Seasonal depression: symptoms, treatment, prevention. Reception of vitamin complexes

The mood disorder, colloquially referred to as seasonal depression, is considered psychological illness: seasonal affective disorder. Affects about 10% of the population(incidence depends on geographical latitude), mostly women in aged 20-50 years and children.

Seasonal depression most often occurs in autumn winter period, but a small percentage of people experience it in the spring or summer.

Depression autumn and winter - causes

The first symptoms of seasonal depression usually appear towards the end of summer, when a significant cold snap sets in, and the days are getting shorter and shorter. Changes in illumination affect the functioning of neurotransmitters within the central nervous system. Lack of light, especially in the morning, causes an increase in the concentration of melanin in the blood and a decrease in cortisol levels.

Disruption of the sleep-wake cycle affects the whole hormonal system . Before the time when the rhythm of human life was closely connected with nature, the body was preparing in this way for a seasonal decrease in activity.

This natural course of things became a problem when faced with the demands of civilization. Many people - due to the peculiarities of the profession - are even forced to intensify their efforts in the autumn-winter period.

Symptoms of seasonal depression

The development of seasonal depression is associated with a number of symptoms, these include:

  • chronic fatigue, decreased energy
  • increased drowsiness and worsening sleep quality
  • difficulty associated with morning rise
  • decreased mood - feelings of sadness, emptiness, anxiety, irritability
  • loss of interest
  • lack of motivation to act
  • inability to experience joy
  • decrease in self-esteem
  • problems with concentration, memory
  • difficulties in interpersonal contacts, withdrawal from social life
  • weakened immune system, pain and malaise
  • weakening of libido
  • increased appetite and weight gain
  • thoughts of suicide

In case of seasonal depression, it is most often recommended phototherapy or exposure to light. For this purpose, special lamps are used that emit light with an intensity several times higher than that of conventional incandescent lamps. 30-60 minute sessions affect the secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters. Phototherapy takes several weeks and causes significant improvement feeling about 70% of patients. If it does not bring the desired results, it is advisable to temporarily include antidepressants in therapy.

To get rid of seasonal depression, which returns every year, it is better to prevent it in time. The best solution is to plan for the autumn-winter months to travel to countries where there are many sunlight.

It is also useful to observe correctly balanced diet(in particular, rich in vitamins group B), drinking herbal teas (for example, from St. John's wort). Simple Ways from autumn depression is walking in daylight, physical activity (especially on fresh air), small pleasures like watching a movie, going to a concert, or meeting up with friends.

Seasonal depression - spring and summer

Approximately 1% of the population seasonal depression occurs in spring or summer. Symptoms are close to the autumn-winter variety, but the causes are slightly different. To some extent, it can be associated with atmospheric factors - frequent changes in illumination in spring and high humidity in summer.

Most common cause spring depression weakening of the body after the past winter months is considered. It can be cured in the same ways as autumn-winter depression.

Summer depression is a psychological phenomenon. Occurs as a result of a violation of the schedule of classes associated with a period of mood, or, conversely, disappointment associated with the lack of opportunities for rest during the holidays. Moreover, even a vacation can become a cause for great stress - it represents a significant financial burden and does not always meet the high expectations that are usually associated with it. Many people, especially women, experience discomfort associated with the summer heat.

To avoid depression in the summer season, as a rule, it is enough to provide for yourself desired temperature and air humidity. Compose new schedule, taking into account alternatives (in case the plans being undertaken fail), and, above all, as many activities as possible that bring joy.

