Itching in the heel causes and treatment. Why does the left or right heel itch - causes of itching

In order to find out, as a result of which itching of the heels appears, and to eliminate such a problem, one should understand the various reasons for such a manifestation. The case may be in the usual physical overload of the legs, inappropriate diet, the course of fungal diseases, etc .:

  1. The occurrence of itching as a result of an insect bite. Often the cause of the appearance of scabies can be an allergic reaction to a similar phenomenon. In addition to itching, a slight swelling and redness appear on the skin of the heel. Seeing similar manifestations, you can easily guess what's wrong. Symptoms in this case pass quickly, however, if there are allergic prerequisites for insect bites, medical assistance may be needed.
  2. One of the reasons may be the change of seasons. During this period, a person is subject to a decrease in the functioning of the immune system, so catching the fungus will not be a huge effort. The development of a fungal disease requires a special approach in treatment, because the consequences often portend danger. A skin disease can provoke a nail fungus, which is especially dangerous for any person. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will give a medical opinion and prescribe therapeutic therapy.
  3. An important point is considered to be the shoes that a person wears in everyday life. Using wide, or vice versa, small shoes, there is an excessive tension in the heel region of the foot or a violation of blood circulation. When purchasing any type of footwear, you need to evaluate its quality: inexpensive, so that it becomes more rigid, they are impregnated with reagents with a chemical composition that causes increased itching of the heels. The chemical components that make up the glue, strong seams, high heels worsen the position of the foot.

Great importance is given to insoles. They should be made from natural material, not artificial. If the raw materials are of poor quality, when worn, the insoles emit harmful elements that penetrate the skin into the heels.

2 Influence of the nervous system

In a person with a loosened nervous system, the reaction to any irritation can be manifested by scabies of individual parts of the lower extremities. Excessive worries and anxiety, bad mood, fear of danger can affect health in a similar way. To prevent such troubles, first of all, you will need to analyze your psycho-emotional state, determine what the reason is, and get rid of the anxiety state as soon as possible. Rest has a positive effect, during which the body relaxes and loses all negative emotions.

The feeling of the skin of the legs begins to make itself felt after long physical exertion at the end of the working day. In most cases, the causes of scabies in the heel area are:

  • malfunction of the sweat glands;
  • strength and roughness of the skin on the foot;
  • the appearance of dry corns.

The sensation of itching can be so acute and pronounced that it will force the patient to urgently consult a doctor, without waiting for the results of the initial treatment. In this situation, you will need to undergo a medical examination, pass the necessary tests. Based on the results, the doctor will be able to establish a course of drug therapy aimed at improving the functioning of the pancreas. The basis of severe itching of the legs may be the development of diabetes in the body. If during the examination the patient did not determine the expressed causes of itching, the doctor will prescribe a mandatory examination by an endocrinologist.

3 Symptom with beriberi

It is not always easy to determine the cause of itching in the heel area, since the results of the tests taken may be normal. Then you should think about avitaminosis. It represents a lack of essential nutrients. Often, beriberi appears as a result of malnutrition, a deficiency of vitamins useful to the body.

Without medical help, it is quite difficult to establish which particular vitamin is lacking in the body. Only a qualified doctor will be able to establish the true cause of the development of beriberi. With a lack of the necessary substances in the body, in addition to itching of the heels, the formation of deep cracks on the skin layer of the legs, its roughness and strength, brittle hair and nails can be observed.

Vitamin deficiency can be cured only by taking medications and vitamins inside. None of the available ointments can fully compensate for the lack of useful trace elements. The most effective methods in the fight against the lack of vitamins are considered to be the adjustment of the diet and the use of special means. The daily menu should consist of fresh natural products. Often, itchy heels cause a deficiency of vitamins such as A, B, C, D. C

4 Illness at night

Sometimes scabies of the legs can appear at night as a result of stressful tension. In this case, the time of day does not play a special role. In a person, as a result of excessive nervous tension, symptoms expressed by scabies are manifested at any time. Itching of the skin in the heel region does not occur when the body assumes a passive state at night, and the body is in a horizontal position. At night, there is also no increased pressure on the feet and heels with the whole body weight. In this case, there is an increase in blood flow in the vessels of one and the other foot. In addition, the legs are completely freed from physical activity, clothing, etc. In addition, at night the human nervous system rests and recovers.

