Nervousness And Irritability - Causes. Severe irritability: causes of constant increased anxiety, what pills are needed for weakness, fatigue, headaches and nerves - BeLadies

/ 21.03.2018

Strong nervousness treated. Irritability: what causes it and how to deal with it

What is irritation? Experts describe the condition as a manifestation of negative emotions on any situation or person. The causes of irritability are varied, it can be a symptom of a disease or a property of character. But outbursts of anger spoil relationships with other people. How to deal with irritability?

Why am I irritated

What do they say about excessive irritability? Under irritation and irritability understand increased excitability. A person reacts with anger to any insignificant situation. Any little thing causes nervousness and irritability. Why is this happening? Consider the main causes of irritability.

Feature of the nervous system

With choleric temperament, irascibility is not a pathology. Usually such people quickly calm down and can ask for forgiveness for an outburst of anger.

Stressful situation

Irritability sometimes manifests itself when changing jobs, moving, prolonged stress, chronic lack of sleep. A person may be in a bad mood due to illness, fatigue. As a result, even the most calm people can get nervous and annoyed. In most cases, the mood and emotional sphere returns to normal when the life situation improves.

Alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco addiction

In this case, a person reacts with anger in the absence of a certain substance that causes withdrawal. Increased irritability is associated with addiction syndrome, which leads to severe physical and emotional discomfort.

Hormonal disbalance

Increased nervousness often occurs during pregnancy, during menopause and premenstrual syndrome.

Diseases of the internal organs

With any illness, not only fatigue can occur, but also excessive irritability. Symptoms are especially characteristic of thyroid diseases, neurological problems.

Psychological difficulties

  1. Depression. The disease is combined with low mood, there is fatigue, insomnia. Sleep disturbance can cause nervousness.
  2. neuroses. Fatigue, anxiety, symptoms of depression, constant irritability can be symptoms of neurosis.
  3. Post-traumatic stress disorder. The condition occurs in people who have experienced severe trauma. In addition to apathy, there are angry reactions, insomnia, nightmares, obsessive thoughts.

Psychiatric diseases

  1. Schizophrenia. At the onset of the disease, unexplained irritability and aggression may be the first signs. Schizophrenia is combined with isolation, anger, suspicion.
  2. Dementia. A disease of the elderly, people acquire it after a stroke or age-related changes. In young patients, dementia occurs due to infections, severe traumatic brain injuries. Patients with dementia are prone to outbursts of anger, tearfulness, fatigue, impaired logic, memory and speech. Irritability is combined with anger, patients cannot explain the reason for their anger.

How to deal with irritation?

If strong nervousness and outbursts of anger interfere with life, loved ones suffer, you should use the recommendations of specialists. It is important to identify the cause and exclude a serious disease. Sometimes it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, and not a single symptom. How to deal with irascibility and irritability?

Close attention to yourself

It is worth paying attention to your body, mood. It is useful to analyze. What makes you angry? What situations? It can be hunger, fatigue, discomfort. Psychologists recommend taking into account their physical needs in order not to let the soul into discontent.

Physical activity

Constant (sleep from 3 to 6 hours a day) in a week or two will lead to a state of chronic overwork. The constant desire for sleep causes nervousness, irritability, provokes aggression, nervous breakdowns on others. Naturally, in this state, it is difficult for a person to establish comfortable relationships both at work and in his personal life. Healthy sleep should last at least 7 hours (and with prolonged sleep deprivation, sometimes 12 hours of sleep will not be enough for the body to rest).

For the treatment of irritability, it is not recommended to resort to the use of alcohol and other alcoholic beverages; the same warning applies to smoking. Why? Because during smoking and drinking alcohol, the cells of the body (that is, all internal organs, including the brain and heart) are deprived of oxygen. Therefore, gradually, dose by dose, you destroy brain cells.

Alcohol dulls the sense of reality, a person forgets about all the reasons that could cause him irritability. But, at the same time, you run the risk of acquiring a bad habit that is difficult to eradicate. Alcohol leads to depression and the final loss of the meaning of life.

Allegedly harmless coffee and tea also contribute to the fact that a person becomes active, vigorous for a while, but after a while, weakness and fatigue again make themselves felt. The maximum amount of coffee you can drink is 2 cups per day.


Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of irritability, nervousness, stress and depression:

  • Take 1 tsp. seeds, pour 1 cup boiling water and soak in a warm place for 1 hour. After - take the infusion as a medicine 4 times a day, 2 tbsp.
  • 1 tbsp motherwort herb is mixed with fresh zest of 1 lemon and 250 ml of boiling water. You need to insist on the medicine for 3 hours, take 3-4 times a day after meals, 1 tbsp.
  • Therapeutic mixture for increased irritability and disorders of the central nervous system - 500 ml of honey, 3 lemons, 1.5 tbsp. walnuts, 3 tbsp. alcohol tincture of hawthorn, 3 tbsp. valerian. The ingredients must be crushed in a blender and consumed before meals as a medicine, 1 tbsp.
  • Hot bath with motherwort herb and valerian.

Pharmaceutical remedies for irritability

Pharmaceutical agents can be used to combat irritability and nervousness. Before using them, you must first consult with your doctor.

Irritability is a general name for manifestations of excessive, excessive sensitivity to everyday impressions, both pleasant and, most often, unpleasant, especially those addressed to self-esteem. For the most part, it is characterized as constantly arising, but short-term outbursts of discontent, relatively shallow manifestations of hostility, verbal and indirect aggression, focused on someone or something. (Glossary of terms Zhmurova V.A.)

Everyone's irritability manifests itself in different ways: some are overcome by anger and aggression, others are struggling to restrain themselves, experiencing an internal storm of emotions. In any case, if you are annoyed, it means that you are emotionally reacting to the situation, and it is significant for you.

