The dog whines. Puppy whining

Pets are great friends and partners. Only to our great regret, they do not know how to speak and explain what hurts them, what they are sad about. If the dog lives long enough in the house, then the owner already knows how to respond to certain changes in his behavior. But at first, when the dog is just adapting to the owner, to life in the house, it is difficult to interpret his whining. What can it say? What do zoopsychologists say about this?

Whining as a sign of psychological discomfort

When a healthy, well-fed dog begins to howl, then, most likely, she signals herself to the owner in this way, trying to attract his attention. A bitch or a male thus demonstrates that something worries them, perhaps saddens them. It can be a simple boredom in the absence of the owner, when the dog has to wait all day for him to come home from work. Then the neighbors behind the wall, if any, begin to complain about the dog.

Sometimes a dog may just be scared or excited about something, for example, after a vaccination. In any case, scolding a dog, and even more so physically punishing it, is impossible. Try to understand the reasons for this behavior.

As practice shows, most often puppies squeal and howl at home during the period of adaptation to the absence of the owner. The very fact that a young dog is weaned from his mother, has to get used to life in another room, eat without mother's milk and be alone for almost the whole day is a huge stress for him. It is rare that a young pupil easily and asymptomatically endures such an adaptation. Here the dog begins to whine, demonstrating psychological discomfort. The same applies to adult dogs that, in the absence of the owner, are temporarily forced to live elsewhere or are simply deprived of the attention of the owner.

Most often, whining is a sign that the dog is bored, it reminds of itself. This is quite natural for dogs.

If you do not want to hear the complaints of the neighbors, you want the problem to disappear, then try to teach the pupil that loneliness during the daytime will be the norm. Leave the dog a bone or a ball so that it does not get bored and feels more comfortable. But it is necessary to accustom to loneliness gradually.

It's not as easy as it might seem. Leave the puppy alone, leaving, for example, in another room. A sociable and accustomed to attention pet will probably immediately give a voice. But remain steadfast, do not break down immediately when you hear a plaintive whine. Let him play with a bone, entertain himself. A young dog needs care and attention, but he must grow up independent, disciplined, and self-possessed. Hide nearby, pause, watch the puppy.

Whine like begging

Most dogs understand well that their owners love them very much. They take advantage of this. When they want something tasty, they begin to put pressure on pity. Whining in this case is the usual begging. Many owners are simply not able to refuse their pets treats and other requests. And so whining becomes a habit of a tailed family member. Encouraging the whims of dogs, the owners over time simply will not be able to cope with the pupils, because they will always take advantage of the weakness and each time show impudence.

Endurance, patience of the owner - and as a result, no whining. Learn to refuse dogs, feed them strictly according to the regimen.

Call for games, sickness

Young animals often simply whine to call on their owners or other family members to play, spend time together, and communicate. Sometimes, when we come home from work, we are so tired that we simply do not notice the dog, do not talk to it. And she, waiting all day, remains out of the spotlight. Heed her calls. Mutual understanding will eliminate whining if you direct the energy of your pupil in the right direction.

When a dog is physically ill, he immediately changes his behavior. In addition, one of the symptoms of diseases is squealing, whining. Take a closer look at the dog. Take it to the vet, get tested. Without professional help, you are unlikely to find out what worries the dog, what makes her sick.

Perhaps there are hereditary ailments, injuries, diseases of the digestive system. Or maybe the dog is just worried about worms? In any case, you will need to consult a veterinarian and his professional recommendations.

There is great joy in your house, you have a puppy! This is indeed an important event, but also a considerable responsibility. When deciding to tame a puppy, you need to understand that from now on you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for this little creature. You must provide him with warmth, food, comfort and psychological peace. But this is not always possible, and the little puppy whines at night.

The fact is that the whole world of a dog after her birth is her mother, brothers and sisters. In an instant, the world around him changed - his mother is not around, and instead of his usual place of residence, a new bedding and a host. In this position, not only the animal will whine, but also the person. However, in order to wean your baby from whining at night, you need to familiarize yourself with the main reasons why he can howl.

Why does a puppy whine at night

  1. One of the biggest reasons is he misses his mom. Until recently, he slept under her warm side and did not worry about anything. And now he has to sleep alone on a cold bed. As cruel as it sounds, it will pass. Usually after 4-6 days the baby gets used to the new environment - this is normal.
  2. Sometimes a puppy may whine because his stomach hurts. This can be caused by overeating. If, after weaning from mother's milk, you immediately began to feed him with "adult" food, the baby's body might not be ready for this. The transition from milk to solid foods should be gradual. And if you tore the baby from breast milk, feed him cow's milk from the nipple for the first time.
  3. Sometimes a puppy cries because he is scared. Avoid harsh sounds at night, talk to him gently, calm him down.

