External hemorrhoids - treatment, ointments, suppositories, creams, folk remedies. How to cure external hemorrhoids

Proctological problems of the rectum are a frequent companion of the weak half of humanity. Why does external hemorrhoids occur in women and how to treat inflammation of the nodes?

The disease causes discomfort and symptoms

Hemorrhoidal disease is a varicose vein in the lower rectum. Accompanied by thrombosis, pain, rectal bleeding and other unpleasant symptoms. The disease is internal and external.

Pathology is often diagnosed in women during pregnancy and after childbirth. It appears in middle and old age.

Often the disease proceeds without visible signs. Only an acute course and a neglected form begin to give women discomfort.

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids are manifested

  1. rectal bleeding during bowel movements;
  2. an increase in hemorrhoids and their prolapse from the anus;
  3. pain in the anus;
  4. inflammation and swelling of the nodes;
  5. thrombosis of nodes;
  6. in the most advanced cases - gangrene.

External hemorrhoids are varicose veins located under the skin in the anus.

What does it look like? Outwardly, these are skin folds (fringes) framing the anus from the outside.

If you ignore the treatment, then over time they take the form of large petals. In this case, the patient feels discomfort not only while walking.

Fringes can cause irritation, itching, swelling of the upper layer of the skin and disruption of its structure. External hemorrhoids contribute to the formation of anal fissures. Cracks originate at the bases of nodes. With timely access to a proctologist, they can be cured with conservative methods.

A hemorrhoid with acute thrombophlebitis causes a complication in the form of a dense formation in the anus, which resembles a round intestine in shape. This complication is accompanied by severe pain, which usually disappears after 7 to 10 days. The thrombus does not go away.

Reasons for the appearance

Constipation causes inflammation of the hemorrhoids

Factors that can trigger the development of hemorrhoids are as follows:

  • low physical activity;
  • pregnancy and difficult childbirth;
  • persistent constipation;
  • strong physical activity;
  • addiction to spicy and spicy food;
  • pathology of the pelvic organs;
  • lack of valves in the efferent veins of the hemorrhoidal plexus.

Distinguish between primary and secondary pathology. The cause of primary hemorrhoids is hereditary predisposition.

The development of a secondary ailment can be caused by:

  1. portal hypertension, when there is a violation of blood circulation in the portal vessels;
  2. stagnation of blood in the inferior vena cava;
  3. constant constipation;
  4. heart failure;
  5. sedentary work.

During pregnancy and after childbirth

Thrombosis and prolapse of nodes are common during pregnancy and lactation.

Self-medication during pregnancy is harmful and even dangerous. This is especially true of the first trimester, when the formation of the internal organs of the baby takes place. And all drugs, even those intended for external use, are potentially dangerous to the fetus.

In pregnant women, local remedies are used to treat the initial stage of hemorrhoids and preference is given to natural natural ingredients.

During this period, patients are categorically contraindicated in steam and sitz baths. For the treatment of external hemorrhoids, lotions and ointments based on natural ingredients are used.

With caution, you need to approach the treatment of hemorrhoids and during lactation! Medicines through the mucous membrane of the rectum are able to be absorbed into the bloodstream and into breast milk. During the period of breastfeeding, women are recommended to use products with natural ingredients for the treatment of proctological diseases of the rectum.

During pregnancy and after childbirth, the use of certain drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease must be agreed with the attending physician.

Help at home

Sedentary baths with potassium permanganate well relieve inflammation and reduce itching

Acute inflammation of external hemorrhoids is a reason to abandon physical activity and be treated with bed rest.

During this period, you should not fight constipation. On the contrary, it is better to try to delay the stool for a few days. You can include in the diet: beef broth, egg white omelet, lean meat boiled and minced through a meat grinder, slimy rice porridge in water, white crackers (3-4 pieces a day), 4-6 mugs a day of slightly sweetened tea.

Cold packs in the first two days will help relieve pain.

Cotton pads or swabs soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate are applied to the inflamed nodes. The procedure is performed for 1.5 - 2 hours, making lotions every 15 - 20 minutes.

Folk remedies

To treat the initial stage of external hemorrhoids, you can try drinking an infusion of medicinal herbs. To prepare it, you need to take equal amounts of senna leaves, licorice fruits, coriander fruits, buckthorn bark, yarrow. 1 tablespoon of the mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. A glass of infusion should be drunk before bedtime.

with medicinal herbs - the most effective remedy for external hemorrhoids. Healing plants act on blood vessels, reducing the inflammatory process.

Alternative recipes give a positive result only at the initial stage of the disease, when there are no serious complications.

Traditional treatment

The fastest and most effective treatment can only be prescribed by a proctologist after an examination

Treatment of external hemorrhoids in women involves conservative methods of treatment. Any therapy for a chronic illness is temporary. You should correct your habits that cause an exacerbation of the disease. These are malnutrition, excessive exercise, alcohol abuse.


Medical treatment involves the use of:

  • general and local painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • applications with ointments;
  • cleansing enemas;
  • phlebotonic agents.

To relieve pain, non-narcotic analgesics are prescribed (Ketonal, Voltaren, Nise, Movalis, Diclofenac). You can also prescribe combined drugs (Gepatrombin G, Proctoglivenol, Ultraprokt).

Ointments for external hemorrhoids with an anti-inflammatory effect (Vishnevsky ointment, Levasin, Levomekol) are used for applications if the inflammatory process has spread to the skin and subcutaneous fat around the hemorrhoid.

The action of which is aimed at increasing the tone of the veins, are indicated for the treatment of acute and chronic forms of hemorrhoids. One of these drugs is Detralex.

To eliminate rectal bleeding, suppositories with adrenaline or local hemostatic agents (drug Spongostan, Adroxon, Beriplast) are used.

Thrombosis of nodes

The goal of the treatment of hemorrhoids complicated by acute thrombophlebitis is the resorption of the thrombus. For several days, the patient is advised to adhere to bed rest. Eat light food, stop smoking and alcohol.