Why does the heel itch at night? The feeling of itching in the heel area at this time medicine explains as follows:

  • failure of the nervous system and poor emotional well-being during the day;
  • disruption of the internal organs as a result of improper blood circulation;
  • the presence of dermatological diseases associated with professional activities.

To prevent itching of the legs during the day or at night, it is necessary to constantly engage in preventive measures. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid dangerous and emergency consequences. Each person should take care of individual hygiene rules, use only personal items and shoes. In this case, shoes should be chosen with a wide toe and not tight. If damaged, it must be thoroughly disinfected with disinfectants that destroy microbes.

However, if the heels itch and the itching does not go away, you should not engage in self-treatment. You will need to undergo a medical examination to establish the correct medical diagnosis and proceed with the appropriate treatment.

Thus, with itching in the heel area on the legs, it is necessary to examine this area for visible signs. In the absence of such, you will need to undergo a medical examination and, if necessary, pass certain tests. According to the results of the studies passed, the doctor will be able to establish what caused such an itch. However, in order to prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon, the necessary preventive measures indicated above should be observed. Thanks to this, there is a chance to prevent scabies.

Before thinking about serious health problems that cause legs to itch at night, you need to exclude possible external factors that can provoke the appearance of such a symptom. First of all, you should examine the itchy area. If zones of hyperemia (redness) with a dot in the center are found, then it is likely that insect bites became the cause of discomfort. In the case when a visual examination shows sores with exudate, there is a general malaise, an increase in body temperature, then we can talk about the addition of an infection or diseases of the internal organs. In more detail about the possible causes of the appearance of the symptoms in question, we suggest that you read our article.

Bed bugs and fleas

Fleas are smaller but more dangerous than bed bugs. They are carriers of more than two hundred types of infectious agents and cause a persistent allergic reaction in humans. Also, fleas in the process of evolution have acquired powerful protection - a chitinous cover, due to which getting rid of this type of insect is difficult. The risk of fleas in the home is increased if there are pets in the house: cats or dogs walking on the street. Flea bites on the legs look like painful, itchy dots clustered close together.

Bites of mosquitoes, midges

In the summer, there is an increased activity of blood-sucking insects: mosquitoes and midges. Sometimes a person does not feel pain during the bite itself. The inflammatory reaction manifests itself in the form of itching, irritation a few minutes or hours after the insect infestation. Itching in the legs is not related to the time of day and can occur both in the daytime and in the evening.


With an increase in estrogen levels in the third trimester of pregnancy, expectant mothers sometimes itch on their feet at night. This is a physiological phenomenon, the cause of which is cholestasis - stagnation of bile. An additional factor in itching is excessive stretching of the skin of the legs due to edema. If this symptom occurs, a woman should consult her doctor for advice to rule out serious pathologies.

One-time exposure to an irritating factor

Too cold or hot showers, the use of creams or lotions with aggressive components in the composition or expired, as well as nervous strain and stress can lead to itching of the legs. In this case, it is important to notice the causal relationship between the irritant and itching, trying to minimize the factors that led to the unpleasant symptom.

Legs itch at night: pathological conditions

Severe itching on the legs below the knees, especially at night, can be an indirect sign of a serious illness that only a doctor can detect. There are a number of diseases in which the symptom in question is observed.


When eating or using a product containing an allergen externally, itching in the legs can be detected as a reaction. When trying to scratch the skin, bright red stripes appear with an increase in local temperature. Common allergens are: tree pollen, citrus fruits, perfume components, some flowers. Often an allergic reaction in people occurs in response to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages or fast food, sweets with sugar substitutes.


Xeroderma is a pathological skin condition in which the secretion of sebum is not enough to provide sufficient moisture to the skin. Sebum, secreted by the sebaceous glands, is essential for maintaining an adequate acid-base balance of the skin. In addition, it protects it from aggressive factors, including infectious ones. As a result of a lack of sebum, the stratum corneum thickens, peeling and itching occur.

