Thyroid gland ultrasound signs of thyroiditis. What is chronic thyroiditis of the thyroid gland and how to treat the inflammatory process with a gradual decrease in the functionality of the organ

Autoimmune thyroiditis(other names - Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Hashimoto's disease, lymphocytic thyroiditis) is autoimmune disorder in which the body's antibodies attack the thyroid tissue. The disease occurs in 5% of the population, while women get sick 20 times more often than men.

The cause of AIT lies in the malfunction of the immune system. This is influenced by genetic factors, unfavorable ecology, stress and other influences. Symptoms of the disease are nonspecific, especially when you consider that autoimmune thyroiditis has 3 stages and several varieties. But in all cases, the thyroid gland atrophies and begins to produce few hormones. This is manifested by weight gain, infertility, dry skin, irregular menstrual cycles, etc.

To make a diagnosis, the patient must donate blood for antibodies to TPO, undergo an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and other examinations. If the disease is not treated, it is fraught with a significant deterioration in the quality of life, the development cardiovascular diseases and other problems.

Traditional medicine has its own view on AIF. Because it is a disease associated with wrong work immunity, herbalists recommend adjusting your lifestyle, changing your diet and moving to live in an ecologically clean place. There are also natural remedies, which help restore immunity and protect the thyroid gland from the effects of antibodies.

What is autoimmune thyroiditis and how does it develop?

This disease belongs to the category of autoimmune diseases - disorders in which the body's antibodies destroy their own cells. In this case, the thyroid gland is subject to destruction.

As a result of abnormal immune reactions, B cells turn into plasma cells that produce antibodies against thyroglobulin (the protein that is the source for the production of thyroid hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine) and thyroid peroxidase (an enzyme involved in the creation of thyroxine). An additional role in the pathogenesis is played by T-cells, which destroy the follicular cells of the thyroid gland.

Changes develop gradually. The initial stage of autoimmune thyroiditis is often asymptomatic - the thyroid gland has right size, hormone levels are normal, the patient does not feel pain, and the only abnormality is the presence of antibodies. Sometimes at first, in the process of destruction of the thyroid gland, reserves of hormones are released, and it develops (thyrotoxicosis). This condition is temporary, eventually developing the reverse state -.

As a result of lymphocytic infiltration, the thyroid gland enlarges, a goiter is formed. It is usually plastic and painless. Over time, as a result of the destruction of the gland, the goiter disappears, this organ atrophies.

Causes of the disease

Official science still cannot give an exact answer to the question of why our immune system suddenly begins to produce antibodies against the body's own tissues? The most plausible version seems to be that the culprit is poor heredity - damaged genes are transmitted to a person at birth, which are responsible for the proper functioning of antibodies. This theory is supported by the fact that autoimmune thyroiditis affects people whose relatives also suffered from this disease.

Other researchers believe that the culprit is not the genes, but the immune system. It may not work properly under the influence of the following factors:

  • living in an ecologically unfavorable region;
  • prolonged and unsystematic medication;
  • bad habits;
  • work at the enterprises of the chemical industry;
  • radiation;
  • malnutrition;
  • constant stress;
  • coexistence endocrine diseases(diabetes mellitus, Graves' disease);
  • excess iodine in the body;
  • uncontrolled intake of interferon (a drug that is used to prevent and treat viral infections);
  • abuse of immunomodulators, immunosuppressors, immunostimulants.

It is believed that AIT is a type allergic reaction some outside influence. In any case, there is no need to be upset, because autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland is successfully controlled and treated.

Symptoms of autoimmune thyroiditis

The symptoms of autoimmune thyroiditis are nonspecific, so the disease is often detected by chance during examinations when the patient complains of various health problems. For example, a woman tries to get pregnant for a long time, but this does not happen - each conception ends early miscarriage. Or the patient gradually changes the type of menstruation: they become irregular and less profuse. Also, a person may be disturbed by dizziness and arrhythmia, the cause of which is difficult to establish.

It happens that a visit to the doctor is prompted by such problems as muscle pain, headaches and joint stiffness, difficulty breathing and a feeling of eternal lack of air, constant lethargy and drowsiness. The patient complains of a lack of energy, problems with concentration and a feeling of perpetual fatigue, which are not related to age or life circumstances.
In addition, the patient is alarmed by weight gain, which is not associated with overeating. Despite normal nutrition and physical activity, adipose tissue begins to accumulate in the patient's body due to a slowdown in metabolism. Deterioration of mood, frequent depression and intolerance to cold are other symptoms of autoimmune thyroiditis, but people usually do not react to them, believing that it should be so.

All the symptoms described above are due to hypothyroidism, which occurs as a result of damage to the thyroid gland. Our body destroys the thyroid gland, so it decreases in size, atrophies, and works with insufficient intensity.

Let's summarize and list the entire list of possible symptoms:

  • weakness, drowsiness, lethargy;
  • fatigue, intolerance to physical activity;
  • muscle weakness;
  • weight gain despite decreased appetite;
  • impaired memory and concentration;
  • depressed mood, tendency to depression;
  • irritability, emotional lability;
  • in children - growth disorders, mental retardation (cretinism);
  • constant sensation cold, intolerance low temperatures;
  • dry, pale skin;
  • hoarse voice;
  • subcutaneous edema;
  • bradycardia;
  • decline blood pressure;
  • decrease in respiratory rate;
  • fragility and hair loss;
  • constipation;
  • violations menstrual cycle(irregularity, pain, too much or too meager discharge);
  • delayed puberty;
  • decreased libido;
  • infertility.

Classification of autoimmune thyroiditis

Symptoms may vary depending on the type of AIT. The disease may occur in different forms.

Hypertrophic thyroiditis

This variety characterized by an enlargement of the thyroid gland. This condition can develop for two reasons: either the body tries to compensate for the lack TSH hormones and begins to work more actively, or the space between thyrocytes (thyroid cells) is filled with lymphocytes (cells of the immune system).

In the case of this pathology, a person notices that he develops a goiter, therefore, with a hypertrophic form, the patient consults a doctor faster.

Atrophic thyroiditis

Under the influence of antibodies to TPO, the processes of degradation of the thyroid gland can start. Then it decreases in size, "dries out." In place of thyrocytes, connective tissue begins to grow, and fibrous inclusions can be observed in the thyroid gland itself.

Postpartum thyroiditis

Postpartum thyroiditis, as the name implies, develops in a woman after childbirth, although earlier it did not make itself felt. The disease has 3 phases. The first phase usually develops 3-6 months after birth and is characterized by thyrotoxicosis. The second phase - hypothyroidism, the third - or subclinical hypothyroidism(which means actual recovery). However, for every fourth woman, the third phase does not occur, and she is forced to go through hormone therapy.

Women who have had postpartum thyroiditis should be very careful in future pregnancies and be sure to monitor the concentration of TSH. The fact is that each subsequent pregnancy can exacerbate the autoimmune processes that occur in the body.