Irritation - like any emotion - is a signal of our inner "I". It occurs when there is something or someone that does not meet our expectations and ideas, some kind of situation that takes us out of our comfort zone. Irritation seems to tell us: “Stop. Look around. There is something that you don't like and that bothers you. You can change that." Such a feeling can arise at different moments of life, it is experienced by all people. And that's okay.

When we talk about irritability, we already have in mind a not very pleasant trait of character, the property of a person to often react to others, showing precisely a feeling of annoyance and discontent.

Causes of irritability

Psychologists identify several causes of irritability: psychological and physiological. Psychological reasons include fatigue, lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, depression, etc. All these factors lead to a weakening of the nervous system, which eventually begins to respond to the stimulus.

For physiological reasons, attribute the lack of any vitamins or trace elements in the body. For example, experts say that women who are on a diet are often irritated. This happens due to the fact that any diet is accompanied by a vitamin deficiency, which provokes a similar condition. Also, do not forget that the source of anger can be substances that have entered our body from the outside. This is, for example, alcohol or certain medications.

The cause of irritation may be a certain obstacle., which occurs on the way to the intended goal. And as a result, a person reacts with irritation to this interference, which violated his plans. People can act as a hindrance, and circumstances can also. Only one person will be helped by his annoyance and anxiety to gather himself, rethink his actions and achieve the desired goal ..

The other one may go into irritability, that is, he will begin to react painfully to the very situation of failure, to the people who surround him, to some little things that may not even be related to the obstacle he faced. Such a state does not help to overcome the obstacle and get out of the current situation, but only aggravates it. The result is anger, anger and aggression. Contacting a psychologist or psychotherapist will be the best way out, but it will save time and internal resources that are needed to solve the problem.

In fact, irritation is just an emotion that is provoked by the environment and people. And how we react to it, nevertheless, depends precisely on our own perception. And different people can have completely different attitudes to the same situation. In one, she will cause anger and anger, in another she may seem funny and cheerful, and in the third she will feel fear at all. For example, a broken plate will cause positive emotions in one person, he will think that this is fortunate and to some extent he will even be pleased with such an incident. For another, this situation will leave sadness and sadness, because. it was his favorite plate. And the third one will fall into anger and aggression, because cleaning up the fragments was not included in his plans.

Also, a person is annoyed by what he is internally unable to accept in other people. It can be certain beliefs that go against his principles. And a person is sure that he is right, that his actions are correct and that everyone should agree with him and act exactly like him. Therefore, when people with a different worldview, with different habits, meet on the way, many simply cannot internally come to terms with this. From this we can conclude that we ourselves can be the cause of our irritability. After all, if certain factors irritate us, this means that they own us, that we allow them to firmly settle in our subconscious.

How to get rid of irritability

Everyone knows that an outburst of emotions in some cases is even useful. But often irritability goes beyond all limits and eventually becomes our negative habit. Here urgent action is needed.

Sometimes, to get rid of the source of irritation, a radical change in the situation is needed. You need to get rid of the person who causes negative emotions, stop watching news and programs that can lead to depression, or stop reading certain information on the Internet that has a negative impact. It follows that sometimes, in order to get rid of the feeling of irritability, it is enough just to get rid of the irritant.

But this will only work in a single situation. It also happens that we remove the source of irritation, but instead of the long-awaited peace, there is a new “violator”. This happens when some object is a kind of "pear" to accommodate our emotions of anger and discontent. Therefore, getting rid of the source in this case does not help - our feelings remain with us, and subconsciously we are looking for a new reason that will allow us to react to what is happening to us.

You may find that annoying situations are many. But they are all connected by something in common, it can be some character traits in others, a violation of your personal space, a violation of obligations assumed by others, and much more.

And here the question arises, how do you deal with it? Are you able to protect yourself from situations that are chronically traumatic? Can you convey to another what is a constant source of irritation for you and change the relationship? Can you minimize contact with people you don't like? Are you able to see and recognize the shortcomings of character, not only your own, but also others?

The answers to these questions can be found on your own or with the help of a specialist. They very often contain an understanding of the source of irritability - and this is already the first step towards changing your emotional state and getting rid of your irritability.

It also happens that it is incredibly difficult to find the cause of your irritation. A person is involved in different situations, each of which can become a reason for anger and aggression. In this situation, experts in the field of psychology recommend writing down things that cause negative emotions every day for a week. Irritants can be completely different factors, including little things. For example, a picky boss or a queue in a store.

If there are many situations that annoy you, and sometimes you are even surprised at the strength and harshness of your own reactions that arise in some insignificant moments, it's time to seek help. Here the matter will no longer be in the situation, but either

  • in the characteristics of your personality, excessive impressionability and anxiety (for example, very vulnerable people often cover up internal defenselessness with aggression),
  • in an acute stressful situation and depletion of internal resources (increased irritability may, for example, appear when it is necessary to care for a seriously ill relative).
  • in your readiness for the fact that you will be “attacked”, criticized, condemned, devalued your views, etc., which means - for an increased readiness to react aggressively and with irritation,

Psychotherapy for irritability

We are not always able to control our emotions. And sometimes it is not possible to find the true causes of irritability. In addition, such a search can lead, for example, to the use of alcohol. This method relieves nervous tension and improves mood, but only for a while.

In a situation where irritability goes beyond all boundaries and causes emotional distress, it would be best to resort to the help of a psychotherapist. He will help to understand the causes of irritability, as well as give the right recommendations in order to avoid a state of oppression and irritation. A specialist seeks an individual approach to each client, applies a special set of techniques that will be most effective for him.

The basis of psychotherapy in such a situation is aimed at ensuring that the client, first of all, can understand himself, understand what exactly causes attacks of anger and aggression in him and why this happens. And the task of a specialist is to help the client answer these questions and teach him to react less painfully to certain events and situations in life. Therefore, the first meeting with a psychotherapist most often consists in a diagnostic conversation, on the basis of which an individual methodology is formed to deal with the problem.