Cholinergic urticaria

This disease is referred to as autoimmune allergic dermatoses, which are characterized by hypersensitivity of the body. It manifests itself in the form of an accumulation of small bubbles on the skin of the legs, arms, body, which are very itchy and tend to spread. In parallel with the rash, common symptoms occur: nausea, vomiting, hypersalivation (salivation).

Hodgkin's lymphoma

Lymphogranulomatosis or Hodgkin's disease is malignant and affects organs that contain lymphoid tissue. An oncologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of Hodgkin's disease. Common symptoms in this pathology are: chills, sweating and itching of moderate or severe intensity. Patients complain of itching of the feet at night and during the day. Itching can also affect the lower legs.

Possible infectious diseases that provoke itching in the legs include: scabies, mycosis, bacterial damage and HIV.

There are a number of dermatological pathologies in which itching of the legs occurs. Dermatitis, being a hypersensitivity reaction, is a skin lesion in the form of vesicles, nodules, plaques. Redness, irritation and itching are typical components of skin diseases of various etiologies. When the action of the allergen is localized on the skin of the legs, patients notice that their feet itch, the ankle area at night, and this interferes with a comfortable sleep. In psoriasis, itching appears due to excessive activity of humoral and cellular immunity. When you try to scratch the itchy place, an increased receptor activity of this localization occurs, and the itching intensifies.

Varicose veins

With varicose veins, the venous outflow of blood from the lower extremities suffers. This process is accompanied by inflammatory reactions, swelling and circulatory disorders, compression of nerve endings. This can be expressed clinically as itching of the legs, which is mild but persistent.

restless leg syndrome

Primary restless leg syndrome is an autosomal dominant inherited condition that does not have any disease as an etiological factor. In the case of secondary restless legs syndrome, discomfort in the area of ​​the lower extremities is a component of the symptom of polyneuropathy, which occurs with diabetes mellitus, uremia, alcoholism, COPD. Patients have itchy legs before and during sleep, which forces them to constantly change the position of the lower extremities, since the itching subsides with movement.

Autoimmune disorders and cancer

With this type of disease, the body reacts incorrectly to its own tissues and cells, perceiving them as foreign. One of the most well-known autoimmune diseases is systemic lupus erythematosus, in which, in addition to symptoms of damage to the connective tissue and blood vessels, there are skin manifestations in the form of psoriasis-like foci, urticaria, accompanied by intense skin itching. Patients not only itch in the evening, but also in the daytime.

An active tumor process in the body that interferes with metabolism can lead to skin itching of the legs and other parts of the body. With adenocarcinoma, itching in the legs is accompanied by a burning sensation and is often generalized.

Endocrine diseases

Diseases of the endocrine system that cause serious changes in the sphere of humoral regulation of the body's activity include: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism. A defect in the blood supply and innervation of the lower extremities in diabetes mellitus creates a violation of the sensitivity of the type of socks, as well as periodic paresthesias and itching.


Chronic degenerative diseases of the nervous system in some cases can lead to neurological symptoms, in which a person feels constant irritation or tingling, itching. Many neurological patients have itchy legs in the evening due to problems with the innervation of the lower extremities.

Disorders of a neurotic nature

Itching in any part of the body can occur due to neurosis or a long stay in a stressful situation. In this case, the itching is psychogenic in nature, and no lesions are observed on the skin except for scratches caused by the patient himself.

When to See a Doctor

There are a number of alarming symptoms that require the attention of a specialist and are fraught with serious complications. It is necessary to consult a doctor in case of:

  • suppuration of scratching, especially in combination with an increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of pathological formations on the legs: plaque, vesicles, blisters, scabies;
  • continued itching for more than three days without noticeable improvement.
  • accompanying itching with other disorders of systems and organs.

Diagnosis of itchy feet at night

In order to find out why the patient’s legs itch in the evening, the doctor conducts a series of studies, including the mandatory ones:

  • collection of anamnesis;
  • physical examination of the patient;
  • general analysis of blood, urine;
  • blood chemistry;
  • scraping from the affected area;
  • analysis for antibodies to hepatitis, HIV.

