Pulse is normal a. Heart rate

On palpation of the arteries under the skin, a rhythmic beating is felt - the pulse. It occurs as a result of fluctuations in the walls of blood vessels during blood flow. By the strength and frequency of beats, you can determine how the heart works. To assess his condition, you need to know the normal value of the pulse for each age.

How is pulse different from heart rate

Heart rate (HR) is a physiological parameter that shows the number of organ beats per minute. Measuring the pulse helps to calculate how many times under the influence of blood pressure during the same time, blood vessels expand and contract in response. In healthy people, both indicators coincide and are at the level of an acceptable norm.

In medical institutions, heart rate is measured on an electrocardiograph, at home - using a pressure measuring device - a tonometer.

The pulse is felt by hand in areas where the arteries are located close to the skin. In acute heart failure, when the pulse is weak, thready, this method of measurement will not help.

How to measure wrist pulse:

  1. Perform the procedure in the morning immediately after waking up and emptying the bladder.
  2. Get your second watch ready, sit back and relax.
  3. Determine the hand on which the beating is more pronounced, and place it palm up on a horizontal surface at chest level.
  4. To the radial artery at the wrist (under the thumb), lightly press the index, middle and ring fingers of the other hand.
  5. Count the number of beats in 60 seconds.

What determines the heart rate

The pulse at rest does not always correspond to normal values. Sometimes the heart beats less often or more often, the cause may be temporary physiological phenomena. For example, an increased rhythm is observed in women during menopause, a lower one after taking certain medications.

If the heart rate goes beyond the normal range regularly, this signals health problems.

Factors affecting heart rate:

  1. The level of physical fitness. Athletes have a lower rate than untrained people.
  2. Lack of fluid in the body. Dehydration leads to intense heart activity.
  3. Air temperature. When it's hot, the blood vessels dilate and the heart beats faster. In cold weather, the opposite is true.
  4. Stress and emotions. Excitement, prolonged nervous tension lead to an increase in heart rate.
  5. Excess weight. In overweight people, the heart rate is higher than normal.
  6. Bad habits. With smoking and alcoholism, the heart wears out quickly, arrhythmia appears.

Normal resting heart rate by age

Heart rate monitoring helps to identify abnormalities in the circulatory system. The ideal heart rate for an adult at rest is 60-80 beats per minute. It has been approved by the World Health Organization. Blows must follow through the same period of time.

Throughout life, the pulse rate changes.

The heart beats fastest in newborns, it is weak and cannot pump a large volume of blood. Any tension leads to tachycardia - increased heart rate. As the child grows, the heart rate slows down. In adolescents, the rate gradually reaches the adult rate of heart rate.

In adults

The pulse rate in a person by age depends on gender. In men, the heart beats less frequently than in women. This is due to the difference in its parameters. Young people have a higher frequency of contractions than older people.

After 50 years, chronic diseases and age-related changes in the heart and blood vessels become the cause of arrhythmias.

Average number of heart beats per minute in healthy men:

  • 18 to 25 years old– 65-75;
  • from 25 to 40 years – 70-80;
  • 40 to 60 years old – 60-70;
  • after 60 years – 50-60.

Pulse rate in women by age:

  • 18 to 25 years old – 70-80;
  • from 25 to 40 years – 80-90;
  • 40 to 60 years old – 75-85;
  • after 60 years – 60-70.

In children under 10 years old

  • In a newborn baby, the optimal heart rate is 110-160 beats per minute. If the baby was born prematurely - 160-190.
  • In children from 1 month to a year, a pulse of 100 to 150 is considered normal.
  • At preschool age, the heart rate ranges from 80 to 130.
  • From 7 to 10 years, a range of 70 to 95 beats per minute is considered normal.


During puberty, the hormonal background is unstable, so the frequency and rhythm of the pulse are constantly changing. The normal heart rate in adolescence is 50-100 beats in 60 seconds.

If the value constantly passes the critical mark, there is a risk of dangerous complications.

How many beats per minute should the heart beat?

Normally, during sleep, rest, the pulse rate can drop to 40-50 beats per minute. Any activity makes the heart beat faster and oxygenate the blood faster, because the body spends more energy when moving. Age indicators of the pulse for each person are individual and depend on his physical form.

The heart rate fluctuates frequently throughout the day, but should remain between 60-100 beats per 60 seconds.

Regular aerobic exercise strengthens the heart, promotes good blood supply and reduces the resting heart rate to a minimum. In athletes, it can reach 40 beats per minute even in old age, but if such a rhythm is observed constantly, the heart wears out prematurely.

After meal

When a person takes food, the organs begin to work hard, and the pulse quickens. The normal range is 80-100 beats per minute. Elevated values ​​are observed when overeating or indicate diseases of the digestive, circulatory systems.

During workout for weight loss

When performing exercises, you need to control the pulse so as not to exceed its maximum limit. You can calculate an individual indicator if you subtract the number of years lived from the number 220. To lose weight, you need to know the aerobic heart rate limit at which fat burning occurs. It is approximately 70% of the resulting figure.

Average heart rate during training:

  • for women – 120-140;
  • for men – 115-135.

