Oxygen pressure chamber - what is this therapeutic method? Indications for use. Pressure chamber - how it heals, indications, contraindications Pressure chamber Kravchenko indications

A person can live without water and food from several days to several weeks, but it is enough to cut off the supply of oxygen for one or two minutes and death occurs. Oxygen deficiency for tissues and organs is detrimental. known fact...

If any pathology occurs in the body, the supply of oxygen to the diseased organ is hindered. This is due to vasospasm, tissue edema, inflammation, or due to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which delivers oxygen to the organs. When oxygen delivery is impaired, it develops hypoxia(oxygen starvation).

There are various types of oxygen therapy (oxygen therapy) available to treat these conditions. However, at normal atmospheric pressure, even breathing pure oxygen is often unable to eliminate hypoxia at the cellular level.

The only way to increase the amount of oxygen carried in the blood is by using a pressure chamber. In a hyperbaric chamber, with an increase in atmospheric pressure, oxygen penetrates better into tissues (under pressure, gases dissolve better in liquids). This method is called hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO). Thus, using a pressure chamber, it is possible to eliminate oxygen starvation in a diseased organ, restore its function and resistance to pathogenic factors. In addition, according to observations, during HBO treatment sessions, in humans increase the adaptive capacity of the body and reduce the risk of disease.

What does the pressure chamber treat?

The range of diseases in which the use of the HBO method is indicated is quite wide. Oxygen therapy is especially effective in the following pathologies:

  • Vascular: obliterating diseases of the vessels of the extremities, trophic ulcers as a result of circulatory disorders, gas embolism of blood vessels, etc.
  • Cardiac: coronary heart disease (CHD), angina pectoris, arrhythmias, extrasystoles, heart failure, decompensation of postinfarction conditions.
  • Gastrointestinal tract: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, posthemorrhagic syndrome after gastric bleeding, bowel disease.
  • Liver: acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver failure.
  • Central and nervous system: ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury, encephalopathy, spinal cord injury.
  • Ophthalmic: circulatory disorders of the retina, diabetic retinopathy, optic nerve degeneration in case of poisoning with methyl alcohol.
  • Endocrine system: decompensated insulin-dependent diabetes, complications of diabetes, diffuse toxic goiter.
  • Maxillofacial: periodontal disease, necrotizing gingivitis and stomatitis, healing after plastic surgery.
  • Obstetric: intrauterine fetal hypoxia, threatened miscarriage, fetal malnutrition, immunoconflict pregnancy, pregnancy with concomitant pathology, pathology of the endocrine system in women, infertility of various etiologies.
  • Wound: prevention of wound infection, sluggishly granulating wounds, burn wound surfaces, frostbite, postoperative wounds in plastic surgery and others.
  • Poisoning: poisoning with carbon monoxide, methemoglobin-forming substances, cyanides.
  • caisson diseases, air and gas embolism.
  • Marked improvement noted sexual function in elderly men after the end of the course of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. And also in the treatment of prostatitis, chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in women.
  • Radiation injuries: radiation osteonecrosis, myelitis, enteritis; a special group is made up of patients receiving chemotherapy and radiation therapy for oncological diseases.
  • In recent years, in addition to the above situations, this method has been used to treat various conditions. In narcology there is a successful experience of using the pressure chamber for the relief of withdrawal symptoms.
  • The use of HBO therapy is recommended before and after surgery: the patient quickly and painlessly comes out of anesthesia, the healing time is significantly reduced and the risk of complications is reduced. This is the basis for the widespread use of HBO in cosmetology and plastic surgery.
  • In sports medicine impressive results have been obtained in terms of increasing the level of fitness of athletes and accelerating recovery after training loads.
  • In healthy people The application of the method of hyperbaric oxygenation is based on the unique complex effect of oxygen under high pressure, which significantly increases the adaptive capacity of the organism. HBO normalizes many body systems, reduces the risk of disease.