Depending on the indications and history data, tests for STDs and consultations of a narrow specialist are additionally prescribed: an endocrinologist, a dermatovenereologist, a gynecologist, a gastroenterologist, a therapist, a neurologist, a psychotherapist. As prescribed by doctors of a narrow specialty, instrumental studies are performed: ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging to find out the reasons why the patient's heels itch in the evening, in the shin area or higher.

When the reason is established why the feet itch at night or other areas of the lower extremities, you can start a course of treatment, which will differ depending on the pathology found in the patient.

  • How to get rid of itching in the heels of the feet with allergies, the dermatologist will tell in detail, however, pathogenetic treatment can be applied in the form of anti-inflammatory ointments containing glucocorticoids: Celestoderm with garamycin, Elok.

  • With mycosis, when the feet itch at night, depending on the depth of the lesion, antifungal external and internal agents are used, such as: Griseofulvin, Loceril, Fluconazole. The patient is also advised to wear genuine leather shoes that do not restrict movement.

  • Xerosis is most often a symptom of another condition that causes reduced sebum production. But there are cases when a pathological condition is caused by the use of externally drying compounds for the skin. In order to correct the situation, it is necessary to restore the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin. Lotions containing ceramides (CeraVe, Avene) can help with this.
  • In the case of an oncological, neurological, endocrinological disease, first of all, you need to contact a specialized doctor and treat the underlying pathology. It is possible that measures to eliminate dry feet are not needed. If the skin of the legs itches at night, and this interferes with sleep, you can use gels and creams that relieve itching.

Nowadays, dermatologists are often approached when there is such a problem as itching in the heels, which can very quickly become simply unbearable, and the desire to scratch the heels is almost irresistible.
There can be many reasons why itchy heels. Let's consider the main ones.

This reason, as a rule, is considered first when contacting a doctor, since the occurrence or exclusively on the heel is a very common occurrence during the change of seasons, when immunity is most reduced. It is the weakening of the immune system that causes irritation on the skin of the legs and heels in particular.
Upon detection, the doctor, as a rule, prescribes healing ointments that allow you to quickly get rid of both the itching symptom and the fungus itself. In the event that the disease is severely neglected, antibiotics can be used for treatment that can finally cope with the fungus.
In this case, it is necessary to diagnose and treat the fungus in time, otherwise in the future it will spread very quickly to the entire foot, and it will be much more difficult to deal with it. In addition, the fungus is highly contagious.

Poor quality shoe insoles

Another reason why heels itch is shoe insoles that have been chosen incorrectly. As a rule, this occurs when the surface of the insole adjacent to the foot is of poor quality and is saturated with substances that are harmful to the skin, due to which it itches.

In order to get rid of this problem or even prevent it, it is necessary to use insoles made of natural material and the same shoes. This condition almost always ensures that itching does not occur.

Problems with sugar

Often, the heel on one leg, and sometimes on both, immediately itches due to excessively high blood sugar levels. Therefore, dermatologists often suggest that their patients undergo an appropriate analysis, and then prescribe the appropriate treatment. Since an increase in sugar levels can occur for a wide variety of reasons and be a symptom of various diseases, treatment in each case is offered individually.

Nervous System Disorders

One of the most common reasons why the heel on one of the legs itches, usually on the left more often than on the right, is an unstable and labile nervous system. It is also possible that itching occurs due to some ongoing nervous breakdown or due to the fact that too much psychological strength and emotion is given to any problem. In this case, itching in the heel becomes a psychosomatic phenomenon and will pass either with a change in the patient's disturbing situation, or after visiting a psychologist, and in some cases even a psychiatrist.


One of the off-season problems associated with a small amount of nutrient intake. In this case, if you do not immediately change your diet, the heels can continue to itch for a very, very long time.

However, when changing the diet, you should consult a doctor, since it is quite difficult to determine the missing element on your own. The key vitamins in this case are A, B, C, D, which can be found in dairy and meat products, as well as citrus fruits, many berries and greens.

