What is depression and how does it manifest. Autumn depressions, Christian depressions, depressions for no reason

Good day, dear readers!

In today's article, we will consider with you such a psycho-pathological condition as depression, as well as its causes, symptoms, classification, treatment and prevention. So…

What is depression?

Depression- a mental disorder characterized by despondency (anhedonia, or loss of joy), impaired thinking and motor retardation.

One of the main, and most common causes of depression is, or a long-term traumatic situation for the nervous system. A secondary factor or reason that leads a person to a depressive state is the inability of a person to solve certain situations, to get out of various difficulties. If the main causes of depression are predominantly a problem that has arisen in the present, then secondary factors are a legacy from childhood, when a person, at an early age, along with upbringing, adopts a model of his behavior for the rest of his life.

It happens that depressive disorders are hidden under the guise of a bad mood or character traits, and if these conditions are not separated and efforts are not directed to the treatment of depression, not only the person himself, but also the people around him can suffer from this.

A depressed person is in such a sensual state that constantly repeats - "there is no way out." But it really isn't! There is always a way out, and even the most severe depression can be treated!

According to statistics, depression is present in every tenth inhabitant of the Earth, over the age of 40, and 2/3 of them are women. Further, the older a person is, the worse the picture is, which is apparently provoked by a deterioration in health, social status, aging of the body, sometimes a feeling of uselessness and loneliness, and lack of work. A depressive state is also observed in 5-40% of children and adolescents under the age of 16, and therefore, this generation has a high percentage of suicides.

Depression - ICD

ICD-10: F32, F33
ICD-9: 296

Depression can affect people of any age and gender. The so-called values ​​of modern society can put constant pressure on a person, which can later cause depression. Among such “values” one can distinguish: the desire for social well-being, fame, career advancement, the desire to be attractive, etc. If something cannot be obtained, or not received immediately, a person may fall into despair, and his experiences against this background may provoke the development of a depressive state.

Fertile ground for the development of depression can also be factors such as: betrayal, dismissal, divorce, serious illness or death of a loved one, contempt or ridicule from others, etc.

In rare cases, depression is possible without any cause. In such a situation, the peculiarities of human neurochemical processes (the exchange of neurotransmitters) can be guilty.

Today, in psychiatry, it is believed that the development of depression requires a complex effect on a person of 3 factors: psychological, biological and social.

Psychological factor:

There are 3 personality types that are more prone to developing depression:

  • statotimic personality (characteristic: exaggerated conscientiousness, excessive accuracy and diligence);
  • melancholic personality (characteristic: pedantry, desire for order, constancy, excessive demands on oneself);
  • hyperthymic personality (characteristic: self-doubt, constant worries, low self-esteem).

Biological factor:

  • heredity;
  • head injuries that led to disruption of brain activity;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • seasonality of depressive disorder (rain, cold, heat, etc.);
  • daily fluctuations, shortening of the REM sleep phase;
  • side effects of certain drugs;
  • (lack of vitamins in the body).

Social factor:

  • chronic stress, frequent stressful situations;
  • negative relationships in the family, society (school, work, university, etc.);
  • strict measures of education;
  • lack of love and affection from parents;
  • abuse and harassment;
  • significant changes in life;
  • urbanization, population migration.

The main signs of depression:


  • hopelessness, despondency, constant sadness;
  • nervous tension, irritability;
  • loss of interest in things that used to give pleasure;
  • guilt;
  • slow thinking, difficulty concentrating and inability to make decisions;
  • anxiety, anxiety, fear;
  • unwillingness to communicate with relatives and friends;


    • fatigue and feeling of weakness;
    • longing in the form of a stone in the chest or a coma in the throat;
    • sleep disorders;
    • appetite disorders (as a result of which weight gain or loss occurs);
  • change in taste sensations;
  • distortion of colors and sounds;
  • violations of a sexual nature;
  • dry mouth;
  • increased sweating;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • pupil dilation.

In severe cases, depression can be accompanied by suicidal thoughts about death.

The presence of several of the above symptoms may indicate the presence of depression. If this is found, it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist.

Important! Some symptoms are characteristic of anxiety and other disorders, so do not self-diagnose or self-medicate!!!

Depression must be distinguished from normal grief, which has an adaptive function. The process of experiencing grief normally takes about 1 year, but if the experience is prolonged in a person, reactive depression may develop.

The number of types of depression is very large, and all of them are diverse in their manifestations.

Here are the most common types of depression:

Dysthymia. In simple terms, dysthymia is a chronic depressive mood. It is characterized by bad mood, fatigue, lack of appetite and sleep. This type of depression can be observed in postpartum depression and manic-depressive psychosis.

Affective insanity. The depressive phase of dysthymia, which is also characterized by a bad mood, slowing down of thinking and speech, loss of appetite. Waking up in the morning, a person feels sadness, anxiety, becomes inactive and indifferent.

postpartum depression. This type is found only in women, based on the name, it is clear that the disease develops in the first months after the birth of a child, it can also be after a miscarriage or the birth of a dead fetus. It is characterized by a deep sense of sadness, hopelessness, loss of joy in life. During this period, it is difficult for a woman to take care of a child.

Important! Do not confuse fatigue after childbirth and postpartum depression !!! Many women feel exhausted and weak after childbirth, suffer, but these feelings exist in parallel with the joy of the appearance of a baby. This type of fatigue goes away a couple of weeks after giving birth, while postpartum depression can last for several months.

depressive reactions. They usually appear with changes in life (moving, retiring, changing jobs, etc.). The main criterion that causes such a reaction is not so much a traumatic external situation as the experience of the changes themselves and uncertainty in the changed conditions. Often, this type of depression is based on an acute crisis of self-esteem and subconscious resentment.

The reaction of sadness. This type is a complex process of painful restructuring of a person after a bereavement. Acute sadness is manifested by irritability, alienation, impotence, exhaustion, upset stomach and intestines. When people react sadly, alcohol and drug abuse is often noted.