Seasonal depression is a mental disorder in the autumn-spring period, in which symptoms appear atypical depression. This mental disorder lasts from autumn to mid-spring, including winter ( winter depression). This disorder affects 5% of the world's population. And in studies conducted in Alaska, they found seasonal disease every fourth local resident. However, on the contrary, there are also people suffering from mental disorder with the arrival of summer

Causes of seasonal depression

The cause of autumn, spring, winter depression is the inhibition in the brain of the transmission of impulses from neuron to neuron due to changes in the content of the central nervous system. chemical substances(acetylcholine, serotonin, norepinephrine). Studies have shown that brain serotonin content is lower in winter than in summer. And an important regulator of serotonin metabolism is melatonin, the production of which directly depends on the amount of daylight. Serotonin is a calming hormone good location spirit, and in the dark it turns into melatonin and the person begins to experience drowsiness. Seasonal disorders are mild, moderate, severe

Seasonal Depression - Symptoms

Symptoms of seasonal mental disorders are pronounced in the first half of the day, and by the evening the patient's condition improves. As with atypical depression, patients complain of low mood and reduced activity experience drowsiness and anxiety during the day, increased appetite to gluttony and a significant weight gain due to the use of in large numbers carbohydrate food. As a result, it decreases general tone, there is weakness and unpleasant sluggish sensations in the body, general physical ailments (various pains), a decrease in mental activity and a decrease in mental processes(memory, attention).

How to deal with seasonal depression in the autumn-spring period? This question is of interest to many suffering from this disease. First of all, it is important for a general practitioner to discern latent seasonal depression in a patient by symptoms, because only 30% of cases depressive disorders are recognized. This is due to the fact that this disorder is not pronounced in terms of symptoms and most people suffering from seasonal depression consider their condition to be normal. The sick believe that they have undergone a change in character and it is simply difficult for them, too lazy to do a new thing, and therefore they are distracted, bored, deprived of joy and irritable. During this period, separation from loved ones, failures are especially acute and painful, which can lead to irreparable suicidal actions.

Seasonal depression - treatment

The treatment of autumn-spring disorders includes light therapy, since the main cause of mental disorder is the lack of sunlight. Light acts as a stimulus metabolic processes and also strengthens the immune system. For removal depressive symptoms successfully use the Bioptron Light Therapy device, manufactured in Switzerland. By efficiency this method is not inferior to antidepressant treatment nodepress, which has a high antidepressant activity, is devoid of side effects and addiction. There are methods of suggestion with the help of which a state of relaxation and sleep is achieved. And of course, there should be no talk of any self-treatment if you have a severe form of seasonal depression. IN without fail You need to go to a psycho-neurological dispensary for help. And in the recovery phase, reverse development illness, help with depression will be provided by a psychologist

Prevention of seasonal depression

More than half of those with seasonal disorders have relapses in later life. And the number of cases among women is several times higher than among men.

Therefore, the prevention of seasonal depression includes the following rules: get up early in the morning and have a healthy night sleep; good nutrition, but not very high-calorie; healthy lifestyle life (walking, physical exercise, meeting friends), avoiding alcohol and negative situations, watching your favorite movies and listening to pleasant music, taking fragrant baths with massage, having sex.

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Seasonal, begins to clearly manifest itself in late autumn in the form of a decrease vitality and mood changes. Most people simply do not pay attention to the manifestation of this disease, attributing the blues to bad weather, fatigue from worries, or ordinary laziness.

According to statistics, every seventh inhabitant of the planet falls under the influence of the autumn mood swing. In most cases, these are people with a fine mental organization, suffering from obsessive headaches, nervous disorders showing constant dissatisfaction and having small deviations in physical and psychological terms. Seasonal in each person manifest themselves in different ways, changing from simple irritation to a protracted form of decline in mood and strength.

Types of seasonal mental disorder

Which appear during the off-season, always appear at the same time. If there is deterioration over several years emotional state a person, it is already possible to suspect the appearance of seasonal depression. Psychiatrists distinguish two types of affective seasonal disorder: summer and winter.

Depression in summer a rare event, which appears in June or in the second half of July and lasts until late autumn. Among the entire population, only 10% of people suffer from manifestations of summer depression. Often similar condition passes without outside help with the onset of the first days of autumn.

- This is a more common variant of the disease, which affects 90% of patients with minor mental disorders. Usually this form of depression falls in the first months of autumn and lasts until the beginning of May. With the onset of the first cold weather, many people have an increased appetite and constant sleepiness, and these are the first signs of a seasonal depressive state.