An integral part of psychotherapy is the technique of relaxation and self-control. After the client learns to control himself, the number of bouts of irritation will noticeably decrease. Your well-being will gradually return to normal, your mood and quality of life will improve. The help of a qualified specialist in problems of irritability gives a positive result, teaches you to relate to many things much easier and simpler.

People react differently to this or that situation, for some this cannot cause special emotions, while others will throw them all out in a fit with great force. Such increased excitability in psychology is called irritability. It can manifest itself at any age, while having, at the same time, various symptoms.

An irritated person always causes negative emotions, he can be rude, insult and even cause physical harm. Often, irritability is considered a sign of temperament, in which case it is very difficult to deal with its manifestations. But there are times when strong irritability arises as a result of the influence of external and internal factors. Why does it occur and how to deal with it?

Causes of irritability

Almost everyone is familiar with irritability, it often occurs as a reaction to a person's hectic lifestyle, which brings fatigue and frequent emotional upheavals.

Experts divide all causes into four groups, depending on the source of excitability:

  • genetic factors;
  • Psychological factors;
  • Physiological factors;
  • pathological factors.

The genetic factor manifests itself if the increased excitability and irritability is inherited. In this case, it becomes a bright trait of character and does not require treatment. The only thing that needs to be clarified is that it is usually difficult for such a person to adapt to society.

Psychological reasons include a number of factors that affect the emotional and psychological state of a person:

Doctors believe that this is increased excitability, a tendency to negative emotional reactions in response to situations that are inadequate in their significance.

What is irritability?

We all tend to get irritable from time to time. And no wonder, because every day we are haunted by stress, trouble at work, problems with home. Yes, and we feel ourselves sometimes, frankly, it doesn’t matter. But it’s one thing when a person gets nervous and calmed down, and another thing is when, for the slightest reason, he loses his temper, screams and snaps at others, finds fault with trifles.

They usually say about such people: "heavy character". Literally everything annoys these people: bad weather, minor traffic problems, soft reproaches of the wife (husband), innocent pranks of the child. But why do people react differently to similar situations, why do some have enough self-control and restraint, while others give free rein to their nerves? What is irritability?

Irritability is largely determined by the type of human nervous system. It can be congenital, hereditary due to a character trait, or the result of adverse influences and certain environmental conditions, such as:

  • severe stress;
  • responsible work;
  • an impossible task;
  • constant lack of time.

The most surprising thing is that a person does not know why he loses control over himself. Subsequently, he may regret his words, spoken in the heat of anger, and some reckless actions. Often irritable people are aggressive, which makes others treat them with caution. But aggressiveness is already an alarming symptom, since many mental disorders manifest themselves in this way.

If the irritability is only temporary, chances are your "thick skin" has suddenly worn out and you've begun to notice things that previously left you indifferent. A sudden malfunction of the car causes an outburst of rage, and you respond to some well-meaning criticism of your colleagues with such a tirade, which they then remember for a long time.

However, irritability can accompany almost every disease. Very often, people who find out that they are sick with something become irritable and angry at the whole world, without themselves understanding why this is happening to them.

Causes of irritability

Irritability can be a sign of:

  • colds;
  • alcohol or drug abuse;
  • stress
  • schizophrenia.

Interestingly, in schizophrenia, irritability and aggressiveness are directed only at close people of the patient.

A special form of irritability observed in premenstrual syndrome- 2-3 days before menstruation, a woman becomes nervous, suspicious, restless, does not tolerate the slightest discomfort.

Thyroid diseases with strengthening of its function are accompanied by:

  • severe irritability;
  • impulsiveness;
  • significant weight loss;
  • feeling of rapid heartbeat.

Irritability can be a symptom of the following diseases:

Treatment for irritability

Since too many factors contribute to the appearance of irritability, if these disorders are repeated or persistent, they should be brought to the attention of a doctor.

Which doctor should I contact?

Irritability greatly spoils the quality of life of a person and his loved ones. Constant nervous tension can cause problems at work and in your personal life.

Here are some tips to help you deal with irritability:

  • endocrinologist;
  • psychiatrist;

Folk remedies for irritability

Dried mint leaves or lemon balm pour boiling water in the ratio of 1 tablespoon to 1 glass, leave for 1 hour and drink half a glass three times a day before meals.
Dried valerian root grind on a grater, brew one teaspoon in a glass of boiling water, let cool and strain. Take a whole glass before bed every day.
Take 20 gr. dried willow-herb leaves, pour into a thermos, pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for half a day. Then drink half a glass of decoction 3-4 times a day.
Take 50 gr. viburnum berries, pour 600 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 3 hours and drink half a glass each time before meals.
Calm the nervous system and boost immunity honey. Take 500 gr. of this product, the pulp of three lemons, 20 gr. walnuts, 10 ml of tincture of valerian and hawthorn. Mix the ingredients and store in the refrigerator. Eat 10 gr. every time after meals and at night.

How to get rid of irritability?

If your irritability is a condition that they say that the person got up on the wrong foot, or you just feel out of place, try using the following recommendations.

If you feel like you've become more irritable, take some time to think about why.

Establishing the cause will help you recognize the temporary nature of irritability. You must understand that you just need to be more patient and considerate of those around you. This will keep you from saying and doing things that you may regret later. If you know in advance that every month, two days before your period, you will become overly irritable, it will be easier for you to control your emotions.

You don't have to hide your feelings

Instead of hiding them, simply warn others that you are angry on certain days. People get worse if they do not admit their experiences to others. If you do not explain to others that you have increased irritability, they will perceive your behavior with complete bewilderment.

But if you tell them, "I want to warn you that I might do something wrong today. If I seem too rude, please excuse me," it will help people understand your actions and defuse the situation,

Try to distract yourself from the things that annoy you by switching to another activity.

There is an old saying that says: "A man busy with business does not harm others." Some people just need to find something to do. Go for a walk, do laundry, write a letter to someone, water the lawn.

You need to do something to reduce stress and kill time. This will only take you 15 minutes or an hour, depending on how quickly you calm down. In this way, you can prevent impulsive actions.