Melancholia (endogenous depression). The causes of this type of depression can be both real and fictional. A melancholy person sees himself as a bad person who deserves punishment. It happens that such reproaches can be addressed to another significant person.

depressive neurosis(reactive depressive disorder). This type of depression is also called character neurosis and/or personality depressive disorder. There are several forms of depressive neurosis, which are united by the fact that a person's assessment of reality remains intact, and the symptoms of depression are mild or slightly expressed.

masked depression. The peculiarity of this type of depression lies in its latent course. Only one symptom may be present. Diagnosing this type is extremely difficult.

Bipolar disorder. Characterized by severe mood swings. This is a complex condition in which mania leads to insomnia, hallucinations, nervous breakdowns, disorientation and bouts of paranoia can also be observed.

Seasonal depression. This is a mood disorder that occurs every year at the same time. Often, seasonal depression begins in the fall or winter and ends in early summer. One theory says that insufficient sunlight leads to a decrease in the production of serotonin in the brain, which has a calming and pain-relieving effect. As a result, a lack of serotonin leads to a depressed mood and the manifestation of symptoms such as: fatigue, carbohydrate deficiency and weight gain. It is theoretically possible that this type of depression is also associated with insufficient intake of the required amount and microelements into the body.

Larviated form (somatized). The affect of melancholy is manifested, often there is a syndrome of "heart anguish" and pain in the intestines and stomach. Such somatic disorders are clearly manifested in the morning and are well treated with antidepressants.

anesthetic form. In this form of depression, a person suffers from a lack of experiences. The world around us loses colors and sounds, there is even a feeling that time has stopped.

adynamic form. The main symptom of this type is longing, which is experienced indifferently. The will decreases, the person ceases to take care of himself, experiences a feeling of physical impotence and apathy.

Anxiety depressive disorders (agitated). Manifested by longing, which is replaced by anxiety and fears. People with this kind of depression are always on the lookout for possible trouble. Anxious experiences are blurred and may be inspired by external information. It is also accompanied by speech and motor excitement, a person in the literal sense of the word cannot sit in one place. Melancholic raptus can happen to a person: the patient can start rushing about the street with screams, squeals or lamentations, or roll on the ground. At such moments, he becomes very dangerous for himself and for others.

atypical depression. This disorder is distinguished by increased appetite (resulting in weight gain), increased sleepiness, and increased emotional response to positive events.

Childhood mood disorder. This type is invisible in ordinary life, but clearly manifests itself in certain situations and is detected by special tests. This is a chronic depressive state determined by personality traits. Usually this disorder is the result of severe deprivation experienced by the child in early childhood.

Pseudo dementia. Often found in older people, manifestations resemble a decrease in intellectual activity. The problem of concentration of attention develops, the ability to orientate in space is disturbed, and memory is also impaired. Only a specialist can distinguish this type of depression from dementia.

Stages of depression

Like other diseases, depression has several stages. Each period can last from one week to several months.

1. Rejection stage (light). A person becomes restless, writes off everything to a bad mood and well-being. Loss of interest in past activities and hobbies. Symptoms such as apathy, drowsiness, fatigue, lack of appetite gradually accumulate. Alienation from the world begins, the desire to communicate disappears, but these feelings are accompanied by a fear of loneliness. A person at this stage often finds a way out in excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, sitting for many hours in computer games, and watching TV for many hours.

2. Receiving stage (moderate). A person begins to understand what exactly is happening to him, refuses to eat, because of this he is rapidly losing weight. Disorders such as insomnia, a violation of the adequacy of thinking, fast incoherent speech, illogical statements and reasoning, there may even be hallucinations appear. A person can no longer cope with negative thoughts on his own, he has a desire to completely end it, which leads to a high risk of suicide attempts.

3. Corrosive stage (severe). At this stage, external calmness is replaced by aggressive behavior, a person no longer wants to control himself, is able to harm himself or others. There is indifference and detachment. The psyche begins to collapse, due to the long-term influence of depression, a person can even get schizophrenia.

Diagnosis of depression

To make a correct diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment, the doctor conducts a series of tests:

  • communication with the patient (gathering information);
  • general urine analysis.

There are also special questionnaires and scales for diagnosing depression.

Beck scale. The questionnaire consists of 21 questions with fixed response options. Testing time 20-60 minutes. Invented by an American psychiatrist, bears his name. Used since 1961.

Zung self-reported depression scale. The questionnaire consists of 20 statements, the results of which are determined in 3 scales: depressive experiences, depressive affect, somatic symptoms. Testing time 8-10 minutes. Named after the developer. Used since 1965.

ODS (questionnaire of depressive conditions). The technique is based on the method of pattern recognition, there is also a lie scale. Developed at the Bekhterev Institute.

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Contains 10 statements with 4 possible answers. Used since 1987 thanks to scientists from Edinburgh and Livingston.

How to get rid of depression? Depending on the stage and type of depression, the characteristics of the body, the presence of concomitant diseases, age and other factors, the treatment of depression may include one or another set of procedures and drugs.

As a rule, the treatment of depression is accompanied by individual correction of nutrition and lifestyle, including physical activity.

Depression of the initial stage, a mild form, can be cured without drugs, with the help of psychotherapy, or mental correction of the patient's behavior and way of thinking. Drug treatment is prescribed for moderate and severe disease, but only in combination with psychotherapy.

Non-drug treatments for depression

Psychotherapy. This is a method of verbal interaction between the patient and the specialist, which allows solving current internal problems, analyzing the current mental state and finding the most appropriate ways to resolve problem situations. The program of psychotherapy is selected individually.

Light therapy. A method of exposure to light of a certain length, which contributes to the production of serotonin (the hormone of good mood), and to adjust circadian rhythms (internal biological clock). Light therapy can even relieve pain.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation. The prototype is electroconvulsive brain stimulation. This method allows non-invasively, using short magnetic pulses, to stimulate the cerebral cortex. Transcranial magnetic stimulation has been used in the treatment of severe depression and has had a measurable effect.

Medical treatment for depression

pharmacological treatment. Drug therapy for depression occurs with the help of various types of antidepressants. They reduce symptoms and reduce suicidal rates.

Important! Medications can only be prescribed by a doctor, after diagnosis. This is due to a large variety of antidepressants, which at the chemical level act on a particular part of the brain, and also cause various reactions.

Types of antidepressants

The human brain is made up of neurons (nerve cells). The transmission of information from neuron to neuron occurs through the synaptic cleft (a small space between neurons) with the help of neurotransmitters (chemical messengers).

