symptoms, the presence of which indicates the presence of a mental disorder in a patient:

    • physical symptoms (various pains);
    • emotional symptoms (constant feeling of fear or anxiety);
    • symptoms of impaired perception (violation of various beliefs, difficulties in understanding situations);
    • behavioral symptoms (various abuses in behavior, performance of various functions);
    • symptoms of a sensory perception disorder (the presence in the patient's imagination of sounds or objects that do not actually exist).

    There is a certain group of people for whom the question of how to cure a mental disorder does not make sense, since they are prone to this type of disease. They may have suicidal thoughts from time to time. The risk group includes those who daily face stressful situations face to face.

    The cause for the occurrence of mental illness can be various problems and emotional upheavals that entail nervous disorders.

    Clear symptoms by which you can understand how to define a mental disorder are:

    • increased activity of the motor apparatus, too lively facial expressions and a constant state of excitement;
    • violations in the pronunciation of speech, the inability to make a logical chain of one's own thoughts;
    • a quick transition from aggression to a feeling of boundless joy;
    • the presence of hallucinations and memory lapses;
    • a constant state of tension and anxiety.

    These symptoms of mental disorders are present in 90% of cases of all diseases associated with nervous disorders. But a clear diagnosis of the disease can only be determined with the help of a specialist.

    Video on how to cure a mental disorder

    Medications for Mental Disorders

    If in the treatment of mental disorders to choose drug method treatment, then the following medications for mental disorders are best suited:

    This group of drugs are the most popular. The action of these drugs is to reduce psychomotor activity and reduce mental arousal. The property of neuroleptics is the suppression of emotional stress and aggressiveness.

    The main side effects that these pills have for mental disorders are malignant effects on skeletal muscles and the appearance of disturbances in dopamine metabolism.

    Metoclopramide, pimozide, flupentixol, promazine are the most common drugs in this group.

    This type of drug has an effect that is to reduce constant anxiety and emotional tension. Many of them are muscle relaxants. These drugs are more hypnotic than they cause changes in perception. Side effects, as a rule, consist in the manifestation of a feeling of constant fatigue and drowsiness, disturbances in remembering information for a short period of time. Undesirable manifestations can also be attributed to a decrease in pressure, nausea and a decrease in sexual activity. Chlordiazepoxide, triazolam, busperone, hydroxyzine are the most common drugs of this class of substances.

    If the treatment of mental disorders is carried out through this subspecies of drugs, then we can expect a decrease in mood, a state of complete suppression of feelings, fears and thoughts. These drugs increase the pain threshold, thereby reducing pain in migraines caused due to certain disease. The negative effects of these drugs include dizziness, trembling in the limbs, confusion. In addition, manifestations of suicidal tendencies are possible. Pyritinol, aminalon, vinpocetine, tocopherol are drugs that have a clear antidepressant effect.

    This class includes drugs that regulate the inappropriate manifestation of emotions and carry out the prevention of disorders that contain in their structure several syndromes that manifest themselves in stages. Also, these drugs have an anticonvulsant effect. A side effect of this class of drugs is the manifestation of tremor of the limbs, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, weight gain, unquenchable thirst, which later leads to polyuria. Also, the manifestation of various rashes on the surface of the skin is possible. Carbamazepine, valpromide, as well as lithium, rubidium and cesium salts are drugs from the class of normomitics.

    These drugs are the most harmless among the drugs that help cure mental disorders. They have a beneficial effect on cognitive processes, have stimulating properties in the learning process, enhance short-term and long-term memory and increase the resistance of the central nervous system to various stressful situations. Sometimes side effects manifest as insomnia, migraines, and digestive system. Pantogam, gammalon, mexidol, tocopherol are medications that are part of the group of nootropics.

    Video about the treatment of mental disorders

    From the name it is clear that this class of substances includes drugs that have a clear psychoactive effect. They have a stimulating effect, which manifests itself in the activation of mental and physical systems. They increase efficiency, but only for a certain period, after which there is a period of decline. Their action can cause disease of cardio-vascular system e.g. hypertension, tachycardia, etc. Ephedron, facetopirane, phencamfamine and dimethazine have clear psychostimulant effects.

    Treatment of mental illness with folk methods

    There are cases where the treatment of mental disorders at home has been very successful. The mass of folk methods enhances the positive dynamics in the process of recovery. You can use these recipes:

    • An infusion prepared from the straw of sowing oats, which is prepared in the proportion of three tablespoons to two cups of boiling water.
    • A decoction of chamomile aster flowers is prepared in a 1: 1 ratio.
    • An effective method would be to use a decoction of mint, which is prepared like the previous one.
    • Bathing with poplar leaves has a calming effect.
    • To eliminate mental disorders, you can consume 250 g of boiled oats daily for a month, and then start drinking tea from St. John's wort.
    • A tincture of blue St. John's wort, which is taken three times - before each meal, has a calming effect.
    • Motherwort tincture, which is prepared by infusion for 8 hours, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
    • Pokapel can use tincture of ginseng roots, which is prepared on an alcohol basis.
    • Motherwort tincture should be diluted with purified water 1: 1 and taken twice a day for half a glass.
    • Baths with lemon balm and honey have a calming effect, especially at bedtime.
    • A decoction of chicory roots is prepared in a ratio of 1: 2 for 10 minutes, after which several tablespoons are taken a day.

    Do you believe in medical treatment for mental disorders? Share your opinion in the comments.

    Treatment of mental disorders with folk remedies

    Folk recipes for mental disorders

    Herbs are well suited for the treatment of nervous and mental disorders, but before using folk remedies, you should consult your doctor. Below are the simplest folk recipes for common nervous and mental diseases.

    Folk remedies for depression
    • Take poplar bark and gentian root (14 g each), pour 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Add 14 g of burdock and centaury herb to the decoction. Cook for another 10 minutes over low heat, then let the broth cool, strain. Honey can be added to the prepared broth to improve the taste. Take a decoction before meals for 3 tbsp. spoons.
    • Mix in equal parts such herbs: kava, lemon balm, valerian root and St. John's wort. Take 1 teaspoon of the collection and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it. Cool the infusion, strain and take 1 glass three times a day one hour after meals.
    • For depression, drink tea with ¼ teaspoon of cardamom seeds daily.
    • Grind the cloves, add sage, chamomile, mint, ginseng powder. Brew medicinal tea from these plants. This tea will help relieve mental depression.
    • Take one teaspoon of St. John's wort tincture and ½ teaspoon of licorice root, ginseng root, lemon balm and Ashwagandha tincture (if available). Mix all tinctures and take 1 drop 3 times a day

    Folk remedies for schizophrenia

    • Ginkgo biloba improves brain function and cerebral circulation, enhances memory.
    • Kava kava and passionflower are good for relieving stress and depression.
    • Eat foods containing fiber daily, i.e. raw vegetables, fruits. Also, for mental disorders, it is useful to eat high-quality protein. Try to eat often and in small portions. This will help maintain blood sugar levels, which in turn has a stabilizing effect on behavior and mood.
    • Take 2 green chopped cardamom, pour 200 ml of boiling water, add sugar. Drink this tea 2 times a day. This remedy helps to treat schizophrenia.
    • Some patients with schizophrenia have low levels of magnesium in their blood, so it may be helpful to check your blood for magnesium levels. With a decrease in magnesium, it is useful to use Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate), but in small quantities, because. it can cause diarrhea. Optimal norm 0.5 - 1 teaspoon per day is considered.
    • Brew tea with Indian basil (tulsi) and sage. To do this, you will need 1/4 teaspoon of tulsi and 1/2 teaspoon of sage in a glass of hot water; drink this tea twice a day. Helps treat schizophrenia.
    • Include the following foods in your daily diet: chicken breast, turkey, brewer's yeast, halibut, peas, sunflower seeds, tuna. Also, foods that are rich in nicotinic acid are suitable for mental disorders: broccoli, carrots, corn, eggs, fish, potatoes, tomatoes, wheat.

    Treatment of hysteria with folk remedies

    Hysteria is curable in almost all cases. Because hysteria is both a physical and a physical illness. Therefore, the treatment must be directed towards both the body and the mind. The physical side of hysteria must begin to be treated with an orderly regime of life, spiritual and physical rest. It is useful to walk daily in the fresh air, communicate with people, exercise, maintain a healthy day and night rest.

    • Zhambyl fruits are considered an effective remedy for the treatment of hysteria. Take 3 kg of fruit and a handful of salt, put in a jug and fill with water. The pitcher must be exposed to the sun for 7 days. It is useful for women suffering from hysteria to take 300 g of these fruits daily from a jug on an empty stomach, and also drink 1 cup of water from a jug. This treatment should be carried out within 2 weeks.
    • Honey is another effective treatment for mental disorders. It is useful to eat 2 tbsp daily. spoons of honey. It can be added to tea, juice, decoction. Honey effectively helps with nervous disorders, regulates body temperature and cleanses the body.

    In hysteria, the daily diet should consist of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and dairy products. Patients with hysteria should avoid coffee, alcohol, tobacco, white sugar, white flour.

    Mental and anxiety disorders. Folk remedies

    Disorders characterized by excessive excitability of the central nervous system, fear and unreasonable excitement are called mental or anxiety disorders. Absolutely anyone can face a similar problem, regardless of age and gender.

    Treatment of mental illness with folk remedies is possible. But only in the case when it is used in combination with medications and in without fail with the permission of a specialist.

    It is very important to respond in time and take action. Ignoring pathology is fraught with aggravation of the situation, in particular the development of psychoses. The patient needs not only medical care, but the help and support of relatives and friends.

    Causes of the disease

    The occurrence of CNS disorders can be due to various reasons:

    • pathological processes occurring in the body;
    • stressful situations;
    • fatigue;
    • recent severe illnesses.

    Anxiety disorders are characterized, as a rule, by the following manifestations: fear, excitement, dizziness, headaches. A person is afraid of an imaginary catastrophe or, even worse, death. Over time, these fears become an obsession.

    Anxiety-depressive disorder is accompanied by fatigue, worsening general well-being, hopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness. The loss of a loved one, problems in the family can provoke its appearance. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a mental illness characterized by persistent, unreasonable feelings of anxiety. Often, the disease is combined with other anxiety conditions and even somatic pathologies.

    Quite often, people suffering from pathologies of the central nervous system complain of pain in the epigastric region, the appearance of a cough and a sore throat. As a rule, anxiety disorders appear in combination with human fears: nosophobia - fear of an incurable pathology, for example, malignant neoplasm; agoraphobia - fear of crowds and open spaces; claustrophobia - fear of enclosed spaces. Pathological fears paralyze a person, they completely change his behavior.

    People with mental disorders need competent help. In addition to receiving sedatives, relaxing procedures and conversations with a psychologist, it is recommended to use folk remedies - natural compounds from medicinal herbs.

    Anxiety disorder: treatment of folk remedies

    Means from plant components have a powerful sedative effect and will help in normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system, improving well-being and strengthening the immune system. However, do not forget that you can use this or that remedy only with the permission of a doctor. Be vigilant and do not self-medicate.