Sessions in the pressure chamber: relieve fatigue; restore strength after hard work; increase muscle tone; have an anti-stress general strengthening and tonic effect; reduce the adverse effects of polluted atmosphere. According to the reviews of patients who have completed a course of HBO, after the pressure chamber, they all note an increase in working capacity and stabilization of the psycho-emotional state.

How is oxygen treatment in a pressure chamber

To conduct a HBO session, special pressure chambers (pressure apparatuses) are used, in which, under sealed conditions, an increased oxygen pressure is created. Dnepropetrovsk regional hospital named after I.I. Mechnikov, there are modern domestic and foreign pressure devices that provide comfortable conditions during a treatment session. The patient is in a pressure chamber in a free position (lying or sitting), inhaling healing oxygen. During the session, he can even sleep.

Before HBO sessions, the patient is examined, he is diagnosed, the necessary laboratory tests are carried out, after which the doctor prescribes a course of treatment, if necessary, concomitant therapy. time and the number of sessions is assigned individually and depends on the diagnosis and indications. Usually, depending on the pathology, the duration of treatment is 5-15 sessions on 40-60 minutes each.

The attending physician constantly monitors the patient's condition. As a rule, patients tolerate HBO sessions well. A proven methodology and constant monitoring guarantee the absence of undesirable effects.

HBO therapy is an opportunity to use the most modern scientific developments. In an atmosphere of healing pure oxygen, the patient will get rid of many diseases and gain health and vigor. We sincerely wish you good health and vigor.

If you have any questions or doubt whether oxygen treatment will help you, then contact us right now and we will be happy to help you.

SAKOVICH E.F. , doctor of the highest category, head. department of hyperbaric oxygenation of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Hospital named after I. I.I. Mechnikov

Absolutely in all pathological processes, when oxygen delivery to tissues is impaired, hypoxia develops. Vital organs such as the brain, heart, kidneys, and liver cannot function normally. The peculiarity of this equipment is that inside the capsule the air is saturated with oxygen. During the whole session, the patient breathes pure oxygen, which has a healing effect and restores the body at the cellular level. It is important to note that within the framework of the capsule, the atmospheric pressure familiar to everyone has been changed - it is much higher, which increases the productivity of the procedure. The peculiarity of this condition is that pure oxygen begins to circulate through the bloodstream faster than it does under normal conditions. As a result, the most remote tissues that are in dire need of it receive nutrition.

  • improved blood circulation
  • repair of damaged tissues
  • removal of dead cells from the body
  • acceleration of the metabolic process
  • stimulation of the process of work of internal organs
  • complex rejuvenation and restoration of the body.

Cost of services:

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NameTimeCost of 1 session (rub)The cost of 1 session when buying a course of 5 sessions (rub)30 min1650 1320 Barotherapy (oxygen pressure chamber)60 min2970 2400

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Barotherapy: the principle of action and the effect of the procedure

A variety of diseases helps to treat one of the developing methods - barotherapy.

This is a treatment with an air gas environment and its components that act on the body by reducing or increasing pressure.

Therapy is carried out in pressure chambers, which can be for one or more people.

How hyperbaric oxygen therapy works

One of the most popular types of barotherapy is hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO). Thanks to this method, under increased pressure, the body is saturated with oxygen.

Oxygen is essential for human life and for the good functioning of cells. In the event of a lack of oxygen, oxygen starvation can develop - hypoxia, which leads to malfunctions in the cells, then tissues, and then to their death.

Many people know that oxygen starvation contributes to the development of pathological processes in any inflammation, but if this cause is eliminated, then some diseases may disappear.

Malignant formations also appear where there is enough oxygen, and they feel very good in such an environment. HBO was opened back in 1955, and during this time managed to establish itself from the excellent side.

How does hyperbaric oxygen therapy work? Hyperoxia facilitates the diffusion of oxygen into cells, due to which oxidative phosphorylation becomes active and synthesizing macroergs become larger, microsomal oxidation also improves, elimination of toxic substances is stimulated, glucose oxidation is accelerated and lactose levels decrease.