For resorption of a blood clot, the patient is prescribed:

  • warm sessile baths for 10-15 minutes with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • suppositories 2 times a day (cocoa butter - 2 g, streptocid - 0.08 g, xeroform - 0.1 g, novocaine - 0.12 g, belladonna extract - 0.015 g);
  • ointment applications (composition of the ointment: castor oil - 200 g, anestezin - 2 g, tar oil - 6 g, xeroform - 6 g).

If within 10 days after the start of treatment, the density of the thrombus remains the same, a decision is made on a surgical operation.

Operations to remove blood clots of hemorrhoids:

  1. Thrombectomy is a surgical treatment for hemorrhoids. During the operation, the hemorrhoid is cut and a blood clot is removed through the incision. The intervention does not require general anesthesia and observation in the hospital.
  2. In case of complications, the external hemorrhoid is removed completely. The operation is also indicated for frequent thrombosis.

Removal of hemorrhoids

How are external hemorrhoids removed?

Surgical intervention is required in a complicated form

For treatment, effective minimally invasive methods or their combinations are used. These are ligation of hemorrhoidal veins with ultrasound Doppler, ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings, sclerotherapy, infrared coagulation, etc.

The advantages of these techniques are low trauma and low pain. For the treatment of hemorrhoids at different stages, different methods are used:


To prevent the development of hemorrhoids, experts recommend:

  1. during sedentary work, take 2-3 breaks to perform simple exercises, allocating 5-7 minutes for them;
  2. review your diet;
  3. avoid spicy food and alcohol.

To prevent the disease, you can perform the following exercises:

  • walk, raising your legs high, bending them at the knees;
  • perform leg swings alternately forward, then back, to the side;
  • perform tilts in different directions, from a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart;
  • in a standing position, hands on the belt, legs together, strain the muscles of the buttocks, while trying to retract the anus;
  • squat on toes, while spreading your knees wide.

The gymnastic complex ends with the first exercise.

External hemorrhoids in women are dangerous for vein thrombosis and the development of rectal cancer. A delay in going to the hospital can lead to a chronic course and a lifelong struggle with pathology.

Important Materials

With external (subcutaneous) hemorrhoids, the nodes are easily palpable in the anus. They can be completely painless, with mild symptoms, or they can be a real inconvenience. This disease spares neither men nor women.
Factors provoking the appearance of external hemorrhoids - unhealthy diet, mostly dry food,. Often, external hemorrhoids develop in women after childbirth. During lactation, it is especially important not to delay going to the doctor so as not to harm yourself and your baby with self-medication.

Where to start the treatment of external hemorrhoids and how to get rid of pain and discomfort? How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth? Folk remedies can relieve symptoms no worse than pharmacy ointments and suppositories. But in order to cure hemorrhoids completely, only complex therapy is needed, folk advice, unfortunately, is indispensable. Sometimes you can get rid of acute hemorrhoids only after surgery. In the early stages, there are ways to improve the condition.

Stages and symptoms of external hemorrhoids

There are 3 degrees of development of external hemorrhoids. At the initial stage, there may be itching and burning, slight pain after defecation. The nodes are not palpable, or they are small and non-painful. During this period, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms at home, using folk methods of fighting the disease or popular ointments.

The next stage is characterized by the appearance of blood after defecation, the nodes increase in size.

At stage 3, the nodes become painful, difficult to reduce, pain occurs not only after defecation, but also when walking or when the patient is just sitting.

Sometimes a 4th stage of the disease is distinguished, accompanied by thrombosis, necrosis and other complications.

Official medicine also highlights chronic external hemorrhoids. When periods of exacerbation are replaced by remission of the disease. Treatment of chronic hemorrhoids should be long and complex.

Complications of external hemorrhoids

With the worst development, the formation of blood clots in the hemorrhoids is possible. Thrombosed external hemorrhoids are an acute form of the disease. It develops with prolonged stagnation of blood in the hemorrhoidal venous plexus. The blood thickens, and the resulting clot bursts the knots from the inside. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are accompanied by severe pain.

Thrombosed external turns blue, swells. Touching him is unbearably painful. It can only be treated under the supervision of a doctor. With active complex therapy, you can do without surgery.

As a rule, acute external hemorrhoids are accompanied by severe inflammation. Pain with progressive inflammation spreads to the surrounding tissue nodes, the temperature may rise. Treatment of external hemorrhoids with folk remedies in the acute stage will no longer help relieve symptoms.

The best choice in the fight against external nodes - ointments

External hemorrhoids - how to treat? With external hemorrhoids, it is better to use ointment rather than suppositories. Among antihemorrhoids, Relief products are especially popular.

It has a convenient applicator that allows you to process both external and deeper hemorrhoids. Therefore, Relief ointment can treat any kind of hemorrhoids at home.

Relief products (ointments and suppositories) are prepared on natural ingredients, in particular on substances obtained from shark liver. Ointment "Relief" relieves pain, reduces bleeding, dries the nodes, treats inflammation well. According to the instructions, Relief products can be used at home during pregnancy and lactation, but only after agreement with the gynecologist and pediatrician. Children under 12 years of age are not treated with Relief ointment - there are appropriate warnings in the instructions.

You can buy Relief ointments and suppositories at any pharmacy without a prescription.

The symptoms of hemorrhoids and other remedies are well treated - ointment for hemorrhoids Troxevasin, heparin ointment, Vishnevsky ointment and so on.

In parallel with the use of the ointment, you need to drink medicines that tone the veins, for example, Detralex. After childbirth and during lactation, before using certain tablets or ointments, you should consult your doctor!

Traditional medicine against external hemorrhoids

How to Heal Hemorrhoids Quickly: If you have minor external hemorrhoids, home remedies are great for treating the symptoms. In addition, folk methods can relieve the discomfort of women after childbirth and during lactation. At this time, the use of funds that traditional medicine offers can harm the baby. But remember that when breastfeeding, you must coordinate all methods of treatment with a doctor, otherwise the child may develop an allergy.