When running

Your heart rate is affected by the pace and duration of your workout. Comfortable for the heart is considered a rhythm of 120-130 beats per minute. For people with poor physical shape, maximum loads will only bring harm. In order not to exceed the limit, alternate running with walking for 30-60 minutes. In athletes, the heart rate depends on the degree of training intensity and ranges from 130 to 190 beats in 60 seconds.


Pulse is the vibrations of arterial vessels that are associated with the work of the heart. But doctors consider the pulse more broadly: all changes in the vessels of the cardiac system that are associated with it. Each characteristic of the pulse indicates the norm or deviation in the state of activity of the heart muscles.

The main characteristics of the pulse

Heart fluctuations have six main indicators by which it is possible to diagnose the functioning of the heart muscles. The pulse and its characteristics are the rhythm and frequency of beats, the strength of beats and tension, as well as the shape of the oscillations. The level of blood pressure is also characterized by the properties of the pulse. By fluctuations in heartbeats, specialists can determine the disease that the patient suffers from.


The heart rate is called the cyclical alternation of "beats" of the heart muscles for a minute. These are vibrations of the walls of the artery. They characterize the movement of blood through the arteries during heart contractions. For diagnostic purposes, the pulse is measured at the temple, thigh, under the knee, posterior tibial and in other places where the arteries pass close to the surface of the body. In patients, the rhythm of heart beats is often disturbed.


The pulse frequency is the number of "beats" per minute. It can be counted by pressing on the arterial vessels. The heart rate (pulse) in a wide range of loads characterizes the speed of blood pushing. There are two types of heart rate deviations:

  • bradycardia (slow heartbeat);
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).

The interval of contractions can be calculated with a tonometer, and not just with simple palpation. The frequency rate depends on the age of the person whose pulse is measured. The frequency depends not only on age and pathologies. During exercise, the frequency also increases.

With a high pulse rate, it is necessary to find out what blood pressure is. If it is low, you need to use means that reduce the rate of contractions in any way available to the patient, since too frequent heartbeats are very dangerous.

The value of heart beats

The magnitude of "blows" is characterized by the tension of oscillatory movements and filling. These indicators are the state of the arteries, as well as their elasticity. There are such deviations:

  • a strong pulse, if a large amount of blood is ejected into the aorta;
  • weak pulse if the aorta is narrowed, for example, or vascular stenosis;
  • intermittent, if large heartbeats alternate with weak ones;
  • filiform, if vibrations are almost not palpable.


This parameter is determined by the force that must be applied to stop the blood flow in the artery. Voltage is determined by the level of systolic blood pressure. There are different types of deviations:

  • hard contractions seen at high pressure levels;
  • mild occur when the artery closes off easily without effort.


This parameter is affected by the quantitative volume of blood ejected into the artery. It affects the strength of the vibration of the vascular walls. If the filling during the study is normal, the pulse is considered full. If the filling of the arteries is weak, the pulse will be weakly filled. For example, with a large loss of blood. In a hypertensive crisis, the heartbeat is very full.

Pulse shape

This indicator depends on the value of pressure vibration between vascular contractions. There are several options for deviation from the normal value of the indicator:

  • fast heartbeats occur when a large volume of blood comes from the ventricles and the elasticity of the arteries (This leads to a decrease in diastolic pressure);
  • slow with small changes in blood pressure (with a decrease in the cross-section of the walls of the aorta or mitral valve dysfunction);
  • dictoric seizures are observed during the passage of an additional wave.

Parvus, tardus means "slow, small" in translation. Such filling of pulsations is typical with a decrease in the amplitude of oscillations, a decrease in speed. Pulse tardus parvus is typical for patients with a defect in the mitral valve or suffering from a narrowing of the main artery.

Where and how can you explore?

There are a limited number of places on the human body where pulse contractions can be examined. And many fewer options to study it at home. To examine the pulse without the use of instruments is possible only with the help of palpation. You can find and measure the quality and strength of heartbeats at:

  • wrist (near the radius);
  • elbow;
  • brachial or axillary arteries;
  • temples;
  • feet;
  • neck (where the carotid artery is located);
  • jaws.

In addition, the pulsation is easily felt in the groin or popliteal fossa.

The norm of the frequency of pulse oscillations

The rate of fluctuations of heart beats depending on age is different. For a newborn child, the number of beats is about 110 beats. At the age of 5, their rate fluctuates around 86, and for 60 years, heartbeats fluctuate around 65 per minute. Doctors compiled a table of pulse fluctuation values:

This pulse is a beat in the jugular veins, in the fossa in the neck, and in several other places that are close to the heart. In place of small veins, it cannot be measured.

The properties of a venous pulse, like an arterial pulse, are characterized by frequency, rhythm, and other parameters. The study of the veins is carried out in order to determine what the pulse wave is, to assess the venous pressure. The right internal jugular vein is most easily examined. The venous pulse is measured as follows:

  • a person is laid on a bed at an angle of 30 degrees;
  • neck muscles need to be relaxed;
  • the neck is positioned so that the light falls tangentially to the skin of the neck;
  • The hand is applied to the veins in the neck.