Juvenile thyroiditis

This type of autoimmune thyroiditis develops in children (usually adolescents). Moreover, after the end of puberty, the symptoms of AIT can resolve on their own (but not always, sometimes a person remains sick for life). It is believed that the cause of juvenile thyroiditis lies in the hormonal changes in the body of a teenager.

Thyroiditis with nodulation

AIT with nodulation is a fairly common type of disease. It is difficult to diagnose, because, at first glance, we have a simple nodular goiter. But after passing the tests, it will become clear that the patient has an increased concentration of AB-TPO or there are signs of lymphocytic infiltration.

This type of AIT does not need treatment unless there is hypothyroidism. AT rare cases the nodes grow so much that they begin to squeeze the surrounding organs, bring discomfort, interfere with breathing or swallowing food. Then the thyroid gland is removed. In any case, everything possible must be done to save this organ, since without a thyroid gland, the patient will be forced to sit on hormone therapy for life.

Stages of the disease

AIT goes through several stages. Let's look at each of them in detail.

The first stage is thyrotoxicosis

The very first attack of the immune system on the thyroid gland leads to a large loss of thyrocyte cells. These destroyed cells secrete a large number of hormones that enter the blood at the same time. The patient develops symptoms of thyrotoxicosis (poisoning with thyroid-stimulating hormones):

  • sudden and unreasonable weight loss;
  • rapid heart rate;
  • excessive sweating;
  • anxiety, aggression, overexcitation;
  • tremor (hand trembling);
  • sensation of heat;
  • increased fatigue.

Ultrasound shows that the thyroid parenchyma is heterogeneous, it looks like a plowed field. In this case, the size of the organ is most often within the normal range.

In thyrotoxicosis, AIT can be confused with Basedow's disease(). Therefore, the doctor will take blood for antibodies to TSH receptors and prescribe other tests.

Thyrotoxicosis resolves on its own without any treatment in 2-3 months. It does not deliver to the patient severe discomfort.

In some cases, it is required to remove tachycardia, for this, drugs are prescribed that slow down heart rate. Calming drugs will also be useful - they will relieve anxiety and ensure normal sleep.

Second stage - euthyroidism or subclinical hypothyroidism

When the stage of thyrotoxicosis passes, the stage of autoimmune thyroiditis follows - euthyroidism or subclinical hypothyroidism. It can last from several months to decades and is characterized by good condition patient's health.

The thyroid gland finds the strength to fight antibodies and the level of thyroid hormones returns to normal. Organ tissues themselves also restore normal size and structure. The thyroid gland works normally or with a slight deviation from the norm.

Euthyroidism is a term that means a normal concentration of thyroid hormones in the presence of minor deviations in its function (these deviations do not manifest themselves in any way).

Subclinical hypothyroidism - slight increase TSH level(no more than 10 mU / l) and normal T4 and T3. This condition also does not affect the quality of life. Sometimes the patient complains of drowsiness and fatigue, but such problems are relevant for many people.

Euthyroidism and subclinical hypothyroidism do not require treatment. You just need to follow the diet described below in this article.

Sometimes adverse factors (hormonal disruptions, ionizing radiation, bacterial or viral infection) can re-provoke the stage of thyrotoxicosis.

Third stage - hypothyroidism

Hashimoto's disease sooner or later leads to hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland, under the attack of antibodies, surrenders, atrophies and ceases to perform its functions. Hormone levels drop. To ensure a normal state of health, the patient must undergo hormone replacement therapy.
If left untreated, TSH levels rise to critical condition(more than 100 mU / l), which poses a direct threat to life! This is the answer to the question of why autoimmune thyroiditis is dangerous.
During a strong increase in TSH, fluid accumulates in the heart sac, so the heartbeat slows down. Edema forms in the lungs, the metabolism slows down significantly, cholesterol grows to critical levels. In severe cases, this ends in myxedema coma and even death.


To make a diagnosis, the doctor must first carefully examine the patient's neck. On palpation, he should pay attention to the size of the thyroid gland - very often AIT leads to its decrease. Next, the doctor will give a referral for a blood test, the task of which will be to determine the level of TSH ( thyroid-stimulating hormones). If this level is significantly reduced, additional tests will need to be performed: a test for free thyroid hormones or antibodies to TPO. Also, the doctor will conduct an ultrasound of the thyroid gland to find out if there are nodes and other foreign inclusions in it.

Instrumental and laboratory data that may indicate Hashimoto's thyroiditis:

  • high concentration of antibodies to TPO (minimum 500, more low rates are ambiguous, they may indicate other diseases);
  • TSH level, which indicates hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism;
  • hypoechoic parenchyma on ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

In a situation where everything points to autoimmune thyroiditis (for example, a clinical picture on ultrasound or hypothyroidism recognized on the basis of high levels of TSH, for example, 40 mU/l), it is not necessary to test the blood for antibodies to TPO, as this will not work. . Diagnosis of this disease is not particularly difficult, it only needs to be differentiated from other types of thyroiditis.

Forecast and consequences

Hypothyroidism, which develops with autoimmune thyroiditis, has a significant impact on the patient's quality of life. This manifests itself in the following problems:

    • violation of calcium metabolism;
    • chronic constipation(risk of infection);
    • decreased efficiency of the liver and gallbladder;
    • decreased production of growth hormone;
    • slow metabolism and excess weight;
    • glucose uptake disorder (hypoglycemia may develop);
    • high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, which can lead to cardiovascular disease;
    • problems with the proper functioning of the brain (changes in mood, depression);
    • impaired estrogen metabolism, which can lead to breast cancer or ovarian cysts;
    • violation of the metabolism of hormones of the adrenal cortex;

  • progesterone deficiency and stop ovulation;
  • anemia;
  • elevated homocysteine ​​levels (increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease);
  • deterioration of detoxification of the body (thyroid hormones affect the II phase of detoxification in the liver);
  • decline in production of hydrochloric acid and impaired protein metabolism.

As for the forecast, there are 2 news, bad and good. The good news is if you take special means that control the level of the hormone, the production of thyroxine will improve in the body and unpleasant symptoms disappear or decrease. The bad news: In some cases, treatment for autoimmune thyroiditis must be lifelong, as autoimmune diseases are difficult to correct.

Pregnancy and lactation

Patients with such a diagnosis should be observed by a doctor throughout the entire period of bearing a child. In the first trimester, therapy aimed at maintaining the pregnancy will be prescribed, since miscarriages often occur with AIT. The doctor then prescribes correct dosage thyroid drugs. If a future mother will not undergo hormonal therapy, and the concentration of TSH in her blood will be reduced, the fetus may develop with severe pathologies (sometimes incompatible with life). There is also a risk that the baby will be born with congenital hypothyroidism, which means heavy mental retardation(cretinism) and metabolic disorders. Therefore, before planning pregnancy, it is necessary to take tests for hormones and introduce AIT into the remission stage. Then the chances of enduring and giving birth to a healthy child are very high.