There are numerous folk remedies against this disease that can alleviate unpleasant symptoms. External hemorrhoids: treatment with baths, lotions, decoctions for internal use, homemade ointments, and so on. Choose the method that suits you best.

For example, compresses with propolis will help reduce pain and other unpleasant symptoms. You can make them yourself at home. Grind 13-15 grams of propolis, pour a glass of boiled water. You need to insist the remedy for 3 days, and then do compresses for 2-3 weeks regularly. This treatment is well suited against the inflammatory process. The edema subsides, the nodes quickly decrease. This method is suitable for breastfeeding.

At home, you can try to treat external hemorrhoids (after childbirth) with celandine. For example, in this way: for a liter of boiling water, you need to take one and a half glasses of chopped grass. Infuse the remedy at home for several hours. Drink warm 300 ml before meals.

You can also make a lotion with celandine: 1 tablespoon of dried grass is mixed with half a liter of kombucha infusion. The mixture is kept for a couple of days in a cool, dark place (it can be a pantry at home). Means to, ready. Lotions are best done at night.

But be careful with celandine. It is poisonous in large quantities. During lactation, such treatment is not suitable.

They will help to defeat pain and burning and remedies with garlic against hemorrhoids. For example, at home, you can prepare such an ointment: cook 200 grams of peeled and washed garlic + a teaspoon of natural honey + a quarter cup of milk. When it boils, keep over medium heat until it thickens, then cool. This remedy is suitable for both men and women during lactation. Apply the ointment to the knots every evening and you will be able to cure the inflammation. You can use folk advice if you are not allergic to the components of medicinal fees.

Another folk method is hirudotherapy, when the disease is treated with leeches. It is believed that after the bites of leeches, you can get rid of painful knots. But it is better to do such procedures not at home, but in a good clinic. Hirudotherapy has contraindications, including the lactation period.

Remember 3 rules in the fight against hemorrhoids: proper nutrition, more movement and an integrated approach to combat the main symptoms.

Follow these rules, and you will forget about pain and discomfort. And remember - the treatment of hemorrhoids at home will not replace professional therapy under the guidance of a competent doctor. The method of treatment is selected based on the results of the clinical examination. Without leaving home, it is impossible to get rid of the signs of hemorrhoids forever only with folk remedies and self-bought ointments.

Anal fringes. Get rid or not?

Often the appearance of anal fimbriae is mistaken for an external hemorrhoid. But it's not quite the same thing. Anal fringes are small skin folds around the anus. They are more common in women after childbirth, but can also occur in men. They, unlike hemorrhoids, do not cause pain to the patient. But they can interfere with hygiene procedures, cause discomfort when wearing tight-fitting underwear. If you have a suspicion that this disease has arisen, contact a proctologist. The process of removing fringes with modern methods is quick and almost painless. Experts note the advantage of removing fringes by the radio wave method. The recovery period after such an intervention is from 3 weeks to a month. The only condition is that the surgical method is possible only after the cessation of lactation. If the fringes do not bother the patient, they are not treated. They do not harm the body.

Education: Graduated from the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov, Faculty of Medicine. Took advanced training courses. Primary specialization - in coloproctology at the State Scientific Center of Coloproctology. Worked at the City Scientific and Practical Center of Coloproctology of St. Petersburg.

Work experience: Proctologist. Experience in medical practice - 25 years. Author of more than 40 medical articles. A regular participant of conferences and symposia, which highlights the problems of modern medicine.

Provides highly qualified diagnostics and treatment of many diseases: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, various diseases of the colon, successfully diagnoses neoplasms of the perianal region and rectum in the early stages. He also conducts examinations of children.

External hemorrhoids are quite common. With this form of the disease, the size of the saphenous veins in the anus increases. Then venous nodules form. Their number and size depend on the severity of the disease. In any case, it is very important to start the treatment of external hemorrhoids on time. To do this, you should consult a doctor who will diagnose and select adequate therapy.

To answer the question of how to treat external hemorrhoids, you need to establish the causes of its development. The disease appears under the influence of a number of adverse factors. Among them:

  • genetic abnormalities in the structure of blood vessels;
  • power sports;
  • insufficiently active lifestyle;
  • lifting heavy objects;
  • drinking large amounts of alcohol and hot spices;
  • constipation;
  • pregnancy;
  • childbirth.

Under the influence of these factors, the veins of the pelvis and perineum overflow with blood. When the elasticity of the vessel wall is lost, it is stretched. This causes the appearance of hemorrhoids. If they are localized outside the lumen of the anal canal, we are talking about the development of external hemorrhoids.

How to cure external hemorrhoids? You need to make serious lifestyle changes. Otherwise, the disease will return constantly. In such cases, only surgical removal of hemorrhoids will help.

The main cause of the pathology are violations in the diet, which provoke constipation. Insufficiently active lifestyle can also lead to such problems.

At the initial stage of development, pathology is treated without the use of drugs. It is possible to cope with the disease if you follow the following recommendations of proctologists:

Medical treatment

To answer the question of how to get rid of external hemorrhoids, you need to determine the stage of the pathology, the age of the patient and take into account some other circumstances. Many people are interested in whether the disease can be cured with conservative methods. This can be done only at an early stage of the development of the disease.

For the treatment of external hemorrhoids, ointments and tablets are actively used. In this case, rectal suppositories are usually used to combat the internal form of the disease. Thanks to the correct use of medicines, external hemorrhoids in men and women can be successfully treated.

To fight this disease use such systemic drugs: detralex, posterizan, chemoroidin. Tablets can be used alone for hemorrhoids of the first stage. In more serious cases, you should consult a doctor.

Many people are interested in how to quickly cure external hemorrhoids. It is quite difficult to do this without the use of local funds. Because doctors often prescribe ointments. They successfully help treat external hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy.

