Emotional reactivity of the individual. Level of emotional reactivity

Along with a general increase in the level of emotional selectivity (to which stimuli the subject reacts), differentiation continues in adolescence in terms of the strength of reactivity. The level of emotional reactivity, the ability of a person to experience feelings and emotions are partly due to its constitutional properties (this is proved by the study of twins), and partly due to the conditions of education. It should be emphasized that a low level of emotional reactivity is a psychologically unfavorable factor. According to the California Longitude, adolescents and youths with low emotional response seemed to be more restless, irritable, emotionally unstable, less determined and sociable than their high-reactivity peers; in middle age (about 30 years), the former more difficult to adapt to the environment and more often showed neurotic symptoms.

From what has been said, it is clear that the emotional problems and difficulties of adolescence must be considered specifically, since they have different origins. Adolescent dysmorphophobia syndrome - only a side effect of preoccupation with one's body and appearance - usually disappears in adolescence. The sharp increase in the number of personality disorders during the transitional age is mainly due to the fact that children do not have such disorders at all because of the underdevelopment of their self-consciousness. Painful symptoms and anxieties that appear in adolescence are often not so much a reaction to the specific difficulties of the age itself, but a manifestation of the delayed effect of earlier psychic traumas.

The latest research refutes the opinion of many foreign psychologists about youth as a neurotic period of development. For most people, the transition from adolescence to adolescence is accompanied by an improvement in communication and overall emotional well-being. According to the experimental longitudinal study by E. A. Silina, who examined the same children in the 7th grade and again in the 9th grade, young men, compared with adolescents, show greater extroversion, less impulsiveness and emotional excitability, and greater emotional stability. These data are also interesting in that in adolescence and younger adolescence, the same symptom complexes are already found, the same as in adults. In other words, all the basic structures of temperament and its dependence on the properties of the nervous system are already formed by adolescence. Youth, without changing the type of temperament, strengthens the integral connections of its elements, thereby facilitating the management of one's own reactions. According to A. V. Kuchmenko, 16-17-year-old high school students, regardless of the type of their nervous system, are much more restrained and balanced than adolescents.

According to the American psychologist R. Cattell, whose personality test is used in many countries, including the USSR, from the age of 12 to 17, indicators on such factors as sociability, ease of dealing with people and dominance (perseverance, competitiveness, striving) improve markedly. dominate), while the general excitability, on the contrary, decreases. In boys, in addition, indicators for a factor that combines sensitivity, gentleness of character, a sense of dependence and a need for guardianship decrease, and self-doubt, internal restlessness and anxiety decrease, i.e. development goes towards greater balance.

Emotionally unbalanced, with signs of possible psychopathology, adolescents and young men are statistically a minority in their age group, not exceeding 10-20 percent of the total, i.e. almost the same as adults.

In a socialist society, there are no such pathogenic factors as unemployment, uncertainty about the future, competition, relishing violence and cruelty, which poison the life of young people in capitalist countries. This alleviates the difficulties of the maturation period for Soviet boys and girls and contributes to their physical and mental health. But precisely because society is interested in the mental health of each of its members, the emotional world of high school students should always be in the center of attention of teachers and parents, who can be effectively helped by psychologists and psychotherapists in this regard.

Adolescence is thus characterized by a greater (compared with adolescence) differentiation of emotional reactions and ways of expressing emotional states, as well as an increase in self-control and self-regulation. Youthful moods are much more stable and conscious than adolescent moods, and correlate with a much wider range of social conditions.

The expansion of the circle of personally significant relationships, which are always emotionally colored, is manifested in the development of the so-called higher feelings. The assimilation of a certain system of moral norms and principles is translated into a complex range of moral feelings - a sense of duty to society and people around, the ability to empathize, the need for friendship and love, a sense of comradely solidarity and moral and political feelings, such as Soviet patriotism and socialist internationalism.

Violation by a high school student of the norms of behavior accepted by him causes him an excruciating feeling of guilt. The sphere of aesthetic feelings is noticeably expanding, which are gradually isolated from the circle of other experiences and find specific ways of expression and satisfaction. At the same time, in aesthetics, as well as in morality, youth is especially sensitive to contrasts, acutely experiencing the transition from the sublime to the base, from the tragic to the comic. Particularly noteworthy is the development in youth of a sense of humor and irony, which is closely associated with the growth of intellect, allowing the adolescent to wrest an object from its usual connections and establish unusual, “strange” associations with it. Intellectual and practical feelings are also noticeably differentiated. Naive children's curiosity develops into a conscious enjoyment of the process of thinking, into joy at overcoming difficulties, a conscious desire for creativity, etc.

An insidious and very difficult disease to recognize is atypical depression. In order to detect and cure it in time, it is important to know such a dangerous “enemy” by sight and be prepared for an active and long-term struggle with it.

We are all accustomed to perceive depression as a depressed state of the body, in which you do not want to do anything. However, sometimes the disease manifests itself with completely opposite symptoms.