That is, if there are violations in the patency of blood vessels or a violation of the exchange of oxygen in the blood, then many organs can suffer from this.

But due to HBO, oxygen is sent with the blood flow, getting into every, even the most distant, cell of the body. This helps the cells to recover and not be destroyed further. And others that cannot be restored will be destroyed and will begin to be replaced by new ones.

Artificial high pressure in the pressure chamber leads to oxygen saturation of the blood more than in ordinary human life. Receiving the required fuel, the tissues begin the recovery process. This applies to all tissues - muscle, bone, nervous, cartilage and even fat.

Due to the treatment with barotherapy, the body switches to an economical level of work. Respiration and heart rate become less frequent, the volume of blood circulation per minute decreases, but the functioning of plasma capillaries improves, which leads to a good work of the cerebral cortex.

Interestingly, the influence of hyperbaric oxygen does not stop at the end of the session. Because after therapy, tissue changes do not return to their previous state, although the oxygen tension in the blood drops to the previous level within 20-30 minutes.

Rules for the procedure in the pressure chamber

When the doctor finds indications for the use of barotherapy and no contraindications are identified, they begin treatment. Typically, the course includes 22-25 sessions, which are held no more than five times a week, but can reach up to 60 sessions.

The degree of air rarefaction consists of the following developed stages:

  1. The first stage lasts two days, during this period the pressure in the apparatus decreases as if a person is climbing to a height of 2000 m, which is equal to 597 mm Hg. st;
  2. The next stage lasts from 3 to 5 sessions. During this time, the air in the pressure chamber is even more discharged and equals the height of 2500 m above ground level, for the pressure chamber it is 560 mm Hg. st;
  3. Then, from 6 to 12 procedures, the air is discharged to such an extent that it equals 3000 m in height;
  4. The last stage begins with the 13th procedure and goes on until the end of the entire treatment. The pressure at these pores is compared with a height of 3500 m above ground level.

The duration of one procedure is not more than 60 minutes. During this period, a person experiences the influence of rarefied air for about 8-10 minutes, and then the so-called period of presence at a height begins.

In which, in 25-30 minutes, the stage of treatment that is necessary passes. Then the pressure equalizes with the environment for 12-18 minutes.

A person, depending on the disease, is exposed to either low or high atmospheric pressure.

Barotherapy is good because it can be combined with other treatments, such as medication. During treatment in a pressure chamber, often, the intake of drugs is reduced several times, and sometimes it is not required at all.

For treatment, the person completely undresses, puts on a hospital gown or covers himself with a towel. Then the patient lies down on a couch, which moves out into a pressure chamber about 2.13 meters long. During therapy, you need to relax and breathe calmly, receiving the required amount of oxygen.

Indications for use

As in the treatment of any method, there are indications and contraindications, so here. This method can be used to treat many diseases, and just for prevention, but most of all it is used for respiratory ailments.

The pressure chamber is used for such diseases:

  • Infectious, chronic. It can be treated for both children and adults, not older than 45;
  • Bronchial asthma in remission, but with the possibility of exacerbation. Used as a prophylaxis;
  • Decompression sickness or it is also called the disease of divers;
  • Inflammatory, non-purulent diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Whooping cough and hay fever;
  • Pleurisy, tracheitis, endarteritis;
  • Allergic ailments in the form of dermatitis;
  • Hyperbaric oxygenation is used for diseases of the cardiac system - endocrine disorders;
  • Contraindications
    1. With a severe course of bronchial asthma, with the manifestation of pulmonary heart failure;
    2. pneumosclerosis;
    3. Pleural adhesions;
    4. ENT diseases in the acute phase;
    5. Subcompensated heart failure;
    6. Some types of coronary heart disease;
    7. arterial hypertension;
    8. Pulmonary insufficiency and pulmonary heart failure;
    9. Otitis;
    10. and violations of the patency of the intestinal tubes;
    11. Fibroma of the uterus or fibromyoma;
    12. Brain injury and;
    13. Toxic brain damage.