You must make sure that your thoughts and actions are subject to your conscious control.

If you have any of the above, it is likely that You are not ready act wisely in a difficult situation. If at this point you have to run into someone, you are likely to cause even more disagreement or complicate the situation than you will be able to settle things.

Learn to restrain yourself

When someone annoys you and you feel ready to explode if you join the conversation at that moment, wait a while. Postpone discussion of this matter until you feel you can do so in a calm manner.

Set yourself up in a positive way

When you find yourself having dark thoughts like, "Looks like today is going to be a terrible day for me," try to replace their positive thoughts.

When you wake up in a bad mood, close your eyes for a minute and try to imagine another picture how calm and wonderful you will spend this day.

Have conversations with yourself positive direction. Ask yourself: “I would like to know what good awaits me today?”, “I wonder what new things I have to learn today?”.

Repeat phrases with words such as "achieve", "succeed" more often so that they are imprinted on your head and help overcome

Irritability in women

Increased irritability in women may be associated with character traits or be a sign of the development of a disease. The appearance of a problem is said to be when a person abruptly changes his typical behavior.

However, only a doctor can determine the cause of increased irritability after examining the patient. The problem can be associated with both the nervous system and diseases of some internal organs.


Women suffer from this problem much more often than men. Irritability in women is due to the fact that their nervous system has increased excitability.

In addition, the constant hormonal fluctuations associated with the menstrual cycle significantly affect mood swings. Experts identify pathological causes of irritability in women:

  • ovarian diseases;
  • drug addiction;
  • thyroid disease;
  • mental illness (neurosis, schizophrenia and others).

A nervous person is characterized by repetitive movements. A woman can continuously walk around the room, swing her leg or tap her fingers on the table. Such actions help relieve emotional stress.

Irritability and aggression quite often speaks of psychological overwork, severe stress or anxiety. Such manifestations are considered quite normal and disappear after the resolution of the conflict or problem.

A woman cannot independently determine the cause of irritability and aggressiveness. Only a qualified doctor can cope with this after a comprehensive examination of the patient. Diagnostics will help to understand what exactly caused the problem.


After examining and identifying the causes of the problem, the doctor will develop for the patient individual therapy plan.

To cope with irritability in women, the following methods of treatment will help:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • reflexology;
  • hypnosis.

If the problem is caused by any disease, then the therapy will be aimed at treating the underlying cause. For example, in case of depression, antidepressants, tranquilizers, homeopathic anti-stress drugs are prescribed. Particular attention is paid to the normalization of sleep, diet.

In addition to drug therapy, various modern psychotherapeutic techniques are also used. Auto-training, breathing practices and other ways to deal with irritability help the body cope with difficult stressful situations.

Hormonal disorders in women that affect behavior are also treated with medications. If the problem is related to malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, then surgery may be prescribed. Removing the node or the affected part of this organ will help to cope with irritability and aggression.

Irritability in men

Male irritability syndrome is the result of stress, lack of sleep, fear of aging. Besides, men over 40 subject to testosterone fluctuations. In this case, the following symptoms appear:

  • drowsiness;
  • prostration;
  • premorbid condition;
  • mood changes;
  • sexual activity or inactivity.

With testosterone surges, a man behaves like a woman in PMS, sometimes even worse. Boys are taught from childhood not to cry, and they get used to holding back their emotions. But, hormones will change even the most brutal man. Increased emotionality and a tendency to sort things out is not only a women's priority. Insidious testosterone makes a weak and vulnerable creature out of a strong man.

At first glance, this problem is solved quite easily - testosterone injections. But, this is a rather expensive pleasure, which not everyone can afford, besides, only a doctor can prescribe these injections. But again, not everyone can inject testosterone, since an injection can provoke a hypertensive or heart attack.

With SMR, men need a patient, attentive attitude from loved ones. Their nutrition should contain a sufficient amount of protein dishes - meat, fish. Definitely needed good sleep(at least 7-8 hours a day). Moderate exercise is beneficial.

In some cases, irritability and aggression are treated with medicines but only on doctor's orders. In addition, traditional medicine methods are often used to combat irritability. Medicinal herbs in the form of tinctures and decoctions (valerian, borage, motherwort, coriander) are very helpful, as well as in the form of therapeutic baths.

Questions and answers on the topic "Irritability"


Answer: Read the previous answer.

Question:Hello, lately I have become irritable to any little things. When they take it from my plate, when they pinch, tickle, and so on. It didn't annoy me before. I think it's because of PMS, but I've never seen anything like this before. What should I do?

Question:Hello! I am 28 years old. I have two children. The problem is that lately, I have become very irritable and nervous. I love my children very much. If earlier I reacted calmly to the pranks and whims of the child, now it pisses me off. As a result, I can break down and scream. As soon as I calm down, I begin to regret my act. I don't want to hurt my family and friends. I want to be a normal, adequate mother for my children.

Answer: Hello. You need to check the thyroid gland, as problems with it are a common cause of irritability and consult a psychotherapist in person.

Question:Hello. At work, they are loaded with work, my partner is on sick leave and I alone do all the work for two. I get terribly tired, I come home and collapse from fatigue, I don’t want to do anything at home. Tell me what to do, how to cope with this condition. Maybe take some medication?

Answer: Hello. Joking with health and working hard is quite dangerous - it is fraught with a nervous breakdown or a severe breakdown. We recommend that you eat right, get enough sleep if possible, walk in the fresh air and do not abuse coffee. To maintain physical strength and mental capacity, Glycine and multivitamin courses are recommended. These funds are prescribed by a doctor during an internal consultation. Self-medication is dangerous!

Question:Hello. Please help, I don’t know what to do, I’m terribly irritable and psychotic, I became so after giving birth, the baby is already six months old, but I should calm down already. I constantly break down on my husband because of every little thing, because I know what I'm doing wrong, but no, I can't restrain myself. Every day I tell myself that everything is enough to hysteria and no, it doesn’t work - as my husband comes home from work, I begin to cling to every little thing. What should I do? Please help, give advice.