To compare the phases of the venous and cardiac cycles and not confuse them, the left vein is palpated.

Other research methods

One of the main ways to study the venous pulse is phlebography. This is a method of fixing heart vibrations associated with the filling of large veins, which are located near the heart. Registration is carried out in the form of a phlebogram.

More often the device for this purpose is fixed near the jugular veins. There, the pulse is more pronounced and can be felt with the fingers.

Diagnostic value

The phlebogram evaluates the quality of the pulse, which characterizes the state of the vascular wall of the veins, allows you to establish the shape and length of blood waves, to judge the functioning and pressure of the right heart sections. In pathology, the graphic representation of individual waves changes. They increase, decrease, even sometimes disappear. For example, with difficulty in the outflow of blood from the right atrium, the force of contractions increases.

This type of pulse is nothing more than reddening of the edge of the nail plate when pressed on it. A similar action can be performed with a special glass on the lips or forehead of the patient. With a normal capillary rhythm in the area of ​​pressure along the border of the spot, one can observe rhythmic reddening - blanching, which manifests itself in time with the contractions of the heart. These manifestations on the skin were first described by Quincke. The presence of a capillary flow rhythm is characteristic of insufficient functioning of the aortic valves. The higher the degree of insufficiency of the work of the latter, the more pronounced the capillary pulsation.

Distinguish precapillary pulse and true. True is the pulsation of the branches of the capillaries. It is easy to identify: a noticeable pulsating reddening of the nail at the end of the nail plate in young patients after exposure to the sun, in a bath, etc. Such a pulsation often indicates thyrotoxicosis, a lack of blood flow in the arteries or veins.

Precapillary pulsation (Quincke) is characteristic of vessels larger than capillaries, it manifests itself with pulsation of arterioles. It can be seen on the nail bed and without pressure, it is also visible on the lips or forehead. Such a pulsation is observed in aortic dysfunction in systole with a large stroke volume and a powerful wave that reaches the arterioles.

Detection technique

This pulsation is determined, as mentioned above, by pressing on the patient's nail plate. The pressure methods are described above. A test for the presence of these heartbeats is carried out in case of suspicion of a pathology of the circulatory system.

There are several ways to identify this type of pulse.

Pulse rate

Characteristics of the capillary pulse is not normal. It is simply impossible to see such a pulsation with the naked eye if the circulatory system is healthy.

A normal heartbeat is an important indicator of the physical condition of the body. It is measured in both men and women by the number of heartbeats per minute at rest. Heart rate indicators change with physical activity, emotional experiences, or the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

The pulse is usually measured on the wrist, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich you can count the number of heartbeats in 60 seconds. The pulse rates for women and men have slight differences. They also depend on the age of the person and the presence of concomitant diseases.

In men

Pulse rates in men at rest range from 60 to 90 beats in 60 seconds.

The indicators are affected by:

Among women

A normal heartbeat in women depends on age and general condition of the body and varies from 70 to 90 for young girls, and from 65 to 80 for older women.

What is the normal heart rate for walking and running?

Heart rate during exercise rises sharply and deviates from normal rates at rest. Walking and running activate muscle work, which consumes a certain amount of energy. At the same time, metabolism and blood circulation are accelerated, in connection with which the tissues are actively enriched with oxygen, and the pulse rate increases.

Normal heartbeat per minute for people of different ages in the table.

The normal heart rate for women when walking is 100-120 beats per minute. At the same time, an indicator of 100 indicates good physical fitness. The increase in contractions to 120 and above indicates the need for more frequent training. Jogging involves a more intense load on the heart than simple walking. Therefore, the heart rate will be higher - from 115 to 140 beats per minute.

Heart rate at night

The normal heartbeat per minute (in women from 60 beats) during sleep differs from the usual indicators during wakefulness. This is due to the fact that at night the pressure, metabolism, body temperature decrease and the body plunges into deep relaxation.

During a night's sleep, the pulse slows down by 1.5 times the normal rate during the daytime. For women, this figure is from 60 to 70 beats per minute. The lowest heart rate rates are recorded around 4 in the morning and can range from 30 to 50 beats. This is due to the fact that it is at this time that the vagus nerve inhibits the work of the heart muscle.

Age norms of the pulse

Women's heart rates are influenced by age. At different stages of life, the body undergoes many changes that affect the metabolic rate, the functioning of blood vessels and the heart muscle.

Up to 30 years old

The body of a young woman under 30 years of age, with normal functioning, rarely lends itself to significant changes. As a rule, the cardiovascular system functions without disturbances.

The normal heart rate for women under 30 is 70-80 beats per minute. The minimum frequency is from 60 beats, the maximum is 90 beats.

In the case when significant deviations from the indicators are observed, there is a risk of the existence of malfunctions in the body.

After 30 years

Heart rate in women tends to slow down with age. Therefore, after 30 years, the minimum rates normally remain the same - 60 beats per minute. The maximum allowable performance is 85 beats per minute.

After 50 years

In the body of a woman after 50 years, a number of changes occur that affect the heart rate.