    Hyperbaric chambers are widely used by doctors in medical institutions and sanatoriums.

    An amazing mechanism that allows you to saturate the body with oxygen can prolong not only the life of cells, but also the life of a person.

    Therefore, it is important to consult an experienced doctor, for the best effect and because of undesirable consequences.

    Video: Barotherapy

Hello dear readers of the portal site. If your body is fully saturated with oxygen, then health will soon be strengthened.

Scientists have long proved that the regeneration processes and the state of immunity depend on the content of O2 in cells.

That is why various devices have been created to help maintain the amount of oxygen in the body. One of the most effective is considered a pressure chamber.

What is a pressure chamber?

Pressure chambers are special devices that create a special atmosphere (with increased pressure), supplying cells with oxygen in large quantities, its concentration can be ten times higher than usual.

Many believe that barotherapy helps to slow down the aging process and heal a person from various diseases. You can save the patient from problems with the gastrointestinal tract, chronic diseases, neurological disorders and other problems. The state of blood vessels improves significantly, the work of the heart improves.

Connoisseurs are aware that such treatment helps to synthesize muscle tissue and strengthen bones, which is very useful for people suffering from injuries or problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Any disturbances caused by hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the cells) are easily eliminated with the help of a pressure chamber.

This device in a certain situation can save a person's life - when he is faced with oxygen deficiency, which can cause terrible harm to the brain and heart. Immediate placement of the patient in pressure chamber Helps to balance the oxygen in the body.

Can Barotherapy Cause Harm? Excess oxygen is harmful to humans, therefore, treatment is carried out exclusively according to the prescriptions of doctors. The physiotherapist takes into account the weight, age and condition of the human body. If the ward is very weak, at first the doses of oxygen are very small, their increase occurs gradually.

Such a pressure chamber, the cost of which is within adequate limits, is considered an excellent tool for putting the body in order. In all patients, fatigue disappears, there is an increase in tone, the condition of the skin improves, nails and bones become stronger.

The main advantage of staying in a pressure chamber can be called obtaining energy that can be stored for a long time. Try to take a course of such therapy, after which you will see for yourself all its benefits.

Health to you and your loved ones!
We hope you visit the portal again.

Since the middle of the twentieth century, the pressure chamber has been used to treat and prevent many diseases. Scientists have conducted many studies and found that oxygen can activate the process of recovery and regeneration of soft tissues, and learned how to use this property for healing. The pressure chamber has indications and contraindications, therefore, only a doctor can prescribe such a treatment method, after a thorough diagnosis of the patient's body.

Most modern residents of large cities often suffer from hypoxia. The human body needs oxygen to function properly. However, the strong gas pollution of the metropolis, harmful exhaust gases from cars and many other factors significantly reduce the concentration of oxygen in the air. As a result, a person, without noticing it, suffers from a lack of oxygen. The main signs of oxygen starvation can be considered:

  • Frequent insomnia;
  • Loss of strength, rapid fatigue;
  • Sudden unreasonable mood swings;
  • General malaise.

All these unpleasant symptoms negatively affect the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. With the help of the pressure chamber, you can quickly relieve the patient of hypoxia by saturating his body with pure concentrated oxygen. What is this device, let's figure it out.

Externally, the pressure chamber is a bit like a bathyscaphe for deep diving. There are several transparent windows in the sealed flask. While in such a capsule, the patient may feel increased pressure and slight stuffiness in the ears. The pressure chamber is hermetically sealed, and gas is supplied under pressure, maximally enriched with oxygen molecules. While the patient is in this design, small molecules freely penetrate tissues, saturate the blood with oxygen, accelerate wound healing and recovery of the body after a serious illness. The two most common types of pressure chamber treatment are hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) and hyperbaric adaptation (HBA).


The HBO method can be used to treat not only hypoxia, but also a wide variety of inflammatory, fungal, and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, procedures in the pressure chamber are recommended for patients who are being treated for diabetes or suffer from certain gynecological diseases, pathologies of the small pelvis. The pressure chamber saturates the body with oxygen, improves blood circulation, and has a beneficial effect on reproductive function.

