Eye treatment according to the system of Professor Zhdanov. A complete complex for the restoration of vision by the method of Professor Zhdanov

With age-related changes or under the influence of many adverse factors, vision begins to deteriorate. Especially eye strain occurs when working at a computer, as a result of which their fatigue, dryness and burning are often felt. Medications will help to cope with the problem, but you can carry out a special one to restore vision, and you will not get harmful side effects.


Even people who have 100% vision need a proper rest for their eyes from time to time. This will help a special for the eyes, allowing you to quickly restore their functionality. Good vision depends on the eye muscles, which need to be exercised regularly so that visual function does not fade away. allow not only to restore vision after a long and hard work at the computer, but also aimed at improving their health in case of such problems as:

  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • age-related changes;
  • astigmatism.

With a decrease in visual acuity, ophthalmologists may recommend wearing glasses or contact lenses. However, having shown a desire, each person can independently solve the problem with the help developed by Professor Zhdanov.


The technique proposed by Professor V. G. Zhdanov is recommended for those who have experienced visual impairment and want to get rid of the problem without wearing glasses. The essence of the implementation of the technique is as follows:

  • exercises must be done without glasses;
  • when charging, the face should be motionless, you need to work only with your eyes.

The technique according to Zhdanov consists of 7 exercises, by performing which you can return to a full life in a short time. However, in order for exercise to be beneficial, it must be performed regularly, from the first to the last exercise. The professor developed these for those who suffer from nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism, or simply experience eye fatigue as a result of prolonged exertion:

  1. Main exercise. You need to blink your eyes quickly, like a butterfly flaps its wings. You don’t need to squint, you just need to quickly open and close your eyes, being in a calmly relaxed state. Such calm blinking for centuries helps to relax the eye muscles. Each charging exercise by Professor Zhdanov consists of this action.
  2. Raise your eyes up and down. After that, again you need to blink for centuries.
  3. Eyes look right-left-right-left, while the head remains motionless, only the eye muscles work. Finish the exercise by blinking the eyelids.
  4. Diagonal eye movements. They should first be raised to the left-up, then to the right-down. Such actions must be performed five times, after which blink for centuries. Draw a reverse diagonal: look with your eyes to the right-up and left-down, blink your eyelids.
  5. Exercise Rectangle. It is necessary to draw a rectangle in front of you in the following sequence: side on the right, top, side on the left, bottom. Finish the gymnastics by blinking the eyelids, then draw a rectangle in the opposite direction and blink again.
  6. With the help of the work of the eye muscles, you need to draw a watch dial, the place of the arrows on them will be their own bridge of the nose. In a circle, you need to examine the entire dial, but you need to linger on the following numbers: 12, 3, 6, 10, 12. Repeat the exercise counterclockwise, blink for centuries.
  7. Exercise "snake". You need to take your eyes to the side and mentally draw a zigzag snake in front of you: up-down-up-down. The zigzag must be repeated from right to left, blink, then perform gymnastics from left to right, finish the exercise by blinking the eyelids.


A good therapeutic effect on the eye muscles has a charge, during which the palms are involved. To perform the "palming" exercises of Professor Zhdanov, two palms of one's own hands are needed. Before starting gymnastics, warm up your hands until you feel warmth in your fingers. Then the palms of the hands must be placed on top of each other so that they intersect perpendicularly at the base of the little fingers. Hands should be attached to the eyes so that the crossed palms are on the forehead, and the bases of the little fingers are on the bridge of the nose.

During this charge, the light should not come to the eyes, and the palms should press on the eyeballs. Palming, proposed by Professor Zhdanov, must be performed while sitting with your elbows on the table. You need to relax, plunge into darkness and contemplate it, discarding all unnecessary thoughts. If at the time of this exercise, according to Zhdanov, third-party thoughts are disturbing, you need to postpone the exercise.

Palming is performed from 10 minutes to unlimited time. From a scientific point of view, such an exercise by Professor Zhdanov has a warming effect on the eyeballs under the warmth of the palms.


