Spring depression in women what to do. Spring depression: symptoms, causes and hidden signs of the disease

He capitulates, and you are charged with optimism and good mood.

spring paradox

The frosty winter is behind, and ahead is the awakening of nature from its long hibernation, long days and warm weather. It would seem, why be sad ?! But it was not there. It is with the onset of spring that many are overtaken by the blues. The mood is dull and almost nothing causes a smile.

Why exactly sadness comes with spring (or autumn) is still unclear. Physicians put forward the most various reasons and conjecture, but there is no clear answer to the question posed. Moreover, medicine still cannot understand. Some refer to depression as a disease caused by biochemical disturbances in the human body. Other experts are inclined to believe that depression is a feature of the human psyche.

Hormonal surge and lack of vitamins

It is likely that the cause of spring (as well as) depression lies in human physiology. At this time, we lack vitamins, the body is slagged after winter, and certain hormonal changes, which, in the end, affects the mood. In other words, spring is the season when our supply of energy spent in winter dries up.

According to medical statistics Women are the most affected by depression. Psychiatrist, psychotherapist, member of the Harvard Medical School Alumni Association and the World Federation of Biological Psychiatry Tina Beradze considers such statistics to be incorrect. - I don't think that women are more prone to depression than men. Statistical data speak only about the number of registered cases. The fact that in women this disease is recorded more often than in men is due to the fact that the female part of the population significantly exceeds the male in number. Also, men are much less likely to seek help from a specialist, but this does not mean at all that they are not.

disease in disguise

So, how to recognize the spring blues? If in early spring a feeling of anxiety, guilt, a feeling of loss and hopelessness does not leave you, then all manifestations this disease. Pessimism, sleep disturbance, is classic symptoms spring depression that overtakes many people. These symptoms may include loss of appetite, dryness and pallor of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, as well as disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system.

Often under the guise of other diseases. For example, it can be headaches, nausea, rapid pulse and other ailments. Taking appropriate medications will only temporarily eliminate unpleasant symptom, however, the cause of the disease will not be eliminated. In this case effective method problem solving will be a distraction activity. It is worth playing sports or joining your favorite business () , take a vacation and leave for a while in another country, as the problem will be solved.

What to do?

So, if you are determined to deal with your problem, then take action! spring depression not a sentence, and it is possible and necessary to cope with it. To do this, take into account the following recommendations:

  • Review your schedule. Spring is the time to start over. It's best to sign up for one sport Club. Fitness, swimming - choose what is closer to you and do it for your health. Make it a rule every evening to dedicate at least half an hour for a walk, even in the most unfavorable weather. Keep a diary, make detailed plan for tomorrow and carefully monitor its implementation. Try not to leave free time for yourself when unpleasant thoughts again overwhelm you.
  • Do what you like. What brings you real pleasure? Choose a few activities that give you joy and make time for them. It can be going to the cinema, theater, ice skating and much more.
  • Help others. No matter how trite it sounds, but by doing good to another, you really help yourself first of all. You probably know people who need help. Having done good to a person, you yourself will be surprised at how much it cheers you up and adds optimism.
  • Regular sex. During class sex endorphins are produced - the so-called hormones of happiness, contributing to a good mood.
  • Healthy sleep. Be sure to get enough sleep. Good sleep is one of the foundations of your physical and mental health.
  • Contact a specialist. Usually, spring blues disappear as soon as you start doing something. However, in rare cases"self-treatment" does not bring the desired result. In this case, it is best to contact a psychotherapist, since your problem needs to be solved together with a specialist through drug therapy, which often includes taking antidepressants (amitriptyline, etc.).

spring depression (seasonal affective disorder ) spoils the lives of many women and men. The blues brings them down vitality and can cause the occurrence or exacerbation of various chronic diseases. The paradox is that this unpleasant state falls on a wonderful time of the awakening of nature. The snow is falling, the sun is shining brighter, the birds are singing, the buds are swelling on the trees, but for some reason my heart is empty and gloomy. And life itself seems meaningless. This painful state can be changed.

spring depression symptoms

Spring depression manifests itself as sadness, apathy, lethargy, tearfulness, resentment, despondency, drowsiness, increased irritability, mood swings, grouchiness and even scandalousness. Some people have a feeling of helplessness and loneliness, a feeling of depression, a state of lack of will and unwillingness to do something. They suffer from it. Often they unsuccessfully try to attract the attention of relatives and friends, complaining about the deterioration of their health and loss of interest in life. Talks begin in raised tones and showdowns, which in no way improves the mood of others and only replenishes the number of people suffering from depression.

Seasonal depressions (spring and autumn) are often called spring or autumn exacerbation in schizophrenics. This is a very offensive definition of the fact of change. mental state a particular person is often used to insult or humiliate.