This poses an even greater threat to a person’s life: after all, even if he says that he has a psychological disorder, but at the same time eats with great appetite, no one will believe. And in vain, because this disease is very many-sided and insidious.

What is atypical depression

With atypical depression (AD), a person can eat with increased appetite, sleep a lot and soundly, and even gain weight. But at the same time, his inner state will be more and more oppressed every day.

That is why the disease is very difficult to diagnose: having all the destructive properties of a typical depression, it manifests itself in exactly the opposite way.

Thus, AD is a peculiar form of a true depressive disorder, which has all the destructive properties of a typical such condition, but at the same time differs in the following uncharacteristic properties:

  • increased, sometimes even very strongly, appetite;
  • good and sound sleep (in some cases, the state of sleep prevails over the state of wakefulness);
  • weight gain;
  • pronounced emotional reactivity.

If the first three points are quite clear, then the fourth will have to be discussed separately. It is known that with typical depression, the patient withdraws into himself, becomes almost completely unemotional, poorly reacts to external stimuli, both mental and physical. But everything is not so with an atypical form of the disease.

A person suffering from just such a disorder, on the contrary, will react to everything sharply, over-emotionally, very violently. Tears, scandals, violent outbursts and sometimes even fights - all this is characteristic of such a disease.

Especially powerful reactions are observed in adolescents suffering from AD. And often it is behavior that makes it possible to suspect an ailment.


As a rule, adolescents and people who are in the transitional age from youth to maturity are prone to atypical depression. This is due to physical changes in the body as well.

If we consider the first risk group (teenagers), then everything is simple. Children who are on the verge of growing up are very mentally vulnerable and constantly tense internally, which leads to the disease.

People in their 30s are going through much the same thing as teenagers. At a certain moment, they begin to realize: youth has already passed, the best years are behind, life is a finite thing.

And besides, there are certain hormonal changes (as, by the way, in maturing children). No wonder this time is called the "midlife crisis" and it is dangerous to fall into depression. including the atypical one.

Symptomatology is a set of symptoms characteristic of a particular disease. And in the case of AD, they are as follows:

  1. Expressed emotional reactivity(main symptom).
  2. A sharp increase in appetite, may be accompanied by weight gain (one of the main ones).
  3. Frequent and deep sleep sometimes constant drowsiness (one of the main ones).
  4. Feeling of heaviness in the limbs(additional physical symptom).
  5. Avoid contact with other people, sometimes even very important and close (additional symptom).

The diagnosis of atypical depression is made in the presence of the first sign, since it is the main one, as well as two or more others.

The reasons

It would be very wrong to attribute this very difficult state of mind solely to changes in the development and formation of the personality. Also, AD can be provoked by physical changes, and some very serious stress, and deep personal experiences. Therefore, the causes of the disease are incredibly numerous.

So, atypical depression can develop as a result of the following life situations:

  • tragic loss or drastic changes in the existing way of life (departure or betrayal of a loved one, death of a loved one, rupture of old and very significant relationships);
  • negative changes in professional status or in social status (dismissal from work, falling out of the usual society, a radical change of residence);
  • violence, tested on yourself (home, sexual, sensual or bodily);
  • strong interpersonal conflicts with someone very important to that person;
  • genetic predisposition and type of personality;
  • serious physical illness or addiction (drugs, alcohol).

According to medical research, with this form of depressive disorder, there are strong changes in the cerebral cortex, due to which the hormonal balance is disturbed, and negative chemical reactions occur.


In order to get out of this personality-destroying condition, a special complex treatment is needed, based both on the use of certain medications and on a very subtle psychological impact.

For a positive outcome, not only medicines are important, but also care, diet, and serious psychological support.

Medically, AD is cured with the help of special antidepressants, which can only be prescribed by the attending physician. It is with their use that it is recommended to follow a certain diet that will improve the internal state.

Patients should not eat any food made more than 2 weeks ago, as well as smoked meats and fatty cheeses. All of them contain tyramine, a substance that aggravates depression.

It is important to remember that people with a severe depressive state are extremely vulnerable and perceive any words and actions very painfully. They are insecure, constantly depressed and very indecisive.

Such people require special attention, and you should not leave them alone. After all, it's no secret that prolonged depression is fraught with suicidal outcomes. Therefore, it is important to see what is happening to a person.

Communication with a loved one in depression requires a lot of patience and even more attention, because one wrong action can lead to a sad result. Therefore, you should remember a few rules:

Depression is a very long-term course and an incredibly complex disease in its external and internal manifestations, which can be triggered by almost any negative life situation.

In no case should one dismiss such patients, because only understanding and friendly support can bring a dear person out of such a dangerous and gloomy state. And it is important to remember this every second.

Video: Interview with Associate Professor of Psychiatry

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Forecasting the adaptation of university students should be based on knowledge of their psychological characteristics and characteristics: personality motives, value orientations, orientation, self-esteem, qualities associated with the general type of higher nervous activity (features of temperament, neuroticism, emotional reactivity, extra-introversion), character accentuations, locus of control. All of the above concepts and their significance for the adaptation of university students, we will try to reveal in this article.