    1. Melissa application. Substances found in leaves this plant, have a beneficial effect on the brain, help eliminate depression and anxiety disorders. Mix in equal proportions the dry ground part of lemon balm with a pinch of nutmeg, lemon zest, coriander seeds and angelica rhizome crushed to a powdery consistency. Pour 30 grams of raw materials with high-quality vodka - 0.5 liters. Store tightly closed container in a cool place for two weeks. Use a spoonful of the filtered drug once a day with tea.
    2. Oats in the treatment of CNS disorders. This plant has sedative properties. Pour unpeeled grains in the amount of two hundred grams into a saucepan. Fill the raw material with boiled water - a liter. Boil the composition on low heat. The grains should boil. Filter and mix with honey. Take 20 grams of medicine twice a day.
    3. Application of mint decoction. Brew 15 grams of the dried ground part of the plant in two hundred milliliters of boiling water. Simmer the composition over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Drink ½ cup filtered drink once a day, after your morning meal.
    4. Treatment of anxiety disorders with infusion of borage. Steam 10 grams of crushed dried grass of the plant with boiling water - a glass. Put the container in heat for an hour. Take a quarter cup of medicine three times a day, half an hour before meals.

    CNS sedatives

    Chicory in the fight against mental disorders. Pour finely chopped underground parts of the plant - 30 grams with boiled water - 300 ml. Put the container on the stove, wait for it to boil. Next, the composition needs to be slightly thawed. Filter and take a spoonful of the drug at least five times a day.

    The use of healing collection. Combine chamomile with cudweed and motherwort in equal proportions. Take ten grams of all components. Steam raw materials with boiling water - half a liter. Let the composition brew. After seven hours, filter the composition and take ¼ cup of the drug twice a day.

    Rosemary will help in eliminating the disease. Brew finely chopped dry leaves of the plant with boiled water - 200 ml. Boil the composition for ten minutes. Cool and filter. Drink a spoonful of the drug three times a day.

    An effective tincture is prepared from rosemary. Pour thirty grams of plant leaves with alcohol - half a glass. Put the composition in the cold for a week. Take twenty drops of the drug before each meal.

    Tincture of lure in the fight against CNS disorders. Grind the rhizomes of the plant and pour 20 grams of raw material with alcohol 70% ml. The composition should be infused for two weeks. Take 20 drops of tincture three times a day.

    The use of a healing mixture. Mix in equal proportions raisins with prunes, dried apricots, nuts and the zest of one lemon. Grind the ingredients and add honey to the mass. Store the composition in the refrigerator. Take a spoonful of the mixture before your morning meal.

    Treatment of mental disorders with the help of folk remedies is effective and efficient. It will be an excellent addition to traditional drug therapy. Read also an article about herbal treatment of asthenia and asthenic syndrome.


    People who are faced with an illness are advised to stop drinking tea, coffee, white flour products, alcoholic beverages, hot spices. You need to eat three times a day. It is advised to consume more dairy products, nuts and fruits, honey, legumes, green vegetables, apples.

    Unfortunately, a person cannot foresee the development of a particular pathology. However, it can prevent its occurrence or exacerbation. To protect the nervous system, try to avoid stressful situations, treat on time various diseases, eat properly.

    Work on yourself if you have any phobia. Find something to your liking. Spend more time with friends and family.

    Question from: Anonymous

    I would like to learn about the treatment of psychosis at home. Is it possible? My sister has an exacerbation again. Is there anything we can do for her or will we have to send her back to the hospital? To do this, you need to go to the regional center, and this is difficult to do for a number of reasons. How can the condition of such patients be improved at home?

    It is permissible to treat psychosis at home after consulting a psychiatrist, excluding schizophrenia and other severe mental illnesses. The frequency of psychosis reaches 3-5 cases per hundred people. This is not such a rare condition. The occurrence of this pathological state of the psyche can have an organic, intoxication, psychogenic and somatogenic nature.

    The list of diseases that manifest themselves as psychoses is extensive. Vivid psychotic symptoms are the appearance of delirium, hallucinations, and movement disorders. Treatment should begin before they appear. At the initial stage of psychosis, you need to pay attention to the appearance of unusual hobbies and atypical behavior.

    The patient begins to show suspicion of others, seeks isolation, reduces activity and cannot concentrate. He may experience apathy and indifference to everything around him, nervousness. Motivation to observe hygiene and take care of yourself is lost, sleep is disturbed, appetite disappears.

    Treatment is based on drug therapy. The sooner it is started, the more likely it is to avoid severe disorders personality and disability. In difficult cases, the patient receives help in a hospital. In case of psychosis mild degree there is enough advisory help with the appointment of the necessary treatment.

    To help with medicines, you can use aromatherapy and infusions of soothing herbs, but only with the permission of the doctor. Such funds are auxiliary and in no case replace medicines. Tablets will have to be taken anyway. Of the general recommendations, such patients are shown compliance with the regimen, a balanced diet. They need to avoid stress, overload, infections.

    • To return the mental state to normal will help the use of a collection of immortelle (100 g), birch buds (100 g), St. John's wort (10 g), chamomile (10 g). Mix the raw materials thoroughly and store in a glass container with a lid. To prepare the infusion 1 tbsp. l. collection insist in 500 ml of boiling water for half an hour and filtered. Take 1 glass at night with the addition of a teaspoon of honey.
    • To normalize sleep, a two-component collection of valerian root and oregano (1: 2) is used. They take 20 g of raw materials, pour a glass of water and simmer on low heat for 15 minutes, after which they insist for an hour. Take 1/2 cup before bed for 2 weeks.
    • With an exacerbation of psychosis, it is useful to drink tea from mint, St. John's wort, peony, motherwort, wild rose, chamomile, lemon balm. These herbs will have a sedative effect, reduce anxiety.
    • To normalize the psyche, you can inhale essential oils and do aromatic massage. Esters of bergamot, ylang-ylang, geranium, rose, orange, cedar are suitable for this. They can also be added to aromatic baths. To do this, add 3-5 drops to salt or milk, and then dilute in water.
    • About cannabis and mental disorders

      Compared to, for example, heroin, the risk of causing or exacerbating all sorts of disorders from cannabis much higher. It is now known that cannabis can be associated with the following manifestations or worsening of mental disorders:

    • development of dependence;
    • delirium (delirium tremens);
    • cannabis psychosis;
    • schizophrenia;
    • increased anxiety;
    • depression;
    • motivational syndrome.
    • When talking about cannabis, as with other drugs, a clear distinction should be made between use, abuse, and addiction.

      Abuse can lead to physical, mental and/or social problems that stem directly and exclusively from the use of the drug. At the same time, in the abuse phase, the use of the drug is not necessarily regular - the person retains partial control over the use of cannabis and from time to time he can do without it. In the addiction stage, use has become a daily necessity to constantly abuse the drug.

      Studies (Holmberg, 1981; Bier & Haastrup, 1985; Arseneault et al., 2002; Fergusson et al., 2003) have confirmed that cannabis, especially in large quantities, can cause both delirium tremens and psychosis.

      Delirium (delirium) short - from several hours to several days. Although time in this case is a relative concept. Human consciousness is extremely foggy: it is difficult to navigate in time and space, he does not recognize acquaintances and does not understand what is happening around him. Delirium tremens is more likely if the person has taken large amounts of THC while sleep deprived or hungover.

      Psychosis differs from delirium tremens in that the ability of analytical thinking works as a sense of reality, that is, the connection with reality is broken or completely disappears. Analytical thinking is of little use if you are sitting on the edge of a roof, about to jump off it, not knowing your name and the reasons for the situation, although you are quite aware of where you are and what you are going to do. The fact that you do not remember your name is very strange, and if you think analytically, it should not be so. Knowing that if you jump off a roof you will surely die is also a result of analytical thinking, but what can you do if, according to your altered sense of reality, jumping off a roof seems more normal and reasonable than sitting on its edge.

      A person suffering from psychosis is usually restless, he is surrounded by unrealistic hallucinations and sensations in which he unshakably believes. In any case, in such a state, a person cannot cope with everyday life. Psychosis lasts longer than delirium tremens - from one to six weeks, but only on the condition that the person no longer consumes cannabis. If cannabis consumption continues, then similar condition can last a long time, it is difficult to treat. Psychosis often requires hospitalization. Studies show that approximately 10% of those who smoked marijuana more than once in their lives experienced delirium tremens or psychosis. The risk is directly related to the THC content in cannabis and the frequency of use.

      Schizophrenia. Can cannabis cause schizophrenia in people who don't otherwise have it? The answer is most likely “yes”. In addition, there is evidence that schizophrenia appears in marijuana smokers several years earlier than the average. The sooner you start smoking weed, the greater the risk.

      Panic attacks. Cannabis can cause panic attacks of varying degrees, most commonly with occasional users or those who inadvertently take more THC than usual. Such attacks can be extremely strong and frightening. It seems to a person that he is losing all control, that he does not have enough oxygen, that he is about to die or go crazy, etc. Often there is a feeling of unreality. Sometimes panic attacks begin with increased anxiety, which requires the intervention of psychiatrists and can no longer be completely cured.

      Depression. Cannabis contributes to the manifestation of depression. According to studies, cannabis abusers are four times more likely to show signs of depression than those who do not use cannabis. Depression, in turn, can develop into various psychosomatic disorders, for example, increased anxiety, etc.

      amotivational syndrome. In 1968, the concept of amotivational syndrome was first used. A person who consumes cannabis for a long time becomes indifferent, apathetic, he cannot concentrate on anything for a long time. he can make plans for the future, but he cannot carry them out. At the same time, it is difficult for him to get used to new circumstances or cope with difficult situations. His attitude towards life becomes passive. There are problems with short-term memory, a person cannot remember what he said a minute ago or what just happened. The ability of self-expression and the ability to analyze is deteriorating. Attention is weakened, the speed of reaction and awareness of time in cannabis users in this phase is much worse than in other people. Often they are lonely and isolated, but at the same time they do not stand up to criticism and believe that others are to blame for their situation, but not themselves. Common attitude: "Others do not understand me because I am so special and do not belong to this society." Conversations with them are difficult because they simply do not remember what they just said or what was said at all. Of course, they do not associate cannabis with the causes of their anxiety.

      Problems with memory and concentration remain, even if a person has given up cannabis many years ago.

      Studies show that amotivational syndrome is nothing more than a consequence of long-term cannabis poisoning. How longer man consumes cannabis and the higher the content of THC in it, the more harmful effects. The syndrome is most noticeable in modern industrial countries with a high pace of life and increased demands of society for a person.

      Hormonal balance. Cannabis can disrupt the hormonal balance of both men and women. Not enough research has been done in this area to accurately assess the potential harm, but it seems that men are more susceptible to it. In women, cannabis affects the menstrual cycle. It can be assumed that cannabis reduces fertility, especially in men. However, there is still too little research to say for sure.

      Schizophrenia requires an integrated approach to treatment

      Mental diseases include a large group of nosological forms in which the normal course of mental processes is disturbed. They are characterized by the inability of patients to adapt in society, to solve everyday problems in the professional and family field, to achieve their goals. Changes primarily affect the emotional, sensual, mental sphere of activity.

      At long course diseases without specialized care are joined by somatic disorders. This article will discuss schizophrenia and its treatment with folk remedies.

      What is schizophrenia

      Schizophrenia is a chronic disease with a progressive course. The first symptoms usually occur at a young age and are manifested by emotional instability, inappropriate thinking and behavior.

      At the first stages of the development of the disease, intellectual abilities are preserved, later there is a deterioration in memory and attention. The harmony and integrity of the personality, the correct perception of one's own "I" are violated, the ability to adequately perceive the surrounding reality is lost. As a result, ties with society and family are lost, apathy and degradation develop.

