Long sleep in humans: main causes, consequences, methods of treatment. Why a person sleeps a lot and does not get enough sleep

If a woman does not get enough sleep, her appearance suffers first of all. To eliminate sleep deprivation, you need to find out its cause. And there may be several.

Wrong daily routine
The most common reason is lack of sleep. We go to bed late, get up early - as a result we do not get enough sleep. But it also happens like this: you seem to be sleeping enough, but still you feel overwhelmed all day. In this case, you need to think about your mode. Best of all, our body rests from 23-00 to 02-00 hours. Therefore, you need to go to bed no later than 23-00.

Snoring is what prevents many people from getting enough sleep. When you sleep in a horizontal position, the muscles in your upper airways relax and can block the air supply. A person stops breathing for a while, sometimes breaks can last more than a minute. The body does not have enough oxygen, and the brain gives the command to wake up. The person wakes up for a second or two and goes back to sleep. And this can be repeated dozens of times a night. The person in the morning, of course, will not remember these short-term awakenings, but their well-being will suffer because of them. To get rid of snoring, you need to see a doctor. It is being treated.

Extra thoughts
Many people do not know how to relax and even in bed they think about work, plan something, decide in their minds. Learn to go to sleep with a light head. Drop all worries. And so that the plans for the coming day do not occupy you half the night, write them down on a piece of paper.

Uncomfortable bed
If you toss and turn all night, wake up, and feel pain in your muscles in the morning, then the problem is in your bed: try changing the mattress and pillow. For a comfortable sleep, the mattress should be hard and even (so that the spine does not bend). It is also worth buying a special orthopedic pillow, which will follow the contour of the neck and head. If you are uncomfortable sleeping on this, then just choose a pillow that is not very high.

Age plays a big role in sleep issues. After forty years, a person's sleep becomes more superficial, night awakenings become more frequent. And they directly affect the quality of sleep. The more often a person wakes up at night, the more likely they are to wake up tired in the morning. By this age, it is especially necessary to monitor the daily routine, spend more time outdoors.

Nicotine, caffeine and alcohol
These substances affect sleep more than you think. Caffeine, which is known to invigorate well, lingers in the body for up to 12 hours. That is, if you drank coffee after dinner, it will definitely affect your night's sleep. Even if you fall asleep normally, you will still wake up often at night. Nicotine calms only in small doses, and in large doses, on the contrary, invigorates. So those who smoke a pack a day may not expect normal sleep. Alcohol works in much the same way. From small doses it tends to sleep, and from large doses it draws on feats. It is enough to sort out a little, and the dream will be restless.


Accelerates the aging process

Worsens skin tone

Increases the risk of obesity (lack of sleep stimulates the production of the "hunger hormone" ghrelin and inhibits the synthesis of leptin - the "satiety hormone")

45% increased risk of heart attacks

Reduces resistance

Influenza and acute respiratory infections

Causes pressure surges

Why does it happen that I sleep a lot and can't get enough sleep? This question is often addressed to a somnologist by those who do not seem to suffer from insomnia, but also do not feel rested after a long night's rest. In fact, this phenomenon is not at all uncommon, especially at the present time. Despite the saturation of life with a variety of events, problems with falling asleep or the quality of sleep are increasingly taking the lead. There are many reasons for this - from an uncomfortable pillow to serious health problems. But first things first.

Everyone knows how important quality sleep is in a person's life. A good night's rest is the key to well-being, increased productivity and cheerfulness during the day.

To date, scientists say that the norm for the average adult is uninterrupted sleep for 7 or 8 hours. With the right daily routine, this time may be quite enough to wake up and feel cheerful and rested.

However, not everyone can boast that they strictly and impeccably adhere to these recommendations. More often it happens that a person either does not get enough sleep for the time allotted to him, or sleeps more than he should. Remarkably, in both cases, sleep does not bring visible relief and well-being. On the contrary, those people who sleep for a long time also complain of weakness and lack of energy.

Similar questions about how to get enough sleep are far from uncommon at the reception of somnologists, therapists and various thematic forums.

The problem of sleep quality is relevant and in demand. So what prevents a person from sleeping for a long time and getting enough sleep at the same time?