The main indications for the course of procedures in the pressure chamber can be considered:

  • Chronic lack of oxygen, which is manifested by frequent headaches, insomnia;
  • Various types of gas poisoning;
  • The period of rehabilitation after a stroke or heart attack;
  • Treatment of a patient after mechanical asphyxia;
  • The death of soft tissues;
  • Recovery after a surgical operation under general anesthesia.

In modern medicine, the pressure chamber is used to treat and prevent diseases of various etiologies. Blood saturation with purified concentrated oxygen will allow you to quickly get rid of such diseases as:

  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • Thrombosis, circulatory disorders;
  • Chronic or purulent-obstructive pulmonary diseases;
  • Ulcer, inflammation of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Pathology of the pancreas, liver;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Burns, injuries, dermatitis.

A visit to the pressure chamber is useful for patients to recuperate after surgery. Against the background of oxygen starvation, a person can develop serious mental problems. A pressure chamber will also help get rid of such a problem. Not only depressive disorders are treated with oxygen. Using this technique, you can alleviate the condition of a drug addict during the rehabilitation period.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is widely used in gynecology and obstetrics. A pregnant woman can safely replace the intake of certain medications with an oxygen therapy procedure in a pressure chamber. Sufficient saturation of the blood of the expectant mother with oxygen allows you to protect the fetus from the development of some rather dangerous pathologies. In addition, after such a procedure, the pregnant woman will feel much better - her pressure will normalize, her mood will improve.

The pressure chamber is used for pregnant women in case of:

  • Lagging intrauterine development of the fetus;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • Insufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus;
  • Development of pathologies of the placenta;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • Weakened immunity of the expectant mother.

The pressure chamber cannot harm the health of a pregnant woman or her fetus. However, to be sure, before the procedure, be sure to consult with a gynecologist.


The procedure of hyperbaric oxygenation is quite often used to treat postpartum asphyxia, craniocerebral injuries, and circulatory disorders of the brain. Also, with the help of a pressure chamber, it is possible to normalize the functioning of the nervous system if hypoxia was the cause of the violations.

Saturation of the body with concentrated oxygen allows you to heal the body after severe intoxication. In addition, visiting the pressure chamber is useful for people with inflammation of the subcutaneous adipose tissue, hemolytic pathology, or necrotic changes in the epidermis.

HBO can save the life of a child who was born prematurely or with any serious pathologies. For newborns, special small oxygen chambers are used. It is very important that the baby in such a design feels comfortable.


Every doctor knows that the pressure chamber has contraindications. Some people are prohibited from oxygenation procedures. That is why you must first undergo a complete examination and consult a doctor.

The most common contraindications to HBO are:

  • High blood pressure;
  • Colds, SARS;
  • Claustrophobia;
  • Abscess, pulmonary cyst;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Excessive sensitivity of the body to purified concentrated oxygen;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the nose and throat;
  • inguinal hernia;
  • SARS;
  • Bleeding.

To make sure that the procedure will be useful for you, and not vice versa, be sure to visit your doctor first, and also pass all the necessary tests.


With the help of the hyperbaric adaptation procedure, it is possible to significantly strengthen the immune system and activate the protective functions of the body. This method involves filling a single pressure chamber with gas with an oxygen concentration of up to 14%. In this case, the partial and atmospheric pressure in the flask is slightly reduced. The human body is saturated with "mountain air".

HBA has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, heals all internal organs, accelerates lipid metabolism, and normalizes the functioning of the lungs and respiratory system. The procedure can also be carried out for prevention - increasing efficiency and endurance.

The HBA procedure, despite the huge number of positive properties, also has some contraindications, namely: you do not need to recover in a pressure chamber if you are panicky afraid of confined spaces, in addition, the HBA procedure is not recommended for the elderly (over 60 years old). The duration and frequency of the procedure is determined by the attending physician.

Hyperbaric chamber (video)



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