      Manifestations of the disease and its symptoms

      In the development of the disease, the hereditary factor plays a major role. Head injuries, severe mental shocks, and infectious diseases can activate the pathological process. The manifestations of schizophrenia are diverse and depend on the form and duration of the disease. Productive symptoms include:

      • prolonged immobilization in unnatural positions, motor arousal, refusal to communicate;
      • identification with famous personalities, giving supernatural abilities;
      • a feeling of voices within oneself that can argue, discuss the actions of the patient and others;
      • confidence in the openness of thoughts to others, a negative assessment of the thought process from the outside;
      • apathy, passivity of motor functions, controllability of activity from the outside;
      • feeling of suggestibility and foreignness of thoughts;
      • broadcasting, introduction and "abduction" of thoughts;
      • delusions impact existing or fictional characters.
      • Another group of symptoms includes "negative", which play a fundamental role in the diagnosis and appear in the early stages of development. These include:

      • emotional dulling of perception of the surrounding world;
      • carelessness, non-compliance with hygiene rules and accepted norms of behavior in society;
      • lack of motivation to act;
      • fragmentary thinking, incompleteness of phrases, an unusual form of expressing thoughts;
      • violation of logic, attention and consistency in mental reactions;
      • social failure.
      • These pathological manifestations make a person helpless, aggressive, ridiculous. In advanced stages, emotional exhaustion and mental immobilization develop.

        Forms of schizophrenia

        Depending on the predominance of certain manifestations, there are forms of schizophrenia:

      • simple - proceeds without acute psychosis, develops imperceptibly;
      • hebephrenic - dominated by "negative" symptoms, flattening of emotions, episodes of affect, pretentious behavior, decreased will, develops in puberty;
      • catatonic - characterized by visual hallucinations, stupor and motor overexcitation;
      • paranoid - various ideas of delusion are combined with auditory hallucinations;
      • residual - manifests itself with a long course and is characterized by emotional and speech poverty, lack of will and motivation, and insignificant physical activity.

      Treatment of the disease is carried out drug therapy in the conditions of specialized hospitals and programs of social adaptation. In maintaining a good condition of the patient, folk methods can help.

      Folk recipes for schizophrenia

      1. Burdock decoction has a calming effect, reduces the occurrence of catatonic seizures. A half-liter jar of water is poured into the pan and 35 grams of finely chopped rhizomes of the plant are poured out, boiled for no more than a quarter of an hour.

      The broth is cooled and filtered from the dry residue. It is taken during the day in small sips, the therapeutic course is 16 days. If necessary, repeat the treatment every 2 months.

      2. Tincture of Datura flowers improves mood, reduces manifestations of affective states. To do this, 55 grams of raw materials are poured into a bottle of vodka and kept for 11 days in a dark place. The liquid is then filtered through a fabric filter. Drink 16 drops dissolved in water three times a day.

      3. Aggression is significantly dulled by an infusion of elecampane root, mistletoe herb and thyme. The crushed raw materials are mixed in equal proportions. 5 teaspoons of the medicinal collection are poured into a half-liter thermos with boiling water, insisted throughout the day. The filtered solution is taken 4-5 times a day in monthly courses.

      4. Hot baths with the addition of a decoction of bark, leaves and aspen branches have a sedative effect. The solution is prepared in a three-liter container of water with the addition of 135 grams of the mixture. After boiling for 12-18 minutes, the broth is poured into the bath and the procedure is carried out for at least half an hour. For cooking remedy you can use raw linden or birch.

      5. To improve sleep, use a pillow stuffed with lavender, hops and oregano. At night they drink tea from foxglove flowers, mint and thyme. Rosemary infusion is used as a sleeping pill. A large pinch of grass is poured into a thermos, poured with a glass of hot water and left overnight. Take in the afternoon, 55 ml in the intervals between meals.

      6. In case hysterical attacks recommend an infusion of fragrant woodruff. To do this, 45 grams of the plant is poured into 630 ml of water and boiled over low heat for at least 7-9 minutes. The solution is filtered and cooled, kept for 4-6 hours in a warm shaded place. Drink half a glass twice a day to prevent affect, as well as a few sips before the onset of an attack.

      7. With panic attacks, an infusion of zyuznik helps well. To prepare it, you need to pour 25 grams of grass into 310 ml of hot water and put in a dark place for two quarters of an hour. The resulting solution is filtered and drunk twice a day for several large sips. The addition of a weak infusion of St. John's wort can enhance the therapeutic effect. Courses of therapy are 28-31 days with breaks of several months.

      8. Infusion of comfrey root helps to get rid of hallucinations. Pour a liter jar of water into the pan, a dessert spoon of chopped raw materials, boil for no more than 4 minutes. The filtered solution is infused for 2-3 hours and consumed during the day. Recommended ten-day courses with breaks of 2-4 weeks.

      Prevention of schizophrenia attacks during remission

      Regular physical activity and hardening can significantly prolong the periods of remission of the disease. At the initial stage, the body is rubbed with a towel moistened with cold water.

      Over time, a contrast and cold shower. Long walks and runs in the morning are recommended. Morning exercises and sports strengthen the nervous system, immunity, improve mental activity.

      You should stop taking alcoholic beverages, smoking and work associated with stress and physical exertion. In nutrition, it is necessary to adhere to light foods containing cereals, vegetables, fruits, and dietary meat. It is forbidden to include in the diet spicy, fatty foods, semi-finished products and by-products. The sleep regimen must be strictly observed and last at least 8-9 hours. Favorite hobbies and communication with loved ones improve the emotional background and prevent the exacerbation of the disease.

      Schizophrenia is a serious disease that, in the absence of specialized assistance, can lead to irreparable consequences for the destruction of a person's personality. Along with treatment with medications, under the supervision of a specialist, social adaptation, occupational therapy and folk recipes for maintaining health are of great importance.

      Herbal medicine for mental illness

      Before the era of pharmacotherapy, mental illness was treated with herbs. Herbal medicine has its advantages and disadvantages. For a given period of time, there are about thirty preparations based on medicinal herbs. They are used to treat many mental illnesses: obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar, somatoform, psychotic, phobic, seasonal affective disorders, depression, anxiety.

      Medicinal herbs used in psychiatry

      Rhodiola rosea ( pink root rhodiola rosea, golden root)

      Hypericum perforatum (St. John's wort, St. John's wort)

      Scutellaria lateriflora (Scutellaria skullcap_

      Piper methysticum (kava)

      Panic, phobic, OCD

      Crocus sativus (saffron)

      Zizyphus jujuba (unabi, chapyzhnik, Chinese date)

      The researchers found that more than twenty herbal remedies have epigenetic, endocrinological, neurochemical effects.

      Exists evidence base when using St. John's wort for the treatment of major (major depression) and kava for the treatment of anxiety disorders.

      Representative evidence suggests that St John's wort and kava are effective in treating depression and anxiety. But there is insufficient evidence to support the use of other drugs in the treatment of mental illness.

      The integration of medicinal herbs with synthetic psychotropic drugs is of great interest for practical medicine. But it is also necessary to study the safety issues when using St. John's wort and kava.

      Herbal treatment of mental illness is a direction that needs to be developed in practical healthcare.

      History of schizophrenia therapy

      It would probably not be entirely correct to consider in the section on the history of the treatment of schizophrenia, the methods of treatment of this mental disorder, before separating this disease into an independent nosological form.

      However, as we see from the sketch of the history of schizophrenia, it is not so easy to discern modern schizophrenia in descriptions of luck, amentia, and even "premature dementia".

      To describe a brief history of the treatment of schizophrenia, it may be necessary to focus on the treatment of individual psychopathological phenomena that are relatively common in schizophrenia: we are talking about pseudohallucinations, delirium, disorganization of thinking, negative symptoms, in particular, manifested by a decrease in volitional activity and immersion in the world of one's experiences.

      "The history of psychiatry began with the fact that one person tried to alleviate the suffering of another by influencing him," wrote F. Alexander (1966) in his book "Man and his soul: knowledge and healing from antiquity to the present day." The treatment of mental disorders, as well as conditions that, according to descriptions, resembled the clinical pictures of schizophrenia, goes back to the first healers. Often they themselves suffered from a mental disorder or went through an artificially induced psychosis and therefore could understand the experiences of a suffering person from their own experience. When choosing a healer among many tribes, we find indications that delusions and hallucinations often served as the main criterion for selecting candidates for the role of a shaman, sorcerer or medicine man.

      Babylonian doctors treated mental disorders, which were attributed to demonic origin, with magical-religious methods. The medicines of that time were usually "sugar-coated tablets of magic and divination", made from herbs, and their intake was accompanied by magical manipulations.

      Despite the fact that the anatomical knowledge of the doctors of Judea was more developed than in Egypt, in the Bible we do not find a description of the human brain, the heart is considered the most important organ in which emotions and intellect are concentrated. Note that the Egyptian Smith Papyrus describes the brain, which is characterized here as the seat of most mental functions.

      Physicians in the "circle of Hippocrates" actively promoted "supportive interventions" for the treatment of mental illness. At the same time, physical exercises were encouraged, but it was emphasized that they should be moderate in case of an acute condition. Hippocrates treated difficult illnesses with the help of bloodletting and laxatives, but he recommended using them only when other more benign measures failed. In the case of a mental disorder, in his opinion, special care was required in determining the dose of the drug and careful observation of the behavior of the patient. Hippocrates understood that not only the patient, but also his relatives should do everything possible to restore their health.

      Many Arab doctors were followers of the ideas of Hippocrates. The famous Arab physician Avicenna was one of the first to describe delirium and, in fact, proposed a psychotherapeutic method for its treatment.

      Philosophers and doctors of the Roman Empire drew attention to the exceptional importance of the mental state. The Roman physician Soranus, in contrast to another well-known physician Celsus (Celsus tied the sick, starved them, placed them in a dark place, prescribed laxatives, trying in every possible way to intimidate the patient), refused to treat mental disorders with rude methods. He talked about the need to keep the mentally ill in a lighted room with high windows. He recommended restrictions for patients only in those cases when they became dangerous to themselves or others.

      In the Middle Ages, people suffering from mental disorders were often declared servants of the devil. In the XIV century. in Europe, the mentally ill were considered sorcerers and witches. They became victims and were persecuted. At the same time, the treatment of mental disorders at the beginning of the Middle Ages was somewhat more professional than in the period of the 17th - 18th centuries (Alexander F., Selesnik Sh., 1995). For example, in London, if patients could leave the shelter on their own, they received special badges that they had to carry with them so that they could be returned to the shelter in the event of an exacerbation of mental illness.

      The inhuman treatment of the mentally ill during almost the entire Enlightenment stemmed from complete ignorance of the causes of mental illness, fear of the mentally ill, and a hopeless view of the possibility of a cure for mental illness.

      The doctors of Spain and France, who removed the chains from the mentally ill at the end of the 18th century, opened a new era in the treatment of mental illness. Since that time, the public attitude towards the insane has changed.

      At the same time, in the first half of the 19th century, doctors treated mental illness with the help of "moral" (psychological) and "physical" (somatic) methods of treatment. Even Ph. Pinel believed that drugs play an auxiliary role in the treatment of mental illness and that, for example, mania requires serious treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines (Pinel Ph., 1813). In the first half and to a lesser extent in the second half of the 19th century, attempts were made to treat mental disorders with the help of homeopathic remedies. So, in particular, Hermeli (1856) described 164 cases of treatment of mental disorders by homeopathy.

      Great importance in the treatment of mental disorders in the nineteenth century, especially in the second half of it, was already attached to various drugs. This became possible primarily due to the general materialistic orientation of research in the field of psychiatry (Griesinger W., 1861). For example, chloral hydrate was recommended for use in such mental disorders as insomnia, agitation, delirium and "madness" (Troussea A., Pidoux H., 1877). W. Griesinger (1861) recommended the use of opium, digitalis, chloroform, belladonna, emetics and laxatives for the treatment of mental illness.