The article presents the results of a study of the development of social intelligence of younger schoolchildren. From grades 1 to 4, positive dynamics are observed, but with the onset of the teenage crisis, destructive changes in social intelligence are revealed.


ANTIHYPOXIC ACTIVITY OF ZINC, COBALT AND IRON METAL COMPLEXES AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON ANIMAL BEHAVIOR [Electronic resource] / Shakhmardanova, Shakhmardanov // Bulletin of the Voronezh State University. Series: Chemistry. Biology. Pharmacy.- 2014 .- No. 4 .- P. 144-148 .- Access mode: https://site/efd/505679

The "open field" test showed that metal complexes of zinc, cobalt and iron derivatives of 1-alkenylimidazole have a sedative effect on the individual behavior of laboratory rats. In experiments on non-linear white male mice, the studied compounds showed a pronounced protective effect in conditions of acute hypoxia of various origins in a wide range of doses (5-250 mg/kg, i.p.), exceeding the effect of known antihypoxants: etomerzole (25-100 mg/kg , ip), mexidol (100 mg/kg, ip) and nooglutil (25-100 mg/kg, ip), which may be one of the possible mechanisms of sedative action.


The effect of potassium comenate on the functional state of the CNS of animals in the “open field” and “mink chamber” tests under normal conditions and after exposure to acute hypoxia with hypercapnia, as well as its effect on propofol sleep, was studied. It was found that the preliminary administration of potassium comenate at a dose of 4 mg/kg for 3 days helps to reduce posthypoxic changes in behavioral reactions (emotional anxiety and emotional reactivity) of animals. At the same time, a pronounced stress-protective effect of potassium comenate is observed both 1 day and 14 days after hypoxia. Under normal conditions, potassium comenate reduces the activity of behavioral reactions, enhances the hypnotic effect of propofol. It is assumed that the antihypoxic effect of potassium comenate is due to its stress-protective and psychosedative properties.


Physical culture in the field of students' leisure method. ...

The practical use of the material of methodological recommendations will significantly expand the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in organizing independent classes in physical culture and sports, will contribute to attracting more students to physical culture in their free time, will allow most fully satisfy cognitive, general cultural needs, promote the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The content of methodological recommendations corresponds to the main requirements of the curriculum of the discipline "Physical culture" on the topic: "Fundamentals of the methodology of independent physical exercises."

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A possible connection between sleep disorders in children and adolescents and emotional and behavioral disorders is considered. Data are presented on the relationship of violations of the duration and integrity of sleep with increased emotional reactivity and lability, a high level of anxiety, and symptoms of depression. The relationship between the clinical symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, aggressiveness, poor academic performance and sleep disorders, including against the background of respiratory disorders during sleep, restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movement, is discussed. Data are presented on the characteristic polysomnographic changes detected against the background of the discussed emotional and behavioral disorders in children. A possible pathophysiological substantiation of the revealed associations is given. Practical recommendations are substantiated for the examination of children with complaints of emotional and behavioral disorders for possible concomitant sleep disorders.

2]. The emotional reactivity of the child significantly affects his behavior, which is noticed by educators, teachers and parents, and in schoolchildren, increased emotional reactivity is often combined with aggressive behavior.


Emotional reactivity (33) of cadets of a military university is much higher than emotional sensitivity (25), which is a prerequisite for them to remain calm and quickly respond to an emergency situation.


The activity of acetylcholinesterase was determined quantitatively by the cytochemical method in brain structures (layers III and V of the sensorimotor cortex, caudate nucleus, nucleus accumbens, hippocampus - field CA3) of August and Wistar rats with high and low motor activity in the open field test. It was found that in the studied structures of the brain of August rats, acetylcholinesterase activity prevails in animals with high motor activity compared to rats with low motor activity. In Wistar rats, the differences between the indicators in animals with high and low motor activity are less pronounced, but vary depending on the series of studies. A comparison of August rats with low motor activity and Wistar rats with high motor activity (the maximum difference in motor function in these animals) revealed a significant excess of acetylcholinesterase activity in August rats in layer III of the sensorimotor cortex and no differences in the other studied brain structures of these animals.

GENERAL PATHOLOGY AND PATHOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGY of acetylcholine in the brain was studied differentially, depending on some characteristics of animal behavior (genetically determined emotional reactivity and DA).


In the study of the emotional sphere and LPO processes in adolescents of both sexes aged 14-17 years, suffering from essential arterial hypertension, pronounced changes in the emotional status associated with dysregulation in the LPO-antioxidant defense system were revealed. The emotional sphere in adolescents with hypertension was characterized by increased anxiety combined with emotional lability, a tendency to depressive and aggressive reactions. The most informative indicators describing significant differences in the parameters of the LPO-antioxidant protection system between groups of healthy and hypertensive patients were identified: fatty acids with double bonds, antioxidant activity, retinol. Statistically significant multidirectional correlations between indicators of emotional states and components of the lipid peroxidation-antioxidant protection system were established.

