Seasonal depression (seasonal affective disorder). Seasonal affective disorder: causes

seasonal affective disorder(SAD), also known as seasonal depression, is a type of depression that is seasonal. Usually episodes of depression appear at the same time, every year during the season of lack of solar activity. If you feel perfectly healthy during the spring and summer, if you begin to feel uncomfortable towards the end of the fall, and have symptoms of depression during the winter, you may have seasonal affective disorder. In most cases, symptoms begin in the fall, as daylight hours begin to shorten. The maximum manifestations of seasonal depression are observed in December, January and February. Women with seasonal affective disorder react negatively to declining numbers sunlight and lower temperatures in the autumn-winter period.

In the spring, women with seasonal affective disorder are "reborn", the intensity of symptoms begins to decrease, and then the manifestations depression disappear altogether. Seasonal affective disorder has been recognized as a specific disease it was not until the early 1980s that Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal and his colleagues officially reported the condition and gave it the appropriate name. According to Dr. Rosenthal, he himself had symptoms of depression every winter and spent a lot of time to determine the causes of his own condition, such as giving birth to an understanding of seasonal affective disorder. Dr. Rosenthal suggested that less light during the winter could be a major cause of seasonal affective disorder.

It should be noted that some women may suffer from atypical form seasonal affective disorder, sometimes clinical symptoms seasonal depression may appear during the summer (instead of winter or in addition to winter).

Seasonal affective disorder is about four times more common in women than men. An increase in the frequency of seasonal affective disorders has been noted in countries far from the equator. In general, women of all ages can be affected by seasonal depression, but the highest frequency of seasonal depression is found in women 22-25 years of age.

Seasonal depression - causes and risk groups

Most scientists suggest that the main cause of seasonal affective disorder is reduced exposure to sunlight for more than short days of the year. A lack of sunlight can cause malfunctions in the body, disturb the sleep-wake cycle and circadian rhythms (the body's internal clock). Violation of the cycles provokes a decrease in the level of serotonin, which is responsible for mood.

Another theory suggests that light stimulates the part of the brain (mainly the hypothalamus) that controls mood, appetite, and sleep. So lack of light can change mood (causes sadness), changes appetite (or anorexia), and causes sleep disturbances.

Lack of light can affect the body's production of melatonin and serotonin, as well as disrupt circadian rhythm organism. Women who live in northern geographical latitudes, subject to greater risk development of seasonal affective disorders. At the same time, it was found that low level blood levels of vitamin D is associated with a higher incidence of seasonal depression. Seasonal affective disorder can start at adolescence(more common in girls) or adulthood(more often in women). Women with a family history of depression are in the group with more high risk development of seasonal affective disorder.

Seasonal Depression - Symptoms

The symptoms of seasonal affective disorder tend to start and end around the same time each year. The symptoms of seasonal affective disorder tend to build up slowly in late fall and continue into the winter months. Most women notice symptoms in September-October and note their decrease in April-May.
The two main symptoms of seasonal affective disorder are low mood and lack of interest in life. But some women may have other symptoms, such as:

  • Sadness, grumpiness, moodiness or anxiety;
  • Decreased activity and loss of interest in ordinary species activities;
  • Decreased energy and ability to concentrate;
  • Lethargy of movements;
  • Hopelessness and irritability;
  • Increased need for extended sleep;
  • Overeating or cravings for food (mainly carbohydrates - baked goods, cakes, pasta);
  • weight gain;
  • Closure (isolation).

Seasonal depression - diagnosis

chief diagnostic criterion seasonal affective disorder is the dependence of the manifestation of all symptoms of depression on the season. If you experience the symptoms of depression listed above during the short, dark winter days, you probably have seasonal affective disorder. Main diagnostic symptoms are symptoms of depression associated with seasonality.

Seasonal depression - treatment

Light therapy can be very effective for treating seasonal affective disorder. There are two types of light therapy:

  • Bright light of the device for a limited period of time (30-120 minutes) in the morning.
  • The light of a device that simulates dawn, when the dim light gradually becomes brighter while you sleep (similar to a natural sunrise / sunset).

Light therapy is effective tool for most women suffering from seasonal affective disorder. Positive effect can be observed after 1-2 weeks of treatment. Light therapy should be used within long period throughout the autumn/winter season. Light therapy may be stopped in late spring.

Sometimes doctors may prescribe antidepressants for seasonal depression, these drugs can improve balance chemical substances brain that affect mood. Counseling can also be useful component effective treatment for seasonal affective disorder.
During the entire period of treatment, it is recommended to be active, as in daytime(especially in the morning) physical activity can help you be more energized and feel less overwhelmed.

Seasonal depression - forecast

Treatment for seasonal affective disorder is usually effective and the outcome is usually good. But some women may experience seasonal affective disorder throughout their lives.