      Although some drugs that affect the nervous system, such as belladonna and opium, have been known since ancient times, in the 19th century they again began to be actively used in the treatment of mental illness.

      Morphine was isolated as an alkaloid in 1803, atropine in 1831, the first hypnotic drug - chloral hydrate was synthesized in 1832, the first barbiturate with hypnotic effect(veronal, barbital), has been used in medicine since 1903.

      In the 1920s, after the discovery of the mechanism of biochemical transmission of nervous excitation, a new stage of psychopharmacology began (Mashkovsky M.D., 1974).

      Treatments for schizophrenia have almost always been developed either on the basis of incidental clinical observations or through targeted research into the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease. Often the introduction of drugs into clinical practice, as seen in the example of chlorpromazine, occurred before the mechanism of their therapeutic effect was determined.

      In the 1950s, psychiatry, according to P. Deniker (1987), was not ready to accept the idea of ​​treating major psychoses. special medicines. Then the focus was on "shock" treatments for schizophrenia. However, all psychiatrists agreed that due to the progressive destruction of neurobiological processes in schizophrenia, the timely initiation of therapy for this disease is extremely important.

      The main historical stages of the treatment of schizophrenia:

    • Psychotherapy ("moral treatment")
    • Somatic therapy ("physical treatment")
    • Drug sedative therapy (chloral hydrate, belladonna, opium, barbiturates, etc.)
    • Seizure therapy (medication, ECT)
    • Insulin shock therapy
    • Psychosurgery
    • Psychopharmacology
    • Social Therapy and Rehabilitation
    • Psychoeducation
    • Speaking about the possibilities of achieving remission in schizophrenia, even before the appearance of the first antipsychotics, O.V. Kerbikov sadly stated that "not only are we unable to keep the patient in a state of achieved remission, but we do not even know how to achieve this goal in the future."

      Somatic therapy

      Serious scientific developments in the biological therapy of schizophrenia appeared after the First World War. To a greater extent, they relied on the hypothesis of a mysterious somatic disease as the primary source of schizophrenia. This hypothesis was formulated on the basis of the results of malaria therapy by Wagner-Jauregg, Nobel Prize winner in 1927.

      It was assumed that the therapeutic effect in the treatment of mental disorders occurs due to an attack of fever or may be caused by an artificial coma or convulsive state.

      vitamin therapy

      Schizophrenia was tried to be treated with high doses of vitamins, for example, group C or B, but the effectiveness of such therapy remained low.

      So, for example, at one time, the treatment of sluggish schizophrenia with riboflavin in combination with ascorbic acid and reduced iron was proposed by M.P. Bazarova and M.Ya. Sereisky (1954). Such therapy, according to the authors, contributed to an increase in the activity of neuroglia, which, in turn, affects the metabolic and reduction (oxidation) processes in the central nervous system.

      Neurohumoral Therapy

      In the forties of the twentieth century, it was believed that in the process of treating schizophrenia, it is important to determine whether reactivity plays a decisive role in the pathogenesis of this disease - cerebral or somatic (humoral). It was assumed that in schizophrenia there is a certain parallelism between the decrease in cerebral reactivity and the anergy of the humoral system, but the question of which of these processes was primary remained open. Some researchers believed that the specificity of the core of schizophrenia is caused by a decrease in the level of cerebral reactivity (Zalmanzon A.N., 1945).

      They tried to treat schizophrenia by acting on skin receptors, based on physiological role skin in the mechanisms of immunity, the occurrence of allergic reactions. The doctors did not doubt the close connection of the skin with the nervous system, the role of nervous trophism in the process of neurohumoral interaction, the cerebral mechanism of physiotherapeutic procedures. The use of skin irritations in the treatment of schizophrenia was led by studies on remissions during the course of the disease in subcutaneous and skin inflammatory processes, as well as attempts to treat schizophrenia with turpentine abscesses (Zalmanzon A.N., 1945).

      M.Ya. Sereysky emphasized the cerebral action active methods treatment, their effect on brain metabolism. Some authors suggested that in many cases changes in cerebral metabolism are a secondary result of a shock blocking effect on the central nervous system.

      A.S. Kronfeld, in his doctrine of "anataxis", stated the unity of active methods of treating schizophrenia, based on the activation nonspecific immunity. At the same time, changes in the whole organism were associated with cerebral processes, as if "dissolving in a single circle of biological changes." It has been suggested that the biological restructuring of the organism in schizophrenia is manifested in a "vital shift with a change in the sensorimotor set" - the basis of complex psychopathological changes. The whole process of A.S. Kronfeld called "anataxis", which, in his opinion, was a fatally moving process of circular motion without a main link and a driving force.

      In part, hyperbaric oxygenation can also be attributed to therapy that affects the metabolic processes and reactivity of the body. The positive effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in schizophrenia was noted by N.M. Zharikov et al. (1981).


      At one time, the use of pyrotherapy was recommended for the treatment of resistant variants of the course of schizophrenia, the presence of psychopathic symptoms. T.A. Nevzorova and L.G. Ursova (1972) in resistant cases of sluggish schizophrenia was advised to add pyrotherapy to psychopharmacological agents. The effectiveness of the addition of pyrogenal and sulfozine to neuroleptics, especially in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders, was justified by a change in the level of reactivity of the patient's body under the influence of drugs that increase the temperature.

      Detoxification therapy

      The problem of detoxification in schizophrenia was dealt with by V.V. Protopopov and his students. In order to “break through the nitrogenous blockade, increase the release of nitrogenous slags and establish protein balance, increase enzymatic and, especially, oxidative processes” in schizophrenia, V.V. Protopopov recommended the use of sulfur preparations. Considering the fact that on the days of the sulfur injection, the blood sugar level fell due to the insulin-like effect of sulfur, V.P. Protopopov advised administering glucose to patients.

      A.L. Leshchinsky and F.I. Brodsky (1947) at one time tried to analyze the mechanisms of the therapeutic action of sulfur in schizophrenia. The authors recommended administering cystine to patients with schizophrenia, injections of which did not cause a systematic rise in temperature, as with the administration of sulfozine.

      F.F. Detengoff (1957) used various schemes of sulfosin therapy: in acute forms of schizophrenia with motor speech excitation - decreasing doses from 10-8 to 3-2 ml of 1% suspension; with procedural forms with delusions and hallucinations - increasing doses from 2-3 ml, in rare cases up to 6-7 ml; with sluggish protracted forms, long-term daily administration of 0.1% suspension.

      In the 1950s, attempts were made to treat schizophrenia with hemotherapy. Patients tried to do a blood transfusion once or two or three times with weekly breaks. In a small amount, they tried to transfuse blood from another group in order to cause "hemoplastic shock", after the onset of which it was quickly stopped by infusions of saline or calcium chloride. In schizophrenia, hemoplacental therapy and autohemotherapy were also recommended, the latter was performed twice a week, taking 3-5 ml of blood from a vein and then injecting it subcutaneously into the subscapular region. A variant of autohemotherapy was the introduction of the so-called "dakova blood", which was obtained by supplementing distilled water with an equal (2.5 ml) amount of blood from a patient with schizophrenia.

      The appointment of detoxification therapy, for example, the introduction of hyposulfite, managed to alleviate not only the somatic, but also the psychopathological symptoms of schizophrenia (Nevzorova T.A., Kokanbaeva R.F., 1962). In a number of cases of treatment of schizophrenia, a positive role of hemosorption therapy was noted, which, unfortunately, differed in a short-term effect (Lopukhin Yu.M. et al., 1980). Researchers in the detoxification therapy of schizophrenia have written about a pathochemical factor in schizophrenia, which included: the exchange of catecholamines and their metabolites, unclear autotoxins, antibodies to drugs, autoimmune complexes to various tissues of the body, and other factors that cause chronic intoxication. All these harmful toxins sought to be removed from the body of a patient with schizophrenia using hemosorbents (Morkovkin V.M., Kartelishev A.V., 1988).

      Sleep treatment

      In 1920, the Swiss physicians R. Klaesi et al. proposed to treat schizophrenia with narcotic sleep. It was assumed that sleep therapy breaks the vicious circle "formed by motor excitation, the growth of this excitation due to the resulting irritation of internal receptors."

      The theoretical justification for treatment with long sleep was the idea of ​​an artificially induced disease, the result of which would be the need for help and support. It was assumed that in this case the patient becomes available to psychotherapy due to his helplessness.

      Narcotic sleep treatment was far from being a safe therapy. In addition, it turned out to be ineffective, because after the awakening of the patient, the excitation resumed again.

      In 1935-1936. in the laboratory of I.P. Pavlova was the first to use treatment with long sleep by A.G. Ivanov-Smolensky.

      In the 30s of the twentieth century, V.A. Gilyarovsky also proposed the treatment of schizophrenia by prolonged sleep using anesthesia. Employees of the psychiatric clinic of the Moscow Medical Institute in 1936-1938. for this, the so-called mixture of Cloett and, somewhat later, amytal sodium was used. At the same time, it was not only about the drug treatment of schizophrenia, but also about the method of mental analysis, similar to the pharmacodynamic psychoanalysis, which C. Paskal (1931) wrote about earlier. V.A. Gilyarovsky believed that, to some extent, treatment with prolonged anesthesia is the opposite of an infectious or intoxication process, which, according to the views of that time, was considered an etiological factor in the development of schizophrenia. The author emphasized the speed of the recovery process after a long narcotic sleep, after the patients restored their physical condition. Good results of treatment with prolonged sleep were achieved if the disease was started to be treated during the first two years, when severe negative symptoms had not yet had time to develop.

      The best results in the treatment of prolonged sleep were obtained in the presence of catatonia, hallucinations and delusions of influence in the clinical picture, and a particular effectiveness was noted in the treatment of paranoid syndrome.

      M.Ya. Sereysky, who promoted the treatment of schizophrenia with prolonged sleep in his early works, noted that this type of therapy is more effective in the circular and sluggish form of schizophrenia than in protracted unfavorable forms of the course of the disease. His students proposed to treat schizophrenia with small doses of sleeping pills, which would not cause manifestations of toxicosis. . One of the pioneers of Russian psychopharmacology G.Ya. Avrutsky proved on a large material the effectiveness of such therapy.

      Employees M.Ya. Sereisky, L.P. Lobova and T.E. Romel wrote about the positive effect of a combination of sleeping pills, oxygen and multivitamins during an exacerbation of indolent schizophrenia. The authors noted a particularly noticeable effect of such therapy in asthenic and depressive syndromes, as well as on early stages schizophrenia, mainly manifested by neurotic symptoms. However, in this case, most likely, it was not about schizophrenia.

      Therapeutic fasting

      Therapeutic starvation ("unloading and dietary therapy", "medical fasting", "metered starvation") , an ancient and, according to many doctors, undeservedly forgotten method of treatment. Therapeutic starvation was widely used in the clinic of internal diseases in the treatment of peptic ulcer, cholecystitis and pancreatitis. In the psychiatric literature, the positive effect of a “starvation diet” in epilepsy has been noted (Sereysky M.Ya., 1938).

      For the treatment of schizophrenia, fasting was proposed by E. Schenk and H. Meyer in 1938 (“in patients with circular psychosis, enlightenment occurs, in schizophrenics, improvement”). In the USSR, the method of unloading and dietary therapy was first used in psychiatric practice by Yu.S. Nikolaev since 1948. Treatment was carried out in two stages: dosed alimentary starvation and restorative dietary nutrition according to a certain scheme.