When it comes to why a person sleeps a lot, but does not get enough sleep, special attention should be paid to the causes of this phenomenon. Often their negative impact on the body is combined into the concept of "tiring sleep syndrome" - the awakened person feels overwhelmed and tired, even if he sleeps the whole night without waking up. Experts came to the conclusion that both problems not directly related to health and the presence of serious diseases in a person sleeping for a very long time can be to blame.

The reasons for the first group include:

Usually, these points are quite easy to correct, after which there is a noticeable improvement in the effect of sleep. If, subject to the above conditions, a long rest still does not bring a feeling of cheerfulness and a surge of strength, you should pay attention to the reasons from the second group.

Possible health problems that negatively affect the quality of a long rest include:

  • various night sleep disorders (snoring, sleep apnea);
  • diseases in acute and chronic form (ARI, SARS, anemia, depression, impaired metabolism);
  • post-traumatic and postoperative conditions;
  • lesions of the corresponding departments and structures of the brain responsible for sleep.

Prolonged sleep in girls and women, a feeling of constant drowsiness can be caused by pregnancy.

Usually this symptom is associated with ongoing changes in the hormonal background and a colossal restructuring of the whole organism, and accompanies the first half of the gestational period.

Another reason for long, but inefficient sleep may be the development of polyphasic sleep techniques that preceded this. An important condition for such practices is strict adherence to the regime - departure to Morpheus must occur at the same time. The slightest violation or shift in the schedule can lead to the fact that the body will compensate for the effects of prolonged sleep deprivation at the earliest opportunity and at an opportunity.

Those who resort to lucid dreaming may also not have enough long rest to restore the forces expended during the day. Constant control of the body does not allow you to fully relax and rest, which also affects the feeling of "brokenness" and fatigue after lifting.

“Are you getting enough sleep? Where do I sleep? - this dialogue from the network is known to everyone. At least once, any of us had a desire to answer this question about the sufficiency of sleep. Leading somnologists have established an interesting fact: each person is unique in terms of the length of nightly rest he needs.

That is, the recommendation to sleep for 7 hours or more may be inappropriate for someone who can fully recover and get enough sleep in 5 hours. Similarly, a standard seven-hour sleep can lead to permanent chronic sleep deprivation for people who need to sleep on the order of 9 hours to get enough sleep.

Therefore, having wondered how to get enough sleep and get the most out of sleep, you should focus on your needs and feelings.

To summarize, we note that prolonged sleep can be useful as a measure to combat chronic fatigue.

But practiced on an ongoing basis, such a rest may cease to bring the desired effect.

And instead of a feeling of cheerfulness, only a feeling of fatigue will appear, as if you had not slept at all. Only by listening to your own body and following the above recommendations, you can regain that same healing healthy sleep.

I can neither agree nor refute the author's post ... Everyone decides for himself how to raise his child, whether to sleep with him in a place, etc. And NOBODY has the right to goad a mother for her actions (I'm talking about reasonable mothers, of course).

But still I will share my opinion, different from the opinion of the author.

True, I sincerely do not understand mothers who have a child who sleeps well separately, and they, from their own laziness, so that at night, you see, do not get up, they teach the baby to sleep at their side. They justify themselves that this way the baby is better ... He was better in the tummy, now he was born and his life will change abruptly more than a dozen times.

Regarding the words of the author: " Up to a year, you need to educate with love, do everything to make the baby feel happy. And when he begins to understand the words, then he will begin to introduce some restrictions. To which the baby will react calmly, knowing that his parents love him.

Here I will allow myself to strongly disagree! For a year the baby was cared for and cherished, and then they began, you know, to prohibit something. Do you sincerely believe that the child will consider that this is from great love? Vice versa! All his life, while so small, full of discoveries, everything was possible for him, he got used to a certain way of life, and then, one fine day, the whole familiar world begins to collapse. It can't, it can't. Children in a year already UNDERSTAND VERY MUCH! And actively protest against innovations! Let accustoming to the crib take a week, but it is very difficult mentally for both mother and baby at this age.