Exercise for the eye muscles can be performed without getting out of bed. It is popular with those who find it difficult to open their eyes immediately after waking up. In bed, you can perform these simple exercises:

  1. Stretch well, roll several times from side to side. In this case, you should breathe deeply and calmly.
  2. Open your eyes and mouth wide several times.
  3. Close your eyes tightly 6 times and blink them slowly 12 times.
  4. Perform the palming of Professor Zhdanov.

In order to restore vision, not only physical exercises are important, but also proper nutrition. The human body must receive the necessary amount of vitamins that improve the sharpness and quality of vision.

Ecology of consumption. Leave everything and do these exercises - let your eyes rest! Our set of exercises...

Vision is the greatest, amazing, wonderful gift of nature, and so that in the age of high technology and a large flow of information not to lose it, but rather to save it, we decided to collect in one article as much useful information as possible, answering the most pressing questions of our time: “how restore vision? and “how to improve it?”.

In this article, you will get acquainted with exercises to improve, restore and prevent vision. Our set of exercises for the eyes will help to avoid or even defeat not only myopia, but also hyperopia and a number of other visual defects - we have collected all the most long-awaited tips for eye health here.

vision problems

First, let's find out what are the most common vision problems.

Nearsightedness (myopia)- an eye disease in which the image is formed not on the retina, but in front of it. Reason: an enlarged eyeball (mainly a genetically determined disease, or acquired due to impaired visual and physical activity, also due to constant stress and malnutrition). Subsequently, it becomes difficult for a person to recognize objects that are at a distance. According to WHO, every third person suffers from this disease.

Farsightedness (hypermetropia)- a visual impairment in which a person sees well only in the distance, but near it is blurry, cloudy. Such a visual defect occurs due to the irregular shape of the eyeball (compressed along the longitudinal axis), as a result of which the image of the object is focused not on the retina, but behind it. If this eye disease is ignored, strabismus occurs. To identify the disease, a complete ophthalmological examination should be carried out (visual acuity test according to special tables, fundus examination by ultrasound).

Amblyopia- visual impairment, due to changes in the cerebral cortex, develops exclusively in children. The visual system of children is very plastic, any negative factor (injuries, experiences) can cause the development of this eye disease.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD). From the Latin term "macula" means "spot" - this is a zone measuring 2 square millimeters in the center of the retina. But! It is she who is responsible for visual acuity. This zone is also referred to as the “yellow spot”, the most sensitive cells of the retina, called “cones”, are concentrated in it. They control the transmission of a clear image and color. With age, due to a variety of reasons, the normal metabolic process in these cells can be disrupted, which causes AMD.

The disease can occur in two forms: wet and dry. Dry AMD accounts for about 80% of cases. Develops gradually. The first signs are easily detected when reading: when a blurry spot appears in the center of the font, overlapping the letters. With the development of the disease, the spot increases. The main cause of this disease is a metabolic disorder (products of cellular metabolism lead to the death of important cells).

The wet form of AMD affects no more than 20% of people. It develops rapidly, and manifests itself in the fact that "straight lines are bent" and, in addition, there is a "fog" in the eyes. A possible transition from one form to another is revealed. The wet form of age-related macular degeneration is caused by an overgrowth of blood vessels in the center of the retina. Due to excess vessels and their fluid, edema occurs.

It has been observed that people with light eyes are much more likely to suffer from AMD than people with darker pigmented eyes. This is due to the fact that the dark-eyed pigment melanin is much larger, and it absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Retinal disinsertion- separation of the photosensitive layer of the retina from the vascular tissue. As a result, the cells are no longer supplied with oxygen and nutrients. And if measures are not taken in a timely manner (surgical intervention), the cells can completely die, which for a person means loss of vision. The first sign: “flying flies” before the eyes, in the later stages, there is a complete loss of some part of the field of vision. Therefore, it is so important to periodically check your vision to make sure that the “flies” are just overwork, and nothing more.