Most patients with seasonal disorder fall into age category from 25 to 40 years old. seasonal changes moods pass with age and disturb much less often.

Symptoms of depression

Since winter depression is more common, its symptoms should be considered in more detail. In most patients, the disease progresses mild form and appears as constant irritability, fussiness and bad mood so you can deal with it yourself. With a more severe form of seasonal depression (symptoms of which are sudden mood swings, nervousness, loss of interest in what is going on around you, feeling causeless anxiety, desire to sleep during the day) you need to go for a consultation with a psychologist and therapist. Specialists such as a cardiologist and psychiatrist should not be avoided either, as they know exactly how to deal with winter depression.

Ways to deal with seasonal depression

According to doctors, with the advent of autumn, there are much more patients. Most of chronic diseases tends to escalate during the off-season. This is due to a significant reduction daylight hours, since the absence required amount sunlight affects the production of serotonin (a hormone responsible for the balance of the nervous system). The lack of serotonin leads to the appearance, increases appetite and fatigue. If, with the end of autumn, you began to notice that you were overcome by seasonal depression, you can start treatment yourself by trying to restore peace of mind through a change of scenery, place of residence or new acquaintances.

The shortening of daylight hours often leads to anxiety and increased anxiety. The fight against must begin precisely with the elimination of this factor. Effective method to deal with this problem is to increase daylight hours, and for this you need to fully use the morning hours. It is desirable to spend as much time as possible on the street under sunbeams especially in the morning.

It is important to eliminate vitamin deficiency. Not enough vitamins in the body leads not only to loss of efficiency, but also to deterioration general condition. The body must be prepared for the off-season, and for this it is necessary to intensively consume fruits and vegetables, which contain vitamins and minerals. If it is not possible to eat fruits and vegetables in large quantities, you can replace them with a vitamin complex purchased at a pharmacy.

The benefits of tonic drinks

Tea and coffee consumed in moderate amounts help overcome seasonal depression. Morning coffee or a cup of green tea can bring back vigor and composure for a while. the condition can also be used with drugs designed to combat emotional depression (antidepressants). Their dosage and therapeutic course should be prescribed by a doctor, since self-medication can lead to prolonged depression. If you feel an attack of seasonal blues, try to be more outdoors, go out to people as often as possible, meet friends, i.e. active image life.

Seasonal depression refers to an affective mood disorder that appears periodically. In psychiatry, two types of diseases are distinguished: winter type and summer look. As a rule, winter depression worries at the beginning of autumn and lasts until the end of spring. But summer depression appears in early summer and ends in autumn. Most often, the disease is typical for women, men rarely suffer.

Symptoms of seasonal depression

One group of people has light form disease, with symptoms such as:

  • Increased irritability.
  • Nervousness.
  • Fussiness.
  • Depressed mood.

The remaining patients have a more pronounced form, which, without timely treatment further aggravated and negatively affects a person’s lifestyle, his behavior, personal and work relationships.

People with a genetic predisposition who have relatives who suffered from seasonal depression are at risk of getting sick. But in people who live in northern latitudes, due to the fact that the duration of daylight hours is reduced in autumn and winter, such a complex of syndromes arises:

  • Constantly depressed mood.
  • Feeling very tired.
  • - prolonged night sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness.
  • Decreased sexual activity.
  • Symptoms of polyphagia are characterized by a violation eating behavior, which are expressed in increased appetite, pathological voracity, the patient constantly wants to eat.

Separately, a subsyndromal disorder is distinguished, in which vegetative symptoms develop. In winter, the patient daytime with an affective disorder, cortisol levels drop sharply, and seasonal depression only worsens.

Some symptoms of seasonal depression resemble beriberi :

  • The person is constantly sleeping.
  • I want to eat a lot.
  • There is psychomotor retardation.

Main Causes of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Some experts believe that seasonal depression is a consequence of " internal clock» human (circadian rhythms). Many psychotherapists associate the development of depression with disorders of neurotransmitters - a lack of norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine.