To date, science knows about 30 different mediators. Belonging and relation to depression have 3 of them: serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.

There is a biological theory that believes that depression develops against the background of a decrease in the concentration of neurotransmitters in synapses. Antidepressants are needed to regulate the concentration of mediators and restore the biochemical background in the brain that has been disturbed.

Tricyclic antidepressants. They were synthesized back in the 50s of the last century. The mechanism of action of this type of antidepressants is based on a decrease in the absorption of norepinephrine and serotonin mediators by brain neurons, as a result of which their concentration in the brain increases. Some drugs in this group have a calming effect, others - stimulating.

The time of onset of the therapeutic effect depends on the specific situation from several days to several months.

Among the side effects most often noted are: lethargy, palpitations, drowsiness, dry mouth, increased sweating, decreased potency, difficult urination, etc.

Among tricyclic antidepressants, one can distinguish: Azafen, Amitriptyline, Clomipramine, Imipramine, Trimipramine, Doxepin, Dothiepin, Coaxil, Fluoracizine, Nortriptyline, etc.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). Antidepressants of this type slow down the action of the enzyme in the nerve endings, thereby preventing the destruction of norepinephrine and serotonin. Often, MAO inhibitors are prescribed to patients who do not have the expected therapeutic effect from taking tricyclic antidepressants, as well as to patients with dysthymia and atypical depression.

The time of onset of the therapeutic effect is several weeks.

Among the side effects most often noted are: sleep disturbances, jumps, weight gain, decreased potency, swelling of the limbs, heart palpitations.

Among the MAO inhibitors can be identified: "Befol", "Melipramine", "Pyrazidol", "Sydnofen", "Tranylcypromine".

Selective serotonin uptake inhibitors. Today, this group of drugs is the most modern class of antidepressants that are used in medicine. Their mechanism of action is associated with blocking the reuptake of serotonin in synapses. As a result, the concentration of the mediator increases. Such drugs act exclusively on serotonin, without affecting other neurotransmitters.

Among the inhibitors of the selective uptake of serotonin, one can single out: Paroxetine, Sertraline, Fluoxetine, Citalopram, Escitalopram.

Compared to other types of antidepressants, serotonin selective uptake inhibitors have fewer side effects that are not pronounced.

other antidepressants. There are also other groups of antidepressants that differ from the above drugs in terms of the mechanism of action and chemical composition: Bupropion, Venlafaxine, Duloxetine, Mianserin, Nefazodone.

Vitamins and minerals for depression:

In the treatment of depression, the following are also actively prescribed:

  • omega 3;

Important! Before using folk remedies for the treatment of depression, be sure to consult your doctor!

Carrot juice. Just drink freshly squeezed carrot juice. You can add an apple to the carrot in the juicer. The combination of apple and carrot is not only healthy, but also very tasty.

Peppermint. 1 st. Pour a spoonful of leaves with 1 cup of boiling water, let stand for 1 hour at room temperature and strain. Take 0.5 cups in the morning and evening. A few mint leaves can also be added to regular tea.

Myrtle. Add myrtle flowers to regular tea. Also, rub the myrtle with your hands and inhale its fragrance. You can also put dry myrtle in rag bags and put it in the places where you spend the most time. Taking a bath with myrtle has a very positive effect on the nervous system. Just take a bath with myrtle leaves and flowers, and for the application of myrtle, it can be used both fresh and dry.

St. John's wort. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of dried flowers and herbal parts with 200 ml of boiling water and let them brew for 10 minutes. Drink this tea 2-3 times a day for several months. Before use, brew a fresh decoction for each time. Just keep in mind that St. John's wort can reduce the strength of some drugs, including drugs that are used in the treatment of and.

Chinese lemongrass (schizandra). Grind 10 g of dry schizandra berries and boil in 200 ml of water. Strain and drink instead of tea. For taste, you can add sugar to this remedy or.

In a pharmacy, you can buy a ready-made tincture of Chinese magnolia vine. It is recommended to use 20-30 drops 2 times a day. In severe cases, the norm can be exceeded up to 40 drops at a time.

Passion flower (passiflora). Pour 1 teaspoon of passionflower herb with 150 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes, strain and take a glass of infusion shortly before bedtime.

Knotweed (highlander bird). 3 art. Spoons of knotweed grass pour 1 cup of boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour in a warm place, strain. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.

Borago (borage). 1 st. pour a spoonful of borage grass with a glass of boiling water, wrap and leave for 2 hours in a warm place. Strain and take 0.5 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Herbal collection. Mix 2 parts of hop cones, 1 part of flowers, root and lemon balm, pour into a coffee grinder and grind. 2 tbsp. Spoons of the resulting collection, brew 2 cups of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes and strain. Drink sips throughout the day. Leave most of the glass in the evening so that you can sleep better at night. Drink the remedy for 7 days.

Winter swimming. In the treatment of depressive conditions, winter swimming has proven itself very well - bathing and dousing with cold water. Just before using these procedures, be sure to consult your doctor.

God's help

In the modern world, spiritual problems that haunt a person for more than one year can also be the cause of depression, and traditional treatment only leads to relief for a certain period of time. this is especially true if depressive and suicidal issues arose among other family members. In this case, it may be necessary to turn to a priest who can instruct a person, direct him to God. In the Holy Scriptures there are many God's calls, for example, in the Gospel of John (14:27) Jesus told His disciples: "Peace I leave you, My peace I give you; not as the world gives, I give you. In another place, in Gospel of Matthew (11:28) He said: “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Therefore, often when people come in prayer to the Lord and ask Him for help, the Lord answers and helps. however, turning to the Lord excludes the sinful behavior of a person, which could lead to depression and other problems in a person’s life.Read the Holy Scriptures, perhaps you will find something in yourself that led to the negative consequences that you currently have.May the Lord It will help you with this.

Prevention of depression

As you know, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat later. There are several rules that will help you always be in a positive vitality:

  • observe the regime of work and rest. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, go to bed before midnight, preferably before 22:00;
  • lead an active lifestyle, walk, ride a bike and be sure to do exercises in the morning;
  • take vitamins, especially in the autumn-winter-spring period;
  • eat right, avoid fast food, soda and other things, do not get carried away with flour and confectionery;
  • do not withdraw into yourself, do not say bad words, do not speak negatively about yourself and others, love and do good;
  • get rid of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs);
  • If you have a job with constant nervous tension, think about it, maybe it should be changed? Nerves are more valuable than money!