Experts in the field of psychiatry note that every fifth person on the planet is subject to seasonal mood swings. Usually these are people with a sensitive psyche, suffering from frequent nervous disorders, dissatisfied with life and not quite healthy physically and emotionally. seasonal depression each person is different - from mild irritability to complete hopelessness. According to statistics, in autumn and winter periods fixed the largest number cases of depression.

Types of seasonal depression

Affective seasonal disorder always occurs at the same time. If deterioration is noticed within three years mental state in the same period of time, it can be argued that there is a seasonal depression. Doctors note two types of disease: winter depression and summer.

The first option is the most common, and occurs in 90% of patients. Winter depression is more studied and easier to treat. It usually starts in September or October and lasts until the first half of May. With the onset of the first cold weather, for many, for no particular reason, the soul becomes sad and dreary. These are the first symptoms autumn depression. Mostly middle-aged people, from about 20 to 45 years old, suffer from the disorder. It has been observed that with age, autumn disorder is less likely to bother patients. Women more often turn to specialists with similar problem than men.

summer depression

Emotional disorder occurs in early summer and continues until late autumn. Only 10% of the total number of people who suffer from seasonal changes suffer from summer depression. Usually similar condition passes on its own, with the onset of autumn.

Symptoms of the disease

Since the majority of people are subject to autumn depression, we will talk about this particular variety. mental disorder. In one proportion of patients, symptoms resolve in mild form, and are expressed in increased irritability, bad mood, fussiness. The mood can change within a few hours - in the morning a person woke up cheerful and cheerful, and by the evening he became sad and irritable. With this form, you can fight on your own, without the help of a specialist.

In people with a more severe course of the disease, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Complete indifference to the environment;
  • Sudden mood swings;
  • Constant feeling of anxiety and restlessness;
  • Feeling of complete hopelessness;
  • Nervousness;
  • Decreased sexual desire for a partner;
  • Polyphagia - increased appetite, and the feeling of hunger practically does not go away;
  • Hypersomnia - prolonged night sleep which does not bring a sense of relaxation. Also available during daytime constant desire sleep.

If with mild form seasonal depression can be dealt with on your own, but in severe cases it is better to seek help from a doctor. No need to be afraid of the words "psychiatrist" or "psychotherapist", first of all, these are specialists who help restore peace of mind and giving the opportunity to live full life in any season.

Ways to deal with seasonal depression

Doctors note that in autumn people get sick much more often, and this is not always colds. Many chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, heart disease and many other health problems are exacerbated during this period. This is due primarily to the reduction of daylight hours. Hormones that are produced in certain time years, completely affect human behavior. According to one version, a decrease in daylight hours reduces the production of serotonin, a hormone responsible for calming the nervous system. Lack of serotonin in the body causes depressive disorder, carbohydrate deficiency, increased appetite and fatigue. That is why people living in hot countries where summer lasts all year round are less likely to complain of depression.

How to cope with winter depression is the most frequently asked question at a psychotherapist's appointment. If you feel that with the coming of autumn your Vital energy fading, appearing fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, use simple advice, which will help restore peace of mind and not succumb to seasonal despondency and melancholy.

Extend daylight hours

A sharp decrease in the duration of daylight hours is the most serious cause of poor mental well-being. Treatment of seasonal depression must begin with the elimination of this factor. The only way to increase the useful light time is full use morning hours. Owls, of course, will not like an early rise, but this is the only option. Weekends are best spent outside in the morning, let it be a walk in the park or outside the city.

You need to appreciate every sunny day, and spend it on the street. If you are accompanied by relatives and friends, charge positive emotions provided for the whole week. IN work time Lunch breaks do not have to be indoors. Go outside for at least 15-20 minutes, breathe fresh air. If possible, make the most of daylight indoors.

Reception of vitamin complexes

The lack of vitamins in the body seriously affects the performance and general well-being. First of all, you need to provide the body natural vitamins: Herb tea, phytobalms, tincture and rosehip decoction. Do not forget about the use of fruits and vegetables in the off-season. The vitamins and minerals received in the summer were not stored "in reserve", but were consumed by the body immediately upon admission. Therefore, even those brought from warm countries fruits and vegetables are simply necessary for our body.

To fully compensate for the lack of vitamins, you need to eat about 500 grams of fruits and vegetables daily. If this is problematic, you can take multivitamin complexes sold in a pharmacy.

Satisfying "aesthetic hunger"

After wonderful summer days and a beautiful golden autumn is felt acute shortage beautiful landscapes. The dull and gloomy area outside the window only brings boredom and indifference. Psychologists say that bright colors cheer up in the wardrobe. So take this advice and add red and yellow colors. A colorful scarf or bright mittens will delight the eye on the way to work, and winter activities on the street in a fun-colored jacket will remind you of carefree and joyful summer days. Visit cinemas, theaters, exhibitions more often, in a word, those places where you can relax your body and soul.

Drinking tonic drinks

used in moderate amounts tea or coffee is quite capable of curing seasonal depression. Tonic green tea or a cup of coffee drunk in the morning will help restore vigor of the body and spirit, at least for a short time.