To cope with external hemorrhoids, the following remedies are prescribed for treatment:

  • heparin ointment;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • proctosan;
  • cream with aloe;
  • relief

A specialist should select a specific tool. Before treating external hemorrhoids, the doctor conducts a thorough diagnosis and prescribes adequate medications.

Non-surgical methods

Removal of external hemorrhoids can be carried out by non-invasive methods. They are considered safer than surgery because they do not have a strong effect on the body.

How to remove the manifestations of hemorrhoids? For this, procedures such as cryotherapy, laser coagulation, sclerotherapy can be prescribed. At the same time, external hemorrhoids are not treated by ligation with latex rings. This procedure is effective only with the internal form of the disease.


The Longo operation is also actively used. In the process of its implementation, with the help of special equipment, the mucous membrane is removed.

After the operation, the patient needs to be systematically examined. Thanks to this, it will be possible to detect a recurrence of the disease in time. If no mistakes were made during the operation, hemorrhoids do not return within 5-6 years.

Alternative treatment

In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are many effective remedies - ointments based on honey, wax, aloe, etc. How to cure external hemorrhoids with home methods? To do this, you can use the following recipes:

It is important to bear in mind that these funds can not be used during an exacerbation of the disease. A contraindication is the presence of individual intolerance.

Possible Complications

One of the main complications that can pop up with the external form of the disease is thrombosis of hemorrhoids. This disorder is characterized by stagnation of venous blood, which is accompanied by its subsequent thickening.

The thrombus provokes bursting of the deformed wall of the plexus. As a result, a person may experience severe pain in the affected area. Discomfort is greatly aggravated by movement or coughing. In appearance, the node also changes: it acquires a bluish tint, and redness is observed around. When touched, there is a pronounced pain syndrome.

This process is accompanied general health disorder. A person's temperature rises, general malaise develops. In some cases, the inflammatory process also affects the perineum, capturing the external genitalia.

If the acute form of thrombosis is not treated in time, there is a risk of developing paraproctitis and the formation of fistulas, which are artificial openings in the tissues adjacent to the rectum.

It is quite possible to cope with the disease. This is a curable disease that can be treated with drug therapy. How long the treatment of external hemorrhoids will last depends on the severity of the disease and the presence of comorbidities. In any case, the tactics of therapy should be selected by the doctor after a thorough diagnosis.

Hemorrhoids is a delicate disease, the number of which among the population is about 40%, while 30% is given to external (external) hemorrhoids, which is often called the “royal disease”, since the main reason for ego development is a sedentary lifestyle. What is external hemorrhoids, what are its causes and symptoms, how to treat external hemorrhoids?

How do external hemorrhoids develop?

Hemorrhoids is a non-infectious disease of the inflammatory course, in which there is a pathological expansion of the veins of the external hemorrhoidal plexus, followed by the formation of nodes and bumps. Unlike internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids are characterized by the formation of hemorrhoids outside - near the rectum. An important factor in the course of the disease is that severe symptoms appear only during the period of exacerbation. Therefore, everyone who has encountered the symptoms of this disease should know how to treat external hemorrhoids and prevent its recurrence. With external (external) hemorrhoids, a pathological increase in the saphenous veins occurs around the anus, where nodular formations or bumps of various sizes develop. The size and number of nodes depends on the degree of the disease, but in any case they are around the opening of the colon. External hemorrhoids photo allows you to consider the presence of pathological formations.

Hemorrhoids with external hemorrhoids are visible from the outside, may have a dark blue color, be larger than 3 millimeters. During the period of remission, the diseases can be almost invisible, but during an exacerbation (relapse) they begin to increase in size, become inflamed, the skin around becomes red, pain and difficulty with defecation occur.

Reasons for the development of external hemorrhoids

The main reason for the development of external hemorrhoids lies in the violation of the outflow of blood from the cavernous perianal zone, which causes stagnant processes in the hemorrhoids and the appearance of seals (bumps). The following factors and causes can provoke such a pathological process:

  • Violation of metabolic processes;
  • Frequent constipation.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages.
  • Smoking.
  • Pregnancy, childbirth.
  • genetic predisposition.

In addition to the above reasons, external hemorrhoids can frolic against the background of internal diseases such as diseases of the cardiovascular system, tumors of the pelvic organs, intestines, liver cirrhosis. It is possible to determine the cause of external hemorrhoids only after the results of the examination, which will be prescribed by the proctologist.

Degrees of external hemorrhoids

In proctology, 3 degrees of external hemorrhoids are distinguished, which have a different clinical picture and stages of their development.

  • Grade 1 - congestive processes in hemorrhoids pass without inflammation. It is visually difficult to see changes and the presence of cones, but during examination and palpation, the nodes are slightly enlarged in size, dense to the touch.
  • Grade 2 - hemorrhoids become inflamed, edema and hyperemia appear, the nodes are enlarged, dense. You can determine their increase by palpation or visual inspection.
  • Grade 3 - inflammation extends to the subcutaneous tissue, perianal zone. The area in the area of ​​the anal canal is painful, the bumps reach large sizes, the hemorrhoids are dense, purple or cyanotic.

The clinical picture of external hemorrhoids is quite pronounced, especially during an exacerbation of the disease. In the remission phase, a person suffering from external hemorrhoids feels itching in the anal canal, often during defecation, blood discharge appears, the presence of a foreign body in the anus is constantly felt.

Pain sensations are practically absent, but significant discomfort does not allow a person to lead a habitual lifestyle. If, in the presence of such symptoms, the patient does not rush to see a doctor, the disease progresses, becomes chronic, often exacerbated. In the acute form of external hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids are infringed with the subsequent development of thrombosis. During this period, the following symptoms are noted:

  • Discharge of mucus from the anal canal.
  • Pain in the area of ​​hemorrhoidal seals, which is constantly present and increases with defecation or sitting.
  • Itching and burning of the anus.
  • Tingling in the region of the anus.
  • Bloody issues.
  • Prolapse of hemorrhoids.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • General intoxication of the body.