      This method of treatment turned out to be useful for those patients with schizophrenia, in whom the clinical picture of the disease was dominated by hypochondriacal symptoms (with the “hypochondriac form of schizophrenia”), and the course of the disease was of a “low-progressive”, “sluggish nature” with “inert clinical manifestations” (Polishchuk Yu .I., Zairov G.K., 1975).

      Therapeutic starvation, or unloading dietary therapy, has been more actively used to treat schizophrenia since the early 60s of the twentieth century (Nikolaev Yu.S., 1963). Somewhat earlier, I.A. Polishchuk proposed to treat schizophrenia with a special alkaline diet containing a limited amount of protein substances and the maximum inclusion of B vitamins.

      Supporters therapeutic fasting distinguished it from complete, incomplete and partial starvation, prolonged exposure to which leads to alimentary dystrophy and beriberi.

      In complete starvation, the body utilizes reserves nutrients released during slow atrophy of body tissues.

      Back in his time, I.P. Pavlov considered abstinence from food in case of loss of appetite as a protective "therapeutic reflex".

      In the treatment of schizophrenia, fasting for up to 20-30 days (weight loss of no more than 25% of the initial level) did not cause significant dystrophic phenomena. In the first days of nutrition, body weight quickly recovered. The point of view was expressed according to which the mechanism of the therapeutic effect of therapeutic starvation in schizophrenia reflects a variant of protective therapy of the system of analyzers of internal receptors.

      The standard option for the treatment of schizophrenia with unloading and dietary therapy included two stages: unloading, implying complete abstinence from food intake (15-25 days), and the subsequent dietary or recovery period.

      Before fasting, the patient's intestines were completely cleansed with a large dose of laxative. In the future, every morning the patient was given a cleansing enema, he received a common bath, massage, shower. After water procedures, patients drank water, rested in bed and then went for a short walk. At night, patients drank rosehip decoction, brushed their teeth, and gargled. This regimen was maintained throughout the entire period of therapeutic starvation. From 3-5 days of abstinence, patients could drink mineral water. The transition to nutrition was carried out consistently and gradually. The first 2-3 days the food was liquid, consisting mainly of carbohydrates. From the second day, in addition to juices, the patients were given grated ripe apples, oranges and other fruits. In the following days, in addition to fruits, kefir, carrots, vinaigrette, semi-liquid cereals with butter or vegetable oil, and nuts were given. The calorie intake increased daily, reaching 4200 calories by the end of the recovery period. Such a diet was used for the same number of days as abstinence from food continued (Nikolaev Yu.S., 1963).

      Principles of treatment of schizophrenia

      Schizophrenia is a mental disorder modern classification ICD-10 - group of disorders) with chronic course, provoking the disintegration of emotional reactions and thought processes. It is impossible to cure it completely. Nevertheless, as a result of long-term therapy, it is possible to restore a person's social activity and ability to work, prevent psychosis, and achieve stable remission.

      The treatment of schizophrenia traditionally consists of three stages:

      Stopping therapy is therapy to relieve psychosis. The goal of this stage of treatment is to suppress the positive symptoms of schizophrenia - delusions, hebephrenia, catatonia, hallucinations;

      Stabilizing therapy - is used to maintain the results of stopping therapy, its task is to finally remove positive symptoms of all kinds;

      Supportive therapy - is aimed at maintaining a stable state of the patient's mentality, preventing relapse, the maximum distance in time for the next psychosis.

      Stopping therapy should be given as early as possible; it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as the first signs of psychosis appear, since it is much more difficult to stop an already developed psychosis. In addition, psychosis can cause personality changes that deprive a person of working capacity and the ability to engage in normal activities. daily affairs. In order for the changes to be less pronounced, and the patient to have the opportunity to lead a normal life, it is necessary to stop the attack in a timely manner.

      Currently, the following methods of therapy for schizophrenic conditions have been developed, tested and widely used: psychopharmacology, various types of shock-coma therapy, high-tech stem cell therapy, traditional psychotherapy, cytokine treatment and detoxification of the body.

      Inpatient treatment is necessary immediately at the time of psychosis, and after the arrest of the attack, stabilizing and supportive therapy can be carried out on an outpatient basis. A patient who has completed a course of treatment and is in remission for a long time still needs to undergo an annual examination and be admitted to hospital treatment in order to correct possible pathological changes.

      Actually, the time for a full-fledged treatment of schizophrenia after another psychosis is one year or longer. From 4 to 10 weeks is spent on stopping the attack and suppressing productive symptoms, after which, to stabilize the results, six months of intensive care in the hospital and 5-8 months of outpatient treatment are needed to prevent relapse, achieve a fairly stable remission and conduct social rehabilitation patient.

      Treatment options for schizophrenia

      Methods for the treatment of schizophrenia are divided into two groups - biological methods and psychosocial therapy:

      Psychosocial therapy includes cognitive behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, and family therapy. These techniques, although they do not give instant results, can prolong the period of remission, increase the effectiveness of biological methods, and return a person to a normal life in society. Psychosocial therapy allows you to reduce the dosage of drugs and the length of stay in the hospital, makes a person able to independently perform daily tasks and control his condition, which reduces the likelihood of relapse;

      Biological methods of treatment - lateral, insulin coma, paired polarization, electroconvulsive therapy, detoxification, transcranial micropolarization and magnetic brain stimulation, as well as psychopharmacology and surgical methods of treatment;

      The use of drugs that affect the brain is one of the most effective biological treatments for schizophrenia, which allows you to remove productive symptoms, prevent the destruction of personality, impaired thinking, will, memory and emotions.

      Modern treatment of schizophrenia during an attack

      During a psychosis or an attack of schizophrenia, it is necessary to take all measures for its speedy relief. Atypical antipsychotics belong to neuroleptics, these are modern drugs that allow not only to remove productive symptoms (auditory or visual hallucinations and delusions), but also reduce possible violations of speech, memory, emotions, will and other mental functions, thereby minimizing the risk of destruction of the patient's personality.

      Drugs of this group are prescribed not only to patients at the stage of psychosis, but are also used to prevent relapses. Atypical antipsychotics are effective when the patient is allergic to other antipsychotics.

      The effectiveness of cupping therapy depends on such factors:

      Duration of the disease - with a duration of up to three years, the patient has a high chance of successful treatment with a long period of remission. Cupping therapy removes psychosis, and a relapse of the disease with properly conducted stabilizing and anti-relapse treatment may not occur until the end of life. If schizophrenia in a patient lasts from three to ten years or more, then the effectiveness of therapy decreases;

      Age of the patient - schizophrenia in later life is easier to treat than adolescent schizophrenia;

      The onset and course of a psychotic disorder is an acute attack of a disease with a vivid course, which is characterized by strong emotional manifestations, pronounced affects (phobias, manic, depressive, anxiety states) responds well to treatment;

      The patient's personality warehouse - if before the first psychosis the patient had a harmonious and balanced personality warehouse, there are more chances for successful treatment than people with infantilism and underdevelopment of intelligence before the onset of schizophrenia;

      The reason for the exacerbation of schizophrenia is that if the attack was caused by exogenous factors (stress from the loss of loved ones or overstrain at work, in preparation for an exam or competition), then the treatment is quick and effective. If the exacerbation of schizophrenia occurred spontaneously for no apparent reason, then the relief of the attack is more difficult;

      The nature of the disorder - with pronounced negative symptoms of the disease (impaired thinking, emotional perception, volitional qualities, memory and concentration), the treatment takes longer, its effectiveness is reduced.

      Treatment of psychotic disorder (delusions, hallucinations, illusions and other productive symptoms)

      Psychotic disorders are treated with antipsychotic drugs, which are divided into two groups: conventional antipsychotics and more modern atypical antipsychotics. The choice of the drug is made on the basis of the clinical picture, conventional antipsychotics are used if atypical antipsychotics ineffective.

      Olanzapine is a potent antipsychotic that can be given to all patients with schizophrenia during an attack.

      The activating antipsychotic risperidone and amisulpride are prescribed for psychosis, during which delusions and hallucinations alternate with negative symptoms and depression.

      Quetiapine is prescribed if the patient during psychosis has increased excitability, broken speech, delirium and hallucinations with strong psychomotor agitation.

      Conventional or classical antipsychotics are prescribed for complex forms of schizophrenia - catatonic, undifferentiated and hebephrenic. They are used to treat protracted psychosis if treatment with the atypical antipsychotics listed above has failed.

      With paranoid schizophrenia, Trisedil is prescribed.

      Mazheptil is used to treat catatonic and hebephrenic forms.

      If these drugs turned out to be ineffective, then the patient is prescribed antipsychotics with selective action, one of the first drugs in this group is Haloperidol. It removes the productive symptoms of psychosis - delirium, automatism of movements, psychomotor agitation, verbal hallucinations. However, among its side effects in long-term use includes a neurological syndrome, which is manifested by stiffness in the muscles and trembling in the limbs. To prevent these phenomena, doctors prescribe Cyclodol or other corrective drugs.

      For the treatment of paranoid schizophrenia use:

      Meterazin - if the attack is accompanied by systematized delirium;

      Triftazin - with unsystematized delirium during psychosis;

      Moditen - with pronounced negative symptoms with impaired speech, mental activity, emotions and will.

      Atypical antipsychotics, which combine the properties of atypical and conventional drugs - Piportil and Clozapine.

      Treatment with neuroleptics occurs 4-8 weeks from the onset of the attack, after which the patient is transferred to stabilizing therapy with maintenance doses of the drug, or the drug is changed to another, with a milder effect. Additionally, drugs that relieve psychomotor agitation may be prescribed.

      Reducing the emotional saturation of experiences associated with delusions and hallucinations

      Antipsychotic drugs are given for two to three days after the onset of symptoms, the choice depends on the clinical picture, with the introduction of Diazepam intravenously combined:

      Quetiapine - prescribed to patients who have pronounced manic arousal;

      Klopikson - prescribed for the treatment of psychomotor agitation, which is accompanied by anger and aggression; can be used to treat alcoholic psychosis, schizophrenia in people who are in a state of withdrawal after taking alcohol or drugs;

      Clopixone-Acupaz - a prolonged form of the drug, is prescribed if the patient is not able to take the medicine regularly.

      If the above antipsychotics were ineffective, the doctor prescribes conventional neuroleptics with a sedative effect. The course of admission is 10-12 days, such a duration is necessary to stabilize the patient's condition after an attack.

      Conventional neuroleptics with a sedative effect include:

      Aminazine - prescribed for aggressive manifestations and anger during an attack;

      Tizercin - if anxiety, anxiety and confusion prevail in the clinical picture;

      Melperone, Propazine, Chlorprothixene - are prescribed to patients over the age of 60 or to people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver.

      Antipsychotic drugs are used to treat psychomotor agitation. To reduce the degree of the patient's emotional experiences caused by auditory, verbal or visual hallucinations and delusions, antidepressants and mood stabilizers are additionally prescribed. These drugs should be taken in the future as part of maintenance anti-relapse therapy, since they not only alleviate the subjective state of the patient and correct his mental disorders, but also allow him to quickly get involved in normal life.

      Treatment of the depressive component in emotional disorders

      The depressive component of a psychotic episode is removed with the help of antidepressants.

      Among antidepressants for the treatment of the depressive component of schizophrenia, a group of serotonin reuptake inhibitors is distinguished. Venlafaxine and Ixel are most often prescribed. Venlafaxine removes anxiety, and Ixel successfully copes with the dreary component of depression. Cipralex combines both of these actions.