These include:

  • hormonal changes due to menopause;
  • slowing down metabolism;
  • loss of vascular elasticity;
  • high cholesterol;
  • wrong lifestyle.

All this can lead to improper functioning of the cardiovascular system and the development of tachycardia or arrhythmia. The pulse rate in women after 50 years of age averages 65-75 beats per 60 seconds.

Features of the pulse during pregnancy

The normal heartbeat per minute in women during pregnancy is somewhat different from the generally accepted indicators. During the period of gestation, the body pumps more blood, the volume of which increases by 1.5-2 liters. The load on the heart increases, it begins to work with greater intensity. This causes a rapid heartbeat.

Norms of pulse indicators at different stages of pregnancy:

Formula for calculating the individual heart rate

The formula for calculating the pulse is used in the case of physical activity in order to build on these indicators in the future when playing sports. For this purpose, the well-known Karvonen formula is used, which allows you to calculate the heart rate at the time of physical activity and work at a pulse that will contribute to the fat burning process.


  • Pulse rate\u003d (220 - woman's age) - heart rate) x PPI + heart rate.
  • heart rate- the number of heartbeats at rest.
  • IPN- the intensity of the planned physical activity (from 10 to 80%, which corresponds to 0.1 - 0.8).

Causes of deviation in heart rate

Deviations in heart rate from generally accepted norms can be a sign of serious disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels. There are two main deviations associated with heart rate - tachycardia and bradycardia.

Rapid pulse

In medicine, an increased heart rate is called tachycardia. This is a symptom that indicates both the presence of pathological processes and an unstable emotional state. A pulse is considered to be fast if it exceeds 90 beats per minute at rest.

Tachycardia develops due to such reasons:

Slow heart rate

Slow heart rate is called bradycardia. In this case, the heart rate decreases to the amount of 45-50 beats per minute.

Bradycardia is considered a concomitant symptom, not a disease, and develops due to:

  • myocardial conduction disorders;
  • malfunctions of the thyroid gland;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by severe intoxication of the body;
  • fasting while following a diet;
  • taking drugs that depress the work of the sinus node;
  • pregnancy;
  • old age.

Necessary studies for deviations

To identify the causes of cardiac arrhythmia, instrumental and laboratory research methods are used, as well as a visual examination at a specialist's appointment. When examining a patient, the doctor examines the medical history and anamnesis to determine the general condition of the body. The number of heart beats per minute is counted and blood pressure is measured.

Instrumental diagnostic methods include:

Electrocardiography (ECG) allows you to:

  • assess the regularity of heartbeats;
  • count the number of heartbeats;
  • determine the source of excitation;
  • evaluate the conduction functions.

The essence of echocardiography (ECHO-ECG) is a study using ultrasound. A special sensor under the influence of the device propagates waves passing through the heart and reflecting from it. The data is then displayed on a computer monitor.

The method can be used to determine:

  • thickness and structure of the heart vessels;
  • condition of the heart membrane;
  • condition of the heart valves.

The stress test is carried out on the basis of ECG or ECHO-ECG data.

The method consists of several stages:

  1. The structure of the heart and heart rate is assessed.
  2. The introduction of certain medications followed by the patient's physical activity.
  3. Taking readings from the heart after exercise.

The research method allows to identify coronary heart disease at the initial stage of development. Daily monitoring is applied using ECG data. Several electrodes connected to a recording device are attached to the patient's chest.

ECG recording is carried out within a day, after which all the necessary information about the heart rate is read from the device. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland is performed to exclude violations of the organ.

Medical treatment for high heart rate

With an increase in heart rate, drugs are used that normalize the heart rate. Conventionally, they are divided into sedative and antiarrhythmic.

Antiarrhythmic drugs used for rapid heart rate are divided into groups:

Beta-blockers (relax the walls of blood vessels and allow you to better endure physical activity)
  • Metapropol;
  • Atenopol;
  • Egilok;
  • Anaprilin.
Calcium channel inhibitors (used to reduce muscle tone and improve blood flow)
  • Verapamil;
  • Diltiazem;
  • Corinfar.
Tranquilizers (used when anxiety is the cause of the increased heart rate)
  • Medazepam;
  • Seduxen;
  • Xanax.
Potassium blockers (help slow down the electrical processes in the heart)
  • amiodarone;
  • Kordaron;
  • Sotalol.
Cardiac glycosides (improve blood flow and slow heart rate)
  • Digoxin.
ACE inhibitors (lower heart rate by widening artery walls)
  • Enalapril;
  • Lisinopril.

Sedatives are synthetic, homeopathic and combined preparations that calm the central nervous system.

Homeopathic remedies include:

Synthetic sedatives are represented by bromides, which are aimed at eliminating neurosis and insomnia:

  • Dobrokam;
  • Adonis bromine.

Combined agents are used to achieve the fastest possible effect in case of psychomotor agitation:

  • Dormiplant;
  • Persen;
  • Novopassit.
  • Valocordin.

Medicines for slow heartbeat

With bradycardia, drugs are used that minimize the effect of the vagus nerve on the heart.