Under these conditions, altered emotional reactivity acquired the role of a trigger that triggered a sequence of psychophysiological and metabolic reactions, which, in turn, could have an inverse effect on the state...


Gender and age, physiological and mental aspects of the formation of students' adaptation to educational activities [Electronic resource] / Stepanchikova, Khitsova // Bulletin of the Voronezh State University. Series: Chemistry. Biology. Pharmacy.- 2006 .- №2 .- S. 167-170 .- Access mode: https://site/efd/524084

The gender and age, physiological and mental aspects of the formation of alaptation of 123 students of the Faculty of Biology and Soil of the Voronezh State University for educational activities were revealed. It has been established that the process of adaptation is carried out in three stages; its dynamics has a different character in boys and girls.

High emotional reactivity, the intensity of excitatory and inhibitory processes are associated with neuroticism and accentuation of hysterical, psychoasthenic and vegetative-vascular symptoms.


The article presents the results of a comparative study of adolescents characterized by exemplary and unsatisfactory behavior. We studied intellectual, neurodynamic, personality traits, as well as the severity of character accentuations in adolescents with different behavior at school. The study revealed the closest relationship between behavior and the nature of the intellectual development of students.

while with a decrease in academic performance, mental stress and emotional reactivity of adolescents will increase.


Systemic diagnostics of a person and the development of mental ...


The book presents innovative theory and practice of systemic psychological diagnostics and development of mental functions. More than 40 diagnostic and correctional-developing methods implemented with the help of the Activationometer hardware and software complex are described in detail. These methods make it possible to diagnose and, in some cases, develop the most significant properties of all the main levels of a person's structure: somatic, psychophysiological, mental states, mental processes, psychological properties of a person. Part of the book is devoted to systemic lie detection.

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Psychological conditions for increasing the efficiency of the process ...


Volitional control is determined mainly by the effectiveness of self-regulation mechanisms. Emotional reactivity as a property of the psyche to respond involuntarily to difficult situations largely depends on its own nervous system.

Preview: Psychological conditions for increasing the effectiveness of the process of forming emotional-volitional stability in soldiers by means of physical training.pdf (0.2 Mb)


Gender differences in the effectiveness of psychotropic and ...

NCFU publishing house

The monograph is the result of a 15-year collaboration between employees of the Department of Medical Biochemistry, Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics and Pharmacy of the North Caucasus Federal University and the Department of Clinical Pharmacology with the FVE course of the Stavropol State Medical University. It is dedicated to solving an important problem for medicine - the study of gender differences in the action of psychotropic and cardiotropic drugs. A comparative analysis of the action of antipsychotic, antidepressant, tranquilizing and cardiovascular drugs in laboratory animals - males and females was carried out, as well as data on the effects of drugs in ovariectomized female rats, including against the background of hormone replacement correction.

In the later periods, compared with the early period, the level of depression and emotional reactivity decreased, but the indicators did not recover to the level in intact females.

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Independent physical culture and sports activities...

The educational-methodical manual contains methodological and practical material for conducting independent physical education classes of various directions.

Persons with such individual characteristics as sociability, social courage, dominance, endurance, plasticity, aggressiveness, emotional reactivity, can be recommended physical exercises that require ...

Preview: Independent physical culture and sports activities of students in the development of physical culture.pdf (0.2 Mb)


Professional orientation as a basic component...

Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports

The monograph is devoted to the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the technology of professional training of a specialist in the system of higher professional and pedagogical education based on the development of a professional orientation as a necessary condition for the formation of the skills of a sports teacher and the successful development of the sphere of "physical culture and sports".

Endurance, activity, emotional reactivity (2001). 15 The most significant scientific contribution to the doctrine of ...... Endurance Emotional reactivity Activity In the works of V.D. Nebylitsyna (1972) also outlined ways to search for common properties...

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No. 3 [Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series "Psychology", 2015]

These indicators include the following psychodiagnostic indicators of the Rorschach test: originality; intellectual initiative; psychophysical activity; emotional reactivity; emotional activation; flexibility.

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Systemic psychological diagnostics using the device "...


The monograph is devoted to psychological research carried out with the help of the “Activationometer” device, developed by prof. Yu.A. Tzagarelli. The results presented in the monograph were obtained using new technologies based on the diagnostic devices of the device. These technologies - lie detection, diagnostics of reliability in extreme situations, determination of the qualitative features of the educational environment - were developed by Doctors of Psychology Yu.A. Tsagarelli and R.F. Suleimanov. The studies were carried out in different fields of activity and at different objects: drivers, teachers, firefighters, managers, which may be of interest to specialists in various fields. It is addressed to teachers, graduate students and students of psychological faculties of universities for in-depth study of practical courses, as well as research specialists in various fields of applied psychology.