      Heterocyclic antidepressants are used as second-line drugs with low efficacy of the above drugs. Their action is more powerful, but patient tolerance is worse. Amitriptyline relieves anxiety, Melipramine removes the dreary component, and Clomipramine successfully copes with any manifestations of depression.

      Treatment of the manic component in emotional disorders

      The manic component helps to remove the combination of neuroleptics with mood stabilizers, both during a psychotic episode and later in anti-relapse therapy. The drugs of choice in this case are normotimics Valprocom and Depakine, which quickly and effectively eliminate manic manifestations. If the manic symptom is mild, Lamotrigine is prescribed - it has a minimum of side effects and is well tolerated by patients.

      Lithium salts are most effective in the treatment of the manic component of emotional disorders, but they should be used with caution, since they interact poorly with classical antipsychotics.

      Treatment of drug-resistant psychosis

      Pharmaceutical drugs are not always effective in treating schizophrenia. Then they talk about human resistance to drugs, similar to the resistance to antibiotics produced in bacteria with their constant influence.

      In this case, it remains to resort to intensive methods of influence:

      Electroconvulsive therapy - is carried out in a short course, at the same time as taking antipsychotics. To use electroconvulsions, the patient is given general anesthesia, due to which the complexity of the procedure becomes similar to surgical operations. Such extreme treatment usually provokes a variety of cognitive impairments: attention, memory, conscious analysis and information processing. These effects are present when using bilateral electroconvulsions, but there is also a unilateral version of the therapy, which is more gentle on the nervous system.

      Insulin shock therapy is an intense biological effect exerted on the patient's body by huge doses of insulin, which causes a hypoglycemic coma. It is prescribed in the absence of any result from the use of drugs. Intolerance to pharmaceuticals is an absolute indication for the use of this method. The so-called insulin-comatose therapy, invented back in 1933, is used to this day for the treatment of episodic or continuous paranoid schizophrenia. The unfavorable dynamics of the course of the disease is an additional reason for prescribing insulin shock therapy. When sensory delusions become interpretive, and anxiety, mania, and absent-mindedness are replaced by suspicion and uncontrollable malice, the doctor tends to use this method. The procedure is carried out without interrupting the course of neuroleptic drugs.

      There are currently three options for using insulin to treat schizophrenia:

      Traditional - subcutaneous administration of the active substance, is carried out in a course with a regular (most often daily) increase in doses until a coma is provoked. The effectiveness of this approach is the highest;

      Forced - insulin is administered through a dropper to achieve the maximum concentration in one daily infusion. This method of inducing hypoglycemic coma allows the body to endure the procedure with the least harmful consequences;

      Potentiated - involves the implementation of insulin-comatose therapy against the background of lateral physiotherapy, which is carried out by stimulating the skin with electricity in those places where the nerves pass to the cerebral hemispheres. The introduction of insulin is possible both in the first and in the second way. Thanks to physiotherapy, it is possible to shorten the course of treatment and focus the effect of the procedure on the manifestations of hallucinations and delusions.

      Craniocerebral hypothermia is a specific method that is used in toxicology and narcology mainly for the relief of severe forms of the “withdrawal” state. The procedure is gradual decline brain temperature for the formation of neuroprotection in nerve cells. There is evidence of the efficiency of the method in the treatment of catatonic schizophrenia. It is especially recommended because of the episodic resistance of this type of pathology to medicines.

      Lateral therapy is a method of severe relief of psychomotor, hallucinogenic, manic and depressive excitations. It consists in conducting electroanalgesia of a certain area of ​​the cerebral cortex. Exposure to electricity "reboots" neurons, much like a computer turns on after a power failure. Thus, previously formed pathological connections are broken, due to which a therapeutic effect is achieved.

      Detoxification is a fairly rare decision made to compensate for the side effects of taking heavy drugs such as antipsychotics. It is most often used for complications due to the use of antipsychotics, allergies to similar medicines, resistance or low susceptibility to drugs. Detoxification consists in carrying out the procedure of hemosorption.

      Sorption is carried out with activated carbon or ion-exchange resins that are capable of specifically absorbing and neutralizing chemical components that remain in the blood after taking heavy medications. Hemosorption is carried out in several stages, which increases the sensitivity to drugs prescribed after this procedure.

      If there is a prolonged course of psychosis or extrapyramidal disorders, such as impaired coordination and parkinsonism, arising from long courses of conventional antipsychotics, plasmapheresis is prescribed (blood sampling with subsequent removal of its liquid part - plasma containing harmful toxins and metabolites). As during hemosorption, any previously prescribed pharmaceuticals are canceled in order to restart a milder course with a lower dosage or a radical change in the drugs used after plasmapheresis.

      Stabilizing treatment for schizophrenia

      It is necessary to stabilize the patient's condition within 3 to 9 months from the moment of complete healing from bouts of schizophrenia. First of all, during the stabilization of the patient, it is necessary to achieve the cessation of hallucinations, delusions, manic and depressive symptoms. In addition, in the course of treatment, it is necessary to restore the full functionality of the patient, close to his state before the attack.

      Stabilization treatment is completed only when remission is achieved, followed by maintenance therapy against relapses.

      The drugs of choice are mainly Amisulpride, Quetiapine and Risperidone. They are used in low dosages to mildly correct such symptoms of schizophrenia as apathy, anhedonia, speech disorders, lack of motivation and will.

      Other drugs have to be used if a person cannot constantly take antipsychotics on his own, and his family cannot control this. Long-acting drugs can be taken once a week, these include Clopixol-Depot, Rispolept-Konsta and Fluanxol-Depot.

      With symptoms of a neurosis-like nature, including phobias and increased anxiety, Fluanxol-Depot is taken, while Clopixol-Depot helps with hypersensitivity, irritability and manic symptoms. Rispolept-Konsta can remove residual hallucinations and delusions.

      Conventional neuroleptics are prescribed in last resort if all of the above drugs do not cope with the task.

      In stabilizing treatment, apply:

      Haloperidol - is used if the attack is stopped poorly and not completely, the drug removes residual psychotic phenomena to increase the stability of remission. Assign Haloperidol with caution, as it can provoke extrapyramidal disorders, neurological syndrome. Be sure to combine with corrective preparations;

      Triftazin - used to treat episodic paranoid schizophrenia;

      Moditen-Depot - removes residual hallucinatory symptoms;

      Piportil is used to treat paranoid or catatonic schizophrenia.

      Maintenance (anti-relapse) treatment of schizophrenia

      Maintenance treatment is necessary to prevent recurrence of the disease. With a good combination of various circumstances, this type of therapy results in a significant prolongation of remission and partial or even complete restoration of the patient's social functions. Drugs prescribed during anti-relapse treatment are able to correct the disturbances in memory, will, too strong emotional susceptibility and thought processes that are caused by the state of psychotic disorder.

      The course of treatment is usually two years, if the psychotic episode occurred for the first time. After its repetition, anti-relapse therapy should last at least five years. Rarely, but it comes to the point that psychosis happens for the third time. In this case, treatment has to be continued until the end of life, otherwise a relapse is inevitable.

      The list of drugs used for maintenance therapy includes the same antipsychotics as in the treatment of seizures, but in a much lower dosage - no more than a third of the amount required for the traditional relief of psychosis.

      Non-drug drug treatment

      Risperidone, Quetiapine, Amisulpride and other atypical antipsychotics can be distinguished among the most effective drugs for maintenance anti-relapse therapy. With a decrease in individual sensitivity to active substances, in addition to the above drugs, Sertindol may be prescribed.

      When even atypical antipsychotics do not bring the desired effect, and it is not possible to stabilize the patient's condition with prolongation of remission, conventional antipsychotic drugs are used: Piportil, Moditen-Depot, Haloperidol, Triftazin.

      Long-acting (depot) forms of drugs may be prescribed if the patient fails to take drugs regularly, and his caregivers cannot control this. Deposition of Fluanxol-Depot, Clopixol-Depot and Rispolept-Konsta is carried out by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection once a week.

      Another group of pharmaceuticals used in anti-relapse therapy is mood stabilizers, which demonstrate a fairly high efficacy in the treatment of sluggish type schizophrenia. With cognitive disorders such as panic attacks and depressive states, Valprok and Depakine are prescribed. Lithium salts, Lamotrigine help relieve passive disorders - anxiety and melancholy mood, and Carbamazepine is indicated for patients with a tendency to irritable behavior and aggression.

      Non-drug methods of anti-relapse therapy

      Lateral physiotherapy is used to enhance the effectiveness of medical treatment. The method consists in electrical action on skin areas, regulated by the right or left hemisphere of the brain.

      Lateral phototherapy has been successfully used to treat a wide variety of phobias, heightened or reduced sensitivity, anxiety, paranoia and other symptoms of neurosis. During the phototherapy procedure, the right and left parts of the retina are alternately exposed to light pulses, the frequency of which determines the stimulating or calming effect.

      Intravascular laser irradiation - blood purification using a special laser device. It is able to increase sensitivity to medications, which reduces their required dosage and minimizes side effects.

      Pair polarization therapy is a procedure for correcting disorders in emotional sphere through the action of electricity on the surface of the cerebral cortex.

      Transcranial micropolarization is a method of selective influence on brain structures by means of an electric field, which allows to remove hallucinations and residual effects at the stage of remission.

      Transcranial magnetic stimulation - this type of impact on brain structures allows you to relieve depression; in this case, the influence on the brain occurs through a constant magnetic field;

      Enterosorption. Like intravascular laser irradiation, this type of exposure is aimed at increasing the body's sensitivity to drugs in order to reduce their dose required to achieve a therapeutic effect. It is a course of sorbent preparations taken orally, including activated charcoal, Enterosgel, Filtrum, Polyphepan, Smecta. Sorbents are used due to the ability to bind various toxins to remove them from the body in an organic way.

      Immunomodulators - have a complex effect on the body, allowing not only to improve the effectiveness of immunity, which helps a person to regenerate after damage caused by an attack, but also to increase sensitivity to antipsychotic drugs.

      In complex therapy, various immunomodulatory agents are used:

      Latest folk remedies

      Methods of dealing with toxicosis.

      Toxicosis is the most unpleasant thing in the course of pregnancy. Most pregnant women face it mainly in the morning. This disease can be overcome without medication.

      It all depends on the body and first you need to determine what helps with nausea sweet (suck a slice of tangerine) or sour (suck a slice of lemon).

      Sometimes a salty crouton can be your assistant, salted cucumber or sauerkraut.

      One of the tested remedies for toxicosis is mint. Choose what is more convenient to use - mints, chewing gum or tea.

      Remedy for heart pain

      It is unacceptable to joke with the heart, therefore it is necessary to adhere to all the prescriptions of doctors. However, doctors do not deny the undoubted benefits of folk methods. A healing elixir that promotes the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels is obtained by mixing the two compositions.

      1 composition. Mix honey (0.5 kg) with vodka (500 ml). Putting on a small fire, constantly stir. When a white film forms on the surface of the mixture, we finish heating and let the composition brew.

      2 composition. Prepare an infusion of the following herbs:

      Dill and fennel in the fight against enuresis.

      Children's enuresis can be for several reasons. Including due to the weakness of the muscles that work to contract the urethra and regulate the process of urination.

      To combat this disease, the child should be taught to include these muscles in the work when required. To do this, during the process of urination, the child must force these muscles to contract, which will cause interruption of urination. Then loosen, cut again, loosen again. When the child learns to control his muscles, he will stop peeking into his shorts during the day.

      A mask that will strengthen your hair.

      Now, when the hair is dyed monthly, they are depleted, so do not be lazy and make the next mask. It will strengthen and accelerate the growth of your hair.