Whining at night is a rather unpleasant phenomenon. And especially in an apartment building, where neighbors hear the lingering songs of your new pet. Of course, you want to quickly calm the baby, but how to do it right, without flaws in education?

  1. The very first and most important rule is that you should not run to the puppy when he whines. In this case, he will think that he can call you that way and will whine even more. As difficult as it is, ignore the whining.
  2. In order for the puppy to sleep at night, and not whine, it must be taken out for a walk before going to bed. Having run enough, the baby will sleep all night, not remembering his distance from his mother.
  3. You don’t really want to whine on a full stomach, so feed your dog properly before bed. This should be a nutritious diet, such as meat (but only if the puppy is already eating solid food). Leave a bowl of water within walking distance of the puppy so he can drink at night if he wants to.
  4. If the puppy does not stop whining, you need to tell him in a strict voice “Fu!”. This is one of the first commands a dog needs to learn. If the whine continues, the command should be repeated. The dog does not understand the words of the person, but perfectly understands the tone addressed to it. And if the puppy is silent, he should be praised.
  5. Some dog breeders claim that a dog whines at night if it lacks attention and care during the day. Try to spend as much time as possible with your baby. Walk and play with him more often or just be around. At night, when the baby whines from separation from you, put any of your things on the bedding. The baby will smell your scent and calm down.
  6. Sometimes a puppy does not sleep, simply because he cannot sleep. In this case, you need to put toys and sharpeners for teeth next to his place. Perhaps the baby will be interested in them and distract from whining.
  7. If the baby is about one month old, then he is still too young to be separated from his mother. But if it has already happened, put his bedding next to your bed. As soon as the puppy whines, lower your hand, stroke and calm the dog. This is how it should be done every time. The next night, the dog's sleeping place should be moved a little further from the bed. This should be done every night until the litter is in its rightful place.
  8. It happens that a dog whines not only when it gets into a new house. An adult dog may whine alone while you are at work. To avoid this, take a longer walk in the morning with the dog, feed him tightly, leave toys for him. A tired and satisfied dog will sleep all day.

And remember, the dog cannot be locked in a separate room. Give it freedom of movement - the dog is learning his new place of residence. And do not try to beat the dog - physical strength will not lead to anything good. The puppy will sooner or later stop whining when he gets used to the new place. And then he will sleep soundly all night long in order to please you in the morning with his sonorous barking and cheerful twirling of his little tail!

Video: the puppy does not let you sleep at night - the dog's daily routine

Sometimes it can be difficult for owners to understand their pets: the dog cannot say out loud what is bothering her, or what she wants, and “deciphering” does not always work out. What to do, for example, if your dog is whining?

In general, the variety of sounds made by dogs is due to the fact that, by nature, dogs are pack animals. The pack has its own hierarchy, and for the successful interaction of the members of the pack, different ways of communication are needed. Therefore, various means of communication are well developed in dogs, including voice communication.

If the dog whines, it means that she wants to communicate something to other members of the pack (and in the case of a domestic dog, the owner and members of his family can be equated with them). For example, little puppies whine to get the mother's attention. These sounds have a calming effect on adult dogs, reducing their potential for aggression towards other puppies. That is why adult dogs, as a rule, never offend puppies.

Bitches whine if they have take away puppies. It happens that a dog whines when it has been taken away from an object that plays the role of a puppy (a soft toy, slippers, etc.). If the false pregnancy is repeated repeatedly, and you do not plan to have puppies, it is better to neuter the dog. This is done not so much to stop her whining, but to avoid unpleasant complications during subsequent false pregnancies.

Sometimes a dog whines as a sign of reconciliation after a conflict or recognizing the superiority of the enemy(including the owner). Often the owners take such whining for an admission of guilt. But if the dog whines, it does not mean that he realized that chewing on furniture is wrong, and decided not to do it again. She is simply trying to show the owner that she recognizes her low position on the hierarchical ladder and does not claim leadership. So it will not insure you from gnawed furniture.

Often the dog whines from excitement if he cannot get what he wants. Sporting dogs may whine before a performance or in training while waiting their turn. Domestic dogs may whine in anticipation of a walk. If the dog likes to swim, he may whine when he is not allowed into the water. On a walk, a dog will whine if it is not allowed to "get to know" and interact with other dogs.

Some owners think that their dog is whining in pain, but it's not. The sound a dog makes when it hurts is more like a groan. And even then dogs usually moan only from severe pain, in other cases they endure pain in silence. Sometimes (if the owner encourages such behavior), the dog can stretch out the injured paw to the owner, but it whines very rarely.

Do not think that the dog is whining out of harm to annoy you: she just talks without knowing any other way to tell you certain information. The dog cannot say: “I want to go for a walk!”, so he has to whine. Sometimes all you need is just to scratch her behind the ear, showing that you are here, that you love her and remember her.