So, in my opinion, it is POSSIBLE (but certainly not NECESSARY !!!) to sleep with the baby only when the child himself needs it. For example, my stomach hurts. And certainly not from their own selfish motives. Indeed, after a year, having begun to accustom the child to the crib, the mother herself may not be able to withstand the child’s tantrums and demands to return everything as it was. And then mom will think that you can sleep together for another half a year, and then a little more, and more ... This is exactly what your relatives warn you against. It's not about the baby, it's about YOU!!!

I never wanted to take my baby with me and I put him in the crib whenever possible, but when he wakes up, I take him to our bed and fall asleep during feeding. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I will definitely reschedule, but more often I wake up in the morning.

It’s still not convenient for me to sleep with him: my arms, legs, and body are numb from an uncomfortable position that cannot be changed, it’s hot with him, the baby sweats, sweats periodically appear. Despite the double bed, we are cramped when the child is with us, because in addition to the baby, there is also a blanket rolled up into a tube so that the baby does not fall out of bed. And when the baby wakes up to change his diaper, I sometimes breastfeed out of habit and he falls asleep, but what about the diaper??? Already 2 times it was that he did not change on time.

In general, I scold myself for passing out during the night feeding and the baby sleeps with us. I plan to wean it as soon as it starts to roll over: I will change places with my husband and move the crib to our bed, it will be safer.

Gee: my friend's mother scared me by the fact that a neighbor's girl took a child from them for 2 months. to sleep with me, and during feeding she fell asleep herself, and her breasts covered her nose and the baby suffocated ... And, like, her breasts were small. And I keep thinking, how can you close your nose with small breasts ??? Mine is 5cm short of my baby's nose...

Do you know this joke: “I feel like wet salt in a salt shaker - I don’t get enough sleep”? Almost every modern person can try on this statement for himself. It is understandable: such a pace of life leaves us no choice. If you want to do everything, you need to sleep less. Meanwhile, chronic lack of sleep is the scourge of our time and the main reason, along with permanent stress, depression, eternal fatigue, headaches and decreased performance. How to get enough sleep in the short time that you have for a night's rest after completing all the planned tasks? First, consider how much sleep you need in general.

How much should you sleep?

There are physiological norms of sleep that are optimal for restoring our body. Scientists believe that it is about 7-8 hours. During this time, the brain has time to rest, the nervous system recovers, the cells of the body, which grow most actively at night, are renewed.

According to doctors, sleep less than 7 hours a day leads to chronic fatigue and health problems. Yes, and a long sleep is also not very useful. If you sleep for 10 hours a day, you are unlikely to have time to cope with your daily activities (or you simply don’t have them). So much sleep does more harm than health. It is believed that too much sleep shortens life expectancy. Yes, and for such a "nobility"?

How much sleep do you need to sleep?

However, we all know that the individual characteristics of the body can significantly shift the boundaries of the generally accepted norm. A 6-hour rest may be quite enough for you, but for someone, “legitimate” 8 does not give a charge of strength the next day. Of course, you need to evaluate according to your well-being:

  • if you wake up quickly and easily in the morning;
  • feel rested and energized;
  • during the day there is no irresistible desire to lean the head against the pillow;
  • by your usual time of departure to the bedroom, you already feel sleepy, but do not fall off your feet;
  • in the evening you can easily fall asleep for the whole night.

This means that everything is in order with your sleep. If you don’t hear an alarm clock in the morning, you hardly shake yourself out of bed, and all day long you only dream of taking a nap somewhere - quickly answer, how many hours did you sleep? 4-5? Well, no wonder then. 7-8? Ask yourself: why am I not getting enough sleep if I sleep like all normal people? Perhaps it's not the amount of sleep, but its quality?

When to sleep to sleep?

Observe yourself: at what hours do you fall asleep the most? Drowsiness is not always an indicator that you have not had enough sleep. It's just that the body at this moment has an energy decline, and you feel tired and heaviness in your eyes. In the evening, you need to fit into such an “anti-peak”, and in the afternoon, if possible, take a nap for 20 minutes.

If you can’t allocate half an hour to rest during the day, your salvation is a clear regimen. When the body is used to falling asleep and waking up at the same time, it is easier for it to resist daytime bouts of yawning.