The causes of retinal detachment can be very different:

  • Severe eye injury
  • Diabetes
  • Myopia of any degree with changes in the fundus
  • Inflammation of the eye, etc.

Glaucoma - main cause of blindness. Glaucoma occurs as a result of damage to the optic nerve. This disease requires a lot of effort from the patient: adherence to a strict diet (exclude salt, coffee, control the amount of fluid you drink, it is especially undesirable to drink a lot at night), monitor blood pressure (if the pressure is not stable, the optic nerve fibers may die), strictly follow the doctor's prescriptions (take drops and medicines at the right time). If the drugs do not help to reduce the pressure, the operation is inevitable, even two (after the first operation, an unpleasant outcome is possible - clouding of the lens, for this a second operation is performed to eliminate this consequence).

Do not tempt fate - be careful when working with piercing objects, do not create pretexts for serious injuries. Take care of your eyes.

Cataract- clouding of the lens. In this connection, the rays of light penetrating the eye do not fall on the retina, and as a result, visual acuity decreases.

Malnutrition, unhealthy lifestyle, unfavorable working conditions - all this increases the army of people suffering from eye disease. There are two solutions here - an operation or vitamin drops (only as a way to stretch, delay the development of the disease for the maximum possible period). An examination by a qualified doctor and his competent decision is the only way to recovery. The operation is a very responsible step, here it is necessary to take into account all the pros and cons. For example, contraindications for health reasons. And avoid traditional medicine (homemade herbal tinctures), as such treatment can result in complete loss of vision or easily cause a severe allergic reaction.

The main causes of visual impairment

Eye disease may be accompanied by redness and pain in the eyes. There are many reasons that cause a decrease in visual acuity, we will consider only the most basic of them:

hereditary - transmitted to a person from parents, relatives.

Acquired - arising under the influence of external factors.

So, among the external factors, the following can be distinguished:

1. Prolonged mental stress and incorrect head position

It is very important to always watch your posture, and especially how you sit when working at a computer or reading a book. Since the blood supply to the occipital region of the brain (and here is the center of vision) directly affects the health of our eyes.

Dr. William Horatio Bates considers mental or psychological stress to be the root cause of vision problems. The most interesting, invaluable advice for all who care about eye health, the doctor outlined in his book "Treatment of imperfect vision without the help of glasses." We will return to the author and his methodology a little later.

2. Wrong diet

The eyes are part of the body, so if we eat improperly, we lose our sight. Many neglect this truth, perhaps because of its simplicity. But we all know the phrase: “life is made up of little things”, you can also say about good eyesight. Take care of your eyes - pay attention to the little things.

3. Constant stress and lack of sleep

4. Eye injuries

And in order to avoid hereditary eye diseases, a pregnant woman must conduct proper prenatal care for herself and for her unborn baby. This is possible through a balanced, healthy diet, a healthy lifestyle and a positive atmosphere in the family.

And never forget about the health of the body (especially the eyes) - do relaxing exercises. This is what we're going to do now.

Eye Health Precautions and Protections

The sooner comprehensive measures are taken or treatment is started, the more chances you have for a good result. And for this, we all need to take as a rule:

  • Starting from a young age, be regularly examined by an ophthalmologist;
  • Under no circumstances should you brush aside emerging vision problems (everyone always has a lot of work, and vision can be lost);
  • Carry out a set of preventive measures.

Eye exercises

The general conditions for performing gymnastics for the eyes are:

  • All exercises are performed without glasses and contact lenses;
  • Slowly;
  • In a quiet environment.

Exercises to improve blood circulation and intraocular fluid

The first group of exercises is necessary: ​​to improve the circulation of blood and intraocular fluid.

Exercise 1. Close the eyelids of both eyes for 5 seconds, open for the same time. Repeat the exercise 8 times.