As for breastfeeding with autoimmune thyroiditis, then opinions are divided. Some experts categorically forbid giving breast milk to a child, arguing that it contains antibodies that can harm a newborn. Other doctors are guided by the test results: if the level of antibodies is not too high, then you can breastfeed. In any case, be guided by the condition of the child. If he does not have health problems, then mother's milk does not harm him.


Diet for autoimmune thyroiditis important role. Your daily diet should contain goitrogens - products that stimulate an increase in the thyroid gland. Such food has a beneficial effect on the immune system of patients.
So what should you eat?


Consume products with high content fiber. Hashimoto's disease slows down intestinal motility somewhat, so dietary fiber will be a salvation in this problem - they stimulate the digestive system, remove toxins from the body and make you feel full (which will facilitate weight loss!). Patients with this condition may even consume 2-3 times more fiber than the recommended noma. You will find it in:

  • bananas;
  • apples;
  • beets;
  • carrots;
  • avocado;
  • almonds;
  • artichokes;
  • whole grain.


Second important advice- Eat protein! It affects the building of muscle mass and cells in our body. In addition, it helps maintain normal weight. But not every protein will be beneficial for patients with autoimmune thyroiditis. They must avoid frequent use milk, yogurt or cottage cheese, since often lactose intolerance is found in such people along with hypothyroidism. This is manifested by bloating, nausea, flatulence.

To provide normal amount protein eat meat and eggs. Discard semi-finished products and low-quality sausages that contain starch and other unwanted ingredients.


The following are foods that contain the aforementioned goitrogens:

  • Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kohlrabi, cauliflower;
  • peaches, strawberries, pears;
  • radish, turnip, spinach, Jerusalem artichoke;
  • peanuts, flaxseed;
  • hell, mustard.

Goitrogens capture iodine and prevent it from being absorbed from the blood. The thyroid gland, reacting to the lack of this element, begins to increase in size and work more actively. This is what we need to achieve, because with autoimmune thyroiditis, the thyroid gland is reduced.

Good carbs

People with this disease should avoid simple carbohydrates in their diet. They are found in candy, chocolate and other sweets. Simple carbohydrates quickly accumulate in the form of adipose tissue, leading to an increase in body weight. But complex carbohydrates will not harm the body. You will find them in beans, lentils or cereals. In unlimited quantities, you can eat leaf lettuce, fruits and vegetables.
As for fish, you can eat it, but not too often (since it is a source of iodine).

Prohibited Products

People suffering from autoimmune thyroiditis must first learn to read food labels. It is important that their diet contains the appropriate amount of iodine, but not too much.

Your diet should not contain:

    • processed meat (sausages, sausages), because in most cases it contains soy, which negatively affects the course of the disease;
    • soy products - soy cutlets, soy milk and oils;

  • products containing soy lecithin;
  • foods containing gluten - intolerance to this element causes damage to the intestinal villi and problems with digestion of food. Even if you have an undiagnosed gluten allergy, just in case, give up wheat and other products containing given element;
  • alcohol, coffee, tea;
  • Walnut;
  • rice, corn;
  • tomatoes;
  • Goji berries;
  • all kinds of peppers.

Such a diet must be followed throughout life.

Treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis

The tactics of treatment depends on the type of AIT and the stage in which it is now. As we said above, the stages of thyrotoxicosis and euthyroidism do not require therapeutic methods. Treatment is necessary only in case of hypothyroidism. Traditional medicine uses synthetic hormones for this. But this is not the best solution, because such pills treat one thing, and cripple the other (suffers digestive system and kidneys). We will tell you how to treat autoimmune thyroiditis with folk remedies.

Juice treatment

Juice therapy brings a tangible effect in this disease. Firstly, fresh juices contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are good for the immune system. Secondly, they detoxify the body (in particular, from antibodies and dead thyroid cells, which worsen the patient's condition). Regular consumption of juices and juice mixtures normalizes the immune system and hormone levels, helps to reach the stage of remission or recover completely.

We recommend taking freshly squeezed juice of carrots, beets, cucumbers, melons, apples, broccoli. But it's best to make special blends, here's one of suitable recipes:

  • 2 apples;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 3 tablespoons chopped spinach;
  • 1 tablespoon of flax seeds.

Squeeze juice from an apple and carrots, add spinach and flax seeds to it, stir and drink in one gulp in the morning half an hour before meals. This is how it should be done daily.

For the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis, the following recipe is also suitable:

  • 3 medium cucumbers;
  • 1 beet;
  • 2 tablespoons chopped basil leaves.

Mix cucumber and beetroot juice, add chopped basil, stir and drink before breakfast. This mixture can be taken 1-2 times a day.

If AIT is in the phase of hypothyroidism, the following mixture will help to equalize the level of hormones:

  • 3 apples;
  • 200 g melon;
  • 1 tablespoon crushed wheat germ;
  • 1 pinch of the aerial part of the cocklebur (both dry and fresh plant);
  • 1 pinch of turmeric.

Squeeze juice from apple and melon, add plants and turmeric powder, divide into 2 servings. Drink one serving before breakfast, the other before dinner. Continue treatment until the unpleasant symptoms go away.

Treatment with leeches

Leeches normalize local and general immunity, help with many problems, including AIT (especially from nodular or from the stage of thyrotoxicosis). If you have only 1 part of the thyroid gland (right lobe or left lobe), apply leeches only on one side of the neck. Two or three pieces will be enough. If both lobes are changed, then the leeches are placed on both sides of the neck (4-6 pieces are needed). The procedures are repeated every 4 days. The duration of the course is 5-7 procedures.

Gingko biloba and linseed oil

This is a special treatment technique that restores damaged cell membranes - main reason autoaggression of the body. The essence is very simple: every time before a meal you should take a teaspoon of dry leaves of gingko biloba, and immediately after a meal - a tablespoon of flaxseed oil. Do this at every meal. Gingko biloba is a plant that accelerates membrane repair tenfold, and linseed oil contains omega-3 fats, which are the building blocks for new cells. The course of treatment is from 3 months to six months, depending on the patient's health status.

Celandine tincture

From AIT tincture of celandine on vodka helps well. It somewhat depresses the immune system, due to which lymphocytes stop fighting the thyroid gland. For cooking indeed effective tincture use a fresh plant, plucked during the flowering period. Chopped leaves and the grass itself will do. Fill a glass bottle halfway with them. Top up with vodka until the bottle is full. It is advisable to use dark glass containers, but if this is not possible, then simply wrap the bottle with a cloth or keep it in a dark place.

This mixture is infused for 14 days. Shake it from time to time. When the potion is ready, strain it and store it in the refrigerator. Start a course of treatment. On the first day in the morning before meals, drink 2 drops of the tincture dissolved in a small amount of water. Every day increase the dosage by 2 drops until you reach 50 drops (this will be the 25th day of treatment). Then take a break for 1 month and repeat the course again. In total, 4-6 such courses will be required, depending on the neglect of the disease.

apricot kernels

Apricot kernels contain special compounds that help stop the body's auto-aggression. They must be taken raw (not fried!) in the amount of 10 pieces per day.