The most effective medications:

  • Corvalol- a vasodilator sedative drug in drops, indicated for use in cardiac disorders.
  • Isadrin- an intravenous drug that increases the excitability and contractility of the myocardium.
  • Riboxin- an oral remedy in tablets that improves coronary circulation, stimulates metabolic processes.
  • Papangin- an agent based on potassium and magnesium for intravenous administration, has anti-ischemic activity.

Folk remedies to normalize the pulse

A normal heartbeat per minute (in women, heart palpitations are more common) can be restored by using traditional medicine remedies and recipes. They act as a component of complex treatment along with medications.

Folk recipes:

Physical activity in case of deviations

A normal heartbeat per minute does not imply contraindications to physical activity. However, if women have heart rhythm problems, they should be careful about playing sports. With some deviations, any physical activity is strictly prohibited.

These include:

  • paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • transferred myocardial infarction;
  • Congenital heart defect;
  • atrial and sinus arrhythmia.

In other cases, people with deviations in heart rate are recommended physical activity in the form of:

  • swimming lessons;
  • yoga;
  • walking;
  • Pilates;
  • fitness classes;
  • jogging;
  • therapeutic gymnastics (LFK)

diet therapy

Diet therapy is used as a complex treatment and allows you to saturate the body with substances that positively affect the functioning of the heart. Proper nutrition with bradycardia and tachycardia not only improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, but also helps to activate metabolism and get rid of excess weight, which negatively affects the functioning of the heart.

The main principles of the diet for violations of heart rate are:

  • eating small meals;
  • cooking by stewing and boiling;
  • observe the daily calorie content, taking into account the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Products to be consumed:

What you need to give up:

  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fried, fatty, too salty food;
  • fast food;
  • confectionery and bakery products.

A normal heartbeat per minute is an indicator of the absence of problems with the cardiovascular system. However, heart disease is not always the cause for heart rhythm failures. In women, the occurrence of arrhythmia is often associated with an emotional state, thyroid disease, or hormonal imbalance.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about the heartbeat of men and women

Heart rate by age. What heart rate is considered normal:

An individual normal pulse in healthy people is formed based on the characteristics of the body - internal factors. The cardiovascular system is sensitive to external stimuli. The reaction is always the same - a change in heart rate (HR).

Human heart rate depends on many factors.

Has your heart rate increased? Reasons enough:

  1. The position of the body has changed. It is easiest for the heart to pump blood in the supine position. There are no blood stasis in parts of the body, because the pulse is calm, low. The vertical position increases the heartbeat. Part of the blood settles in the legs, and the heart pumps a smaller volume of fluid over the same circulation area. What does it mean? The number of red blood cells carrying oxygen is less. The area of ​​the body and blood flow is the same. For normal oxygen supply, the heart is forced to pump blood faster.
  2. Air temperature. Hot and cold weather - increased heart rate. With closed pores, rapid blood flow retains body heat in winter, and in summer, with open pores, it releases it.
  3. Physical and mental stress. Daily loads adjust the heart rate in the evening. A sleeping person has a minimal heart rate that persists in the morning. Employment during the day (sports, study, mental work) fluctuate it within acceptable values. More load - more frequent heartbeat before bedtime. An increase of 8-15 strokes indicates the average intensity of the day, more than 15 - high voltage.

    Physical activity speeds up a person's heart rate

  4. Emotional outbursts. Stress makes the heart beat faster. And positive ones too. Doctors conducted an experiment: they measured the singer's pulse and pressure before the concert and during the show. The first indicator turned out to be slightly overestimated (excitement), the second one is characteristic of a pre-infarction state. The patient, on the contrary, experienced euphoria from what was happening. This indicates the equivalent effect of positive and negative emotions on the heart muscle.
  5. Height above sea level. The higher above the sea, the less oxygen in the air. The heart adapts in 2 stages. The first is a fast beat. It is easier to cope with oxygen starvation by increasing the speed of blood flow. Gradually, the body adapts to new conditions and, in response, the heart slows down.
  6. Bad habits. Smoking. A smoked cigarette changes physiological parameters. Pressure and pulse quicken from nicotine. It also stimulates the body, just like caffeine.

    Smoking affects blood pressure and heart rate

  7. as a symptom of a disease. A rapid or slow pulse is the result of an ongoing disease:
  • infection, intoxication;
  • cardiac disorders (arrhythmia, tachycardia, bradycardia);
  • pressure problems;
  • brain injury;
  • anemia;
  • problems with the endocrine glands;
  • overstrain, overwork (in athletes).

A fluctuating heart rate may indicate pressure problems.

  1. Medications, doping (in sports). The side effect of medications is much stronger than the treatment. The instructions of most drugs warn about the effect of tablets on the heart muscle.

Normal heart rate by age

A normal human heart rate is 60 beats per minute. Common but misunderstood. The norm is individual for men, women and different age categories.

The baby has a higher heart rate due to the tiny size. The cameras capture too little blood. To enrich the body with oxygen, they have to contract more often. A record high heart rate is observed in children up to 1 month old - 140 beats per minute. For the same reason, in women, the pulse is a priori higher by 8-12 units than in the stronger sex. What should be the pulse?