Which doctor should I consult for depression?

  • Psychotherapist

Video about depression (spiritual point of view)

The onset of depression is difficult to predict. Its appearance may be associated not only with tragic events in life (as is commonly believed), but also with mental problems or chemical imbalances in the body.

Consider the types of depression, its causes, accompanying symptoms and possible treatments for the disease.

What is depression

There are several types of depression, which differ depending on the factors contributing to the onset of the disease.

Classification of depression and its types

So what are the types of depression? Psychiatry offers the following options:

  1. Endogenous Its appearance is due to the presence of organic factors. For example, it can be various disorders in the functioning of the nervous system. A person suffering from this type of depression is apathetic, does not make contact with others and does not see the point in later life.
  2. masked depression. This type of disease is not accompanied by typical symptoms such as depression, sadness, and so on. Its main feature is the presence of somatic diseases in the form of chronic pain, the sexual menstrual cycle in women, the occurrence of sleep problems, and so on. It is also possible the appearance of attacks of causeless anxiety, panic, irritable bowel syndrome. After taking antidepressants, all the above symptoms disappear very quickly.
  3. Anxious mental depression. Its main symptom is the appearance of fear, panic and anxiety. People suffering from this type of disease are very aggressive, as they need to relieve internal tension. As statistics show, patients with anxious depression are more prone to suicide than others.
  4. The main cause of the disease is hormonal changes in the body of a woman. Accompanied by weakness, apathy, sadness, frequent mood swings. In addition, there may be deterioration in sleep, loss of interest in the child or excessive care for him, headaches, decrease or loss of appetite.
  5. reactive depression. This type of disease occurs as a result of strong psychological shocks. For example, it can be the death of a loved one, rape, breakup, and so on. Reactive depression is very easy to diagnose, especially if the psychotherapist knows the cause of its occurrence.
  6. Seasonal depression. Most often, the disorder occurs in autumn or winter. The main symptoms are decreased mood, drowsiness, irritability.
  7. Depressive stupor. This is one of the most severe forms of the disease. During it, the patient remains all the time in one position, does not eat anything, does not contact with others at all. Depressive stupor appears as a reaction after a past episode of schizophrenia.

In addition, there is also a bipolar disorder. Its feature is that it alternates with episodes of high spirits. The main problem is that it may take a long period of time (sometimes up to 2 years) to diagnose the disease.

Causes of depression

Having considered the types of depression, let's move on to establishing the causes of its occurrence. The most common are the following:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal disruptions (in adolescents, in the postpartum period, during menopause, etc.);
  • the presence of congenital or acquired defects of the central nervous system;
  • somatic diseases.

Another important reason is severe mental trauma, the appearance of which could be triggered by many factors:

  • problems in personal life;
  • the presence of serious health problems;
  • migration;
  • changes or problems at work;
  • worsening financial situation.

Symptoms of depression

In order to timely detect the disease in yourself or others, you need to familiarize yourself with the issue of its main symptoms.

As mentioned above, there are different types of depression, each of which has its own characteristics of manifestation. However, there are some common symptoms that will help recognize the onset of depression.

Firstly, it is an appearance that does not disappear even after a few weeks. Usually it is accompanied by feelings of causeless anxiety and despondency.

Secondly, a person suffering from depression tries to constantly "withdraw into himself", even if he previously preferred to relax in noisy companies. The range of his interests is becoming narrower, and those things that previously cheered up (music, cinema, nature, etc.) completely cease to please. Problems in his working social connections and family life become noticeable. A person may begin to talk about what he sees no meaning in life and think about suicide.

A depressed person may also have:

  • inhibition of the reaction;
  • deterioration in physical well-being (appearance of pain, malfunctions of the digestive and other body systems, etc.);
  • loss of natural drives (sexual needs, maternal instinct, appetite);
  • frequent and sudden mood swings;
  • lack of activity;
  • the appearance of indifference to others and loved ones.

Depression in teenagers

Teenage depression is a very complex disease. Recognizing it is sometimes difficult. In some cases, teenage depression can be perceived by parents and others simply as a bad upbringing, attributed to character traits, and so on. This happens due to the fact that the symptoms of the disease are quite specific.

Signs of depression in a teenager:

  • attacks of aggression and outbursts of anger that are directed at loved ones;
  • sullenness;
  • deterioration in attentiveness, increased fatigue, loss of interest in learning, absenteeism, reduced academic performance;
  • conflicts with parents and others, because of which there is a frequent change of friends and buddies;
  • regular complaints that no one loves or understands him;
  • rejection of any criticism in his address;
  • pretermission of duty;
  • the appearance of pain (headaches, in the region of the heart, in the abdomen);
  • unreasonable fear of death.

Features of depression in the elderly

Depression in older people can occur quite often, as there are many factors contributing to this: retirement, a feeling of uselessness and hopelessness, an irretrievable loss of time. This is hard to deal with on your own.

The main feature of depression in older people is its protracted nature. The disease can last for several years, especially if a person does not seek help from specialists and blames his middle age, rather than psychological problems, for apathy, fatigue, decreased activity and other factors.

It is almost impossible to solve the problem on your own, but with the help of proper treatment, this can be done absolutely at any age. That is why, if any suspicions arise, you need to contact a psychiatrist who will determine the further course of action.

Stages of depression

There are three main stages of the course of the disease:

  1. Rejection. A person denies the existence of difficulties and blames ordinary fatigue for his condition. He is torn between the desire to get away from others and the fear of being left all alone. Already at this stage, you need the help of a specialist who will help you quickly cope with the situation.
  2. Adoption. At this stage, a person realizes that he has depression, this condition is often frightening. In the same period, problems with appetite and the functioning of the immune system begin to be observed. More and more negative thoughts appear.
  3. Destruction. In the absence of qualified assistance, the third stage begins. During it, there is a loss of control over oneself, aggression appears. The person begins to collapse as a person.

Depending on the stage of depression at which the disease was detected, the effectiveness of treatment and the time it takes to get rid of the problem directly depend.