Answer: Hello. Do not be afraid of irritability after childbirth - this is completely normal. Many women find it hard to get used to the fact that now they are not left to their own devices, from now on (especially during the first year of a baby's life) your regimen will depend entirely on the needs of the child. From here arises confusion, and then irritability. But excessive irritability is due not only to psychological, but also to physiological reasons. Feeding and caring for the baby entails lack of sleep and overwork. Lack of sleep and severe fatigue are in no way compatible with a good mood. Increased irritability is, in a way, a signal to the expectant mother that she needs to learn how to relax. This valuable skill will come to the rescue not only during pregnancy or at the time of childbirth, but much later, when you raise your baby. The easiest way to relax is to turn on soothing music, lie down in a comfortable position, and focus on your breathing. In addition, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is very important during this period. It reduces irritability, aggressiveness of the mother, stimulates the work of the heart and kidneys. If the condition worsens, you should consult a psychotherapist in person.

Question:Good afternoon, tell me what can help me, if possible. I am 34 years old. The problem is that I am often annoyed for some reason, I get aggression or anger from this, I can express myself in bad words, and I catch myself that this is not right, but I continue to “hurt” my relatives. Is it a clinic or is it still possible to get rid of it?

Answer: Hello. You can get rid of it - you need to consult a neuropathologist, endocrinologist, andrologist and psychotherapist in person to determine the cause of irritation and prescribe treatment.

Question:Hello, my son is 9 years old, he is very mobile, but does not restrain himself, when the teacher makes a remark to him in class, he starts banging his head against the desk or bursts into tears, he can cover a high school student with obscenities.

Answer: Be sure to show the child to a psychoneurologist.

Question:I am a very emotional person. Recently, she has become very irritable, psychotic. Any little thing can take you out. Already she was exhausted herself, and tortured her husband. They broke up a few times. On nervous grounds, I lose weight very much. What to do?

Answer: In psychology, it is believed that our feelings arise in response to events in the outside world. They help us navigate what's going on so we know how to act. Irritability is a signal that some of your needs are not being met; something is not going the way we would like; Some relationship doesn't suit you. Such emotional outbursts, like bells.

Question:Hello! I have a problem, already for 3 months I lost the desire to work, enjoy something, relax ... Although if you look at everything, I like my work ... I don’t care about anything anymore, neither with relatives, nor with me, nor with friends, it’s absolutely indifferent ... I noticed that everything irritates me very quickly, really infuriates me ... (be it a regular telephone conversation, or a conversation with friends). I don’t even know what to do… please help!

Answer: The reason for this state of yours may be an age crisis. You have achieved something, but this is no longer enough, most likely there is a feeling inside that you want something more from life, more colors, etc.

Question:Please tell me, during an illness with acute bronchitis, can irritability, panic, anxiety increase? I just heard a version that in acute bronchitis or any lung disease, the body does not receive oxygen in the amount it is used to, or it receives it but with great effort. Subconsciously, this is perceived as suffocation, which is why anxiety, panic, and irritability arise. Tell me is it?

Answer: Hello, in fact, any illness is perceived by the body as stress, and therefore nervousness and irritability during the period of illness is quite normal. Regarding the theory of "lack of oxygen", we cannot say anything affirmative, since a significant disruption in the supply of oxygen to the body occurs only with very massive and severe broncho-pulmonary diseases.

Why I'm a Psychopath: Causes of Irritability

Excessive irritability is a vile condition known to most of us. Raging negative emotions are directed at a specific person or a specific group of people. Excessive irritability causes tremendous moral discomfort and is manifested by unpleasant external signs. An irritated person is distinguished by fussy movements, erratic actions, illogical actions. A nervous person is replete with sweeping gestures, speaks out with screams, without control of the expressions flying from the lips.
Outbursts of excessive nervousness cause problems for yourself and others. Often, in the heat of passion, we greatly offend a loved one or commit such an act, the consequences of which we regret for the rest of our lives. They try to avoid irritable people, and often completely stop communicating with an eccentric person. A constantly nervous person hardly gets along in the work team. An individual with great effort climbs the career ladder, and irritability all the time throws the person back.
To take control of your emotions and get rid of nervousness, you should try to establish the true causes of your excessive excitement. After all, knowing your enemy by sight, it is much easier to find the right ways to eliminate him.

Why I'm a Psychopath: Causes of Nervousness

Although irritability is the younger brother of anger, this feeling also comes to our aid at the same time. Irritation over trifles is a sure sign informing that some kind of malfunction has been outlined in our body. This condition indicates that something is wrong in our life. Irritability signals: stop and think, take some action, but do not let the situation remain the same.
Excessive irritability can be a companion of somatic, neurological, psychological problems. It can be caused by both internal factors and external circumstances. Moreover, there are an incredible number of reasons for the development of irritability. Let's take a look at the main culprits.

Reason 1
What is irritation as a process? This is a natural property of the central nervous system to respond to an acting stimulus. The weaker and more vulnerable the nervous system, the more intense will be the manifestations of our sensitivity, that is, the more active will be the processes of excitation.
Therefore, people who have a choleric or melancholic temperament look more nervous than measured phlegmatic and seasoned sanguine people. Moreover, two temperaments vulnerable to nervousness express their irritation in different ways. Cholerics, especially the fairer sex, will violently and loudly express their dissatisfaction, and blame others for what is happening. Melancholics prefer to cry into the pillow, tormenting themselves with reproaches.
Knowing such innate features, we need to learn how to express our emotions, adjusted for circumstances. Choleric people at the peak of irritability should retire, and melancholic people should “speak out” their emotions.

Reason 2
A common culprit for irritability is depression. When the white light is not nice to us, we have a minor mood, then any external stimuli deprive us of balance. Whether it's an offer of help or a request to start doing something, all the inclinations of other people to climb into our "cocoon" unsettles us.