In some cases, with advanced forms of the disease, a necrotic coating of a gray tint may appear on the strangulated nodes. The patient's condition is quite severe, and untimely access to a doctor can lead to serious complications.

External hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Pregnant women are especially prone to developing external hemorrhoids, which most often develop during the first or second birth. The disease can develop both during pregnancy and during childbirth. External hemorrhoids during pregnancy develop as a result of the pressure of the uterus on the blood vessels of the large intestine. The risk of developing the disease appears in the last months of pregnancy, when the fetus begins to grow rapidly, which provokes pressure on the lower part of the pelvis. It is necessary to treat external hemorrhoids only under the supervision of a proctologist, who, taking into account all the features of the future mother, will be able to choose the optimal treatment regimen that can eliminate the symptoms of the disease, thereby not harming the fetus and the pregnancy itself.

Complications of external hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids with untimely or poor-quality treatment can lead to complications, such as thrombosis of the hemorrhoid. If timely treatment of thrombosis is not carried out, this condition can turn into purulent paraproctitis with the formation of pararectal fistulas.

Methods for diagnosing external hemorrhoids

Diagnosis - external hemorrhoids is set by the doctor at the initial examination of the patient. Diagnosing the disease is quite simple, since the bumps of the hemorrhoids are well palpated, they can be seen when examining the anal canal. The size of compacted hemorrhoids can vary from a small pea to a large nut. In addition, sometimes it is enough for a specialized proctologist to hear the patient's complaints and conduct an examination in order to make a primary diagnosis and prescribe immediate treatment. If necessary, the doctor prescribes instrumental studies, such as sigmoidoscopy or anoscopy. The results of the studies allow the doctor to determine the stage of the disease, make a final diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Treatment of external hemorrhoids

It is necessary to treat hemorrhoids as soon as possible, already at its first manifestations. The neglected form of the disease practically does not lend itself to conservative treatment, but only to radical methods, therefore, external hemorrhoids should be treated correctly and only under the supervision of a proctologist. At the initial stages of the development of external hemorrhoids, the doctor prescribes medication, which consists of the use of ointments, creams that relieve swelling of soft tissues, have analgesic, anti-inflammatory. Rectal suppositories are recommended to be used only for internal hemorrhoids, therefore, they are not prescribed for the external form of the disease.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes ointments and creams that contain hormones in their composition that prevent the formation of blood clots. Consider several effective drugs that are widely prescribed by doctors for the treatment of external hemorrhoids.

  • Fleming's ointment is a homeopathic preparation that has analgesic, vasoconstrictive, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Apply ointment from external hemorrhoids 2 times a day.
  • Levomekol is an ointment with chloramphenicol, which has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Hepatrombin G is a combination drug that has an anti-edematous effect, improves blood flow to the rectum, and prevents the development of vascular thrombosis.

In addition to the above ointments, creams for the treatment of external hemorrhoids, there are others that are no less defective: Proctosan ointment, Proksodelil, Ultraprokt and others. Oral tablets are effective in the treatment of external hemorrhoids, among which are:

  • Ginkor fort - are prescribed by a doctor at any stage of external hemorrhoids. The composition of the drug contains only natural ingredients. Taking this drug allows you to prevent the formation of new nodes, reduce inflammation, strengthen blood vessels.
  • Detralex - used for the symptomatic treatment of external hemorrhoids. It has a venoprotective effect. Taking pills allows stagnant processes in the colon, increase the resistance of capillaries. The course of treatment and the dose of drugs is prescribed individually for each patient.

Any drug should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication or uncontrolled use of medications can lead to the development of side effects. Before using any drug for external or internal use, you should read the instructions for use. If the disease is advanced, the doctor prescribes surgical treatment of external hemorrhoids, which includes the excision of hemorrhoids. The choice of surgical treatment is appointed by the doctor, depending on the degree of the disease and the possibilities of the clinic itself, where the patient is being treated.

Folk remedies for the treatment of external hemorrhoids

Despite the large assortment of drugs in the pharmacological industry, many seek help from traditional medicine, which has many recipes for the treatment of external hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids treatment at home can be carried out using components of plant and animal origin. Consider a few recipes:

Recipe 1. Compresses with sea buckthorn oil. It is enough to take a cotton pad, soak it in sea buckthorn oil and apply it to the anus at night.

Recipe 2. Potato lotions. Raw potatoes need to be chopped on a grater, squeeze out the juice, moisten a cotton pad with it and apply to hemorrhoids for 20 minutes.

Recipe 3. Therapeutic herbal baths. For baths, you can use chamomile, sage, calendula, string. It is enough to brew a light herbal decoction, you can add propolis, leave for 30 minutes, pour into a basin of water or a bath. You can take such baths 3 times a week for 20 minutes.

Hemorrhoids in women is a common disease that brings beautiful representatives no less trouble than men. It can occur even more often in women, but they are less likely to seek help.

It seems to them that it is a shame, but the problem becomes even greater, because such a specific ailment needs to be treated at the initial stage, especially when you consider that girls have more aggravating factors than boys.

It is important to remember that hemorrhoids, whether external or internal, will not go away on their own. At whatever stage it is, you need to contact a specialist. Even if you are not sure that you suffer from this particular disease, it would be useful to contact a proctologist to exclude or start treating hemorrhoidal formations in a timely manner.

We will consider the features of hemorrhoids in women, its symptoms and first signs in the initial stage, as well as modern methods of treating hemorrhoids, including at home using suppositories, ointments and folk remedies. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the rectum with the formation of hemorrhoids (convoluted, thrombosed veins).

Depending on the location, "activity" (the tendency to prolapse and self-adjustment) of the nodes and the presence of complications, hemorrhoids can be classified as follows:

  1. Internal hemorrhoids - hemorrhoids are located at a relative distance from the ampullary section of the rectum;
  2. External hemorrhoids - hemorrhoids are located in close proximity to the anus;
  3. Hemorrhoids with accompanying anal fissure;
  4. With prolapse of hemorrhoids;
  5. Complicated by thrombosis of the nodes - often the main symptom is intense bleeding from the rectum.