In the treatment of affective seasonal disorder Doctors sometimes recommend taking antidepressants. Dosage and course of treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, uncontrolled use medical preparations can only exacerbate the situation. The support of family and friends also plays an important role in therapy. If you feel the approach of the seasonal blues, do not dwell on this condition. Walk more, chat with friends, spend a lot of time on the street and then seasonal depression will bypass you.

Seasonal depression refers to an affective mood disorder that appears periodically. In psychiatry, two types of diseases are distinguished: winter type and summer look. As a rule, winter depression worries at the beginning of autumn and lasts until the end of spring. But summer depression appears in early summer and ends in autumn. Most often, the disease is typical for women, men rarely suffer.

Symptoms of seasonal depression

One group of people has light form disease, with symptoms such as:

  • Increased irritability.
  • Nervousness.
  • Fussiness.
  • Depressed mood.

The remaining patients have a more pronounced form, which, without timely treatment further aggravated and negatively affects a person’s lifestyle, his behavior, personal and work relationships.

People with a genetic predisposition who have relatives who suffered from seasonal depression are at risk of getting sick. But in people who live in northern latitudes, due to the fact that the duration of daylight hours is reduced in autumn and winter, such a complex of syndromes arises:

  • Constantly depressed mood.
  • Feeling very tired.
  • - prolonged night sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness.
  • Decreased sexual activity.
  • Symptoms of polyphagia are characterized by a violation eating behavior, which are expressed in increased appetite, pathological voracity, the patient constantly wants to eat.

Separately, a subsyndromal disorder is distinguished, in which vegetative symptoms develop. In winter, during the daytime, with an affective disorder, the level of cortisol drops sharply in a patient, and seasonal depression only worsens.

Some symptoms of seasonal depression resemble beriberi :

  • The person is constantly sleeping.
  • I want to eat a lot.
  • There is psychomotor retardation.

Main Causes of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Some experts believe that seasonal depression is a consequence of " internal clock» human (circadian rhythms). Many psychotherapists associate the development of depression with disorders of neurotransmitters - a lack of norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine.

But molecular studies suggest that the main reason lies in genetic heredity. Interestingly, winter depression is most often associated with a decrease vitality and increased activity in spring and summer. Latest Research they say that it is not the seasonal ones that are to blame, but, most likely, climatic factorsAtmosphere pressure, temperature readings.

How do you diagnose seasonal depression?

Answer the questions, if there are many positive answers, you need the help of a psychotherapist:

  • Do you feel oppressed, depressed?
  • Have you lost interest in life?
  • Do you not enjoy early classes?
  • Do you get tired quickly?
  • Are you losing self-esteem?
  • Worried about feelings of anxiety?
  • Having trouble concentrating?
  • Are you unable to make a decision?
  • Do you really want to be alone?
  • Has there been unreasonable irritability?
  • Do you start to worry about thoughts of suicide, death?
  • Have you suddenly started losing or gaining weight?
  • There is sweet?
  • Are you having trouble sleeping?

Treatment methods for the disease

Depending on how difficult the disease is, the effective treatment. As a rule, winter depression is treated with light therapy, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, psychotherapeutic techniques. Summer depression can only be cured with antidepressants.

Please note that pharmacotherapy is used only in the case of:

  • Risk of suicide.
  • Positive response to antidepressants.
  • Severe depression.
  • Serious mental disorders.
  • Absences positive results psychotherapy, light therapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is used to manage symptoms. It is very important to stick to a diet, exercise regularly.

Features of phototherapy

How many procedures are needed, the doctor decides. As a rule, one session lasts about 40 minutes. The patient is directed from a source into the eyes of a bright light. When it becomes brighter than usual, it happens active stimulation serotonin, while reducing the production of melatonin.

Most often, psychotherapists use the technique - “dawn modeling”. When the patient is sleeping, turn on a slightly subdued light, then begin to increase the brightness to create the illusion of dawn. Thus, phototherapy helps to get rid of.

IN modern medicine we are sure that if the patient starts taking antidepressants in a timely manner, then light therapy sessions will bring a long-awaited effect, cheer up.

In order to prevent the disease, you should try to walk as much as possible on the street. Also eat right - your menu should be rich in minerals, vitamins. Remember: active image life, movement is life. The support of loved ones is also very important.

Many modern psychotherapists see a close connection between physical and mental health. That is why it is recommended: do not forget to breathe fresh air. If you know that autumn has a negative effect on you, reconsider this time of the year: take care of your health. Such sports as qigong, aerobics, yoga, tai chi, tai bo, fitness, shaping are very useful. Choose your favorite hobby that will bring you real pleasure.

So you must understand that mental health no less important than the physical, so do everything you can to avoid seasonal depression. In case of appearance unpleasant symptoms no need to drag out the problem, contact a specialist who will advise you in detail and help you take the right decision. Be always happy and healthy! Remember, life is beautiful!



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