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"Scientific Notes of SPbGIPSR" has been published since 2001. The journal collects the best articles of the institute's teachers, as well as scientists and teachers from other universities in St. Petersburg, Russia and other countries. The journal is devoted to a wide range of issues in the field of psychological and social education, theory and practice of psychology and social work, research in the field of applied psychology, various psychological methods are published, as well as reviews of textbooks and other publications by scientists and teachers of the city.

The uncontrollable motor and emotional reactivity inherent in many children in this age period, as well as excessive stubbornness, has a negative, inhibitory effect on the formation of the social intelligence of younger students.


No. 1 [Siberian Psychological Journal, 2009]

The Siberian Psychological Journal is a scientific and practical periodical that publishes original articles on various branches of psychology. The goals of the journal are to disseminate scientific psychological knowledge, support high standards of scientific publication, promote the competitiveness of Russian scientists and the integration of Russian psychological science into the world scientific information space.

Such a property of temperament as emotional reactivity is directly related to emotion-centered coping, and the existence of this type of coping is provided by more primitive psychological defense mechanisms - regression and projection.

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The main directions of development of psychological stability ...


The master's thesis examines the factors that determine the psychological stability of the individual, and contains recommendations for the psychological service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation on the development of psychological stability.

These include: temperament, emotional reactivity, extraversion-introversion and some other qualities. Thus, the answer to the question of personality stability is very ambiguous and indefinite.

Preview: The main directions of development of the psychological stability of the individual.pdf (0.7 Mb)


No. 4 (123) Issue 17/1 [Scientific Bulletin of the Belgorod State University. Series Medicine. Pharmacy, 2012]

The journal is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications published in the Russian Federation, which recommend the publication of the main results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of science. The series "Medicine. Pharmacy" includes articles on clinical and experimental medicine, healthcare organization and health care, hygiene, dentistry, gerontology, pharmacology and pharmacy

Emotional reactivity reached the values ​​of the control group, and in comparison with mice exposed to acute hypoxia, it was significantly (75%) lower.

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No. 4 [Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics, 2014]

The former name "Issues of protection of motherhood and childhood" is one of the oldest scientific and practical journals (issued since 1956). The journal reflects modern trends in the diagnosis and treatment of childhood diseases in various fields of medicine: neonatology and perinatology; of cardio-vascular system; gastroenterology; nephrology and urology; pulmonology and allergology; psychoneurology, etc. The publication contains discussion and lecture articles, literature reviews and abstracts of articles published in foreign journals. Traditionally, the journal acquaints readers with the materials of scientific congresses, congresses and other medical forums related to the issues of perinatology and pediatrics.

Initiation, duration, consolidation and quality of sleep. The high emotional reactivity of the child can also be combined with such sleep disorders, which are referred to as parasomnias (various episodic events that occur during sleep).

Preview: Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics No. 4 2014.pdf (0.2 Mb)


The article describes the stage-by-stage organization of social project activities in the course of training future specialists in the social sphere in the conditions of higher professional education.

To the behavior of others, emotional reactivity, the reflexive readiness of a specialist for future professional activity is revealed, which is the key to its success. At the same time, according to our research (2012-2013), it has...


Teaching practice

Pedagogical practice of students of the Pedagogical University is an integral part of the educational program of higher professional education. During this period, the student masters a variety of functions and forms a new level of relationships (with students, their parents, teachers). The goals and scope of teaching practice are determined by the relevant state educational standards.

4. Emotional reactivity 1) always emotionally reacts to any life phenomena, he can be deeply, to tears, excited by a story, a movie; 2) there is little that can deeply excite him; 3) 4) 5. General emotional tone 1) usually...

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Psychological workshop. Feeling. Perception.

Omsk State University

The laboratory works that have become classic in the study of sensation, perception, and representation are presented. The manual consists of three sections: the first is devoted to the study of the properties of the nervous system, the second - to the study of various properties and mechanisms of sensations and perceptions, the third - to the study of representations. The manual highlights a number of requirements for the design of laboratory work. For students of the Faculty of Psychology.

equilibrium (more unstable in the excitable type, inert in the inhibitory type, etc.); 3) emotional reactivity is due to the effect of stimuli on receptors (greater in a weak type, smallest in a strong, balanced, sedentary ...

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No. 2 [News of the Baltic State Academy of the Fishing Fleet, 2012]

Includes scientific articles on topical issues of professional teacher education. The authors consider various aspects of pedagogical activity that allow solving specific problems of professional pedagogical education. Designed for a wide range of scientists, specialists in the field of theory and methodology of professional education, graduate students, doctoral students and applicants. Included in the VAK List

qualities associated with the general type of higher nervous activity are stable: temperamental features, neuroticism, emotional reactivity, extra-introversion, however, their changes can be fixed in the course of personality formation.