Causes of hemorrhoids in women

Hemorrhoids is a disease, the appearance of which can be triggered by various factors. The basis of the pathogenesis of this disease is a violation of blood flow in the pelvic area. Among the main etiological and provoking factors, the following should be distinguished:

  1. A sedentary image of professional activity (a long stay in a sitting position leads to stagnation of blood in the small pelvis, a violation of the inflow of arterial and outflow of venous blood from organs);
  2. Pregnancy - during pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood in the bloodstream in women increases significantly, and blood flow to all organs increases accordingly. A sedentary image of a pregnant woman provokes venous congestion and increases the risk of developing hemorrhoids;
  3. Labor activity - the main reasons for the development of hemorrhoids during childbirth are: the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the pelvic organs, leading to impaired circulation, as well as a significant increase in intra-abdominal pressure;
  4. Frequent constipation, the appearance of which is associated with poor nutrition (insufficient consumption of vegetable fiber);
  5. Intense physical activity and heavy lifting that do not correspond to the physical capabilities of the body;
  6. A sharp intensive decrease in body weight;
  7. Burdened heredity and predisposition to pathologies of blood coagulation and thrombogenesis;
  8. Frequent practice of anal sex;
  9. Regular intake of laxative drugs not for therapeutic purposes, but for the purpose of losing weight;
  10. Natural age-related changes in the body.

First signs

The very first manifestation is a feeling of discomfort in the anus. It can occur during bowel movements, sitting or walking. Itching, burning, sensation of a foreign object - all this indicates inflammation of the venous nodes.

Let's highlight the first signs of hemorrhoids in women:

  • Feeling of discomfort, burning, itching;
  • Light bleeding while going to the toilet;
  • Inflammatory processes of the anus;
  • Pain, tingling, cramps during bowel movements;
  • Prolapse or swelling of hemorrhoids;
  • Copious secretion of mucus.

Over time, the symptoms of hemorrhoids get worse. There is swelling of the anus, heaviness in the groin. It becomes difficult to walk and it hurts to sit. In the event of a pinched hemorrhoid, a woman experiences a sharp, very severe pain.

The nodes themselves can be detected by touching the anus: they feel like bumps under the skin. In advanced cases, nodes may fall out.

Hemorrhoids in women should be differentiated from some other diseases of the rectum due to the similarity of symptoms - benign and malignant tumors, polyps, anal fissures, infectious pathologies, etc. The disease often comes on suddenly, so the treatment of hemorrhoids at home is very popular. At the heart of the "classic" picture of hemorrhoids in women are the following symptoms, which you should pay attention to in the first place:

  • Discomfort in the anus and projection of the rectum;
  • Soreness (more often pains are dull aching in nature) in the rectal area when in a sitting position and during an act of defecation;
  • Determination of a well-palpable seal in the anus;
  • Burning sensation or intense itching in the anus;
  • Hyperemia of the skin in the anus;
  • Edema of the subcutaneous fatty tissue in the anus (in a sitting position, patients are concerned about discomfort and the sensation of a foreign body in the rectum);
  • Isolation of blood from the rectum during the act of defecation. The blood is on the surface of the feces and has a bright red color;
  • Difficulty in emptying the bowels and frequent constipation;
  • Prolapse of hemorrhoids, which can be reduced independently after the act of defecation (second stage of the disease) or with the help of fingers (third stage). As the disease progresses, the nodes may fall out outside of physical activity and the act of defecation.

Stages of hemorrhoids

It should be noted that the more neglected the disease, the more radical the method used to treat it. The development of hemorrhoids occurs in 4 stages:

  1. It is characterized by swelling and swelling of captive, sometimes bleeding hemorrhoids. There is an increase in the vascular pattern of the mucous membrane, as well as minor anatomical changes in the longitudinal muscle;
  2. At this point, the hemorrhoidal bumps increase in size, become more dense and painful. During defecation, they come out (this is a reversible process, they enter back on their own). Not only blood, but also inflammatory fluid oozes from the rectum - it irritates the anus area, uncontrollable itching and discomfort appear. Women become very nervous. And already at this stage, almost 80% of them go to the doctor for help;
  3. It proceeds against the background of increasing anal itching and frequent bleeding. Prolapse of hemorrhoids requires manual or instrumental reduction. During a laboratory study, morphological changes in muscle tissue are detected, indicating the predominance of dystrophic processes and loss of elasticity;
  4. There is also a group of particularly persistent women who engage in ineffective self-treatment and "spit on some kind of doctor." They have a unique chance that the 4th stage of the disease will soon develop! I don’t even want to talk about wild discomfort, pain, suffering. Let us describe only the main symptoms: severe bleeding during bowel movements, bumps of various sizes inside and outside the anus, the inability to set the hemorrhoids in any way (even manually), blood clots appear.

In general, despite certain causal features, the symptoms of hemorrhoids in women and girls are typical and do not differ from those in men.

What does hemorrhoids look like in women?

Most often, female hemorrhoids are manifested by varicose veins. To imagine what hemorrhoids look like in women, first of all, you should know at least the basics of anatomy received at school. Being the last section of the intestine, the rectum carries a tremendous load.

It looks like hemorrhoids in women in the photo in an advanced stage

A dense venous network runs throughout the rectum. Flowing slowly enough, the blood can stagnate in places, dilating the vessels, forming knots. In the lumen of the veins, the vessels of the arteries can be observed. What does hemorrhoids look like in women and what does hemorrhoids look like in men - there is no gender difference.

In the photo, stage 1 of hemorrhoids in women

A slight difference occurs only in the causes that provoke the disease. A lot of factors affect how hemorrhoids manifest in women. This list can include the period of gestation, childbirth, stress, lifting excessive weight, and more. Hemorrhoids in girls are mainly caused by intense weight loss, long sitting at the computer.