Reason 3
An equally formidable cause of excessive irritability is an obsessive fear called a phobia. When our thoughts are exclusively occupied with the anticipation of imminent trouble, "savoring" irrational anxiety, where does peace of mind come from? And the lack of harmony in the soul is the discontent and irritation addressed to the outside world.

Reason 4
Often the source of excessive nervousness is hidden in an intense headache. When our head is squeezed by a vise, arrows pierce, any slightest sound causes nervousness. After all, we want one thing, to be left in complete peace, and this excruciating headache disappeared.

Reason 5
In addition to cephalalgia, any pain syndrome can make us irritable. Whether it is a short-term attack, for example: pain after a bruise, or debilitating monotonous pain during a protracted illness. Feelings of pain cause torment at the physiological level, and deprive of peace of mind. Many cases have been described when excessive irritability has become a manifestation of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Reason 6
Uncontrollable excessive agitation is a symptom of failures in the endocrine system. For example, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland quickly turns a person into a hysterical psychopath. Such endocrine problems lend themselves well to correction, so if nervousness covers you, this is a reason to consult an endocrinologist.

Reason 7
Irritability is a common symptom of a variety of mental and neurotic disorders, borderline states. Therefore, if you cannot overcome all the growing nervousness on your own, you must definitely visit a psychotherapist. Today, there are many sparing medications that eliminate aggressiveness and stabilize the emotional background.

Reason 8
The obvious cause of irritability is chronic alcoholism and drug addiction. In addition to the fact that alcoholic beverages and toxic drugs completely destroy the nervous system, withdrawal syndrome suits huge “surprises”. The body of an alcoholic or drug addict requires another infusion of a "saving" dose, in the absence of which irritability often turns into obvious aggression.

Reason 9
Quite often, the cause of excessive agitation lies in neurological defects caused, for example, by insufficient blood circulation in the brain and poor condition of blood vessels. Therefore, if nervousness was not inherent in you before, but arose abruptly and suddenly, you need to go to an appointment with a neurologist.

Reason 10
One of the manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome is motor restlessness, psycho-emotional arousal and an overreaction to the slightest stimulus. This condition requires immediate medical attention, since chronic fatigue syndrome rarely disappears on its own, increasing the intensity of its symptoms over time.

Reason 11
A variety of sleep disorders are a direct cause of human irritability. When we haven’t had enough sleep, spent a sleepless night, or constantly awakened from frightening nightmares, calmness and composure are out of the question. To eliminate nervousness, you need to arrange a good rest for yourself and take measures to restore sleep.

Reason 12
Some girls are irritable several days a month due to premenstrual syndrome. It is impossible to argue with a jump in hormones on your own, however, well-chosen drug therapy can completely eliminate the riot of passions.

Reason 13
The obvious cause of irritability is physical fatigue and mental overload. When a person spent fifteen hours in a row at the computer or turned the steering wheel for a whole day, then his body requires natural rest. Straining the body further, we get a clear indignation in the form of overwhelming nervousness.

Reason 14
Irritation is a common symptom of incipient viral diseases. Feeling "out of place" often occurs before the rise in temperature in response to the attack of viruses.

Reason 15
Often, nervousness and aggressiveness are the result of a person being hungry. His stomach demands food, and his nervous system reports a lack of nutrients.

In addition to the above reasons, excessive irritability is a kind of character trait, an individual personality trait. Short temper and anger may indicate:

  • on a person who is constantly dissatisfied with what is happening, seeing everything in negative tones;
  • on an egocentric nature that does not know how and is not used to understanding the desires of another person;
  • on an ill-mannered boor who is simply not trained in the correct response and is not familiar with such concepts as restraint, politeness and correctness;
  • on a hysterical person who seeks to attract attention by demonstrating irritation;
  • on a busy hard worker who took on an unbearable burden, while striving to do everything on time and perfectly;
  • on an individual of the schizoid type, who denies all social norms, does not want to live in accordance with social rules;
  • on a person who makes excessive demands on himself and others;
  • on a subject with extremely low self-esteem;
  • on a person who struggles to please everyone without exception and does not know how to do it competently.
  • Of course, it is necessary to begin identifying the cause of your anger by studying the characteristics of your personality. Quite often, however, close digging into its essence cannot reveal to us the roots of evil. Therefore, advice in conclusion: if irritability manifests itself with enviable regularity and strong intensity, you need to consult a psychologist.

    Irritability is a symptom that very often occurs with fatigue. They complement each other and manifest themselves from the wrong organization of working time and rest. When a person does not have normal free time, other things accumulate during the rest, then chronic fatigue and irritability gradually appear. That is why doctors convincingly recommend that all people correctly allocate time for work and rest.


    Increased irritability is formed on the basis of. The causes of the manifestation of a symptom can also serve as an exacerbation of chronic ailments, physically, lack of sleep, failure in the daily routine. If a person succumbs to irritability, then his hormonal background begins to change and immunity decreases.

    Clinicians have determined that the causes of irritability are internal and external.

    Internal provoking factors include such diseases:

    • anxious feeling;
    • feeling of hunger;
    • stress after injury;
    • severe fatigue;
    • alcohol and drug abuse;
    • inability to express oneself;
    • brain dysfunction.

    Doctors refer to external factors as causes associated with the external environment that cause discontent. The wrong actions of people, traffic jams, cataclysms or other annoying things can provoke a symptom.

    The reasons fall into three more categories:

    • physiological - often diagnosed in the female before menstruation, when the hormonal background changes, they can also occur during pregnancy, menopause, thyroid disease. Nervousness and irritability in women can progress from a feeling of hunger, a lack of vitamins and trace elements, and the use of drugs;
    • psychological - typical for the manifestation of lack of sleep, fatigue, anxiety, fear, stress, dependence on nicotine, alcohol or drugs;
    • genetic - excessive impact on the nervous system. Irritability is not a symptom, but a character trait.

    Constant irritability can be a sign of such pathologies - mental illness.