Attention! Pregnant and lactating women, as well as weakened patients, such a recipe is contraindicated! Also apricot kernels not recommended for people with kidney failure.

cocklebur grass

If AIT has moved to last stage, treatment with a decoction of cocklebur is necessary. This plant has a mild toxic effect, thereby reducing the activity of the immune system. To prepare a daily portion of the decoction, it is necessary to pour 1 tablespoon of chopped dry grass into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil the mixture over low heat for five minutes, then pour into a thermos and leave for at least 4 hours. The medicine is ready, you need to drink it during the day. The next day, prepare a new portion and so on, the course of treatment lasts 2-6 months.

Aralia high roots

With Hashimoto's disease, a decoction or alcohol infusion of high aralia roots helps.
Preparation of a decoction: throw a tablespoon of chopped raw materials into 600 ml of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes over high heat, then leave for another 30 minutes. Strain, divide into 3 servings. Take half an hour before meals in a warm form.

Cooking alcohol infusion ki: grind 50 g of roots in a coffee grinder, pour 200 ml of medical alcohol and leave for 2 weeks. Then strain the product through a nylon cloth and add 50 ml of distilled water. Take half a teaspoon after each meal.

Sea buckthorn and ginger

Take 50 g of dried sea buckthorn leaves and ginger root, chop into pieces no larger than 0.5 cm, pour into glass jar and pour 200 ml of glycerin. Infuse the mixture for 2 weeks, then strain and add 200 g of honey. Mix and store in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon in the morning and evening.

Ginger is generally very useful in AIT. It activates the production of thyroid hormones, soothes and strengthens the body. Therefore, we recommend adding ginger to salads, drinks and other dishes.

Sea buckthorn can also be taken separately. The oil of this plant is especially useful, it is drunk on empty stomach 1 tablespoon per day.

apple seeds

Apple seeds or seeds will also help you with this problem. They need to be consumed 10 pieces in the morning and evening, chewing thoroughly. Well helps alcohol tincture of apple seeds. To prepare it, grind a salt spoonful of raw materials in a mortar, add 100 ml of alcohol and pour into a glass jar or bottle. Infuse for 10 days, then strain and take half a teaspoon twice a day.

Ointment from pine cones

Pine cones restore thyroid tissue and prevent atrophy this body. In addition, they contain phytohormones, which favorably affect the patient's condition.

So, pour 200 g of dried and chopped cones into a saucepan, add 1 liter of pork fat and cook in a water bath for 1 hour, stirring regularly. Then strain the remedy and let it cool. Apply this ointment to the front of your neck morning and evening.

Additionally, take a decoction of pine cones, it also significantly improves the well-being of the patient. To prepare the remedy, boil a dessert spoon of crushed cones in 300 ml of water (boil for 5 minutes) and divide into 3 parts. Take warm after meals.

Green walnut jam

Green walnuts are very beneficial for Hashimoto's disease. Usually they are advised to prepare an alcohol tincture, but jam will bring much more benefit, since in this case green walnut can be consumed as a whole.

So, pour the young fruits into large pelvis and fill with water. They need to be soaked for 1 week, while changing the water three times a day. Then peel off the top skin with a knife and set the nuts to cook over low heat in sweet syrup. Cooking time is about 5 hours. Periodically stir the nuts, remove the foam, try the dish for sugar. Then preserve in sterile jars. On the day you need to eat 4-6 nuts and drink a tablespoon of syrup. It's delicious and very healthy dish which can be used continuously. It maintains the level of thyroid-stimulating hormones at normal level.

Lungwort grass

If the left or right lobe of the thyroid gland is rapidly decreasing, or a knot has formed in the tissue, start treatment with the lungwort herb. Bring 3 cups of water to a boil, add 2 tablespoons of dry herbs and a pinch of red pepper to boiling water, cook for 5 minutes. Wait for the mixture to cool, strain it and drink 1 glass three times a day between meals. You can add honey to the decoction to improve the taste. Treatment should last several months.

Lemongrass leaf tincture

For the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis, a tincture of lemongrass leaves helps patients well. This drug activates the production of thyroid hormones. To prepare it, mix 200 ml of 70% alcohol and 3 tablespoons of crushed dry lemongrass leaves. Insist in a tightly closed jar or bottle for 2 weeks, shaking from time to time. Then strain and begin the course of treatment. Take tincture in the morning and evening an hour before meals, 25-30 drops (you can break it in water). The duration of therapy should be at least 1 month.

Bear bile tincture

This remedy inhibits the work of the thyroid gland, but at the same time stimulates the restoration of the cells of this organ and stops the process of atrophy.

To prepare the tincture, you must first grind the dried bear gallbladder into small pieces. It can be obtained from hunters or healers. Then pour the crushed raw materials into a three-liter jar and add vodka. The jar must be filled to the brim. Close it with a tight lid and put it in a dark place. Every day the tincture should be shaken. Insist it for 2 months.

When the remedy is ready, strain it and begin the course of treatment. The dosage is calculated based on the weight of the patient - 1 teaspoon per 50 kg of weight. Take the drug three times a day on an empty stomach, after half an hour you can eat.

A month later, you need to finish the course and rest for 2 weeks, then start taking bear bile tincture again. So continue until the three-liter jar of medicine is drunk.

Herbal preparations

In the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis, herbal preparations, which include several plants with a different spectrum of action (regulating the hormonal system, normalizing immunity, etc.), will be of great benefit. We will give some proven recipes:

  • Spreading parmelia grass - 2 parts;
  • Chamomile flowers - 1 part;
  • Fucus vesicular herb - 1 part;
  • Flax seeds - 1 part;
  • Ironstone grass - 1 part;
  • Potentilla grass white - 1 part.

Boil 800 ml of settled water in a saucepan, throw in 1 tablespoon of herbs and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes. At night, wrap the pan with a blanket and insist until morning (you can pour the drug into a thermos). Take 1 glass of strained broth an hour before meals, drink the rest at bedtime. The duration of the plant is from 1 to 4 months, depending on the neglect of the disease.

Often healers prescribe such a fee:

  • Motherwort herb - 2 parts;
  • Grass of watercress officinalis - 1 part;
  • Hawthorn flowers - 1 part;
  • Blackroot root - 1 part;
  • Marigold flowers - 1 part.

Mix all ingredients. Boil 2 cups of water in a saucepan, throw in 1 tablespoon of the collection and cook over medium heat without a lid. When half of the liquid has evaporated, remove the potion from the heat and strain. Take 2 tablespoons three times daily before meals. The herbs included in this collection reduce the aggression of the immune system against thyroid cells. Additionally, motherwort soothes the shattered nervous system, and marigolds cleanse and strengthen the body.

With a large set of weight, constant fatigue, take the following fee:

  • Raspberry leaves - 2 parts;
  • Grass of European zebra - 2 parts;
  • Angelica grass - 1 part;
  • Marigold flowers - 1 part;
  • Soap grass - 1 part;
  • White mistletoe grass - 1 part.