Vitamin deficiency is easy to diagnose because in this case, the symptoms are usually not limited to itchy heels. The skin of the entire foot begins to peel off, and often also the skin of the palms and face, hair falls out. Vitamin deficiency is especially dangerous for the body during the change of seasons.


Often occurs in people who are forced to spend the whole working day on their feet. In this case, one of the heels itches, and maybe both, as if from the inside. The symptom of tired legs is only increased if the patient works in heels, in uncomfortable shoes, or in other conditions that cause continuous discomfort to his legs.

Also, leg fatigue can occur in people who are overweight, much higher than normal, and people with flat feet. In this case, it serves as a clear warning and an impetus to the need to see a doctor.

Problems with the pancreas

Pancreatic problems can have a wide variety of symptoms, and heel discomfort is just one of them. Very often, it means that the pancreas is unable to control the protein-carbon balance, which can lead to serious complications in the body. This situation is in many ways similar to the situation of an excess of sugar in the body.

It must be remembered that the incessant itching in the heel can act as a symptom of various diseases, many of which are difficult to cope with at an advanced stage. Therefore, if you find that the leg itches longer than usual, you should definitely consult a doctor.

When a person's right heel itches, this phenomenon gives him a lot of discomfort. Facing such a problem a large number of people, but not everyone pays enough attention to it. You can eliminate unpleasant sensations only if you find out the true cause of their appearance. This article will talk about the causes of discomfort and how to prevent its occurrence.

Initially, you should pay attention to itching in the heels, its intensity, the presence or absence of pustular areas on the heels. So, if the left heel itches for a long time, then it is better to seek the help of a specialist who will conduct an examination and prescribe adequate treatment.

Why does the heel on a certain leg itch

Itching in the heel

Doctors identify several main reasons that the patient itches the heel on the left leg or the heel on the right leg. They have nothing to do with going to the left.

Non-pathological causes:

  • A fungus that periodically occurs during weather changes, due to a decrease in immunity and in case of non-compliance with personal hygiene. If the heels itch not due to a change in the weather, then this means that a fungus has settled in the body.
  • The change of season can also cause severe itching in the feet.
    Wearing uncomfortable shoes: people, places, clothes, shoes - everything affects the body. Non-natural insoles often provoke increased sweating and itching associated with the heel. If the left heel itches, regardless of the phenomena of nature, then you should try to change the insoles.
  • Excess weight, high growth, congenital anomalies of the foot - all this can serve as the main reasons why the right heel itches.
  • An allergic reaction to foods, medicines, or any other allergen. Everyone can face such an unpleasant phenomenon, so no one is immune from this.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body.

An insect bite that can provoke redness and swelling in the problem area.

Pathological causes:

  • Elevated blood sugar. Heel scratching may indicate the development of diabetes, so a person should make an appointment with an endocrinologist to rule out a dangerous disease.
  • If the left heel is combed, this is a pathology of the nervous system.
  • Diseases of the pancreas always lead to the fact that the protein and carbohydrate balance in the human body is disturbed. It is these phenomena that can provoke the indicated symptomatology.
  • Scabies is a disease characterized by a rash on the body. A person constantly wants to scratch his heels.

Infective endocarditis. With the appearance of such an ailment, red spots appear on the body, similar to hives. Itching in the heels does not go away day or night.

Treatment of itching depends on what factors it is provoked. It is impossible to take any medications at home, because this can only aggravate the situation. It is better to seek the help of qualified professionals.

It is worth considering the fact that if the right heel on the legs of a girl, a man or an old man itches, then this is considered not only an objective phenomenon, but may also indicate some event that will happen in the near future. This means that a person will either be happy or sad. Most often, this is a good sign that promises the achievement of your goal in life.
Superstitious people have long talked a lot about what causes heels to itch. Therefore, there is why the heel itches.