    If irritability manifests itself along with, then most likely the problem lies in somatic diseases, lack of vitamins, pregnancy or hormonal disruptions when menstruation begins.

    Also, the symptom often manifests itself without any objective reasons. As a rule, in adults, this phenomenon is associated with somatic disorders or internal experiences. Under such circumstances, irritation is formed in people with mental disabilities. The group of such individuals includes those who cannot accept the realities of the world, agree to certain rules and cope with social problems. In such cases, people are diagnosed with a "mental disorder", and from time to time irritability, aggression, anger or other manifestations may appear.

    It was previously mentioned that irritability often appears in women when hormonal levels fail. However, this symptom is increasingly formed in men. This is not surprising, since the male body secretes many hormones that can decrease or increase.

    During the period of testosterone deficiency, the stronger sex manifests abnormal, aggression and irritability. The formation of the symptom may be associated with the fear of developing impotence.

    The symptom can also occur in young children from two years of age. The causes of irritability can be such factors:

    • psychological;
    • physiological;
    • genetic.

    Irritability can also appear as a symptom of severe pathologies - perinatal encephalopathy, allergies, infections, food intolerance, psychiatric ailments.


    Irritability in men and women is manifested in increased excitability and the formation of negative emotions in relation to minor provoking factors. Any little thing can cause a person to have an attack of anger and irritability. In order to be able to distinguish this symptom and know how to prevent it, the patient needs to understand in what symptomatology it manifests itself.

    When a person is irritable:

    • the intonation and volume of the conversation changes;
    • movements are sharper;
    • accelerates the movement of the eyeballs;
    • the oral cavity is dehydrated;
    • palms sweat;
    • breathing becomes too fast.

    Sometimes there may be a desire to get rid of all your emotions, or in psychology this process is called “throw out negative emotions”. If you do not do yourself an emotional discharge, then flashes of anger, neurosis and other negative reactions may periodically appear. Such signs inform a person about a mental disorder, and force the patient to turn to.

    When irritability appears, men complain of fatigue and depression. But the female body, with outbreaks of hormonal disorders, provokes such signs - mood changes, conflict, anxiety, anxiety.


    An increasing number of people are interested in the question of how to get rid of irritability. In the modern world, this issue is very relevant, since the number of external provoking factors has increased and people are much more susceptible to them. In this regard, doctors offer different ways to deal with irritability.

    For all patients, clinicians have derived general rules of behavior when irritability is detected:

    • alternate work;
    • engage in physical and mental stress consistently;
    • when working at home, you can do cleaning or cooking, and for office employees you can go for a walk outside;
    • drink the daily norm of water;
    • get enough sleep;
    • ventilate the room;
    • eat healthy food.

    Considering the question of how to deal with irritability, it may seem that there is nothing difficult in this. However, many people who have a symptom provoked by external stimuli have difficulty in adequately eliminating the symptom. Quite often, people try to relieve stress with nicotine and alcohol, but this is completely wrong. Using these drugs can only aggravate the situation, damage the brain and other cells and tissues of the body.

    Also, doctors do not advise to cope with the disease by drinking strong coffee and tea. They lead only to a temporary effect of activity, and then fatigue and aggressiveness return with a new intensity.

    Psychologists advise all patients to cope with bouts of irritability in simple ways:

    • do not focus only on negative emotions;
    • to express their troubles to relatives and friends;
    • restrain outbursts of anger, do not show them to loved ones;
    • learn to yield in different situations;
    • set realistic goals;
    • do more sports and walk outside;
    • engage in auto-training;
    • get enough sleep;
    • with frequent manifestations of irritability and fatigue, a short vacation is needed.

    In the treatment of a symptom, medical methods can be used. Medicines are prescribed to the patient with severe irritability and the development of mental ailments.

    We get annoyed when we allow someone or something to tease us, or rather react to it. Why do we react? Because it has to do with us, hits the sick, contradicts beliefs, desires,. Based on this, the causes of irritability are different, but the methods of struggle are approximately the same.

    Irritation is a reaction in the form of negative emotions directed towards someone or something (internal or external stimulus). Irritation is preceded and dangerous by outbursts of anger. This is the first signal of the body that something needs to be changed, it is impossible to endure the current conditions further. The scheme of development of emotions is as follows: discontent (disappointment), irritation, anger, anger, rage, affect. I think this makes it clear that irritation needs to be dealt with.

    Irritation as a feeling is common to all people. This is fine:

    • For example, we get irritated when something doesn't work out for us, or when we have a cold.
    • In addition, irritability is an option.
    • In some cases, irritability is due to hormonal changes, for example, in adolescence, women during pregnancy or before menstruation. With other hormonal disruptions, irritability also makes itself felt.
    • Irritability occurs at the moment (alcohol, smoking, coffee, sweets) or forced deprivation (hunger, poor hygiene, lack of sleep). The body rebels and demands to satisfy its natural need.

    The cases described do not cause such fears as the situation in which irritation turned into irritability and became a feature. The most popular cause of chronic irritability is a feeling of inferiority, loss of one's status, place in life. Simply put, dissatisfaction with oneself and living conditions.

    Symptoms of irritability

    You can suspect the appearance of irritability if irritation occurs every day and more than once, namely:

    • irritation lasts more than 7 days;
    • because of it, relationships in the family, at work, with friends deteriorate;
    • the feeling of internal tension grows, it becomes chronic;
    • headaches appear;
    • every day a person seems to “get up on the wrong foot”;
    • discomfort is felt everywhere, no matter where you are and whatever you do.

    Additional symptoms of irritability include:

    • decreased memory and concentration;
    • sleep disorders;
    • general weakness, fatigue and apathy;
    • pain in muscles and joints;
    • migraine.

    Other symptoms (individual reactions of the body) may also let you know about yourself, but this complex inevitably signals a weakening of the body's defenses, the need to combat irritability.

    The attacks of irritation themselves are manifested individually. Some people manage to maintain outward calm until the last, but boil inside (you can’t do this), others fall into tantrums and tears, and others break down at everyone.