In the evening, brew 1.5 tablespoons of the collection in a liter of boiling water in a thermos, insist until morning. Divide the drink into 4 parts, take during the day in a warm form.

For pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding, this recipe is suitable:

  • Chamomile flowers - 2 parts;
  • Duckweed grass - 2 parts;
  • Linden leaves and inflorescences - 1 part;
  • Marigold flowers - 1 part;
  • Licorice root - 1 part.

Mix 1 tablespoon of the collection and 2 cups of water, bring to a boil, boil for literally 1 minute and remove from heat. Divide into 3 parts, take warm one hour after eating.

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Among diseases of the thyroid gland, a separate place is occupied by a chronic disease called chronic - xp thyroiditis, which among diseases endocrine system is the second most common after diabetes. The autoimmune form is generally the most common autoimmune disease in the world. Medicine does not have accurate statistics on the incidence of chronic thyroiditis, although it is believed that almost half of the entire globe has varying degrees manifestations. What ?

Thyroiditis is a chronic disease with a history of centuries

The first mention of pathological changes in the gland are found in medical treatises. Ancient China. Already in those days, people knew about such ailments as chronic goiter, cretinism, and it was also known that the use of algae as a treatment helps to cure a chronic disease or prevent its occurrence.

Later, already in the 20th century, scientists began to conduct more scientific studies of the thyroid gland and were able to prove the effect of iodine on its normal functioning and the elimination of certain diseases of the organ, in particular, goiter.

In 1912, a scientist from Japan, by the name of Hashimoto, proved that thyroid diseases, namely neoplasms in the organ, do not always depend on the quantitative content of iodine in the body, which later made it possible to conclude that completely different causes of the development of diseases, in particular, thyroiditis. In the mid-20th century, a pair of scientists simulated the disease that Hashimoto had suggested in their studies in animals, providing evidence for the autoimmune nature of the chronic disease. It was from that moment that the correct vector was laid in the study of thyroiditis, which continues to develop to this day.

Thyroiditis of the thyroid gland - what is it?

The term thyroiditis is understood as a collective image of a large number of inflammations in the thyroid gland, which refer to pathological processes. Each individual case included in the general array called "thyroiditis" has its own etiology and pathogenesis.

Division general group occurs into three collective subgroups that characterize the main forms of the disease:

  • acute thyroiditis. This type can have a purulent form of leakage or non-purulent, while most often the course of the disease is accompanied by the development of local foci of inflammation in the tissues of the organ;
  • subacute thyroiditis. The main manifestation of this type is focal lesion thyroid gland, which has a long development period;
  • chronic form. The last, third type of the disease, which develops as a result of disorders of an autoimmune nature or under the influence of the destructive work of specific pathogens that cause the progression of the disease. Such pathogens include tubercle bacillus, syphilis. It is also not uncommon for manifestations of the chronic form after the birth of a child or during hormonal adjustment organism in certain age stages. In these cases, it may develop diffuse lesion soft tissues of the body.
Subacute thyroiditis is manifested by an increase in the size of the gland and the appearance of a goiter.

Causes of thyroiditis

Among the reasons that can lead to the occurrence of thyroiditis are factors identical to any thyroid disease, except for cases autoimmune manifestations illness. Among the main causes of pathologies of the gland are:

  • the transferred trauma of the organ, which led to hemorrhage into the soft tissues of the gland. In this case, the cause and nature of the injury does not matter;
  • treatment by exposure to ionizing radiation for a long time, which is associated with the peculiarities professional activity person;
  • a previous viral infection, in particular, the most terrible risk of developing further consequences in the thyroid gland are influenza, measles or mumps viruses;
  • destruction of the follicles present in the gland. This process occurs due to the destructive effects of antibodies, which may differ in their structure. This reason most often leads to the development of autoimmune forms of chronic thyroiditis, since autoimmune antibodies take part in the destructive activity, “considering” hostile follicles as “alien” in the body;
  • various bacteria that cause diseases;
  • progression lymphoid infiltration, which leads to the gradual destruction of the thyroid parenchyma, as a result of autoimmune changes. This cause leads to chronic Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

Signs of thyroiditis of the thyroid gland?

Signs of thyroiditis of the thyroid gland

Each type of disease is distinguished by its obvious symptoms that appear immediately or may appear over time.

The acute form of the disease is most often accompanied by severe pain in the neck, which gradually radiate to the region of the lower jaw and the back of the head and intensify when making head movements, as well as when swallowing. At the same time, there is a visually noticeable swelling of the lymph nodes in the affected area. The body temperature rises, while the patient begins to feel chills or throws him into a fever, the state of health worsens, weakness is observed. All these signs are the reason for an immediate appeal to a specialist.

With an autoimmune form of thyroiditis, along with other symptoms, brittle nails and hair are observed.

Nonpurulent forms as symptoms are less pronounced clinical picture. At the very beginning of the development of the disease, a condition similar to thyrotoxicosis is observed, which is accompanied by increased sweating even at rest, tremor of the limbs, impaired heart rate and significant weight loss. In the process of diagnostic measures, an increase in the amount of hormones produced by the thyroid gland is detected with TSH being within the normal range.

In the process of further development of the disease, the symptoms change, and the clinical picture begins to resemble hypothyroidism. At this time, there is a gradual replacement of damaged thyroid cells. connective tissue, which is a sign of fibrosis occurring in the body. The patient at this time feels constant drowsiness and chronic fatigue. Skin become dry, puffiness appears, primarily protruding in the face area, a person begins to suffer from constipation, the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle decreases. When conducting a blood test, there is a significant decrease in the amount of hormones synthesized by the gland, while the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone shows a trend towards an increase. The thyroid gland itself at this time increases in size and in the process of palpation painful sensations appear.

The autoimmune form has the longest clinical picture, since in the presence of such a disease, obvious symptoms and signs, inflammation may not appear for several years. Gradually, the thyroid gland grows, while it begins to compress the adjacent organs, which leads to the appearance of the corresponding symptoms. First of all, the patient begins to complain of an increase in the volume of the neck and the associated inconvenience. Also, the autoimmune form leads to disturbances in the normal functioning of the gland, which is manifested in changes quantitative composition hormone levels (T3, T4, TSH). At the very beginning of a clear manifestation of the disease, all signs of hyperthyroidism are diagnosed, which are later replaced by signs of hypothyroidism. and men requires strict adherence to the recommendations of the doctor.

Chronic thyroiditis: treatment

This is a group of the most common forms of the disease, which includes postpartum chronic thyroiditis, autoimmune forms, latent thyroiditis, Riedel's goiter or chr fibrous form, specific manifestations.

Postpartum chronic thyroiditis appears shortly after childbirth and disappears after some time, and after a few months it is impossible to detect signs past illness. In rare cases of severe development, L-thyroxine is prescribed, which leads to healing.