But molecular studies suggest that the main reason lies in genetic heredity. Interestingly, winter depression is most often associated with a decrease in vitality and an increase in activity in spring and summer. Latest Research they say that it is not the seasonal ones that are to blame, but, most likely, climatic factorsAtmosphere pressure, temperature readings.

How do you diagnose seasonal depression?

Answer the questions, if there are many positive answers, you need the help of a psychotherapist:

  • Do you feel oppressed, depressed?
  • Have you lost interest in life?
  • Do you not enjoy early classes?
  • Do you get tired quickly?
  • Are you losing self-esteem?
  • Worried about feelings of anxiety?
  • Having trouble concentrating?
  • Are you unable to make a decision?
  • Do you really want to be alone?
  • Has there been unreasonable irritability?
  • Do you start to worry about thoughts of suicide, death?
  • Have you suddenly started losing or gaining weight?
  • There is sweet?
  • Are you having trouble sleeping?

Treatment methods for the disease

Depending on how difficult the disease is, the effective treatment. As a rule, winter depression is treated with light therapy, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, psychotherapeutic techniques. Summer depression can only be cured with antidepressants.

Please note that pharmacotherapy is used only in the case of:

  • Risk of suicide.
  • Positive response to antidepressants.
  • Severe depression.
  • Serious mental disorders.
  • Absences positive results psychotherapy, light therapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is used to manage symptoms. It is very important to stick to a diet, exercise regularly.

Features of phototherapy

How many procedures are needed, the doctor decides. As a rule, one session lasts about 40 minutes. The patient is directed from a source into the eyes of a bright light. When it becomes brighter than usual, it happens active stimulation serotonin, while reducing the production of melatonin.

Most often, psychotherapists use the technique - “dawn modeling”. When the patient is sleeping, turn on a slightly subdued light, then begin to increase the brightness to create the illusion of dawn. Thus, phototherapy helps to get rid of.

IN modern medicine we are sure that if the patient starts taking antidepressants in a timely manner, then light therapy sessions will bring a long-awaited effect, cheer up.

In order to prevent the disease, you should try to walk as much as possible on the street. Also eat right - your menu should be rich in minerals, vitamins. Remember: an active lifestyle, movement is life. The support of loved ones is also very important.

Many modern psychotherapists see a close connection between physical and mental health. That is why it is recommended: do not forget to breathe fresh air. If you know that autumn has a negative effect on you, reconsider this time of the year: take care of your health. Such sports as qigong, aerobics, yoga, tai chi, tai bo, fitness, shaping are very useful. Choose your favorite hobby that will bring you real pleasure.

So you must understand that mental health no less important than the physical, so do everything you can to avoid seasonal depression. In case of appearance unpleasant symptoms no need to drag out the problem, contact a specialist who will advise you in detail and help you take the right decision. Be always happy and healthy! Remember, life is beautiful!

All these are signs of a real autumn depression, which, according to the data World Organization Health care, one in five suffers.

It is believed that seasonal mood fluctuations are subject to people with "thin" mental organization, as well as all weakened by stress, dissatisfied with life, not quite physically and mentally healthy. That is, alas, the bulk of the world's population. This annual autumn dissatisfaction with oneself and the surrounding reality can be different - from a slight, not always fixed feeling of anxiety to complete hopelessness and the inability to do anything. In severe cases, there is only one way out - to consult a specialist, not being afraid of the words "psychotherapist" or "psychiatrist." But with more common options (failure, general lethargy, irritability, etc.) can be fought on their own.

It has been noticed that in autumn people get sick more often, and not only colds. Many are aggravated chronic diseases, there are back pains, aching joints, headaches and heart pains become more frequent, gastrointestinal problems remind of themselves. This is explained by the fact that with a sharp decrease in daylight hours, especially in the northern regions, the doses of solar energy entering the body also decrease. Here simple tips, which will help you gain good spirits and strength of the body.