It is important to remember that others will not be able to help get rid of the disorder, so it is imperative to seek help from a psychotherapist.

Determination of the presence of the disease is carried out using special scales and questionnaires, thanks to which it is possible not only to establish the final diagnosis (depression), but also to assess the severity of the situation.

In some cases, it may be necessary to study the bioelectrical activity of the brain (electroencephalogram) and hormonal studies.

depression test

When considering methods for diagnosing the disease, the use of special questionnaires was mentioned. Let's take a look at one of them to get an idea of ​​what a depression test is.

The patient needs to answer a few simple questions:

  1. Do you have difficulty falling asleep at night?
  2. Do you often suffer from nightmares?
  3. Do you often feel emotionally exhausted and tired?
  4. Has your weight changed over the past six months (strong changes up or down are taken into account), given that you did not sit on special diets?
  5. Have you noticed a decrease in sex drive?
  6. Have any of your close relatives been diagnosed with a "depressive disorder"?
  7. Can you rate your daily stress levels as medium or high?
  8. Do you suffer from auditory or visual hallucinations?
  9. Do you experience a deterioration in mood with the onset of autumn or winter?
  10. Do you hide your feelings from loved ones?
  11. Do you often think that life has no meaning?

This is the simplest of all possible tests. The more "yes" answers to his questions, the greater the likelihood of depression.

Medical treatment for depression

Treatment of depression with the help of pharmacological drugs involves taking antidepressants, tranquilizers, narmothymics and antipsychotics.

Only a doctor can prescribe the use of this or that drug on an individual basis. The wrong choice of drugs or their dosage can not only be of no benefit, but also cause irreparable harm, since they act on the central nervous system and the brain.

In most cases, antidepressants alone may be enough to improve health. The effect of their use is not immediately noticeable, it is necessary that at least one to two weeks pass. Despite the strength of the impact, antidepressants are not addictive and addictive. At the same time, it is necessary to stop drinking drugs gradually in order to avoid the so-called "withdrawal syndrome".

Treating depression with psychotherapy and physical therapy

Treatment of depression with the help of consultations with a psychotherapist can last several months. There are many methods, and depending on the situation, the specialist selects the right one.

Physiotherapy can only be used as an aid. It includes procedures such as aromatherapy, massage, therapeutic sleep, light therapy, music therapy and others.

Prevention of depression

As you can see, the disease is very serious. The consequences of depression can be very diverse, from the collapse of personal life and ending with suicide. Therefore, it is worth doing everything possible to reduce the likelihood of its occurrence.

What do psychologists advise about this?

  1. Follow a daily routine that provides for a good night's sleep and proper nutrition.
  2. Go in for sports and other physical activity.
  3. Communicate more with your loved ones.
  4. Avoid stressful situations whenever possible.
  5. Make time for yourself and your favorite activities.

So, we examined the types of depression and the features of this disease. Finally, I would like to say that mental health is no less important than physical health. Therefore, if a problem arises, you should immediately entrust its solution to an experienced specialist.

What is depression? Depression in psychology is defined as a type of emotional disorder, accompanied by anxiety and suspicious manifestations and loss of interest in life. Symptoms of psychotic depression occur to some degree at some point in everyone's life. Of course, only a psychotherapist can make a diagnosis of depression. Depression necessarily implies the need for treatment. It can last for years and literally exhaust a person. To get rid of depression forever, you need to understand which doctor to contact, find out its cause. Diagnosis of depression is usually not difficult for a knowledgeable specialist.

People are sometimes unwilling to admit to themselves that they are experiencing colossal signs of depression. It seems to them that if they tell someone about their feelings, they will certainly look weak in the eyes of others. Many people are afraid to make a bad impression, to seem weak and weak-willed, to appear before colleagues, friends and even relatives in an unfavorable light. For this reason, manifestations of a depressive disorder are often driven inward into the subconscious. As a result, a person ceases to understand what exactly is happening to him. He may suffer for years from uncontrollable fear, resentment, anxiety and despair, but he does not even correlate all these characteristics with his mental disorder. The biggest danger of depression lies in the fact that the personality fades away gradually, day by day, not seeing, not noticing the changes that occur.

Signs of depression

Depression is a disease, a real disease. It has nothing to do with bad mood or whims. It cannot be overcome by a simple effort of the will. The first signs of depression can appear even in someone who is generally satisfied with life, but for some reason is currently experiencing dissatisfaction. It is on them that you should pay attention in time. An oppressed state of mind can eventually lead to uncontrollable consequences. To defeat the enemy, you need to know him. What are the visible symptoms of depression? How to understand that you have depression?

The psychology of depression is such that a person who is in it cannot control his internal state. He suffers greatly, but does not find the strength to cope with the feeling of despair and hopelessness. From the outside it may seem that he has completely lost all taste for life. How long does depression last? There is no clear answer here.

There are different types of depression. Depending on the severity of the course of a mental disorder, it may not go away for years, and sometimes it is cured in a relatively short period of time. Mood changes happen all the time. Personality abruptly shifts from apathy to fun and vice versa. Most often, thoughts about the meaninglessness of their existence do not let go for hours, making it difficult to perform their usual activities, enjoy life in general. There is a feeling of emptiness that cannot be filled with anything. This is what depression leads to.

Apathy and despondency become central human emotions. In this regard, he simply cannot notice the beauty that is happening around him. Psychiatry diagnoses depression as an extreme degree of fixation on the problem and the inability to find a way out of the situation. The definition of depression helps to understand its essence. The more a person plunges into himself, the more he begins to feel inner emptiness and despair. When wondering why depression occurs, you need to be able to turn to your state of mind.

As already mentioned, there are different types of depression. In some cases, a person is limited to anxiety and suspiciousness. At worst, strong fears lie in wait for him everywhere. No wonder despair always goes hand in hand with depression. A person loses his life orientation, everything begins to seem unimportant to him, devoid of any meaning. Depression obscures all other experiences and prevents release from depression. Treatment should be prompt, regardless of the type of depression. If a person is left alone for a long time with his universal longing and sadness, then he ceases to believe in the very possibility of healing. Of course, you need to know how to cure depression. Actions should be coordinated, purposeful and last for a relatively long time.