Autoimmune xp thyroiditis is characterized by damage, for example, inflammation, of all tissues of the gland. The causes of this form are most often genetically determined changes in the body, and some chronic diseases are also among the causes. infectious diseases. When an autoimmune form of the disease occurs, autoimmune antibodies are produced in the body, which mistakenly take the cells of the soft tissues of the gland as foreign objects and begin their systematic destruction, and profuse inflammation occurs. At risk are predominantly the fair sex of middle age. A violation of this nature can be treated with the help of prescribing therapy, the basis of which is preparations containing thyroxine.

Riedel's goiter or fibro-invasive xp thyroiditis is characterized by the presence of solid formation in the tissues of the gland, which are the result of growth fibrous tissue, the capsules of which are able to grow into nerves and blood vessels, which leads to a gradual hardening of the gland. Symptoms that indicate the presence of this form of the disease include a feeling of tightness in the throat, difficulty in swallowing, hoarseness, and breathing problems. This is due to the fact that the thyroid gland does not move during swallowing processes. On palpation, the gland feels like a very dense lump. Treatment of this form is carried out exclusively surgically.

Subacute chronic thyroiditis: prevention and treatment

Most often this species illness is the result of a viral infection, including influenza, measles, mumps, or adenovirus infection. The first signs of the disease appear a few weeks after the illness and are expressed in a feeling of anxiety, increased irritability, excessive sweating and tremor of the limbs. An increase in the activity of the destructive process leads to an increase in the colloid entering the blood, which leads to a more pronounced expression of the symptom of thyrotoxicosis. Mostly at the beginning of the disease, one of the lobes is damaged, but gradually the chronic disease migrates, affecting the second one, causing its inflammation. Also, in addition to the pronounced symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, there may be pain localized in the thyroid gland. Treatment of the subacute form is usually carried out with the use of glucocorticoids, since the use of thyreostatics is not justified in the absence of true thyrotoxicosis. In addition, each doctor has his own treatment.

Acute chronic thyroiditis - inflammation and treatment

There are two forms of acute chronic thyroiditis - purulent and non-purulent. The first form is caused by bacteria, most often cocci. It should be noted that in the modern world, due to the large number of antibiotics, the purulent form is rare. In the presence of purulent chronic thyroiditis, it is necessary to identify the causes of its occurrence, or rather find the bacterium that has become the source of infection. Most often acute form can develop as a complication after inflammation of the ear, nose or throat.

Seek medical attention promptly for full complex diagnostic measures can be avoided serious consequences

Non-suppurative chronic thyroiditis develops without the participation of bacteria and its causes are the consequences of trauma to the thyroid gland or unsuccessful treatment. Due to hemorrhages in soft tissues glands occur violations in the work of the thyroid gland.

Symptoms of the acute form are a significant increase in body temperature, the appearance of signs of intoxication, pain in the neck, which can gradually pass to the lower jaw and occipital part heads. Sometimes the acute form may be accompanied by the formation of an abscess, which, if untimely removed, ruptures on its own outside or inside the neck. It should be noted that in acute chronic thyroiditis, the functionality of the thyroid gland is not disturbed.

Diagnosis of chronic and non-chronic thyroiditis

Correct diagnosis of the disease should include a complex of instrumental and laboratory research. First of all, if chronic thyroiditis is suspected, a venous blood test is prescribed for the content of the corresponding hormones. Also held ultrasound examination organ, which allows you to determine the size, position and structure of the thyroid gland. The use of ultrasound is one of the most informative methods for examining the thyroid gland, which can be used as a preventive measure.

Also among instrumental research is computed and magnetic resonance imaging. The use of these research methods helps to assess the condition of not only the thyroid gland itself, but also the surrounding tissues.

AT short time and most importantly, Monastic Tea will help to effectively cure the thyroid gland. This tool contains in its composition only natural ingredients that have a complex effect on the focus of the disease, perfectly relieve inflammation and normalize the production of vital hormones. As a result, all metabolic processes in the body will work correctly. Thanks to unique composition"Monastic tea" it is completely safe for health and very pleasant to the taste.

To determine the degree of malignancy of existing tumors, a fine-needle biopsy can be prescribed, which allows obtaining biological material for subsequent histological studies.

A timely visit to the doctor at the first sign of problems with the thyroid gland will avoid serious consequences in the future and will help prescribe the correct and effective treatment in case of illness.

Chronic thyroiditis is a disease (in most cases very severe) which is characterized by its inflammation. In this process, the body's own antibodies damage or completely destroy the cells of the gland. As a rule, women who have crossed the 40-year mark are most affected by this disease. Per last years it was noticed that the number of young people and children who fell ill with this disease increased.

Chronic thyroiditis: causes

There are several factors that provoke this disease:

  • viral infections;
  • exposure to radiation waves;
  • focal infections of a chronic nature, which include: sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, adnexitis and many others;
  • hereditary predisposition(the patient has relatives with diabetes mellitus, chronic thyroiditis, etc.);
  • the intake of iodine in the body in large volumes (500 mcg per day or more).

Chronic thyroiditis: symptoms

Very often, this disease occurs without any noticeable changes in the patient's body, but in the majority of cases it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. There is a feeling of tightness and pressure in the neck.
  2. Sensation of a lump in the throat.
  3. Constant unmotivated fatigue and weakness.
  4. Strong sensitivity of the thyroid gland and the appearance of pain during palpation.
  5. In some cases, eye diseases may occur.
  6. Chronic thyroiditis is manifested by an increase in pressure.
  7. Cold intolerance.
  8. The thyroid gland becomes very elastic and dense to the touch.
  9. Constipation.
  10. Swelling of the lower extremities and face.
  11. Overweight set.
  12. Muscle cramps.
  13. The appearance of "bags" under the eyes.
  14. When the disease is accompanied by hyperthyroidism, tachycardia, tremor of the fingers on the hands can be observed.

Chronic thyroiditis: treatment

AT this moment medicines that would save the patient from this disease have not been invented. Therefore, the main methods of treatment of thyroiditis are aimed at eliminating the removal of the inflammatory process. nonsteroidal drugs and stimulation of work Drug therapy is prescribed immediately after the detection of the disease, even if this moment the organ is functioning well. One of the most well-known drugs that prevent the development of hypothyroidism is L-thyroxine. Its dosage is prescribed depending on the age of the patient and the level of TSH in the blood.

Chronic thyroiditis: treatment with folk remedies

Alternative medicine will also help get rid of this disease. The most famous remedy is which is prepared as follows:

  • take 30 pieces of green walnuts and are crushed;
  • then they are mixed with a glass of honey and a liter of vodka;
  • the mixture is infused for 2 weeks (it is necessary to stir occasionally);
  • after the time has elapsed, the tincture is filtered;
  • use in the morning on a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

The most commonly diagnosed inflammatory disease of the thyroid gland is called thyroiditis. That this is the most common thyroid disease in the world and the second most detectable among all diseases of the endocrine system (after diabetes mellitus), is also evidenced by WHO publications. However, there are no exact statistics, since the disease has a complex etiology. Some scientists believe that up to 50% of the population suffers from thyroiditis.