Exercise 2. Blink rapidly for 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times, with an interval of 10 seconds.

Exercise 3 Close the eyelids, with the index fingers of the corresponding hands, gently, without pressure, massage the eyes (in circular motions) for a minute.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the eye

The second group of exercises: to strengthen the muscles of the eye.

Exercise 4 Slowly look from the floor to the ceiling and back (the position of the head should be unchanged). Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 5 Slowly move your eyes to the right, to the left and back. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 6 Make circular eye movements first in one direction for 4 seconds, then the same time in the other direction.

Exercises to improve accommodation

The third group of exercises: to improve accommodation - the adaptation of the eyes to external conditions.

Exercise 7 With both eyes, look at the index finger of the left hand extended in front of the face for 5 seconds. Then gradually bring your finger closer to your nose (until the finger begins to double). Repeat the exercise 8 times.

Exercise 8 Attach a colored mark with a diameter of 5 millimeters to the window glass at eye level, stand at a distance of 35 cm from the window, then, away from the line of sight passing through the mark, mark the object you like for visual fixation (it can be the top of a tree, an antenna, a balcony opposite). Look at the mark for 2 seconds, then look at the selected object - linger on it for 2 seconds. Then look again at the label. Repeat the exercise on the first two days for 5 minutes, on the following days - 7 minutes.

Exercise 9 Mentally divide the wall diagonally into 4 triangles and rotate your eyes in both directions inside these shapes. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Exercise 10 Draw the infinity sign (eight) with your eyes. Repeat the exercise 8 times.

All exercises for the eyes must be performed regularly, preferably at least 2 times a day. You can use various modifications of the directions of movement of the eyes, for example, as shown in the figure below:

Popular vision restoration techniques

The problem of restoring vision worries many authors. Thanks to the Internet, millions of people have the opportunity to familiarize themselves and apply any technique they like. Among the most popular author's methods of vision correction, we can distinguish:

1. The method of restoring vision Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov- Doctor of Psychology, Uzbek and Russian leader of alternative medicine, writer. One of his most popular books is "The Fool's Experience, or the Path to Enlightenment", which is presented in a very unusual: playful and at the same time daring style. His method is based, first of all, on freeing yourself from thoughts: that you are sick and weak. The right mental attitude and a set of special exercises (accommodation exercises, eye-relaxing gymnastics) give a truly effective result. The book was recognized by the International Association of Independent Experts as the most effective among the known alternative health systems in 1998. In it, the author laid out a huge mass of secrets: how to gain hope for improved vision, how to restore vision, and how to become a winner in life. This book will not leave anyone indifferent!

2. Natural method of restoring visual acuity according to Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov: Russian public figure, popularizer of a non-medical approach to healing bad habits (Zhdanov also refers to wearing glasses as bad habits, in addition to using tobacco and alcohol) is based on a set of simple exercises. Zhdanov's book "Get Your Sight Back" is designed to restore lost vision by performing simple exercises with home-made tablets of various sizes.

3. The method of William Bates - ophthalmologist from the USA, the essence of which is to relieve psychological stress. “Only by relaxing the eyes can one regain vision.” W. Bates' program is based on special gymnastics designed to restore vision. Where, the most effective exercises:

  • Palming (covering the eyes with the palms, after rubbing them against each other - warming the palm);
  • Memories (pleasant memories with closed eyes - great for relaxing the eyes);
  • Mental representation (Bates advises imagining a blank sheet of white paper on which something needs to be written).

Dear friends, "blindness" ... is in each of us - we do not notice much, and do not want to see. Sometimes, we stop appreciating life, both our own and someone else's. But this is a topic for a separate discussion. Finally, I would like to wish all of us a sharp, insightful look and bright colors throughout our lives. And for this, take care of your eyes - appreciate life! Be healthy.published

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Over time, more and more people suffer from some kind of visual impairment. This can be ordinary fatigue, getting used to working at the monitor, myopia developing against this background, as well as astigmatism, farsightedness and other disorders of the visual apparatus. Gymnastics for the eyes according to Zhdanov will help solve these problems and minimize any changes - this is a whole set of exercises created by an eminent professor.