Table 1. "Minimum, average and maximum heart rate limits by age"

Age Average value Boundary norm
1-12 months130 102-162
1-2 years125 94-154
2-4 years115 90-140
4-6 years old105 86-126
6-8 years old98 78-118
8-10 88 68-108
10-12 80 60-100
12-15 75 55-95
15-50 70 60-80
50-60 74 64-84
60-80 79 69-89

Table 2. "Pulse during physical exertion"

Age Max hits Average hits
20 200 130-160
25 195 127-157
30 190 124-152
35 185 120-148
40 180 117-144
45 175 114-140
50 170 111-136
55 165 107-132
60 160 104-128
65 and more150 98-120

The normal heart rate during exercise is also determined by the simplest formula: 220 is your age.

The main characteristic of the pulse is the frequency or how many beats per minute the heart makes. The patient's hands are prepared for measurement: clothes are removed from the wrists, jewelry. Remove everything that pulls the hands. Three fingers of the hand (index, middle, ring) are lined up on the patient's wrist. Listen to the place of pulsation on both hands. Measure on the one where the beat is stronger. The fingers are pressed tightly, pressing the vein against the radius. Countdown: 10 sec or 20 sec. The number of strokes is multiplied by 6 or 3, get the number per minute.

High pulse and tinnitus - a sign of disorder in the body

Under the gun and causeless rapid rhythm. For example, it is not accompanied by mental excitement or paired symptoms of the disease. It arises spontaneously when a person was at rest and was engaged in routine business. The initial sign of internal disorder of the body.

Causes of increased heart rate

The banal cause of frequent heartbeat is dehydration. The blood thickens, moves more slowly, because the heart rate is forced to increase. In hot weather, the problem befalls many who do not follow the water balance. More clean water - and the problem goes away.

In hot weather, heart rate may increase due to dehydration

What does tachycardia depend on:

  • inflammation in the organs of the respiratory system;
  • infectious infection;
  • purulent formations;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • disorder of the cardiovascular system;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • anemia;
  • improper treatment of any disease;
  • prolonged stress.

High pulse at normal pressure: what to do?

Tachycardia is dangerous. Under certain conditions, a fast rhythm is replaced by cardiac arrest and death. What to do if the attack took you by surprise?

First of all, we pay attention to additional symptoms: shortness of breath, chest pain, darkness in the eyes - a reason to call "103". Before the ambulance arrives, the patient is given heart drops: tincture of valerian, motherwort, corvalol, valocordin (30 drops). Validol under the tongue, corvaltab, corvalment. It is considered a great help to take magnesium B6.

Remove tight clothing, unbutton the collar, open the windows wide open - the flow of oxygen will facilitate the work of the heart. Moisten the back of the head, the bends of the joints with cold water, prepare ammonia in case of fainting. Maintain an upright position.

The pulse at rest is individual for each person. Paired with blood pressure - a powerful indicator of health. This working mechanism tends to change, whose indicators are able to warn of a threat to the body.

The very first actions in the provision of emergency care provide for an objective assessment of the situation and the condition of the patient, therefore, the person acting as a rescuer grabs the radial artery (temporal, femoral or carotid) in order to find out about the presence of cardiac activity and measure the pulse.

The pulse rate is not a fixed value, it varies within certain limits depending on our state at that moment. Intense physical activity, excitement, joy make the heart beat faster, and then the pulse goes beyond normal limits. True, this state does not last long, a healthy body needs 5-6 minutes to recover.

Within normal limits

The normal pulse rate for an adult is 60-80 beats per minute. what is more is called , less is called . If pathological conditions become the cause of such fluctuations, then both tachycardia and bradycardia are regarded as a symptom of the disease. However, there are other cases as well. Probably, each of us has ever encountered a situation where the heart is ready to jump out from an excess of feelings and this is considered normal.

As for the rare pulse, it is mainly an indicator of pathological changes in the heart.

The normal pulse of a person changes in various physiological states:

  1. Slows down in sleep, and indeed in the supine position, but does not reach real bradycardia;
  2. Changes during the day (at night, the heart beats less often, after lunch it speeds up the rhythm), as well as after eating, alcoholic beverages, strong tea or coffee, and certain drugs (heart rate rises in 1 minute);
  3. Increases during intense physical activity (hard work, sports training);
  4. Increases from fright, joy, anxiety and other emotional experiences. caused by emotions or intense work, almost always passes quickly and on its own, as soon as a person calms down or stops vigorous activity;
  5. The heart rate increases with an increase in body temperature and the environment;
  6. Decreases over the years, however, then, in old age, again slightly rises. In women with the onset of menopause, under conditions of reduced estrogen influence, more significant upward changes in the pulse may be observed (tachycardia due to hormonal disorders);
  7. It depends on gender (the pulse rate in women is slightly higher);
  8. It differs in especially trained people (rare pulse).

Basically, it is generally accepted that in any scenario, the pulse of a healthy person is in the range from 60 to 80 beats per minute, and a short-term increase to 90 - 100 beats / min, and sometimes up to 170-200 beats / min is regarded as a physiological norm, if it arose on the basis of an emotional outburst or intensive labor activity, respectively.