Thyroiditis of the thyroid gland - what is it?

Under the general name "thyroiditis" a group has been assembled inflammatory diseases thyroid gland. As a result of inflammation of the tissues of the gland, the production of thyroid hormones first increases significantly, hyperthyroidism occurs, and then the inflamed gland produces them less than normal (hypothyroidism occurs).

In some cases inflammatory process affects a small part of the thyroid gland, which happens rarely, the entire lobe (most often) or the entire gland. With a complicated course of thyroiditis, suppuration occurs, it can break through under the skin, which is fraught with the penetration of pus into the blood and the development of sepsis.

Important. The most common thyroiditis is autoimmune (Hashimoto's). In this form, the body begins to perceive healthy thyroid tissue as foreign and produces antibodies to it.

At the initial examination, it is quite difficult to establish the type and cause of thyroiditis of the thyroid gland. What it is, can be said with accuracy only after a series of analyzes.


Most common causes the occurrence of thyroiditis is called infectious diseases: tuberculosis, syphilis, influenza, hepatitis A, measles, etc.

Some scientists consider endemic goiter to be one of the causes of thyroiditis.

At autoimmune forms the cause is a malfunction of the immune system. This form of thyroiditis occurs more frequently in women than in men. The most likely age range is considered to be 40–50 years. However, doctors are increasingly fixing the disease in people much younger than this age.

Among the causes of inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland are also called:

  • prolonged stay in a territory with a high radioactive background;
  • frequent irradiation of the head;
  • living in a territory poor in iodine;
  • eating too much large doses iodine;
  • frequent colds and infectious diseases, etc.

Types, forms of thyroiditis and their symptoms

Thyroiditis has many classifications according to various characteristics:

  • Depending on the etiology, there are: syphilitic, septomycotic, tuberculous and other types.
  • By age, it can be divided into juvenile, senile, postpartum, etc.
  • The inflammation can be classified as autoimmune thyroiditis or as fibrotic.

The most widely used classification according to the course of the disease: acute, subacute and chronic.

acute form

This form of thyroiditis occurs rarely, it is considered the most severe, it can affect both the entire gland and part of it. With this disease, the lymph nodes in the neck are enlarged.

Acute thyroiditis can be purulent and non-purulent (aseptic).

Acute purulent thyroiditis

An abscess develops in the thyroid gland. At the same time, the body temperature rises to 39 ⁰С. It hurts the patient to swallow. The pain intensifies when turning the neck and head, gives to the back of the head, ears, jaw. There is a severe headache and irritability against the background of general intoxication of the body.

The thyroid gland itself becomes dense at first, and then, after the formation of an abscess, soft, swollen and painful. Pain occurs when touching the organ.

Important. With purulent thyroiditis, the patient's condition in most cases is assessed as extremely severe.

Acute non-purulent thyroiditis

With this type of thyroiditis, suppuration does not occur, only inflammation in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thyroid gland. Symptoms of non-purulent acute thyroiditis are less pronounced. The patient's condition is assessed as moderate.

Subacute form

This form of thyroiditis is characterized by a slow, gradual increase in symptoms. At first, pain in the neck is insignificant. When swallowing, only discomfort occurs. Gradually, the symptoms intensify: the pain becomes severe, radiates to the ears, jaw, nape, it is more and more difficult to swallow, the body temperature rises to 38 ⁰С, while (not always) the cervical lymph nodes increase.

The course of the disease is long: up to 1.5–2 months. When examining the hormonal background, a decrease in the body is found radioactive iodine, thyrotoxicosis, decreased hormone levels.

Subacute thyroiditis responds well to treatment, usually ends with recovery.

Chronic form

Has a very a long period leaks: up to 6-8 months. The most common chronic form is autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's thyroiditis). It affects about 6, and according to some data up to 15 times more often women than men.

However chronic inflammation thyroid gland in men, the symptoms are more pronounced. With a long course, there is a decrease in body temperature, a slowdown metabolic processes in the body, memory loss, lethargy, fatigue, bad dream, digestive disorders, reduced fertility.

With invasive fibrous goiter (Riedel's disease), inflammation of the thyroid gland also proceeds chronically. Among some scientists, there is an opinion that the chronic form occurs almost always in the presence of various types of endemic goiter.

More about the symptoms

Important! AT initial stage thyroiditis symptoms are blurred, they can be characteristic of diseases of other organs of the neck, as well as for other diseases of the thyroid gland. Acute thyroiditis is most pronounced.

Among common symptoms thyroiditis of the thyroid gland:

  • enlargement of the thyroid gland or part of it;
  • redness of the skin of the throat;
  • pain when swallowing and turning the head.

At acute inflammation thyroid symptoms will appear sharply:

  • pain in the neck, even when turning the head;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • fever, chills;
  • enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes.

In subacute thyroiditis, symptoms appear gradually, pain in the neck increases slowly. There is a constant headache, weakness, sweating and a feeling of heat. There is a tremor of the fingers. The skin over the thyroid gland turns red, swells, the thyroid gland is painful on palpation.

In chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, the symptoms described above are accompanied by weight loss, tachycardia, tinnitus, and pain in the back of the head.

Autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid gland in women has less pronounced symptoms, in men the disease is acute, the symptoms are pronounced.

Treatment of inflammation of the thyroid gland

Treatment of thyroiditis has several directions:

  • important to restore hormonal balance if it is violated. For this purpose, treatment with thyrostatics (Merkazolil, Thiamazole) is carried out.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for thyroiditis (Metindol, Voltaren, Indomethacin) will help relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and soreness of the gland.
  • Corticosteroid drugs (Prednisolone) for thyroiditis are used in case of development of its subacute form. They relieve inflammation, swelling and pain well.
  • Vitamin complexes, immunity stimulants, adaptogens are also prescribed.

Acute purulent thyroiditis treatment will require surgery. Here, if an abscess occurs, it is opened and drained. In parallel, intensive detoxification therapy and antibiotic injections are prescribed.

With autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid gland in women, treatment is carried out for a long time. Often appointed hormonal preparations thyroid for life.

In case of development of compression of the neck organs in chronic or subacute thyroiditis, prompt removal glands (thyroidectomy).

About folk remedies

He offers his recipes on how to treat thyroiditis and ethnoscience. The most common are rubbing with goiter infusions. To do this, use an alcohol infusion of green pine cones or extracts from their collection of herbs: cocklebur, celandine, chamomile and meadowsweet.

Juice therapy is also used; lemon, beet and carrot juices are used to treat pathology.

Thyroiditis thyroid gland is a collective term. different types inflammation of the tissue of the organ are united under the general name - thyroiditis of the thyroid gland. The causes that cause inflammation may be different, the same applies to the symptoms of the disease, the nature of the course, which undoubtedly requires different approach in treatment.

In this article, I will briefly but succinctly talk about each variant of thyroiditis of the thyroid gland. And you can learn more about them by clicking on the links to articles that describe the main methods and treatment regimens.