Scientists also consider hours of rest in terms of their value to the body. It is believed that if you go to bed long before midnight, then just a couple of hours will be enough to replenish your strength. From the same point of view, going to bed by 3 am is generally pointless. That is, you need to sleep in any case, but there is no benefit. And we must strive to fall asleep in the "childish" time, and wake up - with the first roosters.

How to sleep less and get better sleep?

Of course, the question of how to get enough sleep in an hour is completely meaningless. This is impossible because, if you remember this from your biology lessons in school, the "transitional" phase of sleep lasts about 1.5 hours. That is, this is the period during which the brain actively "digests" the flow of information received by it during the day. At this time, the whole organism as a whole, and the nervous system in particular, do not rest, but for the time being they are only tuned in to recovery.

If at this moment you watch the sleeping person, you will notice that his sleep is superficial: a person can toss and turn, you can see how his eyes run under closed eyelids, he reacts to rustles and light. It is during this period that vivid dreams occur.

Full relaxation begins already in the slow phase. This is a deep sound sleep without any “pictures” (there may be dreams, but after waking up the person does not remember them), at this time, as a rule, it is not so easy to wake the sleeping person with extraneous sounds and walking nearby.

So consider: lie down and fall asleep quickly (20 minutes), then 1.5 hours of REM sleep - this is almost 2 hours minus from the time at which the body's physical recovery occurs. So if you get up at 6 am, you already have to sniff under a cozy blanket at 10 pm.

How to sleep for 5 - 6 hours and at the same time feel great - this mode can be acceptable if you have the opportunity to rest in a horizontal position for an hour and a half during the day. Otherwise, you will not be able to compensate for lack of sleep, and you will not be enough for a long time - the body will sooner or later begin to resist such brazen stealing of the legal sleep time.

There is another problem - slow falling asleep and poor quality sleep itself. You can go to the bedroom right after "Good night, kids," but if you can't fall asleep within half an hour, you toss and turn and count sheep, there will be no sense in going to bed early. Create optimal conditions for excellent sleep and easy falling asleep. You should feel good and comfortable in the bedroom, in your bed. Make sure that the room temperature is comfortable, fresh air enters the room. Here are a few rules for the competent organization of sleep:

  1. Get up and go to bed at the same time every day, even on weekends.
  2. Avoid food and caffeinated drinks (especially strong coffee) 3-4 hours before bedtime. You can - herbal tea with a spoonful of honey, but do not abuse the liquid.
  3. Take a soothing relaxing bath.
  4. Physical activity is allowed no later than 3 hours before X hour.
  5. Air out the room before going to bed.
  6. The optimum air temperature in the bedroom is about 20 degrees. If it's too cold for you, get a light but warm blanket.
  7. You can read a book while lying in bed. You should not take a tablet, laptop and other gadgets with you. In general, there is no place for technology in the bedroom, including the TV - the waves emitted by them have a bad effect on the brain.
  8. Putting your head on the pillow, try to free it from analyzing the past day and thinking about plans for the future, remember something pleasant, but not very disturbing.

Remember, no matter how busy your life is, you need to get enough sleep! Try to use our tips and improve the quality of sleep instead of a useless increase in quantity.

Do you always get enough sleep? And if not, how do you deal with it?

It has been proven that a person should sleep 8 hours. This statement can be refuted by citing many celebrities who did not have time to sleep. This is Leonardo da Vinci, Napoleon Bonaparte and many others. Some of them slept only 3-4 hours a day, and Leonardo managed to sleep for 20 minutes several times a day.

There have been many studies where people hardly slept, or rather, slept on a special schedule for several months. This is not given to many, and should develop over the years, and not by sudden experiments. These people were hospitalized and recovered for a long time. But still, over the years of research, several groups of scientists managed to prove that people can sleep for 20 minutes every 4 hours. Or 3-4 at night, and then doze off during the day.