Men, women, athletes

HR (heart rate) is influenced by indicators such as gender and age, physical fitness, occupation of a person, the environment in which he lives, and much more. In general, the differences in heart rate can be explained as follows:

  • Men and women respond differently to different events.(the bulk of men are more cold-blooded, women are mostly emotional and sensitive), so the heart rate of the weaker sex is higher. Meanwhile, the pulse rate in women differs very little from that of men, although, if we take into account the difference of 6-8 beats / min, then the males are lagging behind, their pulse is lower.

  • Out of competition are pregnant women, in which a slightly increased pulse is considered normal, and this is understandable, because during the bearing of a child, the mother's body must fully satisfy the need for oxygen and nutrients for herself and the growing fetus. The respiratory organs, the circulatory system, the heart muscle undergo certain changes to perform this task, so the heart rate increases moderately. A slightly increased pulse in a pregnant woman is considered normal if, apart from pregnancy, there is no other reason for its increase.
  • A relatively rare pulse (somewhere near the lower limit) is noted in people who do not forget about daily physical exercise and jogging, who prefer outdoor activities (pool, volleyball, tennis, etc.), in general, leading a very healthy lifestyle and watching their figure. They say about such people: “They have a good sports uniform”, even if, by the nature of their activity, these people are far from professional sports. A pulse of 55 beats per minute at rest is considered normal for this category of adults, it’s just that their heart works economically, but in an untrained person, this frequency is regarded as bradycardia and serves as a reason for an additional examination by a cardiologist.
  • The heart works even more economically skiers, cyclists, runners, rowers and adherents of other sports that require special endurance, their resting heart rate can be 45-50 beats per minute. However, a long-term intense load on the heart muscle leads to its thickening, expansion of the boundaries of the heart, an increase in its mass, because the heart is constantly trying to adapt, but its possibilities, unfortunately, are not unlimited. A heart rate of less than 40 beats is regarded as a pathological condition, and eventually the so-called "sports heart" develops, which often causes the death of young healthy people.

The heart rate is somewhat dependent on height and constitution: in tall people, the heart under normal conditions works more slowly than in short relatives.

Pulse and age

Previously, the fetal heart rate was recognized only at 5-6 months of pregnancy (listened with a stethoscope), now the fetal pulse can be determined using the ultrasound method (vaginal sensor) in an embryo 2 mm in size (normal - 75 beats / min) and as it grows (5 mm - 100 beats / min, 15 mm - 130 beats / min). During pregnancy monitoring, heart rate is usually measured from 4-5 weeks of gestation. The data obtained is compared with tabular norms Fetal heart rate by week:

Pregnancy (weeks)Norm of heart rate (beats per 1 minute)
4-5 80-103
6 100-130
7 130-150
8 150-170
9-10 170-190
11-40 140-160

By the heart rate of the fetus, you can find out his condition: if the baby's pulse changes upward, it can be assumed that there is a lack of oxygen, but as the pulse increases, the pulse begins to decrease, and its values ​​\u200b\u200bare less than 120 beats per minute already indicate acute oxygen starvation, which threatens with undesirable consequences up to death.

The pulse rates in children, especially newborns and preschoolers, differ markedly from the values ​​​​typical for adolescence and youth. We, adults, have noticed ourselves that a small heart beats more often and not so loudly. To clearly know whether a given indicator is within the normal range, there is heart rate table by age that everyone can use:

AgeLimits of normal values ​​(bpm)
newborns (up to 1 month of life)110-170
from 1 month to 1 year100-160
from 1 year to 2 years95-155
2-4 years90-140
4-6 years old85-125
6-8 years old78-118
8-10 years old70-110
10-12 years old60-100
12-15 years old55-95
15-50 years old60-80
50-60 years old65-85
60-80 years old70-90

Thus, according to the table, it can be seen that the rate of heart rate in children after a year tends to gradually decrease, a pulse of 100 is not a sign of pathology until almost 12 years old, and a pulse of 90 is up to 15 years of age. Later (after 16 years), such indicators may indicate the development of tachycardia, the cause of which is to be found by the cardiologist.

The normal pulse of a healthy person in the range of 60-80 beats per minute begins to be recorded from about 16 years of age. After 50 years, if everything is in order with health, there is a slight increase in heart rate (10 beats per minute for 30 years of life).

Pulse rate helps in diagnosis

Pulse diagnosis, along with temperature measurement, history taking, examination, refers to the initial stages of a diagnostic search. It would be naive to believe that by counting the number of heartbeats, you can immediately find the disease, but it is quite possible to suspect something is wrong and send a person for examination.

A low or high pulse (below or above the allowable values) often accompanies various pathological processes.

high heart rate

Knowledge of the norms and the ability to use the table will help any person to distinguish increased pulse fluctuations due to functional factors from tachycardia caused by the disease. About "strange" tachycardia may indicate symptoms that are unusual for a healthy body:

  1. Dizziness, pre-syncope, (they say that cerebral blood flow is disturbed);
  2. Pain in the chest caused by a violation of the coronary circulation;
  3. visual disturbances;
  4. Vegetative symptoms (sweating, weakness, trembling of the limbs).