How to lengthen daylight hours

Try your best to compensate for the lack of sunlight. A sharp reduction in daylight hours is one of the serious causes of internal discomfort that affects both our psyche and metabolism. The only way prolong daylight hours - more full use morning light hours. Of course, it is difficult for owls to rebuild their regimen, but there is nowhere else to get daylight from. Weekends should be spent outdoors. At least one day. Let not all, even half, but it should be a full-fledged walk, preferably outside the city.

Appreciate every fine autumn day. As soon as the gloomy gray clouds dissipate, do not sit at home in front of the TV: dress warmly and go for a walk. You can start going to the solarium. But don't overdo it! 5-10 minutes a week is enough, no need to bring yourself to brown.

At lunchtime, it would be nice to go outside for at least 15 minutes or just look at the sky. Make sure that there is enough light at home and at work, take care of the maximum efficient use daytime lighting.

move more

Great if it is a group sport and preferably outdoors. Feel free to kick the ball with the children, take your missus or girlfriend out for a walk. And if you perceive autumn as a time for self-improvement and do some health-improving complexes, the body will not be slow to thank you. good health. Tai Chi, Qi Gong complexes, fitness, shaping, aerobics are suitable as such a “medicine” ... Anything, as long as it brings you satisfaction. The secret to the success of these exercises is simple: physical activity endorphins or, as they are called, "pleasure hormones" are released into our bloodstream.

Vitamin complexes

In the event that a decrease in efficiency makes serious undesirable adjustments to the rhythm of your life, try to cheer up with various natural stimulants such as herbal teas, phytobalms, Chinese magnolia vine, rosehip decoction or tincture of Eleutherococcus. And keep eating as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. Do not console yourself with the hope that in the summer you managed to provide the body with vitamins for whole year. Know that vitamins entering the body are not stored in reserve, but are immediately absorbed, so the body needs constant vitamin supplementation.

In order to cover daily requirement body in vitamins, you need to eat 400 grams of fruits and vegetables daily. If you can’t do this, multivitamins sold in pharmacies will help out. First of all, pay attention to the sufficient content of vitamins A and C. In autumn, you especially need them.

Surround yourself with beautiful things

After the variety of summer and the color feast of golden autumn, we are so lacking in beauty! "Aesthetic hunger" is not an empty phrase. At all bright colors visibly lift the spirits. Psychologists have even proven that in inclement weather, a bright red color cheers you up. Do not disdain bright details in your wardrobe, allow yourself some funny little things - a funny hat, mittens, a scarf. Buy a country jacket in some extreme bright color, especially if your job requires you to wear dark conservative clothes. Go to the theater and cinema more often.

Autumn - time to lose weight?

In autumn, a noticeable restructuring takes place in the body. For example, if in the summer we calmly satisfied our hunger light food, now I want to eat something heavier and fatter, because the body needs warmth, which means it needs additional calories. You should not resist this, because if you commit violence against yourself and, against your will, continue to manage low-calorie food, nothing good will come of it: sooner or later you will definitely have a feeling of internal discomfort, against which background it will begin to develop autumn depression. Therefore, it is better to relax, forget about any diets, and eat what you want, but, of course, in reasonable quantities.

It was traditional point vision, but paradoxically, there are many people whose successful weight loss began precisely in dank, slushy November. With a reduction in daylight hours, when, as smart books convince us, it is incredibly difficult to lose weight! But the fact remains - there are quite a lot of people who have taken up themselves in the fall. Moreover, among them a considerable percentage of those who have achieved success. Maybe you will be one of them?

Tea and coffee - a source of vivacity

Often to fight autumn depression many drink strong tea or coffee. Indeed, these drinks invigorate. The main thing is not to abuse them. Refuse strong tea and coffee should only be people with a sick stomach, liver, kidneys, as well as allergies. Tea and coffee will be replaced cold and hot shower, gymnastics, brisk walking outdoors. In general, autumn, with all its shortcomings, is a wonderful time of the year. You just have to know how to enjoy it. Only in autumn you can admire the riot of colors of the leaves, listen to the silence of the forest, rustle the fallen leaves, breathe in the healing autumn air. Don't miss this chance.



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