The method is based on the theory of the physicist and physiologist Hermann Helmholtz about the structure and work of the eye, about its violations, or rather, its refutation. In studies 180 years ago, any deterioration in vision was associated with the work and tone of internal muscles:

● myopia - tension of the ciliary muscle with the subsequent impossibility of relaxation, while the lens becomes convex;

● hyperopia - the muscle does not work well, the lens is flat.

Because of such conclusions, many years ago, to compensate for the "defect" of the lens, they began to prescribe glasses and wear lenses that were suitable for diopters. According to Zhdanov's method, wearing glasses is harmful - it worsens vision even more. Fortunately, back in the 19th century, ophthalmologist William Bates, in the course of his practice, noticed that glasses really impair vision. Those of his patients who lost glasses or broke them, leaving for the summer in the countryside or in the mountains, went without “crutches for the eyes” for 2-3 months - the glasses were very expensive then - they showed an improvement during the test. The absence of glasses helps to restore vision. Helmholtz's theory was refuted. The work of the eyelids and human vision is influenced by 6 oculomotor muscles.

Bates' research proved that farsightedness occurs due to muscle atrophy, and myopia appears in people from visual, mental, physical stress, overstrain and injury. The ophthalmologist saw the solution to the problem in minimizing the wearing of glasses and relaxation.

Gymnastics for the eyes, which Zhdanov promotes, solves these problems, forcing the muscles to work as they should - trains them and relaxes them. Thus, you can easily get rid of not only myopia, farsightedness, but also strabismus and astigmatism.

Indications for the application of the technique

Indications for the application of the technique are any visual impairment: deviation in myopia or hyperopia, strong stress during work, strabismus and astigmatism. Eye exercises according to Zhdanov should be performed if only because you can save a lot of money by stopping buying glasses or lenses.

An important part of doing the exercises is to reduce the presence of glasses or lenses in a person's life - they do not allow the eyes to naturally strain the muscles.

The second thing that will definitely come in handy is palming. This is the main technique for relaxing the eye muscles.

Exercises according to the method of Professor Zhdanov

Recently, more and more often, the doctor may recommend practicing according to the method for restoring vision from Zhdanov. Such an appointment can be obtained additionally for the treatment of strabismus and astigmatism. The full course will include not only exercises, but also medications - it is difficult for doctors to control whether the patient fulfills the appointments, whatever they may be, so they try to treat everyone at once.

A set of exercises for the eyes Zhdanov tested, its effectiveness has been proven by many people. Therefore, do not hesitate if you want to start. But to achieve the result you need perseverance, willpower and discipline.

Rules for doing exercises for the eyes

Exercises are performed smoothly, before starting it is recommended to blink to relax the eyelids. The number of times should be gradually increased to three times for each. You need to do three approaches per day - complete the complex three times.

You can not do receptions if less than six months ago an operation was performed or there is a detachment of the retina.

Eye exercises

Up down
You need to raise your eyes up as much as possible and gently lower them down as much as possible.

Right left

Move your eyes to the right as much as possible, then similarly to the left.

Eyes must be raised to the right-up and lowered to the left, then left-up and right-down. The movement should be as far as possible.

It is necessary to move the eyes clockwise, drawing the largest possible rectangle. Then you need to draw a large rectangle counterclockwise.

The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one: you need to draw a circle of the largest possible size with your eyes, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Eyes need to be taken to the side, and then draw them with a “snake” movement - a sinusoid - up and down, up and down, up and down. Then to the other side.

After each exercise, it is advisable to blink.