The main reason lies in the lack of sleep over the past time. With an aggressive mode of operation, when it takes 3-4 hours to sleep in total, the body collects debts for sleep. You get used to this pace in just a week. You don’t feel tired, on the contrary, good spirits allow you to work with pleasure, to do important things. Almost anyone can live like this without harm to health for a while. But no more than two months, later psychological and physical stresses are likely.

When this stubborn period ends, the body at the first opportunity reminds of debts. If the duration of sleep increases by 50%, then the need for sleep increases dramatically. A “vacation” is required, here the whole body will strive to sleep not by 8–10, but by 12. Quick fatigue will begin to appear. Usually a month is enough to restore strength, but it all depends on the duration of this tough period. And also on how much rest is given after it.

Sometimes this rehabilitation period can drag on for several months. In this case, the body must be removed from it by force.

The body may have another feature - to require sleep not out of need, but out of habit. An important task is to find out exactly what the difference is. Hours and days of lack of sleep for months can serve as a necessity, you need to increase your sleep time, try to take a nap during the day, at least on weekends.

A sharp lack of sleep can serve as a signal of some kind of chronic sore. In a dream, all wounds heal faster, and therefore a similar condition may occur. Still, it is worth going through an examination with doctors, taking tests. If the reason is laziness and a great desire to sleep - lie down, then you need to change your habits.

sleep habit

This is a very important argument for the body, it is hard for him to prove that all his strength has long been restored. He will demand to sleep an hour, another hour. But this is laziness and more often just a desire to pamper and pamper yourself. Gradually, this habit is so perceived by the whole organism as true that it is very difficult to sleep less or just get up early.

How to wake up before the alarm?

In this case, try to get up exactly when you wake up. This means waking up before the alarm. Yes, the internal clock knows when this time will come, and the whole body is ready to get up. Let not abruptly, you can lie down for about 5 minutes, do lazy gymnastics in a prone position. For example, stretch, yawn, move all joints. And then get up and turn off the alarm. Then continue as in a normal morning. If the awakening came an hour earlier than necessary. You can spend this time usefully, on household chores, tidy up, remove dried linen from the balcony, put it in its place. Or get a manicure or pedicure. This is an hour of free time. If the margin of time is small, then it is still possible to find a useful activity.

So you can get up for several days in a row. If the state of health during this period is excellent, then you need to continue in the same spirit. But also slightly toughen the weaning from the habit of sleeping a lot. It is worth trying to go to bed later, but also get up early. The body has already acclimatized, it is enough for him to sleep an hour less. But waking up this time on an alarm clock will say that there is probably not enough time to sleep.

How to Get Used to Sleeping 8 Hours or Less

These experiments should be carried out if the feeling after sleep will not cause irritation. There will be no moments of shutdown, a state of automatic closing of the eyes. Otherwise, it is important to add an hour or half of it in the afternoon. Or let them sleep in on the weekends. But even on holidays, you should not allow yourself to sleep longer than an hour and a half. In any case, you need to listen to the general condition of the body.

If the rest time is already 8 hours, and the mood for two months is excellent, then you can continue to reduce the rest time. Again, when waking up earlier than the desired time, even 4 hours earlier, it is better to wake up and do something important for yourself. Of course, if the movement of a barely awakened body at night does not disturb other family members. A vigorous body needs to be distracted, to find something useful. It's not drinking two cups of coffee at night. A glass of water inside, and then you can read a book or watch a movie with headphones if you don't want to make noise at this time.

It is strictly forbidden to lie in bed when you can't sleep. For example, watch the news or sit on social networks with your phone, but in bed. This is how another habit develops. The body perceives such actions in the normal state of wakefulness, but in bed. Otherwise, the bed is already considered a place where it is not necessary to sleep or is no longer so important. If you can’t fall asleep in the evening or late at night, it’s good to get up, find yourself a worthy occupation, but not in bed.

Studies have shown that our ancestors several centuries ago also woke up at night. Especially if it's a long winter night. They cleaned the chamber pots, read books, threw wood on the fireplaces, made babies, checked their animals in the stall. And after three or four hours they went to bed until the morning. This routine suited everyone perfectly. And health was excellent. But maybe that's why the spouses had separate bedrooms available so that they would not interfere with each other at night.

How to sleep?