Photo of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

There are a lot of cases when hemorrhoids during pregnancy are mainly caused by natural constipation. If you do not start treatment on time, then after childbirth there will be an even bigger problem.

The photo shows hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Very often, hemorrhoids during pregnancy can cause the fetus itself. The larger it is and its location is lower, the stronger it produces pressure on the intestine, provoking blood stagnation, the formation of nodes. Hemorrhoids in girls who have not reached full maturity during the first pregnancy are observed more often.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth photo

Very much discomfort causes hemorrhoids after childbirth. If you start it during this period, then it will develop into a chronic one. Symptoms of hemorrhoids in women at this time are caused by a huge load during attempts.

In the photo, hemorrhoids in a woman after childbirth

During this period, hemorrhoidal cones can easily fall out. There is a fact that during difficult childbirth, hemorrhoids in children can be provoked by strong pressure of the birth canal. Hemorrhoids after childbirth, left untreated, will lead to inflammation that can cause a malignant tumor. Postpartum female hemorrhoids require special hygiene.

The first signs of hemorrhoids in women photo

In each case, the first signs of hemorrhoids in women are individual. Often they do not pay attention to them, and the initial stage of hemorrhoids, with timely treatment, is completely curable.

The first signs of hemorrhoids in the photo

Signs of hemorrhoids in women are expressed with a burning sensation, tingling, itching of the anus. Inflammation and swelling often occur. Signs of hemorrhoids in women are often expressed by heaviness in the intestines, increasing towards the anus. Traces of blood seen on linen or toilet paper should also alert. Hemorrhoids in women stage 1 can be manifested only by the release of mucus.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in women photo

Pain that occurs during bowel movements, the presence of blood, sometimes abundant - all these are symptoms of hemorrhoids in women. Such harbingers of the disease, as the symptoms of hemorrhoids, in women usually develop sequentially.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in women in the photo

At the very beginning, discomfort causes an unpleasant feeling of a foreign body in the intestine. It is he who is a frequent harbinger of the disease. Frequent trauma to the tissues of the intestine can cause the development of tumors. Such signs of hemorrhoids in women as itching, burning are often undulating in nature, causing a lot of inconvenience.

What does external hemorrhoids look like in women?

External hemorrhoids in women are characterized by protrusion of nodes or their loss, which causes additional stretching of the skin. Cones can be of various sizes.

Photo 1 Photo 2

External hemorrhoids in women greatly complicate the process of sitting. The fallen out tissues acquire puffiness, their color depends on the stage of the disease of external hemorrhoids in women. Symptoms of female hemorrhoids and symptoms of hemorrhoids in men do not represent a difference. The disease of external hemorrhoids in women increases the risk of infection.

What does internal hemorrhoids look like in women?

Photo 3 Photo 4

Internal hemorrhoids in women are most common and have fairly pronounced symptoms. It is not possible to consider what hemorrhoids look like in women, due to the location of the nodes in the middle of the rectum. Increasing with swelling, the nodes cause unpleasant heaviness and tingling.

Photo 5 Photo 6

Internal hemorrhoids in women, due to the pressure of the cones, cause microcracks, into which moisture, sweat enter and cause pain, pinching. Sometimes internal bleeding occurs.

The internal view is much easier to cure than other types of hemorrhoids in women. Read more in the article hemorrhoids what it is on our website.


Hemorrhoids, if left untreated, can develop into some more dangerous diseases and conditions: iron deficiency anemia (occurs due to massive one-time or regular blood loss), acute thrombophlebitis, fistulas, anal fissures, secondary infection, suppuration of pathologically enlarged and tortuous foci.


There are 3 types of ailment in accordance with the location of hemorrhoids:

  1. Internal hemorrhoids, in which the nodes are located under the mucous membranes of the rectum, but higher than the border of the dentate line. Localization - the place of the internal plexus of the veins;
  2. With external hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids are located below the dentate line;
  3. Combined hemorrhoids is represented by a combination of internal and external types of the disease.

The degree of development of hemorrhoids depends on which of the four successive stages it is in.

Which doctor treats hemorrhoids in women

In women, the proctologist takes the treatment and diagnosis of hemorrhoids. It is this specialist who is engaged in examinations, prescribes therapy, gives all possible recommendations, and also tries to support the patient.

Not all polyclinics have a proctologist, since his specialty and direction is rather narrow, most often he accepts either in hospitals or in private medical clinics for a fee.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis of female hemorrhoids can be made already during a visual examination of the anal area, in which edematous, hyperemic, dense hemorrhoids are determined, sometimes ulcers covered with blood clots are visible on their tops.

  • Rectal examination reveals the presence of internal nodes and other pathology of the rectum (polyps, tumors);
  • Sigmoidoscopy - examination of the rectum and rectosigmoid department for concomitant pathology;
  • Anoscopy is performed to assess the condition of the anal mucosa. Inspection is carried out by a special apparatus - an anoscope;
  • Colonoscopy allows you to assess the condition of the entire intestinal mucosa.

Often, patients experience shame in front of a proctologist and hope that the disease will go away on its own, but such behavior is fundamentally wrong. The disease can only get worse and worse, so when the first signs appear, you should immediately seek medical help.

Do not try to diagnose and self-medicate yourself, as it is very difficult. In addition, this disease can be confused with other serious diseases of the rectum.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in women

In the case of hemorrhoids in women, the initial stage of the disease allows treatment at home without hospitalization. While the second and third require hospitalization. More advanced cases or stage four are treated with surgery alone.

How to quickly treat hemorrhoids in women? Symptomatic medications are used that have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, resolving effects. Below are the names of the most effective drugs.

The most popular ointments for hemorrhoids are:

  • Troxevasin ointment;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Hepatrombin G;
  • Posterisan;
  • Relief;
  • Aurobin;
  • Bezornil.