Cause of itching fungus

Often, it can cause itching in the heels. The most common cause of this disease is a decrease in immunity after antibiotic treatment, past illnesses, or malnutrition.
In the presence of a fungus, the heels itch both at night and during the day. In addition to scratching, a person notices rough skin on the heel. If the problem is strongly started, then painful purulent wounds can form on the legs.
Treatment of fungal infections of the foot of the sole and foot should be carried out by using creams and ointments. Such drugs can achieve a positive result with a mild stage of the fungus. If the problem is running, then you will have to drink antibiotics.

Malfunctions of the nervous system

Failure in the central nervous system

Some patients who turn to specialists with the problem of itchy heels may need the help of a neurologist. The problem is that itching of the heels sometimes manifests itself as a psychosomatic factor, because any stress negatively affects the body.
Fear, increased anxiety, depression and stressful situations - all this leads to CNS instability. If unpleasant symptoms occur at night and only on one leg, then you should see a neurologist who will confirm or refute psychosomatism.

It is worth considering that people who are quick-tempered, nervous and twitchy are more susceptible to the disease in question. You need to control your emotions, both negative and positive.

Vitamin deficiency

It is often difficult for doctors to find out why the heel itches, because the patient's tests are within the normal range, and the itching becomes more intense. In this case, experts may suspect the presence of beriberi - a lack of nutritional components in the human body. With the development of such a pathology, in addition to itching, a person on the heels, hair loss and brittle nails.

Due to the fact that beriberi is formed with poor-quality nutrition, people are not able to cope with the problem at home, because you need to determine what exactly the body lacks. Very often, this problem occurs in a baby, children, in a child who tries to scratch his heel strongly.
Treatment with creams and ointments will not help, because the disease must be treated from the inside. A person should review the diet and take special medications.

Itching when wearing poor quality shoes

Poor quality shoes

Heels can itch even if a person wears low-quality shoes. Unscrupulous firms that sew it periodically use bad and unnatural raw materials. Such actions explain why the heels itch when in contact with the insoles, the walls of shoes or boots.
In this case, specific treatment is not required.

Patients should treat problem areas with disinfectants, periodically take baths and, of course, buy new insoles. If there are back heel pains, it is better to consult a specialist. Many doctors argue that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure.

To prevent the development of the problem, it is worth buying only natural shoes from trusted brands. Slippers should always match the size of the foot so that blood circulation is not disturbed.

Prevention of discomfort

If a person does not want to feel excessive itching of the heels, face peeling of the feet and soreness, then he must adhere to some simple rules. They are:

  • If your heels itch, wash your feet regularly to avoid an itchy sensation.
  • Use comfortable shoes
  • Purchase insoles only from genuine leather or fur
  • With increased sweating, use special pharmacy or folk remedies
  • Use substances that can kill germs and disinfect the skin
  • Rub regularly between fingers where the skin often sweats

Prevention is carried out on any day of the week, if the heels itch often or constantly, even for one family member. Disinfection is appropriate here, which is based on cleaning and processing the floor and walls in the bathroom. In addition, the patient should keep his room slippers separate from the shoes and belongings of other family members, thereby protecting them from discomfort. Only in this case can we count on the non-proliferation of the disease.

Insoles made from natural materials

With regular itching, pain and cracked heels while traveling, it may be worth seeking the help of a qualified specialist. Only a doctor will be able to conduct a proper examination of the body, identify the true causes of the pathological condition and prescribe adequate treatment, if necessary. The patient must do what the doctor recommends.

Many people have to feel painful and unbearable sensations with itching in the heels from time to time. Why do heels itch? There are a lot of reasons for this manifestation and heel itching is a completely unsafe condition.

Who is not familiar with the unbearable and disgusting sensation of itching on the legs? Itching is strong and does not pass or is poorly felt. Sometimes, after combing, suppuration, abrasions or sores appear on the cover of the feet. Why do the legs itch, in particular the soles, heels and between the toes? What is the reason for these disgusting and debilitating feelings.

Causes of itchy feet

To understand why the heels itch, and get rid of such unpleasant sensations, first of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of this manifestation.

It can be an elementary load of the legs, malnutrition, all kinds of fungal diseases, a predisposition to allergies, insect bites, the presence of minor microcracks and abrasions, skin pathologies, as well as a disorder of the nervous system.