Low self-esteem

A person who is in disorder ceases to see value in himself. Increasingly, she is visited by a feeling of her own uselessness. This is a very dangerous condition that needs to be corrected. Diagnosing a disease means already taking a step in the right direction, understanding what is happening. After all, the longer a person wanders through the labyrinths of his own soul, the worse, the longer the treatment will be.

In most cases, a person additionally experiences a feeling of guilt for causing some kind of anxiety to loved ones. There are such hypochondriacs who endlessly fear for their health. And this state does not allow them to fully enjoy life, make plans for the future. Low self-esteem does not allow you to develop, try something new. Any undertakings are suppressed under the onslaught of uncontrollable fear. When thinking about what depression is, you should be aware of the signs of an emerging disorder. Types of depression and their symptoms show how much a person is lost in life.

Panic attacks

Depression is sometimes accompanied by a number of comorbid disorders. These include panic attacks, uncontrollable fears that a person cannot cope with on his own. If a state of this kind is noted, then the person generally begins to feel himself in a certain trap. Fears begin to inexplicably guide his real thoughts and feelings. Panic attacks are a serious disorder that needs attention. The sooner real support is provided to a person, the faster he will be able to restore his undermined peace of mind.

Panic attacks always indicate the presence of a clear trouble. A healthy and mentally balanced person just like that, for no apparent reason, will never succumb to the influence of fears so much as to forget himself. However, a depressed person does not just forget about his true nature, he unknowingly harms his own state.

Lack of self-esteem

Depression, for a very objective reason, gives rise to extreme self-doubt. A person sees that his possibilities are rapidly drying up. In fact, he simply loses touch with himself, ceases to feel his individual needs. All aspirations disappear from him, he does not want to do anything. Why is this happening to him? Often he cannot understand where the beginning of the formation of strong disharmony in the inner, mental state came from.

Self-doubt is a necessary companion of depression. A person who is not aware of his aspirations and desires does not know how to move in the chosen direction. In truth, such a person does not choose anything at all. She becomes a hostage to her own fears. Self-doubt greatly interferes with life, prevents the formation of a happy attitude. To get rid of the problem, it will take a long and hard work on yourself. If every person was not afraid to act and acted decisively, there would be much less unhappy people in the world. The burden of fear does not contribute to the development of personality.

Feeling worse

The physical symptoms of depression are not so conspicuous, but are tangibly experienced by the patient himself. How do they manifest themselves, how to identify the symptoms of an unfavorable condition? The disease does not develop instantly. Physical ailments also appear gradually. They come when a person despairs, ceases to believe in his own strengths and capabilities.

What exactly is going on? Often there is dizziness, characteristic muscle weakness, pain in certain parts of the body of varying severity. All these manifestations are a serious reason to consult a doctor for advice.

Causes of depression

Experts in the field of psychology associate the causes of depression with a violation of internal balance. It's just that a person at some point in time ceases to feel his own integrity. In fact, this is a serious problem that definitely needs treatment. The causes of depression are so simple and understandable that no one doubts their truth. This disease is unlikely to be hidden from others. A person who needs help becomes lethargic, apathetic, unpredictable, suspicious. Let's take a closer look at the causes of depression.

Loneliness and rejection

Experiencing a feeling of some isolation from the world, a person in most cases closes in on himself. Such a sense of self, of course, is not in vain. Over time, contacts with people are lost, melancholy and despondency begin to capture more and more. Loneliness is perhaps the worst thing that can happen to a person. Realizing his restlessness, a person can decide on the most absurd actions that would never have been committed in a calm state. Depression accumulates, anxiety grows if a person does not know where to go, who to turn to. Depression occurs as a result of a complicated emotional disorder and becomes a real disease.

Character features

Sometimes a person himself turns out to be predisposed to the development of psychological distress. In this case, over the years, he increasingly forms in himself the ability to perceive reality from the point of view of failure. Such a person is upset in advance, even when nothing serious has happened. He does not know how to rejoice and is looking for a catch everywhere. Such an attitude does not lead to anything good. There is nothing sadder than watching your own fall, especially when there is no power to really change something. The more a person fusses, experiences fears and anxieties, the more he withdraws into himself. And this means that it becomes really incredibly difficult to help him. Character traits strongly influence the development and strengthening of depression.

Treatment for depression

Can depression be cured? Which doctor treats depression? What are the treatments for depression? These and other questions are asked by a person who has the intention to get rid of an incomprehensible mental confusion, which he turns out to be unable to explain to himself. How to treat depression? What needs to be remembered?

Working with fears

The first thing to get rid of is all-consuming fears. It is they who create the very invisible barriers in the head, over which the person then fights for months and years in the hope of finding a way out of a difficult situation. Depression treatment methods are based on a comprehensive approach. Working with fears includes a thorough cleaning of the mind from negative thoughts and attitudes. It is necessary not only to learn not to think about the bad, but to cultivate positive thinking in yourself. It is the bright thoughts that lead to personal growth and self-improvement that can really change a person’s life.

No one knows how to treat this disease until he himself encounters it. To recognize the existence of a problem means to solve it to some extent. You can talk to the attending physician about everything that excites and worries the soul, what you really feel. Hiding anxieties and fearful thoughts will only prolong the visitation process indefinitely. It is for this purpose that there is one who heals the thoughts and feelings of a person.

Working with a psychotherapist

Which doctor treats depression? You need to see a psychotherapist. This specialist will help build a perspective vision of life, determine your leading values. If you do not take this step, then gradually the disorder that has already arisen will literally swallow the person. He will cease not only to enjoy life, but in general to make any plans, to leave the house. Everything begins gradually, imperceptibly for the personality itself, and this is the greatest danger. Any little trouble will become a real disaster for him, and minor health problems will turn into a severe hypochondriacal disorder. Depression is treated the easier, the sooner the person realized the need to seek help. When the situation is very neglected, sometimes they resort to the help of psychiatric influence. That is why the doctor must be obeyed strictly and conscientiously fulfill all his prescriptions.