Pets have a habit of waking up in the middle of the night

Some pets have a habit of waking up in the middle of the night, demanding attention and food. Before going to bed, it is important to feed them so that they have enough until the morning, and play with them in the evening, walk them so that they are not bored all night. By the way, walking calm walks with the dog will contribute to excellent sleep.

But what if sleep at 8 o'clock is not enough? Everything needs to be researched carefully. Hours of sleep, what happens before them. In what mode is sleep, room temperature. For a good rest, the following aspects are important:

  • daily regime;
  • Preparation for sleep;
  • favorable atmosphere.

Daily regime

It is also important for adults to follow the daily routine. The whole body will already be preparing to fall asleep at the usual time. You can go to bed half an hour later or earlier, but no more. This is suitable for those people who have a stable daily routine. But what if you have to work in shifts, or one of the family members has such a work schedule? Then you need to calculate the best option in order to have time to do all the home preparations for tomorrow, and also manage to get enough sleep in the remaining time. Although it is difficult to choose the optimal mode for a shift schedule.

Sleep preparation in an emergency

Sports, dinner, and drinking should not take place just before bed. The body must have time to prepare for a state of rest. Before complete rest, be sure to take a shower or a relaxing bath.

A late return from a party can promise trouble.

  • alcohol;
  • rich dinner;
  • overload of information.

Any single dose of alcohol (a glass of vodka or a glass of wine) requires one hour of detoxification. If dinner contained 3 glasses of wine, then you can immediately fall asleep. But waking up in 2-3 hours is very likely, and this may be a transition to the explicit wakefulness mode, after which it will be impossible to fall asleep. Therefore, after alcohol, it is better to spend these 2-3 hours on simple everyday household chores. This is washing dishes, walking the dog, combing the cat while watching a movie. The same applies to a hearty dinner, it is better to be patient with sleep so that a part can have time to be digested.

Information must be written down in a notebook or dictated to a voice recorder. You should not lie in bed thinking about what to say tomorrow at work. This activity will be perceived by the body as a full wakefulness. Do it while sitting in a chair or watching a movie.

The problem of lack of sleep often arises from restless sleep. It can be a bad atmosphere during sleep - sounds, lights. Some wake up even from a rustle, without realizing it. They may fall asleep immediately, but the quality of sleep deteriorates. In this case, it is important to create silence and complete darkness. Then only 4-5 hours can be enough for sleep. Earplugs and eye patches may be used. This is used without a twinge of conscience abroad. There is no point in being ashamed of your household. Another thing is if the neighbors are being renovated, and the time for sleep is only during the day and on weekdays, then it is useless to complain or ask them for silence.

Three causes of drowsiness in the following video:

Kalinov Yury Dmitrievich

Reading time: 6 minutes

Often people do not understand why it is harmful to sleep for a long time. But prolonged sleep is not always harmless. If a person sleeps a lot and, in addition, suffers from daytime sleepiness, this can serve as a symptom of dangerous diseases.

Doctors talk about the dangers of lack of sleep. Because of it, metabolism is disturbed in the body, some diseases develop and other unpleasant consequences appear.

Is it bad for a person to sleep too much? Of course, we all know that healthy sleep in a child or teenager is the key to his well-being. Some people think that it is useful at any age. But for a good rest, the body of an adult needs no more than 7-9 hours of sleep. The rest of the time is redundant.

Why do people tend to sleep a lot?

Healthy sleep in an adult lasts an average of 8 hours. Deviations up or down are an individual feature. The indicators depend on the amount of time for which the body is restored.

If a mature or elderly person needs more than 8 to 9 hours of sleep, doctors call this condition hypersomnia. It manifests itself in the long duration of night rest, and in constant daytime sleepiness. A painful condition can bring a person to the point that he falls asleep at the most inopportune moments. Let's find out why this happens and whether it is harmful to sleep for a long time.

Sleep is regulated by a complex system that has an inhibitory or activating effect on parts of the central nervous system. The cerebral cortex, subcortical, limbic and reticular structures take part in this. A failure in this process causes hypersomnia.

The causes of hypersomnia are often:

Sometimes the cause cannot be found, since the increased duration of sleep is not associated with any disease. This condition is called idiopathic hypersomnia.