      Take a small carrot and grate it on a fine grater, pour in 1/3 cup of sea buckthorn juice and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of castor oil. Mix and apply to the scalp, wrap and hold for 2 hours, then rinse.

      Treatment of acne folk remedies

      To combat this problem, you need to eat right. If possible, avoid eating fish and fatty meat, eat less eggs, sugar, do not drink strong tea and coffee. The main place in the patient's diet should be occupied by fruits and vegetables, and about once a month, for 3-4 days, a fruit diet should be arranged. And instead of regular tea, it is useful to drink infusion on mint leaves. It is also useful to drink fresh juice from carrots, nettles and beets.

      Remove bags under the eyes

      The frantic rhythm of life, constant sleep deprivation and overtime work make themselves felt. Sleep less than eight hours makes itself felt bags under the eyes. Their appearance does not please anyone, and a beautiful morning is overshadowed by thoughts of how to remove these ill-fated bags. Contrasting herbal teas will quickly help to cope with the problem. For this, sage, chamomile or parsley are suitable. To prepare a herbal compress, you need to pour boiling water over any of the above herbs for 20 minutes. After that, cool the broth. Wet a cotton swab with a slightly warm decoction and apply to the eyes for 10-15 minutes.

      Treatment of food poisoning with herbs and activated charcoal.

      Food poisoning is quite common. Our stores often sell spoiled products. There are a lot of dyes and preservatives in meat and dairy products, and nitrates in vegetables. All this leads to food poisoning.

      If you have food poisoning, treat yourself as described below.

      1. Drink warm boiled water and cleanse the stomach.

      2. Drink 2-3 activated charcoal tablets.

      Causes, symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids during exacerbation: drugs and folk remedies, their action and use

      According to the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision, the symptoms of proctological disease are observed in 80% of the adult population of the planet. The pathological condition begins to worsen if the disease is left untreated for a long time.

      Inflammation hemorrhoids may result from long-term acute attack even if previously the pathology was asymptomatic.

      This condition means damage to the vessels due to a violation of the systemic circulation in the anal area. Because of this, not coping with the blood flow, they begin to deform, thicken and protrude, resulting in the formation of bumps.

      Why do hemorrhoids get inflamed? The bumps that form as a result of the expansion of the venous vessels can become aggravated, causing inflammatory reactions, which begin after the addition of bacterial and infectious agents as a result of creating favorable conditions for them in the lumen of the rectum.

      What exacerbates hemorrhoids? Inflammation of hemorrhoids occurs due to various reasons. The first is a late admission to the hospital. If the disease does not bother, but the patient knows about its presence, treatment is required.

      The following factors lead to the acute course of the pathological condition:

    • nutritional errors;
    • problems with bowel movements;
    • prolonged stay on your feet or a sedentary lifestyle;
    • weight lifting.
    • Inflammation occurs due to friction on underwear, therefore, in the presence of this pathology, only cotton items should be worn.

      The causes of exacerbation of the disease in women is pregnancy. During this period, there is a strong pressure on the OMT due to the growing fetus, as a result, blood circulation is disturbed and an exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids begins.

      The disease can become inflamed after childbirth. A woman needs to push hard, and this causes an acute attack.

      The causes of exacerbation of hemorrhoids can be psychological. The disease becomes inflamed if the patient experiences constant stress, mental and emotional overstrain. In modern society, psychosis and depression have become commonplace.

      The causes of proctologic disease may indicate alcohol abuse, poor hygiene of the rectum and perinatal area.

      With this pathological condition, one should not get too carried away with hot baths and use coarse toilet paper. Especially if the patient has an acute external hemorrhoids with signs of bleeding.

      At acute inflammation hemorrhoids symptoms appear immediately. The first symptom is pain in the anus.

      Acute pain with hemorrhoids is common. This symptom accompanies the patient everywhere. Begins to intensify after the act of defecation, cutting underwear into the anus, after the patient begins to actively move and carry heavy loads.

      With inflammation of the hemorrhoids, the symptoms may be as follows:

    • they begin to bleed;
    • there is severe itching in the rectum;
    • the disease is accompanied by burning;
    • spasm of the sphincter due to prolapse;
    • thrombosis of vessels in the anus.
    • The internal appearance of the disease is accompanied by incomplete bowel movements. A lump can only be detected with a digital examination of the rectum.

      Signs of inflamed hemorrhoids:

    • the anus is reddened;
    • the bump is hard to the touch;
    • the bump has a bluish color;
    • swelling is observed;
    • patients move slowly.
    • In acute hemorrhoids, the symptoms and treatment of which are recorded in ICD 10 under code I84, intestinal dysbacteriosis develops, manifested by hypovitaminosis, immunodeficiency, and hypersensitivity of the body.

      Also, an inflamed node, if left untreated, can lead to the development of cryptitis (inflammation of the sinuses of the rectal canal, due to the penetration of pathogens). The symptoms are similar, only general weakness, heaviness in the stomach, pus discharge during the act of defecation is added.

      The main methods of therapy

      Treatment of hemorrhoids during exacerbation begins with a visit to the proctologist, the doctor:

    • performs a physical examination;
    • appoints the delivery of a number of tests;
    • determines the cause.
    • After clarifying these conditions, the proctologist will tell you how to relieve inflammation of hemorrhoids. Most often, topical preparations are prescribed.

      These funds include:

      With severe inflammation of the hemorrhoids, the treatment is slightly adjusted. Add pills and painkillers.

      Help reduce aggravation unconventional ways therapy. They prepare lotions, cooling compresses, rectal suppositories, sitz baths on their own.

      Medical therapy

      How to treat acute hemorrhoids? Therapy of a pathological condition depends on the stage of its development, the general condition of the person, the clinical picture. Particular attention should be paid to the disease if the woman is in position.

      Treatment of acute hemorrhoids begins with the use of conservative methods prescribed by the proctologist. The therapeutic process is to eliminate exacerbation, inflammation and pain.

      How to relieve exacerbation of hemorrhoids at home? First aid for exacerbation of hemorrhoids should be provided at home. With inflammation, some measures should be taken before visiting a doctor if the patient is having a hard time with the disease.

      For severe pain and inflammatory process recommended:

    • apply ice;
    • you need to lie down, a sitting or standing position puts pressure on the bumps, which leads to increased soreness;
    • give a cleansing enema if going to the toilet causes pain;
    • in the evening and in the morning do a cold bath with a solution of potassium permanganate.
    • The acute form of hemorrhoids is characterized by rapid development. The surrounding tissues also begin to become inflamed, if timely measures are not taken.

      It is not worth delaying a visit to the attending doctor.

      What to do with acute hemorrhoids of internal origin? With cones inside the rectum, suppositories are prescribed.

    • eliminate itching;
    • stop pain;
    • reduce the inflammatory response.
    • The candle will relieve burning sensation, dissolve blood clots, restore the affected area and tissues around it.

      The positive effect of suppositories is felt after the introduction of several suppositories into the anus. The agent is administered lying down. Before use, a cleansing enema should be performed.

      1. They take potatoes, cut out a candle with a rounded end on one side from the root crop. The candle is inserted into the anus 1-2 times a day. If the cones are outside, use grated potatoes in the form of a lotion.
      2. It will take 50–100 g of belladonna, 200 g of butter, 40 ml of an aqueous suspension of propolis. The medicine can be prepared to make a suppository or a liquid product. In the first case, you should use solid propolis, in the second aqueous suspension.
      3. Take 20 g of propolis extract, 80 g of wax and petroleum jelly, you will also need a little cocoa butter. The ingredients are melted in a water bath, the resulting mixture is poured into pre-prepared molds for suppositories. After hardening, suppositories are injected into the anus 2 times a day.
      4. Fat and alcohol, 40 g of propolis are taken in equal proportions. The bee product is mixed with the second component, infused in a dark place for 1.5 weeks. Then the product is put on fire, boiled until the alcohol has completely evaporated. After adding fat, pour the mixture into molds. Candles should be stored in the refrigerator.

      Treatment of acute hemorrhoids rectal suppositories carried out until the complete disappearance of symptoms.

      One course of therapy is 1-2 weeks. If necessary, it is repeated.

      Decoctions for baths and infusions for microclysters

      With proctological disease, it is necessary to use cold baths. They better remove signs of a pathological condition.

      Used to prepare a bath boiled water, cooled to 18-20 degrees. The procedure takes 5 minutes.

      However, sometimes warm baths are allowed. They are prepared on the basis of chamomile, oak bark, onion peel, garlic, manganese.

      Natural ingredients can relieve pain, reduce inflammatory reactions. Over time, the disease will cease to bother at all.

      To prepare them, you will need clean gauze, a solution of the drug, plastic wrap or oilcloth so that the fabric does not dry out for a long time.

      Ice compresses or cold water are considered the best. They quickly relieve pain and inflammation, eliminate acute course illness. The fabric is moistened in cold water, changed as it heats up. You can also buy a heating pad where ice is placed.

      Cold compresses should not be used in the presence of inflammatory diseases in the pelvis.

      Folk remedies are used simultaneously with medicines. Severe pain, profuse bleeding, purulent discharge from anus require inpatient care. Such symptoms should not be ignored, much less treated on their own.

      Effective folk remedies for alcohol

      Many people who are addicted to alcohol prefer to use folk remedies for the treatment of alcoholism, rather than using pills and other medicines.

      And do it anonymously. When a person consciously approaches the presence of a problem, realizing that he suffers from alcoholism, he has a strong intention to return to full life. And folk remedies will help him in this. You can take them both independently and simultaneously with medications, making both of them part of a single complex treatment.

      The main thing is that the initiative to stop drinking alcohol comes directly from the patient himself. Then, listening to the prompts of his own body, he will be able to choose "his recipe", and recovery will go much faster. If a person sees nothing wrong with regular alcohol consumption, relatives can help him cope with the problem. A caring person nearby adds to the chances of winning in the treatment of alcoholism in a loved one.

      The principle of operation of folk remedies

      Since the issue requires a delicate approach and is very relevant, let's take a closer look at folk methods for treating alcoholism.

      Traditional healers offer many ways to treat alcohol addiction, which are based on infused and boiled herbs, taking other natural products. Self-treatment of alcoholism is carried out with their help or they are treated anonymously. The purpose of all manipulations carried out with the help of traditional medicine (not pills) is to cause a characteristic disgust and rejection of alcohol.

      Classic treatment options

      These folk recipes for decoctions and infusions to get rid of addiction are used if there is a strong desire to eliminate addiction directly from the patient through self-medication.

      Herbal collection No. 1. In equal parts, yarrow grass is mixed with wormwood, St. John's wort and mint. Finely chopped angelica root and more juniper berries are added to the collection. A dessert spoonful of the mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 10 minutes. They drink the remedy in a glass four times a day. Herbs are best used freshly cut rather than dried.

      Herbal collection number 2. Mix 4 table. tablespoons creeping thyme with centaury and wormwood, taken 1 teaspoon each. 1 table is separated from the collection. spoon and pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. Wait 1 hour to infuse, then filter. Drink a decoction before meals for 20 minutes in the amount of 1-2 table. spoons.

      Bay leaf. 2 leaves of lavrushka are added to 250 ml of vodka. The infusion is kept warm for a couple of weeks. An addicted person can take 2-3 tbsp. spoons of infusion before meals. Lavrushka contributes to indigestion and vomiting, which completely discourages cravings for alcohol. It is recommended to drink during the week - 10 days every day.