All variants of thyroiditis of the thyroid gland according to the nature of the course can be divided into:

  • acute thyroiditis
  • subacute thyroiditis
  • chronic thyroiditis

Acute thyroiditis of the thyroid gland

Acute thyroiditis is often a surgical pathology requiring intervention by surgeons. This variant of thyroiditis, in turn, is divided into purulent and non-purulent.

Purulent thyroiditis, like any purulent inflammation, is caused by bacteria, mainly cocci (staphylococci, streptococci, etc.). But due to the widespread use of antibacterial drugs, this type of inflammation is quite rare.

If purulent thyroiditis develops, then this was preceded by some disease associated with the same pathogen. Very often there is a connection between acute purulent diseases of the "ENT organs" (sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, etc.). Chronic infections"ENT organs", such as chronic pharyngitis, the treatment of which, by the way, is possible with cold, can also be the cause of thyroiditis of the thyroid gland, not only acute, but also some forms of chronic, but more on that later. For the prevention of thyroiditis, timely sanitation of chronic foci of infection of the nasopharynx and tonsils by an ENT doctor is recommended.

The disease develops rapidly. An increase in body temperature up to 38-39 degrees with symptoms of intoxication. Disturbed by intense throbbing pains in the area of ​​the projection of the thyroid gland, which are given to the ear and lower jaw. The skin over the gland is red, swollen and very painful to the touch. Sometimes an abscess is formed, which can open on its own outside or into the mediastinum.

In acute purulent thyroiditis, the function of the thyroid gland is never disturbed, i.e., the hormonal background is unchanged. It is necessary to treat this variant of thyroiditis with antibiotics, to which this pathogen is sensitive. After recovery, a small scar is formed, which does not interfere with the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Acute non-purulent thyroiditis resolves without the participation of bacteria. It is formed due to trauma, hemorrhage, or after treatment with radioactive iodine-131. But since the method of treatment with iodine 131 has now been improved, such complications of treatment are no longer observed.

Subacute thyroiditis of the thyroid gland

The cause of subacute thyroiditis of the thyroid gland is a viral infection. Usually 2-6 weeks after a viral infection, the first signs of thyroiditis appear. There has been a connection between subacute thyroiditis and the following viral infections:

  • infectious parotitis (mumps)
  • adenovirus infection
  • some types of flu

It was found that women are ill more often than men with this variant of thyroiditis by 4 times and more often at the age of 30-40 years. It is assumed that viruses have a direct destructive effect on the tissue of the thyroid gland, as a result of which a large amount of colloid (the contents of the follicles of the gland), which is the depot of thyroid hormones, is released into the blood.

Since a lot of colloid is sent to the blood, thyroid hormones have an intense effect on tissues and organs. Thus, signs of thyrotoxicosis appear: palpitations, sweating, trembling in the hands, anxiety and irritability. The more active the destruction process, the more colloid goes into the blood, the more intense the symptoms of thyrotoxicosis.

Usually, one lobe of the thyroid gland is involved first, then the process migrates to the second lobe. In subacute thyroiditis, in addition to the symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, there are pains in the thyroid gland of moderate intensity, less than in acute thyroiditis. The skin over the gland is usually not changed, of a normal color, but painful when probing the gland.

Distinctive for this variant of thyroiditis are high numbers of ESR in the general blood test, which can last for a long time.

Treatment of thyrotoxicosis with thyreostatics is not carried out, since the reason is not in the increased synthesis of thyroid hormones, but in the massive release of active forms of the thyroid hormone directly into the blood. This variant of thyroiditis is treated by prescribing glucocorticoid preparations (prednisolone, hydrocortisone). There are various treatment regimens, the choice of which is up to the attending physician.

After the inflammatory process subsides, mild hypothyroidism may develop, which resolves on its own after a few months.

Subacute thyroiditis in the future does not affect the work of the thyroid gland. With proper treatment, the disease goes away without a trace. More details about

Chronic thyroiditis of the thyroid gland

Chronic thyroiditis is considered the most common among thyroiditis. In this group, there are also certain diseases characterized by a slow inflammatory process:

  • autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's thyroiditis)
  • fibrous-invasive thyroiditis (Riedel's goiter)
  • postpartum thyroiditis
  • painless (hidden) thyroiditis
  • specific thyroiditis (tuberculous, syphilitic, fungal)

Autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland occupies a leading position in the structure of thyroid diseases. In this thyroiditis, there is an autoimmune lesion of the entire tissue of the thyroid gland.

The cause of the autoimmune process is still not fully understood. It is known that there is a certain hereditary predisposition to autoimmune diseases generally. There is also a connection between the development of this process and chronic foci of infection in the body. This is most often chronic diseases upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, etc.), genitourinary system(cystitis, pyelonephritis), carious teeth.

The mechanism of autoimmune damage is very complex, but in short, immune cells, which should protect the body from infections, begin to take the components of the thyroid gland as foreign and actively destroy them. A similar mechanism exists in the development of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, pernicious anemia, diabetes Type 1, vitiligo.

At present, no one in world medicine has learned how to influence this process, and therefore it is necessary to cope with its consequences. The consequence of autoimmune thyroiditis is the development of hypothyroidism (decreased function) of the thyroid gland.

Young women are most often affected. The rate of development of hypothyroidism is individual. Only the carriage of antibodies without the development of hypothyroidism is possible. Hypothyroidism is treated with replacement therapy thyroxine (thyroid hormone).

Postpartum thyroiditis develops some time after birth. Sometimes pregnancy is a trigger for the development certain diseases. But, fortunately, postpartum thyroiditis is temporary and disappears without a trace after a few months. With the development of severe hypothyroidism, a temporary appointment of thyroxine with subsequent trial withdrawal may be required. Read on to find out more.

Goiter Riedel- a disease of the thyroid gland, which is characterized by a stony hardness of the thyroid gland. This is a very rare disease, approximately 0.98-0.05% of all cases of thyroiditis. Women are 2 times more likely to get sick, more often at the age of 50 years and older.

In this thyroiditis, fibrous tissue grows inside the gland with the germination of vessels, nerves, capsule, as a result of which it acquires a "woody" or "stony" density. To put it simply, the thyroid gland with this thyroiditis turns into one big scar.

The reason of that rare disease has not yet been elucidated.

There are a feeling of a lump in the throat, a feeling of pressure with a violation of swallowing and breathing, hoarseness of the voice. The gland is dense to the touch, does not move when swallowed, tightly soldered to the surrounding tissues.

The disease develops slowly, over decades, the result of the disease is hypothyroidism. Often combined with other sclerosing diseases (pulmonary fibrosclerosis, orbital fibrosclerosis, etc.).

There is no rise in antibodies. Diagnosis is made with thyroid cancer.

Riedel's goiter is treated surgically, by decompression of neighboring organs. Treatment with glucocorticoids is ineffective. But in rare cases, there is an independent resorption of fibrous tissue. Developed hypothyroidism is treated with thyroxine replacement therapy.

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Dilyara Lebedeva



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