  • It is authentically known that some outstanding personalities slept a lot. The German thinker Goethe, the creator of Faust, could not get out of bed for days on end.
  • The philosopher Schopenhauer slept for 10-20 hours.
  • Albert Einstein also liked to sleep, spending 10-12 hours a day on sleep. The ingenious physicist went to bed at different times and got up only when he was awakened.

Symptoms of hypersomnia

The main sign of hypersomnia is a long night sleep (about 12-14 hours), which is accompanied by constant drowsiness and lethargy throughout the next day.

People suffering from it have a difficult awakening, it is difficult for them to even tear themselves away from the pillow, they do not have enough energy to get out of bed on an alarm clock. And after the end of sleep, such patients remain in a state of inhibition for a long time. They look like they are still sleeping. In the people, this state is called "drunk sleep."

Different forms of this disease cause constant or intermittent daytime sleepiness. This condition negatively affects the performance of a person and his attentiveness. Hypersomnia disrupts the rhythm of life and sometimes forces the patient to take rest breaks during the day. Some people feel better after a nap, but more often the drowsiness persists after it.

One of the forms of hypersomnia - narcoleptic - forces the patient to fall asleep in the most inappropriate places for this. During an attack, the desire to sleep is so indefinable that a person falls asleep without realizing it.

To diagnose hypersomnia, special tests, clinical studies, and polysomnography are prescribed. Only a somnologist or neuropathologist can choose a treatment.

In severe cases of hypersomnia and narcolepsy that interfere with normal life and work, disability can be established.


  • In some patients, an attack of narcolepsy affects only the cerebral cortex, not reaching the rest of it, so the body does not come into the relaxed state characteristic of sleep. The person suddenly falls asleep while continuing to sit, stand or walk.
  • Sometimes the opposite situation is observed: a person is fully aware of everything that is happening around, but the body abruptly ceases to obey him, the muscles turn off. He can fall right in the middle of the street and lie motionless for several minutes, unable to even move.
  • Fortunately, doctors in the US are already testing a new drug that will help people with narcolepsy get rid of such attacks.

Long sleep study

Why can't you sleep a lot? This question was investigated by physicians and scientists. More than a thousand people were involved in Western scientific centers, who were divided into 3 groups:

  • the first group consisted of those who had a short night's sleep (up to 6 hours);
  • in the second, they gathered people who slept a normal number of hours (about 8);
  • in the third group were those who slept for a long time - 9 or more hours.

We often face chronic lack of sleep: constant fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness. Don't know what to do? Have you tried all methods? It turns out there are a few rules to follow. Within a few days you will feel the difference.


No one can say for sure how much you need and can eat before bed. But we know for sure that you should go to bed with a full stomach. Nobody says to eat right before bed, but sleeping on an empty stomach is much worse. Also, do not drink invigorating drinks before going to bed (coffee, strong tea, orange juice, etc.), it is better to drink them in the morning, this will give you a boost of energy at the beginning of the day.


Before going to bed, it is simply necessary to ventilate the room in which you will sleep. Do not spare time for airing, because the presence of a large amount of oxygen in the room favorably affects the quality of sleep.


Walking before bed is very important for your body. 15 minutes spent outdoors is enough, during which time the body will receive the amount of oxygen necessary for sound sleep. Walking also aids in the digestion of food.

Filter incoming information

Especially strongly on the quality of sleep is affected by information received a few hours before the “lights out”. If the information was negative, then the dream will be restless. Therefore, you should not watch the news before going to bed (often there is a lot of negativity in them), it is better to watch a comedy or something relaxing. Also, do not solve work issues before going to bed.

Go to bed before midnight

It is very important. Scientists have proven that sleeping between 22:00 and 24:00 is much more beneficial than later sleep. If you go to bed at 10 pm, then you will easily get up in the morning. Your body will be full of energy, which is enough for the whole day.

By following these simple rules, you can completely get rid of constant lack of sleep and fatigue. One has only to try, and you will see that getting enough sleep has become much easier.

And what can you advise to improve sleep or rash?



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