What to do if the dog whines for the slightest reason? Is there any way to get her to whine? Yes, it is possible, but be aware that if your dog is already past puppyhood, you may need a lot of patience and perseverance. Under no circumstances should you be aggressive.

The easiest way to stop your dog from whining is to ignore her. The whining of a dog, like the crying of small children, is a kind of manipulation, an attempt to get what you want. If this does not lead to the desired result, the dog will stop whining, seeing that it is useless.

Another way - suddenly distract the dog. It is suitable if your pet knows how to follow commands. If the dog starts whining, give him several commands in a row. This will force her to focus on following commands, and she will stop whining.

And most importantly, as much as possible play with your dog when he is not whining. If ignoring is a negative reinforcement (the dog understands how not to act), then games are positive. The dog sees that you play with him with great pleasure when he does not whine, and understands that the less he whines, the more attention he will receive.

Tell me, which of you in childhood did not dream of a dog, of this devoted and faithful friend, with whom it is never boring? Probably, few people will answer this question in the negative. And if someone was not lucky enough to acquire a four-legged fidget in childhood, it is likely that he will definitely do it in adulthood. Only in this case, everyone should understand that caring for a dog is equivalent to caring for a small child. You will not only have to get up at 6 in the morning in order to walk her, but also learn to understand the "language" that your pet speaks. For example, barking is not only a warning signal. So the dog can express joy, fear or aggression (it all depends on the situation). And in what situations does the dog whine? Let's dwell on this issue in more detail and try to figure out how to wean a pet from this habit and avoid possible conflicts with neighbors.

There are many reasons why a dog constantly whines. The most common of them:

The dog is looking for the attention of the owner,

The pet simply wants to go to the toilet,

The dog experiences a feeling of discomfort (it may be cold, hot, wet, etc.),

Puppies most often whine due to lack of adaptation to new conditions,

The dog is in pain and whines trying to tell the owner about it.

In addition, it has been found that dogs can often whine because they have a large store of unused energy that they urgently need to release in some way. In these cases, experts advise walking the animal more often and giving it more serious physical activity.

So, if you finally figured out why the dog is whining, you will only have to eliminate the cause of this phenomenon: satisfy its physiological (food, toilet, soft and warm place) and psychological needs (attention, communication, games). But if after that the pet continues to behave in the same spirit, you will have to use the tips below, which contain recommendations on how to stop your dog from whining.

Tip 1

Never praise, much less reward your dog while it is whining, otherwise it will consider this behavior to be normal.

Tip 2

If the animal whines for no apparent reason, simply ignore it, while all other family members should do the same. By doing this, you will let the animal know that its “whining” will not bring absolutely no result.

Tip 3

What to do if the dog whines constantly? Try this method: lock the dog in the room alone and if he stops whining for at least a few seconds, open the doors and praise him (a reward in the form of a treat is welcome). So, the dog will soon understand the difference between "good" and "bad".

Tip 4

Try to train your dog to make certain sounds on command. At the same time, you can brag to your friends about how smart your dog is).

In conclusion, I would like to add that communication with animals always brings only positive emotions, and if at the same time you also understand each other, then here we are talking about devotion to the boundless love of a dog and a person.

If a funny puppy appeared in the house, then in addition to joy and tenderness, this event will bring certain difficulties with it. The baby will need to be taught everything besides, and the owners will have to learn to recognize when the puppy is whining and what to do in this case. If the owners are not professional breeders, dog handlers or veterinarians, then most likely the pet's whining will make them confused. And, meanwhile, a lot depends on the correct behavior in this case.

When answering the question why a puppy is whining, you need to understand that dogs are very sociable animals. They communicate by barking, leaving marks on the territory, wagging their tails, and even just looking into their eyes. These events can tell a lot. So whining is one of the forms of communication, moreover, quite common. By whining, the puppy notifies others of its presence, attracts the mother, defends itself from other dogs, since whining has a calming effect on them.

Far from always, these sounds mean that the baby is in pain, since in most cases, animals endure illnesses silently with a certain degree of tolerance, or weakly groaning.

Also, dogs of a particular breed can differ in temperament. Some dogs are silent, while others are very "talkative", the latter more often use various speech techniques, including whining.

If a puppy whines, then this can indicate completely different feelings - joy, boredom, longing, fear, panic, demanding something. It is worth taking a closer look at the state of a small pet and, based on the accompanying behavior and condition, act. Moreover, pitiful whining does not always require immediate intervention ...

When does a puppy need real help, and when is it just a whim that should be ignored?