Preview: Proceedings of the Baltic State Academy of the Fishing Fleet Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences No. 2 2012.pdf (0.6 Mb)


No. 5 [Siberian Ecological Journal, 2010]

Main scientific directions: * theoretical and methodological issues of ecology * regional aspects of ecology * zones of ecological disasters * structure and functioning of ecosystems * anthropogenic transformation of ecosystems

When analyzing such parameters of individual behavior as emotional reactivity in the “open field” and “risk test”, significant differences were revealed between settlements with different densities of breeding individuals.

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No. 1 [Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series "Psychology", 2016]

The journal is intended for psychologists and specialists in other related fields, it covers topical problems of modern psychology.

Realism of perception (popularity of interpretations, pop) Flexibility of thinking (f) Compositionality of thinking (Z) Share of variance Factor 2 Emotional reactivity (ΣС) Intellectual control (F%) Share of variance Factor structure of leadership (in...

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No. 5 [Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2016]

The journal contains the planned work of scientific research institutions in the form of brief original reports on topical issues of biology and medicine, containing new significant scientific results. Editor-in-Chief Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.A. Tutelyan Headings of the journal “Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine”: - Physiology - General pathology and pathological physiology - Biophysics and biochemistry - Pharmacology and toxicology - New drugs - Immunology and microbiology - Allergology - Genetics - Virology - Oncology - Ecology - Nanotechnologies - New biomedical technologies - Experimental methods - clinic - Biogerontology - Primatology - Sports medicine - Experimental biology - Morphology and pathomorphology - Methods.

At the same time, emotional reactivity, emotional anxiety, and orienting–exploratory activity practically did not differ from control animals (intact and CC groups).

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The monograph is devoted to one of the topical problems of psychological and pedagogical theory and practice. It analyzes the results of studying the factors of the process of socio-psychological adaptation of schoolchildren, which determine the dynamic features of its course in critical periods of development. The paper presents the concept of a practice-oriented model of supporting the socio-psychological adaptation of schoolchildren, based on an individual typological approach to the prevention and correction of risk factors for the adaptation process during age-related crises.

in relation to adults and children, the emotional unattractiveness of parents, the failure of social contacts with peers, anxiety in situations of school and interpersonal interaction, emotional distress, self-doubt ...



No. 4 [Bulletin of the Voronezh State University. Series: Chemistry. Biology. Pharmacy, 2014]

The journal is included in the HAC List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of science should be published

elements of behavior - patterns. the integral characteristics of behavior were also studied: emotional reactivity (er), emotional anxiety (et), orienting-exploratory activity (oia) and mobility coefficient (kP). er...

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#1 (37) [Special Education, 2015]

Included in the VAK List

Motor-speech processes associated with the predominance of the properties of special mobility and excitability;  increased emotional reactivity, prolonged by the child's readiness to vividly express his neurotic reactions in communication with.

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Emotional development of the child studies.-method. allowance

Publishing house of ZabGGPU

The teaching aid describes the features of the development of the child's emotions at different age stages. The manual provides methods for diagnosing emotional states, as well as methods for correcting and enriching the child's emotional sphere. The manual contains a glossary of terms and a list of references.

Modification) 6 Emotional reactivity: Emotivity (scheme by E. V. Nikiforova) Fact of emotional stress (scheme by E. I. Izotova) Emotional style (scheme by E. I. Izotova) Children's version of the emotional stability scale ...

Preview: Emotional development of the child teaching aid Vinogradova N. I., Nikitina N. B.; Transbaikal. state gum.-ped. un-t. .pdf (0.3 Mb)


Projective psychodiagnostics studies. allowance

Moscow: MGI im. E.R. Dashkova

The textbook attempts to introduce readers to some projective techniques that are examples of the practice of psychological research of personality. In the description and list of these techniques, the views of a number of authors are given, who apply the techniques from the point of view of various projection theories. The bulk of the statistical data was obtained by the author experimentally in the course of real psychodiagnostic activity outside the laboratory.

Controlled emotionality Piotrovsky Emotional reactivity / vyyrupruP vyolet Fio - orange White - es ry 115 Black ... affective stimulation Fixation, rigidity emptiness Emotional neutrality repression, suppression ...

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Toxicology with the basics of ecotoxicology studies. allowance

The manual contains basic knowledge of general toxicology, industrial toxicology and environmental toxicology. The main classifications of toxic substances, the mechanisms of their action on the human body, addiction and combined action of poisons, toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics, the biological characteristics of the body with a toxic effect, the toxicological characteristics of the main industrial poisons, the main directions for the prevention of occupational poisoning, the basics of ecological toxicology are presented.

When analyzing the results of experiments in the "open field", three main characteristics of the individual behavior of animals are distinguished: ER - emotional reactivity: the sum of the "sitting" and "freezing" postures.