Mentally healthy people may respond to the change of seasons in different ways. For example, overeating. From this, weight increases, activity decreases, dissatisfaction with oneself appears. All negative feelings and thoughts are eaten with sweets, which leads to sharp increase blood sugar with all the ensuing consequences. It is more difficult for the body to function due to insufficient intake and absorption of vitamins, physical inactivity, chronic fatigue, seasonal ARI, ODS, etc.

How to prevent spring depression

Spring depression can be prevented in a variety of ways.

1. First of all, this active image a life in which there is no time for introspection. It is worth postponing “for later” discussion and clarification bad relationship, solving unpleasant problems that are not urgent.

2. Housewives need to leave the house more often, appear in public, visit exhibitions, go to the cinema, theater, concerts, etc. Spend less time in the kitchen, allow yourself to use processed foods even when this food is banned at other times.

3. It is worth running away from any conflicts. Do not let any negative information pass through you. Just take note of it. Better aloof. Do not retell to others the horrors that you saw on TV and do not chew on other people's troubles. Help them, but don't take all their pain upon yourself. Avoid those people who "vampire". Their society can deprive of energy and strength. IN last resort treat them to a cup of sweet tea and end the meeting as soon as possible, citing urgent matters.

4. Since the end of winter, it is worth taking vitamin complexes. Eat more healthy food. On the table should be fresh fruits And raw vegetables, not bags of purchased juice. Don't overeat. Try to voluntarily limit yourself to something. This will increase self-esteem.

5. You can treat yourself to dark chocolate, bananas and other products with the happiness hormone serotonin. Indulge yourself in some "delicacy". Better not at night, so as not to wake up in the morning with bad feeling self-blame and poor health.

6. It is in the spring that the body needs a good sleep. Shouldn't continue daytime sleep after sunset, because it can cause insomnia. It is better to go to bed before 23.00. Sleeping until midnight is considered the most beneficial.

7. Increase the time spent on fresh air. Walk, move, visit the pools or take a shower at home. Clear snow from the paths, watch the awakening of nature. Bring cut branches of trees or shrubs and place them at home in the most beautiful vase of water. It will be nice to see how the buds swell and bloom, tiny roots appear. Some plants, such as cherries, may even bloom.

8. Praise yourself more often, remember your achievements. Admire successful photos, set aside those in which you are next to people that are unpleasant for you.

9. Make plans. Any. Let it not even be a trip to warm lands, but planning a “sowing campaign”, drawing up a plan for the day (month), studying the program guide, etc. The main thing is the prospect and expectation of pleasant things.

10. How often flowers save us. In the spring, you can treat yourself to inexpensive flowering bulbs or other indoor plants. I'm surprised every time I hear that bad omen donated plants in pots are considered. This is a strange superstition associated with plants. Not all people like to be given bouquets. For example, I want to immediately start cutting beautiful roses, lilies and chrysanthemums, the beauty of which in bouquets is so short-lived. However, for many women it is beautiful bouquet lifts the mood.

How to cure spring depression

When treating serious spring depression, you should trust a professional psychotherapist. Only he can prescribe those medicines that will help even in the most difficult cases. Sometimes you have to take psychotropic drugs. Among them are effective new generation antidepressants that do not cause addiction.

For mild to moderate depression, self-medication is possible. Lots of people buy from pharmacies. herbal antidepressants which are sold without a prescription. For example, based on St. John's wort (" Negrustin "). Helps someone lemongrass extract or eleutherococcus , others need valerian or mint .

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Very often, women want to know how to get rid of spring depression when a bright and gentle sun shines outside the window. Nature begins to gradually wake up, and every day pleases people with new colors after a long cold. But what to do if insomnia torments you at night, impenetrable darkness reigns in your soul, and during the day you almost always want to sleep, which prevents you from performing daily feats at work?

All of the above symptoms may indicate that a person has depression, which may appear in the spring. And this condition is faced by many residents of large cities. People who suffer from this condition in the spring very often feel anxious and tense, they lose interest in Everyday life and suffer from abrupt and sometimes not too clear changes in mood.

spring depression

For those people who are interested in how to cope with spring depression, you need to remember that given state most often caused by the so-called "season affective disorder". The depression begins at the end of winter and can end only at the beginning of summer. That is why a person does not need to blame himself for unwillingness to do something or excessive laziness, since this condition is quite normal.

Very often in women who suffer from such depression, one can notice constant anxiety and stress, and complete absence interest in certain kind activities. Almost all the symptoms of this peculiar disease are accompanied by a feeling that indicates a lack of energy. A person's need for good sleep and the desire to be alone with your thoughts for a long time.