If we talk about the behavior of an animal in the wild, then whining is an expression of humility and humility. Thus, the weak member of the pack tells the stronger one that he is giving up. At the same time, the entire posture of the dog shows a readiness to obey: the ears are tightly pressed, the head is lowered to the ground, the tail is tucked in. Often in such a situation, the animal crouches to the ground with its whole body.

If the pet is whining guiltily, then it would be right to tacitly approve such behavior and leave. The dog will understand that it has been forgiven.

In addition, it is quite normal for a dog to whine when greeting familiar people or returning owners. At the same time, the puppy can describe intense circles, jump high, and fall on its front paws. Moreover, stormy delight can be caused not only by a long separation, but also by a half-hour separation.

If the owners do not quite like this, or the stormy meeting is too long, then there is only one way to calm the dog - do not react to manifestations of feelings, do not stroke and do not look into the eyes. In most cases, this technique works, and the puppy gradually calms down.

It is not uncommon for dogs to use whining to get something they want. This is due to the fact that people react to such sounds in such a way that they are happy to fulfill any whim of the pet, so long as he does not whine. And so even unintelligent puppies begin to enjoy their advantage.

To wean a puppy from whining, you do not need to indulge the puppy's whims. And to give him the desired or not, it should be decided only after he calms down and stops making plaintive whining.

In addition to joy, the puppy may whine when upset or frightened. At the same time, the pet is noticeably nervous, lowers its tail, presses its ears to its head and constantly looks around.

If the puppy is very frightened, he can not only whine, but intensively scratch the doors, trying to get out of the room, hides under the furniture, trembles all over and does not make contact.

The puppy may be frightened when riding in transport and start whining loudly. That is why it is better to transport a pet in so that he feels more or less protected and safe. With you on the road, you need to take your favorite toy or a new, yet unexplored pet. Also great for distracting pet treats.

Like other newborn babies, puppies also require special attention. It is worth knowing that if they are healthy, full and are next to a nursing mother, then they will not whine.

The cause of whining may be a disease obtained during childbirth. Most often, the first puppies suffer from intrauterine infection. Moving along the birth canal, they absorb the entire infection into themselves, clearing the passage from it for subsequent cooting. Affected puppies may whine, squeal, are weak, cannot suckle on their own, do not gain weight, and begin to lag behind in development. Often they die, and the puppies born last survive.

In this case, the litter is fed to another dog, and the bitch who has given birth is given treatment.

If the dog has numerous offspring (more than 6 puppies), then the owners will have to take care of feeding them, since in most cases, mother's milk is not enough for everyone. The weakest puppies may be undernourished, and this causes them to whine. In the same situation, another lactating bitch or bitch milk purchased from a veterinary pharmacy can help.

Puppy night whining

It often happens that a puppy behaves quite peacefully during the day, but at night it starts its compassionate concerts, preventing not only the owners, but also the residents of neighboring apartments from sleeping. If the puppy whines at night, you must immediately deal with this phenomenon.

The only correct solution in this case is to completely ignore the pet. If you start to regret, then the puppy will take it as an encouragement and understand that in this way you can always achieve what you want. Later, he will whine even more lingeringly and plaintively, begging for increased attention.

If the puppy does not calm down for a long time, then you can use the well-known command “fu!” It is necessary to open the door and in a strict tone, loudly and distinctly, pronounce the command. This will take a long time until the dog calms down. If the baby has stopped whining, even for 15-20 seconds, then it is necessary to praise him for this. Gradually, by receiving timely commands and well-deserved praise, he will learn to do without whining for a longer time.

Whining is not the most pleasant sound for human hearing, but you have to be patient. It is worth remembering that physical punishment is not the right solution, it will lead to much worse results, since the pet’s behavior after beatings and other influences will only worsen.

Whining, or maybe worried

Many puppies cannot be alone at first, and as soon as the owners go out of the door, they begin to whine heart-rendingly, annoying the neighbors. Their call is clear: "Don't leave me alone, and I want to be with you!" What to do with such a manifestation of feelings?

First of all, you should not try to avoid such situations, otherwise the puppy will understand that after crying, someone will stay with him, or he will be poisoned along with the owner. Before leaving, it is necessary to provide the baby with everything necessary:

  • If the puppy is vaccinated, then you should take him outside and let him not only do his business, but also run and frolic; after an intense walk, the dog will want to sleep more than whine.
  • Leaving free access to food and water, this definitely distracts from sad thoughts;
  • Puppies are children, so they must be surrounded by their favorite toys, special things that can be chewed; then he will whine less, being distracted by an interesting activity.
  • Going out the door, you can return in a couple of minutes and use the command “fu!”. Of course, you will have to spend some time, return to the doors more than once, but if the baby has stopped whining, he should definitely be praised and even encouraged with a treat.

In accustoming a pet to life in a family, the main rules are patience and love. This is the only way to achieve the desired result and win the trust and respect of the four-legged friend.



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