Let's analyze a number of reasons in more detail:

Often this condition is manifested as a result of an insect bite. After carefully examining the skin of the legs and feet and finding redness and swelling, you will immediately understand what is wrong. Within a short time, the manifestations of itching disappear, but if there are prerequisites for an allergy to insect bites, you should consult a doctor for help.

One of the reasons may be the change of the annual season. A person undergoes a decrease in immunity, and it is not the slightest difficulty to “catch” the fungus. In this case, the help of a specialist is needed, who will establish the correct diagnosis and determine the course of treatment to increase immunity.

An important factor is the shoes we wear. By wearing wide or large shoes, we force the heel of the foot to overstress by holding it. Narrow and cramped, prevents proper blood circulation. When buying shoes, you need to pay attention to its quality: cheap ones, in order to give it rigidity, are impregnated with harmful chemicals, from which the heels itch a lot. The chemical composition of the glue, rough seams, high and irregularly shaped heels reinforce and sharpen the position of the legs.

Insoles play an important role: they must be made from natural raw materials.

If the insoles in shoes are made of artificial raw materials, then during wearing, when sweat is released or the feet are warmed, the insoles will begin to release harmful and harmful substances that penetrate the skin of the feet through the pores. In this case, itching can appear not only in the heels, but throughout the foot. Therefore, insoles should be bought those that are qualitatively made from natural and natural raw materials.

Excess weight, high stature, discrepancy between the size of the foot and the weight and height of a person, congenital distortions: flat feet, when the foot does not rest on two points, and “club foot” or foot deformity with its incorrect setting, also prompt the causes forcing the heels to itch.

Heels can also itch for a common and popular reason: a fungal disease of the feet. The course of this disease cannot be ignored and hope that everything will go away by itself. The consequences can be very deplorable: skin disease can turn into nail fungus, which is very dangerous for the human body. The fungus produces toxic substances that affect human health. Therefore, at the first sensations of itching, without delaying the disease, it is necessary to buy an ointment against fungi in a pharmacy and undergo a course of treatment. If the disease has dragged on, then, first of all, you need to contact a dermatologist so that the doctor, in addition to the ointment, prescribes to be treated with antibiotics. This is especially true for lovers of constant visits to places where hygiene expects the best: baths, saunas or gyms.

With a deficiency of vitamins and dehydration, the skin of the feet suffers all year round. By taking vitamins regularly and eating fruits and vegetables rich in these vitamins, roughness and cracking of the feet and heels can be avoided.

One of the reasons may be a negative reaction to some allergen. It is necessary to remember what kind of food was taken the day before, perhaps a large amount of sweets was consumed or a stale product was eaten. By analyzing the diet, you can avoid allergic reactions in the future. It is possible that clothing affects allergies: socks or tights made of synthetic material. For some, itching in the heels begins with an allergy to grass, which means walking barefoot in such cases is harmful.

Also, diabetes mellitus is a common cause of itching in the heels. Therefore, you should definitely take a blood test for sugar.

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Influence of the nervous system on itching in the heels

In a quick-tempered, twitchy, unrestrained person, oddly enough, the nervous system, of course, reacts sometimes this reaction manifests itself in such a way that it can cause itching in the heel area. Anxiety and unrest, bad mood, fear and apprehension affect the body with just such actions. In order to get rid of these troubles, first of all, you will need to analyze your emotions, understand what the problem is and eliminate and free yourself from anxieties and worries as soon as possible. Unscheduled rest has a very beneficial effect, during which the body returns to its previous course, all unwanted and painful signs disappear.

The perception and sensation of deep and internal itching of the heel of the foot begins to form after the accumulation of prolonged loads received throughout the day. The most common causes of itching in the heel area: dysfunction of the sweat glands, thickening and roughening of all layers of the skin of the foot, dry calluses.

The feeling and perception of itching can also have more incomparable, disturbing and complex sensations that need systematic research. First of all, it is the replacement of carbohydrates, which the pancreas corrects.

The motive for deep heel itching is diabetes mellitus.

In the absence of obvious visible causes of itching, examination and examination by an endocrinologist is inevitable.



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