Filling with emotions

You should understand in advance and take on faith the idea that simply swallowing pills will not get rid of the problem. A person can actually be cured if he pays a lot of attention to a disturbing issue. After the cleansing of negative attitudes has been successfully carried out, one should begin to absorb useful and positive information. Such filling must necessarily bring joy, inspiration and happiness. This is the only way to feel the difference, to understand how much you were mistaken before, plunging into endless despondency and melancholy.

Emotional content should be based on the interests of the person. Someone will need to turn to the products of the creative heritage. Another person will need to go to a beauty salon and get an excellent haircut. Everyone has their own values ​​that no one has the right to take away. The more a person at this stage will turn to their own true needs, the sooner they will be able to really begin to feel satisfaction from every day they live.

Thus, such a mental disorder as depression necessarily needs timely diagnosis. The success of all subsequent actions related to overcoming this depressing state depends on this step. If you do not understand in time what it is, do not recognize depression, a person will eventually completely lose the ability to rejoice. Asking for help helps to work out the situation and cure this disease. You can determine depression on your own, the main thing to remember is that although it is long in time, it is still curable.

As modern studies conducted in many states show, depression, along with heart disease, is a fairly common ailment. Many people know firsthand what depression is, because many inhabitants of our planet suffer from this disorder. According to experts, this disease in developed countries is found in every fifth inhabitant.

Definition of depression

Depression- this is the state of a person when he lives, as it were, in another dimension, where there is neither faith, nor hope for the future, nor love. This is the most difficult state of the brain and psyche.

Such a serious ailment as depression greatly reduces health and performance, causing suffering to the patient and his family. It must be admitted that people have a poor understanding of the characteristic manifestations and consequences of depression. Because of this, patients receive help only when the condition is long and dangerous, and in some cases they do not receive help at all.

Depression- it is very dangerous. Not many people understand this, since the expression "depression", along with other psychiatric terms, has an everyday meaning. The manifestation of depression, various forms of uncomfortable mental state or irritability, experiences associated with grief or loss in everyday life is called depression. With this approach, it can be argued that each of us is familiar with the depressive state. Including completely unreasonable conditions, for example, due to lack of mood.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that depression is rejuvenated these days. Among the patients who suffered from it, one can meet people not only of the elderly and "Balzac" age, but also of young people and even children. Psychiatrists often talk about depression among children, the problems of its origin and manifestations of the clinical picture.

Depression is diagnosed so often that you get used to it as a common occurrence.

Everyday understanding of depression

The perception of depression as an ordinary disease extends to cases where the symptoms are quite serious from a medical point of view.

Due to various prejudices and fears, relatives do not know how to help the patient get out of depression. They are afraid to send a person to a hospital for treatment, but they cannot give him the necessary treatment at home. The unwillingness to acknowledge the reality of mental illness is the most serious delusion. Many consider this "stupidity", they advise the patient to "pull himself together." However, in such a situation, the patient may rather lay hands on himself.

Another misconception has to do with the inpatient psychiatric department: the hospital is identified with the prison, and therapeutic measures with executions. It is difficult to call a good environment in a hospital, but treatment in a hospital is a necessity. It is worth recalling that to the patient the ordinary world seems like a prison and a torture chamber. For this reason, he will hardly notice the changes, unlike us.

The third misconception is taking medication. Many believe that special medications are detrimental to the brain, making a person dependent on them. This doesn't just apply to antidepressants. The same attitude and simple antibiotics, which are often necessary to save the lives of patients.

Drugs in modern psychiatry are not omnipotent, but their effectiveness is quite high. The current generations of antidepressants are more easily tolerated by patients, they practically do not get used to them. This becomes a real boon for the depressed person.

Types of depression

There are different types of depression. Often they are caused by overstrain and traumatic situations that exist for a long time. Sometimes, they can appear for no apparent reason. With depression, concomitant diseases can appear - these are diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, etc., and vice versa, many diseases contribute to the onset of depression. In this case, the course of the underlying disease is aggravated. However, if depression is detected and treated in a timely manner, then patients experience a rapid improvement in their mental and physical condition.

Depression is characterized by single episodes of varying severity and prolonged exacerbations. In some people suffering from depression, it is chronic and lasts for many years, without reaching serious moments. In case of severe mental trauma, for example, the death of a loved one - a spouse, a child, arises reactive depression. No one is immune from this form of the disease.

Various changes in life are a strong stress for our psyche, it begins to fail. In the event of the death of a loved one, life changes dramatically. The deterioration of the situation is due to the fact that for a person this situation is truly a life catastrophe. Horror and pain begin to grow in a person, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe present and the future collapses in his head. In such a situation, it is difficult for a person to cope with the tragedy if he cannot find a clue in life. And if at this moment other troubles arise, then you will not envy him.

Most of the mental disorders we make ourselves. Some of them are caused by heredity. In other words, these are the genes that we received from our parents. Each of us has such genes to a greater or lesser extent. In the development of depression, genetic predisposition is of great importance. Some people get sick endogenous depression or manicdepressive psychosis is very high. And in other people, depressive genes do not manifest themselves at all.

What can be called the trigger of this disease?

According to experts, this is chronic stress. Due to metabolic disorders in the nervous tissue, there may appear endogenous depressions. But science has not yet found an exhaustive explanation for this.

Elderly people also face depression, which appears as a result of a combination of traumatic effects and the state of the aging brain.

In some cases, depression is limited to physical symptoms without manifestations of an emotional nature. This type of depression is called asked, since a serious depressive state can be hidden behind an imaginary bodily ailment. In such a situation, any clinical or laboratory examinations will not detect organic changes in the patient.

There is a category of people who try to get rid of depression with the help of alcohol and drugs. It turns out that depression is hidden behind more serious diseases - alcoholism and drug addiction. In other words, an "explosive mixture".

Depression: symptoms

According to doctors, depression is not always considered a disease, but often a "syndrome", or a specific set of symptoms. Symptoms are varied - longing, anxiety, loss of interest in everyday affairs, inability to enjoy, loss of life meaning, a sense of guilt, own insignificance, lack of desire to see good moments in life, slowing down speech. Depression can be expressed in different ways, depending on the form of the disease. Let's name the most common symptoms of depression:

Emotional manifestations

  • despondency, suffering, dejection, discouragement;
  • agitation, internal tension, premonition of misfortune;
  • irascibility;
  • guilt, constant self-accusations;
  • dissatisfaction with oneself, a decrease in self-confidence, low self-esteem;
  • inability to get joy from previously pleasant activities;
  • decrease in interest in the environment;
  • inability to experience any feelings (with deep depression);
  • With depression, anxiety about the health and fate of loved ones often appears. People are afraid to appear incompetent in public places.