    Irritability in women

    Women suffer from irritability more often than men, which is due to psychophysiological characteristics (increased emotionality, natural regular changes in hormonal levels) and greater workload. Most women have to combine work, raising children and housekeeping.

    Hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause contribute. In this case, irritability is accompanied by:

    • tearfulness
    • sleep disorders,
    • depressed mood,

    Hormonal problems are treated by an endocrinologist and a gynecologist. If the reason is fatigue or dissatisfaction, then you need the help of a psychologist and a change in lifestyle.

    Irritability in men

    In men, irritability is more often due to social reasons: workload, fatigue, difficulties in. If an internal feeling of dissatisfaction is superimposed on this, and a feeling, then the situation is aggravated.

    Male irritability often results in outbursts of anger and becomes destructive. However, men can hold back irritation longer, endure, keep silent. Where a woman immediately starts screaming, a man will remain silent. But that is why their irritability looks more destructive.

    Irritability in children

    The causes of children's irritability are not much different from the manifestations of that in adults: psychophysiological characteristics, fatigue, fears,. In addition, irritability can be a form of protest against parental overprotection or, conversely, authoritarian parenting.

    Irritability is more emotional than in adults. Although the specificity of manifestations depends on the age of the child. For example, young children are more likely to cry, bite, scratch. Preschool children are stubborn. Younger students violate discipline. Adolescents show aggression, slam doors, withdraw into themselves. In addition to age, the reactions depend on the character (cholerics and melancholics are more prone to irritability) and other innate characteristics of the child.

    How to get rid of irritability

    1. You need to understand the causes of constant irritability. Probably, the matter is in the current, accumulated problems, locked emotions or fatigue. Assess your daily routine, nutrition, sleep. Is irritability caused by overwork? If so, then change your lifestyle. Perhaps it's not even fatigue, but one intrusive detail, for example, an uncomfortable chair. Remember when you first felt irritable, what discomfort could cause it.
    2. If the reason lies deeper (dissatisfaction with yourself, life, work, complexes, anxiety, fear, stress), then honestly describe your desires and claims (what does not suit you). Next, write down the causes and consequences (both the current state and the desired one).
    3. Engage in self-knowledge, make a plan to meet current needs. Study temperament and character. Stubbornness, rigidity, perfectionism, intransigence, low, are also causes of irritability.
    4. Set aside time every day to relax in the form of a favorite and useful thing. Write a list of 30 favorite things to do (more or less) and choose something from it every day.
    5. Develop self-control. Learn to recognize when tension reaches its peak (the desire to scream and stomp, muscle tension is felt, the pulse quickens, palms sweat, and so on). Make it a rule at such moments not to make decisions, not to talk, but to practice (auto-training, relaxation, breathing techniques). And only after you calm down, it is rational to resolve issues.
    6. Change. Refuse the phrases “another terrible day”, “nothing good will happen again”, “go there again”. Form and pronounce positive attitudes. Stop seeing only difficulties, problems and failures, start seeing opportunities and alternatives.
    7. Learn to express emotions in a socially acceptable way. At the very least, don't ignore what's bothering you. Don't try to avoid conflict or please everyone. Learn to communicate and have productive conflicts. To do this, it is enough to inform the interlocutor about your feelings in a calm tone: “I am annoyed by the commanding tone, please speak softer.” And then discuss the differences.
    8. Throw out your annoyance at sports, singing at karaoke, shouting in the field, and the like.
    9. Reduce portions of coffee, sugar and alcohol, of course, if the irritation is not caused by the rejection of them.
    10. find yourself. Irritability is a defensive reaction of the body. What is he trying to protect you from and encourage you to at least some activity (in this case, destructive and aggressive)? Say thank you to him and start acting consciously.
    11. Watch yourself, start a "diary of irritability", where you will record its appearance, intensification and weakening. Remove from life, if possible, all irritants (objects and subjects, after contact with which the irritation intensifies). Perhaps this is the most difficult stage. Especially when it turns out that you need to change jobs or break off relationships, to look for the meaning of life. But it needs to be done. and harmony is not simple.
    12. If you cannot remove the irritant, then learn self-control and change your attitude to the situation.

    If the situation does not lend itself to self-adjustment, then it is worth visiting a psychotherapist. Typically, irritability is treated with cognitive behavioral therapy. Its goal is to help the individual identify the causes of her behavior and learn to control these reactions, to understand and study herself.

    If it is impossible to change external circumstances, a person learns to recognize, accept and adequately respond to stressful circumstances and. In some cases, sedatives or antidepressants are prescribed.

    Emergency help

    If you need to urgently deal with irritability:

    1. Use the count to ten, the method of switching attention to pleasant memories, the technology of changing activities and distractions (walking, running, cleaning), draw on paper and tear it up, wave your hands.
    2. After that, write down on paper the possible consequences of irritation and its incorrect expression. Ask how it will hurt you. You need it?
    3. Do an auto workout. Say: “I understand that irritation is a bad emotion. I control my emotions. I understand and accept the world around me in its diversity. I live harmoniously and without irritation. I derive joy from friendly interaction with the world.” It is better to carry out this auto-training daily.
    4. Do a breathing exercise. There are many methods of respiratory relaxation. For example, you can use this technique: take a prone position, inhale through your nose, rounding your stomach, exhale through your mouth, pulling in your stomach. Breathe slowly and deeply. Repeat no more than 10 times. Try another exercise next time: inhale deeply and slowly through your nose, exhale sharply through your mouth and take 3 more breaths. Breathing exercises should be done carefully. It is better to consult a doctor first! For example, it is not recommended to resort to them for heart disease and at the time of a cold.

    Correction of irritability, like any other psychological problem, requires a private approach. In general, we can only say that we need to look for the causes of fatigue and discontent, and then fight it. It is useful to check the health for hormonal disorders. And of course, it is necessary to develop and master.



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