Exercise for the eyes of Zhdanov with myopia and hyperopia

With myopia and farsightedness, visual impairments appear for various reasons, therefore it is absurd and illogical to treat radically different diseases with one medicine - it will not help. Myopia occurs due to tension in the muscles that control the eyeballs, farsightedness - on the contrary, with atrophy. Therefore, in the first case, the muscles need to be relaxed, and in the second, they need to be toned. Therefore, to improve vision, there are separate exercises to make the right muscles behave in the right way.

Proper exercise for the nearsighted

Proper charging - relaxation.

It will help to achieve improvement in vision with myopia.

1. Squint as hard as possible so that your eyes strain to tremble. You can look at individual items. Relax your eyes - the trembling should disappear, but the squint should remain. Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Look at the wall, imagine that there are 2 black dots on it one above the other at a distance of 0.5 m. Look at the top point, then slowly move your eyes to the bottom in a straight line.

Rub your palms to keep them warm. Put them on the inside of your closed eyes. The fingers are on the forehead, the light does not penetrate, the nose breathes freely. The exercise is performed for 3-5 minutes. Then, without lifting your palms, you need to blink and only then remove your hands from your face.

Farsightedness training

thumb exercise

1. Stretch your hand forward, clench your fist, raise your thumb up.

2. Look into the distance, look at the thumb.

3. Bring your thumb closer to your face - at a distance of at least 15 cm.

4. Just as slowly, you need to move your hand away from your face.

Index finger exercise

1. You need to clench your hand into a fist and raise your index finger.

2. The hand must be brought to the face - an outstretched finger opposite the eyelids.

3. Look into the distance until the end of the workout.

4. Take your hand 20 cm to the left, then slowly return to the position in front of you.

5. Then take your hand to the right 20 cm and return it in front of you again.

The effectiveness of the method in cataracts

There are people who have achieved results with cataracts by practicing according to the Zhdanov method. The professor did not expect the exercises to help with this. The method is designed to cure more common disorders. Clouding of the lens is not included in them - the complex can help, but muscle tone and their elasticity can slow down the changes, but not completely cancel them.

Eye exercises for cataracts have not been studied.

How to restore vision with astigmatism


1. Stand facing the sun or a burning candle with closed eyelids. Feet shoulder width apart, arms relaxed. There is no tension in the body.

2. The body and head turn to the right, rolling on the right foot. The sun is on the left.

3. Similarly, you need to turn to the left. The sun will be on the right side. The eyelids remain closed.

When performed, the effect of sunbeams appears. Exercise should be performed 20-25 times.

Nutrition and its combination with Zhdanov's exercises

Exercise is best done between meals. It is recommended not to abuse harmful and unhealthy food, smoking and alcohol during the recovery period. It would be ideal to increase the amount of vitamin A that is responsible for vision, eat more foods containing it.

Greetings, dear readers! Unfortunately, most modern people lead the wrong way of life, which has a negative impact on the body. As a result of this, sooner or later, each of us has various kinds of problems, in particular with vision.

To date, there are several ways to deal with eye diseases, but one of the most effective is the restoration of vision according to the Zhdanov method.

Professor Vladimir Zhdanov developed this technique in order to combat eye diseases: hyperopia, myopia, strabismus, astigmatism, etc. Today I will tell you about the features of his technique.

The principle of Vladimir Zhdanov's methodology is based on the inextricable link between spiritual and physical health. Instead of wearing glasses that harm the eyes, the Russian professor encourages people to think about eliminating vision problems using his drug-free technique. When compiling it, he used popular ophthalmological methods and Shichko.

In addition to eye gymnastics, Zhdanov's philosophy includes:

  • separate nutrition (you need to minimize the consumption of fats and increase the amount of carbohydrates and proteins consumed);
  • minimizing stressful situations;
  • giving up bad habits that ruin health.