Increased heart rate and palpitations can be caused by:

  • Pathological changes in the heart and vascular pathology (congenital, etc.);
  • poisoning;
  • Chronic bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • hypoxia;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Damage to the central nervous system;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Inflammatory processes, infections (especially with fever).

In most cases, an equal sign is placed between the concepts of a rapid pulse and a rapid heartbeat, however, this is not always the case, that is, they do not necessarily accompany each other. In some conditions ( and , ), the number of heartbeats exceeds the frequency of pulse fluctuations, this phenomenon is called a pulse deficit. As a rule, a pulse deficit accompanies terminal arrhythmias in severe heart damage, which could be caused by intoxication, sympathomimetics, acid-base imbalance, electric shock, and other pathologies involving the heart in the process.

High pulse and pressure fluctuations

The pulse and pressure do not always proportionally decrease or increase. It would be wrong to think that an increase in heart rate will necessarily lead to an increase in blood pressure and vice versa. There are also options here:

  1. Rapid pulse at normal pressure may be a sign of intoxication, fever. Folk and medications that regulate the activity of the autonomic nervous system during VVD, antipyretic drugs for fever and drugs aimed at reducing the symptoms of intoxication will help to reduce the pulse, in general, the impact on the cause will remove tachycardia.
  2. Rapid pulse with high blood pressure may be the result of various physiological and pathological conditions (inadequate physical activity, severe stress, endocrine disorders, diseases of the heart and blood vessels). The tactics of the doctor and the patient: examination, finding out the cause, treatment of the underlying disease.
  3. Low blood pressure and high heart rate can become symptoms of a very serious health disorder, for example, a manifestation of development in cardiac pathology or in case of large blood loss, and, the lower the blood pressure and the higher the heart rate, the more severe the patient's condition. Definitely: to reduce the pulse, the increase of which is caused by these circumstances, will not work on its own not only for the patient, but also for his relatives. This situation requires urgent action (call "103").

A high pulse that first appeared for no reason can be tried to calm drops of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian, peony, corvalol (what is at hand). The repetition of an attack should be a reason to visit a doctor who will find out the cause and prescribe medications that affect this particular form of tachycardia.

Low heart rate

The reasons for a low heart rate can also be functional (athletes were discussed above, when a low heart rate at normal pressure is not a sign of a disease), or stem from various pathological processes:

  • Vagus influences (vagus - vagus nerve), decreased tone of the sympathetic department of the nervous system. This phenomenon can be observed in every healthy person, for example, during sleep (low pulse at normal pressure),
  • With vegetative-vascular dystonia, in the case of some endocrine disorders, that is, in a variety of physiological and pathological conditions;
  • Oxygen starvation and its local effect on the sinus node;
  • myocardial infarction;

  • Toxicoinfections, poisoning with organophosphorus substances;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Traumatic brain injury, meningitis, edema, brain tumor,;
  • Taking digitalis preparations;
  • Side effect or overdose of antiarrhythmic, antihypertensive and other drugs;
  • Hypofunction of the thyroid gland (myxedema);
  • Hepatitis, typhoid fever, sepsis.

In the vast majority of cases low heart rate (bradycardia) is considered a serious pathology, which requires immediate examination to identify the cause, timely treatment, and sometimes emergency medical care (sick sinus syndrome, atrioventricular blockade, myocardial infarction, etc.).

Low pulse and high blood pressure - similar symptoms sometimes appear in hypertensive patients taking drugs to lower blood pressure, which are simultaneously prescribed for various rhythm disturbances, beta-blockers, for example.

Briefly about measuring the pulse

Perhaps, only at first glance it seems that there is nothing easier than measuring the pulse of oneself or that of another person. Most likely, this is true if such a procedure is required to be carried out in a young, healthy, calm, rested person. It can be assumed in advance that his pulse will be clear, rhythmic, of good filling and tension. Being sure that most people know the theory well and cope well with the task in practice, the author will only briefly recall the technique of measuring the pulse.

You can measure the pulse not only on the radial artery, any large artery (temporal, carotid, ulnar, brachial, axillary, popliteal, femoral) is suitable for such a study. By the way, sometimes along the way you can detect a venous pulse and very rarely a precapillary one (to determine these types of pulse, you need special devices and knowledge of measurement techniques). When determining, one should not forget that in the vertical position of the body, the heart rate will be higher than in the prone position and that intense physical activity will accelerate the pulse.

To measure the pulse:

  • Usually, the radial artery is used, on which 4 fingers are placed (the thumb should be on the back of the limb).
  • You should not try to catch pulse fluctuations with only one finger - an error is surely guaranteed, at least two fingers should be involved in the experiment.
  • It is not recommended to press too hard on the arterial vessel, since its clamping will lead to the disappearance of the pulse and the measurement will have to be started again.
  • It is necessary to measure the pulse correctly within one minute, measuring for 15 seconds and multiplying the result by 4 can lead to an error, because even during this time the frequency of pulse oscillations can change.

Here is such a simple technique for measuring the pulse, which can tell a lot about a lot.

Video: pulse in the program “Live Healthy!”



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