Experts say that multiple symptoms of depression, which develops in the spring, occur in women under 40 years old. However, young girls can be affected by prolonged blues. This is due to too inattentive attitude to health and lack of useful for the human body. sunlight. The presence of disorders of this type most often complain of women living in the northern territories.

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How to eliminate spring depression?

Seeing how their mood changes very quickly, people immediately begin to refer to depression. But almost always fatigue and Bad mood manifested due to a lack of vitamins and malnutrition. It should be remembered that a sudden bad mood should not lead to too much sharp decline activities.

Residents of big cities should definitely know how to deal with spring depression. It is necessary to try to move more, walk in the fresh air, take vitamins regularly, wear only comfortable and high-quality clothes and be more attentive to your health. If you follow all of the above recommendations, then there will simply be no time for a bad mood and laziness.

To escape from an unpleasant state, it is necessary to be on the street every day. Don't miss out on the opportunity to take a stroll around beautiful streets. Experts recommend visiting a solarium several times a week, as in this situation enough ultraviolet rays help the exhausted human body wake up and recover after a long winter.

Swimming in the pool can be very helpful. More attention should be paid to the implementation of feasible exercise. Many years ago, scientists proved that people who do absolutely any kind of sport suffer about 25 times less from severe spring depression.

When everything gets boring physical world and even in the family, when she lies for days and any attempts of her loved ones to stir her up only annoy - what should a woman do with spring depression, when life loses its colors, and family and work still require participation, like at other times of the year? Where do you get the energy to live?

It is known that mental illness become aggravated in the spring, including depression. In the spring, the number of requests for help to psychologists, psychiatrists increases and the number of hospitalizations in psychiatric hospital. In women, spring depression is observed as often as in men, but women seek help more often. So why is this happening and how to deal with spring depression?

spring depression symptoms

When spring comes, the permanent melancholy, which somehow subsided in winter, begins to wake up along with the outside world. Most people rejoice in the revival of nature, but there are people for whom spring is a time of depression and apathy, even hatred of life.

Elongation daylight hours naturally shortens the nights. Weekdays become noisy and crowded. The surrounding people are cheerful and cheerful, more and more often you can hear from them: “Finally, spring has come!”, “How good!”.

So what's so good about it? A depressed person doesn't feel that way. Birds annoy him with their chirping, the sun starts to shine too early and does not want to stop enlivening this world. People become active and make such a fuss around that I want them to go to bed, finally! They are planning something, and worst of all, they rejoice at this time of the year, anticipating the hot summer, making noise and laughing. In the mornings, you don’t want to wake up, breaks apathy and fatigue. The mood is nowhere worse, nothing pleases, I don’t want to do anything. Only in the evening does it improve, when the sun sets and everything around calms down. You can still breathe freely at night. But after her comes the hateful morning again.

Friends rush, call for walks and picnics. And being among them, it is impossible to understand where they get the strength to enjoy life? Why do they smile at the sun, while I want to hide from it and from them in a dark basement? Why am I not like everyone else?

This is spring depression. Advice to take up a new business, sports, dancing, entertainment, or something else does not help. Everything has already been tried. When such a state occurs from year to year, they get used to it and wait for the depression to subside. Only now next spring she returns again.

Why does depression worsen in the spring?

In spring, all living things tremble, this time of the year is a celebration of life. But for certain people, spring is the appearance of symptoms of depression and unwillingness to live. Against the backdrop of mass joy surrounding their own negative states begin to multiply and press even harder. These are people with a sound vector.

Or in writing, writing poetry, reading philosophical works, in studying various theories of the universe and. But all modern sound engineers, one way or another, strive for a complete understanding of the meaning of life as such, even if they are not aware of this deep request of theirs. Why do I wake up and do the same things day after day? Why does this world exist?

In order to learn to live among other people with pleasure, a person with a sound vector needs to know the structure of his psyche and the psyche of other people. The sound engineer needs an answer to the question - why do all these people live, why does the world work this way - in order to find themselves in it, their destiny. Disclosure of the characteristics of other people through eight vectors gives a person with a sound vector an understanding of their behavior, their states and worldview, which in comparison allows you to understand how he himself works. Finding your place in life is possible only through understanding yourself and other people - how to interact with them and for what purpose.

Everyone lives his unconscious, hiding real reasons human behavior and states. By revealing the mechanisms of the mental, a person with a sound vector becomes able to realize himself and in ordinary life. Which is the key to understanding how to get rid of the symptoms of depression, from the endless, year after year, recurring exacerbations of depression in the spring. Spring will delight in a new perception of the world and attitude towards people. The task of coping with spring depression becomes easily solved, as an abstract mathematical example, Yuri Burlan.

Proofreader: Natalia Konovalova

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»


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