Emotional process in the nuclear family

There may be several mechanisms in the family that reduce general anxiety. It is usually easiest to identify the pattern of emotional functioning that contributes to the manifestation of clinical dysfunction and for which the family has sought therapeutic help. It is much more difficult to determine the relationships that caused the occurrence of severe symptoms or less severe disorders in the past. Perhaps the father will not voluntarily talk about the fact that he has been abusing alcohol for a long time. However, if you ask him how he copes with his anxiety, it is quite possible that he will talk about what he drinks. It is possible that the father drank heavily for a number of years and at the same time managed to maintain a quite adequate level of functioning in many areas of life. His son, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia a few years ago, may be the main problem of the family and the very person for whom the parents sought therapeutic help. In this case, the main mechanism that absorbs the non-differentiation of the family is excessive involvement in the problems of the son. The second mechanism is tolerance for the peculiarities of the functioning of one of the spouses. The direction of the emotional process in the main family can be represented in several ways. It can be designated as “spouse dysfunction”, it can be depicted symbolically using arrows or broken lines, in addition, the direction of the emotional process in this family with the main symptom of schizophrenia in the son and the secondary symptom of alcoholism in the father can be depicted as in the diagram (Figure 7) .

Rice. 7. The thick arrow from mother to son means that the main form of emotional functioning in the family is the process of family projection. Thin arrows pointing down for the father and up for the mother mean that the secondary form of emotional functioning in the family is dysfunction of one of the spouses.


Determining the events or stressors that led to the emotional imbalance of the family is the fourth component of the family diagnosis. After identifying specific events, a qualitative assessment of the overall level of stress in the family is given. When talking about stress, they point to an event, and not to the family's reaction to this event. But at the same time, an emotionally “overloaded” sequence of reactions that began in response to an event and caused certain “shifts” in the system of family relationships is often a much greater and more intense source of stress than the event itself.

Stressors can be current events or past events in the nuclear and extended family systems. Often stressors in a nuclear family system are events such as marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, separation of spouses, divorce, departure or departure of a child from home, moving to a family for the cohabitation of a grandmother, grandfather or any relative of one of the spouses, serious illness or injury, significant change in occupational status, financial instability and family relocation. Events in the extended family system such as the death of a parent, the divorce of a sibling, a serious illness, injury or traumatic event, and moving relatives are also potential stressors for the nuclear family. The importance of events, their number and time intervals between them, as a rule, determine the level of stress in the family. The level of stress can be described either in points - "from 0 to 4", "from 1 to 10", or qualitatively - "moderate - severe".

Emotional reactivity

The assessment of the level of chronic anxiety or emotional reactivity in the nuclear family is based on a number of indicators: the number of symptoms in the family, the degree of decline in the level of functioning associated with these symptoms, the increase in distance and / or the number of conflicts in family relationships, and the level of anxiety and reactivity in family members. . Anxiety and reactivity can manifest themselves in so many different ways that assessing their level in individual family members can be quite difficult. One spouse may show outward calmness, because he is convinced that it is the other spouse who is to blame for what happened. His conviction is a form of manifestation of reactivity. A parent can remain calm because he cannot accept the idea that his son or daughter has problems. The parent's refusal to acknowledge that there is a problem is a form of reactivity. On the other hand, the spouse may appear to be quite reactive, trying to send numerous alarm signals to others. But for himself, such signals may simply be a way to maintain inner balance and tranquility. Because there is no instrument to measure anxiety or reactivity, the clinician usually evaluates a particular family in comparison to other families.

Main family adaptability

The adaptability of the main family is assessed by comparing the level of emotional reactivity of the family with the level of stress experienced. A high level of emotional reactivity in response to a low level of stress is associated with a low level of adaptability. A low level of emotional reactivity in response to a high level of stress is associated with a high level of adaptability.

Assessing family functioning during periods of increased stress and assessing family stress levels during periods of unusually intense symptoms provide insight into the overall adaptability of the family.

In addition to the level of anxiety or emotional reactivity and the level of stress, when evaluating adaptability, the therapist must also consider and consider the ways in which the family regulates their anxiety. The use of specific anxiety management techniques can prevent a family from developing clinical symptoms for many years. Outwardly, the family can demonstrate fairly good adaptability, but this impression is sometimes deceptive. The family can function for a long period without any symptoms, but when they suddenly appear, they are extremely serious.

When there are many symptoms in a family, their presence in itself is a source of stress. It often looks like the family is under severe stress. However, upon closer examination, it turns out that the main stressors of a particular family are not very different from those faced by other families, for example, the birth of a child, financial difficulties, transitions in children, the death of a parent of one of the spouses, etc. Many people believe that they are under "tremendous" pressure of stress, but their perception is more related to their reactions to the presence of stress than to its actual level.

Stability and integrity of the extended family

Stability is correlated with the average level of functioning of extended family members. Integrity is associated with the question of which members of the extended system are alive and available for interaction. These parameters are similar, but not equivalent, to the base level of differentiation.
The stability and integrity of the extended family of each spouse is assessed separately. A 1 to 5 scale can be used to quantify. A score of "5" could be given to such an extended family system in which the average level of functioning of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, siblings is stable in most parameters. There may be some problems in the family, but they are not the main ones. In addition, a score of "5" is also given to such a family system in which a sufficient number of relatives are alive and available for the nuclear family being evaluated. A score of "1" could be given to such an extended family in which the average level of functioning of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, siblings is unstable in many respects. The influence of the symptomatic personality extends almost to the entire system, and the symptoms themselves are often quite severe. In this extended family there may be people whose functioning is more or less stable, but they are in a clear minority. In addition, an expanded system could be rated "1" if many of its important members have died or are not available to the family being assessed. It's a very fragmented family system.