This form of medicines is most effective for eliminating the external manifestations of the disease. With internal hemorrhoids, rectal suppositories are prescribed, they best stop inflammation and eliminate painful symptoms.

List of the most common drugs:

  • Hepatrombin G;
  • Posterisan;
  • Candles with adrenaline;
  • Procto-glivenol;
  • Candles with belladonna;
  • Candles with sea buckthorn;
  • Relief Ultra;
  • Candles with propolis.

In cases where local treatment is not effective enough, the doctor will recommend combining suppositories and ointments with venotonic drugs in the form of tablets or capsules. For oral administration, drugs such as:

  • Phlebodia;
  • Detralex;
  • Aescusan;
  • Troxerutin.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to see a doctor and get advice from a proctologist on the use of medicines. You can not self-medicate, relying on advice or reviews on the Internet, especially for pregnant women.


Diagnosis of hemorrhoids is never difficult. Suspect the development of this disease allows a visual external examination of the anus, as well as a digital rectal examination.

For differential diagnosis with other pathological conditions of the large and small intestine, advanced research methods are used:

  • Sigmoidoscopy (allows you to thoroughly study the condition of the mucous membrane of the lower sigmoid and the entire rectum);
  • Irrigoscopy;
  • Colonoscopy (performed to assess the condition of the colon throughout);
  • Analysis of feces for occult blood;
  • Biopsy if necessary - if a malignant neoplasm is suspected;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

Minimally invasive treatments

When conservative methods of treatment at home do not bring the expected result, the operation is performed using minimally invasive methods:

  1. Sclerotherapy - the essence is the introduction of a substance with a sclerosing effect into the hemorrhoid. It causes flattening of dilated veins and their gluing. Simultaneous sclerosis of no more than two hemorrhoids is recommended, but the procedure can be repeated after two weeks;
  2. Fluorocoagulation is carried out using a light guide, which is brought to the hemorrhoid until complete contact. The radiated thermal energy contributes to the desolation and gluing of venous vessels;
  3. Alloying with latex rings. The basis of this method of treatment is putting latex rings on the nodular formation of hemorrhoids. It puts pressure on the vessels that carry blood, thus blocking the possibility of nourishment for the nodular formation, which gradually dries up and finally dies off after four days, then coming out through the anus. The ring is made of natural material. One latex ring reaches five millimeters in outer diameter and one millimeter in inner diameter;
  4. Cryotherapy - is the treatment of nodular formations with a very low temperature, which decreases to two hundred degrees. Manipulation is performed using the apparatus "cryoprobe". The cryoprobe is connected to a cylinder filled with nitrogen. Nitrogen supply is regulated by tubes connecting the cylinder and the cryoprobe. Treatment of the disease with this apparatus has a noticeable effect at any stage of the development of the disease, except for the fourth. At the last stage of the disease, hemorrhoids spread over a large area. The focus of his defeat is too large. Doctors can only prescribe in this situation an operative intervention called hemorrhoidectomy.

All minimally invasive interventions are performed on an outpatient basis, using special equipment and local anesthesia. The procedure does not last long, after which the patient is under the supervision of doctors for some time, then he goes home. Recovery after the intervention occurs in a short period, there are practically no complications.

How to treat hemorrhoids in women at home

Folk remedies are used to treat hemorrhoids in women as an auxiliary, with a decrease in inflammation. It is clear from folk recipes that they prefer local exposure at home with the help of tampons, lubrication, baths:

  1. Sitting baths. There are several herbs that are great for helping with hemorrhoids. These include oak bark, chamomile, celandine and calendula. They have antibacterial and analgesic properties. To prepare the remedy, you need to take one type of herb or make a mixture of herbs, taking them in equal amounts, pour boiling water over them. The remedy is allowed to infuse. As soon as it cools down a bit, you can proceed to sitz baths. In addition to herbs, a cool bath of a weak solution of potassium permanganate will also help;
  2. To narrow the vessels, strengthen their walls, you can apply ice, plain or from chamomile infusion. Ice cubes should be placed in clean gauze and applied briefly to avoid hypothermia;
  3. Mix in tsp. honey, propolis, birch tar, vaseline, sea buckthorn oil. It will turn out an excellent tool that you need to lubricate the bumps before going to bed or make compresses on a napkin. Such treatment is effective and harmless, should be used for 10 days;
  4. Microclysters from beetroot juice (50 ml) in a warm form are introduced overnight into the rectum;
  5. They help treat the disease with lotions that are made directly on the nodes themselves. For example, a piece of cloth can be abundantly moistened with a decoction of herbs and applied to the knots for several hours. These can be simple lotions from cold water, lotions with an infusion of wild strawberry leaves.

Before using any, even the most effective folk remedy for hemorrhoids, you must always consult with a specialist. Only the right treatment will give positive results.


As you know, early warning is much better and cheaper than long and painful treatment. Fortunately, hemorrhoids is a disease that we can influence and quite successfully for the better. In order to understand what is the best way to prevent it, it would be advisable to return to the factors of the onset of the disease and try to minimize them, if it is impossible to eliminate them altogether:

  • Do not lift heavy objects frequently. If you are forced to lift heavy objects, do not hold your breath while lifting;
  • Follow the proper functioning of the intestines, eat right and do not provoke the appearance of constipation and diarrhea. The diet should include fiber, fluids, vegetables and fruits. Only healthy balanced fractional food. 4-5 times a day, especially during pregnancy, drink plenty of water and timely emptying of the body;
  • Do not strain the anus during a bowel movement, do not sit for hours in the toilet for an interesting book or newspaper;
  • Avoid prolonged sitting, try to be physically active. Moderation is the key to good health. If your profession "binds" you to a chair for a while, take frequent breaks to perform movements in moderate physical activity such as walking or swimming;
  • Preventive measures are necessary not only for those who fear a relapse of the disease, but also for those whose relatives suffer from hemorrhoids or simply want to protect themselves from the possible occurrence of the disease.

Video: Hemorrhoids - symptoms, signs and treatment



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