      Bearberry decoction. 2 table. tablespoons of bearberry leaf pour a glass of boiling water. They put it on fire and wait for it to boil. The broth is cooled. Take 1 table. spoon 6 times a day. The time of meals does not affect the reception of the decoction. This method has shown its effectiveness in curing beer alcoholism. This folk remedy for alcoholism involves treatment for 2 months.

      Oats and calendula. Unpeeled oats are poured into a 3-liter saucepan to its middle. Water is poured on top, filling the oats to the top with it. The pan is put on the stove and brought to a boil, after which it is cooked for another half an hour - 40 minutes. The broth is drained, put in it 100 g of calendula flowers. Cover with a lid, wrap and put in heat. After 12 hours, the broth is filtered. Reception of decoction: 200 g before meals three times a day. Aversion to alcohol appears on the 3rd or 4th day.

      The use of curly sorrel. Table. a spoonful of curly sorrel root is poured with boiling water, then boiled for another 5 or 7 minutes under the lid. The broth is wrapped and left for three hours. A folk remedy for alcohol for self-medication is taken 6 times a day, 1 table. spoon. Folk preparations from sorrel help to get out of hard drinking, cause a strong dislike for drunkenness.

      Sheep treatment. 10 g of ram branches are poured into 200 g of boiling water and boiled for a quarter of an hour over low heat. The decoction is consumed in the amount of 2 tables. spoons, along with alcohol. Taking such a remedy should provoke nausea and vomiting. After 3-4 procedures of drinking this drink, there is a feeling of reflex aversion to alcohol. Before you begin to be treated with a ram, you need to pause in taking alcohol for at least 4 days.

      With a pronounced desire of the drinking person himself to cope with drunkenness, these methods will work more effectively.

      Treatment for alcoholism anonymously

      Very often, an alcoholic does not consider himself such, and even more so refuses the proposed treatment (he does not consider self-treatment), ignoring the helping hand of a loved one extended to him. Then the only way out of the situation for his relatives is the decision to treat the alcoholic without his knowledge.

      Tincture of walnut earrings. Earrings from walnut are harvested at the moment of their blooming. A 0.5 liter bottle is three-quarters filled with earrings, adding vodka to the top. The infusion is kept for 10 days in the dark. After that, the finished infusion is placed in a bottle in a well-visible place where the patient could notice and drink it. Then you can give the infusion to drink at some intervals, thereby forming a persistent aversion to vodka.

      Crayfish shell medicine. Crayfish are boiled and released from shells. The shells are washed into powder, which is then mixed into the patient's food, half a teaspoon three times a day. The powder has its effect after drinking alcohol: nausea and vomiting appear. The remedy is used until the person being treated completely refuses drunkenness.

      Wormwood with thyme. These herbs can be used as a drug for alcoholism, both independently and together. For collection: wormwood is mixed with thyme in the same ratio (1/1). Three table. spoons of the mixture are poured with boiling water (1 cup), insist 1 hour. The prepared broth is added to dishes and drinks that the patient consumes or mixed directly into vodka. The combination of alcohol and decoction leads to severe indigestion, nausea and vomiting. The course of treatment is from 5 days to two weeks, depending on the individual condition of the patient.

      Pepper tincture. 20 g of red pepper powder is poured into 0.5 liters of alcohol (vodka). A tightly closed container is left in a dark place for two weeks. Periodically shake the bottle when the contents in it are infused. The finished infusion is filtered and mixed with wine, which the patient will drink. For 1 liter of wine drip 3 drops of tincture. After the container is completely empty, the craving for alcohol should completely disappear.

      Oleander. Oleander leaf (5 pieces) is crushed and poured into 0.5 liters of vodka. The infusion is kept for 10 days, after which it is filtered. A person suffering from drunkenness is given to drink 50 g per day as a hangover remedy. After taking 2.5 liters of infusion, the craving for booze will disappear.

      With a similar approach, any folk remedy with wormwood, based on lovage, European hoof, hellebore water is used to treat addiction to drunkenness.

      Other home treatment options

      To reduce cravings for alcohol, resort to treatment with folk remedies. That is, they use standard products that cause rejection of alcohol and stronger body resistance.

      If you decide to help a loved one who drinks, then you can start kombucha at home. An infusion of the mushroom significantly reduces the craving for alcohol. Drink one glass of infused mushroom for a week several times a day.

      A teaspoon of lyubistik (shredded root) and two leaves of parsley are poured into a glass of vodka and kept for two weeks. Strained infusion is given to the patient 1 teaspoon 4 times a day. This folk method contributes to the appearance of aversion to drunkenness.

      Honey treatment. Application folk ways treatments with honey and its products are based on the fact that craving for vodka can be caused by a lack of potassium in the body of a man. The constant intake of honey as a source of potassium neutralizes the intention to drink, contributing to the recovery of the body from the effects of alcohol. Every 20 minutes for 1 hour, the patient is given 6 teaspoons to eat (18 tablespoons in 1 hour). Then they pause for 2 hours. After that, the procedure with the adoption of honey is performed again. For breakfast on the second morning, the alcoholic is again given honey in the same amount (before taking honey, you can get drunk). After breakfast, another 6 teaspoons are served. If the process is repeated for 3-4 days, there will be aversion to vodka and wine.

      Apples, sour in taste, significantly reduce the craving for vodka, if you eat three of them every day. For 6 weeks, continue treatment with apples, while it makes sense to follow a diet.

      Treatment with lemon juice. On an empty stomach, drink freshly squeezed juice of 5 lemons, which is mixed with a couple of spoons granulated sugar and 100 ml of water. The acid contained in the lemon will relieve cravings for alcohol if you use the lemon for a month and a half. This method is contraindicated for those who suffer from ulcers and stomach and duodenal ulcers.

      A mixture of cabbage and pomegranate juice(enough effective method). Prepare two freshly squeezed juices: one from fresh cabbage, the other from pomegranate seeds. It is better to prepare juices yourself at home, and not to take ready-made purchased ones from the store. Mixed and given in this form four times a day for half a cup before meals. The recipe can be diversified by adding half a glass of apple cider vinegar to the juices. Everyone is boiling. Having cooled, the remedy is taken at 1 table. spoon before each meal. Efficiency this method testify to the opinions of the people who took it.

      Perga (bee bread) is considered a very effective means of getting rid of addiction. It is especially worth noting the fact that by using this tool, you will significantly reduce the consequences of the occurrence of mental trauma. And all this becomes noticeable after 2-3 days from the start of the course. Half an hour before meals, take 0.5 teaspoons of bee bread and 0.5 teaspoons of honey. Do not swallow immediately: the product is kept in the mouth longer, dissolving it. And the therapeutic effect is obtained precisely due to this. Taken 3 times a day. For prevention - 3 times a week. The use of bee bread has a positive effect on the blood circulation of the brain, reducing the need for alcohol, and improving liver function.

      Tea reception. Mixed in equal proportions: yarrow, wormwood, mint. The collection is mixed with the roots of angelica and calamus (0.5 parts each) with juniper fruits. The whole mixture is crushed. Tea is brewed at the rate of: 1 tbsp. of boiling water take 1 handful of cooked collection. The patient is given tea for 10 days to two weeks four times a day. Then they stop for five days and repeat the course. It is possible to treat with tea for two to five months, until the craving for alcohol disappears.

      It is possible to use medicinal teas for long-term treatment of the consequences of alcohol intoxication. The composition of drink 31 for alcoholism includes herbs that make tea more useful than plain black or green tea. All components are added to tea and infused for 30 minutes or heated for a quarter of an hour. The lists of herbs used for making tea are diverse:

      • rose hips, currant leaves, wild strawberries, thyme, blackberries (in equal proportions) are added to black tea, let it brew;
      • apple peel is boiled in water for a quarter of an hour on low heat, 3 minutes before the end of cooking, dry citrus zest is sometimes added, the mixture is added to tea;
      • centaury and azan in equal parts, the cooking method is the same.
      • Combination with medication

        Regular use of such tea will cleanse the body of toxins, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and after some time will bring the work of organs and systems affected by drunkenness back to normal. Of course, these drugs do not completely remove the craving for alcohol.

        Therefore, it is advisable to use medicinal drinks after undergoing a medical course of treatment with tablets - in order to normalize the functioning of the body and get rid of the consequences of drinking alcohol.

        You can read the reviews of those who took tea for rehabilitation after medical therapy alcoholism treatment.

      Mental disorders treatment with folk remedies

      Treatment of mental disorders and neuroses with the help of folk remedies

      Our ancestors knew how to treat mental disorders and neuroses with the help of folk remedies, here are a few recipes that help with nervousness. Take one hundred grams of good red wine, half a teaspoon of sugar and one raw egg. All this is placed in a mixer and thoroughly mixed, until a homogeneous consistency. Remember how to use the resulting remedy. In the morning on an empty stomach and at night, before going to bed, everything cooked should be drunk. Treatment of neurosis should last three days, then take a break for two days and repeat the course of treatment again. You can also use red wine rubdown.

      Most medical scientists also believe that eating ordinary onions on an empty stomach in the morning helps a lot with neuroses. Garlic is also able to calm the human nervous system. Garlic enhances a certain effect of vitamins and forms a substance that helps break down fat. So, these two folk remedies will help in the treatment of nervosa, so they must be included in your daily diet. For example, you can make oil from garlic, and this oil, by the way, helps with mental illness and neuroses. One of the ways to use garlic oil: you need to dilute the garlic oil with cognac and lubricate the forehead and eyelids with the resulting ointment. In cognac, garlic retains all its beneficial properties.

      If you have insomnia due to neuroses, then, of course, you can go to the pharmacy and buy expensive imported drugs for insomnia, but after them you will have a headache and it will be difficult for you to return to normal.

      You can use the folk remedy for neurosis valerian in a liquid substance. If you feel any anxiety or anxiety, or gloomy thoughts begin to overcome you, simply start inhaling the smell of valerian from a bottle, you will see that you will feel much better. Of course, with neurosis it is very difficult to fall asleep, and even more so to sleep, so that before going to bed, repeat the process of inhaling valerian, and you will not notice how you immediately want to sleep, and you will fall asleep. But you must clearly understand for yourself that it is not recommended to use valerian for more than two months, as you can get an intestinal upset.

      In ancient times, neurosis was treated by collecting various herbs: here is one of the folk recipes. Proportions must be strictly observed. Take 10 parts of ordinary oregano, four parts of marsh cudweed, 3 parts of St. John's wort, 3 parts of hawthorn berries, 3 parts of lilac buds, 2 parts of elecampane root, 2 parts of mullein flowers, two parts of hop cones, 1 part of plantain. All this must be crushed and gently mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. At night, brew 3 tablespoons of the resulting mixture in half a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse the resulting infusion all night. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, warm the infusion a little and consume it 30 minutes before breakfast. This treatment lasts for two months, then take a short break and start this treatment again. And you will see how much easier it will be for you.

      There is one excellent folk remedy for neurosis - geranium essential oil. It is almost impossible to buy it in a pharmacy, but you can cook it yourself. To get started, take the young shoots of fragrant geraniums. Find an old unnecessary teapot with a narrow spout. Take one and a half liters of water and 200 gr. chopped geranium leaves Put a rubber tube on the spout of the kettle, put the kettle on fire and lower the tube into a glass that needs to be placed on ice or on a very cold object. In a couple of hours you will receive a unique remedy for neurosis.

      From my grandmother, I learned a simple recipe for neurosis, for this you need twelve apricot kernels and half a kilogram of lemons. Grate the lemons on a fine grater without peeling them, and chop the apricot kernels. Mix everything thoroughly and add a little honey, you can take it for one month in the morning and one tablespoon before going to bed.



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