A nuclear family with a clearly unstable and fragmented extended system is in a completely different position compared to a nuclear family with a clearly stable and viable extended family system.

Severing emotional ties

All people have some kind of unresolved problem in the area of ​​emotional attachments with their parents and relatives from extended family systems. The lower the level of differentiation of the Self, the more problems with emotional attachments. The regulation of these unresolved emotional problems is carried out by establishing the degree of emotional break or cooling of the relationship. This gap is fixed in maintaining one or another physical and/or emotional distance. A person who is physically separated from his family often justifies this by saying that he needs to gain independence from his parents. He usually denies his emotional dependence on other people and is prone to changing relationships when it becomes difficult for him to regulate their emotional level. A person who is in close physical contact with his family often feels too dependent on it to decide to leave it. However, he can make this break internally, intrapsychically, in order to cope with the intensity of the emotional attachment. The psychotic person who lives with his parents does just that. There are a wide variety of gradations of emotional breaks.

Although the act of cutting ties with other people is to some extent an automatic emotional process, there is also an element of conscious choice involved. In a psychotic personality, this process is largely involuntary, automatic. In well-functioning people, the question of whether or not to maintain contact with other people is more the result of a conscious choice. A person who has difficulty interacting with other people finds it easier to avoid them than to deal with them. This avoidance is easily justified by the fact that his family is "simply unbearable." People with the same level of self differentiation may make different decisions about how they should build their relationships with their families. One person can significantly reduce contact with his family and focus on new relationships. Another may decide to stay in contact with his family and try to deal with the confusion and relationship disorder that exists in the family. Each of these people has the same level of differentiation, but one person is more separated from his family than the other. A person who has a smaller family gap has a more reliable emotional support system than a person whose ties to relatives are more severed. A lonely person during periods of stress is more prone to the development of various symptoms in him and is more prone to changing relationships.

Assessing the degree of emotional separation is often difficult because not all extended family members living close to each other have the same emotional contact with the family, just as not all relatives living far from the family have the same emotional contact with the family. Therefore, physical distance or proximity are not reliable indicators of an emotional break. The gap is assessed based on information about the quality of emotional contact between people. High quality contact is not the equivalent of "total openness", "truthfulness" or "harmony" in the relationship. It is also not the equivalent of people's ability to "resist" difficulties in relationships with each other. The insistence on "total openness" or "confrontation" is often just a way of coping with emotional "fusion." The emotional gap is minimal when people interact consistently with each other on the basis of mutual respect and are able to listen to each other without emotional reactivity that impairs the ability to “listen” to the thoughts and feelings of the interlocutor. In addition, the emotional gap is minimal when people do not need to enter into triangles in order to maintain relationships.

An assessment of the degree of emotional rupture can be carried out on a scale of "0 to 5". A person with an emotional gap level of "5" is either physically unable to exist within his family without having serious health problems, or cannot even imagine that he is able to even meet or talk with his family members at least once. . A person who has completely severed ties with his family is very vulnerable: he may develop health problems if his "substitute" relationship suddenly breaks down. For example, a complete alcoholic can get a score of "5" on the emotional gap scale with his parental family. He also destroyed other emotionally significant relationships. A person who is rated "4" on this scale has some contacts, at least with individual members of the family system, but he takes part in family affairs extremely rarely, does it formally and is very unpredictable in his actions. He is sufficiently detached from the problems of the family, so that the family does not consider him an active member of the system. In the family, he is considered an occasional "visitor", and not a person who can be relied upon and who can take responsibility for solving family problems. A person with a score of 4 on this indicator may even live within a family, but is emotionally isolated, either because of problems with alcohol or drugs, or because of physical problems or social isolation. He is, however, not as isolated as a chronic psychotic personality.

At the other end of the continuum is a person whose Emotional Gap score is 0. Such a person takes part in all important affairs and events of his parental family. Regardless of whether he lives close or far from the main family members, he is aware of their affairs, reacts with interest to all emotionally significant events associated with them, and especially with their parents. They are also informed about his life, maintain a good relationship with him. Members of the parental family know that they can rely on him, and he knows that he can rely on the family. He will not shy away from hardships or the not-so-pleasant duties of family affairs. A person with an Emotional Gap score of 1 is less consistent in their emotional relationships with the family than a person with a zero Emotional Gap score. For example, he may keep a distance in his relationship with his uncle (father's brother) because of conflicts between his father and that brother. The emotional contacts of this person with different family members are slightly more uneven and emotionally reactive than those of a person with an "O" score. Indicators "2" and "3" can be used to describe the average values ​​of the emotional gap.



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