Exercise Rules

The main conditions that will help to achieve high efficiency are the systematic and correct execution of specific exercises. Before you start gymnastics for your eyes, you first need to familiarize yourself with a few rules for its implementation:

  1. For the duration of the specific exercises prescribed by the doctor, you need to take off your glasses.
  2. In no case should you make sudden movements - all exercises should be performed smoothly.
  3. If a person has serious pathologies, the number of repetitions of each exercise should be limited (maximum 3 times with a strong degree of myopia and hypermetropia).
  4. During such gymnastics, the eyes are subjected to a rather high load, so it cannot be done to people who have undergone eye surgery within the last 4 months.
  5. In between exercises, it is recommended to do palming - it helps to relax the muscles and enhances the effect.
  6. A mandatory preparatory step is blinking. Before starting gymnastics, blink for about 5 seconds to “stretch” your eye muscles a little.

Visual gymnastics according to Zhdanov

A useful vision restoration complex from V. G. Zhdanov includes 6 exercises that must be performed in a certain order:

Eye gymnastics always ends with palming (about 5 minutes). Performing this gymnastic complex 3 times a day, your vision will improve in 2-3 weeks.

Restoring vision with sunbathing

One of the most popular and effective exercises proposed by Zhdanov is the natural restoration of vision (solarization). Its essence is to improve vision with the help of various light sources.

It is best if the sun acts as such a source. Sit facing the sun, close your eyes and relax. Start tilting your head so that your eyes either approach the light or move away from it.

During this exercise, it is necessary to ensure that there is some kind of obstacle between your face and the light source (book, tree).

Accordingly, tilting the head to one - to the right, then to the other - to the left side will make it possible to ensure that the sun's rays periodically fall on the eyes. You should repeat this exercise about 5-15 times.

I am sure that many people experience vision problems. Remember yourself, we are constantly squinting, wearing uncomfortable lenses or glasses, and our eyesight is falling and falling. Operations are an expensive pleasure, and this is a surgical intervention, and this is always a risk. Today I will tell you about the Zhdanov method for restoring vision.

Every person who experiences vision problems dreams of finding a way to help correct the disease without surgery, glasses and a bunch of pills. I hasten to please you, there is such a way! But nothing is given to us just like that, we have to work hard.

I considered it necessary, at the beginning, to say a few words about this outstanding person. The professor was born on May 25, 1949 in the Altai Territory. Professor Zhdanov is a public figure, he represents the people's sobriety union. The professor has received many awards, and numerous critics accept his contribution to the improvement of the nation.

He is a champion of natural therapies. He reads a number of lectures on the topic of restoring vision, the dangers of alcohol and smoking, and proper nutrition. His lectures are easy to understand and very understandable, he has already helped a huge number of people to get rid of their illness.

What is the basis of the method of restoring vision according to Zhdanov

The professor at his lecture examines the structure of the eye, created 190 years ago by Hermann Helmholtz. He suggested that the eye has the shape of a ball, and the lens is in front - this is a biconvex lens, with the help of which we get an image on the retina of the eye. The lens, in turn, envelops the circular ciliary muscle.

According to the theory, when the muscle is relaxed, the image is focused on the retina and therefore we can see distant objects perfectly. When we need to see close objects, the muscle compresses the lens from all sides, and it becomes convex. So the image is focused behind the retina, and we can see perfectly up close. This is the normal function of the eye.

What is nearsightedness and farsightedness according to Helmholtz

Myopia is when the muscle does not relax after tension and the lens remains convex. Therefore, people with such an ailment are prescribed glasses with concave lenses, they compensate for the convex lens.

And farsightedness is when the ciliary muscle is weakened. She does not have enough strength to compress the lens, so people see this well in the distance, but close up, an incomprehensible spot is obtained. By the way, such problems are more common in older people, because the muscle weakens with age, but younger people also face it. Such people are prescribed glasses with a convex lens, this compensates for the flat lens.

Because of this theory, people have been prescribed glasses for 190 years in a row, but what is most interesting, vision does not improve, but only worsens. The American ophthalmologist William Bates became interested in this. He studied this process for 30 years, and only then came to the conclusion that Helmholtz's theory was not correct.