Physiological manifestations

  • sleep disorder (private bouts of insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness);
  • appetite changes (overeating or complete loss of appetite);
  • bowel disorder (constipation);
  • decrease in libido;
  • a decline in energy, severe fatigue with simple physical and mental stress, weakness;
  • pain and various unpleasant sensations in the body (for example, in the region of the heart or stomach).

Behavioral manifestations

  • apathy, unwillingness to be involved in active actions;
  • avoidance of any contact (gravitation towards a solitary lifestyle, lack of interest in people);
  • lack of desire to have fun;
  • a tendency to alcoholism and the frequent use of psychoactive drugs that bring temporary relief.

Thought Manifestations

  • problems with concentration;
  • difficulty making a decision;
  • constant pessimistic thoughts about oneself, one's own destiny and the world;
  • a gloomy vision of one's own future thinking about the meaninglessness of life;
  • in severe forms of depression, thoughts of suicide arise;
  • the appearance of thoughts about their uselessness, insolvency;
  • slow reaction times.

If several of these symptoms last for about two weeks, depression may be suspected.

Causes of depression

Can difficult life situations cause depression? Yes, They can. Can push to the disease: the loss of a loved one, dismissal, divorce. And even loss of faith. In this case, it is not only about religion. , chronic stress, etc.

Serious complication reactive and endogenous depressions is suicide.

Consequently, in modern science, depression is considered as a disease that is caused by many causes and factors - biological, psychological and social.

Biological causes of depression

Among the biological factors of depression, it is worth highlighting the characteristic pathologies of neurochemical processes. These pathologies can be caused by heredity.

Psychological causes of depression

As modern research shows, there are also psychological factors of depression:

  • with negative thinking, concentration on negative life moments, situations and one's own personality is characteristic. The patient sees his life and future in a dark light;
  • a special way of thinking in families where the level of criticism is very high and a high degree of conflict;
  • many stressful situations in personal life (partings, divorces, alcoholism of relatives, death of loved ones);
  • social isolation with a small number of trusting relationships that could become serious emotional support (destroyed family relationships, loneliness);

The social context of depression

A large number of depressions in the modern world are due to the significant pace of life, its high stressfulness: high competition in modern society, instability in the social sphere - mass migration, difficult economic conditions, financial instability, uncertainty about the future. Modern society cults a number of values ​​that force people to constantly feel dissatisfied with themselves. The desire to achieve physical and personal perfection, worship of strength, the desire for superiority over other people and the struggle for one's own well-being deplete the mental strength of a person. In such conditions, people are forced to worry and hide their problems and failures from strangers. This deprives them of emotional support, creates anxiety, dooming them to a lonely existence.

How to distinguish depression from a bad mood

Is there a way to distinguish real depression from a bad mood or despondency? It is quite difficult to do this. But it is worth paying attention to a number of signs.

First, objectivity of changes in the psychological and emotional state of a person. In other words, everyone around understands that something incomprehensible is happening to a person. Second- bad mood lasts for a long time, can last for days or weeks. Sometimes there are subtle improvements in the evening, and the morning is usually the most difficult time. Third- It is not possible to psychologically substantiate the cause of a bad mood.

Another important feature- this is an indifferent attitude of a person to the world around him, a lack of interest in his usual affairs, an inability to distract himself from gloomy thoughts. A saddened person tries to find an interlocutor, and if the patient is depressed, then he wants to retire. This feature is not characteristic of anxious depression when the appearance of communication is created. During communication, patients constantly complain, but they do not hear the interlocutors.

People with this disease often lose weight, stop monitoring their appearance. This is very striking if before a person was distinguished by his accuracy and cleanliness.

A depressed patient can lie down in bed right in his clothes or not spread it at all. Among the signs of depression, it is worth highlighting talk about death and suicide. Conversations like this need to be taken seriously. Many believe that if a person talks about suicide, he will never do it. Unfortunately, it is not! In fact, if the patient declares that he wants to die, then this may be a serious sign. Among the important signs of the disease is the lack of hope for the future.

How to help someone get out of depression

The support and help of relatives is an important factor in overcoming the disease, even if the patient is not interested in it.

  • It is important to remember that depression is an illness that requires empathy. Immersion in illness with the patient is dangerous, one should not share his pessimism and despondency;
  • try to keep an emotional distance, reminding both yourself and the patient that depression is a transient emotional state;
  • no need to criticize the patient. It is better to explain to him that this state is not his fault, but rather a disaster. He needs help and treatment;
  • try not to focus on the person's illness, fill the life of the family and your life with positive emotions;
  • involve the patient in an active life;
  • patients need to be listened to, given the opportunity to express their thoughts. The physical body is connected with the spiritual and spiritual world - you can not neglect any side of the psyche.

What can not be done? During the statements of patients about suicide, one should not intimidate them by talking about the well-known canons about the burial of suicides. After all, these patients already think of themselves as lost. It is impossible to discuss with the patient the sinfulness of suicide - this will only strengthen him in desire. Conversations that are tuned in a positive way will bring a greater effect. Convince the patient that you really need him.

Treatment for depression

Depression is very difficult to treat. . Psychotherapeutic drugs are necessary for the treatment and prevention of this disease. It is best to prevent the disease from arising than to fight it later. With such a serious enemy as depression, you need to fight and you can’t give up. To defeat the disease, you may need antidepressants, which should not be scared.

Most antidepressants are sold through pharmacies by prescription. To select the necessary antidepressants, taking into account the course of the disease, only a specialist who knows what is depression, symptoms and treatment of depression.

There are general guidelines for the use of antidepressants. For starters, they need to be taken in the doses prescribed by the doctor. Drugs must be taken without a pass for a certain period. Any drug has a course of administration. Do not be afraid of addiction, because antidepressants do not form addiction. In addition, when taking modern drugs, side effects are rare.

Antidepressants differ in their mechanism of action and effect. It is only necessary to choose the right drug and treat the disease according to the rules.



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