He noticed that people who were forced to be left without glasses for several months improved their vision. And to our happiness, he drew conclusions from his observations that the human eye is arranged like a lens in a camera and farsightedness and myopia are affected not by the bulge of the lens, but by the length of the eye. Not a ciliary muscle, but 6 oculomotor muscles.

As we see

The six muscles of the eye are: the superior and inferior longitudinal muscles, the 2 lateral longitudinal muscles, and the inferior and superior transverse muscles. When all the muscles are relaxed, the eye takes on the shape of a ball and the image is focused on the retina of the eye, as a result, we see in the distance. To see up close, we tighten the lower and upper transverse muscles and completely relax the transverse muscles, and the eye stretches, so we see up close.

According to Bates, in nearsighted people, the transverse muscles tighten and do not relax. This can happen from stress, from prolonged stress. A perfect example is schoolchildren or students. They sit at the lessons for textbooks, and come home and sit down for lessons. Along the way, eye strain, they may experience related to study, the situation in the family.

In far-sighted people, the transverse muscles are very weak, and the longitudinal muscles are often slagged. This prevents the eye from taking on an oval shape and stretching forward, so people can't see well up close. There is such a thing as complicated farsightedness. In such people, the longitudinal muscles pull the eye to the orbit so much that it becomes flat, and it is pulled up. Such people generally have 2 pairs of glasses in reserve, because they cannot see either near or far.

Another problem is strabismus. It happens because one lateral longitudinal muscle is tense and the other is weakened. Therefore, the eye can mow.

What happens when a person wears eyeglasses to correct their vision? Muscles cease to function normally and may even atrophy over time. Vision deteriorates more and more, the muscles do not strain at all. This applies to all 6 muscles. After all, putting on glasses, we do not move our eyes at all, but turn our neck. From all this we can conclude that glasses are the main enemy on the way to good vision.

How to restore vision using the Zhdanov method

Bates offers simple eye exercises to restore vision naturally. These exercises will help to train the muscles of the eye, weaken the longitudinal ones and give strength to the transverse ones. It is recommended to give up glasses or replace them with weaker ones for the course of lectures.

William Bates proved that vision can be restored through exercise. He was categorically against any surgical intervention, because it is much more difficult to train an injured muscle than just a weakened or tense one. By the way, it is easier and faster to restore a child's vision, because the muscles in children are more elastic, flexible and non-slagging.

To restore vision, you will need to follow a few rules:

  • Performing the necessary exercises, we will analyze some of them in the article.
  • Freeing our thoughts from negativity.
  • The use of propolis and bee bread, to supply our eyes with the necessary substances.

Eye exercises according to the Zhdanov method

The first exercise is connected with the palms, we unconsciously heal ourselves. We put our palms together, fingers together, and the palms are almost straight. At a right angle, we put the fingers of one hand on the other, and put the resulting glasses on the eyes. We put our elbows on the surface of the table. Light should not fall under the palms.

This exercise is called palming - warming up the eyes with the warmth of one's own palms. The exercise lasts 3-5 minutes, if longer, then it will not hurt in any way.

Muscle Relaxing Exercises

You can not do exercises less than six months after surgery, and with retinal detachment.

Many of these exercises can not be done. You can only 3 times a day before meals.

  1. We quickly blink our eyelids, do not strain our eyes.
  2. We raise and lower our eyes.
  3. We squint our eyes to the left to the right.
  4. Move the eyes diagonally.
  5. We draw a rectangle with our eyes, in one direction and the other.
  6. We draw the dial with our eyes, in one direction and the other.
  7. We draw a snake with the eyes. We look up and down, moving from left to right and vice versa.
  8. You need to blink after each exercise.
  9. After exercise, you need to do palming. Yes, and the exercises themselves can be done under palming.

This is only a small part of the exercises to improve vision, but no one will give a lecture as well as the professor himself. Therefore, I recommend that you set aside a week to study the course, and you will get unforgettable emotions and benefits for the eyes.



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